Hey Poturica, I though that you have the exact same genes as Serbs as you are descendants of converts to Islam? BTW, Albanian liars are also competing with you in trying to steal Serbian Illyrian roots/heritage. Also, what happened to your lie about about being Bogomils? You need to make up your mind about which lie to pursue. Even Nazi Croats were lying at some point about being Illyrians, but abandoned it for some more believable lies with fake maps and some “Croatian” Kings fiction. You are all converts, as you know, supported 100% by Contemporary Nazi Germany in it’s sick revenge against the Serbian people as we messed up their plans in both WW1 and WW2.
As you know, Poturica lies even more than a Turk! Your lies about Vinca DNA and pseudo-Porphyrogennetos are making it obvious.
You are/were the victims? Weren’t you WW2 partners of Nazi Germany just like the rest of the 90s “victims”: Nazi Catholic Croats, primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians, Catholic Slovenians? As you know, even your separatist leader, Alija Izetbegovic, was a Nazi soldier [1], and Jihadist post-WW2. Below are your Muslim priest giving Nazi salute [2]. So much for your victimhood.
[1] Alija Izetbegović as a member of the 13th mountain division of the SS “Handschar” | source: The New York Times
[2] November 1943 al-Husseini greeting Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers with a Nazi salute. On the right is SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig. Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1980-036-05 / Unknown / CC-BY-SA 3.0
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Which institution did you run away from?
I hope you’re wearing that protective outfit like Antony Hopkins in The Silence of Lambs.
Serbian aggressive baboons lies as always and is not the wonder, considering their forth bringing for being in today Ukraine, as part of evil imbecile fake Jews, or belonging to their tribes of tribal not evolving culture, better known as Khazar.
Serbians are hoodlum tribal monster arrived in the region after 6th century, where the King Heracles of Roman empire offered them Christianity (in their image, after sociopath Constantine Emperor known for killing own son en boiling his wife in oil, as well as killing and torturing seven thousands other Chatars during purge in 235 AD in Ikea today Turkey) as well as territory of today Serbia, previously belonging to ancient Illyrians.
Bosnian are ancient Illyrians, the solemn and real owners of much today Balkan and 100% of ex Yugoslavia territory, before arrival of Rome, that was more than forty times attacking its sovereign ancient people with the oldest DNA material on the world. Serbian DNA material as per Vincha Institute of 2019 consist of 49% Turks DNA material, confirming Khazar background while Bosnia’s DNA material showed to belong to Illyrian descent; 40% (the highest percentage of anybody) while 20% Teutons or Germans. Only 15-20% belongs to Slavic/Khazar DNA.
There is no Serbian republic in Bosnia. That what they call”smrda republic” is on genocide and with illegal army of paramilitaries and after genocide, both in 1992 and 1995 gained territory they assuming to belong to them. That was genocide third in a row; from 1912-1924, 1943 and 1992-1995. Watch this and be own judge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOUzMpZhgMc
Video Link
Watch the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the city of the Zvornik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QJFlvRoPjg
Video Link
That is fantasy supported by Russia and their 200 years long influence there. Serbs are useful idiots for Russian Geo-strategic goals and their claim is Adriatic See as well as Baltic countries. All these land masses was belonging to Christian Cathars, vegetarian as Lord Jesus Christ mass of people roaming in freedom till moment Constantine/Vatican, Turks, Serbs and Russian killed them all.
Irish ethnic women as a whole are quite attractive. Consider Norah O’Donnell.
Serbs served their Anglo Jewish masters well in the 19th century and up until Tito died. The Serbian holocaust, give me a break.
How many three year old Albanian girls were killed by Serbs?
To little too late. I’ll never understand their devotion to being British puppets and seeing everything Serbian just as something they are not part of or do not belong to. E.g. Regent wanted to remove our ancient alphabet from use and force Serbs to use a Latin one to please his beloved Catholic converts that slaughtered 10s of thousand of Serb civilians in the WW1!
Their greed and desire to rule, combined with narcissism and godlessness, have destroyed everything and caused millions Serb deaths. All evil that we experienced in the 20th century, from 1903 and up to today, is a consequence of them destroying everything Serbian – all on the behalf of the British.
P.S. Aca, aside from being a free masons, i.e. devil’s servant, is also a member of some catholic crusaders order. An order that fought against the Orthodox Church.
[1] Како Ñу нам отели Србију – YouTube
Video Link
[2] Карађорђе | Договор Цинцара и Хетерије – YouTube
Video Link
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Just re the Karadjordjević family, something that wasn’t publicised by the media, prince Alexander has issued a formal apology to the Serbian nation for the creation of Yugoslavia by his uncle, king Alexander. But I agree that the official heir, whom we called Aca Gica is an a**hole.
I know. It is a CRAZY WORLD!!!!!! But giving up solves nothing. Persistence has in the past and can again in the future. Some solace:
On the occasion the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Serbs, thirty free-thinking Germans also came to the gathering at the Belgrade Forum for a world of equals.
Member of the Bundestag Rainer Rothfuss went to the monument of Milica Rakić (Odyssey: – 3 years old girl killed during bombing of Belgrade 1999), laid flowers and knelt down.
“What we believe in is justice, truth and friendship between nations. This is symbolized on the sweatshirt I gave to president VuÄić. On the left side of the heart symbol are the colours of Germany, and on the right side is the Serbian flag. In front of the heart is a white dove as a symbol of peace. We long for reconciliation with Serbia, for achieving peace in Europe, including Russia,” said Rothfuss, an official of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), now the second party in Germany.
Back in 2019, Rainer Rothfuss was in Belgrade at a meeting “where the facts about the shame of the bombing, as well as the use of weapons with depleted uranium that senselessly killed thousands of innocent people… When the former YU Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke about the civilian victims, I realized how terrible the war was for the common people. How could NATO hit 60 percent of civilian targets and people in its member states still believe it was a ‘humanitarian action’.”
The ICC issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova for saving children from a war zone but did it issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his partners in crime for killing thousands of children? Yes it’s noble what South Africa achieved against Israel and I support it but will it lead to any action? The international legal system is corrupt, biased, doesn’t perform the duties it should and it can’t be reformed.
The point is not whether or not Saddam caused the deaths of 500K Iraqi children. The fact is that pre-war Iraq was a very rich country with large oil production and good public services, including healthcare.
At the moment when Albright was asked if it was worth causing the death of 500K Iraqi children (the exact number may not have been known at the time, but the approximate scale was), Albright replied – it was worth it.
That’s the point, that she and the neocon team in power at the time thought that number was quite realistic, and even if it wasn’t completely accurate – they would be ready to achieve that number – because it would be worth their goal.
Thanks, I wrote a little earlier about the unfortunate historical fate of the Irish.
1) Irish-born Samantha Power’s career-building book on genocide omitted one of history’s worst; one that her liberal establishment continues to conceal – the Holocaust of Ireland of 1845-1850. The at-gunpoint removal of Ireland’s abundant production of food crops required the deployment into Ireland of more than half (67 regiments) of Britain’s then-empire army of 126 regiments. “Holocaust”?: Michael Davitt, James Fitzgerald and others wrote of it as such in the 1800s. The Cork (now Irish) Examiner newspaper reported it as “Holocaust” starting on May 4, 1846 and continuing until November 19, 1855.
2) The augmented NATO’s March 1999 bombing of Serbia was enabled by the 1998 freeing up of Britain’s military from Ireland. That freeing-up was achieved by the defeat of the IRA. Chicago FBI Agent Patrick Buckley led the FBI team who, in 1994,5 joined MI5 in Ireland for that purpose. The mission continued past the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 that supposedly defeated the IRA They remained in Ireland until THEY knew they had defeated the IRA; departing upon mission completion, the evening of 15Aug1998 upon the murder of 29, to be blamed, as Buckley had done regarding the murder of the Langert family, on the IRA. Buckley had framed me but Murderer David Biro saved me by blabbing through his FBI cover into Life Without Parole. There is much more; but Chicago’s news media carefully defend their unknowingness.
I mistakenly posted one comment below the adjacent text. This is the text of the previously mentioned Canadian lawyer Christopher Black from (2015) published in Moscow’s Izvestia about the murder of Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević in NATO prison in The Hague.
Who wants to read the whole text, here is the link:
and there are also a couple of excerpts:
Exc 1:
The death of Slobodan Milošević apparently proved to be the only way out of the impasse in which the NATO countries found themselves as they appeared as his prosecutors before the tribunal in The Hague.
Propaganda against Milosevic reached unprecedented proportions. In the Western media, the process itself is presented as the greatest historical drama, as a theater piece in which the criminal must ultimately answer for all his crimes. But since no such crimes were discovered, except for those committed by NATO, all efforts to fabricate a criminal case against Milosevic turned into a farce.
From NATO’s point of view, that process itself was necessary to justify the aggression against Yugoslavia and the putsch carried out by the united forces of the democratic opposition in Belgrade and supported by NATO.
