Mr. Unz,
Have you considered the possibility of a positive feedback loop in terms of cultural mores that such systemic blackmail may produce? The most obvious and surface negative features of such a system are that it is anti-democratic to have secret information warlords steering public policy rather than voters. There may be far more subtle yet sinister effects if connections can be made between the abdication of our elected officials regarding the diktat acceptance of fringe sexual proclivities and their own guilt. I am speaking in particular of the anti-shame campaign regarding activities with minors, now renamed by academics as minor attracted persons.
Blackmailed politicians could seek their freedom by destigmatizing their own hidden crimes and transgressions. This, in turn, would lead the blackmailers to seek worse trespassers as puppets, whose crimes are still considered unholy enough to warrant fear of exposure. How much of our current reality has been shaped by this twisted game? A race to the bottom.
Of course there could be a counterweight. When a new crop of eligible representatives arises, they may be already too outspoken and pleased with their own recently culturally approved paraphilias to be electable, or interested in electoral glory at all (Sam Brinton comes to mind.) The “me too” movement may have been media driven pushback by the blackmailer cabal with the aim of having dirt on power-hungry strivers under the age of fifty.
Sure, McCain was a master material dialectician, a hardcore politruk that hid his deep passion for the coming classless society behind a concieted geriatric mask of predatory capitalism, warmongering and egotism… and what can be more communistic than bailing out Wallstreet like Obama did? Than expropriating the collective means of the struggling prolerariat and hand it over to robber barons; the private sector? Classic marxist socialism if I ever saw it.
Now that Sen. Dick Durban is blocking Sen. Marsha Blackburn from subpoenaing Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Express flight logs, an on-fire woman journalist is keeping us up-to-date on high level child sex.
THE EPSTEIN CLIENTS: Are all discussed in this video. This is why they are not prosecuting anyone and blocking the release of the list. It is up to the people to become stronger, braver and louder in order for the truth to be heard and for justice to come.
— Truth Justice â„¢ (@SpartaJustice) December 1, 2023
That seems to just be another tall tale invented by Benjamin Freedman. There’s no evidence that Untermeyer ever did blackmail Wilson.
I doubt that very much. The blackmail story was also told in far greater detail in the 1967 memoirs of Curtis Dall, FDR’s former son-in-law, who later spent decades as a senior figure in various right-wing organizations. It may or may not be true, but there’s no sign he got it from Freedman. It was probably very widespread in well-connected DC political circles.
Furthermore, earlier this year I’d noted some some of Dall’s other, far more shocking claims were confirmed decades later by mainstream historians:
When multiple very well-connected individuals all provide the same story of events, we should probably assume that it’s true unless there’s solid evidence to the contrary.
> I was interested to read of the Jewish lawyer Samuel Untermeyer who blackmailed Woodrow Wilson.
That seems to just be another tall tale invented by Benjamin Freedman. There’s no evidence that Untermeyer ever did blackmail Wilson.
Dear Mr Unz, your comment about Watergate in the above,
“The most dramatic political upheaval of my own lifetime had been the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment, and the causes of his departure from office—some petty abuses of power and a subsequent cover-up—were so clearly inconsequential that they fully affirmed the strength of our American democracy and the scrupulous care with which our watchdog media policed the misdeeds of even the most powerful.”
I found especially interesting because I happened to just read James Rosen’s The Strong Man: John Mitchell and the Secrets of Watergate and it’s rather convincing allusions to the CIA’s orchestration of that event, as well as a quote from John Mitchell in the chapter entitled DNC, in which he, paraphrasing, states his belief that the CIA were behind the whole thing (likely due to Nixon’s planned reorganisation of that agency).
I was interested to read of the Jewish lawyer Samuel Untermeyer who blackmailed Woodrow Wilson.
One of the backers of the infamous Schofield Reference Bible (which transformed Christian eschatology in favour of the Jews) was a New York criminal lawyer named Samuel Untermeyer. Cyrus Schofield was a dubious character but maybe not as dubious as Untermeyer. I doubt such a person had an interest in furthering the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I wondered how this field of study/profession has anything to do with studying/analyzing the Talmud, Jews, and/or Jewish history. So, compounded evidence is insignificant? I won’t be driving over the bridges he designs or builds. My father, also an engineer, said, “too much information is better than too little.†What does he know? He started his career as a roughneck on offshore rigs….
Not for me. I don’t need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I’m an engineer. No one else here is.
I have asserted this notion on a few occasions, myself. Poopon then tries to toss me into a Buddhist concentration camp. I have no objections to Buddhism personally, but against Talmudists…..lambs to slaughter. That goes for the rest of us, as well.
It looks like you are describing National Socialist Germany
That’s what I think, as well. What would we be without vulture capitalism, hedge funds, ongoing political assassinations, and mass third world invasions? What if George Soros had been “not-fit-for-work†and sent to the Left! - ?Replies: @Joe Levantine
Germany that managed to expose the difference between an economy that is subordinated to industry rather than to finance.
I never knew that George Galloway was once working for the Jews. That begs the question: did he have an awakening or he just sought a new role after being dumped by them.
This is lenghty, and it supports your conclusion but it expands and includes all kid of tax payer funded elected positions in this country ans tax expemt piblic supported NGO
“Ms. Quinn makes $424,000 a year, roughly triple what she made as speaker.
Christine Quinn is now a high-profile advocate on the divisive homelessness and migrant crises.
She named a handful of journalists who might write more about the bills,
“I miss being able to pick up the phone and say, ‘Do this, do it now, get it done,’†she said later.
Ms. Quinn is now a high-profile advocate on one of the most divisive issues in New York City —
she has become a kind of elder stateswoman on homelessness and housing for an especially green group of legislators.
Ms. Quinn had paved the way for Mr. Bloomberg to run a third time by helping overturn the city’s term limits law, a move that voters had soured on.
Ms. Quinn spent the first few months of 2014 willing herself to leave her Chelsea apartment.
Ms. Quinn spent the first few months of 2014 willing herself to leave her Chelsea apartment.
Ms. Quinn got a call from a headhunter about Win. Part of it felt like a homecoming.
Under her direction, Win — which employs 1,000 people with an annual budget of about $150 million
“Preceding the controversial lecture by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia University in 2007, Quinn wrote to the school requesting that his invitation to speak be withdrawn due to his support of state-sponsored terrorism and hate speech, the latter particularly with regard to the Holocaust. Her request was denied.” [ Amti Iranian is blogtaory ritual .It is not rewared always but deviance will be punished ]
“] years, Quinn opposed term limits, Quinn declared that repealing term limits,buy backed Bloombergs 3rd term .In 2008 the Council voted to extend term limits to allow the mayor, City Council members, and borough presidents to run for third terms
reversing the results of the two previous public referendam[ Democracy extension !!! Honduris is reminded here ]
Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, among others, denounced this move. In June 2009 the City Council approved a 40% cut in the budget of the Public Advocate’s Office. Gotbaum declared herself a victim of “political payback” because of her opposition to the changes in the term limits law,[ Amerca sanctions or jails other if other retaliates]
Under New York City law, the City Council Speaker has authority over the yearly City Council funds, worth almost $400 million (in 2012), to distribute among 51 members.This discretionary funding system, sometimes called the “slush fund”, has been criticized, with some councilmembers alleging Quinn to have cut funding to their districts as a form of political retaliation. She repeatedly denied these allegations.
