If there is one phrase that sums up the American conservative movement, it is “our principles forbid us from pursuing our interests.” For many years, before joining American Renaissance, I worked in Conservatism Inc., a term I may have coined. In campus activism, in campaigns, and in conservative journalism, I always marveled at the complicated ideological rationalizations the movement used against its own activists, lecturing them why they were not allowed to pursue power. Instead, conservatism seemed almost designed to lose in slow motion. This was coupled with a cynical pursuit of material gain. Joe Sobran said conservatism had become a “game, a way of making a living,” and he was right.
Mainstream American conservatism in the Ronald Reagan tradition was libertarianism awkwardly mashed together with a hawkish foreign policy. The incoherence of this approach, despite Frank Meyer’s attempts at “fusionism,” reflect American conservatism as an ad hoc political coalition against the Soviet Union. Not surprisingly, after the end of the Cold War, it fell apart. After the fall of Communism, Russell Kirk and Pat Buchanan — the closest the movement had to great men — were pushed out of respectability.
This is changing, thanks to Donald Trump. While MAGA populism may draw groans from those who consider themselves to be “elite human capital,” the American Right is growing more sophisticated in how it understands power. It is seriously grappling with power’s effect on culture, the potential dangers of mass democracy, and the false promise that liberalism — classical or otherwise — can lead us to the End of History and freedom from conflict. It is not surprising that Sam Francis is finding a measure of postmortem respectability and that Steve Sailer has found it in this life. A rapidly multiplying network of presses are also republishing overlooked books and original works that challenge the dogmas of our age.
No honest critic can say things are worse than they were under George W. Bush, when we were told that Islam means peace, they hate us for our freedoms, and democracy will bring stability to the Middle East. Things are changing.
Unfortunately, one thing that hasn’t changed is gatekeeping. David Frum’s “Unpatriotic Conservatives” in 2003 is the standard, an ostensible criticism of antiwar conservatives that veers wildly off track into an attack on paleoconservatives and libertarians who didn’t worship the civil rights movement — among their other sins against the respectable right. That attack has not aged well since the catastrophic Iraq War and the miserable Bush Administration. There is a similar effort underway now.
James Lindsay, Konstantin Kisin, Joel Berry, and Seth Dillon are among those trying to promote the term the “Woke Right.” Mr. Lindsay defines it:
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) December 11, 2024
A refusal to believe in one’s own agency is obviously destructive. It is one of the most important things driving modern leftism and the underclass. Theodore Dalrymple, in his writings about the British (white) underclass, said that many seemed to believe things just “happened” without their own involvement. A person who stabbed someone would say, “The knife went in.” JD Vance described the same pathology in the white underclass in Hillbilly Elegy. Some blacks seem to believe that there is crime in the inner city because unknown whites drop drugs and guns onto black street corners.
— Israelite (@RAISRAEL2) December 11, 2024
Yet this does not mean that there are no differences in power: some people have a lot more of it than others. We are not autonomous agents with unlimited control over our circumstances. Our identities are mostly unchosen and inherent, and we do not control the way power acts on us. When it comes to race, it doesn’t matter if white people refuse to see themselves as white. Government, media, academia, big business, and other races treat them as whites. That is a more authentic reality than “American,” whatever that means today.
If white people have grievances, airing them doesn’t make them “victims,” as David French and others claim. Their grievances may be real. The cure for powerlessness is power, and that means conflict. That is what politics is.
Consider what Mr. Lindsay says is a free society.
The American way of life, long preceding WWII, and broadly the Western way of life as we actually use that term, is one predicated on the freedom of the individual person to pursue his own happiness on terms set voluntarily by him with the communities he chooses for himself.
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) December 11, 2024
That’s all very well, but it’s illegal. The Civil Rights Act makes it impossible for whites or anyone else to choose his community. The lives of whites are dominated by attempts to escape the consequences of forced integration, mass immigration, and dispossession. Look where whites live or send their children to school. Government and powerful private institutions have established a complicated racial caste system of rewards and punishments. Any interracial interaction at work can literally become a federal case. If a company sets up any kind of test or standard that leads to racial disparities, that is proof of racism under the doctrine of disparate impact. Many people on the Right have been discussing this for many years; Mr. Lindsay ignores it.
He is one of the dumbest people on the internet pic.twitter.com/nXJNyJ7FSg
— Zero HP Lovecraft 🦅🐍 (@0x49fa98) December 11, 2024
Last year, in my American Renaissance conference speech, I said that Critical Race Theory can be useful to the Right because leftists do not practice what they preach. They never turn their analysis on themselves and are blind to the power they hold. This, I suppose, makes me part of Mr. Lindsay’s Woke Right. I recognize that manipulating language can shape society, not just analyze it. To his credit, at some level, Mr. Lindsay may recognize this too.
There's a right name for the "Woke" ideology, and it's critical constructivism. Critical constructivist ideology is what you "wake up" to when you go Woke. Reading this book, which originally codified it in 2005, is like reading a confession of Woke ideology. Let's talk about it. pic.twitter.com/fnqA48ajPr
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) May 14, 2024
Like a leftist, he seems to think he’s exempt. Language is a weapon. Russell Kirk famously defined conservatism as the negation of ideology. Yet to claim one’s own views as free of ideology is itself ideology. There are degrees of fanaticism, and certainly the classical conservatism of a Kirk is not the same as the political religion of a Bolshevik. However, analyzing and judging the world is a way of exercising power, not just describing reality.
Mr. Lindsay may believe he’s not doing this, but he is. This is especially clear when he writes about race. For example, he claims that believing in “structural power” means you’re woke. “You could also believe in romanticized historical or traditional values, or in right wing beliefs, that you believe have been illegitimately suppressed by a prevailing power structure that primarily exists to maintain itself by excluding those beliefs,” he says. “That’s Woke Right.”
That is, believing in structural power means believing that the very way we interface with reality itself is shaped by the powerful groups in power and their particular interests, which include not recognizing their own illegitimacy and keeping their (class) enemies subjugated.
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) December 12, 2024
Of course, the objective existence of deplatforming campaigns, government restrictions on free speech, and antifa attacks on dissidents suggests that such a power structure exists. Believing that everything is just narrative leads to the madness of looking for power imbalances behind every sentence. This has happened to the modern Left, when it tries to deny realities such as the differences between men and women. However, even if language is imprecise and subject to manipulation, it is also the best tool we have to describe reality. Nature withstands the most extreme attempts at manipulation.
By definition, race realists believe race exists and has consequences. One does not need to be a white advocate or even like white people to acknowledge this. Mr. Lindsay takes refuge in race denialism. He inverts the classic progressive case that race was “invented” by oppressors and implies anti-white racism is somehow fake and invented by Communists. Race itself is apparently fake.
The correct solution to Critical Race Theory is to reject "racial consciousness" altogether. It is not to try to become "less white" or to strive to be more intentionally "white." Both drive the Left's racial dialectic.pic.twitter.com/8onX8K0vkq
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) December 10, 2024
Wokeness isn't actually anti-white. It's Communist, aka anti-success and anti-independence. https://t.co/i5q9N18QSe
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) December 6, 2024
Human race! https://t.co/tQs4x4HZWi
— James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) November 1, 2024
There is a saying on the real Right that the “woke are more correct than the mainstream.” This does not mean that the far-left’s policies are better or less destructive, but that they are at least taking their premises to logical conclusions. They try to solve a problem. Moderates may roll their eyes when the “woke” claim that math and science are racist because blacks aren’t good at them. Yet progressives at least recognize that if you have any kind of objective standards, the races won’t be equally successful, and that if you insist on equality, you must see discrimination everywhere. If you disagree, you must defend inequality. All the high-minded slogans about individualism won’t make racial disparities go away.
Of course, most mainstream conservatives are not confident enough to defend inequality, so they fall back on unconvincing explanations, such as “culture,” “low expectations,” or the welfare state. Many intelligent people choose far left “woke” beliefs because they are at least trying to end racial inequality, but inequality is not a problem; it’s a simple fact, like aging, physical needs, or differences in talent. Inequality can’t be “solved” without overwhelming repression.
Egalitarianism is politically powerful because it is impossible. Since races are unequal, discrimination must be everywhere, hidden in institutions or private behavior, and so must constantly be rooted out. A truly free or “classically liberal” society will be an unequal society. Libertarians such as Murray Rothbard argued that race realism predicts such an outcome. A truly “classical liberal” society would have no forced integration, much less the foolishness of “disparate impact.”
Assuming James Lindsay really believes what he is saying about wanting a classical liberal society, it would look a lot like white nationalism. It would look a lot like what America was before 1964 and certainly what was envisioned by the Founders who passed the Naturalization Law of 1790, which limited citizenship to “free white person[s]”. The Founders recognized race and thought it was important; they must have been part of the Woke Right.
Mr. Lindsay is a classic example of what he claims to oppose. There is a long history in the conservative movement of using language games to disguise the nature of politics and justify purges. There is no secret Marxist plot to invent white racial grievance and a complicated ideology. Interests come first and ideology comes later. Politics is about who holds power and whom it is used against. It is less about what — that is to say, the ideological castles in the sky used to justify the exercise of that power.
Patrick Casey writes:
Wokeness is defined by an oppressor/oppressed dichotomy. What he [Linsay] misses is that this dichotomy is a specific one: Whites, traditional Christians, men, and heterosexuals are viewed as the oppressors, and minority groups of various stripes are considered the oppressed. To the extent that other groups, such as Jews, have come under fire from the left, it is because they are viewed as a mere subset of the larger group of white oppressors. Asians and Indians, who have been discriminated against as a result of DEI and affirmative action, are similarly collateral damage in the left’s crusade to elevate minority groups allegedly oppressed by whites. Non-whites who vote for the GOP are attacked because they are seen as supporters of a white supremacist system. It all comes back to hatred of whites.
Why are whites hated? That is a different question with many answers. The simple truth is that we will be hated by someone because conflict between different groups is inevitable. Race is part of human existence and the way we view the world. Just as competition over power is inevitable and so we are doomed to always have politics, we also are biological creatures and part of nature. Politics therefore is partly about biology. Nature is impervious to our wishes and our arguments.
We who write can only try to describe reality as accurately as possible. We have a bias, but nature tests biases. If the world does not reflect our analysis, our analysis fails. Race realism is a powerful explanation of why the world is the way it is. Race denialism isn’t, despite the most powerful forces in the world endlessly pushing it. Ignoring reality to build an imaginary rhetorical wall to keep out the “Woke Right” does not help. In fact, it sounds like the kind of manipulation Mr. Lindsay claims to oppose.
John Adams famously told us that facts are stubborn things. Wishes will not alter the consequences of the biological reality of race and human inequality. Anywhere in the country or the world, in vastly different economic, political, and geographic circumstances, we see the same racial patterns. To be an adult is to accept reality, like it or not. We can do great things for people of all races, but we help no one by lying to them. Perhaps some who lie are well-meaning. I do not think Mr. Lindsay is.
Wussup niggahs?
Video Link
Deutschland Erwache!
Mr. Casey penned a good summary of Woke.
To be less wordy: Woke = anti-White.
This is war and we better pick our sides carefully.
Before marching along to Whitopia, I’d like to know more about how things will be different.
What’s the most dissident thing this author under any of his pen names has had to say about:
• the PATRIOT Act
• Uncle Sam’s destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Palestine, Syria
• COVID dempanic
• selective lawfare using FARA
• Antisemitism Awareness Act
Zupp Whyt Dogg?!?
Video Link
Woke is just the shitty post WW2 consensus.
We need to push back using their own weapons against them. Taxation and welfare have disparate impacts on White and asian people who pay all the taxes yet receive the least from social services.
They created a tool box of bludgeons to use against whites, It’s time to start bludgeoning back.
Anytime you hear the word minority used in any discourse; White’s are only 12% +/- of the world’s population and being systemically and racially attacked from every angle.
No European or Western country should be forced to take in one more incompatible immigrant. If it’s good enough for the “chosen race” to exclude people from the land they have shamelessly stolen, then it’s good enough for us to protect our natural and ancestral homelands too.
