Sure, Giraldi. Israel knows it will annoy you, so they keep voting for the man.
Israel really doesn’t care, in the least, what an insignificant man thinks of them.
I agree – there is little to hope for from Iran, although they have made every effort. They are a single country, under sanctions, surrounded by hostile client states and targeted by superpowers.
This unfolding drama began with the assassination of Iranian President Raisi, IMO. Then Nasrullah, and all the rest of it …
In this article, Giraldi says that the gift to Trump of a gold pager was possibly a threat. Most definitely a threat, I would say.
Dan Bilzerian spoke up about this.
The Mishneh Torah says if a Jew has sex with a child, the child should be executed if she’s not Jewish…
Study finds widespread history of sexual abuse among formerly Orthodox
While Jews are no more likely to be sexually abused than other Americans, individuals who have left the Orthodox community are more than four times as likely to have been molested as children than the general population, a new study has found…
Study finds widespread history of sexual abuse among formerly Orthodox.
According to jewi$h doctrine, “3 years and a day” is “old enough”.
It is judaism itself that must be placed “in the dock” to expose its crimes against children and its crimes against humanity.
A prominent jew, Alan Dershowitz has publicly advocated lowering the “age of majority” (for sexual purposes) to 9 years of age (or even lower).
This is but one of many jewi$h teachings that justifies child rape…
KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b. Rabba said, It means (5) this: When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (6), it is as if one puts the finger in the eye (7), but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown up woman, he makes her as `a girl who is injured by a piece of wood.
(footnotes) (5). Lit., `says. (6) Lit., `here, that is, less than three years old. (7) Tears come to the eyes again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.
ABODAH ZARAH, 36b-37a. R. Naham b. Isaac said: They decreed in connection with a heathen child that it would cause defilement by seminal emission (2) so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit pederasty with it. From what age does a heathen child cause defilement by seminal emission? From the age of nine years and one day. (37a) for inasmuch as he is then capable of the sexual act he likewise defiles by emission. Rabina said: It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl (communicates defilement) from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux.
Now tell me that judaism is not the problem…
This will probably set you off, but I think also one has to distinguish between genuine attachments and simply exploiting children who are in your power.
'I too remember the Men of Unz blaming the girls. While typing with one hand. Advocating for the age of consent to be lowered to 11. There still a few pervs posting that Maxwell was innocent of pimping and procuring.'
I agree 15 year old girls 25 year old men might be illegal but it’s not like Epstein Maxwell and their girls.
‘I too remember the Men of Unz blaming the girls. While typing with one hand. Advocating for the age of consent to be lowered to 11. There still a few pervs posting that Maxwell was innocent of pimping and procuring.’
This will probably set you off, but I think also one has to distinguish between genuine attachments and simply exploiting children who are in your power.
The most recent example of the former I encountered was the story of some sixteen year old who is ‘missing’ — yet again — after running off with her forty year old lover. That may be reprehensible, but it’s all an entirely different matter than the Lolita Express and Bill Clinton being given a delicious in-flight treat.
Indeed. That sort of thing is disgusting.Lord knows, I'm no white knight rushing to the aid of outraged womanhood at every opportunity, but those children never had a real chance in life at all, and to somehow blame them instead of the filth who came along and gobbled them up like candy is an outrage.Replies: @Alden
'Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. ‘That little slut knew what she was doing’, blah, blah..'
I too remember the Men of Unz blaming the girls. While typing with one hand. Advocating for the age of consent to be lowered to 11. There still a few pervs posting that Maxwell was innocent of pimping and procuring.
The girls were willing to make $300 for what they did.Until they were detained on Lolita Island. But prostitution being a prostitute being a customer and being a procurer pimp or brothel keeper is illegal in America and the Virgin Islands.
How many other girls were injured as badly as the French triplets? Only reason that torture was detected was because they were put on a plane to France. Imagine girls so badly injured they were obviously bleeding on a plane.
Those triplets how long did the French procurer have to search for 1 same sex girl triplets 2 age 10 to 14 Epstein’s preferred age group 3 very pretty slim blondish Barbie doll looks Epstein preferred 4 parents willing to send them to a foreign country. Make a venn diagram think about the enormous effort to find those very rare French triplets
The blackmail extortion and spying for Israel is the worst of it. Not prostitution. I lost all respect for the majority of the perv Men of Unz because they defended Epstein Maxwell while typing with one hand.
I’d say my views about Jews have three aspects.
First, there are Jews as individuals. Even if one identifies certain collective tendencies, even then the average Jew isn’t particularly awful. He’s usually okay — really.
But second, there is their collective impact. They do become disproportionally influential, and they do tend to push an intuitively anti-Christian, anti-white, corrosive programme. Perhaps they put it differently to themselves, but that’s what it amounts to. That’s unfortunate — and has to somehow be curbed. It’s like Mormons. Mighty fine — but I wouldn’t want to live in a country the Mormons had remade to their taste. It’s just that Mormons have about the influence they should have, given their numbers. Jews don’t. It’s way out of proportion.
Finally, of course, there is Israel. Evil incarnate — and evil supported by us.
It is apparent that you have never been “screwed over†by the JEW$.
Your time may come…
I’ve been screwed over by a couple. But then, gentiles have screwed me over as well.
There are even those who would say I’ve behaved reprehensibly at various points.
But the fact remains. A lot of the good people I’ve known have been Jews.
This wonderfully clear theory is somewhat undermined by the fact that an awful lot of the Jews I have known have been mighty fine folks.
It’s judaism itself that is evil.
Worshiping (((themselves))) as they do while utilizing genocide wherever and whenever they want with total impunity is detrimental to true world peace...
The best Jew I knew, an Oxford graduate (she was a post-grad at St. Antony’s College when I met her at a Russian-language summer school) fell out with me later when I criticised Israel. She was an intelligent and admirable individual but at the end of the day a Zionist.
The worst Jew I knew personally was a year older than me at school and attempted to bully me. Despite being smaller than him I did manage to school him in the error of his ways…
This wonderfully clear theory is somewhat undermined by the fact that an awful lot of the Jews I have known have been mighty fine folks.
It’s judaism itself that is evil.
Worshiping (((themselves))) as they do while utilizing genocide wherever and whenever they want with total impunity is detrimental to true world peace...
It is apparent that you have never been “screwed over” by the JEW$.
Your time may come…
I've been screwed over by a couple. But then, gentiles have screwed me over as well.
It is apparent that you have never been “screwed over†by the JEW$.
Your time may come…
It’s judaism itself that is evil.
Worshiping (((themselves))) as they do while utilizing genocide wherever and whenever they want with total impunity is detrimental to true world peace…
This wonderfully clear theory is somewhat undermined by the fact that an awful lot of the Jews I have known have been mighty fine folks.
It’s sad that life can’t all be perfectly consistent. But there it is.
This is why he instigated 10/7 et al, and why he needs to keep it alive. His only miscalculation was that Hamas did somewhat better than he anticipated it would.The same thing happened back in 2014 or something. Rising domestic discord? Terrorist attack! Enemy at the gates! All good Jews to the ramparts!Hey, it works. And it's going to have to keep working, because the congeries of unrelated ethnicities that is Jewish Israel could never survive peace. They won't even let their children go to the same schools as other Jews.Israel is war forever. The Jews can only maintain a simulacrim of an actual nation if there is always that enemy at the gates. This is one of several senses in which Israel is literally evil.Replies: @anarchyst
Seems a growing number of Israelis also want to say goodbye to Nettles...
It’s judaism itself that is evil.
Worshiping (((themselves))) as they do while utilizing genocide wherever and whenever they want with total impunity is detrimental to true world peace.
You see, JEW$ consider themselves to be gods, to lord over gentile humanity.
I would suggest that JEW$ themselves are mentally ill and must be corralled and controlled, not being permitted to hold influential positions in ANY gentile society.
Jewi$h amorality figures greatly into jewi$h behavior. Rules for thee but not for me is the jewi$h mantra.
Most people are unaware that jewi$h destruction of stable gentile societies is part and parcel of judaism and cannot be separated from that bronze-age “cult”.
This wonderfully clear theory is somewhat undermined by the fact that an awful lot of the Jews I have known have been mighty fine folks.
It’s judaism itself that is evil.
Worshiping (((themselves))) as they do while utilizing genocide wherever and whenever they want with total impunity is detrimental to true world peace...
While everyone is paying attention to Gaza, JEW$ in the West Bank have escalated their genocidal and expulsion efforts.
Not good…
Dan Bilzerian for president!
Please go somewhere else Hasbara acting all goyish.
Your comments are irritating and irrelevant.
Find a hobby.
Start smoking weed.
Enlist with the boy scouts.
Join Peta.
Discover nature.
Become a Talmud/Pedofilia wizard.
Start promoting LGTBQ content on tiktok.
We know you are located in Tel Aviv.
You suck.
Perhaps, that would do it.You'd think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest "friend". That's pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels. I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11. 9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche. It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening. Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything. If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don't know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there'd be hell to pay, as there should. Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. 'That little slut knew what she was doing', blah, blah..I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas. the media had to do, is call the victims' 'wackos', and 'David Koresh was having sex with those children!', (zero evidence) and Americans said, 'Oh, I didn't know that, then they all got what they deserved'. That's how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say 'ho hum'. But 9/11..?**At this point, I really don't care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they're literately starving. We're so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what's left of our white-male ruling class. As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.Replies: @anarchyst, @NobodyImportant, @rgl, @Colin Wright
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
‘Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. ‘That little slut knew what she was doing’, blah, blah..’
Indeed. That sort of thing is disgusting.
Lord knows, I’m no white knight rushing to the aid of outraged womanhood at every opportunity, but those children never had a real chance in life at all, and to somehow blame them instead of the filth who came along and gobbled them up like candy is an outrage.
Problem is, they'd have to say hello to yet another genocidaire.Replies: @Anonymous 1, @PercyQuattro, @Colin Wright
Poll shows Netanyahu bloc sinking, with 60% of Israelis wanting him to resign as PM
Survey says pro-Netanyahu bloc would fall to 48 seats if Bennett runs; 3/4s of respondents back state commission of inquiry into the Oct. 7 onslaught, which the premier opposes
Seems a growing number of Israelis also want to say goodbye to Nettles…
This is why he instigated 10/7 et al, and why he needs to keep it alive. His only miscalculation was that Hamas did somewhat better than he anticipated it would.
The same thing happened back in 2014 or something. Rising domestic discord? Terrorist attack! Enemy at the gates! All good Jews to the ramparts!
