Hello David Boyajian and the participants at the Ron Unz website.
There is another item that I would like to add to your list David:
During the first presidency of Donald Trump it came to pass that the US Congress –both the House of Representatives and the Senate– passed a bill to recognize the genocide carried out by the Turks against the Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century. For many decades the lobby of the Jews has worked against the recognizing by the Americans. However, that Bill passed the US Congress with a great majority. The only person back then who was against it was Donald Trump, he refused to sign it into law. Apparently his relationship with Turkey was more important to him than the Christian heritage of the Armenians; them being an ancient people, much older than the Turks in this region. If anyone has been here for “thousands„ of years it’s the Armenians, not the Turks!
At some point during his first presidency –it may have been at one of the gatherings related to what they call the National Prayer Service– Donald Trump said that he would come out with a strong arm against those who suppress the Christians in the Middle East.
At that time I wondered: Would he even know who the (real) Christians are in the Middle East?
Being blinded by the influence of the God-hating Israelis, he seems to have accepted the belief that anti-Christ people are the chosen people of God.
But as I already wrote at the end of my recent article called “so help me God„ –How the Babylonians trick American presidents to acknowledge their idolatry– which I published on January 27th 2025 at my domain:
“There is no concord of Christ with Belial!„
tl;dr: trump is a narcissist with daddy issues. erdogan (and to varying degrees “netanyahu” and yoon and kim and bolsonaro and etc) are his mirror image(s) as well as his father(s).
and turkey is basically “israel” with an actual history and culture and better food they actually invented themselves. but still a land grabbing bunch of assholes living in the 1910s who would steal the coins off a dead man’s eyes.
Turkey’s rogue regime has cozied up to Moscow and supported ISIS, al-Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), and other terrorist organizations.
Fixed it:
Turkey’s rogue regime has cozied up to Moscow and supported ISIS, al-Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), and other terrorist organizations funded by the CIA.
We live in an alternative universe. Pointing out injustices (real or perceived) seem perfectly OK for the controlled opinion makers when the transgressions negatively affect allies of the US State Dept. But woe to ANY victim if the USSD wants to see them destroyed, no matter how innocent. Then articles like these are smeared as propaganda pieces. Pffft.
Turkey appears to be the United States of Israel’s controlled opposition.
Trump, Netanyahu and Erdogan are all birds of a feather, even grandiose narcissists need friends.
Trump kicks off putting America first again by levying tariffs left right and center thereby increasing the cost of living for average joe. Billionaires telling the peasants that there will be a little pain, but it will benefit them in the long run, that’s the art of the deal.
Sit verbo venia but this is Falun Gong-level obfuscation, informed by historical
animus while pretending to have someone else´s best interests at heart.
– That Sultan Reccep I exploits the geographical catbird seat to the utmost can
hardly be held against him – after all he has to live with the consequences.
The S-400 were a way of getting out from under the US weapons racket
(price gouging and backdoors); being “denied” the F-35 was a bonus
– “ISIS” is an USraeli project and always has been.
Let us however delve deeper into the actual undercurrents …
– The “Armenian genocide” was an internal purge of Ittihad (the “Young Turks”
were not Türks, and “young” is 19th centuryspeak for “Jew”), the Dönme* wanted to
be rid of the competition (Armenians had their own strong diaspora in France and
the US which the Jews resented, and they did conspire with Czarist Russia which
the Jews despised); the Pashas Enver, Talaat and Djemal (“the Triumvirate”) were
The newly-beloved PKK YPG SDF Kurdish rabble were enthusiastic
participants in the Armenian measures.
– The “Natzee-adjacent Turks” were the Kemalists, traditionally backed by the army
and the Alewite Kurds after the Dönme (Mehmet Djavid Bej) were purged in 1926
(Mustafa Kemal himself attended a Dönme academy in Saloniki “because his father
wanted the modern education” but was of Persian-Albanian extraction).
– Sultan Reccep I toppled the Kemalists, backed by Sunni Anatolian backwoodspersons
(the anti-secular reaction was never far below the surface; Mustafa Kemal endeavoured
to make Türkiye a European country but one heroic lifetime was not enough);
inhowfar that constitutes a Dönme resurgence I´m unable to say.
*Dönme roughly “renegades” or “those who have left their faith”, crypto-Jew
followers of Schabtai Zwi.
Fixed it:
Turkey’s rogue regime has cozied up to Moscow and supported ISIS, al-Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), and other terrorist organizations.
Thanks. It's all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse -- or rather, sudden success -- as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we're led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I'm skeptical.
'I like this article.'
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
I was in Istanbul in 2014 and I remember a Syrian woman selling plastic bottles of water, calling out moy!, which I understand is Syrian Arabic dialect for “water”.
Conflict between Turks/Turkish Kurds and Syrian refugees for low-wage jobs in the midst of economic crisis has been extensive, and ErdoÄŸan seeking to drive them back en masse is a real possibility, even though Al Qaeda rump Syria shows every sign of being a sh^thole going forward.
‘I like this article.’
Thanks. It’s all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse — or rather, sudden success — as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we’re led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I’m skeptical.
Otherwise, this in particular is depressing:
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
Finally, one point that is overlooked is that Turks have been getting very tired of their Syrian refugee population. Syrians were a big presence when I was there — and that was ten years ago.
Erdogan is definitely a populist, and he’s definitely going to want to shove the Syrians back into Syria. So that’s going to happen, and it won’t improve matters as far as Syria is concerned. Cue media outrage at Turkish barbarities — depending on what suits Israel, of course.
‘6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs’
Yeah, but that’s Turkey’s side. Israel always has to have an enemy, so if her manly urges are otherwise blocked…
‘The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.’
They’re not the first. There’s us, for example. Then there’s King Abdullah of Jordan. He thought he was going to be able to work with the Zionists.
It’s possible even the British thought all that stuff about a National Home not being an independent nation (perish the thought) was honestly intended.
Mortgages in Russia are now subsidized and directly regulated by the government. The key rate affects this only indirectly.
Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether. �
Thanks for your invitation to my backside, even so you are not the host; bloody poofter, get off my back! Your (and my) response must be very pleasing to your chief Jews.
Besides your back-problems I would like to think that you are right with your exclamation, because I wish all Russians all the best – excluding all Jews and their Antifa poisonings – bloodying the soul of Russia for over „200 years“ and everyone associated with Russia… (I assume you even despise my best wishes for Russians).
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glazyev noted in a conversation with Tsargrad TV that it is now impossible to find an investment project at 20% per annum, and deposit rates make it possible to earn even more without making any effort. Accordingly, the choice is obvious: why take risks when you can get a guaranteed profit, and a more impressive one at that?
„In the end, what did this lead to? To the fact that banks have stopped lending to productive projects. Well, only if state owned banks are forced to reluctantly lend something sometimes to someone on instructions from above. But the share of investment loans for the real sector in the assets of our largest banks is about 5%. And it tends to decrease. In other words, commercial banks, including state-owned ones, have stopped working as banks. They do not fulfill their main function – the transformation of savings into investments, Instead, financial institutions simply take savings at a high rate and invest this money not in the development of the economy, but place it on deposit with the Central Bank. And the Central Bank prints more and more money, more and more, to pay the banks this insane percentage. This is an absolutely absurd policy that leads the country to the abyss, to degradation,
And there are about 3-4 trillion rubles on deposits. And then there are Central Bank bonds. (sic) So why does the regulator pay insane interest – at the level of the key rate-on deposits, rewarding commercial banks for not working – just putting money together and doing nothing? By issuing money, of course, by printing money,“
Glazyev noted.
The effect is that the Ruble and with it the Russian purchasing power is again and again decreasing.
To ease your pain: It is the same here, it is the same everywhere; apart from Jew & hyena. They just take x-times more out of the till to not just make up mutliple times for their caused inflation, but to use it to prey on the cheap side on defaults of inflation. Slawa Russia and to hell with… you?
July 2024 saw a sharp 71% increase in corporate lending in Russia, and for the first time it will not be able to be covered by oil and gas revenues, which now amount to about $ 250 billion and are falling.
Since February 2022, a hidden military budget was introduced to amendments to the law “On State Defense Order”, when banks, under state pressure, began to issue almost non-repayable loans to military-industrial enterprises. Military spending has its own caveat. A loan issued for a conditional agricultural combine will bring profit for 10-15 years, since it drives, it is there! Shells and tanks as war-consumables shot and do not. Although it is expensive, the costs are mostly covered by sales from oil and gas. Such a large flow of money increases the growth of inflation (money printing) and as the greatest mistake the growth of the key rate, which suffocates small businesses with huge interest rates on loans.
Maxim Kalashnikov talks about a recent article by Ex-Morgan Stanley banker Craig Kennedy, in which he examines the prerequisites for the financial crisis in Russia. (I lost the link).
MK’s article correlates VERY WELL with the latest steps taken by the Jewnighted States of Israhell on Europe, which are seeking to further reduce Russia’s oil and gas revenues in the short term, which in the future may lead to a severe crisis if Russia allows The Elvirus to keep putting Jewmerican policy on Russia.
Numerous attacks on oil refineries by UAVs of the Jewkrainian Evil Forces, stopping the supply of Russian gas to Europe – all links in the same chain with one task: The sanctions lever will be used by the Jewed global West against Russia as long as possible, until you are disarmed from nuclear weapons and completely destroyed. Only a complete victory over the Jewish regimes inside and outside of Russia can put an end to this. Any “agreement” without destroying Russian enemies within and outside will not imply the lifting of sanctions – as Jewed down Anglo-American politicians openly say. The noose will be reaped for years to come.
