No! This will be a Christian fascist country with the 19th amendment repealed!
Some of the oil to Israel is stolen from Syria, and some from Iraq. Turkey is the useful pimp.
Every man is attracted to tons of hot women he cannot fuck. And we just accept it and move on. Sexual abuse is never an option. This holds true for men attracted to children, too. If you can’t, you can’t. It’s your problem and nobody else’s. You can’t always have what you want and that does NOT mean you are a victim.
This text reminds me eerily of calls for understanding of gays a couple of decades ago that turned out to be a first step not just for tolerance and respect of gays (good things), but for normalization first and aggressive promotion later (criminal behaviour). It creeps me out. I believe Ted Rall knows what he is doing here. They know they have to do it little by little.
Btw, people who jump to defend paedophiles tend to be paedophiles themselves surprisingly often. Time to peek into Mr Rall’s hard drive.
Helloooo Rabbi.
How can an image — any image — be illegal? A conundrum. Let’s ask the Taliban. Is the Venus of Willendorf pornographic? The Venus de Milo? Nude Descending a Staircase? I remember a definition of pornography as “whatever gives the judge an erection.”
If you google age of marriage, the AI response will say that in the early 19th century it was relatively common for women to marry at age 16. The actual data gets confused because most of what is published describes “mean” or “median” ages–which of course mean that many of the actual marriages occurred below the mean or median. Thus for a report of a “mean” marriage age of 20, there were many marriages under that age.
Which gets to the interesting question about exactly what we criminalize today.
R. Kelly has of course been prosecuted by the Feds and sent to prison for underage sex. The key to the federal prosecution was getting the underage woman to testify. There was an earlier prosecution by the state of Illinois where the woman did not testify and R Kelly was acquitted. In the state of Illinois case there was a child pornography charge. Ed Genson, R. Kelly’s attorney in the Illinois case, who later said R. Kelly was guilty, more than once said that Illinois dropped the child porn charge because they feared the girl was 17 at the time the pictures were taken.
Why is that key? 17 is the age of consent in Illinois. Retired US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who opinions legalized gay sex, once questioned our child pornography rules. His question was if you can consent, why can’t you take a picture?
Child pornography is illegal not because it is pornographic, but because children cannot consent. The fear in the Illinois R Kelly case was that Kelly would be convicted on a child pornography charge, but prove the girl was 17–and that she consented. The theory would be that if you can consent to sex, you can consent to pictures. Kelly had enough money to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court.
The age of consent is the real question. In recent years, the religious right has been pushing to raise the age of consent all over the United States. It was once typically 15 or 16, today it is more commonly 18. If we compare to other nations, rules vary, but for this comment, the age of consent in Germany and in Brazil is 14. The US has forced Europe to adopt American style child porn rules, but one may recall that in the 1980s, underage Tracy Lords porn movies were illegal in the US, but legal in Europe.
One may also recall the photos of David Hamilton, or Jock Sturges, or Sally Mann. Hamilton and Sturges would take pictures of mothers and their underage daughters–with the assumption that the parent had consented. Mann took pictures of her own children. The question of course being–can a parent consent to non erotic pictures of their child? In the 1970s Brooke Shields mother famously consented to nude pictures of her underage daughter. It is interesting but you can watch Pretty Baby, Brooke’s underage movie, on Apple TV. Perhaps it is because Pretty Baby was directed by Frenchman Louis Malle.
The child pornography problem is a symptom not a disease. It is a symptom of America’s sexual confusion and America’s inability to confront adulthood and independence. The problem will grow worse not better as America’s growing economic problems force children to live in their parents’ basements into their 40s. How can a thirty year old woman who cannot pay her own bills consent to anything?
“First Black cartoonist…” Yeah I’ll take shit that never happened for the win! The pedo ranks are bursting with yt incels.
Dr. Rock asks:
What then, is this OF whoredom?
