Of course Russia is Christian country.
The hope that Putin would bring back that Christian Russia proves that naivete and foolishness are not the exclusive property of Leftist “intellectuals.†Remember he started out as a Soviet KGB agent, which for Hilary and Barack was likely a feature, not a bug.
The world is full of countries with good people and bad leaders. Notice I said “that Christian Russia,” not just “Christian Russia.” I meant the Christian Russia of the Czarist era. Putin makes certain concessions to religious people, like Republicans in the US. Of course the people of Russia would not tolerate Western style LGBTQ ideology, no matter who their leader is.
At first I thought it was a parody. The ad was just so over the top as to defy credulity. Then I read the comments on the video…
Lincoln did not object to the Russian fleet being in US harbours during the early days of the American Civil War In fact Lincoln used the Russian fleet’s arrival to intimidate Britain and France, who if they had come in on the side of the South would have ended up fighting Russia. It has been handy for fighting the enemies of the West, and it will be again in the future.
Of course Russia has energy, and could always decide to fulfill its appointed place in the globalist scheme of things, and allow the Russian nation state to take care of cultural matters and migration, as it goes down the comparative advantage road. But they would cease to be an advanced economy and fall under the sway of China.
You're confusing Christianity with some other religion, likely Protestant Cucktianity. I suggest you move to the USA, they've enshrined 'compassion' as their official state religion.
Country full of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness?
soybeans and compassionate anal sex.
LOL. Are you aware that Russia have no problems with soybeans – quite the opposite.
Russia forecast to set soybean production record
And Russian Orthodox Church sees not problem with it – I do not recall any Church authorities calling soybeans sinful and protesting against their cultivation and consumption.
And neither does God.
See Acts 10:10-15
If you, for some reason, see consumption of soybeans as mortal sin equal to sodomy, maybe the problem is with you and your church. Find better one.
Really, of all alt-right bullshit, declaring soy foods treyf is the most laughable. “I cannot help myself, soy made me gay” is as persuasive as “dog ate my homework”. 😉
Of course Russia is Christian country.
The hope that Putin would bring back that Christian Russia proves that naivete and foolishness are not the exclusive property of Leftist “intellectuals.†Remember he started out as a Soviet KGB agent, which for Hilary and Barack was likely a feature, not a bug.
Country full of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness?
You’re confusing Christianity with some other religion, likely Protestant Cucktianity. I suggest you move to the USA, they’ve enshrined ‘compassion’ as their official state religion.
Christianity teaches to ‘sell your cloak and buy a sword’, not soybeans and compassionate anal sex.
LOL. Are you aware that Russia have no problems with soybeans - quite the opposite.
soybeans and compassionate anal sex.
The hope that Putin would bring back that Christian Russia proves that naivete and foolishness are not the exclusive property of Leftist “intellectuals.†Remember he started out as a Soviet KGB agent, which for Hilary and Barack was likely a feature, not a bug.
Of course Russia is Christian country.
Look around you – churches of all kinds, from small to big and magnificent, are everywhere, golden and bejeweled crosses and icons galore.
What more would you want?
Country full of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness?
Russia is no place for such gay shit, never had been and never will be.
You're confusing Christianity with some other religion, likely Protestant Cucktianity. I suggest you move to the USA, they've enshrined 'compassion' as their official state religion.
Country full of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness?
He will, and he is.
The hope that Putin would bring back that Christian Russia proves that naivete and foolishness are not the exclusive property of Leftist “intellectuals.” Remember he started out as a Soviet KGB agent, which for Hilary and Barack was likely a feature, not a bug.
Of course Russia is Christian country.
The hope that Putin would bring back that Christian Russia proves that naivete and foolishness are not the exclusive property of Leftist “intellectuals.†Remember he started out as a Soviet KGB agent, which for Hilary and Barack was likely a feature, not a bug.
Every “Never-Trumper” is also a Log Cabin Republican. Good insight.
The USSR was the second world economy in size from right after WWII to 1985.
Today’s Russia, after initially plummeting to nominal GDP levels below Poland, which itself was a wreck back then, has now managed to agonizingly reach the size of the economies of the likes of Spain, Mexico, and Australia. (Which is another reminder that the whole was great than the sum of its parts, thus if the US starts to split do expect a very sharp plummeting of GDP)
If Russia still had an economy the size of today’s Chinese economy, I doubt the GloboHomo coward would be this brave. They only pick on countries they think they have a shot at bullying. That’s also why they don’t dare to do the same theatrics with China. Because China today has the economic power of the USSR during the previous Cold War.
I thought the ad was funny. If anything, it makes Trump and Putin look cooler than they are.
One thing that is bizarre about all this, is that the images and aesthetic used is that of the Soviet Union, the “Evil Empire”, but current nationalist (?) Russia is in many ways a rejection of Sovietism. It seems more a throwback to the 80s and Reaganites.
Well, according to the ad, Russians are very much into literacy promotion (one of the posters was about books in all the fields of knowledge), peasant and worker solidarity (one of the statues), and defeating Nazis (Mamaev Kurgan, Stalingrad Victory statue, lady with the sword).
It will probably go over boomers’ head, but those are positions fairly close to the heart of the left wing of the Democratic Party. It makes sense in a way – people who see Russians everywhere are now discovering the Russians in themselves. Same with BLM and racism – those hunting for racists everywhere are now finding their own ranks filled with racists. Insanity projected outward is reflected back in. Its like Nietzshe come to life. If you stare into the abyss, abyss stares back at you.
How exactly can Congress prevent Trump from pulling the troops out of Afghanistan?
If Trump gives the order to load up the C-5s and leave, do the Dems just go find a judge in Hawaii to issue an injunction?
If Trump actually brings them home, do they impeach again? Will the war-monger Republicans climb on board this time?
1. She’s a woman
2. She’d leak untold amounts of dirt if fired.
Neoconservatism II
Electric —
The real Abe Lincoln liked the Russians so much he brought in their naval fleet to NY and SF to block the Brits and French from attempting to carve up America during its bleakest hour. If they had done so, they would have formed a new slave nation in the South with Judah Benjamin running the show on behalf of London.
Those derned Russkies probably saved a lot of lives.
This ad is targeted at the most decrepit boomers who grew up in the 1950’s who were taught to check for communists under their beds every morning and whose childhood hero was Tailgunner Joe.
For younger generations, it is just a joke, and for the youngest, it is incomprehensible.
How many people under thirty five know what was Soviet Union?
Otherwise you are right – it is great work of art that will be remembered just like the infamous “Daisy”.
it’s not clear why Trump hasn’t fired Kellyanne Conway. she’s useless as a sack of shit – nobody can point to a single helpful, useful, constructive thing she does for the administration – but in any other world your family doesn’t get to bad mouth the boss relentlessly in public for years.
it’s certainly a virtue of Western European Man to overlook that a few times, since this isn’t the third world, and you don’t automatically fire somebody because somebody in their family said you suck. but her husband has crossed the line here. you don’t get to do that, directly try to take out your wife’s employer. that’s ludicrous. her daughter too, apparently.
who’s more stupid here is the only question. Conway or Trump. Conway has helped ‘advise’ Trump directly into a one term Presidency. but Trump is the ALL TIME worst hiring and firing guy. he’s legendarily terrible. it’s astounding how horrendous he is at deciding who to hire.
I actually like this clip. It gives me the feels. “Rusha Stronk!”. The only thing that needs correcting is the “American dogs” need absolutely be represented by two Golden Doodles, one beige and one black.
A cursory examination;
Berman (?)
Yoffe (?)
