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Israel Savagely Beaten in Fractious Oxford Donnybrook
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Susan Abulhawa’s blistering speech at the Oxford Union was the most ferocious indictment of Israel in the last decade. Author Abulhawa—who is a long-term human rights activist—summarized the iniquitous history of the Jewish state in a few succinct paragraphs while shedding light on the obscene toxic ideology that has permeated the nation’s doctrine from the very beginning. Abulhawa ignored the fictitious claim that Israel was created to provide safety and security for the Jewish people and, instead, showed that the country’s founders were maniacally focused on seizing land while expelling or exterminating the indigenous population. Ethnic cleansing and land theft are not an unavoidable response to sporatic Palestinian violence, but the cornerstones of the pernicious dogma that animates the Zionist state. Needless to say, Abulhawa’s presentation was met with riotous applause that lasted for more than three minutes as the audience expressed their appreciation for her heartfelt testimony. Here’s part of what she said:

When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza’s starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.

The harm they do is diabolical, and yet, they expect you to believe they are the victims. Invoking Europe’s holocaust and screaming antisemitism, they expect you to suspend fundamental human reason to believe that the daily sniping of children with so called “kill shots” and the bombing of entire neighborhoods that bury families alive and wipe out whole bloodlines is self-defense.

They want you to believe that a man who had not eaten a thing in over 72 hours, who kept fighting even when all he had was one functioning arm, that this man was motivated by some innate savagery and irrational hatred or jealousy of Jews, rather than the indominable yearning to see his people free in their own homeland. Susan Abulhawa, Oxford Union Debate, Jewish Voice for Labor

Has there ever been a clearer example ‘good vs evil’ than what we are seeing play out now in Gaza today? Israeli soldiers have produced a myriad of videos they have put on social media gleefully parading their sadistic behavior for all to see; mugging for the camera while they blow up hospitals, universities or residential buildings; smiling smugly while they brandish their weapons over the heads of naked prisoners bound and gagged, squatting helplessly on the ground; or dancing fiendishly while blocking trucks filled with food and medical supplies earmarked for starving women and children scraping by in threadbare tent cities. Who are these people? Where do they come from? What type of twisted environment and psychotic upbringing produced these monsters that revel in the unspeakable suffering of others?

And how is it that not even one of these TikTok celebrities has been reprimanded or faced court-martial for their heinous breach of military discipline? Or do the IDF honchos tacitly approve of this outrageous and odious behavior? Here’s more from Abulhawa:

….if the roles were reversed—if Palestinians had spent the last eight decade stealing Jewish homes, expelling, oppressing, imprisoning, poisoning, torturing, raping and killing them; if Palestinians had killed an estimated 300,000 Jews in one year, targeted their journalists, their thinkers, their healthcare workers, their athletes, their artists, bombed every Israeli hospital, university, library, museum, cultural center, synagogue, and simultaneously set up an observation platform where people came watch their slaughter as if a tourist attraction;

if Palestinians had corralled them by the hundreds of thousands into flimsy tents, bombed them in so called safe zones, burned them alive, cut off their food, water, and medicine….

if Palestinians made Jewish children wander barefoot with empty pots; made them gather the flesh of their parents into plastic bags; made them bury their siblings, cousins and friends; made them sneak out from their tents in the middle of the night to sleep on their parents’ graves; made them pray for death just to join their families and not be alone in this terrible world anymore, and terrorized them so utterly that their children lose their hair, lose their memory, lose their minds, and made those as young as 4 and 5 year old were die of heart attacks;

if we mercilessly forced their NICU babies to die, alone in hospital beds, crying until they could cry no more, died and decomposed in the same spot;

if Palestinians used wheat flour aid trucks to lure starving jews, then opened fire on them when they gathered to collect a day’s bread; if Palestinians finally allowed a food delivery into a shelter with hungry Jews, then set fire to the entire shelter and aid truck before anyone could taste the food;

if a Palestinian sniper bragged about blowing out 42 Jewish kneecaps in one day as one Israeli soldier did in 2019; if a Palestinian admitted to CNN that he ran over hundreds of Jews with his tank, their squished flesh lingering in the tank treads;

if Palestinians were systematically raping Jewish doctors, patients, and other captives with hot metal rods, jagged and electrified sticks, and fire extinguishers, sometimes raping to death, as happened with Dr Adnan alBursh and others;

if Jewish women were forced to give birth in filth, get C-sections or leg amputations without anesthesia; if we destroyed their children then decorated our tanks with their toys; if we killed or displaced their women then posed with their lingerie…

if the world were watching the livestreamed systematic annihilation of Jews in real time, there would be no debating whether that constituted terrorism or genocide.

And yet two Palestinians—myself and Mohammad el-Kurd— showed up here to do just that, enduring the indignity of debating those who think our only life choices should be to leave our homeland, submit to their supremacy, or die politely and quietly. Susan Abulhawa, Oxford Union Debate, Jewish Voice for Labor

In a recent interview with journalist Gideon Levy, the author tried to explain the extraordinary changes that have taken place in Israel since October 7, the most profound of which is that

“Israel lost its humanity…. Totally lost its humanity…That’s the first and most dramatic change…. after the seventh of October…. We can do whatever we want…. and nobody will tell us how far we can go. We can go as far as we want.”

And this, of course, is exactly what we’ve seen. We’ve seen a government and its military acting with complete impunity as if no laws, no restrictions, and no rules of conduct applied to them at all. Whoever is killed by their reckless and ruthless actions, deserved it because any act of brutality perpetrated by Israel naturally falls under the rubric of “self-defense.” This also explains the callous disdain for the suffering of others, which is a noxious mind-virus that has infected the great majority of people living in Israel today. According to Levy, empathy—the most venerable and elevated of all human feelings—is not merely banned in Israel, it’s actually become illegal. Check it out:

You know that today, if you pay some empathy to the suffering of the children of Gaza — you might lose your job, you might be fired, you might be called for interrogation, and you might even go to jail. And all those things happened without any resistance in Israeli society. Now it’s focused on Israeli-Palestinians and Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, but there were also some Jewish teachers and headmasters who were called for interrogation for expressing empathy with the children of Gaza, with the victims of Gaza. Even this is not legitimate anymore in Israeli society 2024…. Chris Hedges Report: Interview with Gideon Levy, Consortium News

What does this mean? Does it mean that it is no longer acceptable to be a human being in Israel? Does it mean that “good Israelis” must follow the injunction of Yitzhak Rabin to “break their bones” or Aaron Sofer’s advice “to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.” Or does it simply mean that Israelis must deaden their hearts to the suffering of anyone outside their clan whose mere existence may be perceived as a potential threat to the further settling of the land and the extermination of its people? After 14 months of relentless bloodletting and unspeakable savagery, everyone should be able to answer these questions. Here’s Abulhawa one last time:

I also came to speak directly to Zionists here and everywhere.

We let you into our homes when your own countries tried to murder you and everyone else turned you away. We fed and clothed you, gave you shelter, and we shared the bounty of our land with you, and when the time was ripe, you kicked us out of our own homes and homeland, then you killed and robbed and burned and looted our lives.

You carved out our hearts because it is clear you do not know how to live in the world without dominating others.
You have crossed all lines and nurtured the most vile of human impulses, but the world is finally glimpsing the terror we have endured at your hands for so long, and they are seeing the reality of who you are, who you’ve always been. They watch in utter astonishment the sadism, the glee, the joy, and pleasure with which you conduct, watch, and cheer the daily details of breaking our bodies, our minds, our future, our past.

But no matter what happens from here, no matter what fairytales you tell yourself and tell the world, you will never truly belong to that land. You will never understand the sacredness of the olives trees, which you’ve been cutting down and burning for decades just to spite us and to break our hearts a little more. No one native to that land would dare do such a thing to the olives. No one who belongs to that region would ever bomb or destroy such ancient heritage as Baalbak or Bittir, or destroy ancient cemeteries as you destroy ours, like the Anglican cemetery in Jerusalem or the resting place of ancient Muslim scholars and warriors in Maamanillah. Those who come from that land do not desecrate the dead; that’s why my family for centuries were the caretakers of the Jewish cemetery in the mount of olives, as labors of faith and care for what we know is part of our ancestry and story.

Your ancestors will always be buried in your actual homelands of Poland, Ukraine, and elsewhere around the world from whence you came. The mythos and folklore of the land will always be alien to you.

….The ancient photos and paintings of the land will never contain you.

You will never know how it feels to be loved and supported by those who have nothing to gain from you, and in fact, everything to lose. You will never know the feeling of masses all over the world pouring into the streets and stadiums to chant and sing for your freedom; and it is not because you are Jewish, as you try to make the world believe, but because you are depraved violent colonizers who think your Jewishness entitles you to the home my grandfather and his brothers built with their own hands on lands that had been in our family for centuries. It is because Zionism is a blight onto Judaism and indeed onto humanity……

You will not erase us, no matter how many of us you kill and kill and kill, all day every day. We are not the rocks Chaim Weizmann thought you could clear from the land. We are its very soil. We are her rivers and her trees and her stories, because all of that was nurtured by our bodies and our lives over millennia of continuous, uninterrupted habitation of that patch of earth between the Jordan and Mediterranean waters, from our Canaanite, our Hebrew, our Philistine, and our Phoenician ancestors, to every conqueror or pilgrim who came and went, who married or raped, loved, enslaved, converted between religions, settled or prayed in our land, leaving pieces of themselves in our bodies and our heritage.

The fabled, tumultuous stories of that land are quite literally in our DNA. You cannot kill or propagandize that away, no matter what death technology you use or what Hollywood and corporate media arsenals you deploy.

Someday, your impunity and arrogance will end. Palestine will be free; she will be restored to her multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic glory; we will restore and expand the trains that run from Cairo to Gaza to Jerusalem, Haifa, Tripoli, Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Kuwait, Sanaa, and so on; we will put an end to the zionist American war machine of domination, expansion, extraction, pollution, and looting.

..and you will either leave, or you will finally learn to live with others as equals. Susan Abulhawa, Oxford Union Debate, Jewish Voice for Labor

Perfectly stated. As human rights attorney Craig Mokhiber said:

Note—The outcome of the debate: “The Oxford Union, one of the world’s most prestigious debating societies, voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to declare Israel an “apartheid state responsible for genocide,” with 278 votes in favour and 59 against. TRT World

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  1. Anon 284 says:


    Thanks for sharing and introducing Susan Abulhawa whom i had not heard of before. Those are powerful words from her and i wish i could have heard them in person. However, i do strongly disagree with her on a single point which also makes me question if she is really aware of what is happening….

    Does she really believe the zionists can learn to live as equals after everthing they have done and are doing? Would she want to live in a “multi-ethnic, multi-religious pluralistic glory” with the same genocidal racist nazi monsters who engaged in literally every single possible act of evil against her people? W…T….F!!

    could holocaust survivors live together with nazis. Would they invite them to live amongst them? Could a human live in peace with a tapeworm in its stomach?

    This really makes me wonder about the intelligence of some palestinians…

    •�Disagree: ld
    •�Troll: bike-anarkist
  2. True Blue says:

    “Israel lost its humanity…. Totally lost its humanity…”

    You cannot lose what you never had.

    •�Thanks: Protogonus, Anonymous45
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Bama
    , @Anonymous
  3. @Anon 284

    w…t…f… what the hell have you read that you get things not from the text, but just from some corner of your brain.

    •�Replies: @Ernesto Che
  4. Are there any truly brave, moral, Jews left in Israel? We will find out.

  5. Protogonus says: •�Website

    Cognitive dissonance is loud is in this essay about the non-existent humanity of Hebrews organized as the Talmudic Monster and doing in Palestine what they did in Egypt 3,000 years ago. Moses the Sorcerer invented the monstrous idea that only judaists are human:


    Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

    An assumed narrative was brought into Palestine (escape from alleged persecution which NEVER HAPPENED) and egalitarian community farms (kibbutzim) were developed on stolen land. That is it. What’s to discuss? A bloody lie was built on geopolitical machinations (Balfour Declaration, 1917).

    But as readers can learn below, the career of Talmudic Mendacity has been variegated and profound in its impact on the world:


    •�Replies: @bike-anarkist
  6. Patriot says:

    There is something really, really wrong with Jews. Something deep in their very core — their DNA. They are different from humans and have always been this way. Since the beginning of recorded history no one has been able to live with or near them. My God, they’ve been ejected from 109 different countries, and often multiple times.

    Does anyone really believe all these expulsions were due to simple hatred of their religion? Antisemitism? Or is it because of their character — their manipulative, self-serving behavior? Jewish character? Just in the last few decades in America we’ve had Epstein, Madoff, Pollard, Maxwell, The Dancing Israelis, The Wolf on Wall Street, Winestien, and on and on and on.

    And it’s the same in every country Jews inhabit — the greed, the usury, the white collar crime, the sexual perversions, the arrogant corruption, the clever, lying rhetorical contortions like “A land without people for a people without land.” “We have the right to defend ourselves”. Their sinister manipulations to gain control of culture, media, history, reason, independent thought, politics, the economy and nations — bribing, blackmailing, threatening.

    Did you know that worldwide there are nearly 45,000 Jewish organizations (including university organizations) and virtually EVERYONE of them strongly advocates for unlimited migration into all and any Western nation? But strangely not a single Jewish organization is for open borders for Israel.

    We must be done with them. Leave us alone. Leave the World alone, and by all means end your evil, horrendous genocide of the Palestinians.

  7. @Anon 284

    Your holocaust survivor comparison is unfeasible. There was no holocaust.

    •�Agree: HdC, werpor, Titus7
    •�Thanks: Bill Jones, Gerbils
    •�Replies: @Jimmy Schmidt
  8. @Aldonichts

    What part of their comment is not from Susan’s text, or did you miss the very last sentence of her speech?

  9. Excellent speech, hitting the nail on the head. I have to agree with the 1st commenter: even if there would be 1 “democratic” state with, officially equal rights for all, in practice the Talmudic Nazis will ensure the Arab part of the population, i.e. the real Palestinians, will remain 3rd class citizens. The Talmudic Nazis will never abandon their criminal, repulsively genocidal ideology and will always control every aspect of that state.