In April 2008 the New York Post reported[18] that Quinn’s office had appropriated millions of dollars to organizations that did not exist, and that the money was then secretly routed to organizations favored by individual councilmembers. In a news conference that followed Quinn said, “I had no knowledge of it; I did not know this was the practice”. She said she had found out about it only a few months earlier, alerted authorities, and ordered staffers to stop the practice, but that they did not listen.[19] Quinn hired a criminal defense lawyer to represent her in the federal and city investigations.[20] Records showed that nearly 25% of those “secret slush” funds went to organizations in Quinn’s district and that two of the biggest recipients had contributed to Quinn’s 2009 mayoral run.[21] In September 2011 one of the city council’s lawyers reported that the federal “investigation has been closed without taking up any action,” but only after two councilmen were indicted at the cost of $100,000 to the city.
This lady has all the prerequiustes
backing from like Bloomberg
has designated amd captured journalist [ CIA of 1970 ]
wealth and 400 .000 dollras salary
Pro immigrant
Handing tax payers dollars to the illegals
anti -Iran
Late to the party.
Jeff Rense did the Sinclair story in detail in 2008. Why no credit given.
’92 Republicans gave America a Contract if re-elected. They mostly stuck to it. That was a good thing. Why can’t Trump do as much. If he would put his misbegotten daughter and her asshole husband back in his admin, I will not vote for him. How about a contract Donniboy?
They lie to get in, then they do what the kosher nostra demands. It’s really getting old.
Your attempt at a quick riposte to my deeply researched analysis of the current court system in the U$$A suggests more than a whiff of pettifoggery…most probably a reek.
I see the ‘constitutional’ lawyer racket is raising its buffoonish head again. You got right to the part about the fringe. How predictable.
I just did a lengthy Rumble podcast a couple of days ago, with the subject of this article being one of the main topics. Here it is:
I do (think in those terms). In that vein, .... see this: is like this: More and more emergence of Cluster B type personality profile among members of the populace, is partly because, the leadership, for the most part IS this (Cluster B). And then when one looks further, among the Cluster B leadership, ... it's the extreme demographic over-weighting of 25% Jewish ethnicity within globalist circles, (which I have concluded, are more-or-less, Cluster B circles) that seems to lead the way, talking-head-style, with the Cluster B type promotion that is then insinuated into the overall culture, to then rub off on the rest of the populace (and we all have tendencies, ... in part, ... we are selfish beings, but well as, hopefully, as the case may be, beings who are pro-social too).This is an ugly picture that emerges, ... but yet there it is. What to do? Force public discussion on the JQ first and foremost, is one worthy response to my mind. And look ... on that front, .... even at this juncture where there have been many recent developments around the JQ that have seeped into general discussion ..... if I talk to a good buddy who sees most of the western trouble in my light (up to and including the globalist discussion, but before the problematic 25% Jewish data signal) ..... the denial is absolutely unbelievable. It's deeply emotional denial. Like he just can't seem to bring himself to believe that there are a group of people that could possibly think this way, that also behave as if it's really about a special status for a particular ethnicity, ... despite all the evidence, .... to my mind it is because he is chicken (though 'alpha male' persona, ... he is chicken of losing his self-stylized 'alpha male' mantle), ... and is defending the status quo in this respect for emotional reasons having to do with social power dynamics feedbacks, for which he has not fully groked those emotional impingements upon his alpha male persona (identity). Just saying. This whole deal (refusing acknowledgment of any truths associated with the JQ tropes) is unbelievably complicated and deep.Replies: @Poupon Marx
"How about a population of a country or nation? Real world teams, in the face and consequence of defeat, use evaluation of their members, introspection and examination of the individuals involved, using qualification, metrics, and evaluation. Nobody here thinks of this, and yet this the most critical factor of the impending final dissolution of the West."�
Thank you for the very insightful and profound insights of the wave of mental illness (that’s what it is”) that is spreading like a rising tide of sewage. It is being catalyzed and pushed upon Western cultures. It is deliberate and calculated. The same as a mechanic disassembled a machine.
I am in total concurrence with your views, except the remedy(s). I believe that a fresh start of like minded, centered and those with developed Consciousness (independent of IQ) can create a working society that avoids mistakes made of millennia and assumes and incorporates wisdom from the West and East.
Within large scale power plants, there is a consideration of whether it is more effective from cost, effectiveness, time, and other factors, to repair or replace. I believe America-as I have said many times before-is a replacement only option. That would be secession and establishment of an autonomous republic of chosen leadership and carefully defined goals and precepts.
It’s a pleasure reading your posts as well. I occasionally read commentaries by Michael Hoffman, and his revisionist history. His comments alone on the necessity of revisionist history is seminal.
I considered his book on Hitler, The Enemy of the German People, but I would like to know your impressions of the book, when you have read and digested it. I have read about it.
In your noting the similarities of N. S. and the dominant and successful countries mentioned, I do not see imitation but acceptance of what works, a practical approach and governments with their citizens and polity at the forefront of consideration. There is no perfect system, but those limited choices of what works best.
George Carlin once mentioned that an organized conspiracy was not necessary, as the string pullers were all ideologically identical, and their ultimate goals were aligned.
I’m sure he despised Hitler, and I wonder, when listening to his, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it†monologue, if he knew about whom he was speaking?
It’s hilarious and tragic, simultaneously.
Not for me. I don't need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I'm an engineer. No one else here is. If I had to follow the groping and gathering of truffles by random digging and interpretive, variable yielding tree shaking, I never would have gotten anything done.
let’s have an in depth and open discussion, of the talmud, this all important work that clearly and definitively, defines the jewish religion and people. once the prohibition, of speaking the name and characteristics, of this dark entity, is broken, the spell will be broken as well.
If you had an army, and they had the best equipment, excellent training, etc, BUT they were pansies, trans pussies, weak willed, mama's boys, girle men, confused women, would you expect to win any battles? Never mind wars. How about a sports team? Same conditions.
