The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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America has only one enemy–the Democrat Party, an anti-American party, an anti-white party, a party of national destruction and replacement of America with a Tower of Babel, a party committed to the destruction of normality and its replacement with Sodom and Gomorrah perversity, an ideological party alienated from the country it is destroying.

It uses the taxpayers’ money to attack America. A $375 Billion EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions of dollars to “charities†founded to collect the money and use it to undermine the United States.

The way Democrat grift works is first appropriate money for some cause; then create a bunch of “charities†to receive the money. The “charities†pay high salaries to the Democrats and their families and friends who created the “charities,†and they use the taxpayers’ money to advance woke issues such as transgender advocacy and operations, drag queen shows for school kids, early sexualization of children, teaching white kids they are racists, and to support media lie machines. Corrupt Democrat judges are rushing to prevent Trump from ending the use of taxpayers’ money to attack taxpayers’ beliefs, values, and lives.

NY Post reports that Democrat John Podesta handed out $375 billion in this way. Trump’s efforts to stop this blatant robbery of the US taxpayer is what Democrat judges like Amir Ali, a last minute Biden DEI appointee and a dual citizen, are issuing injunctions to kill.

When we have judges who are dual citizens, whose legal system are they representing? Dual citizenship judges and government officials erode national sovereignty. Under Democrat misrule, what sense does it make to have a military to protect the borders when they are kept wide open for immigrant-invaders? Under the corrupt anti-American Biden regime our country was overrun by millions of invaders while taxpayers were forced to spend trillions of dollars on “national defense†that was used to protect the borders of Ukraine and to expand the borders of Israel.


Everywhere in the Western world governments are not only equating illegal immigrants with citizens but also elevating immigrant-invaders above citizens. For example, a Chinese Immigrant-invader became mayor of Boston, Massachusetts. She now tells illegals that Boston is your home. “You belong here.â€

And still American citizens vote for Democrats. How can a population this stupid be made great again?


The Starmer government in the UK is hatching laws that punish immigrant-invaders with lighter sentences than given to white British citizens, thereby creating privileges for immigrant-invaders in place of equality under law. Skin color trumps equality under law. How can white British citizens accept such insults from “their†government? Clearly, it is not their government. It is their enemy.


‘Anti-white and anti-Christian’ sentencing changes to face bombshell legal challenge | Politics | News

In the UK there is the scandal of both Labour and Conservative governments refusing for 30 years to stop the gang rape of white British children by immigrant invaders. In Sweden, Norway, Germany women are not safe from rapists, and the governments do nothing about it because it would be “racist†to hold immigrant-invaders accountable to law. In no European country other than Hungary does the government represent the people. The EU is a joke. NATO is a joke. Whatever is being protected, it is not the ethnic citizenships of the countries. The EU and NATO are in fact enemies of the ethnic populations that comprise Europeans.

The facts are hidden by governments and media. As George Orwell said, the purpose of the media is “to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.â€

Western governments have spent decades creating The Camp of the Saints. And their insouciant populations have voted for them. How can a mess this large be cleaned up?

•ï¿½Category: Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Democratic Party, Donald Trump, EU, Immigration�

In the interview Nima asks if federal judges will block the Trump administration’s efforts to stop the looting of the federal budget. Nima made reference to a recent Supreme Court decision ordering the Trump Administration to release $2 billion from USAID to two private contractors–the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition and the Journalism Development Network. The latter is a collection of journalists and some Eastern European and Central Asian news organizations paid by US taxpayers to help Eastern Europeans and Central Asians “better understand how organized crime and corruption affect their lives.†Somehow Congress decided that this is in the interest of the US taxpayers. The former “accelerates the ethical development and equitable delivery of effective HIV prevention options, as part of a comprehensive and integrated pathway to global health equity.†In other words, the private organization is paid by US taxpayers to find ways for homosexuals to have safe sex. The organization’s funding by the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations is insufficient to do the job, so Congress passed the obligation on to US taxpayers.

These two groups appealed to federal district Judge, Amir Ali, a last minute Biden DEI appointee described as a “Canadian-American†who was active in protecting criminals from injustice.

