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Musk Vows to Wipe Out Humanity, Replace All Human Beings with Indians

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People probably want to know what happened when the Daily Stormer was on strike/vacation.

The most important thing, probably, or the most interesting, is that Elon Musk publicly vowed to crush the human race like an insect and replace all mankind with Indians.

Get your garden hoses ready, because Musk is in control and these entities from India will shit in your family’s once-quaint street.

The Muskman cometh and he sayeth that Americans are too stupid and have to be replaced.

His companies are all garbage because they are de facto Indian companies. The problem is not that there is a shortage of talent, it’s that Musk is paying a shortage of wages.

All of these tech people want Indians because they’re cheap. Everyone knows they’re not competent.

He is pushing “America is an idea” theology.

I want my people to win, Elon. I don’t care about the name of the country. I don’t view “America” as an abstract concept that should “win.” I view it as my home, where my family lives, where the people I grew up with live, and it is obvious to everyone that Indians change everywhere they are allowed to enter.

Not that “with Indians, you WIN” is a good argument anyway. India has a billion people and 90% of the country makes less than $7 a day. Why are these engineering geniuses not bringing up their own country, where they live with their own people? It doesn’t make any sense on its face.

Musk is joined by a comrade in arms, Vivek Ramaswamy, whom based on visual analysis, appears to have a dog in this fight. He is insulting American culture, claiming that Indian culture is much superior.

Everyone wonders why, if this is true, he doesn’t get the fuck out of the country my ancestors built and go back to India and bask in their superior culture.

“Go back and swim in your plastic, nigger.”

Obviously, some people in the MAGA movement are upset with this

Interestingly, that bitch Nikki Haley is among those pushing back.

It’s bullshit that the people at the border want “what we have.” They want access to welfare programs that Americans do not have. The policy of the US government is to bribe poor people from all over the world to come replace white Americans.

The most public voice against “Musk Plan X” is Laura Loomer, who actually has a lot of influence now.

She’s going pretty hard.

This drama started before Christmas when a grotesque visage from India was appointed as head of AI.

The silver lining here is that we’re seeing the discussion in public. This whole “we want to replace white people, we just want to do it legally” has been a GOP talking point for decades, and no one really agrees with it. They are just confused by it.

My dear departed grandmother thought all of the Somalians in Columbus, Ohio were “illegal immigrants.” It’s trick language that the Republicans use. For a very long time, when people heard “legal immigration,” they thought you were talking about, well, Elon Musk.

If we exclude the brown people themselves, every demographic other than Jews, unmarried white women, and people who own tech companies, wants America to remain a white country (in fact, to return to being a white country, because frankly, it hasn’t been a white country in twenty years).

The Indians are definitely worse than Mexicans. Mexicans are an unambitious underclass, living in squalor, and they can also easily be shipped home at any point, and most of them would not put up a fight. Indians entrench themselves. They acquire wealth and buy property.

Here’s the thing: this conversation has to be about race. It has to be: “we want a white America.” There is no other way to have the conversation than by going to this place that is apparently very uncomfortable for a lot of white people. But the fallout from this Elon Musk replacement plot is getting us a long way towards just saying it aloud.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Old Prude says:

    MAGA means Make America A Great place to live Again. Anglin nails it that the silver lining is we are talking about mass immigration, something the media and elites want to keep out of public discussion.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  2. Dumbo says:

    Tails they win, heads you lose.

    They will replace you with blacks or browns, “legally” or “illegally”, and there’s nothing you can do about it. (Except maybe having more children, but whites gave up on that long ago, and stop paying taxes, but that’s also not very likely to happen)

    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
    , @Pythas
  3. Che Guava says:

    This is one of the more alarming things in the last few days.

    I never Tweeted or Xed, but see that some, like Anglin and Priss, who like playing with that site, never had their accounts restored. So much for Musk’s claimed ‘free-speech absolutism’.

    Now, he is threatening anyone who opposes a H-1Bombay flood of Indians with reduced reach and has banned many accounts.

    I have had several U.S. ‘net acquaintances who are clearly talented coders, yet can’t get a decent job. Working in fast food, with the occasional computer support request.

    Both Musk and Ramasmarmy insulted U.S. workers. Then Trump made a statement to back them up.

    So, it seems your new regime is going to be even worse than imagined, and on a point that wasn’t even expected.

  4. H1-B protects mediocrity and makes progress nearly impossible.

    •�Agree: p38ace, Piffle
  5. AA: “It’s bullshit that the people at the border want “what we have.” They want access to welfare programs that Americans do not have. The policy of the US government is to bribe poor people from all over the world to come replace white Americans.”


    Or more precisely, The goal of the Jews who have purchased and hijacked the US government is to starve and smother white Americans (viz “Americans”) to death with a miles-deep layer of imported shitstains, so the Jews can be free to loot the rest of the continent at their leisure, without getting holocausted in reprisal. Or so they believe.

  6. Good times for the deodorant industry in the United States. Make America…..Indian Again!

    •�LOL: son of a jedi
  7. Does anyone even still watch TV Shows/movies about nerds, high school-jocks and prom queens? Can these even be considered a valuable depiction of American culture?

    This Vivek streetshitter must be living somewhere between the 90s and 2000s. Or is he taking revenge for being rejected by Stacy during his high school years?

    What a freak show. The remaining sane Americans need to secede. A breakup of the USA would also improve the live of all other Whites in the Western hemisphere.

    •�Replies: @tamberlint
    , @p38ace
    , @Felpudinho
  8. eah says:

    One of the best comments on this actually comes from an English-speaking Russian who admits he has never been in America (‘never crossed the Atlantic’) — it was posted on Twitter/X — here is a link — I also made a screencap (image), which you can see below the more tag.

    And here’s something to always remember: Musk is an oligarch, and he’s far more vested in the current system than he is, or ever will be, concerned about your well-being.

    There are no based billionaires


    •�Thanks: emil nikola richard, Rahan
    •�Replies: @Passing by
  9. Isn’t Musk getting his ass kicked by the Chinese so badly that he had to lobby the government to eliminate competition for his low quality, overpriced plastic cars? Is that the meritocracy he is talking about? But more underqualified jeet engineers will fix his problems, I’m sure.

    •�LOL: showmethereal
    •�Replies: @showmethereal
  10. Godly533 says:
    @Che Guava

    As Andrew just got done explaining, Musk supports total jeet domination.
    This is what you get when you make bedfellows with vipers.
    And this is why compromising your politics for “big tent MAGA” just to get in a few cheap pwn the libs moments always backfires.
    It would have been better to be based to the very end than to become gay for a monkey’s paw victory on X.
    But then again, this is the MAGA crowd’s curse.
    Desperate for social approval and validation, they always latch onto the first grifter who throws them a bone, only to be inevitably cucked and betrayed.

    •�Replies: @tamberlint
    , @Che Guava
  11. Rich says:

    There are 1.42 billion people in India. They could send 300 million here and they wouldn’t even feel it. Still have over a billion. It’s a factory owner’s dream, labor lining up in the street for a job at any pay. And America’s unions support this. Left and right support it in DC, so it could happen. One way or another they want to kill the golden goose that was America. Can’t help themselves.