Hey, it works. And it’s going to have to keep working, because the congeries of unrelated ethnicities that is Jewish Israel could never survive peace. They won’t even let their children go to the same schools as other Jews.
Israel is war forever. The Jews can only maintain a simulacrim of an actual nation if there is always that enemy at the gates. This is one of several senses in which Israel is literally evil.
Organized wealthy Jews have ruined America, and its political party system.
They have transformed the Republican conservative party into NAZI/Fascism under the stupid, impressionable, weak, and shortsighted President Donald Trump, and his Jewish handler, DOGE Secretary Elon Musk.
But if you vote Democrat, you will find yourself under extremist, left wing Communism under the remnants of former Presidents Obama and Biden.
The USA needs to be liberated, just like Europe was in World War 2, by the BRICS countries of Russia, Brazil, India, China and the global south.
America is ruined, it is no longer free, but ruled with an iron fist by left and right wing Jews, who all pray, worship, and plot together behind their window-less synagogues, with their organized crime leaders, otherwise known as “Rabbis.â€
And the only question they ask, “Is it good for the Jews?â€
I’ve never watched more than a few minutes of her show. Never been a fan of that type of show.
The goyim are BIG on TALK.
But not much else.
And that’s why they’re called GOYIM.
Absolutely agree. I would add that the Almighty will punish the Anglo- Americans mightily for the crimes committed against the Germans after WWII ended. It’s a still largely unknown story, but it will come to light eventually. The Palestinians are receiving the ‘German’ treatment.
Perhaps, that would do it.You'd think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest "friend". That's pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels. I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11. 9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche. It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening. Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything. If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don't know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there'd be hell to pay, as there should. Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. 'That little slut knew what she was doing', blah, blah..I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas. the media had to do, is call the victims' 'wackos', and 'David Koresh was having sex with those children!', (zero evidence) and Americans said, 'Oh, I didn't know that, then they all got what they deserved'. That's how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say 'ho hum'. But 9/11..?**At this point, I really don't care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they're literately starving. We're so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what's left of our white-male ruling class. As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.Replies: @anarchyst, @NobodyImportant, @rgl, @Colin Wright
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
In terms of loss of life, you are very correct that 9/11 would be the scab that should be torn off the wound to let it heal properly. It most certainly was the most consequential event of the three I gave voice to.
The Liberty event could’ve mutated into a HUGE mistake, with far greater consequences than even 9/11, as LBJ almost nuked Cairo, believing the Arabs struck the Liberty, or at least said that he believed this. At minimun, immense loss of life and climate degradation would’ve been the result of that decision. Luckily, that did not happen.
Perhaps, if JFK survived, his continued existence would’ve had far reaching consequences. Perhaps 9/11 would’ve never happened. Perhaps 34 dead american sailors would still be alive today, kicking back enjoying their retirement. Perhaps the CIA would not have grown into the monster it has. Perhaps israel would be put in it’s place. Sadly, we will never know. Perhaps future generations will learn these truths.
Perhaps, that would do it.You'd think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest "friend". That's pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels. I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11. 9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche. It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening. Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything. If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don't know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there'd be hell to pay, as there should. Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. 'That little slut knew what she was doing', blah, blah..I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas. the media had to do, is call the victims' 'wackos', and 'David Koresh was having sex with those children!', (zero evidence) and Americans said, 'Oh, I didn't know that, then they all got what they deserved'. That's how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say 'ho hum'. But 9/11..?**At this point, I really don't care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they're literately starving. We're so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what's left of our white-male ruling class. As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.Replies: @anarchyst, @NobodyImportant, @rgl, @Colin Wright
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
You really aught to just go and hang around black women more often if you think this is “ballsy.” Once you’ve seen that every single one of them is a Candace Owens, you won’t be that damn impressed by any of it, just ask the black man himself.
And that’s because they aren’t impressed with her “You go girl!” attitude when 99% of all black women are like her. Some are just ghetto and then you have the college educated ones but the result is still the same.
Just go to youtube, I’ve seen videos of black women outright saying “Kill the js! They must all be killed!” And what does youtube do to those videos? They leave them there, they won’t even touch their shit with censorship. But I challenge somebody white to go on there and do the same and let’s see if their content stays there along with their account not getting suspended. Lucas Gage is a good example of this, and he was threaten in front of his family, and Elon suspended him for about 3 months because of the stuff he was saying on Twitter. Once he said “Kill them all!” That was it. Candance could say the same shit and Elon won’t even touch her, nor would THEY show up to her house to threaten her over it either. That actually happened to Lucas Gage.
A socialist market economic system. Good one. Thanks for the laugh.
Nope. I never said that, but you're already on record trying to put words in my mouth, Mr. Wing Tips, lying and bearing false witness while striving, I suppose, to be more Jewish than the Jews.
Sparky’s point is that the whole thing was goyim from start to finish, and that Israel wasn’t even involved.
Actually, former 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey’s words were “…it’s a 30 year old conspiracy.”
LA CHANGE : But if it’s a permanent cover up… it’s an act of war and it’s hiding things, which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then it’s a cover up of a act of war, and under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution, it’s treason, so unless we get to the very bottom of it, were still talking a treasonous exposition.
KERREY : This is a longer conversation; I’m not sure we will ever [get] to the bottom of it.
LA CHANGE : We have to or I don’t think we can save our country sir.
KERREY: I don’t think… Well if that’s the condition upon which we’ll be saving our country… because the problem is, it’s a 30 year old conspiracy.
LA CHANGE : No, I’m talking about 9/11.
KERREY : That’s what I’m talking about.
LA CHANGE : Oh , you are…!?
Good heavens, this Atherton is a moron
Indeed he is yet he claims to be a top notch researcher! Sadly he has a good number of people who follow him and accept what he says as being right…
Three Israeli tourists attempted to rape two Finnish tourists in Phuket, Thailand, according to Thai media reports.
This is a common practice from the evil Feckers, let’s hope that they get thrown in a really bad prison and get raped nightly for years!
Palestinians by now in some sort of genocide but Israel has always been restrained.
if it weren’t for ((central banking)) corrption and capture of the West, (thanks Woodrow), the Arabs would have stomped the shit out of the notoriously cowardly Jews by now. The *ONLY* reason Israel exists, is because of Western support.
If Israel didn’t have the rest of the world looking on, they would obviously have genocided the Palestinians down to the last man, woman and child, by now.
Let’s keep things in perspective, eh?
I find it horridly hypocritical for Trump to tell Zelensky that he can grovel to the Russian invaders
every body here knows Zelinsky and the UK, Nuland, et al, were the aggressors who forced this war on Russia. Every body here knows Putin did everything in his power to avoid this war, but the treachery of Perfidious and the ((West)), left him no choice.
And we all know it. (except the laughingstock JJ, of course ; )
So your ZOG talking points are moot, at least here on TUR. You’d get a better reception for those ideas on The View.
Israel, ZOG, Zelinsky, Nuland, Biden and it looks like Trump as well, are all part of the Satanic Zionist cabal that has the West by the purse strings, (thanks Woodrow), and that’s why there are wars all over the place. Jews love wars, so long as they don’t have to fight them. Which is another reason the world is grateful to Hamas, because for once the cowardly Jews are having to do some of their own fighting, for once.
I have a slightly different reaction to this article than the typical Unz reader. The truth is that Israel is backed into a corner, surrounded by hostile enemies. The attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other similar groups are, in the words of David Cole, suicidal pokes at a powerful tiger. Many other ethnic groups, especially in older times, would have wiped out the Palestinians by now in some sort of genocide but Israel has always been restrained. Lots of people, including leftist sentimental Jews, will turn against Netanyahu if he was mad enough to try to attempt what Hitler or Stalin did. Of course, there is a more practical motive for the restraint. If Israel were to expand its territory like South Africa, they would find themselves overwhelmed by the Arab population in one to two generations.
Having said that…
I would just love to see an American president finally stand up to Israel and tell them that if any other “ally” blew up one of our naval ships, we would put the boot up their hinny. There would be no more foreign aid, weapon shipments, or military support. I find it horridly hypocritical for Trump to tell Zelensky that he can grovel to the Russian invaders and then announce that the US will evict all Arabs from the West Bank. I remember John Mearsheimer writing about the Israeli lobbyist who blew his nose into his handkerchief and then bragged that he could get the signatures of a dozen Congressman in an hour. The influence of the Israeli fifth column in Washington has reached the levels of absurdity.
if it weren't for ((central banking)) corrption and capture of the West, (thanks Woodrow), the Arabs would have stomped the shit out of the notoriously cowardly Jews by now. The *ONLY* reason Israel exists, is because of Western support.
Palestinians by now in some sort of genocide but Israel has always been restrained.
every body here knows Zelinsky and the UK, Nuland, et al, were the aggressors who forced this war on Russia. Every body here knows Putin did everything in his power to avoid this war, but the treachery of Perfidious and the ((West)), left him no choice.
I find it horridly hypocritical for Trump to tell Zelensky that he can grovel to the Russian invaders
Heard the name, don’t know much about him. I’ll check it out.
Hey, Muski or whatever your name is, wrap your tiny mind around this, then slink off:
Not surprising…most jewi$h males are so ugly, a tryst between a porn star and a jew, the porn star would have a problem getting aroused.
Jew$ are used to getting their own way, being pushy and obnoxious to the nth degree.
Nope. I never said that, but you're already on record trying to put words in my mouth, Mr. Wing Tips, lying and bearing false witness while striving, I suppose, to be more Jewish than the Jews.
Sparky’s point is that the whole thing was goyim from start to finish, and that Israel wasn’t even involved.
Get it through your thick and fevered skull that the Dancing Kneeling Israelis are not proof that Israel was behind 9/11.
I didn’t say it was, (idiot)
I said it was proof that they had foreknowledge. Building 7 is the proof that a cabal of Zionist Jews, Including Silverstien and Zakheim and Ehud and dozens of other Zionist Jews – did 9/11, obviously with Bush administration and media complicity.
it would be no great surprise if Mossad had gained HUMINT of a plot brewing to blow up the World Trade Center
yes, we’ve all heard the ol ‘they found out Osama’s ‘terrorists’ were going to fly jets into buildings, but they didn’t warn the American people!
Building 7 is proof that they didn’t just know it was going to happen, but that ((they)) did it.
and everyone here knows it
just so you know, for us Americans, nothing would please us more, than the death of Zionism, and the break up of the ((United States)), into several, independent sovereign nations.
once he USofAs is reduced to a bunch of civil warring states gleefully killing each other, Zionism in Western Asia is finished.