Ali issued a temporary restraining order which, as far as I understand the process, went beyond the scope of a temporary restraining order into a command to release the funds. As I understand it, a temporary restraining order imposes a temporary halt on an action and requires the judge issuing the order to hold a hearing to determine if there is any basis to the complaint in whose behalf the order was issued. Only if the hearing concludes that the complaint is valid can a preliminary injunction be issued. It is the preliminary injunction that has the authority to order the release of the USAID funds, not the temporary injunction. It is the preliminary injunction, which seems yet to be issued, that opens the issue to the appeal process. In the case of Ali’s temporary injunction to release the USAID funds, by the time the appeal works its way through the courts if the government wins the money is already spent and cannot be recovered.

As far as I can tell from the extremely poor reporting in the media, reporting that emphasizes a Trump Defeat, no preliminary injunction has been issued. So the question is: how did a temporary injunction reach the Supreme Court and why did two Republican-appointed judges join three Democrats in an incoherent decision?

I don’t have an answer other than Republicans are not careful about the justices they appoint. Supreme Court Justice Alito shares my wonder. Alito says he is stunned by the court’s decision. “Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the Government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars? The answer to that question should be an emphatic ‘No,’ but a majority of this Court apparently thinks otherwise. I am stunned.â€

Alito in his dissent said that the government has “shown that it is likely to suffer irreparable harm†if a lower court’s decision “is not stayed.†The harm to which Alito refers is that if Ali’s temporary injunction is voided in the hearing, or later overturned in the appeal process if it advances to a preliminary injunction, the government will have lost despite winning the case because it would be unable to recover the dispersed money which will have been “quickly spent by the recipients or disbursed to third parties.â€

In other words, as I and Justice Alito understand it, five incompetent Supreme Court justices have ordered a give away of taxpayer money prior to the legal issue being settled. The Supreme Court decision did not settle the issue whether district judge Ali’s temporary restraining order was valid. The justices ruled that the Trump administration had to release the money before the issue was litigated.

This is the best I can do in explaining what has happened. American news reporting is so poor that the legacy media reports are useless. The National Law Journal, which perhaps has an explanation of the decision would not let me subscribe because I am not a practicing attorney. Apparently, the National Law Journal thinks that only lawyers need to understand legal matters.

If among readers there is an attorney who can provide a better explanation I am pleased to post it.


PCR Interviewed on Dialogue Works

Will Trump succeed in resolving conflicts with Russia, China, and in the Middle East? Can judges block Trump?

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•ï¿½Category: Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Donald Trump, Judicial System�

AI, the shorthand symbol for artificial intelligence, is not merely a technological development that enhances productivity. It is also an attack on the viability of most of humanity. Elon Musk, who knows something about the subject, said recently that AI’s ability to be programmed to replace so many human jobs is leading us into communism in which everyone would be given the same income with which to purchase the goods and services produced by AI.

Policymakers and economists are unaware of the real threat of AI. Instead, they worry about a dystopian world in which machines superior to humans have taken over. This concern is a red herring. Machines are inanimate matter. They are not alive. They don’t have sentience. Geeks confuse computation ability with the ability to think. AI is programmed. It can do tasks that humans can program it to do. AI cannot program itself, because AI cannot think or create. There is no spectrum at which at some point computational ability becomes thought.

A friend who is a software engineer told me recently, as I reported, that his employer told the engineers that they would be replaced in 3 years by AI. This announcement gave them time to find a different kind of employment.

The announcement could be premature and wrong. The employer could easily be carried along by false beliefs in AI’s potency. But it is plausible that if software engineering procedures can be programed into machines, the machines can use the program to produce the needed software for the application. But it takes a human to tell AI what to come up with. AI has no way of knowing on its own.

A friend who was an accomplished architect told me some years ago that architects no longer needed to know how to design a building. AI did it for them. The architect’s input was to give AI the parameters of the building.

Many years ago a cab driver in NYC who was an engineering student told me that they still had to learn math, but never needed to use it, because they had software programs.

AI is most dangerous to routine and programmable jobs. What is not understood is that AI is not just another technological development that displaces one kind of work with another–producers of buggy whips and wagons replaced with producers of cars, or the replacement of the way of organizing work, such as the replacement of the putting out system of cloth production by factory production. The difference between a dispersed work force and one concentrated in a factory is totally different from AI which replaces people, not less effective ways of organizing production or replacement of one product with another. AI eliminates jobs without creating new ones. People are no longer necessary to do many jobs, and where are the replacement jobs? The number of people with 120-130 IQs capable of doing high level work are limited in number.

Consider the offshoring of US manufacturing jobs, followed by research and design jobs. Economists promised that new and better jobs would take the place of “dirty fingernail manufacturing jobs,†but they did not.

