To an extent, Speed King, Space Truckin’, Paranoid, a few others, fun to sing for karaoke.
Saw Twisted Sister live once, free ticket from a radio-worker friend, much more fun than I had expected.
Have an old Dreamcast game with Metallica soundtrack of the time, all works well (together with the fun game, too). Others.
However, you are correct on it in more cases than not.
We shoud explain to the less civilised that ‘cracker’ here means firecacker.
Adjusted for metre.
The boy stood on the burning deck,
his pockets full of crackers,
they slipped down his two trouser-legs
and blew off both his knackers.
Metal music and culture are retarded.
From my reading, Scandinavian groups (black metal) attempted it in some bizarre and stupidway, they burnt churches, killed a few people, neither good ideas IMHO.
Thirty years later, they are nothing (or in prison), and their societies are much worse now than then.
I wonder when Breivik will be released?
They have such kind Nordic facilities, but his sentence includes release some time, however he will never be released, and one may only guess at the level of drugs they may expect him to be taking now. No-one knows, he is mute for years.
Logical steps. If Hamas is justified, so too was Breivik. Of course, idiot western neo-leftists are too brain-dead to make the connection.
My opinion, both justifiable.
An English boy I knew in Singapore taught me this. I may have the last two lines wrong, but much as I heard it.
The boy stood on the burning deck,
his pockets full of crackers,
they slipped down his trouser-legs
and blew off both his knackers.
Too bad Christianity spread and destroyed the indigenous European tradition.
For Northern Europe, Barbarissance is the only way.
And what does that have to do with the Hindu royal whose work Buddhism is founded on?
People play chess all over the world. In fact it is way more popular east from Western Europe into Eurasia.
Chinamen love poker. I hear the jews love mahjong.
Too bad the Norsemen never developed writing . They could have recorded their myths and Gods.
The colony of Maryland was founded in the 1630s 100 years after the reformation. Catholics were always a minority in Maryland.,Henry 8 and Thomas Cromwell destroyed the last Catholic resistance to Henry’s reformation * in 1537. Historians claim Elizabeth 1 reign was one of religious peace. Except for a few executions and plots . James 1 became King of England at age 37.
* biggest land and property grab until the Bolshevik revolution in 1917
Hi Tiptoe,
1) Wiesel’s 800+ page original manuscript may never have been in his possession at all — if he didn’t write it. That is what I’ve concluded, although it’s not possible to prove, except by circumstantial evidence, of which there is plenty. You can read and for detailed information about it and make up your own mind.
It’s a fascinating mystery to uncover in spite of the Holo Industry/Media’s attempt to keep it all under wraps by never addressing it.
2) All religions are man-made and have common elements and universal themes. IMO, they are highly creative commentary on our human nature and psychological, evolutionary path. I love the Garden of Eden story, for example. It is pretty plain in it’s symbology, but don’t expect it to be literal.
3) Mankind has not gone amuck. God is not perfect, but God IS Love. In my view, the idea of perfection is from the ego, which one could, if one wished, see as Satan, the deceiver. I do. Egos are necessary in this world, so take it from there. But our ego is not who we are.
4) I agree that the Greek Gods & Goddesses are reflective of human behaviors. They’re beautiful creations, and highly instructive, but the Supreme Being is not similar to humans in any way, as I understand it. It’s very possible that the human-like Greek and Roman gods, and even those prior who had “personalities”, conditioned us to see a Supreme Being with personal qualities, such as emotions and preferences.
5) The Eternal Spiritual manifested the material, which is only temporary. There is Free Will, always. But no punishment except in one’s personal mind/belief. We want to punish others, so it’s only reasonable that we fear being punished too.
Thanks for expressing your thoughts.
You and I, Alden, have drawn different conclusions, but I wouldn’t say that I know absolutely nothing about the English Reformation. It is a period of history that interests me, and I’m certain you can find someone who knows less about it than me. The term turmoil doesn’t mean armed fighting, but a state of discord, because England was in a period of transition. The Roman Catholic Church was dispossessed of its property, and followers of this faith were faced with conversion, exile, or taking their property to the Colony of Maryland. For them, turmoil doesn’t sound like an unfounded descriptor. So I’ll take your feedback, return to the sources, and see if any errors have been made.
Like I said in the conclusion to my original comment to this article, the Unz Review may have deliberately chosen to publish this article because it is incendiary and would lead to robust dialog, such as we are having, so I thank you for sharing your thoughts.
FYI, I don’t know why you are trying to elicit personal information, but I attend a small non-denominational church near my house. You are correct that it is small, but I am not the only member
Thank you.
The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Just another enemy. And anyways, until the day before yesterday, Jews and Muslims were allies against Christendom.
John Calvin???? Whose real name was Cohen? Who declared that “ There is but one God and he is the God of Israel? The lunatic that decreed only 144,000 people of all the people on earth would go to heaven? The French Jew who invaded Geneva Switzerland and instituted a reign of terror? The French Jew who burnt fellow Protestants for disputing his unique lunatic ideas? The man who forbade all Christian holidays? The man who debated if services should be held on Christian Sunday or Jewish Saturday?
The man who forbade all jewelry including wedding rings and other Puritan lunacies?
You know absolutely nothing about the English reformation if you think that 1603, when James 1 became King was a time of great turmoil. The turmoil, such as it was occurred in the 1530s, 70 years before 1603 when James 1 became King.
Henry 8 Thomas Cromwell and others very throughly wiped out the Roman Catholic Church in England in the 1530s There was little resistance. Well, Henry had to personally sign about 72 thousand execution warrants.
The only real resistance was the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536 and 1537. Henry and Cromwell defeated that Catholic rebellion through treachery. Declaring a truce for negotiations then attacking. Thousands of the rebels were hanged. After that there was no Catholic resistance.
It’s blatantly obvious you know absolutely nothing about the English reformation.
Elizabeth 1’s reign saw the establishment of the CofE with little resistance and certainly no turmoil.
You don’t even have the dates right. The Catholic vs CofE conflict ended with Henry and Thomas Cromwell’s 1537 defeat of the pilgrimage of Grace and subsequent mass executions.
James 1 was 37 years old, not an infant when he became King of England. The reformation had been more or less peacefully in effect for 70 years. B cause of a combination of Henry’s ferocity and executions much more to Elizabeth 1’s adroit handling of religious matters
Another completely ignorant totally wrong statement of yours was that the only Catholic services permitted in England were at the Portuguese embassy. Not true at all and a great example of your ignorance. Every embassy in Britain had the “ right of chapelâ€. Roman Catholic Lutheran Calvinist later Muslim for the Turkish embassy embassies had the right to have their own resident clergy and services of whatever sect they wished.
You know nothing about the English reformation and the religious situation in England when James 1 became King. It’s ignorant fools like you who make all Protestants look ridiculous and totally ignorant.
What’s your particular weirdo sect? The church of Suetonius? One member one clergy critter?
We Can Do This: “Seems like divide-and-conquer brainwashing is adjusted to be used against each unique divided-and-conquered group.”
Maybe it “seems like” brainwashing to you, but is it? In other words, how can you distinguish between the exploitation of pre-existing divisions and the creation of such divisions by “propagandists”? In fact, the various human races have never in all history lived in harmony with each other in the same society on a basis of equality. For most of human history they lived on separate continents. Technological “progress” eventually broke down those geographic barriers to race mixing, and then the races mixed, but only on the basis of conquest: white man conquering, and non-whites subjugated. Thus a more sober look at history shows that “propagandists” had nothing to do with creating racial divisions. They arose because people instinctively try to exploit one another.
We Can Do This: “Now, people have been brainwashed to believe skin “colors†are uniforms that identify shared political interests, even though there’s more diversity within each perceived uniformed group than between them. ”
What “political interests” does the conquering race share with those it conquered? None that I can see, except perhaps for this one: The white man’s problem is that he is more fond of the technological system he created than he is of his own racial existence, and so are the non-whites he conquered. This led him to adopt a race mixing religion like Christianity. He could have insisted on Jesus as an Aryan, as Hitler proposed. But by getting down on his knees and worshiping a Jew, a member of a conquered race, he keeps the peace. Groveling like this is his way of discarding his sword, abjuring his superiority, and extending his hand in friendship to those he conquered.