    What is needed is the total destruction of the genocidal sewer because as long as it exists the region will always be deprived of peace. And, to be entirely realistic, the U.S. as the world’s #1 enemy of peace should also be destroyed. That U.S. fate might be a pipe dream, but the way it is pushing Russia, a few hypersonic missiles could well do wonders.

    •�Agree: Son of a Jedi, druid
    •�Replies: @Anonymous45
  10. meamjojo says:

    Very, very few care about anything Abulhawa (just another Arab) has to say. She has no power, no agency. All she do is whine.

    Speaking of Britain and Arabs, today’s suggested reading is:

    The Arab world has been crushed between two jaws
    By Patrick Cockburn
    November 30, 2024

    We are witnessing a new carve-up of the Arab world more radical than anything that has happened since the UK and France as imperial powers grudgingly withdrew from the region in the 20 years after the Second World War.

    Israel’s largely successful onslaught on Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza and Hezbollah and the Shia Muslims in Lebanon is the latest stage in the present-day dissolution of Arab power.

    President Joe Biden, in keeping with his well-established habit of calling for peace while providing the means for war, has expressed hope that this week’s shaky ceasefire in Lebanon will be followed by one in Gaza. Such a scaling down of the violence is unlikely, given that Biden has just approved the sale of $680m worth of arms and ammunition to Israel.

    Violence is spreading rapidly as US-backed Israeli supremacy reignites deep-frozen conflicts across the Middle East. As Hezbollah’s dominance is shaken in Lebanon, sectarian animosities with the potential for extreme violence resurface between different Muslim and Christian communities that fought a devastating civil war between 1975 and 1990.


  11. Notsofast says:

    hard hitting speech and article. what an indictment the the genocidal monsters, this partial list of war crimes and crimes against humanity, will someday be given the same highlighting the halocaust ©®™, has received for 80 years now.

    maybe not in the west, as they are going into a full totalitarian lock down mode in order to prevent it from happening. but in the civilized world there’s no putting the putting the supremacist toothpaste back in the tube. this will not be forgotten. as the west descends into chaos and final corruption, it will crumble and fall from within. russia and china will assume a joint roll, in leading the world forward into a more just world. both stand very much for respecting international law and economic treaties and have proven themselves to be honorable in their intent.

    this new world led by them, will remember these monsters for what they are, history will not judge them kindly. they will eventually receive a reputation, even worse than the nazis currently receive. hopefully future war crimes tribunals will being them to justice though renditions, in a similar manner to how former nazis, are still being pulled out of nursing homes today. in this case there can be no statute of limitations.

    •�Agree: Gallatin
  12. Anon[368] •�Disclaimer says:

    Woah! That shorted out Memajojo’s NDST3 gene.

    •�LOL: Rev. Spooner
  13. anarchyst says:

    All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
    Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
    –All synagogues and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
    –All holocaust museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
    –One holocaust museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud that jews have perpetrated against the world.
    –Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
    –All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government”.
    –All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
    –Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
    –Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
    –Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.
    The only way to reign in judaism and zionism is to declare them both to be “foreign political organizations”

  14. Sulu says:

    We must be done with them. sic

    What must be done with cancer? You either rid yourself of it or it will destroy you.


  15. Wild Man says:

    You continue to be an interesting character. I am pretty sure this is the way it is:


    Some people (people all around us in fact, in every walk of life, over every ethnicity) did not resolve, as very young children, the subjective/objective dichotomy into which, as humans, we are thrown into this earthly realm. This is the crux of the human spiritual quandary. Is it all subjective?, or is there indeed an objective force impinging upon you, and likewise impinging upon each one of us? These questions are extremely deep, and not easy to parse, and so not easy to resolve.

    Let me put it to you this way: Many people did not resolve this deep, complex dichotomy, as very young children, when the dictates of the life pattern of our developing minds, demands it be resolved, within that early childhood temporal window. What results is a person that experiences life as something akin to this:

    A dreamer, in the subjective dream realm, whereby all the other entities experienced, are not ‘real’ in the sense that the dreamer himself or herself is deemed ‘real’. This state is hell on earth. Nobody to truly commiserate with, so as to help us understand our own psychic pain. This pain emanates from the fact that we are very limited beings in the midst of a realm somewhat insulated from the infinite, which is reality (the infinite), … this human realm therefore akin to a finite precipitate of the infinite. Those so-stricken as young children know no way to pierce the utter Godless (infiniteless) loneliness that so ensues. The fear and anxiety is overwhelming. With no abeyance. The only way towards abeyance of this over the moon, utter fear/anxiety, borne of gut-wrenching all-encompassing existential loneliness, is by way of the resolution of the subjective/objective dichotomy, during the critical temporal period of early childhood mind development.

    This young child feels as if they are in one long dream, since birth, encompassing both the waking experiences and the sleeping/dreaming experiences, as worldview-wise, intrinsically the same, With no one to commiserate with. Because there is no one else.

    This usually all occurs at very early childhood temporal periods for which there is not good access to memories. This child has been marked as one that rebels, out of utter crushing anxiety as informed by the deepest existential loneliness, seeking to lash out at the ‘dream entities’, for which he/she does not understand these entities truly intrinsic nature, as actually fellow soul-searching human beings. In order to survive, this young child adopts a modus operandi: He/she carefully studies these dream entities, to try to discover patterns of behavior, and many such most unfortunate of our sons/daughters, become quite expert at this discovery process, discovering patterns of behavior apparent among the ‘dream entities’, which of course are actually fellow humans. Anxiety-reducing manipulation ensues. This all occurring, during very early childhood temporal periods for which there is not good access to memories. The lack of access to these early memories acts as both a psychological balm, but as well as a highly blocked avenue towards potential for later psychological wellness. Thus a peculiar personality profile develops: Cluster-B psychopathology.

    I am quite sure what I have offered here is not incorrect. I have my many reasons for said conclusion, some of them quite personal. As such, the question begged, is this:

    Why do Israeli Jews have a greater propensity for this awful plight? We need to find out. And meamjojo you need to find out, perhaps to help your own self. God bless.

  16. Miro23 says:

    Maybe not in the west, as they are going into a full totalitarian lock down mode in order to prevent it from happening. but in the civilized world there’s no putting the putting the supremacist toothpaste back in the tube.

    Dictatorships can go out quietly (like Franco – Spain 1975 accepting the transition to democracy) or violently like Ceausescu – Rumania 1989 (shooting protesters).

    Looking at the Empire, it’s not likely that it’s going quietly. I can’t see any polite and formal handover of power.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  17. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Palestine became the metaphor for world conscience.

    Israel stands for Jewish supremacism and craven white brownnosing.

    We let you into our homes when your own countries tried to murder you and everyone else turned you away. We fed and clothed you, gave you shelter, and we shared the bounty of our land with you, and when the time was ripe, you kicked us out of our own homes and homeland, then you killed and robbed and burned and looted our lives.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

    Ask Daniel Penny, prosecuted by an Israeli-American Jewish lesbian.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  18. Psychopaths arent born, they’re raised by Mothers, and others…
    Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence.

    •�Disagree: lavoisier
  19. Notsofast says:

    i don’t think there’s going to be any handover, i think the west will just continue to meltdown, like a geopolitical chernobyl. the average western citizen has melted down as well, both intellectually and morally, as by design. they will continue to devole into a morlock like subspecies, much like we see in the israelis, predating the palestinians.

    those left with a working intellect, will most likely emigrate, many heading east to greener pastures, hopefully the russian federation will continue to offer sanctuary to westerners in this plight. the rest of the brics countries will be attractive alternatives as well. one thing to be sure of they will have to learn another language, no more telling people to learn english.

    •�Replies: @BrooLidd
  20. Wokechoke says:
    @Priss Factor

    After a military career making the Middle East safe for Yids!

  21. Anon[233] •�Disclaimer says:

    CIA needed psychos destroy Vietnamese civil society so they jerry-rigged the Phoenix Program to sneak them in. Then CIA needed more psychos for Operation Condor so they sent Dan Mitrione to teach them torture and set up the School of the Americas. CIA needs more and more psychos, they can’t keep up.

    They tried manufacturing psychos with MK-ULTRA and the Manson Ranch, and Jonestown, and Elohim City. But their only successful psycho factory is Israel.

    But nothing lasts forever. At some point CIA says, “Gosh, what a bunch of psychos!” and let them die. That’s where the Izzies are now.

    •�Replies: @Ace
  22. anarchyst says:
    @Wild Man

    I can provide an answer to your statement:

    Why do Israeli Jews have a greater propensity for this awful plight? We need to find out.

    Jewish behavior is baked into judaism itself, a bronze-age “belief system” which has no place in modern societies.

    Jews are suffering from mental illness due to inbreeding and insistence that their “rabbis” have all the answers. You should see what rabbinical advice is given to jews who have to “wipe their asses” after using the bathroom on the Sabbath. One rabbinical solution is to have a non-jew wipe the jew’s ass. Ugggh! Hilarity ensues.

    Jews are taught from birth that they are “special” and are above all other human life forms on earth.

    Jews are ritually mutilated, jewish male infants being ritually genitally mutilated on the eighth day after birth.

    Let’ not forget the dirty “mohel” who fellates the infant after the deed is done, passing on any STDs that he may possess to the infant.

    Jews are taught that they are hated because of their “successes” (which are bolstered by amorality)–jews do not believe that crimes that jews commit against the “goyim” are crimes at all.

    The jewish double standard raises it head when it comes to collective responsibility and collective punishment, along with insistence that jews must “dwell apart” while pushing one-sided “civil-rights” laws on the rest of us.

    Jews hold all gentiles to be responsible for any actions taken against jews while jews insist on individual responsibility and individual punishment, but only for themselves.

    Judaism is a mental illness which must be excised from planet earth. There is no other way…

  23. @Patriot

    the Jews “will not leave us alone”

    until they are all sent to a prison planet,

    or they are all dead.

    •�Agree: BrooLidd
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  24. werpor says:
    @Anon 284

    werpor said
    on Unz.com
    Next New Comment
    December 2, 2024, 400 Words   
    @Priss Factor
    These shooters are an extension of Netanyahu’s hands. Though each individual is ultimately responsible for their own behaviour. These men in the tank are natural born killers. I wonder to what extent Israel’s Jews support the genocide the entire world is witnessing taking place in Palestine? Is this genocide supported by the Jewish diaspora?

    Jews claim they have a right to defend the lands they invaded and conquered when at the time of the Balfour declaration they were a small minority. Netanyahu claims the right of conquest justifiable because he says Jews lived there some 2000 years ago. His claim is that might makes right. It certainly is evident in Palestine!

    But by that calculation — given the occupation of the United States by the Jewish oligarchy at the present time — any sort of backlash against Jews, in the United States, by those who resent the situation is justifiable. In fact if the Jews are correct then anti-Semitism is justifiable. If the Goyim in the United States rise up and kill, or expel all the Jews to their precious homeland, Israel, the Goyim can cite Netanyahu’s policies in Gaza as the precedence for the ancient ‘might makes right’ policies he is promulgating in Gaza.

    So be it! The Goyim in the United States used to believe — and many still believe the implicit assumption and inference, suggested by the neologism ‘Judaeo Christianity’ — that the Jew and the Goyim had a shared antecedent heritage including the mistaken assumption that the Goyim and the Jew had aligned interests.

    Their histories are one of constant antagonism and Christians and Jews never had aligned interests. It is certain some Christians and some Jews appear to have shared interests but to suggest their interests were aligned is a faulty assumption. Jews are masters of acting that it is so but their perfidy sooner or later is revealed. Jews are predatory, perfidious and parasitical — an invasive species — and venomous! They may not immediately kill the host but rather inject the host with ideological poison.

    Jews cannot help their behaviour. The best defense though is offence because the Jew cannot be expected to behave and act contrary to their tribal interests. The Palestinians are the ‘canary in the coal mine’ — given the opportunity the Jews will kill or enslave every last Goy in the United States.
    Jews lie and deceive — it is their nature.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  25. werpor says:

    meamjojo, you are exactly the arrogant kike decent jews call a Kapo. Indeed after reading the headline essay here on Unz — I bet you did read it — and then having the temerity to post your fifth again you must be one of those exceptionally low IQ Jews one meets in certain corners and basements here in New York.

    What the hell is the matter with you animals? You’re not human! Massacring Palestinians in front of the entire world will disallow the scapegoating you always level at the Goyim. This time it won’t work.

    Jews are the perpetrators of their own demise.

    The sight of Netanyahu in the Senate chamber lecturing Americans is a bridge too far.

    •�Thanks: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  26. meamjojo says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Or all of the non-Jews are dead and only Jews remain to “Be fruitful and multiply” and live happily ever after.

    •�Replies: @Marky
    , @notsosimple
  27. anonymous[319] •�Disclaimer says:

    You cannot fool anyone to bring the words of a MI6 agent, who like his country UK, supports the genocide in Gaza. UK is the evil who designed and implemented the FAKE ‘Israel Project’ in the occupied Palestine. Israel has NO right to exist in Palestine. UK, US, Germany and Russia must take this scum to their own country.
    You should clear your stupid head before spreading the propaganda of a MI6 agent, which is in bed with Mossad. To do so use the following device twice a day, in the morning and at night to clear you head before posting another lie by MI6.

    •�LOL: BrooLidd
  28. Chaskinss [AKA "Septic Guirini"] says:

    The us empire and its tax paying dolts (“citizens”) gleefully sponsor the fake state

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @notsosimple
  29. @RedPill Boomer

    Brave moral jews would not be in occupied Palestine.

  30. Zionism is German in ideological terms. It is Austro-Hungarian in origin. It involves those who came from Eastern Europe changing their names and inventing a connection to a region to which they had none.

    At least Europeans occupying New Zealand or Australia or N America never pretended to be descendants of people who claimed to have lived in settlements there thousands of years before

    It is so farcical as to be lunatic

    •�Disagree: Zumbuddi
  31. Charles says:

    That she was permitted to speak is in its own way remarkable. I do not not know if such statements could be made in the US. I doubt it but do not know.