We know for an absolute fact that the American middle class has shrunk. We know for an absolute fact that America’s once powerful manufacturing cities have shrunk in population by as much as 20%, leaving them without a tax base to support existing levels of commitments and expenditure.

As the replacement jobs for the offshored manufactured jobs as promised by Harvard and Dartmouth university economists did not happen, what jobs are going to replace the millions of jobs lost to AI?

It is possible that AI could be managed by humans to improve human productivity as any other capital investment would do instead of creating massive unemployment requiring a universal income. But in capitalism profits are the god, and profits come from eliminating labor costs. The corporations can end up with low cost production and no consumers with incomes to purchase.

A colleague and I are going to investigate, as best we can with our capabilities, whether AI can relieve people of the dreariness of so many jobs without destroying their lives. Can AI enhance life, or can it only leave humans without purpose?

•ï¿½Category: Ideology, Science •ï¿½Tags: AI�

Readers want to know why the UK PM and European leaders–really, non-readers, misleaders, bad leaders–want war with Russia over Ukraine. My answer is that they don’t.

What would they go to war with? According to the European “leaders,†they already have given all their weapons to Ukraine and have nothing with which o fight a war. The only way Europe can send any money to Ukraine is to get the EU central bank to print euros to send to Ukraine. Moreover, the NATO force structure depends on the United States. Without the US, Europe lacks a force structure that can support a war. Trump has ruled out war with Russia and read Zelensky the riot act. Unless Putin makes a fantastic mistake, I expect the conflict to end.

Perhaps what is going on with Europe’s is that EU governments, after sending so much money and weapons to Ukraine backed by claims that Ukraine was winning and would win, want to be able to say that Trump sold out Ukraine in order to avoid accountability to the deceived populations of Europe. They can blame Trump for denying Ukraine and NATO a victory.

The European talk of sending “peacekeepers†to Ukraine is nonsense. Putin intends a settlement, an over-and-done-with event, not a ceasefire with European “peacekeepers.†Trump can’t get a settlement if he sides with the EU against Putin. If Trump and Putin don’t accept “peacekeepers,†it can’t happen.

Here is a thought. Trump sees economic growth as fed by opportunity. He sees more opportunity in business deals with Russia, India, China, the rest of Asia, and Africa than he sees in Europe. Trump understands that it was sanctions and the weaponization of the dollar that produced BRICS and the search for an alternative for central bank reserves and international payments. To save the dollar’s role as reserve currency, Washington needs to stop bullying. Trump, like Putin, wants deals that work for everyone, not wars. In a world in which the dollar is not used as a weapon against other countries, BRICS is not necessary.

Trump sees tariffs in a different way than indoctrinated free-market economists. Tariffs don’t prevent trade. They ensure that countries have something with which to trade. Moreover, tariffs are a tax on consumption, not a tax on factors of production such as labor and capital. And as I emphasize, tariffs in place of income tax eliminates the resurrection of a form of slavery established in 1913 when government was given partial ownership of the labor of every working citizen.

We have little to lose by supporting Trump and keeping him focused on his agenda. We should not add to problems for Ukraine’s sake, or for Israel’s sake, or some other non-American interest. There are sufficient unaddressed threats around, such as AI and the creation and release of another virus, to knock Trump’s agenda off balance.

Life is a challenge. Making good decisions is a difficult thing to do. Let’s try for a change to meet the real challenges and to make good decisions. Trump has given us an opportunity we have not had for a long time. Be thankful for it.

•ï¿½Category: Foreign Policy, History •ï¿½Tags: Donald Trump, EU, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin�

For the first time in many years there is hope. The DEI/Woke/Democrat assault on white Americans has been stopped at least for four years. For awhile I won’t have to worry that the FBI will break down my door because some creep doesn’t like what I wrote or said in an interview. As my assumption is that the War on Free Speech has been called off, I can relax a bit. And I would like to.

Also, the war on Russia has been stopped and hopefully Trump won’t start one with China and Iran. The main worry is the extent to which Israel will determine Trump’s Middle East policy. Netanyahu is determined to set America at war with Iran for Israel. An America that serves as Israel’s puppet is certainly not great again.

I could have retired 20 years ago. I tried to retire 15 years ago, but readers complained. We made an agreement that I would continue as long as readers supported the website, and readers have.

March has arrived, bringing with it my quarterly request for readers’ support. Monthly donors carry the website, but they need some quarterly support to keep the site’s public foundation status.

