Ali Baba and the 40 decapitated babies could be a title for an article showing the lies the Jews have told since Jacob.
If proven that this is a phukin lie then the Story about the 6 six million will lose a lot of followers.
So far, it hasn’t been proven, but if true it will dramatically change the course of history and my life.
I can’t believe this.
There are dozens of countries and autonomous territories with populations around that of Western Sahara, or fewer people:
Not counting places like the Vatican, Monaco, and tiny British possessions like Gibraltar, Jersey and Guernsey …… there are still dozens of “real” fully independent countries with land area smaller than Western Sahara, including “the united kingdom”, Romania, Malta, Tajikistan, etc.
Doesn’t seem so obvious now. You’ve prompted me to look into this region and this independence issue.
You are deflecting.
Kevin, you are entitled to your opinion, of course, but you might need to consider that your spiel is ‘slightly’ biased, as others have pointed out above.
If Morocco were a peace-loving nation it would not keep demanding and pushing to be declared the owner of Western Sahara, nor would it have accepted to ‘normalize’ relations with the ZioNazi entity that does not give flying love-making about Morocco.
Algeria has its flaws, no doubt about it, but it has one characteristic that Morocco badly lacks: principle. Algeria passes on to the new generations what their ancestors went through between 1954 and 1962 to get rid of the colonizer’s yoke. It subsequently was in the Non-Alignment Movement and nurtured its relationship with the USSR. Morocco did none of that preferring instead to prostitute itself to Uncle Sam.
Think about it 😉
just joken with you kevin, not trying to get you deported. thank you for your kind offer, but i’ve got 99 goddesses and they keep me pretty busy. may ma’at bless you and protect you, in your truth telling. we may not practice the same religion but we both know the demonic nature of our common enemy.
Blinken includes Morocco in agenda to boost normalisation between Israel and Saudi Arabia –
Blinken and demands… He’s definitely a horrible diplomat that is always thirsty for a conflict. The impeachment process of Biden and hopefully his entire administration, isn’t happening quick enough. These rabid Zionists are going to get Ameeicans killed while they flee to “Israel” or possible the second “Israel”(that being Ukraine).
Thanks, Kevin.
I readily concede your point ref historic extent of Morocco/colonists/Oded Yinon.
And am wishing Morocco well (I visited Fez and Meknes some while ago).
But it still remains that recognising Israel was and is a despicable act.
Morocco urgently needs to repudiate this agreement with Satan.
Normalization with Israel by any country amounts to abandoning Palestine, bolsters enemy: Hezbollah leader
Yet again —
Israeli forces target vehicle of two Palestinian youths, kill them near West Bank city of Tulkarm
Whatever the "duress", it was and is a disgusting and shameful thing to do.
Algeria has spent almost three years lambasting Morocco for its December 2020 “normalization†deal with the widely-reviled Zionist entity. But Morocco made that deal under duress.
Using state-sponsored separatist movements to break already-too-small countries into even smaller pieces is a go-to tactic of imperialists and Zionists. You may have heard of Oded Yinon?
Historically and culturally, Morocco extends into Mauritania. The fact that it was invaded, colonized, and broken into administrative pieces by two different enemies doesn’t mean that when the enemies leave, the country still needs to be broken into pieces. Tiny, broken-up countries are easy to loot. They are too small to have bargaining power.
Another way to think about this is: What’s the optimum size for a sovereign country? Whatever it is, one thing’s thunderingly obvious: the Moroccan Sahara is many orders of magnitude beneath anybody’s threshhold. again --
Normalization with Israel by any country amounts to abandoning Palestine, bolsters enemy: Hezbollah leader
Israeli forces target vehicle of two Palestinian youths, kill them near West Bank city of Tulkarm
Algeria has spent almost three years lambasting Morocco for its December 2020 “normalization†deal with the widely-reviled Zionist entity. But Morocco made that deal under duress.
Whatever the “duress”, it was and is a disgusting and shameful thing to do.
And the “duress” seems to be just a desire for the former Spanish Sahara.
Morocco will never achieve friendship or even acceptance, it seems to me as a non-Muslim and non-Arab observer, while it continues in this path.
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” — Gutle Schnapper Rothschild.
The can be paraphrased today as:
“If my sons wanted peace between Algeria and Morocco, then there would be peace and prosperity” — George Soros, Kapo to the Rothschild dynasty, kings of the Jews.
Sorry, I’m a law-abiding expatriate (and practicing Muslim) so you’ll have to look elsewhere for hashish. But if you want to learn how to get high on the 99 names of God, email me through and I’ll be happy to help.
“when the ripe full moon hangs low over the algerian mountains,
the ascending car lights look like they’re heading into lunar orbit.”
waxing poetic, are we? something tells me the hashish is pretty good in morocco. i was planning on taking a vacation to turkey to pick some up (as i’ve been told, that’s where you want to go to buy large quantities of hashish) but perhaps i’ll just come visit you there instead, if you can spare a hookah hose.
It seems natural that two nations with the same religion, same ethnic groups (Berber and Arab) would be the best of friends. They’re only kept apart by the petty jealousies of clannish old men who still live mentally in the 16th century. Don’t forget, many of these people are descendents of the Barbary pirates who terrorized Med shipping for 1000 years until finally put down 200 years ago.
It sounds to me like Armenia vs. Azerbaijan or even Serbia vs. Kosovo.
Judea doesn’t want peace to break out in these countries any more than they wanted peace to break out between Germany and Poland in 1939.
Jewish war mongers have been playing this game for centuries.
If Morocco and Algeria want peace they both need to stop eagerly bending over to get ass raped by Israel and her whorey faggot slave states like the US and UK.
Oh la la!
Bad algerians.
If they just give us what we want, everything could be fine.
In mid-2003, the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy, James Baker, proposed a settlement plan, also referred to as the Baker Plan II. The UN’s proposal was rejected by Morocco and accepted by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
So you went crying to the zionist for them to help you exterminate the sahrawi like they do exterminate the palestinians?
Like Bush, you say:”After all, we are the good guys”.
Jews are ubiquitously successful in every field because they are smarter than you.
That’s an interesting claim.
Here’s another, from one of your comments on an article dated 05/25/20:
The IQ differences are all bullshit. ALL races are the same on average.
Many French I knew rued the courage of de Gaulle’s chauffeur and the handling of his Citroen in 1963: they would have preferred it turned out the other way because of his betrayal of the French in Algiers.
I had a co-worker, born in the US in the mid-60s, to white French parents who escaped Algeria shortly before. He told me his father still had a large quantity of rifle targets he’d had printed up with the 10 ring between de Gaulle’s eyes. Since CDG was already dead the range officers disapproved but tolerated their use.
Ron Unz
Is Right
About Colin Wright
((European Elites)) indeed opening the gates of Europa. Page 315, we read “Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, the renowned Spanish historian of the previous century, writes concerning the treachery of the Jews: “The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.â€125 While the Visigoth kingdom disarmed under the influence of the Jewish advisors and friends of Witiza, dismantled its defence and destroyed its war power, the Jews encouraged the Musulmans to fall upon the Christian kingdom and to destroy it. Great preparations were made in North Africa for this. Into the land which the Jews wished to destroy they introduced pacifism, and into the land which should serve them as a tool to destroy the other, a warlike spirit. These classical tactics the Jews have applied in the course of centuries in different states and use them today with a perfection, in which they have attained experience in the course of centuries. â€So those they want to destroy they preach them pacifism (Whites told to accept a brown multicultural multiracial future, Cultural Marxism, Colonial Guilt, holohoax, Hippies, bleeding heart dumb Libtards, Swedes and Europeans in general told by their crypto kike elites "that they have no culture!!!") and those they want to use as destroyers, they preach war (Wahabism, Sharia Patrol, Marxist hatred for Whites, Anti-Fa, Black & Hispanic gangs ). History repeating itself.Replies: @suicidal_canadian, @Anon
After a hiatus of about 150 years the Muslim invasion of Europe began again; instigated and led by European elites.
White countries don’t teach anti-colonialism in the schools very much.
Lot of White men with guns in the Middle East.
Tamil Nadu openly supported the Tigers and killed an Indian president in Chennai.
Sinhalese probably come from the same genetic roots as the Rohingya. They arrived from Bangladesh or Calcutta in the Bay of Bengal.
I spent time in Chennai and they were fairly pro Tamil.
At the bottom of it is the fact that South and North Iindia are different countries but what do I know.
Sri Lanka also covertly helped the LTTE a little bit against India during the occupation so we can call that even.
The first external war of the USA was against the ‘Barbary States’ (1801-1805) Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, Morocco which were seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, demanding the U.S. pay tribute to the Barbary rulers, although they were not at war with the USA. Although beaten, the pirates continued to arraign the American ships the very next year, which led to the Second Barbary War of 1815.
((European Elites)) indeed opening the gates of Europa. Page 315, we read “Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, the renowned Spanish historian of the previous century, writes concerning the treachery of the Jews: “The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.â€125 While the Visigoth kingdom disarmed under the influence of the Jewish advisors and friends of Witiza, dismantled its defence and destroyed its war power, the Jews encouraged the Musulmans to fall upon the Christian kingdom and to destroy it. Great preparations were made in North Africa for this. Into the land which the Jews wished to destroy they introduced pacifism, and into the land which should serve them as a tool to destroy the other, a warlike spirit. These classical tactics the Jews have applied in the course of centuries in different states and use them today with a perfection, in which they have attained experience in the course of centuries. â€So those they want to destroy they preach them pacifism (Whites told to accept a brown multicultural multiracial future, Cultural Marxism, Colonial Guilt, holohoax, Hippies, bleeding heart dumb Libtards, Swedes and Europeans in general told by their crypto kike elites "that they have no culture!!!") and those they want to use as destroyers, they preach war (Wahabism, Sharia Patrol, Marxist hatred for Whites, Anti-Fa, Black & Hispanic gangs ). History repeating itself.Replies: @suicidal_canadian, @Anon
After a hiatus of about 150 years the Muslim invasion of Europe began again; instigated and led by European elites.
You missed one: black panthers. After the Ahmed Arboury shooting the black panthers were patrolling the neighborhood with masks and assault rifles. Imagine if a white group of men with masks and guns patrolled a Muslim neighborhood after a terror attack. The system is innately illegitimate because we are forced to tolerate obscene double standards.
Thank you for this interesting bit of information. There are also theories that the Kalash are descendants of Greeco Macedonians.Replies: @Talha
Speaking of echos from history, I just found out that there is a good chance that the unique Afghan cap (the Pakol, one of which I own) may well be descended from the armies of Alexander:
Many of them certainly look like it.
After a hiatus of about 150 years the Muslim invasion of Europe began again; instigated and led by European elites.
((European Elites)) indeed opening the gates of Europa.
In Page 315, we read “Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, the renowned Spanish historian of the previous century, writes concerning the treachery of the Jews: “The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.â€125 While the Visigoth kingdom disarmed under the influence of the Jewish advisors and friends of Witiza, dismantled its defence and destroyed its war power, the Jews encouraged the Musulmans to fall upon the Christian kingdom and to destroy it. Great preparations were made in North Africa for this. Into the land which the Jews wished to destroy they introduced pacifism, and into the land which should serve them as a tool to destroy the other, a warlike spirit. These classical tactics the Jews have applied in the course of centuries in different states and use them today with a perfection, in which they have attained experience in the course of centuries. â€
So those they want to destroy they preach them pacifism (Whites told to accept a brown multicultural multiracial future, Cultural Marxism, Colonial Guilt, holohoax, Hippies, bleeding heart dumb Libtards, Swedes and Europeans in general told by their crypto kike elites “that they have no culture!!!”) and those they want to use as destroyers, they preach war (Wahabism, Sharia Patrol, Marxist hatred for Whites, Anti-Fa, Black & Hispanic gangs ). History repeating itself.
Th late historian, Simon Digby (who has been described as "the foremost British scholar of pre-Mughal India") mentioned that taking the numbers of medieval sources at face-value to derive conclusions leads to "garbage in, garbage out". I'm not saying there were no massacres, there obviously were - the Muslim historians themselves record them - but the numbers are sometimes really exaggerated.
Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate.
That is certainly true, though they had chilled out a bit by the time Babur comes around. Again, not saying they didn't commit some of their own massacres, but they didn't hold a candle to their predecessors in that regard.Actually the most instructive of the examples to estimate what may have happened is to extrapolate from your own example of Tamerlane's sack of Delhi. Tamerlane (though Muslim) was a bonafide Mongol warlord, and the military historian David Nicolle officially counts him among the major four canonical ones:
However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too.
Speaking of echos from history, I just found out that there is a good chance that the unique Afghan cap (the Pakol, one of which I own) may well be descended from the armies of Alexander:
Thank you for this interesting bit of information. There are also theories that the Kalash are descendants of Greeco Macedonians.
“Yours is also the fatal way of thinking and acting that if we just leave Arabs, Turks, Pakistani Muslims alone in “their countries†they won t bother us in “our countriesâ€.
I have no illusion about the Muslim’s expansionist streak which is quite obvious throughout their history of wars in the name of the “Ummahâ€. Yet, right from the beginning of the Islamic invasion of the Levant and the rest of the Middle East, their success against the Byzantines, the Egyptians and the Persians, was more a factor of lucky timing, having entered the fray after all those parties had exhausted each other with internecine warfare. Now, their biggest ally at overtaking the White nation states is the invisible enemy in White societies, namely political correctness, feminism and the “ divide et impera†that the tribe along with their lackeys of the moneyed elite are engaged in with devastating consequences for White societies.
At the turn of the 19th century we still had virile countries like England, France and Germany with expanding populations and a sense of nationhood. Two world wars and relentless social engineering by the masters of discourse from Hollywood to the MSM has allowed the stealthy Muslim invasion of Europe to proceed. Yet, I would endorse a firm policy of national defense rather than colonial conquest with a revival of family values as the best policy to keep all potential enemies at bay. The greed and the looting that marked most colonialist ventures was for the benefit of the few rather than the many. Meanwhile, I state unequivocally my preference to conquest by free trade and a free exchange of education and ideas without resorting to gunboat diplomacy, and I would still bet that the White culture would end up with the upper hand as long as the West is free from the internal enemy.
The Taking of Algiers was a planned robbery.Unlike what we are told in History books about the taking of Algiers being motivated by avenging French honour after the "Fly Whisk Incident", or civilising the Barbarians, or even freeing the Barbarians from Ottoman crutches and other imperialist nonsense, the real and planned reason for the expedition was, from the get-go, to get hold of the treasure of Algiers.It was known that the Ottoman ruler Dey Hussein was holding a considerable treasure in the vaults under his Diwan administrative quarters in the Kassabah. This treasure was later assessed to be composed of no less than 62 tons of gold, 240 tons of silver, and countless amounts of jewellery, diamonds and other precious gems.Information on this treasure was patiently and methodically collected over the years by Jewish merchants Michel Busnach and Joseph Cohen Bacri. It is these same merchants to whom France owed money for grains and cereals, and who put an insisting pressure on the ill-advised Dey to confront France.When the Algiers expedition was set up, the entire logistics was entrusted without any competition to an obscure and burgeoning supplier, the Seilliere family, despite the French army having at least 3 official suppliers. The Seillieres were close from the Jewish banking industry of Alsace, Eastern France.When Algiers was taken, the Kassabah was ransacked and the treasure appropriated. However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared. fractions were kept by the senior military within the French expedition force. The bulk of the treasure was confided into the hands of the Seillieres. Having chartered 357 ships for the operation, they were the only ones able to transport the product of the heist. As bankers, they were also in a position to issue letters of credits to less powerful looters wishing to remain anonymous.So the bulk of the treasure sailed undercover into the Seillieres' ships towards France. While a large part should have gone to King Charles X, he also, coincidentally or not, was ill-advised enough to issue very unpopular decrees, which resulted in a Parisian uprising called "Les Trois Glorieuses" (the three glorious day) that brought about his demise, hasty flee to England and his replacement by King Louis Phillipe. the bulk of the "Biggest Heist Ever" at the time remained under control of the Seillieres, making them one of the richest families in France to the day, allied to the Schneiders and the De Wendel, who became respectively France's main cannon makers and foremost industrialists.