    It would be wonderful to be proven wrong, but I do not see that the people who primarily fund, defend, and support the past and current Israeli atrocity campaigns are paying attention. In fact, their support is not wavering. Their consciences are not troubled. As far as I know, my fellow Whites are going to their Christian churches and prayer meetings and Bible studies and pot-luck dinners, and they are praying most fervently that despicable Yahweh continues to allow his pets to loot, rape, and murder those nasty goyim. Quite literally, the most generous and charitable people in the entire world are also the most important enablers of the enemies of the entire world.

    •�Agree: Zumbuddi
    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
    , @OliverPeeples
  32. For israel to loose its humanity as G Levy claims, one would have to presume it had some humanity to begin with. israel cannot not have any humanity whatsoever, it is an entity of sub-animals.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  33. Geowhizz says:
    @Anon 284

    “genocidal racist Bolshevist monsters”

  34. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “Israel lost its humanity…. Totally lost its humanity…That’s the first and most dramatic change…. after the seventh of October….”

    Is Mr. Levy absolutely sure he has the date right [as I see continuity, not a sudden and/or dramatic change]?

  35. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…Did you know that worldwide there are nearly 45,000 Jewish organizations (including university organizations) and virtually EVERYONE of them strongly advocates for unlimited migration into all and any Western nation? But strangely not a single Jewish organization is for open borders for Israel…’

    If true, a good point. Even if partially true, still a good point.

    •�Replies: @Patriot
    , @Rev. Spooner
  36. Anon[387] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Anon 284

    Actually, yes. They do want that, for the same reason that many non-whites choose to live among whites.

    Once the formerly oppressed people win their Civil Rights moment, a lot of things in society are turned upside down. The former oppressors are sent into abject disgrace. And, living around disgraced people allows one to feel powerful and superior.

    Do NOT underestimate the psychological benefits of feeling superior. It is, quite possibly, one of the greatest components of happiness and confidence.

    It is innately human to want to humiliate people that we hate. After humiliating them, we bask in smug delight. We revel in their disgrace, especially when we see it in front of us.

    Palestinians would love to humiliate Israel, and enjoy seeing their angry, disgraced faces every.single.day.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
    , @bjondo
  37. @Ernesto Che

    What is needed is the total destruction of the genocidal sewer because as long as it exists the region will always be deprived of peace.

    Let me fix that for you: replace region with the world. Jews want the entire planet to rule and screw over. Their greed is a bottomless shithole. Always has been and always will be.

    •�Replies: @Ernesto Che
  38. Anonymous[354] •�Disclaimer says:

    Guys, a few facts here:

    1) Israel and the Palestinians/Gazans are in a resource fight for land.
    2) Such fights are as old as humanity and apparently as ineradicable.
    3) The West is also in a resource fight for land against several ethnic and religious groups. The fight is conducted with the minimal level of force needed to take the land, but there is definitely a fight and land is definitely taken.
    * The Black takeover of US cities is a resource fight for land, as is Tren de Aragua. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/armed-venezuelan-prison-gang-denver-highlights-us-map-no-go-sanctuary-zones-amid-migrant. Some areas previously taken by one minority group are being contested with armed force: https://nypost.com/2024/11/30/us-news/nycs-uws-rocked-by-surging-crime-including-carjackings/
    * The immigration under Biden is a resource fight for land.
    * Immigration into Europe is a resource fight for land. https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/muslim-no-go-zones-in-europe-are-increasing/

    If you don’t believe that the above is true, try moving into an area seized by these groups.

    So: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is assumed by the article https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/israel-savagely-beaten-in-fractious-oxford-donnybrook/ , but is not true. The enemy of your enemy may be your enemy also. The West is under attack, and to assume that any of Huntington’s other civilizations is your friend and deserves your support is to be attacked by your supposed “friend” and “ally”. At best, the various civilizations might have an uneasy peace, which the world did have until the US Uniparty decided to take over the world, apparently in the name of Transgenderism and the Rainbow Flag, starting with an invasion the Middle East and the Graveyard of Empires, Afghanistan.

    The West’s leaders are now the West’s enemies (populists excluded), and have been for quite some time, ~AD 1970. The West has no allies, no friends, and a Uniparty hostile to the West’s Demos ( https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/10/29/biden-trashes-voters-in-closing-argument-calls-trump-supporters-garbage/ ).

    Westerners: please stop thinking of yourself as Small Gods, immune to threats and the arbiters of world government. You changed the world after WW II, protecting the sea ways with your WW II fleet and industrial base that the Progressives built for you before you destroyed them. That change was luck and self interest. The ~1968 takeover of the US by the US Ashkenazi/Black coalition (allied with N. Vietnam, I might mention) has looted the US and the world, been deposed by Obama’s coalition, which has just fallen to Trump’s coalition/US populism. The West is pretty shaky now, losing three wars (with Russian Federation, as ally to Israel, with the US Uniparty. The invasion of the Upper West Side, stronghold of the Askenazi, is a strong hint as to what awaits even the most powerful in the West.

    You’re next. You have no friends other than yourselves, never have. If you fall for this “enemy of my enemy is my friend” trap, the “We have been wronged, so we are above criticism and get to run your society” trap, you end up attacked by the same people you gave everything for. Try starting a Christian church in Israel, or Saudi Arabia. Your populations are dying, TFR of maybe 1.6 vs. 2.2 for stability. Can’t you at least try to stay alive?

    •�Thanks: Ace
    •�Replies: @Paul Greenwood
    , @Zumbuddi
  39. @meamjojo

    hate to break it to you and all the other heeb himmlers out there but “israel” has no agency or power without the US golem to protect it like the weak, scared little bitch it is.

    make your own missiles and THAADs and nimbus and whatever and then maybe i’ll take your arrogant wank about “power” seriously. until then shut the cock holster you call a “mouth” and let the adults talk.

    •�Replies: @Titus7
  40. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    A Rogue Reporter vs. The American Empire (w/ Matt Kennard) | The Chris Hedges Report

    Video Link

  41. @Patriot

    The religion of “Judaism” is essentially an organized crime network with its own artificial breeding program. Jews have been selectively bred for criminality and all of the associated antisocial traits that facilitate criminality over hundreds of years. Jews who did not possess these antisocial traits did not have what it takes to succeed within the criminal underworld of international Jewry, so the rabbis did not permit them to marry and reproduce. They also have the problem of inbreeding, which further amplified these criminal traits.

    •�Thanks: OliverPeeples
  42. Stop watching TEL _AVIv_ZION!

  43. Poor and Westernized Susan thinks as though the whole world doesn’t know about the intolerant nature of the Mohammedans.


    Someday, your impunity and arrogance will end. Palestine will be free; she will be restored to her multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic glory (ha ha ha !); we will put an end to the zionist American war machine of domination, expansion, extraction, pollution, and looting.

    ..and you will either leave, or you will finally learn to live with others as equals.

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
    , @Xavier
  44. Marky says:

    “…Or all of the non-Jews are dead and only Jews remain to “Be fruitful and multiply” and live happily ever after.”

    No, your society is based on hate and contempt. If the non-jews are gone, you will find other victims to project your hate on. And you will continue your evil behavior, just on a new victim. A society based on hate will devour from the inside.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  45. Tom Welsh says:

    It’s an important datum about human psychology – individual and mass – that people around the world are beginning to object to Israel’s murderous policies only a year after the October 7th breakout.

    Ever since October 7th, 2023, Israel has been shooting, bombing, starving, and otherwise murdering Palestinians – and now Lebanese and others.

    In fact, this has been going on since Israel was unilaterally proclaimed in 1947-8. I remember, because I was born in 1948 and now I am an old man.

    It goes back still further. At Zionist meetings in Europe and America in the 1880s, the occupation of Palestine was seriously proposed and planned. Even then, 140 years ago, the Zionists had a clear understanding that their project would require that all Palestinians “disappear” in one way or another. Essentially, ever since the start of the Zionist project, they have offered Palestinians two choices: leave, or die.

    How amazingly slow, rusty, and paralytic is our communal human conscience.

    •�Disagree: One Nobody
  46. @Tennessee Jed

    You’re correct but even using the word is, to an extent, making a concession to them.

    •�Replies: @Reinhardt
  47. skrik says:

    Nobody in their ‘right mind’ would ever allow ‘murder for spoil,’ but since that’s what ((they)) are doing in ex-mandate Palestine, the “collective West” is demonstrated to be *not* in their right mind. Note that this ‘allowing’ has continued from Nakba#1 = 1947 right up to the current moment. ‘Scandal’ is not even close to the demonstrated criminality.

    Kindly consider skrik’s RoR+R*3 = Right of Return + Revest, Reparations and Reconciliation = all of ((them)) out, and another of my suggestions: A 100% BDS by RoW of all ((illegally occupied, criminally squatted upon)) territory in ex-mandate Palestine such that ((they)) cease to get any more fuel, food or, most importantly, bombs.

    That should starve ((them)) out; any attempt at forceful removal is possibly contra-indicated by ((their)) vile Samson ‘take the whole world down with ((them))’ threats. rgds

    PS Amnesty International has now declared that ((they)) are committing genocide against the hapless native Palestinians.

    Note that those [RoW so-called ‘leaders,’ say] who could effectively move to stop the genocide make themselves accessories.

  48. meamjojo says:

    “Massacring Palestinians in front of the entire world will disallow the scapegoating you always level at the Goyim.”

    Only Hamas is allowed to massacre Israelis, yes?

    •�Replies: @Pug
    , @anon
    , @One Nobody
  49. @Wild Man

    I am impressed by your insights into the mind of a child. Your thoughts on this
    subject are profound truths about how a child’s perception of his world affects
    the development of his personality.

    A child, say between 5 and 8, may tend to think of himself as the only real
    person, with everyone else being actors or non-human composites. This is the
    primacy of the self, the essential development of the ego. A lonely, neglected
    or overly- controlled child may experience extreme distortions in his self
    perception at this stage, frequently leading to serious behavior problems.

    As a person matures and is socialized, he realizes that others have the same
    feelings, needs and wants. Unfortunately, some individuals and groups never
    complete the last stage of development and lack empathy and sympathy for
    others. This is probably learned or culture- based behavior, but there may
    also be a genetic component, suspected but now undefined.

    •�LOL: meamjojo
  50. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    Has there ever been a clearer example ‘good vs evil’ than what we are seeing play out now in Gaza today? Israeli soldiers have produced a myriad of videos they have put on social media gleefully parading their sadistic behavior for all to see; mugging for the camera while they blow up hospitals, universities or residential buildings; smiling smugly while they brandish their weapons over the heads of naked prisoners bound and gagged, squatting helplessly on the ground; or dancing fiendishly while blocking trucks filled with food and medical supplies earmarked for starving women and children scraping by in threadbare tent cities. Who are these people? Where do they come from? What type of twisted environment and psychotic upbringing produced these monsters that revel in the unspeakable suffering of others?

    Where do they come from? That’s one of the dumbest questions I have ever heard, Mike Whitney. Everyone with even a minimal education knows they come from the “Synagogue of Satan”, just as Jesus Christ said they did.

  51. Who are these people? Where do they come from? What type of twisted environment and psychotic upbringing produced these monsters that revel in the unspeakable suffering of others?

    Rhetorical questions, of course. The answers are 1. Jews, 2. the Middle East (sorry, Khazar suckers) and 3. the Old Testament (sorry, Talmud Jew dupes).

    A more important point, as you and she go on to list the almost cartoonish levels of evil, is this:

    The Holy Cost is fake; a typically cartoonish Hollywood fake: electric floors, masturbation machines, Sophie’s Choice, geysers of blood, etc. BUT it is more: it is a projection of Jewish fantasies — the Jew cries out, always accuse your opponent of what YOU are doing etc.

    The Holy Hoax tells us what Jews would do to us, if they had their way.

    Proof? Soviet Russia. Gaza.

    If you need more proof, then you are too stupid to live and we should thank the Jews for clearing you out of the gene pool.

    •�Agree: Flo
    •�Thanks: OliverPeeples
  52. Pug says:

    I think the IDF on October 7th might dispute that..

  53. @RedPill Boomer

    I would think that they would all have left there by now.

    Here (rurally in a South European country), in the last year, we are being flooded by (many rude and demanding) people from there. The real estate and car market are unexpectedly booming in this sleepy area!


    •�Replies: @fkozloski
  54. @Anonymous

    Read Voltairenet about Huntingdon and how it was not his concept but that of his boss on NSC one Bernard Lewis

  55. meamjojo says:

    Your clearly reading challenged Marky. In a perfect world, EVERYONE would be Jewish!

  56. Thanks, Mike Whitney.
    Just to hope that before the appalling and disgusting State of Israel is finally wound up, less innocents will be slaughtered.
    Of course those responsible, incl in western countries, must be brought to justice.
    I would be very surprised if work to this effect is not now going on.
    In the same way that Iran has prepared a murder charge against ZionDon and some dozen or so US officials ref Gen Soleimani/others.

  57. @Anonymous45

    I agree with you; however, I am a modest man, and a realist at that, so let’s start with the region, then we can look at the world 😉

  58. anon[413] •�Disclaimer says:

    This memejojew person may actually be that rabbi who sells dildoes.
    Memejewjew, the dildo salesman.

  59. @meamjojo

    Meanjew… Get it through your thick skull once and for all you low IQ Zioturd, Shitrahell is an occupation army. Under international, Human and decency laws, the Palestinians have the right to terminate the occupier by any means availble.

    Now shut the fuck and stop washing your face with your own piss.

    Thank your boss for hiring you.

  60. Anonymous[139] •�Disclaimer says:
    @True Blue

    May we all spit on the Jews?

    •�LOL: Felpudinho
  61. @Charles Martel France

    Muhammedans? What centry are you living in you dumb fuck?

    If it wasn’t for jews there would be no Crusades into the Holy Lands.

    •�Replies: @Charles Martel France
  62. Ct says:

    “Just another Arab”. Thank you for confirming your deep, deep racism and hatred of the indigenous people of Palestine. You are a moral monster. Principled and thoughtful Jews should start taking greater notice of people such as yourself who are stoking antisemitism.