Exc 2:
Since the conviction of Milosevic was not possible after all the evidence the court heard, his death became the only way out for the NATO powers. Because the release of the former president would destroy the entire war propaganda system of the NATO machine and deal a blow to the interests of Western countries, which used the alliance as an iron fist.
Obviously, NATO did not expect that Milosevic would be able to successfully defend himself, especially with such boldness and determination. The beginning of the process was constantly reported by the media, newspapers published announcements on the subject on their front pages. The Milosevic trial was supposed to be the biggest event of the century.
However, soon the media coverage of that process was interrupted, and information about the process remained on the last pages of various publications. Things went terribly wrong on the NATO side from the very beginning.
Exc 3:
If the charges were dropped or if Milosevic were acquitted, it would have enormous geopolitical and geostrategic consequences. NATO would have to explain the real reasons for the aggression against Yugoslavia, and the leaders of those same countries would face accusations of war crimes. The decline in prestige would be difficult to measure. The only way out for NATO was to end the process and not allow the release of Milosevic and the recognition of the whole truth about the war. The death of Milošević in prison and the termination of the process logically followed from this.
Ok, thanks. I’ll check it out.
I also have problems with murderers and genociders - like Bosnian Muslims aka Bosniaks, Nazi Croats, and primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians - all of them WW2 partners of Nazi Germany/AH and proven mass-murderers of Serbs in the WW1, WW2, and the 90s! Their crimes are not only supported behind the scenes, but at the same time, hidden and not reported by MSM. Quite the opposite, they are described as innocent victims.
I have problems with murderers and genociders.
Please, PLEASE tell me what genocidal things Albanians did to Serbs in ww1 and ww2!
Are you seriously going to ignore what you Serbs did to Albanians in 1912? That was a genocide but you couldn’t win then like in 1999 and you weren’t constrained or bombed back then. Just like the clown Diana that seemingly has zero clue about the Balkan wars and Serb barbarity.
As for Croatian and Muslim Bosnian genocide on Serbs, I don’t believe they ever happened since you people constantly lie and grift about our supposed genocides against you. And I don’t believe the numbers of jasnovec just like I don’t believe the 1 million dead and burned Jews in Auschwitz.
You are ZIONISTS, you use the same tactics as they do.
Here’s are some quick readings here on TUR about one of the biggest NATO/MSM lies [1][2]! Also, below is the Bosnian Muslims separatists leader that started the war in Bosnia, after getting the green light from NATO – Alija Izetbegovic – WW2 SS Nazi and Post-WW2 Jihadist [3]!
[1] Srebrenica 1995-2015: Just the Facts, Without Propaganda or Embellishment, by Stefan Karganovic and Aleksandar Pavic – The Unz Review
[2] Srebrenica Narrative Responsibly Challenged, by Stefan Karganovic – The Unz Review
[3] Alija Izetbegović as a member of the 13th mountain division of the SS “Handschar” | source: The New York Times
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I replied in #202
Maybe if the Serbs had also had as good of a lawyer as him….
I hope that one day, you will fully understand how naive this quoted statement of yours is – analogous of saying “Maybe if the defendants in Stalin’s show trials had good lawyers …”
Thank you for your time.
500+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
I also have problems with murderers and genociders - like Bosnian Muslims aka Bosniaks, Nazi Croats, and primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians - all of them WW2 partners of Nazi Germany/AH and proven mass-murderers of Serbs in the WW1, WW2, and the 90s! Their crimes are not only supported behind the scenes, but at the same time, hidden and not reported by MSM. Quite the opposite, they are described as innocent victims.
I have problems with murderers and genociders.
Ok, look, I’m not trying to wiggle my way out of the paper bag, ok? I’ve got my face right in it talking to you, and I can hardly breathe. SO….. we agree on many things and first off, you will be very happy to hear that I agree I am not an expert. But that makes me smarter than most people because I know I don’t know everything, so I still can learn. I not only respect Professor Francis Boyle, I respect Michel Chossoduvsky and Diana Johnstone, and Unz, of course, and so many of the things they have written amd formulated views on. I also like them. But that doesn’t mean I agree with every conclusion they have made. I’m willing to look further when I don’t. Maybe I’m missing something, so I look, if it is an issue i am interested in. Boyle is not a NATO freak that only cares about Muslims. He has defended other peoples, of other religions for their rights and sovereignty. He is definitely not an MSM Presstitute. He got an order against Bush, AND Blair, and they are not TOTALLY SURE what countries they can now travel to without being arrested. You think THAT means he sides with NATO? Maybe if the Serbs had also had as good of a lawyer as him….it looks like there were serious crimes on both sides with very heated passions. The behind the scenes interlopers stir up two sides, make them hate each other, then sit back and wait for everything to fall apart so then they can swoop down like vultures to claim their prey. And TOO OFTEN walk free.
I hope that one day, you will fully understand how naive this quoted statement of yours is - analogous of saying "Maybe if the defendants in Stalin's show trials had good lawyers ..."
Maybe if the Serbs had also had as good of a lawyer as him….
Re census: I believe that census numbers were most likely altered as:
1) Croats had 2 full years to prepare for the genocide after Paul gave them full internal independence in 1939 with Banovina and could’ve altered anything in their books.
2) Croats were also in many high-profile positions in KoY, and pretty sure had access to census books for the entire country.
3) I’d not discount possibility that communists burned/altered some of the census data books post-WW2. By changing just one number in the totals, one could’ve erased 1 million Serbs from the records.
My number (1.4M) was based on Gideon Greif’s book, plus the fact that once estimates reached 700k, communists stopped all forensics work, and rolled back the number to 70k. Also there were other extermination camps and 100s of local slaughter locations like towns, villages, cave pits, etc.
We’ll see – for now, let’s just agree that we disagree.
Re communists: In my view, just because some lower ranking “Serb”, e.g. Stambolic, voted for something, that does not make Serbs responsible for the evil done to them. Yes, there were many collaborators and traitors, but the very top was Tito + Kardelj + Dolanc+ other non-Serbs. I also blame Russia, that came, occupied Serbia in 1944, handed it over to local communists – mass murderers, and left. I also think that 1943/44 bombing by “Allies” were done to prevent Serbs from freeing themselves, until USSR Army was able to come and replace German occupation with theirs. It seems coordinated (bombing+occupation) between the British/USA and the USSR.
Re your postings: I did not know that the censorship was so strong., but I’m not surprised. Did you criticize the prez or some ethnicity? I rarely comment on Serbia’s portals, due to much smaller audience, and also due to my plan to reach English speaking audience, instead of preaching to the choir.
Re quislings: Well, the answer to most why-oh-why-questions is: Serbia has been occupied since 2000. Actually, IMO, Serbia has been occupied since 1903, just as Russia has been since 1917. IMHO, the main evil to Serbia and Serbs has been done by Dynasty Karadjordjevic – they are the butchers of everything Serbian. Otherwise, British would’ve not chosen them to execute their evil plans on the Serbs. I blame Dynasty Karadjordjevic for everything – they should be permanently expelled from Serbia.
Re Russia: You may have seen that I consider Putin a traitor. Russia’s version of combination of Tadic and Vucic traits.
Both countries will be freed in one way or the other when the time comes – Serbia most likely in a spontaneous uprising, while Russia possibly in a military coup. That will be the beginning of the end for the West and Turkey.
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Commentator Mike, I don’t disagree with you a bit. I’m not certain, and not an expert but i think Milosovic was also found guilty in an earlier trial. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t an unwitting pawn in Natos plan to dissolve Yukoslavia. It doesn’t mean that there weren’t also SERIOUS crimes against the Serbs. The behind the scenes operators always get sides stirred up snd knocking each other off so they can have the spoils left. The Courts aren’t pure and the biggest criminals walk free, as those you mentioned. But, i value the hope and the not giving up on of the process. The last several hours I watched of the case South Africa brought against Israel (the first) showed me there were sane members and there were corrupt members and there were puppet members. Obviously the corrupt and puppet members disgusted me. When Charles Taylor was convicted at the Hague I believe it was because he was up against expert International Human Rights lawyers that really cared about the people of those African nations who were suppressed and affected, and DID NOT GIVE UP. Plus, it wasnt the US or Israel being made to stand accountable. Also the general area had a huge campaign to educate them on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Warlords hated it with a passion. Professor Francis Boyle defended the Bosniaks. He has also defended Puerto Ricans and Indigenous Hawaiians and Tamils and Palestinians and even Americans against Covid tyranny. He wants sovreignty respected and real International Human Rights. Individuals make a difference when they know their stuff and they don’t give up.
Boyle is an ostentatiously quixotic, self-aggrandising p o s. What I have seen of his argumentation is riddled with inconsistencies and outright fallacies that are too many to enumerate. You are partial to him either because you are Muslim or because you are stupid. My wager is on both.
Your response to my comment:
What makes you think that I am “другоÑрбијанацâ€?
I'd be interested in links to some of your posts/comments containing those unpleasant truths, on those pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia. Always trying to learn things.
... utter unpleasant truths ...