I would appreciate that you state your sources so the diligent reader and commenter at UR can expand his/her quest of the truth.
Thank you Iris for this treasure trove of historic facts that sets the record straight about how the tribe is the real mastermind and the greatest beneficiary of colonialism. The same tribe was behind the Opium War in China and the 9/11 tragedy and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with their White collaborators paying with their blood in return for a pittance.
Ya that is true. Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate. We will never know 100% what really happened in the past. Only Allah (or God/Parmeshwar/ Ishwar) knows the true facts.
Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown.
Very likely. However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too. Mughal is the Persian word for Mongol and Baber though Uzbek had Mongol ancestors.
Had the Mongols penetrated into the deeper recesses of India, those numbers you posted would have been nothing in comparison.
Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate.
Th late historian, Simon Digby (who has been described as “the foremost British scholar of pre-Mughal India”) mentioned that taking the numbers of medieval sources at face-value to derive conclusions leads to “garbage in, garbage out”. I’m not saying there were no massacres, there obviously were – the Muslim historians themselves record them – but the numbers are sometimes really exaggerated.
However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too.
That is certainly true, though they had chilled out a bit by the time Babur comes around. Again, not saying they didn’t commit some of their own massacres, but they didn’t hold a candle to their predecessors in that regard.
Actually the most instructive of the examples to estimate what may have happened is to extrapolate from your own example of Tamerlane’s sack of Delhi. Tamerlane (though Muslim) was a bonafide Mongol warlord, and the military historian David Nicolle officially counts him among the major four canonical ones:
India is fortunate that Tamerlane’s attention was drawn westward after Delhi and he concentrated on expanding to the West. One of the great massacres his men did there was in the sack of Damascus, there is a section of the city that is, to this day, remembered as “Burj ar-Ru’us” (Tower of the Heads)* where they piled up all the heads. And then going on to eventually defeat the Ottomans at the Battle of Ankara and capture the Ottoman Caliph, thereby throwing the entire empire into a bloody civil war of succession (and also saving the Europeans’ chestnuts from the fire – the Ottomans had just annihilated a combined Crusader force at Nicopolis a few years earlier and could have kept expanding).
* Speaking of echos from history, I just found out that there is a good chance that the unique Afghan cap (the Pakol, one of which I own) may well be descended from the armies of Alexander:
Thank you for this interesting bit of information. There are also theories that the Kalash are descendants of Greeco Macedonians.Replies: @Talha
Speaking of echos from history, I just found out that there is a good chance that the unique Afghan cap (the Pakol, one of which I own) may well be descended from the armies of Alexander:
No Joe L.
You make the grave, fatal White Western mistake of thinking in terms of the Nation State – which is pretty much only a Western European concept. The only majority Muslim state that ever went for One state nationalism was Turkey after World War I when the Ottoman Empire lost their non ethnic Turk positions in Arab, European places.
Islam has nave been contained to single nations, Islam has always been spread by war, enslavement.
The Muslims know Spain was invaded and occupied by Arab Muslim Moors for 700 years!
There is a reason Sicilian Italians and too many Greeks look like hairy, swarthy Arabs. These areas were invaded and conquered by Arab Muslims and they f)’dklfd up the White gene pool.
Yours is also the fatal way of thinking and acting that if we just leave Arabs, Turks, Pakistani Muslims alone in “their countries†they won t bother us in “our countriesâ€.
Not even close. Pakistani Muslims elected one of their own as mayor of London/Londonstan.
Check out that White hating Somalian Congresswomen from Minnesota.
Do you think she s going to voluntarily go back to Somalia and leave us alone?
Not happening there mate.
Constantinople was a Greek city. That was a tragedy too.
The Turks when took over Anatolia, they should have kept the Greek language at least.
Greek culture would have continued on if they did.
Native Americans survived with the Spanish.
Most Latin American Spanish ruled nations have a large part of the population with Native ancestry or partly Native.
This is not the case in British ruled Americas.
Replies: @Iris
With the decline of the local Berber dynasties in the 15th and 16th centuries, the valuable coastal strip of north Africa (known because of the Berbers as the Barbary coast) attracts the attention of the two most powerful Mediterranean states of the time - Spain in the west, Turkey in the east.The Spanish-Turkish rivalry lasts for much of the 16th century, but it is gradually won - in a somewhat unorthodox manner - by the Turks. Their successful device is to allow Turkish pirates, or corsairs, to establish themselves along the coast. The territories seized by the corsairs are then given a formal status as protectorates of the Ottoman empire.
The first such pirate establishes himself on the coast of Algeria in 1512. Two others are firmly based in Libya by 1551. Tunisia is briefly taken in 1534 by the most famous corsair of them all, Khair ed-Din (known to the Europeans as Barbarossa). Recovered for Spain in 1535, Tunisia is finally brought under Ottoman control in 1574.Piracy remains the chief purpose and main source of income of all these Turkish settlements along the Barbary coast. And the depredations of piracy, after three centuries, at last prompt French intervention in Algeria. This, at any rate, is stated by the French at the time to be the cause of their intervention. The reality is somewhat less glorious.
Algiers is occupied by the French in 1830, but it is not until 1847 that the French conquest of Algeria is complete - after prolonged resistance from the Berber hinterland, which has never been effectively controlled by the Turks on the coast
Dear Robjil;
The myth of the Algerian Berbers being “liberated” from the Ottoman occupier, who would then be on par with the French imperialists, is a historic piece of propaganda that was actually printed on leaflets taken with the French expedition that first occupied Algeria.
In reality, and while the Ottomans indeed had an imperial ruling system that stood above the indigenopus Algerian society, their administration of Algeria was benevolent, with the locals complaining mostly of having to pay taxes.
Furthermore, the Ottomans did not invade, but were actually invited by Algerian cities of Djidjelli, Bedjaia and Algiers to come over from Constantinople and protect North Africa from Spanish attacks. The real circumstances is that North Africa was in a defensive position:
– The Spanish occupied the city of Oran in Western Algeria for two centuries (1509-1708).
– In the 1540’s , they also cleverly occupied and built a fort on rocky islands just off the the coast of Algiers, from which they safely and continuously bombarded the city. It was called “El Penon“, the Thorn, and has become a famous military tactics, same as a fixed aircraft carrier.
Old Algiers with the Spanish-built Peñon in the forefront:
Finally, Algiers was almost destroyed by Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who organised a vast maritime expedition in 1541, in which France did not take part because it was allied to the Ottomans. The Austrian-Spanish forces were vastly superior, but were destroyed by an unexpected and miraculous tempest.
The Ottoman “occupation” more likely protected the indigenous population from a genocide; native Americans facing Spanish armies were not so lucky.
The common religion of course played a role, as it fitted the concept of a common Muslim nation (Umma).
This deliberate vassality and respect towards the Ottoman rule remained true till the end.
The Algerian resistance leader Emir Abd El Kader called himself “Emir” (Prince) in recognition of his subordination to the Caliph of Constantinople, Caliph being the foremost ruler of Muslims. Best.
Good point.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
That is true. Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown. But yes, the Muslims that conquered deep into India were usually Persianized Turks or Turco-Afghans, etc. They could be fairly brutal in reprisal.
There are a lot of cases of Muslims armies massacring Hindus
Absolutely. In terms of European colonial brutality, I'd probably put it in this order:
Looks like the British conquest of India was far more humane compared to the French conquest of North Africa.
Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown.
Ya that is true. Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate. We will never know 100% what really happened in the past. Only Allah (or God/Parmeshwar/ Ishwar) knows the true facts.
Had the Mongols penetrated into the deeper recesses of India, those numbers you posted would have been nothing in comparison.
Very likely. However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too. Mughal is the Persian word for Mongol and Baber though Uzbek had Mongol ancestors.
Rest of your post I agree.
Th late historian, Simon Digby (who has been described as "the foremost British scholar of pre-Mughal India") mentioned that taking the numbers of medieval sources at face-value to derive conclusions leads to "garbage in, garbage out". I'm not saying there were no massacres, there obviously were - the Muslim historians themselves record them - but the numbers are sometimes really exaggerated.
Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate.
That is certainly true, though they had chilled out a bit by the time Babur comes around. Again, not saying they didn't commit some of their own massacres, but they didn't hold a candle to their predecessors in that regard.Actually the most instructive of the examples to estimate what may have happened is to extrapolate from your own example of Tamerlane's sack of Delhi. Tamerlane (though Muslim) was a bonafide Mongol warlord, and the military historian David Nicolle officially counts him among the major four canonical ones:
However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too.
The wheat growing must have been in Berber areas behind the coast. This is a short version of the history of the Barbary States. The pirates states were Turkish run.
With the decline of the local Berber dynasties in the 15th and 16th centuries, the valuable coastal strip of north Africa (known because of the Berbers as the Barbary coast) attracts the attention of the two most powerful Mediterranean states of the time – Spain in the west, Turkey in the east.
The Spanish-Turkish rivalry lasts for much of the 16th century, but it is gradually won – in a somewhat unorthodox manner – by the Turks. Their successful device is to allow Turkish pirates, or corsairs, to establish themselves along the coast. The territories seized by the corsairs are then given a formal status as protectorates of the Ottoman empire.
The first such pirate establishes himself on the coast of Algeria in 1512. Two others are firmly based in Libya by 1551. Tunisia is briefly taken in 1534 by the most famous corsair of them all, Khair ed-Din (known to the Europeans as Barbarossa). Recovered for Spain in 1535, Tunisia is finally brought under Ottoman control in 1574.
Piracy remains the chief purpose and main source of income of all these Turkish settlements along the Barbary coast. And the depredations of piracy, after three centuries, at last prompt French intervention in Algeria. This, at any rate, is stated by the French at the time to be the cause of their intervention. The reality is somewhat less glorious.
Algiers is occupied by the French in 1830, but it is not until 1847 that the French conquest of Algeria is complete – after prolonged resistance from the Berber hinterland, which has never been effectively controlled by the Turks on the coast
But remember, much of the treasure of Algeria cane not from honest farming production selling exporting and trade but from piracy of European ships and the labour and selling of European slaves.
Thanks for your reply.
Actually, the treasure of Algiers did come in most part from agricultural labour. Back in Ancient Times already, Algeria was the breadbasket of the Roman Empire. Its rich lands, large cattle and plentiful agricultural production are attested in geography studies. All other administrative regions of the country (Beyliks) paid taxes to the central Algiers Regency, which had itself stopped paying tribute to Constantinople.
Algiers was extremely rich because the land was, and for this reason was able to supply grain and cereals to the French people after the Revolution, and to the French armies during the campaigns of Italy and of Egypt under Napoleon. This grain wasn’t paid for; this is how the debt owed by France to Algiers accrued and led to Fly Whisk incident.
Jewish merchants were involved because, as one of them cynically put it, “Those making most money from wheat are those who transport it, not those who farm it”.
In general, ever since King Francois 1st, France and the Algiers Regency had uninterrupted collaboration and many signed agreements. The town of Marseille, for instance, had the formal privilege to collect corals without never being bothered by the Regency ships. After a heavy bombing of Algiers in 1688, the Regency signed a treaty with King Louis XIV and renounced maritime attacks against French ships.
The excuse of the Maritime Race as a cause for the colonisation of Algeria is largely fabricated; the Race had come to a halt by 1830.
All actes of piracy must be condemned by all sovereign entities. However, in practice this is not the case. In the eyes of Europeans fighting for control of the seas, piracy, when practiced against the enemy, is not considered a crime. On the contrary, it is encouraged when it results in the capture of enemy property. So when the french bandits intended to close the pirate port of Algiers they should have closed their own pirate ports such as St Malo, Motlaix, Bayonne and many more. Actually, piracy was officially inscribed in the naval strategy of many european countries. Regarding the so called “pirate port of Algiers” let me remind you that the western countries including the USA had ambassadors appointed there for decades.
The false narrative is what you are writing.
short period of time
This being key. I mean, if you know what happened when they took Oran, I’m not sure why an extended occupation by the Spanish would be seen as more benign. I do get your proposing that Algerians would see the French as the worst, I’m just of the opinion that they would have changed their mind had the Spanish been in charge over them given the same period.
The algerians experienced spanish occupation for a short period of time in the eighteenth century before being expelled.
This being key. I mean, if you know what happened when they took Oran, I'm not sure why an extended occupation by the Spanish would be seen as more benign. I do get your proposing that Algerians would see the French as the worst, I'm just of the opinion that they would have changed their mind had the Spanish been in charge over them given the same period.
short period of time
Guillaume Durocher’s point of view on the Algerian war as well as on colonization is that of the extreme French right which never accepted the independence of Algeria and the Algerian people. The independence was inevitable, De Gaulle or not. The merit of De Gaulle is to have accelerated the process of independence. While it can be considered that the algerian combatants lost the asymmetric war, thanks to the NATO war machine, Algeria won the diplomatic war. On the diplomatic level Algeria enjoyed the support of the majority of the member states of the UN, with the exception of a few countries including France,of course, and Israel (In the Algerian war, Zion was manoeuvering behind the scene, the french terrorist organisation OAS had a jewish section). In the USA, Algeria already had the support of the then senator JFK (In fact the support of the americans for the algerian armed struggle dates back to the mid-nineteen century when they decided to name a city (El Kader, Iowa) after Emir Abdelkader, the Algerian religious and military leader who led the struggle against the French colonial invasion in the mid-19th century).
The Algerian war was not a euro-muslim war as since many algerians (for one reason or another) sided with the french colonial power. On the other hand, many french as well sided with the algerian revolution. So it is not a euro-muslim war as Guillaume Durocher wants us to believe. It is a colonial war which was designed to establish and maintain a dominion in order to control the riches of the land at the expense of the indigenous people. Under the french colonial, Algeria was a a large agricultural and mining operation dedicated to the to the exclusive benefit of the settlers and metropolitan France. On the other hand, Guillaume Durocher speaks of the algerian combatants as terrorists just like the zionists today speaks of the palestinians as terrorists. In fact if one would like to understand what happened in Algeria during the french colonial rule, one has to take a look at what is happening now in Palestine: Land robbery, Forced population displacement, Persecution, wanton killings, forced disappearance of persons, concentration camps, etc,.
He would never refer to the napalm bombing of algerian villages and countryside. He would never refer to the forced exil of algerians to the faraway land of polynesia, etc..
You can – it’s been done before, but it takes a pretty ruthless level of meting out over-the-top violence.
Also, if you give people no choice but to face annihilation, then they will fight to the last and it will certainly cost a lot more of your side and resources. The French were pretty ruthless in their campaigns to bring the rebellion to heel in Algeria, but they were a bit like the Mongols in a certain regard. They could be indiscriminate and over-the-top in the violence if you resisted to make an example out of you to everyone else (which is why Amir Abdul Qadir [ra] started losing support among the various tribes, since the cost to support him was complete eradication), but if you capitulated they were willing to come to a level of terms.