Opposing 12 years of the Obama/Biden Democrat assault on white Americans, on American citizenship with open borders, on Russia and the Middle East, on sexual normality, on children with drag queens and early sexualization “education,†with the advancement of evil in every possible direction, with the 8-year assault on Donald Trump, has left me ready for some time of my own. Fighting for truth has been an every day affair, and it has left me no time for my own life.

With Trump, Bondi, Tulsi, Elon, Kash, and RFK, Jr, in place, I am considering posting three times a week, perhaps M-W-F or T-Th-Sunday.

There remains much about which to be concerned. The replacement of cash and cheques with digital currency would deliver us into tyranny. AI is another act of suicide in which humans make themselves irrelevant and unemployable. AI diminishes humanity, so why is it being developed and employed? What good does it do to produce goods and services by machines which deprives people of incomes with which to purchase the goods and services? As Elon Musk has admitted, AI means communism, a uniform income, the end to merit-based rewards. Why the decades of resisting communism only to submit to it in the end in the form of AI? What will people do? Live a meaningless life on drugs and hologram entertainment?

Assuming the replacement of people by AI can be halted, can manufacturing jobs be brought back to the US from Asia and Mexico? Can the US return to self-sufficiency in food? Can tariffs replace the income tax which has established a form of slavery in which the government owns a substantial percentage of your labor just as a slave owner owned the slave’s labor? Can Good repress the Evil that has been released? Can the character of the American people be rebuilt?

And, of course, Trump and his team will have to be held accountable and kept on task, so there will be much to write about. I will continue, although perhaps with fewer postings, if support and readership continue.

•ï¿½Category: Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Donald Trump, Political Correctness�

Why is it that American liberal Democrats and Europeans are so disturbed that Trump is moving the United States toward normal relations with Russia instead of maintaining a hostile approach to Russia based on proxy wars, sanctions, and endless propaganda? We know why the think tanks and university faculties supported by the military/security complex are upset–their incomes are at stake. But why the Democrats and Europeans? The answer will have to wait until another occasion. This column addresses readers’ questions about the many varied conflicting reports about a Trump-Putin deal.

What are my expectations, readers ask, for the Trump-Putin meeting about the conflict in Ukraine? I am pleased that readers think I have been sufficiently correct over the years for my analysis to be of interest.

The outlook for the resolution of the conflict and for a final end of the Cold War is good, but never forget the adage that “there’s many a slip between cup and lip.â€

First of all, neither leader wants the war. Putin did everything he could to avoid war. He devised the Minsk Agreement which kept the breakaway Donbas republics in Ukraine. He begged for a mutual security agreement and was cold-shouldered. He was forced to intervene in Donbas by Washington, a conflict for which Russia was unprepared. Putin has fought the conflict in the least effective way possible in order to counter the Western propaganda that he had “invaded Ukraine†and Europe would be next.

Trump regards the orchestrated conflict the American Zionist neoconservatives created with Russia as a stupidity that is in the way of profitable business between the US and Russia and as a stupidity that is leading to the rise of BRICS and the denial of American business relationships with a large part of the world.

A war leader is the last thing Putin is, a job for which he has no talent. Trump favors business uber alles. So a deal is the most likely outcome.

Moreover, statements from Trump, Putin, Lavrov and other officials have created such expectations of an end to the conflict that it is now almost impossible not to deliver a mutually acceptable outcome.

Even proxy wars are expensive, and Trump and Musk are committed to reducing the US budget by $1 trillion. That can’t happen with the US shipping hundreds of billions of dollars into Ukraine.

Putin and Lavrov remain open for Russia being a part of the Western world. Although Putin was forced by Washington’s aggression to revive Russian nationalism, his heart, like many of his generation, is for Russia to be a part of the Western world. Perhaps Putin is lost in the past and does not recognize the spiritual and moral corruption into which the Western world degenerated under liberal leadership. If Trump had not won the election, pedophilia would have been legalized in the Kamala regime. Indeed, it is likely that Democrat judges would have legalized marriage between women and dogs as “freedom of choice.â€

The question before us is: Can Trump and his government, a capable collection of talent, restore American principles or have our principles been so destroyed by decades of university, media, and entertainment propaganda, and by judicial rulings and unconstitutional regulatory rules that have left the American system too far gone to be resurrected?