From your keyboard to God’s eyes and ears, Rurik. When the collapse of the jew owned and controlled US of A occurs and the “Great Partitioning” takes place, I sure hope that I’m still around to see it. Godspeed, brother.
that's ironic
I think I have to agree with Sparkon on this one. Yes, obviously 911 was a creation of the Mossad, the Zionist neocons, and members of the Israeli Government.
we all agree with that.
they could never have pulled it off without the complicity of hundreds of goyim traitors
perhaps this is the real reason you're defending Sparky
And as far as the planes go, the video of the plane entering into the south tower was obvious CGI or some other kind of fakery.
Sparky’s point is that the whole thing was goyim from start to finish, and that Israel wasn’t even involved.
Nope. I never said that, but you’re already on record trying to put words in my mouth, Mr. Wing Tips, lying and bearing false witness while striving, I suppose, to be more Jewish than the Jews.
Get it through your thick and fevered skull that the Dancing Kneeling Israelis are not proof that Israel was behind 9/11. It has not even been established with 100% certainty that the UMS van with the Kneeling Israelis taking pictures was in the Doric parking lot before the WTC attacks began.
Maybe they were, but as I’ve shown, foreknowledge does not necessarily indicate responsibility.
With all the Mossad make-believe art students roaming around trying to gain access to sensitive U.S. installations, along with the ZoomCopter kiosks in many big U.S. malls, and given some people’s tendency to talk too much, it would be no great surprise if Mossad had gained HUMINT of a plot brewing to blow up the World Trade Center, especially when one considers those seeming hints of the conspiracy that appeared in the popular media, coupled with with former 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey’s remark that 9/11 was “…a 30 year-old plot.”
Image: Wikipedia
Yes, and there could have been a lot of loose lips flapping over the course of 30 years.
And certainly I’ve been saying for along time here at UR that there was no real need at all for the Twin Towers when they were built, so it is plausible they were built for some other, covert purpose, such as a tax scam, and/or as a kind of confidence game to lure in big deposits of gold and other valuables from around the globe once the WTC’s Twin Towers had established themselves as unrivaled symbols of strength and durability.
9/11 remains an unsolved crime with the criminals still at large. Israeli citizens are exempt from extradition to U.S. courts, but Bush, Cheney and Myers, as well as others, do not have that Jewish protection, but nonetheless and in defiance of all truth and justice, those former U.S. officials and flunkies have never been held accountable for their actions and failures on Sept. 11, 2001, and seem to have some special kind of immunity afforded only to the ruling class.
We, the American people, deserve to know what Bush, Cheney and Myers were up to on September 11, 2001, why they failed so miserably to protect U.S. citizens, and why VP Dick Cheney’s former USN aide Lt. Cmdr. Douglas F. Cochrane’s testimony to the 9/11 Commission was classified and remains classified to this day, as far as I know.
Psst: Of course the classification still stands! Have you heard anything to the contrary?
I didn't say it was, (idiot)
Get it through your thick and fevered skull that the Dancing Kneeling Israelis are not proof that Israel was behind 9/11.
yes, we've all heard the ol 'they found out Osama's 'terrorists' were going to fly jets into buildings, but they didn't warn the American people!
it would be no great surprise if Mossad had gained HUMINT of a plot brewing to blow up the World Trade Center
LA CHANGE : But if it’s a permanent cover up… it’s an act of war and it’s hiding things, which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then it's a cover up of a act of war, and under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution, it’s treason, so unless we get to the very bottom of it, were still talking a treasonous exposition.
KERREY : This is a longer conversation; I’m not sure we will ever [get] to the bottom of it.
LA CHANGE : We have to or I don’t think we can save our country sir.
KERREY: I don’t think... Well if that’s the condition upon which we’ll be saving our country... because the problem is, it’s a 30 year old conspiracy.
LA CHANGE : No, I’m talking about 9/11.
KERREY : That’s what I’m talking about.
LA CHANGE : Oh , you are...!? �
Hi Dutch,
almost all legitimate commenters on UNZ are in agreement that the Israeli Government and the Mossad were the main perpetrators of 911.
I agree, because Sparky isn’t legitimate, in that he/it is here in good faith. He’s not ; )
is that every video showing a plane “entering into†the south tower is a physical impossibility.
I respectfully disagree.
I don’t think the jets would have struck the towers, as if they were solid steel, (rather than a lattice of steel columns and glass), and broke apart and fallen to the street.
I think they would have done exactly what we see in the videos, where they plunge/ burst though the columns of steel and glass, because these jets are not like beer cans, (in spite of what the no-planes people insist), but rather 400,000 pounds of steel and aluminum traveling and hundreds of miles per hour.
And these were not typical commercial passenger jets flown by Arab “terrorists”.
They were not going to leave their magnum opus to transform the 21st century into a bloodbath, to some Arabs with non-existent flight skills. No, this was all very well planned, well-orchestrated event, with remote flown military jets made to look like commercial passenger planes.
it’s a deep, dark rabbit hole
Most no-planes adherents are sincere, but once you see the no-planes ‘experts’ are lying about things like the ‘aluminum wing tips slicing though steel’, when we all know by now that the wing tips did not ‘slice through steel’, but rather simply made impressions into the thin aluminum cladding, the fact that these people continue to lie about that, is proof that they’re charlatans.
Cheers, in any case.
This is a common practice from the evil Feckers, let's hope that they get thrown in a really bad prison and get raped nightly for years!
Three Israeli tourists attempted to rape two Finnish tourists in Phuket, Thailand, according to Thai media reports.
that's ironic
I think I have to agree with Sparkon on this one. Yes, obviously 911 was a creation of the Mossad, the Zionist neocons, and members of the Israeli Government.
we all agree with that.
they could never have pulled it off without the complicity of hundreds of goyim traitors
perhaps this is the real reason you're defending Sparky
And as far as the planes go, the video of the plane entering into the south tower was obvious CGI or some other kind of fakery.
Hi Rurik. I think almost all legitimate commenters on UNZ are in agreement that the Israeli Government and the Mossad were the main perpetrators of 911. So I think that on this venue, since we all agree on “who”did it, we should expand the discussion as to “how” they did it in order to see through upcoming false flags.
As far as no planes, I don’t know if planes were used or not. What I’m saying is that every video showing a plane “entering into” the south tower is a physical impossibility. The fact that CGI fakery was used on 911 is very important as it appears AI fakery was used on October 7th. See the Max Igan interview of Matt Guertin entitled “AI synthetic news”.
Anyway, we just witnessed a fully masked up Mossad agent on 60 minutes admitting the truth regarding how the Mossad are the masters of deception and lie about all aspects of their operations.
I agree, because Sparky isn't legitimate, in that he/it is here in good faith. He's not ; )
almost all legitimate commenters on UNZ are in agreement that the Israeli Government and the Mossad were the main perpetrators of 911.
I respectfully disagree.
is that every video showing a plane “entering into†the south tower is a physical impossibility.
once he USofAs is reduced to a bunch of civil warring states gleefully killing each other, Zionism in Western Asia is finished.
just so you know, for us Americans, nothing would please us more, than the death of Zionism, and the break up of the ((United States)), into several, independent sovereign nations.
California and Massachusetts can go full-blown trans-homo-immigrant-loving wokeness, (you’ll like it there ; ) and the rest of us can watch with morbid fascination as they descend into failed shitholes, without our federal tax dollars to back them up anymore. Red states will close their borders to the shitlibs, and force them to live in their ‘woke utopias’. Talk about perfect Karma, eh?!
Also, everyone here knows that ground zero for Zionism is not Washington DC, but the City of London.
So when the U.S. breaks up, the first thing the sane and decent states will do, is repudiate the dollar, ((Federal Reserve Note)), and issue gold and silver certificates as our currency. The fiat paper will be worthless.
It will be the second American revolution from ((Perfidious)), and it will be glorious!
I think I have to agree with Sparkon on this one. Yes, obviously 911 was a creation of the Mossad, the Zionist neocons, and members of the Israeli Government.
that’s ironic
you say you agree with Sparky, and in the next sentence contradict Sparky’s main point.
Sparky’s point isn’t that the goyim collaborated with Israel to do 9/11
Sparky’s point is that the whole thing was goyim from start to finish, and that Israel wasn’t even involved.
In fact, he’s so rancid in his duplicity as to suggest that even the ‘dancing Schlomos’ are being treated unfairly, just because they had foreknowledge of 9/11, because gee-whiz, Sparky had foreknowledge of the Superbowl, and he cheers at the Superbowl, so there’s nothing suspicious about the dancing Schlomos cheering on 9/11. As Sparky explains it, both events are ‘entertaining’, you see?
they could never have pulled it off without the complicity of hundreds of goyim traitors
we all agree with that.
And as far as the planes go, the video of the plane entering into the south tower was obvious CGI or some other kind of fakery.
perhaps this is the real reason you’re defending Sparky
for a lot of people, the no-planes theory, (ALUMINUM can not slice through STEEL!!!), is more important that who did 9/11.
Nope. I never said that, but you're already on record trying to put words in my mouth, Mr. Wing Tips, lying and bearing false witness while striving, I suppose, to be more Jewish than the Jews.
Sparky’s point is that the whole thing was goyim from start to finish, and that Israel wasn’t even involved.
I don’t know anarchyst, it seems there have been several public figures that have tried to provide the details, and they either end up dead or marginalized. Men like James Traficant, or now Thomas Massie, who explained that every Republican congressman or woman, except himself, has an AIPAC handler, or ‘babysitter’, who they all have to consult and answer to, for all votes potentially effecting Israel.
And if true, that is blatant, in-your-face treason. But this treason is so endemic, and not just in America, but Canada and Europe and Oceania, that no one is able to do anything about it, as long as Jews control the world’s reserve currency, and can ‘print’ trillion$ on a whim.
I think perhaps five to ten percent of the populace understands the treasonous control Israel wields over our government, but they do nothing. In fairness, what can they do?
Not even Edward Snowden or Julian Assange will tell the truth about 9/11.
We live in a time of universal mendacity, when even those brave enough to speak some truth, are loath to speak too much truth. That’s why Candice Owens and Dan Bilzerian and others, are so notable, because they’re so rare. But yet, they’re out there.
Check this out Jerry – it is a big part of the problem!
The meaning of CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER is a risk or threat to safety or other public interests that is serious and imminent; especially : one that justifies limitation of a right (as freedom of speech or press) by the legislative or executive branch of government.
It is arguably impossible to disprove the assertion that Benjamin Netanyahu fully qualifies as the slam dunk, undisputed, #1 clear and present danger on Earth.
To apply law enforcement language, Benjamin Netanyahu must be “taken off the streets”, removed from power, prosecuted and punished for obvious war crimes, in particular genocide.