The thing with Europeans seems to be that every time they get the jump on everyone else they remember how much more they like to go postal on each other…so they have another one of those periodic continental wars that blast each other to kingdom come. And then have to deal with the fallout of becoming weakened from their original position and lose what they gained. In WW2 this translated, for instance, into inviting Algerians (as well as others) to take part in invasions on the Southern Mediterranean front.
Much earlier, Napoleon’s successful Egypt and Levant campaign was brought to a quick halt – not by the natives, the French blew out their competition in the majority of their engagements – but by Britain intervening and completely handing the French their backsides in the Battle of the Nile.
The biggest advantage the rest of the world has generally had in this regard is European disunity and in-fighting. For instance, think about where exactly the world’s largest nuclear weapons arsenals are pointed at and by whom.
Seems to be a Divinely measured set of checks and balances so that no one people hold the king-of-the-hill position for too long and things remain interesting.
You cannot uproot a people with 3000+ years history.
Piracy was not a trademark of the kingdom of Algiers. it is well known and documented that the european nations such as Spain, France and Italy practised piracy and looting on the other side of the mediterranean. (
Speaking of honest farming, the kingdom of Algiers was the main wheat supplier to the South European countries, including France, for decades.
Replies: @Iris
With the decline of the local Berber dynasties in the 15th and 16th centuries, the valuable coastal strip of north Africa (known because of the Berbers as the Barbary coast) attracts the attention of the two most powerful Mediterranean states of the time - Spain in the west, Turkey in the east.The Spanish-Turkish rivalry lasts for much of the 16th century, but it is gradually won - in a somewhat unorthodox manner - by the Turks. Their successful device is to allow Turkish pirates, or corsairs, to establish themselves along the coast. The territories seized by the corsairs are then given a formal status as protectorates of the Ottoman empire.
The first such pirate establishes himself on the coast of Algeria in 1512. Two others are firmly based in Libya by 1551. Tunisia is briefly taken in 1534 by the most famous corsair of them all, Khair ed-Din (known to the Europeans as Barbarossa). Recovered for Spain in 1535, Tunisia is finally brought under Ottoman control in 1574.Piracy remains the chief purpose and main source of income of all these Turkish settlements along the Barbary coast. And the depredations of piracy, after three centuries, at last prompt French intervention in Algeria. This, at any rate, is stated by the French at the time to be the cause of their intervention. The reality is somewhat less glorious.
Algiers is occupied by the French in 1830, but it is not until 1847 that the French conquest of Algeria is complete - after prolonged resistance from the Berber hinterland, which has never been effectively controlled by the Turks on the coast
Likely, because they weren’t colonized by the Spanish.
Thanks for the politically incorrect post. Like to add that the Vatican was originally just a collection of buildings like a modern college campus or industrial park.
By 7750 AD Muslim bandits were installed in that part of Italy. The Vatican complex was constantly harassed and attacked. Between 800AD and 800 20s the wall was built for the sole purpose of keeping the Muslim army of burglars and thieves out
700 AD conquest of Spain right up to 1800s buying and selling of Greek Balkan and Slav slaves and raids on the northern shores of the Mediterranean.
It ended with the closing of the Pirate Port of Algiers by France in the 1830s.
After a hiatus of about 150 years the Muslim invasion of Europe began again; instigated and led by European elites.
((European Elites)) indeed opening the gates of Europa. Page 315, we read “Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, the renowned Spanish historian of the previous century, writes concerning the treachery of the Jews: “The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.â€125 While the Visigoth kingdom disarmed under the influence of the Jewish advisors and friends of Witiza, dismantled its defence and destroyed its war power, the Jews encouraged the Musulmans to fall upon the Christian kingdom and to destroy it. Great preparations were made in North Africa for this. Into the land which the Jews wished to destroy they introduced pacifism, and into the land which should serve them as a tool to destroy the other, a warlike spirit. These classical tactics the Jews have applied in the course of centuries in different states and use them today with a perfection, in which they have attained experience in the course of centuries. â€So those they want to destroy they preach them pacifism (Whites told to accept a brown multicultural multiracial future, Cultural Marxism, Colonial Guilt, holohoax, Hippies, bleeding heart dumb Libtards, Swedes and Europeans in general told by their crypto kike elites "that they have no culture!!!") and those they want to use as destroyers, they preach war (Wahabism, Sharia Patrol, Marxist hatred for Whites, Anti-Fa, Black & Hispanic gangs ). History repeating itself.Replies: @suicidal_canadian, @Anon
After a hiatus of about 150 years the Muslim invasion of Europe began again; instigated and led by European elites.
Good point.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
That is true. Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown. But yes, the Muslims that conquered deep into India were usually Persianized Turks or Turco-Afghans, etc. They could be fairly brutal in reprisal.
There are a lot of cases of Muslims armies massacring Hindus
Absolutely. In terms of European colonial brutality, I'd probably put it in this order:
Looks like the British conquest of India was far more humane compared to the French conquest of North Africa.
For the french, the algerians disagree. they should top the list.
In principle, yes, albeit in a highly insecure position. As things happened, there was far too much bad blood between the French and the Algerians by 1962. The Europeans realized by then their alternative was "the suitcase or the coffin."
i. could the french have remained in independent, muslim-ruled algeria like boers of SA? would they have if they could? why not?
Nah. I mean, initially, sure, but then came family reunification via the courts, the left, and the pseudo-patriotic right, etc.
ii. immigration to france/europe is normally explained by need of labor to rebuild ww2 destruction. is this true? after work visa expires, how did the workers turn into immigrants?
Indeed.Replies: @anon, @Malla, @buzzwar
iii. if the French abandon the Church, will not another sect or cult fill the void? can’t you see you are personally assisting such outcome?
“The suitcase or the coffin ” is a propaganda slogan initiated by the terrorist organisation the OAS and perpetuated by colonialists. Despite the extremist propaganda conveyed by guillaume durocher and the likes of him, which want make us believe that all the french had left Algeria, the truth is that after 1962 more than 200.000 french stayed in Algeria. And some till this day are still leaving in Algeria.
This is fully documented in Pierre Daum book “without suitcase or coffin”.
If you want to understand what happened in Algeria during the french rule look at what is happening now in palestine.
Canada was useless until the mid late 19th century with the railroads and central heat. The 1759 conquest of Canada was during The Little Ice Age when Canada was even colder than it is now. Even today, most Canadians live within 50 miles of the US border.
The Indians, First Nations live on the reservations in summer. Most have housing complexes near the southern border with the US. Those with kids move south in late August to begin the school year. Everybody else moves south in October.
After France was defeated in 1759, England really wanted Haiti then the wealthiest country in the world due to sugar and a much less expensive crop, coffee. Think today’s Kuwait.
France kept the sugar wealth of Haiti and England got a colony that could barely feed itself. 40 years later France lost Haiti, invented beet sugar and Haiti became one of the poorest countries in the world.
Yes, I totally agree with you. And of course I am totally against any form of recolonisation anyways. For better or for worse.
Which is why you seem to miss my original point. Any attempts at re-colonization today will be met with swift resistance by the population.
My main point was that most colonised people were cool with the Empires they were part of by the early 1900s. From a self pride perspective maybe of course they would have wanted their guy in the driving seat and not be part of some Whitey or Jap’s empire. But these colonial empire had become benign with time and were doing a lot of development, there were benefits in being parts of these empires, in many cases the colonial officers were actually less corrupt than the natives, more kinder to the disadvantaged and fair in dealing with matters in between different ethnic/religious/ racial/sectarian etc… groups as they were impartial outsiders.
OK – I’ll have to agree with you to a degree there. Not all of the colonial enterprises were as benign as others (see my list), but yes, overall they did become gradually more benign over time – no doubt about this.
It is very very difficult to defeat a modern state via revolution unless you have some powerful internationalist backers.
That is a reasonable point.
And that is why these anti-colonial “movements/ struggles†against European or local White rule (South Africa/ Rhodesia) can never be the templates for places like Palestine or Kashmir or Irian Jaya/ Western Papua.
Though you have to admit, East Timor did gain freedom after a fairly bloody struggle – so there’s that. The Acehnese also tried, but were curb-stomped by the Kopassus.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
Good point.
There are a lot of cases of Muslims armies massacring Hindus
That is true. Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown. But yes, the Muslims that conquered deep into India were usually Persianized Turks or Turco-Afghans, etc. They could be fairly brutal in reprisal.
On the one positive side or benefit, they were very tough and hardy warriors and probably saved the Indian populace from a much, much worse fate by being one of the few armies to beat back the Mongols. Had the Mongols penetrated into the deeper recesses of India, those numbers you posted would have been nothing in comparison.
Looks like the British conquest of India was far more humane compared to the French conquest of North Africa.
Absolutely. In terms of European colonial brutality, I’d probably put it in this order:
Dutch (tied with Belgian)
English (though the Boers might disagree) – the English were more about profits and utilization of resources, the French were more about settlement and ownership resources. In one situation, the native population is integral to the enterprise, in the other, they are a liability.
Ya that is true. Come to think of it history is or cannot be 100% accurate. We will never know 100% what really happened in the past. Only Allah (or God/Parmeshwar/ Ishwar) knows the true facts.
Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown.
Very likely. However the Mughals were themselves semi Mongols too. Mughal is the Persian word for Mongol and Baber though Uzbek had Mongol ancestors.
Had the Mongols penetrated into the deeper recesses of India, those numbers you posted would have been nothing in comparison.
O have heard that Muslims have their own law in India when it comes to personal matters like marriage, a remnant of the colonial era when we British wanted things to roll along as smoothly as possible, has the BJP scrapped this law?
Yes they did.
You forget the killing of Muslims in Gujrat State of India, when Modi was the Chief Minister there. Haren Pandya, the home minister of Gujarat State who was about to spill the beans about Modi’s involvement in the killing of innocent Muslims was assassinated, mafiaso style. Sanjiv Bhatt is a former Indian Police Service officer from Gujarat who filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court of India against the then Chief Minister of the Government of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, concerning Modi’s alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots where many innocent Muslims were killed, ended up being sent to jail on bogus charges of murder.
Also Modi’s right hand man, Amit Shah, and the present Home Minister of India, probably the most powerful person in India right now was charged with the involvement of Police killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh and his wife, who were false implicated to be Muslim terrorists and agents of Pakistani ISI. Guess what? The judge Brijgopal Harkishan Loya, who was to see through this case which could have led to the imprisonment of the goon BJP minister Amit Shah, mysteriously died. He was initially offered a bribe of 1 billion Rupees to get Amit Shah acquitted, when he refused, he died, his body was dumped infront of his house, his family lived in terror and his cell phone was returned by a RSS Hindu fundamentalist thug, not by the police, mind you. Remember we are dealing with a Supreme Court Judge here.
More on that here
What is the Justice Loya case and how is Amit Shah involved
You forget the lynching of innocent Muslims on the suspicion of transporting beef. Even though many beef exporting companies are owned by rich Hindus. Low IQ Unemployed Hindu fundamentalist thugs patrol the streets and take protection money from Muslims and then once in a while they kill off some innocent Muslim truck driver by lynching.
Basically we have goon thug Raj in India under these low IQ Hindu fundamantalists.
Then we have Pragya Thakur, a Hindu fundamentalist “holy” woman who was implicated in terrorist activities, the Malegaon case, where Hindu fundamentalists were behind bomb blasts to false implicate Muslims in a place called Malegaon. Indian investigative agencies found out a huge conspiracy of Hindu fundamentalists. It involved an Indian army captain Purohit who had deep links to Israel. The ATS (Anti Terrorist Squad) chief in this case, Police officer Hemant Karkare was mysteriously killed in the Mumbai Terrorist attacks. Pragya Thakur was mysterious acquitted and is now a MP from the BJP party, she is very close to Amit Shah.
More on that here
Special Report: How NIA went soft on Pragya Thakur – and is now delaying the Malegaon trial
Six people were killed in the 2008 bomb blast in which Thakur, the newly elected BJP MP, is the prime accused
And some praiseworthy actions by Hindu Fundamentalists
Gauri Lankesh was an Indian journalist-turned-activist from Bangalore, Karnataka. She worked as an editor in Lankesh Patrike, a Kannada weekly started by her father P. Lankesh, and ran her own weekly called Gauri Lankesh Patrike. Gauri was known for being a critic of right-wing Hindu extremism. She was honored with Anna Politkovskaya Award for speaking against right-wing Hindu extremism, campaigning for women’s rights and opposing caste based discrimination.
Narendra Achyut Dabholkar was an Indian medical doctor, social activist, rationalist and author. In 1989 he founded and became president of the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS), (the Committee to Eradicate Superstition in Maharashtra). He was awarded the Padma Shri for social work. In 2010, Dabholkar made several failed attempts to get an anti-superstition law enacted in the state of Maharashtra. Under his supervision, MANS drafted the Anti-Jaadu Tona Bill (Anti-Superstition and Black Magic Ordinance). Hindu fundamentalist political parties like the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Shiv Sena opposed it claiming it would adversely affect Hindu culture, customs and traditions. Critics accused him of being anti-religion but in an interview with the Agence France-Presse news agency he said, “In the whole of the bill, there’s not a single word about God or religion. Nothing like that. The Indian constitution allows freedom of worship and nobody can take that away, this is about fraudulent and exploitative practices.”
Dabholkar had faced several threats and assaults since 1983 but had rejected police protection. On 20th April 2013, SHOT DEAD BY HINDU FUNDAMENTALISTS.
Govind Pansare was a Communist Rationalist who opposed Hindu superstitions. Pansare used to run an organisation which encouraged inter-caste marriages. He had opposed the Putrakameshti yajna, a Hindu ritual that supposed results in a male child. He had also criticised the glorification of Nathuram Godse, the man who killed Mahatma Gandhi. He represented various labour unions and fought for the rights of poor slum dwellers After the murder of Narendra Dabholkar, the anti-superstition activist, Pansare had asked the members of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti to continue his work. Pansare has written 21 books, most of them commentaries on social wrongs.
Malleshappa Madivalappa Kalburgi, an Indian scholar of Vachana sahitya (Vachana literature) and academic who served as the vice-chancellor of Kannada University in Hampi. A noted epigraphist of Kannada, he was awarded the National Sahitya Akademi Award in 2006 for Marga 4, a collection of his research articles.
In 2014, he had spoken against superstitions in Hinduism, which some people misinterpreted as being against idolatry in Hinduism. SHOT DEAD BY HINDU FUNDAMENTALISTS.
More on that here
Who Killed Gauri, Kalburgi, Dabholkar, Pansare? The Puzzle Cracks, Slowly
A year after Gauri Lankesh’s murder, the trail of a network of radical Hindu right-wing operatives that investigators in Karnataka have been piecing together now appears to be widening, and their paths criss-crossing.