He won't back down, while the West has bent over for millennia:
Replies: @Joe Levantine, @Wild Man
In rodents, T. gondii alters behavior in ways that increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids.[7][8][9] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing that T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine while infection in mice lowers general anxiety, increases explorative behaviors and increases a loss of aversion to predators in general.[7][10] Because cats are one of the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success since rodents that do not avoid cat habitations will more likely become cat prey.[7] The primary mechanisms of T. gondii–induced behavioral changes in rodents occur through epigenetic remodeling in neurons that govern the relevant behaviors (e.g. hypomethylation of arginine vasopressin-related genes in the medial amygdala, which greatly decrease predator aversion)
In humans, particularly infants and those with weakened immunity, T. gondii infection is generally asymptomatic but may lead to a serious case of toxoplasmosis.[13][4] T. gondii can initially cause mild, flu-like symptoms in the first few weeks following exposure, but otherwise, healthy human adults are asymptomatic.[14][13][4] This asymptomatic state of infection is referred to as a latent infection, and it has been associated with numerous subtle behavioral, psychiatric, and personality alterations in humans.[14][15][16] Behavioral changes observed between infected and non-infected humans include a decreased aversion to cat urine (but with divergent trajectories by gender) and an increased risk of several psychiatric disorders – particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Preliminary evidence has suggested that T. gondii infection may induce some of the same alterations in the human brain as those observed in rodents.[17][18][9][19][20][21] Many of these associations have been strongly debated and newer studies have found them to be weak, concluding:[22]
On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations, or neurocognitive impairment
Further study:
“How about a population of a country or nation? Real world teams, in the face and consequence of defeat, use evaluation of their members, introspection and examination of the individuals involved, using qualification, metrics, and evaluation. Nobody here thinks of this, and yet this the most critical factor of the impending final dissolution of the West.”
I do (think in those terms). In that vein, …. see this:
American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of "care."
Welcome to the Cluster B Society:
— Christopher F. Rufo âš”ï¸ (@realchrisrufo) September 20, 2023
It is like this: More and more emergence of Cluster B type personality profile among members of the populace, is partly because, the leadership, for the most part IS this (Cluster B). And then when one looks further, among the Cluster B leadership, … it’s the extreme demographic over-weighting of 25% Jewish ethnicity within globalist circles, (which I have concluded, are more-or-less, Cluster B circles) that seems to lead the way, talking-head-style, with the Cluster B type promotion that is then insinuated into the overall culture, to then rub off on the rest of the populace (and we all have tendencies, … in part, … we are selfish beings, but well as, hopefully, as the case may be, beings who are pro-social too).
This is an ugly picture that emerges, … but yet there it is. What to do? Force public discussion on the JQ first and foremost, is one worthy response to my mind. And look … on that front, …. even at this juncture where there have been many recent developments around the JQ that have seeped into general discussion ….. if I talk to a good buddy who sees most of the western trouble in my light (up to and including the globalist discussion, but before the problematic 25% Jewish data signal) ….. the denial is absolutely unbelievable. It’s deeply emotional denial. Like he just can’t seem to bring himself to believe that there are a group of people that could possibly think this way, that also behave as if it’s really about a special status for a particular ethnicity, … despite all the evidence, …. to my mind it is because he is chicken (though ‘alpha male’ persona, … he is chicken of losing his self-stylized ‘alpha male’ mantle), … and is defending the status quo in this respect for emotional reasons having to do with social power dynamics feedbacks, for which he has not fully groked those emotional impingements upon his alpha male persona (identity). Just saying. This whole deal (refusing acknowledgment of any truths associated with the JQ tropes) is unbelievably complicated and deep.
Not for me. I don’t need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I’m an engineer. No one else here is.
I wondered how this field of study/profession has anything to do with studying/analyzing the Talmud, Jews, and/or Jewish history. So, compounded evidence is insignificant? I won’t be driving over the bridges he designs or builds. My father, also an engineer, said, “too much information is better than too little.†What does he know? He started his career as a roughneck on offshore rigs….
It looks like you are describing National Socialist Germany
I have asserted this notion on a few occasions, myself. Poopon then tries to toss me into a Buddhist concentration camp. I have no objections to Buddhism personally, but against Talmudists…..lambs to slaughter. That goes for the rest of us, as well.
I’m certain the George Galloway video is a dig at me. Mr. Galloway is a confused man; he went to bat for the Jews in South Africa – they were worried sick over apartheid. Apartheid fell, and they skedaddled – When Galloway said things the Jews didn’t like, they turned on him. He defiantly groveled, in my opinion. I’m sure you know all this.
Germany that managed to expose the difference between an economy that is subordinated to industry rather than to finance.
That’s what I think, as well. What would we be without vulture capitalism, hedge funds, ongoing political assassinations, and mass third world invasions? What if George Soros had been “not-fit-for-work†and sent to the Left! – ?
Well reasoned.
Not for me. I don't need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I'm an engineer. No one else here is. If I had to follow the groping and gathering of truffles by random digging and interpretive, variable yielding tree shaking, I never would have gotten anything done.
let’s have an in depth and open discussion, of the talmud, this all important work that clearly and definitively, defines the jewish religion and people. once the prohibition, of speaking the name and characteristics, of this dark entity, is broken, the spell will be broken as well.
If you had an army, and they had the best equipment, excellent training, etc, BUT they were pansies, trans pussies, weak willed, mama's boys, girle men, confused women, would you expect to win any battles? Never mind wars. How about a sports team? Same conditions.
He won't back down, while the West has bent over for millennia:
Replies: @Joe Levantine, @Wild Man
In rodents, T. gondii alters behavior in ways that increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids.[7][8][9] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing that T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine while infection in mice lowers general anxiety, increases explorative behaviors and increases a loss of aversion to predators in general.[7][10] Because cats are one of the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success since rodents that do not avoid cat habitations will more likely become cat prey.[7] The primary mechanisms of T. gondii–induced behavioral changes in rodents occur through epigenetic remodeling in neurons that govern the relevant behaviors (e.g. hypomethylation of arginine vasopressin-related genes in the medial amygdala, which greatly decrease predator aversion)
In humans, particularly infants and those with weakened immunity, T. gondii infection is generally asymptomatic but may lead to a serious case of toxoplasmosis.[13][4] T. gondii can initially cause mild, flu-like symptoms in the first few weeks following exposure, but otherwise, healthy human adults are asymptomatic.[14][13][4] This asymptomatic state of infection is referred to as a latent infection, and it has been associated with numerous subtle behavioral, psychiatric, and personality alterations in humans.[14][15][16] Behavioral changes observed between infected and non-infected humans include a decreased aversion to cat urine (but with divergent trajectories by gender) and an increased risk of several psychiatric disorders – particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Preliminary evidence has suggested that T. gondii infection may induce some of the same alterations in the human brain as those observed in rodents.[17][18][9][19][20][21] Many of these associations have been strongly debated and newer studies have found them to be weak, concluding:[22]
On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations, or neurocognitive impairment
Further study:
“ Not for me. I don’t need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I’m an engineer.â€
Agree. Though the quote you put is not mine, I see your point at sparing time and effort to prove a phenomenon that has become a constant of history with those who lead the Jews.
“ Nobody, due to cultural tunnel vision and ignorance of other cultural value and perceptions, considers the Individual Consciousness, Collective Consciousness-which is the National Consciousness, for this discussion.â€
True. But I do see some exceptions from commenters at TUR. Living a mechanical lifestyle in the West does take its toll on people’s capacity to see the greater picture irrespective of whether they are engineers or non technical people.
