Most jews are so ugly, they could not get a rise out of a porn star. Rape and homosexuality is the only way for IOF and settler jews to “get any”…
Not sarcasm…
The problem that Christians and nonchristians alike have is confusing the Jews / Israelis with Biblical Israel. If Christians realized they are the people of His Eternal Curse (Edomite-Canaanites), vessels of wrath, His veritable enemies and the enemies of His true people (the true peoples of Christendom), they would then realize their blasphemy against the Word of God and reprehensible disobedience to God in calling the children of Satan God’s Chosen People, and blessing whom God cursed, and allowing them to destroy Christendom. Another massive problem is that the majority of all people react emotionally (often violently) instead of intellectually. Check your emotions at the door, check your pre-conceived ideas at the door, check your attitude at the door, check your personal opinions at the door and CONSIDER THE FACTS. Those who do not hate the Truth, and therefore Hate God and Christ Jesus. God is Immutable and True and Holy and Just. Morality never changes. His Law, Plan, Decrees never change. God declared to be a friend of the world is to be the enemy of God. You can’t serve two masters. God accepts no competition for obedience and worship which are rightly His alone. Christ Jesus, the Personification of Wisdom, in Proverbs boldly declares out into the darkness to any upon whom the light of Truth may shine: He that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul; all those who hate Me love death. God cannot compromise (He is Perfect, Holy, Just, Immutable). All those who squeeze Scripture into the modern paradigm of society’s notions of what sinful minds think is “moral”, “good”, “fair”, and “equality” pervert the Word of God. It is our duty to conform to God’s Mind (which never changes), not vice versa. Robert, Sacred Truth Ministries / Publishing
Gazan leaders don’t call the Goyim insects, filth, or mistakes of creation. Maybe that’s the difference?
Hitler sacrificed so much German blood and after all that only made it worse for the Goyim.
The Romans killed that dude 2000 years ago, according to the dudes that wrote the story.
So why didn’t the Jews say they did it themselves? There’s an interesting question.
Obviously they wanted to take responsibility, but why only take responsibility for telling the Romans to do it and not for actually doing it?
There must be a reason for this.
Judaics are crazy and evil, and intend exterminating the goyim, so that they might ‘feel safe’. Other people think that they are Jews, but by displaying simple human decency they prove themselves human, NOT Judaic. In the Judaics’ words, they are ‘self-hating’.
A lie SO utterly filthy that only a Judeonazi complicit in mass child murder could utter it.
What the Judeonazis actually loathe, as they loathe most of existence, is ‘Holocaust’ discussion.
Such as, how many actually died, by what means and where? How many other, goy, victims were there, and why is their suffering nearly totally ignored in the West? Why were the Jews so hated, and by what proportion of the societies in which they were persecuted? Why are all the other genocides, hecatombs and massacres of history so utterly forgotten in the West? And why were Judeonazis slashing children’s throats in Deir Yassin only three years after Auschwitz was liberated?
Colin Wright writes to Anglin, “You drift into Holocaust Denial, but at least you don’t get stuck there.”
“Holocaust Denial.” What’s that supposed to be? The very idea is meant as a block to rational and critical thought. Its thumbs up or thumbs down. Nothing in between. No nuance.
I got “stuck in “Holocaust Denial” lately and came up with the following essay:
Louis Brandeis, Zionist, Federal Reserve BANK & Supreme Court Appointment … 1913, thereabout
Aljazeera does a very good job of exposing Jewish crimes against humanity. Yes, they allow Jews to appear on their programs but usually those Jews lose it badly by repeating same nonsense about victimhood and others being terrorists and so on. Basically, a bunch of rubbish.
Unlike the prostitute media in the US in particular and Europe Aljazeera is formed on offering platform to different voices and ideas and not like CNN and Fox that proudly prostitute themselves for Jews. Of course, Jews hate the network and even asked dumb Dubya to bomb their headquarters in Qatar.
Overall, the network does a pretty good job of covering many areas of the globe that the overrated whores of Fox and CNN would not dare, for fear of Jews, to even mention in their programs.
Yeah, and meanwhile that Shabbos goy senior citizen blogger, Steve Sailer, takes his blog posts to Substack for his (((choir))) to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,… 😴 😴Replies: @Dumbo, @meamjojo
Thank you Andrew for all your hard work to expose the truth. I guarantee that you are having an impact.
So you’re saying that Anglin couldn’t move his blog to Substack (if they would even accept him) because no one would pay for the crap he writes?
Any “war crimes” committed by Israel in Gaza are more than cancelled out by “war crimes” committed by Hamas, not only against Israelis but against their own people..
I haven’t watched the documentary, nor think I will, but I’ve seen some clips of that underwear stuff. It’s bizarre.
Let’s admit it, Israelis are weird. It’s not just this underwear stuff, they also used to broadcast porn on Palestinian TV. They tend to make Palestinian prisoners parade naked, sometimes even do rape stuff to them.
It’s all about sex with them. Honestly, it is just really, really weird. Who do they think this appeals to?
Chosen by the devil.
Yeah, and meanwhile that Shabbos goy senior citizen blogger, Steve Sailer, takes his blog posts to Substack for his (((choir))) to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,… 😴 😴Replies: @Dumbo, @meamjojo
Thank you Andrew for all your hard work to expose the truth. I guarantee that you are having an impact.
Oh, so there‘s where he’s gone. I find it odd that there were no announcements here at UR about his departure… But there have been no posts lately.
Not that I miss him. He had become stale long ago, and I never partook of his interests (golf, mediocre movies, etc.)
to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,
I have noticed that what most people want from Internet political and social commentary is not so much to learn or understand new things, but to read/watch the same thing that caters to their prejudices, over and over again. It’s some kind of reinforcing mechanism.
So, of course, in the case of Steve, lots of posts about zany DEI stuff, it’s what makes his boomer readership happy, and little about Israel or vaccines or Ukraine, which doesn’t.
What surprises me is that there are any male IDF members that like women enough to want to smell their panties, I was under the assumption that most of them are gay and would be trying on the panties and sniffing the men’s dirty socks.
Naturally, we in the West are going to be more concerned about the atrocities the Jews are committing against us: flooding us with immigrants, normalizing homosexuality and actively recruiting children into homosexuality, pushing women as the overlords of society, degrading our religion and morality, using the economic system to parasite off of our labor, destroying all of our freedoms through the democracy system, and so on and on. It’s natural for us to be much more concerned about these issues than about wars in the Middle East.
it’s natural for humans to be selfish. it’s also natural for the vast majority of them to be stupid. this outlook is both. it’s also the same kind of “victim pissing contest” in which the ziofags routinely engage.
they worship money. so do their enablers. that’s what leading to what you dumbly call the “flood” of immigration.
gayness in normal. it’s just “abnormal” to dumbass pro-natal breeders (or, in technical terms, irish christians) like you who think you need 50 kids because sabretooth tigers and dying from splinters. think of any great person throughout history: does anyone with a single functioning brain cell gives two rats’ arses about the people they fucked when they weren’t inventing shit or conquering other shit? no. just you lot.
“recruiting children”? is it the fucking KISS army or something? most pedos are straight and they sure as hell existed waaaaaaaaaaaaay before jews. if epstein had been born “patrick o’wifebeat” he would have still been a kiddie fiddler. just a pasty ginger one with 10% of his liver intact.
your religion and morality degradesss itself. because the catholic church and all the nonces it employs.
as for “derp womenz run everythings” i just chalk that up to your inability to deal with any chick who isn’t a dumb whore.