The Taking of Algiers was a planned robbery.Unlike what we are told in History books about the taking of Algiers being motivated by avenging French honour after the "Fly Whisk Incident", or civilising the Barbarians, or even freeing the Barbarians from Ottoman crutches and other imperialist nonsense, the real and planned reason for the expedition was, from the get-go, to get hold of the treasure of Algiers.It was known that the Ottoman ruler Dey Hussein was holding a considerable treasure in the vaults under his Diwan administrative quarters in the Kassabah. This treasure was later assessed to be composed of no less than 62 tons of gold, 240 tons of silver, and countless amounts of jewellery, diamonds and other precious gems.Information on this treasure was patiently and methodically collected over the years by Jewish merchants Michel Busnach and Joseph Cohen Bacri. It is these same merchants to whom France owed money for grains and cereals, and who put an insisting pressure on the ill-advised Dey to confront France.When the Algiers expedition was set up, the entire logistics was entrusted without any competition to an obscure and burgeoning supplier, the Seilliere family, despite the French army having at least 3 official suppliers. The Seillieres were close from the Jewish banking industry of Alsace, Eastern France.When Algiers was taken, the Kassabah was ransacked and the treasure appropriated. However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared. fractions were kept by the senior military within the French expedition force. The bulk of the treasure was confided into the hands of the Seillieres. Having chartered 357 ships for the operation, they were the only ones able to transport the product of the heist. As bankers, they were also in a position to issue letters of credits to less powerful looters wishing to remain anonymous.So the bulk of the treasure sailed undercover into the Seillieres' ships towards France. While a large part should have gone to King Charles X, he also, coincidentally or not, was ill-advised enough to issue very unpopular decrees, which resulted in a Parisian uprising called "Les Trois Glorieuses" (the three glorious day) that brought about his demise, hasty flee to England and his replacement by King Louis Phillipe. the bulk of the "Biggest Heist Ever" at the time remained under control of the Seillieres, making them one of the richest families in France to the day, allied to the Schneiders and the De Wendel, who became respectively France's main cannon makers and foremost industrialists.
I would appreciate that you state your sources so the diligent reader and commenter at UR can expand his/her quest of the truth.
Thank you Iris, it seems both colonization as well as decolonization were funded/ driven by the Zio elites. Even the British control of Suez Canal in Egypt had Rothschild written all over it.
However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared.
So the Algerians people were looted and it went into the coffers of powerful Jewish bankers. Just like the humongous accumulated wealth of the Tzars and the Russian people were looted after the “Russian” “Revolution”. Who knows where this Algerian, Russian and other people’s wealth ended up? Israel?
This still continues via the invade the World, invite the World policy today. Use the Western powers to invade the non Western world and then invite non Western populations inside the West. Use the Western economic military machines as weapons against Third World countries like Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc… and then use Third World populations as weapons against Whites inside the West. Both Invade the World and Invite the World must stop.
It is true that I don’t know what they think but we are not what we pretend or think or believe to be, we are our deeds.
The Taking of Algiers was a planned robbery.Unlike what we are told in History books about the taking of Algiers being motivated by avenging French honour after the "Fly Whisk Incident", or civilising the Barbarians, or even freeing the Barbarians from Ottoman crutches and other imperialist nonsense, the real and planned reason for the expedition was, from the get-go, to get hold of the treasure of Algiers.It was known that the Ottoman ruler Dey Hussein was holding a considerable treasure in the vaults under his Diwan administrative quarters in the Kassabah. This treasure was later assessed to be composed of no less than 62 tons of gold, 240 tons of silver, and countless amounts of jewellery, diamonds and other precious gems.Information on this treasure was patiently and methodically collected over the years by Jewish merchants Michel Busnach and Joseph Cohen Bacri. It is these same merchants to whom France owed money for grains and cereals, and who put an insisting pressure on the ill-advised Dey to confront France.When the Algiers expedition was set up, the entire logistics was entrusted without any competition to an obscure and burgeoning supplier, the Seilliere family, despite the French army having at least 3 official suppliers. The Seillieres were close from the Jewish banking industry of Alsace, Eastern France.When Algiers was taken, the Kassabah was ransacked and the treasure appropriated. However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared. fractions were kept by the senior military within the French expedition force. The bulk of the treasure was confided into the hands of the Seillieres. Having chartered 357 ships for the operation, they were the only ones able to transport the product of the heist. As bankers, they were also in a position to issue letters of credits to less powerful looters wishing to remain anonymous.So the bulk of the treasure sailed undercover into the Seillieres' ships towards France. While a large part should have gone to King Charles X, he also, coincidentally or not, was ill-advised enough to issue very unpopular decrees, which resulted in a Parisian uprising called "Les Trois Glorieuses" (the three glorious day) that brought about his demise, hasty flee to England and his replacement by King Louis Phillipe. the bulk of the "Biggest Heist Ever" at the time remained under control of the Seillieres, making them one of the richest families in France to the day, allied to the Schneiders and the De Wendel, who became respectively France's main cannon makers and foremost industrialists.
I would appreciate that you state your sources so the diligent reader and commenter at UR can expand his/her quest of the truth.
So Jews conspired to profit from the French putting an end to piracy by looting the treasury Barbaric pirates had looted from the French and other Europeans. How does that make the French decision to put an end to Barbaric piracy unjustified?
Back when I was young, homeless were uncommon in the US. They were mostly alcoholic older men, druggies.
The idea of losing a Triple A rating would have been absurd in the late 90’s.
Look at the US now.
More snippets from another of Mr. Reed’s book ‘The Siege Of Southern Africa’, published in 1974
“In Angola they are engaged, as they well know, in a war (“Rebels” vs the Portuguese colonial Govt) which they cannot militarily win because it is not a war at all, in any sense in which the word was ever used in history. It is an international conspiracy (in support of the “rebels” against the Portuguese Empire) in which half the governments of the world join, wearing the mocking mask of moral indignation: Russian and Chinese Communists, American Quakers, British Socialists, Norwegian, Swedish and German Socialists. It can go on as long as hireling murderers can be enlisted by the promise of loot, women, private vengeance and political appointments. It can go on as long as America, Russia, China, “the satellite Statesâ€, Cuba and Algeria flood Africa with arms for these hirelings, and as long as the Socialist party in England and the Roosevelt school in America lavish money on them.â€
“The open frontal attack has not happened, or not yet, and the siege of Southern Africa which has been conducted during the last decade is of an entirely new nature. It is one of bombardment by falsehood, threat and menace from the body ludicrously called the “United Nations†in New York; of murder, arson and rapine by hired assassins on the borders of the four countries chiefly besieged; and of incitement by words and money gifts from innumerable “democratic†Governments and Communist “cover organizations†all over the world.â€
“These emissaries infiltrate into the Ovambo villages by night and “disturb and incite the tribespeople, particularly the young men, with tales of coming invasions patronized by the House of Helots (United Nations) in New York and limitlessly supplied with Chinese and Russian arms. The leftist-liberal world conspiracy has reached into this remote and peaceful pastoral community. â€
“Mr. Ruark did not add what I will append here: these hideous miscreants were the proteges of those ravening wolves, the Liberals of New York, as well as the hirelings of Communism. Their leader, an abominable creature of many aliases, is best known as Holden Roberto. Just eighteen months before the massacre he went to the United States where he was made warmly welcome by the American Committee on Africa, the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.â€
Hideous miscreants in the above snippet refers to terrorists (today history calls them “freedom fighters” LOL) who massacred both blacks and Whites, trained by communist USSR, China and North Korea and financed by the USA (Wall Street bankers).
Replies: @Alden, @Malla
“The document is important because it proves that Cervantes was in La Puebla, which we didn’t know until now, and it establishes a relationship with De Barros, who built the vessels that fought in the Battle of Lepanto, as well as supplying the ships that sailed to the Indies,†says Cabello. Cervantes was severely wounded at the Battle of Lepanto, which took place in 1571 off the west coast of Greece and marked a major European victory over the Ottoman Empire. Four years later, returning to Spain from Italy, he was captured by Algerian pirates and kept as a slave for five years until a ransom was paid for his release. Cervantes is known to have spent from 1587 to 1597 in the province of Seville. He would publish the first part of Don Quixote in 1605"
Thanks for this info. That is why I say Europeans do not have any unity. You had European privateers joining up with North African Corsairs to capture European villagers to be sold into slavery in North Africa. You had Vikings selling pagan Slavs as slaves to Arabs. No unity among Europeans.
As far as those privateers, unless of course, those European Privateers were crypto Jews. TruthHertz Radio’s Charles Guilliani had done a radio show where he discussed that many of the famous European pirates and privateers were crypto Jews who enjoyed preying on Spanish ships as revenge on the Spaniards. And they were helped by crypto Jewish North African pirates at times. There were many Jewish tribes in North Africa since pre Islamic times. Sigmund Fraud the scumbag day dreamed of being Hannibal laeding Carthage into war with Rome and destroying Rome. He did destroy Europa (Rome) with his disgusting theories and propaganda.
There were even theories that Warrior queen Dihya was crypto Jewish. Who was Dihya?
From Wikipedia:
Dihya or Kahina was a Berber warrior queen and a religious and military leader who led indigenous resistance to the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb, the region then known as Numidia. She was born in the early 7th century and died around the end of the 7th century in modern-day Algeria.
She was born into the JrÄwa Zenata tribe in the early 7th century.
Dihya succeeded Kusaila as the war leader of the Berber tribes in the 680s and opposed the encroaching Arab Islamic armies of the Umayyad Dynasty. Hasan ibn al-Nu’man marched from Egypt and captured the major Byzantine city of Carthage and other cities (see Muslim conquest of North Africa). Searching for another enemy to defeat, he was told that the most powerful monarch in North Africa was “the Queen of the Berbers” (Arabic: malikat al-barbar) DihyÄ, and accordingly marched into Numidia. In 698, the armies met near Meskiana[10] in the present-day province of Oum el-Bouaghi at the Battle of Meskiana [fr] (or “battle of camels”) in Algeria.[11] She defeated Hasan so soundly that he fled Ifriqiya and holed up in Cyrenaica (Libya) for four or five years. Realizing that the enemy was too powerful and bound to return, she was said to have embarked on a scorched earth campaign, which had little impact on the mountain and desert tribes, but lost her the crucial support of the sedentary oasis-dwellers. Instead of discouraging the Arab armies, her desperate decision hastened defeat.
The story of the Kahina is told by a variety of cultures, and each story often offers a different, or even contradictory, perspective. For example, the story is used to promote feminist beliefs. Additionally, it is even told by Arabs to promote their own nationalism. For the Arabs, they told the story in a perspective that made the Kahina seem like a sorcerer, all in an attempt to discredit her. Some Arab historians took it even farther by saying that the Kahina eventually tried to have her sons adopt Islam as their religion. Another group that told the story of the Kahina was the French. The story of the Kahina was told to paint colonialism in a positive light. The story was told with a message saying that it represented the freeing of Berbers from the Arabs.
For five years she ruled a free Berber state from the Aurès Mountains to the oasis of Gadames (695–700 CE).
But the Arabs, commanded by Musa bin Nusayr, returned with a strong army and defeated her. She fought at the El Djem Roman amphitheater but finally was killed in combat near a well that still bears her name, Bir al Kahina in Aures.
Accounts from the 19th century on claim she was of Jewish religion or that her tribe were Judaized Berbers. According to al-MÄlikÄ«, she was accompanied in her travels by an “idol”. Both Mohamed Talbi and Gabriel Camps interpreted this idol as a Christian icon, either of Christ, the Virgin, or a saint protecting the queen. M’hamed Hassine Fantar held that this icon represented a separate Berber deity, and thus made Dihya a pagan. However, Dihya being a Christian remains the most likely hypothesis.
The idea that the Jarawa were Judaized comes from the medieval historian Ibn Khaldun, who named them among seven Berber tribes. Hirschberg and Talbi note that Ibn Khaldun seems to have been referring to a time before the advent of the late Roman and Byzantine empires, and a little later in the same paragraph seems to say that by Roman times “the tribes” had become Christianized. As early as 1963, the Israeli historian H.Z. Hirschberg, in retranslating the text of Ibn Khaldun and rigorously repeating the whole document, questioned this interpretation, and in general the existence of large Jewish Berber tribes in the end of Antiquity. In the words of H.Z. Hirschberg, “of all the known movements of conversion to Judaism and incidents of Judaizing, those connected with the Berbers and Sudanese in Africa are the least authenticated. Whatever has been written on them is extremely questionable.”
So maybe she was not Jewish, maybe she was. But there are theories of Jewish tribes living in North Africa from ancient times.
The "total war" campaign against the Algerian populace is well documented. General Bugeaud had been part of the (unsuccessful) Napoleonic invasion and occupation of Spain against irregular Spaniard fighters (and their British support). He decided not to pull any punches in Algeria. This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true.
Totally agree.
There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s.
Yeah, most Muslims don't like secular nationalist (especially Marxist) groups that kill women and children. Men like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra), whose release was even supported by the very French POWs that had formerly been his captives, would have been appalled at this kind of behavior:
The FLN leaders could but take note of this strong reluctance that their co-religionists showed towards them.
This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
Besides, I do not know of such instances of the British doing something like that in India. Or even if these happened, they were very rare.
There are a lot of cases of Muslims armies massacring Hindus such as:
In 1365, 500,000 inhabitants were massacred in all the districts surrounding Vijayanagara by the Bahmani Sultanate soldiers. In Raichur Doab alone, 70,000 Hindus were massacred by the army of the Bahmani Sultanate in response to killing of the garrison of Mudgal.
In 1353, Firuz Shah invaded Bengal after it rebelled and paid for the 180,000 heads of Hindus massacred by his soldiers
In 1398, during the Timurid massacre of Delhi, Hindus of the city were killed or enslaved. After the massacre ended, the survivors either died of famine and disease and Timur’s forces further enslaved many people.
OR we had Hindu armies massacring both fellow Hindus and Muslims such as:
During the 1741-1751, Hindu Maratha expeditions in Bengal Subah, over 400,000 people were killed in Bengal and Bihar including textile workers, merchants and other inhabitants.
Very few British massacres of Indians, the most famous one was the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre but that has its own story behind it. I will cover it someday in the future, I had covered it once before somewhere on Unz.
Looks like the British conquest of India was far more humane compared to the French conquest of North Africa.
Good point.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
That is true. Though I might contest the numbers a bit; medieval estimates are often overblown. But yes, the Muslims that conquered deep into India were usually Persianized Turks or Turco-Afghans, etc. They could be fairly brutal in reprisal.
There are a lot of cases of Muslims armies massacring Hindus
Absolutely. In terms of European colonial brutality, I'd probably put it in this order:
Looks like the British conquest of India was far more humane compared to the French conquest of North Africa.
Replies: @Alden, @Malla
“The document is important because it proves that Cervantes was in La Puebla, which we didn’t know until now, and it establishes a relationship with De Barros, who built the vessels that fought in the Battle of Lepanto, as well as supplying the ships that sailed to the Indies,†says Cabello. Cervantes was severely wounded at the Battle of Lepanto, which took place in 1571 off the west coast of Greece and marked a major European victory over the Ottoman Empire. Four years later, returning to Spain from Italy, he was captured by Algerian pirates and kept as a slave for five years until a ransom was paid for his release. Cervantes is known to have spent from 1587 to 1597 in the province of Seville. He would publish the first part of Don Quixote in 1605"
2 more famous Europeans captured and enslaved by Algerian pirates
Anerica’s captain John Smith of Jamestown. Before he adventure to Virginia he was captured and enslaved by Algerians. He escaped and made his way back to England.
Saint Vincent de Paul was a French priest mid 1600s. He was captured and enslaved by Algerian pirates. After several years he was ransomed with a batch of slaves.
He founded the charitable & medical Vincent de Paul society which still exists. It runs 20 hospitals in the United States some universities a chain of second hand stores like Goodwill and a social charitable club.
They were the lucky ones. Most died in Algeria.