You won’t understand “race” on television or in Hebrew-dominated academia, where the Tribe hides behind the Negrids since its focused tribal malevolence, superficially understood, resembles race and racism :
Mr. Hood speaks of “biological reality of race and human inequality” but assumes this is self-explanatory and self-evident. The reality is (1) race has little to do with skin color and (2) all three main races are defective and morally deficient IN DIFFERENT WAYS. What we mean is:
A. Caucasids dominate the left (analytic) brain and thus talk more persuasively than their racial peers. Hence their record of libertine, fast-talk Empire and Greed in goal and result. They often win and in history have won through rapine and destruction (“analysis” means “tearing apart”).
B. Mongolids dominate the right (synthetic) brain and thus do not talk but instead “sing” their hieroglyphic languages and conservatively wish today to remain the same as yesterday (“synthesis” means “keeping together”). Pride and the sins of Pride are theirs. They worship ancestors.
C. Negrids dominate the post-Rolandic (sensual) cortex and moreover BOTH SIDES of it, resulting in enhanced sensuality and often ambidexterity, cognitive weakness, and distraction by trifles. They are vain and sensual (prone to drugs and booze) first to last. They love gold chains and red shoes.
Each race is understood by the shape of its skull and femur. Modern theory (rejected by “woke” and “mainstream” science) is that each main race (particularly in pure-bloods) (1) uses its brain in a different way and (2) represents one-third of an integrated human being.
Integrated human beings according to theory HAVE NEVER EXISTED IN HISTORY but are (1) a prototypical idea tried (in Infinite Process) that (2) failed to perform morally because CAPABLE OF INTOLERABLE EVIL, and (3) was destroyed prehistorically. Certain scriptures speak of this.
The entire schema of the “draft” creation of Man that no one wants to admit and partialized “finalization” of the racial structure of the Mankind is discussed in synoptic detail here:
The Negrids as a special case of self-destructive over-sensualization and tribalistic self-hatred is considered here, where it is noted that RACE means FACE aesthetically:
Note that to view the articles, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
The Woke Right by Edward Dutton — December 14, 2024:
Gregory Hood: “Nature is impervious to our wishes and our arguments.”
Nature isn’t impervious to human wishes. Man can use technology in order to overcome it. For example, if what’s natural doesn’t please him, he intervenes. For example, it’s natural for it to be cold in the winter, but man invents central heating. It’s also natural for niggers to be stupid, but man, in an attempt to compensate, invents Head Start, forced integration, and Affirmative Action. Who knows what could be next? Genetic engineering to improve IQ? Brain implants? A better, technologically adjusted nigger may be in store for everyone in the near future.
Gregory Hood: “We can do great things for people of all races, but we help no one by lying to them. ”
The hope appears to be that the natural differences between races will eventually be eliminated through technical means. This is why people like Lindsay and the rest of Conservatism Inc. endlessly repeat slogans like “No race but the human race!” They’re under the impression that the cure for race differences will eventually be found; that this fact of nature will be overcome, and that the technological system will prevail in its attempts to adjust man to itself. Meanwhile, as they temporize, and as people like Hood vainly pursue their unworkable pipe dream of “white nationalism”, race mixing proceeds apace. Allowed to continue and given enough time, this mixing will destroy discrete races and make race an obsolete concept anyway. It appears that, barring a system collapse, human races are just another part of the natural world that will disappear courtesy of “Progress”. The vast majority of people seem to be okay with that.
If you follow right-wing publisher and fantasy author Vox Day, you’ll notice that his rhetoric and style of argumentation is frequently a mirror image of the woke left. Not sure if that’s genius or insidious.
The more accurate term would be ‘woke-like right’, or the right that acts like the ‘woke left’ in service to their pet issues.
It usually applies to conzos who bitch about censorship and cancel culture but then call for censorship and canceling on behalf of Jews and Israel. In this sense, Trump and DeSantis are ‘woke-like right’. To appease Jews, they will cancel people left and right like the real ‘wokesters’ call for canceling those who aren’t sufficiently deferential to Negroes and Homos.
Now, some define the term ‘woke right’ differently. It’s usually done by Con Inc against the dissident right.
Because some in the dissident right condemn Zionist war on Gaza and believe the Right needs to incorporate certain socialist policies, they are deemed to be ‘woke’ for siding with Brown Palestinians against White Jews. Also, their pro-labor position is seen as ‘socialist’ or ‘leftist’, therefore ‘woke’.
But this is bogus. Real ‘wokeness’ is pseudo-leftism concocted by the Jewish elites to (mis)direct progressive energies toward nonsense issues like gender-politics and mindless Negro worship. ‘Wokeness’ suppressed economic issues and justified Zionism by portraying Israel as the ‘gayest nation on Earth’. ‘Wokeness’ isn’t about leftist extremism but about degenerate obsessions with frivolity, like doing fashion shows with bald-headed fatties or throwing tantrums about ‘muh pronouns’.
The pro-Palestinian movement wasn’t ‘woke’ but a genuine cry for justice over real events.
In contrast, BLM was ‘woke’ cuz it was based on mindless Negrolatry and had nothing to do with the actual world: white cops are not nazi-kkk gunning down innocent blacks in the street.
The fact that Americans cared more about one George Floyd than over 100,000 dead in Gaza goes to show how degenerate American progressivism have become and how divorced from reality.
The entire Republican party is ‘Woke Right” with the exception of Kentucky congressman Thomas Massie. Currently he’s the only one in D.C. who has any balls.
Likewise, the fact that Americans cared more about one Derek Chauvin than over 100,000 dead in Gaza goes to show how degenerate American conservatism has become and how divorced from reality.
The reality being that without practical exception the people running this country’s government and institutions don’t consider your interests of much importance.
Two blades of the Establishment scissors to divide, conquer & distract from economic issues and those listed in #4.
What do conservatives conserve? Besides Jewish power and Israel?
The cuckservatives are collaborators with the AntiWhite system. This latest attempt to guard the right wing of the vultures is truly pathetic. Hymie has been bitten by their own narrative of colonial apartheid oppressors. Their fine young cannibals are going to eat them alive. White Men need to stop supporting ZOG. Unhook from the funny money that feeds the system. Barter goods and services with your own kind. Starve the beast and watch it die. This DEI bomb is going to implode ZOG. Enjoy the spectacle of your enemies fighting each other. The fake jew has been losing and will keep losing. The narrative has boomeranged upon them. They are now between Iraq and a hard place. The genocidal tendencies of the fake jew has been revealed to the whole world. It is not just White people that they want to kill. They can’t ever be the victim again. They are the terrorists that we have to destroy. Start by debasing the funny money. Don’t use it as much as possible. The funny money is the keystone of the AntiWhite system.
“Real ‘wokeness’ is pseudo-leftism concocted by the Jewish elites to (mis)direct progressive energies toward nonsense issues like gender-politics and mindless Negro worship. ‘Wokeness’ suppressed economic issues and justified Zionism by portraying Israel as the ‘gayest nation on Earth’. ‘Wokeness’ isn’t about leftist extremism but about degenerate obsessions with frivolity”
Yep. Tell me more.
two relevant bits from Stevens….
“I am the angel of reality,
Seen for a moment standing in the door.
…I am the necessary angel of earth,
Since, in my sight, you see the earth again,
Cleared of its stiff and sullen man-locked set;
And in my hearing, you hear its tragic drone.”
“Victor Serge said, I followed his argument
With the blank uneasiness which one might feel
In the presence of a logical lunatic. Revolution
Is the affair of logical lunatics.”
So Woke shifts responsibility from the “powerless” individual to “systemic” remedies that do nothing but widen the gulf between people who have the same class interests. The root of the problem remains unaddressed and unspeakable, the unprecedented transfer of wealth into the hands of the oligarchic few. This evil process began in earnest the day Reagan’s hallucinatory “new morning in America” dawned. It is not accidental that the chimera of identity politics has been promoted to replace the proven effective remedy of solidarity.
Last year the liberal minister Christopher Hedges wrote a definitive analysis of Woke as controlled opposition, “Woke Imperialism,” online at https://consortiumnews.com/2023/02/06/chris-hedges-woke-imperialism/
This is also a crusade by Lindsay and company to delegitimize any criticism on the right of jewish power and the stranglehold that Israel has over the American government. He’s obviously funded by some jewish benefactor similar to Rufo with the Manhattan Institute.
Nice point. All those are things supported by conservatives. Conservatives seem to be suckers.
This has all been carefully planned for decades
Gains made by leftoids in every area. This is not a bug but a feature. Old Rev. Dabney spotted it way back in 1870. Conservatives conserve only J-power, Muh Izrahell, gains made in all manner of “progressive” notions which would have been previously unthinkable, and totalitarian power for towards the lawless regime in Sodom-on-Potomac and the Empire of Lies. When comes to something even normies might appreciate like conserving the ladies room, forget it.
That’s why some of us like to us the term “Cuckservative” to describe such clowns. David French is still their poster boy, but he has plenty of competitors.
Woke right is just more gatekeeping to encourage folks to stay on the plantation.
World War I and 2 sounded the death knell for the white race. At the turn of the 20th century we were roughly 75%of the global population. And now we are about 7% and diminishing year by year through childlessness and race mixing with non-whites.
Vox Day’s “SJWs Always Lie” and “Corporate Cancer” are really useful guides to identify entryism and counter organizational attacks. I had a friend who underwent a pretty aggressive cancellation campaign and he said the former book was very true to his experience.
I myself really enjoyed James Linsday’s “Translations from Wokish”* which disentangle some of the meaning underlying the innocuous rhetorical terms which are instrumental in spreading left wing ideology. However, his excellent guide to “repressive tolerance” seems to correspond to his own embrace of the idea. He immediately blocked me when I said, if I recall correctly, that it was important to countenance white identity since such identities constitute a core part of social stability.
*I do suggest taking a look. https://newdiscourses.com/translations-from-the-wokish/
Your premise, “Americans cared more about one Derek Chauvin than over 100,000 dead in Gaza,” is an assumption incapable of proof or disproof. But let’s say for the sake of discussion it’s correct.
There’s nothing degenerate about being more concerned about events in one’s own country than in another geographically distant. It’s common sense. The rioting and looting triggered by the Minneapolis Follies had immediate effects on, and implications for, Americans. That doesn’t preclude empathy for Israel’s victims in Gaza, but what happens in your own house takes precedence over what happens in a house on the other side of town.
Not even when the government of “one’s own country” is responsible for the carnage in Palestine? War’s easy to smug off if you’re not one of the targets.
Floyd and Chauvin were both balsa chairs that the pillow fighting politicians broke over each other’s heads. They’re “concerned” only about themselves and their true constituents.
The world wars were tragic in all kinds of ways. But most of all because they involved whites massively severing other whites from this world.
After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think now
History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors
And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,
Guides us by vanities. …
Neither fear nor courage saves us. Unnatural vices
Are fathered by our heroism. Virtues
Are forced upon us by our impudent crimes.
These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing tree.
T.S. Eliot, “Gerontion”
“Faith and Beauty Society” 2024 AD à la française:
In 2016/17, centrists and “skeptics” called the alt right “right wing SJWs” for caring about race and identity. Anything that challenged colorblind liberalism was the same to them, whether it came from pro-Whites or anti-Whites.
Now we don’t use the term SJW anymore but Woke. So Lindsay is repackaging that same idiotic term with 2024 terminology. Because if you don’t worship Israel and think White people have legitimate racial interests, that makes you woke!
It is very twisted.
To be aware of Israeli and Jewish perfidy, it’s hardly going to do your career much good.
Woke or it’s older form SJW is not generally going to harm your career or money.
Disgust with Jews and Israel is living on the edge.
(C)Rap has become the new “Glam Rock” if not worse. Anyone who listens to or supports (C)Rap is highly suspected to have engaged in consensual as well as non consensual sex. Any White boy involved in or who listens to (C)Rap is not only a wigger but worse. Hehe.
All (C)Rappers regardless of color have been caught with their pants down. RapOs, HomOs, ChomOs, yep, that be (C)Rap, yo.
Ban ALL (C)Rap.
Conservative, Inc. is a fake opposition controlled by Jews. It’s designed to circumscribe what is acceptable for the opposition in terms of goals, actions, words, and even thoughts. Similar to the way the Party’s goal in replacing English with Newspeak in George Orwell’s 1984 was to make the expression of “thoughtcrime” impossible, the ultimate objective of Conservative, Inc. is to make the expression of “anti-Semitism” impossible even in one’s private thoughts.