    •�Agree: OliverPeeples
    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  12. Anonymous[216] •�Disclaimer says:

    Palantir is fully funded by DOD and the IC “Black Budget” and is tool to spy on and collect data on Americans along with a few overseas targets.

    In fact, the rise of Silicon Valley and tech was almost totally underwritten by DOD and the IC.

    But no one questions the source of revenue for big tech and all the tech startups. They hear the U.S. is $36 trillion in debt and they shrug their shoulders. They hear the Pentagon can’t pass an audit year after year, and from 2018 to present, the Pentagon can’t account for $7.8 trillion. Americans shrug their shoulders.

    But hey, it’s all classified, national security stuff so the average American shouldn’t be privy to information regarding this greatest swindle in all of human history.

    •�Thanks: OliverPeeples, Emslander
  13. Mexicans are much more likely to assimilate than Indians, they have mostly European blood and come from a Christian culture. Most are good workers, especially those who bothered to come here legally. So I’d much prefer them over Indians. Still, we’ve had too many immigrants of all kinds, both legal and illegal. We should do a ten-year moratorium on ALL immigration – no H-1B, no marrying foreigners, no adoptions, no mail order brides, no family reunification, nothing. And of course expel all illegals, including their American-born minor children. After ten years we’ll see if we really need more. I’ll wager we won’t.

    •�Disagree: tamberlint
  14. @Godly533

    Nonsense – fatalism and lack of imagination are the problems here.

    It’s very simple. Strip H1B privileges and suggest also that the program quotas favor cradle citizens of NATO founding member states of a certain vintage (say, born in the year 2000 or before). In fact, remove all caps on H1B importation from Western Europe.

    Trump understands that the United States does not have enough bodies to sustain economic pressurization. This is why he wants to annex Canada and buy Greenland to put Indians in. There are other ways to skin this cat.

    Americans would object, but object less, to H1B immigration if the program did in fact create a new, semi-permanent caste of indentured servants rather than a new, semi-permanent caste of petty rent-farmers, alien satraps, and hostile technocrats. Such a scheme of open indenture would perpetuate the soft slavery and wealth extraction Americans have heretofore enjoyed through offshore labor farms while easing an inevitable transition in the American way of life. The alternative is that Americans are themselves outbid by their own rebounding capital, disrupted, displaced, disowned, and destroyed as a coherent, independent nation within the next two generations.

    Permissions to participate in the economic zone America should be distinguished from the requirements for citizenship and social inclusion. Rome understood this as did Athens.

    There are still enough heritage Americans to change the risk return profile for the emergent feudal nobility when it comes to vassal selection. Feudal lords desire to preserve their position, and they have little real affection for the poor creatures that effect their will. As long as they can get hold of supply, would these captains of industry really fight that hard to preserve for their disposable underlings a future? quality of life? civic participation? What do they care for the dreams of serf children, beyond usefulness in recruitment.

    Conditions in India, and Europe, are such that I believe people would still come, still serve. The rewards currently are so wildly disproportionate that they excite truly the most rapacious and insane behavior from new entrants and breed in them active contempt for the incumbency.

    •�Troll: Che Guava, Charles Pewitt
    •�Replies: @g8way
    , @Alden
  15. @Rich

    And America’s unions support this.

    Please provide a source. Or are they just being passive?

    •�Replies: @Rich
  16. Nat X says:


    But didnt you incels vote for dump???!!!


    •�Replies: @Liza
  17. @Cloud Posternuke

    I assure you Indians watch these shows, compulsively, and these shows impress upon them a specific image of American culture and society. This market-making content forms the root of their desire and their scorn.

  18. Anglin, irony and Karma are real.

    It only makes sense, that after we brought so much disease war, chaos and disruption to the Indians that at some point, they would unite and fight back.

    Polio Blanket revenge from Indians rising up from their reservations and “Ghost Dancing” we white boys into servitude at the behest of woke Cynthia Ann Parkers everywhere. The suffering of Caucasians from communicable diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV, exacerbated by the preponderance of blue cities, concomitant with the ubiquity of sub human home grown apes living in filth and squalor spread the plague of misery like the Son Of The Morning Star.

    It was only a matter of time before these Indians got sick of getting drunk on the “Rez” and unified to throw off the yoke of white rule by way of a STEM education that relegated inferior American public education to the dust bin of history and into the Black Hole Of Calcutta (Was that the Comanche, or the Apache?).

    We should never have taught them to read.

    •�LOL: epebble
  19. The Muskman cometh and he sayeth that Americans are too stupid and have to be replaced.

    Musk is just using his genetically High IQ to screw over his fellow Whites, same as other Whites like Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci. I remember in the days and months leading up and into the campaign,

    99%’er Whites were kissing Musk’s ass as if he were some kind of Corporate Jesus, well it’s gonna take a hell of a ton of Chap-Stick and mouthwash to get the taste of the Anal Sandwich he has shoved down the mouths of every 99%’er stupid enough to ignore the fact that Musk is a mystery man who did not exist Obama-style prior to Tesla.

    Vivek Ramaswamy, whom based on visual analysis, appears to have a dog in this fight. He is insulting American culture, claiming that Indian culture is much superior.

    Well again, 99%’er Whites did it to themselves. Ever since that asshole was a presidential candidate, on every board from ZeroHedge, to Breitbart to here on Unz, all I saw were 99%’er Whites singing this pajeet’s praises while completely ignoring that the criminal shit was WEF affiliated and ran scams to make his fortune But instead 99% Whites continued parroting the same jackass lines that this ‘dothead Jesus’ was

    – of very high intellect

    -was a salt of the earth, for the (White) people kind of champion

    -spoke the God’s honest truth each time he opened his mouth.

    It was like watching an extension of any corporate office where some idiot White manager or executive steals the promotion or outright job from an American and hands it to some grinning, unwashed haughty Hindu while touting the MYTH of Indian excellence and uber-intellect as Sanjeep gives a knowing headbob to the other pajeets in the office that he will be hiring more of his rancid countrymen and women ASAP.

    Here is me playing the world’s tiniest violin for White America using only my asscheeks.

    •�Replies: @Godly533
  20. I want my people to win, Elon. I don’t care about the name of the country. I don’t view “America” as an abstract concept that should “win.” I view it as my home, where my family lives, where the people I grew up with live, and it is obvious to everyone that Indians change everywhere they are allowed to enter.

    Remember KMac telling us that we needed to back Trump right before the election. I was just waiting to see how many days Trump could go before backstabbing America and its workers again.

    Not even in office and Zion Don is selling us out. Here’s the thing: People who support genocides in other countries will gladly exterminate you here at home if given the chance. They don’t care about human life in general.

    America is not an economic zone driven by GDP as its measure of success. It is for many of us our home even though it has been made wretched culturally and socially in recent decades. There’s a lot of talk about getting a passport and bugging out to southeast Asia because the country is just so miserable now, but hey, it’s my country. Why go pollute another country with Western degeneration?

