All races share a single mind.
This makes it easy for Paul Kersey to read minds.
" "…one of an overwhelming number – 70 percent – of black voters in California who voted for Proposition 8 and helped secure its passage, according to exit polling conducted by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International."
It sure is nice to learn that even blacks are good for something…
So-called "Country Music" since the 1980's is really the record companies' white version of the infamous 'race records'; in other words, it is designed to appeal to ignorant stupid white rednecks. Good music, on the other hand, can be appreciated by all. The influence of blackness in early country music can be heard in the likes of Hank Williams (who learned guitar from a black man), Jimmie Rodgers, and others.
These arguments on ownership are missing the point. The indigeneous populations of America were conquered by an invasion of forces wielding superior technology and power and thus vanquished. This has happened repeatedy in history and is true for almost every country in the middle east and europe. By this Argument palestinians should get palestine back and Greeks should get constantinople and cyprus back. The American example like Australia is just described as a theft because it was so one sided.
Godffrey: Fox news is not about conservative ideas or defending white people, its about making Rupert Murdoch even richer.
How nice to see someone twigging to that fact.
Let's hope that everyone manages to remember how Al-waleed bin Talal bought 5.46% of News Corp., the parent company of "anti-terrorist" FOX News. From the link:
I also told you about Prince AlWaleed’s bragging that when FOX News reported on the perennial Muslim riots in France, he called Rupert Murdoch, demanding the word “Muslim†be removed. A half hour later, FOX News was calling these Muslim riots “civilian†riots, with the word Muslim nowhere to be found or heard.
Remember, these were the riots that saw thousands of "carbeques" destroying vehicles owned by decent French citizens.
Clearly, Glenn Beck and his Fox buddies don't have any sort of hand on the tiller.
Care to think about how this same anti-American Saudi scumbag has recently secured a $300 MILLION stake in Twitter along with major positions in Time-Warner, Apple and eBay?
I consider Fox to be part of the main stream media and i want it to go out of business as much as i want to see NBC and CNN off the airwaves.
Good on ya, mate. Fox's greatest contribution to modern civilization is its airing of "The Simpsons", one of the best written shows on television.
In a way its worse than the rest of the media outlets because it distracts white conservatives from real issues (their demographic decline) and distracts them with petty, culture war nonsense (gay marriage, "the war on christmas", etc).
They all do and Fox is only marching under the usual false colors that all media outlets do wherever they are given the least chance.
Anonymous (August 27, 2009 11:29 AM): Speaking of Katrina, why is it OK to say that a White President is racist but not a Black President?
That would be due to the Liberal dictum regarding how "all whites are racist" and "people of color cannot be racists".
I hope that this clears things up.
These special interest groups are doing nothing short of attacking the free speech of their opponents.
And your point is? You have just discovered what lies on the reverse of the Big Lieâ„¢ coin.
If you are having trouble telling your Big Lieâ„¢, restrict the Free Speech of your critics.
Advertisers that avoid Fox News are just missing out on a great market demographic of people that have jobs and want to purchase their goods.
No they're not!
They are far more concerned with pushing the Politically Correct Multicultural message than worrying about profits.
If this wasn't the case, McDonald's wouldn't be squawking about Black365 along with the corporate equivalent being spewed by so many other companies and media outlets.
Prepaid cellphone companies and rent to own companies etc. can advertise on BET or CW. What's the big deal?
The "big deal" is that not pandering to minorities can be a swift death sentence in the modern business world.
Have you noticed all of the holiday commercials that show, what can only be, a top 1% Black family celebrating what appears to be a "white" Christmas?
Anonymous (August 27, 2009 8:03 AM): I guess your argument will be that whites probably did it too, but the decision was made to show a black carrying out beer for the sole purpose of portraying them in the worst possible light because the media is mostly run by whites, who are racists.
You have got to be kidding!
The media routinely coddles Blacks and, just as with Muslims, goes to ridiculous lengths for the sake of portraying them in the best imaginable light. Far beyond that, actually, which has been the inspiration for numerous articles at SBPDL.
If there is any institution in America that does backflips to appear non-racist, it's the media. Look at the calumny being heaped on Ron Paul for his truthful statements.
There was no need to portray New Orleans Blacks "in the worst possible light".
They did it quite skillfully ALL BY THEMSELVES.
The Superdome during Hurricane Katrina was all that anyone needed to realize that Black Undertow turns into a ferocious riptide of criminality the moment law enforcement is taken offline.
Whether it is Watts, Compton or New Orleans, the moment Blacks sense that law enforcement has its hands full, it's "gibsmedat" time with a consistent pattern of those who retail non-essentials being looted first.
What's more, all of such behavior interlocks perfectly with existing models of Black pathology. Like I said, Blacks already portray themselves in the worst possible light. Who needs to embellish upon it? That would be gilding the lily.
As to your assertion about media racism. You probably do not realize that in their desperate struggle not to appear racist, the Liberal media engages in some of the very worst racism of all.
The bigoted "Soft Racism" of lowered expectations.
Liberals prefer to believe that the poor little Black people just can't help themselves when it comes to stealing, dropping out of school, having multiple illegitimate children, relying upon welfare and every other last perpetual failing of Black people.
It is in the same way that Liberals prefer to believe that Muslim men just can't help but be sexually inflamed by the sight of an uncovered woman, strap bomb vests onto retarded children, indiscriminately rape non-Muslim women or stone people to death for homosexuality.