With regards to your first link, because the number you advance is physically impossible and is contradicted by census data. More realistic numbers are between 120000 as an absolute minimum and 400000 as an absolute maximum for Jasenovac, and 400000 as an absolute minimum and 700000 as an absolute maximum for the whole of NDH. Again exaggerating the number of victims is disrespectful and is detrimental to credibility. Ustasha crimes were horrific enough, they did on a much more massive scale what Azovtsi did to Russians in Ukraine after 2014 – and would have done on the same scale if they could – or what the Israeli State Intelligence Service did in Syria since 2011, there is no need to advance unprovable, impossible numbers. Unfortunately, Serbian communists agreed to put a lid on research of the genocide in NDH after the war so we’ll probably never know its true extent but let’s stick to plausible numbers.
Yes, who knows? But there will always be doubt because whatever was “proven” was proven in a completely biased court which serves as a weapon of certain countries against others. If it was a true court then all the world’s war criminals would have been brought up in front of it, especially those of US and NATO. Yet a man (Assange) who exposed a US war crime is languishing in jail while those he exposed were not brought before this court that you seem to value and believe so much. Those international courts, like the UN, are just a charade. The war crimes of US and NATO grossly exceed any of those who were brought to the Hague. Yet they are allowed to escape punishment. Why? Because in those courts the world’s greatest criminals sit in judgement over those who may, or may not have, committed any of the alleged crimes. And those crimes are often manufactured by the same criminals in their propaganda war against those they choose to target. Well yeah, who knows?
Not to support the insufferable Madelaine Albright, the “Saddam caused the death of 500,000 Iraqi children” story is patently false. There was a retired UN worker making the rounds with the story to justify the US attack on Iraq. He was coming to speak at the U of Texas in Austin and some outraged friends told me about him and the number claim, which, if true, was a serious charge. So I looked for his source; none given. Then I turned to the UN Numbers; if he had dome such a thing it would be reflected in the population pyramid and the UN demographic figures.
It turned out that this was the UN number for the total number of Iraqi children under the age of five that had died during the Iran-Iraq war. Iraq had a high infant mortality rate before the war and it didn’t come down during the war, partly, I suspect, because of wartime spending. But to suggest that he murdered 500,000 kids is like claiming the US President murders a million kids every four years because there is infant (UN under age 5) mortality in the US.
I handed him the Xerox copies of the UN numbers after his speech and asked where he got his numbers. He looked at the UN numbers and he said “interesting, I’ll get back to you”. Of course he never did. Anyone who doubts me can simply look up the UN mortality numbers- this is not a “maybe”; it appears top be an outright lie. The big questions are: Who sponsored and paid for his trips to universities?; Why didn’t the press catch this obvious falsehood?; Who was he and how did he become the spokesperson- is there a back story?
You are dodging my points and trying to wiggle your way out of the paper bag! NATO/MSM is the source of the information! In other words, you believe and indirectly support this Joint Criminal Enterprise when Christians are being attacked, while cry bloody murder when Muslims are in the same situation, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc!
I have problems with murderers and genociders.
I also have problems with murderers and genociders – like Bosnian Muslims aka Bosniaks, Nazi Croats, and primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians – all of them WW2 partners of Nazi Germany/AH and proven mass-murderers of Serbs in the WW1, WW2, and the 90s! Their crimes are not only supported behind the scenes, but at the same time, hidden and not reported by MSM. Quite the opposite, they are described as innocent victims.
Re Professor Francis Boyle: I know what he stands for – the exact same thing NATO/MSM stand for when targets are Orthodox Christians, like Serbs – he supports Bosnia. However, he does not support NATO/MSM when they attack Muslims – he supports Palestinians!
So, you see, you and Professor Francis Boyle have much in common- supporting Muslims 100% even when they are murderers of Christian on behalf of NATO like Bosnian Muslims!
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What makes you think that I am “другоÑрбијанацâ€?
Your response to my comment:
and also not commenting on my mainly rhetorical questions here:
Perhaps, you do not research those topics/areas, but were “informed” enough to label those as mythomania, which is typical behavior of those characters.
Either way, although involved in Serbia’s internal politics, they are the 5th column, thus ideologically tied to the NWO – they are godless, satanic, arrogant, narcissistic, hate Orthodox Christianity, hate Serbian tradition and customs, hate even Serbian language and alphabet, lower the numbers of Serbian martyrs, call research of Serbs-as-autochthon/indigenous topics mythomania, have inferiority-complex towards the West, crave Western approval and acceptance, etc. IMHO, Putin/Kremlin are the Russian version of that unfortunate phenomenon.
So are you one of them, considering that you check at least 2 boxes on my list? If not, then please accept my apologies.
… utter unpleasant truths …
I’d be interested in links to some of your posts/comments containing those unpleasant truths, on those pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia. Always trying to learn things.
Thank you in advance.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Who knows what happened to those incubator babies in Kuwait and WMDs in Iraq? Everybody! The very same MSM liars and NATO mass-murderers also "reported" Srebrenica story to you. But I'm sure you know that.
Who knows what happened in Srebrenica?
> Dutch UNPROFOR troops testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct manner
That’s because they did nothing and didn’t want to be held accountable for letting a bloodbath occur in front of them. Why do you Serbs love to distort the truth? Your precious Kosovo was invaded by your ilk in 1200 AD and you were defeated in 1389 by the Turks. The Serbs lied about the battle of Kosovo being an entirely Serb army and there were hardly any Serbs in the follow up battle, because you weren’t a majority.
>serbs not only won ww1
Yep I now know you’re 100% a Serbian retard. For the record, Albanians rebelled on their own accord in 1912 and won against the Turks, only for Serbs, in cohoots with Jews, England, France and Russia invaded ethnic albanian territory but ultimately the goal was to destroy the Ottoman Empire. The reason is highlighted in tragedy and hope by Carol Quigly, Germans and Turks were in alliance and the Turks would have given the Germans oil. That is why Jews gave you half of the Balkan’s thereafter. That is why Serbs are treated in high respect by Jews and why Israel supported Serbia in 1999. You are of the same genocidal land thieving ilk.
Remember, YUGOSLAV CENSUS IN 1921 itself shows Albanians as the majority and that’s after mass migration of Serbs after 1918. In three years I’d bet serbs went from a tiny minority to a plurality because you migrate all the time and steal land.
Hahahaha there is no credible census from that period. And the Zionists gave the Serbs the entirety of Yugoslavia after they started ww1 and helped them destroy the Ottoman Empire (to gain Palestine eventually) and the Germanic empires. The Yugoslav census in 1921 shows Albanians around 66% and that’s after 10 years of Serb colonization. It was higher. Your people were never in Kosovo as a super majority, even during the Middle Ages when you rats migrated in the 1200’s.
Who knows what happened to those incubator babies in Kuwait and WMDs in Iraq? Everybody! The very same MSM liars and NATO mass-murderers also "reported" Srebrenica story to you. But I'm sure you know that.
Who knows what happened in Srebrenica?
Have you ever actually read any of Professor Francis Boyle’s books or listened to any of his interviews? Do you know what he stands for? How many people’s views have you read about what happened to the Muslims in Bosnia? When they say they have no proof of genocide, what are the exact specifics of THEIR proof, or is it heresay? Here is an alternate viewpoint:
Personally, I have no problem with any religion. I believe in Freedom of Thought and Belief. I realize that is challenging in today’s world as truths are carefully masked. I have problems with murderers and genociders. I don’t think anyone should be beyond the law.
I also have problems with murderers and genociders - like Bosnian Muslims aka Bosniaks, Nazi Croats, and primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians - all of them WW2 partners of Nazi Germany/AH and proven mass-murderers of Serbs in the WW1, WW2, and the 90s! Their crimes are not only supported behind the scenes, but at the same time, hidden and not reported by MSM. Quite the opposite, they are described as innocent victims.
I have problems with murderers and genociders.
Well, we agree on some things. Like mainscream media DOES misinfo. Like Nato causing chaos. Like innocent people often being declared guilty, even though innocent. Like innocent people made guilty by a corrupt and bought media. Like not having an easy time getting justice from the courts who are too often corrupted. But, do you think Biden is innocent of the crime of aiding and abetting genocide? Even though he is bypassing congress to send those weapons over there and gives his snarky smile on how he is helping Israel, our ally? Do you think Netanyahu is innocent of genocide even though he is not personally dropping the bombs? Even if Biden and Netanyahu are pawns they are still guilty. Even if they resort to blaming each other and any other handy target they are still guilty and responsible for their actions and legally prohibited inactions. They could stop using arms. They could start giving aid, food, water, shelter. But you seem to think genocide is just an imaginary invention. Who do you think is causing all those murders? Is it just mother nature?
What makes you think that I am “другоÑрбијанац”? My compulsion to utter unpleasant truths has made me persona non grata on both pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia and it doesn’t bother me the least. In truth, I have no interest for Serbian internal politics b/c life is too short to waste it picking sides between grifters, thieves, sellouts, douchebags, buffoons and goofs.