To better understand wokeness, it’s useful to consider political correctness that preceded it.
PC is a ‘negative’ policy, i.e. it’s about what you cannot or should not say. It’s anti- than pro-.
Under PC regimen, certain things should not be said cuz it’s this-ist or that-ist.
In contrast, ‘wokeness’ is a ‘positive’ policy in that it names what and whom we need to revere, venerate, praise, worship, obey, and serve.
PC names the heresies, whereas ‘wokeness’ presents the sacraments.
PC and ‘wokeness’ are interlinked in that the categories of heresy imply those of sanctity.
For instance, if ‘racism'(especially pertaining to blacks) is unacceptable, it means blacks deserve more attention and care. If ‘antisemitism’ is evil, it means Jews need special protection. If ‘homophobia’ is intolerable, it means there’s something of value about homosexuality.
Now, PC denunciation of ‘racism’ doesn’t necessarily imply Negrolatry. After all, ‘racism’ can mean bigotry against any racial group. But if the examples of ‘racist evil’ inordinately emphasize blacks-as-victims, then it means that harm done to blacks is worse than harm done to other groups, such as Palestinians(by Jews and their brownnosing white cucks).
As for ‘antisemitism’ and ‘homophobia’, their focus is more specific than ‘racism’, which theoretically can apply to any group. One can be ‘racist’ to Mexicans or Hindus, for example.
In contrast, ‘antisemitism’ specifies only Jews(and excludes other Semitic groups such as Arabs). And ‘homophobia’ only pertains to the toots. In this sense, Jews and homos have an advantage over blacks as their protective taboos apply only to themselves.
There’s stuff like ‘Islamophobia’, but like ‘Russophobia’, has gained little traction because the Jewish-run media and academia prefer to fixate on the primacy of Jews, Negroes, and Homos.
Now, PC that proscribes ‘antisemitic’ or ‘homophobic’ speech doesn’t necessarily mean we should venerate Jews and homos. It could simply mean that we shouldn’t go around calling Jews and homos ‘hebes’ and ‘fags’. Indeed, PC was sold as a matter of sensitivity. It was about the need to be more sensitive, not more worshipful, of certain groups.
Still, the special concerns for blacks, Jews, and homos did prepare the ground for ‘wokeness’, which goes far beyond sensitivity. ‘Wokeness’ elevates certain groups as sacrosanct, holy, divine, magical. Black Girl Magic, for example. It’s about the Awesomeness of Jews. It’s about the wonders of celebrating homosexuality and tranny nuttery. It’s not merely about “Don’t call black people ‘ni**ers’” but about the need to wash black feet and prostrate oneself before the portrait of George Floyd and bawl one’s eyes out at the tragic sacrifice of the Noble Negro.
Because of its quasi-spiritual nature, ‘wokeness’ is more a matter of faith than facts. It stresses the eternal holiness of certain groups. So, even though blacks kill blacks and victimize nonblacks aplenty, the faith in the Magic Negro compels us to believe in the fantasy of Nazi cops gunning down innocent blacks in the streets. Thus, BLM, totally a matter of faith than of facts.
Same with the gospel of Matthew Shepherd. A homo murdered by homo druggies, his story was spun into a narrative about a saintly homo murdered by small town hick ‘homophobes’.
And of course the Jews. Even though Jews have been stomping on Palestinians forever, it’s always ‘we must defend Israel’. Never mind Oct 7 was a reaction to Jewish oppression in Gaza. The ‘woke’ narrative on the event is ‘most Jews killed since the Holocaust’. So, never mind Jews have killed many more Arabs and Muslims. All that matters is the holy precious lives of Jews. Jews are always Anne Franks even when they act like Himmlers.
In contrast, the pro-Palestinian position is anti-‘woke’, even though certain ‘woke’ types have joined the movement in their constant need for moral outrage. Palestinian plight is real, and what Israel has been doing to Gaza is a horror of horrors. And Jews intend to annex West Bank outright. And what happened in Syria would not have been possible without Zionist control of US foreign policy.
Palestinian movement is a big threat to the ‘woke’ cults propped up by Jews. It’s about facts and real justice versus the fantasy narratives of ‘wokeness’.
How does the Right fit into all this?
1. Republicans tend to follow the Jewish-Democratic lead. Democrats led with ‘gay marriage’, and now the GOP is onboard. MAGA might as well be called FAGA, what with Trump sucking up to homos. And of course, GOP and MAGA are no less worshipful of Jews. Even after Jews stuck a spiked dildo up Trump’s arse though lawfare, Trump’s message to Jews is, “Oh holy Jew, can I suck the dildo that’s been up my arse in tribute to Jewish greatness?” And even though blacks did most to tear cities apart since 2020, the MAGA message is “Hey, we had more holy negroes vote for Trump.”
2. HBD has its own spin on ‘woke’. HBD notices racial differences, and it noticed higher Jewish IQ. Thus, HBD fetishizes Jews as the true master race. HBD may disdain the current state of Jewish Power but pines for the day when Jews will finally see the light of day and choose whites as their favorite sidekicks. HBD says, “We whites are the most loyal dogs and waiting for the day when the Jewish master will stop kicking us and use us as their most reliable servants.” Thus, HBD is a matter of faith premised on the notion that high Jewish IQ will finally make Jews realize their best interests by choosing whites as their top dogs. It’s no less pathetic than ‘wokeness’.
(C)rappers who always looked gay to me ( old skoo (c)rap don’t know any of the jitterbugs)
Poop Dawg
Sleazy E
Eminem ( that white boy lookeded gay as sheeit, dawg)
Justin Dweeber and Ursher ( I guess we all know what happened)
Puffer? Come on, man, this was obvious from day one
The one alleged to be gay that surprised me is that ugly dude Busta Ryhmes. Sheeit, playa, that nigra is big and ugly. He might take dem cheeks from Fleece Johnson, yo. Fleece, old and slippin. Teehee.
Video Link
It’s you, Kevin. You’re a homo.
Yeah, Luigi will be a new abstract.
Was it revenge or was it justice?
Is there even a distinction between these two words?
Does any of it matter considering that Jewish Zionists are the ones in control
A bland word salad indeed. The lettuce is all wilted and the tomatoes are rotten. And no dressing.
Class analysis is quite legit, rich, middle, working. Who owns the means of production, who runs the means of production, who owns nothing but their labor.
No class analysis here. Fine.
Identity analysis is also legit. Who can claim their identity. Which identity groups have power and which do not. This is supposedly, I guess, identity based analysis.
But, look at these takeaways from an early paragraph:
“Mainstream American conservatism in the Ronald Reagan tradition was libertarianism awkwardly mashed together with a hawkish foreign policy.”
So libertarianism is the military industrial complex’s spokesperson (Reagan) who was a key soldier in the attack on working and middle class wages and the transfer of those wages to the predatory financial class? That’s ‘libertarianism’?????
Now look at another excerpt from the same paragraph:
“After the fall of Communism, Russell Kirk and Pat Buchanan — the closest the movement had to great men — were pushed out of respectability.”
‘were pushed out’, note the passive voice. Which hides what? Buchanan was pushed out with accusations of antisemitism, remember? Or you probably don’t. Who gave him a big push by the way, voicing these accusations? Donald Trump of course, for those who know USA electoral political history. Which I don’t think this writer does know.
He does know enough to write a boring screed about identity politics without mentioning the one group, a minority group, that has REAL identity group power. Enough power to protect their group from criticism. Which is why this writer does not mention the most powerful group, get it? This group can debank and threaten, with death, anybody who names and criticizes the power of this group. Ask Nick Fuentes if limiting ones identity politics analysis is good for one’s career, or if NOT limiting is, on the other hand, rather dangerous.
This is the best thing you wrote.
The rest of that long post I mostly skipped, just like most of the article.
Well, there’s (C)hristian Rap, almost the same as regular rap for those who like the beat and the fast talking, but always with a positive message. I like “Love Like That” and “Don’t Waste Your Life.”
“A new metaphor is stalking the internet. It is promoted by the writer James Lindsay and by Konstantin Kissin of the popular anti-Woke podcast “Triggernometry.” It is called the “Woke Right.”
Who exactly is this Konstantin Kissin?
Serious question.
I’m not familiar enough with this author to know what he’s said about the issues you’ve mentioned, but I assume you’ve been disappointed by what you’ve found (or rather haven’t found.) I have read a lot of James Lindsay’s newdiscourses though, and after being delighted with his skewering of the Progressive Left’s excesses, I was disappointed to find that he is generally not sympathetic to the Palestinian cause—he tends to put Palestinians in scare quotes. One of his chief arguments against the cause is that it’s one that the Progressive Left supports.
For a long time, I’ve been frustrated with the illogic that holds that an idea is wrong because an out-group believes it’s right, and now moreso than ever. I couldn’t even tell you what the difference between “Conservative” and “Liberal” is anymore. I’m beginning to believe they’re artificially managed “sides” arranged to blur the distinction between Right and Wrong.
True dat.
The Diffident Right – epitomized here at TUR by John Derbyshire, but including about half of what remains of the author roster – has had practically nothing to say about any of the example topics I listed.
Some punch hard, but it’s usually down. Their hustle is to stoke & soothe disaffected white guys who skew 40+ over transgender statues, Confederate bathrooms, and other issues of no consequence to the Establishment.
It’s functionally equivalent to the political system that keeps people voting at each other.
The term “Woke” as currently employed is misleading.
Might a correct application be to define,for instance, a past propensity to embrace “Diversity” when the outcome was not tested or known? And then bewailing the consequences of their own past preferences,decisions? When one develops a combination of trauma and animosity towards what was once embraced and empowered?
The greatest music (classical) was created by the White Christian men and here you’re pushing the white version of despicable black music… how distressing!
Did “Americans” care more about St Floyd? I don’t think so. The owners were using the Floyd incident for their own nefarious means. On my wife’s side of the family I’ve got a few hard-core democrats and even they weren’t into the Floyd nonsense. It was pushed to show small business owners that they needed the government to protect them and to help motivate blacks to support the leftist agenda. Funny thing about that leftist agenda is that blacks have been replaced by Hispanics now, that is complete, and will soon be as relevant as blacks in Brazil. Hispanic culture has no room for blacks. America is a couple inches from being a Hispanic country.(I know Brazil is a Portuguese colony, but it’s culture is right in line with the former Spanish colonies).
A long drawn out article of blather with tag on videos of black fellas who spout the most incomprehensible nonsense with every second word a profanity.
What is woke ? Its the opposite of everything we have come to accept as right and decent. To add flavour to the hogwash every “influencer” with a moving jaw adds incomprehensible jargon. Hence for example a man who thinks he is a woman and has his dick and both balls cut off and a new pussy installed is far left woke but if he only has his tool and one nut removed he is center conservative woke.
In my day a woman identifying as a man who insisted on using the men’s washroom would be considered looking for a gang bang. A man identifying as a woman who entered the woman’s washroom would get fucked up. These days they have their “rights”.
With all these labels its no wonder even the people creating the labels get confused and create more new phrases to explain the previous confusing jargon.
That is why we have so many nut jobs running wild. Once you throw out the foundation of what is right and wrong, decent and indecent, reason and stupidity, you are a lost soul. The result is a wandering among other confused individuals with no moral compass.
That, plus the injection of refugees, each with their own outlook, from every dump in the Third World means the elites have the public by the balls or for those who are woke, by the pussy hair. So while every clique is fighting to be woke or unwoke, the politicians do their thing, soothe the discontented with more honeyed jargon and then act as they please.
Freaks rule !
Good God! Blah blah blah. When I was in college my Jew anthropology professor was blowing his “cultural pluralism is our greatest strength” nonsense up everyone’s ass. I raised my hand and asked him to give me just ONE example in ALL of human history when a majority population PEACEFULLY handed over POWER and it worked out well for them? The Jew FROZE with GUILT and he turned around and started writing on the blackboard and said “Never tell anyone what you know!” That was the END of the lively discussion on “diversity is our greatest strength” for the day.