TL;DR TIEM! quit whining about boomer shit. nothing you mentioned comes close to the severity of what the hebrew himmlers are doing right now. and maybe the “left” protesters wouldn’t stick out so much if they had even a fraction of their numbers matched by those on the supposed “right”. you can’t spend decades whining about “OMG the muzzlem rapefugee terruristz” and then shift gears to “hey, maybe they’re actual people and shouldn’t watch their kids bleed to death”.
pick. a. fucking. lane.
Replies: @JustSomeJB �
Yep. Round them all up and deport the lot to Israel. Then “…nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” Or so I’ve heard…
“Americanism is all about fetishizing the winner, the rich and high IQ and famous…. It’s utter moral corruption.”
Explain to me whose fault is it then? Are these due to Jewish propagandas, AIPAC lobbying, MSM conditioning? Or are these the results of superficial culture, shallow minds and intellectual laziness of the majority whites?
From the perspective of longer history, the period that led up to WWII had to be reassessed. It wasn’t about ‘Aryan’ supremacism vs hapless Jewish victims but about ‘Aryan’ Supremacism vs ‘Semitic’ Supremacism. Both Germans and Jews caught the supremacist bug, and both groups got horribly victimized in the war.
But the Holocaust Narrative blinded us to the true nature of the ideology of World Jewry as it posited ‘white supremacists’ mass-murdered a bunch of Anne Franks.
But especially with the fall of communism and the rise of US as the lone superpower(and Jewish takeover of the US), the true nature of Jewish Power is on full display.
Ethno-gangsterism and supremacist global agenda.
Kim Dotcom has 1.7 million followers on X:
‘Did this actually get posted on Twitter? The place where they banned the slogan “from the river to the sea?” Which is not in any way genocidal of course. Means the Jewish state must end, not the Jews themselves.’
Without actually disagreeing with you, notice how they’ve got you qualifying yourself. You feel you have to say, ‘Of course I’m not against Jews themselves.’
Wouldn’t want anyone think you were an antisemite. Was that the attitude when Nazi Germany was running amok? When Japan was savaging China? Did everyone feel they must make it clear they didn’t object to Germans themselves or Japanese themselves?
They’re making it so you’ll be afraid to stand up and call a spade a spade. No, this is goddamned wrong, and if any Jew doesn’t like it either, it’s up to him to say so. We’re not the ones who need to make it clear we don’t mean anything personal by it. They’re the ones shooting children and celebrating the fact. They can make it clear they’re not part of it if they’re not.
Pretty damning video of the zionazi genocide but who will ever take action based on the evidence presented even though there is much much much more?
Good piece. You drift into Holocaust Denial, but at least you don’t get stuck there.
I’d add two things.
First, one could trace the way Jews have demonized Arabs and Islam over the last sixty years. It used to be Rudolf Valentino, the Sheik of the Burning Sands, and Lawrence of Arabia — perhaps inaccurate and romanticized, but friendly enough. Now, it’s would you want your daughter to go out with one?
It’s really been quite a trick. Seriously; we have been carefully maneuvered into viscerally thinking of Muslims as evil. So of course we fight evil.
Second, Jews are very, very good at subverting just about everything and putting it into the service of Israel. From the Left and Kibbutzes through Moshe Dayan and his eyepatch to the Neocons to Ben Shapiro keeping the Right on track and standing four-square for the Kosher state, it never ends.
If you think they’re on your side — well, maybe that’s what they want you to think. Then when they’ve got you trusting them…
We are not powerless. This government will fall. Printing shekels like no tomorrow will see to that.
Select your business participation wisely. Form associations with like-minded types.
I would, I have nothing against jews (both nonsemite jews and semitehebrews, as long as they are not tamudistlunatics) or muslims (as long as they are not shariaistlunatics) or christians (as long as they are not ‘christian’sionistlunatics)
Is something really changing?
A celebrity says something no one would have said 10 yrs ago, and the crowd cheers.
American actor Michael Rappaport provides a clear explanation here that Jews are God’s chosen people who can claim whatever land they want and are better than all others so just accept it.
But most Americans just yawn because Americanism is all about fetishizing the winner, the rich and high IQ and famous. In a way, gangsta rap culture was a boon to the oligarchy. With gangsterism made ‘cool’ and ‘badass’, it’s okay for the Deep State and the ruling elites to act ‘gangsta’ too.
And look at the conzos. They don’t care one iota about ‘loser’ Palestinian mediocrities as they are too busy trying to woo rich and smart Jews to their side. It’s utter moral corruption.
The horror of the civilised west and its terrorist creation Israel. The kid is alive. #Gaza
Explain to me whose fault is it then? Are these due to Jewish propagandas, AIPAC lobbying, MSM conditioning? Or are these the results of superficial culture, shallow minds and intellectual laziness of the majority whites?
"Americanism is all about fetishizing the winner, the rich and high IQ and famous.... It’s utter moral corruption."
Congress goes apeshit over this nation
>Hitlers repeated offers … keep all fighting (bombing) out of cities
In Sep 1939 the Germans heavily bombed Warsaw:
Das Bombardement erreichte seinen Höhepunkt am 10. September, dem „blutigen Sonntag“, an dem 17 Luftangriffe stattfanden. …
Gleichzeitig flog die deutsche Luftwaffe Angriffe auf das Stadtgebiet; in über 1700 Einsätzen warfen die Bomber 560 Tonnen Spreng- und 72 Tonnen Brandbomben ab.
In May 1940 they bombed Rotterdam, largely destroying the city center:
Die Bombardierung von Rotterdam 1940 durch die deutsche Luftwaffe fand am frühen Nachmittag des 14. Mai 1940 statt, von 13:27 Uhr bis ungefähr 13:40 Uhr. Sie kostete 814 Zivilisten das Leben, zerstörte die komplette Altstadt und führte zur Kapitulation der niederländischen Streitkräfte.
In March 1941, on direct orders from Hitler, the Luftwaffe attempted to destroy Belgrade:
Hitler hatte der Luftwaffe am 27. März 1941 in der Weisung Nr. 25 befohlen, zu Beginn des Jugoslawien-Feldzuges die Hauptstadt Belgrad „durch fortgesetzte Tag- und Nachtangriffe … zu zerstören“. Die als Unternehmen Strafgericht geplanten Luftangriffe sollten Vergeltung für den jugoslawischen Regierungsputsch sein, der am 27. März in Belgrad eine deutschfeindliche Regierung an die Macht gebracht hatte.
Here’s the text from Kreigsweisung Nr. 25 (I have a PDF of all Hitler’s Kriegsweisungen):
3.) Im einzelnen befehle ich Folgendes:
a) Sobald ausreichende Kräfte bereitstehen und die Wetterlage es zuläßt, ist die jug. Fliegerbodenorganisation und Belgrad durch fortgesetzte Tag- und Nachtangriffe durch die Luftwäffe zu zerstören.
Best seen along with Nurit Peled-Elhanan’s work on Israeli schooling, an indoctrination into hatred of the goyim and morbid concentration on the ‘Holocaust’. The Judeonazis of Israel, NOT yet the entire Judaic population but getting ever closer, have become a truly psychopathic murder machine, a nation of robopaths with an uncontrolled blood-lust allied to various sexual and sadistic perversions.
Did this actually get posted on Twitter? The place where they banned the slogan “from the river to the sea?” Which is not in any way genocidal of course. Means the Jewish state must end, not the Jews themselves.
Without actually disagreeing with you, notice how they've got you qualifying yourself. You feel you have to say, 'Of course I'm not against Jews themselves.'
'Did this actually get posted on Twitter? The place where they banned the slogan “from the river to the sea?” Which is not in any way genocidal of course. Means the Jewish state must end, not the Jews themselves.'
