The Hawaii health scores have always puzzled me. Yes, I know about Chinese/Japanese good health outcomes, but I always thought this was totally overwhelmed by fat Polynesians. I’ve never been anywhere close to Polynesia, but I’ve seen lots of Youtube videos of them and they are massive. I guess you’re right. I mean, of course you’re right.
Also, and just guessing here, they might have been selected for carb consumption (all that taro root) so develop diabetes later. That’s a wild guess though.
I also think that maybe there is something to living in a less stressful, competitive environment. I believe that may account for Hispanic women having such low infant mortality rates.
I’ve thought about it quite a bit. Certainly career wise and social wise, it just makes more sense. But I’m someone who’s very attached to his family and heritage, and for now they trump my individual desires.
Yes, I misspoke.
Hawaii scores well on health rankings because Asians tend to be healthier on the whole, and most people here take full advantage of the weather. I’m pretty much the only one in my large family who isn’t surfing, fishing, doing MMA or any other sort of outdoor or sporting activity on the weekends. Heck, even fat Hawaiians and Samoans (and there are a lot of ’em) are way more active than obese mainlanders. It’s pretty rare you’ll see a fat local with that sort of droopy soft flabby fat. They’re got that big round fat-mixed-with-muscle solidity to them. Eventually the joints do give out earlier than with skinny folks, and diabetes and heart disease does catch up with them, but there’s less of the early chronic health problems a lot of fat folks get.
Also too, we have what is essentially socialized medicine here for everyone that can’t afford health coverage. It’s ugly and a somewhat depressing medical experience with long lines and a crappy end-user experience (I was on it for a spell), but I have to admit, it certainly does do the job regarding preventative health care, and making sure people don’t put off going to the doctor because they can’t afford it. Just don’t expect it to provide heroic measures to save you.
Also one cares because it ends up being pretty damn lonely. Everyone I hung out with in high school and college has left. That’s literally dozens of people.
Koreans in LA have had a lot of community cohesion, including pooling of funds for “Kye” business lending. That was in evidence to a wider TV audience during the Rodney King verdict rioting in the 1990s.
Why not just use nerve gas? Because relying on mass immigration for 107 IQ East Asians to replace stupid as a box of hammers alcoholic rapist 100 IQ whites is way too slow, plus East Asian women may get the idea to mate with racially inferior whites.
Have you considered leaving Hawaii for the mainland? Surely you could find a better job than graveyard shift security guard – worth it even if you have to live in landlocked flyover country.
I think you meant the welder is likely to reproduce, no?
Regarding Hawaii and its torpidity inducing qualities, you know more than I, but I always read that Hawaii scores well on state health ranking surveys. So who cares if they don’t ace the tests?
Regression to the bean?Replies: @Anonnn, @Spike Gomes
Hawaii brought in a lot of Japanese and Chinese many generations ago, and in 2015 they’re still not scoring impressively.
Some regression towards the mean, but also a lot of brain drain and SE Asians here in Hawaii. Anyone with brains and ambition leaves here because outside of working for the state or feds, the real estate industry or in the medical industry, there’s no jobs that pay well and offer intellectual or career challenges. Take myself for example; I have a Master’s degree and speak three languages, but I’m stuck being a graveyard shift security guard. By that very fact, I’m not likely to reproduce, while someone less smart than I was, but certainly more wise in the long run, who went to welding trade school and has a family less infected with mainland cultural memes (i.e. he can live with mom and dad while raising his family and saving money for an eventual house 10-15 years down the line vs. you’re 21, get out now) will likely not reproduce.
Them’s the breaks.
Average for Blue State blacks = 259.7
Average for Red State blacks = 258.7
Average for Blue State whites = 294.5
Average for Red State whites = 287.3
So, Blue State whites score about 7 points higher than Red State whites, and Blue State blacks score 1 point higher than Red State blacks.
Therefore, if your really wanted ago put a partisan spin on things, you could say that the fact that the gaps in Red States are smaller than the gaps in Blue States is entirely a function of how dumb Red State whites are. I find this sort of analysis pretty boring, myself.
That hawaiians score lower than the filipinos in Hawaii goes against the HBD narrative, for the overwhelming majority of the hawaiians are mixed with europeans and east asians.
I live in an area of New Jersey where Koreans outnumber Indians by 30:1.Replies: @Bliss
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?
I live in an area of New Jersey where Koreans outnumber Indians by 30:1.
And that trumps the fact that indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1 in the state of New Jersey?
The chinese and filipinos outnumber the koreans in your state (and the nation) as well.
Agreed! This gap is an outrage in this enlightened day and age! To allow this kind of disparate-ness to occur in our egalitarian educational system is a majoraggression!
Can we get YT on the rebuttable list of ‘socially disadvantaged’ races to level this situation? After all…. Asians have had the ‘Asian advantage'(yellow privilege?) of at least a thousand more years of civilization…what’s that? fifty more generations of crypto eugenics to evolve up the SAT scale? While YT was picking lice out of his belly in a thatched hut, Chinese Asians were studying for a tests to enter the bureaucracy.
And modern dogs have only evolved in the last 300 years!
C’mon this is unfair, get out those ball peen hammers and start thwacking Asians on the head right before the test.
Hmongs and the like. I remember looking them up while reading about how 11th grade Asian Minnesotans didn’t have more male variability(which apparently proved ‘culture uber alles’).
