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During the ongoing showdown about the harebrained scheme of Elon Musk and henchman Vivek Ramaswamy to completely replace Americans with people from India, Musk repeatedly defended the scheme by claiming that America is a sports team competing with China. This is actually a very fitting metaphor for the scheme. I understand that Americans are very... Read More
Women’s rights is the most ridiculous thing ever. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. Anyone who has grasped the absurdity of this situation with women lives in a constant state of bafflement at an entire civilization which takes this seriously. It’s no different than the tranny thing. AP: The Taliban say they will... Read More
The Taliban is so awesome, they invent new restrictions on women that no one else has ever even thought about before, but which make perfect sense. Why should anyone have to look out their window and see women? RT: The Taliban is like a futurist organization. They are designing a whole new order for civilization,... Read More
I love how the media constantly refers to niggers as “Jeep drivers.†Fox 13 Seattle: Haha. No reports of arrests, either. Blacks can just do whatever in this joke country. The libs have to at some point say “it doesn’t matter if blacks have guns because they never manage to hit anyone.â€
British Only Fans model Lilly Phillips, with parental support, has come up with the idea of having sex with 1,000 men in 24 hours. Assuming nonstop with Lilly taking no time to eat, drink, or visit a toilet, it comes to 86.4 seconds per man. Unless premature ejaculation plays a major role, there is no... Read More
Decades ago I became fully convinced that UFOs were real. I even accepted that past visits to our planet of such space aliens had been the basis for many of the religious myths of different societies all around the world, just as Erich von Däniken had argued in his massive 1971 bestseller Chariots of the... Read More
Shouldn’t we be getting the Americans off our streets before we bring in billions of Indians to shit in those selfsame streets? By bringing in a group of people who shit in the street while so many people live on the streets, do we not risk that people will be shit on? Is that truly... Read More
For those who don’t know, “super-aged†is only one step away from “ultra-aged,†which is itself only a step away from “extinct.†Korea Times: The authorities in countries with destroyed birthrates continue to look around in confusion and talk about about “economic issues,†despite the fact that the countri
Over the course of my lifetime I have watched the role of men taken away. The role of the male as provider, defender, and disciplinarian is no more. It was destroyed by feminists. To clarify “feministâ€: In the past when I have criticized feminists older women who had careers asked why I thought women shouldn’t... Read More
Doug Harless Black people are right about the cops. The Guardian: Surveillance video provided to local news by Harless’s neighbor showed officers arriving at his home at about 11.50pm, banging on the door and announcing themselves over the sound of barking dogs. The video shows officers moved around the perimeter of the house – with... Read More
Universities no longer produce educated people, and educated people are ceasing to exist. It is an interesting question, not to be discussed here, whether the disappearance of educated people is cause or result of the rise in barbarity that is engulfing the world. Wherever one looks one sees degeneration. From Bach, Mozart, Beethoven to four-letter... Read More
It must begin with Germany. Since World War II, those who rule the West have demonized patriotism, tradition, and above all, race. Germany is the template, but now, “de-Nazification†has turned on the Allied powers themselves. The identities of the United Kingdom, France, Canada, the United States and other European countries are all deconstructed. Future... Read More
Bitcoin looks like it could regain the $100,000 support. It was really looking like that was not going to happen, which would have meant it could fall to $80,000. Even if it falls to $80,000, it’s still bulling it, but no one wanted to see it fall to $80,000. By the way, Zendaya is fine.... Read More
The decorations and gifts of Christmas are one of our connections to a Christian culture that has held Western civilization together for 2,000 years. In our culture the individual counts. This permits an individual person to put his or her foot down, to take a stand on principle, to become a reformer and to take... Read More
I’m not. I’m hopping mad.
