I apologize for this late post but I came with that meme involving Heather Heyer and Darrell Brooks. https://imgflip.com/i/9fe5xq
And in the aftermath of what happened now on New Year’s Day on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, I got the feeling then Darrell Brooks might have some admirers.
Funny, because whenever there's welfare cuts being talked about--just like with increased drug laws and crime crackdowns, the only real bitching comes from the nigbos.I'm glad people, like the poster that you responded to in this exchange, are getting or are starting to get a clue. You need to all go back. The reason that things don't work for blacks in the US is that they don't fit in. Time to right a 400 year wrong.Replies: @Truth
Most people on welfare are white, most people on disability are white, and almost every corporate food-stamper is white.
Go back where? I’m from Queens, and taxes are too high there.
And you?
Most people on welfare are white, most people on disability are white, and almost every corporate food-stamper is white.
Funny, because whenever there’s welfare cuts being talked about–just like with increased drug laws and crime crackdowns, the only real bitching comes from the nigbos.
I’m glad people, like the poster that you responded to in this exchange, are getting or are starting to get a clue. You need to all go back. The reason that things don’t work for blacks in the US is that they don’t fit in. Time to right a 400 year wrong.
It doesn’t matter a wit if a private person or his private business is racist – a private person has a constitutional right to discriminate as he or she pleases.
The only truly legitimate concern is government agents that make laws that are racist, or government employees implementing racist policies.
Racist government laws and racist government policies and racist government employee activities are unconstitutional.
Democrats and Zionists are trying to invert the US constitution by convincing stupid people that the US constitution is a limitation on the people, and not on government laws or government agents.
The Japanese are big on cute dolls. Japanese dolls have cute almost-slanted eyes and beautiful classical dresses. Does Mattel sell in Japan?
Walsh and his ilk are disgusted when they see any White man advocating for White men. These civ nat fools believe what daddy Ben Shapiro preaches, it’s not race, it’s ideology. Oh it’s race alright, but I wouldn’t expect a Jew to understand that. Or maybe they do, this is why they openly say it’s not an issue for Israel to be an ethno state, or as close to one as they can make it. They sure as hell don’t mind having a wall around their faggot infested shit hole nation, keep in mind this wall is armed with snipers who love to target kids who throw an occasional rock at them.
What’s good is that “Matt Walsh – does anyone care?” can be negated.
Only Clowns like Tim Pool care.
What colorblind view? The race view of the 60's which claimed all races are equal and that the only reason blacks are a failure is discrimination/segregation, created the anti-White era of today. After all, if after 60 years of legal equality and forced integration blacks are still a train wreck then it must because of racism so we must punish whitey until blacks are equal which of course is never going to happen even if they kill every white. The only solution is separation because blacks are never going to accept they have inferior intelligence and behavior patterns that do no contribute to a civilized society.Replies: @Franz
Would not it be better to return to the dog’s eye view of race(colorblind) of the sixties than continue this crusade against Whites?
40s, not 60s.
Truman started the present hallucination when he integrated the military just after WWII.
By the 60s the subsaharan empire already had Little Rock and half the churches in the country under their belt.
You can’t build on sand or lies for very long.
Sorry ma’am, I’m a simpleton. I was laughing at your descriptions. I’m sure you didn’t mean them to be funny but I couldn’t help myself.
Walsh is a shill working for a Jewish company. It does pay well as long as you stick to the approved narrative.
Would not it be better to return to the dog’s eye view of race(colorblind) of the sixties than continue this crusade against Whites?
What colorblind view? The race view of the 60’s which claimed all races are equal and that the only reason blacks are a failure is discrimination/segregation, created the anti-White era of today. After all, if after 60 years of legal equality and forced integration blacks are still a train wreck then it must because of racism so we must punish whitey until blacks are equal which of course is never going to happen even if they kill every white. The only solution is separation because blacks are never going to accept they have inferior intelligence and behavior patterns that do no contribute to a civilized society.
The same Whites who oppose DIE and government mandated equality including Walsh are largely the same Whites that hate and oppose White advocates who say races are not equal and that the old 98% White America was far superior to the new 50% White America. In other words, they still don’t get it. They actually believe blacks and Hispanics are just as intelligent as Whites and they totally support full blown race integration.
Jim Goad said somewhere that all the Whites in America agreed in 1965 “It is good to not be tribal. We won’t be tribal anymore” and yet over the ensuing 60Â years Whites now find themselves the number one Azezal or scapegoat. Everything is YT’s fault.
It’s the WW2 myth write large: BadWhites from Germany wanted to conquer the world(Really?) so we have to crush all Whites, all the time, when ever they mistakenly say, “It is OK to be White”
Would not it be better to return to the dog’s eye view of race(colorblind) of the sixties than continue this crusade against Whites?
but for the Dems I guess, that is the only way you get elected.Â
Woof Woof! the dog’s eye view.
What colorblind view? The race view of the 60's which claimed all races are equal and that the only reason blacks are a failure is discrimination/segregation, created the anti-White era of today. After all, if after 60 years of legal equality and forced integration blacks are still a train wreck then it must because of racism so we must punish whitey until blacks are equal which of course is never going to happen even if they kill every white. The only solution is separation because blacks are never going to accept they have inferior intelligence and behavior patterns that do no contribute to a civilized society.Replies: @Franz
Would not it be better to return to the dog’s eye view of race(colorblind) of the sixties than continue this crusade against Whites?