As long as Jewmerica has its regime in Kiev.
Kalashnikov calls for changing the course of the war – a long trench meat grinder will eventually end either with the depletion of the army and a counterattack by the enemy, or with the freezing of the front for natural reasons with the resulting crisis and collapse of the Russian economy.
AK- sound is the only language Jew & hyena understand and you do the Jews’ bidding for attacking Russia’s true friends – lovers of truth.
It hasn’t taken long for them to fall out.
Mulga Mumblebrain writes:
Yeah, China’s ‘fragile’. It only possesses, according to the Pentagon, 233 times the ship-building capacity of the USA…or, as Napoleon said, ‘Never disturb the enemy when he is making a mistake’.
What is this in reference to? Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Are you saying that China is wasting big money on shipbuilding and America shouldn’t disturb the Chinese from building more boats?
Is it China who keep silent and not tell America to build more boats?
Largely true, especially point 6. ErdoÄŸan is a hot-air specialist.
Yeah, but that's Turkey's side. Israel always has to have an enemy, so if her manly urges are otherwise blocked...
'6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs'
Yeah, China’s ‘fragile’. It only possesses, according to the Pentagon, 233 times the ship-building capacity of the USA. That is 23,300 percent greater. According to Sun Zi, the best victory is gained without fighting, or, as Napoleon said, ‘Never disturb the enemy when he is making a mistake’.
You liar Troll. Do you think the zionist Russia would have given the technology to Iran, fool? Russia Didn’t transfer RADAR liar to Iran when Iran paid the down payment, and had to build it themselves. Iran bought the obsolete S-300 and paid the price, but Putin, due to US-Israel order promising CONCESSION, did not transfer the the goods Iran had purchased earlier, liar. Iran had to go to International Organization to push Russia to transfer after years of fighting. Now, do you, Troll, think that zionist Russia, a coward and weak country, gives such a technology to Iran? US does not have this technology with HIGH maneuverability which is an important asset to have, while American supersonic DOES NOT have it where put Iran in a better position. Do you think the coward and zionist Russians give Iran such a technology to be able to defend herself against fucking Americans?
Russia is in bed with the west against Iran, liar. Russia is using Iran as a bargaining chip to get concession from the West, like when sold Libya and Syria.That’s why the Iranian are changing their policy regarding Russia since the Syrian fall where Putin made it possible to be able to get concession in Ukraine, idiot.
Why fucking Putin has not transfered Su-35 and S-400 to Iran that was agreed to give long time ago in exchange for the Iranian drones and missiles. Iran transferred to Russia where helped her to change the momentum. Iranian policy has been changed since lost of Syria. they are looking for a better relations with the West in order to have a balanced relations with Russia, so Russia is not able to stab Iran in the back AGAIN and sell Iran for concession from Trump.
Why does not Russia transfer S-400 to Iran but has sold S-400 to Turkey, a NATO member and an enemy of Iran, long time ago? Why does Russia is strengthening the hands of Iran’s enemy, Turkey, if Russia is really a strategic partner of Iran? Wake up and Get lost, Russian Troll.
The Jerusalem Post:
“There is a chance of a future military confrontation between Israel and Turkey,†Prof. Efrat Aviv, an expert on Turkey from Bar-Ilan’s Department of General History and Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, told The Media Line. “This is unprecedented, as are all events witnessed in the region recently.â€
I think this guy just accidentally took all the air out of the idea in ten seconds of yammering under the yamalka.
Think of the setting first:
1) Turkey and Israel have ALREADY been at proximity due to ongoing operations inside and above Syria for a DECADE or more
2) Israel only fights those who cannot fight back (Arabs)
3) The two countries are non-Arab players in an Arabic region, that is, two wolves among sheep
4) Their list of mutual aquaintences includes the Gulf States, organized Islamic terror in general, and the USA
5) Turkey has only recently NOT relied on Israel for equipment upgrades to F-16 fighters for example
6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs
Now with all of the above, what REALLY has changed on the ground with the toppling of Assad? The zones of control on the map haven’t shifted all that much, Israel is closer to Damascus and Turkey was already overflying and fighting on that border with incursions against the Kurds. USA is still in there balls-deep. The Kurds are promised all things by all sides and still get shafted (nothing new going back at least to the 80s).
Was Assad really keeping anything but Damascus, and how was that little sliver preventing Israel and Turkey from meeting in the middle?
I don’t see the shift.
no one but the russians have such advanced skills, why do you think the combined west and israel don’t have them? must suck to be a nafo troll these days, why don’t you get a real job? i hear 7-11 is hiring.
this proves what an idiot you are, if putin was in bed with your zionist masters they would have hypersonic missiles, troll. instead your stuck with antiqued u.s. garbage like your useless missile defense systems that were so humiliated by iranian and houthis hypersonic missiles.
the reason putin sold s-400’s to turkiye , was to drive a wedge between them and zato, which it did beautifully and now the russians, iranians and turks are all working together, whether you can figure it out or not, moron.
sure looks like the russians are helping out with iran building air defenses as well, judging by they way they shut down your last zionist attack that involved over 100 fighter jet of israel and the u.s. combined, how embarrassing for you.
Why Israel does not have hypersonic ballistic missiles when is in bed with coward Putin, idiot? Why the terrorist Erdogan who is close to coward and zionist Putin does not have it. Turkey is very close to fucking Russia, so Israel, liar? Russia sold S-400 to Turkey long time ago but NOT to Iran, Troll.
Shut up Russian TROLL!
[{Metallurgical skills are used in the extraction, processing, and refining of metals, including activities like mineral processing, metal production, heat treatment, failure analysis, and joining metals through welding, brazing, and soldering; essentially, any application where understanding the properties of metals and alloys is crucial to create useful products across various industries like automotive, aerospace, construction, and healthcare. }}
Do you think Iran does not have this fucking skill?
I like this article.
Thanks. It's all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse -- or rather, sudden success -- as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we're led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I'm skeptical.
'I like this article.'
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
I take your point about Wikipedia but I am a Turkish speaker and have followed developments in that country since the 1990s. This group was active in the 1990s and particularly targeted with assassination suspected PKK supporters, while seeking to recruit pious Kurdish youth, and its activities met with little interference from the Turkish state at the time. Its enemies sometimes referred to the group as Hizbullah-Kontra. The Turkish state suddenly moved against the group in 2000, sometimes finding the mummified bodies of its victims in safehouses. By 2000, however, PKK leader Öcalan was in custody and the Turkish state arguably no longer needed its embarrassing deep state pals.
This group has in any case never been an Iran proxy – it recruits among Sunnis, not Shia or the approximate equivalent in Turkey, Alevis.
It is hard to see Iran using Kurds against Turkey – it has its own restive Kurdish minority, and Iranian state forces have sometimes clashed with PJAK, an extension of the PKK active among Iranian Kurds.
Replies: @Notsofast
Key points about Iran's "Fattah" missile:
Name: "Fattah" translates to "conqueror" in Persian.
Type: Hypersonic ballistic missile
capabilities: High speed (Mach 15), maneuverability to evade defenses, and a range of 1,400 kilometers. According to available information, Iran's "Fattah" hypersonic ballistic missile is reported to reach speeds of up to Mach 15 (15 times the speed of sound)
Developer: Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
Capability: Considered a significant advancement in Iran's missile technology due to its potential for high maneuverability at hypersonic speed. �
you are an idiot and a nafo troll, who doesn’t understand the metallurgical skills necessary, to develop these missiles. iran did not develop these on their own. isn’t it funny the only countries that have hypersonic missiles are working closely with the russians?
Press TV, Iran’s English-language TV station, seems a bit wobbly on the issue of Syria, perhaps reflecting disagreements in Iran’s government. Some items seem to favour dealings with the new government, if it can be called that, while others mention the less salubrious side of the new dispensation, like a “moderate Sunni cleric” being found dead recently in the outskirts of Damascus days after being kidnapped, with signs of torture on his body.
Predictable enough developments.
Wikipedia articles are largely written by employees of federal agencies and various intelligence services. These kinds of articles are the worst offenders because they are ideological and propaganda backgrounds. Most of the sources used throughout that article, and especially in the section alleging Turkish military support, are suspect or outright unreliable. Most, if not all of these kinds of allegations are based on so-called “testimony” and anyone can make up a story.
With any group that Iran supports, you will find these kinds of allegations and worse, because they (Turkey, NATO, etc) are desperate to discredit Iranian proxies and create internal divisions and conflicts with other militant groups. They do a good at writing Wikipedia articles, but in the real world not so much.
Turkey is deathly afraid of Iran using the Kurds against them and only Iran has the ability to unite the various Kurdish factions (even those that have previously opposed Iran) together in a united front against the Turkish menace. I think the love affair between some of the Kurds and the United States and Israel is beginning to unravel. The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.
They're not the first. There's us, for example. Then there's King Abdullah of Jordan. He thought he was going to be able to work with the Zionists.
'The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.'
This is from the same New York Times that falsely claimed Musk had a meeting with Iranian officials? Even the pathetic low IQ moron Keith Jones at the World Socialist Web Site fell for that one. When once competent sources like the WSWS start treating legacy media as “reliable sources,” you know things are worse than they actually appear.