Great point about “collective responsibility.” This is something Jews believe in, which is why they push the “Christ killer” strawman as the cause of anti-Semitism. I couldn’t care less who killed that dude 2000 years ago. Even if I was a Christian it wouldn’t matter to me because God needed the crucifixion to happen so somebody had to do it. No, Jews bring the hate upon themselves by engaging in uncivilized, backstabbing behavior. Especially the powerful ones, which is probably how they rose to power in the first place.
Thank you Andrew for all your hard work to expose the truth. I guarantee that you are having an impact.
Yeah, and meanwhile that Shabbos goy senior citizen blogger, Steve Sailer, takes his blog posts to Substack for his (((choir))) to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,… 😴 😴
I have noticed that what most people want from Internet political and social commentary is not so much to learn or understand new things, but to read/watch the same thing that caters to their prejudices, over and over again. It's some kind of reinforcing mechanism.
to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,
America is totally controlled by the Jews.
If true, it could only have happened one way: by entryism to take over the locus of impunity and the concomitant arbitrary power that corrupted and absorbed the military, academia, organized crime and other crucial institutions. The locus of impunity is CIA.
We see evidence consistent with such entryism: Haspel, Haines, Kramer, Cohen. But we do not in fact know the sectarian composition of the DO committee that plays their get-out-of-jail-free cards to greenlight the crime. It’s a state secret. Membership rotates anyway.
So it comes down to the same old thing. Tired of Jew supremacist psychos leading you around by the nose? Take the ring out of your nose. CIA is the ring in your nose. Saint Daniel Patrick, archangel of the Irish diaspora, twice tried to do just that. We must be true to his immemorial Hibernian ethos.
I do not wish to be associated with Jews or Muslims. This goes for my country as well. I’m OK with everyone staying put. Hindus, Sihks, Rastaferians , whatever, don’t need you.
Let’s stick with what the Founders had envisioned.
Hell, do we really even need the Papists? Question rhetorical.
Good video. Should be required viewing for all shabbos goy kikesuckers. Only problem is kikesuckers are nearly as bad or not worse than kikeroaches. Those Israeli soldiers are sick, twisted, evil psychopaths EXPOSED for all to see.
“Personally, I don’t believe in the concept of “war crimes,” because all war is a brutal nightmare, and trying to put rules on it is actually ridiculous.”
– I really wonder if you have thought this through to the end, for it is ironically exactly the same attitude that makes the Israelis do what they do and is responsible for all their present war atrocities…as also all other barbarous warlords/armies in history?
And I must say this only shows that neither you nor your family have ever experienced war.
Only someone who has not can postulate/philosophize something so absurd that there is no real difference between having your families house bombed to rubble with you inside, your women raped and fathers/brothers tortured, mutilated and killed randomly and armies fighting on designated territories, with restricted weaponry, free cities, civilian immunity and honorable treatment of prisoners and conquered populations.
This of course was exactly why rules of warfare were finally established and internationally ratified in the 16-19th hundreds, to evolve from absolute brute barbarism to at least a somewhat civilized warfare.
Warfare/violent conflict is and probably will always be inevitable to some degree given our human nature, as history shows. Mayhem, barbarism is not.
If the Allies had agreed to Hitlers repeated offers (1933/39/40/42/43..) to mutually abandon all heavy weaponry, to find diplomatic peaceful solutions, keep all fighting (bombing) out of cities, and adhere to Geneva rules of prisoner treatment(especially with the USSR), WW2 had not broken out in the first place and if would have been a war similar to the Germany-France war of 1870 and WW1, with none of the atrocities and madness and unbelievable civilian suffering that it became instead.
If Israel had adhered/been forced to adhere to these rules, none of the Gaza/Lebanon atrocities been possible, no bombing of populated areas, no mistreatment of civilians or prisoners.
It seems that WW2 was really the pivot point where all rules of civilized warfare were abandoned by the abovementioned players and now after Hiroshima, Dresden, Potsdam and subsequent 80 years and Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Abu Ghreib and now Gaza, people have become so used to it that even ideas come like yours that rules do not matter…?
Otherwise good article Andrew, keep up the good work!
In May 1940 they bombed Rotterdam, largely destroying the city center:
Das Bombardement erreichte seinen Höhepunkt am 10. September, dem „blutigen Sonntag“, an dem 17 Luftangriffe stattfanden. ...
Gleichzeitig flog die deutsche Luftwaffe Angriffe auf das Stadtgebiet; in über 1700 Einsätzen warfen die Bomber 560 Tonnen Spreng- und 72 Tonnen Brandbomben ab.
In March 1941, on direct orders from Hitler, the Luftwaffe attempted to destroy Belgrade:
Die Bombardierung von Rotterdam 1940 durch die deutsche Luftwaffe fand am frühen Nachmittag des 14. Mai 1940 statt, von 13:27 Uhr bis ungefähr 13:40 Uhr. Sie kostete 814 Zivilisten das Leben, zerstörte die komplette Altstadt und führte zur Kapitulation der niederländischen Streitkräfte.
Here's the text from Kreigsweisung Nr. 25 (I have a PDF of all Hitler's Kriegsweisungen):
Hitler hatte der Luftwaffe am 27. März 1941 in der Weisung Nr. 25 befohlen, zu Beginn des Jugoslawien-Feldzuges die Hauptstadt Belgrad „durch fortgesetzte Tag- und Nachtangriffe … zu zerstören“. Die als Unternehmen Strafgericht geplanten Luftangriffe sollten Vergeltung für den jugoslawischen Regierungsputsch sein, der am 27. März in Belgrad eine deutschfeindliche Regierung an die Macht gebracht hatte.
3.) Im einzelnen befehle ich Folgendes:
a) Sobald ausreichende Kräfte bereitstehen und die Wetterlage es zuläßt, ist die jug. Fliegerbodenorganisation und Belgrad durch fortgesetzte Tag- und Nachtangriffe durch die Luftwäffe zu zerstören.
I think there is some truth to that but what exactly are they supposed to do? We are all powerless against the ziojew powerbase who control all media and security. Its a ziofacist world
I have not watched this yet but i know al jazeera has massively toned down its coverage over israeli atrocities and rarely publishes anything too condemning. They seem to really do bare minimum while individual x and telegram accounts do a much better job of bringing news from the warzone unfortunately many x accounts or posts with dead gaza kids and such getting deleted. The jews pressing hard to control narrative as they mass murder and i know they threatened qatar through the US treasury office of foreign assets control to seize qatars cash if they did not obey the jews command. Go ahead and look who runs the treasury and the OFAC office and always have..
The totalitarian Judeo-American regime (aka ‘our democracy/Constitutional Republic’) will remain stable as long as it can pacify the population with elections, every one of them being the most important election of our time, and as long as the economy still mostly functions, and as long as it maintains complete control over the uniparty politicians. Absent any black swan events like a global nuclear war, I expect the economy to go first in a couple of decades, then a strongman will use the opportunity to seize power from the uniparty (i.e. from the Jews). By destroying the West the Jews are destroying the source of their own power. They can flee elsewhere, but they will no longer have an empire they control.
Until then, no amount of exposing the Jews will be able to undermine ‘our democracy/Constitutional Republic’ totalitarian regime. You can have an ‘election’ with a Hitler clone running against a rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson clone, and the Hitler clone’s rule, if ‘elected,’ will be just as subservient to the Jews as Biden or Trump, no matter how much anti-Semitic his electoral rhetoric will be, and he still will be ‘re-elected’ afterwards. The electorate will keep believing whatever their preferred ‘lesser of two evils’ politicians say, ignoring what they do, and blaming each other for voting the wrong way, no matter how fake the elections are, and no matter how non-existent the difference in policies between the Red Party and the Blue Party may be . It’s a truly diabolical regime. Never again should such an anti-human regime be allowed to exits.
Thank you Andrew for all your hard work to expose the truth. I guarantee that you are having an impact.