The bottom line here is that JEWS intentionally created this bastardised interpretation of “all men are created equal” to fuck white gentile America as well as ALL white gentile nations so JEWS could obtain POWER as well as divide and conquer. “Woke right” to “alt-right” folks means being aware of the INTENTIONAL Jewish subversion of our societies/culture. All that any race has to do is look at the brazen hypocrisy of JEWS to see they are straight up LYING! Everything Jews attack white gentile nations for is exactly what Jews DEMAND for themselves! While Jews are pointing the finger at whites and ONLY whites as “racist” they are stating that THEIR greatest strength is putting their own people FIRST and that GOD CHOSE THEM! For any believer of God, you can’t get a more “racist supremacist” statement! Jews attempting to use their invisible God that can’t be questioned but is feared and revered by the white Christian gentiles whose societies Jews wish to CONTROL as if “God” was the president or dictator giving Jews special privileges.
So for the spineless “intellectual” douche bags that want to chase their tales and IGNORE the Jews behind all this bullshit that simply want to destroy whites and control our societies, be HONEST and the truth WILL set you free! As idiot white brainwashed by JEWS tremble at some black or Jew shouting “racism”, Jews are mass murdering all across the Middle East stating their GOD says they can, while also having whites mass murder each other so Jews can destroy whites and control EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! Wake up you “woke” babbling morons! It’s the JEWS, stupid!
Every white person should take a good look at how Jews just LOVE EQUALITY and treat the black JEWS in Israel: https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/
Suckers! Wake up! Race are divided NATURALLY
He’s not English. He’s an interloper.
Makes good sense, until I got to HBD? No clue. Please be more clear.
The progression from PC to Woke is well written and clear, but you are missing another important leg of the Woke stool – the White male villain. Their particular brand of religion requires “the Bad Guy” responsible for all the past “crimes”; hence, the anti-White theme.
Perhaps I would have finished reading this article if he would have got to the point instead of getting lost in the weeds and writing a huge opus.
What I know is that I am an America-First Constitutionalist.
What say we broaden the perspective by asking questions?
Why is this happening?
https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/06/why-are-white-nations-being-targeted.html?m=0 – this link leads to an in-depth study of the whole biblical perspective which few understand – including most pulpit dispensers and pew sitters. If you cannot distinguish Christianity from churchianity, isn’t it time to do so? Christianity was a main pillar in building Western Civilization – it had to be converged FIRST by DaSynagogue of Satan, before all of WC could be destroyed.
Western Civ will survive after much damage, but there will always be a remnant to rebuild.
Indeed. I have written a bit on that myself:
The science discussed therein deals with plans to pull the rug out from under “race realism” by simply genetically altering blacks into “brown people with high IQ’s”
My compliments to Mr. Hood on another excellent piece that we plebes can understand and ruminate over during our morning lessons from the MSM on our “White Privilege”. Especially in sports, where Mau Mau’s are so “underrepresented”.
Fuck the Jew media. So…, a white chick shows up and “Tiger Woodses” the WNBA and makes it relevant and profitable, but we still gotta hear about the need to “Elevate” black women. Hang on there Sloopy, I thought the WNBA, like the NBA is chocked the fuck full of Mau Mau monkeys. We all remember that one time, that LeBron ran down the court and dunked the ball. I know we all remember that. It was so special.
“Some blacks seem to believe that there is crime in the inner city because unknown whites drop drugs and guns onto black street corners.”
Well…….., you know….., kinda….., just maybe.
Gary Webb was an American hero killed by the Kike run CIA.
“To the extent that other groups, such as Jews, have come under fire from the left, it is because they are viewed as a mere subset of the larger group of white oppressors”.
I love ya Greg and this is a great article, but, gimme a break. JEWS run the left and if there are occasional “limited hangouts” re: Those poor Jews are being harassed by the homies! then it is just another Hezbollah Pager feint.
Every now and then, your Pit Bull will bite you. But most of the time, the BLM Pit Bulls are trained and trained well, to attack whites.
I love the recent acquisition of rhetorical weapons from the Jew controlled left that Mr. Hood is talking about. Using their own strategies to mitigate the all out, full on, frontal enfilade against white people is poetic.
Now, l eagerly await, the Propaganda Of The Deed.
“That’s all very well, but it’s illegal. The Civil Rights Act makes it impossible for whites or anyone else to choose his community. ”
Tell that to the jews who took over that town in NY.
Is he a “”” “”””?
Why not “Europhobia is the most pervasive, paradoxically insidious and blatant force in the West, today.”
There’s memes on the purity spirals of “who is White,” but it is clear, genetically it’s the Germanics, Celtics, and Slavs. The Constitution is secondary, and frankly, mutilated.
except for the small matter that Chauvin was obviously innocent of murder, but tossed under the bus by a progressive ‘woke’ society, that now considers white Americans males to be the equivalent of Palestinians – people who don’t deserve rights, because Jews don’t approve of them.
Floyd was a low-life shitbag, and Chauvin was too arrogant to get his knee off the shitbag once he became languid, and no longer a threat. But even so, he didn’t murder Floyd, and everybody knows it. Chauvin was convicted because he is white, just like the Palestinians are murdered because they’re Palestinians, not because they did anything wrong.
And progressives and ‘conservatives’ are all good with this, so long as they benefit personally.
The number one threat to Whites are those who call themselves “Jews.”
You take care of the Jewish Problem and the rest is easy peasy. I know the Nigra Problem is a problem, but the Jew and his homo/chomo/rapo blackmailed, compromised RICH white traitor trash maggots are happily selling out their own. IF a new and improved Hitler regained power, kikesuckers like Lindsey Graham would do a 180, but the bad news, roll the tape, Jim. Good ole kikesuckers are linked with lots of film and paper trails. Teehee. But, but, but…. But hell, bitch.
Behind EVERY problem is the Jew. Been that way for centuries. The kike will collaborate with the Arab to destroy Whites as they did in Spain centuries ago and as they are doing now by importing these Brown sheep f*cking troglodytes into White nations with unibrow Pakis, sneaky Dotheads and Orientals, or anyone else who is not White. Whether these vampires are Khazarian, Jewish or mutts is debatable but despite their relatively pale skin, they want to wipe out Whites and White nations while bleeding them white by sucking out every bit of use they can from these blind, deaf and dumb fools from discarding the half baked useful idiots.
Trumpstein wants to buy Greenland. Perhaps that would be a good location to ship certain (((malcontents.)))
Marie Antoinette was a radical actually. Let them eat it.
“There’s nothing degenerate about being more concerned about events in one’s own country than in another geographically distant. It’s common sense. …….what happens in your own house takes precedence over what happens in a house on the other side of town.”
That is “common sense” only for those completely ignorant of the fact that money taken out of “your own house” and indeed out of your own pocket is sent to a “geographically distant” country to support its land expansion by genocide, and that your money also helps said “geographically distant” country to have a health care system that some of you who often skip meals to afford medical care can only dream of.
I for one would tend to find the Negrids more particularly prone to obedience to fashion and group thinking, but they are not particularly sensual as such if we observe them in the context of African cultures. For instance African gastronomy is in general not very developed and even in the context of Western civilisations they are often satisfied with mere fast-food. Those who develop a sensual attitude in eating are the exception and in general by imitation of models foreign to their origin they adopt out of fashion first and foremost. That is for instance the case in New Orleans where they have elaborated a gastronomy derived from the French one. Group-thinking and group-choices are among the most unbearable aspect of living among blacks. Truth doesn’t count much as such apart from group-approval.
Beauty and pleasure does not count much neither outside what the groups considers as beautiful and pleasurable : there is very little individual quest for original ways of enjoyment. In sex and love there is often a total lack of deep feeling : they are performed as routine activities and more generally women who do experience pleasure in love are rather the exception. Many among themselves as well as from without remark that they start very young having a sex life, mostly so as to feel abreast of the demands of the groups for male performance, but stop also very young out of sheer disinterest : females for the greater number do it in exchange for material gain in money or services.
In modern cultures they are hypersexualized because fashion industry is in the hands of another ethnic group that wants absolutely everybody to be sexually obsessed and have observed that using the most fashion-prone race to spread hypersexualization is the fastest route to hypersexualization of all other sub-cultures. But where they are subject to Islamic cultural dominance rather than Jewish, or that of Protestant personality-cult preachers, which is the most frequent case in Africa, their interest for sexual matters is much more limited compared to Arabs, and compared to many White groups such as the French and Portuguese. Those who show greater interest in sensuality are in general lighter-skin mestizos, not pure blacks.
This is the strongest quote in the authors article:
In my worldview, free will doesn’t exist.
This life is the very definition of a prison, where 99% of humans are ignorant to the slavery cast upon them by not only their biology, but the capitalist oligarchs who control the mechanics of larger civilization.
There is no way for the individual to control his destiny, because he is trampled by the freight train of where history is moving. All he can do is try to rationalize his suffering until the demise of his unfruitful life lol.
This is why religion will always be a powerful force in this material existence the atheist will never truly be able to rationalize away with his science.
Every prisoner awaits his day of freedom.
I ponder death everyday. The positive end of the spectrum could be the freeing of the conscious from this material prison. On the opposite end is the infinite darkness of not knowing you ever existed.
Even at its worst, the burdens of the shackles attached your body will ultimately be broken loose in either scenario.
Which, in itself, is a blessing whichever is our ultimate fate.
Your whitey-tighties are in a bunch over a wholesome playlist? Jeremiah 12:5
I chuckled at the cleverness of COVID “dempanic” but am wondering if “transgender statues and Confederate bathrooms” was an unintentional modifier swap or instead a joke that went over my head! Anyway, just as you and others here are correct to call out the failure of “Diffident Conservatism” (smile) to question Zionist influence and the threat of AAA to make such questions illegal, so too are those, even guilty as they are of these omissions, correct to challenge what James Lindsay calls the Queering of the Western child (inappropriate mutilation of minors; porn and Story Hour groomers in grammar school libraries.) And while I don’t hesitate to give the back of my hand to people who call me out for enjoying Christian rap, or Motown, or jazz or any other Black music, I do think my critics have a point about the havoc things like DEI and affirmative action have wreaked on our economy and society in general.
There are so many fronts (on both the so-called Left and the Right) on which the battles against cruelly insane ideas are being waged by decent people with common sense. I don’t see any of those battles as distractions from attention to the other battles being fought. The distraction is this perceived need to huddle into ever-shrinking enclaves of ideological purity, shutting out the ideas of anyone from “the outside.”
“If there is one phrase that sums up the American conservative movement, it is “our principles forbid us from pursuing our interests.” ”
“It is not surprising that Sam Francis is finding a measure of postmortem respectability and that Steve Sailer has found it in this life. ”
Steve Sailer? Steve Sailer? Steve Sailer found respectability by distancing himself “our own interests.” This is the man who spends most of his online time lamenting over homicidal negro activity or fabulous negro sports accomplishments, yet very noticeably avoids the topic of white replacement and white deaths of despair, especially kovid and post kovid.
He is the near embodiment of the first line I quoted above.
To be aware of Israeli and Jewish perfidy, it’s hardly going to do your career much good.
I say:
The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire controls the mass media and the Federal Reserve Bank and the US military and the JEW/WASP Ruling Class will only be dislodged by brave men and women who recognize the simple fact that the only thing holding the American Empire together is the monetary policy extremism of the privately-controlled Federal Reserve Bank.
Fed Organized Crime Syndicate Boss Jay Powell goes to Jeff Bezos’s massive compound estate in Swamp City DC for dinner and takes his orders from Bezos and other billionaires and Jay Powell only serves billionaires and the nasty skanks in the Upper Middle Class and corporate managerial slobs and foreigners. The Fed is the globalized organized criminal syndicate that pauperizes regular people and enriches the greedy, money-grubbing plutocrat slobs.
Don’t listen to corporate propaganda whore douchebags such as Chris Rufo or James Lindsay or the rodentine boob Ross Douthat who sniff on about WHITE IDENTITY POLITICS being “toxic.” The Reagan/Bush/Trump mass legal immigration pushing Republican Party is toxic and the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is toxic and the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal are toxic and Explicit White Identity Politics is exactly what will start the dislodgement process of the rancid JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
Monetary policy that benefits the billionaires and the top ten percent loot holders and mass immigration that destroys cultural cohesion and national sovereignty — or debt and demography — is the logic of the 21st century and a further elaboration helps explain why the White people in various European Christian nations stood by and did nothing while their nations were flooded out with foreigners.