What is more derogatory; deploring TNB and calling upon Blacks to clean up their act … or excusing it at every turn while cheerfully submitting to the economic blackmail of America's welfare system so as to avoid the wrath of an undeservingly entitled underclass that has been denied its usual tribute?
Clearly, your world view cannot tolerate exposure to reality. Then again, some people are not on speaking terms with the truth.
This is a racist article. sports isn't the only thing blacks excel at. I am a registered nurse and have been one for the last 20 years. You can find blacks in a vast array of technical and post-graduate types of jobs. Sports period, not just basketball is a highly celebrated genre in this country. It isn't just blacks but America period looks up to entertainment stars and athletes like they are royalty.The media has a lot to do with this because we constantly bombarded with the images of these people on television, radio and print.
what is wrong with you im white and proud i didnt own anyone and i do believe all the slaves are dead and gone the time of race wars is over blacks are given a free pass when it comes to racism call me a cracker ill go get my whip call me honky and its only cause your to broke to afford your own hookers grow up and stop acting like the white man has you down the most racist organization i know is the untied negro college fund blatantly showing preference based solely upon the color of your skin
Three sensational stories, all of the Man bites Dog caliber and all better suited for publication in The National Enquirer.
The National Enquirer prefers real stories like John Edwards which the main stream media would not touch for some reason.
Lol i find it entertaining that adults waste their time on blogs like this. black or white, latino, asian, native american, any other human race, it doesn't matter. one day difference in skin color will be nearly gone. i hope every single racist on this page, whether black with a hatred of white people, or white with a hatred of black people, has to experience your child, or someone dear to you marrying someone of the very race you hate. we are all people. you don't see white horses beating up on black horses or black ducks snapping at yellow ducks. racism is dumb and the fact that a 16-year-old knows that better than you old ass adults up on this immature ass blog is sad. all i can do is pray for you people. after i'm done laughing at your misfortune of course. ahahaha. fuck you all.
The high amount of HIV in the black community is a result of both heroin and bi-sexual men who keep their male encounters a secret.
Coming out for a thug is a death sentence, if your homeboys don't kill you, your secret boyfriend will.
So they hide it, and have sex with women too.
I was just watching this humorous fake trailer of an apocalyptic live action movie based on a kids' cartoon, and guess what? Even in a two-minute spoof of armageddon movies, the president is black.
"…I do have a problem with the disrepect."
Of course you do. And don't NO ONE disrespect a black man! I hear this crap as the reason for every instance of a black on white beating session.
Here is a tip: If you want respect, then you have to EARN it. You have to actually be worthy of respect.
You don't just demand it with threats and thuggery, like most blacks think.
You guys are a bunch of racist dummys. There is a difference between criticism of his policies and questioning PRESIDENT Obama's citizenship. The latter is personal. As a black person, I have no problem with anyone who opposes him politically but yes I do have a problem with the disrepect. To question his citizenship without any grounds is disrepectful. Yes, his dad is Kenyan but his mom is American.
I think the Obama, "Birth Certificate" perfectly demonstrates Black Run America. What white president or white presidential candidate could get away with the obvious fraud that Barry is trying to perpetrate on white America? This forgery that has been "released" after all this time isn't even labeled birth certificate. It's still called COLB and the registrar at the bottom of the forgery is Uk La Lee. Someone is a real joker and I'm not laughing.
Of course bHussein Obama's useful idiots will defend anything this fraud does and yell "racisss" at anyone who takes exception to Obuma's deceit. Barry has no shame.
This latest forgery just released will be Barry's downfall.
"Its not as simple as Obama just coming up with that Birth certificate….Check out this link…its a fake again 😉"
It is fake, and not even a good fake.
Hard to believe they really thought this wouldn't be scrutinized.
I'll be surprised if Trump doesn't rip him apart for this.
Its not as simple as Obama just coming up with that Birth certificate….Check out this link…its a fake again 😉
More importantly than the birth certificate, I'd really like to see this guys grades while in Colombia and Harvard.
I'd like to know how someone as obscure and meaningless as mein Obama could quickly rise through the political ranks….it all smells pretty fishy to me.
Is there something rotten in Denmark? You betcha' there is.
Dems = modern Bolsheviks = far left wing.
Republicans = modern Fascists = far right wing.
Both wings of the same bird of prey.
Off topic on this one,
You mentioned the Thor movie so I will make a comment that I have been thinking about. People think it is ridiculous that Thor is going to be played by a black guy. The media is more than happy to paint those people as racist. However, not a month goes by where I don't see an article whining about "hollywood whitewashing Asia." People have a fit when a white actor plays a role from some anime or video game that originated in Asia. And they have this fit about once a month. Nobody calls these people racist though.
As for Trump and the reaction, I feel like I am at a circus or Disney land where everybody has to be "in character", even the guests. It is all an elaborate farce that has to end, but everybody just keeps pretending. Or even better, the donkey scene in Pinnocchio. They all kick and scream and rage about as they are being taken away, but there is nothing they can do. The good and bad will all be made into donkeys and taken. I have this feeling even without regular TV viewing. I would probably lose my mind if I had to rely on it even for the tiniest bit of entertainment.
Read The Leviathan by Hobbes. It is our future.