“ Russia and China are engineering-centric countries. They set in motion well thought out plans, with stages and phases of fulfillment and completion. This culminates in final production or goal achieved. This is the ideal model.â€
It looks like you are describing National Socialist Germany. No wonder the current West is hellbent on destroying Russia and China the way they destroyed Germany that managed to expose the difference between an economy that is subordinated to industry rather than to finance.
Always a pleasure reading your thoughtful posts.
I wondered how this field of study/profession has anything to do with studying/analyzing the Talmud, Jews, and/or Jewish history. So, compounded evidence is insignificant? I won’t be driving over the bridges he designs or builds. My father, also an engineer, said, “too much information is better than too little.†What does he know? He started his career as a roughneck on offshore rigs….
Not for me. I don’t need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I’m an engineer. No one else here is.
I have asserted this notion on a few occasions, myself. Poopon then tries to toss me into a Buddhist concentration camp. I have no objections to Buddhism personally, but against Talmudists…..lambs to slaughter. That goes for the rest of us, as well.
It looks like you are describing National Socialist Germany
That’s what I think, as well. What would we be without vulture capitalism, hedge funds, ongoing political assassinations, and mass third world invasions? What if George Soros had been “not-fit-for-work†and sent to the Left! - ?Replies: @Joe Levantine
Germany that managed to expose the difference between an economy that is subordinated to industry rather than to finance.
Fortunately, such “Wiemarization†eventually burns itself out, with the perpetrators being rooted out and exiled.
Viewing ‘exile‘ as a remedy is what has continued the cycle.
Thank you for you insight. I spent 5 years in university studying social science with the aim of becoming a clinical psychologist (partially to “cure” myself!). After taking every undergrad course offered and accumulating other natural and behavior courses, I took a year off before grad school. All my friends were doctoral candidates, and a few “free spirits” of various background.
let’s have an in depth and open discussion, of the talmud, this all important work that clearly and definitively, defines the jewish religion and people. once the prohibition, of speaking the name and characteristics, of this dark entity, is broken, the spell will be broken as well.
Not for me. I don’t need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I’m an engineer. No one else here is. If I had to follow the groping and gathering of truffles by random digging and interpretive, variable yielding tree shaking, I never would have gotten anything done.
What is missing in these discussions by you Western, non-technical people, is a honed and refined plan, one that is comprehensive and staged. Take it from a successful large enterprise called Russia.
Russia and China are engineering-centric countries. They set in motion well thought out plans, with stages and phases of fulfillment and completion. This culminates in final production or goal achieved. This is the ideal model.
Marxism/Communism heart is Material Determinism. This posits that all human behavior-like pure Darwinian absurd Evolution Theory-is the sole cause and La forza del destino of human behavior and action.
Thus in the West, just as here, everyone looks for the external factors: road signs, traffic lights, lane markers, stop signs, etc, etc. And then includes the condition of the automobile. Nobody, due to cultural tunnel vision and ignorance of other cultural value and perceptions, considers the Individual Consciousness, Collective Consciousness-which is the National Consciousness, for this discussion.
He won’t back down, while the West has bent over for millennia:
If you had an army, and they had the best equipment, excellent training, etc, BUT they were pansies, trans pussies, weak willed, mama’s boys, girle men, confused women, would you expect to win any battles? Never mind wars. How about a sports team? Same conditions.
How about a population of a country or nation? Real world teams, in the face and consequence of defeat, use evaluation of their members, introspection and examination of the individuals involved, using qualification, metrics, and evaluation. Nobody here thinks of this, and yet this the most critical factor of the impending final dissolution of the West.
Related question: Why is Buddhism totally resistant to the Toxoplasma gondii Judeaica?
In rodents, T. gondii alters behavior in ways that increase the rodents’ chances of being preyed upon by felids.[7][8][9] Support for this “manipulation hypothesis” stems from studies showing that T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine while infection in mice lowers general anxiety, increases explorative behaviors and increases a loss of aversion to predators in general.[7][10] Because cats are one of the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite’s reproductive success since rodents that do not avoid cat habitations will more likely become cat prey.[7] The primary mechanisms of T. gondii–induced behavioral changes in rodents occur through epigenetic remodeling in neurons that govern the relevant behaviors (e.g. hypomethylation of arginine vasopressin-related genes in the medial amygdala, which greatly decrease predator aversion)
In humans, particularly infants and those with weakened immunity, T. gondii infection is generally asymptomatic but may lead to a serious case of toxoplasmosis.[13][4] T. gondii can initially cause mild, flu-like symptoms in the first few weeks following exposure, but otherwise, healthy human adults are asymptomatic.[14][13][4] This asymptomatic state of infection is referred to as a latent infection, and it has been associated with numerous subtle behavioral, psychiatric, and personality alterations in humans.[14][15][16] Behavioral changes observed between infected and non-infected humans include a decreased aversion to cat urine (but with divergent trajectories by gender) and an increased risk of several psychiatric disorders – particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Preliminary evidence has suggested that T. gondii infection may induce some of the same alterations in the human brain as those observed in rodents.[17][18][9][19][20][21] Many of these associations have been strongly debated and newer studies have found them to be weak, concluding:[22]
On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations, or neurocognitive impairment
Further study:
I do (think in those terms). In that vein, .... see this: is like this: More and more emergence of Cluster B type personality profile among members of the populace, is partly because, the leadership, for the most part IS this (Cluster B). And then when one looks further, among the Cluster B leadership, ... it's the extreme demographic over-weighting of 25% Jewish ethnicity within globalist circles, (which I have concluded, are more-or-less, Cluster B circles) that seems to lead the way, talking-head-style, with the Cluster B type promotion that is then insinuated into the overall culture, to then rub off on the rest of the populace (and we all have tendencies, ... in part, ... we are selfish beings, but well as, hopefully, as the case may be, beings who are pro-social too).This is an ugly picture that emerges, ... but yet there it is. What to do? Force public discussion on the JQ first and foremost, is one worthy response to my mind. And look ... on that front, .... even at this juncture where there have been many recent developments around the JQ that have seeped into general discussion ..... if I talk to a good buddy who sees most of the western trouble in my light (up to and including the globalist discussion, but before the problematic 25% Jewish data signal) ..... the denial is absolutely unbelievable. It's deeply emotional denial. Like he just can't seem to bring himself to believe that there are a group of people that could possibly think this way, that also behave as if it's really about a special status for a particular ethnicity, ... despite all the evidence, .... to my mind it is because he is chicken (though 'alpha male' persona, ... he is chicken of losing his self-stylized 'alpha male' mantle), ... and is defending the status quo in this respect for emotional reasons having to do with social power dynamics feedbacks, for which he has not fully groked those emotional impingements upon his alpha male persona (identity). Just saying. This whole deal (refusing acknowledgment of any truths associated with the JQ tropes) is unbelievably complicated and deep.Replies: @Poupon Marx
"How about a population of a country or nation? Real world teams, in the face and consequence of defeat, use evaluation of their members, introspection and examination of the individuals involved, using qualification, metrics, and evaluation. Nobody here thinks of this, and yet this the most critical factor of the impending final dissolution of the West."�
What a great example of the illiterate direction of U.S. drivel of now.