When did you test her?
Here’s what a real West African negro female looks like: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.zenfs.com%2Fen_us%2FNews%2Fafp.com%2Fea4c08a8858e5eb138f14498323e7735175276b7.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=645585ce3afc68fee8d9d2dda73834436ac2ad0c78613cb9251d4f926ab4b3bc&ipo=images
The female in the above picture is a Quadroon, meaning 1/4 negro and 3/4 white. This is what a pure West African https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/24/54/04/22200615/10/1200�0.jpgnegro looks like.
If children are left to themselves without toys, they will start to play with whatever they have at hand. Child psychologists have absolutely no understanding about what makes children tick, regardless of them having studied kids for over 100 years. Children have this thing called imagination (which most adults, especially academics don’t have, nor understand) and can create anything in their minds and have fun with that fantasy.
The (((Mattel))) toy company, founded by the (((Handler))) family, has been trying to manipulate race relations for over 50 years by trying to sell black dolls to negroes whether they want them or not. In order to sell them, they have to completely indoctrinate negro kids into hating whitey and convincing them that they are being discriminated against. Rather than just leaving kids alone and letting them pick and choose what they want to play with, the jews end up creating another generation of negroes with viciously anti-white sentiments and a “they-owe-it-to-us” mentality, cos they be scriminatin’ against us and we deserve everythin’ they got.
Here’s another area where Jews prove that everything they touch turns to shit, even children’s toys.
‘Blacks can never be satisfied.’
That’s because whatever is done for them, it will never address the central problem: that they are black.
The missing aspect is money. The whites would have to agree to subsidize the blacks in perpetuity.
It would be worth it. They’re a burden anyway. Why not at least get them away from our midst?
Given that in the holy name of Inclusivity ™ there is now Down Syndrome Barbie
and what with the “need to look like themselves” (actually the Doll Study ™ said
no such thing, and that photo of Lil BellCurvious contemplating raping the
White baby is creepy AF), what´s really needed is Blek Body Positivity Barbie:
Precisely correct, Truth, which is why I stated that all social services should be limited in their entirety. When everyone has to work for their bread, those who have forgotten the worth of work – yes, mainly whites – will re-emrace that ethic or die.
As a percentage, whites will win that ratio.
Most people on welfare are white, most people on disability are white, and almost every corporate food-stamper is white.
Funny, because whenever there's welfare cuts being talked about--just like with increased drug laws and crime crackdowns, the only real bitching comes from the nigbos.I'm glad people, like the poster that you responded to in this exchange, are getting or are starting to get a clue. You need to all go back. The reason that things don't work for blacks in the US is that they don't fit in. Time to right a 400 year wrong.Replies: @Truth
Most people on welfare are white, most people on disability are white, and almost every corporate food-stamper is white.
No one has to cosplay Indiana Jones to instill fear… simply eliminate social services in their entirety, thus forcing people to work for their daily bread. Now to many losing the ability to be parasitical truly IS the greatest fear.
You can order a whip on Amazon, Old Sport.
It is true that the blacks will never be satisfied, which is precisely why we should stop caring what they think. The blacks need to be taught to respect and fear Whites again.
Will they give Barbae natural peppercorn black hair and a weave to pull over it, or dreadlocks?
Token Race Traitor!… Token Race Traitor!… Token Race Traitor!..,
She has a lot of white or latino or asian admixture.
In any case, there are certain pure blooded African tribes who have refined features and beautiful smiles, and it would be absurd to describe them as hideous. The problem is that the genetic distance from whites is enormous, and Africans here too are used as weapons to destroy and confuse European aesthetic canons.
It falls to me to be the token race traitor here but hideous is not how I would have described Kitty back in the day.
America began a major decline when they murdered the president and put boobs on a doll!
Mattel’s DEI head explains that Brooklyn will be “getting a whole universe for herself,†including a TV show and a line of Brooklyn dolls.
It’ll fail and then they’ll bitch about how it was “racism” that deep-sixed the show. You see? It won’t matter to them that the kids won’t be watching because they’re too thin-skinned and stupid to do the math. The numbers won’t be there to support it.
Hell… I just saw a video where an American living overseas in Africa said that they felt “free” to be Black in a Black country! Can you believe that shit? The comments associated with it were equally bizarre. As if all of the pandering that goes on in this country simply doesn’t happen. It’s a-ok to be free amongst your own ethnicity, in some sort of Wakanda between your ears if you’re black, but if you’re white?…. Well… honky!… thems tough chitlins!
Assuming it is true Negrids “can never be satisfied” the question is, why? The reason is that unlike Caucasids and Mongolids (we speak only of adults, and primarily of pure-blooded males, and not innocent children), fundamentally, they hate THEMSELVES, especially their own image!