    I’ve seen first hand what Indians do to companies and given the hundreds of thousands of jobs shed in the past few years and the incredible difficulty that American graduates and existing IT veterans are having in finding work, I can think of no greater betrayal, apart from the jab, than what Trump did by endorsing Musk.

    Trump will not only you kill you with his poisonous concoctions, he’ll leave any survivors unemployed and hated in their own country by a foreign swarm of retards.

    I expected Musk and Ramaswamy to do the whole immigrant thing of, we know this country better than you and it’s only good if you can make a lot of money.

    When you look at Ramaswamy’s path to wealth, it’s all using India’s superior culture. Basically, his family pumped and dumped (another) failed Alzheimer’s drug. Convientiently, his mother ran the phase II trial and it was a smashing success. The wogs loaded up on shares, having tainted the phase II results, and at phase III, it crashed and burned. No matter, the wogs had already bailed by then. Basically, Ramaswamy didn’t land where he did through hard work or superior intellect: his mom ran on a con on investors. Now, because of his wealth, he can lecture Americans about their inferior culture.

    Investors are going through this all over again with Cassava, but not with wogs. I’m sure “hard working immigrants” are at the top of that piece of shit scam. Barbieri and Wang, etc.

    I cannot stand Boomers and their slavish devotion to another failed savior cult.

    Musk is just a kike from a degenerate family. Poor Jewish kid who landed in America, the only thing in his possession a sack full of emeralds he used wisely and sparingly to build a better life in the New World.

  21. @Dumbo

    They will replace you with blacks or browns

    ‘They will replace you with browns’. Fixed it for you. White America allowed itself to be suckered into focusing on blacks when they do not even have a place on the chessboard, in turn allowing 1% White and White Jew Elites to bring in unchallenged, browns like the coming Vindaloo Horde and these Venezuelan marvels who would eat any black gang for breakfast only to shit them out on the corpse of their idiot 99%’er White victim who seemed to think latinos are preferable to blacks:


    •�Replies: @showmethereal
  22. If we have to take any, send them all to San Francisco where the natives are accustomed to dookie on their streets and sidewalks. And put ankle monitors on them all to make sure they *stay* in SF.

  23. Godly533 says:

    It’s all very easy.
    These WEF dorks and Palantir skinwalkers get marched on-stage for their viral “mic drop” moment on some libard and the MAGAs swoon.
    Vivek was BASED because he PWNED some MSM jobber.

    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  24. Godly533 says:

    Here’s the thing: People who support genocides in other countries will gladly exterminate you here at home if given the chance.

    Right. You really have to have a laugh at this new breed of “neoliberal white supremacists” who have been popping up, seems to be partly a kosher operation and partly liberals who are going mask off with the “be gay or die” agenda and their support for the Palestinian genocide.

    They’re vicariously living out their racial grievances through the “badass” Israelis who are supposed to represent the warrior caste of whiteness, not realizing that Europe and the US are going to look like Gaza in a hundred years and some jew will be in an ecstatic frenzy as he pushes the button to drop the bomb on your grandkid.

    •�Thanks: OliverPeeples
  25. George says:

    The culture Ramaswamy is criticizing is the current American Public School culture. College admissions in the US are particularly corrupt in comparison to other nations. US healthcare would collapse without foreign nationals.

    Take a look at US math Olympiad teams, Mostly East Asian, with a European American and sometimes a South Asian. It is surprising how contestants of Jewish ancestry are not prominent.


    •�Replies: @Pythas
    , @c matt
  26. Godly533 says:

    I cannot stand Boomers and their slavish devotion to another failed savior cult.

    MAGAs are in a self-defeating position.
    They claim to represent dissident populism yet they are starved for the approval of the system they are supposedly in rebellion against.
    I don’t know what causes this exactly. It’s like they know something is wrong but can’t face the reality that things are much worse than they are willing to admit. They just can’t accept that it’s over, that it’s been over for a long time actually, and that we’re all fucked. That alarm clock is still going off at 6 AM and they gotta believe there’s going to be something that makes it worth it.

    •�Agree: OliverPeeples
    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  27. @OliverPeeples

    Just imagine the laughs pajeets will get gawking and pointing from their luxury autos and homes as the number of Whites forced out of the Burbs increase geometrically for this slice of the American Pie


    ‘dothead invader at the local Beverly Hills council meeting in the near future’

    Eh, Mista councilperson, I do not be wanting the houseless White bastards near my $1,000,000 home that was occupied by racist White bastards who enabled me to steal from them ok? Already my wife Sangeeta is being most sickened by this caste having no housing’

    •�Replies: @OliverPeeples
  28. Australia is admitting some Indians in its migration programme..
    And to assist them with the Aussie vernacular, our government is subsdising courses to help them ‘Learn to speak Australians’ (4 min video):

    Video LinkMany of you Americans could do with some lessons on how to speak proper English as well.
    So I suggest you take heed from these Indians who are making rapid strides.

  29. Musk is joined by a comrade in arms, Vivek Ramaswamy, whom based on visual analysis, appears to have a dog in this fight. He is insulting American culture, claiming that Indian culture is much superior.

    While I’m of very low opinion of American culture, there is not a single part of Indian culture that is superior to American culture.

  30. Rich says:
    @Greta Handel

    The IBEW, UAW, IUEC, AFL-CIO, USW, CSEA all supported Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. They were all big backers of Biden during his years of open borders. Look it up.

    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  31. Eudion3 says:

    They accuse us of ‘white supremacy’ while they implement white extinction.

  32. g8way says:

    Permissions to participate in the economic zone America should be distinguished from the requirements for citizenship and social inclusion. Rome understood this as did Athens.

    As did the United States before it lost the “Civil War”, and the victors arranged to provide suffrage to everyone in the zone. I seem to recall it wasn’t long after Rome started willy-nilly handing out citizenship that it disintegrated.

    •�Replies: @tamberlint
  33. @ServesyouallWhite

    Saw a stat yesterday: 18% increase in homelessness in the past four years while the top 5 oligarchs have *doubled* their already obscene wealth during the same period.

    No matter how bad things get, you will have a retard saying, “Yeah, but the Asian kids always compete in the math Olympiad…”

    White men created a staggering 90% or more of modern inventions. They did this *without* wogs being anywhere in the picture. For every successful competitor in a math Olympiad who is from Asia, he has an infinity chain of fucking moron relatives who will be brought to this country through the great chain migration. And they will swindle, rape and shit everywhere.

    Ramaswamy’s family made billions by running a full out scam, the kind that you can do in biotech with impunity. No one at Cassava will go to jail for pulling a similar fraud for years. If scam artists (including Musk) are the new icon of what it means to be an American, then let it all burn down.

    •�Replies: @Piffle
  34. Trinity says:

    Elon Musk is a J-E-W.

  35. Che Guava says:

    I knew it before Andre’s article. India seems to have a policy of invasion observed with Sunak, also Vivek Ramasmarmy: India isn’t really a nation, you may have heard of the naxalites, they are in the north-east, their supporters and members are not Indian, ethnically more like Bhutan or Burmese people.