Minnesota’s Asian Pacific population is vastly different
from the national make-up. 50.2% of our population
identifies as Southeast Asian vs. 20.7% of the national
Whites were close or better in top maths ability also.
Korean are the only major Asian immigrant group that originates from a first world OECD country. Indians, Chinese and Filipinos come from countries that have less money than average.
That’s probably why Koreans aren’t as mercantile or driven as those other groups (they don’t feel the threat of immediate poverty) and are more inclined to go into the arts.
Razib Khan posted on his previous blog about blondness in Melanesisans, which is due to a mutation in TYRP1 that is not found in Europeans.
In New Mexico, the Navajo are generally viewed as being at the bottom of the social order, even below the other native groups (e.g., the Pueblo Indians). They seem to rate worse than other Indians (as well as the state’s Hispanics) in regards to all sorts of “social pathology”.
I agree with your post and share your skepticism about the bogosity of so many of these studies. That said, I’ve known a lot of Koreans (admittedly all in the Pacific Northwest and Canada) and find them to be one of the strangest Asian groups. They do not, in my observation, tend to rise high in non-Korean corporations. They do not often go into law and when they do they don’t make the big bucks. They don’t seem to go into medicine and when they do they’re seldom specialist doctors. They don’t seem to have an affinity for marketing or sales. IOW, as you note you don’t find them at the bottom but I don’t see them at the top either.
You can see the proper stats here:
There are 3 main reasons behind that:
1) London schools have really taken off in outcomes, particularly Inner London. No one really knows why, but I think it probably has a lot to do with how unusually central London is in the UK economy. Called the “London Effect” ( Ethnic minorities tend to live in London. Many more Whites in rural areas, etc.
2) There’s probably more sorting between different ability levels in terms of wealth in those who’ve been in the UK long term. For a Chinese, there’s not as much difference between migrants who come in and are poor and those with a little more money, mostly chance and a little personality (and not much difference for the kids, as you can see), because China is fairly poor. For the British Whites, their parents generally would’ve got their chance already if they were going to get it.
3) British people really haven’t ever been that interested in qualifications compared to many other countries. There’s some strong universities and people like being seen as intelligent, but getting qualifications hasn’t ever really been as important or central a part of the culture. Britain has tended to lag other countries with similar IQ and wealth in investment in average education. The science and humanities are pretty good, because people quite like asking difficult questions and are generally happy for universities to do their own thing, and think, but the culture is not a culture of education, really.
The London schools is the only really change, so that’s probably why the trend has changed.
In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to teaching Remedial English in college.
—Joseph Sobran
Yes, exactly.
“It is funny how the tune changes when you are hoisted with your own petard…”
What about this constitutes being hoisted by your own petard? It’s all about the fact that manifest group differences exist, and thus the prevailing dogma that they don’t is wrong. This data reinforces that point. Group differences exist and they are real. Every group is going to have things they excel at. Often when you look at specifics things get complicated and you can’t paint with a broad, uniformed brush. But it’s likely that people of West African descent are always going to win almost all the 100 yard dash events at Olympics level. I don’t have a problem with that. Likewise, heritage white Americans are above whatever the bar is for doing things like being first to land on the moon. We can do all right, Jack, and we can do it without needing anybody else, if it comes to it.
Colorado’s whites are smarter than most. Look at the chart.
Michigan’s whites are really bad. Maybe professional whites in Michigan flock to Chicago and Ohio?
The point is so intelligent readers will know what’s going on in their country. The point is to replace “racism” (which everyone secretly harbors to some extent) with “race realism”, which is the factual way of dealing with the uncomfortable truths of HBD and how they will impact society and politics.
The “Asian Fifth Column” exists mostly in your inerudite imagination. Many Asian-Americans have not been here long enough to have become culturally sophisticated. The North Asians come from a long Confucian tradition in which the government, which has the Mandate of Heaven, is always “right”. Within living memory, the Japanese revered their god-emperor. The Chinese sang, “The East is Red! Chairman Mao is the sun!” They believe, because they were taught to respect teachers, the naive libtard “Whig history” about ever-advancing racial- and gender-equality and progress and prosperity and choice that they hear from their ignorant white female teachers in Santos Cesar Chavez y Malcolm X High School, a new version of the “manifest destiny” that pulled our ancestors along the Oregon Trail. This time around, its the Socialist Utopia of free fried chicken and free birth control for all rather than free Indian-free land, all courtesy of Uncle Sam.
As they eventually turn to other interests than math, science, video games, and obeying their money-grubbing fathers (google John Adams’ quote, “I must study politics and war… to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture…”), they may one day pull that tattered copy of The Federalist Papers or Walden from the shelf of a used book store. They may then actually learn something about the deeper wisdom of the West; they will then know that there is so much more to our Civilization than obeying the government, harvesting rice, and building computers: It is about the actualization of the full human potential of every individual in a society of civilized freedom.
Why only 29 states shown? Also, why plot a range of scores that makes a 4% overall difference seem so large?