PS: to ex-Yugoslavs who’d be tempted to pick on what I just wrote, I may find my kinfolk blameworthy, I find you contemptible.
Your response to my comment:
What makes you think that I am “другоÑрбијанацâ€?
I'd be interested in links to some of your posts/comments containing those unpleasant truths, on those pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia. Always trying to learn things.
... utter unpleasant truths ...
Not arguing. It may look like I’m arguing, but I’m just posting info for everyone to see.
BTW, as другоÑрбијанац, aren’t you the leftist too?
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Who knows what happened in Srebrenica?
Who knows what happened to those incubator babies in Kuwait and WMDs in Iraq? Everybody! The very same MSM liars and NATO mass-murderers also “reported” Srebrenica story to you. But I’m sure you know that.
I guess you are reluctant to say anything against it because that’d be siding with the Orthodox Christians, the Serbs, and not with Muslims? That is why you are trying to sit on two chairs – you know that NATO/MSM are liars but, at the same time, do not want to side with Christians. Isn’t that hypocrisy and cowardice, so prevalent here with many authors at TUR?
FYI, British invented “genocide” fiction 7 years after the civil war ended to put more pressure on Serbia’s leadership to let go of the occupied Kosovo. ICTY had one single star “witness” – lowlife Nazi Croat mercenary bribed to testify. The entire Dutch battalion entered Srebrenica with the Serbian Army (Gen. Mladic was there with them) and their 100+ pages report to the ICTY, saying that not a single person was executed, was ignored. 2,000 bodies initially buried there were just Muslim fighters and mujahedeen that died in combat, declared as executed civilians by one lying German doctor “expert” witness, while the rest of corpses were simply moved in from all over Bosnia over the years until they got the count to 8,000.
[1] What happened at Srebrenica? – by Michael Buergermeister
Excerpt from [1]: In September 2012 former CIA agent Robert Baer asserted that he’d been sent to Yugoslavia in January 1991 to help facilitate the dissolution of that particular country. One of his tasks involved disinformation: “The propaganda was aimed to divide the republics and to ensure that the states are separated from the mother of Yugoslavia. We had to choose a sacrificial lamb that could be blamed for everything. Someone who would be responsible for the war and the violence. Serbia was chosen because it is in some ways the successor of Yugoslavia.â€
Excerpt from [1]: One of his most startling claims concerned Srebrenica: “Srebrenica is an exaggerated story, and, unfortunately, many people have been manipulated by it. The numbers of the people killed…these were all part of the political marketing.â€
Excerpt from [1]: He’s not alone in challenging the commonly accepted narrative. In February 2013 Dr. Edward Herman told John Robles that there was a whole series of massacres in 150 Serb villages during which 2,383 Serb civilians were killed between 1992 and July, 1995.
[2] The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
[3] Srebrenica — Neither Massacre, Nor Genocide, by Alexander Dorin
[4] Srebrenica — The History of Salon Racism | NSPM in English
Excerpt from [4]: Dutch UNPROFOR troops testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct manner, while Srebrenica Muslim warlord Naser Orić with his fighters was massacring Serb civilians in the most monstrous fashion for years in Srebrenica municipality, and pillaging and destroying their property all the while.
Excerpt from [4]: He pointed to a very interesting investigation carried out by the Bulgarian reporter and author Germinal Civikov, who wrote a book about the case of Croat Dražen Erdemović, former member of the Bosnian Serb Army, whose testimony represents the key Hague “evidence†of “Srebrenica massacreâ€, who claimed that his commander Milorad PelemiÅ¡ “ordered him and few other soldiers to execute some 1,000-1,200 Muslim POWsâ€. But the analysis of that case, said Dorin, proves Erdemović invented most, if not all of that story.
Excerpt from [4]: Director of the Belgrade Center for Investigation of War Crimes Milivoje Ivanišević analyzed the lists of alleged Srebrenica victims. Ivanišević discovered that, a year after the fall of Srebrenica, some 3,000 Muslim men who were supposedly killed in 1995, were voting in the Bosnian Muslim elections.
Excerpt from [4]: It is perfectly clear that Muslim organizations listed as Srebrenica victims all the Muslim fighters who were killed in the fights after the fall of Srebrenica.
Excerpt from [4]: In addition, at least 1,000 of the alleged 1995 “Srebrenica massacre victims†have been dead long before or after Bosnian Serb Army took the town over.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
100% US-controlled so-called court in the Hague (aka ICTY, aka Kangaroo Court) could not find any Milosevic’s crimes, and since they could not afford to let him go and laugh in their faces, they poisoned him there [1] and then quietly officially exonerated and cleared him of all charges postmortem [2].
Slobo did die before he could do any time
Avoid arguing with a leftist silly goose.
Yep, Yahoo definitely is your IQ league miss.
Well, it looks like it. Blackrock, Statestreet Vanguard and the Bank of International Settlements has infiltrated foreign policy, governments, media and court systems so thoroughly, it seems difficult to know realities. If only the psychotic billionaires behind these awful decisions would realize that if everybody suffers and dies, they will too.
Slobo did die before he could do any time
100% US-controlled so-called court in the Hague (aka ICTY, aka Kangaroo Court) could not find any Milosevic’s crimes, and since they could not afford to let him go and laugh in their faces, they poisoned him there [1] and then quietly officially exonerated and cleared him of all charges postmortem [2].
[1] Murder at The Hague? | Neil Clark
[2] Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves on | Neil Clark
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
You should go comment on Yahoo, it is more your league.Replies: @Voltaria Voltaire
I happen to respect Professor Francis Boyle
Hey, passing by, It’s okay with me if you pass FULLY by. Bye by.
I think, Carlton, that the responsibilities under the Geneva Convention that really and truly result in protection and the prevention and punishment of genocide have attempted to be supplanted by clowns with their perverted R2P which doesn’t DO what it SAYS. That is the same thing with this “rules based order” total crap which is trying to take the place of sane International Laws. Your question is valid, and if you want a sane media article in Russia’s ICJ case, which you won’t get on mainscream media, although Ron Unz will surely cover it at some point, if he hasn’t already, check this link to a Mint Press article:
I happen to respect Professor Francis Boyle
You should go comment on Yahoo, it is more your league.
where is this filthy whore on the actual genocide occurring in gaza at this very moment?
Samantha Power’s 2002 book was subtitled “America in the Age of Genocideâ€. To speak of the present as an “age of genocide†is wildly melodramatic, but the purpose is to place virtuous America in the center of drastic moral demands.
Who knows what happened in Sbrenica? Here we are now in 2024 and there is an OBVIOUS genocide against the Palestinians happening in real time that many, and “official reports” , and even the World Court won’t APPROPRIATELY acknowledge and STOP. So as to what happened in 1993, when we didn’t have social media and eyewitness reports, well, even the people who WERE there who didn’t also have an agenda were likely to have it wrong, as they are today. So…. I don’t know. I happen to respect Professor Francis Boyle who represented the Bosnian Mothers. I have listened to many interviews by him which caused me to admire him. He has written many books, which I have though yet to read. He won against Slobodovan Milosevic. Slob did die before he could do any time, though Rat and Rad did get prosecuted, and are serving time. People who have dined on a steady diet of the destruction of others do tend to degenerate and self destruct at some point, very frequently, especially when PROVEN wrong. One thing is for sure, when governments use atrocities to further harm in the name of help, and do so illegally, the individuals in them should be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and not just their military generals or presstitites, even if they are the President. I haven’t seen this so far. But I believe Professor Francis Boyle, International Human Rights lawyer and author has attempted to get real justice and has made strides in making this happen.
You should go comment on Yahoo, it is more your league.Replies: @Voltaria Voltaire
I happen to respect Professor Francis Boyle
100% US-controlled so-called court in the Hague (aka ICTY, aka Kangaroo Court) could not find any Milosevic’s crimes, and since they could not afford to let him go and laugh in their faces, they poisoned him there [1] and then quietly officially exonerated and cleared him of all charges postmortem [2].
Slobo did die before he could do any time
Who knows what happened to those incubator babies in Kuwait and WMDs in Iraq? Everybody! The very same MSM liars and NATO mass-murderers also "reported" Srebrenica story to you. But I'm sure you know that.
Who knows what happened in Srebrenica?
You only exist because AHE and Britain created Albania in 1912 AD.
Serbia exists in spite of Russia (Bulgarian Exarchate), Britain (1903 Coup d’état – murder of the entire Serbian Obrenovic Dynasty, 1943-44 massive bombing of its ally Serbia, 1999 NATO attack) and France (Napoleon helping OE against the Serbs, 1999 NATO attack).
Serbia not only won the WW1, but decide the outcome of it, as German Emperor Wilhelm II reported in his letter to the Bulgarian King.
Ferdinand assassination was a false flag operation by the AHE and Free Masons. Main assassin was trained to shoot by a British operative. Black Hand was based in AHE and led by a non-Serb.
Learn some true history instead of the fake Shqiptar one.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
The 1921 Yugoslav census shows Albanian majority …
That’s only due to the mass murder and expulsion of Serbs by primitive Shqiptars/Albanians, Bulgarians, and AHE during the WW1 (1914-1918).