They are literally just fabricating stories out of thin air again, creating make-believe “sources” like the incompetent Baltimore Sun reporter in “The Wire.” Though if I’m not mistaken, the Times has been caught red handed many times before in the last couple decades doing this. But I don’t think they are going to start apologize, let alone admitting that they are lying so shamelessly.
Post a few more articles about how Israel is winning and completely destroyed Iran’s missile production facilities and completely neutralized their nuclear program and how the Israeli economy is booming and all the ports are busy and Iran is on the brink of collapse.
With all this unstoppable winning, I’m surprised the United States hasn’t conquered the whole of West Asia by now. What’s taking so long?
According to the recent reports, Russia’s hypersonic ballistic missile, often referred to as the “Oreshnik,” is said to travel at speeds exceeding Mach 11, which translates to over 13,000 kilometers per hour (8,000 mph).
Iran hypersonic ballistic missiles travel at speeds Mach 15 with HIGH maneuverability.
US SHOCKED! New Iran Hypersonic Missile Can Destroy US In 30 Sec!
You are a Russian propagandist and a fool. Russia did not sell RADAR to Iran, and Iranian had to build it themselves, then Russia is going to give Iran ‘hypersonic’ idiot? Use your brain if you have.
Russia does not give Iran s-400, but has given Turkey, a NATO country and a terrorist state in bed with Israel and US, then Russia is going to give Iran ‘hypersonic’, liar? Do you really think that Yemen is using Russian hypersonic missiles. Russia is an ally of Israel and has betrayed Iran in Syria. Wake up. Russia was working with Netanyahu against Iranian in Syria, do you think Russia will give Iran hypersonic ballistic missiles, idiot? Russia is against Iran’s enrichment of uranium at home but has been shut up on Israel’s illegal nuclear weapons, liar. When Russia has refused to give a fucking RADAR, do you think is going to give Iran ‘supersonic’?
According to recent reports, Iran claims its “Fattah” missile is a domestically developed hypersonic ballistic missile, meaning it is considered to be indigenous, with Iranian officials stating that it is their first homegrown supersonic missile with high maneuverability to evade missile defense systems.
Key points about Iran’s “Fattah” missile:
Name: “Fattah” translates to “conqueror” in Persian.
Type: Hypersonic ballistic missile
capabilities: High speed (Mach 15), maneuverability to evade defenses, and a range of 1,400 kilometers. According to available information, Iran’s “Fattah” hypersonic ballistic missile is reported to reach speeds of up to Mach 15 (15 times the speed of sound)
Developer: Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
Capability: Considered a significant advancement in Iran’s missile technology due to its potential for high maneuverability at hypersonic speed.
surely these rates simply destabilise the status of corrupt grifters who’ve been profiting from the post Cold War doldrums in Russia?
I think the high key rate and subsidies allow the Russian government to concentrate resources on the right areas of the economy. This is probably the main goal. And it looks like it’s working.
And it is unlikely that these rates affects corrupt grifters more than others. Rather the opposite. They have more opportunities to maintain or increase their legalized capital in conditions of high inflation (with a very high key rate, inflation is also high).
Iranians transferred the weapons they promised to Russia, which helped Russia with their war in Ukraine, yet the world is waiting for Russia to do the same. Iranian officials have denied media reports about the imminent delivery of new Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Iran. Reports in the Iranian media that the country is to receive the latest generation of aircraft in the next few days are incorrect,
Iran has long sought Su-35 fighter aircraft and S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia, according to reports, but Moscow has not yet delivered them. Sept 10, 2024
you’re either a dedicated zafo troll or just a dedicated idiot. isn’t it strange that all those with next generation hypersonic missiles, are allies of russia? let’s assume you’re just ignorant and don’t understand, that the u.s. and it’s vassals, don’t have the metallurgic skills necessary to produce mach 9 and up missiles, hell, they don’t even have a mach 5 missile in service.
the only country advanced enough in metallurgy, is russia, because of their soviet era space program. this is why the u.s. was buying mothballed soviet rocket engines until recently and they still don’t have those skills today. you probably believe the houthis developed the technology on their own, as well. well here’s your education if you’re ignorant or your worst nightmare if a zafo troll, russia has united china, korea, iran and her proxies, in defense treaties and is sharing technology with all of them.
the russian military industrial complex outcompetes all of zato on its own and now has the combined strength of these 4 state owned and run military complexes, it’s over for you. you’re 3 generations and 3 decades behind in the arms race and will never catch up, because they won’t let you catch up. import as many indian engineers as you want but you’re done, your military industrial complex is a ponzi scheme, that can never compete with state own and run industries.
Replies: @Notsofast
Key points about Iran's "Fattah" missile:
Name: "Fattah" translates to "conqueror" in Persian.
Type: Hypersonic ballistic missile
capabilities: High speed (Mach 15), maneuverability to evade defenses, and a range of 1,400 kilometers. According to available information, Iran's "Fattah" hypersonic ballistic missile is reported to reach speeds of up to Mach 15 (15 times the speed of sound)
Developer: Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
Capability: Considered a significant advancement in Iran's missile technology due to its potential for high maneuverability at hypersonic speed. �
Brics will be a trade union until the us$ is replced. The $ will not be replaced with another fiat currency as long as the current paradigm exists that all central banks participate in. Directly interchangeable with specie is the game changer that PE wishfully says is always on the horizon. All it will take is 1.
Iranians transferred the weapons they promised to Russia, which helped Russia with their war in Ukraine, yet the world is waiting for Russia to do the same. Iranian officials have denied media reports about the imminent delivery of new Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Iran. Reports in the Iranian media that the country is to receive the latest generation of aircraft in the next few days are incorrect,
Iran has long sought Su-35 fighter aircraft and S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia, according to reports, but Moscow has not yet delivered them. Sept 10, 2024
Russia has been consistent in it’s betryals of Iran and of Syria. But Syrian Ex- leader Basher was worst enemy of Syria. At least Putin came to understand the nature of forces arrayed aginst him and he took measures. This guy Assad was looking for accecptances byUS UK and their Arabian vassals.
Turkey figured Russia out year’s ago.
Only silver lining for Iran is Russia needs Iran to carry its wares to India or to the sea for distant lands and India wants same route .
Mortgages in Russia are now subsidized and directly regulated by the government. The key rate affects this only indirectly.
Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether. �
Was thinking about this…surely these rates simply destabilise the status of corrupt grifters who’ve been profiting from the post Cold War doldrums in Russia?
I think the high key rate and subsidies allow the Russian government to concentrate resources on the right areas of the economy. This is probably the main goal. And it looks like it's working.
surely these rates simply destabilise the status of corrupt grifters who’ve been profiting from the post Cold War doldrums in Russia?
Right on, @ anon. We need a Tolkien-middle-earth-style ultimate battle of good against evil, where the one ring is wrested away from the Ziomericans and tossed back into the fires from whence it came. Russia, China, and Iran should hire you to run their foreign policies.
You write:
it seems that China still has too much fragility due to trade dependence and lingering shortcomings, to fight the final control-of-earth battle yet.
China seems to be concerned with its sphere of interest in East Asia, and the Chinese have not expressed any desire to fight a final battle for control of the earth. This is a Jewish desire.
Likewise, it is Jews who love war, because they make money and Gentiles die. But rational state actors do not want to see millions of their citizens dead and their cities in ruins.
If Russia can prevail in the Ukraine by a slow grind and winning a war of attrition, then it is preferable to giving NATO an excuse to launch a nuclear assault.
And Iran is surrounded by American military bases and has seen what happened in Iraq. They are walking a tightrope, defending their interests while trying not to provide the Americans with an excuse to start bombing. Conflict avoidance is preferable to having their country destroyed.
Maria Draghi never saved but spent us for his personal banksterdom.
"There’s no Mario Draghi with an ECB bazooka to save the Euro from its new existential crisis."
Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether.
Mortgages in Russia are now subsidized and directly regulated by the government. The key rate affects this only indirectly.
The main problem of the Russian economy is severe overheating and, as a result, a severe shortage of skilled workers and engineers. And again, the key rate has little effect on this due to direct government support.
Everything is very simple. The Russian economy has been successfully operating in an emergency mode for a long time. Nabiullina has done a lot for this.
In short, shove that 21% up your ass.
Pepe Escobar has become so predictable in the way he tries to wrangle positive views of BRICs etc, that he is no longer interesting.
His writing belongs to an earlier phase, when many more of us believed in some kind of ‘opposition’ to the globalist oligarchy, that has turned out to be essentially a mirage – particularly regarding never-really-trying-to-win-the-war Russia, and not-really-resistance Iran.
Many Unz readers and commenters still ‘believe’, but increasingly fewer, as the hopium becomes more and more untenable.
In an end-game way, the Beijing Chinese are likely on their own agenda rather than the globalist one, but it seems that China still has too much fragility due to trade dependence and lingering shortcomings, to fight the final control-of-earth battle yet.
It’s all so sad I no longer laugh recalling Pepe Escobar’s many breathless ‘It’s a game changer!’ articles, and how they were all wrong.
Why are you trying to DECEIVE the public. Russia did not help Iranians to built hypersonic missiles. They made it themselves idiot. Russia did even refuse to sell RADAR to Iran where agreed earlier, but they denied Iran later although Iran had paid down payment for them.
the same country selling them su-35s.