    •�Replies: @Liosnagcat
    , @meamjojo
  63. @Anon 284

    Anon 284… If you are questioning if the Arabs can continue to live with Jews look no further than the Israeli Moroccan Jews living in Shitrahell escaping and returning to Morocco a few months back. Have you heard of any reports on Moroccan Arabs building gas chambers for returning Jews?

    What has shifted in the mind of the Arabs for the first time is the realization that zionist want to exterminate them all for their lands, not just the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqis, and who are the zonist? They are Polish criminals dumped as a poison on Arab lands to keep them enslaved as a gas station for poor resource Europeans.

    The stench of death caused by the zionists is so strong it will never be forgotten and there is no outcome except to liquidate Shitrahell.

    After 7 decades of “can’t we get along,” the Arabs have realized that liquidation of Shitrahell is an existential imperative. It is that simple and Bin Salman Epstein’s friend and alSisi know the people consider them an obstacle to their survival. As Western hegemony weakens and as the Global South washes away the effects of Western colonialism, the zionist stain on mankind’s soul will undoubtedly by washed away with prejudice.

    Go back to Poland zionists before it’s too late.

    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  64. Gustav says:

    If this does not fill every cell in your being with a screaming ache for justice, then you have no soul.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
  65. Hmmmm seems this has all happened before, the only history repeating is the nose tribe and what follows. Now you know what they were doing to the ethnic Germans for years. Until they created their boogeyman. They were committing the same exact thing against the indigenous ethnic German people. Same in Russia before that. Same in France before that. Etc. etc. etc. oy vey!

    •�Agree: bike-anarkist
  66. @One Nobody

    First you people keep calling them “Aliens” like from Outer space, and now some of you are calling them Polish. I would rather believe the Polish story over the stupidl Alien shape shifter bullshit.I know they have big weirdly shaped noses like the woman in the image way above in the article. But that hardly proves anything besides the fact they are ugly as hell.

    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  67. Blah, blah, blah… a mere feelgood exercise by the Oxford Union… it’s not going to mean anything. The war will go on until is over for the Palestinians.

  68. @anarchyst

    Hmmmm….where have I read that before?

    Oh, right. You’ve posted the same nonsense multiple times. And even though it’s monumentally stupid, you don’t have the IQ to think up such bullshit.

    You are a feeble-minded retard.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @bike-anarkist
    , @anarchyst
  69. BrooLidd says:

    …i think the west will just continue to meltdown, like a geopolitical chernobyl. the average western citizen has melted down as well, both intellectually and morally, as by design. they will continue to devole into a morlock like subspecies…

    I agree. The population of the US is too far gone to free itself of the octupus.

    ‘anarchyst’ has compiled a list of legislative measures that would free us. We cheered as we read it, knowing all along that it could never happen… because of what you aptly describe as America’s moral and intellectual meltdown.

    A mantra frequently heard among TUR commenters is, “They’re as bad as the nazis!”

    This amazes me. Do we really believe that there is a nice way to rid ourselves of jewish domination? Are we, after all this time, still this ignorant of revisionist debunking of myths about nazi evil?

    Listen! There is no nice way.

    To free ourselves of jewish domination means being badder than the nazis.

    Well, not to worry. We’re not going to be badder than the nazis. Our life force has leaked away. Neither do we have the will or political power to enact ‘anarchyst’s’ legislative agenda.

    How is all this going to end?

    If it doesn’t end with total destruction via a natural catastrophe like the explosion of the Yosemite caldera or a nuclear war, it will just keep puttering away until it simply sputters out.

    We’ll end with a bang or a whimper, but in either case the jews will remain in control.

  70. Zumbuddi says:

    agree and agree and agree

    You have touched the heart of the problem, one center of the cancer:

    American Christians.

    Susan Abulhawa’s speech at Oxford should be printed and delivered in the tens of thousands to every Christian congregation (and every Jewish gathering as well) in the United States.
    (The Christmas season is the perfect time: even “C&E” Christians will be in attendance to sing their songs and rejoice.)

    But please, for the sake of all that is rational, do NOT fold “Nazi” into this stew.

    Unless, of course, you believe that the leopard DOES change its spots.

    Unless you believe against all nature and logic that the Polish and Ukrainian and Russian Jews named elsewhere in these comments, the rabbis who teach them, and the book they wrote for themselves, the ideology that infects them, came into being only after 1948 or 1945 or 1933 or 1881.

    How then explain Purim?

    •�Agree: rockatansky
  71. Bama says:

    What sets Jews apart is their consistent, almost universal, coldness, arrogance and dismissiveness. I’ve noticed it even in their decor. Yes, they are unique and know it.

  72. @Wild Man

    Why should a child try to understand itself and the world? A child experiences itself and its environment on a daily basis and accepts this because it knows nothing else. It is as it is. In a caring environment, the character stabilises. In an environment of uncertainty and constant change, the child adapts, but experiences stress and becomes unstable. As Carlin said: “everything that is ‘weird’ about you began as a survival strategy in your childhood.” Some people start to recognise and think about inconsistencies at an early age. It is a question of intelligence whether one accepts inconsistencies and adapts smoothly, or whether one tries to find the fault.
    There was once a theory that Judaism could go back to a genetic experiment in Ancient Egypt that got out of hand and failed completely. According to this theory, this people became so unbearable that the Pharaoh decided to cull them all, which is why they decided to flee across the Red Sea. Zionists are collectively narcissistic, they accept nothing and no one, not even their God (unless they define their abominations as God’s will). Organised from the outset according to the laws of the mafia, whose original inspiration they must have been, the principle of loyalty to one another and secrecy towards the outside world applies, mistaking nepotism for intelligence. Just as the extended human family cannot imagine the worldview of the self-proclaimed chosen ones, the meamjojos are unable to grasp what human brotherhood is about. They just can giggle stupidly at it.

  73. @anarchyst

    Judaism is a mental illness which must be excised from planet earth. There is no other way…

    Video Link

    •�LOL: Ace
  74. How have our fake Jewish friends gotten away with these monstrous crimes???

    They have the cover of the Jewish Press

    Destroy the credibility of the Jewish Press (mainstream media)

    And you destroy the foundation of fake Jewish Power

    How to do that all by yourself?

    From now on always call the Jewish Press the Jewish Press.

  75. Zumbuddi says:

    You’re next. You have no friends other than yourselves, never have.


    Westerners: . . . You changed the world after WW II, protecting the sea ways with your WW II fleet and industrial base that the Progressives built for you before you destroyed them. That change was luck and self interest.

    If you don’t understand on whose behalf WWII was waged; who emerged triumphant after WWI and WWII; who inserted themselves into control and dominance by means of WWI and WWII, you are getting your history from Hollywood.

    The ~1968 takeover of the US by the US Ashkenazi/Black coalition (allied with N. Vietnam, I might mention) has looted the US and the world,

    See above.
    Ashkenazi (and Portuguese) began the takeover of the USA decades before “~1968.”

    The world wars that destroyed so much of European cultural heritage turbo-charged the Jewish quest to destroy the monuments to other people’s heritage and replace them with falsified memorials to Jewish civilizational accomplishment.

  76. @BrooLidd


    A rare defeatist on UR

    You sure don’t see that very often

    I just want to thank you on behalf of all of us who have forgotten that resistance is useless and that slurping at the boot of the fake Jew is our fate, along with turning over our good-looking daughters to them for their pleasure.

    Sometimes we forget

    I nominate you to be our leader.

  77. @RedPill Boomer

    Are there any real Jews in Israel at all?

    Or are they all European squatters who couldn’t care less about the natives of this land they are trying to steal?

  78. @Notsofast

    …in this case there can be no statute of limitations.

    Not to worry though, because Hunter’s dad will issue a blanket pardon for Bibi,
    and jojo, and all the rest of the deserving, blessed, long-suffering Tribe.

  79. @Charles

    Under Zion Don’s plan, any higher learning institution who hosts a spokesman for the Palestinians will lose accreditation and federal funding. These threats in his speeches and can be found on YT and other streaming sites.

    America is free! 1A is best!

    Zion Don’s bringing a level of techno-grid Judeo-Christianity to this country never before seen.

    I think there are two factions of Jews at least: the Biden Jews just wanted to kill Palis and rely on the media to run cover. This was a low energy genocide that could be managed by silence. This left way too much to chance in the public square; anti-Semitism and Jew awareness is rising fast. I compare the levels between now and 1990 and the it’s just a whole different ball game. Jews would be wise to take heed of this point because the energy just snowballs.

    And that explains the energy of the second faction of Jews who see this. They still want the genocide and the war with Iran, but they are way more sensitive to the public perception of Judaism. Like in the USSR, they need the state to wield a big hammer to suppress dissent. Zion Don and his Christian Zionists lunatics are a much better front for carrying this out. They are goyish and ridiculously obsequious to Jews. Pam Bondi has been married like three times and wears a big gold cross on her necklace and makes semi-coherent public statements; she is definitely pro-Israel.

    If you get a chance, you should watch Adam Green’s recent compilations of Trumptards slobbering over Israel.

    •�Agree: Dutch Abraham
    •�Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  80. skrik says:

    To free ourselves of jewish domination means being badder than the nazis

    No. 1stly, “badder than the nazis” implies that a) nazis did bad things [IMHO not proven] but worse, nazis did the [non-existent] holohoax, say. Proof = ((they)) say a, b all the time + c = listing all other so-called ‘bad’ things that mostly innocent Germans never did.

    New boot: What we [justice seeking humans] need to do is simply apply existing laws.

    i.e. UNGA181 was never made law = ((they)) have zero legal claim to any part of Palestine [excepting ~6% ((they)) managed to purchase before WW2, that mostly of poor quality and from absentee owners.]

    UNGA194 = right of return; the UNGA realised their mistake [skrik’s RoR+R*3 = Right of Return + Revest, Reparations and Reconciliation = all of ((them)) out.]

    UNSC242 = inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war.

    Then, apply Nuremberg principles to bring all guilty parties associated with the illegal, alien invasion of Palestine then criminally immoral squatting on land/property never to be ((theirs)) to justice.

    Easy-peasy. rgds

    PS To NoBodyImportant, ‘aliens’ refers to ((they)) not being from the Levant.

    •�Replies: @BrooLidd
  81. Patriot says:
    @Colin Wright

    I in a previous post 1 claimed that worldwide there were around 45,000 Jewish organizations that advocate for Jews. That includes student and faculty organizations at universities.

    That number is wrong , because I accidentally added a “0”. The real number is around to 4,500.

    But my point still stands: virtually all Jewish organizations advocate for open boarders and unlimited immigration into Western countries, but absolutely no immigration into Israel, except for Jews.

    Israel has the strongest-defended border in the world.

    •�Agree: rockatansky
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @John Trout
  82. @Notsofast

    “Hard hitting”? It must be the understament of the year. I can’t find a video of the debate anywhere, that’s how butt hurt the Wall Humpers are feeling. They just can’t let show.

    If you have a link to a video of the debate please be kind enough and share it.

  83. Xavier says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Your powers are weak old hasbara.

  84. Titus7 says:

    US support for Israel will become weaker and weaker as the Boomers exit the planet in increasing numbers. Then Israel will have to find a new lickspittle, or severely alter its behavior if it wishes continued existence.

    •�Agree: Corrupt, rockatansky
    •�Replies: @DinduNuffins
  85. @Patriot

    “There is something really, really wrong with Jews. Something deep in their very core — their DNA. They are different from humans and have always been this way. Since the beginning of recorded history no one has been able to live with or near them. My God, they’ve been ejected from 109 different countries, and often multiple times.”

    Jews ain’t high on my list either but this article reeks of being full of sh*t.

    Susan Abulhawa said:

    “When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza’s starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.”

    Seriously? This happened?

    I remember back in the 70’s and early 80’s my American government telling me the same story about Russian soldiers leaving behind booby trapped toys, or dropping them by helicopter, in the hills and hamlets of Afghanistan that “exploded when excited children picked them up.” Back then Afghans living in hamlets didn’t eat any food that came out of cans so we didn’t hear any stories about them also being booby trapped.

    These far-fetched claims are about as believable as the Nazis making soap out of Jewish fat and lampshades out of Jewish skin. I don’t believe Susan Abulhawa any more than I’d believe an old Jew telling me that he saw, with his own eyes, his sister being processed into bratwurst in Auschwitz.

    Susan Abulhawa is a so-called Human Rights activist; she appears to be just another vulture-like NGO making her living by feeding off of the misery of others (similar to a Grief Counselor) and regurgitating preposterous lies.

    I think Susan Abulhawa is full of sh*t.

    •�Agree: Tigerlily, meamjojo
    •�Disagree: rockatansky
    •�Thanks: Cloverleaf
    •�Troll: ariadna
  86. Titus7 says:

    The “Nazis” knew that these people needed to be excluded from power and influence, if a healthy society is the goal.

    •�Agree: HdC
  87. Ace says:

    The VC assassinated South Vietnamese village officials. The Phoenix program was a response.

    Vietnamese civil society. Rotary clubs to the horizon. It is to laugh. A little of that civil society mojo would do wonders in parts of the US.

    You have obviously fallen in love with the word “psycho.”

    Get over it.

  88. @Felpudinho

    Google Eva Karene Bartlett. After listening to her, see if you feel the same. Also Scott Ridder, Judge Napolitano. Watch Al Jazeera channel for a while, and you might want to update.

  89. Israel’s “loss of its humanity” MAY NOT BE “a change.”

    •�Agree: ariadna
  90. @OliverPeeples

    Who’s Palis? Polis is the governor of Colorado.

    I’m TRYING to understand you.