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Punk, you were a majority because you cleansed 400000 Serbs in the decades before. Regarding your answer to Anon001, Zionists gave you Kosovo ungrateful moron.
PS: All you have proven so far is that you are a primitive, thick as two short planks, hateful p o s so I can’t resist to encourage you to keep up the good work.
Your cowardly online nature of avoiding my posts indicate you have zero grit to challenge opponents especially when I debunk your retarded claims time and again.
Serbs aren’t getting sea access. Serbs are dying out, Albania and Kosovo will have the same population 60 years from now while Serbia will be down to 4 million, mostly old and mostly gypsies since most of your very low 1.5 fertility rate comes from gypsies.
You ungrateful brats! Without USA and MSM, you'd be nothing!Now, even with USA and MSM, you'd still be nothing without traitors in Belgrade and Kremlin!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Siding with America means squat
Serbia wouldn’t exist without Russia, England and France. What’s your point retard? Need I explain how Serbs were humiliated in ww1 and were given a grand prize for losing but even though they lost and hardly fought after losing they were given a large swath of land because they started ww1 for zionists.
I mean, you can hardly accuse leftist, zionist Wikipedia to have a pro-Serb bias. Funny how if you want to represent the numbers listed on that page in a graph, you get, well, one like that on Reddit.Replies: @K-Pax
Une étude réalisée en 1871 par le colonel autrichien Peter Kukulj de l'armée austro-hongroise a montré que le mutesarifluk de Prizren (correspondant largement à l'actuel Kosovo) avaient quelque 500 000 habitants, dont :
318 000 Serbes (64 %),
161 000 Albanais (32 %),
10 000 Roms (Tsiganes) et les Circassiens
2 000 Turcs
L'auteur serbe Miloš S. Milojević, critiquée en raison de ses prétendues aspiration au serbifying, a parcouru la région en 1871-1877 et collecté des témoignages qui affirment que les Serbes étaient majoritaires, et ont été prédominant dans toutes les villes tandis que les Albanais étaient minoritaires et auraient vécu principalement dans des villages. D'après ses données, les Albanais étaient majoritaires dans le sud de Drenica (Albanais musulmans), et dans la région autour de Djakovica (Albanais catholiques), tandis que les villes étaient majoritairement serbe. Il a également enregistré plusieurs colonies de Turcs, les Roms et les Circassiens.
On estime que près de 400 000 Serbes ont été nettoyés de la wilaya du Kosovo entre 1876 et 1912, surtout pendant la guerre gréco-ottomane en 1897.
Are those ottoman census’s from 1867 or fake pro Serb estimations from outisders? Because we know Serbs were the darlings of the judeo Anglo empire, French and Russians at that time and up to 1945.
The 1921 Yugoslav census shows Albanian majority but you scum previously said we were still a minority then.
That's only due to the mass murder and expulsion of Serbs by primitive Shqiptars/Albanians, Bulgarians, and AHE during the WW1 (1914-1918).
The 1921 Yugoslav census shows Albanian majority ...
Thsnk you for that important-if-true account of the neo-cons motives.
If? Straight from the horses mouth… excerpt from The Neoconservative Cabal by Joshua Muravchik:
Neoconservatives sought action in Bosnia above all out of the conviction that, however remote the Balkans may be geographically and strategically, allowing a dictator like Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic to get away with aggression, ethnic cleansing, and mass murder in Europe would tempt other malign men to do likewise elsewhere, and other avatars of virulent ultranationalism to ride this ticket to power.
Sorry, no time to work out what you are saying. I hope to make time later.
You may be interested in this recent Spectator article on Rwanda and Kagame’s rule more generally:
It is not, as the title implies, the whole truth, but it contains a number of admissions that are rarely made in mainstream Western outlets.
Siding with America means squat
You ungrateful brats! Without USA and MSM, you’d be nothing!
Now, even with USA and MSM, you’d still be nothing without traitors in Belgrade and Kremlin!
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Leaving Occupied Kosovo was yet another betrayal of Serbia by Russia – to please Western partners, nothing more. They even got NATO medal for it [2]. Not long after Russians left, in 2004, primitive Shqiptar/Albanian savages organized a pogrom on a false pretense – killed, looted, burned, and destroyed [1].
Putin/Kremlin withdrew troops from the Serbian part of Bosnia at the same time as well. They explained it as no longer having interest in the Balkans. It was never an issue of costs which were minimal and easily covered if asked for – that was just put out as a cover story to excuse their treachery. That was in 2003, the very same year Serbia’s PM Zoran Djindjic was assassinated in March by the West, as he drew the line on Western endless demands, including Kosovo, and said enough is enough.
P.S. More recent examples of Putin/Kremlin treachery are Armenia and Syria. They betrayed all of their true friends and true partners, because Putin is a globalist, and neither a Russian patriot nor an Orthodox Christian. Russia is a colony of the West and Putin is colonial administrator. Recall McCain calling Russia a gas pump – gas is still flowing from Russia to West through Ukraine. Putin is still exporting uranium to US – yes, you read that right!
[1] Failure to Protect: Anti-Minority Violence in Kosovo, March 2004 | HRW
Excerpt: French KFOR troops refused to come to the assistance of the Serb residents of Svinjare, even though their main base is located just a few hundred meters from that village. The entire village of Svinjare-all 137 homes-were burned to the ground within viewing distance of the main French KFOR base.
Excerpt: In nearby Vucitrn, located in between two main French KFOR camps, Albanian crowds burned sixty-nine Ashkali homes without a response from either French KFOR or international UNMIK police.
Excerpt: In the southern city of Prizren, German KFOR commanders refused to honor requests to come to the assistance of their international UNMIK police counterparts, and Albanian crowds destroyed all remaining vestiges of the centuries-old Serb presence in the city, including several religious buildings dating back to the fourteenth century, burning one Serb man to death in his home and leaving all remaining Serbs in Prizren homeless.
Excerpt: In the large town of Kosovo Polje, only a few UNMIK police and no KFOR personnel came to the assistance of the besieged Serbs, leaving a handful of local KPS officers to protect more than one hundred Serb families scattered around the city. One Serb was beaten to death, and at least one hundred Serb homes were burned, as was the main post office, the Serbian school, the Serbian hospital, and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Excerpt: In the capital Pristina, Serb residents of the YU Program apartment buildings-an apartment complex originally built to house Serb refugees from Bosnia and Croatia-were besieged for hours by ethnic Albanian crowds who set their apartments on fire and shot at them before they were rescued by KFOR and UNMIK international police.
[2] NATO Update: Russian troops leave KFOR – 2 July 2003
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
It is still not completely clear what happened there. The English general Michael Jackson wanted to use weapons to prevent the Russians from occupying the airport, but the Americans told him that they did not want a third world war.
The Russians could create their own zone where the Serbs would be protected and there would be a balance of power in Kosovo, which would allow for some kind of normality and maybe eventually some productive agreement. I think that Putin was still weak then, that Russia was in big economic problems, and probably even he himself was not yet aware of what kind of game was really being played and what the stakes were.
Many quote the Russian proverb (in the context of Ukraine) that Russians are slow to saddle a horse but fast to ride, so I guess they make up for it. I think that in fact there is a lot of inertia in such a large system, that the Russians are not proactive thinkers, which causes frustration for many (I think Prigozhin was one of those).
I think that Putin is at least 10 years late, and even when some say that he follows Dugin’s thoughts, he is doing so 10 years late. That is why Dugin was out of favour with the establishment for 10 years. The Russians (and Russian language) are a derivative of the ancient Serbs, but the modern Serbs (at least the leading thinkers) are far ahead of the Russians, probably because they have lived on the front line for thousands of years and know well the systems on both sides, especially since the border between the western and eastern Roman empire passed through the middle of Serbian lands (and through my grandfather’s property, so, as a kid, I was able to swim from the Eastern Roman Empire to the Western and back several times during the day).
It is important who will succeed Putin. I think D. Rogozin, who is currently sidelined, would be the best, not only because he is of recent Serbian origin, but he is a sharp talker and a sharp shooter. Even Naryshkin, the security chief, who some have mentioned as a possible successor, hesitated during Putin’s roll call about whether to launch a special operation, despite having the best first-hand information.
But we hope that the Russians will now ‘ride fast’, that the NATO border will be returned to the border of Slovenia and Italy, that NATO will leave Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic banana states, which means that that Kosovo will return to the control of Serbia (many Albanians will probably go to the US and the UK) and that Serbia will get access to the sea (even some anti-Serb panzers noticed here this illogicality, what even many Serbs, in the general chaos, did not notice).
Yes Reddit is a nice source. Noel Malcolm and a couple of author academics disproved the great Serb migrations in 1690, Albanians were a majority back then and also before that. Every other exodus is Serb propaganda and I can call it that since you lie about everything else so your reputation is unreliable and everything you post is suspect.