Negrid self-hatred generally has been endlessly discussed by clinicians for more than a century. It turns out to be a form of HATRED FOR THE OTHER, which is the thing really at issue with the Negrids constitutionally and congenitally, and explains the vicious tribalism of Africa even today:
The Tribe (which though Caucasid hides behind the Negrids when it is in the minority) also murderously hates the Other (look at Gaza!) but its hatred, intractable like the Negrids, is much wider and quite well-developed–not inbred at all but LEARNED and religiously self-taught:
Note that to view the articles, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
Are we sick of black whining yet? Asking for my white friend, Barbie…
Hey European races everything you have invented, created, originated, produced, manufactured, brought forth into the West and then the World that our assholes wouldn’t even know about if we weren’t (unfortunately) living with you we are going to usurp. Yaaa, Obongo, Ya brother. Sheeeeiiittt. Hey get a load of that fat disgusting witch doctor black primitive cunt! Ah the jew must love it. What’s her name Barbie, sheeiiiitttt we didn’t have no name like that we we came from.
Muh Bl@ck Barbee is a good start but so much more needs to be done. The hair and facial features (physiognomy) need improvement; prognathous jaw Barbie, flat nose Barbie, big bootay Barbie. The male counterpart could be called Hakeem or Rashaab or Shytavius.
Theme outfits and accessories:
Pimp n’ ho Barbie- a big hat and a pint of night train
Back to Africa Barbie- lion skins, dakshikis, spear
Haiti Barbie- voodoon costume, mud cakes, animal sacrifice
It’s nasty when your childhood cultural memories get rebranded. Narbie!
As for African doll beliefs, I bet you could market Donald or Kamala voodoo dolls to both sides in the US election as a troll toy.
Blacks can never be satisfied.
There are, of course, some Blacks, just as there are some Whites, who can never be satisfied. That’s just their jobs/callings.
Let’s all ignore them as best we can. If they’re ignored enough, they’ll have to find some other line of work. Maybe even productive work; who knows?
Every single black woman featured in this article is hideous. And, the black dolls are atrocious.
“they are toys everywhere in the world except Africa, where they are magic devices made for hexes and spells”
Great observation. Children are primitives, and adolescence is the conflict between abandoning magical thinking and preparing for reality.
Contrast that with today’s reality, where 20-somethings, 30-somethings and up are still doll-collectors (look at Funko Pop’s success, among others) as well as being inclined to regard everything from statues to popular entertainment as indicators of far deeper social and psychological issues, a la Critical Theory…
History of dolls — they are toys everywhere in the world except Africa, where they are magic devices made for hexes and spells. The Ashanti dolls are especially disturbing. When an image of one pops up I turn my head.
White folks, separate. It’s getting late.
White Boys (and Men?!) slobber all over the cocks of the Negro Basketball Assocation, Nigger Football League, etc….then they wonder why their girls will do the same? Pussy White Boys are ubiquitous–and most of them got their being-a-pussy-is-a-virtue (let your enemy strike you) from the Jew Christ-INANITY. Then, you wonder why these pussy white boys look at the Niggers as the men–for the Niggers, being non-Christianized, non-emasculated by Sermon on the Mount meekhood, are at least clearly MALE beasts.
As usual for Wikipedia, nowhere does the article indicate that the murderer Jesse Matthew is a bLACK!
Here is a picture of the pavement ape:
Wikipedia does the same thing with its article on the murder of Regan Tokes. I know for a fact that several attempts to edit it showing Brian Goolsby is bLACK! have been made; but someone always changes it back.
Like Matthews, this ape is living comfortably getting 3 hots and a got everyday in a comfortable (for negroes) environment.
“If all whites knew about blacks is what they saw on the screen, they would think blacks are model citizens”
Which is why girls from lily-white home areas are so naive.
Hannah Graham grew up in Fairfax County, fifth highest median income in the US:
Multiple deaths in one area, involving blood and bruising to suggest unnatural causes, with missing jewelry and a black man that appears in security footage. But police repeatedly fail to connect the deaths or see them as suspicious. It is a collapse of the social contract, as introduced by Hobbes and developed by Locke. They posited that people willingly surrender some of their freedom to a central authority, in exchange for protection. A government that has reneged on its duty to protect its citizens has lost its legitimacy. By allowing its weakest members to be preyed upon, America's leaders are making a clear statement that citizens do not have rights, but are subjects under the control of authorities.But the founding fathers said that men have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights--such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Governments are instituted among men to secure these rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. However, if any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.First, the government imported this man from Kenya, and then it turned a blind eye, allowing him to kill more than twenty people.Replies: @Mike Conrad
It’s intended to be scary. Supremacy Inc. is all about ruling through fear and terror.
First, the government imported this man from Kenya, and then it turned a blind eye, allowing him to kill more than twenty people.
You may be certain that we’ll never know how many people he killed, and I doubt he knew himself. As you can see from the story, the cops and investigators had to be dragged kicking and screaming every step of the way to get even this degree of closure.
To cops, white people complaining about crime means just more tedious work, with zero potential for glory. However, if a white perpetrator can be identified, great things await the policeman, investigator, district attorney. Accolades, medals, promotions, fame and fortune.
‘There were WHITES there, doing what they always did – successfully leading, managing, controlling, creating, building and developing nations all over Africa, and especially the British Commonwealth states in the Caribbean, just like the Dutch in South Africa, until they began to be deliberately subverted, undermined, accused, guilt-tripped, and politically poisoned and pushed out by decades of systematic covert Jew rabble-rousing and anti-White propaganda.’