Yeah, and meanwhile that Shabbos goy senior citizen blogger, Steve Sailer, takes his blog posts to Substack for his (((choir))) to pay for his worn-out kosher posts on DEI, test scores, Nobel science winner demographics,… 😴 😴Replies: @Dumbo, @meamjojo
Thank you Andrew for all your hard work to expose the truth. I guarantee that you are having an impact.
10/10 essay by Anglin.
however – since I can only speak of my ongoing experiences with the currently-going-into-the-twilight White population of north-central Utah – I am less optimistic and eschew hope’ium in the first place.
in this part of the former America the whites are barely aware that a War is going on the Middle East. If you tell them there is, they look surprised. And if you say the “J”-word or the “Z”-word, they look around anxiously and back away.
and it gets worse. I go into the nearest town and eat lunch at one of the local restaurunts 2-3X per week. While eating I read a book. Time and time again, someone will come over to me and ask me what I am doing. I will display the cover of the book and explain that I am reading this book. Then they give me an astonished or puzzled look and walk back to their own table.
their only “interests”, aside from the 9-5 job and watching nigger sportzball on TV, are zooming around in ATV’s and voting for Trumpstein.
all of which is extinction-level stupudity.
ALL jews worldwide are culpable for the ongoing genocide that has been going on for approximately 80 years now.
DO NOT use the term “zionist” as it is an excuse to justify categorizing, blacklisting zionism and whitewashing those jews who claim to be against this genocide.
ALL JEWS are infected with the genocidal, eternal victimization and jewish supremacy genes and must be recognized as such.
Yes, I realize that there are some jews who have totally renounced these judaic attitudes, but they are too few and far between and cannot make a difference.
Judaism itself has to be exposed for its genocidal, supremacist and eternal victimhood stances. Judaic behavior along these lines must be called out and recognized as being detrimental to the survival of the human race.
Today, it’s the Palestinians who are the “enemy”. In the future, it will be ALL OF US (gentiles).
Let’s not forget that jews believe in the (false) concepts of “collective responsibility” and “collective punishment” but only for gentiles, never for themselves. This one aspect of judaism serves to “justify” (in their minds) the genocide of a total people. This concept is also used to continue the demonization of Germany to this very day. In judaism, the blame never ends. Not good.
Judaic genocidal actions are a result of mental illness. The IOF soldiers abuse of innocent Palestinians and Gazans is but one aspect of judaism that must be totally prohibited and punished. EVERY IOF soldier as well as their government leaders is a war criminal and must be treated as such. Approval by their “government” adds to the seriousness of the charges.
It will be up to JEWS themselves to declare the abandonment of their genocidal, supremacist and eternal victimhood attitudes which are crimes against humanity.
JUDAISM HAS TO CHANGE. The total disavowing and abandonment of their talmud would be a start.
I won’t hold my breath…
Can you do a post about Yugoslavia?
We’re the neocons responsible for its destruction like Iraq, Libya and Russia? Why would the Jews have a bone to pick with the Yugoslavians?
I have no background in that area, so please enlighten me?
Navel gazing, again!
Phil Zimmerman and PGP’s story, from the mid 1990s, is instructive.
Agree. For one thing, DU was used for military purposes in selected locations in a country of 169,000 square miles - almost the size of Sweden.
.maybe a typo and he means 0.25% [babies born with deformities]??.
depleted uranium is rather less radioactive than natural uranium
Why Holmes! Are you saying that DU is in fact radioactive ! That’s a shocker! So it’s not perfectly safe? And it’s not one of those heavy metals that are chemically poisonous, I hope? Because USer militants wouldn’t spray deadly poisons, would they.
What’s that you say? Nobody said it was completely depleted. Not like the Holocaust, where everyone had to die or it would have been only a partiocaust? Speak up, man: damaged minds are listening.
Me too! I thought Wang King was a city in China, until I discovered Smegma.
Contrary to FUKUSA [AKA AUKUS ]monstrous lie, There aint no tanks over defenceless protestors in TAM….
It happened in Falluah.
Hell on earth.
BOmbing hospitals, water , power, sewerage plants.
Sniping at women ,children scavenging for food in the bombed out rubber.
Targeting red cross ambulance.
Pouring Napalm and white phosphorus on the entire city..
Artillery, apache gunships, F16, A10 WMD against
defenceless civilians.
Tanks rolled over screaming people.
The lot.
This defines EVIL
But its is just the tip of an iceberg outta a shitload of atrocities.
30M civilians killed, 40 displaced by FUKUSA since the 911 FF, a carte blanche for genocides.
This is the same FUKUSA [AUKUS] who’r now slandering China for genocide in Xinjiang
MONSTERS: France, Canada, and US NATO, Irwin Cotler, Stephen Harper, Desmarais Powercorporation, Sarkozy, US NATO
Rebels force Libyan Soldiers to Cannibalism
Rebel/mercenaries of NATO sodomized a black Libyan soldier with a AK-47
NATO War Crimes In Libya – Depleted Uranium Bombs – Horrible Deformities of Newborn babies
JoanneM’s pictureSubmitted by JoanneM
”In Libya now being recorded by the WHO (world health organization), the highest deformation in fetuses inside Libya and reached 23% of newborns and also the high incidence of new forms of cancer that were not known among ordinary Libyans and now amounting to 18% of the total of cancers that have been diagnosed by the organization’s branch in Libya.”.
”Despite this serious health disaster countries involved with NATO are now demanding that Libya pay them one billion seven hundred million dollars for their help in toppling the Gaddafi regime. (This is beyond absurd, first they stole 500 billion of Libyan money in the EU and the Fed and used it destroy Libya with bombs laden with radiation. They destroyed the infrastructure, the government and left Libyans with terrorists in charge of their country, 2 million in exile and Libya should pay for this?? The leaders in these corrupt governments are so arrogant they think they can destroy a country and make that country pay for it – Libya already paid and paid – 500 times over).”
”The U.S. government still spends billions every year on disability payments to those who served in Vietnam — including their children, many of whom are suffering from dioxin-associated cancers and birth defects.”
“We spend billions per week on undeclared wars to injure, kill, and destroy. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on fraudulent and wasteful defense contracts. We spend billions on drones and bombs which kill 687 civilians per 14 enemy targets, amounting to a ratio of nearly 50 civilians killed for each undeclared enemy killed.”
Powewrcorporation-Desmarais (Canada’s Rockefeller who holds Trilaterals G7 in Canada) in service to the Ukrainian army and the SS backed by NATO.
Powercorporation-Desmarais says it’s a lie and Russian propaganda to say he backs nazis in Ukraine with her Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau, using the money extorted from the taxpayer (See below his ”newspaper”, which is a PACK of LIES, innacuracies, and semi-truths.)
The only references are BBC and AFP, which is total manipulation and bias in favour of NATO.
(To this day, Powercorporation remained totally silent on the damage made by his gang and Paris’ friends in Libya (220 laser-guided bombs dropped on Libya, more than 1.5 million refugees, tens of thousands dead. NOT A SINGLE PHOTO of the victims in Libya).
(Powercorporation was reportedly bailed-out by Goldman Sachs in 2008, after the botched coup attempt in Georgia with friend Bush). At the time, Georgia’s Saakashvilli was presented as a hero (against Russia) in the Powercorp news. Not a single picture of the victims made in South Ossetia attacked by Bush-Powercorp-NATO and friends, just propaganda for Mikaïl.
Today’s Mikaïl is ”hero” Zelensky, and again evil is Putin. NOT A SINGLE PICTURE of the Odessa’s massacre supported by Powercor’s Freeland and Trudeau, and not a word on Canada’s training of 200 soldiers in Ukraine since 8 years.
Isn’t it interesting how government grows in the name of the citizen or by fronting the welfare of the citizen .Once it’s done, insiders see the potential and form companies to make a killing . Oligarch ,nepotism ,corruption – all are born .