If Putin secures a reasonable end to the conflict in Ukraine, will he revert to his trust in negotiations with the West as he did with the Minsk Agreement, thus setting himself up for a future US government that equates Making America Great Again with Washington’s Hegemony?

The problem with the US government is that it no longer honors the agreements of previous governments. The neoconservative Clinton Regime did not honor the agreement between Gorbachev and the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations that the Cold War was supposed to end, not move to Russia’s borders.

Unless Trump succeeds in cleaning out of the US government all anti-American forces, a vast ensemble, a subsequent government can walk away from an agreement that ends the conflict and renew the conflict or start a new one.

The problem with the West is that governments have lost character and integrity. Can they be trusted?

Just as American propaganda destroyed the confidence of the German people and turned them into self-accusing anti-semites, the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe used the dissatisfaction of life under the Soviet Union to place Russian hopes in the West, and there they remain among many of the Russian intellectual class, few of whom are Russian nationalists.

With all of these considerations, I still think that the expectations created by statements of Trump and Putin are too high for them to renege on a deal.

If we can say goodbye to conflict with Russia, the remaining question is whether Trump in truth is really Israel’s puppet and can be led into a war for Israel’s behalf with Iran. At this point I think not. Has Trump been playing along with Israel to avoid attacks by the Israel Lobby on top of attacks by the whore media, Democrats, corrupt judiciary, EU morons, and RINO Republicans?

AI generated propaganda videos of Trump turning Gaza into a Gold Coast Resort not withstanding, Israel might yet find itself ordered to stand down or else.

I don’t think it is a good bet that a person of Trump’s ego would subordinate himself to Israel.

If Trump stops the wars and throttles the criminal regime in Israel, will a successor regime in Washington undo Trump’s good work?


Does the pleasure you get from scrolling your cell phone compensate you for the frustration from the absence of customer service? The same digital revolution that gave you a cell phone gave the companies the opportunity to drive up profits and executive bonuses by replacing customer service with AI that is seldom, if ever, programed to answer your questions and is extremely reluctant to connect you to a superior human who knows what to do. All of us have been stressed out trying to get problems fixed, accounts adjusted, repairs made. My favorite AI response when I call about the internet being down is “you will get faster service if you chat with us online.â€

All of us know the frustration of the constant demands to update our information, our telephone number, our email. These endless notices always appear when we are in the middle of some activity that is inconvenient to interrupt to go tend to Internet house-keeping problems. But if you fail to respond too often, all of a sudden you cannot get into your investment accounts, your bank account, your Internet files, because the necessary code, since passwords no longer suffice, doesn’t reach you via cell text or email because you didn’t update. These kinds of problems are almost impossible to correct, because they use your cell phone number and email to identify you. And even if you can get a human on the phone, the person has no way of knowing who you are except your information on file.

The ability to hack the Internet has grown so rapidly that accounts now have to have double and triple protection, and this doesn’t suffice. Your password and user name are merely step one. Next you have to receive a code via cell phone as a text to the number on record. Then a code via email of record. If you didn’t update or made a typo, you don’t have access to what is yours. Just try getting that straightened out.

And now we hear from Malwarebytes, one of the protective services you can purchase online to protect you against viruses, phishing, and capture of your cell phone and/or computer, that AI is being employed by cybercriminals to craft convincing voice, video, and email messages to defraud both businesses and individuals with sophisticated tactics that result in devastating financial losses, reputational damage, and compromise of sensitive data. The AI-powered scamming operations can bypass security filters. As the AI tools are low cost, they can be used on a poor man’s budget. https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2025/02/how-ai-was-used-in-an-advanced-phishing-campaign-targeting-gmail-users?utm_source=iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=b2c_pro_oth_20250224_februaryweeklynewsletter_v4_174008949080&utm_content=AI_used_for_phishing

Every dollar companies saved by laying off customer representatives has been spent on cybersecurity. As cybersecurity experts will tell you, there is no cybersecurity. The protections can only make hacking more difficult. The digital revolution is costing us much more than our privacy.

Malewarebytes gives an example of how the attack on you unfolds and how to avoid being a victim. Notice that the only way you can avoid being a victim is to be unreachable by anyone whose email or telephone number you do not recognize. But these can also be obtained, and I suspect that it will not be long before scammers contact you via your husband, wife, or child’s cell phone number. Or something like this can happen. Your college kid loses his/her cell phone, gets a new one, different number, has a car accident, calls you and cannot reach you because you don’t recognize the number. Suppose a headhunter wants to offer you a job at $100,000 more than you are currently making, but it is not a number you recognize and goes unanswered.

