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Poll: 70% of America Thinks Brian Thompson Had It Coming

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You can say whatever you want about this Luigi situation. There are some things you shouldn’t say about it on the internet.

But whatever you say, here’s the thing: it’s now a popular idea that powerful people should just be shot in the street because the American system is too corrupt for justice to be carried out any other way.

This isn’t a right-wing or left-wing view. The masses of people on both left and right agree with the general sentiment that the system is so broken that you would have to be retarded to think it is going to fix itself, while the establishment media of both left and right are telling people the system will start working any day now, we just need to sit and wait for it.

The Guardian:

In a new poll, more than two-thirds of respondents said they believed denials of coverage and profits in the health insurance industry were partially responsible for the killing of Brian Thompson, the UnitedHealthcare CEO, in early December.

Thompson was shot dead on the streets of Manhattan. His killer fled, sparking a nationwide manhunt, which ended when Luigi Mangione was arrested and charged with the killing after being arrested in a Pennsylvania McDonald’s. Mangione’s alleged writings indicated that he was angry at the US healthcare industry and saw it as exploitative.

The executive’s death also saw an outpouring of expressions of public anger towards the healthcare industry, with many Americans on social media sharing stories of poor experiences at the hands of the US profit-based healthcare system.

Almost 70% of respondents said “denials for health care coverage by health insurance companies” shared “a great deal” or a “moderate amount” of responsibility. Sixty-seven per cent said “profits made by health insurance companies” shared “a great deal” or a “moderate amount” of responsibility.

Twenty per cent of respondents to the new poll said “the individual who committed the killing” bore “only a little” responsibility or “none at all” for the death of Thompson. On the other hand, 78% said that person bore “a great deal” or a “moderate amount” of responsibility.

The fact that Luigi is handsome is a part of this, and certainly women are sexually obsessed with murderers. Every serial killer and mass shooter gets infinity amount of sex mail from women.

But that just fits into the emerging paradigm.

It’s literally a new paradigm. I know that term is used in marketing language and so on, but that is what this actually is. People are saying “well, I don’t think people should be shot in the street… but maybe they should be, actually?”

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Economics, Ideology •�Tags: Health care, Judicial System, Terrorism
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  1. Rich says:

    From what I’ve heard people in NY say about Luigi, there’s a very good chance he gets a sympathetic jury. And even people who don’t know anything about the legal system think it’s wrong he was indicted by both the state and the feds.

    •�Replies: @American Citizen
  2. JimmyB says:

    Count me as one of the 70% but I also think the patsy is being set-up whose conviction in the media is reminiscent of Lee Oswald or Osama. The jew media must have something to hide because they are desperately trying to convict him.

    •�Replies: @obwandiyag
    , @kulki
  3. I repeat;

    I’ve a question for the readership of this miscegenation article.

    Why haven’t the scores of advertising executives who incessantly pimp black or brown males appearing with white females in commercials been dealt with?


    Everyone blames the immigrants taking advantage of an open door and open legged white women, yet no Nationalist ever pays a visit to the secret unknowns who developed and implemented the replacement policy. There are only a few of them. They could use a good talking to. Perhaps, a bit more.. if I may be so bold, Sir.


  4. Thompson was evil, but more evil were the politicians who put Obamacare in place that allowed him to screw the American people. That includes the system’s true author, Mitt “Magic Underwear” Romney. Speaking of Romney, I’ve never heard AA go off on Mormons. Inquiring minds what to know his opinion.

    •�Agree: chuck lowe
    •�Replies: @SkibbidyDiddyParty
    , @kulki
  5. 30 years is a blip in history. Just 30 years ago, in my 40’s, had you told me I would some day hate the Health Care Industry, the doctors, nurses, “researchers”, WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC et al, I would have thought you crazy.

    The “safe & effective” vaccine that killed millions so far and now, flowing thru the bloodstreams literally and metaphorically of all of us, is a ticking time bomb that was designed, on purpose, to exacerbate the familial, genetic morbidities present in all of us, so that the Malthusian dreams of devils like Bill Gates can come true, dovetail with the genetic Jew (Greed is good) psychotic needs of Satanic Jew devils like Albert Bourla of Pfizer, Larry Fink @ BlackRock and the legions of legions of Jews throughout government and into the “Private” (Fascist) sector who are NOT captains of industry, but captains of destruction.