A group wielding more legal control and financial power is born .More than the common citizen .
This gives the group opportunities and brute legal forces to grow exponentially. Eventually they fight among themselves and new hydra head is formed .
If 1927 regulation did not grow beyond regulation of the commerce department instead of FCC or its precursor’s rules
, citizen scientist could have developed all these social media we are seeing today and could have kept the noise , anarchy , information , disinformation in play without taking sides or could have found ways to punish the liars who do it habitually .
Commons is not a bad term . It’s loaded and pregnant with possibilities . Problem is the control by few . Neither democracy nor socialism protect it from the abuses .
Agree. For one thing, DU was used for military purposes in selected locations in a country of 169,000 square miles - almost the size of Sweden.
.maybe a typo and he means 0.25% [babies born with deformities]??.
1 USA lies-
“And cancers increased in the general population from 40 out of 100,000 people in 1991 in Iraq to 1,600 out of 100.000 in 2005!”–
.maybe a typo and he means 0.25% [babies born with deformities]??.
Agree. For one thing, DU was used for military purposes in selected locations in a country of 169,000 square miles – almost the size of Sweden.
DU is used primarily used to penetrate armor due to its high density. Apparently uranium also ignites when heated. These uses do NOT depend on radioactivity. In fact, depleted uranium is rather less radioactive than natural uranium because most of the more radioactive fissile isotope U235 has been removed to serve as reactor fuel etc.
Why Holmes! Are you saying that DU is in fact radioactive ! That's a shocker! So it's not perfectly safe? And it's not one of those heavy metals that are chemically poisonous, I hope? Because USer militants wouldn't spray deadly poisons, would they.
depleted uranium is rather less radioactive than natural uranium
Spanky makes a good point.
The Anglo Zionist empire owned western MSM has no qualms about using film footage from their archives relating to other incidents and issues, and recycling them and applying them to the current crisis to generate sympathy amongst the unthinking dumbed-down prols.
Case in Point: I recall that, in the aftermath of 9/11, they showed jubilant crowds of Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank, claiming they were euphoric over the destruction of the Twin Towers and civilians jumping to their deaths.
What they didn’t tell you, was that said film footage was from taken a few years prior and said jubilation had nothing to do with 9/11.
Bottom Line: If you’re stupid enough to side with the Zio Ukrainian puppet government whilst Russia implements its ‘Police Action’, if you’re stupid enough to believe the Covid Psyop propaganda and inject an experimental gene therapy that masquerades as a vaccine, then you’re likely imbecilic enough to believe that body bags draped with American flags (from archival film taken during the Vietnam War), are also Ukrainian dead if the talking head on CNN says so*.
(*In the case of the latter, said talking head will say that some of the dead in the body bags are American Freedom Fighters that volunteered to fight for Ukraine and, as for the remainder, that the Ukrainians were too poor to afford a draped flag in their country’s colours so the altruistic Americans donated some of their surplus).
And the critically thinking deficient masses will lap it up every time.
If so, who recycled it and for what reason?
And, continuing on in that vein, the following 30 sec video (courtesy of Paul Craig Roberts' latest article titled 'Crisis Actors Pretending to be Dead Ukrainians Can’t Keep Still ..... '), with all the body bags of Ukrainian 'dead', seeks to further demonise the Russians and stir up emotions among the unthinking MSM viewing western audience that uncritically lap up everything they're told: @simple mind, @Ulf Thorsen
”The picture above, and many similar pictures and war footage, helped shape our public opinion in regard to another senseless war and vicious assaults on civilians. It helped open our people’s eyes to the real horrors of war. It led to mounting pressure from our people demanding an end to these atrocities.”
Be careful about that one. Someone(s) out here has already pointed out that is not from Ukraine but from some Climate protest or similar from a few years ago.
And the critically thinking deficient masses will lap it up every time.
Bottom Line: If you're stupid enough to side with the Zio Ukrainian puppet government whilst Russia implements its 'Police Action', if you're stupid enough to believe the Covid Psyop propaganda and inject an experimental gene therapy that masquerades as a vaccine, then you're likely imbecilic enough to believe that body bags draped with American flags (from archival film taken during the Vietnam War), are also Ukrainian dead if the talking head on CNN says so*.
(*In the case of the latter, said talking head will say that some of the dead in the body bags are American Freedom Fighters that volunteered to fight for Ukraine and, as for the remainder, that the Ukrainians were too poor to afford a draped flag in their country's colours so the altruistic Americans donated some of their surplus).
*Sending bunker busters into air raid shelters, incinerating every human and their dogs/cats within,.
Again and again, as loudspeakers on the carrier Ranger blared Rossini's "William Tell Overture", the rousing theme song of the Lone Ranger, one strike force after another took off with their load of missiles and anti-tank and anti-personnel Rockeye cluster bombs, which explode into a deadly rain of armor-piercing bomblets; land-based B-52s joined in with 1000-pound bombs. ... "It's not going to take too many more days until there's nothing left of them." ... "shooting fish in a barrel" ... "basically just sitting ducks" ... "There's just nothing like it. It's the biggest Fourth of July show you've ever seen, and to see those tanks just `boom,' and more stuff just keeps spewing out of them ... they just become white hot. It's wonderful."
*targeting water , sewerage, power plants ., hospitals , flagrant violation of the Geneva convention.
Twenty years ago, as Americans were celebrating Valentine’s Day, Iraqi husbands and fathers in the Amiriyah section of Baghdad were peeling the remains of their wives and children off the walls and floor of a large neighborhood bomb shelter.
*Double tapping..
After bombing a wedding party, the sob would hover over the carnage, waiting to ambush the rescue party”
Sounds remarkably similar to how the Allies fire bombed Dresden and then timed another bombing raid to when rescue units would be moved in to save the wounded.
The lot.
BOmbing hospitals, water , power, sewerage plants.
Sniping at women ,children scavenging for food in the bombed out rubber.
Targeting red cross ambulance.
Pouring Napalm and white phosphorus on the entire city..
Artillery, apache gunships, F16, A10 WMD against
defenceless civilians.
Tanks rolled over screaming people.
Even Russian horses are banned now. LOL
Ottawa, ON, March 9, 2022 – The Equestrian Canada (EC) Board approved a resolution today condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the breaking of the Olympic Truce, and Belarus’ support of the attacks. EC joins the International Olympic Committee (IOC), International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) in banning Russian and Belarusian athletes, horses and officials from sport participation.
If Elon Musk is true to his word and floods the Ukraine with Starlink terminals, he can singlehandedly keep the “flow of information going–something that no government will be able to suppress.
Satellite internet communications is one way to effectively bypass the media and government censors.
Well, as of a little while ago, WTI Oil was around USD $123/barrel so Brent crude will no doubt be several dollars higher than that.
But now, a new panic. A new distraction. A new war. Another sucker pitch. The media stirs up the masses. The crowds in the cheap seats roar their approval. Diners switch back to French dressing from Russian dressing.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is sending fighter jets. The Biden team is sending money. Yes, we’re ready to fight to the last drop of the Ukrainians’ blood!
The feds are also fighting with sanctions — aiming to hit the Russian public where it hurts, but most likely hitting our own feet. The sanctions did not aim specifically at Russian energy companies. But in the fog of war, supply lines come undone, and missions creep. A headline this morning tells us that the feds also want to cut off Russian oil sales to the US. And India Punchline adds this:
‘On the whole, the situation in the energy market is becoming very complicated, as western oil companies which had invested in Russia are forced to quit due to the sanctions. These include big players such as BP which has a 20-percent stake in Russian giant Rosneft, Shell with 27.5 percent stake in the Sakhalin-II LNG facility and a 50 percent stake in the Salym Petroleum Development, ExxonMobil (Sakhalin-1) and so on.