Righteo Jewman! You mentioned the Dutch, but failed to mention the WHITE Belgian Inspired ‘motivational program’ put in place during their exploitation of the Congo. You know, chopping the hands of women and children if the males did not work to WHITE satisfaction.….
Not your brain apparently, the SINGLE LARGEST DRAIN ON America’s resources are Illegal Fucking Aliens genius.
Yet no mention of the highly skilled ‘Magda Flores’ who spits out anchor babies faster than an automatic weapon. No mention of American schools that are infested with diseased foreign latino kids who only speak Spanish, No mention of the Mexicans who get blitzed off of one beer and killed Americans by DWI only to skip back over the wide open border (then returning to ‘rinse and repeat’ later)
No, it’s all the Blacks fault. Can’t pay your mortgage because your too stupid to be an earner? It’s all a nigger’s fault. Kids keep getting lice in their straight genetically white hair? Yep, it’s all some darkie’s doing. I could go on, but that would be Obama’s fault.
Of course not. For several reasons. First of all that would deprive the Jews of the stupid, violent Black animals that they use against the White race so effectively. Secondly, without Whites and their money, blacks will have no one to grift off of. And finally, giving blacks an all black state and watching it descend into chaos, anarchy and eventual cannibalism will reveal blacks to be the totally incompetent, sub human sacks of shit they really are. And we can't have that now, can we?Besides if we get rid of the minorities, White people, without all the drag imposed upon them by non Whites, will probably go on to establish settlements on Mars in a generation. And we can't have that either.What we really need to do is deport all the Jews because without all the Jewish laws to prop blacks up they will fall to the very bottom rung of society where they belong and they won't be near as much trouble as they are now. If I may be allowed to paraphrase Clemens, "Deporting all the Jews might not solve all our problems. But it would be a hell of a lot of fun and couldn't possibly do any harm to anyone."SuluReplies: @ServesyouallWhite
Would not american whites gladly agree to grant to their black population a few states (according to their overall percentage of populus, maybe Alabama, Georgia etc… ?) and see them even thrive and do there exactly as they wish under 100% their own rule, responsibility and independance, cooperating with all other states if they (and those other states) choose, but not forced to?
Besides if we get rid of the minorities, White people, without all the drag imposed upon them by non Whites, will probably go on to establish settlements on Mars in a generation. And we can’t have that either.
Ummmm, No. Your ass would be Winston Smith in an all White 1984-style global nightmare. Psychopathic 1% White and White Jew (Ashkenazi) Elites are entirely the cause of the misery of 99%’er Whites (other than the idiot 99%’er Whites who instead blame Negroes for their self-caused misery.)
White man: ‘I have a small dick and man-tits! It’s all Obama’s fault!
White man: ‘My spoiled, aged White Wife who has too much money and free time wants a divorce! Why, it’s OJ’s fault!’
Whites need to pay more attention to the hostile Mexican, Central and South Americans who will be working directly for the CCP chink cells already wedged in the nation’s ass internally.
‘Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s off to Hillary’s fun camps Whites will go!’ (Niggers will be outright exterminated with race-specific bio-weapons)
Agreed and also agree that Whites are FUCKED. Most 99%’er Whites, especially evangelicals, are addicted to the taste of Jew buttcrack…..
Blacks are low-IQ, low impulse control, lazy, self-entitled, small minded and loud mouthed, destructive on a local level, but never going beyond destroying a small nation.
Whites are smug, egotistical, snide, smart-mouthed, self-important, whiny assholes who think God made them the Masters of the Universe who cooked up Covid death vax, created the HIV virus and the AIDS plandemic, trying to start a nuclear war currently, dimming the sun, planning on making 99%’ers eat bugs and drink sewage and wear dirty cloths.
I don’t discriminate, I despise the above races and all other human races equally.
The most dominant Jew tribe, Ashkenazi is genetically European. Ashkenazi WHITE Jews like Nuttyahoo cook up the most Ernst Blofeld style world ending schemes in all their Machiavellian glory.
The legendary IQ and creativity of 1%’er Whites hard at work to enslave and brutalize 99%’er Whites.
Solzhenitsyn: When a Jew who worked in the GULag saw the suffering of a Jewish prisoner, he saw the suffering of a fellow Jew. When a Russian stupidhead saw the suffering of a Russian prisoner, he saw the suffering of an enemy of the people.
Guess who genocided whom.
We Russians are like wolves to each other, he said.
There is something fundamentally broken with white culture. Jews are malignant, but you can’t blame them for everything. Asians and Jews do not treat their children as poorly as whites do.
You are wrong.
Jewish supremacy is baked into basic judaic teachings.
Judaism is a “gutter” belief system that needs to be consigned to the ash heap of history…the sooner the better.
Your name-calling exposes you as a jealous individual who has never accomplished anything in your sorry life.
Grow up, already…
My husband and I watched “American Fiction” one night and it was an interesting take. There were a few laughs (it’s one of those happy/sad dramedies that Hollywood loves now). We talked about the movie for an hour afterward. Cord Jefferson is saying out loud things that no white person can say at all now – for one thing, that over-educated liberal whites sucking up to low-class ghetto blacks are ridiculous and disgusting.
Civil rights did help a few people: an emerging elite class of relatively higher IQ, talented, and disciplined blacks that will become increasingly at odds with ghetto America. The Democratic Republic of Wakonda will need them, if they can tolerate living there.