We Can Do This: “Consciously wage peace. ”
At what price peace? That’s the question. If the price is white racial extinction through mixing and genocide, is peace still worth it? From all appearances, the modern white man, Homo technologicus, thinks it is.
If you are a hardcore Papist, I’m sorry if I offended you, but this was a time of great religious turmoil in England. They were trying to establish the Anglican Church as a fully legitimate branch of Catholicism, not just another Protestant sect. The Roman Mass was banned and could only be served at the Portuguese Embassy. The Bible was translated by scholars in imitation of the translation of the Hebrew Old Testament known as the Septuagint. Yes, he was 37 years old when he replaced Queen Elizabeth, but the power of the image of the infant king who replaced the Virgin queen was not lost on these people. I am making the argument that these events were not organic, but meticulously planned to serve a purpose. The ignorance of this site pushes us forward to refine our thinking through dialog and identifying errors.
It must have escaped your notice that the point is the different mindset of East and West. Japan has Zen Buddhism, which originated in China, and Japanese writing, like Chinese writing, uses logographs. In the West, people play chess, tavli or backgammon, in the Far East go and gomoku.
The problem is not ‘jump the shark’ but ‘hump the mudshark’.
James Stuart, James 6 of Scotland became King of Scotland at 13 months. Because his two illegitimate bastard uncles James and Robert drove the sovereign Queen; Mary, mother of James 6 out of Scotland. James 6 survived 17 murder attempts by his bastard uncles. Mary lived for another 20 years after her son James became King Of Scotland.
James Stuart became James 1, King of England when he was 37 years old, not an infant. The ignorance of this site never ceases to amaze.,
If you tell us he became King of England when he was an infant; how can you possibly expect us to believe the rest of your nonsensical gibberish?
Jung Freud is a space pilot.
That fits the evidence. I have the hunch it’s astro-theology. The name Moses means “drawn from the water”, which is traditionally thought of as the Nile River and the Pharaoh’s daughter. But the Milky Way is a river of stars that cuts through the night sky and the constellation Sagittarius is physically right next to it. Sagittarius appears to have something on its head, like hair in a bun, so it resembles a maiden, such as Artemis and perhaps Pharaoh’s daughter. The Apostle Peter may also have been represented by Sagittarius, which is why priests wear cassocks, like a dress.
The ancients also used and reused the same constellations for mythmaking and storytelling, so when Moses reached adulthood, he too was depicted by this constellation. Only with Moses, the bun of hair became horns, leading to Michelangelo’s enigmatic sculpture (see In translations of Scripture, they don’t even pretend to know what “with horns” means, so the relevant passages are often rendered as “Moses’ face was shining brightly”.
Moses never existed. There were no Jews in Egypt during Pharonic times. They never were slaves building the pyramids. Jewish angels of death never killed all baby boys under age two during the first Passover. There was no Exodus because there were no Jews in Pharonic Egypt
The first Jews arrived in Egypt mainly Alexandria about 250 AD 100 years after the conquest of Egypt by Greek Alexander the Great
The Jewish part of the Bible, the Old Testament is a myth a total lie cobbled together by the Jews of Alexandria Egypt about 200 BC from various myths and legends
What about the international group 'Jews for Jesus'?
Jews who accepted Jesus were no longer Jews.
If a Jew converts to Christianity, he’s still ethnically Jewish with all the Jewishy traits.
I consider Brother Nathanael as Jewish despite his conversion, which is why he ranks as one of the ten greatest Jews of all time.
But Jews turned Christian along ago not only underwent a change of faith but racially merged with the goy community. The early Christian Jews could still be counted as Jewish but their descendants intermarried with Christian goyim and just became part of the West.
“…There are NO apostates in Islam…”
Taqqiya much?
“…Apostasy (ارتداد, irtidÄd and ردة ridda), or leaving the religion, is a serious offense in Islam. Rejecting any part of Islamic doctrine, whether derived from the Quran or from what are held by Islamic scholars to be incontrovertibly reliable hadith, amounts to apostasy.[1][2] The punishment for apostasy as prescribed by Muhammad and as delineated in all four schools of Islamic law is execution. Numerous Sahih (authentic) hadiths attribute this punishment as explicitly prescribed by Muhammad. In Sahih Bukhari, for instance, it is recorded that “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him’â€.[3] Apostasy is also famously one of only three reasons, according to Muhammad, for which killing a Muslim is permitted.[4] One who commits apostasy is called a murtad (مرتد, or ‘apostate’). One who hides his apostasy is referred to as a munÄfiq (مناÙÙ‚, or ‘hypocrite’)…”
Ludicrous article idiotic that Whites should become Muslims. Trade one imaginary sky critter for another. I doubt author is a Christian of any of the 20 K Christian sects. Or knows anything about Christianity. Christian’s have at least two god. The old man in the sky known as god the father and his son Jesus both man and god
Men who enjoy frottaging 6 year old girls and full intercourse with 9 year old girls might want to convert. Gay men an pervs who like little boys might want to convert to the gayest religion ever.,Men who hate women might want to become Muslims as well.
Seems like divide-and-conquer brainwashing is adjusted to be used against each unique divided-and-conquered group.
When the US was almost all European, laborers were pitted against business operators. Now, people have been brainwashed to believe skin “colors” are uniforms that identify shared political interests, even though there’s more diversity within each perceived uniformed group than between them.
But the fact that you can’t take your uniform off makes the propagandists’ divide-and-conquer job easier than it is with class wars between people who look alike and have similar ancestries.
Consciously wage peace.
So Hindus?
Yes, the Jews are “Cow Worshipers” like Hindus.
From Wiki:
“Turkish rule in the Hungarian lands ended definitively in 1699, with the signing of the Treaty of Karlowitz. The 150-year Ottoman period left behind a legacy of Turkish architecture such as mosques, türbes, and public baths (hamams), as well as changes in the local cuisine, such as the popularization of coffeehouses and the introduction of the paprika, an essential spice in Hungarian dishes.”
Not a word about an islamic community remaining or even a person.
In the same way as Wehrmacht clubs did not exist in Israel or in the USSR. Only a fool would assume otherrwise.
A good point cannot be made on an untruth.
Norse mythology has been largely lost in the original, because Christian monks reworked what they found in writing and deliberately distorted it to ridicule the old gods.
How about Zoroastrism, being the oldest monotheistic religion. Its symbol is the Farvahar whose outline resembles a cross, just like the Egyptian Ankh. The original Zoroastrianism did without temples, because God (Ahura Mazda) is everywhere; its doctrine is based on the principle “think good, say good, do good”. Later, the dualism between good and evil developed, as it was taken up again by the Manichaeans. Everything ends in the final battle, where (hopefully) good prevails and evil is destroyed.
My dear goyim,
The very premise of the title is retarded and I’ll never read anything else you write or have written
“Vulgarity is no substitute for wit†(Lady Violet, Downton Abbey)
See John 8:
37I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it…
”53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?
54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:
55 Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by”.
This is an important idea. Myths & Mythmaking was more common than History during this early period. People had no problem believing the God-myths ... or not, compared to more recent times when the "sins" of heresy and blasphemy, and excommunication, came into vogue.
The gospels being accepted as history instead of literature occurred in the 2nd century AD.
Hey, the Valkyries ride again hunting weasels! Too too tootoot.
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn't dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.He's like the Jordan Peterson of IslamBarrett:
You can’t be so dumb to believe that the rape and plunder of Europe in the Balkans, and Iberia and elsewhere was a Golden Age.