    This was, pre meditated, Mens rae, capital black letter fuckin MURDER, effected in a war to the death on the American people by Jew controlled institutions in and out of government. Covid was created in America at North Carolina and at Ft. Dietrich. We did it!

    There is a categorical, straight line reference from the Jew controlled media/government/Intelligence Agencies power, to what we can survey as we read the headlines and the latest lies. Etiolated institutions, gelded and reduced to subservience by powerful Jews, once held in high regard, are now held in contempt and reviled by the majority of Americans, if not their “replacements”.

    Niall Ferguson makes a strong case, for the 2025 America, replicating 1980’s Soviet Union.

    Video Link
    No one believes the lies and the cracks in the stanchions supporting the continuation of a corrupt “gerontocracy” that serves fewer and fewer elites is coming to a close.

    It will probably take more than 2 weeks to flatten this curve, but, the shots fired into the back of a Health Care CEO, are more than just a bootless cry to heaven in the minds of many.

    After all, in a real time, boots on the ground sense, there has not actually been a Rule Of Law for quite a while.

    •�Agree: MacOisdealbhtoo, Sulu
    •�Replies: @MacOisdealbhtoo
    , @Alden
    , @Piglet
  6. Anonymous[118] •�Disclaimer says:

    Right. This failed state is deep in the forcible-overthrow zone. The only question is efficacy. How best to put their heads on sticks? In state like the US that diverts all resources from protection to repression, the best bet is international solidarity to support decapitation of the highest levels.

  7. @Redpill Boomer

    Problem’s been brewing since the 1970’s. The HMO hellscape started growing under Nixon.

    Perhaps more critical in the US healthcare system’s lack of capacity was the 1980 moratorium on opening new medical schools. There’s a structural shortage of physicians in the US.

    •�Replies: @c matt
  8. ltlee1 says:

    The question is why:

    Survey participants considered the media (40%) and political division (45%) also bear “a great deal/ moderate amount” of responsibility.

  9. @Rich

    Jury nullification. It worked for OJ.

    It only takes one juror to refuse to convict to force a mistrial, and that would be a “shot heard ’round the world”.

  10. Anyone knowingly profiting from O’Faggot Care deserves torture and death. Mangione is a hero with a big swole sac

  11. @JimmyB

    Wasn’t Thompson about to testify about Covid scams?

    •�Replies: @Exalted Cyclops
  12. Chaskinss [AKA "Septic Guirini"] says:

    american scum thompsons was a patient, family and caregiver terrorist and a corporate scum bag. good riddance

  13. Brian Thompson, CEO, was unquestionably aware of the KPIs of his industry and would have no illusions of the ramifications of having the highest claim denial rate in the industry.

    In China, they occasionally put a CEO who engages is socially disruptive practises on trial, and often sentence him to death (usually suspended, pending good behaviour). Whether executed or not, the prosecution sends an important message to other business leaders.

    In the US, there are no prosecutions, and CEOs of predatory firms often get pay rises to reward their predations.

    If the government won’t keep them in line, then yes, it was a righteous shoot.

    •�Replies: @MacOisdealbhtoo
  14. @chuck lowe

    The vagina voting Karen’s will not agree to your obvious truths.

    These BLM supporters believe all the lies, every single one.

    Find a Karen who forced mask protocols and appointed themselves health officers, especially at malls and ask one, or find a mask wearing Karen, there are many around still.

    I always ask them do they miss Convid, the power it gave them, all these cat ladies who had a career instead of a family, and whose only dreams are about black c😡ck and gang bangs.

    Btw, three more healthy ex hockey playing buddies dropped dead this holiday season.

    I always ask were they vaxxed, answer is always Yes.

    •�Replies: @chuck lowe
  15. @The Alarmist

    Chinese ceos prosecuted is/are because they are not part of the Commie Chinese families who run the show/ country.

    Have to keep the circle tight and exclusive.

    Exact same as the USA.

    The ptb knew this day was coming, so they have scared all the American citizens with Jan 6, and it worked.

    When no one spoke up on the Jan 6 defendants behalf I knew it was a turning point in America.