It’s something unique to that platform. Onlyfans is a new low, even for America. Because of the way that the site works, users must know what they are looking for. They can’t just search. This causes the content-creators (“whores”) to do stupid and degenerate things, just to get publicity and free advertising in the media. Like the Florida mom and the Manhattan-Dublin portal.
It’s not the activity; it’s the commercialization of the activity.
I find absent-minded, commercialized, squirrel-cage repetition of spot gambling ads degenerate. It’s not illegal, just degenerate.
Sex! Now there’s a genie let loose from the bottle…
Repress society over sex, then flood it with commercialized porn?
As possibly the only intelligent point Pierre Trudeau ever said,
“The State does not belong in the people’s bedrooms.”
She could operate all three orifices and cut the time down by 2/3rds.
Maybe it’s better that it’s on the internet, because the way things are going they’d be having sex shows in stadiums and charging spectators entrance. Like this they get even more spectators to watch them than would fill a stadium and still keep it “private”… sort of.
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but just because I think Turkey did something right, doesn’t mean I have to move there.
My overall point is that some stuff is obscene. We have obscenity laws for a reason. Hell, like it or not, prostitution is still illegal in most places, and that just a private transaction between two people.
What then, is this OF whoredom? Public whoring for a group? It sure as Hell isn’t art, and to call it entertainment is a stretch as well. And if one is willing to remove “public whoring for entertainment”, then basically, all we are left is obscenity.
TV is regulated, radio is too, and public lewdness is illegal. We don’t like people shitting on the sidewalks, not because it’s illegal, but because it’s disgusting.
Besides, where is it written that you can do any goddamned thing you want, if it’s on the Internet? Sure, you can say that OF is a subscription, but these whores don’t just promote their whoredom on their OF, they do it all over the Internet, to generate “buzz” for their whore’ish promotion.
” took to social media to announce that she planned to film the day-long sex session and broadcast it live in an attempt to break a record in Turkey, reports said.”
Do we allow prostitutes to run ads on facebook? (maybe, but they probably shouldn’t)
And I don’t agree that we just “let” the entire Internet turn into whore-porn.
Who cares ? Only frustrated idiots from the Daily Sewer.
I remember some German idiot girl †sexy Cora †who wanted to break the record for 1000 blow jobs in 24 h. The †husband †was the pimp. She faint at the 50th I think.
The participants were all migrant trash, Turks, Arabs… And were paid a few bucks.
Like this Turkish pile of cellulite, she was addicted to plastic chirurgy and had maybe more than 30 of it. She finally died from her 6th breast chirurgy.
These are insecure idiots moderately attractive before their chirurgies but with narcissist personality desorder, and addicted to social medias.
And why is this Anglin Moron so worried about the Muslim countries spiritual health ? I thought he was the true †Christian now †What a clown.
Don’t forget the STD’s. This gal is a walking Petri dish.
Fuck 100 dudes in a day? A light weight. The Deep State fucked the entire US, when they installed Joe Biden in The Oval Office 4 years ago.
In WW1 British rank-and-file soldiers had about two minutes apiece with a “professional” in a French brothel behind the lines. This is my recollection from the memoirs of Robert Graves, Goodbye To All That. British officers had more time and better conditions for that kind of thing. And probably more attractive partners.
Guys who join these OnlyFan gangbangs and help these whores earn money are utterly stupid. They pay for the tests and travel and get to star for a shortest time possible. Look at that girl who did 1,000 in 12 hours. That means less than a minute for each guy. So they go in there, have a few strokes and then get kicked out by the security thugs if they overstep their time limit. What kind of fun is that?
I actually agree with the Turks on this one!
Azranur AV, 23, was reportedly detained by cops in Istanbul who declared her mission to sleep with 100 men in 24 hours as ‘obscene’ and ‘damaging’ to the country’s morals.