Rabid progressives (or is that redundant?) continue to mischaracterize, i.e., lie about, the COLB certification of live birth. It does not represent some other official document (i.e., the one finally released by The Vile Obama), regardless of whether that document actually exists. Instead, the COLB is essentially a useless sham in that it can be issued at the whim of any relative's request, and therefore can easily contain misleading and/or incomplete information. In Hawaii, it is often issued to those born in another country in order to start a documentation trail for later use in obtaining US goodies like drivers' license, Social Security Number, welfare, etc.
I don't expect progressives to apologize for their lies on this matter, because I know they are irrational zealots filled to overflowing with mindless tropes, fantasy narratives, and semantic games, and are therefore utterly incapable of either logical thought processes or morality-based civility.
"Trump might be an opportunist, but he is alienating himself from the land of DWL riches. That he pressed the peddle harder instead of hitting the breaks is an encouraging sign."
No one has even mentioned one of the greatest moments of the entire episode…
That douche-bag Robert DeNiro foolishly criticized Trump, apparently believing there would be no consequences. Trump then proceeded to decapitate him, it was great!
The Birther issue is something I don't care about. It always seemed like a tangential issue, when compared to something such as the economic breakdown of the nation:
But what Donald Trump has done is show that two groups of people are diametrically opposed to any criticism of Mein Obama (DWLs and "the Blacks").
Trump might be an opportunist, but he is alienating himself from the land of DWL riches. That he pressed the peddle harder instead of hitting the breaks is an encouraging sign.
SBPDL, you have called it correctly…
Trump's actions have brought us CLARITY as to monolithic mindless Black inability to make distinctions between criticism of something done by a black person versus true racism (whatever that may actually be these days).
In the same way, Terry Jones has brought us moral clarity about whether Americans can distinguish between a fundamental right of free speech versus being a dhimmi to Islam.
Within the confines of the insane asylum brought to us by DWL's, we absolutely need more clarity.
"We should adopt Chinese policy of birth licensing and limits."
No we should not, the One Child Policy's shortsightedness is too problematic. If you think it would curtail the birthrates of a segment of the population that generally has little to no respect for the law in the first place I have bad news for you. You are then left with enforcing this policy in a way that is anathema to a still large portion of the public.
That said, I agree with the rest of your post Kurt.
alright here's a bit of food for thought. Is it not true that most political moves are media based just like the Arizona illegals bill. My opinion honestly it was withheld on purpose to leave an intentional target for everyone to play into. Then BAM here's your proof all doubters are now racist and un-American. Donald trump is a bit goofy and is on point with several things but he's falling into a ploy im afraid. He will destroy his own chances if he doesn't change the subject to other HUGE issues in this country. Mein Obama and his wife are just another reality TV show really…they get more magazine covers and air time than anything I've ever seen. Yet the policies they are making while everyone is reading Michelle's magazine articles on life in the white house are destroying and undoing everything that made this country great. Someone is pulling strings detracting us from what really matters. We should adopt Chinese policy of birth licensing and limits.
Obama shot himself in the foot on this one.
There was already an enourmous air of doubt about the legitimacy of this POTUS when he was first sworn in. You would think that he would have produced the proper documents immediatly after being sworn in to assuage any doubts?…By waiting almost 2%1/2 years after being sworn in looks very suspiscious (ergo-giving his "people" time to forge a legal looking document??).
Now I'm not actually saying this long form is fake, but by waiting so long after all this controversy came about…. The fact that John McCain had to produce his when he ran on the Republican ticket (he was born in the then U.S. territory of the Panama canal zone, defacto making him a citizen. His father was a naval commander at the zones naval base)…The fact that his father is classified as African instead of as "Negro" which was the common nomenclature on all U.S. birth certificates for blacks until 1965.
All of this when put together throws an air of illegitimacy about this POTUS. He could have silenced all of his detractors more than 2 years ago, but by waiting so long it just threw kerosene on the fires about him, fueling the conspiracy theories!.
SBPDL, this is perhaps the most refreshing series of BOMBS ever hurled at our pathetic media and Barry Obama/Soetoro! It gets better everyweek! Nothing is better than the bait and switch. Nothing.
After 3 long years Barry finally releases his BC, is about to release a personal statement, and the Donald swoops in on his Trumpcopter. The Donald declares victory, rips Barry and then our little Commander in Chief responds. Hilarious. Backslap! Then silly Soetoro runs to Oprah for support!
The race baiter Barry looks like a race baiting agitator. He recently ran to Al FUCKING Sharpton, another white hating pastor on Easter, and Whoopi is playing the race card!!!
Trump just further exposed Barry as a weak, race baiting, affirmative action baby. Well played.
Liberals/Progressives/Fascist Pres. candidates DO NOT win elections with far left ideology. Period. The Easter Bunny beats Barry in 2012.–the Man
SBPDL, the only people attacking Trump more than the DWLs are the neo-Conservatives. Just look at any Trump-related article on Hotair or any other site with ties to Michelle Malkin and you will find nothing but attacks on Trump, even when he is making these big (and hilarious) gains. Naturally the hate gets worse as you branch out into the mainstream Republican talkers such as the useless Rove. I think I have seen some of them even accept the notion that Trump is actually racist. Disgusting.
Though the more classical conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh or Hannity (not real Right-wingers, but much less progressive) love Trump.
I am sorry to have stained your site with American politics. I just wanted you to be open to the idea of DWNs (Disengenuous White Neocons, pronounced "downs" lol).