There is something very hokey about those stats. They must include a lot of retirees or people who own cash businesses and under report their income, or something, but that statistic smells funny and has to be viewed with skepticism. Maybe the survey asked people to report their own income and maybe Koreans don’t like to tell total strangers their true income? How many working age Koreans are on welfare or are drug addicts or alcoholics? How many are single mothers? Have you ever met ONE Korean who lives like “white trash”, whose kids belong to a gang, etc.? Usually when you see these kind of “statistics” that contradict what you see with your own eyes, it turns out that the numbers are flawed, either intentionally to serve some political agenda or else just because they are thinly or poorly sourced.
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?Methinks this is another example of how HBD prejudices cloud the minds of the race "realism" cultists...Replies: @Ed, @Anonymous
The Asian population in New Jersey is mostly Indian , with more Filipinos than Koreans.It is thus surprising the gap is wider in New Jersey, where East Asians are a smaller segment of the Asian population. For every East Asian there are over 2 South Asians in New Jersey.Asian groups in New Jersey – Asian Indian (292,256), Chinese (134,442), Filipino (110,650), Korean (93,679), Pakistani (26,006), Vietnamese (20,628)
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?
I live in an area of New Jersey where Koreans outnumber Indians by 30:1.
And that trumps the fact that indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1 in the state of New Jersey?
I live in an area of New Jersey where Koreans outnumber Indians by 30:1.
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?Methinks this is another example of how HBD prejudices cloud the minds of the race "realism" cultists...Replies: @Ed, @Anonymous
The Asian population in New Jersey is mostly Indian , with more Filipinos than Koreans.It is thus surprising the gap is wider in New Jersey, where East Asians are a smaller segment of the Asian population. For every East Asian there are over 2 South Asians in New Jersey.Asian groups in New Jersey – Asian Indian (292,256), Chinese (134,442), Filipino (110,650), Korean (93,679), Pakistani (26,006), Vietnamese (20,628)
Also Koreans are one of the lower earning Asian groups in America. I think their median income is below whites.
Interesting then how the blondest of the east asians ended up in the blondest states in America:
We all know MN is mostly Hmong and Nordics.
Thanks for the link! I didn’t know Hmongs had non trivial rates of blondism. Even in adults! I guess it’s unrelated to Caucasian blondism. Blondism also happens among Australian Aborigines and Solomon Islanders. @Map
The best predictor of the salaries a college’s graduates will earn is previous academic achievement, as measured by results on the SAT aptitude test.
The article cites maritime and pharmacy schools at the top.
Maritime is bogus. It is a union job. Ships are required to have American crews between any two American ports. I think this is called the Stevens Act.
Pharmacy? Really? Have you seen al of the women in pharmacy?
When I originally posted the comment, there were something like seven or eight comments. I’m not sure how my post dropped all the way to 29th.
Spend a day in Jersey City or Edison NJ , you will quickly change your view….most of the 300,000 Indians in NJ are not Brahmans , most of them work pumping gas and selling donuts
My daughter goes to a private school in NJ , 25% of the students are Indian and 15% are East Asian.
I agree. I think it might be too late at this point. I remember growing up in the 70’s in the suburbs of Chicago and it was one massive sea of white people. Now large parts are being taken over by hispanics, blacks and Asians.
I never imagined this would happen. This was a white country with a few blacks that you never really saw in most areas.
This country will be less than 50% white in a few decades. I don’t know how that can be reversed realistically.
Whites aren’t even allowed to self-segregate anymore to preserve ourselves. It’s diabolical.
Many Asians seem to have high IQ’s but they can’t seem to make a country they want to live in so they have to move to white countries.
Regression to the bean?Replies: @Anonnn, @Spike Gomes
Hawaii brought in a lot of Japanese and Chinese many generations ago, and in 2015 they’re still not scoring impressively.
Hawaii has a lot of Filipinos and other SE Asians. NE Asians, along with Whites and White/Hawaiian mixes dominate the upper echelons of Hawaiian society.
NJ gets lots of highly educated Koreans, Chinese, and Indians. Also, relatively few southeast Asians. NYC has lots of poorer Chinese and working class South Asians.
I cannot imagine why surrender is so enthralling that you want to recruit others to give up. I might understand that you don’t want to help the rest of us. But trying to undermine those of us resisting the mindless stupidity of this era makes me wonder whose side you are on.
Where is your allegiance?
Who F….ng cares?
But, but doesn’t your ilk get off like crazy on the gap between whites and blacks?
It is funny how the tune changes when you are hoisted with your own petard…
is right. Colorado whites scored a solid 266. Only the whites from three other states and DoD scored higher.
The Havasupai of Arizona have hated the Navajo ever since the Navajo arrived from Canada about 1400 AD and drove the Havasupai down into the remote canyons for protection. The Apache speak Na-Dene, too.
We all know MN is mostly Hmong and Nordics.
Interesting then how the blondest of the east asians ended up in the blondest states in America:
Your thinking here is way too static.Asians (and whites) didn't just become smart during the Last Glacial Maximum. There was no doubt some very significant selection for IQ and conscientiousness acting pretty immediately on people who left Africa--and then left tropical coastlines--and inhabited cold regions with winter. But most of the IQ\conscientiousness selection has occurred since the neolithic revolution and was going strong right on through historic times. (The world's remaining hunter gathers are uniformly not very bright, with the Arctic peoples like eskimos the smartest.) Agriculture quickly jacks up the population density to the Malthusian limit and creates selection for those farmers who are well organized, hard working, thrifty, conscientious as well as resistant to the ambient diseases. There was continual grinding downward mobility. If you didn't produce as well ... you'd leave behind fewer descendants or none at all.
