Oh help. From the doddering eggplant in the White house we hear that White Supremacy, alias White Nationalism, alias the Dissident Right, is the “most dangerous threat†to American democracy, if any. Televised drivel spigots warn of a rising tide of racial extremism, referring to White Nationalists, not BLM. The congenitally alarmed express horror and perturbation. They seem to think–or perhaps hope, life being boring in Washington, that in conjunction with the election of Trump, WhyNats will bring back lynching.
This is overwrought. In fact the Racial Right is politically unworkable, self-limiting, in no danger of gaining power, and seems little more than a cross between a hobby and a social club.
Most of their ideas amount to cultural conservatism, and might garner a massive following if not associated with hostility to too many groups. Whynats want to close the southern border, suppress rampant crime, end ranting against whites, end birthright citizenship, reinstate scholastic standards, end affirmative action, let people live where and among whom they please, reinstate the primacy of European culture, and deport illegal immigrants. These seem reasonable enough, except maybe the last, since throwing ten or twenty million people across the border might prove impractical.
The fly in the White Nationalist ointment is its hostility to other races, ethnicities, religions and, well, almost everybody. They love America, but dislike almost everyone within it. WhyNats are against the thirteen percent of the population who are black, the nineteen percent and climbing who are Hispanic, the six percent and climbing who are Asian, the two percent who are Jewish, against Democrats and liberals, and by strong implication southern Europeans, sexual curiosities and Moslem’s, many of whom are white. This leaves enough Americans to populate a small-town PTA meeting. Maybe. It isn’t serious politics.
How is this going to work in a country still governed by elections, however rigged? Antagonizing almost everybody is not practical politics. The aforementioned ethnicities vote.
A problem is that the pursuit of racial separatism, a goal of White Nationalism, requires maximizing interracial hostility, whereas the domestic tranquility, and perhaps the survival of the country, require minimizing it. It is A, or B. There is no getting around this. Seeking to arouse racial hostility to America’s Latinos, which is exactly what WhyNats are doing, doubtless plays to some underlying psychic disturbance. But most of the Latinos are citizens. They are not going to go away. White and brown will have to live together. Political practicality suggests doing this amicably.
WhyNat thinking is sometimes straightforwardly incoherent. For example, it divides people into white and nonwhite. This puts a naked savage in the wilds of Papua New Guinea in the same category as a Chinese theoretical physicist. The view is lacking in demographic granularity. In a country that is increasingly non-white, this starkly binary understanding allows no compromise, negotiation, or modus vivendi. Whatever its appeal, it isn’t going to work. It isn’t practical politics.
The racial divide is not between whites and everybody else but between blacks and everybody else. Whites, browns, and yellows seldom push each other in front of subway trains, burn cities, beat people into comas, engage in mass looting, or regard the firefight as their preferred form of social interaction.
While most things that WhyNats want are cultural and political and thus at least theoretically possible, there is in White Nationalism a strong and explicit desire to maintain the genetic purity of the white race. This is neither unusual nor reprehensible. Many races, religions, and ethnic groups oppose outmarriage. But in America it isn’t politically practical. That word again.
The regnant fact is that America is a multiracial country. Love it, hate it, or focus on something more productive, like sorting your socks, but this is the fact. Anybody who dreams of racial homogeneity needs to stop smoking that Drano. It isn’t good for you. Groups that want to maintain purity can marry each other, but there will be massive leakage around the edges. I recently read a Pew (I think) survey saying that forty percent of third-generation Latinos marry out.
Does anyone think the hi-tech world is going to fire, or deport, the multitudinous Chinese scientists and programmers on whom America now depends? Orr forbid them to date their white fellow tech-heads? As a young man I lived in Taiwan and found the girls to be smart, beautiful, and classy. Young white men enthusiastically agreed. The condition is called “yellow fever.†It is not transmitted by mosquitoes.
Latinos? Much the same applies. Mexican girls are often disastrously pretty and, when speaking unaccented American English, are not very exotic. They will not repel young Anglo guys. Americans can approve, accept, or deplore this. They can approve, accept, or deplore sunrise. The effect will be the same. Short of a law forbidding intermarriage, which is not a practical goal, there is no practical way to prevent intermarriage. Or, I think, much support for doing so.
WhyNats dream of an all-white America. Fine. As a dream it has its appeal: no slavery, perhaps no Civil War, no Jim Crow, race riots, burning cities, depressed educational standards, uncontrolled crime, open borders. Oldsters remember the Fifties, wen kids could leave their bikes anywhere and find them on their return and children could engage in sprawling games of hide and seek after dark in safety. This was real. I was there.
But in 1619 the Historic American Nation, progenitors of today’s White Nationalists, began importing blacks and continued in high volume until at least 1808. Having imported them, they now complain of their presence. (perhaps they owe the rest of us reparations.) Also unwisely, America opened its borders. This too cannot be undone.
The WhyNat idea, often explicit and usually implied, “We founded this nation. It is ours,†will not fly in the polls when the vast majority of voters have nothing in common with the Historic American Nation. Again, not practical politics.
Another example of political misjudgement is the defense by at least some major WhyNats of everything whites have ever done. Slavery, for example, and colonialism. As a matter of political practicality–that word pops up yet again–the only possible position is, “Slavery, like colonialism, was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Period.â€â€ But a mixture of die-hard Southerness and retrospective conservative romanticism keeps this from being said. WhyNats, not unreasonably, tend to revere such founding figures of America as Jefferson, Washington, and Lee, all of whom owned slaves. Imagine trying to justify slavery in a televised debate. Yes, the Greeks had slaves. No, the Bible doesn’t forbid slavery. This doesn’t matter. The word is political death.
Some of the things WhyNats want seem to be coming into being, such as restored standards for entrance to universities and abandonment of the sillier forms of affirmative action. Splendid. They are not coming about because of White Nationalism. The administrations of Harvard and MIT are not White Nationalists, though it might be a good thing if they were.