In the first video, wouldn't it be interesting if the words were switched around and then Sharpton or Jessie Jackson's names were inserted?
Why are blacks not offended by those 2 race baiting clowns who make black people look bad? I don't get it.
OH and questioning your President is not racist, black people. IT IS YOUR CIVIC DUTY. Something very few of you know about.
Vote white and get this clown out of office next election.
"I began to cry. I thought of my ancestors… a white man who was handed everything call the President of the United States (and me) a nigger."
That quote from Thurston is one of the most whiny, ill-informed, bathetic, self-pitying, and intellectually lazy examples of confirmation-bias-driven victimhood I've ever read.
What, pray tell, does Mr. Thurston think of the fact that during the 2008 campaign John McCain was dragged into court to prove his US citzenship? Funny how this part of the story NEVER gets any play!
Bottom line, if you're black and you just can't cut the mustard, yell racism.
It doesn't get much more pathetic than that.
This is bullshit. For all you black people out there, it's not because he's black that we doubt. It's because his father is not a Natural Born Citizen. So that will raise doubt. Take this racist bullshit and shove it up your ass.
Well….everyone knows that a "sneaky deceitful black man who bucks a white person's request"…
just HAS to be a nigger…because Uncle Tom's are NOT sneaky deceitful black people who buck white people requests!
Uncle Tom's JUST do not behave that way!!!
Remember rule number one…
In the black world you are either a nigger or Uncle Tom…and white America doesn't "declare" who is what…
They do it all the time!
"These are the same people who would pack up and move out of a neighborhood if a person like me moved next door".
It's called freedom of assembly.
I am free to live apart from radicals, liars, dissemblers, blacks, anyone I chose NOT to associate with.
And, Goldie, if "black culture" is so great, then why do you need to move into a white neighborhood? Why is that, Goldie?
And, yes, many people have been asked to document their citizenship and qualifications to be President. The most recent was John McCain.
So, so, so sick of their lies and BS.
This was about Mein Obama's immaturity, arrogance and hubris.
His inability to be a bigger person and act with respect for the American people put a military Officer in jail. For asking a question.
Blacks believe that all blacks should get a free pass in all situations. They are the protected class, and will fight this "call out" of Obama to the bitter end:
Trump called him a nigger? Well, not really but he did force him to show his birth certificate which is the same as calling him a nigger.
Just how pathetic can blacks be?
If this president was caught on videotape committing first degree murder, all you'd hear from the blacks is that he was set up by "racists."
But you got to love the hypocrisy in the situation. Black people, who love to dabble in conspiracy theories about whites (remember Obama's pastor saying that AIDS was invented by the government to kill off black people) are now of a sudden foaming at the mouth when legitimate questions are raised about their brother's birth certificate.
Keep in mind, there are still unanswered questions about this photoshop forgery. Why is when you open the pdf file in illustrator, it has several different layers that can be moved around? Why is it that Obama, being born on August 4th, 1961 has the certificate # 61 10641 and yet twins who were born AFTER Obama have the numbers 61 10637 and 61 10638 (Google Nordyke twins)? There are way too many holes in this story and that's why it has gained traction.
This is the difference between planet earth and BRA. On planet earth, people make decisions based on evidence where in BRA, decisions are based on emotions.
Mein Obama could sacrifice an infant on prime-time national tv, drink the baby's blood, eat its flesh and still capture 95 plus percent of the African vote.
I have reported your blog for hate speech. You are one of the most racist and offensive bloggers I have seen running rampant Online lately. You should be ashamed of yourself.
"The very first founder and technical owner of North America is Leif Ericson, a Norse explorer."
So before he "found" America, were people already living there? Using the same logic, if I am the first of my tribe to "find" Europe, does that mean that I "own" Europe?
Too bad he doesn't know how to Fight back, he could have gottrn in a few punches if he had only known how. We have to have a white guard onboard for these kids.
This is so write about the current evolution of American society deeming the white male population as evil and malice. Terrible thing to do. Sick absolutely sick to shun the people who fought so hard for them and they run around T.V. mocking "whitey" and "cracker." I never hated blacks until the last three years. Especially when Obama became (p)resident and they all went screaming around the City of Miami, "WE NIGGERS IN CONTROLLLLL!" Sick. Breaking bottles and calling white women whores. What has this nation come too.
i'm black, born and raised in marietta, ga. i enjoy listening to country music because that's what i grew up on mostly. growing up i barely has any black friends, my parents didn't let me listen to rap music at all.
This website should be shut down. Stuff white people like is based on jokes, this is based on outrageous racism.
Whoever created this is a seriously misled individual. This is an unbelievable display of white supremacy. Stop blaming black people for all of the country's problems. Not all black people are unintelligent babbling fools like you make them out to be. Black people have done plenty for this country (including being enslaved and dominated for years) so calm down.
By the same token there are plenty of white people that can't speak correct english, don't pay taxes, don't have jobs, live off of welfare and disability, are sexual perverts, are obese, have health issues etc. So instead of blaming things on black people blame things on every PERSON who doesn't contribute to society.
Universal health care to, me at least, isn't about money and the selfish thought that comes along with it. Its about HUMANITY. Have the common decency to realize that while some of you may have plenty many of your fellow human beings sharing this planet have NOTHING. regardless of race. You are a selfish, inconsiderate and pitiful human being if you cannot think beyond your own wealth and cannot see beyond your own front yard to care for someone else who is suffering from a health issues. You could get a job, work all of your life and find out one day that you have cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. and all the money you have worked for and saved is not enough to pay for treatments. This could happen to any of you or your family members.