All the mothers of the Seljuk and ottoman sultans were European slave girls captured and sold. Turkish Sultans did not marry. They did not buy Turkish slave women. Only one sultan married his Russian slave mother of his children, Suleiman the magnificent married Russian Roxana.
Think about the hundreds of thousands of young European Christian girls who didn’t end up in Topaki palace but in nasty brothels and hard labor slavery.
The Turkish slave raiders raided as far west and north as Greenland. Greenland slaves were ransomed and rescued. Except for a few big fortified cities, the Mediterranean shores of France were uninhabited because of Algerian raids.
In 1630 the Pilgrims of Massachusetts sent a shipload of beaver skin to England. Turkish pirates raided and stole the cargo of beaver skins.
Off topic just clicked through TV channels. A big fat ugly black women is proclaiming that covid hoax will be so bad in November we won’t be able to have any in person voting, just mail in ballots. Also claims Russians are already interfering in behalf of Trump Biden is sitting right next to her.
The "total war" campaign against the Algerian populace is well documented. General Bugeaud had been part of the (unsuccessful) Napoleonic invasion and occupation of Spain against irregular Spaniard fighters (and their British support). He decided not to pull any punches in Algeria. This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true.
Totally agree.
There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s.
Yeah, most Muslims don't like secular nationalist (especially Marxist) groups that kill women and children. Men like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra), whose release was even supported by the very French POWs that had formerly been his captives, would have been appalled at this kind of behavior:
The FLN leaders could but take note of this strong reluctance that their co-religionists showed towards them.
Which is why you seem to miss my original point. Any attempts at re-colonization today will be met with swift resistance by the population.
Yes, I totally agree with you. And of course I am totally against any form of recolonisation anyways. For better or for worse.
My main point was that most colonised people were cool with the Empires they were part of by the early 1900s. From a self pride perspective maybe of course they would have wanted their guy in the driving seat and not be part of some Whitey or Jap’s empire. But these colonial empire had become benign with time and were doing a lot of development, there were benefits in being parts of these empires, in many cases the colonial officers were actually less corrupt than the natives, more kinder to the disadvantaged and fair in dealing with matters in between different ethnic/religious/ racial/sectarian etc… groups as they were impartial outsiders. There were benefits in being associated with these Empires and the majority populations lived in inertia. My point is there were international forces who wanted these European (and even Japanese) Empires dismantled, many of these anti-colonial movements as well as Communist Revolutions were funded and supported by international forces and in some cases, even some of the powerful elites of the Home nations themselves were in it. In other words these Empires dismantled themselves, which was part of some larger plans. For example, the Secretary of State of India, Samuel Montague wrote in the Montague Clemsford Report that the British Raj would itself create Indian Nationalism!!!
It is very very difficult to defeat a modern state via revolution unless you have some powerful internationalist backers. And that is why I believe most of these anti-colonial movements were mostly fake and so were movements like the Russian Revolution or the ANC of South Africa.
And that is also the reason why movements like the Palestinians or the Kashmiris do not succeed. It is very very difficult to defeat a modern state (actually it was the Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul who said the same thing in one interview). Without clandestine external help (globalist/ Wall Street/ communist) or internal help (some of the elites of the home countries themselves dismantling the Empire because of some greater future globalist geopolitical plans) none of these “freedom struggles/ revolutions” of the 20th century would have succeeded in the way they succeeded. And that is why these anti-colonial “movements/ struggles” against European or local White rule (South Africa/ Rhodesia) can never be the templates for places like Palestine or Kashmir or Irian Jaya/ Western Papua. If the Palestinian struggle would have been against gentile White settlers or if Kashmir/ Irian Jaya was trying to get independence from some White nation rule, they would have been successful like decades ago. The “World Community” (Globalist banking elites) would have come down on the enemies of the Palestinians/ Kashmiris/ West Papuans with all its fury, with much more intensive sanctions and the “international media” blaring 24/7 about these atrocities.
OK - I'll have to agree with you to a degree there. Not all of the colonial enterprises were as benign as others (see my list), but yes, overall they did become gradually more benign over time - no doubt about this.
My main point was that most colonised people were cool with the Empires they were part of by the early 1900s. From a self pride perspective maybe of course they would have wanted their guy in the driving seat and not be part of some Whitey or Jap’s empire. But these colonial empire had become benign with time and were doing a lot of development, there were benefits in being parts of these empires, in many cases the colonial officers were actually less corrupt than the natives, more kinder to the disadvantaged and fair in dealing with matters in between different ethnic/religious/ racial/sectarian etc… groups as they were impartial outsiders.
That is a reasonable point.
It is very very difficult to defeat a modern state via revolution unless you have some powerful internationalist backers.
Though you have to admit, East Timor did gain freedom after a fairly bloody struggle - so there's that. The Acehnese also tried, but were curb-stomped by the Kopassus.
And that is why these anti-colonial “movements/ struggles†against European or local White rule (South Africa/ Rhodesia) can never be the templates for places like Palestine or Kashmir or Irian Jaya/ Western Papua.
The Taking of Algiers was a planned robbery.Unlike what we are told in History books about the taking of Algiers being motivated by avenging French honour after the "Fly Whisk Incident", or civilising the Barbarians, or even freeing the Barbarians from Ottoman crutches and other imperialist nonsense, the real and planned reason for the expedition was, from the get-go, to get hold of the treasure of Algiers.It was known that the Ottoman ruler Dey Hussein was holding a considerable treasure in the vaults under his Diwan administrative quarters in the Kassabah. This treasure was later assessed to be composed of no less than 62 tons of gold, 240 tons of silver, and countless amounts of jewellery, diamonds and other precious gems.Information on this treasure was patiently and methodically collected over the years by Jewish merchants Michel Busnach and Joseph Cohen Bacri. It is these same merchants to whom France owed money for grains and cereals, and who put an insisting pressure on the ill-advised Dey to confront France.When the Algiers expedition was set up, the entire logistics was entrusted without any competition to an obscure and burgeoning supplier, the Seilliere family, despite the French army having at least 3 official suppliers. The Seillieres were close from the Jewish banking industry of Alsace, Eastern France.When Algiers was taken, the Kassabah was ransacked and the treasure appropriated. However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared. fractions were kept by the senior military within the French expedition force. The bulk of the treasure was confided into the hands of the Seillieres. Having chartered 357 ships for the operation, they were the only ones able to transport the product of the heist. As bankers, they were also in a position to issue letters of credits to less powerful looters wishing to remain anonymous.So the bulk of the treasure sailed undercover into the Seillieres' ships towards France. While a large part should have gone to King Charles X, he also, coincidentally or not, was ill-advised enough to issue very unpopular decrees, which resulted in a Parisian uprising called "Les Trois Glorieuses" (the three glorious day) that brought about his demise, hasty flee to England and his replacement by King Louis Phillipe. the bulk of the "Biggest Heist Ever" at the time remained under control of the Seillieres, making them one of the richest families in France to the day, allied to the Schneiders and the De Wendel, who became respectively France's main cannon makers and foremost industrialists.
I would appreciate that you state your sources so the diligent reader and commenter at UR can expand his/her quest of the truth.
Wow, thank you so much. I’ll keep it. It’s as bad as the Dutch William and Mary Jewish Amsterdam bankers take over of England.
But remember, much of the treasure of Algeria cane not from honest farming production selling exporting and trade but from piracy of European ships and the labor and selling of European slaves.
Thanks for your reply.
But remember, much of the treasure of Algeria cane not from honest farming production selling exporting and trade but from piracy of European ships and the labour and selling of European slaves.
The problem is not so much the location of Troy, but the historicity of Homeric poems which was put in doubt since Antiquity. Homer’s descriptions do not match well with what we know from the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean, Anatolia, Egypt at the supposed time of the Trojan War. The identification of Hissarlik with Troy, made by Schliemann was a subject of controversy to our days.
It is increasingly clear that the events described in the poems fit better in the era of turmoils of Late Bronze Age brought about by the great movement of the ‘Sea Peoples’ coming from the Western Mediterranean and very likely beyond, i.e. the Atlantic fringe. Moreover, the society described by Homer fit almost perfectly with what we know about the Celtic society of Western Europe, including the British Isles, in the Bronze Age.
That would better explain the tenacity of the ‘Trojan origins myth’ as foundation myths of the French and British ‘nations’ (e.g. in British chronicles London was called ‘Trinovantum, Troia Nova’, New Troy and the most powerful tribe at the time of Caesar’s invasion, were the ‘Trinovantes’).
Actually, Thucydides describes the Plataeans using this technique to drive out an infiltrating force of Thebans in 431 B.C.
I would appreciate that you state your sources so the diligent reader and commenter at UR can expand his/her quest of the truth.
The Taking of Algiers was a planned robbery.
Unlike what we are told in History books about the taking of Algiers being motivated by avenging French honour after the “Fly Whisk Incident”, or civilising the Barbarians, or even freeing the Barbarians from Ottoman crutches and other imperialist nonsense, the real and planned reason for the expedition was, from the get-go, to get hold of the treasure of Algiers.
It was known that the Ottoman ruler Dey Hussein was holding a considerable treasure in the vaults under his Diwan administrative quarters in the Kassabah. This treasure was later assessed to be composed of no less than 62 tons of gold, 240 tons of silver, and countless amounts of jewellery, diamonds and other precious gems.
Information on this treasure was patiently and methodically collected over the years by Jewish merchants Michel Busnach and Joseph Cohen Bacri. It is these same merchants to whom France owed money for grains and cereals, and who put an insisting pressure on the ill-advised Dey to confront France.
When the Algiers expedition was set up, the entire logistics was entrusted without any competition to an obscure and burgeoning supplier, the Seilliere family, despite the French army having at least 3 official suppliers. The Seillieres were close from the Jewish banking industry of Alsace, Eastern France.
When Algiers was taken, the Kassabah was ransacked and the treasure appropriated. However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared.
Small fractions were kept by the senior military within the French expedition force. The bulk of the treasure was confided into the hands of the Seillieres. Having chartered 357 ships for the operation, they were the only ones able to transport the product of the heist. As bankers, they were also in a position to issue letters of credits to less powerful looters wishing to remain anonymous.
So the bulk of the treasure sailed undercover into the Seillieres’ ships towards France. While a large part should have gone to King Charles X, he also, coincidentally or not, was ill-advised enough to issue very unpopular decrees, which resulted in a Parisian uprising called “Les Trois Glorieuses” (the three glorious day) that brought about his demise, hasty flee to England and his replacement by King Louis Phillipe.
So the bulk of the “Biggest Heist Ever” at the time remained under control of the Seillieres, making them one of the richest families in France to the day, allied to the Schneiders and the De Wendel, who became respectively France’s main cannon makers and foremost industrialists.
All those names were initially obscure Jewish families from Alsace, who nicely coordinated with Jewish merchants from Algiers, Marseille and Livorno to take control of the largest treasure ever sized on one go, with the French Army playing along. It is not difficult to guess who was the mastermind.
A few military denounced the robbery. General Clauzel organised a inquiry commission which was hastily disbanded after a fortnight without any outcome. Bribery clearly settled the matter.
These are facts, proven by undisputed French and British records. They are ignored by official history because official history is mostly made of ideology suiting the domineering powers.
The loot of Algiers as primary goal of the expedition was reminded to our memory by outstanding investigative journalist Pierre Pean, arguably the foremost and most respected in his profession.
In “Main basse sur Alger : enquête sur un pillage, juillet 1830″ (Plon, 2004)
So the Algerians people were looted and it went into the coffers of powerful Jewish bankers. Just like the humongous accumulated wealth of the Tzars and the Russian people were looted after the "Russian" "Revolution". Who knows where this Algerian, Russian and other people's wealth ended up? Israel?
However, it is now known that only about a tenth of it was directed to the official French Treasury. The bulk of it disappeared.
No, actually burglars of Jewlry stores in NYC in the early part of the 20th century were first to punch holes in adjoing walls. Then again the store owners were predominately Jewish, so they, theives in their own right, learned something from the real theives and passed it on. just joking.
Same thing happened in Rhodesia, India, Angola, you name it. De-colonisation was a big conspiracy.
“America makes local forays “against Communism†which leave no dent in the thing itself and end in semi-fiasco (witness Korea, Vietnam, Cuba). Betweenwhiles, American State patronage of the revolution in reality goes on and is plainest to see in Africa, where implacable American pressure for “black majority rule†has helped bring about the present chaos of racial and tribal warfare in northern Africa, under cover of which communism, leaping over the Middle East and the Indian Ocean, has planted its first overseas colony-in-embryo at Dar es Salaam on the East African coast, whence “news†about the rest of Africa reaches the ears of “the free world†through the B.B.C. and the Voice of America. â€
“The logical next step was independence for Southern Rhodesia, far more advanced than the others, self-governing for forty years, raised by its own bootstraps to its status, without monetary or other help from others. More than thirty new “States†had been fabricated out of the tribal complex of Africa and were being propped up with British money while they clamoured for war in New York.^^^ It was unimaginable, in 1963, that to Rhodesia alone, in all this continent, independence should be denied. â€
more from the book
“As by careful planning, all the sources of war conjoin at this moment in time: the case against South Africa at the International Court, the published plan for war on South Africa (see a later chapter), the siege of Rhodesia, the communist terrorism in Rhodesia, the war- mongering majority of irresponsibles in the United Nations, and, above all, the now public incitement by the United States (if its representative there speaks for the President, as one must assume, and not against him).
A perilous brink, my masters, and I trust that you may think on these things when next you hear or
read about “freedom fighters†or “guerillas†in Rhodesia. May your minds then conjure up the
image of that constant shuttle- service between Lusaka, Dar es Salaam and the distant communist
terrorist-camps; of the encouragement given to all that by your politicians in London, Washington
and New York; and of that lonely mud-and-wattle hut blazing in the night with black folk trapped
inside. â€
“All that was done, and could not come again unless it came from outside. But the voices from across the border, from London, from something incomprehensible to “the African people†called the United Nations in New York continued their incitement: the shuttle-service between Dar es Salaam and communist Asia plied on … The terror by night still lurked in the alien shadows. â€
Tanzania (hence its capital Dar es Salaam) was a semi communist country then and the communist Soviets and Chinese had set up training camps in that country for these terrorists, often described as “Black Nationalists†or “freedom fighters†by the controlled commie Western media. All funded by American/British money.
more from the book below
“These were forced on it by the encouragement given in London and New York to the terrorists called “African nationalists†(a meaningless term in any context, let alone that of a continent containing a multitude of different, mutually antagonistic races, peoples and tribes. Are there, then “European nationalists†and “Asiatic nationalists� Would the United States tolerate the idea of “South American nationalists�). “
Some snippets from Douglas Reed’s book ‘South of the Suez’ will throw some light on this conspiracy.
