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Back in the 1950s when I was still yet to be a teenager, I would disobediently keep my bedroom light on to read into the night: one night I hadn’t noticed that a small window was still open. Within a minute the room was infested with moths and other insects. Later, in the 1960s, I... Read More
Since according to the Jewish Virtual Library, Jews are approximately 0.2% of the world population, the probability that most of the key individuals involved in the climate hoax would be Jews is infinitesimally small. Yet, since at least the 60s, all false alarms have been sounded almost exclusively by Jews. It all started with Ira... Read More
It’s the latest bad-faith trick to make you feel guilty.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. White people, get ready for the next great swindle. On top of reparations. And the idea that America is stolen land. It’s the next big reason why you have no right to your own country. The New York Times explains it all in a big article... Read More
All of the “hate speech” has basically been removed from the internet. The Daily Stormer is still here, but barely. No one can find us unless they know the address. It can’t be linked anywhere and it can’t be spoken of. Elon Musk’s claim that he was going to allow free speech on Twitter turned... Read More
I think we all need to take a moment and reflect on the fact that there is a 100% overlap between anti-China fanatics and believers in the global warming hoax who want to use deadly poisonous chemicals to build useless doom machines (and genocide birds and whales). The most hilarious thing about this whole conflict... Read More
All state and corporate media in the EU have been yelling and shouting about the hot weather in Europe. It is infernal, they say. Never been so hot, they want us to believe. UN Secretary General Guterres is telling the world the “Age of Global Boiling has arrived.” Thus lectures a man who has long... Read More
NATO is saying they’re going to power World War III with windmills. They announced this last week when they were declaring Russia and China global enemies that need to be destroyed (basically just another standard declaration of a world war). Reuters: So, Russia is an existential threat because of… Ukraine democracy values or… something. But... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Above, the border between Poland and Belarus. (And a camel.) This week's text is from the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter 23, Verse 24 Jesus really nailed it there. That's our ruling class and their media lackeys to a "t" … actually, I... Read More
An interesting coincidence: the beginning of October ushered in a double crisis: the first collapse of the Internet and the final failure of the Green Economy. Facebook employees used saws and axes to get into their working places, for the smart doors stubbornly refused to yield the way and their badges had lost their magic... Read More
The billionaires’ bunker fantasies go mainstream
Having written posts on this blog for several years now, I have become ever more sensitive to how we, as news consumers, are subject to ideology – the invisible, shifting sands of our belief system. Those beliefs are not inbuilt, of course. How could they be? We are not born with pre-loaded software like a... Read More
On July 14, the European Union unveiled sweeping climate change and emissions targets that would, according to Gulf News, mean “the end of the internal combustion engine”: While biofuels are a less high-tech, cheaper and in many ways more effective solution to our dependence on petroleum, the United States and other countries are discussing similar... Read More
An interview with Prof Roman Zubarev
I love scientists but they will kill us all, said Jon Stewart on The Late Show with Steven Colbert . Science eased our suffering due to a pandemic that was most likely caused by science, he told the audience. (Here you can find an acerbic response to the show on the Unz Review) Is it... Read More
The US has been fighting two wars: with Ukraine against Russia, and with Russia against Climate. Both are very costly, both bring no profit to Americans, both are entirely unnecessary, but both are essential for the Biden regime at this time, as the Covid pandemic runs out of steam. How will matters proceed? The Ukrainian... Read More
Freezing Texas should commission a monument: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates save the Texans from global warming by turning them into icicles. So much for global warming, the reddest herring ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico! The Texans have got the real New Green Deal, very expensive and uncertain. The deal is “Freeze and... Read More
The G20 leaders have reached a consensus of a magnitude previously observed at Warsaw Pact summits. News in brief: they want to vaccinate us, and then, before we become restless, switch to combating global warming. If we survive masks and vaccines, austerity will kill off the survivors. Remember, before the pandemic there was Greta? Greta... Read More
Can we agree that there are two types of Covid-19? The first type, is Covid-19 ,"The Virus", which is a fairly mild infection that most people don't even realize they've contracted. They remain either asymptomatic or have slight flu-like symptoms that go away after a week or so. A tiny sliver of the population-- that... Read More
Bold Initiative, Elite Power Grab &/or Empty Virtue Signaling?