I'll admit that my feelings are probably misplaced, but I take some cold comfort in knowing that at least two of Chemirmir's victims were kikeroaches. Interesting how silent the kike media are when their primate pets turn on them.Replies: @it's another unz poster
It is scary to think of predatory negroes stalking vulnerable white victims.
Ordinary Jews who work normal jobs and raise their families are not to blame for the crimes and bad behavior of Jewish elites and those who push anti white and civilization destroying policies on the American people.
Your anger and hostility is misplaced.
But of course. Besides being in a protected class (everybody but white men), he only snuffed 28 victims. Nobody's perfect.Replies: @it's another unz poster
If he hadn’t been killed in jail, there would be some whiny Jewish civil rights lawyer trying to get him out of jail.
Some people in the Dallas/ Forth Worth area have speculated that he could have killed up to a hundred elderly people. These are just the ones people know about.
They should start diversifying the Upper East Side, Martha’s Vineyard, Hamptons, Georgetown, and Beverly Hills. They don’t want diversity in their backyard but want this for everyone else. It is a matter of do as I say do but not as I do.
Written like a typical asshole Boomer who can’t handle the truth. The boomers who came of age in the 1960s are the worst.
The first two assisted living facilities tried to cover up the murders and bribed the medical examiner to put down natural causes for the cause of death. This was after items were missing from the home.
They didn’t want the bad publicity or to be held liable. They also didn’t have proper security.
The third facility in which he killed notified the police after the murders.
Many of these nursing homes and assisted living facilities are extremely greedy and exploitative. They do not care about the elderly and will do anything to make money.
I don’t know why Anastasia let’s them off the hook because if they had not tried to interfere the killer would have probably been caught sooner. There would have been less people murdered.
Haha. Sorry, I heard of the show of course, but I never watched it. IF I remember right that show came out in the mid or late 1980s? Well, women back then were slimmer, hardly any had tattoos, and were much more approachable. I was a 20 something in the 80’s and turned 30 in the early 1990s so I had no experience with women in their fifties back then, at least up close and personal, but I can tell you they were certainly classier than the average fitty something woman of today and not carrying huge chips on their shoulders.
The TV show The Golden Girls was aimed at women in their 50s.
Mull that over for a moment, then think about the 50-something women of today.
It's my humble opinion that the reason for this is that you were the first generation to broadly and widely raise your children in unstable environments, and as a result failed to pass these down like they were passed down to you.Replies: @anarchyst
It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.
It seem that you always spout off derogatory remarks about others and must have the last word without providing any form of rebuttal or other cogent response.
I’ll bet that you are a JEW. I would stake my reputation on it. Your hatred of baby boomers is not only problematic but dead wrong.
ALL of my children and grandchildren have had the thirst for real knowledge (not global warming and other pseudo-scientific BS) instilled in them from an early age and have gone on to successful careers in the sciences.
You need a life outside of your jewish shetl (sh!thole).
Sloth contributed to the extinction of 'Homo erectus', says study
New archaeological research from the Australian National University in Australia has found that Homo erectus, a primitive human species, went extinct because they were "lazy."
An excavation near Dawadmi in Saudi Arabia showed that Homo erectus used "strategies with as little effort as possible" for tool-making and resource gathering.
"To make the stone tools, they used whatever rocks they found around their camp, which were mostly of low quality," Shipton said. "At the spot we looked at, there was a large rocky cluster of quality rocks a short distance away."
Hilarious, thanks. But it is much worse than that. The Homo Erectus in that article is Eurasian Homo Erectus which had a brain larger than Homo Erectus Ergaster(SubSaharan Africa) by about the same amount as Homo Heidelbergensis’ brain was larger than Eurasian H Erectus. Think about it: negroes are interbred with a creature more stupid than the H Erectus in that article.
“Homo Erectus Walks Amongst Us” is an unsound source. The author uses the Polygenic Model of human evolution to drive his thesis, and there is zero evidence to support the Polygenic Model.
An evil, racist, black bastard.
Of course they sole it. The negroes reputation preceded them in time and space.
Sloth contributed to the extinction of ‘Homo erectus‘, says study
New archaeological research from the Australian National University in Australia has found that Homo erectus, a primitive human species, went extinct because they were “lazy.”
An excavation near Dawadmi in Saudi Arabia showed that Homo erectus used “strategies with as little effort as possible” for tool-making and resource gathering.
“To make the stone tools, they used whatever rocks they found around their camp, which were mostly of low quality,” Shipton said. “At the spot we looked at, there was a large rocky cluster of quality rocks a short distance away.”
This is from a Brazilian magazine. If the link delivers it in Portuguese, translate.
If the West in general had not let its house fall into such disrepair, this would be a far smaller problem today and far less likely to grow going forward. We have been warned. Unfortunately, short sighted self interest and social pressure from the status quo continue to blind us. Just ask the people of France this morning. Sad.
Do you have any idea how hard that makes it to live your best life??? Come on, you don't owe anything to your parents. You didn't ask to be born. They made that choice for you.
Whatever happened to elderly parents moving in with their children?
By the time your mother or father turn 80 chances are you fitty something plus, either an official senior citizen or a soon to be senior citizen. Partner if you haven’t got your shit together by then and sowed your wild oats then don’t be that old guy trying to hang out with 20 somethings. Lol.