BS. how many years the Russian agreed to sell Iran Su-35, but None has been transferred to Iran. ALL of their words are LIES. It is about, at least, 4 years that fucking Russians suppose to sell Iran Su-35, but nothing has happened. We read in the news:
Iran has long sought Su-35 fighter aircraft and S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia, according to reports, but Moscow has not yet delivered them. Sept 10, 2024
Iranians transferred the weapons they promised to Russia, which helped Russia with their war in Ukraine, yet the world is waiting for Russia to do the same. Iranian officials have denied media reports about the imminent delivery of new Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Iran. Reports in the Iranian media that the country is to receive the latest generation of aircraft in the next few days are incorrect,
What does Iran get for sending drones and ballistic missiles to Russia?
But, Russia completed the deliveries of Su-35 fighter jets to China in 2019.
nukes are so 20th century. iran already has hypersonic weapons, that shred israel’s 20th century defenses, if they wanted to irradiate israel, all they have to do is take out dimona. but why would they want to do that to the palestinians?
who do you think helped the iranians develop their hypersonic missiles that the u.s. and israel don’t have? my guess would be the same country selling them su-35s. russia and iran are better friends than you know.
Iranians transferred the weapons they promised to Russia, which helped Russia with their war in Ukraine, yet the world is waiting for Russia to do the same. Iranian officials have denied media reports about the imminent delivery of new Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Iran. Reports in the Iranian media that the country is to receive the latest generation of aircraft in the next few days are incorrect,
Iran has long sought Su-35 fighter aircraft and S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia, according to reports, but Moscow has not yet delivered them. Sept 10, 2024
Agree. Thank you
Will he defend Iran from an attack by the US and Israel?
The answer it big NO. Not only Putin and Russia won’t defend Iran, like when the US supports Israel, but Putin with NO doubts will cooperates with these genocidal assassins against Iran. Russia supported US and Saddam against Iran in 1980s, sending weapons to Saddam to kill Iranians. Russia has done the same for all of its history, why should be different this time. Russia is using her partners as a bargaining chip to obtain concessions from the west because Russia is WEAK and has no other options. Russia SOLD Libya and Syria, does not hesitate to sell Iran.
This fact is known to every single Iranian, yet they want to sign the ‘security agreement’. I think the reason is not trusting Russia, it is opposite of it. Iran wants to ‘neutralize’ Russia in the case of danger, where I doubt it works. Russia has always cooperated with the West and Israel AGAINST Iran although Iran has signed NPT.
Russia was against Iran’s enrichment of the uranium at home and wanted to be under Russian’s control, but Iran never accepted that. This policy was IDENTICAL to Israel where both were against
Iran enrichment of Uranium at any percentage. Russia and Israel were against Iran’s enrichment at home, period. Thus Russia, at least, three or four times voted yes for the illegal sanctions at the UN against Iran, like Israel. Putin and Netanyahu are both faces of the same Coin when the interest of Iran is concerned. Russia has not transported all the weapons suppose to sell Iran for the Iranian drones and missiles yet. Russia always deceived Iran and Iran had to go to International organization to get them.
If the US and Israel attacked Iran, would Putin attack the US and Israel in defense of Iran’s territory? Hahaha. In my opinion, it’s just a trick to the Iranians so that they continue to trust Putin, which is going to be a big mistake for Iran. IRAN MUST BUILD ITS OWN NUCLEAR BOMB, there is no time left.
Iran Was ‘Defeated Very Badly’ in Syria, a Top General Admits
For weeks, Iranian officials have downplayed the fall of their ally in Syria. But an important general has offered a remarkably candid view of the blow to Iran, and its military’s prospects.
Farnaz Fassihi
By Farnaz Fassihi
Jan. 8, 2025
“There’s no Mario Draghi with an ECB bazooka to save the Euro from its new existential crisis.”
Maria Draghi never saved but spent us for his personal banksterdom.
Jewmerica’s most willing and eager executer Draghi never saved anything but profits for Goldman-Sux and the Italian Mafia including the ones who are co-owners of the Jews’ illegal Federal Reserve on America.
Draghi is the personal cause of the Euro’s devaluation. He is a bankster begging every day of his rotten life for the gallow. Draghi & Merkel, the Polish Jewess…
Talking about central banksters and other brics: Jewed up Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether.
Jewtin said, he can not do anything about it, because the central bank is independent. ()
Literally minutes before the SMO Elvirus transferred billions abroad; the money that is now financing the Jewkrainian war against Russia / Europe
(China just delivered Jewkraine 200.000 coils of fibre-optic-cords for Jewkraine’s drone war against Eastern Europeans).
BRICS v West is the Jews’ usual trickery in dialectics.
Israel does not sanction Russia or any BRICs but forces Europe via the Jews’ EUSSR to do sanctions plus countless other self-damages.
ORDOABCHAO – order (out) of chaos; good order for the self-chosenites and rubbish for everyone else on these 5 continents (out of how many we are not allowed to know about?). (re. The “arctic” interest in Greenland).
Mortgages in Russia are now subsidized and directly regulated by the government. The key rate affects this only indirectly.
Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina (from Yale) just raised the prime rate on Russia to 21 % and finishing with it the Russian mortgage market besides crippling the Russian economy altogether. �
this is a good assessment of the situation, explaining the bizarre nature of his behavior. he's terrifying his his vassals, so they will be in a state of shock and unable to respond, when he throws the truncated tar baby rump of ukraine in their laps. simplicius has a good take on this in his latest, with a hilarious robert kagan, op-ed in the atlantic, entitled "trump is facing catastrophic defeat in uikraine", blaming trump rather than his petunia pig wife, lol. so it's hot potato time.
So amidst all the hoopla about the “hyperpower of Trump as a magic individualâ€, Todd has come up with a stunning, crystal clear formulation: “Trump’s job will be to manage the defeat of the US against Russia.â€
Greenland, Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, Taiwan, …bouts of consolidation, …in the short term yes, but in the long term really irrelevant. For now, including China, “negotiated primitive globalism” is the norm.
Organizing the global landscape along the lines of territory “held” is quite Ghenghis Kahn, Roman Empire, old historical concepts to me. Quite inappropriate seen the digital overlayers and yes, the biological realities that are undeniable.
Trans-territorialism, and it’s agencies cannot be left out in a lasting global functional model. This model of territorial autonomy only has value after a reduction of complexity imposed by “hard” policies. For one, the imposition of a reduction of the liability side of the global populations, for accomplishing such, war is mostly obsolete. We need another Fauci, not a Putin. More bull-dozers(as seen in Gaza), not tanks. That is what is going to be observed, as much as consolidation of a limited pool of global agents that recognise “as we go” their mutual interests.
Oh goody, another brilliant and well thought out comment from this talented wordsmith.
If the USA were master of its own destiny all this would matter.
It isn’t so it don’t. Trump will sluice more money to Israel, sometimes by way of that Ukrainian fraudster who resembles Trump in several ways: They are both paid entertainers with their leashes held by Israel and either would be helpless if not destroyed the minute the leash is dropped.
Forget the USA, Greenland, Canada, & all that. The European peoples have a choice and it has to do with declaring independence from the non-European and quite anti-white power configuration.
It’s getting late in the game and Trump is just another distraction.
listen cornholio, russia is signing a defense treaty with iran, in a weeks time and there’s more to the situation, than fits into your tiny beavis brain….fire, fire, fire!!!🔥🔥🔥
The truth is Russia is winning,
Fuck off. You can say the same thing about the genocidal Israel, US and UK. Death to all. US and Israel assassinate those who are against genocide, apartheid and terrorism, not Putin and Russia who are their informant among Muslims, and support ‘greater Israel’. That’s why they assassinated General Soleimani who defeated ISIS. You are all genocidal terrorists who have destroyed country after country, with no shame. I hope America burns in FIRE including your house, so you understand what have you done in the region. You must read about the Syrian lives, how they lived under your fucking Caesar sanctions, genocidal. You simply say does not matter because they are winning. Shame on you. I hope Iran builds her fucking nuclear bombs to pour over your heads so you find out how evil you are, rapists,, thieves and terrorists.
Then I don’t understand why Iran, Yemen, Hizbollah and others are working and sacrificing their lives to stop the genocide to bring down evil like you who have no sense of decency. Human being is against evil and would not cooperates with the genocidal asshole like US, Israel, Russia, UK.
We wish you nothing but harm and want these genocidal assholes be assassinated or burned in the FIRE. We have no other means other than to pray for destruction of America because Russia is a traitor and sells her partners. Imagine, if US and the west did not support the genocide Israel in Ghaza, then Israel and US would have been big loser and Palestinians would have been the winner. If Russia was not a traitor. then Syria would have not fell into the hands of ISIS. Russian treason supports genocidal Israel and the ‘greater Israel’, that’s why Russia is an enemy of Muslims. You support this genocidal and criminal state because is a FAKE ‘christian’ state. shame on you.
Syrian situation in 2011 was FAR WORSE than today, yet, General Soleimani managed to defeat ISIS and saved Syria and feeble Assad, by giving the genocidal Americans a kick in the ass.
Now, we just pray to see America burns in FIRE.
Don’t feed the trolls. If you feed them, like pigeons, they keep coming back & shitting all over.