This kind of though really just makes me sad.
"last anon" here…
fair enough,
but before 1966 there was dixieland, swing, jazz, bebop, blues, rock´n roll…
of course it depends on what we define as "integration" (formal vs informal), but louis armstrong, duke ellington, charlie parker, john lee hooker, miles davis, etc etc, did a LOT in terms of acceptance of blacks into larger society.
I have to disagree last anon…
Music has not had the same influence on integration as sports.
It wasn't music that brought about the integration of the south, it was sports and the fear of being excluded from the national championship debate (see Alabama 1966 undefeated and all-white team).
Most people laugh at the exploits of rappers, pop stars and other musicians.
Please stop saying "Outside of sports, positive images of Black people are hard to come by".
There is the field of music, which has probably had a much bigger influence on integration.
Also, while sports is a physical acitivity, and therefore its stars can be reduced to merely physical/"animalistic" beings,
music is a mental activity.
great blog.
I remember what most chilled me about Starship Troopers was the fact that Heinlein, in 1959, predicted the coddling of juvenile criminals and the corresponding rise in violent crime. Johnny Rico's country was founded when groups of veterans inflicted vigilante justice on the roving gangs of thugs.
I just watched the The Dog Whisperer". I could not believe, The black woman was having problems with her French Bull dog. Caesar actually called on the power of black women like Rosa Parks to take control of her dog. Schmultz like that in a better world would be so embarassing. I don't think I am going to watch that show for a long time. I wonder when and if Caesar will be channeling Caesar Chavez next.
Actually, in the Book women did serve as starship officers and Captains, but Steve is correct a woman couldn't be a Sky Marshal because the prerequisite is command of both a ship and a MI Regiment.
It scares me that the USAF is lowering standards for pilot training. Flying an airplane is one of those things where lack of merit tends to bite more than just the pilot in the ass.
Like most films the book was far better. If I remember correctly women didnt have a place in the Federation and certainly wouldnt hold the office of Sky Marshall. This was just another PC change to the book.
Ill say this though as a veteran I like the idea of us taking control and running the world. Especially when most students cant find England on a globe or list the three branches of government.
Most american indians died from disease, not war, and there weren't very many of them to begin with. And besides, they aren't from here either. They migrated and colonized, and are not "native." But in the end, they were sitting on some very desirable land, and were no match for the natural propogation of more advanced civilization, and no matter how differently it could have happened, the result would be the same.
To the poster of this…I think you are an idiot. While having some insightful commentary and interesting points being made…I still think you are an idiot.
I have been meaning to write something like this on one of my blogs and this has given me an idea. Cheers.
Ok, speaking as a white person, the joke was disrespectful. But I'm pretty sure that the whole point of this was NOT to down on black people… I mean they KILL every guy in the movie that laughed at that joke. Why? Because they were bad people. IT WAS SUPPOSED to be disrespectful. Not because the director hates black people, but because it helped charactarization.
You think the people who made the movie are telling us to go out and kill criminals?
Are you implying that the great white man actually killed people by the millions and stole this country from native people? I thought Columbus discovered America.
-Black guy
LOL. What a bunch of retards.
If you want "your country" back you'll have to give it to the original natives. Idiots.
Obama is going to be a victim of circumstances, that is for sure. A victimization complex at the core of his personality may be the reason for his nonchalance in these most perilous of times.
I think a valid third party effort is needed to break the deadlock of the duopoly which invites domination by oligarchs and suffocates political dissent. I am concerned since by midcentury the consequences for our country of this latest binge of deficit spending will become clear. The debt service is going to be paid to sovereign wealth funds, not to “us†as it is usually described. A revolutionary situation will develop because all solutions proposed by the then-establishment will clearly be counterproductive, and make that extremely so. When we pay our taxes in the future, much of the wealth we consign over to the federal government will be shipped to overseas accounts of countries such as China who likely will be in fierce economic competition with us for remaining global markets and resources. Also, the Chinese are military competitors in the making.
So the reason people will pay taxes then is …to hasten our demise? I don’t think so; and to prepare for that eventuality a powerful third party must be started now so there will be a legitimate channel for the ultimate dissent: secession. Our backs will absolutely be against the wall by then.
Reasons? Well,the federal government will have to resort to an army of Treasury Police to enforce acceptance and usage of the dollar in economic transactions, all of which will be subject to onerous value-added taxes. Additionally, in order to regularize the economy further there will be extensive wage and price controls once the inflation generated by this “stimulus†takes hold. This will of course result in a huge black market, in turn a further reason for policing of the economy in a soviet-style manner. Dissent will become linked to economic crime and will be outlawed.
But as I have said above the revolutionary situation may develop because the USA is a debtor nation; essentially a financial colony of the sovereign wealth funds of China and other holders of our TBills. Taxation, already onerous, will become unbearable in light of the fact that the collection of taxes itself will strengthen our enemies; doubt will correctly be raised about the loyalty of the government to the people. That loyalty is even now being raised by Michael Scheuer in regard to security of the border.
The “original 13 colony†mentality will reassert itself. Prosperity will frankly be seen never to be realizable unless a re-ordering of the borders takes place to enable the productive to separate themselves and rid themselves of dollar debt.
