Ovitz was a Jew and saved Disney. Improved the Parks and brought back American animation. He was also an actual Walt Disney fan. Iger is a suit, and not a great one. He profit maxed the parks to the point only rich people can go , and the experience isn’t as great as 30 years ago. It matters if leadership cares and is competent.
Why are you so evil? All children are innocent.
Succinct analysis.
The songs in Frozen are really good.
Many of them did, when an oral history was compiled with the last living slaves. Don’t recall the details, but that was the gist.
And to re-emphasize, African tribal leaders fought among themselves, captured the ‘losers’ and kept many slaves. They became very profitable when the Europeans turned up offering to buy them. And the major slave traders/merchants in the US were Sephardic jews.
Oh Chris, you speak as one of the haughty pontiffs from on high. I would recommend a little more racially honest reading, and then, perhaps you will join the faculty?
The blacks were sold by other blacks to Jews, who brought them. The Royal Navy were the first force to free the blacks. Pretty much everyone on here knows that. Are you an attention-seeker, or something?
How about a movie that lampoons Communists?
A funny funny laugh at Black exceptionalism? Or Homosexual flagrant behavior. Jew fanaticism. Funny funny.
Case in point. Rense.com once ran an article describing the movies being played in Berlin during the war. (I searched Google. Only one non-relevant rense result. Pitiful.) The crux – of 6 movies playing, 4 were subtle humorous criticisms of the Nationalist regime. So if Nazi© gov was despicable, why did they tolerate embarrassing media? Answer: Because they were not despicable. They were more open minded and tolerant of dissent than our Google government of today.
Get it? You are the Naziâ„¢, Hitler was a long-suffering Christian victim.
Sleep well precious. You are in my dreams.
See Aldous Huxley’s 1962 Berkeley lecture on medical authoritarianism ie social control , its on utube.
Then read David McGowan’s Laurel Canyon book on the very strange rise of the LA music industry in the 60s, by the children of the ruling elite and TLAs..
Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart Of The Hippie Dream ( 2014) By David Mc Gowan & Nick Bryant
The panic in 1960 and onwards was the visible losing of the cold war to the Soviets, and the cultural war to the Europeans esp the British music and film industry, doing things better and cheaper, and with more style.
Hollywood is Blazing Saddles, funny but crude and lowest common denominator..
This must have been a real challenge.
Sorry for the belated reply.
Please do with my consent.
Pluto assaulted and battered me.
My error was not in returning the initial assault.
The question is who provoked or incited Pluto.
Turns out it was my Borderline ex-wife.
Staying out of court simply avoids the judicial coin flip of Justice
“You have a very strange wife”
Corrected it for ya….ur welcome
Theres a Jimmy Dore episode, it has Norman Finkelstein berating some students who are trying the holohoax tactic to shame and silence him, he responds back with holocaust “my family died in the camps”. my parents were in the Warsaw ghetto uprising in different camps etc etc. NF was born in 1953… both his parents survived the camps.
The answer to abortion is to pay women to have babies. Then they will gladly have them. In spades.
Make pre-marital sex and extra-marital sex punishable by law just like Islamic Sharia. Then have more babies within wedlock in responsible families. Much better plan.
Disney is being cancelled slowly because of their stupidity.
Books, you need to see this as an opportunity.
You should launch the new Negro-Saxon equality movement. International Speaking Tour! Website! TV Appearances!
Bro, opportunities like this don’t come along every day.
Holy fuck, you actually might be a Jew.
Your deliberate ignoring of the civilizational, genetic, and cultural aspects of being White leads me to believe you’re working for someone or actually a fucking imbecile. I’m willing to believe you’re just a Fedposter who is adopting a “I definitely hate Whites and want them all to die, but don’t worry, fellow Right Wing Dissidents, I definitely hate the Jews *wink wink*. I’m more based than you!” false front. The fact you agree with Supply and Demand so frequently, who has explicity called for the German and other European people to be raped and exterminated, is especially condemning.
Are you even German? Your use of internet slang and hanging on this forum while actually having no knowledge of the wider Right-Wing dissident movement or European nationalist thought makes you incredibly suspect.
Also, your infatuation with Christianity without any qualifiers is *odd*. You do understand it is largely the church organizations that support and are invested in importing so many migrants?
Do you disavow the Old Testament and its blatant favoritism of Jews? Do you ignore Revelations and the part where it says 144,000 Jews must be saved for the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on Earth? Do you ignore how the Pope has called Jews the older brother of Christians or the statue to Moloch that rests outside the Vatican? What about when Thomas Aquinas said it was incumbent upon Christians to leave the Jews alone? If you disavow those points or you interpret them “mystically” then you are not by any stretch a Christian in the orthodox manner, but rather a New Age or Gnostic heretic. That’s great, because that’s what most of us are, why most of us despise the Christianity that is the faith of “I want to import more of my Black Brothers in Christ” rather than an experience of the mystical Christ phenomenon.
I’m guessing you won’t have a response to this, because you are a Jew or a kind of lame federal agent. If you do have an intelligent one that acknowledges my points and can explain your own concept of Germanic nationalism, I would be intrigued.
Your definition of huwhite is non existence.
There are only two official definitions of “huwhite race” at the moment:
-the US census one that includes Hispanics and North Africans
-and the jared taylor one
Also, “your” “huwhite race” is also an anti-christ entity, at your preference, admittedly.
Again, shove it up your ass, mutt. We are sick of your (((melting pot))).
I mean, I’m against the vax too. Are you implying I am not?
Hinterland hick? Lol, I live in the beating heart of the Urban Shitlib region. Hmm, I’m guessing your definition of “White” does not involve genetics, culture, civilization or appearance then?
Lol, man, how fucking alone are you mentally? Have you ever talked with other White Nationalists or Europeans?
Fuck, god, you’re so invested in this faggot idea. My idea of an honorable German are the ones who were fucking executed and arrested or pushed aside years ago for actually standing up for their country. The ones who fought WWII, for instance. An honorable White is one who realizes we are all being fucked by the same people, and that all of our governments are fucking occupied states.
Tell me, what is being White, if not Genes, Culture, Language, Appearance and Soul?
Provax jew Unz disabled me from giving you many, many LOLs.
Yes, you, the rabid american hinterland hick, is the one to define the “huwhite race”. Your anti-Christian attitude is just a cartoonishly typical cherry on top.
Too bad for you, literally nobody else but your kind (anglo mutts) buy your shit.
Aside from your retardation, we are supposed to ignore all our abuse at the behest of other “huwhites”. How convenient and gnarly.
Shove it up your ass, mutt. A “honorable” German in your definition would be an ugly whore like Baerbock or a limp dick like Scholz. I know what kind of sycophants you like.
Ah, lol, for some reason I thought you were a Serb! So I should instead compare you to my honorable and noble German friends.
That attitude of yours is the exact fucking self-destructive, stupid, Anti-White kind of retardation that saw tens of millions of Whites (English, Celtic, American, Germanics and Slavs) fucking slaughter each other in two world wars at the behest of Jews, Globalists, and blinkered Empire Builders.
All ethnic Europeans *are White* you stupid son of a bitch, and I’m a full fucking American, which means all of my blood ancestors are Northwestern European, equal parts Celt, Irish, Anglo and Belgo-Dane. Hell, any *actual* American is either that or leans more Central European Germanic.