Already cell phones have gone beyond being useless, as no one answers a call, to being dangerous. Texting has taken over communication. People hear one another’s voices less and less. The digital revolution is isolating people by making verbal conversation problematical.

And the situation is worsening at warp speed. The other day a software engineer I know who is earning in the six figures told me that his employer just told the engineers that they would be replaced by AI in three years. He has a mortgage on a $900,000 condo and is stunned that his expensive education and years of experience are suddenly worthless. Why will Americans go to universities? What will be the point of education, of public schools? Who among the work force displaced by AI can pay property taxes?

The digital revolution and its bastard child AI, along with nuclear weapons, US blowar labs, and Israel, are the worst enemies mankind has. How is Trump going to make America Great Again when in the third and fourth year of his term there will be mass layoffs of Americans replaced by AI? Indeed, Trump and Musk have bought into this development and are discussing replacing a large chunk of the civil service with AI. Why not instead just get rid of the useless work with budget and spending reform?

As an economist I am utterly and totally amazed at the complete and total stupidity of displacing humans with AI. Robots don’t need food and clothing and entertainment and cars and housing. They don’t have car payments and mortgage payments and credit card payments. With humans displaced by machines, aggregate consumer demand disappears, so, as no one has a job or any income, who purchases the goods and services produced by AI? What becomes of the economy?

As I pointed out years ago, and as Elon Musk today confirms, AI and the digital revolution introduce the era of Socialism. Everyone, Musk admits, will have to be given an income. Otherwise, there is no point in the AI provision of goods and services. As humans are not involved in production, merit no longer matters. Everyone will be given the same income. Equality at last. Indeed, what is the point of humans? They no longer have any productive function. Why are they needed? What do they do with themselves with nothing to do? Why should machines produce substance for people who do not participate in production? You can see why Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum want to reduce the human population to a small percentage of its present size.

The digital revolution and AI bring us the most dystopian of all worlds.

The First World will be the first to be utterly and totally destroyed by the digital revolution. But “education†will eventually carry the digital revolution into what was once called “darkest Africa.â€

In an AI world universities are superfluous as there are few if any jobs that AI cannot do. The only remaining jobs would be plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and perhaps sooner or later your friendly plumber will be a robot programmed to run through the programs, one of which will clear your line.

Meanwhile libertarian and free market economists will be telling us that “better jobs†will be created by the digital revolution just as they told us that jobs offshoring would create better jobs to take the place of the old “dirty fingernail jobs.†These promised jobs are yet to materialize.

•ï¿½Category: Ideology, Science •ï¿½Tags: AI, Conspiracy Theories, Elon Musk�

We learned from the hoax “Covid pandemic†how bad the American medical system is. It is worse than bad. It is terrible. Americans have the most expensive and least effective medical system in the Western world.

Over the course of my life I have listened to the propaganda that private medicine is superior to socialized medicine. Perhaps it is, but the United States has not had private medicine for decades. The prices paid for medical services are fixed by Medicare and private insurance companies and amount to far less than the billings. Moreover, the prices are fixed in a way to eliminate private medical practice and force doctors into an employee relationship with “health maintenance organizations.†Private practice in America is being extinguished, especially at the level of family practitioners. As a matter of policy, health maintenance organizations–corporate medicine–are reimbursed at a higher rate than doctors in private practice. This causes private practitioners to capitalize what value there is in their practice by selling out to HMOs and becoming employees subject to a manager with a MBA whose job is to maximize the profit from the medical unit. In other words, profit maximization takes over from health care.

I have had two doctors who were forced out of private practice by the disparity in billing that favors corporate medicine. In corporate medicine your doctor is not the boss. He is an employee subject to being fired if he does not follow the treatments ordered by his employer. This is the reason so many people were murdered and had their health permanently injured by the “Covid vaccine.â€

My doctor, am employee of corporate medicine, understood that the lab-manufactured Covid virus was of little danger to those whose health was not already in question. He treated those patients whose health made them vulnerable to Covid with Ivermectin and cured their illness. His corporate employer called him in and informed him that he would be fired if he continued treating with Ivermectin. He was to send his Covid patients to the hospital where they would be ventilated and treated with Remdesivir and, thus, murdered, because hospitals were paid $39,000 for very Covid death. Maximizing death, not saving lives, was the result of the profit motive that libertarians and free market economists worship. The reason for maximizing deaths by withholding effective treatment and by inflating the infection rate with the PCR test was to create panic that would line up millions of people willing to have the Covid vax, thus maximizing Big Pharma’s profits.