You suck, and I use to think you were okay before… Why dont you people MOVE to the fucking countries you praise so much instead of trying to morph your own nation into some totalitarian nation where govs get to control what fucking people do with their own bodies? In fact I’m beginning to really hate sites like this, they are full of whiny ass people who want to control what other people do. And I thought the leftist assholes were bad with this controlling shit. Some of you on here have them BEAT hands down when it comes to controlling the lives of others. There are a lot of things I don’t like, but I’m not going to bitch and demand that those people be banned, punished, or locked up just because they make the decision to do what I don’t like. I don’t see any of you desperate to move into these shit countries that are strict and violate people’s rights. Instead you pretend like you want your own country to imitate their laws.
British pol Ken Livingstone allegedly pulled a train with 16 blokes.
I’m afraid it’s one rule for them …
Her husband knew about this and accepted this? WTF.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Eduardo, @meamjojo
Azranur’s husband Pedram Behdar Vandan, 25, was also reportedly arrested at the time but was later released from custody.
It’s called pimping.
It’s funny that banging 100 guys in one day is considered obscene, but doing the same over the course of a few months is not. So it’s not the overall quantity of dicks taken that matters, but the rate of dicks taken per unit of time.
Her husband knew about this and accepted this? WTF.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Eduardo, @meamjojo
Azranur’s husband Pedram Behdar Vandan, 25, was also reportedly arrested at the time but was later released from custody.
Her husband wants money and more money
What kind of man would want to be number 9, number 25, number 47……… 🥴🤢🤮
Comes a point where a gang bang reeks of homo shit, yo. Really what kind of man would want to tag team a chick with another dude? Arrest the gangbangers as well for being filthy pigs themselves.
China is secular and strictly clamps down on porn.
Pre-Erdogan Turkey was strictly secular and wouldn’t have tolerated this either.
Why act like Islamic zealots being in charge is necessary to stop this?
Some brain dead chick, having sex with 100 guys is a light year less damaging than say, 100,000 dead Palestinians, or, Dresden, or, hundreds of “Color Revolutionsâ€, or, injecting billions with a poison vaccine after infecting and killing a hundred million or so…
Both can be true at the same time but in different ways.
Holy shit!
And I never in my life, thought I would say this, but-
Azranur AV, 23, was reportedly detained by cops in Istanbul who declared her mission to sleep with 100 men in 24 hours as ‘obscene’ and ‘damaging’ to the country’s morals.
I actually agree with the Turks on this one!
One of the biggest problems in the jew controlled “West”, is the jews pushing raw obscenity onto the public. It’s really quite disgusting, and to call it “freedom” is just disgusting.
These OF whores, having the degeneracy competition that they are, is just sick. That one whore just did a video of herself going out and walking the streets with her face covered with semen!
Any decent society would literally ban this shit, and arrest people for being “obscene”.
Well, it’s clear she’s not showing off more than OnlyCans.
Let’s be honest here, most men would love to see how many women they could boink in 24 hours ( provided the women were reasonably attractive.) of course no man can even cum close to 100 women, probably not even 15. A sailor I knew claimed 9 “professionals†in a 24 hour period and the guy was in his prime, probably only about 22-23 years of age. Of course you could cheat by doing multiple partners at the same time but a man cannot immediately perform after an orgasm .
Muslims? Turks?Probably some of the biggest hypocrites and perverts around. Muslims are doing MOST of the rapes in Europe are they not? Do I approve of some female taking on 100 men? Hell no. She will be traumatized for life, but instead of arresting this basket case get her some help.
Cue: (I’m Just A ) Love Machine by The Miracles
Her husband knew about this and accepted this? WTF.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Eduardo, @meamjojo
Azranur’s husband Pedram Behdar Vandan, 25, was also reportedly arrested at the time but was later released from custody.
And they let the husband go! They should have arrested the husband for not controlling his wife. You’d expect having an out of control wife to be a crime in Muslim countries. Beating her should be acceptable in such a country. Even honour killing her, I suppose.
It comes just days after Brit Bonnie Blue claimed to smash the previous world record of the most men bedded in 24 hours taking the total to over 1,000 men in 12 hours.