It really does not matter if you like Russia or Putin or not. The truth is Russia is winning, and Putin is one of the most smart leaders on this plant. Go cry me a river
So amidst all the hoopla about the “hyperpower of Trump as a magic individualâ€, Todd has come up with a stunning, crystal clear formulation: “Trump’s job will be to manage the defeat of the US against Russia.â€
this is a good assessment of the situation, explaining the bizarre nature of his behavior. he’s terrifying his his vassals, so they will be in a state of shock and unable to respond, when he throws the truncated tar baby rump of ukraine in their laps. simplicius has a good take on this in his latest, with a hilarious robert kagan, op-ed in the atlantic, entitled “trump is facing catastrophic defeat in uikraine”, blaming trump rather than his petunia pig wife, lol. so it’s hot potato time.
as simplicius points out the 15 trillion dollars of former ukrainian assets are now permanently part of russian federation and blackrock is shit out of luck. so what now? why invade greenland of course! what a confidence builder for the humiliated former world hegemon. think of it as a big, cold granada, the perfect solution and their tranny army can surely handle denmark right? well not so fast, denmark has restaked their claim to the semi autonomous region by placing a reference to greenland, on their bizarre coat of arms, containing two gay cavemen, for some reason.
there’s only 50,000 people living there, he’ll probably just attempt a leveraged buyout, after recognizing their independence movement, using his new government issued unlimited plutonium card. if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit.
Kind of depends what you think is “extremist”. Even before ErdoÄŸan the supposedly “secular” Turkish authorities have used radical Islamists. Such ties are certainly an element of Turkey’s “deep state”.
Turkey is unstable, though not currently in a headline-grabbing way, and it would not take too much intervention by outside actors to make it much more so.
Lack of weapons support and obstruction of arms supply
Esbati stated that the Russians turned off their radars at critical moments so that Israel could easily target Iranian commanders. He pointed to the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, deputy commander of the Quds Force, Brigadier General Seyyed Razi Mousavi, the commander of the Quds Force’s support in Syria, and Brigadier General Sadegh Omidzadeh, deputy commander of intelligence for the IRGC’s Quds Force, who died as a result of these actions
Assad was an Arab secular who never was an ally of Iran, opposite to his father, Hafiz Assad who helped Iran against ALL ARAB STATES during the invasion of Iraqi Soldiers into Iran territory with GREEN light from the EVIL genocidal US supported by the Arab head of states and full support of genocidal Russia. All of these evil countries were sending arms to Iraq but did not sell arms to Iran including RUSSIA. Putin like Yeltsin is another zionist member of the Jewish mafia tribe like coward Trump, a genocidal pimp.
Esbati pointed to the behavior of Bashar al-Assad and his wife, saying that they were seeking to replace the support of Arab countries with that of Iran. He pointed to the warm welcome given to the UAE Foreign Minister and the decoration of the route from the airport to the palace with UAE flags, while such a welcome was not given during the Iranian President's visit.
You have a bizarre fixation on the Russian president, as if he controls the fate of the world. But your hardly relevant screed fails to address the assertion made by the author of this article:
All the conditions are met for Syria to become Libya 2.0. Yet that’s not a case of the House Always Wins – first of all because there is no “houseâ€. In neighboring Lebanon, Hezbollah is already reorganized. The prospect remains that after regrouping and re-strategizing, Hezbollah, Ansarullah in Yemen, a new Syrian opposition and the IRGC in Iran will coalesce in a different formation and renew the real battle– against Eretz Israel.
Stop believing in Putin, he is a philo-Semite or a crypto-Jew, he sold out Syria, he never allowed the Syrians to use the anti-missile system he gave them, he gave it to them as decoration, Israel bombed Syria with Putin’s consent. Iran should distrust the defense agreement they are going to sign with Russia this month. Why only now? this agreement will be a blindfold on the Iranians’ eyes so that they do not see what is already evident, Putin is a crypto-Jew. Iran made a big mistake by not developing its own nuclear bomb because it was influenced by Putin. Now they will make another mistake. Putin does not defend Russian territory from attacks by the US and NATO. Will he defend Iran from an attack by the US and Israel? Allow me to laugh, if you believe that, you are an idiot.Putin will betray Iran in 1 or 2 years.
BRICS is associated with Russia and China. Putin is one of the creators of BRICS, but pepe never exposes the true nature of traitor Putin, because he is one of the ‘leftist’ FOOLS who is blind to Russian’s role as a servant of empire in FALL of Syria.
I don’t know why Iran is signing a ‘security agreement’ with traitor Russia where is in bed with Israel and Trump supporter of ‘greater Israel‘, but these days Iranians, especially those who worked with traitor Russia in Syria have come forward to EXPOSE Russia as a TRAITOR and against Iran’s interest in Syria, where let Syria falls, despite the fact that Iranian government is silent on this issue for political reasons at THIS TIME.
Esbati exposed Russia’s role in weakening Syria and betraying Iran
Brigadier General Behrouz Esbati, head of the cyberspace headquarters of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and one of the senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria, in a speech examined Russia’s role in the developments of Syria and its impact on Iran’s interests.
Esbati stated that the Russians turned off their radars at critical moments so that Israel could easily target Iranian commanders. He pointed to the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, deputy commander of the Quds Force, Brigadier General Seyyed Razi Mousavi, the commander of the Quds Force’s support in Syria, and Brigadier General Sadegh Omidzadeh, deputy commander of intelligence for the IRGC’s Quds Force, who died as a result of these actions
Lack of weapons support and obstruction of arms supply
The IRGC commander referred to Iran’s request to receive 1,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles from Russia to protect one of the important lines, which was met with Russian opposition. Even a plane carrying Iranian weapons was not allowed to enter.
Targetless bombings and lack of focus on terrorist positions
Esbati criticized the strategy of Russian airstrikes in Syria, saying that instead of bombing the gathering centers of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists and weakening the proxy forces of Turkey and Qatar, they targeted residential areas and deserts, which had little effect on weakening the enemy.
Both Russia and Arab head of states, especially UAE, where Russia invited to join Bricks because Russia and UAE, both are enemies of Hamas but supporter of Mohammed Dahlan, a MOSSAD AGENT trusted by Israel, who poised Arafat on behalf of Mossad, his superior, in France when Arafat was seeking medical treatment. Mohammed Dahlan has been invited to Russia and has taken photos with his UGLY superior zionist traitor Lavrov to be crowned. Both UAE and RUSSIA are working against Iran and for the greater Israel. Shame on pepe who never talk about his traitor superior, Putin, thus behave like a lackey of Russia like a FAKE leftist where are few at this sites.
Esbati exposed the cooperation of Assad with genocidal zionist Arab states and ally of Russia, UAE (which has been exposed by others as well:
Bashar al-Assad’s relations with Arab countries ignoring Iran
Esbati pointed to the behavior of Bashar al-Assad and his wife, saying that they were seeking to replace the support of Arab countries with that of Iran. He pointed to the warm welcome given to the UAE Foreign Minister and the decoration of the route from the airport to the palace with UAE flags, while such a welcome was not given during the Iranian President’s visit.
Assad was an Arab secular who never was an ally of Iran, opposite to his father, Hafiz Assad who helped Iran against ALL ARAB STATES during the invasion of Iraqi Soldiers into Iran territory with GREEN light from the EVIL genocidal US supported by the Arab head of states and full support of genocidal Russia. All of these evil countries were sending arms to Iraq but did not sell arms to Iran including RUSSIA. Putin like Yeltsin is another zionist member of the Jewish mafia tribe like coward Trump, a genocidal pimp.
You should read the article, anon. Not only is the article interesting, but it makes no mention of the Russian president. In fact, one of the article’s main takeaways is that BRICS is a sizeable organization and bigger than any one person. See the following:
“BRIIICS and selected partners are configuring a formidable network – bent on rewriting the rules of the game: currently 10 full members and 8 full partners – and counting, making up 41.4% of global GDP by PPP and roughly half of the world’s population. This is what the Empire of Chaos is up against.”
Lack of weapons support and obstruction of arms supply
Esbati stated that the Russians turned off their radars at critical moments so that Israel could easily target Iranian commanders. He pointed to the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, deputy commander of the Quds Force, Brigadier General Seyyed Razi Mousavi, the commander of the Quds Force’s support in Syria, and Brigadier General Sadegh Omidzadeh, deputy commander of intelligence for the IRGC’s Quds Force, who died as a result of these actions
Assad was an Arab secular who never was an ally of Iran, opposite to his father, Hafiz Assad who helped Iran against ALL ARAB STATES during the invasion of Iraqi Soldiers into Iran territory with GREEN light from the EVIL genocidal US supported by the Arab head of states and full support of genocidal Russia. All of these evil countries were sending arms to Iraq but did not sell arms to Iran including RUSSIA. Putin like Yeltsin is another zionist member of the Jewish mafia tribe like coward Trump, a genocidal pimp.
Esbati pointed to the behavior of Bashar al-Assad and his wife, saying that they were seeking to replace the support of Arab countries with that of Iran. He pointed to the warm welcome given to the UAE Foreign Minister and the decoration of the route from the airport to the palace with UAE flags, while such a welcome was not given during the Iranian President's visit.
Stop your lies about Russia and coward Putin. BRICS is full of zionist servants of US where Russia is one of them. Don’t believe the LIES of Pepe. Putin is a criminal liar where SOLD Syria to gain concessions in Ukraine from the Zionist pimp, Trump. Putin is a TRAITOR selling partners to gain BONES from a coward Jewish mafia pimp, Trump.
Trump and Putin are two sides of the SAME COIN. Both criminal countries along evil UK support ‘greater Israel’ in the West Asia. The evil UK- US- Russia supported and implemented ‘Israel Project‘ against Muslim’ interests to control the region and steal its resources. Russia like US-UK is a zionist genocidal liar.
Russia is a Weak country that many fools here supports because Russia is a fucking ‘christian’ country.