We now know for a proven established fact that the Covid “vaccine†killed more people than the Covid virus, but whore media continues to suppress the knowledge as do corrupt medical societies supported with Big Pharma grants..

Big Pharma dominates American medicine. Their grants to medical schools influence medical education. Their grants to medical scientists determine research findings. A couple of years ago the former editors of the two most prestigious medical journals, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet wrote that they had no confidence in the articles they published, because 70% of the articles were written by scientists supported by Big Pharma grants.

In this sense, American medicine is privatized. It belongs to Big Pharma, as did Tony Fauci, with whom Big Pharma shared patents. FDA, CDC, and NIH “regulators†move back and forth from being executives of Big Pharma and “regulators†of Big Pharma.

The consequence of this enormous health practice corruption has been vaccines that have left 75% of American kids with illnesses that did not exist when I was young. In my day, because we ran barefoot in summer and stepped on rusty nails and swam in creeks and lakes, we were inoculated against lockjaw and typhoid. That was it. Today I understand kids receive 60+ vaccines before they reach their teenage years. The vaccines destroy their immune systems and leave them subject to illnesses that in my day were suppressed by our immune systems.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, will try to restore health. This aligns him against the power of Big Pharma’s profits. He will be denounced endlessly by corrupt Democrats whose reelection depends on Big Pharma’s campaign contributions. He will be denounced endlessly by “medical scientists†sustained with Big Pharma grants. He will be denounced endlessly by the whore media whose very existence depends on Big Pharma advertising. He will be denounced endlessly by corrupt HMOs which are nothing but extensions of Big Pharma and whose profits depend on the extermination of the private practice of medicine.

Do not listen to them. They are lying. They are relying on conservatives to protect their illegitimate profits by opposing Trump and Robert Kennedy’s “attack on private medicine.â€

•ï¿½Category: Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Anti-Vaxx, Conspiracy Theories, Covid, Public Health, Vaccines�

Yesterday Trump began the task of his first term–the normalization of relations with Russia–which was blocked by the corrupt FBI’s “Russiagate†hoax, an act of treason for which executions should take place and, indeed, the utterly corrupt agency abolished.

The United States, to the chagrin of USAID-supported CNN, voted with Russia against a UN General Assembly revolution condemning Russia’s “invasion†of Ukraine.

CNN true to its reputation as the worst liar on earth found it “shocking†that the US aligned with Russia against the “free world†and aligned with “the aggressor in the war on the three-year anniversary of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.†https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/24/politics/us-joins-russia-ukraine-un-vote/index.html

It seems that CNN is going to continue lying for the military/security complex even after CNN’s funding courtesy of the US taxpayers has been halted.

Everyone knows that Russia did not invade Ukraine and limited its intervention to the two Russian break-away republics in Donbas. Everyone knows that Russia tried for eight years to keep Donbas in Ukraine with the Minsk Agreement. Everyone knows that the West used the Minsk Agreement to deceive the Kremlin while the US trained and equipped a large Ukrainian army to invade Donbas and subdue the break-away republics. Everyone knows that the US, NATO, and EU flatly refused Russia’s request for a mutual security agreement. Everyone knows that the US forced Putin’s hand to intervene in Donbas.

Yet the CNN excrement continues to lie through its teeth.

CNN is nothing but a lie factory. Shouldn’t the lie factory be sanctioned or abolished for fomenting war by lying and intentionally spreading misinformation, a charge that the lie factory leveled at every truth-teller?

How can anyone be sufficiently stupid and corrupt as to rely on CNN?

The US-orchestrated conflict with Russia cannot be ended on the basis of total lies about the cause of the conflict. Acknowledgement of the truth is required, and the truth is on Russia’s side. President Trump realizes that. He knows that he cannot end the conflict by imposing lies on Putin.

It is extraordinary that the dumbshit Europeans want war with Russia. It would mean the total destruction of all of Europe. European industry is dying because the fools have cut themselves off of Russian energy. European economies are dying because the fools have cut themselves off from a large and natural market.

Europe has been totally misgoverned since the end of WW II. Indeed, European misgovernment caused WW II. In the postwar period, Charles de Gaulle was the only European leader. All the others were US puppets who sold out their peoples.