The sad part of this is that there was no need to kill the victims.
He could have worn a mask and most would have gladly given
him their jewelry to save their lives. He enjoyed killing them
because he was evil, and the jewelry was a bonus.
Whatever happened to elderly parents moving in with their children?
Do you have any idea how hard that makes it to live your best life??? Come on, you don’t owe anything to your parents. You didn’t ask to be born. They made that choice for you.
And chances are, your childhood wasn’t absolutely perfect, so you have legitimate grievances.
Two victims had Jewish surnames:
anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:
July 6, 2024 at 2:38 pm GMT • 1.2 days ago ↑
If he hadn’t been killed in jail, there would be some whiny Jewish civil rights lawyer trying to get him out of jail.
Actor Mark Margolis made a career of looking hispanic.
It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.
It’s my humble opinion that the reason for this is that you were the first generation to broadly and widely raise your children in unstable environments, and as a result failed to pass these down like they were passed down to you.
Lombroso rejected the established classical school, which held that crime was a characteristic trait of human nature. Instead, using concepts drawn from physiognomy, degeneration theory, psychiatry, and Social Darwinism, Lombroso's theory of anthropological criminology essentially stated that criminality (Holocaust,Genocide on Native Americans, Genocide on Native Australians, New Zealand.....Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Japan, Iraq, Syria,Afghanistan, Namibia, South Africa .....) was inherited, and that someone "born criminal" could be identified by physical (congenital) defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage or atavistic.
Look at this nose (Jeffrey Dahmer ? ) . Barely human( Jeffrey Dahmer? ).
Replies: @Dragoslav
CANNIBAL'S DEMISE Who killed Jeffrey Dahmer?
As a non-white ( and stealing the name of a frankish heroe who fought against hordes of non whites ) you seem to have very severe cognitive issues
My good friend was in an Uber that was a Tesla EV. They were blind sided by another car, who ran a red light.
Firemen could not get him out for 15 minutes because the doors were smashed and then all systems locked. The battery was on fire and he breathed in the smoke.
This is one of the toughest guys I know- he got bit by a brown recluse in 2000 and lost a chunk of his elbow and laughed it off.
After breathing in the EV smoke, he is having balance and nausea problems- severe. He feels sick and has bad headaches. I believe him- no medical professional does.
Someone is playing the long game with the peasants (and I think there are a lot more who classify as “peasants” than most people grasp) and it does appear we are being forced into urban areas with no way out.
Tracked for every moment and movement. No cash, no car.
It this is not malevolent, it is sheer stupidity. Which is it?
I blame every centrist bourgeois midwit who for the past 3 generations has identified with Atticus Finch. Narcissist jackasses are why we have to deal with this.
Unserious country.
Full-moon alert!
Getting harder to do. The communists within our federal, state, and local governments are using our tax dollars to build "affordable housing" units in nice White areas in order to bring the ghetto to people who thought they had moved away from it. Communism combined with the motive to destroy White people.Replies: @Anonymous, @kiwk
Move to an all white enclave, surrounded by white enclaves.
Yep, and they are bringing the ‘affordable housing’ to the tiniest of enclaves.
I read about 1 Colorado town that has less than 10,000 people, and yet they are supposedly in desperate need of housing. They even have a housing development authority.
The commies have targeted all small towns, too, and somehow get their wackos elected. Even my small town, you can’t apply for a board position unless you sign off that you are not against expansion. That is how they keep anti-growth people under their thumb.
We now have a single family housing development with 0 downpayment – so you know what that means. A lot of turnover and crime.
Long term care insurance is a total rip off. I’d rather be dead than live in a long term care facility with black and brown low IQ clods seeing to my needs. Hell on Earth if you ask me.
No one thinks that “voting holds the solution to America’s problems.â€
No one.
Are you freaking kidding me? If that were the case, NO ONE would be paying any attention whatsoever to the current election cycle, and certainly no one would give a rodent’s arse about what happens to Donald Trump. As you damned well know, just the opposite is happening.
Almost EVERYONE in Amerika believes voting “holds the solution,” despite a century’s worth of evidence that it’s all rigged theatrical bullshit. That’s why Amerika is in the condition it’s now in: too many normie morons who think voting in rigged elections is the answer to setting their future right. There’s no hope for any country populated in the main by such stupid people.
If he hadn’t been killed in jail, there would be some whiny Jewish civil rights lawyer trying to get him out of jail.
But of course. Besides being in a protected class (everybody but white men), he only snuffed 28 victims. Nobody’s perfect.
Chemirmir targeted elderly who authorities automatically assumed died of old age and didn’t look very carefully.
Considering how our ruling class wants to be rid of elderly “useless eaters” (their attitude, not mine) as soon as possible, it makes sense that the investigative branch of their armed enforcement body could not have cared less about the victims here.
Think about it: one of the Establishment’s pet primates ridding society of its obsolete useless eaters, the disposable primate then being disposed of naturally through the legal system once its usefulness is outlived. Big win all around for the ruling class.
It is scary to think of predatory negroes stalking vulnerable white victims.
I’ll admit that my feelings are probably misplaced, but I take some cold comfort in knowing that at least two of Chemirmir’s victims were kikeroaches. Interesting how silent the kike media are when their primate pets turn on them.