Death to Russia and evil US-UK-Israel. Russia like US-UK-Israel is the enemy of Muslims and has shown it very well. There is NO difference between US and Russia or zionist trump with zionist putin, both must be destroyed.
The below photo shows ALL in the FAMILY, Netanyahu-Putin-Trump. Destroy them all now to bring peace on earth.
They could partner up with their old CIA buddies and flood the U.S. with heroin again.
The only thing to do is setup a humanitarian corridor where all who want to leave Afghanistan are allowed to do so. Being Muslim, they should be sent to other Muslim countries.
The Taliban will have less problems and issues if they allow those who don’t want to live under their rule to leave.
But of course, many of the Afghan men believe they own the woman and will not allow them to leave.
Don’t go, I am not ridiculing you, I am only helping you be the best you can be.
I have tried to do the same for Foul Pudding but have had only negligible success– I have taught him to say “we,” and our country” when referring to Americans and America instead of “you” and “your country,” and that the correct spelling is “altar” not “alter,” but that”s all. Both admittedly important nevertheless for a “Catholic American.”
You, however, are much more intelligent than he. Pardon the left-handed compliment… who isn’t?
No, don’t go, please. Don’t give up on meamjojo, flatter him/her/it more maybe.
Are you serious?
No one is saying that Russia hasn’t taken a beating
Agreed they can absorb casualties come out as winners like no other country on the planet.
No one likes me.
Even my darling meamjojo didn’t push the agree button even though I expanded on her short post.
And now my best friend of Aryan DNA ridicules me.
I will stop posting here and talk 👄 to my Lubavitcher Rebbe. I think treats laced with cyanide are great for goyim. We need more Arab corpses. The hyenas are hungry.You show no compassion for hyenas.
Death to Unzian unzers except Freak’n’See and TimberMint who gave me thumbs 👠up.
In response to that video you posted in a previous comment (some Ukies likely in western Ukraine far from the battlefront, firing Stinger missiles into an EMPTY SKY and claiming they downed some Russian Ka-52 helicopters), Jewish John’s Johnson (JJJ) responds with:
LOL I don’t actually make those videos.
Is that the escape come back you’ll be using for every video you post that’s shown to be a hoax?
The fact is that YOU were sucked in by the propaganda from your ZOG sources.
A few seconds of due diligence would’ve demonstrated that the claims in that video you posted (about two Russian helicopter being shot down), were bogus.
But, just as with the toxic clot shots during the Covid Psyop, you instantly swallow without hesitation everything that is claimed by your beloved Anglo-Zionist empire.
You’ve been taught since birth to always trust what Big Gubmint tells you.
You go on to write:
Or they simply work just as they did in Afghanistan.
Yes, we all saw for ourselves how things ‘worked’ out in Afghanistan.
It turned into a debacle as $80 billion in military hardware was abandoned when the Anglo-Zionist empire made a hasty retreat with its tail between its legs.
As Paul Craig Roberts said in about 2017 when asked by a journalist how much progress the U.S military was making in Afghanistan (slightly paraphrased):
‘They’ve been there 15 years and can’t even defeat a few thousands lightly armed Taliban, who now control the majority of the land mass of the country’.
You also write:
You are a very strange and confused Australian that has a hard time with reality.
Once again, you’re back to your tried and true Talmudic tactics. ie: when cornered and shown to be propagating nonsense, you dish out a large dollop of projection.
The UR readers can see who the confused one is. Let’s face it, whether we’re talking about the Ukraine proxy war, the Covid Psyop or whatever, you JJJ have not got a single thing right.
Your ‘reality’ is the propaganda stream that’s fed to you by your fellow Jews – and is the exact opposite of objective reality.
No one is saying that Russia hasn’t taken a beating
Are you serious?
I for one (and everyone who’s looked at the hard evidence) can see that Russia has come nowhere near to have taken a beating.
They have completely DECIMATED the Ukrainian professional armed forces and turned all the high tech weaponry NATO has supplied the Ukies into a smouldering pile of ashes.
All this they did whilst suffering a small fraction as many casualties in relative terms.
How can anyone claim that this conflict has been anything other than a crushing victory for the Russians?
There is no entity on Earth that is capable of inflicting a ‘beating’ on mighty Russia in a conventional war (ie: where no nukes are deployed).
The Jews are crying about some stupid building when almost half the city is gone!
The times of Israel: ‘It is crazy’: Wildfires ravage Los Angeles area, destroying synagogue and causing chaos.
Chabad center damaged.
They will probably sue and get billions ..
It's a safe bet that pretty much everything coming from that poisonous dwarf Zelensky (or from the ZOG controlled western MSM in relation to this proxy war), is not only a lie but exaggerated by a factor of ten or more if they're referring to Russian/North Korean casualties.
Zelensky is now saying that North Koreans lost an entire batallion in Kursk, and .... Ukrainians’ drones outnumber Russian ones by order of magnitude.
All lies or some truth in that?
All the moralizing by Russian advocates means nothing – what he is is weak.
He could have resolved this war quickly .......
It is a stalemate in Ukraine when there is essentially no geographical gains in position over almost three years
Putin is no fool. He has learnt from the U.S debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan (trillions flushed down a rat hole and countless scores of thousands of U.S servicemen killed/missing limbs/PTSD'ed and since suicided).
This will result in a DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS.
Today the collective west is militarily MUCH WEAKER than they were when this proxy war began, while the Russians are considerably stronger.
Summary: WHY defeat Ukraine in a few weeks when you can instead BLEED THE ANGLO-ZIONIST EMPIRE DRY waging an ASYMMETRIC WAR?
That's right. The Russians have suffered negligible casualties in relative terms.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian professional army that begin this war is COMPLETELY DECIMATED (over 600,000 dead, an even greater number are maimed, crippled, had their spinal cords torn out by shrapnel), whilst simultaneously having cost the Anglo-Zionist empire and its snivelling NATO (and non-NATO) vassals hundreds of billions (and destruction of their military hardware which they loaned out to the Ukies, only to see said weapons systems turn into smouldering embers after Russian strikes.
he Ukies have next to no capability to launch an attack on Russian targets they’ve identified, seeing as their offensive weaponry is decimated by the Russkies soon after it’s deployed.
Watch the following 2 mins of the video below from 4:00-5:50 as Scott Ritter explains:
Well it looks like Ritter made a severe miscalculation.
HIMARS attack from 12 days ago:
Video Link
I can keep posting weekly HIMARS videos if you want to keep referencing that bootlicking whore who should go ahead and get his Russian passport. He should apply for a job on Russian State TV and stop pretending to have any semblance of intellectual integrity.
Oh you mean like those two Russian Ka52 helicopters that were supposedly shot down using Stinger missiles in that video you posted a couple of years ago?
We have video from Russians where Ukrainian drones are recorded when they hit their targets. There is also weekly video of HIMAR/ATACMS hitting their targets.
And as proof of that, I urge readers to click on the link below and read Jewish John's Johnson comment (# 363 in that thread), alleging a Ukrainian military success that brought down two Russian helicopters (be sure to watch the 1 min video contained in his comment):
At the end of the day, EVERY video, EVERY report you hear of Ukrainian success in this proxy war is ZOG conjured Hollywood 'Smoke and Mirrors' B.S.
There is nothing that Jewish John's Johnson (JJJ) will not stoop to.
SUMMARY: UR readers, did you see that video in JJJ's comment?
They fired missiles into a clear blue sky, a sky that had no helicopters/planes/birds in it - not a SINGLE EFF'N THING.
But that didn't stop JJJ from crowing about it, making out like it was a military success.
If that isn't projection on steroids, I don't know what is.
Putin’s 27th keyboard division will tell us that everything is going as planned.
Losing most of their helicopter fleet was all part of a complex draw play that only Putin understands.
Oh you mean like those two Russian Ka52 helicopters that were supposedly shot down using Stinger missiles in that video you posted a couple of years ago?
Not sure why you have such a hard time believing that our massive military isn’t capable of creating useful toys that work.
And as proof of that, I urge readers to click on the link below and read Jewish John’s Johnson comment (# 363 in that thread), alleging a Ukrainian military success that brought down two Russian helicopters
LOL I don’t actually make those videos.
But here is another one:
Video Link
And a corresponding article
U.S. buys more Stingers after missiles’ success in Ukraine
Feel free to argue it is all a Jewish conspiracy. Yea that must be it.
Or they simply work just as they did in Afghanistan. You do realize that early models were used against Soviet helicopters? And that Soviets complained about them? Why wouldn’t advanced models work in Ukraine?
You are a very strange and confused Australian that has a hard time with reality. To harp on an old video of a stinger missile is just bizarre.
Is that the escape come back you'll be using for every video you post that's shown to be a hoax?
LOL I don’t actually make those videos.
Yes, we all saw for ourselves how things 'worked' out in Afghanistan.
Or they simply work just as they did in Afghanistan.
Once again, you're back to your tried and true Talmudic tactics. ie: when cornered and shown to be propagating nonsense, you dish out a large dollop of projection.
You are a very strange and confused Australian that has a hard time with reality.
. . . from Palestine and Syria (Palestine is historically part of Greater Syria).
Yababa, I have warned you more than once before about being careless, but and paid no attention to me.
Even the dumbest trolls on this site, with no ability to think, SENSE that something is wrong and, like rats backing off from a treat laced with cyanide, sniff your comments with suspicion and never once give you an “Agree,” much less cuddle up to you and comment approvingly.