    India (from Britain), like Indonesia (from Holland, help from Japan), is an inherited empire, not a nation.

    Since ‘India’ has ballistic missile, nuclear weapons, and a space programme, all external aid should cease.


  36. @Godly533

    Well that certainly did help cement his ‘credibility’ in the eye of 99%’ers.

  37. profnasty says:

    I think the Davos crowd wants US to be like India, re 1Billion a-holes:
    With White people as a despised minority.

    1973. National Lampoon Magazine. One skit had a White college student talking to a Dot student. Quote, “Human life isn’t worth a nickel in India.”
    That was India of 500 million . Just like US now.
    Hey White boy (EMJ), how much is your life worth ?

  38. Musk is an African of some kind of European (not sure on his looks) blood. Every European descended African I have ever met (maybe an exception) is a scumbag. Very similar to Jews, Hinjews, and others who are elite minorities ruling over others. Southerners from plantation families, from White minorities regions of the South, same, same.

    He looks like a Jew or some other type of mixed race.

    •�Replies: @Piffle
    , @OliverPeeples
  39. Lurker says:
    @Che Guava

    Priss is on there. I follow he/she/it.

    •�Replies: @Che Guava
  40. @g8way

    Fantasists criticize caste and crow about race with the same mouthful of spit.

    America has enjoyed an iron caste system with class privileges buffered by land, ocean, law, language, culture, currency, color, physiognomy, and previously unrivaled potential for violence. Boundaries have blurred through travel, of money, media, and morons people. The American base loses the benefits of empire; the new baronies scramble to preserve their share of empire.

    One has to face realities to form policy.

  41. p38ace says:
    @Cloud Posternuke

    Vivek missed the episode on saved by the bell where Zack has the highest SAT score.

    •�Replies: @Cloud Posternuke
  42. @eah

    Used the exact same reasoning in arguing with French lefties, got called a fascist.

  43. @p38ace

    I had to actually research what saved by the bell is.

    I assume Zack was the good looking “jock”.

    In this case, a situation as described here;

    Zack has the highest SAT score.

    would piss Vivek off even more.

    Just imagine, he is not only physically and socially superior, but also more intelligent.

    The only possible reaction would be impotent rage… at a fictional TV-character. I can totally imagine this little twerp(ajeet) doing that.

    Still, how can someone in such a high governmental position use an analogy of this type to attack his own voter base and justify his policies? I knew that the Trump administration would do no good, but what the actual fuck is this?


    I really miss Joe Biden at this point, he was at least an amusing memelord and had a valuable excuse for his behaviour due to his geriatric dementia.

    He also would never have claimed that Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob Squarepants is a reason to include an artificial 50% quota of female scientists or any such crap.

    His ramblings were unique, original, peak dadaist and either highly amusing or rather saddening, making him a highly skilled and versatile entertainer, able to play the auguste and whiteface clown alike.

  44. Look at the bright side: 🔴 Indians will do the job that White Americans seem to be unwilling to do, which is outbreed the Chinese and bury the Russians. What’s a little shit in the streets if it’s keeping out the Chinks and Russkies ?

  45. Piffle says:

    Not that “with Indians, you WIN” is a good argument anyway. India has a billion people and 90% of the country makes less than $7 a day. Why are these engineering geniuses not bringing up their own country, where they live with their own people? It doesn’t make any sense on its face.

    I’ve seen this point a great deal during this conversation. We need to amp it up. It’s the way to get “nice” people to think about repatriation.

  46. Piffle says:

    He looks like a Jew or some other type of mixed race.

    Musk was born in South Africa. I am not sure of his ancestry, but South Africa holds a lot of Jews, English, and Dutch who tend to intermarry. Afrikaners are the largely Dutch but somewhat English race from there.

  47. Piffle says:

    Saw a stat yesterday: 18% increase in homelessness in the past four years while the top 5 oligarchs have *doubled* their already obscene wealth during the same period.

    These conditions cannot last forever. How long is another issue.

    •�Agree: Liza
  48. @Che Guava

    Anybody who expected immigration to slow down was a fool. Anybody who expected numbers of deportations was an idiot.

    The Trump platform was always an appeal to the voter who was too stupid to see through his bullshit.

    •�Agree: Liza
  49. @Rich

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Picking the Blue turd over the Red when they’re practically indistinguishable in the context of immigration isn’t “America’s unions support[ing] this.” One can just as accurately say the same of any American who votes.

    The Establishment has sold out the American people across the board. Withhold your consent.

    •�Agree: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    •�Disagree: Rich
  50. Pythas says:

    Curious the blacks and browns always go to where the whites live. Very curious. Also like I’ve said before US companies want to try and suck up all the brains of the world so no country can compete with it. If Musk was such a genius why didn’t he create any of these companies in Africa where he’s from? Another story from a little techie, Mr. billy boy: Insidious Bill “Genocide” Gates and his investor cohorts plan to CHOP DOWN billions of TREES and BURY THEM in order to fix “climate change”

  51. Pythas says:

    It is surprising how contestants of Jewish ancestry are not prominent. It’s because all of them went into law. Now you know why we have the legal system in this country that we do.

  52. The most important thing, probably, or the most interesting, is that Elon Musk publicly vowed to crush the human race like an insect and replace all mankind with Indians.

    He is pushing “America is an idea” theology.

    I say:

    All non-Trump billionaires must be financially liquidated and they must have their citizenship revoked. Then the billionaire oligarch globalizer rodents must be forcibly deported to concentration camps in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Interloper rodent oligarch Elon Musk says that the United States is “just an idea.” This notion that America is just an “idea” is the foundational line of globaloney nonsense from the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire and Jews Organized Globally(JOG).

    The notion that the USA is “just an idea” allows treasonous ruling class rodents — such as Elon Musk — to use mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack the European Christian ancestral core of the USA; it also allows the ruling class to use the US military to fight wars — proxy or otherwise — to attack the sovereignty and cultural cohesion of other nations and regions.

    US Senator Lindsey Graham agrees with Elon Musk that the United States of America is “just an idea.”

    Lindsey Graham pushes mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD, ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION and amnesty for illegal alien invaders.

    Lindsey Graham wants to continue to use mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and kill the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.

    Lindsey Graham is a nasty little whore for the Neo-Conservatives and the American Empire war profiteers. Lindsey Graham is a Baby Boomer treasonite rat who will not fight for the best interests of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. Lindsey Graham puts the interests of Israel and Jews Organized Globally(JOG) ahead of the interests of the United States as a whole.

    I asked Lindsey Graham about the national identity Sam Huntington Questions in 2015 at a presidential primary town hall:



    Video Link

    Tweet from 2015:

  53. The silver lining here is that we’re seeing the discussion in public. This whole “we want to replace white people, we just want to do it legally” has been a GOP talking point for decades, and no one really agrees with it. They are just confused by it.

    I say:

    Teddy Cruz, Trump, Elon Musk and the Republican Party mass legal immigration treasonite rats all push nation-killing mass legal immigration.