Ergo, secession
The only people who wanted a post-racial America were the white liberals, who naively assumed that black people wanted some kind of racial reconciliation. Black people don't want a post-racial America! That would mean they have to stop complaining about racism constantly, they would have to give up Affirmative Action, and they would have to stop using race as an excuse for every failure.
A post-racial America is the Black man's nightmare!
If they are concerned about unemployment they should call for a moratorium on immigration. It is displacing blacks.
The State of the Black Union is no longer on the air mainly because it went against the cry baby beg the white man for acceptance establishment. That wasn't the "Barry the half breed" fan club on that stage.
If you ever want to know what real black folks think about Barry the half breed stop getting your numbers and stats from Democrat poll takers. You'll be surprised to find the number is far less than the popular 90%.
-Black guy
I might be wrong, but the two excellent videos seem to be speaking directly to black people. The short one with Ms. Peggy Joseph inspires both sadness and laughter . By her accent I'm guessing she's from the west Indies. No American born black person could be that naive.
-Black guy
Paul Reiser is the DWL at the end of this clip who secretly wants to take the aliens home for profit. His "six-pointed" conversational skills convince the marines to stay.
All the marines are ripped apart limb from limb and not even the robot character is spared. Ripley and Newt (the only females) are not killed but instead empregnated by the aliens.
Bring in 200,000 Haitian orphans and you'll see similiar results.
That "wise" latina did not vote with the majority so you're a little off there! She was a dissenter with 3 others! However in a way you are right. Having a few wise people may not make a difference in the end! Today in many ways America died and it doesn't matter what your political affiliation is! Have to lol at it though! I guess the next box we will have to check when applying for a job(or anything) is political party! BTW I also dont give a damn about the people in haiti!
I'm being sincere when I say this is one of my favorite sites online, but to say Haiti is black ruled is a bit naive. Considering what just occurred in the United States supreme court, the idea that a nation with a majority white population is white ruled is laughable.
Ever notice how when either of your political parties hold a majority they accomplish nothing.
Forget about Haiti we just watched the voice of the people officially declared irrelevant. I guess I can throw my support behind PG&E/ Exxon-Mobil in 2012.
We're screwed, and all of that smoke and mirrors putting a "wise Latina" in the highest court in the land was BS of the highest order. So, please forgive this Negro for not giving a damn about the people of Haiti.
-Black guy
Does all of this mean America will finally stop being the police dept. of the world?
-Black guy
Black guy,
Your analogy would work better as a sheep in wolf's clothing.
Regarding your growing legion, I consulted the polls and found black approval of Obama still above the 90% threshold – more than double that of whites.
I agree with you 100%. The Boondocks is a great show. I really like how Aaron McCruder is part of growing legion of black Americans that didn't drink the Barry Kool-aid(no pun intended). He like many of us knew all along that Barry is not a black man. He is nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing.
-Black guy
The Boondocks is a splendid show; I own both seasons and am eager for the third.
MLK is the anti-Columbus. I suspect their pedestalization is a zero-sum affair.
I'm not a big fan of Dr. King. He was nothing more than a figure head for the white "liberal" elite class. Despite all of the revisionist history expressed in schools and this site most educated people know that this man was despised by a majority of whites in this country. Their hatred reached its apex once he dared speak out against the war in Vietnam and poverty on a national level, primarily the extreme poverty faced by southern whites. A government created ghetto in New York is no different than government created system of Jim Crow.
The two videos were great!
-Black guy
FUCK……………. ASS!!!!!!
Oh by they way, to the tardo that started this whole thing. You do know that in the second one, All Saints Day. Their third soldier is a MEXICAN! DUMBASS! I GUESS THE SECOND MOVIE IS STILL RACIST. BEING THERES NO MR.T AS A FOURTH SOLDIER! I PITY THE FOO!
The person who made this page has no right to cry about someone saying something mean about other races. What about all this DWL (Dangerous White Liberal) crap?? The most dangerous man in the country is a black liberal (barrack hussein obama)
Oh but to live in a world where when a man punches a woman in the heat of an argument on any subject the only comment is that it is wrong. Just plain wrong.
Ok. I am "BLack" and this site is something i don't like. Why do people believe any of this stuff. I think the joke is funny but people won't like a movie because of one joke. The creators of this site clearly have too much time on their hands. I hope people do not actually believe any of this bull crap.
I realize you refuse to admit this truth, but the tea partiers will go away as soon as Obama leaves office. Your beacon of truth known as News corp.(Fox news) will kiss the ass of the next Republican that spends this country in the ground.
-Black guy
Mr. Guy,
I hope you had an abundant feast and a joyful day with the family; I did. But I did want to respond briefly–or less so.
"I guess I didn't realize this was an online English course."
That's what this site is here for: to educate. And for our next lesson, I'd like to focus on your use of non sequiturs and how they detract from the persuasiveness of your arguments. But that's for next time…
"Tea party "activists" aren't anti-tax or anti-government spending they're anti-democrat, mainly anti-Obama"
This isn't actually true generally. Speaking only for myself, I am anti-tax, anti-government spending (or more accurately, anti-extraconstitutional government spending), anti-democrat, and anti-Obama. For people like myself, both parties are indeed two sides of the same coin *precisely as you stated.* The tea party activists have no use for that coin. Thus again I'll express my perplexity at your disparaging of these people.