I think someone might be telling a wee fib there.
It’s not that I doubt that some slag somewhere in the UK does indeed hold the “record” for this, because our world-beating slags are second to none. My only dispute is that the number topped out far closer to the 2-3 dozen bloke mark and that the entire affair was “assisted” by large quantities of Stella, WKD, Buckfast or some other dubious alcoholic beverage (or possibly all of them).
her posts were ‘damaging to moral values’ and were ‘provocative to society’.
This needs to be done in the future coming White de-judafied West.
Azranur’s husband Pedram Behdar Vandan, 25, was also reportedly arrested at the time but was later released from custody.
Her husband knew about this and accepted this? WTF.
Are Western human rights organisations going to stand up for her human right to do whatever she wants, including gangbangs on OnlyFans? What difference does it make that she lives in a Muslim country? Rights are rights, wherever. No? If not, I suggest we dismantle these human rights orgs, and let the Muslims rule their people as they like.
So…, sure, she is out of control and certainly not an example for young children.
That said, having cops show up, blindfolding her and hauling her off to a Turkish Lubyanka where, you can bet your life, she will have sex with a hundred guards is NOT A GOOD LOOK.
She will no doubt experience her own personal “Midnight Express” and get T-Rexxed behind bars.
While this punishment is catharsis for those of us that feel worthy in God’s eyes to “cast the first stone”, it is breaking the butterfly on the wheel and confirms our worst fears about a society that hands over total control to a religious sect like Islam, that sees any and everyone that is not on their knees worshiping a pedophile as an infidel.
All societies are corrupt, venal, sanctimonious and if given the chance, those in charge, will levy at their whim and caprice, punishment that they will tell you, comes straight from God.
Some brain dead chick, having sex with 100 guys is a light year less damaging than say, 100,000 dead Palestinians, or, Dresden, or, hundreds of “Color Revolutions”, or, injecting billions with a poison vaccine after infecting and killing a hundred million or so with a “gain of function” disease entirely created by YOUR government and unleashed on the world, or, say pardoning the guy who killed everyone.
The list goes on.
She didn’t do shit.
Both can be true at the same time but in different ways.
Some brain dead chick, having sex with 100 guys is a light year less damaging than say, 100,000 dead Palestinians, or, Dresden, or, hundreds of “Color Revolutionsâ€, or, injecting billions with a poison vaccine after infecting and killing a hundred million or so...
The biggest whore in Turkey is Erdogan because he provides oil for the Israeli War Machine. He also worked with Bibi to overthrow Assad in Syria.
She just doesn’t look like a woman with an itchy cunt.
I say hoax.
Jesus had a good idea put a mill stone around their necks and cast them into the sea.
Bell has “sangre amarga,” I could see it through his terminal TDS, but it was there before, in his editorial comics – I thought they were almost shitlib parodies – how a conservative would make fun of a shitlib sperging out. Progressives like Glenn Greenwald happen to be gay progressive jews like Bell, but they don’t have that bitterness.
The problem with this approach, the “medical approach,” is it is hard to tell if it is being done in good faith, “friend/enemy distinction” and all that.
Some confusion and classic American-puritan posturing packed in that phrase. All of us were teens (a few Unz readers likely still are). In those teen years age 14 and up many of us dated. Some of us had sexual relations with other teens, whom we found 'attractive' peers, not 'children'.
... attracted to children under age 18
Its of course Antichrist and Anti American to be sexually interested in young girls, instead of blow them to pieces.
The age of consent in the different country’s on this map is about 4-5 years after girls are sexually mature. Nature must have done a terrible mistake !
No, the state and the cannibals are a terrible mistake made by humans.
That’s why “witches” get burned alive, and why “to nice girls” get forcible sterilized.
The cannibal whores cant stand any concurrence.
Honestly, I think the ‘Age of Majority’ should be set at 16. (for Whites.)