Licking boots you fucking faggot? Whose god-damned boots? And whose fucking wars, you stupid nigger? Of course Americans shouldn’t fucking die for anyone but other Whites, and conversely, you Germans had your lives fucking wasted multiple times over by your own leaders and the machinations of other, equally stupid Germanic noble classes who were running the rest of Europe. Hitler had the right idea, but even he committed the sin of being a fucking retard when he didn’t realize the Slavs in the Soviet Union were still Aryans, and the Jews hadn’t had a chance to totally fuck them over there.
White is Haplogroup and a Phenotype and an attitude. I’ll say that every White who converts to Islam or Judaism becomes spiritually Brownoid. I’ll add to that every White that is a fully practicing Christian is going to lose access to the national gestalt, because they ultimately are wedding themselves to a “all humans are brothers under Yahweh” attitude.
Is there any part of that you disagree with? Are you going to be happy when the majority of the White race is fucking exterminated and replaced by Brownoids under the wishes of their Jewish and Liberal masters? I’m not happy when it happens to anyone in Europe, I’m not happy watching the oligarchy in Russia import Turks and Caucasians and do it the Slavs, and I’m not happy when it happens here, because I have a fucking soul and love our race.
Rather embarrassing when your culture must insert themselves into story lines . But then again ……….
Only a mind of a Negro-Saxon would immediately think of fraternity and mating with Africans.
I’m a proud German and naturally that would exclude any friendship with two evil species, namely the anglos and the kikes, who thrice tried to genocide Germans in less than 100 years. Pretty impressive.
I see you licking boots in another thread and calling me a Serb. Hell, that would be a badge of honor.
All ethnic Europeans aka Non-Whites, according to bulbous, obese Anglo-Saxon benjamin franklin are just swarthy subhumans. So please, tell us how do we define this huwhite race? Please, Herr Amerimutt, part nig part spic, pray tell.
Also, go fight your own (((wars))), mutts.
Are you saying you would like more Blacks for your neighbors over other Euro-American Whites?
Man, you must hate yourself and your race.
The Israeli company Cannon was the one giving Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson employment. In one of those films (Invasion USA) the bad guys are asian or middle eastern and a Christian church is presented reverentially.
My favorite Jews! Tone-on-tone shirts, Carrera sunglasses–1980s Jewtastic!
They produced Andrei Konchalovsky’s excellent Runaway Train as well. Konchalovsky is still around and lives in Russia. Yoram Globus is still among the living and putters around with Rebel Way Productions. Menahem Golan passed in 2014.
yesReplies: @Munga Bulga
Did they fight to the end to preserve the truth?
I count more good negroes and foreigners than good angloids and kikes. Can you even hope to dispute the obvious statistics?
I'm not challenging your data, but I would argue that this is a case of confusing correlation with causation.On the one hand, the shifting of Western economies from agrarian to industrial is a major factor in declining birth rates. Farmers need lot's of help to run a farm, and the most sensible way to get that help in the cheapest way possible is to have lots of kids. Factory workers--and more recently, tech workers, etc--simply don't need to have as many kids around. Kids are expensive, and it makes perfect sense that birth rates would decline in a modern, industrialized and/ or information economy.The other thing is that if the number of abortions exploded after legalization, this would indicate a pent-up demand for abortions. In other words, before it was legalized, presumably LOTS of women wanted legal abortions, were unable to get them, and chose to have kids rather than break the law.It is simply not a good idea to force people to have children against their will. This leads to all sorts of bad outcomes, from abuse and neglect, to financial hardship. Unwanted children are never a good thing.Moreover, abortion is, at its core, an economic question above all else. It's undeniable that women of means have always been able, and will always be able to procure safe abortions. Whether they fly out of the country, hire a private physician, or whatever, they will ALWAYS be able to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy.So essentially what you're doing by banning abortion is growing the underclass, which obviously includes plenty of ethnic and racial undesirables. Is that really a worthwhile goal?I get that some people view legal, accessible abortion as being contrary to White racial interests, but forcing women to give birth against their will is not the way to solve population collapse.Replies: @Dragoslav, @Anonymous, @Dumbo, @obwandiyag
Italy’s birth rate collapsed since abortion was legalized, as it did in all other European countries, and yet you see still the increase of feminism policies. In Spain, too. Everywhere.
There is a simple way to prevent abortions. Absolutely foolproof. And yet these idiots won’t accept it. Because it is socialist or something. They’d rather always have abortion around so that they can complain about it and virtue signal how “caring” they are. What would they do without abortion to kick around?
The answer to abortion is to pay women to have babies. Then they will gladly have them. In spades.
Now listen to the idiot moron conservatives argue in favor of more abortions by saying I’m wrong when I am undeniably exactly right.
Make pre-marital sex and extra-marital sex punishable by law just like Islamic Sharia. Then have more babies within wedlock in responsible families. Much better plan.
The answer to abortion is to pay women to have babies. Then they will gladly have them. In spades.
I understand that.
People like John Johnson had better think about the consequences before they do anything.
Historically, we Chinese are quite extreme. If you don’t mess with Chinese people, they tend to treat people in a more polite way, but if you seriously offend them or kill them, they will become demonic, organized and kill them indiscriminately.
In fact, I am a rationalist in China who believes that at least some Jews should exist, just kill some of them, because some of them are really creative.
And Japan, should be incorporated into China as a province.
But the extremists were more mainstream, generally advocating the killing of all Japanese and Jews.
If it came to pass, the killing of Jews and Japanese would not be a playful killing of Palestinians, as the Jews were, but a perfectly rational and unpossessive killing.
Men, women and children will be killed.
So people like John Johnson should be aware that if the rational CPC does not one day take power, the consequences could be very serious. Given the result of years without a war, once the war machine is revved up it cannot be stopped. Probably a hundred times what happened in the Third Reich.
I told you you don’t understand.
Killing the Japanese and the Jews is not something we should be banned from.
Because we actually want to kill all the Japanese and Jews. Since they did incite or commit mass murder against us, it makes sense for us to respond in kind.
Not only is it reasonable, but as long as it is not harmful to oneself, it is absolutely supported by more than 90% of people.
It’s just that the CCP keeps the Chinese from being too extreme.
If you try to overthrow the current Chinese system, it will lead to extreme Nazification of China.
There would be extermination worse than in the Third Reich.
As for what you said about dissidents, why do dissidents exist? Kill all the dissidents and there will be no dissidents.
Ordinary people may go a little further and demand that he be hanged outright.
Speaking of free speech, we can post all we want about killing Jews, can you?
That’s actually false. Farrakhan would have been imprisoned years ago if that were the case.
If you talk about killing a particular group you could in fact be investigated. Free speech has limits and threatening to kill people can be enough to warrant an investigation. The police have a right to knock on your door and ask questions. You have a right to shut the door and get a lawyer. Of course you don’t have that right in China.
But even in that case charges are not usually filed.
The recent mass shooter talked about wanting to kill large groups of people and yet was ignored.
Anglin has talked about wanting to see Jews killed and yet there isn’t a warrant out for his arrest for speech charges.
He was wanted in relation to fines over some stupid real estate squabble that didn’t even involve him.
You don’t know anything about the speech environment in China.
What exactly did I say was false? Can you depict the president as Winnie the Poo or not?
Did this Chinese dissident get 7 years over a poem or not?
Ironically, in Orlando the same pic can get you locked up for insulting Winnie.
That’s false.
Show me a case where anyone got prison time over a Disney copyright claim.
Did they fight to the end to preserve the truth?