Packer (half)
Wasow (double)
In terms of ethnicity ordinary for their type, as well as profession (except for Luce, who seems like he got in through gay “positive” discrimination)
I have to say though the narrator they hired has an amazing voice. Frankly if anything it activates Russophilia
Interesting read:
Among the highlights –
He did not hold highly of Nina Khrushcheva, a New York resident. When I mentioned her at one point, he asked: ‘well do you get along with everyone in your family?’
Ivan Krastev is such a Western PC Bulgarian. Nothing like all of the pro-Russian and US savvy Bulgarians I’ve come across.
Something Screwy in Russia & Abroad
Concerning your title’s use of “Russophobic”:
Why would Russian Athletics agree to pay a hefty fine, in return for clean Russian track & field athletes being allowed to compete without formally representing their nation?
It’s bigoted for the Sebastian Coe led World Athletics to ban the clean Russian track & field athletes, in the event that the fine at issue isn’t paid.
Establishment Western propaganda is keen on saying that their beef is against the Russian government (and some of the structures it backs) and not the Russian people.
Without meaning to belittle abuses regarding another group or groups: RUSSIAN LIVES SHOULD MATTER TOO!
When I was growing up–in a solidly “Blue Tribe” environment, after the dissolution of the USSR–it was a mark of sophistication for Americans to express vaguely pro-Russian views. This was clearly a remnant of Cold War politics: the American left was to varying degrees pro-Russian–or more accurately pro-Soviet, because they were sympathetic with Communist ideology and Communist goals. Conversely the right was of course anti-Soviet and to some extent anti-Russian in general, so adopting an exaggerated redneck accent and making some over-the-top ironic remark about “Dem Commie Russians” passed for humor amongst the NYT-subscribing, NPR-donating set.
I wouldn’t call the present state of affairs an inversion of this, since most conservatives are still solidly anti-Putin and anti-Russian militarism, but it is funny to see the neoliberals engaging in a degree of paranoid speculation that would make even Joe McCarthy blush. Also funny that the American left of 2020 can muster much more disdain for Vladimir Putin than the American left of 1930 ever could for Joseph Stalin.
Also another Project for the New American Century bunch here:
Cool aesthetics, but needs more swastikas and Hugo Boss uniforms added to the commie associations to really get that NazBol feel.
The Lincoln Project sounds pretty racist to be honest, do they really support deporting blacks back to Africa?
Quite odd. Anyone with half a brain knows Americans hate reading subtitles. And these guys were given over $1 million, by December. I wonder how much the latest total is.
The Lincoln reference reminds me somewhat of the (to my ear) sinister-sounding Log Cabin Republicans.
On a somewhat related note, I’ve wondered how successful Operation Infektion was. Did the KGB influence black opinion more than Trump’s outreach? Did it really do anything? Or would they have felt the same way naturally? I’d guess it probably didn’t swing one vote. Other opinions – I’m not sure.
In a way, I think the campaign was correct: the US did create HIV. Not from scratch and not in Africa, but metaphorically – outside of Africa, by being a decadent society which tolerated gays in a way that the Soviets did not.
That ad was remarkably funny in its sheer, unrelenting insanity.
Please keep off topic posts to the current Open Thread.
If you are new to my work, start here.
I always endeavor to say exactly what I mean.
You should do the same.
Right, thanks for that. When I say we, I mean the USA.
Pretty sure he’s Russian, so his “we†is different from yours.
The cope is strong in this one.
Pretty sure he’s Russian, so his “we†is different from yours.
Right, thanks for that. When I say we, I mean the USA.
If I had to bet any nation would put men on the Moon again, I’d probably go with Russia before China.
Russia is majority Christian, China is “whatever”…lol
It’s no accident that European Christian Civilization is the greatest in recorded history, or that The United States of America ( which Europe gave birth to) put a man on the Moon fifty years ago.
Atheistic Communism is stagnant and sterile. Unbridled Capitalism essentially ends up at the same place, albeit at a slower pace. There can be a third way, but I don’t think the Jewish Elite care very much for that.
Legalism pisses everyone off but its honestly quite functional.
Until people are tired of being pissed off.
Pretty sure he’s Russian, so his “we” is different from yours.
Right, thanks for that. When I say we, I mean the USA.
Pretty sure he’s Russian, so his “we†is different from yours.
I’m afraid lying won’t change the facts, darling. Anyway, I seriously doubt we could return there, even if the tech was available. Leftoids like your kind have turned most of the country into PC pusified soft indoctrinated little children, incapable of the teamwork and spontaneous cognitive ability needed for undertakings like that. We have coons, twats, sodomites and pandering old geezers running things into the ground now. Just a matter of time before it all comes apart.
I remember being in a night train between Piter and Moskva in 1994 and having as company a couple of guys from some closed down NII that lamented the demise of Soviet science.
One of them told us that they developed plasma thrusters where he worked.
He said that they had working proof of concept prototypes.
He said that it was absolutely unique and revolutionary.
He was more than bitter that his lab closed down.
Nice to know that a similar technology is finally being used.
Maybe it’s based on the device my passenger companion was talking about.
Not sure the dude survived the blessed 90ies though…
Happens to the best of us and I certainly wouldn’t hold this against you.
Besides, I have no grudges with Jewish people at all.
They are IMHO neither good, nor bad.
They are simply the product of their historical record.
Their Karma if you like (in a 1917 bringing about 1933 manner).
From this point of view, they are similar to any other human subgroup on the face of this planet.
Ð’ общем, рад познакомитьÑÑ Ðнатолий, Ð’Ñ‹ ÑÑƒÐ´Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ вÑему умный и интереÑный человек.
Буду и в будущем Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÑтвием читать ваши поÑÑ‚Ñ‹.
Or even more explicit anti-Confucian campaigns:
The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: 四旧; traditional Chinese: 四舊; pinyin: sì jiù) was a term used during the Cultural Revolution of 1966–76 in the People's Republic of China to refer to the attempts of Communists to destroy elements of Chinese culture pre-communism. The Four Olds were: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.
This isn't just Communist, though. Chinese frustration with the backwardness of their society had been ongoing since at least the Late Qing, when the Chinese genuinely began to experience a sense of nationalism. Take, for example, the Madman's Diary...
The events that occurred during the "Criticize Lin, Criticize Confucius" campaign were "complex and often confusing", but can be identified as occurring through four main phases. The first phase of the campaign began after the 1st Plenary Session of the 10th CCP Central Committee, in 1973. Following this session, Mao encouraged public discussions focused on criticizing Confucius and Confucianism, and on interpreting aspects of historical Chinese society within a Maoist theoretical perspective. These initial debates focused on interpreting the issues of slavery, feudalism, and the relationship between Confucianism and Legalism according to the social theories published by Mao and Karl Marx
What was to be this New Culture, however? Its easier to tear down than to build up. Christianity was in fact an answer for some, as the Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek took genuinely to Methodism and I think among the KMT elite, including my family, it had led to a great sympathy and feeling for Christianity since. However, it was disruptive to Chinese culture in a substantial way, as it demanded monogamy and as you can see from Chiang's own life, that was not really a common expectation of upper class Chinese.
The diary form was inspired by Nikolai Gogol's short story "Diary of a Madman", as was the idea of the madman who sees reality more clearly than those around him. The "madman" sees "cannibalism" both in his family and the village around him, and he then finds cannibalism in the Confucian classics which had long been credited with a humanistic concern for the mutual obligations of society, and thus for the superiority of Confucian civilization. The story was read as an ironic attack on traditional Chinese culture and a call for a New Culture.