Obama’s chef drowned in 8 feet of water while paddle boarding. He was also a fine swimmer. Finally, he was married to a woman.
Here for any supposition – Big Mike, gay lover, etc etc. It’s all fair game w/ Obummer.
It’s the final stage in the “Wiemarization” of the United States of America and by inference the rest of the western world.
From the “anything goes” homosexual and LGBTQXYZ perversions, the normalization of mental illnesses, official grooming of pre-pubescent children and even toddlers into the LGBTQXYZ “lifestyles”, the transformation of the United States of America into the present-day Wiemar Republic 2.0 has been orchestrated by the same group who instituted Wiemar 1.0.
In California, it is illegal for parents to resist the LGBTQXYZ grooming of their children. Mental illness has not only been legalized but is considered another “protected” class under “civil-rights (for some)” laws.
Fortunately, such “Wiemarization” eventually burns itself out, with the perpetrators being rooted out and exiled. It is long overdue for “event 110” to commence…
Viewing 'exile' as a remedy is what has continued the cycle.
Fortunately, such “Wiemarization†eventually burns itself out, with the perpetrators being rooted out and exiled.
To a less biased observer the attack made no sense. Russia has tried to avoid not only civilian casualties, but civilian hardship. Unlike NATO in Serbia, who targeted water and electricity supplies from the start of bombing, Russia has AFAIK left water alone (unlike Ukraine for whom the Crimea canal was a major target and was cut off before the war), and only started targeting the replaceable 15kv electricity transformers last winter, leaving the hard to replace 750kv transformers. So why target a market?Of course, missiles sometimes go astray, especially if damaged in flight. But that applies to both sides.Today's Guardian.
"In a short statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said: 'At this moment, the artillery of Russian terrorists has killed 16 people in the city of Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region. A regular market. Shops. A pharmacy. People who did nothing wrong. Many wounded. This Russian evil must be defeated as soon as possible.'
I'm not at all surprised. What DOES surprise me is that the NYT and Guardian reported it. And this is where the Soviet analogy comes in. Does this in fact mean that Western elites are moving away from "whatever it takes" in Ukraine?Replies: @anon, @mulga mumblebrain
A missile strike that hit a crowded market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka killing at least 17 civilians earlier this month could have been caused by an errant missile fired by Ukraine, the New York Times has reported.A further 32 people were wounded on 6 September by the impact of the missile 12 miles (20km) from the frontlines in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, in one of the highest civilian death tolls from a single incident in recent months.Video of the aftermath showed fires raging in destroyed buildings and soldiers carrying body bags away from the scene. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a few hours later accused Russia of being responsible for the attack.However, evidence collected and analysed by the New York Times suggests the strike was “the result of an Ukrainian air defence missile fired by a Buk launch system†that failed to hit its intended target and landed in the bustling heart of Kostiantynivka instead.
The missile struck at the same time that Blinken was arriving in Kiev to visit ?elensky. So the attack was NOT an accident.
I skimmed through Jung’s quotes and I see a lot of merit from a pure academic insight.
I believe that every human being has many failings in his/her personality which would become subject to analysis in correlation to the size and importance of the role that the person plays in society. This means that many of the critiques that Jung throws at Hitler could apply to most shakers and movers of history from Alexander the Great to Napoleon Bonaparte. How much value is one to bestow on such pure academic analysis is subject to the assessor’s orientation in life where the more practical type would judge a historic figure more through his materialistic contribution, whereas the more philosophical or spiritual person would put more emphasis on the person’s inner self. Jung is definitely of the latter type but I would have admired him more had he extended his personality analysis to other protagonists of WWII, namely the highly psychopathic FDR and Winston Churchill who make of Hitler a Boy Scout, IMHO.
It is one thing to ponder about what should have been or what the right course ought to be from the relative safety of one’s comfort zone free from the pressures of cascading events of history, on the one hand, and having to decide what to do when you are riding the back of the tiger, on the other hand.
In assessing a complex personality with a historic role like that of Hitler, one needs to get many opinions for and against the man. One book critical of Hitler is that of his press secretary Otto Dietrich “ The Hitler I Knew†which in my opinion is one of the fairest I have so far read. Another book that gives Hitler the social credit that he deserves is ‘Hitler’s Revolution†by Richard Tudor. Another book I am planning to read is “ Adolf Hitler:Enemy of the German People†by the highly respected Michael Hoffman. But then many of Hitler’s detractors, especially in the press corp, have not even read Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
In the interest of full disclosure, I should state that my father was living in and working in his early youth in the French mandate of Senegal, and he was drafted along many of his friends and acquaintances by the French authorities to fight the Germans at the beginning of WWII. This brazen act by a so called democratic state did not materialize because just before those young guys were to sail to Europe, Paris fell to the invading German troops. That made Hitler to most of them a living legend for letting them live in peace unencumbered by intra-European conflicts. This is to emphasize the subjectivity of people with respect to history and historic leaders.
One could elaborate on history and historic personalities for a life time and never reach a synthesis, but one constant will hardly change: success whitens the record while failure magnifies the dark spots of any public persona.
Not for me. I don't need compounded evidence, repetition, and restating the same theme and positions over and over. I'm an engineer. No one else here is. If I had to follow the groping and gathering of truffles by random digging and interpretive, variable yielding tree shaking, I never would have gotten anything done.
let’s have an in depth and open discussion, of the talmud, this all important work that clearly and definitively, defines the jewish religion and people. once the prohibition, of speaking the name and characteristics, of this dark entity, is broken, the spell will be broken as well.
If you had an army, and they had the best equipment, excellent training, etc, BUT they were pansies, trans pussies, weak willed, mama's boys, girle men, confused women, would you expect to win any battles? Never mind wars. How about a sports team? Same conditions.