The European Union has presented an astonishing plan to make Europe the first “climate-neutral continent” by 2050. Your humble servant is not sure what to make of this, even after consulting some of the EU’s copious documentation on the topic. At a time when all the major economies – the United States of America, China,... Read More
Extinction Rebellion (XR) members, overwhelmingly young, university-educated and white, recently splashed fake blood on New York’s Charging Bull Sculpture. They began a global “Day of Disobedience” shutting down the center of Berlin (although their camp kept itself warm with a diesel generator) [Extinction Rebellion mocked for ‘trying to hide’ diesel generator in protest camp, by... Read More
Greta Thunberg at UN Climate Summit Speech
“How dare you?” Eight centuries ago, during the Middle Ages, some European children were seized by visions. Jesus Christ appeared to them, urging them to redeem their people by marching to the Holy Land and peacefully converting the Muslims to Christianity. Their preaching inspired tens of thousands of idealistic European youth, who undertook the arduous... Read More
Earlier, by Lance Welton: Why Teenage Climate Crusader Greta Thunberg Is A “Watermelon”—And Why She May Change As sixteen-year-old Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg stood before the UN, berating some of the most influential people in the world for having “stolen” her childhood, any alien zoologist, let’s call him Kang in honor of the alien... Read More
Control of oil has long been a key aim of U.S. foreign policy. The Paris climate agreements and any other Green programs to reduce the pace of global warming are viewed as threatening the aim of dominating world energy markets by keeping economies dependent on oil under U.S. control. Also blocking U.S. willingness to help... Read More
The anti-science Left has a problem. Despite all their intimidation, sometimes the academic peer-review process works properly. Compelling studies are published even though the challenge aspects of the Left’s worldview. This is exactly what happened recently: A study by Russian scientists in the prestigious journal Scientific Reports suggested that part of the explanation for Climate... Read More
Earth Day, 2019
Two of the most important problems that the so-called Green New Deal will attempt to solve at the cost of incalculable trillions are global warming and its consequences, including drought, famine, floods and massive starvation. You may recall that Obama in his 2015 State of the Union speech declared that the greatest threat facing us... Read More
In the middle of March, teenage school students around Europe went on “strike” to protest against their governments’ failure to do enough to combat “Climate Change”. [How Greta Thunberg's school strike became a global climate movement,The Local, March 14, 2019] In Germany, thousands of youngsters are skipping lessons every Friday to march through their towns... Read More
It is cold in the Midwest, so cold that Rachel Maddow already ascribed it to evil Putin (“Russia will freeze you and your family to death.”) It is extremely cold in England, too. I’d think this frost spell should put paid to the silly notion of Global Warming. But no, the adepts of Al Gore... Read More
Life is not boring with President Trump. Perhaps he hasn't yet fulfilled many wishes of his voters, but he definitely has made their news much more entertaining. Standing a few inches from impeachment, surviving lynch by media, hunted down by rogue Republican senators, the US President broke three taboos established by his predecessors: he removed... Read More
A power plant near Hengshui in Hebei province--Chinese officials call it one the most polluted places on Earth.