He's never heard of ancient Greece or Rome or Byzantium, or the myriad other civilizations and cultures, like whatever Visigoth Spain was actually like, because the first thing the Muslims did when they conquered Spain, was erase all evidence of the culture. The white Christians of Spain, (Visigoths) were enslaved for brutal centuries due to the treachery of the Jews, and brutal hegemony of Islam. The Visigoths very identity was erased by hundreds of years of rape.Kevin would like us all to believe that the rape was good for the Visigoths, because it altered the character of their race. He is an open advocate for the same thing being done to all of Europe. He hides his cuckery under the guise of being pro-Islam, but in his heart of hearts, he wants all white people, (racists) blended out of existence.In that, ironically, he is the greatest ally of ZOG and all Jewish supremacists. Right now all decent people in the world today, should be making common cause with Gaza, and against the Great Fiend.But then someone like the Great Cuck, Kevin Barrett, has to chime in, and say 'now is the time to repudiate Western man in all his forms, and seek to blend him out of existence, culturally, spiritually, and in particular, genetically for all time. Just like Al-Andalus! Hail Islam!So voices like his become the worst possible jeopardy for getting all of us, Christians, Westerners, Easterners, Asians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, everybody to oppose ZOG. Because his agenda is and always has been, to get Europe to cuck out, and open their borders to Muslim hordes to blend out their hurtful and racist genes. And he wants Muslims to do it, because that makes him the white darling of the worst kind of Muslims there are out there. Just like Jordan Peterson likes getting pats on the head from ZOGBarrett like getting pats on the head from Muslims who long for the days of Al-Andalus, and wholesale rape. It would be better if he kept some of his disgusting and ludicrous opinions- Al-Andalus as the "all-time greatest European civilization" horseshit to himself.Especially now, when we need common cause, not division.Replies: @Krackassmofo, @Francis Miville, @Anthony Nugent, @Passing by
And the arguably all-time greatest European civilization, the Islam-centered multi-confessional al-Andalus,
Apparently, only Christians are capable to see the crimes done in the name of Christianity as crimes. We consider that a man is his deeds, for Jews and Muslims the qualification of a man’s deeds depends a lot on whether he was a Jew / Muslim or a gentile / infidel. I’m all for respecting Muslims but I definitely think that dechristianising Christian countries by inviting Muslims en masse into them is a very destructive and evil idea.
This is an important idea. Myths & Mythmaking was more common than History during this early period. People had no problem believing the God-myths ... or not, compared to more recent times when the "sins" of heresy and blasphemy, and excommunication, came into vogue.
The gospels being accepted as history instead of literature occurred in the 2nd century AD.
I thought it was an autobiography first, then reclassified as a novel. I had no idea it was the other way around. He’s a weasel, either way. Do you know what became of his original, 800+ page manuscript?
What do you make of Norse mythology, and Odin, hung on Yggdrasil, his side pierced with a spear? I’m fuzzy on the dates, but how could details relevant to Christianity get into Norse oral traditions so long ago?
When I think of Man, created in the image of God, who is perfect, how did mankind go amuck, so terribly sometimes? I don’t buy the Garden theory. Then I think of the Greek Gods/Goddesses, and the myths, which bear great resemblance to human behavior, and I think the Greeks/Romans may have been more correct than not.
Jews who accepted Jesus were no longer Jews.Replies: @mark green
Except for the ones who didn’t, of course.
Jews who accepted Jesus were no longer Jews.
What about the international group ‘Jews for Jesus’?
Jewishness is primarily an ethnic/racial category. This is why an atheistic Jew is just as Jewish as an orthodox rabbi.
Ignorance No Obstacle for Bigoted Anti-Christian Blowhard
“I’m not all too familiar with the details of the Islamic faith.”
“Also, I only have a basic sense of how Islam is different from Christianity or Judaism and how Islamic history, for better or worse, developed in conflict with Christian history.”
“Therefore, Christians are merely spiritual servants of Jews.”
You are in over your head and the above quotes at the beginning of your article shows this. Christianity shares a large part of sacred scripture with the Jews, but that hardly makes it a “servant of the Jews”. Try to educate yourself before you write on topics you only have cursory knowledge about but lots of bias.
Uhhh. Why just Christ or Mohammed? Why not throw Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard in for consideration as well? A pillar of fire? A talking burning bush? Hannibal Lecter? Falun Gong? The list of divas to follow is endless.
There are no apostates from Islam because Islam itself is apostasy. ”Whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven”. Muslims want Jerusalem (Zion, the ‘Temple Mount’), like the Jews want it (the ‘Abrahamic religions’ for which the Temple Mount is ‘sacred’), not aware that it is a cursed (sacer) place:
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”.
”Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.â€
”Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. “Do you see all these things?†he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.â€
But even Jews like Josephus Flavius had to admit [grudgingly, to be sure] that the destruction of the Temple was willed by God, never to be built again, and foretold by many omens:
”Moreover, the eastern gate of the inner temple, which was of brass, and vastly heavy, and had been with difficulty shut by twenty men, and rested upon a basis armed with iron, and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor, which was there made of one entire stone, was seen to be opened of its own accord about the sixth hour of the night. Now those that kept watch in the temple came hereupon running to the captain of the temple, and told him of it; who then came up thither, and not without great difficulty was able to shut the gate again”.
”This also appeared to the vulgar to be a very happy prodigy, as if God did thereby open them the gate of happiness. But the men of learning understood it, that the security of their holy house was dissolved of its own accord, and that the gate was opened for the advantage of their enemies. So these publicly declared that the signal foreshowed the desolation that was coming upon them”.
Christianity is not an ‘Abrahamic religion’. The only holy place in Jerusalem is the Golgota and the Holy Sepulchre, that the Muslims and Jews profaned many times over and try to ultimately destroy.
A more reasonable proposal would be that Christians and Muslims come together and create an alliance to terminate their tormentor once and for all. Whether one proposes this or not, this alliance is inevitable for the survivor of the entire humanity.
The incredible success of the Jews is based on the following clear-cut strategy:
1–They take the initiative
2–They set the agenda
3–The go on the offensive.
All the calamities that you see around the world is the result of a group of Jews being on the offensive. The rest of the world is trying so hard just to put out the fires they set.
Yes, Anon. Muhammad is Brian David Mitchell, God is Jewish, and Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ.
Muhammad is just an ancient version of Brian David Mitchell, the nasty religious sociopath who kidnapped and raped 14-year old Elizabeth Smart, while creating a religion centered on hinself. The two men are astonishingly alike.
When would people realize that Kevin Barret is not a ‘Zionist moron’, but an ‘Islamic Zionist’ moron, if not a moron in his own right? Who would convert to Islam but uneducated morons?
There are NO apostates in Islam. Use your brain and try to read objectively and impartially.
"...Apostasy (ارتداد, irtidÄd and ردة ridda), or leaving the religion, is a serious offense in Islam. Rejecting any part of Islamic doctrine, whether derived from the Quran or from what are held by Islamic scholars to be incontrovertibly reliable hadith, amounts to apostasy.[1][2] The punishment for apostasy as prescribed by Muhammad and as delineated in all four schools of Islamic law is execution. Numerous Sahih (authentic) hadiths attribute this punishment as explicitly prescribed by Muhammad. In Sahih Bukhari, for instance, it is recorded that “Allah's Apostle said, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him'â€.[3] Apostasy is also famously one of only three reasons, according to Muhammad, for which killing a Muslim is permitted.[4] One who commits apostasy is called a murtad (مرتد, or 'apostate'). One who hides his apostasy is referred to as a munÄfiq (مناÙÙ‚, or 'hypocrite')..."
Banu Israel (Children of Israel) meaning Tribe/Children of Jacob who kept giving Moses the hard time. From worshiping "golden calf" to worshiping "heifer".
I’ve had some discussions with some Muslim friends who told me that in the Quran God refers to the Sons of Israel and to the Jews which makes a great deal of sense.
So Hindus?
Yes, the Jews are "Cow Worshipers" like Hindus.
So Hindus?