You really put your foot in it this time with this:
“the land that was granted by our Lord God to his chosen people, who deserve to be slaughtered, or at best driven out to lands belonging to the goyim.”
You think that comma will let you get away with it?
Better study A123, memejojo (or whatever), Foul Pudding and “John Johson” and try to imitate them.
I never said that HTS would be better.
I said that Assad was most likely torturing people and was called a Jew for it. I was also accused of being brainwashed by the MSM even though I sourced human rights organizations.
Well I was right.
I’m for letting Syrians elect Syrians.
Assad was never elected and tortured political dissidents.
I don’t have high expectations for the middle east but that doesn’t mean I need to make excuses for a mass murderer who kept torture chambers and used sarin gas against a civilian population.
If you think this HTS regime is going to last or result in a stable administration, you are absolutely insane. There will be no American contractors.
I’m not insane. HTS is currently in talks with the US to end sanctions.
It’s not an extremist group. Turkey was not trying to setup a new ISIL.
I don’t know the future of Syria but that is the current situation. HTS wants normalized relations with the US and EU and that would mean a flood of US contractors.
But you keep fooling yourself that its the 1980s and Chuck Norris and Rambo and the Green Berets and Delta Force are coming in to save the day.
LOL what are you talking about? Maybe try reading outside your echo chamber. The US has already eased some restrictions.
Oh you mean like those two Russian Ka52 helicopters that were supposedly shot down using Stinger missiles in that video you posted a couple of years ago?
We have video from Russians where Ukrainian drones are recorded when they hit their targets. There is also weekly video of HIMAR/ATACMS hitting their targets.
And as proof of that, I urge readers to click on the link below and read Jewish John's Johnson comment (# 363 in that thread), alleging a Ukrainian military success that brought down two Russian helicopters (be sure to watch the 1 min video contained in his comment):
At the end of the day, EVERY video, EVERY report you hear of Ukrainian success in this proxy war is ZOG conjured Hollywood 'Smoke and Mirrors' B.S.
There is nothing that Jewish John's Johnson (JJJ) will not stoop to.
SUMMARY: UR readers, did you see that video in JJJ's comment?
They fired missiles into a clear blue sky, a sky that had no helicopters/planes/birds in it - not a SINGLE EFF'N THING.
But that didn't stop JJJ from crowing about it, making out like it was a military success.
If that isn't projection on steroids, I don't know what is.
Putin’s 27th keyboard division will tell us that everything is going as planned.
Losing most of their helicopter fleet was all part of a complex draw play that only Putin understands.
No one is saying that Russia hasn’t taken a beating, but many people are interested in the fact that they keep on ticking.
Are you serious?
No one is saying that Russia hasn’t taken a beating
Inflation can be beaten by doing what Putin had done with the military. Directly pay young men to fight and conquer. Pay them enough to buy their own war gear and sidestep the grafting officers and quarter masters.
Recip will fight his way out of this impasse.
Listwise and Dracula? Seriously?
That’s all UNZ’s Genocide Cheerleader has for me?
Who are you kidding? Israel itself has referred to Damascus as being ruled over by a “terrorist gang” and that they want nothing to do with them. The HTS-led regime will never be accepted by anyone in Syria as being legitimate. The de facto leader of Syria is not even a Syrian, but a citizen of Saudi Arabia who intends on turning the remnants of the country under his control over to his Saudi puppetmasters.
If you think this HTS regime is going to last or result in a stable administration, you are absolutely insane. There will be no American contractors. Syria is being torn apart by Israel, Turkey, and the United States, and Iran is already training Alawite, Shia, and indigenous Christian militias.
This is just the very beginning of a very long shitshow. Trump is in for a hell of a ride. In fact, he may very well be the end of America as we know it.
But you keep fooling yourself that its the 1980s and Chuck Norris and Rambo and the Green Berets and Delta Force are coming in to save the day.
“An impaled Muslim would not enter the afterlife due to Muslim rules on burials.”
What is your source for this bizarre claim?
This reminds me of the Obama administration claiming that they had to bury bin Laden at sea because of “Islamic burial rules.” They just made that up. The reality was that it had nothing to do with Islam, and everything to do with with what they were trying to cover up, i.e. prevent anyone from examining the body to determine when the actual time of death occurred.
Just like every American who bombed Iraqi citizens or massacred them in Fallujah under the command of Bush / Cheney, the Turkish foot soldiers were just doing the bidding of the Zionist masters.
The irony in all this is that in everything Assad did, he was actually trying to help provide a stable, consistent society for the Syrian people.
A true man of the people.
It’s just a shame that he had to torture teenagers that couldn’t see how he was helping them.
Video Link
But they severely miscalculated in forcing the removal of Assad. Everything that the Americans and Israelis do always backfires and ends up giving Iran the advantage
Israel just took more land and Iran lost one of their few allies.
American contractors will be replacing Russian businessmen that were there as part of a security deal between Putin and Assad.
Yea…..take that (shakes fist)…….Putin’s 5d chess has tricked you all…..or something. Right.
Assad’s former aide says deposed Syrian president was ‘tricked’ by Putin
Won’t be popular here as we have quite a few posters that still want to believe that Putin is playing 5d chess against everyone.
There was also a recent attempt on Assad’s life and our Putin defenders told us that it could be anyone.
The dictator with the heart of gold would never do such things.
Sure he might abandon Assad but the assassination attempt must have been the CIA or something.
Assad supposedly transferred 135 billion to Russian banks which is a bigley mistake given that the dictator is short on cash.
Have you ever, in your entire life, heard a Turk utter such criminal, genocidal words with such maniacal glee? We all know that Yababa’s words are not an aberration, but the main stream thought of many Jews. Doesn’t the wholesale slaughter of Armenians for no apparent reason, look much more like the work of Jews?
You do realize it was the Turks that marched around a million Armenians to die in the desert?
The Ottomans were known for extreme cruelty.
Really not an empire you should try to idealize. This would good be a place to start:
10 Dark Secrets Of The Ottoman Empire
The fictional story of Dracula is based on a real person named Vlad the Impaler. To make up for smaller numbers he matched Ottoman cruelty and used their religion against them. An impaled Muslim would not enter the afterlife due to Muslim rules on burials.
Indeed the Turks are the wild card. But guessing from my personal experience with the Turks, the brinksmanship of Erdogan might put him eventually on a collision course with Russia. The imperial hubris among Turks is alive and kicking. Their longing to their past glory is unrelenting. That could be their undoing.
The irony in all this is that in everything Assad did, he was actually trying to help provide a stable, consistent society for the Syrian people. From his perspective at that time, this meant rapprochement with the West (i.e. the United States), just as Putin had attempted to do for Russia throughout the 2000s. Putin recently acknowledged that this strategy had been a grave mistake, that the West was never willing to accept Russia (or any other country) as a partner and would only accept unconditional slavery.
And that is what rapprochement with the West entails, the willingness to become a total and unquestioning slave of the United States, just as Canada, Europe, Australia, South Korea, Japan, etc. have become. When you look at what has become of Canada since Stephen Harper first became prime minister, a hardline Zionist puppet who destroyed the last remnants of Canadian sovereignty and independence (and there wasn’t much to begin with), it is virtually unrecognizable from the Canada that existed under Jean Chretien only a few years before him. “The West” was always an illusion. It’s Washington or nothing.
But they severely miscalculated in forcing the removal of Assad. Everything that the Americans and Israelis do always backfires and ends up giving Iran the advantage, as had happened with Iraq and the same thing is happening again now in Syria. Amazingly, they just do not appear to be able to learn from their past catastrophes and seem hellbent on repeating them over and over again.
Israel even went so far as to hand Iran a gift with the total destruction of all Syrian military installations and infrastructure. As Pepe and others have noted, HTS had reportedly planned on handing much equipment over to the Ukrainians in exchange for the drones and other assistance from the Zelensky regime, but they were also planning on using all this to attack the PMU in Iraq as well as Iran directly. The American plan for HTS was to use Syria as a staging ground for massive attacks against Iran and Iranian allies in Iraq. That has now become impossible, thanks to Israel.
This is an even bigger goof than when Israel screwed the Americans over in prematurely activating Stuxnet, which had been intended to completely cripple and neutralize the Iranian nuclear program as part of a long-range sabotage strategy. In doing what they did, Israel helped to not only save Iranian nuclear sites from more serious damage, but provided the impetus for the IRGC to fully take over and protect security of all nuclear installations, thus making them virtually invulnerable to future sabotage, which the Western-oriented reformists had been preventing for years (effectively operating as a fifth column in the country.)
The more Israel tries to move against Iran, the more everything they do works to Iran’s advantage.
Why would Turkey continue to participate in the energy trade with Israel ?
I believe that the Young Turks/CUP coup of the Sultan in the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the subsequent Armenian Genocide was the handy work of Masons and Zionists. The Jew’s were rivals for power with the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan wanted Armenians to be their bankers, not the Jews and the Sultan refused to sell them Palestine.
For instance, here are the words of a Jew:
Yababa says:
I believe Arabs are merely beasts of burden on which we ride and at best their leaders are hollow human shells i remote controlled by our Lord’s angels, mere golems.
Does anyone believe Arabs have any agency? They are useless eaters, less useful than sheep, grazing on land that was granted by our Lord God to his chosen people, who deserve to be slaughtered, or at best driven out to lands belonging to the goyim.