As China has "normalized", it has in many ways flowed back toward the Confucian mores in both good and bad, and often now with state support:
In October 1930, the local KMT warlord He Jian captured Yang Kaihui and her son Mao Anying. Her captors wanted her to publicly renounce Mao Zedong and the CPC, but she refused to do so. Even under torture, she is reputed to have told her captors that "You could kill me as you like, you would never get anything from my mouth", "Chopping off the head is like the passing of wind, death could frighten cowards, rather than our Communists", "Even if the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, I would never break off relations with Mao Zedong", and "I prefer to die for the success of Mao's revolution career".
Of course, substantial parts of Confucianism that could have threatened them are gone now - as you noted, the idea of family members not being able to testify or accuse each other exists in the West, and even more strongly exists in Confucianism that explicitly indicates that loyalty to one's father can surpass loyalty to one's prince. At its greatest extent, it led to large familial clans with extremely limited loyalty to the Imperial Court.
In January, 2011, a 9.5 metre bronze statue of the Chinese sage Confucius was unveiled at the north gate of the newly renovated National Museum, just off Tiananmen Square, not far from the portrait of Mao Zedong over the entrance to the Forbidden City. �
Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @utu, @random rand
The concept of Ai (æ„›) was developed by the Chinese philosopher Mozi in the 4th century BC in reaction to Confucianism's benevolent love. Mozi tried to replace what he considered to be the long-entrenched Chinese over-attachment to family and clan structures with the concept of "universal love" (jiÄn'à i, 兼愛). In this, he argued directly against Confucians who believed that it was natural and correct for people to care about different people in different degrees. Mozi, by contrast, believed people in principle should care for all people equally. Mohism stressed that rather than adopting different attitudes towards different people, love should be unconditional and offered to everyone without regard to reciprocation, not just to friends, family and other Confucian relations
Externally Confucianist, Internally Legalist. The nature of the Chinese state since the Han dynasty. An interesting note is that Mao was fan of legalism back when he was a teenager and wrote an entry in his diary defending Shang Yang.
If you want to see cool Russian/Soviet space tech, look up Psyche mission by NASA. It will take off in a year or two and will study Psyche – metallic asteroid, in order to better understand planet formation. It also happens to be of immense value to people contemplating asteroid mining.
Spacecraft is being built by University of Arizona, and propulsion on it is SPT140 – Hall Effect (magnetic plasma) thruster, made by Russian Fakel.
For where the future is , TEM (транÑпортно ÑнергетичеÑкий модуль) is very interesting – a nuclear electric space tug. I really wish Roscosmos would prioritize that technical development.
If Putler reads this blog, he needs to squeeze Rogozin so that he stops wasting time and money on the same old orbital booster variants, and funds awesome groundbreaking technology such as nuclear electric instead.
Russia has the best plasma drives on the planet, and extensive space nuclear power experience. Combining the two technologies is an obvious direction to take.
I’m just 3% Jewish. https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-7/
“Useful idiot Ross Perot enters the race. The exact repeat of play from 1912 election when the incumbent Taft was denied reelection by the third party run of Teddy Roosevelt to elect Wilson. Clinton is elected and just like Wilson does everything Wall Street wants. Clinton deregulates banking and sets the course for the neoliberal globalization.”
Don’t really know how to respond except to say that I understand a bit now why you hold those views and that zero sum game mentality drives most of your thought process. Zero sum game is an economic concept which, as used in a colloquial manner, have been abused to the point it is used to justify any agenda. Most of life is NOT zero sum but governed by utility and comparative advantage. What you described of white losing their livelihood is a distribution problem. This is a separate issue which should be addressed with a universal basic income ( in your utopia...) Hundreds of million Chinese toiling to export manufacturing products lower the cost of these items such that more whites can enjoy these items. These chinaman are all working for you in exchange for the piece of paper from the US treasury. If you don’t realise it, they are still in relative poverty compared to the lifestyle you enjoy but it is better than absolute poverty. Both parties are happy. This is why it is NOT a zero game.
This is untrue as life is a zero-sum game and if someone wins, other must lose. Chinese won by manufacturing things and lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, White lost by losing their livelihood and falling prey to the Tribe of financial parasites.
You have quite the complex about white people
But it is you who made several announcements about you guys returning to the moon without anyone asking you people about it.
And then you just didn’t follow suit.
And no need to worry, soon enough Chinese “Communist” supermen will go there.
As for the reason why, maybe this might explain:
This is untrue as life is a zero-sum game and if someone wins, other must lose. Chinese won by manufacturing things and lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, White lost by losing their livelihood and falling prey to the Tribe of financial parasites.
Don’t really know how to respond except to say that I understand a bit now why you hold those views and that zero sum game mentality drives most of your thought process. Zero sum game is an economic concept which, as used in a colloquial manner, have been abused to the point it is used to justify any agenda. Most of life is NOT zero sum but governed by utility and comparative advantage. What you described of white losing their livelihood is a distribution problem. This is a separate issue which should be addressed with a universal basic income ( in your utopia…) Hundreds of million Chinese toiling to export manufacturing products lower the cost of these items such that more whites can enjoy these items. These chinaman are all working for you in exchange for the piece of paper from the US treasury. If you don’t realise it, they are still in relative poverty compared to the lifestyle you enjoy but it is better than absolute poverty. Both parties are happy. This is why it is NOT a zero game.
It is hard to deny that, in all likelihood, only one race will prevail in the final showdown between asian and whites. Genocide seems to be pretty much written in our DNA and much of our evolutionary history. There are no neanderthals, homo erectus or Denisovans because OUR common ancestors, Homo sapiens wipe them out. Yes, 50-80000 years ago, me and you shared an ancestor in Central Asia there is a blink of eye in evolutionary time. You and I would be black and pretty ugly then. Not trying to say we are brothers blah blah but trying to illustrate why your Nordic paradise will dissolve in a few generation as eugenic, evolution, associative mating eugenic create distinct populations ( 200 IQ vs 150 IQ) which ensure conflicts and inequality. The white utopia you are fighting is a stagnant equilibrium which is unattainable and doesn’t exist in nature. Colonisation of Mars and other planets ensure adaptations which will make the human race diverge again. Your white skin can’t deal with all the solar radiation in that thin atmosphere and the white race will become African black in 20 generations. This is why I ask you to think about the future and a bit beyond your own mortality. It is all futile and stupid.we are here for a very short time and all this animosity is so pointless.
P.s. all the technology I mentioned have already in progress and not science fiction.
You think the Chinese is threatening your livelihood of whites? You should focus your genocidal tendencies on these thing which will be commercially available in 20 years.
Yeah, that’s why there are plenty of conspiracy theories about H. Ross Perot floating around out there. Personally though, I think he was a good guy and I, too, wish he had won that election.
I’m truly sorry if I’ve offended your delicate sensibilities, snowflake.
I generally try to adhere to the wisdom of General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Never be haughty to the humble, or humble to the haughty.
And why should we return to the Moon? To prove to you envious petulant little tards that it can be done?
We did it six times for fuck’s sake.
I got a better idea. How about you and your Communist supermen do it?
Just once will suffice.
I agree,
And ierestingly enough as of this year:
“Boeing is buying Russian-made power converters for its new Starliner manned capsule programme, the company’s space division has confirmed”
Seems the old Sovok tech’s not so bad after all.
That is what our Zion MSM says. It never wants to admit anything good about Russia.
Russia at least is doing something.
The participants in the Russian operation to assist Italy in the fight against COVID-19 said that the Italians were “dumbstruck by our speed of action.â€
In just 24 hours, Russia sent unprecedented humanitarian aid to Italy, which in its official press reports tactfully called “an operational group of military doctors, specialists in the field of virology and epidemiology, with modern equipment for diagnosis and disinfection.â€
Meanwhile in a real world, not paperplanned fantasy one, Sovoks couldn't even land on a Moon, lol :)Replies: @mal, @Ano4
Well, if CCCP did not disintegrate in 1991, we would be on Mars now.