At 16, one should be able to drive, drink alcohol, smoke/vape nicotine, do cannabis or cocaine (isn’t legal, but it should) – plus: become a prostitute or a porn actor.
Or, marry; Or, have sex. But not earlier than that, ever.
etc., etc., etc.
But not vote! One should be at least 25 to vote. (amongst other criteria.)
Paedos and those attracted to teens under 16 – even, if no crime has been committed – should be offered Gov’t-backed incentives (read: money) to be sterilised. (“Voluntary Eugenics Programme”.)
To boot, there can be a Gov’t contract w/ the paedos who’ve agreed to sterilisation: You can watch, some amount, of actual child porn in a Psychiatric clinic! (That will get ’em!)
The answer for these “victims of a psychological disorder” is still the same. Lock them up forever. The compassion you’re asking for comes with them being locked up in an asylum (not prison) with the others with psychological disorders.
Without details on what this person has been charged with, it is difficult to make cogent comments.
This being said, there area seemingly infinite number of sexual fetishes in existence. Anything you can imagine probably turns someone, somewhere on sexually.
If you keep your fetishes to yourself, use commercial magazines, you likely won’t be bothered by authorities.
Problems occur when you physically interact with or download/trade photos/videos on the net. You are almost certainly going to get caught then and the rest of your life will effectively be over.
An ethnic breakdown would be handy Comrade Ted.
I’d like to know the demographics of the 1 in 6 “Australian” Men.
In fact, this explosion of men and CSAM tracks along with the importation of 3rd world savages.
Maybe Ted should stick his ass up in the air and let the pedos fuck him (in order to save the children)?
“Being attracted to” and acting on those attractions are two separate things. Anything can be planted on your computer without you knowing about it and that is probably a weapon government entities employ against those it finds problematical. The powers that be wouldn’t let me on that jury.
Ted Rall writes:
… attracted to children under age 18
Some confusion and classic American-puritan posturing packed in that phrase. All of us were teens (a few Unz readers likely still are). In those teen years age 14 and up many of us dated. Some of us had sexual relations with other teens, whom we found ‘attractive’ peers, not ‘children’.
Films and movies have had many teen actresses in romantic sexual roles. The late Olivia Hussey was age 15 when she was cast as the lead in Zeffirelli’s 1960s ‘Romeo and Juliet’, one of the great romantic films of all time, Hussey in a brief nude scene, filming when she was 16-17. Getting on the ‘me too’ bandwagon late in life, age 70s elderly Hussey filed a lawsuit over this in 2023, and lost, just before she died.
For maybe the majority of human history, teens were getting married and having children. Sometimes the teen girls married somewhat older men. There is an argument made, that women are emotionally healthier in life if they bond as teens with a permanent life partner, instead of having 500 boyfriends first and then getting sourly disappointed at their options post-age-30, as is the current Western practice.
Below is a map of legal sexual ‘age of consent’ variances in Europe:
There’s pedophilia that we all loathe, and then there’s Randall Murphy.
Every straight man can relate to Murphy. Every one of us has seen a high school girl he’d like to screw. The reason we’re not in jail or the loony bin is that we know that there’s right and wrong, and you just don’t do that.
Same applies to those attracted to little kids. They know better so fuck their preferences. Throw them in jail, or exile them to an island, etc.
No, 98.7% USians are brain dead and or damaged.
Bc the book explains with lots of reference why the us and its dolt populace (redundant) failed.
Empty hustlers and hucksters, nothing bound together except for their endless thirst for money.
Why are you recommending a book written by a jew?
No parental control software on devices the little girl uses to access the Internet?
When Congress passes the anti-Semitism bill, will Americans finally wake up and take matters in hand?
You meant that as satire, right? I hope so for your sake, because “agreeing to terms†is a joke and even preteen girls these days have plastic and can easily pay to get on these sites when tricked into doing so or out of childish curiosity.