    Even the honorable rank and file US citizens, who I am proud to have as my life long southern Neighbours, cannot fight this fight alone, and I cringe realizing that the Calvary is NOT coming.

    God help us all, 🇨🇦☘️

    •�Replies: @Piglet
  16. @MacOisdealbhtoo

    “Find a Karen who forced mask protocols and appointed themselves health officers, especially at malls and ask one, or find a mask wearing Karen, there are many around still.

    I always ask them do they miss Convid, the power it gave them, all these cat ladies who had a career instead of a family, and whose only dreams are about black c😡ck and gang bangs.”

    Amen brutha. They were like self appointed Soviet Commissars and as ubiquitous as mosquitoes in Florida on a hot July evening. Absolutely contemptible. Unchecked at first, we were, as a nation heading for 1966 Cultural Revolution “Struggle Sessions” in the front yards of the unwashed (Mostly white men) under the scrutiny of some of the ugliest, loudest, nastiest feminists in history.

    I was thrown out of so many business’ by the adherents of the Government Jew Cult of screeching, harridan, harpy whores I can’t even remember.

    Never forget who and what these vapid, inane flat liner cunts really want. In their minds, they are black lesbian space witches having babies by way of the “force” which is gathered in holy grail red solo cups at the feet of Gloria Steinem when she pisses down her leg.

    “Keep your mask up over your nose!!!”

    “Hey, fuck you bitch! Make me.”

    •�Replies: @Alden
  17. Alden says:
    @chuck lowe

    As I remember Unz.com was an extreme advocate of the covid plague. His motive was to exonerate China of any blame. And claim the American military developed it at Fort Detrick MD. And brought to Wuhan China in December 2019 and scattered the disease all over Wuhan for some undefined diabolical purpose.

    I Never got vaccinated, never masked except when I had to, flew several times a year, and I never got covid or ordinary seasonal flue with a new name.

    After advocating for not just one but several booster COVID vaccines, masking and isolating for more than a year unz.com is now advocating Kennedy’s claims that diseases like polio smallpox TB diphtheria measles mumps chicken pox HIV don’t exist and never existed. And any and all vaccines should be abolished. I guess the power of the Kennedy name overcomes all scientific and medical knowledge and common sense.

    Do Kennedy and Ron Unz still believe covid was a real
    Disease that could be prevented by vaccines masking and isolation? Or do they now believe that covid, like polio diphtheria measles TB smallpox never existed??

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
    , @kulki
  18. Alden says:
    @chuck lowe

    I assume you weren’t reading unz.com during the covid idiocy. This site was full of men carrying in about covid.

    I never believed in covid. But I always wore the stupid mask going into stores. Because there was always some minimum wage man at the door to make sure everyone wore masks. Why argue with the poor guy? Life of a minimum wage store clerk is hard enough.

    I saw people driving alone in their cars masked. I saw people walking where there was no one closer than 3 blocks away wearing their masks. I’m a cynic who hasn’t believed either government the media schools or any so called authorities since I was about 11 years old. The entire covid hoax was insane.

    Last week of February 2020 I had two Dr appointments. Planned to fly a few days later. Asked the Drs about a mask. They both laughed and told me those dinky medical masks are useless. Because bacteria gets through because those masks aren’t tight and fitted enough.

    Certainly true for me. Narrow jaw a pointed chin the bottom part of those silly masks just flapped around my jaw and chin like a way too large coat. One to two inches too large for me.

    Man I know had the exact opposite problem. Very wide jaw short chin. His jaw was too wide for those silly masks.

    Fauci Biden and the medical establishment were men, not Karens. It was like 9/11 and the establishment of TSA. Not everybody flies. So the diabolical powers that be came up with covid hoax masks distancing and the rest to test the limits of how docile stupid and credulous we are. Like sheep to the slaughterhouse.

    I knew it was a hoax from the beginning. Because the New York Times and the rest of the old media claimed there was a new deadly epidemic. If you want to know the truth, just read the New York Times. Whatever is written in the NYTimes the opposite is true. Plus I did ask two drs not affirmative action morons but two merit qualified White American men about masks when flying. They told me those silly masks are useless.

    Covid hoax is one thing you can’t blame on Karens but White men like Fauci Biden and even Steve Sailor and Ron Unz. This site was covid hoax extremism for more than a year.