He won't back down, while the West has bent over for millennia:
Replies: @Joe Levantine, @Wild Man
In rodents, T. gondii alters behavior in ways that increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids.[7][8][9] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing that T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine while infection in mice lowers general anxiety, increases explorative behaviors and increases a loss of aversion to predators in general.[7][10] Because cats are one of the only hosts within which T. gondii can sexually reproduce, such behavioral manipulations are thought to be evolutionary adaptations that increase the parasite's reproductive success since rodents that do not avoid cat habitations will more likely become cat prey.[7] The primary mechanisms of T. gondii–induced behavioral changes in rodents occur through epigenetic remodeling in neurons that govern the relevant behaviors (e.g. hypomethylation of arginine vasopressin-related genes in the medial amygdala, which greatly decrease predator aversion)
In humans, particularly infants and those with weakened immunity, T. gondii infection is generally asymptomatic but may lead to a serious case of toxoplasmosis.[13][4] T. gondii can initially cause mild, flu-like symptoms in the first few weeks following exposure, but otherwise, healthy human adults are asymptomatic.[14][13][4] This asymptomatic state of infection is referred to as a latent infection, and it has been associated with numerous subtle behavioral, psychiatric, and personality alterations in humans.[14][15][16] Behavioral changes observed between infected and non-infected humans include a decreased aversion to cat urine (but with divergent trajectories by gender) and an increased risk of several psychiatric disorders – particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Preliminary evidence has suggested that T. gondii infection may induce some of the same alterations in the human brain as those observed in rodents.[17][18][9][19][20][21] Many of these associations have been strongly debated and newer studies have found them to be weak, concluding:[22]
On the whole, there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations, or neurocognitive impairment
Further study:
I agree with you. I don’t think it was merely presidential ambitions. Nor do I think it was money. McCain was by now a very wealthy man. So it must be blackmail. This may have been about McCain’s POW past or about McCain’s criminal business associates in Arizona. This seems the best explanation of the volte face in 1997.
So who were the blackmailers? The Neocons? Quite possibly. Or elements of the American permanent state linked to the MIC? Warmongering is good for the latter’s business, and McCain was a reliable warmonger thereafter. Of course, more than one group may have been involved. Regardless, McCain was their servant for the rest of his life.
To a less biased observer the attack made no sense. Russia has tried to avoid not only civilian casualties, but civilian hardship. Unlike NATO in Serbia, who targeted water and electricity supplies from the start of bombing, Russia has AFAIK left water alone (unlike Ukraine for whom the Crimea canal was a major target and was cut off before the war), and only started targeting the replaceable 15kv electricity transformers last winter, leaving the hard to replace 750kv transformers. So why target a market?Of course, missiles sometimes go astray, especially if damaged in flight. But that applies to both sides.Today's Guardian.
"In a short statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said: 'At this moment, the artillery of Russian terrorists has killed 16 people in the city of Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region. A regular market. Shops. A pharmacy. People who did nothing wrong. Many wounded. This Russian evil must be defeated as soon as possible.'
I'm not at all surprised. What DOES surprise me is that the NYT and Guardian reported it. And this is where the Soviet analogy comes in. Does this in fact mean that Western elites are moving away from "whatever it takes" in Ukraine?Replies: @anon, @mulga mumblebrain
A missile strike that hit a crowded market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka killing at least 17 civilians earlier this month could have been caused by an errant missile fired by Ukraine, the New York Times has reported.A further 32 people were wounded on 6 September by the impact of the missile 12 miles (20km) from the frontlines in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, in one of the highest civilian death tolls from a single incident in recent months.Video of the aftermath showed fires raging in destroyed buildings and soldiers carrying body bags away from the scene. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a few hours later accused Russia of being responsible for the attack.However, evidence collected and analysed by the New York Times suggests the strike was “the result of an Ukrainian air defence missile fired by a Buk launch system†that failed to hit its intended target and landed in the bustling heart of Kostiantynivka instead.
US backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad regime —
Leaked emails from defense contractors refers to chemical weapons saying the idea is approved by Washington
26 th Jan,2013
Then they deleted it .UK’s tabloid pulled the article.
Fact checker checked fact and declared it a fake news because Dailymail had deleted it.
Are the hour long audio clips available as proper podcast? Searched for American Pravda and didn’t find it.
I agree, that’s very surprising. The charts do suggest that conclusion, but I wonder.
I’m too lazy at the moment to dig up references, and you may well be aware of them in any case. But I’ve got the distinct impression that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been propagandizing the US for a century. Modern art. The grand wurlitzer. Laurel Canyon. Etc. So I’m not sure that change of law by Obama is the full explanation.
Obama was a recently graduated law student in ‘92 who didn’t come from money. Anyway, even the commies were dropping a lot of their political crap by then, at least in Moscow. Plus, Obama’s supporters were Lefty finance and Jewish types, not exactly your typical Russian commie of the day.
In the 20th Century & more recent years maybe but no longer. America has changed drastically just since 2008. The ruling perverts have gone woke. Homo’s in the Cabinet & congress & gubernatorial offices. Trannies in thePentagon. Cocaine in the White House. Rainbow flags on U.S.Embassies. So what is a scandal anymore? The kind of behavior which could cost you an election in 2008, can actually win you one today.
Actually, that was exactly the point I’d made in my long 2019 article that I’d linked. Here’s a key paragraph:
This demonstrates the undeniable reality that what constitutes effective blackmail material may vary tremendously across different eras and regions. Today, it is widely accepted that longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover lived his life as a deeply-closeted homosexual and there seem to be serious claims that he also had some black ancestry, with the secret evidence of these facts probably helping to explain why for decades he stubbornly refused to admit the existence of American organized crime or focus his G-men on efforts to uproot it. But in today’s America, Hoover would have proudly proclaimed his sexuality and racial ancestry in a New York Times Magazine cover-story, rightly believing that they greatly enhanced his political invulnerability on the national stage. There are lurid rumors that the Syndicate possessed secret photos of Hoover wearing a dress and high-heels, but just a few years ago Rep. Mike Honda of San Jose desperately placed his eight-year-old transgendered grand-daughter front-and-center in his unsuccessful attempt to win reelection.
You really might want to read the whole thing. I think you’d find some of it quite enlightening:
“That last example of the likely sexual secrets held over Hoover seemed to represent the most typical form of political blackmail. Indeed, as I noted, such methods had apparently been widely used to exert control over powerful political figures, both earlier in the twentieth century and in more recent years:”
In the 20th Century & more recent years maybe but no longer. America has changed drastically just since 2008. The ruling perverts have gone woke. Homo’s in the Cabinet & congress & gubernatorial offices. Trannies in thePentagon. Cocaine in the White House. Rainbow flags on U.S.Embassies. So what is a scandal anymore? The kind of behavior which could cost you an election in 2008, can actually win you one today. America has assured it’s own destruction. And who will miss it? Three cheers!
Actually, that was exactly the point I'd made in my long 2019 article that I'd linked. Here's a key paragraph:
In the 20th Century & more recent years maybe but no longer. America has changed drastically just since 2008. The ruling perverts have gone woke. Homo’s in the Cabinet & congress & gubernatorial offices. Trannies in thePentagon. Cocaine in the White House. Rainbow flags on U.S.Embassies. So what is a scandal anymore? The kind of behavior which could cost you an election in 2008, can actually win you one today.