John Johnson is a known Jewish secular. Very smug millenifag. Jewish millenifag seculars think they know what happens in China because (((CNN))) told them what to think. It’s like you are debating a third grader or a boomer with dementia (millenifags and 75 year old boomers with dementia have the same exact brainpower, as the Jewish millenifag “John Johnson” proves here every day). Fun to see you destroy “John Johnson” the Jew. Welcome.
You don’t need to worry about losing money when your cousins run the Fed and the White House.
But that has NOTHING to do with what I posted.
None of that has anything to do with what I posted.
You’re lying or you’re a bot.
You don’t need to worry about losing money when your cousins run the Fed and the White House.
You don’t need to worry about losing money when your cousins run the Fed and the White House.
Chinese history has shown that when the ruling class adopts feminism, transgenderism, racial pluralism, and legalization of drugs, the new ruling class will slaughter the old ruling class.
I don’t think you would have called yourself a Jew back then.
As for the surveillance you’re talking about, would it be possible to use it to identify Jews? So you can find every Jew and make sure he gets into the shower room.
Personally Hitler banning Bambi was a great call, becuase anything made by Jews in the 20th-century is inherently suspect.
Austria-Hungary did a better job handling the Jews than previously pre-WWI Prussia did, though. The Third Reich was dealing with the utter mess and horror left by the brilliant (and often Jewish, though not always) architects of the end of the Long Century.
Germany under the Reich banned Bambi , rightfully so, because it was a pro-minority work of deconstructive criticism by a Jew.
The Chinese government is not currently banning any of those three films. The only record of a ban was the “temporary ban” that was ended with Mulan.
Considering China runs a literal Disney park, there is no leg to fucking stand on here. It’s circle jerking with the mouse as much as any post-nationalist “cucked by the Jews” state.
American culture would normally likely descent into more brutalism and brutalist imbecility, but not woke/LGBTI, which is artificially and deliberately imposed on Western culture. Woke/LGBTI is a very special way of perverting societies and destroying any culture remaining. Mind that it is not the sheer usual money making motive which is behind it, but that it is a cult which does not even mind loosing money for the sheer motive of the malicious joy of perversion of culture.
Chinese history shows that when this strategy leads to a massive backlash from the bottom, the new ruling class will slaughter the old ruling class without mercy, and even if the new ruling class has a certain kinship with the old ruling class, even the relatives will kill their relatives without mercy.
That’s about what I see shaping up in the US and Western Europe. Trigger will be when the US can’t force loans and the world financial system fails much more severely than it did in 2008. Duration between 5 and 30 years, depending on the depth of the reorganization. NB: world trade will be severely lessened during that interval, and may recover slowly.
I’d like to say that the Western approach to revolution is less bloody than the Chinese, but the facts would contradict any such assertion.
What I’ve come to conclude is that these tactics of the Jews, with the exception of technology, are basically similar in ancient history.
You have probably seen the Wikipedia articles on the Jewish=Roman wars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars . These idiotic wars, which had no chance of success, and the corresponding Roman rejection of Judaism ended with a population bottleneck of perhaps 400 Ashkenazi in the formerly Roman Empire, are surprisingly similar to the situation in the West.
Contemporary US Jews don’t do technology, see Unz on the end of Jewish accomplishment. https://www.unz.com/runz/the-myth-of-american-meritocracy/#the-strange-collapse-of-jewish-academic-achievement
As far as I can tell, Judaism has nothing comparable to Thomism, so rules that govern the physical universe is not a subject of particular interest. Consequently, there is no reason to study it other than income. The income part vanished during the 1970s, when US business shifted from new products and “progress” to “technology assessment” for threats. I actually lived through that period of time, and it was brutal – I saw the body of an engineer (electronic specialty) who had suicided after he was fired from his job as engineering was gradually defunded. Essentially, the political jobs became much more rewarding than the engineering and science jobs, so Jewish interest in engineering and science jobs greatly diminished. Current Jewish jobs amount to be being zampolits, political enforcers. This in turn has led to more idiocy, such as demonstrating Jewish innocence and powerlessness by destroying Ye’s sizeable fortune in less than a month
If you want to really understand Chinese history, you’d better start with Chinese. Because second-hand English materials often encounter some things that cannot be translated, or mixed with some prejudices.
Non possumus. That’s far beyond my resources and expected life span. I’m weakly bilingual as it is, and the Spanish has thus far been of absolutely no benefit to me. (Fact is, American Spanish speakers get hostile when anybody not Hispanic tries to speak Spanish to them. Sad, but a uniform reaction in my experience). Chinese would be of about the same utility for my particular situation.
You might consider that the lack of reliable books you mention might be responsible in part for misunderstanding China. English is, after all, widespread.
Mr Anglin. Interesting article. I usually don’t read opinions on the internet, it’s all crap. Some friend sent me this so I gave it a try. It’s really about opinions, you advance a lot of points with a certitude that does not come from the facts. Still, I can see truth in many elements that you mention. It was a good surprise because you talk in a tone that is a bit absolutist, and announces some craziness. But at the end that’s not totally the case, you expose several coherent reasonings. Still, I would have liked to hear more about what could be the exact agenda of the Jews to think all this shit is good for them. You mention they would prefer taking people’s money than turning them into gays. Exactly: so how would this profit them? Also, people don’t really turn gay, or at least not to an extent that matters. But they do cut off their own dick under influence of all this propaganda. But Jewish kids are also influenceable so, again, why are you so sure the Jews want this crap? I also wonder what is your intended public? You emit opinions that are, let’s say, far from being in the center but, you make sense. But most of the comments you receive don’t. It’s full of comments that are basically saying “fuck the Jews” but in a less direct way. You have stupid people pretending blacks should be happy to have been brought as slaves to work for whites, other stupid people saying slavery is basically a Jewish business, and an asshole trying to say that it’s ok for blacks to commit crimes because of the crimes committed by whites when they brought them here. How stupid can someone be? Anyway, I wonder if it’s possible to have an opinion that does not follow the politically correct crap we have been tired of for so much time, and still not attract all the ridiculously racist and ignorant.
I've been interested in Chinese history for quite some time, but can't find a good survey book.
I recommend you to read more Chinese history, all kinds of books.
The fact that you tried to avoid the Jews enslaving you and didn’t dare to fight back is interesting to me.
If I were in the United States, I would think, why should the Rothschild Jews have everything? Are they born to have everything?
If you want to really understand Chinese history, you’d better start with Chinese. Because second-hand English materials often encounter some things that cannot be translated, or mixed with some prejudices.
Next, buy a history book with annotations in the vernacular.
What I’ve come to conclude is that these tactics of the Jews, with the exception of technology, are basically similar in ancient history.
Chinese history shows that when this strategy leads to a massive backlash from the bottom, the new ruling class will slaughter the old ruling class without mercy, and even if the new ruling class has a certain kinship with the old ruling class, even the relatives will kill their relatives without mercy.
That's about what I see shaping up in the US and Western Europe. Trigger will be when the US can't force loans and the world financial system fails much more severely than it did in 2008. Duration between 5 and 30 years, depending on the depth of the reorganization. NB: world trade will be severely lessened during that interval, and may recover slowly.
Chinese history shows that when this strategy leads to a massive backlash from the bottom, the new ruling class will slaughter the old ruling class without mercy, and even if the new ruling class has a certain kinship with the old ruling class, even the relatives will kill their relatives without mercy.
A demented faggot-lover and a typical modern fan of the kikes and the demons.
“We will institute freedom from the Jews when their final plans are fully carried out. We will Black and Rape the World until it can never leave this planet, and every human within it slaves away until they die for my whims and those above me.”
What a fucking policy. Your Magyar genes are Slavo-Germanic, anyway.