‘Apart from the impairment these companies will suffer running into tens of billions of dollars, their exit will also strain Russia’s ability to maintain such high production levels and continue to meet its commitments under the OPEC+ agreement. Now, the already-tight global market for crude — which saw Brent crude top $115 per barrel in early Thursday trading — can ill-afford these downstream hits from the sanctions against Russia. Evidently, crude prices still have nowhere to go but up from here.
Expert opinion is that if oil price touches $125 per barrel, the US economy slides into recession.’
And, further proof that Western political and MSM ‘elites’ have gone stark, raving, mad, the numbers of presstitutes and politicians calling for a ‘no-fly zone’, and, in the case of one geriatric local feminazi, ‘NATO boots on the ground’ AND, the apotheosis of onanistic self-harm, sanctions on China if they do not bow to the White Boss, is growing. Sanctioning China, with China actually daring to not bow and scrape to the Western ubermenschen and wenschen, and fight back, would finish the Atlanticist Empire in weeks or months. Perhaps they are all Putin-bots in disguise. Or Manchurian Candidates, the local term of abuse du jour.
Why is the Jewish Cabal using the Chinese Zodiac to start WW3?
Water Tiger is the black tiger, not a particularly good sign or omen for the Chinese; but it is for the war-loving Jewish Cabal. They are notorious thieves of other people’s culture and ideas–some claim they are not even real Jews.
Corona is Latin for “Crown” and the Age of Aquarius is really a kosher euphemism for Jewish Messianic Age and Pax Judaica. In short, COVID-19 is a Jewish Coronation Ritual and the Chinese Tiger is a symbol of this.
In Chinese astrology, the star Alpha of the Great Bear constellation gave birth to the first tiger. The tiger represents the masculine principle in nature and is king of all the animals, as shown by the four stripes on his forehead, which form the character Wang (王), or King.
Meanwhile, some good news.
The following is an excerpt from the prescient financial (and occasionally geopolitical) commentator Bill Bonner on why the moronic actions of the Anglo-Zionist empire is sowing the seeds of its own destruction by sanctioning the Russians and imposing all manner of restrictions on their trade :
But now, a new panic. A new distraction. A new war. Another sucker pitch. The media stirs up the masses. The crowds in the cheap seats roar their approval. Diners switch back to French dressing from Russian dressing.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is sending fighter jets. The Biden team is sending money. Yes, we’re ready to fight to the last drop of the Ukrainians’ blood!
The feds are also fighting with sanctions — aiming to hit the Russian public where it hurts, but most likely hitting our own feet. The sanctions did not aim specifically at Russian energy companies. But in the fog of war, supply lines come undone, and missions creep. A headline this morning tells us that the feds also want to cut off Russian oil sales to the US. And India Punchline adds this:
‘On the whole, the situation in the energy market is becoming very complicated, as western oil companies which had invested in Russia are forced to quit due to the sanctions. These include big players such as BP which has a 20-percent stake in Russian giant Rosneft, Shell with 27.5 percent stake in the Sakhalin-II LNG facility and a 50 percent stake in the Salym Petroleum Development, ExxonMobil (Sakhalin-1) and so on.
‘Apart from the impairment these companies will suffer running into tens of billions of dollars, their exit will also strain Russia’s ability to maintain such high production levels and continue to meet its commitments under the OPEC+ agreement. Now, the already-tight global market for crude — which saw Brent crude top $115 per barrel in early Thursday trading — can ill-afford these downstream hits from the sanctions against Russia. Evidently, crude prices still have nowhere to go but up from here.
Expert opinion is that if oil price touches $125 per barrel, the US economy slides into recession.’
Well, as of a little while ago, WTI Oil was around USD $123/barrel so Brent crude will no doubt be several dollars higher than that.
Which means ….. inflationary depression here was come for the Anglo-Zionist empire.
Concurrent with that will be loss of reserve currency status, a collapse in the value of the USD and a massive diminishment in the propensity of this evil empire to cause mischief in the world.
And that’s no bad thing – unless you’re a foaming-at-the-mouth Zionist like commenter ‘Simple Mind’, who will be wailing that little bit louder next time he’s at the Wailing Wall.
Simpleton writes:
Ownership of “banks” means owning computers and pens. It’s an accounting system, that you credit with way too much importance.
Only a rabid conscience-free Zionist, seeking to dilute the CATACLYSMIC effects that central bankers have had, as far as death and despair on humanity is concerned, would say such a thing.
FUKUSA [AUKUS] crimes against humanities are too copious to document here/
The following are just a tiny sample of FUKUSA depravities, From Afpak, to Zambia,
*360 degree rotational fire at civilians after an IED attack.
Any innocent bystanders who happens to be around would be blown away.
*Double tapping..
After bombing a wedding party, the sob would hover over the carnage, waiting to ambush the rescue party
*When sending hellfire missile into a suspect terrorist hideout, pulverise all adjacent huts, just to make sure the kill , collateral damage be damned
*In Nam, artillery crew zero their volleys to the direction of babies cries.
Free fire zone.
Phoenix assasination program
How many mylai’s were unreported ???
Napalm, agent orange…..
*High way of death.
Where NATO warplanes strafed the column of retreating Iraq conscripts.
Again and again, as loudspeakers on the carrier Ranger blared Rossini’s “William Tell Overture”, the rousing theme song of the Lone Ranger, one strike force after another took off with their load of missiles and anti-tank and anti-personnel Rockeye cluster bombs, which explode into a deadly rain of armor-piercing bomblets; land-based B-52s joined in with 1000-pound bombs. … “It’s not going to take too many more days until there’s nothing left of them.” … “shooting fish in a barrel” … “basically just sitting ducks” … “There’s just nothing like it. It’s the biggest Fourth of July show you’ve ever seen, and to see those tanks just `boom,’ and more stuff just keeps spewing out of them … they just become white hot. It’s wonderful.”
*Sending bunker busters into air raid shelters, incinerating every human and their dogs/cats within,.
Twenty years ago, as Americans were celebrating Valentine’s Day, Iraqi husbands and fathers in the Amiriyah section of Baghdad were peeling the remains of their wives and children off the walls and floor of a large neighborhood bomb shelter.
*targeting water , sewerage, power plants ., hospitals , flagrant violation of the Geneva convention.
Restoration work denied cuz replacement parts blocked by economic sanction
*Targeting food chain…
Tip of an iceberg
A serious study would take up an Encyclopaedia brittanica size of works,.
[There aint no wars crimes, all are unprovoked aggression against defenseless third world countries, calling it war crimes would be dignifying the !@#$%^&
So lets call a spade a spade…
Crimes against humanities]
And, continuing on in that vein, the following 30 sec video (courtesy of Paul Craig Roberts' latest article titled 'Crisis Actors Pretending to be Dead Ukrainians Can’t Keep Still ..... '), with all the body bags of Ukrainian 'dead', seeks to further demonise the Russians and stir up emotions among the unthinking MSM viewing western audience that uncritically lap up everything they're told: @simple mind, @Ulf Thorsen
”The picture above, and many similar pictures and war footage, helped shape our public opinion in regard to another senseless war and vicious assaults on civilians. It helped open our people’s eyes to the real horrors of war. It led to mounting pressure from our people demanding an end to these atrocities.”
Translation, you are the stereotypical moron grasping at whatever straw is handy. The video is another one of your hoaxes, of course:
It’s actually an Austrian video from 30 odd days ago. This is why Israel has to nuke you people one and for all and put an end to this imbecilic tomfoolery. The world grows impatient…
Thank God for the Zionists
The mule traders evolved into Wall St flies.