  91. @Wild Man

    I may be wrong or right, you be the judge, Wild Man.
    I feel there is much more child abuse in Jewish families.
    Two well known examples are circumcisions performed by Mohels (Mohel a mohel is a Jewish man trained in the practice of brit milah, the “covenant of male circumcision”. The equivalent for a woman circumciser is mohelet. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohel ) or priests who suck the infant’s.
    The second one is having sex with a 3 year infant girl. Here the ruling by a Rabbi is, it’s permitted as the hymen grows back.
    I feel this traumatizes the babies at an early age and all trust and empathy for the other is forever lost.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  92. @Patriot

    Thought North Korea had a strongly defended border too, even though no one wants to go there. But I’ve heard stories of them shooting NK’s that tried to flee over to South Korea.

  93. BrooLidd says:

    Agree with you about the nazis. That’s what I meant with “revisionist debunking of nazi evil.”

    As for the necessity of being “badder” than the nazis, I was suggesting that we’d have to at least match what the nazis actually did, namely deportation.

    Commenters here frequently say, “They’re as bad as the nazis.” That I find incomprehensible.

  94. BrooLidd says:

    I’m 83. The jews will definitely be in control when I’m dead LOL.

    How old are you?

    When you’re on your death bed ask yourself, “Are the jews still in control?”

    …and think of ‘BrooLidd’.

  95. Yes, we know the Joos are monsters, generally.

    However, there is no need to characterize the mess over there as “good versus evil”. That’s a moronically simplistic non sequitur.

    And I have some difficulty giving a “writer” any respect who uses the syntactical failure, “myriad of”. Please learn how to use myriad properly.

  96. Thomasina says:

    “Our life force has leaked away.”

    Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. That “life force” is right below the surface.

  97. @meamjojo

    Only mean-Jo would believe anything from a guy named “Cockburn”

  98. @israel delanda est!

    For israel to loose its humanity as G Levy claims, one would have to presume it had some humanity to begin with. israel cannot not have any humanity whatsoever, it is an entity of sub-animals.

    True enough, however, they believe and they have this drilled into them since birth, that they are superior beings walking amongst inferior two-legged animals with no souls. According to Begin, they are Gods.

  99. @Anon 284

    could holocaust survivors live together with nazis.

    Yes! They turned out to be the same thing

  100. @Patriot

    Israel has the strongest-defended border in the world.

    isreal has no border accept the one they aspire to: greater isreal.

    isreal gained acceptance into the UN conditionally, one of the conditions was they were to declare their borders. They promised to use the borders of the proposed partition Plan. They have not done so, and neither have they fulfilled the other conditions of allowing the refugees to return and leaving Jerusalem as an international city.

    They have not fulfilled any of the conditions making their acceptance into the UN null and void.

  101. @Mike The Kike

    And you have read it multiple times… and you still don’t get it!

  102. Gaza Palestine. New video from Arab Ambience.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  103. @Wild Man

    Yeah, it’s not just the Israeli ones.

    I think it’s okay to distract oneself by delving into what makes non-empathetic people that way, but since in the Joo’s case it is a multi-millenia, environment independent, and obviously genetic/epi-genetic/cultural phenomenon, maybe we should just cut to the chase and start dealing with what we have — it having been demonstrated that there aint no fixin’ it.

    Good on you for having a rational model for how they might acquire their malevolent screwed-up-ness, though.

  104. @2stateshmoostate

    It’s easy to live in fake Jew controlled America during this artificial prosperity. (looting)

    At least for most, as long as they have no conscious about being complicit in the mass murder of folks on the other side of the world who are not their enemies

    Try living under the fake Jews in Palestine

    You’d have a different point of view.

    You’d say that death is preferable to that.

    How old am I?

    I’ve been around a long time and I’ve been paying attention since I was little

    Regardless, that means nothing if my arguments can’t hold water.

  105. How come this pakestinian woman is allowed to give a speech at Oxford University… seeing as the world conquerers are in charge? They must have given her permission.

    •�Replies: @Tigerlily
    , @ariadna
  106. anarchyst says:
    @Mike The Kike

    Your name-calling exposes you as a jew who knows that his days of (supposed) domination is coming to an end as more and more people see what you jews are really like…
    Crawl back into your IDF unit 8200 sh!thole (shetl).
    The time will come when you hear the “thump” with your sorry jew name on it…

    •�Replies: @Mike The Kike
  107. anarchyst says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    You are correct.

    There is much more child abuse within jewish families than just about any other group.

    Jews who listen to their amoral rabbis without discerning for themselves whether their actions are moral or not.

    You should see the procedure that jewish rabbinical types have mandated for jews who “take a dump” on the Sabbath. According to rabbinical teachings, getting a gentile to wipe the jew’s ass is the recommended method for complying with Sabbatical restrictions.

    Let’s not forget the tunnels dug under the prominent NYC synagogue in which child-size mattresses (blood-stained) toddler high-chairs and other child-size furniture and items were found.

    Of course, the jew-run NYC government did the jews a favor by filling in the tunnels and destroying criminal evidence in the process.

    If not for the child sacrifice and abuse aspects of these tunnels, observing jews scurrying like rats escaping from sewers underneath NYC streets made for excellent comedy.

  108. @Colin Wright

    there are nearly 45,000 Jewish organizations (including university organizations

    Most westerners are not tribal but the Jews still are and will always will be. They know how effective organized action is for any demand.
    I read a book by a British communist, written in the 1920’s, a catholic. (I believed – by Douglas Hyde). He explained how the communists took control of local bodies by hiding their affiliations. It’s the same with the Jews, the original COMMUNISTS.

  109. videos are currently being uploaded here: https://www.youtube.com/@OxfordUnion/videos

    •�Thanks: hobnob
  110. Anon 284 says:

    Joo joo,

    What “power or agency” did mandela have? Saddam had all the “power and agency” in iraq. Look what happened to him. Just two examples

    The mistake you jew nazis are making is thinking that your “power and agency” is eternal

    People are waking up to your scams. Its nearing the end. Enjoy!

  111. @Felpudinho

    OK, you literally see videos of the IDF killing women and then wearing their lingerie, playing with the kids toys, but they would never booby trap them right?
    They also are putting the rapes on video as well.
    They are videoing themselves, something all of their food and smashing it, but this is too over the top.

    Come on!!

  112. @Anon

    Does that make Palestinians bad people?

  113. muh muh says:

    ‘Israel Savagely Beaten in Fractious Oxford Donnybrook’

    Well, sure… lol

    This is the outcome anyone knowledgeable about the subject matter would expect in a venue where all parties are given an equal opportunity to make their case. It’s been that way for decades, since before these kind of debates were even organized.

    I’m into my fourth decade of witnessing these events. I’ve seen just about every argument imaginable from the Zionist end, from the ‘continuous presence’ shtick to the ‘region’s only democracy’ tripe.

    Israel simply doesn’t have a case.

    At all.

    On the bright side, al-Aqsa Flood literally broke open the massive repository of knowledge that had been largely contained before Oct. 7, 2023, enlightening an entirely new generation about Israeli malevolence and America’s craven nurturing thereof.

    One generation.

    One generation and Israel’s finished.

    •�Agree: Colin Wright
    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Wielgus
  114. @anarchyst

    Your name-calling exposes you as a jew

    Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not Jewish.

    But you really seem to have a problem with Jews. Let me guess…you want to exterminate them?

    •�LOL: Cloverleaf
    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Anonymous
  115. @2stateshmoostate

    To be “defeatist” or to be not-defeatist — that crap is up to the guy defining the slur.

    If one thinks he is going to overcome the (((situation))) by emulating his favorite movie, Red Dawn, and commando his ad hoc militia to victory (read non-defeat), then he is only slightly less foolish than the one who believes he is going to vote his way to non-defeat.

    I see that you don’t like a perceived negative “attitude”. But what looks like a negative attitude is really an accurate assessment of the real situation. Too many dolts, not that you are one, assume that what a thing looks like from a chosen perspective is accurately what it is. Accepting the state of affairs may well result in your adoption of a defeatist attitude — and if so, that’s your problem.

    To another, accepting the situation realistically will result in adopting unorthodox solutions that have a chance of being effective, and that’s good, because voting and learning from movies are proven failure.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  116. druid says:

    It’s their “religion” that has molded them into what they are. The only way is to rid the planet of them, because they won’t ever rid themselves of this satanic faith

  117. Tigerlily says: •�Website

    All the world is a stage and the theatrics are in full swing!

    •�Replies: @Cloverleaf
  118. Anonymous[726] •�Disclaimer says:

    Chaotic body language!

  119. druid says:

    The Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine empire kept them out of government and other important positions. These termites always work their way in with bribery, usury, etc. They have to be removed completely.
    Look at their history. It’s a repeat of what’s currently happening. For well over 2000 years
    Usury, pornography, gambling, etc., must be outlawed completely. This is part of the MO

    •�Agree: Cloverleaf
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  120. @Sew Crates Hymerschniffen

    Our fake Jewish friends rule by deception, except in Palestine and that sure isn’t working out for them

    The key to destroying fake Jew power is to expose them

    10/7 had done that

    Also always refer to the Jewish Press as the Jewish Press

    Voting is how we chose our government here in the US

    What alternative to d0 suggest?

    I agree that fake Jew candidates or those owned by them should be boycotted

    But voting is still the best way to choose a government.

  121. bjondo says:

    Palestinians would love to humiliate Israel, and enjoy seeing their angry, disgraced faces every.single.day.

    You’re projecting yourself/jew onto Palestinians.

    Hamas hasn’t tried to humiliate israel nor has Hezbullah.
    They have attacked the military and left it at that.

    They don’t drag captured jews across the ground while posting videos.

    jew acts, feels as you described.


  122. anarchyst says:
    @Mike The Kike

    Not extermination, but recognition of jewish perfidy and criminality along with ostracization and eventual resettlement to a true “pale of settlement” far away from everyone else, with strictly defined and patrolled borders would be a start.
    Haiti would be a perfect place for jews to practice their “tikkun olam”. Jews have experience in herding their black “pets” around. Exiling the jews to Haiti is not sarcasm, but is a real solution to the world’s foremost problem.

  123. @druid

    Whats next, you going to advocate for banning and abolishing whether or not people get to touch themselves? I swear, might as well should have left the leftist stay in charge and shit.

  124. @Titus7

    By then blacks will have destroyed this country anyway. Oh , wait… too late cuck.

    •�LOL: Felpudinho
  125. @Cloverleaf

    Yes, it’s sh*tty situation thanks to Hamas leaders living in 5-star luxury in Qatar deciding to attack Israel. But, if it was a genuine genocide – as we constantly hear – wouldn’t Israeli attack aircraft be flying low and machine-gunning these “Palestinians” to pieces, or, better yet, napalming them like we Americans did to the third-world rice farmers in Vietnam?

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  126. @NoBodyImportant

    Go back to all the zionists in 1948, they are mostly polish and western ukrainians. Check info before you disagree. This is how we help each other find the truth. ok.

  127. Anon[277] •�Disclaimer says:

    34:7-12 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible)

    [7] Moshe was 120 years old when he died, with eyes undimmed and vigor undiminished.

    [8] The people of Isra’el mourned Moshe on the plains of Mo’av for thirty days; after this, the days of crying and mourning for Moshe ended.

    [9] Y’hoshua the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of wisdom, for Moshe had laid his hands on him, and the people of Isra’el heeded him and did what Adonai had ordered Moshe.

    [10] Since that time there has not arisen in Isra’el a prophet like Moshe, whom Adonai knew face to face.

    [11] What signs and wonders Adonai sent him to perform in the land of Egypt upon Pharaoh, all his servants and all his land!

    [12] What might was in his hand! What great terror he evoked before the eyes of all Isra’el!

  128. Chriss says:


    The symbol from which it is worth starting the consideration of the falsification of Christ in the 20th century is the first concentration camp built in Europe. It was built in the summer of 1918 near Kazan, on the Volga River, which is widely spread near Kazan. This camp, built on the orders of Leon Trotsky, in the fight against the Bolsheviks, was intended to eliminate enemies. Trotsky also ordered a monument to be built in the place where this camp was built, and a monument to Cain was erected there on his orders. Cain was to become a symbol of the liberator, the rebel, the revolutionary, the one who challenges heaven. He broke the ban and killed his brother, that is where his greatness lies. This monument did not stand there for long, it was built of an unstable material that lasted maybe ten years. Above all, Leon Trotsky’s greatness was unstable, later on, he was already in Stalin’s disfavor, he lost the fight for power and had to flee the Soviet Union.

  129. Patriot says:

    It’s always difficult to know what to believe when reading or listening to a talking head. But your eyes rarely lie.

    I believe things that I see.

    Everyone at this website should watch “Democracy Now” (Actually Democracy Now – the War and Peace Report). Go to YouTube and type in “Democracy Now”
    It’s a nightly news program showing lots of videos of Gaza, Lebanon and Israel.
    Decide for yourself.

    What you see with your own eyes, night after night will make you vomit in horror.

  130. Anonymous[296] •�Disclaimer says:
    @True Blue

    True dat.

    These demonic, talmud-black cockroaches are not even human.

    Pigs have more soul than these shit-creatures.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  131. @Chaskinss

    Not so. Most Americans of the middle and lower classes cannot stand their corrupt government but feel trapped by it. I suspect the same might be true for common Israeli citizens

  132. Anonymous[296] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Mike The Kike

    No. Nobody wants their filthy blood on their hands.

    Rational people just feel better when they’re not around …though, it’s been so long now that they’ve been knawing at our life-force…it’s hard to remember how that felt.

    Get lost Fagan.

  133. @meamjojo

    But then who will be their goyim slaves?

  134. anon[655] •�Disclaimer says:

    Great speech, really which is available here:


    100% agree with her BUT the person who wrote the article (maybe her) repeats several times this typical racist anti-white mantra: ” white European colonizer”.

    From a party and a country where telling the truth can send you to jail (but only if you are white), this overt accusation that the zionist Jews who perpetrate are the same as all white Europeans is not only ridiculous but false and insulting.

    This is why labour and other cultural marxist and globalist parties suck so much.

    By doing so she undermines her otherwise great speech and the cause she defends and might push white people who shared her views back.

    By the way as a White European, I see my country being invaded and colonized by blacks, Arabs and Asians, all brought in by an alliance of globalist scumbags and Jews to replace the White population.