As for why there is more anti-democrat than anti-republican sentiment among the tea partiers, it's quite simple. Republicans are typically the lesser of two evils. My selection criteria between two candidates is usually to ask who will work to destroy the country slower. As we see with Obama, the democrats work very quickly indeed.
Finally, I'd like to give you a "shout out" as Obama would say. I saw in other comments where you said: "No one in my family gave into the whole integration craze. we keep to our own neighborhoods, schools, churches,etc. I believe I had a great childhood and life because of it. Also, I like trains and so do my children."
This is a wonderful statement on multiple levels. Sane people of every race neither need nor want integration. You lived happily among your own people and have grown to a productive adulthood without the "critical" need for "diversity." You also imply that you play an active role in your children's lives. Given that the black illegitimacy rate is somewhere between 65-80% I find this heartening as well.
Before I say anything let me apologize for the long paragraph. I guess I didn't realize this was an online English course.Also I understand that you have genetic problems with me, but here are my problems with a few things you said.
1. Waving pictures of Hitler and stupid signs at townhall meetings instead of asking coherent and logical questions of our elected officials sends a message to those in power. It allowed many of the deals to be done in plain site, and not behind the scenes.
2. Tea party "activists" aren't anti-tax or anti-government spending they're anti-democrat, mainly anti-Obama. They will go away when the Republicans take the white house back. If you think I'm full of it, where did all of the "anti-war" protesters go since Bush left office? The two corporate wars are still raging with no end in sight.
3. You say I should pick a side. What side? Both parties are simply two sides of the same coin. Lies and deception from the right or lies and deception from the left. You call that choice?
4. 4) "Politicians have been screwing us long before the half black dude's arrival" I agree, though I wonder if you and I are thinking of the same "us?"
If you and I live and work in the same country, I'am talking about the same "us". Don't worry I predict in 2012 you will be getting screwed over by a Republican. It won't be as bad as this because he or she will look like you, and that's all that matters.
Barack Obama and Sarah Palin have a lot in common. If you can't see that, you're in bad shape.
Happy Thanksgiving!
-Black guy
Mr SBPDL and Black Guy,
I neither seek the destruction of the 'chosen' nor the destruction of black 'culture'. I merely seek the distinction of White men from the self proclaimed 'jewish' race.
If you are actually a White man as I am, Mr SBPDL, I am ashamed of you for disregarding the database tangent that I described.
I remember a post not so long ago that you claimed in a comment that it was your desire to 'wake' people. That post pertained to a 'Muslim' man named Hasan. It has been most disappointing to me thus far hearing you pander to a negroid man instead of addressing this most pertinent issue.
I appreciate both Mr SBPDL's and Black Guy's input on the issues under discussion here. For the record I don't think that 'jews' directly 'rule' the world. I think that 'White' men with no pride or direction have that title.
In the end all these people need to think for themselves, and I doubt either of you would disagree.
Mr. Guy,
That was one long paragraph. And coming from someone complaining about staying on point, a meandering one. But just for the record, I actually did stay on topic–the topic that I was plainly commenting upon: you.
But if you'll indulge me, I'll attempt to address your points, to the extent I can fathom them, in digestible pieces.
1) People of all races and ideologies should not be lead blindly by media figures: I agree.
2) You say "I'm just saying don't cry if while you were at a town meeting waving a picture of Hitler insurance industry lobbyists are making backroom deals that are going to screw us all."
a) whether or not a person chooses to actively voice his interests in a political forum *specifically designed for this very function* is unrelated to whether insurance lobbyists are making back room deals. Also unrelated is whether someone is "waving a picture of Hitler."
Taxpaying legal citizens *should* express themselves at these events. And the more often they do so the better. I don't know if you are advocating silent serfdom or not so I won't put those words in your mouth. But I don't comprehend your disdain for these people and you certainly haven't articulated it.
b) Exactly who are these insurance devils making backroom deals with and why? The *who* would be members of our esteemed legislative and executive branches. And the *why* is because enormous power has accumulated in Washington. The power to impact every citizen in nearly every aspect of their lives. Lobbyists of all stripes seek to harness this power to their own ends.
What I find so bizarre is that you despise the backroom power plays made possible by a leviathon federal government and simultaneously despise the tea-partiers who want to limit the ability of these corporate/government deals to "screw us all." You really ought to pick a side.
3) You say "The alternative to this system is that Americans stop falling for the lies and deceptions from both parties." Well, that's a nice thought but it's hardly an alternative to the system in place. Hoping that people stop falling for lies and deceptions is however an alternative to real life.
4) You say "Politicians have been screwing us long before the half black dude's arrival" I agree, though I wonder if you and I are thinking of the same "us?"
Nice chatting with you and have a happy Thanksgiving.
I would probably understand your points if you would at least stay on topic. I believe the topic is this so-called healthcare reform. Also I'm quite aware that the main theme here is black people suck and we are the worst things on the planet earth. I hope you see that I also have a lot of problems with idiot black people who praise that half black dude in DC. You see it's not what people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama, Joe the plumber, Sarah Palin, or whatever manufactured phony they put out in front of us says, It's if the people are naive enough to fall for it. As far as taking marching orders from News Corp.goes it's not just white conservatives it's liberals also of all races. Just keep in mind that when you tell people on the web and your TV shows to go down to the town halls just remember that everything is recorded. Rush Limbaugh is on tape telling his listeners to go to the meeting to disrupt them. People have the right to do or say what they want ,I'm just saying don't cry if while you were at a town meeting waving a picture of Hitler insurance industry lobbyists are making backroom deals that are going to screw us all. I have stock in these companies that stand to benefit and I have medical insurance. So, good luck! The alternative to this system is that Americans stop falling for the lies and deceptions from both parties. The talk of death panels and abortion clinics in schools is a lot of fun, but I just recommend people do a little research into the real plan beyond the smoke and mirrors. You don't find it interesting that concrete deals have been stuck with industry groups before a vote was even made by the finance committee? Hate black people all you want, hell I find it extremely funny. Just don't be naive. Politicians have been screwing us long before the half black dude's arrival, and they will continue long after he is gone if we don't wise up.