Can you find any Pechenegs these days? How about 9th century mule traders? Time marches on, always
After the missiles with nukes land, Greater Israel will be the last man standing and all nations will go up to Jerusalem thus:
This is what the LORD Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”
Welcome to the real world
Indeed, it's never my fault.
It’s never your fault, and nobody on the planet has any agency except the mystery force.
Replies: @simple mind
And quit with the 'mystery force' nonsense. It's no mystery that the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel that you worship is behind this.
After all, with multiples of U.S GDP of financial wherewithal already in the kitty, and the potential to print/digitally create trillions more through their ownership of the Fed, Bank of England and other western central banks, there is no question that their potential to fund more heinous activities is limitless.
Most people never did anything either way, but you are definitely marching in tune to the drummer. Nobody “started” a world war, it takes everyone in the multitudinous millions. What happens when they get done “starting” these wars? Does anyone else carry it forward or do you just get to live your own mind rent free being the victim hero of a delusional fantasy?
Ownership of “banks” means owning computers and pens. It’s an accounting system, that you credit with way too much importance.
Only a rabid conscience-free Zionist, seeking to dilute the CATACLYSMIC effects that central bankers have had, as far as death and despair on humanity is concerned, would say such a thing.
Ownership of “banks” means owning computers and pens. It’s an accounting system, that you credit with way too much importance.
This war has exposed the internet companies fully for what they are: private arm of the US + NATO governments and their weapon in the information war against Russia, China, any country they wish to turn against, and against their own people.
You wrote:
”The picture above, and many similar pictures and war footage, helped shape our public opinion in regard to another senseless war and vicious assaults on civilians. It helped open our people’s eyes to the real horrors of war. It led to mounting pressure from our people demanding an end to these atrocities.”
And, continuing on in that vein, the following 30 sec video (courtesy of Paul Craig Roberts’ latest article titled ‘Crisis Actors Pretending to be Dead Ukrainians Can’t Keep Still ….. ‘), with all the body bags of Ukrainian ‘dead’, seeks to further demonise the Russians and stir up emotions among the unthinking MSM viewing western audience that uncritically lap up everything they’re told:
I doubted the photos of the deformed babies ….. I was wrong … it is almost unimaginable … from Fallujah hospital …..
Simpleton writes:
It’s never your fault, and nobody on the planet has any agency except the mystery force.
Indeed, it’s never my fault.
After all, I never started WWI and II, the Vietnam war, Iraq wars I and II, the Syrian civil war and much more, on phony pretexts.
I never orchestrated the USS Liberty attack, 9/11, 7/7, the Madrid train and Bali bombings, the murder of JFK, RFK, JFK Jr, Malcolm X, MLK Jr, James Forrestal etc.
But your yarmulke wearing pals surely did.
And quit with the ‘mystery force’ nonsense. It’s no mystery that the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel that you worship is behind this.
After all, with multiples of U.S GDP of financial wherewithal already in the kitty, and the potential to print/digitally create trillions more through their ownership of the Fed, Bank of England and other western central banks, there is no question that their potential to fund more heinous activities is limitless.
Can you find any Pechenegs these days? How about 9th century mule traders? Time marches on, always
The mule traders evolved into Wall St flies.
Pechenegs same as Jew. None left. Both died out. Jew became Christian and Muslim and a memory.
Pechenegs became Yid spawn of Khazars who raped Pechneg women killed the males and left
the psycho Yid.
Time continues with Yid soon gone after missiles with nukes land.
What a breathtaking article. It really shows that the GAE (it shouldn’t be called “America” anymore) is run by elites that are some of the most evil and parasitic people on the face of the earth. The crimes of these “people” must never be forgotten.
“So what? …. Israel will provide a better way of life for the future”
— Funny that you first claim moral relativism and then immediately jump on your hobby-horse of the promised land.
People do not need an imposing of your very suspect ‘improvements.” Arabs and Syrians can figure out what is best for them on their own. Libya was in much better shape (morally and organizationally) than Israel before the Wars for Eretz Israel made the country into a hell on earth. Just work on your garden and do not mess with other people’s lives.
The obnoxious zionists/ziocon scum mostly came to the US from poorly educated and economically impoverished shtetls known for idiotic religious narrow-mindedness. If only they stayed there and continues their religion-regimented lives instead of coming to the US and amplifying the dishonesty and strife in the governance. Who needs the frauds like Krystols, Perle, and Wolfowitz? Perhaps the MIC – but not decent people in the US.
By the way, there was nothing altruistic in the ziocons design for the Middle East. The results are millions of dead human beings of all ages, destroyed infrastructure, ruined families, refugees in Europe… Civilizations have laws for a reason. American warmongers should have been tried and punished. Instead, the same ziocon scum has been involved in creating the Ukrainian tragedy.
The very real consequences of the Ziocon/Neocon' immoral and subhuman PNAC:
The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project.
� Kagans' clan should be institutionalized and neutered for the benefit of humanity.
In September 2000 PNAC released "Rebuilding America's Defenses" a report that promotes "the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces." The report also states, "advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
In 1998, Kristol and Kagan [authors of PNAC] advocated regime change in Iraq.
These wars of aggression against Iraq, Libya, and Syria are justifiably called Wars for Israel. The ongoing war in Ukraine is Judea's Declaration of War on Russia.Replies: @simple mind
About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. of the generals called me in. “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq. ... They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” ... I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that. ...This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria..."
So what?? Why is that important to me or anyone else? All countries on this earth are fighting at one time or another. It’s also fantastically stupid, there are all kinds of people on both sides of any war.
Anyone can easily see both Ukrainians and Russians have points, so do the Arabs, the Jews, and everyone else. If the “Greater Israel” project is weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states to expansionist projects, it sounds like a good plan!
Israel will provide a better way of life for the future, all these backward peoples and nations will vanish over time. When has it been different? Can you find any Pechenegs these days? How about 9th century mule traders? Time marches on, always.
The mule traders evolved into Wall St flies.
Can you find any Pechenegs these days? How about 9th century mule traders? Time marches on, always
A very real Oded Yinon Plan for Eretz Israel:
The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project.
The very real consequences of the Ziocon/Neocon’ immoral and subhuman PNAC:
In September 2000 PNAC released “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” a report that promotes “the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces.” The report also states, “advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
In 1998, Kristol and Kagan [authors of PNAC] advocated regime change in Iraq.
The Kagans’ clan should be institutionalized and neutered for the benefit of humanity.
About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. …one of the generals called me in. “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq. … They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” … I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that. …This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria…”
These wars of aggression against Iraq, Libya, and Syria are justifiably called Wars for Israel.
The ongoing war in Ukraine is Judea’s Declaration of War on Russia.
a one-party government such as exists in China is by far the best because it is much more difficult, almost impossible, for external parasites to enter and contaminate. Corruption by outsiders is always a threat of course
I agree fully. About the Soros parasite:
Why on Earth Does George Soros Want Xi Jinping to Go?
”The fact that so influential a globalist as George Soros openly calls for the end of the Xi era suggests that a major faction within the Western globalists has decided to do whatever possible to bring a more “pliable” leadership in Beijing. Globalists at the level of Soros or Schwab do not make major interventions impulsively. The fact Soros is doubling down in his attacks directly on Xi suggest that a very powerful group of the Davos Great Reset green agenda have decided that Xi has become an obstacle to their dystopian agenda to eliminate the nation state everywhere, including China and USA.”
American sheepy does not do riots, and the American brass has been safely bought by zionists.
The US Army’s big shots are known for their betrayal of good people of the US. Admiral McCain Sr. has betrayed sailors of USSLiberty; his playboy son McCain got the name Tokyo Rose for his betrayal of American soldiers in Vietnam. Today, the US military and the CIA bosses fraternize with Nazis. Don’t try to find honor among these opportunists.