    In England and Wales, the first name that is given to newborns is now officially Mohamed (after being the Jewish name Noah).

    As Westerners we don’t have to make a choice between Jews and Arabs, we don’t have to put up with guilt, insults or attacks or even feel responsible for what our ancestors might or might not have done.

    I chose to support Palestine and fight zionism, it doesn’t mean that I have to accept racist insults from anyone, even if we share the same ideas on Palestine.

  135. Oh, yes-Judaism is NOTHING if not a ‘dark evil’. It is reaching a crescendo of wickedness right now, illustrating Voltaire’s insight when he declared that, one day, the Jews would be a menace to all humanity. That day is today.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  136. @Felpudinho

    Here is the REAL Evil. The blood-lust and lying that characterise the worst Jews, and their Sabbat Goy slaves. Apparently, for this accomplice in genocide and mass child murder, the universe began on October 7, 2023. The previous 75 years of bestial (apologies to beasts) Zionazi barbarity inflicted on the Palestinians either does not exist for this ghoul, or he approves of all that monstrous Evil.
    Fortunately, if irrelevantly, many good, HUMAN, Jews still exist, who oppose the monstrous Evil of Zionazism, and dirty, little, demons like this filth.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  137. @anarchyst

    Pity the poor Haitians! I still think Kerguelen looks promising. It’s bigger than Gaza, and with the Judeonazis being SO hard-working and clever, they’ll make the sub-Antarctic tundra bloom!

  138. @Ct

    Principled and thoughtful Jews. . .

    As rare as unicorns, if not a complete oxymoron.

    . . . should start taking greater notice of people such as yourself who are stoking antisemitism.

    Turkic/European Jews (i.e., those running “Israel”) are not Semites. Palestinians are Semites.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  139. @2stateshmoostate

    The best voting possible will only engage one in participation of something he has exactly zero control over. It is a sham. We do not “choose a government” by voting. The visible government is just the show biz part that people interact with to the same degree they interact in movies. You can choose which one you watch, from what is offered, sometimes.

    The vast bulk of what is government is hidden, and I’m sure you know well exactly what I’m talking about.

    You hit on a power we have when you wrote “expose them”. We know the truth about the JQ. We have opinions about it. So we must share that at every opportunity. That is why they spare no expense on indoctrination of Holohoax and Judeo-Christianity garbage. We can and do influence people, and it can reach tidal proportions. They know it and fear it. They do not fear you voting for Wailing Wall Donnie.

  140. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    When some celebrity Negress pundit(who’s goofy at time) does more real journalism that all of MSM, what is going on with the West?

    CIA Whistleblower Returns: What Is America Doing In The Middle East?

  141. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @muh muh

    ‘One generation.

    One generation and Israel’s finished.’

    So one hopes. One prefers to think that evil this arrant and indefensible simply can’t go on forever.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  142. vittoria says:

    Yes, there is something essentially, intrinsically wrong with the Jews: their rejection of their Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

  143. @One Nobody

    My dear friend, cool down and read this :


    One of our Muslim brothers calls Islam the religion of Muhammad, and he strongly supports this statement because since the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is the one who brought Islam, he sees no harm in calling Islam the religion of Muhammad. Is it permissible for us to call Islam the religion of Muhammad, and for Muslims to call themselves Muhammadans?

    The Answer :

    There is no doubt that this Islam that we follow is the religion of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), for he was sent to us with it and conveyed it to us, as his Lord, the Most High, commanded him.

    However, it should be known that Islam is specific and general: The specific Islam that includes this Shari’ah that we know, and in it are the five daily prayers, zakaah, fasting Ramadan, and Hajj in the manner that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained, and in it are rulings on transactions and crimes and other things, this specific Islam is the religion that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) brought.

    As for the position of explaining the Imam of this ummah, and that their follower from whom they take is the Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), there is no problem with him here; and it has been reported in the hadeeth that the Muslims are called “the ummah of Muhammad”; rather, more than one of the people of knowledge have used the word “Muhammadites” to express the followers of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), either his specific followers who are the people of his Sunnah, or to express his ummah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

    God bless you. I am always reading and learning.

  144. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    Leslie Wexner’s Inner Demon – Link to UH

    Excerpt: “As the article continues, it states that Wexner has been with the dybbuk* since he was a boy and that his father had recognized it and referred to it as the “churning”. Per Wexner, the dybbuk causes him to feel “molten” and constantly pricked by “spiritual pins and needles”. It apparently left him at some point as a young man, only to return in 1977 when he was 40, half-frozen during an ill-fated trip up a mountain near his vacation home in Vail, Colorado. This specific trip is when Wexner says he both rejoined with his childhood dybbuk and decided to “change his life.”

    He told New York magazine that his dybbuk makes him “wander from house to house”, “wanting more and more” and “swallowing companies larger than his own.” In other words, it compels him to accumulate more money and more power with no end in sight. Wexner later describes the dybbuk as an integral “part of his genius.”

    *A dybbuk is a Jewish folklore term for “a disembodied human spirit that, because of former sins, wanders restlessly until it finds a haven in the body of a living person.

  145. Bob says:

    I’ll bet Jews secretly laugh inside every time something bad happens to someone

  146. @Felpudinho

    Felpu-dingo writes:

    Jews ain’t high on my list either but this article reeks of being full of sh*t.

    I think Susan Abulhawa is full of sh*t.

    Who are you trying to kid?
    We KNOW you’re a Jew (from your countless posts in other UR threads where you acted as an apologist for Jewish depravity).

    For the benefit of other UR readers, don’t be misled by Felpu-dingo’s fake mockery of Jews being turned into soap/lampshades during the Holohoax.

    I’ve interacted with him in the WWII/Holohoax threads and, whilst he acknowledges that the number of Jews that died in the camps and on the Eastern front was less than 6 million, he still believes that millions perished in those fabled gas chambers for which THERE IS NOT A SHRED OF FORENSIC EVIDENCE THAT THEY EVER EXISTED.

    In a nutshell, Felpu-dingo still vigorously defends the Holohoax myth – and ONLY Jews do that (coupled to the occasional shabbos goy who has been well remunerated to repeat falsehoods).

    And here we see Felpu-dildo smearing Susan Abulhawa because she very accurately described the atrocities perpetrated by his genitally mutilated ilk.
    Only a malignant Jew would have a bad word to say about this woman.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
    , @ariadna
  147. @Liosnagcat

    Turkic/European Jews (i.e., those running “Israel”) are not Semites. Palestinians are Semites.

    True, but we are called anti-Semite to point that out.

  148. meamjojo says:

    ““Just another Arab”. Thank you for confirming your deep, deep racism and hatred of the indigenous people of Palestine.”

    Indigenous peoples don’t mean bupkis. Witness the America Indian, for example.

    I have a strong hate for terrorists who inflict themselves and their misguided beliefs on others. And also the people who support the terrorists.


    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
    , @Patriot
  149. @anarchyst

    InIreland we had case recently where a London rabbi, operating as a mohel,flew to Dublin,mutilated a baby but was arrested before he could mutilate another baby.This is clear breach of Irish law, he had no medical qualification whatsoever.despite the best work of the police investigating, he was released on big bail money, raised by the jewish community and allowed to return to London.IDK when the trial is scheduled.One rule for them, another for the goyim,eh?These talmudic chus regard us as lower than animals, and dont hold back showing it.MerryXmas one and all.

    •�Thanks: Arthur MacBride
    •�Replies: @TGD
  150. @Sew Crates Hymerschniffen

    What if all the fake Jew sting pullers got cleared out

    Would voting work then?

  151. We Wuz wandering Joooooozzz an sheit

  152. @meamjojo

    It’s the fake Jews that have inflicted themselves on the native people of the ME

    Anyway, because of 10/7 that problem is being solved right now.

  153. ariadna says:

    “How come this pakestinian woman is allowed to give a speech at Oxford University… seeing as the world conquerers are in charge? They must have given her permission.”

    You are right. The Tribe still has some work left to do. In your ideal Jewworld no Goy will be able to sneak through the cracks and speak out.

  154. muh muh says:
    @Colin Wright

    So one hopes. One prefers to think that evil this arrant and indefensible simply can’t go on forever.

    It won’t because it can’t.

    For years, Israel’s vaunted reputation for material muscle has been correlated with the high STEM aptitude of its high school graduates, an aptitude which is falling precipitously with the demographic surge of its Haredi population — one that eschews both military service and tax-paying work, living primarily on the government dole while immersed in religious studies.

    The professionals responsible for running the country are leaving. They see the trajectory and they want nothing to do with it.

    It will take some time, of course, but this is not a problem that American largess can solve. Eventually, Israel will collapse under the weight of its own incompetence.

  155. Bro43rd says:

    You must really dislike the Dominicans.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  156. Wielgus says:
    @muh muh

    It reminds me of an account by a veteran German Trotskyist. It was the 1960s and he was in the SPD. An Israeli or two was brought to his branch on a visit and to be treated with admiration. The Trotskyist said at the meeting that was organised that the Zionist treatment of Palestinians had many points in common with Third Reich behaviour. The Israelis and the SPD members who invited them were enraged but seemed to have no real answer.

  157. Megoy says:

    Yup! This is what Jews do EVERYWHERE they have ANY power. Their con games are being exposed. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how
    many debates you win or how many facts you present or how many words you count – it will not stop Jews! The ONLY thing that will STOP psychotic Jews is their DEATH! That is the ONLY solution. Stop the endless cycle of insanity and start bombing and murdering these parasites!

    Hi Johnny Greenblatt and your army of Jews reading every word of every website exposing Jew evil!! May you get what you deserve for your daily lying and terrorism of those exposing the truth about Jews! It’s coming bitch!

  158. Hi Mike,

    Can you post the video of the speech in the article?

  159. Let’s face it: Israel is satanic because the god of Israel is Satan. Yes, I mean Yahweh, the god of the Old Testament. Jews are incapable of moral conscience because “knowing good and evil” is forbidden by Yahweh (Genesis 3), who demands instead obedience to his genocidal orders. Jewish behavior is the result of three thousand years of worshipping Satan.

    •�Agree: mulga mumblebrain
  160. Patriot says:

    If you “hate terrorists”, you must really hate Jews.

    Jews practically invented terrorism.

    •�Agree: Corrupt
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  161. @mulga mumblebrain

    Here is the REAL Evil.

    Why change the subject? Why the hissy-fit rant? Is it because you have no good answer to my observation/question about the so-called genocide in Gaza?

    Which reminds me of the so-called famine. Where are all the tens of thousands of emaciated skeletal bodied of the staved-to-death “Palestinians”? According to many here, a horrific famine has been going on in Gaza for over a year. If that’s the case where are the dead?

    The so-called mass famine is as vastly exaggerated as the so-called genocide.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Corrupt
  162. @Truth Vigilante

    We KNOW you’re a Jew…

    Enjoy your fantasy.

    In a nutshell, Felpu-dingo still vigorously defends the Holohoax myth…

    Like your claims that I’m a Jew, you are, once again, making things up.

    And here we see Felpu-dildo smearing Susan Abulhawa…

    Because I think she is lying; I do NOT believe IDF soldiers booby trapped toys to maim Palestinian children and that she saw these destroyed children with her own eyes.

    As I said in my previous comment, I think Susan Abulhawa is full of sh*t.

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  163. Followers of the Star of Remphan at it again.

  164. anarchyst says:

    If the Dominican Republic treats jews like it presently does Haitians, I have no problem with it. The Dominican Republic military has no problem dealing with Haitians and could easily corral the jews.

  165. meamjojo says:

    “If you “hate terrorists”, you must really hate Jews.

    Jews practically invented terrorism.”

    Sure. Hamas Charter specified death to Jews and Israel. Palestinians up to 80% supposedly supported the 10/7/2023 massacre in Israel.

    Palestinians and Arabs in states like Iran, Yemen, Syria and more regularly call for death to Jews and Israel, sometimes hundreds of thousands strong in the streets.

    Have you ever see Israel or Israelis do anything similar in any meaningful numbers? The answer is of course no.

    Crawl back into your TUR asshole.

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  166. meamjojo says:

    “The so-called mass famine is as vastly exaggerated as the so-called genocide.”

    Yes. All video coming out of Gaza is taken by and manipulated by Hamas operatives then smuggled out via internet uploads

    Israel haters then use these fake videos to reinforce their hate.

    •�LOL: Corrupt
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  167. acudoc1949 says: •�Website

    Chosen People my ass!

  168. @meamjojo

    Evil often ends in rank psychopathy and delusion. And to think that they squeal like stuck pigs and screech like banshees whenever ANY detail of the Holocaust pseudo-religion is questioned in any way. Evil is running rampant across the planet, and here is one of its most devoted minions.

  169. ariadna says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    He and his ilk know that no sentient human being believes their repulsive lies.
    They are not looking to convince anybody on this site, nor are they seeking dialog. They only repeat the same lies over and over to get a rise out of people. Absent the opportunity to do real harm online they settle for causing you violent nausea.
    By reacting to them you validate them as successful trolls, you give them oxygen. Unless you get enough satisfaction from venting it is not worth your time. After a while you may find that there is little satisfaction in telling a psychopath he is a psychopath because you don’t even speak the same language. To paraphrase: They are different foreign tribe. They do things differently there…

    •�Agree: Xavier
  170. @meamjojo

    Begin openly boasted that the Zionists ‘invented’ ‘terrorwism’-‘…in all de vorld!’, as he hissed. And, as we know, on October 7, that carefully planned operation, most of the Israeli civilians who died were killed by the Israeli Death Forces itself, in ‘friendly fire’ or DELIBERATELY, in pursuit of the Hannibal Directive.
    Israeli Jews of your type have hardly ceased calling for the genocide of the Palestinians since October 7. In the media, in the Knesset, in synagogues-Bibi itself declared the Palestinians to be Amalek, ie to be slaughtered in pursuit of Judaic religious practice, ‘..down to the last suckling babe’. And for their torture, even to death. NO group in ALL history has worshiped murder and genocide as Judaics do. Your every FILTHY contribution proves that, over and over and over.