Mattel’s Barbie always was and remains today the sexual subversion of a largely Christian nation by American- and Christian-hating East European Ashkenazi Jews. The present management and founders should be prosecuted for child abuse and crimes against humanity for sexualizing innocent little girls out of hatred for their parents. Hangin is too good for those responsible, but Congress will be placing these Satanic Jews above the law this January when the anti-Semitism bill is passed by the Senate.
Ricketson said her daughter showed her hardcore photographs from the website and both were “horrified†by what they saw, suffering emotional distress.
It seems worth noting that there are no hardcore photographs available on the website unless you use a credit card to pay for a subscription.
And while as of right now that might be a response to the lawsuit, the Internet Archive tends to suggest that it was equally true in 2018.
Dumbass parents. What were they thinking buying her a Barbie? That is so last century. Should have bought her the Taylor Swift action figure instead.
To enter the site, one must agree to terms, the usual about being 18 and aware of its explicit content. Therefore, any underage girl that ends up on that site violated the rules. Even then, there is no actual porn imagery. One must join for a fee. So, this case is nowhere.
US-ers, USians, USA-ans, in other words, pieces of empty and vile shit. Buffoons and morons amigo.
Why america Failed by Morris Berman
Other nations use the United States title as their government such as Mexico. Are Mexicans now to be called “USians†too?
The was no mistake, it was intentional. How else to you explain contributory negligence from a manufacturer of children products?
Future goyim human trafficking sex slaves of America and the west.
How do you say (((groomers))) in Yiddish?
No surprise. Barbie was originally created by the Jewish owners of Mattel (Ruth Handler) to sexualize little girls. No more baby dolls for them.
On this one, I disagree.
At it’s root, putting a link to a porno site, on a child’s toy, is jew level disgusting, so they should be sued. And, unfortunately, the way our civil legal system has been jew-ified, they have to say they suffered emotional distress to have a case.
Also, just like that sick, perverted, Balenciaga ad campaign, people do need to take action against these Satanic jew freaks, and I don’t buy into this “it was a mistake” bullshit.
They, or ((they)), always say “it was a mistake”, but why is it always perverted, gross, typically homo shit? All these “mistakes” always point toward perversion, that’s no fucking accident.
Sue the shit out of these sick fucks!
People who buy their daughters Barbie dolls are already encouraging them to become porno sluts.
Dumb. That’s like saying someone is encouraging his sons to become zogbots by buying them a gi joe. The intention isn’t there, in either case.
Who founded Mattel and created Barbie? Why that would be Ruth Marianna (((Mosko))) and her husband Isadore Elliot (((Handler))) (along with some goy named Harold Matson). Who is the current CEO of Mattel? Well, that would be one Ynon (((Kreiz))). Shalom!
why are they buying this usian capitalistic junk?
There is no way to explain evil like this without the existence of a supernatural power, such as Satan. Not only the sick, vile crime of the Hindu, but the baizuo who justifies it.
Speaking of Dotheads……….
Your recent column…….
…..was preceded a few months ago by Simplicius 76’s BitChute channel.
But what’s hilarious is the pajeetas infesting Western nations act as if White men are out to rape them!
Those rank bastards male or female will run to HR in a New York minute to get you fired if you so much as look at them 2 seconds too long.
Most Indians are rapists. India is the rape capital of the world.
Creeping anarcho-tranny.
“brown people have an eternal right to remain in white countries, regardless of what their behavior is. This fact proves that the goal of brown immigration is not actually to “enrich†white countries, but rather to destroy them. If you were actually attempting to do “enrichment,†you wouldn’t let child porn dealers from India remain on the loose.”
Can’t get any more blunt, or more true, than this.
The UK is still under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), who uphold the European Convention of Human Rights (also ECHR–the EU-orbit institutions like to hide themselves in endless layers of bureaucracy and acronyms).
Mostly nobody in Europe knows the tortuous method by which the judges comprising the ECHR are selected, or even that the court exists. Yet, that Court has enormous influence on policy, meaning: they are used to lock in unpopular elite policies in an undemocratic way, allowing political leaders at all levels to evade responsibility.