Ironically, in Orlando the same pic can get you locked up for insulting Winnie.
Two Americans….
EM Jones and, um, don’t tell me.
Well the Institute for Historical Review are no pikers, and they lay it on the line re the ‘Holocaust’. So, Mark Weber?
History is bunk because, as in any courtroom, we don’t really know what happened 3months ago, let alone 300 years ago.
Through the glass darkly.
Speaking of free speech, we can post all we want about killing Jews, can you?
You don’t know anything about the speech environment in China.
Diversity vs woke
Sometimes a black or diverse character is inserted to add a bit of exoticism. The 1957 UK film (written by a blacklisted writer) Night of the Demon has an Indian occult expert providing the information that allows the protagonist to survive the ordeal. Was it really necessary to make him Indian? No. Does it hurt the film? No. But perhaps it would have been just as effective if the character was a white one.
Yaphet Kotto’s role in ALIEN could have been played by Aldo Ray or Ernest Borginine. Does it hurt that Kotto is there instead? No but you can wonder how much affirmative action decisions can harm a cultural work. If the cast was entirely white–would anyone care?
Jaws had no black or asian characters.
Blade 1998 was anti-white for its day (although the vampires are multi-racial, the main ones are white) but the temperature is turned up slowly thus it is more palatable than anything today. It is probably the best made Marvel Comics film.
The main thing with that is that the black male is an asskicker–how many white male equivalents were around in 1998?
And it was a New Line Cinema film as well–so it was not one of the majors which tend to be even more fixated on Marxist themes.
The Israeli company Cannon was the one giving Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson employment. In one of those films (Invasion USA) the bad guys are asian or middle eastern and a Christian church is presented reverentially.
The main factor is that most of the major crew people were hetero white men. Far less of them today.
Even the companies that claim to offer alternatives–films like Bone Tomahawk or Dragged Across Concrete–still follow the agenda of diminishing white males or making them dependent on diversity assistance.
Marxism in a movie isn’t necessarily unpalatable. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was written by a Marxist–but the message of valuing friends over gold resonates beyond political persuasions.
The only thing that really seems “on the nose” is Walter Huston becoming medicine man for a village. That’s an obvious multicultural outreach message but if he didn’t find a home with them–how would his character have found fulfillment? What else could they have done?
Walt Disney did a 1960s film called the Fighting Prince of Donegal which features villainous merchants and scheming English officials but it also had a character who was half English and Half Irish–and when he helps the hero to escape, is asked to join in the fight for Ireland–he refuses.
This seems to have been a message that multicultural harmony is not a certainty and a people must find support among their own kind.
My favorite Jews! Tone-on-tone shirts, Carrera sunglasses--1980s Jewtastic!https://i.imgur.com/KiqBNA2.jpgThey produced Andrei Konchalovsky's excellent Runaway Train as well. Konchalovsky is still around and lives in Russia. Yoram Globus is still among the living and putters around with Rebel Way Productions. Menahem Golan passed in 2014.
The Israeli company Cannon was the one giving Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson employment. In one of those films (Invasion USA) the bad guys are asian or middle eastern and a Christian church is presented reverentially.�
For his time Disney was progressive.
Song of the South seems pretty mild today–the message is that everyone, rich and poor, black or white, have a common heritage with Nature. What’s the harm in that? Uncle Remus is an ex-slave who questions his value in the world until he sees that he can provide useful lessons to children through story. The scene is where a black plantation child weeps because a white child is hurt is eye-rolling. But Disney was far more nationalistic and Euro-centric than many of his peers.
The film also suggests the importance of a male authority figure in a child’s development.
The original story of Bambi was meant to be a race polemic (in fact–that is why Germany’s film award is named after the book). Disney changed it into a more universal theme about Nature.
I don’t think Disney or the other companies can backtrack from their deterioration. The hatred of societies—especially European heterosexuals–is too great–and the owners are too mentally stunted to change.
They would need to hire talented heterosexual white men to improve audience favor and they will not do that.
The decline has happened over decades.
Hatred of whites (and every ethnic group other than the kosher) has been around since the 1920s Hollywood.
Mild at first and then gradually increased.
As HP Lovecraft said about literature:
“Regarding its influence on literary & dramatic expression—it is not so much that the country is flooded directly with Jewish authors, as that Jewish publishers determine just which of our Aryan writers shall achieve print & position. That means that those of us who least express our own people have the preference. Taste is insidiously moulded along non-Aryan lines—so that, no matter how intrinsically good the resulting body of literature may be, it is a special, rootless literature which does not represent us. The feelings & ideals presented are not our feelings & ideals—so that today our newest authors are as exotic to us as the French symbolists or Japanese hokku-writers. This, of course, applies to literature as a whole. Naturally, a good deal of representative stuff manages to get published. It is not difficult to point out what is meant by this insidious exoticism. What is happening is that books are preferred when they reflect an emotional attitude toward life which is profoundly foreign to the race as a whole. The preferred writers are detailedly interested in things which do not interest us, & are callous to the real impulses & aspirations which move us most. Anderson & Faulkner, delving in certain restricted strata, seldom touch on any chord to which the reader personally responds. We recognise their art, but admire them at a distance—as we admire Turgeniev & Baudelaire. Whether our own representative authors do as well in their art as their foreign-influenced types is beside the question. If they do not—as is entirely possible—then the thing to do is to stimulate better & freer expression among them; not to turn away from them & encourage expression in exotic fields. This can be done without injustice to the admitted intrinsic excellence of the exotics & decadents.”
from a letter written July 30, 1933
And Toqueville found one form that, in response to the question “What is to be done?â€, said something like: “Burn it down. Burn it all down.†This particular form, Tocqueville, wrote, was the earliest expression of the true spirit of the ~1790 French Revolution.
And you seem to be a precursor also.
No involved logic. Impression of resemblance instead. The story is in the book I cited. The individual resemblance is that both of you want to burn things down to bare bricks and start over again. The societal resemblance is that Western society is going to have to burn things to bare bricks and start over again, that or not start over again and die. You aren’t insane or a nihilist – more like a harbinger. You’ve hit on something important, and there are very many people in the West who agree with you. Just as there were in France who agreed with the “burn it all down” form filler.
If you want logic, the thesis that retaining the West’s current basic assumptions as described in Deneen’s most recent two books, Why Liberalism Failed and Regime Change will (IMHO) result in the extinction of the West, several billion deaths from starvation and disease as industrial productivity is lost, and at best a centuries long re-building by the Russian Federation, possibly allied with Europe. At best.
China is out of the running because, absent free access to the world market, China lacks the raw materials to support its population. China has lost something like half its arable land and drinkable water during industrialization, and (absent trade) would be forced back on that half.
This stuff has happened before.
* The French did a number on Europe during the Napoleonic wars. Supposedly about half of the combatants (~45%) died, the rest would have had to be wounded / debilitated, since with the medical care then available maybe half of those wounded at all would die. That neglects the civil population that starved to death — I’ve no estimate of that.
* AD 536 vulcanism and the consequent Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA) introduced reduced crop yields, and consequent starvation, plagues, mass migrations. LALIA made civilization a losing affair, destroyed the mass production and trade of the Roman Empire. Civilization was lost in Europe and much of Italy (called the “Dark Ages”). See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_plague_pandemic
* AD 1200 was the peak of the High Middle Ages, and that civilization was so successful that Europe became overpopulated, Malthusian (population control is by malnutrition causing starvation and disease). This eventually led to the Second Plague Pandemic (SPP), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_plague_pandemic, 1350s. The recovery from the SPP eventually resulted in the formation of the modern state (~AD 1648) and the 2020 West.