Just choose our old Gods. Fair less foreign than Islam and with none of the baggage
We do not need new doctrines.
Pay attention to the old ones that everybody ignores.
The only thing anyone seems to know is to forgive one’s
How about, you don’t work, you don’t eat?
Nice article that I will have to read many times to appreciate and master. Thanks.
Is that gibberish a call for ‘White Europeans’ to perfect their apostasy by openly worshipping the ‘Beast and ‘the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him’? The ‘Beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse [”The Word of God” KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS] and against his army’.
Beware what you are wishing for: ”And came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God… the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh”.
‘Christianity’ i.e. the Church was not ‘founded by the Jews’, but by “The Word of God’ who ‘was in the beginning and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… who was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth… who came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”.
Mahomed is the false prophet. Islam was founded by the Jews to lure more people in denying the Son of God, to enlarge the basis of the ‘Antichrist’.
Who is the Antichrist? St. John the Theologian knew from the beginning: ”Many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist… Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world… it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”/
Mahomed is the ultimate embodiment of the ‘false prophet’. Islam is the unifying factor of those who ‘went out from us, but they were not of us’.
And the ‘White Europeans’ who ‘will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; turning away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (myths -be them Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Star Wars, Jungian, Nazi) are their cucks.
I’ve had some discussions with some Muslim friends who told me that in the Quran God refers to the Sons of Israel and to the Jews which makes a great deal of sense.
Banu Israel (Children of Israel) meaning Tribe/Children of Jacob who kept giving Moses the hard time. From worshiping “golden calf” to worshiping “heifer”.
The Banu Israel were “Cow Worshipers” and learned Monotheism from the Arabs.
He has addressed the problematic aspect of God wanting to permanently torture people in Hell for eternity. I don’t believe this is the preferred understanding even though it does have so much common belief.
I suppose hell could be like this:
The very premise of the title is retarded and I’ll never read anything else you write or have written
My dear goyim,
I see something on the floor. It looks like your vagìna dropped.
You missed the point, I’m afraid.
The very premise of the title is retarded and I’ll never read anything else you write or have written
My dear goyim,
The very premise of the title is retarded and I’ll never read anything else you write or have written
Wow – what a self-indictment….right out of your own mouth, including a straw man argument to boot…accusing a churchian position which has nothing to do with Christianity. How so?
Read – – especially the part about ‘Christianity isn’t etiquette’……most folks never met the REAL Jesus!
Specifically –
In some ways, the NT God is even crueler. True, the OT God is crueler in THIS world, but the NT is crueler in the Next World for all those who don't accept Jesus. They are to be holocausted forever in hell. At least cruelty in This World has an end. Cruelty in Hell is eternal. It is forever holocaust.
WHEN and by what mechanism did the OT with its cruel god who demanded BLOOD SACRIFICE get tacked onto the NT?
There are other views of Hell. Steve Gregg with a website The Narrow Path has written a book on the various views of Hell – All You Want to Know About Hell: Three Christian Views of God’s Final Solution to the Problem of Sin Paperback – November 5, 2013 by Steve Gregg (Author)
He is very good on all topics, just explaining what the Bible actually says, without adding any sort of personal opinion or axe to grind.
He has addressed the problematic aspect of God wanting to permanently torture people in Hell for eternity. I don’t believe this is the preferred understanding even though it does have so much common belief.
I suppose hell could be like this:
He has addressed the problematic aspect of God wanting to permanently torture people in Hell for eternity. I don’t believe this is the preferred understanding even though it does have so much common belief.
You are perfectly welcome to your believes and opinions about anything and everything in your homeland outside of Europe and the West.
Thank you. I am in my homeland. You know that Jesus is white. Lucifer is white. Jews are white and they all belong to your homeland. So, please remove them to your homeland either in Europe and/or the USA, the land of milk and honey.
Your beliefs and opinions are not welcome on our shores.
I fully agree with you. As a Muslim I believe all mankind is created equal. No chosen people. No worship of another human being.
Peace be upon you. Go home and stay there.
Peace be on you too. I am home. Remove your people from my home. Both Trimurti (Hinduism) and Trinity (Christianity) are pagan religions. That both God (Jesus) and his Arch-Enemy (Lucifer) are conjoined at the hips.
The Quran says that God is Wahid (One) and He is Ahad (One Complete Unit), which can not be multipled nor divided). It is nice to know that the Son doesn’t know the Hour. Only Father knows. Wonder, what other secrets the three Gods are keeping from each other.
Dr. Morgan
I suggest you order a copy of the book Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner, PhD, former US ambassador to Viet Nam. It is well known that Christ was a Galilean, not from the 12 tribes of Israel. He was likely not Semitic.Secondly, I would get a copy of The Very First New Testament compiled by Marcion which was comprised of only Paul’s letters and the Gospel of Luke. The Hebrews added the Gospels of Mark and Matthew later to morph Christ into a Jew named Jesus – hence Jesus Christ. Marcion’s First NT spread all the way to Rome and was the adopted Christian scripture. Then there was a mass book burning of all of Marcion’s scriptures. We only know what was in the First NT because Adolph von Harnack reverse engineered in 1910 it from Tertullian’s book Against Marcion.
Jesus was of course not a Jew or Jewish — but we Jews made him a Jew and that is all that matters. The goyim swallowed it like everything else we’ve fed them for centuries. They open their mouth and we shìt in it.
Jesus was otherwise Semitic since he was from the land (Galilean/Phoenician). Karim El Koussa (Jesus The Phoenician) covers the topic in more recent years.
If the goyim actually understood their Bible and could put one and one together, they would realize that us Jews were ‘foreigners’ to the land, that we were called ‘serpents’, ‘vipers’, the ‘Synagogue of Satan’, etc. The Scriptures are crystal clear but the goyim are too dumb, too afraid, too brainwashed and too desperate.
Our Pharisaism (known today as Judaism) is a Persian creation. It was concocted by our scribes in Babylon and brought to Canaan under our Ezra to create a Temple State where the tax was to be collected. It was also meant to get rid of polytheism in lieu of it (a monotheistic cult). In that sense, our Judaism is no longer than the mid 4th century BCE. Pharisaism was heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism and older myths and legends from the region. We Jews happened to make it ours, and ours alone. Even the doctrine of the ‘Chosen People’ existed in Zoroastrianism, long before Pharisaism (aka Judaism).
I’ve had some discussions with some Muslim friends who told me that in the Quran God refers to the Sons of Israel and to the Jews which makes a great deal of sense.
Banu Israel (Children of Israel) meaning Tribe/Children of Jacob who kept giving Moses the hard time. From worshiping "golden calf" to worshiping "heifer".
I’ve had some discussions with some Muslim friends who told me that in the Quran God refers to the Sons of Israel and to the Jews which makes a great deal of sense.
“As long as Europeans/whites cling to Christianity, they shall be servants of….”
“…as long as Europeans/whites cling to Christianity, they must live with the reminder that…”
I have not met anyone here in America that clings to Christianity; in fact, I’ve never met anyone that even understood Christianity as it was practiced as a historical force confronting Jewish power.
An Evangelical who declares, as some have to me, that the Jews are (present tense) God’s chosen people, cannot be called a Christian. He is a proselyte. A true Christian would understand that, according to his faith, the Jews were the chosen people, until Christ came and changed the equation.
Evangelicals aren’t the only proselytes– those that accept the special status of Jews. The educated classes are basically proselytes, accepting the Holocaust as their true faith, with occasional visits to their Protestant church just for window dressing.
In the 20th century the Catholic Church, at Vatican II, absolved the Jews from their responsibility for killing Christ. From there it was just a few decades before the Vatican, in official documents, endorsed the official narrative of the six million. Even Catholics aren’t truly Christian anymore.
Proselytism is the true religion of the west, that is what whites are clinging to.
I’m we’re Pagan, yes.
Re: `Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles’ (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner –
Thanks. I will check it out.
Yes – no – whatever?