You really might want to read the whole thing. I think you'd find some of it quite enlightening:
This demonstrates the undeniable reality that what constitutes effective blackmail material may vary tremendously across different eras and regions. Today, it is widely accepted that longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover lived his life as a deeply-closeted homosexual and there seem to be serious claims that he also had some black ancestry, with the secret evidence of these facts probably helping to explain why for decades he stubbornly refused to admit the existence of American organized crime or focus his G-men on efforts to uproot it. But in today’s America, Hoover would have proudly proclaimed his sexuality and racial ancestry in a New York Times Magazine cover-story, rightly believing that they greatly enhanced his political invulnerability on the national stage. There are lurid rumors that the Syndicate possessed secret photos of Hoover wearing a dress and high-heels, but just a few years ago Rep. Mike Honda of San Jose desperately placed his eight-year-old transgendered grand-daughter front-and-center in his unsuccessful attempt to win reelection.
I don’t know why “historians”-amateur as well as professional, do not use the same personality concepts as criminal police profilers. It’s all external world, objects bumping into each other, overt, palpable, etc, etc.
Special people are needed when concrete, observable factors and information is not available. Since the Third Reich collapsed, as the barrier against Judea’s quantum jump in control of the West and the Greater World, a focus of attention naturally is drawn to the main protagonist and his role in its fortification and dissolution.
Many Tchermans cannot, will not look at Adolph Hitler with famous German hard, cold factual evaluation and empirical practicum.. It’s a mass neurosis, like taking your favorite pet dog or cat to the vet to be put down for a terminal disease. They ignore physical and aggregate evidence that he was the main factor and catalyst for Germany’s failures.
When a complex machine or system fails, one should never assume that the cause of that failure is on the surface, out in plain sight and will reveal itself readily. Likewise the entire era, the stage, the actors, the props, the music, and finally the very collapse of the stage itself. So, we have a look and examine what caused actions.
We know what causes actions. Thoughts, ideas, ideals, etc, etc.
Jung on Hitler and Nazism
I advise looking at these profound insights.
Thanks. Well-researched indeed.
The article does not, however, mention “the whole Vietnam POW issue … reaching the news” as a causal or even pivotal factor, just McCain’s presidential ambitions and need for neocon support. Not a pretty picture but not one of controlled possession of compromising, blackmail-worthy oppo material to support the MAD thesis. (Doesn’t contradict it either, of course, but I was looking for more positive support.)
The most surprising thing about this story is that the CIA was obeying the law well enough that you can tell when it was revoked.
Stephen Sniegoski documented this in a well-researched article in UR in 2017. John McCain was basically a “cautious realist” until he sold his soul to the (((Neocons))) in 1997. The rest is history.
“By Hegelian dialectic I mean polarization between two extremes — Woke and MAGA, for instance — to then crash them together and forge the desired outcome out of the resulting chaos.”
OK, …. I think I see your meaning, … you mean that the Hegelian dialectic as polarization between two extremes, serves the globalist forces, with respect to forging the globalist’s desired outcome, out of the resulting chaos.
I dunno, …. can’t the Hegelian dialectic also act to resolve the resulting chaos, by reason, as such serving an outcome foreign to the globalist’s desired outcome? Are you sure the Trump phenomenon did not provide these effects for a dialectical exchange with the general populace, that can be had by a forced confrontation with ‘reason’? If so, I strongly disagree. I think the populace’s desired outcome is the one that is reasonable, or fair-minded, more-or-less. Was that not MAGA? How is MAGA then, an extreme, like ‘Woke’? The polar extreme of Woke is not MAGA, it is just another version of Woke (both poles are bonded by ‘radical individualism’ claims, …. interpreted in terms of the ascendancy of the collective on the one hand, rendering the radical individuals, as prone in the same way, all as id-like creatures [the Woke now known as Woke], or in terms of the ascendancy of the radical individual on the other hand (the Woke now known as radical libertarians). MAGA on the other hand is about going back to the true-west precepts of the cultural ascendancy of the responsible individual.
Detailed eyewitness testimony and documentary evidence persuasively established that Kerrey had ordered his men to massacre over a dozen innocent Vietnamese civilians—women, children, and infants—for being witnesses to his botched SEAL raid on a tiny Vietnamese hamlet
This helps to confirm my long-held belief that guys in special forces are, in general psychopaths. To join the SEALs during the Vietnam war is this guy saying “I feel like my chances of killing people in the regular infantry are too low”. In general this is also what other special forces in countries that go to war often are saying too.
Interesting, thanks. All the same, I can’t consider Obama to be even remotely Christian. In my view both the baptisms and the godparents are window dressing.
On Trump, ... do you mean that, if it turns out that a take on Trump's aspirational operations around globalist incentives, will mark him as 'less sincere' than we may hope for, vis-a-vis his communications with the populace, ends up being the accurate take (as you suspect), ....that such Trump condition would serve the Hegelian dialectic to the globalist's benefit, or instead would still continue to serve the Hegelian dialectic to the populace's ongoing benefit, nevertheless? (i.e. - which Hegelian dialectic are you referring to?). I ask because I note that Trump's presence on the political scene, since 2015, has already muchly served the Hegelian dialectic to the populace's ongoing benefit.Replies: @Rumpelstiltskin
"And it’s not Team America, Team Humanity, nor Team Decency. Trump? I suspect the same (given Cohn, Kushner, etc.). But, if so, he’s a better actor, imo. Even if he is sincere to a greater or lesser degree, it’s not hard to imagine how he might serve, consciously or not, the Hegelian dialectic."
Sorry Wildman, but you’re going to have to polish your question if I’m to respond. It’s too hard to parse.
By Hegelian dialectic I mean polarization between two extremes — Woke and MAGA, for instance — to then crash them together and forge the desired outcome out of the resulting chaos.
“Trump’s presence on the political scene, since 2015, has already muchly served the Hegelian dialectic to the populace’s ongoing benefit.” — Has it? Maybe. It seems too early to judge, to me.
OK, .... I think I see your meaning, ... you mean that the Hegelian dialectic as polarization between two extremes, serves the globalist forces, with respect to forging the globalist's desired outcome, out of the resulting chaos.I dunno, .... can't the Hegelian dialectic also act to resolve the resulting chaos, by reason, as such serving an outcome foreign to the globalist's desired outcome? Are you sure the Trump phenomenon did not provide these effects for a dialectical exchange with the general populace, that can be had by a forced confrontation with 'reason'? If so, I strongly disagree. I think the populace's desired outcome is the one that is reasonable, or fair-minded, more-or-less. Was that not MAGA? How is MAGA then, an extreme, like 'Woke'? The polar extreme of Woke is not MAGA, it is just another version of Woke (both poles are bonded by 'radical individualism' claims, .... interpreted in terms of the ascendancy of the collective on the one hand, rendering the radical individuals, as prone in the same way, all as id-like creatures [the Woke now known as Woke], or in terms of the ascendancy of the radical individual on the other hand (the Woke now known as radical libertarians). MAGA on the other hand is about going back to the true-west precepts of the cultural ascendancy of the responsible individual.