    The USA should implement a complete and total IMMIGRATION MORATORIUM on all legal immigration and the USA should begin a massive deportation of all 40 million illegal alien invaders currently infesting the USA.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) are using mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and destroy all European Christian nations.

    Plenty of European Christian politicians are colluding with JOG to attack and destroy the nations of the European Christian people.

    Teddy Cruz is actively colluding and conspiring with JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) to swamp the USA with mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire pushed the nation-killing 1965 Immigration Act and Republican Party treasonous rat filth like Teddy Cruz are still pushing nation-killing mass legal immigration. Ted Cruz is in bed with the nation-killing interlopers in JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) on mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, amnesty for illegal alien invaders, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.

    I asked this of Ted Cruz at a town hall presidential primary campaign event in 2015:

    And as for immigration, It’s quite simply true that if it wasn’t for mass immigration — the 1965 Immigration Act — the Republicans might not have lost California forever. And it’s also true that without mass immigration we might never have had Obama — and that means we might never have had Obamacare.

    Mass legal immigration is the issue that’s demographically destroying the United States. But you, you support dramatic increases in mass immigration.

    I don’t think you can continue on trying to confuse the American people about the difference between illegal immigration and mass legal immigration — so why do you support mass legal immigration?

    Tweet from 2015:

  54. Wow side with the shape shifting sneaky Jewess known as Laura Loomer – Mazel Tov Mr Anglin. She’s trying to get you on her side by saying something about immigration and it worked like a charm
    All Jews have to do is throw a few Bananas in your direction and you side with that piece of shit.

    Here – better learn the lyrics

    Video Link

  55. For each Indian that is brought into the US, the US becomes a little more like India, don’t they see that? Everyone in India wants to leave the mess. We’re always hearing about the high intelligence of Musk, Vivek, Trump and so many others, just because they have made a lot of money. The making of money in our society and India and China is considered to be the greatest good, and the people who are good at it, the greatest geniuses, but what people fail to realize is that in order to make money, these people are only focused on making money, they isolate themselves from everything else. These people have not developed much common sense, wisdom or knowledge about any subject but business and finance. Trump is a big-time property developer and big talker, he knows how to navigate himself around big finance and knows the talk of those people, but if you took him out of his comfort zone and put him in a totally different place, how successful would he be?

    How successful would Trump be if his computer went down and there was nobody around to fix it? Has Trump ever turned a ratchet or a wrench in his life? Same with Vivek or Elon, take them out of their comfort zones and see how they’d do. Put Vivek or Elon on a farm and tell them they need to grow their own food, raise animals or chickens for food? How would they be able to survive? They’d probably starve to death. High IQ gives you a good start in life but that’s just the start.

    Probably the only Indians that Trump and Elon have ever dealt with are the high-caste, high-IQ types that you meet in the cocktail parties in DC and at Google headquarters, they don’t realize that 99% of Indians aren’t like that. They’ve all grown up in a bubble. Vivek probably knows the truth, but is laughing at these white fools that consider all Indians to be gurus, with thousands of years of cultural wisdom behind them, rather than seeing them as the vulgar savages that they really are just below the surface.

    •�Thanks: ServesyouallWhite
  56. Alden says:

    What bubble do you live in??? If you are younger than 80 affirmative action has been the law of the land since you were a teen still in high school.

    Affirmative Action discrimination against Whites has been the ferociously enforced law of America since March 6, 1961. Augmented by the 1964 civil rights for all but Whites act, the 1968 affirmative action act Griggs vs Duke Power 1971 and Kaiser vs Weber 1979.

    Employers love affirmative action. The USA
    government loves affirmative action discrimination against White Americans

    If White European tech workers immigrated to America they would be denied jobs because they are White, especially if they are White men.

    It is both illegal under affirmative action law to hire White Americans and against the corporate policy of every employer to hire White or European White Americans. What makes you think any tech company would hire White European immigrants????

    . If you think so I suggest you get in your car and drive to Seattle Redmond Everett etc Washington state park outside any tech company and see who works there. Asians and Indians.

    Then drive south to Santa Clara County Ca aka Silicon Valley Ca Mountain View Sunnyvale Cupertino. Look at who works at Google Facebook NASA etc. Asians and Indians no Whites need apply.

    The Silicon Valley White men who built the tech industry and put a man on the moon were all laid off around 1983 and replaced by Asians and Indians.

    Those were the Stanford university aeronautical AND astronautical engineering double major White men I went to college with and my husband’s friends too. White men with 140 150 IQs. The best and brightest White American men. Used by the capitalist pigs to put men on the moon and create the computer and tech industry.

    Then thrown away like used toilet paper and replaced by inferior Asian and Indians.

    All kicked out for Asians and Indians. We were there. We saw it happen. Cupertino Ca 100 percent White to mostly Asian immigrant then to mostly immigrant Indians in 20 years, 1970 to 1990.

    How could you not notice affirmative action your entire adult life?

    American Whites or immigrant European Whites. All unemployable out casts because of their race.

    •�Thanks: Charles Pewitt, Felpudinho
    •�Troll: tamberlint
  57. Vivek Ramaswamy Is An Asian Indian Interloper Who Wants To Flood Hundreds Of Millions Of Asian Indian Invaders Into The USA.

    Ramaswamy is a member of the Republican Party CHEAP LABOR FACTION.

    The departed mass immigration extremist rat boy, George HW Bush, and Iraq War Debacle/Open Borders Mass Immigration Fanatic, George W Bush, were and are members of the Republican Party CHEAP LABOR FACTION.

    George HW Bush and the US Congress passed a law in 1990 to attack and undercut American STEM workers by flooding the USA with foreigners on work visas. The 1990 immigration law pushed by George HW Bush and the US Congress was designed to lower wages for American workers and it was designed to destroy cultural cohesion in the USA.

    Treasonous globalizer rat George HW Bush was eager to attack American workers by flooding the USA with foreigners. The H-1B visa was one of the methods and weapons that dirtbag rat George HW Bush used to viciously attack and undercut American workers.

    78 Year Old Baby Boomer Trump and Asian Indian Interloper Ramaswamy have now joined with the Republican Party CHEAP LABOR FACTION and the dead globalizer scumbag, George HW Bush, in their attacks on American STEM workers by calling for massive increases of H-1B visa STEM sector guest worker foreigners and visa worker foreigners and other scams to attack American workers.

    Economic Immigration Dilemma:

    President George H.W. Bush’s signing of the “Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1990” is often considered the day H-1B was born. Under the 1990 Act Visas for employment-based immigrants rose to 140,000 from the 58,000 cap established in 1976. The 1990 Act set an annual cap of 65,000 nonimmigrants entering the U.S. under H-1B visas. H-1B workers were given a 3 year visa with a possible extension for a total of six years. It specified that H-1B workers must hold at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in their specialty field. The Act also required employers to pay H-1B workers the prevailing wage. In addition, the 1990 Act created three other new visa categories for skilled temporary workers–the H-1A visa for nurses and O and P visas for prominent scientists, educators, artists, athletes and entertainers. [4] A cap of 25,000 visas per year was placed on the annual number of newly created “P visas” available for foreign workers in the entertainment industry.[14]

    When the H-1B visa was created in 1990, the 1952 requirement that the visa was temporary was removed. H-1B became a dual-intent visa which allowed the foreign worker to remain in the U.S. while applying for permanent residency (green card). Politicians and pundits said that H-1B was temporary their intent to make it a permanent visa was very clear.