    •�Agree: Truth Vigilante
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  171. Leanybean says: •�Website

    Good News from my 18th edition:

    Despite being indoctrinated by their Israeli teachers, 250 teenagers signed a new Refusal Letter to not serve in the IDF.

    I have also read that there are more who have done this since I published that edition. This results in these brave kids being arrested and spent time in prison. These young people are heroes in my mind.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  172. Notsofast – try starting your sentences with capital letters, like everybody learned in school when they were five years old. Or continue to write differently to everybody else, and everything else you read, thus making it really difficult to take you seriously, because we’re always looking for the BEGINNING of the sentence, since you are arrogant and stupid enough to insist on starting all of yours with lower case letters.

  173. @Sew Crates Hymerschniffen

    In light of recent events in Romania where the corrupt High Court just struck down the latest election results where a pro Russian candidate came in first

    Do you still say that voting is meaningless?

    In the above case the criminal status quo so feared the result of the election that they were forced to expose their corruption and annul the election.

    If elections meant nothing and it doesn’t matter whether one votes or not, then why did the pro West Romanian elite feel the necessity to do that?

    According to you voting is a waste of time


    •�Replies: @old coyote
  174. ariadna says:

    Are they really heroes who refuse to serve because it is morally wrong or are they little cowardly hypocrites (like the Haredim) who have no problem with Israel committing crimes against humanity as long as others do the dirty job and they don’t have to put themselves in danger?

  175. @2stateshmoostate

    The cognitive dissonance here is truly baffling; voters voted and the results were thrown away for the existing “elite” to stay in power. How do the votes which were made and tossed aside make voting matter? California just spent two months counting votes to make sure they found enough votes to turn a Republican house seat into a Democrat house seat. This is not rocket science: voting does not matter at all in a rigged system. Gamblers have better odds in Las Vegas. Donald Trump was allowed to gain the presidency so that the coming monetary collapse and wars will be blamed on him. Same old game, remains the same for all of we… no names.

  176. Elial says:
    @Anon 284

    Here is the link to her marvellous speech on YouTube.

    Her words have been haunting me. For the first time I truly felt the tragedy of Palestine in my own heart.

    •�Replies: @Anon 284
    , @meamjojo
  177. Elial says:

    Thank you to Mike and Ron for bringing this to us.

  178. @old coyote

    How do the votes which were made and tossed aside make voting matter?

    It matters because a small elite just publicly shit on the will of the people

    It matters because this is not the end of the story

    There will be repercussions, not to mention it is likely this injustice will result in even greater voter turn out for the next election.

    And if the elite pull another stunt like they just did they risk the Ceaușescu treatment

    As an aside

    We just saw in Korea where marshal law, decreed by the Korean elite, was thrown out by a vote of their legislature. Looks like voting worked there.

  179. Her speech was poor in my opinion. She started strong with the quotes from the zionists about the goys being nothing but rocks in their way, but then the rest of the speech was just an appeal to emotion, peppered with lefty buzzwords to tickle the Guardian readers. Cut and paste stuff. Could’ve been written by anyone with a grievance.

  180. Anon 284 says:

    Im still hoping iran launches 1000 missiles and sends the coward rats scurrying into the sea so the sharks can get them


  181. EXORCIST says:

    Americans haven’t figured things out just yet — And probably never will — We are not dealing with “JEWS” — We are dealing with The Synagogue of Satan: The single most evil people the world has ever seen

  182. meamjojo says:

    “After a while you may find that there is little satisfaction in telling a psychopath he is a psychopath because you don’t even speak the same language. To paraphrase: They are different foreign tribe. They do things differently there… ”

    TUR is like an insane asylum where all the inmates think THEY are sane. [rotflol]

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  183. meamjojo says:

    “For the first time I truly felt the tragedy of Palestine in my own heart. ”

    Very good. That and $3 will get you a cup of coffee. She is full of crap.

    And it is going to get much worse for the Palestinians, who over 75 years, have come to depend on the welfare and free handouts provided by UNRWA, which Israel is now banning. Palestinians will finally have to learn to stand on their own two feet!

    As Israel bans UNRWA, Palestinians stand to lose schools and clinics not only in Gaza
    By Scott Neuman
    December 3, 2024

  184. @ariadna

    He and his ilk know that no sentient human being believes their repulsive lies.

    The BMW dealership in Gaza, the “open-air concentration camp” wasn’t a lie.

    The enormous levels of obesity in Gaza wasn’t a lie.

    All the fat ass “Palestinian” women STILL waddling around Gaza after an entire year of so-called “famine” isn’t a lie.

    Hamas “leaders” living in 5-star luxury in Qatar isn’t a lie.

    “Palestinian refugees” being the most pampered refugees in the history of the planet isn’t a lie.

    The list goes on and on.

    Here’s another Gaza truth you call a lie; although the act is verging on the comical the intent to instill hated to the “Palestinian” children is real:

    Go to the 30 second mark and watch the cute “Palestinian” toddled pretend to stab a Jew with a nice big knife:

    •�Thanks: meamjojo
  185. @meamjojo

    Our Nellie (aka ariadna) believes that if she thinks something is true it MUST be true. I’m a Jew because Nellie thinks it, I’m not a Roman Catholic because Nellie thinks it. And now I’m a Psychopath because Nellie claims it is so.

    Nellie’s an old barren biddy. Without kids and grandkids she spends her empty days endlessly stewing, to an unhealthy degree, over the GD Jews. Apparently it gives her life purpose and value.

    I’m no Jew lover, I think they’d F me over in a heart beat if it would benefit themselves or anyone else within their Tribe. Jews/Israel should fight their own wars and have zero influence over US policy. Screw ’em. What I completely disagree with Nellie and her ilk about is the sudden veneration of the supposedly “do-no-wrong” Muslims, especially “Palestinians” since October 7th, 2023. I’m calling Bull Sh*t on that ludicrous belief.

    I know, personally, what trouble Muslims are. After living over a decade in 35%-Muslim Brussels I know exactly how shitty Muslims are, how they ruin, through crime and violence, previously peaceful, clean, safe cities and countries.

    The few Muslims I needed to punch in the face absolutely deserved it. One was a chubby, hairy, yet balding Moroccan who was repeatedly spitting in young non-Muslim check-out lady’s face in a grocery store. He was also repeatedly calling her, in French, a whore. I hit that Muslim bastard in the face so hard his head spinned. I was surprise that I didn’t drop him, but he got the point and ran as fast as his moroccan-leather slippered feet allowed him.

    When I told this story before, our Nellie, in another comment, referred to the Muslim I punched as a person who was simply “bothering” a woman, trying to make me be the one who was violent asshole. Typical Nellie BS: because she thinks something is true, that I was the bad guy in this story and the Muslim was my victim, then it MUST be true.

    I think Jews ruin countries from the top down: they capture power and influence and inflict ruin from above, through governmental policies and media – for lack of a better term – Brainwashing. Muslims, on the other hand, ruin countries from the bottom up: they moving to a Western country, live forever on welfare and pump out criminal Mohammeds who rob, beat, rape, deal drugs and steal. Now they also join ISIS and blow-up metros and airports.

    BOTH Jews and Muslims have proven beyond all doubt that they ruin wherever they go. Neither of them, as a group, are a benefit to any society stupid enough to allow them in.

    •�Agree: Cloverleaf
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
    , @meamjojo
    , @meamjojo
  186. @Felpudinho

    Felpu-dingo writes:

    Because I think she [Susan Abulhawa] is lying; I do NOT believe IDF soldiers booby trapped toys to maim Palestinian children and that she saw these destroyed children with her own eyes.

    So, what you’re saying is that these IDF soldiers, the same ones that routinely sodomise the men folk (and young boys) among the Palestinian population, OR tie the hands of Palestinians behind their backs and then run over and crush them with their tanks while they’re alive, OR use snipers to purposely aim for and murder young Palestinian children, what you’re telling me is that the IDF would never stoop so low as to do something morally reprehensible like that?

    Meanwhile Mr Felpu-dildo, you keep denying you’re a Jew, and all the while you’re consistently posting apologia on behalf of the depravity of your Jewish ilk.
    I mean, it’s not like a week or two has elapsed between you rushing to their defence.
    It’s rapid fire knee-jerk apologia that you’re compelled to post – just like they taught you in that yeshiva you attended when you were ringlet adorned little heeb.

    NO GENTILE EVER DOES THIS – unless they’re handsomely remunerated shabbos goys like Lindsey Graham and Joe ‘I’m-a-Zionist’ Biden.

    •�LOL: Felpudinho
    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  187. Bobby Fisher’s Jewish solution:

  188. @ariadna

    In response to the comments posted by Felpu-dildo, Mean Joo Joo, John’s Johnson, Carney and the other malignant Jews, you write:

    By reacting to them you validate them as successful trolls, you give them oxygen.

    Ariadna, that’s certainly one way of looking at it, and your assertion is not without merit.

    That said, there are newbies that come to the UR from time to time. And many of them may well be sitting on the fence, not knowing which side to believe in the Hamas-Israel conflict.

    Yes, they see the carnage being done to the Gazans on their TV screens, but they simultaneously have little or no knowledge of the history of this conflict.
    They’re regular viewers of the ZOG owned western MSM and they’re told this all began on Oct. 7 of last year, after what the corrupt Jewish owned media describes as a ‘Dastardly attack by Hamas’ – followed up by the lies about 40 beheaded babies burned in ovens etc.

    But if they had studied the history of this conflict they’d know that the Jews have been murdering/maiming/brutalising/sodomising/displacing and dispossessing Palestinians in their hundreds of thousands since at least The Nakba of 1948.

    So, when I reply to the likes of these rodents, I simultaneously post facts that EDUCATE the casual observer and make it clear that these Jews have no leg to stand on.
    In a nutshell, what I (and countless others do), is comprehensively embarrass these low-lifes and expose how their is no defence for the actions of their murderous ilk.

    That I believe, serves a purpose.
    I’m well aware that I won’t be changing their minds or get them to show some remorse.
    I’m well aware that I won’t be chipping away at their conscience (these are after all, conscience-free vermin we’re dealing with here).

    But, as with my eviscerations of (for example) John’s Johnson and his preposterous defence of the Anglo-Zionist empire’s role in fomenting and starting the Ukraine proxy war, or the ZOG orchestrated Covid Psyop/Mass Cull of humanity from the toxic clot shots in various UR threads over the years, it soon becomes clear that one side of this debate is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

    That’s the real purpose of engaging in debate.
    And thus there is no ‘validation’ going on here – merely comprehensive refutation.
    I’d hardly label that as ‘success’ on their part.

    •�Agree: Daniel Rich
    •�Thanks: anarchyst, Patriot
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  189. TGD says:
    @Gastleigh Bisnez

    InIreland we had case recently where a London rabbi, operating as a mohel,flew to Dublin,mutilated a baby but was arrested before he could mutilate another baby.This is clear breach of Irish law, he had no medical qualification whatsoever.despite the best work of the police investigating, he was released on big bail money, raised by the jewish community and allowed to return to London.IDK when the trial is scheduled.One rule for them, another for the goyim,eh?These talmudic chus regard us as lower than animals, and dont hold back showing it.MerryXmas one and all.


  190. @old coyote


    Cognitive dissonance (double-think) is truly baffling. But if you don’t succumb to it yourself, you will likely be a pariah in the surrounding flock of sheople.

    Donald Trump is meant to be seen as the “Left’s” opposers (you and me), and we get the credit for all of the impending travesties of reason. Donald is merely an avatar for the arbitrarily asserted, cartoon right. A target for the (((powers))) to destroy.

  191. Clearly the message, if you have enough humility to accept the message:

    We don’t know what is happening.

    Our prophecies are always limited and usually inaccurate.

    It pays emotionally not to be a fan of any team.

    If you’re really paying attention you are probably wasting your time and escaping from more mundane things that you should be doing, or escaping from doing something original yourself.

  192. meamjojo says:

    “I’m no Jew lover, I think they’d F me over in a heart beat if it would benefit themselves or anyone else within their Tribe.”

    You’re wrong on this buddy. Jews are no different than anyone else. Throughout history, Jews have been denigrated, attacked, killed, made 2nd class citizens, etc., etc., etc. I could argue the related causes and points to no end on these pages until I was old and gray and produce voluminous references but it wouldn’t change the antisemitism of the majority here, so I will not waste my time doing so.

    Bottom line: Treat people like you’d like to be treated and everything will work out.

    •�Replies: @Corrupt
    , @Badger Down
  193. ariadna says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    “That said, there are newbies that come to the UR from time to time. And many of them may well be sitting on the fence, not knowing which side to believe in the Hamas-Israel conflict.”

    You are right.
    I withdraw my previous objection to engaging with the… “unqualifiables.”
    I avoid the worst of them because every encounter made me feel sick. They have oversensitized my gag reflex.
    I salute your efforts and your strong stomach.

    •�Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  194. meamjojo says:

    “Jews/Israel should fight their own wars and have zero influence over US policy. Screw ’em.”

    It’s unfortunate that so many people, here and elsewhere, fail to understand the bigger picture as to WHY the USA supports Israel and what both sides gain by the USA doing so.