Thumbnail credit: © Du Zheyu/Xinhua via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, and X. You’ve heard about the 50-year-old Saudi Arabian who drove through a crowded Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany. He killed nine-year-old Andre along with four adults. He injured 200 other people, 41 of them critically, so the death... Read More
I tweet about migrating to Russia at @cbausman and Telegram. DMs are open Blog housekeeping: It has happened every of the 4 Falls that we have been here. Energy levels in Russia seem to fluctuate more than in the West. Russians, like the French, take their vacations very seriously, and seem to do absolutely nothing... Read More
Attitudes toward nudity as a class and caste marker
Bathing of Court Ladies in the 18th Century, by François Flameng (1888) source: @_ArtMuseum on X A UK Telegraph article proclaimed that it is deeply Middle Class to get uptight about nudity. Historically, the middle class has been the most prudish and considered themselves the gatekeepers of morality while both the upper and lower classes... Read More
Lee Fitting was fired from ESPN last year and it took until now to get an explanation If you’re going to have women in the workplace, it has to be like Mad Men. This idea that men have to drop their sexuality at the door in order to appease women, who will freely use sexuality... Read More
Most Westerners know nothing about India beyond vague ideas about Hinduism, yoga, gurus, and maybe a dash of Bollywood. To such people, this article will be a rude awakening. I grew up in Bhopal in central India. Since as early as I can remember, I worked in my father’s printing press. I studied engineering in... Read More
We brought all of these strangers into our country so they could fight each other in parking lots. Finally, I understand the logic behind multiculturalism: there were not enough fights in mall parking lots. KTLA: A parking dispute at the popular Citadel Outlets in Commerce turned into a violent, all-out brawl and robbery Wednesday that... Read More
Did you know that “Saracen†is an offensive slur? Well, neither did I and neither did anyone, but we all learn something new everyday about just how fragile brown peoples’ feelings are, and it’s amazing and enrichful. Whites must pay for this grave offense. Indeed, they must pay big time. Daily Mail: Really, haj? Do... Read More
The white race is going extinct because some sickening perverts got the idea that enfranchising women would be a fun and sexy time. ANSA: This is apocalyptic. Everyone who says this has to
What the hell is a “faggot marriage� Why is this even considered a legitimate concept by anyone? No one understands what it is. A baby cannot come out of a man’s asshole. So how can there be a “marriage†between so-called “diseased faggots� Kyodo News: After the ruling, four of the plaintiffs stood outside the... Read More
Last week I published an article discussing former Ambassador Chas Freeman, one of America's most highly-regarded professional diplomats of the last half-century. Very early in his career, Freeman had been the personal interpreter for President Richard Nixon during his historic 1972 trip to China and meetings with Mao, and that country remained one of his... Read More
Critical Daze follows on Spencer J. Quinn’s No College Club, reviewed at TOO by F. Roger Devlin. As Devlin notes, there is probably no area in greater need of pro-White messaging than fiction aimed at young adults (aged 12–18). And, although it is aimed at this age group, I found it to be a riveting... Read More
If there is one phrase that sums up the American conservative movement, it is “our principles forbid us from pursuing our interests.†For many years, before joining American Renaissance, I worked in Conservatism Inc., a term I may have coined. In campus activism, in campaigns, and in conservative journalism, I always marveled at the complicated... Read More
Previously: Luigi Doesn’t Have to Go to Prison – The People Can Choose to Let Him Go Free There is a whole movement of people in the government and media talking about how they are so opposed to Luigi Mangione taking out a fat cat corporate terrorist because they are against vigilante justice generally. Many... Read More
It’s clear that CEO-slayer Luigi Mangione made some mistakes. He should not have had evidence on his person, he should have left the country. If he was planning more justice, he still should have dumped everything, waited several months, and kitted back up. I’ve seen it suggested in conspiracy circles (which to be fair is... Read More
YouTuber Josh Pieters this week published his documentary about Lilly Phillips, an OnlyFans hooker who had sex with 100 men in one day back in October. A viral clip, apparently filmed on the day of the event, shows her talking about it afterward and having an emotional breakdown when discussing it. A lot of people... Read More
How guilty do you think she will feel over driving her father to suicide? It’s a trick question. Women can’t feel guilt. New York Post: Why? “This past month has been an unimaginable ordeal for our family, and we kindly ask for privacy as we take the time to heal and process everything we have... Read More
The government is purposefully trying to kill people. Red meat is the healthiest thing you can eat, by a lot. Beans are not healthy. No one should be eating beans. That is food for poor Mexicans who can’t afford meat. AP: Hahahahahahahaha. And the group steered clear of updating controversial guidance on alcohol consumption, leaving... Read More
What is the argument against RFK’s agenda? Given the situation? Do people like diseases? Is the left pro-disease? The Guardian: The head of Smuckers, whose name is Smucker, came out and condemned RFK’s healthy agenda, and said that “snacking will continue.†[image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-12-at-2.14.16%E2%80%AFAM.png=https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-12-at-2.14.16%E2%80%AFAM-618x344.