Let’s look on the bright side, there is NO compelling reason for the continued existence of the USofAs.
The world and it’s inhabitants can look forward to a more peaceful, just, and righteous existence in which resources will be equitably distributed once you greedy killers are out of the picture.
Zionism is accelerating the collapse of the USofAs as fast as you can say, “I told you so”.
And the delicious irony is that once he USofAs is reduced to a bunch of civil warring states gleefully killing each other, Zionism in Western Asia is finished.
The existence of the USofAs has been a curse on Humanity since it’s inception. It’s fall will be The absolute greatest Blessing.
The Vampire Ball is Over!
just so you know, for us Americans, nothing would please us more, than the death of Zionism, and the break up of the ((United States)), into several, independent sovereign nations.
once he USofAs is reduced to a bunch of civil warring states gleefully killing each other, Zionism in Western Asia is finished.
Agreed, but they’ve already taken a lot. At some point he’s got to say enough is enough.
He’s still a multimillionaire and his heiress wife and kids are all alive. A solo show/podcast might be a step down from being the biggest host on Fox News, there’s plenty more that they can take from him. Hate to admit I could be bought, but if I was making Tucker’s kind of money I’d be willing to color inside the lines too.
Of all the comments here, why do you choose to expend energy on mine?
I think it is because you want to head off people from reading Ilan Pappe’s book on the Israel Lobby in the USA and the UK.
You are hasbara.
There is no other rational reason for your weird responses to my comment.
Why do you revere the military and first responders?
your juxtaposition of doing versus reading a book is silly.
Transparent, legal protest and activism grows with membership and participation.
What actions do you yourself propose,
Your comment in which your criticize me and my comment are a waste of time and space.
What do you have against learning?
I guess you forgot the role that Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” had in jump-starting the American Revolution.
You sound like a no-nothing jerk.
Are you a first responder? Have you volunteered to help on the West Bank? In Gaza?
Are you standing out and demonstrating every Sunday for Palestinian rights in your home town?
Ensuring that Palestinian films are locally screened?
I thought not. So, STFU.
Duh, indeed. Your ignorant comment is further evidence you don't know what you're talking about, as I've commented on a wide variety of topics at Unz Review, including off the top of my head WWI, WWII, Zionism, Herzl and Nordau, Versailles and the Balfour Declaration, Flight 800, JFK, Vietnam, RFK, Lyndon Johnson, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julian Assange, Elon Musk, Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends, Confucius, Kanji, languages, Illini and Iroquois tribes, dogs, eagles, dust, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, Syria, Gaza, milk and sugar, Maidan, and Ukraine, as anyone would quickly learn by doing a search for any of those topics in my comment history, not that this list is comprehensive.
unlike you, I comment on every sort of issue, from the Ukrainian war, to Gaza, to Covid, to popular culture, to Trump and the EU and China and history and the ((Federal Reserve Bank)) and many, many various subjects. Whereas your obsession is and has been now for years, scurrying to every thread with ties to 9/11, to shill your ‘no-planes’ nonsense. You’re even more fanatical about that, than you are that ‘Israel had nothing to do with 9/11’, (more of your idiocy), but both of those positions are carefully plied in order to run cover for the murderous scumbags who actually did do 9/11 ~ Israel and elements within the Bush administration, with the ((media)) running cover.
I think I have to agree with Sparkon on this one. Yes, obviously 911 was a creation of the Mossad, the Zionist neocons, and members of the Israeli Government. However, they could never have pulled it off without the complicity of hundreds of goyim traitors in the U.S. government, the military, and especially the media. And yes, that includes Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Myers, and numerous others.
And as far as the planes go, the video of the plane entering into the south tower was obvious CGI or some other kind of fakery.
that's ironic
I think I have to agree with Sparkon on this one. Yes, obviously 911 was a creation of the Mossad, the Zionist neocons, and members of the Israeli Government.
we all agree with that.
they could never have pulled it off without the complicity of hundreds of goyim traitors
perhaps this is the real reason you're defending Sparky
And as far as the planes go, the video of the plane entering into the south tower was obvious CGI or some other kind of fakery.
Tucker Carlson has handled it all intelligently. He deserves a lot of respect.
Perhaps, that would do it.You'd think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest "friend". That's pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels. I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11. 9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche. It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening. Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything. If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don't know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there'd be hell to pay, as there should. Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. 'That little slut knew what she was doing', blah, blah..I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas. the media had to do, is call the victims' 'wackos', and 'David Koresh was having sex with those children!', (zero evidence) and Americans said, 'Oh, I didn't know that, then they all got what they deserved'. That's how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say 'ho hum'. But 9/11..?**At this point, I really don't care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they're literately starving. We're so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what's left of our white-male ruling class. As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.Replies: @anarchyst, @NobodyImportant, @rgl, @Colin Wright
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
All it would take would be for one public figure to publicly admit to his transgressions, beg for forgiveness (which would be readily given) and provide details of the whole sordid operation to bring the whole diseased jewish temple down.
here’s a guy with balls
Good heavens, this Atherton is a moron
Indeed he is yet he claims to be a top notch researcher! Sadly he has a good number of people who follow him and accept what he says as being right...
Good heavens, this Atherton is a moron
Hey, DC Dave. I’ve been reading your stuff for years, especially about James Forrestal, and I agree he was probably murdered, possibly by Israelis. so I’m rather disappointed that this video poetry is the best you can do, as it contains absolutely no mention of Bush sitting, Cheney issuing orders, Rumsfeld and Myers taking part in a video teleconference while the attacks were unfolding on 9/11, so it’s just more of the same ol’ one-note samba that serves as a kind of house muzak at UR, but at least it has a steady beat, making it easy to set those kneeling high-fivers all to van-top dancing on their knees.
By the way, the angled cut on the beam being part of the demolition has been challenged pretty well by Mick West over at Metabunk, who claims.
It was confirmed earlier that they cut them at an angle during cleanup.
I’ve also commented extensively here about those red/gray chips found in some NYC dust donated anonymously to Jones, Harrit et al, who claimed they were nano-engineered thermitic pyrotechnics, while at least one other researcher who looked at that dust said the red-gray chips were
“…consistent with a carbon steel coated with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments. There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite.â€
The chips are a mixture of kaolin and epoxy. Kaolin, also called aluminum silicate and china clay, is a platy mineral frequently used as a pigment in paints. Epoxy resins have been used in coatings since the 1940s.
In other words, the red/gray material is paint chips, with no aluminum nanoparticles detected.
But I’ve always said going back to Sept. 11, 2001 that jetliners alone could not destroy the Twin Towers, and some other agent or agents had to have been used to bring those massive skyscrapers down. Since then, after exhausting all possibilities, I was obliged to conclude that no real airplanes crashed anywhere on 9/11 nor were any airplanes even hijacked on Black Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, when our world entered a period of chaos, death and destruction in the Middle East largely due to this false flag deception, leading to a series of unwarranted and illegal wars waged by the George W. Bush administration in response to 9/11, and all of it based on patently false evidence and bald-faced lies from Bush administration officials, as Philip Giraldi notes in his article here, putting the USA on what he calls
“… a berserker course to teach the rest of the world about the “meaning of death.â€
Hi Muh, hope you are well.
Only reached the 25 minute mark, but I have to say the debate is remarkably civil considering the difference of positions between the two.
No, I’m afraid not.
I think you probably touched on the highlight when you mentioned Atherton’s bristling at mention of the Hannibal Doctrine.
Matt Miller (a.k.a. ‘Smirkula’), who served as spokesman for the State Department under Biden, also claimed ignorance of the same.
Very hard to believe these people.
Tell that to Trump then who was threaten with a golden pager.
Owens is a journalist, not an American politician.
The only capacity in which she would confront Netanyahu is as a journalist.
And he would surely prove too cowardly to agree to an interview.
Do not conflate Waltz's words with Goebbles position on the Jews. Waltz was directing his (and american) angst solely at Zelensky, no one else.Were american patience to truly expire with the Jews, the Epstein files would be fully released and non-redacted in their entirety. A proper forensic and legal examination of the real events of 9/11 would be truthfully explored and the USS Liberty event would cast blame where the blame should rightfully be cast; directly at israel's feet.Further, israel may have had a hand in the assassination of JFK.Until any or all of this is completely and truthfully exposed, israel will hold america in pocket.Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of 'national security' is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.Replies: @Rurik
Commenting on Zelensky, Trump NatSec advisor Mike Waltz echoed Goebbels’ famous speech line from 1933, also talking about Jews
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
Perhaps, that would do it.
You’d think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest “friend”.
That’s pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels.
I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11.
9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche.
It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.
I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening.
If Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.
With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything.
If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don’t know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there’d be hell to pay, as there should.
Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. ‘That little slut knew what she was doing’, blah, blah..
I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas.
All the media had to do, is call the victims’ ‘wackos’, and ‘David Koresh was having sex with those children!’, (zero evidence) and Americans said, ‘Oh, I didn’t know that, then they all got what they deserved’.
That’s how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say ‘ho hum’.
But 9/11..?
At this point, I really don’t care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.
Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they’re literately starving. We’re so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what’s left of our white-male ruling class.
As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.
Indeed. That sort of thing is disgusting.Lord knows, I'm no white knight rushing to the aid of outraged womanhood at every opportunity, but those children never had a real chance in life at all, and to somehow blame them instead of the filth who came along and gobbled them up like candy is an outrage.Replies: @Alden
'Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. ‘That little slut knew what she was doing’, blah, blah..'
Duh, indeed. Your ignorant comment is further evidence you don't know what you're talking about, as I've commented on a wide variety of topics at Unz Review, including off the top of my head WWI, WWII, Zionism, Herzl and Nordau, Versailles and the Balfour Declaration, Flight 800, JFK, Vietnam, RFK, Lyndon Johnson, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julian Assange, Elon Musk, Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends, Confucius, Kanji, languages, Illini and Iroquois tribes, dogs, eagles, dust, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, Syria, Gaza, milk and sugar, Maidan, and Ukraine, as anyone would quickly learn by doing a search for any of those topics in my comment history, not that this list is comprehensive.
unlike you, I comment on every sort of issue, from the Ukrainian war, to Gaza, to Covid, to popular culture, to Trump and the EU and China and history and the ((Federal Reserve Bank)) and many, many various subjects. Whereas your obsession is and has been now for years, scurrying to every thread with ties to 9/11, to shill your ‘no-planes’ nonsense. You’re even more fanatical about that, than you are that ‘Israel had nothing to do with 9/11’, (more of your idiocy), but both of those positions are carefully plied in order to run cover for the murderous scumbags who actually did do 9/11 ~ Israel and elements within the Bush administration, with the ((media)) running cover.