  58. @Alden

    Ah, you’re native to California, eh. That explains a lot. Buzz off.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  59. Amon says:

    Sriram Krishnan looks inbred to the point that he has a bit of the Habsburg jaw.

    Really puzzles me how MAGA thought a group that has done nothing but spit on hard working young Americans for decades would suddenly be okay with the right. The horror stories of young IT graduates with 250K debt arriving at a giant techfirm only to be told their contract is for six months only at a minimum wage while they teach a boat load of indians how to do all the IT jobs isn’t new, neither is the stories of how tech bros crush any startups the graduates attempt to make unless it is in videogaming, then making an indie company is okay.

  60. Duggle says:

    Elon Musk is a lying cocksucker who hates Americans? No way, dude.

    •�LOL: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  61. @Alden

    Well I’m sure there are at least some on here still saying,

    ‘At least they (the now jobless Whites) were not kicked out by niggers!’

    White fixation on blacks was the literal distraction needed for Chinks and Pajeets (mainly Pajeets) to begin mass displacement of Whites, where ironically the Pajeets were largely supported by Whites in this goal.

    The whole mess is similar to species of ants that when infected by parasitic fungus, they move to ensure that other ants are infected so that the parasite can replicate and spread.

    Or a type of male crab when infected by a parasitic barnacle, literally turns homo and begins caring for a clutch of embedded barnacle spawn in the manner of the female crab.

    I can read the epitaph on the tombstone of the White Race now:

    ‘Boy, they sure as hell fell for it

  62. The H-1B visa is designed to remove native-born Americans from the technology field while replacing them with indentured foreigners.

    The Republican Party and the Democrat Party say spend more money on STEM training while at the same time they are pouring H-1B visa foreigners into the United States. The ruling class of the American Empire is pure evil.

    The H-1B visa scam is used by money-grubbing rats to undercut the wages and benefits of native-born American workers.

    The H-1B visa scam is used by money-grubbing cheap labor hogs to displace and replace native-born American workers.

    Trump and Musk have abandoned native-born American workers by putting the interests of foreigners ahead of the interests of American citizens.

    Trump and Musk want to massively increase the guest worker visa scam and the foreigner visa worker scam and every other cheap labor politician trick that undercuts and attacks native-born American workers.

    Trump and Musk have stabbed the European Christian ancestral core of the USA in the back by crawling into bed with foreigners and oligarch globalizer plutocrat shysters such as Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.

    The Pewitt Immigration Plan Is Patriotic And It Puts The Interests of American Citizens Ahead Of The Interests Of Foreigners:



    Tweet from 2020:

    Here I am asking Martin O’Malley about wage-reducing mass immigration and the H-1B visa scam from 2015:

    Tweet from 2015:


    Trump wants to flood the USA with mass legal immigration “in the largest numbers ever.”

    Trump will refuse to deport the upwards of 40 million illegal alien infiltrators in the USA.

    Trump wants to flood the USA with tens of millions of visa foreigners and visa interlopers and green card foreigners and student visa foreigners and every other kind of visa foreigner he can think of.

    Trump pushes mass legal immigration.

    Trump is an anti-worker politician whore who will keep the H-1B visa floodgates wide open.

    Trump has always been in bed with the Republican Party CHEAP LABOR FACTION.

    Tweet from 2019:

    •�Replies: @Alden
  64. @Old Prude

    MAGA means Make America A Great place to live Again. Anglin nails it that the silver lining is we are talking about mass immigration, something the media and elites want to keep out of public discussion.

    Yes. And after that Indian High-Tech guy, Sidharth, got his ass chewed for ridiculing concerned multigenerational Americans by Tweeting this:

    “Anyone opposing high-skilled immigration is fundamentally anti-American. This nation was built by immigrants who drove innovation, from Albert Einstein revolutionizing science to Sergey Brin reshaping technology. High-skilled immigrants create jobs, fuel economic growth, and ensure America stays ahead globally.”

    “Groups like #USTECHWorkers, operating with shady funding from external forces and amplified by figures like Laura Loomer, are nothing more than propaganda machines designed to weaken America’s competitive edge. Their agenda isn’t about protecting jobs—it’s about stoking division and fear.”

    “History teaches us that when America shuts its doors, it falls behind. To oppose high-skilled immigration is to deny the very essence of what makes this country a global leader. Don’t let bad-faith actors masquerade as patriots. They’re working against America, not for it.”

    He quickly covered his entitled brown Brahma ass with this open, groveling, ass-kissing-apology follow-up Tweet:

    A Road to Damascus moment? Ha! It’s pure deceit.

    These Indian Brahma immigrants, who are supposedly higher IQ than us, are absolutely shameless. Reminds me of another distinct group of people that lies, cheats, and swindles the wealth of others as easy as they breath.

    •�Thanks: Charles Pewitt
  65. MAGAtards love getting betrayed by their zionist clown overlord, and he constantly delivers that betrayal in spades. It is a beautiful relationship they have.

    •�Agree: Cloud Posternuke
  66. @Cloud Posternuke

    Not only are these Indian “streetshitter” H1-B-visa immigrants incompetent, they’re also assholes to non-Indian Americans on the job:

    •�Agree: Commentator Mike
    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  67. peterAUS says:

    ….I don’t know what causes this exactly. …..

    I suggest reading Sam Francis.

  68. c matt says:

    America is not an economic zone driven by GDP as its measure of success. It is for many of us our home

    Unfortunately, for those in power, it is nothing but an economic zone driven by GDP. And more unfortunately, for many who see it as home, they excuse this treachery because capitalism or something (“What are you, a f’kin commie or something?!?”).

    How many idiot ‘muricans who excuse this shit can’t tell the difference between Soviet Communism and National Socialism? How many of these idiots have called you a Nazi Communist unironically? And these retards are surprised when this shit happens.

    •�Agree: OliverPeeples
  69. c matt says:

    jews aren’t good at math – they are good at schemes.

  70. Alden says:

    What bubble do you live in that you haven’t noticed that affirmative action discrimination has been the law of the land since March 6 1961? Do you even live in the USA? If so where? A treetop in Appalachia?

    White men like you are useless scum. You won’t even admit that affirmative action discrimination against White American men like you exists. Just lay down and not even admit the discrimination and race replacement immigration exists.

    White men with IQs of 125 and higher are the most precious resource America had. Had. But affirmative action threw them into the trash heap. ESAD

    •�Troll: tamberlint
  71. Alden says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Tamberlint and many race traitor Men of Unz disagree with you and me. They don’t mind or even notice affirmative action Timberline is so dumb and naive he’s never noticed that an American White man is a rare sight in any American workplace. From hospitals to retail to construction to restaurants.