American Indians are racially Asian; it’s interesting their IQ scores are so low. Either they are from one of the not-so-smart Asian groups or else evolution in America lowered their IQs for some reason.
My guess:
It started not with walking away from Caveman Africa.
It started with seafaring in the north and the specific diet in that ecosystem. shows a hypothesis that the Navajos — and a few much smaller tribes — are descended from a group of people who left Siberia around 6000 BC and migrated to northwestern Canada, and then later migrated south to warmer climates. In other words, a second migration from Asia to America. It wouldnt surprise me if they were a bit above the mean for American Indians. I’ve seen some IQ tests which place Navajos very low, even below blacks, but I find them hard to believe.
Slightly off topic: There is a growing achievement gap in education performance in the UK for poor whites versus middle class whites/other ethnic groups. This has been an emerging trend for a couple of decades at least I believe.
“White boys from poor homes have fallen even further behind their peers in ethnic minority groups over the past five years, a report has found.
They suffer the ‘worst start in life’, with the least success at school and bad employment prospects, the Equality and Human Rights Commission said.”
It would appear from that 2002 pdf that another commenter posted that the Filipino subset is the major drag on Hawaii’s Asian test scores. The Filipino students barely outscore the poor scoring natives. Meanwhile the Japanese students lead the pack.
As someone who is native Hawaiian/Japanese/Chinese/Anglo-American this conforms to my own observations. The smarter Hawaiians who aren’t wealthy tend to join the military or move to the mainland in search of better opportunities. Those who remain behind tend to be poorer and unambitious. Lower test scores are no surprise.
Hawaii as 3rd world? STFU. Poor and rural, yes. Compared to other Polynesians, Hawaiian beligerance is average, with many SE Asians being more violence prone in my opinion. The main problem with Hawaiians is their relative laziness.
The Asian population in New Jersey is mostly Indian , with more Filipinos than Koreans.
It is thus surprising the gap is wider in New Jersey, where East Asians are a smaller segment of the Asian population. For every East Asian there are over 2 South Asians in New Jersey.
Asian groups in New Jersey – Asian Indian (292,256), Chinese (134,442), Filipino (110,650), Korean (93,679), Pakistani (26,006), Vietnamese (20,628)
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?
Methinks this is another example of how HBD prejudices cloud the minds of the race “realism” cultists…
I live in an area of New Jersey where Koreans outnumber Indians by 30:1.Replies: @Bliss
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?
They also got a huge, nice reservation that just happens to be a really gorgeous place that snags lots of tourists.
India may have a low average IQ, but the majority of Indians who’ve emigrated to NJ are probably high caste and have a high IQ.
Completely OT:
The SPLC makes their usual appearance.
One problem with NAEP is that it has much larger coverage of public schools than of private schools. Some portion of affluent White Gentiles and Jews in NJ may send their children to private schools that don’t participate in NAEP. Also, the Indian population of NJ is likely highly selected as many Indian immigrants who live there work in pharma or biotech industries or have finance, consulting or IT jobs in Manhattan.
I am waiting to be placed in a new protected “ethnic” class, along with, say, Cajuns and Haitians!?!
On the contrary, there is likely a large genetic component and its purpose is to prevent the kids from being distracted by all the worthless crap there is in culture and falling out of the top 2-5%.
The Asian population in New Jersey is mostly Indian , with more Filipinos than Koreans.
While Jews are 9% of the Whites in New Jersey.
It is thus surprising the gap is wider in New Jersey, where East Asians are a smaller segment of the Asian population. For every East Asian there are over 2 South Asians in New Jersey.
Asian groups in New Jersey – Asian Indian (292,256), Chinese (134,442), Filipino (110,650), Korean (93,679), Pakistani (26,006), Vietnamese (20,628)
while New Jersey has a large Jewish population, over 520,000 Jews in NJ (excluding the significant number of half jews)
considering Indians on average have lower IQs than Europeans , one would not expect such a divergence on the NAEP tests. Especially with a significant ashkenazi population.
Interesting how the white commenters who live in New Jersey are crediting the koreans not the indians for the gap in NJ between whites and asians, which is the third highest of any state. How is that possible when indians outnumber koreans by more than 3:1?Methinks this is another example of how HBD prejudices cloud the minds of the race "realism" cultists...Replies: @Ed, @Anonymous
The Asian population in New Jersey is mostly Indian , with more Filipinos than Koreans.It is thus surprising the gap is wider in New Jersey, where East Asians are a smaller segment of the Asian population. For every East Asian there are over 2 South Asians in New Jersey.Asian groups in New Jersey – Asian Indian (292,256), Chinese (134,442), Filipino (110,650), Korean (93,679), Pakistani (26,006), Vietnamese (20,628)
Well, the Navaho are from the Na Dene group, who are mostly found in Western Canada. Studies have shown that they arrived to the Americas much later than other Amerindians. It makes sense that the Navaho look more Asian than other Indian tribes.
For what it’s worth, Northern California was home to a thicket of many different languages, like the Caucasus and parts of West Africa also are. ( I think Na Dene was included in this.) Such thick concentrations of tongues are rare. Would it suggest early arrival, or late?
Ashkenazi Jews are not a pure Levantine population.