Soviet Mars expeditions were planned for the end of the 90-ies.
Yes, and the mighty Americans are currently unable to return to the moon.
One of the reasons of their inability probably being the fact that to get to the orbit at all, they currently need buying rocket engines that these Sovoks you consider inept have developed back in the 70ies.
Or closer to the topic of this thread: take Arbidol, developed by the Sovoks in the 70ies: it has been just recently used successfully by the Wuhan medics to treat coronavirus, but Americans have just noticed its existence with the CDC starting a clinical trial to know if it safe.
Starting clinical trials on a drug that has been used without major side-effects for at least 20 years.
Because you know, not made in the USA.
I am sure this careful approach by the CDC, is going to make New Yorkers safer in the weeks to come.
Meanwhile in a real world, not paperplanned fantasy one, Sovoks couldn't even land on a Moon, lol :)Replies: @mal, @Ano4
Well, if CCCP did not disintegrate in 1991, we would be on Mars now.
Soviet Mars expeditions were planned for the end of the 90-ies.
Well, that’s a bit harsh.
First man made object to arrive on the Moon was a Soviet probe, so in that sense, USSR beat Americans to the Moon.
Soviet manned program was poorly thought out (they basically tried to to find employment for an obsolete nuclear bomb booster rocket, not so much send a man there), but the idea of sending people there was not really scientifically necessary (which is why Americans stopped as well).
Soviet robotic Moon exploration program was far cheaper and far more successful. Lunokhod drove around and conducted scientific observations, and sample return missions were done without the need for humans.
In terms of scientific value and cost/benefit analysis, Soviet moon program wasn’t too bad compared to American one.
but Moscow’s aid is declared ‘useless
The participants in the Russian operation to assist Italy in the fight against COVID-19 said that the Italians were “dumbstruck by our speed of action.â€
In just 24 hours, Russia sent unprecedented humanitarian aid to Italy, which in its official press reports tactfully called “an operational group of military doctors, specialists in the field of virology and epidemiology, with modern equipment for diagnosis and disinfection.â€
When asked if they were willing to fight for their country, only 11% of Japanese said that they would. Japan is truly a cucked nation. In America, 44% said that they would answer the call. In China, that number is 71%.
It’s a meaningless question. It depends on the circumstances. Most people would probably fight for their country if their country was actually threatened with invasion. But they probably wouldn’t do so if it was going to be just another pointless stupid imperialist war.
Given that all of America’s wars since 1945 have been pointless stupid imperialist wars it’s depressing that 44% of Americans would still fight such wars.
The Japanese know that in the world of today they face zero military threats so it’s rational for them to be unenthusiastic about the idea of war.
The Chinese on the other hand know that they face an existential military threat from the US so naturally they’d be more willing to fight.
The current graphic does *not* have huge pink/red highlights splattered all over Florida.
Whatever caused the outlier for “atypical”:
— Already ended, or
— More likely was a technical/experimental method glitch and the condition never actually existed.
Well, if CCCP did not disintegrate in 1991, we would be on Mars now.
Soviet Mars expeditions were planned for the end of the 90-ies.
Meanwhile in a real world, not paperplanned fantasy one, Sovoks couldn’t even land on a Moon, lol 🙂
Well, if CCCP did not disintegrate in 1991, we would be on Mars now.
Soviet Mars expeditions were planned for the end of the 90-ies.
Search for Project Aelita online in English.
Here’s a Russian language link:
We don’t need National Socialism to have technological advances.
What we need is a society turned towards technological innovation.
Nazis had it, Soviets had it, Americans had it and now it’s the Chinese that have it at its’ maximum.
And I wish them well.
As a lifelong admirer of Russian Cosmist thinkers, I hope to live long enough to see humankind breaking from its planetary cradle (see Tsiolkovsky’s take on it).
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion. New York City is colder and thus more friendly to the disease. Also, NYC has a "no social distance" subway system to accelerate disease transmission.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well.
In a couple of weeks more than a few of those people will be confirmed COVID-19 cases.
I agree with the climate impact on viral spread.
Although the same factors that decrease viral aerosols ‘ persistence in the air (i.e. higher relative humidity) might also increase viral persistence under higher UV light prevalence in the sunlight spectrum.
Moreover, the aerosols being trapped into bigger droplets due to higher moisture in the atmosphere, would probably better protect the virus once it fell from the air onto surfaces.
Where it might then stay infectious for a longer period of time.
A viral transmission model needs to take many factors into account.
It is too early for COVID-19 to produce a clear picture of its persistence in the environment.
Lower cases we seem to see in tropical countries might as well be explained by a substantially lower of testing.
If you test nothing, then you find nothing.
If you don’t test for COVID-19, then it is just another influenza with somewhat higher comorbidities.
It’s just another flu…
Well, there have been 83 deaths in Louisiana (the same number as California, although CA has nearly 10 times the population).
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion.
Well, there have been 83 deaths in Louisiana (the same number as California, although CA has nearly 10 times the population).
Well, there was a major February event in New Orleans.
I think it would be fair to say that Mardi Gras is a “no social distance” gathering. The DNC mayor, LaToya Contrell, made sure that celebrations took place as scheduled. (1)
Health experts and state officials believe it is the month-long street party in February known as Mardi Gras which contributed to the severity of the outbreak in the city of some 400,000 people on the Mississippi River.
New Orleans alone accounts for … 46 of the deaths.
Over half the deaths (46/83) are definitely in New Orleans. It is not clear if the 46 is based on “city limits” or “metro area”. So, the concentration may actually be higher if it is “city limits”.
Again, there does not seem to be a wide area spread. It is localized and ties back to a specific risk that will not be repeated in the near future.
The upside of the model you are using is its convenience. The downside, is that it can be misleading if there are specific one-off factors.
(1) https://news.yahoo.com/mardi-gras-perfect-storm-virus-spread-orleans-200020720.html
Well if this virus mutates and starts to kill millenials and generation z, considering that the triumph of globohomo is due to them? And that they are the most pozzed generation?
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion. New York City is colder and thus more friendly to the disease. Also, NYC has a "no social distance" subway system to accelerate disease transmission.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well.
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion.
Well, there have been 83 deaths in Louisiana (the same number as California, although CA has nearly 10 times the population).
Assuming a 1% death rate and three weeks from infection to death, doesn’t that imply that 8,300 people were infected there three weeks ago? And wouldn’t you assume that they’ve infected others during those three weeks? If the doubling-time is 5 days, total infections would now be over 80,000. Applying the same analysis to Florida, suggests 30,000 current infections. If the doubling-time is actually 3 days, the totals would be vastly higher.
That’s why my methodology is convenient for getting rough infection estimates based upon known death totals:
Well, there was a major February event in New Orleans.I think it would be fair to say that Mardi Gras is a "no social distance" gathering. The DNC mayor, LaToya Contrell, made sure that celebrations took place as scheduled. (1)
Well, there have been 83 deaths in Louisiana (the same number as California, although CA has nearly 10 times the population).
Over half the deaths (46/83) are definitely in New Orleans. It is not clear if the 46 is based on "city limits" or "metro area". So, the concentration may actually be higher if it is "city limits".Again, there does not seem to be a wide area spread. It is localized and ties back to a specific risk that will not be repeated in the near future.The upside of the model you are using is its convenience. The downside, is that it can be misleading if there are specific one-off factors.PEACE 😷
Health experts and state officials believe it is the month-long street party in February known as Mardi Gras which contributed to the severity of the outbreak in the city of some 400,000 people on the Mississippi River.New Orleans alone accounts for ... 46 of the deaths.