    What can one expect from White men with no children who’ve spent their entire lives deaf and blind to what’s happened to White men for the last 64 years? Or has never worked or even applied for a job in his entire life. About 96 percent of all jobs go to non White immigrants not White Americans. .

    •�Thanks: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    •�Troll: tamberlint
    •�Replies: @tamberlint
  72. The shortage of engineers is because math is being phased out of our schools since white men excel at it . Colleges should teach PEMCIT only. Phsyics, engineering, math, chemistry and IT.

    That would mean no blacks and few women. Great.

  73. @Alden

    I would accuse you of dishonesty and willful slander, but I rather think you’re just a subliterate hysteric, panicked at the sight of rising water.

  74. Miville says:

    You never went on the Moon. NASA hired you to build a mass satellite surveillance system and 90% of those who were employed by NASA during the space race were for surveillance through satellite. The Moon was explored through probes and automated rovers that could do all the job better (digital photography though still classified as an invention already existed) but that counted for 5% of the NASA budget at the very most.

    Those who refused to see the fraud they were working at and the infamous thing they were paid for to do with the same money I don’t consider that intelligent nor generous : I consider them as made of the shit as the brownies replacing them now for cheaper. Anyway the quality of US manufacturing (both civilian and military) in the US during the 1960’s was second grade compared to anything West European or Japanese at that time and just above Soviet quality minus planned obsolescence. As for Silicon Valley when they were not Jews they were Zionists full of contempt for Americans outside their field and in hesitation between Green Khmer Rouge utopias and Ayn Rand Libertarianism. The only good software products and master computer language designers of note were European, like Dahl and Dijkstra.

    Most Whites who succeeded in the Silicon Valley are now either in Israel Valley (a perfectly symmetrical bigger one that developed right at the same time with the difference they are more specialized in information censorship technologies) or when they are less or not Jewish in places such as Dubai, where they too leave all the routine jobs to Indians or Philipinos. Don’t be too proud of your IQ : that measurement measures mostly the speed and range of obedience to Jewish orders.

    Today’s Whites don’t need the presence of Browns to let their environment fall in the same kind of ruins as in India or worse. All they need to be even worse by the very daily habits they develop even faster is a smartphone together with degrees in fake sciences.

    •�Troll: Trinity
    •�Replies: @Alden
  75. Zduhaci says:

    How about an essay on ‘the mark of the beast’

    Spoiler alert: it’s not an implant folks – but it is currently in your back pocket right now.

    I have all the best logic regarding this prophecy. Take me on…. Get destroyed. Andrew – you can email me for a full rundown if you like.

    Jesus used cash, although the death squads would’ve preferred tracked electronic transactions.

    Did you know – those fun tests at early school were for psychological profiling. A radical advocate leader personality, much like IQ doesn’t really change much from a 5 year old through to adulthood. Nip it in the bud, so to speak.

    Sorry about this – but banking in NZ starting 2025 requires the beast mark. So what shall I do?

    Death? Jail? Satanism? Or legal victory? You people need to collaborate and become a legal force for my personal crusade. Thanks and stay crazy.

  76. How is it that Trump and Musk are totally flipping their policy views from what they have originally claimed to support? There is a foolish tendency to believe that what we see and hear must be real, but is it? The technology exists to replicate anyone and hi-jack them and claim their beings in person and in speech. It does seem that Musk has had that done to him. Only a one to one, face to face meeting would likely be the real Musk . Jim Stone has this opinion:
    December 30 2024
    I think Elon is either kidnapped or drugged or represented by AI now, AND I CAN PROVE IT IS PROBABLY SO WITH EMPERICAL EVIDENCE.

    •�LOL: tamberlint
  77. Alden says:

    What are you blathering about?

  78. @OliverPeeples

    Thanks for your thoughts. A row of Old Glory doesn’t hide Huffy Musk’s lack of roots and community- awareness. I wonder if he is familiar with the concept of repentance?

  79. Elon might wish to consider that “America rose to greatness” because it had the virtually untapped natural (and human) resources of a great continent to exploit. Even a system as destructive as one based on the plunder of the common weal for private gain could not help but prosper with this unprecedented advantage. Now it has, quite logically, evolved into a bloated militaristic monster that seeks to continue strip mining on a global scale, to support the rapacious oligarchy that has replaced our fragile republic. And it must continue to do so as long as it can, purchasing our consent with the nonstop flow of shiny consumer luxuries that can only come from continuing the pillage. Distracting us with swarthy brown men is a time honored tradition as well.

    •�Agree: Holosphere
  80. Che Guava says:

    Not that I care, but for curiosity’s sake, what is the user name?

  81. @Felpudinho

    Not only are these Indian “streetshitter” H1-B-visa immigrants incompetent, they’re also assholes to non-Indian Americans on the job:

    Absolutely and Whites in managerial and executive positions excuse and protect their shitty behavior. I go through it and see it happen every workday. I do not have enough fingers and toes to count all the times I have had some idiot offshore pajeet contractor telling me my job or actually giving me and other FT non-pajeet employees orders. I have to warn new/entry level employees to not listen to them under any circumstances.

    The hired fucking help (and they are never of any help) giving the client orders! For one thing, tt’s like ‘Mamie’ from Gone with the Wind telling Scarlett to clean the floors, while my White boss tells me ‘You need to improve your soft-skills dealing with them and that it’s not a big deal to fix their work‘ (So those frauds get paid for shit work, while non-FT employees are expected to work overtime re-doing the work of the hired help)

    I told the dumb bastard ‘And YOU need to start clipping coupons and saving the free office snacks for when you are down to 1 meal daily after these bastards cost you your job due to incompetence or after reporting your ass to HR on a false racist abuse claim’

    It’s even worse with green-carder pajeets who are full-time employees. When you point out their shoddy work, they want to have a phone call and be shown a presentation on how their work was wrong. They cannot tolerate any form of criticism from a non-pajeet.

    Once Trump’s treachery is enacted and the Vindaloo Horde makes it over here the abuse against non-pajeets will increase 1000% because the dotheads will know they are protected by trojan Whites like Trump and Musk who are in turn manipulated by street-shitter infiltrators such as Ramaswamy, Vance’s wife and all the oher pajeets Trump either directly or indirectly placed into government positions.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  82. @craicaassmofo

    Black Pill has a segment on this. His mother claims to be Jewish and little Elon was sent to Hebrew school.

    His inflated ego, total rootlessness, obsession with money and childish temper tantrums are signs he was raised by a Jewish mom even if you didn’t have her testimony. His whole family is a dysfunctional mess. Fortunately, he’s recreated it in his own immediate environs: helping his son get mutilated, impregnating three different women — one an employee — and having twelve kids. Very African. The women he’s with end up despising him. He’s been described as a control freak. Precisely the man I want trying to chip people and hold the ear of the president while building a payments control grid.