The Yugoslav census in 1921 shows Kosovo being 66% Albanian. And that is less than 10 years after the Serbs invaded Kosovo and since 1918 they forced in a lot of colonists to replace us but that failed. But continue calling us genociders when your people constantly genocide your neighbours every half century.
I mean, you can hardly accuse leftist, zionist Wikipedia to have a pro-Serb bias. Funny how if you want to represent the numbers listed on that page in a graph, you get, well, one like that on Reddit.Replies: @K-Pax
Une étude réalisée en 1871 par le colonel autrichien Peter Kukulj de l'armée austro-hongroise a montré que le mutesarifluk de Prizren (correspondant largement à l'actuel Kosovo) avaient quelque 500 000 habitants, dont :
318 000 Serbes (64 %),
161 000 Albanais (32 %),
10 000 Roms (Tsiganes) et les Circassiens
2 000 Turcs
L'auteur serbe Miloš S. Milojević, critiquée en raison de ses prétendues aspiration au serbifying, a parcouru la région en 1871-1877 et collecté des témoignages qui affirment que les Serbes étaient majoritaires, et ont été prédominant dans toutes les villes tandis que les Albanais étaient minoritaires et auraient vécu principalement dans des villages. D'après ses données, les Albanais étaient majoritaires dans le sud de Drenica (Albanais musulmans), et dans la région autour de Djakovica (Albanais catholiques), tandis que les villes étaient majoritairement serbe. Il a également enregistré plusieurs colonies de Turcs, les Roms et les Circassiens.
On estime que près de 400 000 Serbes ont été nettoyés de la wilaya du Kosovo entre 1876 et 1912, surtout pendant la guerre gréco-ottomane en 1897.
No Mike, there are no other people living there except few remaining Serbs living in enclaves and under constant terror of primitive Shqiptar/Albanians.These savages expelled everyone, including Catholics, Gorani/Goranci, Romas/Gypsies, as well as Muslim Turks! Yes, not even Muslims were allowed to stay if non-Shqiptar/Albanian! You do not know that as the West never reports their crimes - they have a license to do any evil including killing anyone there with impunity - courtesy of NATO/MSM [1].[1] The Silent Persecution of Christians in Kosovo | EWTN Global Catholic Television Network | 2021-01
I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there ...
The amount of hilarity I see when I read a Serb like you writing up this comment and calling us genocide res when your own people have constantly genocided every single one of your neighbours the last 150 years. Cognitive dissonance.
Your position is faulty when you call us Caucasian considering we speak different languages and have different genes.
Caucasian (churkas as you dirty Slav animals call them) : J1, J2a, G
Albanians: E-V13, J2b-l283, R1b-z2108, R1b-PF7576
Now let’s look at an actual Greek writer, Claudius Ptolemy that writes of the Serbio living in modern Dagestan and Albanoi living in modern Albania around the 2nd century Ad.
Care to dispute these facts you stupid gypsy? And calling us ugly? You Chetnik apes look like a browner and devolved form of a chechen, a Chechen at least practices hygiene.
Siding with America means squat
It means quite a lot. It means that you support American global hegemony, zionism, Jewish global domination, “gay marriage,” subjugation of all peoples to an international financial elite, etc. And not just through some ephemeral moral support, but actual material, logistical, and human support. Consequently, it means that you are worthless subhuman trash, unworthy of life and fit only to line ditches, which is exactly where you will end up as the USA continues its decline and is forced to withdraw from Europe in the future.
I know you Serbs aren’t sure who your gypsy fathers where, let’s be honest you’re all Gypsies since you have nomadic origins. Y chromosomes is passed down from father to son in an unbroken chain. Considering we Albanians have ancient Balkan forefathers while Serbs have Slav forefathers you should cease spreading retarded Serb propaganda or risk being looked at as a low iq moron by anybody with objectivity and common sense.
Get a load of this gypsy. You are 100% scum and I hope you get replaced by actual foreigners, like how the Serbs replaced us but we took our land back. Siding with America means squat, Serb monkeys wouldn’t have had their state without Russians.
It means quite a lot. It means that you support American global hegemony, zionism, Jewish global domination, "gay marriage," subjugation of all peoples to an international financial elite, etc. And not just through some ephemeral moral support, but actual material, logistical, and human support. Consequently, it means that you are worthless subhuman trash, unworthy of life and fit only to line ditches, which is exactly where you will end up as the USA continues its decline and is forced to withdraw from Europe in the future.
Siding with America means squat
You ungrateful brats! Without USA and MSM, you'd be nothing!Now, even with USA and MSM, you'd still be nothing without traitors in Belgrade and Kremlin!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Siding with America means squat
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it's no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox.
The Serbs claim that that's the Albanians.Replies: @Passing by, @Anon001, @K-Pax
It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up. �
The Serbs say they’re gods chosen. They’re retarded animals. You can be on the side of the Serbs all day but that doesn’t change the fact we Albanians had our land stolen and we took it back and that it was always ours thanks to ancient genetics of NUMEROUS sites all over the balkans where in contrast Serbs are migrants.
The ottoman defter isn’t all of Kosovo but continue showing a preference to Serb propaganda to actual science mate.
The only relevant fact is that Kosovo Albanians allied with the USA to create a fake American puppet state. By doing this, they have given up their right to life and they deserve to be exterminated, just like other trashy ethnic groups who sign on to become American puppets (Kurds, Polacks, “south koreans,” etc.). Whether these groups are “native” or anything is irrelevant.
The “genocide” didn’t happen, but it should have. And, God willing, in the future it will.
Russians had a base at Prishtina airport for a several years. They should have held onto it like the Americans kept Bondsteel. It was during Putin’s rule that the Russians left. If it was a matter of money, the Serbs should have offered to fund the Russian base there.
It indicates exactly one thing about the father. That he had that Y chromosome. It says nothing at all about the father’s overall ancestry, though.
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it's no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox.
The Serbs claim that that's the Albanians.Replies: @Passing by, @Anon001, @K-Pax
It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up. �
I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there …
No Mike, there are no other people living there except few remaining Serbs living in enclaves and under constant terror of primitive Shqiptar/Albanians.
These savages expelled everyone, including Catholics, Gorani/Goranci, Romas/Gypsies, as well as Muslim Turks! Yes, not even Muslims were allowed to stay if non-Shqiptar/Albanian! You do not know that as the West never reports their crimes – they have a license to do any evil including killing anyone there with impunity – courtesy of NATO/MSM [1].
[1] The Silent Persecution of Christians in Kosovo | EWTN Global Catholic Television Network | 2021-01
Excerpt: … international condemnation of their abuses is very rare.
Excerpt: What is the situation of Christians in Kosovo today? Extremely difficult. The Serbs, who were the original population of Kosovo, have undergone a slow ethnic cleansing that has been accelerating since the war of 1999. Today there are just over 100,000 of them. They live in enclaves (in a street, a neighborhood, a village …) which are open-air prisons from which they cannot get out without risking a skirmish. They are regularly attacked, beaten, looted and pushed to leave. They live in great poverty; they are systematically discriminated against; their schools are abandoned. They are condemned to a form of autarky. The objective of many radical Islamists is to eradicate the Serbian and Christian presence in Kosovo; hence, the importance of ensuring their autonomy and security.
Excerpt: In addition, there have been anti-Christian pogroms and the targeted destruction of 150 churches or monasteries in the last 20 years. In particular, we support the monastery of Visoki Decani, which is regularly targeted by Islamist terrorists but also by Kosovar Albanian media and politicians. It was attacked with a rocket launcher and defiled by a tag saying “The Caliphate is coming.†In 2016, the NATO forces stopped four jihadists armed with Kalashnikovs in front of the monastery’s gate. They were filmed by the surveillance cameras we have equipped the monastery with. We also built a security airlock, made of traditional stone, with iron gates. We still hope for the arrival, one day or another, of a peaceful cohabitation, because the majority of Albanians are moderate. But extremists are very powerful, and international condemnation of their abuses is very rare.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Did you receive confirmation of my earlier comment in this text or in its continuation (Diana Johnson) or from your colleagues at work? I am interested in that so that I know if you will continue to read my comments, so that I can properly customize them.
“to those who NEED education” Sorry about typo.
Dear Madam,
It boggles the mind why they don’t simply dispense with pretenses and declare: we came, we saw, we conquered! Mrs. Clinton was delighted with the sound of it, and the world will be spared the depressing hypocrisy. Bomb, bomb, baby! Or, we will bomb you because we can! We got the Maxim gun, they don’t …
Growing up, i would hear the Iran-Iraq war news daily. The Western press almost convinced me that the Shi’a were the fanatics and the Sunnis the moderates. After the rise of Al Qaida and the invasion of Iraq, i started hearing that the Sunnis were the fanatics with the roles completely reversed. No explanation provided, no attempt to educate the populace, nothing that i heard. It seemed Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia but not Eurasia. And Big Brother Napoleon or BB is always right, we just have to work a lot harder and pay our taxes.
i also remember watching Nutty Yahoo berating the hapless goyim from the UN podium for their opposition to sodomy. i searched for the video on YouTube but couldn’t find it. He who controls the media controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future. Blinken may blink over Gaza but Kamala the Great is biding her time.
