Pope Francis annual Christmas message:
"Yesterday, children were bombed. This is barbarity. It is not a war. I wanted to say this because it touches the heart." pic.twitter.com/3191ozSGel
— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) December 21, 2024
No one has a right to criticize the Jews.
And by “no one,” we mean both “not anyone” and “none of everyone.”
These people were chosen by God to rule over the goyim and then they got turned into lampshades against their will.
The Vatican’s ambassador to Israel has been summoned to the Jewish state’s Foreign Ministry after Pope Francis criticized the “cruelty” of airstrikes in Gaza, several Israeli media outlets reported on Wednesday.
The Pope renewed his call for a ceasefire in Gaza ahead of Christmas, highlighting the civilian death toll from Israeli airstrikes.
“This is cruelty. This is not war. I wanted to say this because it touches the heart,” the pontiff said, according to Reuters.
According to the Ynet news website, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana was summoned for a conversation with Foreign Ministry Director General Eyal Bar-Tal on Tuesday. Bar-Tal condemned the remarks made by the Pope, but did not formally reprimand Yllana, the report said.
Have you ever been turned into a lampshade? I guess you wouldn’t like that very much, would you?
If someone did that to you, you’d move to the Middle East and start slaughtering Arab children, wouldn’t you?
Now, imagine if you were not only turned into a lampshade, but you were God’s chosen lampshade. You’d kill every Arab in sight. You’d go on a rampage and just do mass bombings everywhere. You’d imprison people and anally rape them. You’d invade every neighboring country and steal their land.
It’s what anyone would do and no one has a right to question it.
BDS israel, usa, all governments AMAP
“Yesterday children were bombed”…
Yesterday? I guess Bergoglio just woke up from deep slumber.
Israel should not reprimand the Pope, but call to account whoever in the Vatican is in charge of giving Bergoglio his daily briefings.
Such unnecessary news can only serve to confuse Bergoglio, making him wonder if the “elder brothers” did something wrong “yesterday.”
I also blame those who allow whatever ill-considered statement Bergoglio makes on the spur of the moment, while in a state of confusion, to be publicized.
This can only lead to problems, like Bergoglio soon having to apologize and clarify his statement explaining that he deplores the cruel terrorist act of Oct 7.
A real pope would call his armies and disolve Israel and Judaism altogether; a stooge is unable to.

If Vatican II deemed the Jews exempted from the need to Christ’s salvation, for they are the children of Abraham, and ‘Saint’ Jean-Paul II forbade the printing of the writings of Saint Vincent Ferrer who managed to convert to Christianity around twenty five thousand Jews, including Rabbis, without resorting to any coercion, but rather through the power of persuasion, then Bergoglio’s slumber is within the Vatican norms.
If the highest moral authority in Europe is acting in such obsequious way towards the Israelis, what can we expect from crooked European politicians. The West has lost the moral high ground long ago and the Gaza tragedy should seal the Western fate as one of endemic decline.
It did not. Vatican II was an approach change only. Surprisingly, “You’re going to Hell for being a Jew” is not quite exactly the most compelling message ever when evangelizing. If you are not a formal member of the Catholic Church, please put yourself into that statement. We can examine how compelling you might find it.
Every Jew needs Jesus if they are to be saved, because every person does.
What has been partially misquoted was a attempt to find common ground and start evangelizing Jews. Nothing in the complete (rather than misquoted catechism) suggests that Jews can hang out on their own forever. The best anyone might find is a)a Jewish run website implying that or b)a few US based priests overly soaked in Jewish propaganda about the Jews. Even the sincere US based priests will insist they need sacraments even if they are not clear why.
It’s high comedy to have the same people who claim the pope is ruling the world discover that he really is not after all. I can’t imagine how insane people would get if popes did really have armies again.
A Christmas request. When this headline disappears in a few months and some ridiculous Clown World headline about the pope has replaced it, can we remember that the Pope is clearly under whatever Jewish globalist government exists? That instead of being part of the already existing Old World Order that he’s clearly somehow outside of it? No positive thinking about Catholics, the Catholic faith, or even Pope Francis necessary. Just separate him from the PTB. White cassocks don’t exactly blend in with the uniforms on the other side.
Somehow I doubt that you yourself are Catholic. Anyway I hope not.
Popey should be washing feet somewhere.
If you were God’s chosen lampshade you’d kill every Semite in sight? Hmm. I’m not a lampshade, chosen or not, but the vicious, murderous antisemitism of these beastly Jews disgusts me.