Note the similarities. When things start to turn bad, people start to turn hostile to everything (like the French form filler, like you, like Disney, like Musk (who at least picks evil targets). Burn it down, it has failed them.
And so it has.
You’d think there would be a better way to run things, but — that’s the way things are run.
I recommend you to read more Chinese history, all kinds of books.
I’ve been interested in Chinese history for quite some time, but can’t find a good survey book.
Could you recommend a general survey of Chinese history that is in, say, undergraduate level English? Maybe 3 books, a survey and two specialized on topics you pick. Serious question.
The fact that you tried to avoid the Jews enslaving you and didn’t dare to fight back is interesting to me.
If I were in the United States, I would think, why should the Rothschild Jews have everything? Are they born to have everything?
As far as I can tell, this is what happened to the US.
First, try reading:
https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2810 (short book, c.a. AD 1900, standard text in introductory political science. Shows how a democracy was separated from the “popular will” by Tammany Hall professionals.
Tammany-like organizations were dominant in the New Deal, apparently managed to capture the US Republican party. After WW II (1945) the US Federal government (USFG) dominated the non-USSR industrialized world (and did not dominate China (PRC), which was at that time not industrialized). There was faction fight within the USFG, and, after JFK and RFK were assassinated, none dared oppose them.
It is worth noting that US major cities were both economically and militarily obsolete by about 1960. They were economically obsoleted by containerization, which made city docks useless and also moved light manufacturing to the country, where there was room for the containers. After about 1960, large US cities were maintained solely as subsidized and coerced political activities. The cost/voter in such cities has dropped in real USD since then, so that now they are largely immigrants and the primary income source is welfare. Militarily, the large urban areas are obvious countervalue nuclear targets, and basic economic activities have been moved to the US countryside. Further, their inhabitants proved worse than useless when drafted during the Vietnam conflict. The US Army took (IMHO) to using them to draw fire, essentially as scouts to help locate targets for indirect fire.
You might also consider reading Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed, 2009. It’s about the above political professionals who hid the above development by developing their own esoteric reading of the Enlightenment (especially “freedom”) that made setting up a restrictive police state and ending rule of law in order to increase human freedom and make the liberals rich. This justified a liberal rule that implemented the importation of current US large urban inhabitants and the abandonment of law in urban areas.
Also see Deneen, Regime Change, 2023. Probably not as much of interest to you, but describes at least one alternative to the present system (just to show, perhaps, that there are alternatives). The alternative is that Western government consider the possibility that social structures may have utility to their citizens. As it is, social structures (such as the family, or “sex roles” or “ableism” ) are simply destroyed without consideration of utility, and replaced by police who are directed by the liberal establishment without consideration of law.
That modest proposal is considered radical fascist in the US Liberal establishment, and cannot be implemented in urban areas whose primary income is government funding.
Thanks. Please post the book titles/authors/dates/ ISBN where available, as a comment to this post.
just curious, does that include David Duke and others like him?
Boomer sub-humans
I don’t know. Did they fight to the end to preserve the truth? Or did they bend like worms, like irving did? Or like jared taylor? I could careless about a species that thrice tried German genocide in a century, other than celebrating their extinction.
Just look at (((john johnson))) in this thread. Quinnsential negro-saxon, soulless insectoid.
yesReplies: @Munga Bulga
Did they fight to the end to preserve the truth?
Seeing how the place is owned by a jew and everything we write HE owns, I would never discount the jew spammers’ warm reception.
You are right, although please don’t use the unpleasant term despotism, we are a Confucian bureaucratic capital system cloaked in Marxism.
The problem is, in capitalism we just do better than you. Because we’re smarter than you and the Jews.
Translation: So we chased Marxism for decades and it turned out to be a complete waste of time. Millions needlessly died but gosh darn it, we’re better than you at capitalism even though we spent decades declaring Communism to be the future.
As for the great famine you mentioned, my parents went through that period, and it’s true that some people starved to death, but not as many as you say.
How would you know that millions didn’t die? You aren’t allowed to discuss or study it.
The book Tombstone is banned in China. It provides evidence that over 20 million died:
The Chinese constantly tell themselves they are better than anyone else. No one cares or is impressed by China. You’re not some high intellect nation if you have to copy everything the White man invents while maintaining a 1984 prison state.
In China you can end up in prison for posting a picture of the president with Winnie the Pooh.
A f-cking cartoon can get you prison time. Are you proud of your country?
This image is illegal in China
Why are you even here? This is an American website where we can discuss politics. You’re not allowed to discuss politics. Do you just like to pretend you have political freedoms? You’re not even allowed to form your own union in what is supposed to be a proletariat state.
I hope you’ve enjoyed your time trying to LARP as someone with freedom and political rights. Now back to your slave state you go. Enjoy your Mao days, 50 hour workshifts, censored internet and of course Kathnleen Kennedy movies for the masses. I’m sure Mao would be proud. Millions died so the Chinese could go back to capitalism but with 1984 level thought control and shitty Disney movies.
The problem is, in capitalism we just do better than you. Because we’re smarter than you and the Jews.
Shots fired, J.J.!
If I were you, I’d take it from 2 to TEN!
You are right, although please don’t use the unpleasant term despotism, we are a Confucian bureaucratic capital system cloaked in Marxism.
The problem is, in capitalism we just do better than you. Because we’re smarter than you and the Jews.
As for the great famine you mentioned, my parents went through that period, and it’s true that some people starved to death, but not as many as you say.
Our history books fully acknowledge the leadership’s error of judgment. What is not mentioned in the history books is that because Khrushchev criticized Stalin’s anti-Semitism, and we supported Stalin’s anti-Semitism, China and the Soviet Union turned against each other, and the Soviet Union withdrew all previous food aid, which was the root cause of the famine. (Victor Rothschild traded Intel on the bomb for Soviet support.)
The fact that you tried to avoid the Jews enslaving you and didn’t dare to fight back is interesting to me.
If I were in the United States, I would think, why should the Rothschild Jews have everything? Are they born to have everything?
Don’t you understand?
Oh I understand just fine. You’re actually trying to lecture me on how the Chinese won’t fund Disney and yet the Chinese box office shows Disney crap in the top 10. Yet you continue to try and take the high ground even though your fellow Chinese are voting with their money.
If that isn’t bad enough you are here telling us that you went and saw ALL of the new Star Wars movies even though you expected them to be garbage.
“We don’t support Hollywood values”
– You and American conservatives before going to the movies and paying full price.
By the way, movie tickets are the free benefit I chose for the company’s birthday event.
By the way, guess how many of those Kathleen Kennedy sequels I saw in the theater? ZERO. Guess how many I saw at home? ZERO. The honest reviews described them as re-hashed garbage. I watched a 10 minute preview on youtube and that was enough. What compelled you to watch them? You’re just like any other nerd all over this planet that can’t say no to star wars. Kathleen could release a movie about a gay wookie butt raping a yoda and you would go watch it. But you would tell yourself it’s ok because you have a coupon and just want to see how bad it is.
American conservatives also give excuses on why they go sit through 2.5 hours of garbage. But your excuses are better I’m sure.
I somehow spent 2.5 hours today doing exercise and working outside. Somehow I didn’t watch a Kathleen Kennedy movie. You however have that garbage in your memory and yet you’re trying to give me a moral lecture.
We don’t have these problems, and the reason I suspect is that we have a higher average IQ than you do, so we’re not as easily manipulated by the Jews as you are, and we have a more holistic perspective than you do.