    •�Agree: Piglet
  19. peterAUS says:

    …..His motive was to exonerate China of any blame. ….

    There was a bit more there.
    Still is, of course.

    I suggest paying attention to certain…… changes….. coming down the pipe rather soon, from TPTBs onto our heads, and how all that will be…..explained…..in this online pub.

  20. c matt says:

    Don’t worry. H1-Bs will save the day!

  21. Sulu says:

    Covid hoax is one thing you can’t blame on Karens but White men like Fauci Biden and even Steve Sailor and Ron Unz. This site was covid hoax extremism for more than a year.

    I can’t claim that I knew from the beginning that Covid was a scam. But I was suspicious of it and there were several instances where I had epiphany of sorts. The first was when Como sent covid patients to old folks homes. That was the most brutally transparent thing I saw. The obvious intent was to kill as many old people as possible, presumably to get them off the social security payroll.

    Another time was when I discovered that the so called vaccine was not a traditional vaccine at all but a rna therapy. That’s like picking up a turd and convincing everyone to eat it because you call it a biscuit.

    Also, when I realized that covid was supposedly a rhino virus and I knew that humans have yet to make a vaccine effective against rino viruses was another little thing on the road to understanding.

    There were several more, and I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice it to say I never took the vax.

    Covid was obviously a many pronged scam. First and foremost as motivation was the billions it raked in for the pharmaceutical companies. It also allowed the Democrats to steal the 2020 election with mail in ballots and it allowed them to kill millions and to insure millions of others would have long term health care problems, thereby lining the pockets of the medical establishment for years to come. And finally it served as an I.Q. test for the sheep and a test of how much control the government could forcibly exert before the sheep bleated too loudly.

    But covid did serve a useful purpose, in my opinion. For the people that were paying attention it woke them up to just how far the government was willing to go to control every aspect of their lives. Also, even for the stupid majority, it’s a bit hard to deny the harm done when mom and dad takes the vax only to have heart attacks or blood clots develop in short order. So it managed to wake up some of the sheep.

    I have an old college roommate that I warned not to take the vax. One day he stuck his chest out and proudly proclaimed that he took the Moderna vax. He had two teen age daughters at the time that I presume he had the vax given to. Since that time his eldest daughter developed some mysterious heart condition and had to have a heart ablation. Recently he let it slip that his youngest is having some unspecified medical condition that needs an operation. I didn’t have the heart to point out to the fucker that it was his daughter’s bad luck to have a stupid sheep for a parent.

    As for myself, I have grown cynical enough that I hope every stupid bastard that took the vax dies from it. There are too many cars on the road.


    •�Replies: @Piglet
    , @peterAUS
  22. America has the best health insurance industry in the world yet our life expectancy is lower than Cubas.

    77 vs 78. So what went wrong !?

  23. @c matt

    I have a friend in the UK , a former fishing buddy from my previous life, his kidneys were damaged by a mystery ‘H1B’ doctor, the UK hospital claimed they didn’t know who the doctor was or where he went.

  24. @Alden

    Here in MN in 2020 we had uniformed private security thugs enforcing mask policy at the front door of Wallyworld. later 21 onwards we merely had W staff ask if we wanted a free mask, we politely declined.

  25. Dr. Rock says:

    After watching the interview that Tucker just did, I think I can better understand why this murder happened, and why so many support this kid.

    If nothing else, it has generated a national discussion about “healthcare, insurance”, etc.

  26. It is certainly interesting that he didn’t target a noseberg CEO.

  27. Piglet says:
    @chuck lowe

    It’s Fort Detrick, not Fort Dietrich, as in Marlene Dietrich.

  28. Piglet says:

    I have a younger brother who was angry with me for not getting vaxxed. He now has heart problems, plus at one point he was in great pain, his wife taking him to a hospital emergency room every day for ten days, and twice during one of those days. It looked like bladder cancer but apparently it wasn’t; however, something put him through hell, and it’s not over. Unfortunately my brother blindly follows whatever Democratic politicians tell him to do, and getting vaxxed was an act of faith in the party.

    A friend from my military days got vaxxed and now he’s dealing with bladder cancer and heart problems. For a while he had a colostomy bag attached to him and he remarked that taking it out was even more painful than when it was put in.