President Trump fulfilled one of his campaign promises by withdrawing our country from last year’s Paris agreement on phasing out fossil-fuel energy production. This is pure America First policy-making. The Paris agreement was a big favorite with globalists, in spite of the fact that it wasn’t actually very global. Sure, all the important countries signed... Read More
Modern science has long progressed beyond relying on solely on personal experience. Nevertheless, that acknowledged, at least in some instances Yogi Berra’s quip that you can see a lot by looking around still remains relevant. The role of personal experience is particularly relevant to two contemporary scientific theories. The first is global warming, specifically the... Read More
Like Big Tobacco, Big Energy Targets the Developing World for Future Profits
In the 1980s, encountering regulatory restrictions and public resistance to smoking in the United States, the giant tobacco companies came up with a particularly effective strategy for sustaining their profit levels: sell more cigarettes in the developing world, where demand was strong and anti-tobacco regulation weak or nonexistent. Now, the giant energy companies are taking... Read More
The Last Stage of Fossil-Fuel Addiction and Its Hazardous Impact on American Foreign Policy
Of all the preposterous, irresponsible headlines that have appeared on the front page of the New York Times in recent years, few have exceeded the inanity of this one from early March: “U.S. Hopes Boom in Natural Gas Can Curb Putin.” The article by normally reliable reporters Coral Davenport and Steven Erlanger suggested that, by... Read More
The Climate of Change and the Dangers of Stasis
As the San Francisco bureaucrats on the dais murmured about why they weren’t getting anywhere near what we in the audience passionately hoped for, asked for, and worked for, my mind began to wander. I began to think of another sunny day on the other side of the country 13 years earlier, when nothing happened... Read More
Is There Any Hope in an Era Filled with Gloom and Doom?
Wherever we Americans look, the threat of apocalypse stares back at us. Two clouds of genuine doom still darken our world: nuclear extermination and environmental extinction. If they got the urgent action they deserve, they would be at the top of our political priority list. But they have a hard time holding our attention, crowded... Read More
Three Signs of Retreat in the Global War on Climate Change
Listening to President Obama’s State of the Union address, it would have been easy to conclude that we were slowly but surely gaining in the war on climate change. “Our energy policy is creating jobs and leading to a cleaner, safer planet,” the president said. “Over the past eight years, the United States has reduced... Read More
Climate Change as the Anti-News
Here’s the scoop: When it comes to climate change, there is no “story,” not in the normal news sense anyway. The fact that 97% of scientists who have weighed in on the issue believe that climate change is a human-caused phenomenon is not a story. That only one of 9,137 peer-reviewed papers on climate change... Read More
Long Live Peak Oil!
Among the big energy stories of 2013, “peak oil” -- the once-popular notion that worldwide oil production would soon reach a maximum level and begin an irreversible decline -- was thoroughly discredited. The explosive development of shale oil and other unconventional fuels in the United States helped put it in its grave. As the year... Read More
Scientists Consider Extinction
I grew up planning for my future, wondering which college I would attend, what to study, and later on, where to work, which articles to write, what my next book might be, how to pay a mortgage, and which mountaineering trip I might like to take next. Now, I wonder about the future of our... Read More
Why the Divestment Movement Against Big Energy Matters
Apocalyptic climate change is upon us. For shorthand, let’s call it a slow-motion apocalypse to distinguish it from an intergalactic attack out of the blue or a suddenly surging Genesis-style flood. Slow-motion, however, is not no-motion. In fits and starts, speeding up and slowing down, turning risks into clumps of extreme fact, one catastrophe after... Read More
Is a Green Energy Revolution on the Global Agenda?
A week after the most powerful “super typhoon” ever recorded pummeled the Philippines, killing thousands in a single province, and three weeks after the northern Chinese city of Harbin suffered a devastating “airpocalypse,” suffocating the city with coal-plant pollution, government leaders beware! Although individual events like these cannot be attributed with absolute certainty to increased... Read More
Climate change is a cycle—of faddish opinions
I first encountered the strong case for global warming in the early 1970s in an Isaac Asimov science column. As an elementary school student, I merely nodded my head, assumed that America’s political leadership would address the danger, and moved on to an explanation of quarks. Even in those days, the subject was hardly new.... Read More
Sources and Authorities
We should never be more vigilant than at the moment a new dogma is being installed. The claque endorsing what is now dignified as "the mainstream theory" of global warming stretches all the way from radical greens through Al Gore to George W. Bush, who signed on at the end of May. The left has... Read More
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