I am genuinely fascinated with how your mind works and reality as you see it.
Its a four letter word that starts with t and ends with l.
Other aspects include confirmation bias, and a feminine-leaning need for attention.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well. That's despite the fact that Silicon Valley was the original American epicenter of Coronavirus.
Unfortunately, the situation in US is now highly predictable in a very unpleasant way.
The number of positive tested cases doubles in NY every 3 days.
If resting was done on an adequate scale, a similar picture would emerge in Florida and Louisiana, California coming close behind.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well.
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion. New York City is colder and thus more friendly to the disease. Also, NYC has a “no social distance” subway system to accelerate disease transmission.
Florida, does have specific pockets with large numbers of assisted living facilities and nursing homes. If cases turn up in Florida, they are likely to be in these highly localized pockets rather than the broad area problem in New York.
Well, there have been 83 deaths in Louisiana (the same number as California, although CA has nearly 10 times the population).
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well. That's despite the fact that Silicon Valley was the original American epicenter of Coronavirus.
Unfortunately, the situation in US is now highly predictable in a very unpleasant way.
The number of positive tested cases doubles in NY every 3 days.
If resting was done on an adequate scale, a similar picture would emerge in Florida and Louisiana, California coming close behind.
That would be great news if California was getting the situation under control.
It would show the other US jurisdictions the right way to take care of this epidemic outbreak.
I am using your calculator to estimate the number of infected people since I read your article earlier this week.
Before that I was using a different approach and arrived to similar results +/_ 25%.
But your way of calculating is more straightforward.
I have shared it with friends and relatives.
So maybe your calculator will go viral (pun intended)…
The technologies you talk of are exist only in the realms of science fictions, the Chinese have still not managed to find the “smart gene” despite much money and effort being thrown at the endeavour via the BGI. The Chinese also don’t have the baggage of the Holocaust legend to weight down their efforts towards eugenic technologies.
If the Chinese develop this technology, they will never share it and use it for themselves to conquer the world, it would be insane to do anything else.
My ideal would would be an all Nordic world with eugenics as it’s key principle. This Nordic world would likely conquer the stars. We would have moon bases by now if the National Socialists had won, and people would be much better looking in general because of the pro-Nordic reproductive policies.
Your ode of thought is very similar to Steven Pinker who says everything is getting better and that we will all enjoy continually better living standards. This is untrue as life is a zero-sum game and if someone wins, other must lose. Chinese won by manufacturing things and lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, White lost by losing their livelihood and falling prey to the Tribe of financial parasites.
All humans think alike to some degree and dominance is a key quality of humans, the Chinese are not a hegemonic behemoth like America was but when they become one, they will not be kind.
Whites need to end this cycle of “rise and fall” as this prevents peace of mind. After one cataclysmic race war, there would be eternal peace as there would be no divisions in the world.
Don’t really know how to respond except to say that I understand a bit now why you hold those views and that zero sum game mentality drives most of your thought process. Zero sum game is an economic concept which, as used in a colloquial manner, have been abused to the point it is used to justify any agenda. Most of life is NOT zero sum but governed by utility and comparative advantage. What you described of white losing their livelihood is a distribution problem. This is a separate issue which should be addressed with a universal basic income ( in your utopia...) Hundreds of million Chinese toiling to export manufacturing products lower the cost of these items such that more whites can enjoy these items. These chinaman are all working for you in exchange for the piece of paper from the US treasury. If you don’t realise it, they are still in relative poverty compared to the lifestyle you enjoy but it is better than absolute poverty. Both parties are happy. This is why it is NOT a zero game.
This is untrue as life is a zero-sum game and if someone wins, other must lose. Chinese won by manufacturing things and lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, White lost by losing their livelihood and falling prey to the Tribe of financial parasites.
Russian military medical personnel have started working in one of Bergamo’s hospitals in Northern Italy.
Poland after kvetching much about Russian and Chinese help to Italy, and forbidding the Russian military medical Antonovs passing through its airspace en route to Northern Italy, has just accepted two cargo planes of medical supplies from China.
Maybe Mr Trump should ask for a few Antonovs full of Biodefense decontamination supplies and respirators to be sent to JFK and/or La Guardia?
I am sure Mr Putin would oblige.
I am genuinely fascinated with how your mind works and reality as you see it.
Can you describe just what utopia would look like to you ? Let’s assume all the other subhuman races beside “white†people and the usual suspects such as Jews have been exterminated and only people who looked similar to you exist, what’s next? Who is going to be next victim? We also get rid of democracy too so you have absolute power, What kind of society would you like to build?
We are at the cusp of the singularity and various scientific breakthroughs ( quantum computing, CRISPR, brain mapping ) to the extent we are able to transcend our humanity and control own genetic destiny in the next 50 years. We become gods, Homo Deus as one proselytizer like to put it. Robotics will solve most of the economic probLems. All of these petty human conflicts and internecine wars is going to pretty much fade away and become irrelevant in the next few generations. perhaps the biggest risk for humanity going forward ( may be in 200 years) is Another entity that think like you…an AI devoid of human emotions and unconstrained by morality. As in the Terminator, the Skynet will reach the same conclusion (as you did ) that most human beings are redundant and eliminated Us all..you and your beloved white people Included. this is the real existential crisis for humankind.
I implore you to look ahead of what is ahead of us and not only at the present.
Its a four letter word that starts with t and ends with l.
I am genuinely fascinated with how your mind works and reality as you see it.
Unfortunately, the situation in US is now highly predictable in a very unpleasant way.
The number of positive tested cases doubles in NY every 3 days.
If resting was done on an adequate scale, a similar picture would emerge in Florida and Louisiana, California coming close behind.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well. That’s despite the fact that Silicon Valley was the original American epicenter of Coronavirus.
As I’ve pointed out, absent widespread testing, the best way to estimate (lagged) infections is by using the death-totals, which are reasonably solid:
Since there’s roughly a three-week period between infection and death, the impact of the CA lock-down hasn’t yet manifested itself, and I’m reasonably confident things are in pretty good shape.
To date, there is no evidence that the virus has spread widely in Louisiana or Florida. There is sound science that shows that hot, humid weather limits contagion. New York City is colder and thus more friendly to the disease. Also, NYC has a "no social distance" subway system to accelerate disease transmission.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well.
Karlin has grown up in the USA and I doubt he is ethnically Russian in the most direct manner (Y haplogroup R1a Slav ancestry).
Anatoly decided to move to Russia a few years ago, but before he lived in the US for the most part of his life.
When he spoke Russian a few years ago, he had an American accent and this typical western pronunciation.
I believe he is a millennial equivalent to Mr Unz.
That is a person of Jewish ancestry that for whatever reason feels an inclination to side with far right wing ideologies.
I am oversimplifying of course.
Now, the cartoons are the 4Chan lingo, that’s the way younger people interact online today.
And they’re actually fun.
This being clarified, Anatoly Karlin is a very intelligent person I truly enjoy reading.
And I expect his hypothesis to hold in the COVID-19 case.
Unfortunately, the situation in US is now highly predictable in a very unpleasant way.
The number of positive tested cases doubles in NY every 3 days.
If resting was done on an adequate scale, a similar picture would emerge in Florida and Louisiana, California coming close behind.
Now, given that there’s no interstate lockdowns enforcement, the virus is still spreading.
In a couple of weeks, tens of thousands of people will require Intensive care treatments that the US hospitals cannot provide.
These people will die.
Some of rhe medical personnel taking care of them will get infected and also die, it has already started.
The death rate in Italy and Iran has been much higher than in China.
US will probably set up a new historical record.