Précis On December 4th at 6:45 am, Brian Thompson was shot in the back while walking along West 54th street toward the Hilton. Less than half an hour later, upon being rushed to Mount Sinai West, Thompson was declared dead. Targeted for his line of work (Brian was the CEO of UnitedHealthcare), Thompson’s murder triggered... Read More
source: @_johnsonator on X From what information I have seen online so far, the recently arrested New York UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting suspect, Luigi Mangione, appears to have political interests ranging from Silicon Valley tech optimists and NRX, intellectual dark web centrists, anti-DEI, the HBD sphere, plus interest in the Unabomber’s Manifesto. A lot of normie... Read More
source: Noah Smith Assisted suicides represented an astonishing 4.1% of all Canadian deaths in 2022. Canada’s MAID program has gone beyond voluntary, as there have been cases involving coercion by doctors for the poor and mentally ill. A person can’t ethically make a life or death decision in a bad mental state, and Canada has... Read More
While Trump’s comeback was historically unprecedented, the election was not a mandate for Trump but rather a referendum against the Democrats and the establishment. The Democrats lost because of their arrogance, anti-democratic strategies like suspending the primary, downplaying economic hardship, too much focus on identity politics, the Gaza issue, and lingering resentment over how COVID... Read More
At any point in the game of life, it is totality of results (and risks) that counts. After all, you likely wouldn’t prefer buying a book on an online store with a price of $20 and $15 shipping if you could find the same one (both title- and condition of wear-wise) on another internet store... Read More
You would sort of just assume this was happening, no? We are in full-Jew mode now. Everything Jewish you can imagine is happening at max level. You don’t even really need to read news, you just think of the most Jewish possible thing that could be happening and then it’s the same as if you... Read More
“The West's support for Israel's genocide is destroying the world as we know it,†Jonathan Cook says in his article’s title. Yes, disgust is the only proper reaction to the Deep State’s evident hope that Israel will soon eliminate its Palestinian problem and get on with the job of bringing the Middle East to its... Read More
Donald Trump has selected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services in his new administration, and the latter has declared that his mission will be to "Make America Healthy Again." But even if Kennedy is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, he faces a very stiff challenge in fulfilling that... Read More
When George Orwell’s 1984 was published in 1949 everyone believed the dystopia he described was Soviet communism. Orwell said it was a description of Britain in the future. It took 75 years instead of the 35 years that Orwell estimated judging by his book’s title, but tyranny as great as he imagined now has Britain... Read More
James Lindsay, Konstantin Kisin & the Hofstadter school of regime polemics
Like poetry, history rhymes One of the more startling aspects of this past election cycle has been the way in which it repeated the dominant themes and challenges from 2016. Trump as a beleaguered challenger; a demographic crisis continually spiraling out of control; America and its working people betrayed by an unaccountable and decadent elite;... Read More
Britain goes full "anarcho-tyranny"
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. I bet you have never heard of a “non-crime hate incident.†So far as I know, this is an exclusively British perversion. Someone can denounce you for just thinking you said something rude about our usual pets – something entirely legal, by the way – and... Read More
Much of right-wing thought (e.g. politics, literature, arguments, etc.) is rooted in pessimism. To be more precise, most of modern right-wing thought can be philosophically diagnosed as slave morality. In other words, it’s a reactionary rebellion to the status quo with the acknowledgment that the position is powerless. As the Left has successfully demonstrated, slave... Read More
We need more women and black people working at the airport. The competency crisis in the airline industry is a problem that only affirmative action can solve. New York Post: An already hectic holiday travel day was made more chaotic with two separate plane collisions on the tarmac at Boston Logan International Airport just hours... Read More
Again, here’s the thing: if trannies are real, there is no reason why little kids should not be taught about becoming a tranny. What they are telling you is that some unspecified but significant number of people have souls that are trapped in the wrong bodies. Although this sounds like some weird voodoo religion, they... Read More
This is a mouse utopia situation. Urbanism shuts down human sexuality, and then everything stops working. BBC: But this year’s report found kissing was not the only area which had seen a fall in numbers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it also revealed a drop in the numbers of Japanese youth having
There is no such thing as “anal sex.†It’s not sex. It is masturbating into an anus. Engaging in this action is a manifestation of severe mental illness. It is very unhealthy and bizarre behavior which should not be promoted to children under any circumstances. However, under democracy, it is the law that you have... Read More
There is a lot of confusion among men about women’s sexual attraction mechanism, largely because women want it that way, but also because female characters in media are all written by men. The first and most important thing to understand here is that sex is about reproduction. That’s the only reason humans or any other... Read More
Observations from a weekend in Phoenix
Kim & Jessie by M83 was the song of the trip. Last weekend was my second time visiting Phoenix, Arizona, after flying in and briefly staying there on a trip to Sedona last Fourth of July Weekend. Phoenix is the fifth most populous city in the Nation, and Maricopa County is the fourth most populous... Read More