Free Julian Assange!
Give peace a chance!
When it comes to the demography of Kosovo, a few more important facts should be added. Christian Serbs were exposed to Muslim terror during the Ottoman occupation led by Shiptars/Albanians. Hundreds of thousands of Serbs were expelled or forcefully Islamised.
Even today, among the Albanians, one can see the descendants of converted Christians, who look like Europeans and who are genetically different from the original Caucasian Albanians, who are uglier than (((the ugliest))).
An even greater persecution of Serbs took place under the communists, when hundreds of thousands of Serbs were again expelled from Kosovo during the 70s. After the WW2, the communists prevented the return of the Serbs who were exiled during WW2 and opened the borders, so many goat-bangers from Albania came down from the mountains and occupied the fertile plains of Kosovo.
During the communist rule, the Albanians were encouraged to have many children and they used this Islamic tactic, in addition to sheer terror, to suppress the Serbs. Every Albanian family had around 10 children and every 10th child had Tito as their godfather. Few Albanians worked and they lived on social assistance, which was allocated by the whole of Yugoslavia, and mostly by Serbia. The Albanian birth rate was higher than the African one, and they literally became a cancer in society that began to metastasise.
At the time of the creation of Yugoslavia (1918), 99.9% of Albanians were illiterate, but the billions of dollars allocated by the Serbs for their civilisation were wasted. Btw, not only Kosovo, but also the whole of Albania was a Serbian land before the arrival of the stray Shiptars (1043), who were the accompanying unit of the Byzantine general, who died suddenly after arriving from Sicily, so the Shiptars could not return to Sicily.
They asked the Serbian ruler to stay and engage in animal husbandry. The Serbian ruler allowed them to do so with a symbolic tax in the form of a certain number of sheep. It was written in the law, and for 400 years they were herders on the Jablanica mountain in today’s Albania (its Serbian name remains to this day), until the Turks came. From then until today, they have been terrorising the Serbs, previously protected by the Turks, later by communists and today by the NATO pact.
It is interesting that after the entry of the UN (i.e. NATO) into Kosovo (1999), the birth rate of Albanians fell sharply because there was no more abundant Serbian aid, when the Albanians lived like parasites and did nothing. Even today, some old Albanians remember the Yugoslav times with nostalgia, not only because of the enormous social giving, but because the Americans destroyed their traditional family structure and imposed all these lbgt innovations.
Many Albanians used the media promotion of them as victims, so many countries (US, W.Europe) opened their borders for them. The decrease in the birth rate and the departure of Albanians, who knew that they were intruders, and that Kosovo was not their country, significantly reduced the number of Albanians in Kosovo (so that diagram looks different today), while Western countries received enormous imports of narcotics from the Albanian mafia.
During all that time, from the Ottomans until today, Albanians as a primitive group without history, faith, culture and language, did not build a single building or anything else, and their contribution to world civilisation is zero. The Russians admitted that they owe Kosovo to the Serbs since they suffered blows (and aggression) aimed at them, so the moment of Kosovo’s return to its homeland is not far away.
Note: the diagram is not fully accurate and misses a few things. In short, the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo happened in four stages: the first great migration of Serbs in 1690, the second in 1739, the exodus of ~400000 Serbs between 1876 and 1912 while ~40000 Albanians left from regions liberated from Ottoman rule to Kosovo, and the last from 1974 until today. Albanians accusing Serbs of genocide is textbook accusatory inversion.
Barack Obama ‘s cabinet member told 1 To ignore Human rights unless it can be used to advance US interests 2 To name the violators if that included Iran,China,Russia, or Syria and ignored it is were Israel and vassals.
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it's no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox.
The Serbs claim that that's the Albanians.Replies: @Passing by, @Anon001, @K-Pax
It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up. �
No verbiage is ever as explanatory as a diagram. I found this one:
Demographic History of Kosovo: A graph and some ideas
by inBalkans
Albanians have fully assimilated the lesson from their Jewish sponsors on how to cry in pain while they stab you.
Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox.
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it’s no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up.
The Serbs claim that that’s the Albanians.
No Mike, there are no other people living there except few remaining Serbs living in enclaves and under constant terror of primitive Shqiptar/Albanians.These savages expelled everyone, including Catholics, Gorani/Goranci, Romas/Gypsies, as well as Muslim Turks! Yes, not even Muslims were allowed to stay if non-Shqiptar/Albanian! You do not know that as the West never reports their crimes - they have a license to do any evil including killing anyone there with impunity - courtesy of NATO/MSM [1].[1] The Silent Persecution of Christians in Kosovo | EWTN Global Catholic Television Network | 2021-01
I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there ...
Admitting that the ruse worked is not the same as understanding that the roadshow is running out of paying customers jojo. Cue the Motown ditty Nowhere to Run
Yes she is, she neglects the causes of the conflict in Kosovo because it doesn’t suit her Serb masters that pay her way. She doesn’t mention the genocide of Albanians in 1912 as it is extremely relevant to the bloodshed in 1999. She doesn’t make mention of Kosovo’s history, she knows nothing about the regions history but will parrot common Serb talking points that are easily debunked. She is a shill and is either of low intelligence and a horrible journalist or a propagandist for Serbs and Russophiles.
Serbs benefitted from international Jewry in ww1. Your genocide in the balkans back then was rewarded with land because the Jew is your master.
I have been inspired by this article and thread to take an interest in the R2P which has plainly been abused and badly needs an oversight structure which might, for example, determine that, yes, at this stage, you can enter the country, if necessary using the minimum necessary force, and rescue people who need it and house and feed them in safe zones within the country. No use of bombing at this stage etc…..
Beyond that I think you are plausibly suggesting that the shooting down of the Burandi and Rwanda President’s plane was very likely the work of Kagame’s forces but you go over the top when you seem to suggest that the horrifying massacre of Tutsis and allied Hutus that began immediately using primitive weapons in a blood thirsty way was not planned and set off by Hutsi government people. Was anything like that done, even just as part of immediate revenge? You don’t indicate that it was so and it seems unlikely that Tuts soldiers did anything like that. So whatever the precise number of Tutsis slaughtered savagely, primitively, and by deliberate Hutu policy it was 10s or 100s of thousands, even a million or more, and it was what reporters like Fergal Keane saw the evidence of at the time and it is no scandal that it is the kind of savagery that has dominated Westerners feelings of guilt and determination (if that is not too strong a word) that it should be “never again”.
You may care to read or listen to this balanced FT piece, and if you disagree …. why not take on the FT in its own columns and/or comments?
The lessons and legacy of Rwanda’s genocide – https://on.ft.com/3VOigzP via @FT
To be reread and circulated to need education
I bet you were never made aware of the Balkan Action Committee (BAC)… neither was I until I read Prof. Stephen Sniegoski’s The Transparent Cabal. In it, the good professor brings to light the existence of the BAC and the composition of its members:
I participated in the Balkan Wars.
While it is rather surprising to find our favourite neoconservatives behind an organization pushing for war against Serbia, Prof. Sniegoski explains their motivation:
Members of the interventionist Balkan Action Committee, which advocated NATO ground troops for Kosovo, included such prominent neoconservative mainstays as Richard Perle, Max M. Kampelman, Morton Abramowitz, and Paul Wolfowitz. Other neoconservative proponents of a tougher war included Eliot Cohen, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan, and Norman Podhoretz.
Replies: @Wizard of Oz
The attack on Serbia, ostensibly for humanitarian reasons, provided the intellectual groundwork for the attack on Iraq, the neocons’ fundamental target, since it set the precedent of violating international law’s prohibition against initiating offensive wars.
Thsnk you for that important-if-true account of the neo-cons motives.
If? Straight from the horses mouth… excerpt from The Neoconservative Cabal by Joshua Muravchik:
Thsnk you for that important-if-true account of the neo-cons motives.
Neoconservatives sought action in Bosnia above all out of the conviction that, however remote the Balkans may be geographically and strategically, allowing a dictator like Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic to get away with aggression, ethnic cleansing, and mass murder in Europe would tempt other malign men to do likewise elsewhere, and other avatars of virulent ultranationalism to ride this ticket to power.https://www.commentary.org/articles/joshua-muravchik/the-neoconservative-cabal/
This article from 2009 exposed Samantha Power in ways few people know about.
It was a harbinger of Power’s dishonesty.
Putting Principle over Power:
On this day, Easter 1941, German bombers attacked Yugoslavia and bombed Belgrade. Incendiary bombs were used to cause maximum damage and to destroy first of all cultural institutions and first of all the library with old manuscripts, witnesses of old Serbian history.
The goal is not only to destroy the Serbs as a nation, but also to destroy their history above all. For this purpose, they enabled the Croats and the Vatican to carry out the most monstrous genocide against the Serbs that human civilisation has ever seen. At the same time, entire compositions of wagons took Serbian cultural treasures to Germany.