�'ve also commented extensively here about those red/gray chips found in some NYC dust donated anonymously to Jones, Harrit et al, who claimed they were nano-engineered thermitic pyrotechnics, while at least one other researcher who looked at that dust said the red-gray chips were
It was confirmed earlier that they cut them at an angle during cleanup.
In other words, the red/gray material is paint chips, with no aluminum nanoparticles detected.But I've always said going back to Sept. 11, 2001 that jetliners alone could not destroy the Twin Towers, and some other agent or agents had to have been used to bring those massive skyscrapers down. Since then, after exhausting all possibilities, I was obliged to conclude that no real airplanes crashed anywhere on 9/11 nor were any airplanes even hijacked on Black Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, when our world entered a period of chaos, death and destruction in the Middle East largely due to this false flag deception, leading to a series of unwarranted and illegal wars waged by the George W. Bush administration in response to 9/11, and all of it based on patently false evidence and bald-faced lies from Bush administration officials, as Philip Giraldi notes in his article here, putting the USA on what he calls
"...consistent with a carbon steel coated with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments. There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite.â€The chips are a mixture of kaolin and epoxy. Kaolin, also called aluminum silicate and china clay, is a platy mineral frequently used as a pigment in paints. Epoxy resins have been used in coatings since the 1940s.�
"... a berserker course to teach the rest of the world about the “meaning of death.â€
I am pretty sure that the Jews who controlled Germany in 1932 thought the same as you do about being ‘there for life’ and “can’t be expelled”.
Ok they came back after Hitler’s defeat which took 6 years and 3 empires (USSR, USA, Britain).
The problem is not that Hitler lost but that he didn’t do a complete job.
Unlike what they pretend he never launched any ‘holocaust’. If 6 millions Jews had died in camps, “Israel” would be empty of them today, the US and Europe too.
In history, the Jews have been systematically expelled from every country they ever set foot in.
One time is happenstance , two times coincidence, etc…
The next pogrom will be global and with the technology we have today , it might be fatal.
“trump is a three card monte dealer, everything’s a card game to this double dealer, who openly admits, the russians are holding all the cards but thinks he can still bluff them. ”
Excellent characterization
Duh, indeed. Your ignorant comment is further evidence you don't know what you're talking about, as I've commented on a wide variety of topics at Unz Review, including off the top of my head WWI, WWII, Zionism, Herzl and Nordau, Versailles and the Balfour Declaration, Flight 800, JFK, Vietnam, RFK, Lyndon Johnson, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julian Assange, Elon Musk, Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends, Confucius, Kanji, languages, Illini and Iroquois tribes, dogs, eagles, dust, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, Syria, Gaza, milk and sugar, Maidan, and Ukraine, as anyone would quickly learn by doing a search for any of those topics in my comment history, not that this list is comprehensive.
unlike you, I comment on every sort of issue, from the Ukrainian war, to Gaza, to Covid, to popular culture, to Trump and the EU and China and history and the ((Federal Reserve Bank)) and many, many various subjects. Whereas your obsession is and has been now for years, scurrying to every thread with ties to 9/11, to shill your ‘no-planes’ nonsense. You’re even more fanatical about that, than you are that ‘Israel had nothing to do with 9/11’, (more of your idiocy), but both of those positions are carefully plied in order to run cover for the murderous scumbags who actually did do 9/11 ~ Israel and elements within the Bush administration, with the ((media)) running cover.
Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends,
blah, blah, blah..
I’d say 90% of your comments are shilling your no-planes theory, but truth be told, I generally don’t read your comments, so it could be only 85 or 80% of your comments are no-planes nonsense.
I do recall you were a Covid mask enthusiast, who dutifully wore your ritual submission pennant, and insisted others do as well, if I recall, in any case.
You and your ilk work overtime here trying to deflect all attention from Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers and the other American traitors
Your shtick is that Larry Silverstien had nothing to do with it, and that the dancing schlomos were unfairly singled out for persecution, because Michel Chertoff’s ‘Justice’ Dept, (who ultimately released the Mossad agents back to Israel) was anti-semetic for arresting them in the first place. They were simply celebrating, like at a Superbowl game, just as you too did on 9/11. Huh Sparky?
Only reached the 25 minute mark, but I have to say the debate is remarkably civil considering the difference of positions between the two.
Hi Muh, hope you are well.
Did you manage to watch the rest of the interaction?
He's got a lot more to lose than plebs like us, and They are certainly willing to take it from him. By hook, crook, or car bomb.Replies: @Z-man
A man who has experienced, first hand, the wrath of the Neocon/Bolshevik/Zionist Cabal still refuses to call it out directly. Amazing
Agreed, but they’ve already taken a lot. At some point he’s got to say enough is enough. But yes, they can take ‘everything’ from him.
He's still a multimillionaire and his heiress wife and kids are all alive. A solo show/podcast might be a step down from being the biggest host on Fox News, there's plenty more that they can take from him. Hate to admit I could be bought, but if I was making Tucker's kind of money I'd be willing to color inside the lines too.
Agreed, but they’ve already taken a lot. At some point he’s got to say enough is enough.
Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue
True, but it’s a process, first things first, start at home.
A man who has experienced, first hand, the wrath of the Neocon/Bolshevik/Zionist Cabal still refuses to call it out directly. Amazing
He’s got a lot more to lose than plebs like us, and They are certainly willing to take it from him. By hook, crook, or car bomb.
It seems inconsistent for Israel to threaten the rest of the civilized world with the Samson option all the while heaping endless condemnations upon Nazi Germany while Germany knew FDR had insisted on ‘unconditional surrender’ and all the while the Germans possessed sarin gas.
“By the end of World War II, Nazi Germany had produced some 12,000 tons of the deadly chemical compound, enough to kill millions of people. From early in the conflict, high-level military officers pressed Hitler to use sarin against their adversaries. But despite such pressure, Hitler declined to employ it as a chemical weapon against the Allied Powers.”
unlike you, I comment on every sort of issue, from the Ukrainian war, to Gaza, to Covid, to popular culture, to Trump and the EU and China and history and the ((Federal Reserve Bank)) and many, many various subjects. Whereas your obsession is and has been now for years, scurrying to every thread with ties to 9/11, to shill your ‘no-planes’ nonsense. You’re even more fanatical about that, than you are that ‘Israel had nothing to do with 9/11’, (more of your idiocy), but both of those positions are carefully plied in order to run cover for the murderous scumbags who actually did do 9/11 ~ Israel and elements within the Bush administration, with the ((media)) running cover.
Duh, indeed. Your ignorant comment is further evidence you don’t know what you’re talking about, as I’ve commented on a wide variety of topics at Unz Review, including off the top of my head WWI, WWII, Zionism, Herzl and Nordau, Versailles and the Balfour Declaration, Flight 800, JFK, Vietnam, RFK, Lyndon Johnson, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julian Assange, Elon Musk, Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends, Confucius, Kanji, languages, Illini and Iroquois tribes, dogs, eagles, dust, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, Syria, Gaza, milk and sugar, Maidan, and Ukraine, as anyone would quickly learn by doing a search for any of those topics in my comment history, not that this list is comprehensive.
You and your ilk work overtime here trying to deflect all attention from Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers and the other American traitors who were on duty on 9/11 and betrayed the American people by participating in the false flag attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.
blah, blah, blah..
Jeffery Epstein and some of his girlfriends,
You and your ilk work overtime here trying to deflect all attention from Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers and the other American traitors
Commenting on Zelensky, Trump NatSec advisor Mike Waltz echoed Goebbels’ famous speech line from 1933, also talking about Jews
Do not conflate Waltz’s words with Goebbles position on the Jews. Waltz was directing his (and american) angst solely at Zelensky, no one else.
Were american patience to truly expire with the Jews, the Epstein files would be fully released and non-redacted in their entirety. A proper forensic and legal examination of the real events of 9/11 would be truthfully explored and the USS Liberty event would cast blame where the blame should rightfully be cast; directly at israel’s feet.
Further, israel may have had a hand in the assassination of JFK.
Until any or all of this is completely and truthfully exposed, israel will hold america in pocket.
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
Perhaps, that would do it.You'd think the USS Liberty would do it, not because of the war crime per se, but when people figure out how our president betrayed those men, and insisted they should be murdered, rather than to embarrass our bestest "friend". That's pretty telling. And, the cover up at the highest levels. I think 9/11 would be the most effective, in motivating a proper response to ZOG. There are still all those videos, and dead and maimed American soldiers, and millions of dead and maimed innocent people all over the Middle East, who all died based on lies about 9/11. 9/11 is a deep scar in the American psyche. It has, and was intended, to transform this new 21st century, into a Jewish century, just like the 20th. With endless wars and slaughter and horrors writ large.I remember a video of the reaction of a young fireman, when another body hit the ground, and his anger/rage for what was happening. Americans could direct their anger at ((who)) did that, then we might make progress.With Epstein, Americans already pretty much know our elites, like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and so many others.. were going there to have sex with underage girls. But there is cynicism at that kind of thing. We all know priests and Boy Scout leaders and even our former Speaker of the House, were coddled by the authorities even when everyone knew they were raping little boys. All the leadership at Penn State knew Sandusky was raping little boys, and no one even said anything. If we see that ten congressmen and four sitting Senators were filmed having sex with a fifteen year old, (or even twelve year old) I don't know if that would ruffle too many feathers. Perhaps they get censured, even voted out, but I doubt there'd be hell to pay, as there should. Even here on TUR, I remember many of the participants here blaming the kids. 'That little slut knew what she was doing', blah, blah..I also will never forget how the American people reacted when our government burned some people, (including children) alive in a church in Texas. the media had to do, is call the victims' 'wackos', and 'David Koresh was having sex with those children!', (zero evidence) and Americans said, 'Oh, I didn't know that, then they all got what they deserved'. That's how easy it is to rule people when you control the media, government, academia and the courts. You can even burn children alive, and the American people will say 'ho hum'. But 9/11..?**At this point, I really don't care what would do it. Epstein or the USS Liberty or 9/11 or the provenance of both World Wars, or all of the above, and much, much more.Perhaps nothing will animate an apathetic people until they're literately starving. We're so far removed from the stock and mettle of the men who created this Republic, that by now, it seems Candice Owens has more balls and integrity than the whole of what's left of our white-male ruling class. As Z-man mentions, not even Tucker or Elon will touch 9/11 with a six million foot pole.Replies: @anarchyst, @NobodyImportant, @rgl, @Colin Wright
Personally, I believe the Epstein files which newly minted AG Pam Bondi has confirmed will not be released in their entirety for reasons of ‘national security’ is the smoking gun. There is a LOT of american dirt in those files.