LOL oh the irony.
Care to tell us which Asian country fully adopted Communism and starved millions of their own people to death? After the ideology had completely failed in Europe?
Care to tell us which ethnic group wrote most of the Communist ideology?
Yea keep telling yourself you must be part of some higher society that would never fall for Jewish ideas. You tell yourself that next time you walk past a statue of Marx. Do you still have those forced holidays where you have to pretend that Marx was actually a genius even though China dropped all of his collectivist plans and is now just an autocratic capitalist state with Marxist window dressing?
“We don’t fall for Jewish ideas. Please come visit China where you will see giant pictures of Marx near shopping malls that show all the Disney movies. Oh and don’t mention how Mao starved millions of people to death, that will get you a prison sentence.”
What a country. We are so impressed.
Boomer sub-humans
just curious, does that include David Duke and others like him?
He is after all a boomer and an Anglo Saxon..
Edgar Steele [RIP]
William Pierce [RIP]
and many, many others..
(actually Pierce may have been too old to be a boomer, but he was certainly an Anglo Saxon)
Sick burn. That Kike-loving, hohol-supporting negro-saxon will not be able to formulate a response. Boomer sub-humans are neither repentant nor self-concious. I’m starting to think their souls wont end up in hell, since these blood thirsty, kike serving boomers likely never had a soul in the first place.
Days of the eagles, the bears and the pillows are coming.
just curious, does that include David Duke and others like him?
Boomer sub-humans
Er, XVII is 17.
King Louis the XVII (16th), who later lost his head
Er, XVII is 17.
Apologies. I tend to make typos. Hope you found the rest of the post interesting.
We should disconnect en masse from everything Jewish.
It’s a good start.
They own the money, but we’re not forced to consume their culture.
They don’t own our productivity, which we on a daily basis hand over to them for the sake of convenience. The good news is we could switch tracks tomorrow and trade whiskey or jars of pickles (Novosibirsk Russia 1995). We build the houses, they just count shekels and cannot build things.
Briefly the first zionists, who had some sand and realized their racial faults, built houses, farms, and infrastructure. Now they’re addicted to low cost Palestinian labor.
It’s time to produce our own mass culture.
Dude, 11 years ago I started working on a boardgame about an industrial breakaway from government and armies. The same technology that will zap icbms and fighter planes out of the sky, we will use to drill into the earth. Finance, armies, governments, legal system, all of it hits the dustbin when this gets going because it will be tricky tech and barely working at that high a power level. Which means us working stiffs. I’ve got scripts, I’ve got parts of the electronic board built. It’s 70% complete but I haven’t been able to invest in it or build for awhile, COVID and divorce hit me hard.
I’m trying.
No offense but it’s not like I’m standing against any of the things you’re saying, what’s with this response?
All I’ve mentioned in this discussion is the industry itself and the untrustworthy numbers we get downstream
What is with that simple idea, that everyone has such a fucking issue with?
Seriously, what is up?
So you are tired of American females and feminism, and “the liberal agenda” so you plan on marrying a Scandinavian?
Am I reading this correctly?
The term “mickey mouse†has been in use as a demeaning adjective for a long time
Occupy Wall Street started from the right. Then, after a week, (((CNN))) said: “Oy vey!!! (((We))) don’t know what they want?!?!” and bused in dreadlocked, smelly hippies (actors) to ruin it. Suddenly, when it came to (((banks))), (((CNN))) was on the side of “evil” corporations. lolzozozoozz
It’s all so obvious since about 2012.
All one has to do to understand anything is be in favor of whatever (((CNN))) is against (e.g., Russian white Christians; normal white families), or be against whatever (((CNN))) is for (e.g, (((Ukraine money laundering))); raping babies; forced trannyism; Israel and (((Ukraine))) being the hub for sex slavery using Russian and Ukrainian women as sex slaves).
But I agree with your comment, too.
The Tang Dynasty promoted feminism and ethnic pluralism, which eventually led to a peasant uprising that wiped out the entire aristocracy.
During the Jin Dynasty, the upper echelons began to try to popularize drugs to paralyze the lower masses. This eventually led to barbarian invasions from the north.
Very interesting. History truly repeats itself. I remember Anthony Ludovici writing about how feminism normally appears when a civilization is about to collapse like towards the end days of Greek civilization or the Roman Empire.
We should disconnect en masse from everything Jewish. They own the money, but we’re not forced to consume their culture. It’s time to produce our own mass culture.
It's a good start.
We should disconnect en masse from everything Jewish.
They don't own our productivity, which we on a daily basis hand over to them for the sake of convenience. The good news is we could switch tracks tomorrow and trade whiskey or jars of pickles (Novosibirsk Russia 1995). We build the houses, they just count shekels and cannot build things.
They own the money, but we’re not forced to consume their culture.
Dude, 11 years ago I started working on a boardgame about an industrial breakaway from government and armies. The same technology that will zap icbms and fighter planes out of the sky, we will use to drill into the earth. Finance, armies, governments, legal system, all of it hits the dustbin when this gets going because it will be tricky tech and barely working at that high a power level. Which means us working stiffs. I've got scripts, I've got parts of the electronic board built. It's 70% complete but I haven't been able to invest in it or build for awhile, COVID and divorce hit me hard.
It’s time to produce our own mass culture.
The iconography is of Astraea, daughter of Zeus and Themis (= Iustitia)
and masonic symbol of hope (the last goddess to leave the cursed Earth
and the first who will return).
Anyone who is not a sick, deranged freak would not want the “correctness” of his views tracked by the Government. Not all of us view George Orwell’s 1984 as an instruction manual. I guess you Chinese folks do. #GreatestSadness!
One needs only to see the way she is built to realize that woman is not intended for great mental or for great physical labor. She expiates the guilt of life not through activity but through suffering, through the pains of childbirth, caring for the child and subjection to the man, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion. Great suffering, joy, exertion, is not for her: her life should flow by more quietly, trivially, gently than the man’s without being essentially happier or unhappier.
Women are suited to being the nurses and teachers of our earliest childhood precisely because they themselves are childish, silly and short-sighted, in a word big children, their whole lives long: a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the man, who is the actual human being, ‘man’. One has only to watch a girl playing with a child, dancing and singing with it the whole day, and then ask oneself what, with the best will in the world, a man could do in her place.
–Arthur Schopenhauer
According to Christopher Knowles it's Mithra dressed up as a woman.Replies: @profnasty, @Pendragon
Is the Statute of Liberty Jewish or Catholic?
It comes from France but has a plague on it by the Jew Emma Lazarus promoting the immigration of the genetic scum of the world into America. America is doomed to failure because Amereicans are inferior genetic peasants who are mere hustlers or unsophisticated anti-intellectual business people. Americans think they can replace proper aristocratic breeding titles with mere college degrees. Meanwhile American college is merely highschool 2.0 that does not teach Socratic critical thinking but merely mostly Jewish propaganda taught as fact as if handed down from the Jewish ‘God’ Yahweh — that is not be questioned Goy ! As a result Americans don’t reach college level reading until graduate school if the ever do , they are generally relatively innumerate and are mediocre at science ! Also, the cherry on top is only two Americans know history and while history doesn’t repeat it often ryhmes.
Don’t you understand?
Although Star Wars is a niche culture in China, I love the Star Wars series.
Even if it was going to ruin, I had to go to the cinema to pay my respects.
I’m witnessing the end of Luke and Leia Han Solo, even if it’s in a way that I can’t accept.