The globalized central banks are involved in the greatest inter-generational ripoff scam of all time. That is why we had negative interest rates and zero interest rates and Quarter Volcker federal funds rate — 5% — and asset purchases and quantitative easing and money printing and all the rest. Debt created and sustained by the monetary policy extremism of central banks has been used to buy off the greedy White dolts born before 1965. Mass immigration is only tolerated because of the greedy White scum who are bought off by the machinations of the globalized central banks.
The greedy White scum born before 1965 will deserve the curses of those who come after. They stood by and did nothing while their nations were turned into Third World hellholes.
My connection of monetary policy and immigration policy still stands as one of the most sophisticated political conceptual works of the last 60 years. Simple it is. The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire used monetary policy to buy off the greedy White slobs born before 1965 so those greedy White slobs would keep their mouths shut about the nation-wrecking effects of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration. The multiple series of asset bubbles inflated by the privately-controlled Federal Reserve Bank bought off the greedy White slobs born before 1965 and that is why the nation-wrecking mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration wasn’t stopped sooner.
On second thought, if you’re business model is to stay off the main essential logic of the 21st Century in order to clam rake loot out of White greedy slobs born before 1965, then maybe it makes sense to avoid talk of asset bubbles and monetary policy extremism and mass legal immigration and inter-generational late stage imperial cultural rot and just keep the pedal to the metal on Blacks and World War Tranny and the like.
If a politician or writer or commenter is not talking about monetary policy extremism and asset bubbles that means that the person is in on the monetary policy scam or benefiting from the monetary policy scam or is being paid by a donor to not talk about the monetary policy scam.
“Yet progressives at least recognize that if you have any kind of objective standards, the races won’t be equally successful,”
What? Absolutely false. Progressives believe that, if the outcome is anything other than what they want, then the standards MUST be anything but objective.
Conceding bullshit like the above is pretty much “our principles forbid us from pursuing our interests.”
“Group-thinking and group-choices are among the most unbearable aspect of living among blacks.”
Are there any bearable aspects? If so, it must be a *really* short list.
HBD has a quasi-worship element. Even though sold as a secular, rational, empirical, and objective fascination with the diversity of human races, its conclusions are clearly ethno-cultist.
It just about worships the combination of Ashkenazi IQ and Jewish Will to Power. It goes from the empirical observation of higher Jewish IQ and willful personality traits to the devotional conviction that Jews are truly the Chosen(of evolution if not God), the ultimate Master Race.
HBD may deny this but if we judge it by its positions than by its stated principles, it is clearly into Jew-Worship. It’s all the more evident given that Jews are the most hostile group against whites and done the most harm to the majority group all across the West. But HBD overlooks and forgives all that(much like a dog forgiving and continuing to serve its abusive master) on the premise that, whites MUST serve Jews who are superior. It’s like a master and slave relation. No matter how abusive the master, he is the master, and the ONLY thing the slave can hope for is for the master to change his tune and be nicer to his subjects; the slave mustn’t dare to seek freedom or rise up against the master.
So, even though Palestinians have done zero harm to the white race while the Jews have done plenty, the HBD’s shtick is to mewl about ‘antisemitism’ to be in good graces with the likes of Bill Ackman who, until the pro-Gaza protests, was funding and supporting the most anti-white ‘woke’ policies in academia.
Because HBD lionizes IQ above all else, it favors Jews uber alles. Now, intelligence is an important asset, the very stuff that sets humans from other species and what distinguishes certain groups over others. All true. But intelligence isn’t the same as goodness and morality. Intelligence can serve evil and vileness, which is true of current Jewish Power. US foreign policy has been in the hands of people like Victoria Nuland and Benjamin Netanyahu. But because of HBD’s IQ-obsession, Jews are usually deemed in the right simply cuz they’re ‘superior’, whereas Palestinians, being ‘mediocre’, deserve to be wiped out like the American Indians; they are not really human, just nuisances standing in the way of the superior master race.
HBD is less into athletics but nevertheless fascinated with it as well. Partly, it’s to warn whites of the threat posed by blacks. Afraid of being called ‘racist’, HBD would rather discuss blacks in sports than black crime in the streets(except as stats than gruesome details). By pointing out that blacks are more athletic, the implication is they’re tougher and can beat up whites.
But sports is also the arena of idolatry, and this HBD partially joins in the general awe that whites have for black sports stars. Thus, HBD also falls into wishful thinking that, under the proper guidance, blacks can be ‘fellow Americans’. Yes, the people who do the most robbing, raping, looting, murdering, and etc are objects of fantasies of ‘fellow Americans’.
Even after BLM madness, the delusion goes on.
Jews use brains to destroy whites, blacks use brawn to destroy whites. But HBD prays for Jews to be nicer masters and prays for blacks to beat up whitey less IF whitey hands over their women to blacks on a silver platter.
It’s a weak variation of ‘wokeness’ for the Right.
The Right deserves something more honest and sensible.
Unfortunately, one thing that hasn’t changed is gatekeeping. David Frum’s “Unpatriotic Conservatives” in 2003 is the standard, an ostensible criticism of antiwar conservatives that veers wildly off track into an attack on paleoconservatives and libertarians who didn’t worship the civil rights movement — among their other sins against the respectable right. That attack has not aged well since the catastrophic Iraq War and the miserable Bush Administration. There is a similar effort underway now.
Pedro L. Gonzalez says:
Tweet from 2023:
I say:
David Frum attacked Pat Buchanan and the other patriotic Americans who were right to voice skepticism about the Iraq War debacle pushed by George W Bush and the Jew-controlled Neo-Conservative faction in the Republican Party.
Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton both voted to give George W Bush authority to start the Iraq War debacle, although that sleazebag 82 year old geezer rat whore liar Biden has said he didn’t.
Tweets from 2015:
As is becoming increasingly obvious, Trump’s election promises are not worth the paper they are written on. There is no longer any talk of the military deporting millions of intruders, as was the case at the beginning of the year, and Trump also ultimately wants to keep the “Dreamers” in the country. https://odysee.com/@gtk:4/WR114:9
In a recent tweet, his “minister” Musk even explicitly invited “highly motivated and well-educated” immigrants to America, saying it should be made easier. The trick, as everywhere in the West, is now to simply re-label all illegals as legal. This has at least removed them from the all-too-ugly statistics, if not from the increasingly obvious street scene.
And of course Musk’s pseudo-provocative “Only the AfD can save Germany” is more hot air than the truth. As a member of his cabinet, he himself knows best what his peers, the “populist” faction, are willing and able to achieve. At least not to fulfill the fueled and seduced will of the voters.
Neither Trump nor the AfD will save anything but, as someone aptly remarked, act as an “overpressure valve” to delay and prolong the West’s unbearable decline. Trump’s Jewish financiers knew, of course, that it was necessary to accept his lurid slogans in order to take a significant step towards their main goal of creating Greater Israel through his appointment.
Has the “Out of Africa” theory, which is supposed to make us believe that we are all descended from “Mother Africa”, now been sufficiently refuted? Perhaps long ago, but this will certainly not meet with the approval of the MSM – that is, the predominantly Jewish and left-liberal led media houses – when it comes to publication. https://linkmix.co/32170346
There are 100,000 deaths of despair, primarily affecting whites, in the USA every single year that our own government has a hand or two in.
The US government has a peripheral hand in the chaos in Palestine but you need to place the blame for that solely at the feet of our greatest ally (TM).
It is quite obvious that EFS was referring to the cumulative events, and not just a single individual.
It is truly bizarre to me that so many supposed based dissidents here put the plight of a foreign people over their own kind, especially when their own kind are being subjected to elimination and replacement as well, just in a less direct manner.
By definition, race realists believe race exists and has consequences. One does not need to be a white advocate or even like white people to acknowledge this. Mr. Lindsay takes refuge in race denialism. He inverts the classic progressive case that race was “invented” by oppressors and implies anti-white racism is somehow fake and invented by Communists. Race itself is apparently fake.
I say:
The White Race is real and it is soon to become a fighting race again.
When the next global financial implosion hits, Whites all over the world will become warriors.
The reason why the globalized central banks have engaged in such unprecedented bouts of monetary policy extremism is because the plutocrat oligarch globalizers know damn well what happens when European Christians finally decide to fight.
The plutocrat oligarch globalizers will be routed and White interests worldwide will spring forth again.
Race is real. White Core Americans have interests separate and apart from other races.
The hostile JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire must be dislodged from power.
White Core American Patriotism will prevail over Plutocrat Oligarchical Globalization.
Reggatta De Blanc
White Boat Race?
White Reggae?
White Regatta?
White Race
Race Is Real.
Hillary Clinton knows that race is real. Hypocrite Hillary Clinton says she loves Black people. Hillary Clinton is full of beans. Hillary Clinton does not want to live anywhere near Black people. That is why Hillary Clinton moved to the mostly White town of Chappaqua, New York.
Hillary Clinton’s Mulatto banker whore ex-president pal Obama doesn’t want to live cheek by jowl with Blacks either.
Bring On The Night on Mass Immigration and Financialization and Globalization.
Bring On The Night On the Anti-White Corporate Media.
Bring On The Night On the Anti-White Ruling Class.
Bring On The Night:
Video Link
All this “woke” shit is just jew/cia psyop distract/deceive and divide tactics like every other thing pushed on us. It’s a sales pitch, advertising campaign and brainwashing all wrapped up in one shit sandwich. Low IQ types take the biggest bites.
These conversations involve for the most part people who have been influenced by the media and academia. The average person doesn’t share these views. We move because we want to live amongst our own. We move because we want our children to be amongst their own at school. For decades our people have been lied to about everything because our only sources of info was from Tom Brokaw or Peter Jennings or Dan Rather. A small percentage of people who travelled extensively or served in the government knew the truth. When the cocksucker Eisenhuer put bayonets to the backs of kids in Little Rock we were told it was for the better. When Nixon was blackmailed out of office we were told it was his own doing entirely. When elected leaders around the world were toppled or killed we were told it was a popular uprising. We didn’t flood this country with drugs and then glamourize their use with the media. We didn’t poison the food and water and medicines with endocrine disrupters and autism. We didn’t commit 911 or covid. We aren’t the ones killing people in the M.E. our government is. We never wanted to live in a police state or have our kids become wackjobs or worse. We never wanted “diversity” or the mainstreaming of pornography. All of these things were imposed on us by a select group of cunts. When the lights go out we’ll remember who the traitors are. Are you having fun destroying the white world? You better have a good fucking hiding place and pray that the government never stops protecting you.
The kike has Whites feeling guilty about showing any NATURAL loyalty to their own family. As Whites our extended family is other Whites and OUR biggest enemy is the Jew. It is that simple. The negro, the beaners and spics, the gooks, the camel jockeys, the uni-brow goat fuckers, the dot Indians are nothing more than crash dummies, the grunts who do the kike’s dirty work. But alas without the aid of RICH and POWERFUL white traitor trash, Whites would have NEVER become POW in their own land.
Should have been fighting WITH Hitler, not AGAINST him, dumb asses.
I see Trumpstein is surrounding himself with cowardly, slimy, corrupt billionaires, some non white, kikes, and the usual band of white traitor trash douchebags. I actually find myself for once agreeing with sheboon, Whoopi Goldberg, (((Elon Musk))) is Trump’s boss.
Mr. Lindsay may believe he’s not doing this, but he is. This is especially clear when he writes about race. For example, he claims that believing in “structural power” means you’re woke. “You could also believe in romanticized historical or traditional values, or in right wing beliefs, that you believe have been illegitimately suppressed by a prevailing power structure that primarily exists to maintain itself by excluding those beliefs,” he says. “That’s Woke Right.”
I say:
The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is using Totalitarian Inclusivity and Identity Stalinism and Anarcho-Tyranny to retain and maintain their perch on top of the power structure in the American Empire.
Ruling Class Decapitation and Ruling Class Deposition must be utilized by White Core Americans to remove the JEW/WASP Ruling Class from power.
White Core America will be the new Ruling Class in the American Empire and White Core America will explicitly advance the interests of the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
All members of the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire and their minions must be financially liquidated and then they must be forcibly and permanently exiled to walled and fenced compound communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Let us talk a while of generational cohorts but let us set a place at the table for all manner of conceptual frameworks to make sense of the rancid political atmosphere in the European Christian nations. I love to bash the Baby Boomers but I also talk of RULING CLASSES and I occasionally drop the new obsession for India Pale Ale in the USA by drinking porter or some other damn type of ale. Baked beans and ale are proof that God loves us.