-Black guy
That's interesting. SBPDL, If you're not being facetious in your praise of black guy then you have certainly gleaned some wit and insight from his musings which have been undetectable by me.
I do note a kind of low-brow supercilious nihilism from him along the lines of "Nothing really matters, they're all Jack-Asses and YOU PEOPLE are too dumb to see it." Well, what a heavy burden he must bear.
I thought this rhetorical question (?) of Mr. Guy's was typical:
"Remember all of those idiots following the marching orders from News corp.(Fox news) went to those stupid town hall meetings screaming and grunting like dumb animals while insurance company lobbyists gave billions to Democrats and Republicans to ensure that what ever passes while benefit them."
This non sequitur had several moving parts.
1) white conservatives don't think, they take "marching orders." (from Fox News natch). I suppose that this would be in direct contrast to their lower-IQ black countrymen who ponder the deepest civic externalities before shrieking about "racism" and then demanding yet more preferences.
2) "Screaming and grunting like dumb animals" I won't touch the "dumb animals" dig except to offer up this gem from a previous SBPDL:
And it is also worth mentioning that that "screaming and grunting" was political agitation in its proper forum. Though it's easy to see how Mr. Guy could have been confused into thinking that only blacks get to do this.
3) And yes I'm certain insurance companies lobby legislators just as a myriad of other groups do. I'm not keen on this, but am less keen on the idea that lawmakers can't be petitioned. If BG doesn't approve of this system, perhaps he can suggest an alternative.
Black guy –
I have really enjoyed your comments to this site. Many of your comments regarding healthcare happen to fall in line with mine, as you discuss the pharmaceutical companies usurping even more power and money.
Please continue to post your thoughts. I would argue one of the former 43 presidents was pretty good… Jame K. Polk.
So, I guess you're one of those "the jews rule the world "people. If that were true wouldn't the majority of religious people in this country be Jewish instead of Christian? The reality is that the vast majority of American bankers are not Jewish, just like the country at large. The bottom line is that all religion is nothing more than a childish fairy tale used to control stupid and naive people. When are you people going to learn that Obama is nothing more than an extension of Bush? It's not what a politician says that matter it is what they do. It's really funny to see crazy white people get all upset about a president that is basically a white dude with a really dark tan. While we're fighting about stupid silly things the real business of government is taking place. Industry lobbyists are throwing billions at democrats and republicans to ensure they get their way. The politicians give us mascots and circus acts like Bill Clinton playing a Saxophone, Joe the plumber, Hillary drinking a beer with people she would never associate with if she wasn't running for office, Obama playing basketball or dancing on the Ellen show, or Sarah Palin with all of that Hockey mom crap. Who falls for all of that nonsense? Barack Obama is not my savior or my friend, and you guys need to understand that the previous 43 WHITE presidents weren't yours.
-Black guy
I like this article but..
Can someone tell me about Barack Obama..
I know that he is a serious candidate for '08, but I would like to know where he stands on the issues. I checked his site but nowhere can I find the info. i am looking for.
so please tell me…
No one seems to mention the nationwide database of health information on every single citizen that this 'initiative' also includes.
Please, let me take my tinfoil hat off and explain the most basic breach this effort will have on our society. The banks and other large companies were recently the benefactors of a socialistic attempt at the defibrillation of the dead carcass of America. These banks use a private system to judge the 'credit worthy' as they seek their profit from those that would aspire for the American dream.
The 'credit system' consists of a few 'credit reporting agencies' that have a mystical power to ascertain your ability or will to repay any loans that potential usurers could make a profit from. A nationwide database of health problems and genetic deficiencies is essentially an identical system that pertains to profitability as well.
Once a database of this type has been established there is little chance any attempt to reverse this global/federal/corporate system will ever be reversed. Let there be no doubt in your mind about how important money is in medicine or anything else for that matter.
Yes, I am speaking of a 'health/credit agency' that will decline you because of unprofitably.
"Giving nearly a trillion dollars of tax [money] to wealthy bankers in not socialism."
So are you saying that jews can't benefit from socialism?
I wonder how long before people start to realize:
1) Democrats will do/say ANYTHING to get in power/stay in power.
2) Obama was elected (not in spite of but) BECAUSE he is black.
He doesn't give a crap about your color unless it's going to benefit him. He wants power and to make America more socalist/liberal/"DEMOCRATIC". (see how I use the slashes there because socalist/liberal/democrat are all the same thing)
But besides all of that… who in their right mind would think that it's a good idea to give the American government control of its citizen's healthcare? Does anyone really think our government has done such a great job with any other program that would warrant them taking over our personal health?! How the hell did the idea of American government go from protecting us to taking care of our every thought and potential need? Are Americans becoming that stupid? Are we already?