Just wait a couple of weeks and let’s discuss it again.
That is if you and/or your loved ones aren’t in a hospital somewhere.
A bad luck I for one wish you not.
You might sadly be correct about Florida and Louisiana, but California was the first state in the US to go into full lock-down, almost ten days ago and is (I think) doing pretty well. That's despite the fact that Silicon Valley was the original American epicenter of Coronavirus.
Unfortunately, the situation in US is now highly predictable in a very unpleasant way.
The number of positive tested cases doubles in NY every 3 days.
If resting was done on an adequate scale, a similar picture would emerge in Florida and Louisiana, California coming close behind.
So the Right wants Boomers to die to keep graph going up, and the Left wants Boomers to die so their bank account balance goes up. When are we going to get rid of these psychotic morons from power?Replies: @Monty Ahwazi, @Nonny Mouse, @Iva
grandparents would be willing to die to save the economy for their grandchildren
Could we expose please expose Dan Patrick. For me he can go FIRST to the other side.
What’s going on with Bulgaria?
It reads like it is written by a human being but I have come to the conclusion that this particular commentator “ Just passing through†is a new generation of AI from Google and this is actually a Turing test. Unfortunately, its total lack of empathy and some level of human mimicry that resembles moral conscience ensures that IT failed the test. No human being or even subhumans in our evolutionary lineage can be so callous in the face of such tragedy. IT was also suggesting the genocide of Chinese on another thread. Only a machine absent of human emotions and empathy neural network would suggest we embrace the virus. I think the next stage of development for this AI is to subject it to some computer virus so it can learn what it is like to be human.Replies: @Antiwar7, @Just Passing Through
Coronavirus is lifting a great burden from our shoulders, and the pragmatist should recognise this and embrace what is happening
What you insinuate as human morality is actually Christian morality. This has been the most devastating thing to ever befall the European peoples as it has made them weak and sentimental.
As another commenter showed in a video of a van running over a child in China, and multiple passers by ignoring the gravely injured child, Chinese have not yet fallen prey to these Christian values. If that is how they treat an in-group, just imagine how they will treat out-group!
The Jews are going to use Chinese as their footsoldiers to exterminate us, that is why they pass on US military secrets to China, like the IAI Lavi and the Python 3 missile.
“willing to fight for their country”
From https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/dikz9r/percentage_of_people_willing_to_fight_for_their/
Ive always found the alt-right exaltation of japan to be cringe-worthy. Wanna know what I think is the real reason behind it? Its because alt-righters are highly conscious of the power of the "racist" smear, as a result of this they seek some kind of magical charm which can neutralize any potential accusation of white supremacy/hating other races; it just so happens that asians, and more specifically the japanese are just that magic charm. In their minds, alt-righters believe that they can ward off accusations of white supremacist beliefs/hating other races by bringing up their adulation of japan; it gives them a way of saying: "hey look at me, I can't be one of those awful white supremacists who hates all non-whites since I respect a non-white culture like the japanese so much!". Its really painfully transparent what their angle is thoughIf we consider white nationalism as a "religion" then japan-love would be one of the central sacraments to that religion since it performs such a useful role as a mechanism which allows for its adherents to more boldly proclaim white supremacy while also having a convenient anti-racist fig-leaf to hide behind. China obviously can't be used since alt-righters (mistakenly) project their own western mindsets onto the chinese and see the chinese as an existential threat, however japan on the other hand is a perfect object of worship since it can be worshiped while at the same time not posing a threat since its been rendered effectively powerless and cucked by the US. I suspect that alt-righters almost view japan as a bit of a tragic trophy, a rightful "possession" of the west in the same way that spanish conquistadors might have viewed the broken aztecs.With that being said, I do acknowledge that japanese culture does seem quite refined and sophisticated. This isnt just an alt-right delusion, there is an objective basis to this perception. However I think that alt-righters try to massively exaggerate the qualitative differences between the japanese and the chinese in order to help nurture their own psychological complexes and baggage. What's my own opinion about the two cultures? Honestly chinese and japanese people both seem pretty similar. Japanese people do seem more genteel to me, and I guess some people might interpret that as a form of "soul", however I have never got the impression that japanese people have this particularly vivid, deep and mysterious inner-world that alt-righters like to act the japanese possess. As for the chinese, they do feel more "raw", practical and perhaps unpolished to me, but ironically I feel like that gives them more soul and not less. I do think its important however to acknowledge that china is still a 2nd world country and japan on the other hand has been a 1st world country for quite a long time. Because of this there is a cultural lag, something which I see alt-righters foolishly overlook (or more likely they just ignore). Of course its easy to pin the chinese as being uncouth and barbarians, they're literally a developing country, what the fuck do you expect? I never see alt-righters acknowledge this though since it would shatter their fiction that the japanese are inherently more human than the "soulless" chinese. I wouldn't expect that level of analysis from alt-righters anyways though since alt-righters are more concerned about personal emotional gratification as opposed to the pursuit of truth for the sake of truth itself.Replies: @utu, @Malenfant, @UK
I do however find China souless and soul-crushing. It is the very opposite of Japan, which suffers from so much soul the entire place might just give up on life at any moment for their soulful suffering.
If you can’t feel the stark differences between China and Japan then I probably can’t help you. I guess you’re probably not that good at reading social situations either. Perhaps one way though, would be to simply listen to tourist announcements in Chinese and Japanese. Maybe that will help.
As for the rest of your post, it has nothing to do with me.
Are you sure you’re not perfectly describing your own shadow….
Ive always found the alt-right exaltation of japan to be cringe-worthy. Wanna know what I think is the real reason behind it? Its because alt-righters are highly conscious of the power of the "racist" smear, as a result of this they seek some kind of magical charm which can neutralize any potential accusation of white supremacy/hating other races; it just so happens that asians, and more specifically the japanese are just that magic charm. In their minds, alt-righters believe that they can ward off accusations of white supremacist beliefs/hating other races by bringing up their adulation of japan; it gives them a way of saying: "hey look at me, I can't be one of those awful white supremacists who hates all non-whites since I respect a non-white culture like the japanese so much!". Its really painfully transparent what their angle is thoughIf we consider white nationalism as a "religion" then japan-love would be one of the central sacraments to that religion since it performs such a useful role as a mechanism which allows for its adherents to more boldly proclaim white supremacy while also having a convenient anti-racist fig-leaf to hide behind. China obviously can't be used since alt-righters (mistakenly) project their own western mindsets onto the chinese and see the chinese as an existential threat, however japan on the other hand is a perfect object of worship since it can be worshiped while at the same time not posing a threat since its been rendered effectively powerless and cucked by the US. I suspect that alt-righters almost view japan as a bit of a tragic trophy, a rightful "possession" of the west in the same way that spanish conquistadors might have viewed the broken aztecs.With that being said, I do acknowledge that japanese culture does seem quite refined and sophisticated. This isnt just an alt-right delusion, there is an objective basis to this perception. However I think that alt-righters try to massively exaggerate the qualitative differences between the japanese and the chinese in order to help nurture their own psychological complexes and baggage. What's my own opinion about the two cultures? Honestly chinese and japanese people both seem pretty similar. Japanese people do seem more genteel to me, and I guess some people might interpret that as a form of "soul", however I have never got the impression that japanese people have this particularly vivid, deep and mysterious inner-world that alt-righters like to act the japanese possess. As for the chinese, they do feel more "raw", practical and perhaps unpolished to me, but ironically I feel like that gives them more soul and not less. I do think its important however to acknowledge that china is still a 2nd world country and japan on the other hand has been a 1st world country for quite a long time. Because of this there is a cultural lag, something which I see alt-righters foolishly overlook (or more likely they just ignore). Of course its easy to pin the chinese as being uncouth and barbarians, they're literally a developing country, what the fuck do you expect? I never see alt-righters acknowledge this though since it would shatter their fiction that the japanese are inherently more human than the "soulless" chinese. I wouldn't expect that level of analysis from alt-righters anyways though since alt-righters are more concerned about personal emotional gratification as opposed to the pursuit of truth for the sake of truth itself.Replies: @utu, @Malenfant, @UK
I do however find China souless and soul-crushing. It is the very opposite of Japan, which suffers from so much soul the entire place might just give up on life at any moment for their soulful suffering.