    Sam Hyde’s full response to Musk is worth a watch:

    I think his “fungible economic units” sums up the way Musk looks at humans. It explains his desire to create a control grid and unfortunately, Hyde is too easy on him.

    Notice all the anti-H1-B speeches and comments from Trump over the years, how they vanished after spending a few weeks with Musk at the Center of the Universe.

    What you are seeing is a masterclass demo in how Anglo leadership *always* chokes hard over Jewish money. Total reversal and totally Anglo.

    Still, the wog thing has been great. I hope Musk and Trump keep pushing it because it’s going to backfire spectacularly.

  83. @ServesyouallWhite

    Thank God I never had to work among third-world incompetents in the environment you described. Every single person on all my construction work crews in Alaska had to pull, 100%, their own weight. I couldn’t put up with the shit you descibed, it would boil my blood.

    I never worked with an Indian or a Muslim, and the one black guy and the one Dominican guy I once had to work with were thankfully shitcanned within a week. The very few women we had working on various jobs were the worst workers we had but luckily they were never a member of my crew.

    In Alaska, none of the companies I worked for had a HR department. It was very easy to hire and fire – the racism card didn’t work too well in Alaska. I know of guys who were fired within ten minutes of starting, since it was immediately obvious that they didn’t have what it took to do the job they were quickly escorted off the job site.

    The hired fucking help (and they are never of any help) giving the client orders! For one thing, tt’s like ‘Mamie’ from Gone with the Wind telling Scarlett to clean the floors…

    …the Vindaloo Horde…


  84. In my opinion, Elon Musk is a World Class IDIOT. He has never seen a government subsidy that he did not like. His accident rate(s) in his automobile assembly plant(s) are the highest in the industry and his employees’ morale is the lowest.

    In between jobs as an industrial electrician, I got a “temp” job at a company that engaged in testing electrical modules for the Boeing 787. The facility was full of temps and H-1B visa Indians. They also had American engineers, but damn few, because the Americans wouldn’t work for the low wages that were being paid to the Indians.

    I have nothing but contempt for Musk, Ramaswamy, Trump and EVERY national politician of BOTH political parties. NONE of them give a damn about Joe Plumber. Trump, being a billionaire, isn’t about to do anything which will negatively affect his net worth or the net worth of his friends.


    In my working lifetime, I spent over 40 years working as an industrial electrician IN INDUSTRY – at companies that made high quality, needed products for which there was a demand. At the companies where I was treated in an equitable manner, I gave 110% and at the companies where I was treated with disrespect, I only did enough to be able to keep my job.

    In the economic climate that we have here in the United States, one would THINK that these companies would be cooperating with their employees in an effort to maintain profitability and employee loyalty. But that is NOT the case. Most companies have an “us vs. them” mentality between management and the employees. It’s “my way or the highway” and because of this, productivity, quality and employee morale suffer.

    I spent my entire working lifetime in the Rockford, Illinois area (90 miles west of Chicago; pop. 148,000+). I applied for a job as an electrician at a factory that had been in business for over 100 years. I was one of the TWENTY QUALIFIED PEOPLE who applied for the job and one of the SIX that they interviewed. I did not get the job, as my robotics skills were not the best. But the company was honest enough to tell me that. I thanked them for their honesty.

    Rockford used to be known as the Screw Capital of the World, as there were a multitude of factories which produced fasteners of all kinds. Rockford was also home to many factories which produced high quality hardware. Most of those factories have closed up and many of the remaining ones have downsized to a small shadow of their former selves. Some time ago, I made a list of the Rockford area factories that had either closed up or had decreased in size. I came up with a list of 37 factories. The number is probably much higher now.

    Rockford has literally become an industrial ghost town and no one there gives a damn about it, least of all the politicians, whose main goal is to keep jacking up their sky-high real estate tax rate. The politicians and citizens seem preoccupied with landing a big casino – a business which will be privately owned and which will supply minimum wage jobs, with minimal benefits.

    The United States now has roughly 22 MILLION millionaires. The infrastructure of our country is deteriorating at an ever-increasing rate. We have record numbers of homeless persons and record numbers of both corporate and personal bankruptcies. According to standard accepted accounting principles, the U.S. government IS BANKRUPT, as are most of the states in the country. The ONLY thing keeping our country going is the issuance of fiat (fake) money and government payments to individuals, families and corporations. “Money” that the United States DOES NOT HAVE.

    Lest anyone feels like coming out with the worn-out cliche that “it’s the unions,” please spare me with this diatribe. After the end of World War II, when unions were at their strongest, the standard of living was increasing for ALL Americans and our country enjoyed the world’s highest positive balance of world trade payments. NOW the United States has become the nation with the world’s largest NEGATIVE balance of trade payments.

    Contrary to what “libertarians” will tell you, it was NOT “free trade” or “free markets” which were responsible for the meteoric rise in South Korea’s prosperity. It was PROTECTIONISM. Do not take my word for it; read some of the many books written by Ha-Joon Chang, Ph.D. Mr. Chang is NOT a “socialist;” he is a capitalist who tells the truth about capitalism.

    Personally, I am not a “socialist” or a “communist” or a “fascist” or a “libertarian.” I am FOR CAPITALISM, but with (only) the necessary regulations in place to protect the citizens from the inevitable abuses of the banks, the “financial industry” and the corporations. Some years ago, there was a lobbying group by the name of the U.S. Business and Industry Council, which advocated for realistic regulations and tax law that would level the playing field among the major corporations and the small corporations and “mom & pop” businesses. They disbanded, because NONE of the politicians would listen to them.

    Most Americans erroneously believe that fascism was defeated by World War II. Nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from a few fascists who were convicted of “war crimes” at the sham Nuremburg Trials, most of the fascists either went to Central or South America, or came to the USA, to work for our government. But these people no longer refer to themselves as “fascists” – they now call themselves GLOBALISTS.

    These globalists are working toward a One World dictatorship government, where a very few at the top will own everything and where the rest will serve as their slaves. That is, the ones who are ALLOWED TO LIVE. The Jew, Klaus Schwab and his chief mouthpiece, the Jew, Yuval Harari, have publicly come out and have said as much.

    In my opinion, we don’t need AI or more robots or any fraudulent financial schemes or laws to combat the fraud known as “climate change.” What we do need is compassion for one’s fellow man, for each to treat each other by the Golden Rule” and to rid ourselves of the laws and institutions in the United States that are clearly anti-constitutional. And we also need to extricate ourselves from the United Nations and it goal of establishing a One World fascist dictatorship government.

    Thank you.

  85. @Che Guava

    The ironic thing is from people who work in different tech sectors is that companies like Boeing and Microsoft and IBM had drops in quality when they began to rely on Indian tech workers. So I struggle to see how it will benefit the US – other than filling seats.

  86. @Hulkamania

    Don’t forget his companies survived on government subsidy. Nothing necessarily wrong with it… But hypocrisy nonetheless

  87. @ServesyouallWhite

    Yeah I always found it peculiar the focus of “black crime” on some forums. Some Cities in Latin America make urban black crime in the US “quaint” by comparison.

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