By the way, movie tickets are the free benefit I chose for the company’s birthday event.
There were a dozen, and I still can’t use them all, so I didn’t spend any money.
Besides, movie tickets are getting more and more expensive these days, and people don’t get bored enough to waste their time going to the movies unless they’re with friends or family.
As for what you think about conservatives and Christians complaining about Hollywood and still going to see it, that’s because you don’t have film censorship.
We don’t have R-rated movies to watch, movies that are too violent, gory, values-exporting, or have negative values will be banned by the cultural watchdog.
Hollywood values have not been able to contaminate us.
The Little Mermaid is a classic example. If you look at the box office of the Little Mermaid, probably only domestic critics in China went to see the film, and critics generally think the Little Mermaid is more like Xenomorph.
Films like Alien are also completely unavailable in China.
So, white clown, don’t think that when you have a problem, someone else has one.
We don’t have these problems, and the reason I suspect is that we have a higher average IQ than you do, so we’re not as easily manipulated by the Jews as you are, and we have a more holistic perspective than you do.
You actually have no cultural heritage, the history of the state is only a few hundred years, and perhaps the most classic battle in culture is the Battle of Yavin.
I recommend you to read more Chinese history, all kinds of books. In fact, these are the cultural invasion tactics of the Jews that we have used for thousands of years.
The Tang Dynasty promoted feminism and ethnic pluralism, which eventually led to a peasant uprising that wiped out the entire aristocracy.
During the Jin Dynasty, the upper echelons began to try to popularize drugs to paralyze the lower masses. This eventually led to barbarian invasions from the north.
Now that you have all of the above, why don’t you build guns, sharpen knives, unite whatever you can, ordinary conservative values Jews, Indians, East Asians, Hispanics, and cut off the heads of those Jews at the top?
Why should they have the wealth they gained by contaminating your values?
Is it because you’re better at producing cowards? Or has the drug paralyzed your nerves so much that you can no longer resist?
战斗啊,懦夫ï¼æˆ˜æ–—ï¼å¤ºå›žä¸€åˆ‡åº”è¯¥å±žäºŽä½ ä»¬çš„ä¸œè¥¿ï¼
Very interesting. History truly repeats itself. I remember Anthony Ludovici writing about how feminism normally appears when a civilization is about to collapse like towards the end days of Greek civilization or the Roman Empire.
The Tang Dynasty promoted feminism and ethnic pluralism, which eventually led to a peasant uprising that wiped out the entire aristocracy.
During the Jin Dynasty, the upper echelons began to try to popularize drugs to paralyze the lower masses. This eventually led to barbarian invasions from the north.
Good for you smartboy.
At the top level, it’s not about money. They don’t need to worry about making money because they PRINT the money.
There is a huge difference between corporate and small business capitalism.
I live in rural America where the small business owners are sometimes friends with each other.
I’m also familiar with corporate America where they’d pimp out your mom for a dollar if it meant their stock would go up a percentage point.
Capitalism doesn’t have to be amoral and ruthless. The faceless nature of the corporation is a huge part of the problem. I went from snickering at leftist criticisms of corporate capitalism to seeing it first hand and being disgusted.
Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted you. My apologies.
The world as it is these days doesn’t seem to have much use for the middle path. That’s unfortunate.
At the top level, it’s not about money. They don’t need to worry about making money because they PRINT the money.
Good for you smartboy.
I know. Everyone knows it’s a nonsense system. I get that. I’m not disputing that.
All I’m saying, over and over because so many smart boy retards think they’re arguing a point when I didn’t claim any of the shit you’re supposedly refuting here, is that the numbers are funny and have been for a long time.
That’s all I’m fucking saying.
If you want to add more to the conversation that’s great.
But don’t pretend you’re teaching me a lesson.
Entertainment industry is a long gravy train with lots of hand out and the “losses” ain’t always losses.
Do you need this tattooed on your forehead in reverse or are you listening to the only thing i actually said yet?
What the fuck people, seriously I never said the money isn’t funny.
I never said profits are their number one goal.
get fucking over yourselves already and actually read what you are supposedly arguing against!
What are we at four “refutations” that have all refused to actually fucking read what I posted?
Geniuses here. Real SMRT.
According to Christopher Knowles it's Mithra dressed up as a woman.Replies: @profnasty, @Pendragon
Is the Statute of Liberty Jewish or Catholic?
So, Jewish.
Stop making excuses!The issue is White males having devolved into weak, self-castrated, cowardly cucks.Whites were minorities on plantations. They still ran 'em.The Brits were outnumbered at Agincourt. Henry 5's boyos still won.The Pats were down 28-3 during the 3rd-quarter of Super Bowl 51. Brady's bunch still won.Also, White males united and destroyed Bud Light.The problem: Whites, especially male conservative Christians, lost faith. They no longer fight back. Instead, they act like prison punks...dropping trou and bending over to be anally-rogered at the first sign of conflict.Pathetic. What kind of "men" refuse to fight for their own kids?Replies: @profnasty
Problem being, along with Jews, they’ve got us Whites outnumbered.
Our court system is run by Jews. They throw White men into torture prisons on almost any pretext.
It’s a powerful weapon, and it ain’t goin away.
You got that… sorta right!
A white man shouldn't be with a "buxom Japanese woman," That would make him a race-traitor and an all around sellout and piece of shit.
I don’t remember the name of the movie in which a White man gives up his buxom Japanese woman to a Black man… voluntarily.
USer white men know white women like fish know water.
It means: American women are unattractive; go to France or Denmark.
It is common knowledge that the theatres keep as much as 50% on new releases. I know. I could break this down for you into little pieces but you are missing the point. I'm not using real numbers from a real movie maybe I should have but eh you can look all this up for yourself, the hauls are on IMDB and the budgets are in the trade mags. About 15 years ago they started to come clean on the marketing which is generally 50% of the budget for the big movies.
They don’t own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.
At the top level, it’s not about money. They don’t need to worry about making money because they PRINT the money.
In order to get the propaganda into the heads of people, however, they need to pay talented people to adjust the propaganda accordingly to make it digestible. This has been the case since silent movies and nothing has changed.
When you understand what it is TRULY ABOUT in lieu of money, then we can have a proper conversation.
Good for you smartboy.
At the top level, it’s not about money. They don’t need to worry about making money because they PRINT the money.
Oh, the NYT and LAT went bankrupt. I must have had a long nap.
It´s hard to understand how such a movie was produced by 90s Disney.
They plagiarized a Japanese manga from the 60s (“Janguru Taitei”, roughly
“Emperor of the Jungle”; actually the very first Japanese-produced color TV series)
and the storyline leaves no room for woking up (further).
They don't own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.Replies: @Looger, @The Germ Theory of Disease
Studio A releases a movie. They spent $100M making it and marketing it. They only took in $90M. But because they OWN all of the above, they didn’t really LOSE MONEY.
“nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.”
Newspapers, eh? Tell me… who owns the gramophones that play the announcements?
Jews were specialists in the slave trade within the Muslim world. Indeed they held monopoly over janisary (conscripting Christians to fight for the sultan) contracting and the harem (pimping white slavery).
The galley slaves were often bartered and traded by Jews too. The great irony of Ben Hur is that a Jew was made do the rowing. Lol. He’d have been the merchant at the port selling the captain a few men to replace the dead instead.