Wayne – I agree with your basic premise that Jesus was not a jew in the sense of today’s vernacular…….but He certainly was of the tribe of Judah – – and that is just one of many confirming posts in DaLimbraw Library.
However, when we get involved in the continual pissing contests of ‘straining at gnats while swallowing camels’ which DaPharisees excelled at, we’re joining the distraction crowd while missing the main point – Christ is King!
And anyone can try to prove me wrong – but first start here – – take at least 6 months to get oriented in DaLimbraw Library……and then provide the evidence.
I’ve been at this thing for 15-20 years, still learning and open to genuine criticism.
You’re on!
Wayne Lusvardi: “I suggest you order a copy of the book Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner, PhD, former US ambassador to Viet Nam. It is well known that Christ was a Galilean, not from the 12 tribes of Israel. He was likely not Semitic. ”
That Christ was Aryan was Hitler’s view, and also the view of many top Nazis. That’s what Arthur Rosenberg says in his The Myth of the Twentieth Century. It’s what Himmler thought too. But as I also wrote above in #66, Hitler’s attempt to revise Christianity along these lines failed. This leaves the interesting question of why it failed. On the surface, you would think that white people would have been eager to claim the son of God as one of their own, but they refused, and are still adamant in their refusal even today. Why? Solve that riddle, and you’ll be well on your way toward understanding Christianity’s appeal.
WHEN and by what mechanism did the OT with its cruel god who demanded BLOOD SACRIFICE get tacked onto the NT?
In some ways, the NT God is even crueler. True, the OT God is crueler in THIS world, but the NT is crueler in the Next World for all those who don’t accept Jesus. They are to be holocausted forever in hell. At least cruelty in This World has an end. Cruelty in Hell is eternal. It is forever holocaust.
NT God says all the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust shall be holocausted forever in hell cuz they don’t accept Jesus as Messiah.
Drakon: “How do you know these 800 Egyptian Parabalani – `Christian terrorists’ who apparently terrorized the entire Greco-Roman world to convert to Christianity, were not in fact `converted’ Jews who saw Christianity as the Jewish vehicle to dominate the Gentile world? ”
Your historiography needs some work. Remember, Hypatia was murdered in 415. Christianity had already by then become the official religion of the Roman Empire. Your hero Constantine ruled it from 306-337.
Drakon: “If not for Constantine …”
If not for Constantine, the Roman Empire might not have become Christian. The pagan emperors tried to prevent the Empire’s descent into barbarism brought about by Christian fanatics like the parabalani, but were unsuccessful.
The parabalani and similar groups of ignorant, superstitious Christians were like today’s antifa and SPLC. They weren’t formally a part of the government, but they supported it, and they had the government’s informal backing.
Drakon: “Watching people torn apart by wild animals? LIVE?! WOW. Beats televised sports anytime. ”
LOL The Christian parabalani who tore Hypatia’s body apart really took it to the next level. Instead of merely watching the sport, they participated in it! They WERE the wild animals.
addendum to my prior post:
That Christ was crucified because he was a danger to the establishment can not be argued against.
But do you see how Christianity is different in how it goes about getting at the devil, who is secretly the guiding hand on the levers of world power?
Girard is asking us to really pay attention to the role of the individual in their daily life: their thoughts, their alliances, their burying of, say, outrage at the situation in Gaza because of the potential threat to their livelihood.
One could see this in the vaccine-mandate ordeal easily: either join the crowd or face your worst fear in the form of ruining your livelihood, alienating you from your stupid friends who believed in the government response…basically scapegoating the anti-vaxxer.
What I propose in addition to the Girardian theory is that TPTB know this effect and the scapegoat-mechanism front-and-back. Our talmudic-satanic overlords know the art of the mindfuck very, very well.
The problem of what you say is that we have to wait for the authority of the Church to affirm Rene Girard’s teachings. We have to wait for the rubber-stamp of “Divinely Inspired.”
In that case, we are going to be a while, because the Church still has not studied and presented the works of Soren Kierkegaard as vital to Christendom on account of his supposed-Protestantism.
Jesus Christ has revealed the mystery of the kingdom of heaven two thousand years ago with parables, 13:35, that the word of the prophet might be fulfilled: “I will open my mouth to speak a parable, I will speak the secret from the foundation of the world.”
Girard is viewed with suspicion by some in the Church because he presents himself more as a rockstar-philosopher, replete with entourage and acolytes. The same can be said about Heidegger, but that does not mean that what they did is without power merely because it is the result of cloistered-academia. Girard is not himself a gnostic but rather a supreme theologian in hermeneutics and what he comes to in his conclusions is very persuasive, albeit difficult to preach to the mind of those in the popular flock.
But, at bottom, Girard is merely emphasizing, albeit intellectually, the role of the Golden Rule within Christendom, the unconscious drive of the human being in our Fallen nature to take refuge in the crowd (Kierkegaard) to rid ourselves of the difficulty that Christianity emphasizes: the forestalling of judgement, the need for self-examination (Kierkegaard as the precursor to psychoanalysis that Freud Talmudisized), and the ubiquity of envy that is intrinsic in human nature and is only curtailed/controlled through Christ in his Sacrifice to reveal this to us about ourselves.
As a side note, whereas the Girardian worldview asks us to imitate Christ by peeling us away from the mob, Marxism and communism flip this on its head and make everyone into the scapegoat, a hellish reality indeed. Can’t find the link where the author relates this point, but will try.
More calumny.
Give me concrete examples of Pope Francis normalizing sodomy.
All I see is a man emphasizing the role of the Christian to love the sinner and get them in the fold.
That Francis has a worldly touch is well-known.
All I am emphasizing is that Trads in their grasping at straws deemphasize the role of the Christian in leaving the door open. Certainly I will admit that acoustic guitars and lovey-dovey BS has done more to alienate Chrstians away from the true faith. No one is arguing that the ginormous Catholic Church can not ever be infiltrated by globalists that seek to delegitimize the unique characteristic of the Universal Church in its redemptive role. But to preemptively judge Pope Francis is akin to those that, say, look at Putin currently and go, “Why isn’t he doing more?!?!? Why doesn’t he just launch the Sarmat, already?!” More than anything else, the Trads in their rush to reclaim the supremacy of Catholicism in the United States demonstrate impatience at the nuance of leadership in the Church and its willingness to avoid haste. The Seat of Peter will be in place long after Francis has died. So why not wait and see?! Most of us here can see that the empire, itself, is flailing as it falls and descends into chaos. The RCC, in my estimation, will step-up and be recruiting oodles of Catholics in the near future.
Regarding your fixation on homosexuals, I suggest you read the article entitled “Against Heterosexuality,” by Michael W. Hannon, that is linked in my name tag. The toxicity of the Trad movement from what I have seen and felt is represented in their belief that sinners are demons, themselves, instead of those tortured by demons. Hence, the barring of the door that the movement exhibits, which is both anti-Christian and a trick of world-Jewry agents.
Remember the heady days when ‘Progressives’ spoke of high ideals? The betterment of mankind? Which became ‘people kind’ as progressives mustn’t be gender biased.
So, where o where are the Progressives now? Where is their political voice in their chosen political parties? Are they even still clinging to party affiliation now? Valid question.
I see doxxing of even Harvard students who dare speak out and Wall St. billionaires condemning them for taking a stand against inhumanity. Taking the past anti BDS attacks to an entirely new level and attacking students for their opinions, , and doing all they can to even ruin their chances of getting a job after graduation.
They made a list and circulated it. Several Wall St. top name billionaires are all in on doing this.
The masks are off now. The 1st amendment so revered by many Americans is being scorched by the newbies who America welcomed to it’s shores, and they sure as heck weren’t members of Washington’s Continental Army.
In my old country boy world, that’s some fucked up shit right there.
copied comment from MOA
I think Sweden would be better off if it stayed Sweden. And inviting in all the African and Middle Easterners and others, will wind up very bad for the Swedish people.