I think the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire never, ever put the needs of America nor Americans first.
I think the JEW/WASP ruling class has been involved in a smash and grab job from the get-go. The JEW/WASP ruling class has used the power structure of the US government to ramp up their opportunity to plunder the Hell out of the USA and other parts of the globe and to pauperize regular Whites in the USA.
LBJ’s 1965 Immigration Act was designed to flood Third Worlders into the USA. That rancid warmonger scumbag LBJ was born in 1908.
Reagan was a treasonous rat who pushed mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration. Reagan’s 1986 amnesty for illegal alien invaders was an attack upon the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
George HW Bush was another treasonous rat who pushed mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration. George HW Bush’s 1990 Immigration Act opened the floodgates to more nation-killing mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration.
LBJ’s 1965 Immigration Act and Reagan’s 1986 amnesty for illegal alien invaders and George HW Bush’s 1990 Immigration Act were attacks on White Core America and American national sovereignty.
LBJ and Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush are roasting and rotting in the hottest pits of fiery Hell.
No, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimates_of_historical_world_population#By_world_region
Holidays have me lazy. Commented before skimming article. Jew not even mentioned unless I missed it while skimming. Must be a JT protege. “Trow” article in 🗑️
The “dissident right” premise that conservative leaders are all hapless retards who allow the left to walk all over them and refuse to pursue their own interests out of principle is clearly false. The leaders of the conservative movement ruthlessly pursue their own interests. It just happens that the interests of the Jewish and high net worth leaders of the conservative movement do not overlap with the interests of the plebs that they want to trick into voting for their preferred political candidates (Zognald Trump, for example). That’s why they have to pay propagandists like Kevin DeAnna (“Greg Hood”) to obfuscate this reality and get the goyim excited about voting Republican every few years.
The Woke Right is the John McCains of the world who pretend to be Republicans but are Democrats. And its the Ben Shapiros and other Jews who pretend to be on the Right but are actually on the Left. So the Woke Right does exist: its the media personalities (especially the Daily Wire) that are trying to label the True Right as the Woke Right that are actually the Woke Right.
“To appease Jews, they will cancel people left and right”.
This is one thing I don’t get at all about the right. They are the strongest force for giving the country away to Israel and the Jews. I understand most politicians will eat shit and chase rabbits for campaign contributions and positive media coverage, but that doesn’t explain why the R’s are even worse slaves of the Jews than the D’s are.
Did Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein get every one of these people on videotape diddling a ten year old boy in his NYC townhouse? That doesn’t make sense either, because the Dems are at least as inclined to twisted sex as the R’s are.
Probably a lot of R’s are religious Christians who do think of Israel as the Holy Land and Jews as the chosen people. If so, they need to understand that Jews think of them as unwashed cattle, and believe that Jesus is or should be boiling in a pit of liquid shit in a low circle of hell.
So in conclusion, I just don’t get it. If I were a single issue voter and my issue was the Jews, I would vote Democrat.
There is no doubt that JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) plotted to racially transform the United States — and many other European Christian nations — by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon. It is a historical fact that can’t be disputed. I must add, however, that the legacy WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire was a willing accomplice to JOG’s demographic execution of America.
JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is an evil gang of demonic, nation-wrecking rats and they are using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy White European Christian nations such as the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, England, Scotland…etc.
But if Germans say NO to more immigration, Jews call them ‘far right’.
Jews want Germany to take in more Arab/Muslim immigrants while also supporting the genocide in Gaza and Zionist terror.
Germans go along, being the worthless cuck maggots that they are.
Russell Kirk wrote some pretty neat ghost stories. “There’s a Long, Long Trail A-Winding” was the best of them, and Rod Serling adapted another (“Sorworth Place”) for an episode of Night Gallery.
You wouldn’t believe how many people share this very sentiment. More figuring it out daily. Hence internet censorship and “hate crime ” legislation.
What a pile of drivel. Here’s another ‘ism’ for the endless list. ‘Intellectualism’ – the practice of labelling everything and pretending it’s the same as understanding. The problem with every segment of the divide-and-conquer false reality is that everyone wants to be right and moral and hopes to be proven right by demonising others. But it’s always ego or self-interest. There is no ‘right’ answer for everyone.
first they came for the Palestinians
what they’re trying to orchestrate here in the U.S. and greater Western world, is what they accomplished in Russia in the 1920s
a widespread terror so unimaginable, as to benumb your soul
imagine just in Ukraine alone, they starved to death millions of the world’s best farmers, because they were the best farmers.
and you get some idea of their nature, and what they’re capable of.
Just as watching them practice on the Palestinians, give you a ring-side view of their nature. And compared to us, they like the Muslims, and Arabs.
The proof of pure-blood Negrid over-sensuality is precisely in their performance in breeding wherever they live–our own family leader in Chicago called them “jungle bunnies” for a reason. They are the fastest-growing demography in America and have been since the Civil War ended.
“Meville” has not acknowledged the pure-blood Negrid’s penchant for gold chains, red shoes, and garish multi-colored clothing whether in Africa or the Americas. This is a function of a non-sexual element of “sensuality” that seems to have eluded the commentator.
Most of what “Meville” correctly observes can be explained in the longer analysis of the pure-blood Negrid’s total neurocognitive functionality as dominating the “post-Rolandic cortex,” which makes them comparatively weak in cognition, foresight, and aesthetic appreciation of any higher sort.
As for the mulattos, the most important finding is also not acknowledged by “Meville,” namely, that it is from the mixing that they obtain Caucasid reliance on the left-hemisphere and its inherent strength in speaking–important examples are Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, M.L. King, Jr.
It is difficult to find pure-blood Negroes in the Americas for obvious reasons and so close attention to the ugly tribalism of Africa today–3,500 tribes constantly killing each other purely for racist motives–a situation unchanged since time immemorial. The Ruanda Genocide (1994) is only the most visible example of Negrid tribalism.
Take your own side first. Policy questions can be answered later.
“Woke” just means hard-Left with rainbow flags and dancing niggers.
There is no “woke Right” anymore than there is a “Left Right.” The “moderate Right” is in actuality “the moderate Left” or the “liberals” – that is why they will side with the Left against the “Far Right.” The whole notion of “Constitutional government” as liberals have always conceived it, is that there are “radicals and progressives” working to implement “gradual” and “incremental” sweeping “changes” (change = revolution, community = soviet, “workshop”) and “reforms” and “conservatives” to pay lip service to the traditional population and its values while preventing them from ever gaining power. The power always belongs ultimately with the Secret Societies and the Bankers – now represented respectively by the intelligence agencies and the Zionists.
The Zionists and Peter Thiel / fedgov sponsored “Rightists” are not Right either. Not really.
Realism means accepting that the Right has no representation in high office. None. There are a few “conservatives” who throw us a bone and pretend they’re interested in protecting us or in preventing the Leftists from running amok. What did Trump ever do to stop the Left from running amok in office? In 2020 he was barely trying to win, his main interest in 2020 was raising money.
No, they’ve been coming for white Americans since the early 1900’s. They just aren’t using bombs. Instead they use television, medication, education, and immigration, just to name a few. In some ways, Americans get it worse than Palestinians. At least their enemy doesn’t pretend to be one of them, or to be their friend. Palestinians aren’t taught to hate themselves
“and you get some idea of their nature, and what they’re capable of.”
Spare me your condescending lecture:
The psychological war jews submit white Americans to is far more subversive and evil. One of the key strategies of the jew is to get a man or a group to put the interests of another man or group ahead of his own.
Which is exactly what you whites who advocate for Palestinians before your own kind are doing.
You make a watertight argument against playing along with the vote fraud. SHAZAM!
they were busy with the Boers in the early 1900s
then they came for the Russians, and then the Ukrainians and Hungarians and others, like the Romanians in your link.
But not until they got done with the Germans, and at that point, they were still using Americans, (and Canadians and Australians, et al) as their Janissaries.
Americans have never known the true Jew, unlike Russians and Germans and now, Yes, Palestinians (and Syrians and many others). We’re still their Janissaries, their goons and thugs, and their mindless cattle, being farmed for funds.
not yet, but we will. As I said, compared to (white) Americans, they like the Palestinians.
I’m sure they’d try that, if they thought it might ‘take’. Its seems to work best on Germans, tho. And yes, far too many Americans, and Brits and French and (especially) Canadians, and white people in general. They’re simply exploiting known weaknesses in white people’s DNA.
no need to be hostile. If you’re aware, (and you seem to be), of their nature, then all to the good.
Well, I’m a sixty-something white American, and I hardly feel I’ve been subjected to anything even close to what the typical Palestinian has endured, or is enduring as I write this.
Yes, that’s true, and it works best on women and weak ‘men’.
In what way am I putting the interests of Palestinians before my own kind?
Because I advocate for their (very justified) cause?
I do the same for the Russians and Ukrainians being ground into the dirt by Jewish intrigue. And all of these people are victims of my nation’s treachery and criminality on behalf of the very Jews that hate our (white American) guts.
Pointing out that the Palestinians have a just cause, in no way dismisses the interests of white Americans, or any other white folks wherever they are. In fact, it does just the opposite, because as the Palestinians are genocided without a strong protest from white folks, it will only make our turn that much sooner.
I point out the plight of the Palestinians, because for one, as your link demonstrates, these ((people’s)) cruelty and sadism is off the charts, and I wouldn’t want to see even a animal treated like that, nor any human being who means me no harm.
And for two, if the Jews meet no resistance to their hegemony and crimes, then our time will come that much sooner.
If we’re smart, (and I mean all non-Jews), then we would all demand that the Jews not be allowed to continue their sadistic death-march across the Middle East, while fomenting a war between Russia and NATO.
They’re trying to make this new 21st century a replay of the last one, with more of the kind of thing that is in your link, (which is exactly like what the ((Red Terror)) was all about).
And no one, not Palestinians, not blacks or whites or Muslims or Christians or anyone, deserves to endure that kind of unspeakable hatred and netherworld sadism.
At least in my humble opinion. And I don’t say that just because I’m appalled at the suffering of the Pals, but also because I know our time is not too far away, with the current trajectories of Jew-forced diversity in all our lands.
“It is truly bizarre to me that so many supposed based dissidents here put the plight of a foreign people over their own kind, especially when their own kind are being subjected to elimination and replacement as well, just in a less direct manner.”
And why exactly?
The MSM has constantly and consistently been promoting as an explicit virtue the idea that this foreign people are better than whites, and they do this both implicitly and explicitly 24-7-365.
If it weren’t for the Internet, at least those parts of it that are still relatively free from outside “persuasion” from the powers that be, it would be a hard slough for a dissident to even take one’s side in public without getting ostracized.
In order to side with one’s own, this group needs to have and then wield political power. After all, every ethnic in the US does exactly this, and for the most part, they tend to get the things that they desire in the political realm. Their interests are well represented.
So then the trick would be to find a way to have one’s own ethnicity or race, get well represented in the government. But how does one go about doing this successfully?
And there’s the rub of it all.
I mean, the UK is in quite a bit of hot water aren’t they? The actual ethnic that founded and have lived in Britain for well over two millennia, is fairly rapidly being replaced by outsiders…and apparently the indigenous Britons are A-OK with that.
“They are the fastest-growing demography in America and have been since the Civil War ended.”
Actually in 2024, no they aren’t. Hispanics outnumber blacks and have for nearly a decade. In the US, Hispanics are going to greatly outnumber blacks in another decade. Which is why now US blacks are starting to complain about immigration–because they see that Hispanics are going to be the preferred minority and the ones who might receive the lions share of the gimme gimme policy benefits.
And…most of them are not black, or at least they’re not 40% + black admixture. So they’re basically either: majority white, OR they are heavily mixed with Amerindian DNA.
US blacks’ numbers are actually declining.
Mindless worship of Jewish supremacism is the ‘wokeness’ of the Trite Right, or Tright.
If a company sets up any kind of test or standard that leads to racial disparities, that is proof of racism under the doctrine of disparate impact.
Unless the company is an NBA or NFL team.
Yet progressives at least recognize that if you have any kind of objective standards, the races won’t be equally successful, and that if you insist on equality, you must see discrimination everywhere. If you disagree, you must defend inequality.