If you disagree, that’s fine. This is not a 9/11 thread, so we can simply agree to disagree.
Nice try squirming out of your previous incorrect statements, and nice demonstration of what a total hypocrite you are. You understand logic in the same way that pigs understand pearls.
And if those Israel agents were celebrating, it proves nothing, because he too found the explosions ‘entertaining’, like a ‘Superbowl’, huh Sparky? And Sparky could see himself dancing and celebrating, as well, indeed, if he didn’t literally do so.
nowhere did I say or insinutate that I found 9/11 was entertaining,
I mentioned that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the attack, and that they were seen dancing and celebrating as it happened.
Your response, (because your position is that Israel had nothing to do with 9/11), is that their foreknowledge was irrelevant, because we all knew there was going to be a Superbowl, so it’s not so odd that they knew when and where the attack was going to happen, and that just as a Superbowl is entertaining, that it should not surprise anyone that men would also celebrate 9/11.
You didn’t use those precise words, but that was obviously your message. Anyone can simply scroll up and read it.
The people who did 9/11, didn't just have foreknowledge of the jets crashing into the towers, but they also had foreknowledge of Building 7's supernatural, (literally incogitable) collapse.It's also very telling that you equate the horrific deaths of thousands of people as like watching a Superbowl - and "entertaining". Why wouldn't a group of guys with their cameras all set up, watching the fireballs exploding out of an occupied building, knowing thousands had just died horribly, dance and celebrate?Such a thing for Sparky, after all, is entertaining. This is how typical Americans reacted to the attack, with horror and shock and sadness.Sparky:Well, like many people, I had certain foreknowledge of the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with its production, or foreknowledge of its outcome, and, as a matter of fact, I didn’t. Nor did I make any bets or watch any of the halftime show, but the game itself was entertaining.
Rurik:.the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they’re proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack.
If you disagree, that’s fine. This is not a 9/11 thread, so we can simply agree to disagree.
And if those Israel agents were celebrating, it proves nothing, because he too found the explosions ‘entertaining’, like a ‘Superbowl’, huh Sparky? And Sparky could see himself dancing and celebrating, as well, indeed, if he didn’t literally do so.
Nice try squirming out of your previous incorrect statements, and nice demonstration of what a total hypocrite you are. You understand logic in the same way that pigs understand pearls.
nowhere did I say or insinutate that I found 9/11 was entertaining,I mentioned that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the attack, and that they were seen dancing and celebrating as it happened.Your response, (because your position is that Israel had nothing to do with 9/11), is that their foreknowledge was irrelevant, because we all knew there was going to be a Superbowl, so it's not so odd that they knew when and where the attack was going to happen, and that just as a Superbowl is entertaining, that it should not surprise anyone that men would also celebrate 9/11.You didn't use those precise words, but that was obviously your message. Anyone can simply scroll up and read it.
what does that have to do with 9/11, except in the context I just explained.
I played sports and I do find watching sports is good entertainment,
isn't it your position that Larry Silverstein had nothing to do with 9/11? Except perhaps as a 'victim'?
pictures of Larry Silverstein,
no, it's just more proof, (like Building 7) that Israel knew 9/11 was going to happen, and didn't warn Americans, because they wanted maximum casualties to outrage the American people into endless wars for Israel. Duh.
you’ve got 5 Dancing Shlomos as some kind of monomaniacal brain-fever
unlike you, I comment on every sort of issue, from the Ukrainian war, to Gaza, to Covid, to popular culture, to Trump and the EU and China and history and the ((Federal Reserve Bank)) and many, many various subjects. Whereas your obsession is and has been now for years, scurrying to every thread with ties to 9/11, to shill your 'no-planes' nonsense. You're even more fanatical about that, than you are that 'Israel had nothing to do with 9/11', (more of your idiocy), but both of those positions are carefully plied in order to run cover for the murderous scumbags who actually did do 9/11 ~ Israel and elements within the Bush administration, with the ((media)) running cover.Duh.
that prevents you from thinking about anything else,
They are the Kagans' Nazi marching in Lviv.
Shukhevich served in the Nachtigall Battalion, a unit formed by Ukrainian nationalists under German command in 1941. Later, he became a commander in the Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201, which conducted anti-partisan operations, targeting Jews and Belarusian civilians. In 1943, he assumed the leadership of the UPA, which was responsible for the Volyn massacres, in which tens of thousands of Polish civilians were slaughtered.Russia has repeatedly sounded the alarm over the resurgence of Nazi ideology in Ukraine, and has listed ‘denazification’ as one of the key goals of its military operation against Kiev.
� Polish compradors have asked hard for this company.Replies: @Rurik
The big banner at the head of the demonstration reads «City of Lviv not for Polish masters», and yet those «masters» are the staunchest supporters of their country.
The leading militant zionists and the current crop of ziocons infesting the US government and American stink tanks are invariably a progeny of the East European shtetls’ jews. These inbred degenerates are often aggressive, stupid, and tribal.
The degeneracy and pretense of intellectual prowess are obvious in bibi, Krystols, Feiths, Ledeen, Pearl, slobbish Wolfowitz, the late genocidal witch Albright, Blinken, and other dual-loyalty subversives (including the hypocritical L. Brandeis). Yet these ugly features of a primitive mind are especially pronounced in members of the Kagans clan.
as usual, annamaria, so spot on, and so very well put.
the Zionist scum and main architects of the Ukraine war. These are the people orchestrating the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian Christians.
The Kagan cabal.
and Kimberly Kagan, of the ultimate $tink tank; Institute for the ‘Promotion’ of War.
Have you heard of Charles Giuliani? He has a number of channels on Odyssey. Truthhertzradio, Christendumb2, and Alternative science. It’s all fairly interesting material.
Well, like many people, I had certain foreknowledge of the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn't mean I had anything to do with its production, or foreknowledge of its outcome, and, as a matter of fact, I didn't. Nor did I make any bets or watch any of the halftime show, but the game itself was entertaining.
.the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they’re proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack.
Dr. Giraldi's article here, "Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue" is the most popular article on Unz Review today, 3-8-2025, and is also the sole listing under the 9/11 Articles heading in Unz Review's SERIES & CHRONIC TOPICS category, so I suppose our host may be amused by your declaration.But I'm happy and content enough to let everyone whale away with all they've got on that genocidal, towering asshole Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who blurted out "It's very good!" when first asked about 9/11. also claimed to have predicted the WTC attacks:
If you disagree, that’s fine. This is not a 9/11 thread, so we can simply agree to disagree.
� that: a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center. Not that there haven't been fierce discussions about this very topic of nukes in the basement, right here at Unz Review. But here all this time I thought this fantastic idea of Nukes in the Basement originated in the crazed mind of Dimitri Khalezov, but Bennie Netanyahu claims he wrote about it in 1995, which, if nothing else, helps explain the tag teams of trolls promoting this concept in past discussions here at UR, although so far at least nobody's gotten 'round to blaming the Iranians for 9/11.But, shiver me timbers, Pres. Trump is now bellowing some bellicose bluster at Iran about their nuclear program. However, the Iranians have long claimed that nuclear weapons violate Islamic law, and therefore Iran has no desire to obtain nuclear weapons, but those facts won't stop Netanyahu's fear-mongering, and probably won't prevent Trump from trying to make a deal, or make it appear that he made a deal, or was trying to make a deal, before he sends in the cruise missiles and/or bombers.Replies: @Rurik
PM says he suggested Iranians might use militants loyal to them in the West to plant a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.
.the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they’re proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack.
Well, like many people, I had certain foreknowledge of the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with its production, or foreknowledge of its outcome, and, as a matter of fact, I didn’t. Nor did I make any bets or watch any of the halftime show, but the game itself was entertaining.
The people who did 9/11, didn’t just have foreknowledge of the jets crashing into the towers, but they also had foreknowledge of Building 7’s supernatural, (literally incogitable) collapse.
It’s also very telling that you equate the horrific deaths of thousands of people as like watching a Superbowl – and “entertaining”.
Why wouldn’t a group of guys with their cameras all set up, watching the fireballs exploding out of an occupied building, knowing thousands had just died horribly, dance and celebrate?
Such a thing for Sparky, after all, is entertaining.
This is how typical Americans reacted to the attack, with horror and shock and sadness.
Only a monster, (or a Zionist Jew, yet I repeat myself) would find it ‘entertaining’.
We’ve all seen your tiresome defense of Israel as an innocent bystander on 9/11, Sparky.
It was all Cheney and Rumsfeld and Bush who did it! Huh?
Dov Zakheim had nothing! to do with it. The neocons at the PNAC had nothing! to do with it.
Ehud Barak,
Video Link
Lucky Larry Silverstien
and assorted Jewish supremacist Zionist scumfucks, who all knew each other, and were all in agreement that America must engage in endless wars on Israel’s behalf, were all victims on that day, huh Sparky?
Poor Lucky Larry, how he suffered.
Sparky is the most tenacious of all the ‘there were no planes on that day, it was all CGI! nonsense.
He pushes that false narrative with even more fanaticism that he insists Zionist Jews had nothing to do with 9/11.
And if those Israel agents were celebrating, it proves nothing, because he too found the explosions ‘entertaining’, like a ‘Superbowl’, huh Sparky? And Sparky could see himself dancing and celebrating, as well, indeed, if he didn’t literally do so.
Ironically, that is perhaps the only thing Sparky has written that’s actually true.
Then he does his “clever” trick of criticizing Netahyahoo, to show ‘he’s one of us.’
You’re just too smart for us, Sparky.
If you disagree, that’s fine. This is not a 9/11 thread, so we can simply agree to disagree.
Nice try squirming out of your previous incorrect statements, and nice demonstration of what a total hypocrite you are. You understand logic in the same way that pigs understand pearls.
And if those Israel agents were celebrating, it proves nothing, because he too found the explosions ‘entertaining’, like a ‘Superbowl’, huh Sparky? And Sparky could see himself dancing and celebrating, as well, indeed, if he didn’t literally do so.
For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?†Luke 23:27-30
You make a very interesting point. According to this book by a science professor at Cambridge University, who writes about Biblical topics as a hobby, Jesus died on 3 April 33 AD, in his 38th year:
The word green in your quote from Luke could be rendered in Hebrew as LaCH, green or moist, which has a numerical value of 38!!!