Shanda! If the Pope was not such a filthy antisemite he would blow the eyeballs out of a limbless Palestinian infant.
Perhaps the papal representative should have responded this way:
“You’re going to Hell for being a Jew” is not quite exactly the most compelling message ever when evangelizing.
Well, the mission of Catholics is to convince the Jews of this, and there is no better method than holding up the mirror to their actions and “teachings.”
God will judge those who support the Anti-Christian movement, and God will judge those who tacitly accept the diabolically criminal mentality of International Jewry and its outgrowth the Zionist movement. Make no mistake, Zionism is an international movement. The Barbara Specters are agents of Zionism. See David Ben-Gurion, January 16, 1962.
From Nostra Aetate:
From Deuteronomy 31 v 16:
Just another day at Vatican II contradicting Scripture while claiming to follow it.
The mission of the Catholic Church is to evangelize the whole world about the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is to make saints of the whole human race to prepare them for the next life. It is not specifically to run around condemning just one group to Hell. It is also not to fix the politics and the obviously evil powers that be in this life.
If you are also not a Catholic, then what you propose Catholics should be doing to the Jews is the same message I’d have to deliver to you.
In the modern world “Hey buddy, you’re going to Hell” is largely anti-evangelization. (And the apostles certainly didn’t start there either.) Sorry if it feels all too soft and new agy, but it’s a very practical thought.
Popes haven’t had armies for hundreds of years.
And even when Sueliman the Magnificent was invading from the east and the French navy invading Naples and the Emperor or Spain invading the north over the Alps all at the same time, the Popes had a hard time pulling the squabbling anarchists of the Italian Peninsula together to resist.
Much modern discussion is built on the dubious tradition of taking a sentence out of a complex document, (at sometimes hundreds of pages long) and then comparing it to at times to a half sentence, also out of it’s context. For reasons I fail to understand, important conclusions are then drawn from less than 1/2 paragraph of reading.
It’s impossible to fight that sort of intellectual tradition. Hopefully someday we will get to an embarrassment about taking one sentence out of a complex sub-document from Vatican II and comparing it to a half sentence in an ancient Israelite Scripture written for a specific group that no longer exists as a physical nation.
Until we can have a complex discussion about history and theology, the whole experience will shake out to “I found these here 2 really big sentence and they conflict! Checkmate loser!”. Okay, you’re correct I guess.
It is not specifically to run around condemning just one group to Hell.
So you’re telling them they’re going to heaven, as Jews?
Nobody said anything about “one group.” When Saint Paul discusses those who will not be saved, he makes a list.
Catholic Doctrine does indeed single out the Jews. This is undeniable Catholic teaching, no matter what some document from the 1960s concocted by modernists (that is to say, infidels) responding to the demands of the Jews as made in the writings of Jules Isaac.
What am I going to believe, what the Bible and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and the Saints say, or what is said by those kneeling down to the Synagogue of Satan (all the powers in the western world today, including the illegitimate clergy)?
We all know what the Doctors and Fathers of the Church (and the true Popes through history) would say about the statements in Nostra Aetate!
When you defend the Synagogue of Satan’s attack on the Church and Catholic doctrine at Vatican II, you make yourself guilty of supporting the Anti-Christian movement. That is to say, you stand with Antichrist.
It is also not to fix the politics and the obviously evil powers that be in this life.
How is this different than saying “keep religion out of politics”?
The Jews have certainly never kept their religion and politics out of ours, but why should they?
The reason to keep religion out of politics is if religion is not to be seriously believed but only privately entertained.
Again, anyone who thinks it acceptable that Christian nations (and the “teachings of the Church” through documents like Nostra Aetate!) be subject to the Jews is the servant of the Anti-Christian powers and will face God’s judgment for standing with Antichrist.
“I found these here 2 really big sentence and they conflict! Checkmate loser!”
The context we’re talking about is the whole history of the Church and Christendom, as opposed to the Anti-Christian contemporary society and its special exemption for the Jews, as the murderers of Christ.
It is foolish to defend the Vatican II religion, and as we can see from the past seventy years, the Vatican II religion in practice is a losing proposition. It isn’t the Catholic Church, it’s something else. Bergoglio in particular is flagrantly hostile Catholicism in every authentic sense of that word.