“The dark man wants to see the white man’s town, to earn a few coins, to buy enchanting
things in the white man’s bazaars. One day he disappears from the kraal and travels perhaps
hundreds of miles through scrub and bush. He slips across the frontier and soon another lost one
joins Johannesburg’s dark legion. These men forget their native land, their people, the laws and
customs they once obeyed. They become almost as rootless as the Negroes of America. From the
ranks of the white men one welcoming hand is extended to them, in the spirit in which Mephisto
gave his to Faust over a good bargain (but these men have never heard of Faust). The Communist Party courts them, tells them the white man hates them and they must hate the white man and drive him one day into the sea. The driving-power of the Communist Party is supplied, as in other countries, by men from Eastern Europe, or the children of such. The newcomer thought himself lucky, perhaps, to put behind him the dullness of village life and come to the city. He was not aggrieved, but now white men tell him how badly treated he is. â€
“In England a chief Communist objective is to prevent emigration, particularly to
Africa and to South Africa. Clearly Africa looms large in Communist plans for the second half of this century; supreme importance appears to be attached to preventing the rise of great white
populations there, and South Africa is plainly seen as the key to this matter. This is the real reason for the constant attacks on South Africa in London’s Leftist newspapers. Similarly, in South Africa the Communists actively support the campaign against The Immigrants, telling the rural Afrikaner that ‘the Jingoes’ will swamp his Afrikanerdom and the Natal British that they will encroach on employment and housing. The South African newspapers’ practice of publishing pseudonymous letters facilitates this agitation; obviously doubtful epistles, expressing violent distaste for South Africa, appear over such signatures as ‘Blighty for me’, ‘I’ve had it’, and so on. â€
“It is quite easy to understand this technique … If England can be kept in a weakened
condition by over-population, and Canada prevented from becoming stronger by under-population
and industrial development, they both become an easy prey for Communist aggression.’ â€
“The long arms of those two great forces which appear to me to join in wreaking the havoc of our
time reach even into this little fastness. The money-power and the revolutionary-power both spread their grasp over it. In every little town stands the office of the Mines Recruiting Corporation, and through its doors passes the constant stream of Basuto going to Johannesburg to dig gold for entombment in Kentucky. In the reverse direction, across the mountains from Johannesburg, come the Communist organizers. Natives who have received ‘education’ in this sense and operate the little printing-presses in Maseru or work among the tribesmen. No land is too small or remote for the Communist Party if it offers the prospect of setting white man against dark one, tribesman against chief, or Boer against Briton, in pursuit of the larger design. â€
“The Communist and Zionist newspapers maintain it in England and South Africa, but the great bulk of it comes from America, where I later studied it with fascination. It is an amazing example of the subtle encouragement of passions. Negro Communists are paraded as typical specimens of an oppressed race (the Negro population as a whole is unresponsive to Communism). Some guiding hand gives a specious trend to all literature and entertainment. The book supplements of the leading newspapers each week review a mass of books about ‘the colour bar’, and mysterious committees make ‘awards’ to many of these. If an objective book about the subject appears in some other country, it may be taken over and made into a play which proves to be anti-colour-bar propaganda. The theme is constantly introduced into radio programmes, films, dramatic plays and even musical plays; London playgoers will find it in some of the great American successes performed there in recent years. Most of the big newspapers ‘run’ it as incessantly as the comic-strips. “
You can win a war, you can win land, you can gain the entire world and still lose your soul. That is no victory.
There was a Wall Street opposition to Colonial Powers.
As for the FLN leaders, though acknowledging their failure, they rapidly understood how they could put to good use the media campaign that was getting underway in metropolitan France.
Témoignage Chrétien fired the opening shot on February 15, with the publication of the “ Jean Muller file â€, the file of a young soldier who had been recalled and denounced the « degrading practices » of his superiors.
Relayed by Mandouze and Robert Barrat, by Claude Bourdet at France-Observateur, Beuve-Méry and Henri Marrou at Le Monde, Servan-Schreiber at the Express and by the communists at L’humanité, the campaign became more intense in March. It was out of the question for these newspapers to publish articles or photos about the massacres perpetrated by the FLN because, according to them, « it could shock the sensitivity of the French » (sic !)
To an officer who proposed that he should go to Algiers in order to be able to talk about terrorism and its repression with full knowledge of the facts, Beuve-Méry, editor of Le Monde, retorted : « Me, go to Algiers ! Never. I want to keep the objectivity that distance permits. There, my judgement would be distorted. »
Soon a « Spiritual Resistance Committee » was formed, where could be found mixed together priests like Fr. Pierre, the jurist René Capitant, the journalist Robert Barrat, the historian Charles-André Julien, the Islamologists Régis Blachère and Louis Massignon. They appealed that people fight « against the torture that the army and police services employed in Algeria ». The spirit of the Resistance was reviving ! They published a brochure entitled “ Recalled Soldiers Testify â€, even as there appeared the book by the Catholic writer Pierre-Henri Simon, “ Against Torture â€. It accused the French Army of having borrowed its ideas and methods from Nazi barbarity !
And why I say this.
From the book: The New Unhappy Lords
My gut feeling is all that European passifness is going to change soon. The average white is aware of the game being played against them and they are sick and tired of it. I for one am a white nationalist who is as dedicated to my tribe as much as jews are to theirs. The white anti whites are a problem but they are being seen like the traitors and fools that they are. What we need is a great white leader to rise and that could happen. I read that Germany is now in a recession. That is actually a good thing to happen because when money gets tight people’s tolerance for the dark freeloaders goes down. A worldwide great depression wouldn’t be such a bad thing. It would be hard to have open borders when your own people are hungry.
But those jews who dont seem to hate white civilization might not mind the demise of the west. You do not know what they feel inside.
Bin Laden was not real.
Seven Nations to Destroy from the Torah brought us to war in the ME.
Israel of the Torah was created by destroying Seven Nations. So as Zion Zombie Pelosi said ” If bricks fell on our capitol. It is fundamental who we are. The first thing we will do is support Israel”.
Therefore “Destroy Seven Nations” again for Israel.
It is a circular thing. The Torah/ Tanakh things never end.
It is a never ending story.
Since these seven nations no longer exist4 a person could think that this commandment is not noheg l’doros [for all generations5]. But only someone who does not understand the concept of noheg l’doros would think such a thing. A command that can be fulfilled without being limited to a certain time is considered noheg l’doros, because if the act would become possible in any generation, the mitzvah would apply.
All correct. People purporting that the Algerian revolutionary movement was supported by the Left could not be more wrong; if anything, it is the contrary.
Both French Socialist and Communist French parties opposed the Algerian revolution. They agreed on approving the “Special Powers” decree at the French assembly, which resulted in giving a blank check to the out-of-control French junta in Algiers, and legalised industrial-scale torture and assassination of the indigenous population.
The Socialists, represented by Francois Mitterand as Home Minister, proved particularly savage. Mitterand rejected any consideration for the political aspect of the conflict, and approved the official execution by the guillotine, firing or burning alive of at least 222 members of the Algerian insurrection, with many as young as 18-years old.
The Communists were equally dismissive of the apartheid situation and demanded their members to side with the colonial powers. A few communist individuals joined the FLN out of personal anti-colonial beliefs and were denounced by their Party.
The most outstanding example is that of Fernand Iveton, an Algerian-born French union activist, who decided to carry out a bloodless sabotage in solidarity with the revolution. He put a bomb in a gas plant where he worked, deliberately planning for no victim to be made, which was the case.
The sabotage succeeded. Iveton was caught and executed by the guillotine in February 1957, in the midst of the Battle of Algiers. This savage and completely disproportionate sanction by a Socialist minister was applied to make an example and threaten the French Algerians, the “Pieds-Noirs”, who could be tempted to side with the Algerian revolution. Iveton’s lawless execution was not a legal, but a political execution.
People with an inside knowledge of the French society know that the French metropolitan population was unaware of the crimes committed in Algeria, and that those who mostly supported the Algerian revolution were the militant Catholics, not the Left.
Actually they prudently backed out of Algeria under De Gaulle in 1961
Agree here as well. If the price of victory is such that you must kill off women and children and elderly and burn their meager villages to the ground to gain land, is that land worth the price of your soul?*
The moral price was too high, the reward too low.
There will be a reckoning for this, make no doubt about it - in this world or the next.
Tell us about Holy Place guardian Saudi Arabia’s adventures in Yemen.
This one too. The (attempted) assassins of young women will have plenty to answer for.
Tell us about schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai and her narrow escape.
You as well my friend.
Stay well Talha.
Who’s victory.
Bin Laden won. He drew the US into a war that will be twenty years long by the time the last Americans withdraw from Afghanistan and the trillions it cost bankrupted the US.
Nobody in 2001 would have believed something that happened in 1982 would result in a war as long as this.
Look at the US in the late 90’s. Few homeless, no deficit, triple A rating…look at it 20 years later. Nearly a Banana Republic.
So I ask you? Who won?
Since these seven nations no longer exist4 a person could think that this commandment is not noheg l'doros [for all generations5]. But only someone who does not understand the concept of noheg l'doros would think such a thing. A command that can be fulfilled without being limited to a certain time is considered noheg l'doros, because if the act would become possible in any generation, the mitzvah would apply.
Of course it existed.
if you think Soros and colored Spring, you are wrong. this type of funding did not exist in this time.
And they brought down the French Empire, only an idiot believes that.
The 6 people who were going to start the revolt had only a few weapons from the World WarII.
only ignorant can pretend anything without documenting himself. read what I recommended to you, you will learn that the French Communist Party had voted special powers for the French army in Algeria, that Algerians deserted the French army with their weapons, …. and in parallel to the guerilla, it was through its diplomats that it succeeded in mobilizing the international community against France. And among them mohammed seddik benyahia who in 1979 contributed to the liberation of american hostages in Iran. So, i don’t know if there is the “Algerian war” in English.
Actually they prudently backed out of Algeria under De Gaulle in 1961
Agree here as well. If the price of victory is such that you must kill off women and children and elderly and burn their meager villages to the ground to gain land, is that land worth the price of your soul?*
The moral price was too high, the reward too low.
There will be a reckoning for this, make no doubt about it - in this world or the next.
Tell us about Holy Place guardian Saudi Arabia’s adventures in Yemen.
This one too. The (attempted) assassins of young women will have plenty to answer for.
Tell us about schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai and her narrow escape.
You as well my friend.
Stay well Talha.
“the price of victory… worth the price of your soul?â€
Excellent question, too oft ignored. Wish Americans in power troubled themselves with it.
Thanks for the piece on Abdul Qadir. Who can disagree? Islam is truly wonderful. As much/more than other faiths, it directs moral action through submission. Five times per day.
Yet we live in a borderland of self-interest parsing faith. Disembodied heads a sin, remote dismemberment by bombing somehow OK. Both are criminal.
Proof (evident in human action, in history) remains too often fleeting and contested. All religions, all nations, all peoples.
Wish it wasn’t so.
Stay well Talha
In Crimea. one of the biggest slave market in the world was going on at the same time. The word slave comes from the word Slav since Slavs were one of the largest groups of people enslaved from early middle ages to 1783 when Russia stopped it by taking our Crimea.
For over 300 years, the coastlines of the south west of England were at the mercy of Barbary pirates (corsairs) from the coast of North Africa, based mainly in the ports of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Their number included not only North Africans but also English and Dutch privateers. Their aim was to capture slaves for the Arab slave markets in North Africa.The Barbary pirates attacked and plundered not only those countries bordering the Mediterranean but as far north as the English Channel, Ireland, Scotland and Iceland, with the western coast of England almost being raided at will.
Replies: @Robjil
One of the longest, yet least remembered (at least in the West) slave trades of history centered around the Crimean Khanate, a Muslim state that was a vassal of the Ottoman Turks. Existing from 1449 until 1783, the Crimean Khanate was both a giant repository for slaves (most of whom were Slavic Christians) and one of Europe’s largest slave markets.The Crimean Tatars and the Turkic Nogai people were responsible for one of the largest slave trades in history. Yet almost nobody outside of Ukraine and Russia has heard of them.�
Another interesting bit from the Barbary States slave trade, Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote, was a slave in the Barbary Coast for five years. He was freed with ransom.
“The document is important because it proves that Cervantes was in La Puebla, which we didn’t know until now, and it establishes a relationship with De Barros, who built the vessels that fought in the Battle of Lepanto, as well as supplying the ships that sailed to the Indies,†says Cabello. Cervantes was severely wounded at the Battle of Lepanto, which took place in 1571 off the west coast of Greece and marked a major European victory over the Ottoman Empire. Four years later, returning to Spain from Italy, he was captured by Algerian pirates and kept as a slave for five years until a ransom was paid for his release. Cervantes is known to have spent from 1587 to 1597 in the province of Seville. He would publish the first part of Don Quixote in 1605″
génocide is what you are saying will have been a way to do it. But history here was real and Algerian got rid of colonialist French that occupied and tried genocide ( millions were killed ) and left as losers .
The FLN had nothing to do with the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true. There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s. They started the brutality, the French Govt responded in kind. Their (FLN) aim was the creation of rift in between the European and Muslim populations. Many Muslims and Europeans lived in harmony with each other and the FLN terrorists sneakily wanted to end this. They killed innocent Muslims too.
these were relatively new tactics that the secular nationalist Algerians were starting to use (no surprises there, ends-justify-the-means), the French were killing women and children by the thousands since the 1800s (this is all well documented and even caused consternation among the French public when some incidents leaked out
It seems breaking up all these colonial Empires was a game plan of the globalist elites. It was not organic but funded and planned. We have far more information about this phenomenon w.r.t Sub Saharan Africa. Though overall I think decolonisation was a good thing for Europe, economically decolonisation coincided with a boom in the European economies as most of the colonies were actually economic liabilities. But that is a different matter.
It seems the French (at least the leadership) ultimately decided that killing a few million more Algerians was simply not worth the price for the land.
the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true.
The “total war” campaign against the Algerian populace is well documented. General Bugeaud had been part of the (unsuccessful) Napoleonic invasion and occupation of Spain against irregular Spaniard fighters (and their British support). He decided not to pull any punches in Algeria. This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s.
Totally agree.
The FLN leaders could but take note of this strong reluctance that their co-religionists showed towards them.
Yeah, most Muslims don’t like secular nationalist (especially Marxist) groups that kill women and children. Men like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra), whose release was even supported by the very French POWs that had formerly been his captives, would have been appalled at this kind of behavior:
“In 1852, Abdelkader was liberated thanks to an admiring President Louis Napoleon and a lobby of Catholic clerics, intellectuals, military officers and former prisoners whom the emir had treated with unexpected humanity.”
Now if you are arguing that the Algerians of today just can’t wait for the French to come back and rule over them, well – I’d personally like to see a poll on the matter.
Which is why you seem to miss my original point. Any attempts at re-colonization today will be met with swift resistance by the population. Even if they uphold themselves to high ethical standards in war like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra), the subjugation of the populace will require massive amounts of killing and destruction (and deaths of thousands of young French men). Are the current French willing to do this? Not the the aerial bombardment of Libya and such but the actual boots-on-the-ground and shipping in millions of French settlers (maybe they can get some advice from Israel on what works and what doesn’t).
If so – to repeat – they can go ahead and get out of the international protocols (which France only really benefited by keeping Germany on their side of the border and not handing their backsides to them one more time) and come get some for the Great Game v2.0. I’m just asking for any males that support this and have an ounce of self-respect (as men), that they should themselves or have their sons join up with the French Foreign Legion which is always looking for recruits.
Yes, I totally agree with you. And of course I am totally against any form of recolonisation anyways. For better or for worse.
Which is why you seem to miss my original point. Any attempts at re-colonization today will be met with swift resistance by the population.
One correction, this was fairly common in human history.
This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
Troy in England? An interesting theory though difficult to prove as Heinrich Schliemann did discover in what is today’s Turkey the treasure of Troy by basing his archeological search on Homer’s Iliad.
In the Barbary states slavery was big business. Barbary pirates plus the English and Dutch privateers joined together to capture slaves for the Arab slave markets in North Africa.