Thus it is that “freedom of expression” is reduced to nothing by appropriates limitations and restrictions; the right to family life is absurdly extended to undesirable foreigners to restrict expulsions. Etc, etc.
The whole EU and related institutions are a monstrous disaster for the Europeans.
A certain tribe learned long ago that white women were sent by God to destroy their own communities. It’s the one great talent white women have. When the history of extinct whites is written a couple hundred years from now by a Chinese historian, he’ll write about how the white female worked with the jew to destroy whites. Nothing the jews have done over the last century happens without the support of white women – in the polling booths, school boards, classrooms, courtrooms, churches, media, and academies of the west. Keeping their men down, abortion rates up, and jews in charge is the primary motivation for their every action.
I am assuming anyone there who criticizes him will immediately be prosecuted for hate speech and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
>distributing child sex abuse images
>sentenced to 14 months in prison
Reminder: PA activist Sam Melia was sentenced to 2 years in prison for putting up and distributing stickers deemed likely to ‘incite racial hatred’ (or whatever; he was convicted by a ‘jury of his peers’).
For the record, I expect this guy’s appeal against deportation to succeed — it would not be the first such case.
One of the more surprising things to me in the last few years was seeing how authoritarian the Australian government is, as revealed during COVID — most people probably think of Australians as rough Crocodile Dundee types who wouldn’t tolerate that kind of shit — but they largely did — there has been creeping tyranny (or anarcho-tyranny if you prefer) in the UK for some time, so the mass arrests and harsh punishments handed out to thought criminals after the Southport killings earlier this year did not really surprise me too much — something about Anglo-Saxons I guess — apparently all the stuff about the Magna Carta they taught kids in school was a lot of crap.
In exploring the human condition, the question “who am I†has been replaced with “how did I get here.†The response has only one correct answer, the global industrial complex. Each constituent of the global industrial complex is bought and sold as commodity and has no say in the outcome.
All p*s whether it was real porn or cartoon porn should be sent to prison.
Making excuses for “cartoons” is suspicious.
But then, apples don’t fall far from the tree:
I agree about enjoying conspiracies, but the Tom O’Neil book Chaos about Manson was a 20 year deep dive into research of the Manson case and those who were involved in it. The writer touches on the idea Manson was a federal informant/asset used to discredit the hippy movement due to the hippies protesting the Vietnam War. He spent more than half his life in and out of juvenile halls and prison before the murders even took place. He’d get busted while on parole driving around in a stolen car with an underage girl and released from prison the next day. Law enforcement in smaller jurisdictions where he got arrested would get calls telling them to cut him loose.
There’s a whole lot more that the book delves into, but it is not just some conspiracy from a bloggers website claiming Michelle Obama is a man (which is true), or Hillary Clinton is harvesting adrenachrome from kids she trafficked out of Haiti, and is selling it to the non-reptilian politicians from the basement of Comet Ping Pong in DC.
It is a mistake to compare men and women in terms of “equality.”
The self-evident, correct term is “complementary.”
You sound a little defensive. I just went to the trouble of posting a detailed — and civil — response to your previous comment. You’re welcome.
I can’t address the Manson case in addition to Son of Sam without getting into essay-length responses, but Ed Sanders’ The Family — the first major book written about the Manson case — clarifies the Process connection. (I’m referring here to the updated trade paperback edition, published circa 2005.) The Process Church, initially called “Compulsions Analysis,” was a direct offshoot of Scientology, and Manson met Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston on at least one occasion (as he admitted to Sanders).