The Judaics (not ALL Jews) hate EVERYBODY (including many ‘fellow’ Jews), but they particularly hate ‘Rome’ after what the Romans did to them. When they decide that it’s time to ‘…take the world down with us’, Rome will be first to go, or the site of the ‘Masada’ bio-weapon release.
To follow Christ, you must love your enemies, even the Judaics. Neat, is it not?
I also wish the pope would shut the hell up, but for different reasons: he is ignorant about nearly everything, and largely unacquainted with Christianity. A lifelong vow of silence would be appropriate.
Correct, the jews should not be considered as somehow cursed or rejected by God. Neither should atheists, or Muslims, or anyone else who has rejected God. God calls to all of us, and He wishes to have all His people return to the Father. This is the essence of the parable of the prodigal son.
Listen, you can have your critiques of V2 – I know that I do. But try to have some intellectual honesty in dealing with these higher-order matters.
No. That’s just like I’m not telling you that you’re going to Heaven either. The emphasis is not to is modern tastes, and I see the weaknesses to the approach. However, it’s way better than “Y’all are doomed to Hell. Let’s talk about the Good News!”
Nope. There’s two to three sentences in the modern catechism, in reference to other world religions along with Islam. The rest of the catechism moves on to a complex explanation of the faith. From the POV of the faith, the Jews are just another group even if modern media has tried to make them special. Obviously the modern Pope has no issues criticizing them as group.
Read the catechism with an open mind before commenting on these issues. I am aware that it’s fun and easy to blame Vatican II for every problem. That in and of itself ironically is a modernism that Vatican II was called to fight.
There are issues in “pop culture” Catholicism particularly in the US. That’s different beast and relatively mild, at least compared to the evangetical side of the pond. Those however are not permanent doctrine.
They would ideally request that you read Nostra Aetate in the context of the rest of Vatican II documents and the faith, which was the direct request of Vatican II.
What I said amounts in my mind to “don’t make a religion out of politics”. EM Jones is a serious Catholic on board with Vatican II and has made a career of documenting issues around the Jews. There’s nothing incompatible with all of those. He has not been ex-communicated or even disciplined or asked stop by a bishop by my current best knowledge. He gets push back from self anointed traditionalists and modernists on the JQ, but he still receives sacraments, etc.
In matters of faith, God comes first and the politics second. When they are reversed, we’ve made religion out of politics.
Perhaps the problem is that others are largely unacquainted with Christianity. For sure, like most modern popes, he speaks a crazy amount of languages just as start.
If that’s not a curse or rejection, I’d hate to see what is.
You (or piffle) or both seem to conflate God’s openness to anyone’s conversion with practically automatic salvation. The reason evangelization has largely failed is precisely this “new agy” (really, gay) approach of God loooves everyone so don’t sweat details. And yes, the Apostles OFTEN started with damnation – you are going to hell – but there is a way out through Christ – geez, that IS the good news. Have you even read the NT?
You have no idea what or how much I have read. The Vatican II documents are the poster boy for what St. Pius X’s condemned as modernism.
I’m asking for the academic equivalent of showing your work. Demonstrate to me that you’ve comprehended what’s been read by discussing concepts in detail or summary in your own words. It’s not enough to copy/paste a total of 3-4 sentences from two wildly different documents out of context and call it done.
Modernism is not switching an evangelization approach or changing liturgical customs. The struggle with modernism is a spiritual struggle on many fronts. One of those fronts is in the rejection of authority in favor of trusting our own opinions. Both Vatican I and II addressed issues around authority. Most moderns in their rejection of the Catholic faith are rejecting one or both of those very closely spaced councils. St. Pius X would be the first to tell the Catholic faithful that they needed to honor the authority invested in the current pope.
I have read the NT several times. That’s how I know the apostles did not evangelize with “you’re going to Hell”, or at least their written records to do not convey that. Please feel free to post the multiple references of apostles evangelizing that way, including John the Baptist if we need to expand beyond just the apostles.
Their message is almost universally is, “repent of your sins and be baptized”.
Jesus Himself mentions Ghenna/Hell often. However, he often talks about it in much more general sense, using parables and broad statements about who ends up there. It’s not personal when He talks about it. Even the people who He condemns as brood of vipers get a “how will you (all) escape Hell?” And the observation about the brood of vipers came first. That’s as closest as I can think of and it didn’t happen often. Jesus from my reading of the NT anyway seems like He would have made a terrible fire and brimstone preacher in the modern sense of it.