Have you and your wife gone to Iraq and inhaled some sand?
If not, give it a try.
You do realize that almost every "ordinary person" is swamped with pro war Xenophobic propaganda from kindergarten to the grave.
Without the “support” of every ordinary person on the planet the warmongering swine from every nation couldn’t do what they do.
You do realize that almost every “ordinary person” is swamped with pro war Xenophobic propaganda from kindergarten to the grave.
Oh I most certainly do. That’s why it’s so tragic.
And btw arthur, thanks for the opportunity in responding to your WN (lol) post to give some further links about that children of satan settlement in Palestine.
1) here is CUFPa, which I found on the biblicism site, thanks to another poster here.
Another North American Church Denomination Sees Apartheid In Israel
2) An assessment of Israel 1948, with a picture of your heroic IDF.
Thank you, Larry, for pulling together so many little-known facts.
Yes, the photos are important. They quickly and vividly communicate the depravity of American leaders.
How high up the chain of command did the order originate to execute Patrick Tillman?
From Donald Rumsfeld or Cheney?
Recommended in addition to the cited references: 2010 documentary The Tillman Story and “Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman” by his mother.
After so many years of lies, there is a hunger for Middle East truth. @Arthur MacBride
"Thus I believe in giving complete blanket pardons to the white people of the past who did bad things. I also believe that a healthy society should not dwell on past injustices. So we should draw a veil over such history and punish people who try to reopen old historical wounds. We need an Indemnity and Oblivion act for all the white slave owners and Indian killers of the past." �
Not bad for your first UR post, “arthur” …
Did you write it, or maybe your Katz did it for you ?
Lots of shirtlifters in Tel Aviv, maybe global Gay Central … are you one of Greg Johnson’s erm contacts there ?
The WN angle is getting played out now, arthur.
But I do understand your concern ref the now-happening rollup of USUK and the implications for said greatest ally … it’s going to be rough, that’s the best I can tell you.
Maybe you can contact Neturei Karta, they seem decent sorts of people, here’s a picture —
“Israel is a liability.” – Four-star General David Petraeus.
Another North American Church Denomination Sees Apartheid In Israel
In your dreams. After Castro, all Catholics were kicked out of teaching jobs, and declared pariahs. There was a war on Catholicism. Not that I equate Catholicism to Good, but it was the religion practiced by the majority. However, masonic temples and synagogues were left untouched. As in the Soviet Union, when regular citizens were not allowed out of the country, Jews always had the exit door open. There is a myth out there in right wing circles that Castro expelled the Jews. Not true. African religions were promoted to state level. This must tell you something.Replies: @Maowasayali
Batista’s Cuba. Run by Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and assorted “legitimate business”associates. It was the perfect set up until Los Barbudos rolled into Havana on tanks; the Cuban military having figured out who, in fact, they’d been killing and dying for.
There are rumours that Castro was a Jew, or rather a converso (crypto Jew). He was also an actor, like most world leaders are and even appeared in a Hollywood movie.
I have been thinking about Castro recently and the similarities of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and the latest threat of Nuclear Armageddon with Russia’s “Invasion of Ukraine” in 2022. Both are, believe it or not, synced and scripted with the planetary conjunctions, notably Jupiter* and Mars, Uranus and Pluto–uranium and plutonium and “nukes” are named after those two planets. LOL
Coincidentally, or perhaps not, 2022 in the Chinese Zodiac is the year of the “water tiger” and the last time it was the Chinese water tiger year was… wait for it…1962! That was exactly sixty (60) years ago and the numerology of the current water tiger year of 2022 is also SIX (2+0+2+2=6). They absolutely love the number SIX and use it ritualistically with all their orchestrated major world events and world wars.
*Officially, and in a nutshell, the Cuban Missile Crisis was about the publicized removal of the Soviet Union’s nuclear missiles from Cuba aimed at America. But unofficially and therefore unpublicized, it was about the removal of American nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy aimed at the Soviet Union.
Guess what those American missiles were called? They were called Jupiter Missiles and even had their other favourite number ’19’ on it: “PGM-19 Jupiter.” Recall 9/11 was caused by 19 hijackers and the ongoing COVID-19 “pandemic” are the most obvious number ’19’ rituals from the Cabal.
Well, at least you're not pretending to be something else, seeing as you're called 'Simple Mind'.
The Arab World brought their destruction on themselves, like all nations do.
It’s never your fault, and nobody on the planet has any agency except the mystery force.
Indeed, it's never my fault.
It’s never your fault, and nobody on the planet has any agency except the mystery force.
Replies: @simple mind
And quit with the 'mystery force' nonsense. It's no mystery that the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel that you worship is behind this.
After all, with multiples of U.S GDP of financial wherewithal already in the kitty, and the potential to print/digitally create trillions more through their ownership of the Fed, Bank of England and other western central banks, there is no question that their potential to fund more heinous activities is limitless.
It is absurdly simple, when you stop believing in fictional characters who live in your mind rent free, it becomes clear that the world is an illusion. Clearly 911 for example, was not “did” by The Jews, since it requires a vast array of cooperation and planning throughout the entire governing establishment and military apparatus, and a slack jawed public to sit and gape and gabble for the next 20 years.
Was there a rush to fight for the USA in Iraq after 911, or did a wave of angry patriots besiege DC and NYC? Answer that simple question and yes, the whole thing is absurdly simple. Like all conservatoons and right wing fairy tellers, you will always refuse agency but assign it to everyone else. The whole world circulates around your “impressions”, freeing the typical ‘tard of any requirement to actually work.
You exist in a petroleum fueled, lifetime delusional fantasy.
The very real consequences of the Ziocon/Neocon' immoral and subhuman PNAC:
The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project.
� Kagans' clan should be institutionalized and neutered for the benefit of humanity.
In September 2000 PNAC released "Rebuilding America's Defenses" a report that promotes "the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces." The report also states, "advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
In 1998, Kristol and Kagan [authors of PNAC] advocated regime change in Iraq.
These wars of aggression against Iraq, Libya, and Syria are justifiably called Wars for Israel. The ongoing war in Ukraine is Judea's Declaration of War on Russia.Replies: @simple mind
About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. of the generals called me in. “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq. ... They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” ... I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that. ...This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria..."
Larry, I am not a troll and this is a fair question. If you have actual evidence, now would be the time to produce it.
No CNN is not on board. That article doesn’t support the idea that Kyle enjoyed exploding toddlers’ heads from 1000 yards.
You do realize that you are a traitor to the white race? Such “expected consequences” would also befall White Americans and Europeans! Bush and Blair, and tens of thousands of others in the military, in politics and journalism, were Whites!
We should draw a veil over such history and punish people like Larry Romanoff who try to reopen old historical wounds.
Greg Johnson said it beautifully:
“Thus I believe in giving complete blanket pardons to the white people of the past who did bad things. I also believe that a healthy society should not dwell on past injustices. So we should draw a veil over such history and punish people who try to reopen old historical wounds. We need an Indemnity and Oblivion act for all the white slave owners and Indian killers of the past.”
Batista’s Cuba. Run by Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and assorted “legitimate business”associates. It was the perfect set up until Los Barbudos rolled into Havana on tanks; the Cuban military having figured out who, in fact, they’d been killing and dying for.
In your dreams. After Castro, all Catholics were kicked out of teaching jobs, and declared pariahs. There was a war on Catholicism. Not that I equate Catholicism to Good, but it was the religion practiced by the majority. However, masonic temples and synagogues were left untouched. As in the Soviet Union, when regular citizens were not allowed out of the country, Jews always had the exit door open. There is a myth out there in right wing circles that Castro expelled the Jews. Not true. African religions were promoted to state level. This must tell you something.