For over 300 years, the coastlines of the south west of England were at the mercy of Barbary pirates (corsairs) from the coast of North Africa, based mainly in the ports of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Their number included not only North Africans but also English and Dutch privateers. Their aim was to capture slaves for the Arab slave markets in North Africa.
The Barbary pirates attacked and plundered not only those countries bordering the Mediterranean but as far north as the English Channel, Ireland, Scotland and Iceland, with the western coast of England almost being raided at will.
In Crimea. one of the biggest slave market in the world was going on at the same time. The word slave comes from the word Slav since Slavs were one of the largest groups of people enslaved from early middle ages to 1783 when Russia stopped it by taking our Crimea.
One of the longest, yet least remembered (at least in the West) slave trades of history centered around the Crimean Khanate, a Muslim state that was a vassal of the Ottoman Turks. Existing from 1449 until 1783, the Crimean Khanate was both a giant repository for slaves (most of whom were Slavic Christians) and one of Europe’s largest slave markets.
The Crimean Tatars and the Turkic Nogai people were responsible for one of the largest slave trades in history. Yet almost nobody outside of Ukraine and Russia has heard of them.
Replies: @Alden, @Malla
“The document is important because it proves that Cervantes was in La Puebla, which we didn’t know until now, and it establishes a relationship with De Barros, who built the vessels that fought in the Battle of Lepanto, as well as supplying the ships that sailed to the Indies,†says Cabello. Cervantes was severely wounded at the Battle of Lepanto, which took place in 1571 off the west coast of Greece and marked a major European victory over the Ottoman Empire. Four years later, returning to Spain from Italy, he was captured by Algerian pirates and kept as a slave for five years until a ransom was paid for his release. Cervantes is known to have spent from 1587 to 1597 in the province of Seville. He would publish the first part of Don Quixote in 1605"
You will not believe this. Guess what? Margaret Thatcher, the CONSERVATIVE British Prime Minister was in a meeting with some Soviet Leader, I do not remember who? May be Brezhnev but I think, most probably Gorbachev. I do not remember. The Soviet Leader went close to the British PM later on and said softly something of the kind “This West Vs the East (Europe & North Asia or Western Capitalism Vs Eastern Communism or NATO VS Warsaw Pact ) is passe. This West Vs East is outdated. Now it is South Vs North and we of the North need to support each other” or something of that kind.
Margaret Thatcher found this statement by the Soviet Leader very “racist” and shocking. So lemme get dis straight. A leader of a COMMUNIST superpower warns the British PM of the CONSERVATIVE PARTY about the darkies of the South and the British PM is shocked and is in horror about such horrible, racist statements. Ohhh, she would have fainted, the Iron lady. So racist and so taboo and immoral and horrible!!! What a horrible man that Soviet leader is? LOL
But guess what, my Dad had a manufacturing company, a small one which made some parts for Government defense companies in India. And he had a meeting with Government officials where some of the classified writings were shared. Not top secret stuff obviously but some of the beliefs of the Indian deep state at that time. And this was written by nobody else by Dr Abdul Kalam, India’s rocketman and eventually he was our President. And in one of those documents he had written exactly what the Soviet Leader was telling PM Thatcher (I was a small kid then but I came across some of those papers later). That the East Vs West is passe, it is now North VS South . Basically brown blacks Vs White Yellows. China was considered part of the North too. Remember India was still quite close to the USSR/ Russian Fed at that time. But basically he (Dr. Kalam) was saying we need to screw the White Yellows of the North. That was really the belief of the Indian deep State at the time, the Soviet Leader was right.
Of course now the Indian Deep State’s philosophy is ‘sit on Uncle Sham’s lap’. She might even break the lap. LOL
Thanks a lot Alfred!
Not knowing any of the points you made here, I speculated as much in my comment 277! It went without saying that a collusion between Israeli and ‘French’ colonialists was taking place, and the greatest indicator for that, for me, was the violent attacks on the French state. No mere French colonialist would have done such an act. Only a people considering themselves superior, completely immune to repercussions, and who thought their goals to be much more important than a mere colonial squabble would have committed such acts.
To paraphrase what Bernoulli said about Newton, “we know the lion by his claw” (it goes without saying that the reference to the lion is not meant in a positive sense.)
if you think Soros and colored Spring, you are wrong. this type of funding did not exist in this time.
Of course it existed.
The 6 people who were going to start the revolt had only a few weapons from the World WarII.
And they brought down the French Empire, only an idiot believes that.
Anyways nearly all “independence movements” or “liberation movements” in Sub Sahahran Africa at least were all fake and funded by Wall Street and armed by their communist buddies. So was the famous “independence movement” of India, Gandhi and all. There is a good chance, Algeria was the same.
if you think Soros and colored Spring, you are wrong. this type of funding did not exist in this time. The 6 people who were going to start the revolt had only a few weapons from the World WarII. As for external aid, it was insignificant and delayed to manifest to the point of rendering the relations between the previous delegation of the FLN and internal combatants execrable. To find out about the Algerian war, I would recommend the 4 most documented volumes by historian Yves Courrière ” les fils de la toussaint- le temps des léopards – l’heure des colonels – les feux du desespoir. You also find in the “Journal” of the writer Mouloud Feraoun, murdered by the OAS, the atmosphere that prevailed during these 8 years
Of course it existed.
if you think Soros and colored Spring, you are wrong. this type of funding did not exist in this time.
And they brought down the French Empire, only an idiot believes that.
The 6 people who were going to start the revolt had only a few weapons from the World WarII.
You're leaving out the Soviet Union. Both the US and UK as well as France had an embargo on the sale of arms to the Zionists. Stalin secretly gave the Czechs permission to supply armaments to the Zionists. That turned the tide of the 1948 war.Replies: @Jiminy
Israel never could have come to being without 2 nations: US and UK.
Don’t forget that shiploads of armaments were smuggled out of the US bound for Israel directly after ww2. And I am certain that I also read that the nazi were helping certain Jews to make it to the new land. I’m sure that one of the Jews was later a prime minister of Israel. All of this was in one of the stories that I read here on this website, to many to remember which one.
The FLN had nothing to do with the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true. There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s. They started the brutality, the French Govt responded in kind. Their (FLN) aim was the creation of rift in between the European and Muslim populations. Many Muslims and Europeans lived in harmony with each other and the FLN terrorists sneakily wanted to end this. They killed innocent Muslims too.
these were relatively new tactics that the secular nationalist Algerians were starting to use (no surprises there, ends-justify-the-means), the French were killing women and children by the thousands since the 1800s (this is all well documented and even caused consternation among the French public when some incidents leaked out
It seems breaking up all these colonial Empires was a game plan of the globalist elites. It was not organic but funded and planned. We have far more information about this phenomenon w.r.t Sub Saharan Africa. Though overall I think decolonisation was a good thing for Europe, economically decolonisation coincided with a boom in the European economies as most of the colonies were actually economic liabilities. But that is a different matter.
It seems the French (at least the leadership) ultimately decided that killing a few million more Algerians was simply not worth the price for the land.
This terrorism war on civilians during Algeria’s break away from France, sounds very similar to a movie made by Arnon Milchan in 1985. Milchan’s “Brazil” movie had random terrorism against civilians as its means to control and scare the population. Milchan is an Israeli movie director and top insider of Israel politics. He worked on getting nuclear material for Israel in the 1960s. This is about the time of the “Battle of Algiers”. He made two films before nine eleven that showed a plane going into buildings. He must be an insider to how to use terrorism to control populations/ sheep herding of people.
Also this war on civilians is the tactic that has been used endless since the nine eleven game. It all sounds like it was a big Operation Overlord game. D- day of 6/6/44 operation name, same Overlords, after all. The US used the “Battle of Algiers” film to go against civilians in US/Israel invasion and control of Iraq. Why not, it was an Overlord tactic.
At the core of the film’s social critique is Gilliam’s insistence that contemporary culture is enslaved by its technologies, which waste more time and resources than they save. The government in Brazil makes things even worse, aiming at total control but achieving zero due to stupidity and incompetence at every level. Look at the computer and television screens, for example—instead of nice big monitors, everyone has cramped little ones clumsily magnified by additional screens in front of them—or at Sam’s telephone, a muddled knot of plugs and wires more like an archaic switchboard than a sleek electronic device. The powers that be—or Central Services, in the government’s deceptively bland jargon—do everything the convoluted way, nothing the obvious way. Horrible explosions recur throughout the story, but despite the government’s constant claims that terrorists are to blame, it’s possible there are no terrorists, just a lot of lethal accidents caused by bungling authorities. This richly ironic idea–that the guardians of civic order are the worst enemies of civic order—resounds throughout the film.
these were relatively new tactics that the secular nationalist Algerians were starting to use (no surprises there, ends-justify-the-means), the French were killing women and children by the thousands since the 1800s (this is all well documented and even caused consternation among the French public when some incidents leaked out
The FLN had nothing to do with the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true. There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s. They started the brutality, the French Govt responded in kind. Their (FLN) aim was the creation of rift in between the European and Muslim populations. Many Muslims and Europeans lived in harmony with each other and the FLN terrorists sneakily wanted to end this. They killed innocent Muslims too.
Click on the map to enlarge.
Responsibility for these crimes was claimed in a tract addressed to the Algerian people : « Our reform movement presents itself under the label – Front de Libération Nationale (FLN; National Liberation Front)[and its aim is]: national independence. » Philippe Tripier analyses as follows the aim of the FLN : « The rebellion began on November 1st, 1954 and initially had very few means. So few did it have that, reasonably thinking, it had scarcely any hope, and even less likelihood of achieving its ends. Let us be the judge : a few hundred bad rifles, as many fighters based for the greater part in the Aurès massif, and the rest in the Great Kabylia massif; an overwhelmingly indifferent Algerian population, and, according to the leaders of the conspiracy, not aroused by the national consciousness; finally, a worldwide opinion alien to the problem…
« Since the Algerian people have not rebelled spontaneously and are not disposed to do so, the problem of independence was not essential in itself; it had to be created. […] » 2
For the terrorists, it was a question of waging a very particular type of war that had just proved its worth in Indo China : revolutionary war. It consists not in occupying a territory, but in conquering its population whether they liked it or not. During 1955 and 1956, the first two years of the conflict, the FLN would attempt in vain to rouse the Algerian Muslims to join the rebellion.
The FLN was a movement that came from the Organisation spécial (OS; Special Organisation), the terrorist branch of Messali Hadj’s Marxist movement : the “ Mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertés Démocratiques †(MTLD; Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties). Shortly before, in the spring of 1954, twenty-two activists of the OS had decided to split away and chose a directory : the “ Committee of Nine â€.
For French Muslims, nothing was more unnatural than this bloody rebellion. There is nothing more opposed to historical truth than a massive uprising of the Algerian people against colonial France.
The Philippeville massacre
The FLN leaders could but take note of this strong reluctance that their co-religionists showed towards them. Zighout Youssef, the rebel leader in the area (or wilaya) of North Constantine, a fanatical supporter of jihad, understood that it would be necessary to dig a gulf of blood between Muslims and Europeans so as to create an irreparable situation and to make any rapprochement between the two communities forever impossible. On August 20, 1955, in Philippeville, 51 Muslims and 71 Europeans, the elderly, women and babies included, had their throats slit, were disembowelled or dismembered. And what can be said of the El Hadia slaughter on the same day ? Dreadful… The police intervened but were unable to prevent reprisals by the Europeans, who were tried beyond endurance. 1,273 deaths were registered. Europeans were gripped by fear and Muslims with resentment.
For the FLN, it was a victory. It then had to enlarge the wound by organising other acts of pillage and slaughter. In May 1957, it had been responsible for 1,800 cases of arson on farms, slitting the throats of or stealing 80,000 head of cattle, and the destruction of 12,000,000 grapevines. The FLN wanted first to kill Europeans and the Muslims whose spirit of justice and qualities of heart were factors that contributed to harmony existing between the communities. This conduct would acquire such an official character that in 1959 Krim Belkacem, who became the FLN’s “ Minister of War â€, declared cynically to journalists : « Assassination is proof of the preparation and the aptitude of new recruits : a new recruit must kill at least one colonialist or known traitor ». Such was the infernal mechanism that the FLN set in motion.
“On September 30, 1956, the bomb offensive was launched. The objective was the heart of the European city. The devices that were placed in the Cafeteria on Michelet Street and at the Milk Bar killed three persons, and wounded fifty, twelve of whom had to have limbs amputated. In reprisal, the Europeans killed two Muslims. This was what Ben M’Hidi was seeking : to put blood and hatred between the communities. From October to December the horror increased daily. The attacks numbered a hundred and twenty-two by December 1956; that is four per day !
Algiers could no longer bear it and shuddered each day with horror and fear. A third of the attacks were aimed at Europeans in an indiscriminate manner; the remainder was directed against Muslims.
As in Indo China, then in all of North Africa, in accordance with Communist revolutionary war methods, armed groups went underground after a few meticulously prepared acts of terrorism, while in the cities the cells of extremist parties acted clandestinely to control the masses and organise sedition.
It is possible to count the acts of physical torture, but the number of acts of moral torture and blackmail that reduced people to a state of fear is impossible. And yet, this is the subject that is most important in the eyes of the moralist because it is what leads souls to abdicate their liberty and their honour. The Muslim who does not execute FLN orders, who works for the French, the man of the middle-class, the merchant who does not pay their contribution to the rebellion, the French, Italian or Spanish colonist who is too poor to abandon his isolated farm, like the North African in metropolitan France who is prey to racketeers or enjoined to leave for the maquis in the Aurès, all these poor people, theses hundreds of thousands of poor people know that they are condemned, and feel spied on… They live in anxious expectation of this minute of terror when fanaticism full of hatred would swoop down on them. If there are “ human persons †to defend, it is these people.â€
It seems the French (at least the leadership) ultimately decided that killing a few million more Algerians was simply not worth the price for the land.
It seems breaking up all these colonial Empires was a game plan of the globalist elites. It was not organic but funded and planned. We have far more information about this phenomenon w.r.t Sub Saharan Africa. Though overall I think decolonisation was a good thing for Europe, economically decolonisation coincided with a boom in the European economies as most of the colonies were actually economic liabilities. But that is a different matter.
At the core of the film’s social critique is Gilliam’s insistence that contemporary culture is enslaved by its technologies, which waste more time and resources than they save. The government in Brazil makes things even worse, aiming at total control but achieving zero due to stupidity and incompetence at every level. Look at the computer and television screens, for example—instead of nice big monitors, everyone has cramped little ones clumsily magnified by additional screens in front of them—or at Sam’s telephone, a muddled knot of plugs and wires more like an archaic switchboard than a sleek electronic device. The powers that be—or Central Services, in the government’s deceptively bland jargon—do everything the convoluted way, nothing the obvious way. Horrible explosions recur throughout the story, but despite the government’s constant claims that terrorists are to blame, it’s possible there are no terrorists, just a lot of lethal accidents caused by bungling authorities. This richly ironic idea–that the guardians of civic order are the worst enemies of civic order—resounds throughout the film.
The "total war" campaign against the Algerian populace is well documented. General Bugeaud had been part of the (unsuccessful) Napoleonic invasion and occupation of Spain against irregular Spaniard fighters (and their British support). He decided not to pull any punches in Algeria. This was fairly common during colonial times across the world; resisting populations could expect to be massacred down to women and children, villages burned to the ground, etc.
the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true.
Totally agree.
There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s.