The commander of that bombing was General Lehr, who came secretly to Serbia even before WW1 and drew military maps for the Austro-Hungarian aggression against Serbia, which had been prepared for decades. Even in ww1, Belgrade was the first city to be bombed from airplanes (before that they were used only for reconnaissance), even though the aviation industry at that time was still in its infancy. The first air battles with Serbian aviators were also recorded there.
Belgrade was bombed several more times. At the very end of WW2, allied planes (US and UK) bombed Serbian cities at the invitation of the communists, again on Easter, and killed thousands of civilians even though the Germans were no longer in them. Those ‘allies’ armed the communists who were in a secret alliance with the Croatian Ustasha against the Serbs, and all of them together imposed on the Serbs a communist rule, led by Croats and Slovenes, whose main goal was the disintegration of the Serbian people, their economic exhaustion and plundering, including post-war the shooting of more than hundreds of thousands of Serbian professors, industrialists, farmers, officials, artists, virtually the entire Serbian intelligentsia.
They divided Serbian territories into several parts, invented artificial nations, invented provinces such as Kosovo and installed anti-Serb elites in each of them. This came to the fore in the conflicts of the 90s, when those artificial groups instructed by the West wanted to separate, create banana states, and they terrorised the Serbs who lived in them. The cause of the conflict was that the West recognised the communist provisional, anti-Serb borders, which divided the Serbs into seven parts, as internationally recognised borders between separate states.
The bombing of Serbian territories in present-day Bosnia and Croatia followed, and the expulsion of Serbs from those areas, so that in the end, with 1,000 planes, they bombed Belgrade again (1999), and again they did not want to skip Easter day itself, even though there were calls in the West itself to at least on that day there should be no bombing.
You are absolutely right. Serbia cannot thank Diana Johnston enough for her courageous stand on the side of truth against the forces of evil that want to conquer the whole world. Many intellectuals were afraid and sided with the Empire of Evil, many remained silent, and some even joined a mindless media campaign, the likes of which the world had not seen before, or since.
It is fair to mention a few more names who came forward bravely and with full intellectual integrity despite all the threats and censorship of the world powers. The bombing of Serbia and the mock trial of its president was a litmus test for all the world’s intellectuals to show their true colours and to give ordinary people hope that truth and justice still have a chance to win. Here are some names:
Christopher Black, Attorney, Canada, Vice-Chairman ICDSM, Chairman of the ICDSM Legal Committee
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, USA, Co-Chairman
General Pierre Marie Gallois, France
Klaus Hartmann, Vice-Chairman of the World Union of Freethinkers, Coordinator of ICDSM in Germany, Vice-Chairman ICDSM, Chairman of the Board
Dr Michael Parenti, writer, USA, Chairperson of ICDSM-US
Harold Pinter, Playwright, England
Professor Alexander Zinoviev, philosopher, writer, Russian Federation
Peter Handke
Edward Herman
Nikita Mikhalkov
Mikis Theodorakis
Michel Chossudovsky, Canada
Professor Erich Bucholz, Lawyer, Berlin, Germany
Many more names can be found on the list of the committee for the defence of the president of Serbia, a prisoner of war of the NATO pact (https://milosevic.co/about-us/members/):
The President of that Committee, German Klaus Hartmann, said on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Belgrade:
“The series of imperialist wars since 1999 followed a long-term strategy of encircling and weakening the Russian Federation, “containment” of Russia (and China). And it also served to prepare the current NATO war against Russia. Geostrategic planning games dating back to before WWI and played all the way up to Hitler were based on the premise: “Whoever has Ukraine can command Russia” and “Russia cannot be a European power without Ukraine.”
The USA, NATO and the EU pride themselves on being bastions of freedom and democracy. Strangely, they also claim that those values are being defended by the Nazi regime in Ukraine. The same powers that bombed Yugoslavia 25 years ago are now promoting themselves as Serbia’s new friends. Everyone can see that these are fake friends.
After the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the installation of the Bondsteel base in Kosovo and the NATO membership of Montenegro and Macedonia are additional elements of the aggressive course against Russia.
As a precondition for EU membership, Serbia must renounce its historical province of Kosovo and Metohija, which was separated by NATO. Serbia is then asked to choose between “the West” and Russia. Blackmail will continue – Serbia also needs to adapt its relations with China to the hostile course of the West.”
Don’t worry, Serbs can still larp as innocent people on the internet.
I didn’t move the goal post scum. I told you that there are numerous gravesites from different cultures in the Balkans from as far back as the copper age bearing the same genetics as modern Albanians, some of these sites were examined by Serbs and they don’t show Serb genes but you migrated here 1500 years ago and then infested Kosovo around 1200 ad.
Speaking of language, Hyllested & Joseph 2022 et al, proved Albanian shares a common ancestor with messpaic, an Illyrian language spoken by Dauian colonists in apulia that migrated to the region from modern Croatia in the early Iron Age. Both languages are shown to be descended from a common Illyric language. The word shiptar either means those that speak a common language or those that live in the land of the eagles.
Now for Slav, Slav either means slave or those that speak a common language. I think the former is the correct meaning since the slav loves despotism.
The ottoman defter is as fake as you claiming my genuine genetic research to be fake. Mine is actual science. The ottoman defter doesn’t encompass all of Kosovo either. Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox. Removing the Serb menace from Kosovo is ultimately a good thing. Removing cancer from our territory is a good thing, I’m happy my coethnics in Kosovo are doing this. It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up.
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it's no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox.
The Serbs claim that that's the Albanians.Replies: @Passing by, @Anon001, @K-Pax
It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up. �
You could consult Ottoman data to see how few Albanians lived in Kosovo when the Turks arrived.
And all those Serbian churches and monasteries survived centuries of Ottoman occupation but the Albanians have been destroying many in just the last few decades. Of course you can rewrite history when you erase the evidence.
Here’s a classic essay on NATO’s war against Yugoslavia
All the world’s genocidal nations are going to declare Serbs the only genocidal nation.
You are wasting everyone’s time here with your own “expertise” and your own “research” in genetics, as well as gaslighting, moving the goalpost, projecting, and being a psychopath, while willfully ignoring materials provided where multitude of Albanian historians, etymologist, and linguists themselves are quoted saying many things about Albanian roots, Skenderbeg, and even mother Teresa, etc.
E.g. I’d not be surprised if you happen to not know what the word ‘Shqiptar’ mean. But you can ask Albanian etymologist and linguist, Xhevat Lloshi [1].
[1] Xhevat Lloshi | Albanian etymologist and linguist
Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies
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I may be the Devil itself.
Can I make an offer for your eternal soul Reverend?
Now I understand what they mean when they say “Spawn of the Devil”.
You, meamjojo, are a child of the devil.
I can post dozens of others. You’re not aware of the field of archeogenetics. There’s dozens of sites dug across the Balkan’s including Serbia and they show conclusively your ancestors did not arrive in the region before 500 AD. In these numerous cites, they tested the genetic material of these people, both male and female, and for the males they extracted their Y chromosomes. Y chromosomes are passed on from father to son. Over 70% of Albanians have y-chromosomes found among ancient people from the Bronze Age and copper age balkans. Serbs descend from later migrant filth. They now claim land that wasn’t there’s.
I will repost that land to hammer the point in because you thieves just don’t get it but I will teach others who lurk here. My source is from 2023 and sums up anything related to Albanians that have been concluded in past studies.
That paper [1] is a fraud as it assumes widespread and large migrations in the 6th century AD, which did not happen. I.e. Porphyrogenitus' De Administrando Imperio, the story of the alleged Serb migration to the Peninsula, was a forgery put together in the 17th century by Vatican. Even lying Germans admitted that in the 80s.
Here’s the evidence.
https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.05.543790v1.full �
The Slavic migrations have been proven by archeogenetics. Slavic dna like specific clades of R1a and I2a-din do not appear in the genetic record before 500 AD. I don’t care if you dispute written work because the written work of Serbs are also forged since your history is largely made up.
It cites numerous peer reviewed papers that tell the same story. It’s a summary of the genetic work.
Here’s an example,
Lazaridis et al. (2022) examined these 18 samples from the Bronze Age Cetina Valley. Out of 10 males whose Y-DNA was successfully extracted, 9 belonged to haplogroup J2b (mainly J-L283 subclades) and 1 to haplogroup R-Z2118. The mtDNA haplogroups consisted of 2x H, H13a2a, H5, H6a1, 3x H6a1a, HV0e, 6x J1c1, N1a1a1, T1a1 and U5a1a.
25% of Albanians have those genes. The paper examined other genes. You can’t deny archeogenetics.
Here’s that Russia’s UNMIK Colonel in a hospital in Belgrade [1], after being beaten up by Albanian separatists police. No consequences. Read my previous comment #134 to you for context.
[1] Chairman of the State Duma visited Mikhail Krasnoshchekov in hospital in Belgrade
Excerpt: On May 28, 2019, Kosovo special forces detained and assaulted Russian citizen Mikhail Krasnoshchekov. As a Russian member of the UN mission, Mikhail Krasnoshchekov has diplomatic immunity. He is currently getting treatment in Belgrade.
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