Very high quality post.
Agreed on all counts.
> “As for the chinese, they do feel more “rawâ€, practical and perhaps unpolished to me, but ironically I feel like that gives them more soul and not less.”
Cantonese and Taiwanese folk aside, the Chinese are much like Americans (read: “heritage Americans,” or “how Americans used to be”): They’re loud, brash, industrious, practical, and genuinely patriotic.
(A note on that: Most Chinese people — even people under 30 — have seen their cities and villages lifted out of poverty with their own eyes. Under the circumstances, it would be churlish not to love one’s country.)
When asked if they were willing to fight for their country, only 11% of Japanese said that they would. Japan is truly a cucked nation. In America, 44% said that they would answer the call. In China, that number is 71%. They’re as far above us as we are above Japan.
We were just like them, once.
It's a meaningless question. It depends on the circumstances. Most people would probably fight for their country if their country was actually threatened with invasion. But they probably wouldn't do so if it was going to be just another pointless stupid imperialist war.
When asked if they were willing to fight for their country, only 11% of Japanese said that they would. Japan is truly a cucked nation. In America, 44% said that they would answer the call. In China, that number is 71%.
Ive always found the alt-right exaltation of japan to be cringe-worthy. Wanna know what I think is the real reason behind it? Its because alt-righters are highly conscious of the power of the "racist" smear, as a result of this they seek some kind of magical charm which can neutralize any potential accusation of white supremacy/hating other races; it just so happens that asians, and more specifically the japanese are just that magic charm. In their minds, alt-righters believe that they can ward off accusations of white supremacist beliefs/hating other races by bringing up their adulation of japan; it gives them a way of saying: "hey look at me, I can't be one of those awful white supremacists who hates all non-whites since I respect a non-white culture like the japanese so much!". Its really painfully transparent what their angle is thoughIf we consider white nationalism as a "religion" then japan-love would be one of the central sacraments to that religion since it performs such a useful role as a mechanism which allows for its adherents to more boldly proclaim white supremacy while also having a convenient anti-racist fig-leaf to hide behind. China obviously can't be used since alt-righters (mistakenly) project their own western mindsets onto the chinese and see the chinese as an existential threat, however japan on the other hand is a perfect object of worship since it can be worshiped while at the same time not posing a threat since its been rendered effectively powerless and cucked by the US. I suspect that alt-righters almost view japan as a bit of a tragic trophy, a rightful "possession" of the west in the same way that spanish conquistadors might have viewed the broken aztecs.With that being said, I do acknowledge that japanese culture does seem quite refined and sophisticated. This isnt just an alt-right delusion, there is an objective basis to this perception. However I think that alt-righters try to massively exaggerate the qualitative differences between the japanese and the chinese in order to help nurture their own psychological complexes and baggage. What's my own opinion about the two cultures? Honestly chinese and japanese people both seem pretty similar. Japanese people do seem more genteel to me, and I guess some people might interpret that as a form of "soul", however I have never got the impression that japanese people have this particularly vivid, deep and mysterious inner-world that alt-righters like to act the japanese possess. As for the chinese, they do feel more "raw", practical and perhaps unpolished to me, but ironically I feel like that gives them more soul and not less. I do think its important however to acknowledge that china is still a 2nd world country and japan on the other hand has been a 1st world country for quite a long time. Because of this there is a cultural lag, something which I see alt-righters foolishly overlook (or more likely they just ignore). Of course its easy to pin the chinese as being uncouth and barbarians, they're literally a developing country, what the fuck do you expect? I never see alt-righters acknowledge this though since it would shatter their fiction that the japanese are inherently more human than the "soulless" chinese. I wouldn't expect that level of analysis from alt-righters anyways though since alt-righters are more concerned about personal emotional gratification as opposed to the pursuit of truth for the sake of truth itself.Replies: @utu, @Malenfant, @UK
I do however find China souless and soul-crushing. It is the very opposite of Japan, which suffers from so much soul the entire place might just give up on life at any moment for their soulful suffering.
Interesting. Many good points. Agree that these are mostly self-serving projections.
The uptick is there despite a full lockdown and only a small subset of the population being infected. Even in Lombardy, the vast majority of the population is not infected (or else how to explain the extremely high Bergamo mortality?), and outside Northern Italy there’s not even an epidemic of any sorts. Basically, it’s showing a flu-like mortality uptick despite having infected many fewer people (yet). Potentially, it’s going to infect many more (unless we do something drastic – the argument for lockdown).
I do however find China souless and soul-crushing. It is the very opposite of Japan, which suffers from so much soul the entire place might just give up on life at any moment for their soulful suffering.
Ive always found the alt-right exaltation of japan to be cringe-worthy. Wanna know what I think is the real reason behind it? Its because alt-righters are highly conscious of the power of the “racist” smear, as a result of this they seek some kind of magical charm which can neutralize any potential accusation of white supremacy/hating other races; it just so happens that asians, and more specifically the japanese are just that magic charm. In their minds, alt-righters believe that they can ward off accusations of white supremacist beliefs/hating other races by bringing up their adulation of japan; it gives them a way of saying: “hey look at me, I can’t be one of those awful white supremacists who hates all non-whites since I respect a non-white culture like the japanese so much!”. Its really painfully transparent what their angle is though
If we consider white nationalism as a “religion” then japan-love would be one of the central sacraments to that religion since it performs such a useful role as a mechanism which allows for its adherents to more boldly proclaim white supremacy while also having a convenient anti-racist fig-leaf to hide behind. China obviously can’t be used since alt-righters (mistakenly) project their own western mindsets onto the chinese and see the chinese as an existential threat, however japan on the other hand is a perfect object of worship since it can be worshiped while at the same time not posing a threat since its been rendered effectively powerless and cucked by the US. I suspect that alt-righters almost view japan as a bit of a tragic trophy, a rightful “possession” of the west in the same way that spanish conquistadors might have viewed the broken aztecs.
With that being said, I do acknowledge that japanese culture does seem quite refined and sophisticated. This isnt just an alt-right delusion, there is an objective basis to this perception. However I think that alt-righters try to massively exaggerate the qualitative differences between the japanese and the chinese in order to help nurture their own psychological complexes and baggage. What’s my own opinion about the two cultures? Honestly chinese and japanese people both seem pretty similar. Japanese people do seem more genteel to me, and I guess some people might interpret that as a form of “soul”, however I have never got the impression that japanese people have this particularly vivid, deep and mysterious inner-world that alt-righters like to act the japanese possess. As for the chinese, they do feel more “raw”, practical and perhaps unpolished to me, but ironically I feel like that gives them more soul and not less.
I do think its important however to acknowledge that china is still a 2nd world country and japan on the other hand has been a 1st world country for quite a long time. Because of this there is a cultural lag, something which I see alt-righters foolishly overlook (or more likely they just ignore). Of course its easy to pin the chinese as being uncouth and barbarians, they’re literally a developing country, what the fuck do you expect? I never see alt-righters acknowledge this though since it would shatter their fiction that the japanese are inherently more human than the “soulless” chinese. I wouldn’t expect that level of analysis from alt-righters anyways though since alt-righters are more concerned about personal emotional gratification as opposed to the pursuit of truth for the sake of truth itself.