Thank you for the clarification.
I’d like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket.
That sounds like your admission to play card games between Caribbean ports. “Trump-Cruz: a gamble and a trip!”
The GOP contest is essentially Trump vs Adelson. Our casino guy vs theirs.
Well Stevo, thanks for letting it go through. When are you going to make a post about the SNAKEHEAD FISH!!!!!! invasion and the role that the super-smart Asian legal immigrants…Chinese and Koreans….played in this invasive species invasion.
Yup, if I had a dollar for every set of useless statistics Sailer collects, I'd be $623 richer.Replies: @Steve Sailer
What is the point of these mad-calibrator blizzard of statistics?
Don’t forget to add in the 0.27% compound annual interest you could earn on each dollar.
These aren’t crime statistics: Hispanics are encouraged to self-identify as Hispanic on the NAEP.
I’ve vaguely heard that the Navajo appear to be the main American Indian tribe to flourish demographically post 1492. They picked up sheepherding from the Spanish, plus various handicrafts such as weaving, and now there are a lot of Navajo while there didn’t used to be.
No, they are not. The native peoples of North America and South America are a separate race.
Whites are getting comparatively homogenized as far as culture and place of origin
That’s really dumb. Does it occur to you that most Whites on this planet have never lived in the United States?
The one thing that almost nobody wants to discuss is conscientiousness. I think that the average Pole and the average Irish are very smart. But most Poles and most Irish have low conscientiousness. An IQ 120 English guy and an IQ 120 German guy are more likely to put their noses to the grindstone and be dour and hardworking to benefit their longterm futures. An IQ 120 Irish guy and an IQ 120 Polish guy are more likely to be a day late and a dollar short, despite their high IQs. We all know of absentminded high IQ people – these people often underachieve what their IQs would have predicted in education and career.
1. Irish and Poles tend to be less conscientious than English and Germans.
2. White men tend to be less conscientious than White women.
3. Whites tend to be less conscientious than Asians/Jews.
In fact, the most conscientious high IQ people on this planet are probably 1/4 English, 1/4 German, 1/4 Jewish, 1/4 Asian, and female. The least conscientious high IQ people on this planet are probably White, male, and 1/2 Irish 1/2 Polish.
With restricted Asian immigration and less than 2% Asian population, overwhelmingly white America when from Kittyhawk to the Moon in 75 years. We developed the wireless (with the help of Europeans), ‘movies’, ‘talkies’, video tape, television, and yes, the internet, the PC and the Mac (Guy Kawasaki doesn’t county).
If anything, the pace of technological change has slowed down since the wave of Asian immigration.
Have you seen their very permanent looking homeless encampments on the leeward side of oahu, rendering the beach parks unusable? Pure polynesian, living like their ancestors.
I note that Minnesota is one of the states in which Asians do not outscore whites.
The Asian population in Minnesota is largely Hmong and its immigration dates only from the end of the Vietnam war. The Hmong were a pre-literate people in the hills of Vietnam – American called them “Montagnards” during that war – and their language has been a written one only since non-Hmong linguists began to create writing systems for it beginning in the late 19th century.
Culturally and racially they are distinct from the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese immigrant populations, who often came from urban and commercial backgrounds and whose cultures were literate.
But what’s the point of these mountains of stats? Your middle paragraph answers this question:there is no point.
How exactly do these mountains of stats mobilize The Native Born White American Working Class?
October-November The Skyline Highway in the bucolic Shennandoah Valley…..lots of young fertile Chinese,Korean, Hindu, and Pakistani couples with their young families with their iphone cameras out at the tourist stop where they are the demographic majority…..The large sixpointer Buck White Tail across the street from the tourist stop was huffing and a puffing and a snorting at them..absolutely true story.
Asians are the demographic majority all along the Skyline Highway viewing stations-stop-offs…Do you see what I’m getting at?
Why can’t Steve make a post about the Hindu Foreigner Rutgers student who recorded the rapidly approaching raging 700 pound Black Bear in the Ramapo Mountains…..The Rutgers Hindu Foriegner Rutgers Engineering Student was killed by this Black Bear….and then, eaten for dinner by this Black Bear. Absolutely true story…go google it. Surely, this is way more interesting and significant a news story than another mountain of stats about Asian intelligence….The Nation of India is apparently expanding into the Ramapo Mountains of New Jersey.
Of Course, Steve Sailer will graciously allow this response to you go through….
“The Hawaii that tourists don’t see is a third-world dump”
I realized this after watching a few episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter.
“When I was in Tibet I was struck by how much the native Tibetans looked like Navaho Indians.”
Well, the Navaho are from the Na Dene group, who are mostly found in Western Canada. Studies have shown that they arrived to the Americas much later than other Amerindians. It makes sense that the Navaho look more Asian than other Indian tribes. I’d be curious to know how Navaho intelligence stacks up to that of other tribes. Anecdotally, it does seem that the Navaho of Arizona and New Mexico have their act together more than the Sioux of the Dakotas.
For what it's worth, Northern California was home to a thicket of many different languages, like the Caucasus and parts of West Africa also are. ( I think Na Dene was included in this.) Such thick concentrations of tongues are rare. Would it suggest early arrival, or late?