Very true. How are these Jewish architects of mass murder able to sleep at night?Replies: @Richard B
Not only does Supremacy Inc. know full well that this kind of thing is happening, they want it to. Which means not only are they complicit in these murders, they themselves are the greatest mass murderers in human history.
How are these Jewish architects of mass murder able to sleep at night?
Great question. Easy answer. No conscience.
One word Dostoyevsky had for them hits the bullseye – merciless.
It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.
In today’s climate (and the climate of two previous generations) experimentation on the level of the 1950s and 1960s is seen as “too dangerousâ€. I can remember the chemistry sets of the day being sold with toxic compounds which could be used for nefarious (and fun) purposes. Such sets are banned today.
Today’s prime example of the public’s scientific stupidity being pushed by political considerations is that of electric vehicles, most people (even supposedly “educated†types) enthusiastically jumping on the bandwagon despite the major deficiencies and problems these vehicles have.
Let’s look at the technical side of electric vehicles vs. ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles. Range is a large factor in the desirability of ICE vehicles vs. today’s electric vehicles. One can fuel up an ICE vehicle in approximately five minutes and be on his way.
Not so for electric vehicles. Quite often electric vehicle charging stations are few and far between, which contributes to “range anxietyâ€. For short hops and city driving, electric vehicles can be an ideal solution, but for extended “road trips†forget it.
Electric vehicle batteries lose power even when the vehicle is not in use. (This is akin to a gasoline vehicle with a leaky gas tank). Add to that, cold weather and the use of accessories (air conditioning, heat, lights, etc) will reduce range considerably. Electric vehicles may be somewhat suitable for a California climate, but will fail in sub-zero Michigan winter snow and ice.
Batteries can be charged only to 80% of full capacity as overcharging will reduce battery life considerably. “Fast charging†is also detrimental to battery life. It’s all about time and convenience vs. battery life.
Gasoline and diesel fuel has an large energy content (density) in a small package, something that, in their present stages of development, electrical vehicles cannot achieve.
Let’s make a comparison…gasoline contains approximately 33.7 kwh per gallon. A gallon of gasoline weighs approximately 6.1 lbs. The typical ICE vehicle can hold about 15 gallons of gasoline with a weight of approximately 90 lbs. total, with a total energy content of approximately 500 kwh.
High-end electric vehicles have an energy capacity of approximately 120 kwh. This is equal to less than four gallons of gasoline. The typical electric vehicle has a 75 kwh battery pack, equivalent to approximately 2 ½ gallons of gasoline.
Keep in mind that the battery pack weight is well over 2000 lbs (1 ton) and still has a limited energy capacity compared to gasoline. The typical electric vehicles weighs approximately 2 ½ tons (5000 lbs.), having to haul around a heavy battery pack. This also contributes to “wear and tear†on other automotive systems such as brakes and tires. (Yes, I am aware that regenerative braking exists and is a part of electric vehicle technology).
From an environmental standpoint, lithium is nasty stuff, reacts with water violently and is much more volatile than gasoline. Electric vehicle accidents are much more hazardous than those of ICE vehicles. Water cannot be used to put out a lithium battery pack fire.
Yes, gasoline is dangerous, but we have learned to control it and live with it successfully for over 100 years.
Most of today’s generation do not understand scientific principles; hence the enthusiasm for electric vehicles which are “not yet ready for prime-timeâ€. The inability of today’s generation to understand basic scientific engineering principles is responsible for their gullibility and ignorance.
It's my humble opinion that the reason for this is that you were the first generation to broadly and widely raise your children in unstable environments, and as a result failed to pass these down like they were passed down to you.Replies: @anarchyst
It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.
Look at this nose. Barely human.
Scientists examining the genomes of West Africans have detected signs that a mysterious extinct human species interbred with our own species tens of thousands of years ago in Africa, the latest evidence of humankind's complicated genetic ancestry.
The study indicated that present-day West Africans trace a substantial proportion, some 2% to 19%, of their genetic ancestry to an extinct human species - what the researchers called a "ghost population."