Have you ever, in your entire life, heard a Turk utter such criminal, genocidal words with such maniacal glee? We all know that Yababa’s words are not an aberration, but the main stream thought of many Jews. Doesn’t the wholesale slaughter of Armenians for no apparent reason, look much more like the work of Jews?
I couldn't quite understand your post or maps, but if Turkey moved on Russia, I have no doubt that Russia would olbilterate Turkey with nukes. That's a given. Turkey would be a nuclear wasteland if it tried to go to war with Russia. It can try to play whatever games elsewhere but moving on Russia would be the end of Turkey. Complete and total annihilation in an instant. Not that anyone else would care about that either.Replies: @Adûnâi
And chances are, the Turks will go north or east, against Russia or Iran, rather than south.
> “moving on Russia would be the end of Turkey. Complete and total annihilation in an instant.”
Russian territory has literally already been invaded, and not a peep from the Kremlin, so not sure why you’d think so. At this rate, one should ponder if paedophile Putin would even launch a response to an outright nuclear attack.
But of course I meant the Turan project (incidentally, depicted on my map, too). The Volga Tatars, the Caucasian Muslims, and the terrorists from Central Asia and Xinjiang. Only in a case of Russia’s weakness and collapse, granted, but a fair possibility.
But if America does pivot to Asia, I’d expect to see Ankara being pushed on a collision course with Iran. That would be splendid for Israel. Is Erdogan gonna show restraint? Or… maybe if he does maintain neutrality, Israel will start ruckus now against Turkey, using the Kurds and the Americans? This is why going south could be dangerous for Turkey – borders don’t just separate, they also enable contact.
Azerbaijan is evidently clamouring for war with Armenia (and Russia? Iran?). The Syunik corridor, the Sisian question… What a joke.
Shalom Aleichem!
You are right about the corpse part.
Do Arabs deserve to be anything else?
Your great Aryan DNA Hitler himself commanded that nothing should remain of useless eaters but corpses. Why expect anything else from Semite DNA chosen by God Trumps and Netanyahus?
“There is no indication that Arab strategists have internalized the Zionist plan in its full ramifications. Instead, they react with incredulity and shock”
So says Whitney the resident crow on one the branches of the Unz tree of life on which Unzian parrots have taken refuge from the real world where our Lord the Devil reigns supreme from his throne, in soon to be Greater Israel along with his chosen people, on the planet.
Does anyone believe that such creatures as “Arab strategists” even exist to internalize or externalize anything? Do you, Aria DNA?
I believe Arabs are merely beasts of burden on which we ride and at best their leaders are hollow human shells i remote controlled by our Lord’s angels, mere golems.
Does anyone believe Arabs have any agency? They are useless eaters, less useful than sheep, grazing on land that was granted by our Lord God to his chosen people, who deserve to be slaughtered, or at best driven out to lands belonging to the goyim.
And no one can stop us. Who can? No one here will name any golem or goyim that will stop us before we stop them.
“…The [US] operates on the theory that allies are only allies for as long as they serve Washington’s overall interests.†That’s true. It is of course also true of every great power. But one simple lesson we have not learned from history – and need to before it is too late – can be explained in a simple syllogism: everyone empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, that is the fate that awaits. Minds need to focus if nuclear Armageddon is to be averted.
In addition to the closure of Hormuz, Iran has a few other even more powerful trump cards. First we need understand that the US-led axis in order to maintain their current global trajectory pursuit only a limited, contained strategy of waging wars as like controlled-demolition where only a certain goal can be achieved without causing too much mess. In the case of Iran, besides the Hormuz closure which can kickstart a temporary western market crash, the entire energy infrastructure of the region may also be completely destroyed thus a permanent global crisis. Next, Iran is already a nuclear weapons state or one with the capability to build nuclear weapons quickly. No matter how much the west tries to bomb the known sites inside the country, at the end of the day Iran will get the bomb. That should make the overall situation much more complex. Finally, due to Iran's geography which is surrounded by numerous different groups of people with ancient roots, its unsettling would be a very serious nightmare and a very dangerous undertaking on a global scale. It would lead to so many mini wars near Iranian territory followed by even bigger wars among long term adversaries like Pakistan,India, Central Asian Stans... Turkiye, Greece , Israel ...and finally the rest of the world.Replies: @Anonymous
Iran’s biggest trump card is that it is in a position to close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of a war.
{{No matter how much the west tries to bomb the known sites inside the country, at the end of the day Iran will get the bomb.}}
You are right. That will push Iran to make the nuclear bomb very fast. In addition, Iran will leave NPT for good, and will kick all the US informants posing as 'inspectors' out of Iran not allowing them to come back.
Israel is the only country in the world that does not accept 'A middle east nuclear free zone'. Israel must be disarmed of her nuclear weapons first. when Israel is sitting on couple of hundred of nuclear weapons, then Iran has EVERY SINGLE RIGHT to be a nuclear weapon state to protect herself from a FAKE GENOCIDAL ENTITY where has been erected by the Evil UK/US empires to inject chaos and wars in the region to steal its resources. The EVIL Western powers, protecting their 'Israel project' by sending WMD and $$$$$, in addition to cover genocide up at the 'International organizations', to be proud of being complicit with their proxy's genocide in Gaza and elsewhere to have influence in the region. Otherwise Israel cannot exist an hour without western's support. The microscopic Israel cannot fight on the ground and will be destroyed in no time. The Lebanese Axis of resistance has shown this fact that IDF cannot fight on the ground in 2006 and 2024 and will show again when the opportunity arises. These COWARDS can only drop the US bombs over their victims from the sky.
Assad’s former aide says deposed Syrian president was ‘tricked’ by Putin
Given Armenians actively serving with or aiding the enemy, in uniform and as “irregularsâ€, the Armenian commission of numerous atrocities against Turkish people and families, and the Armenian agitation for splitting up polities where they were not a majority or near it … the Turks had good reasons to distrust and resent the Armenians, and not feel safe individually or as a society with so many Armenians in their midst working against them, killing them, and trying to break up their nation. To expel them en masse.
But what the Turks could have NO right to do is expel the Armenians in a way that caused innocent noncombatants — WOMEN AND CHILDREN in particular — to die from exhaustion, dehydration, or any other needlessly agonizing and avoidable death while being deported.
Wilkerson also repeatedly kowtows to Colin “I have a vial of Anthrax” Powell who he seems to believe was some kind of genius.
DEI Colin Powell is also famous for his quip “You break it, you own it.†Since then the US has pretty much shattered the entire planet on behalf of the Jews, and now Eretz Israel believes that they have the god given right to impose Noahide laws on the entire world.
Mealy-mouthed mulatto are the words to describe Powell that comes to mind.
Down with Russia.
Russia, is focused on bargaining with Trump over Ukraine and did not hesitate to sell out a critical ally like Syria for this purpose. It will sign a so-called strategic defense cooperation agreement with Iran, but it no longer has the credibility it once had. When the subject of Israel comes up, Putin turns into a cat that has spilled milk!
Turkey is working hard to find a way to start a war with Iran, but I don't think he dares to do that. Erdogan has been exposed as a zionist ass licker all over the world. He has no respect anywhere except with the whore and the hooker at the Black house.
They will never say this or leak it, but I am absolutely certain. Even the grocer’s apprentice (pardon, if we update it, the supermarket cashier) knows about the plans to establish a Greater Israel and Puppet Kurdistan on the lands of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran. This is where the Iran and Saddam trap comes into play. Just like Iraq, a Turkey that is made to fight Iran (which is already quite worn out in Syria) will be easy prey afterwards. In fact, Ankara will easily be declared a terrorist country with what it has done in Syria on behalf of the West and Israel. The infrastructure for this is ready. Especially if a new sharia and federative constitution cooked up by parties in the parliament is paving the way for these. Remember Yugoslavia. It was the first victim after 1990 because it was ready to be divided with its federal structure.
Iran’s biggest trump card is that it is in a position to close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of a war.
In addition to the closure of Hormuz, Iran has a few other even more powerful trump cards. First we need understand that the US-led axis in order to maintain their current global trajectory pursuit only a limited, contained strategy of waging wars as like controlled-demolition where only a certain goal can be achieved without causing too much mess. In the case of Iran, besides the Hormuz closure which can kickstart a temporary western market crash, the entire energy infrastructure of the region may also be completely destroyed thus a permanent global crisis. Next, Iran is already a nuclear weapons state or one with the capability to build nuclear weapons quickly. No matter how much the west tries to bomb the known sites inside the country, at the end of the day Iran will get the bomb. That should make the overall situation much more complex. Finally, due to Iran’s geography which is surrounded by numerous different groups of people with ancient roots, its unsettling would be a very serious nightmare and a very dangerous undertaking on a global scale. It would lead to so many mini wars near Iranian territory followed by even bigger wars among long term adversaries like Pakistan,India, Central Asian Stans… Turkiye, Greece , Israel …and finally the rest of the world.
Neither Trump nor Erdogan have deep belief in NATO. Remember, Erdogan bought the S-400 system from Russia. F-16's are designed to be easy to maintain. Many countries use the platform, so there are plenty of spares floating about.Many are forgetting that Türkiye is a NATO country and makes heavy use of US F-16’s. It depends highly on the US for maintenance and support for those weapons. It will do what US asks them to do.
“Trump has no interest in going head to head with Turkish forces, and openly states that America will have little or no direct involvement in Syria under his 2nd term.â€
Partition so you jew-boys can get your piece towards a greater Israelie, until the next time when you can eat a little more, and more and more. You kikes suck!
and LIAR