The rise of AfD in Germany and Marine Le Pen’s party in France are efforts to reestablish the sovereignty of Germany and France. But the German and French people have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they associate sovereignty with nationalism an nationalism with Nazism. Consequently, nationalist parties that actually represent the people cannot get into office.

Trump is right that Europe is finished. Europeans have lost self-belief. European politicians are long accustomed to being on the payroll of USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, and the US military/security complex.

Europe is exhausted, murdered by its own left-wing. Russia and China are on the rise. Trump intends to restore America, about which the American Establishment, CNN and the media whores are up in arms.

Hopefully President Trump will understand that he needs peace and cooperation with China just as much as he needs peace and cooperation with Russia. If the Trump administration tries to wedge the US between Russia and China, conflict will be perpetrated.


Was USAID Using Our Taxpayer Dollars to Pay for CNN’s Propaganda Rants Against America?

It seems so.



Prior to 1913 the US government was financed by tariffs. It was under tariffs, not free trade, that the United States industrialized and became a manufacturing nation. Indeed, the Union invaded and destroyed the Confederacy in order to impose the Morrill Tariff on the South that enabled the North to industrialize. The North could not compete with British industry and required the protection of a tariff.

It is extraordinary to me that it has gone unremarked for 112 years that the income tax, which required a constitutional amendment, resurrected slavery. In actuality, white people voted to impose slavery on themselves.

Americans did not realize what was happening. The income threshold for being subject to the tax was so high that few qualified to be taxed. Moreover, the first tax rate was 1% and the progression halted at 7%. To be taxed at 7% you had to have a phenomenal amount of income for those days of more than $500,000, the equivalent of multi-millions today. In the US in the 1900s a person who made $70,000 a year was considered extremely wealthy. When Henry Ford’s innovation of the moving assembly line was introduced in 1913, he raised his workers’ pay from $2.34 per day to $5, producing an annual income of $1,300.

Only 3% of the US population was subject to the income tax. Many years ago I wrote an account of how the income tax amendment passed. In Georgia the state legislative leader said Georgia had no objection to the amendment as no one in the state of Georgia had an income high enough to be subject to the tax.

Everyone overlooked that once an income tax was in place, the thresholds could be lowered and the rates raised. By 1918, that is, within 5 years, the top tax rate had jumped to 77%, dropping to 25% in 1925.

When the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was passed, slavery was resurrected. Historically, the definition of a free person is a person who owns his own labor. Serfs and slaves did not own their own labor. Serfs were not owned by feudal lords, the the lords had use rights to as much as 30% of a serf’s labor. The labor of an enslaved person belonged to the slave’s owner.

An income tax establishes government ownership over part of your labor. How much depends on your income and the tax rate at the time. If you fail to deliver the government’s share of your income, you are severely punished and can spend many years in prison. Every American income taxpayer is partly enslaved and partly free.

A tariff is a tax on consumption, the preferable means of taxation according to the classical economists. It establishes no government ownership rights in your income. An income tax not only gives government a part ownership of your working time, it is also a tax on factors of production — labor and capital. Taxing factors of production reduces economic growth and Gross Domestic Product. It is a counter-productive tax that suppresses output.

The substitution of a tariff for an income tax is a pro-growth policy that will produce higher incomes and raise living standards. Free labor is always more productive because you are working for yourself and your family.

Out-of-date neoliberal economists argue wrongly that tariffs violate free trade and reduce economic growth. In the Lionel Robbins Lecture in 2000, published by the MIT Press, Ralph E. Gomory and William J. Baumol proved that the case for free trade was false and that at best the notion that free trade was mutually beneficial was an occasional special case. Paul Samuelson found their proof convincing, but overall the economists have preferred their free trade indoctrination to the effort it takes to master a new understanding.

The information from DOGE of the enormous fraud, abuse, and self-dealing that the US budget contains as a slush fund for insiders and for bribing foreign politicians and overthrowing foreign governments indicates that sufficient reductions are possible to establish a tariff at a reasonable rate.

To rescue Americans from the slavery of an income tax would be one the greatest achievements in history. Let’s achieve it.


•ï¿½Category: Economics, Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Free Trade, Income Tax, Tariff�
Paul Craig Roberts
About Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Dr. Roberts has held academic appointments at Virginia Tech, Tulane University, University of New Mexico, Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution, George Mason University where he had a joint appointment as professor of economics and professor of business administration, and Georgetown University where he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Dr. Roberts was associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles. In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.

President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.