So Jesus is making a pun and conveying powerful truth simultaneously. The three greatest Jewish kabbalists all died at the age of 38: RAMCHAL ARIZAL and MOHARAN. Jesus was their predecessor.
The news on is grim about Europe preparing for a nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine. I find myself reconciled to the inevitable and looking forward to Ñmaggedon as the best thing for an utterly depraved humanity. I am reading my William Barclay commentary to the NT and pretending I am alive at the time of Jesus rather than suffering in today’s America with its gaslighting utterly fraudulent forms of Christianity:
Christianity’s biggest mistake was to not divorce the “Old Testament†from the “New Testamentâ€.
The “Old Testament“ could be considered “violence porn†in some circles for the amount of violence that the jewish “god†commanded his “chosen†people to inflict on others. Actually, the jewish “god†commanded the total destruction of all living things, not just humans. This sure sounds like genocide to me…
The “Old Testament“ has no place in Christianity.
I might add that the jewish “god†was always chastising his “chosen†people for constantly “straying off the commanded pathâ€.
Let’s not forget Christian zionists (among other Christians) that consider the Bible (both “Old and New Testamentsâ€) to be the “unerring word of God†and that there were translations and retranslations (by men with their own agendas). Sola Scriptura (which Catholics reject) along with the Schofield “interpretations†have further elevated the jews inferring them to be “our (supremacist) elder brothersâ€.
Even the Catholic Church was not immune from this heresy, promoting this false belief within the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council†(which was actually a successful “coup†by both jews and Protestants).
I welcome further discourse on this.
Everything is Written including the why of climate change.
Yet it’s all happening because too few act. Even after reading more than enough to justify action.
“The world is now a blank page and unless we’re all working together, we’re not going to be able to rewrite it.â€
Mother Abigail, The Stand
Anti-Semitism is a disease
Re: Trump as Antichrist Jew:
It is no coincidence to me that Israel suffers from what constantly-droughts.
Everything is Written including the why of climate change. So thank you for the Ode To Moses.
An Ode to Christ Jesus though would be proper as well given He refereed back to Moses from Leviticus about droughts when on the road to Golgotha he turned and said to the women crying for him:
A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’
For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?†Luke 23:27-30
This is a direct quote on climate change and indeed if not the very foundation of it all right there!
The scary part however, in his quote is what He followed it up with:
Then ‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us! and to the hills, “Cover us!â€
So anger and judgment will arrive.
Yet it’s all happening because too few act. Even after reading more than enough to justify action.
Everything is Written including the why of climate change.
You make a very interesting point. According to this book by a science professor at Cambridge University, who writes about Biblical topics as a hobby, Jesus died on 3 April 33 AD, in his 38th year:
For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?†Luke 23:27-30
Not sure I'd say, "quite well." I think nuance is required so not to make the Third Reich look like the initiator of the plan, thereby constructing one more element to show how much Germans hated Jews. I maintain that that is a pejorative interpretation.
Most people are unaware that zionist leaders and the German Third Reich got along quite well, commemorative coins being issued to celebrate the “alliance between the Third Reich and zionist JEW$.
But GERMAN Jews neither wanted to leave Germany, nor did the Reich wish them to leave:
"A fortnight after Hitler's appointment [i.e. no holocaust in sight], Louis Brandeis said, "All Jews must leave Germany . . . All 587,000 must leave . . . No [German] Jew should remain in Germany. Let Germany share the fate of Spain."
The number Rabbi Wise stated is significant: As Amb. Luther stated, tens- or even hundreds- of thousands of Eastern Jews had been migrated into Germany by HIAS over the course of WWI and turmoil in Russia. It was these Eastern European Jews, not German Jews, who were raising hell in Germany, and it was Eastern European Jews, not German Jews who clamored for a 'homeland in Palestine.' But Brandeis called for, and the zionist project needed, GERMAN Jews.
A strong defense of the anti-Semitic policies of the Nazi regime in Germany was made here last night by Dr. Hans Luther, German ambsasador to this country. [He]asserted that these policies were political and not religious.
Prejudice against the Jews, he said, was due to their tendency toward movements of a communistic nature, and to the fact that nearly fifty percent of the government officails have been Jews, although the total Jewish population was only one percent. He denied emphatically that there had been any “atrocitiesâ€.
He asserted that limitation of Jewish influence in Germany was being conducted with the greatest possible consideration toward the old native Jewish families who, he said; had proven themselves good Germans and indicated that it was directed against the Eastern European Jews who had overflooded the country since the War. ...
After the War, came the influx of East European Jews, he declared. Because of Germany’s political prostration, there was no means of excluding undesirable immigrants such as other nations had. Before the War, he said, anti-Semitism in Germany had no political importance. Later, this inclination against the elements which had a leading role in Marxist stories contributed greatly to the embitterment of the people.
The leading militant zionists and the current crop of ziocons infesting the US government and American stink tanks are invariably a progeny of the East European shtetls’ jews. These inbred degenerates are often aggressive, stupid, and tribal.
The degeneracy and pretense of intellectual prowess are obvious in bibi, Krystols, Feiths, Ledeen, Pearl, slobbish Wolfowitz, the late genocidal witch Albright, Blinken, and other dual-loyalty subversives (including the hypocritical L. Brandeis). Yet these ugly features of a primitive mind are especially pronounced in members of the Kagans clan.
The Holohoax has liberated the worst in this kind of jews. As the jewish bolshevik revolution in Russia has shown, these jews are totally unrestrained in terms of any sadistic and genocidal actions. The Gaza slaughter confirms these features of jewish character.
Here is one of the expected consequences of the Kagans’ activities in Ukraine:
“Ukrainian nationalists commemorate Nazi collaborator”
Shukhevich served in the Nachtigall Battalion, a unit formed by Ukrainian nationalists under German command in 1941. Later, he became a commander in the Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201, which conducted anti-partisan operations, targeting Jews and Belarusian civilians. In 1943, he assumed the leadership of the UPA, which was responsible for the Volyn massacres, in which tens of thousands of Polish civilians were slaughtered.
Russia has repeatedly sounded the alarm over the resurgence of Nazi ideology in Ukraine, and has listed ‘denazification’ as one of the key goals of its military operation against Kiev.
They are the Kagans’ Nazi marching in Lviv.
Mazel Tov, jews, on your achievements in Ukraine! Glory Nuland-Kagan and Stepan Bandera!
There is something more for the likes of Radek Sikorsky-Applebaum and Tusk:
The big banner at the head of the demonstration reads «City of Lviv not for Polish masters», and yet those «masters» are the staunchest supporters of their country.
as usual, annamaria, so spot on, and so very well put.the Zionist scum and main architects of the Ukraine war. These are the people orchestrating the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian Christians. The Kagan cabal.
The leading militant zionists and the current crop of ziocons infesting the US government and American stink tanks are invariably a progeny of the East European shtetls’ jews. These inbred degenerates are often aggressive, stupid, and tribal.The degeneracy and pretense of intellectual prowess are obvious in bibi, Krystols, Feiths, Ledeen, Pearl, slobbish Wolfowitz, the late genocidal witch Albright, Blinken, and other dual-loyalty subversives (including the hypocritical L. Brandeis). Yet these ugly features of a primitive mind are especially pronounced in members of the Kagans clan.
the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they're proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack. And, that these Israeli Jews, who've received such monumental, astronomical support and selfless aid from Americans, yet had the effrontery to celebrate the horrific deaths of thousands of Americans, by dancing and cheering.
but these are not the facts you’re looking for because 5 Dancing Shlomos!
.the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they’re proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack.
Well, like many people, I had certain foreknowledge of the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with its production, or foreknowledge of its outcome, and, as a matter of fact, I didn’t. Nor did I make any bets or watch any of the halftime show, but the game itself was entertaining.
If you disagree, that’s fine. This is not a 9/11 thread, so we can simply agree to disagree.
Dr. Giraldi’s article here, “Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue” is the most popular article on Unz Review today, 3-8-2025, and is also the sole listing under the 9/11 Articles heading in Unz Review’s SERIES & CHRONIC TOPICS category, so I suppose our host may be amused by your declaration.
But I’m happy and content enough to let everyone whale away with all they’ve got on that genocidal, towering asshole Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who blurted out “It’s very good!” when first asked about 9/11.
Netanyahu also claimed to have predicted the WTC attacks:
PM says he suggested Iranians might use militants loyal to them in the West to plant a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.
Fancy that: a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center. Not that there haven’t been fierce discussions about this very topic of nukes in the basement, right here at Unz Review.
But here all this time I thought this fantastic idea of Nukes in the Basement originated in the crazed mind of Dimitri Khalezov, but Bennie Netanyahu claims he wrote about it in 1995, which, if nothing else, helps explain the tag teams of trolls promoting this concept in past discussions here at UR, although so far at least nobody’s gotten ’round to blaming the Iranians for 9/11.
But, shiver me timbers, Pres. Trump is now bellowing some bellicose bluster at Iran about their nuclear program. However, the Iranians have long claimed that nuclear weapons violate Islamic law, and therefore Iran has no desire to obtain nuclear weapons, but those facts won’t stop Netanyahu’s fear-mongering, and probably won’t prevent Trump from trying to make a deal, or make it appear that he made a deal, or was trying to make a deal, before he sends in the cruise missiles and/or bombers.
The people who did 9/11, didn't just have foreknowledge of the jets crashing into the towers, but they also had foreknowledge of Building 7's supernatural, (literally incogitable) collapse.It's also very telling that you equate the horrific deaths of thousands of people as like watching a Superbowl - and "entertaining". Why wouldn't a group of guys with their cameras all set up, watching the fireballs exploding out of an occupied building, knowing thousands had just died horribly, dance and celebrate?Such a thing for Sparky, after all, is entertaining. This is how typical Americans reacted to the attack, with horror and shock and sadness.Sparky:Well, like many people, I had certain foreknowledge of the Super Bowl this year, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with its production, or foreknowledge of its outcome, and, as a matter of fact, I didn’t. Nor did I make any bets or watch any of the halftime show, but the game itself was entertaining.
Rurik:.the dancing Shlomos are significant in that they’re proof that Israel had, (at the very least), foreknowledge of the attack.
“I personally have long believed that the history of Jewish perfidy directed at corrupting and gaining influence over the United States goes back more than a hundred years with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 and the gaining control of many major newspapers at around the same time. ”
Yeah wasn’t this around the same time Aug 14, 1914 when the Brits cut the oversea cabales from Germany. the first mass media act of censorship!and then The Creel commission formed to smear the Germans in the eyes of Americans, you know, spearing Belgian babies with bayonets.The Creel commission worked so well we in the USA have been propagandized by mass Media ever since.