NYC => Northern Italy
You are absolutely correct that there is a lot of family estrangement in western culture, especially these days. This is because unfortunately, a lot of today’s 60 and 70 year olds in western countries were horrible, horrible parents and so their kids nurse justified anger and resentment. Check out all the boomer memes.
What goes around, comes around. Western boomers as a generation are known for a lot of bad things.
Get over yourself.
The economy will take a sharp dive in Q2, that’s now practically unavoidable (incidentally, I predicted as much a month ago).
Yeah, but most people didn’t know. Including Wall Street, which hit new all time highs during the Wuhan lockdown.
But is it insane by utu standards? You are the one who expressed overwhelming joy at the thought of a nuclear war between Israel and Russia.
Estrangement from one’s biological parents is so much higher in America than anywhere I know of.
(((America))) is not white.
Theres crazy on the internet but that takes the biscuit.Replies: @A123
At this point I think that the GOP will retake the House. Of course, with ultra-left Wall Street Republicans around that may not be entirely a gift.
At this point I think that the GOP will retake the House. Of course, with ultra-left Wall Street Republicans around that may not be entirely a gift.
Theres crazy on the internet but that takes the biscuit.
The Left/Right scale is problematic. It was discussed here:
The 1% Elites of Wall Street maximize value extraction by:
— Globalism (outsourcing), and
— Open Borders (lower wages and coercive visa rules)
Thus, in the U.S. the two diametrically opposed sides are:
— GLOBALIST — Wall Street 1% Multiculturalism
— POPULIST — Main Street 99% Christian
Romney is unquestionably a 1% Elite Globalist. His firm, Bain Capital is a poster child for anti-Citizen, Wall Street Globalism: (1)
How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs … what most voters don’t know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money that other people were forced to pay back.
Do you want more evidence that Trump and Romney are on opposite sides?
Romney is theoretically a Republican, but he:
— Undermines Trump and the GOP’s attempts at Populist reform.
— Romney is so ultra-Globalist, he actively aided and abetted the Elite 1% DNC sham impeachment on bogus charges of “Obstruction of Nothing” (2)
Newly acquitted President Trump railed against his impeachment Tuesday at the White House and singled out the lone Republican who found him guilty, Sen. Mitt Romney. … “Romney’s a disgrace for voting against, he’s a disgrace,†Trump said in the Oval Office, as he aired his grievances against those who helped launch the inquiry.
Thus we can further define the two diametrically opposed sides:
— Biden, Clinton, ROMNEY — Globalist, vs.
— TRUMP — Populist
If Trump is”Right” then Romney must be “Left”. You could make a case to flip the scale. Trump is”Left” and thus Romney must be “Right”. This is why the Left/Right scale is awkward for current day U.S. Politics.
Let me restate my original point… removing the words “Left & Right”, as they are badly befuddling some readers and agitating them into a tizzy.
A very narrow House win for the GOP could create problems if there are enough 1% Elite, Ultra-Globalist traitors in the GOP House caucus to obstruct Trump’s Populist reforms necessary to help U.S. Citizens.
(2) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-romney-a-disgrace-impeachment-vote
Well, I find white people to be unbelievably immoral.
And yet you’re not Jesus Christ, so you’re “moral standards†are worthless.
It reads like it is written by a human being but I have come to the conclusion that this particular commentator “ Just passing through†is a new generation of AI from Google and this is actually a Turing test. Unfortunately, its total lack of empathy and some level of human mimicry that resembles moral conscience ensures that IT failed the test. No human being or even subhumans in our evolutionary lineage can be so callous in the face of such tragedy. IT was also suggesting the genocide of Chinese on another thread. Only a machine absent of human emotions and empathy neural network would suggest we embrace the virus. I think the next stage of development for this AI is to subject it to some computer virus so it can learn what it is like to be human.Replies: @Antiwar7, @Just Passing Through
Coronavirus is lifting a great burden from our shoulders, and the pragmatist should recognise this and embrace what is happening
No, sounds pretty human to me. See for example,
According to Roman law, if a slave killed his or her master, all of the master’s slaves would be crucified as punishment.[92] Both men and women were crucified.[93][94][91] Tacitus writes in his Annals that when Lucius Pedanius Secundus was murdered by a slave, some in the Senate tried to prevent the mass crucifixion of four hundred of his slaves[92] because there were so many women and children, but in the end tradition prevailed and they were all executed.[95]
And they actually nailed through people’s bones to do it, as shown by some remains.
Well, I find white people to be unbelievably immoral.
White people have a pathological desire to control and conquer the world. They are only interested in a world that serves them, and have to interest in harmony with other people.
White people loved the Chinese and their culture when they could make money off them. But now that the free ride is ending a lot of white people don’t know how to handle it.
A lot of the typical Anglo Divide and Conquer techniques haven’t worked, so now white people get all bitter and all they have left is schadenfraude.
You could see the excitement when they thought the Corona Virus was going to wreck China permanently.
Lol. And you call Asians soulless.
And yet you're not Jesus Christ, so you're “moral standards†are worthless.
Well, I find white people to be unbelievably immoral.
I agree with that – events may well overtake Trump, thus “rescuing†him from his own blunders.
The NY trends do look like that. I’m reposting a comment w/ graph that utu just left on my own “calculation” thread:
New York Deaths Per Day –> very short death doubling period implied
Raw data from:
Coronavirus is lifting a great burden from our shoulders, and the pragmatist should recognise this and embrace what is happening
It reads like it is written by a human being but I have come to the conclusion that this particular commentator “ Just passing through†is a new generation of AI from Google and this is actually a Turing test. Unfortunately, its total lack of empathy and some level of human mimicry that resembles moral conscience ensures that IT failed the test. No human being or even subhumans in our evolutionary lineage can be so callous in the face of such tragedy. IT was also suggesting the genocide of Chinese on another thread. Only a machine absent of human emotions and empathy neural network would suggest we embrace the virus. I think the next stage of development for this AI is to subject it to some computer virus so it can learn what it is like to be human.
And they actually nailed through people's bones to do it, as shown by some remains.
According to Roman law, if a slave killed his or her master, all of the master's slaves would be crucified as punishment.[92] Both men and women were crucified.[93][94][91] Tacitus writes in his Annals that when Lucius Pedanius Secundus was murdered by a slave, some in the Senate tried to prevent the mass crucifixion of four hundred of his slaves[92] because there were so many women and children, but in the end tradition prevailed and they were all executed.[95]
I have no problem underbussing BoomerCon warporn types like Dannyboy Crenshaw but wtf is with:
I don’t see any Hispanics or even blacks suggesting such immoral things.
You’re not looking very hard. Try posting your “care more for your families” lecture (which I agree with, BTW) on Black Twitter or some site like The Root.
American Whites have our issues but you’re either trolling Whites with that or you’re not living around our minorities.
Go for it, bat eating gook...lol
China should go on the offensive and take the opportunity and start a preemptive war with America
Dannyboy Crenshaw lays down the WWF Smackdown doctrine of geopolitics.
Good goy, now go fetch your check.
Never be haughty to the humble, or humble to the haughty.
I am glad that you agree it is nuts since it is the kind of language Pompeo and John Bolton would routinely use when it comes to Iran or Venezuela. I guess it is a display of leadership to talk about Regime change, preemptive war and liberating other people if you are American but you are a nutcase if you dare to suggest the same thing in retaliation. I guess this is one of those failed sarcasm attempts and people do take these war threat seriously and literally. Quite empowering to know I can start Ww3 in people’s head with my keyboard.