    I AGAIN, post this helpful explainer:


    Q. What benefits does the US receive from the aid it provides to Israel?

    A. The United States receives several key benefits from the aid it provides to Israel:

    1. Israel serves as a stable democratic ally and anchor of stability in the volatile Middle East region, allowing the US to advance its interests and counter threats more effectively.[1]

    2. A significant portion of the aid (over 75%) is spent on purchasing US military equipment and services, boosting the American economy and supporting thousands of high-quality jobs across the country.[1]

    3. Close military cooperation and intelligence sharing between the US and Israel helps enhance American security capabilities in areas like counterterrorism, missile defense, and cybersecurity. Israel has pioneered cutting-edge military technologies that benefit the US.[1][3]

    4. The US maintains access to strategically located stockpiles of weapons and equipment in Israel through the War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel program for potential use by American forces in the region.[1]

    5. Providing aid to Israel helps maintain its qualitative military edge over potential adversaries, deterring regional conflicts and promoting stability in line with US interests.[1][2][3]

    6. The aid fosters ongoing collaboration between US and Israeli defense industries, facilitating valuable research, development, and sharing of expertise that enhances American national security capabilities.[3]

    In essence, the aid strengthens the US-Israel strategic alliance, bolsters American influence and deterrence in the Middle East, supports the US defense industry, and provides tangible security benefits to the United States.[1][2][3]

    [1] https://www.aipac.org/resources/us-security-assistance-to-israel
    [2] https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-military-aid-does-the-us-give-to-israel/
    [3] https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts

    [5] https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-10-10/how-much-aid-does-the-u-s-give-to-israel


    •�Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  195. @Truth Vigilante

    So, what you’re saying is that these IDF soldiers, the same ones that routinely sodomise the men folk (and young boys) among the Palestinian population, OR tie the hands of Palestinians behind their backs and then run over and crush them with their tanks while they’re alive, OR use snipers to purposely aim for and murder young Palestinian children, what you’re telling me is that the IDF would never stoop so low as to do something morally reprehensible like that?

    Yeah, yeah, I heard all of that. But that doesn’t prove they’ve booby trapped toys to blow the hands off of children. Blather all you want but it doesn’t PROVE the claim you have chosen to believe.

    You know, everything you mentioned is nasty stuff, but not as bad as the USA napalming thousands of Vietnamese men, women, and children who had never done ANYTHING bad to America. Think about it, we went halfway around the world to drop liquid fire on defenseless rice farmers and their children, dirt-poor human beings who lived in bamboo shacks; people who had never hurt us in any way.

    Yet I’m supposed to shit myself over what Jews are doing to Gazans after they made the asinine decision to attack Israel? This is what happens to a people whose “leaders” have zero skin in the game; they are the ones who always pay the price while their “leaders” never miss a meal far away from harm.

    Remember this? If Israel really wanted to genocide Gazans they’d be doing the same:

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  196. meamjojo says:

    “BOTH Jews and Muslims have proven beyond all doubt that they ruin wherever they go. Neither of them, as a group, are a benefit to any society stupid enough to allow them in. ”

    Muslims I agree with but your statement is pure BS when it comes to Jews.

    The worth of a person in society is what they contribute to that society. Jews are predominant at the top of many businesses, are strongly represented in the medical, educational, literary, scientific, technology and many other fields, have probably won more Nobel prices than any other ethnic group, have likely more inventions to their name than any other group and much more.

    All this despite the long history of pogroms, ethnic hate and outright murder imposed on us and a miniscule world population of just 15 million, including woman and children!.

    Without Jews, this world would likely still be in the dark Middle Ages.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  197. Hacienda says:

    Doesn’t matter what if she is lying. You have the evidence of Israel’s and her supporters behavior everyday. Furthermore you have the evidence of Jewish cultural extremism on your screen, everyday.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  198. anon[129] •�Disclaimer says:

    This is certainly a powerful speech that really smashes the lies of the zionist occupiers and tells the facts the way they unfortunately are.

    I was also impressed by that speech.

    However, I went to read the speech on the “Jewish labour” website… And after I read what Susan Abulhawa wrote in her ” My remarks at the Oxford Union debate”.

    First of all, she was, as the name suggest, amongst a captive audience , all leftists even if some Jews didn’t agree with her, she globally was surrounded by cultural marxists, wokists, socialists, communists, leftists, etc…

    Reading ” My remarks at the Oxford Union debate”, I realized that Susan Abulhawa was denigrating the speakers she disagreed with as being”white European colonizers”.

    She makes this remark 3 or 4 times to designate people she obviously didn’t like. I don’t know if they were Jews, zionists or not but the point is that as many other leftists (who are white btw) she started to make some racist comments about whites and assimilate what happened in Palestine to ” white European colonizers”, completely bypassing that the ideology behind ethnic cleansing in Palestine is not white European colonialism but zionism, that is Jewish.

    So she blames the actual Israelis of course saying that they are in fact Ukrainians, Polish, Russians but not really mentioning that they are first and foremost Jews (which is implied anyway in her speech), and she associates Europeans, who are like Palestinians, victims of the zionist Jews in many ways, to the zionists who perpetrate genocides against her former country.

    Basically the problem is not the Jews and their zionist ideology, the problem is ” white European colonizers”.

    Marxism 101…

    I left a comment about that on the page of the article: http://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/how-the-oxford-union-debate-was-won

    Typical from leftists, the comment has been censored of course.

    This is how the left always proceeds, marxism 101 again…

    So, if it can reach Mrs Abulhawa, I will post my comment here:

    1/ The ” white European colonizers” you mention are not Europeans but come from the steppes of Asia and “settled” in Europe not so long ago, where they lived in ‘pales of settlements’ and ghettos until very recent times. In no way they can be considered as real Europeans.

    2/ Europeans are white, until only very recently do we have colored “Europeans”. So why adding the term ‘white’ to your “European colonizers” denigration if not to specifically target white people?
    Therefore defining yourself as yet another anti-white racist and trying to accuse white people of the crimes committed by Jews.

    3/ I remind you that you live in Europe, the land of the “White European colonizers” you despise so much.

    The only reason you have a home today is not because your Jewish occupiers wanted to spare you but because we “White European colonizers” welcomed you and millions like you in our lands.

    This is how you thank us for that while accusing the Jews to have done the same to Palestinians. Marxism 101 again…

    4/ Where did the Arabs who populate Palestine came from? Didn’t they invade and colonize what was once hitherto Christian lands (Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon)?

    5/ The countries that are today under the biggest invasion and colonization of all times are white European countries (it includes all western nations). This ‘reverse’ colonization is organized by the very governments that should protect our lands from being invaded and yet pillage our taxes to fund our replacement. Not being content with that, millions of unwanted aliens are also involved in social welfare fraud, attacks, rapes, murders and the destruction of our churches in “White European colonizer” countries.

    Who are pushing the most for these invasions and replacements? Your Jewish friends.

    So, next time you want money and help from us, have the decency not to spit in our faces.

    For me Susan Abulhawa is grilled as an anti-white racist who hate the very people where she took refuge and another leftist hypocrite with an agenda.

    •�Thanks: Tigerlily
    •�Replies: @Cloverleaf
  199. @meamjojo

    Mean Joo Joo writes:

    so many people ….. fail to understand the bigger picture as to WHY the USA supports Israel and what both sides gain by the USA doing so.

    You needn’t worry Mr Joo Joo, Americans know only too well what an albatross around their necks the heebs in the Apartheid Israeli state have been over the decades.
    Anyone with a brain can see that there is no upside in the relationship for America, but it comes with cataclysmic downside.

    eg: murder of JFK/RFK/JFK Jr, USS Liberty incident, 9/11, countless trillions in blood and treasure squandered in pursuit of the Talmudic agenda.

    But, as to the benefits you allege the U.S gains from Apartheid Israel, whilst all your points are asinine, let me just focus on this one for the time being:

    4. The US maintains access to strategically located stockpiles of weapons and equipment in Israel through the War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel program for potential use by American forces in the region

    WHY THE EFF would the U.S want to store stockpiles of weapons in Apartheid Israeli?
    Surely it would be much wiser to store them in countries that are infinitely more reliable, more trustworthy, far less bloodthirsty/guilty of heinous human rights violations and depravity than Apartheid Israel?
    For example, there are several countries in that region (all of whom are constituents of the Axis of Virtue), where these weapons could be stored.

    I’m talking about Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen.
    All of these nations have shown themselves to be amongst the vanguard of more reliable nations in the region.

    WHY THE EFF would the U.S store weapons in that nation which is one of the HEADS OF THE HYDRA, which is a core constituent of the Axis of Evil (ie: U.S/Britain/Apartheid Israel), and the root of all instability and warmongering in that region?

    If we lived in a just world, those weapons would be used ON Apartheid Israel – seeing as it is the malignant cancer that needs to be cut out post haste.

    •�Agree: Badger Down
    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Badger Down
  200. fkozloski says:

    and we all thought Arab immigration was counter our culture.. we ain’t seen nothing yet

  201. Corrupt says:

    “The so-called mass famine is as vastly exaggerated as the so-called genocide.”

    You mean the holohoax?

  202. @Felpudinho

    What a truly evil cunt this troll is.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  203. Corrupt says:

    “Bottom line: Treat people like you’d like to be treated and everything will work out.”

    Ironic statement from someone who not only approves, but encourages genocide. I guess you really DO deserve to be treated as you want others treated meanjewjew.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  204. meamjojo says:

    ““Bottom line: Treat people like you’d like to be treated and everything will work out.”

    Ironic statement from someone who not only approves, but encourages genocide.”

    I’m surprised it took so long to elicit a response such as yours. I thought it would come much sooner!

    You need to backup, Corrupt. Israel is responding to not only the attack of Oct 7, 2023 by Hamas but also the decades of Palestinians calling for the death of Israel and all Jews. Now we treat them as they wanted to treat us.

    Also, you really should not use words that you don’t understand the meaning of, such as “genocide”.

    •�Replies: @Intrepid
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  205. Intrepid says:

    Are you some sort of queer masochist, revelling in negative attention? Your demonic kind are the reason why Zhigmund Fraud developed the racket known as ‘psycho analysis’. A racket for neurotic jews, by neurotic jews. Be quiet, neurotic, sadistic JEW-boy, or speak to your analyst or rampant rabbi.

    •�Agree: Corrupt
  206. Ruckus says:

    That “something wrong” with the Jews is a dose of reptilian ET dna that the rest of us don’t have.

  207. @meamjojo

    You’re wrong on this, Noamjojo. Jews behave differently from most other people. Throughout history, Jews have denigrated, attacked, killed, made 2nd class citizens, parasitised, extorted, blackmailed, and so on. It isn’t easy to change the semitism of the majority of Jews, so you shouldn’t expect antisemitism to disappear any time soon.

  208. @Truth Vigilante

    Well said, TV! Now it looks like the disease occupying Palestine is metastasizing north and east. Soon it may infect from the River Euphrates to the Mediterranean Sea.

    •�Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  209. @meamjojo

    I saw two ‘female’ Jews trying this narcissistic, hate-crazed, inversion of reality, too. There is NO genocide of Gazans-to assert so is a threat to all humanity. The real genocide was of Jews, on October 7, 2023. There is simply no chance of living in peace and mutual respect with such monsters. So, the process rolls on, until the Judeonazis provoke an hideous reaction, or wipe out all the goyim, so that they may, finally, ‘feel safe’.

  210. Anonymous[387] •�Disclaimer says:

    The only way Jews can live as equals with the rest of humanity is to reject and renounce their religion which teaches them they are God’s Chosen People, superior to all others and destined to rule over them.

  211. @mulga mumblebrain

    I don’t buy the woman’s BS story about booby trapped toys and you do, live with it.

    What a truly evil cunt this troll is.

    Keep jerking off to your self-righteousness big guy. Whatever rings your chimes.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  212. Great expose by Susan Abulhawa. The 59 who voted against thre motion are of coursem Zionists.

  213. As I read this, I recalled a quote from Maurice Samuels, gloating and boasting about Tiny Hat Inc’s hegemony over the earth and all on it. I paraphrase: “We Jews, we are the Destroyers. We have destroyed your world, your hopes, your dreams. We have destroyed it, and we will go on destroying it…because we need a world of our own.” It was not the usual kosher boilerplate wailing in response to Goyish objections to Semitism, rather a point blank, in your face, “So what, Bitch? Whatcha wanna do about it?”
    What they have done and are doing in Palestine on an open full scale, but localized, level, they have been doing to varying degrees all over the world for the last 2,000 years. If unopposed, it is what they plan for every man, woman and child on the earth. From the Bar Kotzba Rebellion (sp?) to the Holodomar, they have been slaughtering Humanity with an implacable gusto, all the while creeching and clawing their blood-drenched faces as being but poor, oppressed Wternal Victims. Truly, as the old Russian proverb says, “The jew cries out as he beats you.”

  214. I don’t buy the woman’s BS story about booby trapped toys and you do, live with it.

    Definitely you are a Cunt!

    •�Replies: @JamesinNM
  215. They booby trapped phones and beepers, but you call bs on booby trapping toys.

    And I protest this headline as well, my Mom and bro are born in Donnybrook, it’s in south east Dublin.☘️

  216. JamesinNM says:

    What she did to Israel is nothing compared to what God is likely to do to them. Romans 2:28-29 and Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

  217. JamesinNM says:
    @Anonymous 1

    “The Mystery of Israel – Solved” on Rumble. Two-part documentary “The Architect” on Bitchute. Ten-part documentary on europathelastbattle dot net. Video interview with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro titled “Jewish Rabbi Talks About the Ideology of Ben Shapiro” on YouTube. Romans 2:28-29 and Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

  218. @Felpudinho

    There are numerous reports of booby-trapped toys, Judeonazis luring children in order to shoot them and the sniper killings of children, even babies, in Gaza. ALL behaviour approved in Judeonazi cultic tacts, so your ‘disbelief’, Moshe, is simply a religious act, plus habitual Judeonazi lying.

  219. @Hacienda

    If you read Chomsky’s (a good, human, Jew) ‘Fateful Triangle’ you will discover a universe of fully annotated, foot-noted and referenced Judeonazi atrocities since before 1947. They are acting as they always act when ‘threatened’, ie with TOTAL inhumanity, because they are NOT human, but something higher.
    As the ‘revered’ (these psychos are always ‘revered’)Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Palestine in the 40s, Kook the Elder declared-‘There is a greater difference between the soul of a Jew and that of a non-Jew…. then there is between the soul of a non-Jew and that of an animal’. THAT is Judaism. THAT is why they are so monstrous.

  220. @meamjojo

    Jewish achievement comes from reverence for learning, and, crucially, from extreme nepotism. And you forgot all those other Judaic accomplishments. World leadership in sex, pornography, human organ, military, surveillance, drug etc trafficking, and over-representation in election rigging, cyber-crime, financial crime (25% of ‘major’ White Collar crime in the USA)and, of course, in crimes against humanity in Palestine. And you’re usually, and typically, such a braggart, as is your tribe’s wont.

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