“Not surprisingly, much of the corruption of American institutions by Israel has to do with Jewish money which has influenced the shift of foreign policy views of both major US political parties.”
The sin of Simony has been with the West for thousands of years and we habitually look the other way as the Sin of Simony is committed.
all of their hubris is just setting them up for a tremendous tumble. in fact, the class picture of the e.u. clown college, posed with zelensky, look like bowling pins to me and russia is rolling strikes right now.
we have entered a ghost dancer stage now, the baltic states are threatening a first stike on russia, stating, why wait for them to attack us? macron is offering to extend his nuclear umbrella over europe and ukraine, threatening a first strike on russia with his 290 nukes to russia’s 5,800. they are talking about placing a no-fly zone over odessa, lol😂.
they are delusional and so is the u.s. with trump telling russia they will place more “crushing sanctions”. the russians on the other hand, are steadfastly repeating the same security demands, as always.
the u.s. has been able to threaten and impose their will on other countries for so long, they feel they can continue to bluff their way, into any outcome they desire. as you point out, trump is a three card monte dealer, everything’s a card game to this double dealer, who openly admits, the russians are holding all the cards but thinks he can still bluff them. well russians don’t bluff, they lost 100,000 russian soldiers (to the 1,000,000 or more ukrainians), this is no game for them, it’s an existential struggle.
the same for the iranians and to an even greater extent, the palestinians and lebanese, this is no fucking game and the israelis are about to find that out as well. when they do the u.s. will take casualties because unlike ukraine, they are willing to put skin in the game for their zionist overlords. this is all the same war and of the e.u./ukranazis and u.s./zionazis, are in for a very rude awakening and the comeuppance they thoroughly deserve.
Heavily Jew-philic interview — it’s Tablet, after all — but Eco says his grandmother is goy. so he’s goy, but he talks like a wannabe Jew.
The reporters write
@Mark Dubowit
Mark DubowitThe $400M cuts to Columbia University are “only the beginning,†according to Trump’s antisemitism task force. Columbia has over $5B in federal grants now under review.@Jason Brodsky
The Trump administration is cutting off $400 million in federal funding to Columbia University over antisemitism concerns, The Free Press has learned. And it's only the beginning.
No one should come to the US to study and contributing $billions of dollars. They should sanctioned the economy to collapse, a copy of the US FP. Death to empire and its supporters, the Jewish mafia tribe.Replies: @Annacath
The Trump regime is cutting off $400 million in federal funding to Columbia University, claiming it has failed to take steps to confront antisemitism on campus after Hamas’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, The Free Press has learned.
The cuts represent the federal government’s first round of grant cancellations for Columbia, according to the administration’s newly formed antisemitism task force, which is leading the effort. Columbia has over $5 billion in active federal grants that are being reviewed by the government.Leo Terrell, the head of the DOJ’s antisemitism task force, said the funding cuts are “only the beginning.â€â€œUniversities must comply with all federal antidiscrimination laws if they are going to receive federal funding,†Education Secretary Linda McMahon said in a statement. “For too long, Columbia has abandoned that obligation to Jewish students studying on its campus.â€
In a statement to The Free Press, Columbia said: “We are reviewing the announcement from the federal agencies and pledge to work with the federal government to restore Columbia’s federal funding. We take Columbia’s legal obligations seriously and understand how serious this announcement is and are committed to combating antisemitism and ensuring the safety and well being of our students, faculty, and staff.â€ï¿½
Ph.D F.Robert Devlin explains a lot in his imaginary open letter to Robert Kennedy Jr.
Not relevant.
Don’t care about the “biblical israel” from the fable book. New israel means nothing useful or even coherent to me. So-called prophecies from “revelations”, foolish to waste time giving them credence except as vivid sometimes talented verse or storytelling. Not “reasoning”, evidence, or common sense relying on conclusory assertions or alleged dreams.
Hey, have you ever thought it would be a good idea to torture people by burning them alive for offering incense at the wrong time? Or for gathering sticks? Or for complaining? “The” bible does. Let’s not rely on it all of it as a sane, godly, and reasonable source — of normative morality or of actual reliable history.
PUNISH the child-murdering, woman-murdering zionists lawfully and severely, and FREE PALESTINE. We don’t need to resort to any of the abrahamic cults’ myths to know what’s right here, or what a just non-malicious God would naturally disfavor. There’s much to salvage from the OT and NT, but the crazy, the needlessly cruel and vicious, the absurd, all have to go.
No matter who’s a jewish person or israelite according to some mess of books, they have no right to inflict the agony they are on the palestinians. Just like someone else’s self-serving made up holy book can’t give them a right to torture, starve and murder jews.
your juxtaposition of doing versus reading a book is silly.
Why do you revere the military and first responders?
Because they actually do something, often at personal risk, for other people.
What do you think of people who just record someone burning to death instead of saving then?
What actions do you yourself propose,
Transparent, legal protest and activism grows with membership and participation.
Apartheid in South Africa
Segregation in the US
the Berlin Wall
The story of Jesus in Christianity
Etc etc etc
now trump says he wants to begin talks with the iranians about their nuclear program, telling them to come to the table or they will take military action. i think iran has had enough and seems to be preparing for war, rather than appeasing these murderous thugs.
Confirming the view that Trump is a paid Zionist agent.
Hope not.
We’ll see soon enough.
Is support for Trump only tenable within the framework of his being supported as a rope supports a hanged man?
The leaders of the nations are still playing their puppet show roles. The strife is “kayfabe” theater. Just like all these absurd tariff threats from Trump. Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs, and Mexico’s recently installed JEW president (absurdity!) complies. Makes it look like Trump is “winning” but in fact this is all an act. Like pro wrestling, or left/right democrat/Republican false dialectics. It’s theater to create narrative and distract the masses, while the ultimate plan proceeds in plain sight.
It’s a fundamental question because around it the architecture of the Post War grand subversion of the West pivots.
I first got a belated inkling of it by delayed (yes decades delayed!) action when I saw David Irving’s talks in America and started referring to them in passing on an ostensibly US-based Marxist site (they almost ALL are US-based, the rest generally being pretty DUMB).
Then, based on the universally hostile responses, I realised that I (who had what I saw as Marx’s progressive essence deeply implanted in his heart, never just his head) had discovered all one needed to know about the captured Post-War Far Left. Forgive me for saying: they weren’t up to the (relatively) free-thinking Marx’s ankles! “Epigones” is too soft…how about “social garbage”, probably from home backgrounds consistent with their ‘political progress’?
Very much so, for some years
Zionism is a conspiracy against Jews, Israelis and humanity in general
Zionism and Communism represent the Right and Left wing of Jewish Freemasonry.
Zionism is false opposition tasked with challenging Communism in a contrived world war to exterminate Gentiles and assimilated Jews. Fascists (US, Israel, Argentina, NATO) vs Communists (Russia, China, Iran, BRICS) in a repeat of WW2 where the Zionists installed the Nazis whose Master Race ideology was modelled on the Talmud. (Hitler was also false opposition.)
Less Than Half Of Americans Now Sympathetic Toward Israelis
This is the biggest challenge facing Mossad agent Donald Trump as he mobilizes Americans to fight Iran, Russia and China
“Although Americans remain more likely to say their sympathies in the Middle East situation are with the Israelis rather than the Palestinians, the 46% expressing support for Israel is the lowest in 25 years of Gallup’s annual tracking of this measure on its World Affairs survey. The previous 51% low point in this trend of Americans’ sympathy for Israelis was recorded both last year and in 2001.
Netanyahu is terrified of being honest about his own failures.
He might back hand her ass.
Tell that to Trump then who was threaten with a golden pager. t
Owens is a journalist, not an American politician.The only capacity in which she would confront Netanyahu is as a journalist.And he would surely prove too cowardly to agree to an interview.
Tell that to Trump then who was threaten with a golden pager.
LOL, I’m a Zionist? Since when? hahahahaha I’m just not a fan of Candice, she’s overrated and annoying. If it weren’t for her ethnicity, you wouldn’t even be all in her stuff. Admit it.
CIA did the dirty work but at whose request?
Jews love to remind the world about the rights of minorities, but they sure don’t mind the Alawite minority in Syria being wiped out.
” The war in Ukraine is Judea War on Russia.”
He might back hand her ass.
Netanyahu is terrified of being honest about his own failures.
He would do no such thing.
Peter Gelb, the general manager of the Metropolitan Opera had demanded from the Met audience to stand up in solidarity with Ukraine to the sounds of the Ukrainian anthem. This is nothing but a dirty politicization of arts. Some of the insulted patrons decided to postpone their contributions to the Met Opera. And who did the conducting the orchestra playing the Ukrainian anthem? - Gelb's wife. Is Gelb aware that the current Ukrainian government celebrates Stepan Bandera as a Hero of Ukraine? This Bandera and his followers: Do Gelb and his wife support the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis (banderites), covered in swastika and Wolfsangel tattoos? – They do. Here are the Gelbs' heroes: recently, the Met Opera administration was hysterically noisy about commissioning an opera to commemorate an alleged “kidnapping" of Ukrainian children. All these children are alive and reunited with the families, whereas the Met Opera administration is totally silent about the Genocide of Palestinian children, as well as the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza. The ongoing Genocide in Palestine is alright for the politicking Gelb and his pro-Ukrainian wife Keri-Lynn Wilson. No wonder, so many people say that there is no daylight between zionists and banderites (the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis). The zionist/banderite regime change in Kiev had produced a civil war in Donbas (16, 000 victims of all ages), which eventually turned unto the bankers/mega-corporations' war on Russia. More than a million human beings are dead thanks to the zionist-banderite putsch in Kiev, which was run by a rabid zionist and Russophobe Nuland-Kagan in collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda. "Glory Nuland-Kagan and Stepan Bandera!" indeed. Nuland's centuries of Ukrainians. is Nuland-Kagan with Parubij, a founder and leader of the Ukrainian Nazi Party.
The Metropolitan Opera is doubling down on its support for Ukraine. On March 3, 2025 during the opening night performance of “Moby Dick’ the company performed the Ukrainian National Anthem.
“Do Gelb and his wife support the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis (banderites), covered in swastika and Wolfsangel tattoos? – They do. Here are the Gelbs’ heroes”
No, the banderites are not their heroes. They are their tools, and the Gelbs don’t mind their costumes as long as they kill their Christian (more or less) Slav kin.
The main reason Trump wants to stop supporting Ukraine is so that he can have MORE ARMS to send to Israel to help in their project to conquer the Middle East …
… und morgen, die Welt!