There is, in fact, evidence of a Process link to the Son of Sam case, and not just in Berkowitz’s recollection of a Process recruiter named Ken (an Australian gentleman whose Process title was “Father Dominic”; Ken was his true first name) who often attended the Yonkers cult’s gatherings. Berkowitz also described a more formal meeting at the home of the group’s leader, in the spring of 1976. In attendance, he said — in addition to himself and at least one other member of the local cult — were Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston. He specified that they had not arrived together (the DeGrimstons having formally separated two years earlier), and that Robert was accompanied by another woman. The purpose of this meeting, Berkowitz claimed, was to map out the Son of Sam attacks. He referred to another attendee, Ronald Spychala, by name. Spychala, a career Navy man later convicted of child molestation, was not in the least a publicly known figure in 1976. It’s difficult to account for Berkowitz’s awareness of Spychala unless they actually did cross paths at the meeting Berkowitz described.
Regarding Berkowitz’s culpability in the Sam attacks themselves, he later maintained that he was responsible for only two of the shootings. His August 1977 confession contained numerous basic errors regarding the crime scenes, vehicles of the victims, etc. He misidentified Rosemary Keenan’s navy blue car as red, for instance, and insisted that Joanne Lomino and Donna DeMasi had been running when they were shot — despite the fact that Lomino said she and DeMasi were standing still on the front porch of the Lomino home when the attack occurred, and had not been running. In addition to these errors are the wildly varying eyewitness descriptions of the shooter from one attack to the next; it’s particularly hard to understand how the shaggy-haired blonde suspect seen by at least two witnesses at the scene of the final shooting could have been Berkowitz.
But, again, this is merely a thumbnail description of Maury Terry’s exhaustive research. Some (though not all) of his case notes were made public last year, and can be examined at a site called The People vs. David Berkowitz. There’s a lot of relevant material in the notes, including details about Ronald Spychala and names of suspects that could not be published when Mr. Terry’s book hit the shelves in 1987.)
So, really, all of these conspiracy shouters have not a leg to stand on, in neither the case of Manson, who should have been released long before his death, nor in that of Berkowitz, where the bullshit artists invent elaborate fictions with no evidence for how Sam was only one member of a big Satanic gang, and took the fall for all of the others.
… with no evidence or corroboration at all. Just the word of one writer of fiction in the case of Berkowitz, and a giant blank in the case of Manson.
I read some conspiracy literature at times, enjoy it, best in the printed word, some of the ‘net sites are cleary disinfo.with a small backing of recent history, and a large serving of invention.
I don’t care at all about the Process, except they had a cool logo for a time. Various bullshit artists try to connect them with Manson and Berkowitz, but not one scrap of evidence. FFS, their total membership never exceeded 200, closer to 150 at the peak.
Try to offer such a scrap. You can’t.
Certain sites associated with on-line media cash cows seem to specialise in it, not caring about about the flow of money to the host sites.
Your post has some interest, and thank you for your thought.
I will go a little further. While Manson was certainly in Scientology for some time, read into court records long ago, there is no evidence of connection to the Process.
Same goes for ‘Son of Sam’, despite the claims, there isn”t even a light thread of evidence. Berkowitz would easily have been able to commit the murders ascribed to him by himself.
There definitely was a conspiracy at the heart of the Son of Sam case. Berkowitz isn’t even one of the more interesting figures in the cult’s history (though many of the claims he has made over the years have been independently confirmed), and he was a late arrival: by the time he was formally initiated in 1975, the group had been operating for at least two decades. The Son of Sam attacks were just the visible tip of a very large iceberg. Maury Terry felt (and I agree, based on his case notes as well as my own research) that the case ultimately hinged on the ritual murders of several children by the cult at Untermyer Park in Yonkers during the early 1970s. Multiple sources, including a police informant and other members of the cult, told the same story about those child sacrifices.
Sounds a lot like the deeply researched book “Chaos” by Tom O’Neil, about the Manson murders, and how far off the media was when reporting/investigating the “official” stories that initially came out about the murders, and the extensive web of characters who could all be traced back to interactions with Manson.
Please, Dan!
There’s no such creature as a “brain, hair and eye guy.”
All seems “loose” to Mr. Withers and his tiny pal, Shrivels.
I would not kick her out of bed for eating crackers!