Well, the Navaho are from the Na Dene group, who are mostly found in Western Canada. Studies have shown that they arrived to the Americas much later than other Amerindians. It makes sense that the Navaho look more Asian than other Indian tribes.
When I was a boy, that is what I actually thought that Johnny Rivers was actually singing!?! Ha!!
Whites are getting comparatively homogenized as far as culture and place of origin
That’s why my preferred term for “white” is “American”.
hey steve, would it be too much to ask if you would do graphs seperating NE asians, SE asians, indians + ME asians + islanders? or is that not possible? I know it is alot of work.
In the end, do test scores really matter?
White men will score more yellow girls, and their babies will take white names and be considered white.
As Amy Chua wrote in Battle Hymn, the white/Jewish male and Chinese/East-Asian female mating is the prevalent norm in many elite colleges.
American Indians are racially Asian; it’s interesting their IQ scores are so low. Either they are from one of the not-so-smart Asian groups or else evolution in America lowered their IQs for some reason.
Your thinking here is way too static.
Asians (and whites) didn’t just become smart during the Last Glacial Maximum. There was no doubt some very significant selection for IQ and conscientiousness acting pretty immediately on people who left Africa–and then left tropical coastlines–and inhabited cold regions with winter.
But most of the IQ\conscientiousness selection has occurred since the neolithic revolution and was going strong right on through historic times. (The world’s remaining hunter gathers are uniformly not very bright, with the Arctic peoples like eskimos the smartest.) Agriculture quickly jacks up the population density to the Malthusian limit and creates selection for those farmers who are well organized, hard working, thrifty, conscientious as well as resistant to the ambient diseases. There was continual grinding downward mobility. If you didn’t produce as well … you’d leave behind fewer descendants or none at all.
Then civilization–trade, written language, money, bureaucracy–piles on on top of that, with whole new skill sets for reproductive success.
It’s clear, for instance, that the Chinese imperial exams created a selection for good exam taking skills. Because the guys who passed and entered the bureaucracy had superior resources and could woo the ripest girls–plural, because they could have concubines if they could afford it–and provide for more kids. Below them successful farmers could get wives and provide for more kids. Less smart\conscientious couldn’t support many\any kids, much less provide them land for the next generation.
These same pressures existed in Europe. Gregory Clark’s “Farewell to Alms” makes the case with inheritance records, that it was the successful farmers that left behind considerably more children and populated the present. His argument is that this selection increased IQ, discipline, cooperation sufficiently to allow for industrial takeoff. And within Europe the Jews clearly had very strong selection for the skills required for basic literacy (you must be able to read the Torah or you’re a non-starter) and trading and rent-seeking. The Ashkenazi Jews got quite a bit smarter within the course of just a thousand or fifteen hundred years.
In contrast, tropical Africa with mediocre soils and high pathogen load was not under as intense Malthusian pressure. Africans had very high selection for disease resistance–and for chatting up a girl or fighting off the competition–but much less selection for nose-to-the-grindstone conscientiousness or IQ or other skills associated with high-latitudes and civilization.
The bottom line–selection is continuous, it doesn’t just stop.
Right now we have vaccines and antibiotics and keep most all kids–sickly or not–alive and are building up mutational load. There’s been a propaganda campaign encouraging smart white women that the most important thing is having a bullshit paper pushing “career” and that two kids is the socially responsible maxium–though it’s great to adopt African babies and work for an NGO trying to fix Africa’s problems (and raise their population even more!). All while we subsidize the reproduction of civilizational incompetents–people who can’t organize their lives to support themselves–with welfare.
So now selection is for a different skill set. In the rare case–if you’re lucky–folks like the Duggars.
But the environment we’ve created produces even bigger reproductive success stories like Desmond Hatchett:
The Hmong I taught at a California school were plenty bright, but they were often stuck in their old ways. One white young man I know couldn’t marry his Hmong girlfriend until he paid the dowry. Another issue is once they turn 18 their parents want them to go to work to support the family. I saw bright kids quit college so they could work menial labor to support their parents.
Theme song: Secret Asian Man.
Off the top of my head, I credit our Koreans. We have a lot of them, and they seem to be very intelligent.
Also credit Bell Labs and Big Pharma. Middlesex county is full of Asians, including i think the largest concentration of Indians anywhere in the US–and most of them i’d think college educated and working in tech, pharma or finance.
I live about ten minutes from Palisades Park, the USA's biggest Koreatown.I wonder if a lot of Korean women married US soldiers who were based at some military base in New Jersey. Here is some more info from the Wikipedia article (emphasis added).
The per capita Korean American population of Bergen County, New Jersey, ... 6.3% by the 2010 United States Census (increased to 6.9% by the 2011 American Community Survey), is the highest of any county in the United States.All of the nation's top ten municipalities by percentage of Korean population as per the 2010 Census are located within Bergen County, while the concentration of Korean Americans in Palisades Park, New Jersey, in Bergen County, is the highest of any municipality in the United States, at 52% of the population.