I don’t disagree with you. I am an Arab and I took back my WASP wife back to my country.
But you don’t think highly of your country, your, your leaders, your brass, your politicians, and, and….
Sorry, again you missed the message. The Christians are conjoined with Jews at the hip. Jesus and Lucifer are conjoined at the hip.
There it is again:
The Muslims are removing the Israelite, Banu Israel (Children of Israel) not to make the shitty little tribe so powerful.
The Christians need to remove the Israelite from Christianity too. Remove the Shitty Old Testaments from your Good Book and free yourselves from the shackles of Lucifer. This is my message to you and all Christians.
Read Jacob Elon Conner, Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935).
Salaam Rurik,
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn’t dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.
Respectfully Mohamed,
You are perfectly welcome to your believes and opinions about anything and everything in your homeland outside of Europe and the West.
Your beliefs and opinions are not welcome on our shores.
Peace be upon you. Go home and stay there.
Thank you. I am in my homeland. You know that Jesus is white. Lucifer is white. Jews are white and they all belong to your homeland. So, please remove them to your homeland either in Europe and/or the USA, the land of milk and honey.
You are perfectly welcome to your believes and opinions about anything and everything in your homeland outside of Europe and the West.
I fully agree with you. As a Muslim I believe all mankind is created equal. No chosen people. No worship of another human being.
Your beliefs and opinions are not welcome on our shores.
Peace be on you too. I am home. Remove your people from my home. Both Trimurti (Hinduism) and Trinity (Christianity) are pagan religions. That both God (Jesus) and his Arch-Enemy (Lucifer) are conjoined at the hips.
Peace be upon you. Go home and stay there.
Dr. Morgan
I suggest you order a copy of the book Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner, PhD, former US ambassador to Viet Nam. It is well known that Christ was a Galilean, not from the 12 tribes of Israel. He was likely not Semitic.
Secondly, I would get a copy of The Very First New Testament compiled by Marcion which was comprised of only Paul’s letters and the Gospel of Luke. The Hebrews added the Gospels of Mark and Matthew later to morph Christ into a Jew named Jesus – hence Jesus Christ. Marcion’s First NT spread all the way to Rome and was the adopted Christian scripture. Then there was a mass book burning of all of Marcion’s scriptures. We only know what was in the First NT because Adolph von Harnack reverse engineered in 1910 it from Tertullian’s book Against Marcion.
But wasn't it because the Near East and North Africa were taken over by Islam? Thus, even though neither Islam nor Christianity is race-ist, both became de facto the religion of different racial groups. Islam for the Arabs and the Other, Christianity for the whites. But suppose Islam never emerged and all of Near East and North Africa remained Christian. In that case, the common religion may have brought Europe closer to the Non-West, and Christianity would have had a dire impact on the white race. Indeed, that is now happening as Christianity spreads to the non-West. Many white Christians favor non-white Christians to whites who are not Christian.Also, why do so many people credit Christianity for all the achievements of the West. West really began to take off since the Renaissance, and that owed to Neo-Paganism, without which the West might have been eternally stuck in the 'Middle Ages'. Neo-Paganism served the West well. Christianity's value was in serving as a restraint from the excessive sensualism and egotism intrinsic to paganism.Replies: @Joe Paluka
The Christian faith has has served European man for 2000 years very well
You make some good points there. What we have today that passes for Christianity today, is not serving us very well.
Dr. Morgan
I suggest you order a copy of the book Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner, PhD, former US ambassador to Viet Nam. It is well known that Christ was a Galilean, not from the 12 tribes of Israel. He was likely not Semitic.
Secondly, I would get a copy of The Very First New Testament compiled by Marcion which was comprised of only Paul’s letters and the Gospel of Luke. The Hebrews added the Gospels of Mark and Matthew later to morph Christ into a Jew named Jesus – hence Jesus Christ. Marcion’s First NT spread all the way to Rome and was the adopted Christian scripture. Then there was a mass book burning of all of Marcion’s scriptures. We only know what was in the First NT because Adolph von Harnack reverse engineered in 1910 it from Tertullian’s book Against Marcion.
Jesus was of course not a Jew or Jewish -- but we Jews made him a Jew and that is all that matters. The goyim swallowed it like everything else we've fed them for centuries. They open their mouth and we shìt in it.
Dr. Morgan
I suggest you order a copy of the book Christ Was Not a Jew: An Epistle to the Gentiles (1935) by Jacob Elon Conner, PhD, former US ambassador to Viet Nam. It is well known that Christ was a Galilean, not from the 12 tribes of Israel. He was likely not Semitic.
Secondly, I would get a copy of The Very First New Testament compiled by Marcion which was comprised of only Paul’s letters and the Gospel of Luke. The Hebrews added the Gospels of Mark and Matthew later to morph Christ into a Jew named Jesus – hence Jesus Christ. Marcion’s First NT spread all the way to Rome and was the adopted Christian scripture. Then there was a mass book burning of all of Marcion’s scriptures. We only know what was in the First NT because Adolph von Harnack reverse engineered in 1910 it from Tertullian’s book Against Marcion.
Salaam Rurik,
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn’t dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.
Due to you being racist you have never been a good reader.
I think Sweden would be better off if it stayed Sweden. And inviting in all the African and Middle Easterners and others, will wind up very bad for the Swedish people.
The people advocating more immigration into Sweden, are not doing so out of affection for the Swedish people, but contempt and even hatred. And a desire to see Sweden and the Swedish people and culture blended out of existence. Genocide, in other words. In exactly the same way as Jewish immigration into Palestine has resulted in genocide.
Is it ‘racist’ for the Palestinians to resist Jewish immigration into Palestine?
No one is asking you to become a Muslim. Leave your hatred behind as you are overpowering Lucifer with your hatred.
There is no hatred, Mohamed, only love for all peoples, so long as they’re respectful of other people’s lands and cultures and God given right to self-determination.
It’s when people stop respecting that, and start flooding into other people’s lands, that we see conflict and hatred.
Whether it’s Sweden, America, France, or Palestine.
If people could only learn that very simple lesson, to respect other people’s countries and lands and right to self-determination, this planet would have a tiny fraction of the hate, it has now.
I’ve just watched The Official Story on :
A masterpiece by all standards! Thanks.
If Christianity is perfection, why did the West undergo Renaissance via Neo-Paganism?
The Christian faith has has served European man for 2000 years very well
But wasn’t it because the Near East and North Africa were taken over by Islam?
Thus, even though neither Islam nor Christianity is race-ist, both became de facto the religion of different racial groups. Islam for the Arabs and the Other, Christianity for the whites.
But suppose Islam never emerged and all of Near East and North Africa remained Christian. In that case, the common religion may have brought Europe closer to the Non-West, and Christianity would have had a dire impact on the white race.
Indeed, that is now happening as Christianity spreads to the non-West. Many white Christians favor non-white Christians to whites who are not Christian.
Also, why do so many people credit Christianity for all the achievements of the West. West really began to take off since the Renaissance, and that owed to Neo-Paganism, without which the West might have been eternally stuck in the ‘Middle Ages’.
Neo-Paganism served the West well. Christianity’s value was in serving as a restraint from the excessive sensualism and egotism intrinsic to paganism.
Any cult that calls for the murder of apostates is not for sane, decent, just men. That’s islam. There’s allegedly no compulsion when deciding whether to join islam, but once you join, you lose the power to reconsider and choose to leave (safely).
This is the biggest bullshit about apostate based on the fake Jewish teachings of Islam.
There is NO APOSTATE in Islam. You can join Islam and leave Islam many a times you want. Islam don’t care if you leave Islam. Being excommunicate both in Judaism and Christianity was a potent tool in the hands of Rabbis and Padris. The Prophet was against it.
When the Jews hijacked Islam while the body of the Prophet was still warm and not buried yet, they introduce the concept of apostate in Islam. Not excommunicate just an individual but excommunicate a group or masses of people who don’t believe like you do, a license to kill all of them at once mercilessly.