And inequality it is. Blacks have an average IQ of 65 and are far inferior mentally to whites. The evidence is overwhelming.
1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it’s not due to cultural bias in the tests.
2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it’s not due to racism.
3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.
4. Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
5. 50 years of affirmative action special treatment and blacks have fallen even further behind. What does that tell you?
Taxation and welfare have disparate impacts on White and asian people who pay all the taxes yet receive the least from social services.
Don’t leave out the 12,545,823 affirmative action programs we have in america. They are DESIGNED to have disparate impact and favor blacks!
This Nuclear Negress makes most white male conzos look like a bunch of wimps who kiss Netanyahu’s arse.
James J. O’Meara: “The science discussed therein deals with plans to pull the rug out from under “race realism” by simply genetically altering blacks into “brown people with high IQ’s” ”
That’s one possibility. The other, IMO more likely possibility, is that in the long run “people” will be produced that have been altered so much that we, today, wouldn’t consider them people at all. This then makes nonsense of Evola’s notion of the existence of “spiritual races”. If, one day, as futurists predict, human beings can upload their consciousness into a computer, what will remain of human races at all? The system, in order to ensure its own smooth functioning, will necessarily make them all the same in every way that it requires. The delete key will be pressed for any objectionable elements of that consciousness, because there’s no room for freedom in a system optimized for results. They’ll all be as alike, and as unified in action, as bees in a hive, termites in a mound, or ants in a hill. With one difference: They won’t even have bodies!
What a glorious future mankind is working towards! LOL
Hispanics (who are Caucasids or mestizos) outpace Negrids largely because of illegal and legal immigration. It is true that because of catholicism hispanics may practice less or no “birth control,” which is imposed upon American Negrids for ideological and crypto-racist reasons.
Negrids in America are nevertheless prolific but achieve lesser life expectancy owing to a hazardous lifestyle, which they pursue partly because they find satisfaction in what they experience through the post-Rolandic cortex, unlike the Mongolids and Caucasids.
According to theory, each of the three main races finds its full racial expression only in the pure-blooded male. The females are less racial, as seen particular in their FACES, as we have explored elsewhere in draft writings that may be found on our web page.
Listed in #4 are several plights of my own kind
that, as I’ve been pointing out for years, the race hustling Diffident Right apparently finds acceptable.
If I’m wrong about that, show me. If I’m correct, what’s the explanation?
They’re tyrannies, not “policy questions.”
Why put your faith in a movement led by people who apparently find them acceptable?
So in conclusion, I just don’t get it. If I were a single issue voter and my issue was the Jews, I would vote Democrat.
Except the Jews vote for the Democrats. If you were a single issue voter and your issue was Israel’s atrocities and crimes, maybe vote Democrat, but given the last four years, even the Muslims balked at “rewarding” the “left-wing antisemitism.” (there’s no such thing, no matter how much a leftist may despise certain Jews, antisemitism is opposed to the core of their perverted “doctrines”). Do Leftists even admit the Jews want to rule the world? No, too much cognitive dissonance. If they admitted that, they’d be too close to understanding what the history of the Left is really about.
While the Republicans seem too awful to be true, the people who support the Republicans are at least theoretically capable of conceptualizing antisemitism. To accept antisemitism is to renounce liberal historiography, liberals can’t do it. And the “Christian Right?” To accept antisemitism simply means ACTUALLY reading the Bible and Church Fathers. Evangelical Protestants and most liberal Catholics won’t do it, partly because of brainwashing in school and in media, but that doesn’t mean they can’t. Liberals can’t read that and believe that without ceasing to be liberals.
The Parisians on the barricades in 1830s, if they could see and understand the France today, they’d all go to mass and bow down to the King.
Even in the 1930s, if France hadn’t been a judeo-masonic controlled Republic, with Jews ultimately calling the shots until the alternative was Germans taking your whole country, they would have changed course. The French accepted the Vichy regime and the Vichy regime was representative of the real France. Not the Communist murderers.
“Hispanics (who are Caucasids or mestizos) outpace Negrids largely because of illegal and legal immigration. It is true that because of catholicism hispanics may practice less or no “birth control,” which is imposed upon American Negrids for ideological and crypto-racist reasons.”
So either way, you’ve basically made my point: namely, the US’s total percentage of blacks is now less than Hispanics.
Blacks have fewer children (compared to Hispanics) than they used to have. Their life expectancy is also less than Hispanics as well. These are obvious contributing factors, and the fact remains that the total number of blacks is less than Hispanics in 2020’s America.
Basically I’m correct. In about a decade or so, it will be more than obvious that Hispanics share of the US total population will be far greater than that of blacks.
That’s a fact, Jack. It’s the truth, Ruth.
It is an entire separate issue whether or not that this is a good thing or a bad thing. Facts don’t care about feelings, they are what they are.
But the more perceptive blacks are indeed becoming aware of this and hence the reason why they’re now becoming more anti-immigrant when before they didn’t have a strong opinion either way. More Hispanics = the powers that be can now ignore most blacks and start giving Affirmative Action and other government policies that directly benefit minorities to Hispanics instead of to blacks. And that’s where the conflict between the races, between the groups is going to come.
“HEY! Where’s our stuff at!?” — blacks collectively demanding that the policies that benefit them continue as before
“We’re still giving them, just not directly as much to ya’ll, cause we found another minority that technically qualifies as such for the programs. Have a nice day.” — US government
Yep, it will be fun times ahead when the benefits no long go directly as much in the same percentage to them as there’s now a new minority (and growing, and rising) on the block.
Being a religious freak won’t help save the Race.
Fifty thousand Christians have been brutally murdered by Muslims in Nigeria over the last 15 years, and that’s just in Nigeria – Muslims are murdering Christians all over the world. How much attention have these Muslim-on-Christian murders received by the news media, by people like you, over these last 15 years compared to the “Palestinians” over the last 14 months?
Your “Palestinian” chest thumping is selective outrage, same as Nellie’s; it is, above all else, the Jew angle that turns your crank, provoking your see-through self-righteousness. Pissing & moaning and vilifying others over the internet, on sites like this one, absolutely accomplishes nothing.
Your self-righteous grandstanding over the “Palestinians” hasn’t helped a single Gazan child (making you the equal of the Muslim world), hasn’t helped anyone except you by making you feel good about yourself. It truly is pathetic that a grown “man” in his sixties thinks, acts, and lashes out like a highly emotional teenage girl.
Question: Do you just talk tough and insult over the internet? Do you act the same one-on-one? Have you ever put yourself on the line when you saw an act of injustice, where you might get you ass kicked if you got involved but got involved anyways? I doubt it.
I’m no armchair warrior. I get involved and have gone to blows with many punks (all of them Muslims* except for one Gypsy during my time in Europe) over their acts of physical violence against others – mostly non-Muslim girls, women, and old men – who were much weaker. My direct involvement ended those violent attacks; my involvement, unlike your hundreds of ineffectual internet rants, made all the difference.
50,000 Christians (who, unlike Hamas, didn’t attack anyone) murdered by Muslims, yet the entire world remains silent:
* [The guys in the video below are exactly like the Muslims whose faces I’ve punched in Brussels. These ISIS sex-slavers might even be from Brussels, they could be a few of the hundreds of Muslims from Brussels who went to the Middle East and joined ISIS while the sex slaving was still good]:
What’s even worse is that the lower-IQ Muslims pulled the same stunt on you. What does that say about your IQ and testosterone levels?
The Muslim world clearly doesn’t give a rats ass for the “Palestinians,” the proof being they haven’t rescued a single Gazan child from Gaza as they watched tens-of-thousands of them being killed over the last 15 months. I, a non-Muslim like you, call the Muslims out on their life-costing hand-sitting and you attack me on the Muslim’s behalf.
I don’t know what a shabbas goy is called when he’s a Muslim’s cuck instead of a Jew’s cuck, but whatever it is it’s you.
As for this beauty:
“Not even close.” You mean 2,000lb. bombs aren’t raining down on your head? You don’t say?
“Not…..Even…..Close” – LOL!
Well, just give it a decade or two. As our own leadership reaches Hamas-level corruption, incompetence, and sheer stupidity – think October 7th, 2023 – you might live long enough to have 2,000lb bombs raining down on your head in the good ol’ US of A, when our own Jew-guided government decides it’s a great idea to start a war against the combined might of Russia and China. Then it’ll be the Americans getting the Gaza Treatment thanks to our leaders bringing it upon us as Hamas brought it upon the Gazans.
One things for certain: Muslims won’t be whining over our demise as you are now whining over theirs; they’ll be glad you’re dead, they’ll celebrate it.
Palestinians celebrate the murder of 3,000 Americans by Muslim terrorist on 9/11:
Is Netanyahu Left/Woke?
So you’re saying that as a white American, I’ve had it as bad as Palestinians?
And it’s so obvious, that it’s laughable?
I would have let your idiocy rest, but I see some deluded fool has seen fit to encourage you, so why not slap the shit out of your idiocy, and wipe it on your face.
Everyone here knows how bad the Palestinians have had it. No, not most people in the U.S., because they’re ((lied to)) 24/7, but we all do, and considering the moral complicity of what the people of the West, (and yes, some Islamic regimes), have tolerated, and even supported, for someone like you to pretend, (arrogantly and with your signature smug), that the typical white American has had it just as bad, is so off the charts asinine, as to be something I want you to eat.
I want to go on the record, as having made you swallow it. I want it dripping from your face, that you’re going to tell us that we white Americans have suffered like the Palestinians have and are suffering.
I want for every time you post, to know that every person who reads Unz, can see the dripping goo of your lies, every time you try to come off as a ‘regular guy’, who just doesn’t like Muslims.
That’s your filthy little game, isn’t it? If the people of the West don’t want Muslims flooding into their nations, (and most don’t) then who can blame the Israelis, who’re just like us! – and simply don’t want Muslim terrorists killing them on the streets!
But because you’re full of shit, and because you know it, I want to make sure everyone knows you’re a slimy little rat, who’s shilling for the very same Jewish supremacists who’re the ones demanding Germany allow millions of Muslims to flood in to Germany.
Germans are not living on Muslim land. Germans did not use wide-spread terror and murder to steal Muslim homes and farms, raping and mutilating villagers, in order to steal those villages and homes. Germans are living on their own ancient lands, being invaded by Muslims and everyone else, because the same Jews crying about ‘terrorists’ in Israel, are the exact same Jews demanding Germany and Europe and North America become multicultural, ‘in order to survive’.
You’re the same kind of lying scum, as those Jewish supremacists, because you try, (pathetically) to give a pass to the same people who’re destroying Europe with immigration, while trying (pathetically) to defend the Jewish supremacists in Palestine, committing a genocide against millions of innocent men, women and children.
You’re lower than the scum of the earth. A cutesy, arrogant little dickhead too full of himself to know what an asshole you come across as.
But I’m happy to be here to point it out. (I kind of get a kick out of putting smug, smarmy little ass-fucks like you in your place ; )
Pure Jew-talk.
Only a lying, scumbag Jew talks like that.
‘Hamas! Hamas!!’
The more you Jews kvetch and squeal about Hamas, the more people like me appreciate and respect them.
We in the West need a Hamas here more than ever! Hamas has more integrity and balls in their pinky fingernail, than a snarky little fuck like you could ever muster in a thousand lifetimes. That our governments support rats like you, while condemning the heroes of Hamas, is one of the great tragedies and crimes of our time.
October 7th! October 7th!!
More of your hysterical Jew-belching.
In truth, October 7th will always be an honored and celebrated day for all honest and decent people. A day when a true David took on the most grotesquely incompetent and cowardly Goliath the modern world has ever known. And slapped them down like the bitches they are. And what does the IDF do, when attacked by men, instead of the old women and children they prefer to drop bombs on? At first they run and hide like the cowardly little bitches they are, and then they simply strafe everything in sight, civilians, IDF losers, and everyone else, because their infamous cowardice is only outdone by their now infamous incompetence.
Ah yes, and there it is. The ol’ ‘I’m one of you guys! I’m tired of the Jew-guided government too’ shtick.
Well, we’ve had tones of Hasbera assholes here before, and I’m sure we’ll get a lot more, but you, fuckface, have shown your ((colors)), and I’m more than happy to point that out.