Living in this area for 15 years, I 've had many casual interactions with New Jersey's Koreans, and they generally impress me as quite intelligent and polite. There are many Korean Christian churches everywhere throughout the county.Replies: @Mike Sylwester, @Clyde, @leper messiah
A substantial number of affluent Korean American professionals have settled in Bergen County, New Jersey since the early 2000s and have founded various academically and communally supportive organizations, including the Korean Parent Partnership Organization at the Bergen County Academies magnet high school and The Korean-American Association of New Jersey.Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, within Bergen County, has undertaken an ambitious effort to provide comprehensive health care services to underinsured and uninsured Korean patients from a wide area with its growing Korean Medical Program, drawing over 1,500 Korean American patients to its annual health festival.Bergen County's Broad Avenue Koreatown in Palisades Park has emerged as a dominant nexus of Korean American culture .... while the nearby Fort Lee Koreatown is also emerging as such. The Chusok Korean Thanksgiving harvest festival has become an annual tradition in Bergen County, attended by several tens of thousands.... in January 2012, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie nominated attorney Phillip Kwon of Bergen County for New Jersey Supreme Court justice ....According to The Record of Bergen County, the U.S. Census Bureau has determined the county’s Korean American population – ... 63,247 by the 2011 American Community Survey -- has grown enough to warrant language assistance during elections, and Bergen County's Koreans have earned significant political respect. As of May 2014, Korean Americans had garnered at least four borough council seats in Bergen County.[61]
Living in this area for 15 years, I ‘ve had many casual interactions with New Jersey’s Koreans, and they generally impress me as quite intelligent and polite. There are many Korean Christian churches everywhere throughout the county
Couldn’t agree more.
The northeast Atlanta county I live is heavily Korean. They are unfailingly polite, industrious, religious, drive nice cars, keep up their houses, and have kids who behave and mimic their elders behavior. When Koreans bow before you, you can’t help but feel ultimate respect.
About the only irritating behavior is the odd, slow driving where they stop for no reason at all in the middle of a street. (I’ll take that though…we are talking Asian drivers after all!)
I live about ten minutes from Palisades Park, the USA's biggest Koreatown.I wonder if a lot of Korean women married US soldiers who were based at some military base in New Jersey. Here is some more info from the Wikipedia article (emphasis added).
The per capita Korean American population of Bergen County, New Jersey, ... 6.3% by the 2010 United States Census (increased to 6.9% by the 2011 American Community Survey), is the highest of any county in the United States.All of the nation's top ten municipalities by percentage of Korean population as per the 2010 Census are located within Bergen County, while the concentration of Korean Americans in Palisades Park, New Jersey, in Bergen County, is the highest of any municipality in the United States, at 52% of the population.
Living in this area for 15 years, I 've had many casual interactions with New Jersey's Koreans, and they generally impress me as quite intelligent and polite. There are many Korean Christian churches everywhere throughout the county.Replies: @Mike Sylwester, @Clyde, @leper messiah
A substantial number of affluent Korean American professionals have settled in Bergen County, New Jersey since the early 2000s and have founded various academically and communally supportive organizations, including the Korean Parent Partnership Organization at the Bergen County Academies magnet high school and The Korean-American Association of New Jersey.Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, within Bergen County, has undertaken an ambitious effort to provide comprehensive health care services to underinsured and uninsured Korean patients from a wide area with its growing Korean Medical Program, drawing over 1,500 Korean American patients to its annual health festival.Bergen County's Broad Avenue Koreatown in Palisades Park has emerged as a dominant nexus of Korean American culture .... while the nearby Fort Lee Koreatown is also emerging as such. The Chusok Korean Thanksgiving harvest festival has become an annual tradition in Bergen County, attended by several tens of thousands.... in January 2012, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie nominated attorney Phillip Kwon of Bergen County for New Jersey Supreme Court justice ....According to The Record of Bergen County, the U.S. Census Bureau has determined the county’s Korean American population – ... 63,247 by the 2011 American Community Survey -- has grown enough to warrant language assistance during elections, and Bergen County's Koreans have earned significant political respect. As of May 2014, Korean Americans had garnered at least four borough council seats in Bergen County.[61]
Wednesday September 18, 2013, 9:25 AM
An estimated 30,000 visitors gathered at New Overpeck Park this past weekend for the 12th annual Chusok harvest festival, a Korean tradition similar to the American Thanksgiving.
Attractions included live cultural performances, traditional wrestling, food, vendors, kite flying and more.
The two-day festival was organized by the Korean American Association of New Jersey, based in Palisades Park.
*** I would go to such a festival to take a look. It meshes with American Thanksgiving. I can respect this. Among NE Asians in America I like Koreans more. Fujian is where we get most legal-illegal Chinese from these days. Fujian is 1000 miles south of Beijing. Seoul is 200 mile south of Beijing.
Similarly, it’s (probably) not like all Levantine populations started out at the Jewish mean, and only Jews managed to avoid getting dumber.
American Indians are racially Asian; it’s interesting their IQ scores are so low. Either they are from one of the not-so-smart Asian groups or else evolution in America lowered their IQs for some reason.
When I was in Tibet I was struck by how much the native Tibetans looked like Navaho Indians. Does anyone know how smart Tibetans are?
You (probably) have it backwards, and east Asian mean IQ went up after the split between Asians and Amerinds.
OT: Steve, I hope you’ll review the movie coming out this Christmas season, The Night Before.
With a score by Sir Paul?
(Ironically, “We Can Work It Out” is on the Muzak here as I write this.)
> All that Coors and dopesmoking gets into the kids.
Actually Colorado whites do very very well–behind only Mass and NJ, even with DoD kids.