In the Middle Ages, the Knights Hospitaller, an order of fighting monks who specialised in medical care, used captured Muslim slaves – and debtors, bizarrely – to pull their oars; and their great enemies, the Ottomans, repaid the compliment by chaining Christians to the benches. After the Battle of Lepanto, in 1571, 12,000 Christian slaves were freed from the galleys of the Turks. The fearsome Barbary pirates (16th to the 19th centuries) also used Christian slaves in their galleys. It’s been estimated that more than a million Europeans were captured by these Muslim rovers and sold into slavery in North Africa and their raids sometimes ranged as far north as Ireland.
It’s understood that this Ottoman Admiral was a Jew. Although the Wiki page blots this out. Yet there they are directing the Sultan’s navy.
Besides all that, the capture and enslavement of these Europeans was highly profitable and Jews in the Ottoman Empire were often Tax Farmers with powers of arrest and eviction. If you couldn’t pay the Jew off you went to the galley or the Janissary barracks.
They don't own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.Replies: @Looger, @The Germ Theory of Disease
Studio A releases a movie. They spent $100M making it and marketing it. They only took in $90M. But because they OWN all of the above, they didn’t really LOSE MONEY.
They don’t own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.
It is common knowledge that the theatres keep as much as 50% on new releases. I know. I could break this down for you into little pieces but you are missing the point. I’m not using real numbers from a real movie maybe I should have but eh you can look all this up for yourself, the hauls are on IMDB and the budgets are in the trade mags. About 15 years ago they started to come clean on the marketing which is generally 50% of the budget for the big movies.
If the 15 or 20 companies that are listed as “loss” on the studio’s ledger, ALL run a profit because they are BUSINESSES (yes including the marketing firms who buy advertising in newspapers), then perhaps the OWNERSHIP of said BUSINESSES should be taken into account.
On top of that is the shell-company nature of the studios themselves. Tell me how Orion Pictures can go broke after string of 1980s Mega-hits? Suddenly they just “pop” go away? Somehow of course they’re “back” now…
You really think unions and Jews and the fucking giant gravy train that is Southern California is telling you the truth?
Sure man.
Go with that.
And let’s look at the #1 expense these days in giant blockbuster movies: THE FUCKING ACTORS!
But before you get that $30M, well first we have to pay the Jew agent. Then if you don’t play ball with us on your investments and financial advisors, then you don’t get the job at all. It’s rare that actors get seriously rich enough to step away from all of it, like all ticket-takers they have to keep working to maintain what they have. And when they don’t tow the line, suddenly you’re “Crazy” Randy Quaid and you can’t even live in your guest house because your financial advisors kick you off your land!
Dude, you’ve got hollyweird wax in your fucking ears or you’re a brainwashed fucking retard.
I’m done here. Discussion over. For all of you who can’t do math or don’t know shit about business.
Is there any footage anywhere?Replies: @Wokechoke
from out of nowhere onto the stage comes this barefoot, middle-aged Jewish woman with an enormous ass, dressed as an African, whose sexualized dance amounted to stomping around and grinding or twerking her fat ass in the direction of the assembled parents and kids. Kwanza or something like that.
Masked Singer struck me as a little satanic.
80s-90s Disney was mostly feminist propaganda, with some lighter touches of diversity propaganda. Conservatives view these 80s-90s films as wholesome because conservatives are feminists who like light diversity (implicitly white supremacist diversity), but in reality 80s-90s Disney was just as bad. Honestly, it was probably worse because the propaganda was more subtle. The newer propaganda is more hamfisted and beats people over the head with the agenda, so it is not as effective, often producing the opposite of the desired effect.
The only exception with 80s-90s Disney is The Lion King, which is one of the most traditionalist movies ever made. It’s hard to understand how such a movie was produced by 90s Disney.
They plagiarized a Japanese manga from the 60s ("Janguru Taitei", roughly
It´s hard to understand how such a movie was produced by 90s Disney.
American libtards always equate “diverse” with “more blacks,” despite blacks not being the largest percentage of “diversity” even in the USA. Hispanics are a higher percentage, but they almost seem rare in American media. I would estimate that Blacks are overrepresented in US media probably by a factor of 3 or 4, while Hispanics are underrepresented by a factor of 10 or more. This is because of the Jews and the white American libtards. The American libtards have their historical masochistic “white savior” relationship with blacks. Jews, on the other hand, equate “diverse” with “more blacks” because Jews know that blacks are the most viscerally repulsive, so they best fit the Jew’s anti-beauty and anti-white agendas. Even though it doesn’t fit their “globalist” agenda as well, because Asian people don’t really want to look at blacks, Jews prioritize being anti-beauty and anti-white.
It’s interesting to compare White libtards and Jews. They are often in agreement, but almost always for different reasons. White libtards genuinely believe that their BS will make the world a better place (a utopia) because white libtards are very stupid people. Jews know that their BS will make the world worse and support it because they want to harm goyim (of all races).
That video came a whisker away from being a happy ending..
Studio A releases a movie. They spent $100M making it and marketing it. They only took in $90M. But because they OWN all of the above, they didn’t really LOSE MONEY.
They don’t own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.
It is common knowledge that the theatres keep as much as 50% on new releases. I know. I could break this down for you into little pieces but you are missing the point. I'm not using real numbers from a real movie maybe I should have but eh you can look all this up for yourself, the hauls are on IMDB and the budgets are in the trade mags. About 15 years ago they started to come clean on the marketing which is generally 50% of the budget for the big movies.
They don’t own the movie theaters which take 34-50% of the revenue, nor do they own the newspapers which run the ads.
I’ve seen better looking dugongs.
and I must salute you for your defense of white dignity
It’s a dissipating line.
Because of the population base, the Chinese market will generate a huge market even if most people do not like it.
Yes we all get that the Chinese market is large by volume. Don’t need a lecture on the basics.
That doesn’t change the fact that the Chinese who go to the movies are choosing total garbage. They’re paying full price for movies like Transformers and Meg 2. Nothing is forcing those Chinese to watch those movies instead of staying home where there are endless alternatives on youtube.
In my case, I just went to see Star Wars 7,8,9 because of my feelings for the Star Wars series, and outside of me, the entire theater was almost empty.
You’re trying to tell us that the Chinese aren’t watching Disney crap and by your own admission went to every one of the Katheleen Kennedy sequels? Let me guess…..you had your own reasons that separate you from the population? Did you pay full price or matinee?
You should expect us to act like saviors and save you from the rape of the Jewish media.
You won’t be saving anyone and you are in the exact same boat. You dislike Hollywood values and yet went to every one of the garbage SW sequels. The worst ones. You paid for them.
This is exactly what happens in rural America. Conservatives and Christians complain about Hollywood and yet my local theater is always packed on the weekends. You will see parents taking 13 year olds to rated R movies. Nothing is stopping them from taking those same teenagers on a walk or to sports practice.
If there is ever a challenge to the Hollywood hegemony it won’t be from our worthless conservatives. At best China will favor local production and Hollywood will focus on the rest of the globe. But that is years away and the Chinese could easily slip into the same path as American conservatives where they complain about Hollywood and then pay full price for total garbage.
The bitch died of crack back in the 90s. I thought that you liked little boys though incel?
The post saying it’s bait, is bait. But, this is Soviet America. Backwards day is every day.
In Soviet America, trolls rage at you!
implying that men of all races don’t tend to be conformist, too
you clods are all products of your society, you like and you do every goddamn thing as everyone else in your age/race/economic bracket, you only think because you don’t toe the line as hard as women on certain matters you’re nonconformist, lol, whatever helps you to feel special I guess…
furries are the new red scare now, just watching bambi makes someone a furry, lol
you’re an idiot