The Visigoths were enslavers,
not saying it didn’t happen, but in the context of Jewish/Muslim enslavement of the Visigoths, it isn’t like a more moral people, less inclined towards slavery – supplanted them. The very suggestion is the height of stupidity.
Not only the Jews but all commoners opened the gates of the Iberian cities to the Muslim armies.
that’s like saying the Deplorables and Brexiteers and Yellow vesters are all pro-Muslim, (and everyone else) immigration into America, England and France, respectively.
Clue: they’re not. Your theory is idiotic.
It would be good not to conflate the problems in Gaza today with historical conflicts between Islam vs. Christendom.
That is not the issue that is dragging the planet to the brink of WWIIII.
Zionism is.
And it would behoove all good and decent people to acknowledge that, and make common cause with Gaza and the Palestinian people, who are obviously in the right vis-a-vis this terrible conflict.
The only reason anyone might muse as to the advisability of Europe considering Islam as an alternative to Christianity, is because the leaders of modern Christianity have become the obvious cucks and shills for Zion, due to the power of those ‘thirty shekels’, that Dana White just took possession of.
I don’t know if White is a Christian, but if so, he’s par for the course.
Christians should be careful when using the Greek translation of the word “RAB” from Aramaic into Greek.
RAB in Aramaic indicates the Sustainer.
The higher meaning is Allah (proper name of God in Aramaic) is the Sustainer of all He created. Also, a father sustains his family.
Try to read the Bible while substituting the Sustainer for the Father, meanings change, however, just that substitution alone can threaten many.
The gospels being accepted as history instead of literature occurred in the 2nd century AD.
This is an important idea. Myths & Mythmaking was more common than History during this early period. People had no problem believing the God-myths … or not, compared to more recent times when the “sins” of heresy and blasphemy, and excommunication, came into vogue.
May be of interest to recall that Elie Wiesel presented his first book “Night” as a novel and continued that classification officially for years, even though he’d begun claiming it to be his ‘autobiography’ in which ‘every word was true.’ It wasn’t until 2006, long after he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, that “Night” was reclassified from Literature to Autobiography. See
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn't dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.He's like the Jordan Peterson of IslamBarrett:
You can’t be so dumb to believe that the rape and plunder of Europe in the Balkans, and Iberia and elsewhere was a Golden Age.
He's never heard of ancient Greece or Rome or Byzantium, or the myriad other civilizations and cultures, like whatever Visigoth Spain was actually like, because the first thing the Muslims did when they conquered Spain, was erase all evidence of the culture. The white Christians of Spain, (Visigoths) were enslaved for brutal centuries due to the treachery of the Jews, and brutal hegemony of Islam. The Visigoths very identity was erased by hundreds of years of rape.Kevin would like us all to believe that the rape was good for the Visigoths, because it altered the character of their race. He is an open advocate for the same thing being done to all of Europe. He hides his cuckery under the guise of being pro-Islam, but in his heart of hearts, he wants all white people, (racists) blended out of existence.In that, ironically, he is the greatest ally of ZOG and all Jewish supremacists. Right now all decent people in the world today, should be making common cause with Gaza, and against the Great Fiend.But then someone like the Great Cuck, Kevin Barrett, has to chime in, and say 'now is the time to repudiate Western man in all his forms, and seek to blend him out of existence, culturally, spiritually, and in particular, genetically for all time. Just like Al-Andalus! Hail Islam!So voices like his become the worst possible jeopardy for getting all of us, Christians, Westerners, Easterners, Asians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, everybody to oppose ZOG. Because his agenda is and always has been, to get Europe to cuck out, and open their borders to Muslim hordes to blend out their hurtful and racist genes. And he wants Muslims to do it, because that makes him the white darling of the worst kind of Muslims there are out there. Just like Jordan Peterson likes getting pats on the head from ZOGBarrett like getting pats on the head from Muslims who long for the days of Al-Andalus, and wholesale rape. It would be better if he kept some of his disgusting and ludicrous opinions- Al-Andalus as the "all-time greatest European civilization" horseshit to himself.Especially now, when we need common cause, not division.Replies: @Krackassmofo, @Francis Miville, @Anthony Nugent, @Passing by
And the arguably all-time greatest European civilization, the Islam-centered multi-confessional al-Andalus,
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn’t dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.
Salaam Rurik,
Due to you being racist you have never been a good reader. Yes and to quote you: “Especially now, when we need common cause, not division.”. Thanks to MBS and KSA who have decided to unite the Muslims and to remove the Israelite from Islam. The fake teaching of Banu Israel (children of Israel) from the Islamic religion and to go back to the real teachings of the Prophet of Islam. I told you a lots of time that the Muslims and Christians are in cahoots, but you didn’t believe me.
The world has always been at the brink of world wars due to Jews. Muslims are removing the influence of Judaism from their religion. The Jews hijacked Islam while the Prophet body was still warm and not buried yet.
Now what about Christianity:
1. They are conjoined at the hip with Judaism. Both Jesus and Lucifer are conjoined. After all those world wars by the Jews, the Christians need to rethink this relationship of being conjoined.
2. No, God does not love the sinners. God doesn’t love Lucifer. It is a myth by the Jews to control Christians. God is Just and merciful.
No one is asking you to become a Muslim. Leave your hatred behind as you are overpowering Lucifer with your hatred. What we the Muslims are saying thank you Christians for removing the Jews from Palestine. And, the Holy Quran consider both Mary and Jesus as pious, and confirms the virgin birth of Jesus.
Think carefully and don’t break my message into pieces and miss the big picture!
God bless all his pious children who are peaceful and not hellbent to commit atrocities against other children of God.
I think Sweden would be better off if it stayed Sweden. And inviting in all the African and Middle Easterners and others, will wind up very bad for the Swedish people.
Due to you being racist you have never been a good reader.
There is no hatred, Mohamed, only love for all peoples, so long as they're respectful of other people's lands and cultures and God given right to self-determination.
No one is asking you to become a Muslim. Leave your hatred behind as you are overpowering Lucifer with your hatred.
It is all muddled because someone has been tweaking our vocabulary. How is Moses a Jew? Who told you that (see Genesis 3:11)? The term Jew derives from the Greek New Testament word, Ioudaios, which refers to an inhabitant of the Roman province of Judaea. Moses lived centuries before Rome existed. He was from the tribe of Levi. Modern Jews consider this tribe among the ten “lost tribes”. Is the argument that modern Jews are descended from this tribe? We can trace DNA to Ashkenazi or Sephardim, but I’ve not seen any genetic claims to the Levites.
Did Moses practice the same faith as Judaism? He gave the twelve tribes of Israel the beliefs and practices described in the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament that are attributed to Moses). By the time of Jesus, the tribes had been scattered and the faith of Moses had been lost. Christ constantly derided the people in Jerusalem associated with temple worship for following the wisdom of man and the tradition of their fathers (which is known as the Talmud), rather than that which was handed down by Moses.
This continuity from Moses to the modern Jews is a nice thought, but it is unsustainable. Are we going to argue that Adam was genetically Jewish and/or practiced Judaism?
Deng Xiaopin was the major contributor to the economic transformation of China, when he transitioned away from Mao’s failed policies to a market-driven economy.
No, the Buddhists, like the Quakers during he American Civil War, will fight back if boxed into a corner. Muhammadan Jihadists never strike until they feel they have enough killers and enough resources to roll over their enemies. So it was the Rohinga were expanding and plotting to the point where an attack was imminent, and the Buddhists nipped an Islamic attack in the bud.
advocating for Islam in Europe, sans all immigration, would be one thing.If Islam would bolster Europe against invasion by hostile hordes and domination by ZOG, then I'd say that might be reasonable.But it seems like the very worst proponents of Islam, all demand that Europe open its gates to all non-Westerners, (especially Muslim) invaders, until Europe is no long Europe. That is, as far as I've been able to tell, The Great Cuck's agenda.