I don’t know if that video was from 1990s, as some have claimed, but what we all know to a certainty, is that Jewish Mossad agents were seen celebrating and dancing and high-fiving each other – as Americans were slaughtered in horrific fireballs. And these Jews knew the attack was coming, and didn’t bother to warn us. They wanted for thousands of Americans to be killed, they were orgiastic over it..
..and that is an undeniable fact, scumbag.
And what’s more, is that by now it is more than obvious that Muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, and that it was a PNAC, neocon, Zionist, Jewish supremacist, Mossad, CIA, FBI operation from top – to bottom.
All in order to stampede Americans into endless wars for your shitty little state.
One day, I pray that that shitty little state gets exactly what it deserves from America, in payback for the USS Liberty, and 9/11, and all the other atrocities and acts of war Israel has committed against our country, including its relentless meddling and corruption in our elections and institutions, and all the Jew-led efforts to flood this nation and Europe with every dreg from every shithole on the planet, in order to destroy our nations and communities and our very civilization.
I want to see you lot get exactly what you deserve. And the best thing I can think of, is for the Jews and the Palestinians to trade places for a few generations. The only problem with that, is that the Arabs are far, far too decent and honorable and forgiving, to ever give you ‘the treatment’ you so richly deserve. Perhaps that will best be left to us Americans, once a critical mass of us have figured out what you’ve been up to.
Makes me smile just to think about it.
since you seem so keen to have this addressed, I’ll be your Huckleberry, Greta
You’re right about the “Diffident Right” (Conservative Inc., Legacy GOP, Fox News, Mike Pence type goyim neocons, Cheney Republicans, et al), being in full favor of your litany of treason.
And that’s why something call the ‘Alt-right’ bubbled up as a consequence of, and answer to the things (treason, evil) you’re referring to.
Actually, the loosely defined Alt-right is sort of the heir to the ‘Paleo-conservatives’ of the Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul wing. That wing, (that you seem to be so much against – particularly voting for), are and have always been historically very much against things like:
• the PATRIOT Act
• Uncle Sam’s destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Palestine, Syria
• COVID dempanic
• selective lawfare using FARA
• Antisemitism Awareness Act
That’s why a lot of people refer to the ((Uni-party)) of D.C., because there’s hardly any difference between the Dems and the legacy Republicans on critical issues, other than the abortion distraction. They’re basically controlled opposition to all the things demanded by the actual (((PTB, who))) insist on those things bullet pointed, because those are the things that Jewish supremacists, (who control our money) demand. {duh}
I must say I find it surprising that someone like you doesn’t seem to know that intuitively, as I think most of us all do.
Both sides of the isle today in D.C. are utterly ((corrupt)), both sides jumped out of their seats and gushed for the most evil, bloodstained sack of shit in the world today, in an open display of in-your-face treason and corruption.
There are now very, very few honorable people in D.C., like Thomas Massie.
We’re all hoping that with Elon Musk, and Vivik, and perhaps Tucker Carlson, (and a general sense that we’re headed off the cliff, at the current trajectory), that things will begin to alter course, and the ((wars)) will wind down, and so forth.. but it’s a very long shot, and likely the smarter people are, the more cynical.
The “Diffident Right” I’m referring to are those published here like Derbyshire, Gottfried, “Hood,” Kersey, Sailer, Taylor, etc. I’ve been reading widely at this website for about ten years – the pattern is undeniable:
1. They punch down at blacks (especially), women, gender and other identity obsessives, and whoever else can be distinguished from their readership.
2. They have scarcely a word to say against Big War, Sick, Finance, Tech, or the Establishment’s other abuse and neglect of the working and middle classes, as exemplified in that list of half a dozen.
cowardice and venality
they know blacks and women (and Muslims) are kosher targets
they don’t dare touch 9/11, (or the other things you mention) because that would dry up their donors, and their “respectability”
Many of them, like Sailer, seem obsessed with getting more donation$.
They’re like the Republican party. Will offer tepid criticisms of ‘wokeness’ and radical feminism and BLM, because it’s the low hanging fruit, particularly for their fans.
But touching on 9/11, (the most significant event of our era, our lifetimes, and our very civilization), is too wrought with ((reprisal)).
You can criticize BLM or Rachel Madow until the cows come home, with no appreciable consequences, but touch on ZOG, and you’ll be an outcast from “respectable” society. No more invitations to be feted at castles in West Virginia, to whine about kosher complaints, in luxury and comfort.
Not one of them is fit to wipe the dust from David Duke’s, (or Jim Traficant’s [RIP] or Christopher Bollyn’s) shoes.
They’re gutless cowards, looking out for numero uno, and preaching to a basically Fox News, NFL – watching crowd. (not that I don’t occasionally watch a football game ; ), mea culpa.
I also don’t care for wokeness or radical feminism or radical homoism or BLM hucksters, but I know those are all symptoms, of the ((disease)).
I hope that helps explain it. Thanks for being a little more specific.
The Palestinian genocide is getting attention, the Christian genocide isn’t. Don’t be uncharitable without reason.
“Not even close.” You mean 2,000lb. bombs aren’t raining down on your head? You don’t say?
“Not…..Even…..Close” – LOL!”
That’s what you got out of it? You couldn’t understand that it was laughable for you to compare yourself to Gazan kids in the first place? What a moron. I stopped reading your comment after this; there’s no point in wasting my time on an ignoramus.
I think I hear Nellie calling, it’s time for you to go jump on her lap and get petted.
I made you swallow it, and you just don’t like the taste
well, get used to it, because I’ve lots more coming your way
the only Christian genocide I’m aware of, is the one being perpetrated by the very same Jewish supremacists that ‘swallow boy’ is trying to run cover for.
There would be negligible immigration, if any, of Africans and Latins and Asians and Muslims and Indians and everyone else into the West, were it not for Jewish supremacists, who control those governments in near absolute terms.
Pretending like it’s the Muslims and blacks in Germany and France and England and others.., that are doing the (very real) genocide, while ignoring the fact that Germany and the rest are ((occupied)) by ZOG, are are hence Inviting them in, ignores who the real enemy is.
Blaming the Muslims, (or blacks and others) for deaths of white Christians in Western nations, is like blaming the bullet for a murder, and ignoring the guy with the gun who pulled the trigger.
Zionism means two thing simultaneously. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Palestine, and ethnic cleansing by immigration, of white Christians in all white Christian lands.
The exact same ((people)) screeching about Hamas!! Are the exact same ((people)) demanding open borders in the Western world.
(thanks for you ‘thanks’ vote, above).
You don’t have to be a stingy Grievance Grinch, Mr or Ms Fel: we reserve the right to be angry at multiple oppressive groups at the same time, no matter how hard you beat your chest and rail against “keyboard warriors,” who write and speak persuasively to elected officials, friends and neighbors. There’s truth to the adage “the pen is mightier than the sword”— this year the WHO’s pandemic treaty was defeated, thanks to keyboard warriors, and no-thanks to hands-throwing thugs.
Yeah, there’s a place for brawny folks who physically step in between victims and their attackers. You say you’ve punched in the faces of multiple Muslims in Brussels? Video evidence conclusively proving Mr. or Ms. Fel. was involved in such heroic acts, or it didn’t happen, Popeye.
See, you DON’T have to be a Grievance Grinch. Here is a source that reports on the suffering of Nigerian Christians AND Gazan Christians. I’d prefer that they be a little LOUDER about the source of the suffering of Gazan Christians, but at least they mention Israel’s blockade of essential supplies as being one of the sources, and that’s going farther than a lot of Israel-idolizing Christians go, so I’ll take it.
You’re a lot like Nellie, you can’t help yourself. With no self-awareness you just keep on digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole. You’re so far out of touch that you don’t realize how cringeworthy your writing is.
Knock yourself out Rurik with your “lots more coming your way hehe” tripe, keep on making a laughable ass out of yourself, do it ’til the cows come home. Keep on digging while feverishly and deludedly telling yourself all those Gazan kids’ lives depend on you ranting on and on like an overemotional, slightly-retarded, teenage girl.
But remember: Once you publish your embarrassingly asinine screeds there’s no taking them back. They are there for all to see forever.
Yes, I know there is some reporting otherwise I’d have never heard about it. My point is that the world-wide slaughter of Christians by Muslims over the last 15 years has gotten, maybe, 1/100th the attention that the Jews slaughtering Muslims in Gaza has gotten over the last 15 months.
As for video evidence of my altercations there are no videos, just police reports. That said, whether you believe me or not is not my concern.
For whatever reason, Robert Weissberg isn’t among the Archived authors. I apologize for not remembering his and hastily confusing the two names.
Dave Smith did a much shorter and succinct critique of the idea of the “woke right” in a recent video: All political groups complain and all seek power. That is not specifically woke like James Lindsay pretends it is.
“My point is that the world-wide slaughter of Christians by Muslims over the past 15 years has gotten, maybe 1/100th the attention that the Jews slaughtering Muslims in Gaza has gotten over the last 15 months.” And my point in directing you to a single source that decried slaughter in BOTH places is: it’s possible and reasonable and morally right to speak out against both.
Point of agreement: the world doesn’t pay much attention to the slaughter of Christians: Slaughter of Armenian Christians by the Turks: “tant pis.” Holodomor (starvation of Ukrainian Christians by Soviets)— what American schoolchild knows anything about that, when every available “holo” horror curriculum hour is devoted to the Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust? In the 1990’s, Serbian Christians vs Muslims? We know whose side the US took, and if we got it wrong, well, so sad, too bad.
Jesus Christ told His followers that there’d be days like this: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. —John 15:18”
That only means we shouldn’t be surprised or feel “extra put upon” when we experience contempt or even severe persecution from those who hate Jesus— it doesn’t mean we don’t make people aware of the suffering of people like the Nigerian Christians (as you have done here, so thanks for that.)
And it also doesn’t mean we (we, collectively— no single person can address every need —) neglect to speak out against and attempt to mitigate the suffering of any oppressed group, and as Christians we should ABHOR the fact that our tender-hearted (but also soft-headed) brethren are being hoodwinked into supporting (with SIGNIFICANT military and immoral moral support) Israel’s slaughter of Gazans (and Syrians, and Lebanese, and…) because “Never Again(R), you know?” Same goes for “Progressive Christians” linking arms with the violence-promoting BLM grifters who, in the end, did nothing but extract money from Blacks living in wasteland cities ruled by Democrats.
So yeah, Christian persecution doesn’t make the headlines, but if you think major media doesn’t take the side of Israel over any of its enemies, then you stopped (probably wisely) paying any attention to the New York Times a long time ago— they’ve been pumping out pro-Israel propaganda for a long time. I’d encourage you to investigate the progress the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is making on both sides of the Senate aisle— it already passed the House overwhelmingly. That anti-free speech monstrosity should scare the be-Jesus INTO any on-the-fence patriots.
“I also don’t care for wokeness or radical feminism or radical homoism or BLM hucksters, but I know those are all symptoms, of the ((disease)).”
To be fair, Mr Unz has indeed named the ((disease)), and quite explicitly if compared with the aforementioned names. Constantly and consistently he has indeed named them, in fact he has written entire articles about them.
That’s a fact, Jack
That’s the truth, Ruth
You’re preaching to the choir. Though not a hardcore Christian I’ve always been on their side. Still, it burned me up when Christians allow Jews to lead them around by the nose, the new Anti-Semitism Awareness Act being the latest example. If the bill passes both the House & Senate and signed into law the US Supreme Court will strike it down as unconstitutional and we’ll know, based on who voted for the bill, whom to throw out of office.
That’s not how it’s worked so far:
• NDAA extensions
• Affordable Care Act
• Uncle Sam’s destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Palestine, Syria
• COVID dempanic
• selective lawfare using FARA
Seeking governmental relief from governmental excesses has effectively endorsed and ensured more of the same.
better and more thoroughly, and with more scholarly rigour, than anyone else I can think of.
and not just scholarly rigour, but also with a deep and abiding sense of the moral implications of the wrongs perpetrated, both past and present.
Correct. Only a matter of time until (((they))) Traficant him.
Not at all. You mean the global foreign policy establishment, I think. Woke is an Identity Politics tactic of anti-white, anti-Western commies. Literally nobody agrees with the woke platform except kikes, faggots, retards, darkies, losers.