The Asian-white gap is big because there’s absolutely no reason for Asians to be Colorado, no significant historic presence, so the Asians there are almost all college educated there for aerospace or telecom jobs. Ergo their kids are a smarter class of Asian than average.
It’s called “selective migration” … just don’t tell Chanda Chisala, he can’t wrap his brain around the concept.
“Asian, P.I.” Sounds like a catchy name for a multicultural crime drama.
Class it up Mr. Mountain.
Sailer is not cheerleading Asian educational success, he is *reporting*. It’s up to you what you make of it.
I happen to agree with you. Having a separate–racially or culturally or simply in identity–elite group is very, very bad for a nation as the American experience with the Jews has shown. (I think basically it’s turned out to be fatal. Though in fairness a good part of that is that the white package of traits–cooperation, altruism, high-trust–which makes *closed* white nations so pleasant, is also easily exploitable by hostiles.) I have about as much desire to be lectured to and bossed about by Ivy educated Chews like Amy Chua’s kids–or the insane “mattress girl”–as i do by the Jews themselves–i.e. zero. Asians *may* integrate and see themselves as just “Americans”, better than the Jews–not having a 2000+ year tradition of explicit religiously mandated majority hostility. But … who knows? Bringing more and more of them over here, to purge smart white guys from tech jobs is unnecessary, dangerous and wrong.
But Steve isn’t cheerleading this–far from it, he’s explicitly outed himself as a nasty “citizenist who believes a nation belongs to–and its policies should be in the interest of–its citizens. Steve’s reporting the data. It’s up to you to ponder it and make use of it. Your comment was both clueless (about Steve) and low class.
I’m surprised Pennsylvania scores aren’t higher. Given that the school environment is so conducive to learning. Like this school in Allentown, PA.
The whole category of Latino is an excellent roll call of American identity pathologies. It’s so whimsical and irrational that if I were a poly sci professor in another country, I’d use it as an entertaining teaching tool.
Assimilated East Asian parents don’t push the kids as hard because they can’t. It would backfire. In order to use harsh manipulations to mold children, or especially teens, most of their peers need to experience the same treatment. So, if the Asian parents remain part of a larger Asian community with few outsiders, the behavior can pass as normal. If the kids are exposed to peers with more Euro/American encouragement/freedom they come to see their own parents as sadistic control freaks (which they may in fact be) and are much more prone to rebel.
The “tiger parent” culture is not exactly as Amy Chua portrays it. There’s usually a lot more abuse involved. Or rather, whites would view it as abuse and probably need counseling after a childhood spent that way.
I’d like to know how many of the whites in the sample were/are actually Hispanic. That would skew the results (against whites).
I differentiation was not made between North Asians and Southeast Asians, obviously.
OT, but at Breitbart, Trump is walking back his stupid comments on H1B visas.
Breitbart is functioning as Trump’s PR agency.
(Have to say Cruz was very impressive – he has a razor sharp mind. I’d like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket.)
That sounds like your admission to play card games between Caribbean ports. "Trump-Cruz: a gamble and a trip!"
I’d like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket.
What is the point of these mad-calibrator blizzard of statistics?
Yup, if I had a dollar for every set of useless statistics Sailer collects, I’d be $623 richer.
I live in New Jersey, near New York.
Off the top of my head, I credit our Koreans. We have a lot of them, and they seem to be very intelligent.
I have the impression that New York’s Asians are more Chinese.
We’re getting educated Koreans from capitalist South Korea.
Bergen County has a high Korean concentration. Same with Passaic and Essex. A lot of the parents of the first-generation Korean-American kids (the owners of Korean cleaners/stores/businesses) were professionals in Korea (engineers, pharmacists, etc.). The second-generation kids have two highly-educated parents at home.
Cool it there, Blizz.
Actually, I’m using a column that specifically breaks out Asians from Asians/PIs.
“White” is basically a racial group (okay really a color).
“Asian” refers to a geographical area.
Technically you could have White Asians (Georgians maybe? Some Iranians, Yazidis, Anatolian Turks are awfully pale.)
Interesting that the Dept of Defense scores are so similar.
Must be some selection of parents going on there …
American Indians are racially Asian; it’s interesting their IQ scores are so low. Either they are from one of the not-so-smart Asian groups or else evolution in America lowered their IQs for some reason.
When I was in Tibet I was struck by how much the native Tibetans looked like Navaho Indians. Does anyone know how smart Tibetans are?
Your thinking here is way too static.Asians (and whites) didn't just become smart during the Last Glacial Maximum. There was no doubt some very significant selection for IQ and conscientiousness acting pretty immediately on people who left Africa--and then left tropical coastlines--and inhabited cold regions with winter. But most of the IQ\conscientiousness selection has occurred since the neolithic revolution and was going strong right on through historic times. (The world's remaining hunter gathers are uniformly not very bright, with the Arctic peoples like eskimos the smartest.) Agriculture quickly jacks up the population density to the Malthusian limit and creates selection for those farmers who are well organized, hard working, thrifty, conscientious as well as resistant to the ambient diseases. There was continual grinding downward mobility. If you didn't produce as well ... you'd leave behind fewer descendants or none at all.
American Indians are racially Asian; it’s interesting their IQ scores are so low. Either they are from one of the not-so-smart Asian groups or else evolution in America lowered their IQs for some reason.