Yeah, most Muslims don't like secular nationalist (especially Marxist) groups that kill women and children. Men like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra), whose release was even supported by the very French POWs that had formerly been his captives, would have been appalled at this kind of behavior:
The FLN leaders could but take note of this strong reluctance that their co-religionists showed towards them.
Are you sure? Because many such “freedom movements” get money from many international sources. They have international banking backers.
Not as simple as that. There was French brutality because the folks they were dealing with were doing this. of FLN terrorists It seems if you can use brutality, the other side can too. And these tough measures worked. The French had won. It is only that the French were back stabbed by the leftist traitors, the church and eventually their own government. Very common story. From post no 20 on this page"Despite this “ blunder â€, the result of the repression on March 31, 1957 was spectacular : 253 killers and 1,574 agents were arrested, 88 bombs and 200 kg of explosives were recovered. The number of attacks dropped from 112 in January to 29 in March. In all the places where the rebel organisation had been dismantled, it was reported that Muslims spontaneously provided information. The population regained confidence, not in the generosity of the army, but in its firmness, that is, in its determination to keep the terrorists whom they had arrested under lock and key and to prevent them from doing harm. Many, however, were still waiting to see.As for the FLN leaders, though acknowledging their failure, they rapidly understood how they could put to good use the media campaign that was getting underway in metropolitan France.â€"Replies: @Talha
My honest guess is that the current French don’t have the stomach for what would be required to subjugate, say, the Algerian populace as they did in the past�
Read carefully exactly what I wrote and you’ll understand why I agreed with Incitatus. To fight the FLN, secular nationalists, the French were using the same means – par for the course, both were capable of monstrosities, no doubt there. At this point you basically pile up the bodies on both sides and see who killed more, since any ethics and morality have been thrown out the window.
Now, from a historical perspective, these were relatively new tactics that the secular nationalist Algerians were starting to use (no surprises there, ends-justify-the-means), the French were killing women and children by the thousands since the 1800s (this is all well documented and even caused consternation among the French public when some incidents leaked out). And this was beneath men like Amir Abdul-Qadir (ra) to respond in kind; men like him knew that surrender in that situation is preferable to becoming a soulless monster.
It seems the French (at least the leadership) ultimately decided that killing a few million more Algerians was simply not worth the price for the land.
The FLN had nothing to do with the tortures of France in 1800 even if they were true. There was no continuity in between the 1800 and the incidents of the 1900s. They started the brutality, the French Govt responded in kind. Their (FLN) aim was the creation of rift in between the European and Muslim populations. Many Muslims and Europeans lived in harmony with each other and the FLN terrorists sneakily wanted to end this. They killed innocent Muslims too.
these were relatively new tactics that the secular nationalist Algerians were starting to use (no surprises there, ends-justify-the-means), the French were killing women and children by the thousands since the 1800s (this is all well documented and even caused consternation among the French public when some incidents leaked out
It seems breaking up all these colonial Empires was a game plan of the globalist elites. It was not organic but funded and planned. We have far more information about this phenomenon w.r.t Sub Saharan Africa. Though overall I think decolonisation was a good thing for Europe, economically decolonisation coincided with a boom in the European economies as most of the colonies were actually economic liabilities. But that is a different matter.
It seems the French (at least the leadership) ultimately decided that killing a few million more Algerians was simply not worth the price for the land.
Very good point. Maybe the Whites of the future would be more ethnocentric. Just like those Amish/ Mennonites who come back after their 2 years Rumspringa and have kids in the community are even more Amish/ Mennonites, more purified Amishness. Or Orania in South Africa like you mentioned.
Looks like the West could get balkanised in the future. Will not turn out a libtard utopia where all races come together but a balkanised mess.
Unlike in Islam, there is no brotherhood of Hindus due to the fact that they are so ethnically diverse and their beliefs are not monolithic like Islam
Yes, this is exactly the kind of thinking which led to the creation of the Hindu fundamantalist organisation RSS. RSS (‘Rastriya Swyamsevak Sangh’ translated to ‘National Self Help Group’) is the ideological party to the ruling political party of India, the BJP (‘Bharatiya Janata Party’ translated to ‘Indian People Party’) just like how the AB or the Afrikaner Broederbond was the ideological party behind the political party the Nationalist Party in the Republic of South Africa pre-1994.
The RSS was formed because of the kind of insecurity that Hindus felt when facing the Islamic World as a whole. This occurred soon after the Moplah rebellion in 1921. Now what was this Moplah Rebellion which caused such a Hindu backlash?
WW1 pitted the British Empire, French Empire and the Russian Empire against the German Empire, Austro Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Not only did wars take place in the fields of Europe but skirmishes took place outside Europe among the colonies. For example, many German colonies in Africa were conquered by the British. Similarly due the Zionist forces in the British government wanting Palestine, the British Empire fought the Ottoman Empire and the Arab holdings of the Ottoman Empire was lost. Remember Lawrence of Arabia. Many British Indian troops were involved in the Middle Eastern campaigns.
Well the Turks and the Germans thought, ‘Well if the British and the French interfere in our Empires why should we not interfere in theirs?’.
In India, the Germans created alliances with Hindu groups (check out the German Hindu alliance) to rile up people against the British Raj which kind of leads s to the Julianwala Baug incident as German agents were very active in Punjab. But then we had the Turks. We had a strange dilemma here. What people do not realize is that the British Empire was the largest Islamic power in the world. This is because most Muslims of the world lived in this Empire, Indian subcontinent, Egypt, Malaysia etc… But the political head of the Muslims was the Caliph who was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Very strange situation when you realize both the Empires were at war with one another. Well the Turks decided to send agents into Muslims colonies of the British Empire (India, Egypt), French Empire (Algeria and North Africa in general) & Russian Empire (Central Asia & Caucasus) to rile up the masses in the name of the Caliph. This way Allied troops will have to be diverted in the colonies to keep the peace and thus they would be off the battle field against the Ottomans. Thus in India we had the ‘Kalifat movement’ (Kalifat from Caliph, the Ottoman Emperor) leading in some way to the Moplah Rebellion where Muslims rioted in India initially against the British Govt but not surprisingly it resulted into the usual Hindu Muslim riots and killings. Even Gandhi idiotically supported this Kalifat Movement only because it was anti-British.
Malabar rebellion (also known as the Moplah rebellion and MÄppila Lahaḷa in Malayalam) was an armed riot to form an islamic state in Malabar region. It was a lahala against Hindus in the Malabar region of Southern coastal India by Muslims who wanted to create Islamic state in that region. These riots begin as a reaction against a heavy-handed crackdown on the Khalafat moment a seditious campaign in defense of the Ottoman empire by the British Indian Govt.
Up on the mountains overlooking the Malabar coast of Southernmost India, among a population of about two million Hindus, lived a people known as the Moplahs, descendants of old Arab traders. The Moplahs, themselves numbered about a million people.
But, zealot Muhammadans, they have ever been prone to outbreaks of religious passion in which their one desire is to be sent to Paradise by a bullet or a knife, first having piled up the longest possible list of non-believers dead by their hands.
Among these simple creatures, in the year of disorders 1921, the Kalifat Movement above indicated sent emissaries preaching a special edition of its doctrines. (Indian/ British Raj) Government’s hand, these proclaimed, was raised against the holy places of Islam. Government was “Satanic,” an enemy of the Faith. Government must and would be driven out of India and that right soon. Swaraj (self rule) must be set up.
From mosque to mosque, from hamlet to hamlet, from coconut grove to coconut grove, the fiery words passed. And, whatever meaning they might bear for an abstract philosopher, to the simple Moplah, as, in those miserable years, to so many millions of simple Hindus all over the land, they meant just what they said–War.
But, the point that Mr. Gandhi missed, whatever the humorous Ali brothers may privately have thought about it, was this: Swaraj, to a Moplah, could only mean the coming of the earthly Kingdom of Islam, in which, whatever else happened or failed to happen, no idol-worshiping Hindu could be tolerated alive.
So the Moplahs, secretly and as best they could, made store of weapons–knives, spears, cutlasses. And on August 20, 1921, the thing broke loose. As if by a preliminary gesture of courtesy to the sponsors of the occasion, one European planter was murdered at the start. But without further dissipation of energy the frenzied people then concentrated on the far more congenial task of communal war. First blocking the roads, cutting the telegraph wires and tearing up the railway lines at strategic points, thereby isolating the little police stations scattered through the mountains, they set to work, in earnest and in detail, to establish a Muslim Kingdom and to declare a Swaraj after their own hearts.
Their Hindu neighbors, though outnumbering them two to one, seem to have stood no chance against them. The Hindu women, as a rule, were first circumcised–• “forcibly converted,” as the process is called–and were then added to Moplah families. The Hindu men were sometimes given the choice of death or “conversion,” sometimes flayed alive, sometimes cutlassed at once and thrown down their own wells. In one district, the Ernad Taluk, over nine hundred males were “forcibly converted” and the work spread on through the mountain-slopes.
The muslims attacked and took control of police stations, British government offices, courts and government treasuries. And after that attack was then directed against Hindu community. Hindus were killed women and even little girls raped places of worship gutted in fire. Forceble conversion of Hindus was started and women were abducted.
The muslims officially declared that reign of Tipu’s Islamic sultanate has returned. About 10,000 Hindus were officially killed but most probably it is an undercount.
At the time, the Indian National Congress remained silent turning blind eye against autocracies of Muslims.
As rapidly as possible police and troops were thrown into the country, by whose work, after six months of trying service, the disorders were quelled. But not until some three thousand Moplahs had cast away their lives, without reckoning the Hindus they accounted for, not until much property had been destroyed and many families ruined, and not until a long list of prisoners awaited trial for guilt that certainly belonged on heads higher than theirs.
Meantime, the circumcised male Hindus wandered up and down the land calling upon their brethren to take warning.
A trained American observer, agent of the United States Government, chanced to be in the region at the time. His statement follows:
“I saw them in village after village, through the south and east of Madras Presidency. They had been circumcised by a peculiarly painful method, and now, in many cases, were suffering tortures from blood poisoning. They were proclaiming their misery, and calling on all their gods to curse Swaraj and to keep the British in the land. ‘Behold our miserable bodies! We are defiled, outcasted, unclean, and all because of the serpents who crept among us with their poison of Swaraj. Once let the British leave the land and the shame that has befallen us will assuredly befall you also, Hindus, men and women, every one.’
“The terrors of hell were literally upon them.
“And the Brahman priests were asking one hundred to one hundred and fifty rupees a head to perform the purification ceremony which alone could save the poor creatures’ souls.
“This ceremony consisted in filling the eyes, ears, mouth and nose with soft cow-dung, which must then be washed out with cow’s urine, after which should be administered ghee (clarified butter), milk and curds. It sounds simple, but can only be performed by a Brah-man, and with proper rites and sacred verses. And the price which the Brahmans now set upon their services was, to most of the needy, prohibitive. Their distress was so desperate that British officials, for once interfering in a religious matter, interceded with the Brahmans and persuaded them, in view of the large number concerned, to accept a wholesale purification fee of not over twelve rupees a head.”
This shocked the Hindus, and this incident in the Indian state of Kerala in Southern India was the main cause of birth of RSS hundreds of miles away in Nagpur (Central India) by Hindus who felt the pain of Hindus of Kerala.
But a young serious Hindu man far away from Malabar was watching closely but helplessly watching the helplessness of Hindus. He realized as you said, that the Islamic World was huge and at least compared to Hindus had far more unity. But this man, Dr. Keshav Baliram Pant Pantulu Hedgewar would remain silent and think hard. He along with just few men would eventually start a tiny organization which will fight for Hindus anywhere. And this organization was the RSS. That tiny RSS became larger and larger with time until that Hindu Fundamentalist RSS now rules and literally reigns supreme in India.
This mega fracturing in Hindu Muslim relations (which was never good but not THIS BAD) would eventually play its own part in leading to the future partition of India into India and Pakistan. The rise of the RSS actually raised eye brows among the Muslim elites of India including Mr Jinnah, the father of Pakistan. Jinnah being a very smart man, knew where India was heading now, he had sensed the future, he knew eventually India would go the RSS way, and hence the desire of a separate Pakistan for the safety of Indian Muslims and hence the division of British India into India and Pakistan. And he was proved right, India would go the RSS way. So the dumb unwise action of the Turks in British India led to many serious ramifications in the future. Led to the partition of India and eventually the rise of the Hindu fundamentalist BJP which is today politically supremely dominant in India.
Anyways for the record, I agree that French Algeria would have ended up as a disaster for France in the long turn as France was to include Algeria into Metropolitan France. That would have been a disaster in demographics because even though Algeria had a much smaller population than France at that time, population smaller than even Paris, if I am not mistaken, the Algerian population was growing faster than the French. So actually loss of Algeria was good for France in the long run. However all I am pointing out is that Western elites will support foreign Muslims over native Whites, they have done this before, they will do it again.
My honest guess is that the current French don’t have the stomach for what would be required to subjugate, say, the Algerian populace as they did in the past
Not as simple as that. There was French brutality because the folks they were dealing with were doing this.
Victims of FLN terrorists
It seems if you can use brutality, the other side can too.
And these tough measures worked. The French had won. It is only that the French were back stabbed by the leftist traitors, the church and eventually their own government. Very common story.
From post no 20 on this page
“Despite this “ blunder â€, the result of the repression on March 31, 1957 was spectacular : 253 killers and 1,574 agents were arrested, 88 bombs and 200 kg of explosives were recovered. The number of attacks dropped from 112 in January to 29 in March. In all the places where the rebel organisation had been dismantled, it was reported that Muslims spontaneously provided information. The population regained confidence, not in the generosity of the army, but in its firmness, that is, in its determination to keep the terrorists whom they had arrested under lock and key and to prevent them from doing harm. Many, however, were still waiting to see.
As for the FLN leaders, though acknowledging their failure, they rapidly understood how they could put to good use the media campaign that was getting underway in metropolitan France.—
There were Jews in North Africa loooooong before Arabs ever ventured there.
mentioning that the settlers were largely Jews
And where was the FLN getting their money from? Who was backing them?Replies: @brams
The OAS. They tried to assassinate de Gaulle numerous times. Where did they get their money from? Who was backing them?
FLN get their money from their people in Algeria and émigrant in France!
Actually, the sentence is a misquote of Susan Sontag. The full quote can easily be found on the Internet, even Wikipedia has it, and it does reek of hatred against the white race and Sontag can hardly be dismissed as a nobody. Videos of Lerner Spectre can also be easily found, she’s definitely not a nobody in Sweden and she too reeks of hatred against whites. Both Sontag and Lerner Spectre are Jewish and they are far from being the only Jews to display very negative feelings about the white European civilisation. Obviously, not all Jews reek of hatred, I happen to know personally a few who don’t, but the number of them that do is significant enough, especially in sectors with public exposition, to warrant distrust of the group as a whole.
“jewpedia” and “Jewish hordes”? Are you for real? “The Jews” as usual are the perpetrators in your grand conspiracy theories. Your hate speech is despicable.
Well the descendants of those Barbary corsairs and pirates are now murdering, raping and pillaging deep in Europe’s hinterland and not just on occasional raids along the coast as their forefathers. I know you know, we all know, but just to point out they’re of the same stock and nothing much changes. And they’ve got allies from further afield in Africa and Asia joining them. And still Europeans keeps the gates open and don’t defend the ramparts, shaming their own ancestors.
Just to point out that Margaret Thatcher herself was not too happy about the fall of the Berlin Wall but in general most of the western leaders and liberal politicians were all for it.