Actually, it is TWO different species of “archaic non-human hominin” in the negroid gene pool. They are neither Homo Neanderthalis nor Homo Sapiens Archaic. There is a very short list of candidates. Homo Erectus, Homo Erectus Ergaster(African H Erectus), Homo Heidelbergensis, and Homo Naledi. However there may be an as yet undiscovered species. Fossils are where you find them, and that is almost always by chance. The candidates must have been living in Sub-Saharan Africa about 60,000 years ago, when the introgression occured. One can’t be H Heidelbergensis, as has been suggested by a female politically correct Anthropologist worried about appearing “racist”, as H Heidelbergensis appeared 800,000 years ago and there is no evidence it survived the appearance of H Neanderthalis 500.000 years ago. H Neanderthalis never inhabited SubSaharan Africa. Homo Erectus only inhabited Eurasia from Spain to NE China and Indonesia. That leaves Homo Erectus Ergaster, the most primitive version of H Erectus, with a brain only slightly larger than H Habilis, and Homo Naledi. The sole H Naledi fossil bed found so far is 230,000 years old at the most recent, so it unsound to suggest H Naledi, although I have seen a number of negro males whose faces closely resemble reconstructions of H Naledi. With Homo Erectus we hit “pay dirt”. Homo Erectus in Indonesia survived into the Eemian Interglacial, and a single fossil skullcap, almost certainly from H Erectus Ergaster, dating from about 10,000 years ago has been found in Nigeria. Therefore it is a certainty that H Erectus Ergaster is one component of the primitive archaic non-human introgression in SubSaharan Africans. The identity of the other component is uncertain at this time. The foregoing was preface, and now for some thoughts on models of human evolution and that dreaded term “race”. The so-called Out Of Africa Theory, actually called the Single Replacement Theory, has been discarded by Anthropology. The current theory is named The Assimilationist Model. This postulates an initial Homo Sapiens Moderne species appearing in NE Ethiopia about 100.000 years ago(10,000 years into the most recent Ice Age, that is 10,000 years after the end of the Eemian Interglacial). About 80,000 years ago it migrated worldwide interbreeding with earlier species of genus homo, and this left genetic traces. We can in fact determine the “race” of a person by the type and percentage of archaic non-human introgression. Caucasians have the least archaic introgression, and it is all Neanderthal. East Asians have a much greater percentage and it is a mix of Neanderthal and Homo Denisova, with NE Asians with the least Denisovan introgression and the highest as you go south and east, peaking in Melanesia and New Guinea. A New Guinea Papuan has all this plus a signal for H Erectus. Notice how a Papuan looks remarkably like a black African, but not identical? That is no accident. SubSaharan Africans? I have earlier discussed that nauseating mess. Anthropologists appear to be reluctant to discuss the SubSaharan African. Understandable as they have mortgages and children and in academia anything less than worshipful adulation of the Black African NiggerApe leads to permanent unemployment.
Sloth contributed to the extinction of 'Homo erectus', says study
New archaeological research from the Australian National University in Australia has found that Homo erectus, a primitive human species, went extinct because they were "lazy."
An excavation near Dawadmi in Saudi Arabia showed that Homo erectus used "strategies with as little effort as possible" for tool-making and resource gathering.
"To make the stone tools, they used whatever rocks they found around their camp, which were mostly of low quality," Shipton said. "At the spot we looked at, there was a large rocky cluster of quality rocks a short distance away."
For several generations now, white people just can’t wait to kick their kids out the moment they have finished high school, to live alone (or with room mates, an even worse situation). Someone, somehow convinced them that this is the right thing to do – to “train” their children in “independence”.
It does not matter to these adults that their children, in their teens, are not suited to living alone (ie, being thrown to the wolves) or with equally immature room mates, an accident waiting to happen. No, they are embarrassed if little Jilly and Jimmy are little sucks still living under the same roof with Mum ‘n’ Pup.
There are those who opine that old folks should move in with their adult children. But if not a few of those adult children prefer to put their old parents into an old folks’ home, it may be because they remember how they themselves were regarded by their parents.
I was told by a person from a latin country that they would never treat their children that way, that no one in her community regarded their children so negatively.
Just another opinion, and undoubtedly an unpopular one.
My own in-laws lived with their parents until they married, and they were both in their mid-30s, earning a living, and helping out.
Everybody blaming the usual suspects. NO, blame jewelry. These old ladies flashing jewelry at Walmart, come on STUPID! The Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park comments as follows:
Granny Yiddell (bitter retiree) – My husband, Solomon, gave all my good jewelry to his Filipina “love bunny” that he met on the internet. He also gave all our money. Now I’m stuck in this trailer park.
Mother (mother of Jabber) – I ain’t got no fancy jewelry, so I’m safe.
Jabber (shut-in) – I’m invested in Bitcoin not shiny rocks
Bozero (Latino street clown) – Rolexes target you for Russian ladies, that’s why I don’t have one besides not affording one.
Father O’Hair (moralizing priest) – No sympathy for these Queens of Sheba. Their pride and vanity brought their downfall.
Fiona (park fun lady) – Only functional items like vibrators for me.
I know only what I have read and been told, which is that the blood transfusion service in England labours under a persistent supply crisis for Afro-Caribbean blood donors because blacks cannot be given the blood of non-blacks.
There are any number of possibilities why the blood of American negroes ends up in Switzerland, many perhaps related to the bio-medical research institutes based there. I think it unlikely that Swiss citizens would knowingly accept a transfusion of it.
Do Usonian negroes suffer from sickle-cell anaemia? The condition was unknown in the ‘U’K seventy years ago but is now a problem.
In South Africa, there is a reserved private community where whites live a peaceful, well serviced life within their Afrikaner culture. Their leaders met president Mandela who consented to it. There are a few blacks who live there also who in elections always vote ANC. They are most likely spies. President Mandela in private was a gentle old man. The original Mandela was a horrible violent man who died on Robben Island. An A I computer modelling shows he is not the original Mandela. The days of this community are numbered.
Come here and say that, soft shite.
Agreed. Go take a look at some of these nursing homes. They are DUMPS, and the food is institutionalized garbage, probably better food in prison. Those RIP OFF “independent living†places for seniors are the same. Probably more than half of nursing homes need to be condemned and more than half of those “independent living†buildings should be closed down for charging outrageous rent prices while offering nothing but food a possum wouldn’t eat. Add to this that they are staffed with a lot of non whites, and even most of the Whites that “work†at these places are bottom of the barrel.