    My wife worked in a federal office environment. One of her coworkers had had breast cancer, was treated for it and was doing well. Then along came the federal vax mandate with which she complied in order to keep her job, and in short order her cancer came roaring back and soon she was dead. I think this was what is described as “turbo cancer” brought on by the vax that disables one’s immune system. Her husband, a really good guy, was crushed, and I feel very bad for him. All of this suffering was completely unnecessary.

    But of course this is all just coincidence, misinformation, etc., according to our glorious leaders.

    •�Replies: @Sulu
  29. Piglet says:

    That’s Cavalry, not Calvary.

  30. peterAUS says:

    …..First and foremost as motivation was the billions it raked in for the pharmaceutical companies…..

    Primary was, and still is, related to “derivatives market”.

    Too complicated, of course. And boring too.

    More interesting will be watching Trump’s regime selling CBDC, and the rest, to the proles.

  31. @obwandiyag

    I thought he was scheduled to testify on some kind of insider trading skullduggery. Mangione is quite wealthy himself, and a relative of Nancy Pelosi – from the Mangione family famous for running the Baltimore mob back in the day. She’s also the queen of congressional insider trading.

    There’s also the whole question of how a random ‘tech-bro’ trust-fund boy was able to know the exact exit (in a hotel with many exits) by which Thompson would leave for his walk, cap the clown and easily slip away to Pennsylvania despite being picked up by the NYC panopticon before the hit. The gaslight media coverage making him out as a “folk-hero” smells fishy too. At the end of the day, Thompson was a middle-manager in a very large corporate racket – easily replaced. It’s not as if Mangione gunned down an Alex Soros or another bloodsucker on the level of Larry Fink.

  32. Angharad says:

    It’s tragic that Luigi only “corrected” one.

    •�Agree: kulki
    •�Replies: @Sulu
  33. kulki says:

    Yeah — (((they))) are wanting to keep out of the limelight the incestuous relationship between the (((media))), (((pharmaceutical corporate officers and stockholders))), (((insurance corporate officers and shareholders))) and the (((wall street entitities which own the previous three))) and the latter two’s funneling of money into controlling politicians.

  34. kulki says:
    @Redpill Boomer

    Mormonism is (Jewish-)controlled opposition.

  35. kulki says:

    In my opinion,
    Covid19 was a real…. FLU. A Flu with bioengineered gains of function.

    That’s why it has flu symptoms, not covid (cold) symptoms.

  36. Sulu says:

    In the last year I have made a new acquaintance. I have a new dentist. I was explaining to her that I hadn’t been in to have my teeth cleaned in a few years because of the covid thing. I told her that initially I was buying the story, but as it all unfolded it became apparent to me that the entire thing was a scam. He eyes got big and in a somewhat conspiratorial tone she told me she thought the same thing and didn’t allow any of her family to take the vax.

    Since she is a dentist she must be in the “doctors club” because she told me that many doctors are aware of the same thing. She claimed they are telling her that previously healthy people in their 30’s and 40’s are dying of cancer, strokes and heart disease.

    I have grown so tired of the sheep. I had people with high school diplomas telling me that I was ignorant of science, Despite the fact that I have two degrees, one a B.S.

    I had another tell me I was putting her life at risk if I didn’t take the vax. I asked her what the vax was for and she replied to protect you from covid. I asked her if she got the vax and she replied, “Yes.” I then asked her what the hell she was worried about because if she got the vax and it works she is protected. On the other hand if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t matter if either of us takes it.

    I saw people riding alone in cars with the windows up and wearing a mask.

    I’m sorry about your younger brother, I’m sorry about my friend. But stupid/gullible people are as common as house flies. They are the people that a few hundred years ago had innocent people burned at the stake.

    I know why my friend took the vax. It’s the appeal to authority. He saw some doctor in a white coat on tv telling him to take it and he just wasn’t smart enough to realize that the doctor on tv had an agenda. The appeal to authority is one of several logical fallacies. Sometimes it amazes me that I probably owe my life to a Professor from over 40 years ago that taught a logic class I took.


  37. Sulu says:

    It’s tragic that Luigi only “corrected” one.

    If I were on the jury I would let the guy go free.


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