He is (I suppose) a Muslim. As a member of that cult, I suppose the interests of the cult are what guide him.
I don't know, and I don't like to call non-Whites 'muds', if that's what you mean, unless they're invading or otherwise harming white folks, then calling them 'muds' is too kind. I think all people, non-Whites included, are imbued with dignity, and we (I certainly do) should respect them, insofar as they return the favor. But for those who demand to invade, I've always admired Vlad ÈšepeÈ™' solution. Watch would-be invaders twitch for a few days. Line the streets with them. As indeed, I'd expect them to do the same to us, if we invaded.What a righteous (if grim) sight it would be if ZOG's troops, marching into Lebanon or Syria, thought twice of it, seeing the streets lined with IDF and NATO orcs all twitching impaled on poles. Like the American orcs invading Iraq. The way they dragged a few of them around in Fallujah, was for me, quite understandable.Replies: @Krackassmofo
Is he married to a mud?
Muslims of course will always advocate for their cult to colonize us.
If he is married to a mud, aka non-White in your parlance, then he is invested in the genocide project.
Btw, I live around muds and respect them. Just a term. Non-White is too much a negative, not a something term. Whatever.
I also have known very friendly (surface at least) muslims but only outside the West. I have nothing against individual muslims, jews, or other muds but just against their cults and how they affect us and our people and nations.
True leaders respect their followers, populations, countries, the rest of humanity and this planet!! Such leaders do not exist in the west!!
Xi of China is such a leader and the “West” abhors him because he will not take the money!! He has principles, while the leaders of every “Western” nation are without, principles, ethics, morals, etc., etc.
The fastest way to destroy any human society is to corrupt its females; Satan and the Jews love the “West” because it is so vile, corrupt, greedy, and selfish!!
There is no God in the “West”; here it is always about the money!!!
“Mohammed was not a pagan, for his first wife Khadijah was of a Christian sect called “Al Nassara†who believed in Jesus as a prophet only and never accepted the holy Trinity.”
The Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, is a Jew but it doesn’t make Vice President Kamala Harris a Jewess.
What the Devil or Mohammed are you talking about?
Actually, it’s not in the Koran, it’s in a hadith, which are less authoritative. It was in her own words. She could read– unlike her husband– but she couldn’t count. In a second account, she’s about ten years older. Math is hard! Which do we believe?
You should read chapter 66 of the Holy Quran which calls Aisha liar and destined for hell. Again, it is her lies that the Prophet couldn’t read or write. The Teacher of the Prophet is God, and no way that the Prophet couldn’t read or write. The Prophet is called, “Ummi” which means the Mother of the Arabic Langue. Iqra has two meanings. The first and the foremost meaning is to recite after me. The second meaning is to read. If you are asking someone to read, then you need to show them something to read from. Read the Hadith of Aisha carefully as the Prophet was not shown something to read from. BTW, according to Aisha she was not born yet.
God bless MBS and God bless who have decided to remove the Israelite from Islam. The influence of Banu Israel (Children of Israel) who hijacked Islam while the body of the Prophet was still warm and not buried yet.
It’s quite correct to say that there is a Christian-European civilization versus a Judeo-Islamic civilization. The latter two are more similar to each other than either is to Christianity, which has profound Indo-European roots not found in the Mid-East.
The wellsprings of Islam are utterly alien to Indo-European culture and history. No democracy, no juries, no division of power, no personal legal rights at all in any modern sense. If Israel has any aspect of democracy n division of power, they brought that with them from Europe. Every year that goes by they lose more n more of it as they revert to the Mid-Eastern mean, especially under the rule of Likud, the more Semitic political faction.
the sad and tragic thing is that he isn't dumb, but rather, simply has the soul of a cuck.He's like the Jordan Peterson of IslamBarrett:
You can’t be so dumb to believe that the rape and plunder of Europe in the Balkans, and Iberia and elsewhere was a Golden Age.
He's never heard of ancient Greece or Rome or Byzantium, or the myriad other civilizations and cultures, like whatever Visigoth Spain was actually like, because the first thing the Muslims did when they conquered Spain, was erase all evidence of the culture. The white Christians of Spain, (Visigoths) were enslaved for brutal centuries due to the treachery of the Jews, and brutal hegemony of Islam. The Visigoths very identity was erased by hundreds of years of rape.Kevin would like us all to believe that the rape was good for the Visigoths, because it altered the character of their race. He is an open advocate for the same thing being done to all of Europe. He hides his cuckery under the guise of being pro-Islam, but in his heart of hearts, he wants all white people, (racists) blended out of existence.In that, ironically, he is the greatest ally of ZOG and all Jewish supremacists. Right now all decent people in the world today, should be making common cause with Gaza, and against the Great Fiend.But then someone like the Great Cuck, Kevin Barrett, has to chime in, and say 'now is the time to repudiate Western man in all his forms, and seek to blend him out of existence, culturally, spiritually, and in particular, genetically for all time. Just like Al-Andalus! Hail Islam!So voices like his become the worst possible jeopardy for getting all of us, Christians, Westerners, Easterners, Asians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, everybody to oppose ZOG. Because his agenda is and always has been, to get Europe to cuck out, and open their borders to Muslim hordes to blend out their hurtful and racist genes. And he wants Muslims to do it, because that makes him the white darling of the worst kind of Muslims there are out there. Just like Jordan Peterson likes getting pats on the head from ZOGBarrett like getting pats on the head from Muslims who long for the days of Al-Andalus, and wholesale rape. It would be better if he kept some of his disgusting and ludicrous opinions- Al-Andalus as the "all-time greatest European civilization" horseshit to himself.Especially now, when we need common cause, not division.Replies: @Krackassmofo, @Francis Miville, @Anthony Nugent, @Passing by
And the arguably all-time greatest European civilization, the Islam-centered multi-confessional al-Andalus,
The Visigoths were enslavers, and one of the reason the Muslim invaders had it so easy in Iberia as they had had it in Maghreb was that their taxation schemes were based on guaranteed fixed rates while the late Roman custom the Goths had inherited prescribed taxability at will in the name of God under pain of hell. Not only the Jews but all commoners opened the gates of the Iberian cities to the Muslim armies. Second, the kind of Islam that was imposed to Iberia was Muttazilism, a much more rationalistic view of religion not unlike 17-18th century Protestantism with a mixture of philosophical Deism, which from the 13th century onwards came to be declared heretical under the influence of regressive theologians (such as El Ghazzeli) in favour of rank warlike irrationalism that came to dominate the Islamic umma irreversibly, as alleged prophetic hadiths and biographies extolling the Prophet’s very fancied barbarity, came to their rescue : the kind of religion that once flourished in Iberia and also in Morocco is something of the very distant past that would no longer be accepted as Islam nowadays.
Last but not least the Islamic tradition up to the 13th century contained as many sayings of Jesus as of Mohammed (the latter being then milder in moral requirement) which resulted in a semi-Christian religion without priests to exert the monopoly of what you should think. This historical moment of Islam as experienced by Al Andalus cannot be reproduced given the alleged more accurate (invented) knowledge of what early Islam was, a regressive evolution where Jewish erudition played a great part not unlike what has happened more recently in Protestantism as it is being morphed by stages into Noachidism.
not saying it didn't happen, but in the context of Jewish/Muslim enslavement of the Visigoths, it isn't like a more moral people, less inclined towards slavery - supplanted them. The very suggestion is the height of stupidity.
The Visigoths were enslavers,
that's like saying the Deplorables and Brexiteers and Yellow vesters are all pro-Muslim, (and everyone else) immigration into America, England and France, respectively.
Not only the Jews but all commoners opened the gates of the Iberian cities to the Muslim armies.
Right in the ‘gospel’ of luke.
You will find a commensurate scripture in the book of Revelation as well:
“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called faithful and true. With justice, he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but He himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written:
Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, ‘Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.†{Revelation 19:11- 21}
I’ll just leave you with a question or a thought TREASON?