"By Hegelian dialectic I mean polarization between two extremes — Woke and MAGA, for instance — to then crash them together and forge the desired outcome out of the resulting chaos."
Good point, connecting that to Obama’s legalization of domestic propaganda in 2013. That dovetails perfectly with my suspicion that Obummer himself is a lifelong creature of the CIA.
Right on target. It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas. We come from ancient cultures. The people, not the circumstances, made these civilizations of the Levant. The people that emigrated to other lands prospered, and contributed positively to their adopted cultures. They knew how to work, live, get on with people, and find a natural, moral place for themselves.A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. "Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc. That's when it is time to look at the people at the controls, their personality in toto, their proclivities, compulsions, weaknesses, mental condition, etc.
Lack of spirituality and mass formation psychosis are common to most Western societies not unlike what we see in Eastern societies under the all powerful dominance of the state. So maybe voting does answer to people’s sense of insignificance under modern society by giving them the illusion of having some importance at deciding the course of history.
You packed a real punch in this post.
I very much enjoyed the philosophical analysis which I would mostly trace to Libido Dominandi where people like the great protagonists of WWII, specifically Churchill and Hitler, tried to steer the face of the world in opposite directions that would have changed little in the fate of mankind as both leaders were for hierarchical systems of managing society. Churchill longed for the absolute dominance of the world by an Anglo-Saxon elite whereas Hitler thought about securing the German Volk for a millennial. Hitler’s goal was to cooperate with Aryan Britain to secure the dominance of the White race but Churchill was in no mood to share that dominance with any White race from outside Britain. Hitler valued the arts and cared about the fate of the little people of the Volk, Churchill cared little for either but had an unshaken belief in the right of the British aristocracy to rule the world. Looking at the state of British society and at Britain’s waning influence, makes Churchill as much of a loser as Hitler. But then our mostly subjective way of judging men of history is through hindsight; that is why I esteem Bismarck for his statesmanship and his foresight and his measured political maneuvering, but above all because he was a winner. Had Hitler won the war, chances are he would have eclipsed Bismarck despite his many failings that you mention. It is a fact of history that extreme events produce exceptional leaders but not necessarily good leaders for mankind. If it were not for the rise of Hitler in Germany, Churchill would have been a miserable footnote of history considering his WWI record.
Back to our current events, where in the confrontation between a block of make pretend democracies and another block that gives the executive heads real power to steer the ship of state and bear the responsibility for their actions, I would rather see the latter prevail, for people should be rightly be awarded by history for their success or chastised for their failures. Though that begs the question: is WWIII a struggle for dominance or a struggle for ideology. From seeing how all the warring parties are in almost perfect harmony with respect to vaccines and CBDC, I lean towards the belief that we are witnessing a power struggle. But I am still willing to stake my chances on a triumphant Putin whose qualities as an exceptional leader you clearly state in your post, for lack of any alternative. I am hoping that Russia’s victory would bring out an even better Putin, one who is not encumbered by the realpolitik of avoiding war with the West, once the West is brought back to reason, free from its oligarchic control.
"...the current “woke†Marxist revolution against the West really kicked into gear during his second term."
Before 2012, the CIA was restricted by its own version of posse comitatus, forbidding domestic operation. The best they could do was lie to some foreigners and hope the rumours got picked up at home.
The “Obama” administration had military-grade propaganda attacks against domestic Americans legalized as of January 2013.
P.S. The NYT has zero transparency regarding its ownership and management strategies, which is how you know these secrets are relevant to your interests. Alt: never read a newspaper.
Lehman was allowed to fail because it wasn’t up to date on its bribes. Prior to 2008 there had been a gathering of investment banks where the DNC asked for ‘voluntary’ contributions to some bullshit or another. Lehman and Bear Stearns foolishly thought it was actually voluntary, and declined. Haha, oops.
Doubtless if you track down all the questionable transactions you’ll find that the “bailouts” were proportional to the size of “voluntary” bribes. DNC operatives using tax dollars to prop up sources of graft money. Would have been a net win even if they had to pay for it themselves, but it’s okay, they paid for it with your money (and Japan’s) instead.
Don’t forget the tradition of puppet presidents controlled by names that don’t show up in the news started with George Washington.
POTUS doesn’t even have the power to build a fence in his back yard. (Let alone go to the moon or anything farcical like that.) Bush/Obama were fully aware their job chiefly consisted of taking the blame, while Trump was not.
“Patsy” usually means a fall guy for some truly guilty party. Carlson isn’t taking any heat that he wouldn’t earn otherwise — after all, nobody on the other team would believe him if he said 2+2=4 and summer follows spring, so his credibility isn’t really at stake, nor is his viewership.
I’m assuming Tucker doesn’t want a Biden or Obama in the White House, so he’d be happy to do damaging stories on either one. This round may inadvertently assist Biden, but whatever contributes to an internal power struggle mainly helps everyone else — Trump for one isn’t going to complain if his opponents are split in their support and fighting amongst themselves.
“And it’s not Team America, Team Humanity, nor Team Decency. Trump? I suspect the same (given Cohn, Kushner, etc.). But, if so, he’s a better actor, imo. Even if he is sincere to a greater or lesser degree, it’s not hard to imagine how he might serve, consciously or not, the Hegelian dialectic.”
On Trump, … do you mean that, if it turns out that a take on Trump’s aspirational operations around globalist incentives, will mark him as ‘less sincere’ than we may hope for, vis-a-vis his communications with the populace, ends up being the accurate take (as you suspect), ….that such Trump condition would serve the Hegelian dialectic to the globalist’s benefit, or instead would still continue to serve the Hegelian dialectic to the populace’s ongoing benefit, nevertheless? (i.e. – which Hegelian dialectic are you referring to?). I ask because I note that Trump’s presence on the political scene, since 2015, has already muchly served the Hegelian dialectic to the populace’s ongoing benefit.
Another way in which the West is like the old Soviet Union is that, while you can no longer trust the media, you can still use it the way Moscow-watchers did – “what’s the real meaning of this story? Who is shown in a good light and who isn’t?”.
Take the recent story of the Russian missile attack on a market in Kostiantynivka, which killed at least 17 civilians.
To someone whose only view of the conflict is from our MSM, it all fits with the existing narrative where Putin, like Hitler, MUST BE STOPPED and Russia kills civilians for fun.
“Moment Russian missile kills 17 people in Ukrainian market massacre” reports the Mail.
“In a short statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said: ‘At this moment, the artillery of Russian terrorists has killed 16 people in the city of Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region. A regular market. Shops. A pharmacy. People who did nothing wrong. Many wounded. This Russian evil must be defeated as soon as possible.’
To a less biased observer the attack made no sense. Russia has tried to avoid not only civilian casualties, but civilian hardship. Unlike NATO in Serbia, who targeted water and electricity supplies from the start of bombing, Russia has AFAIK left water alone (unlike Ukraine for whom the Crimea canal was a major target and was cut off before the war), and only started targeting the replaceable 15kv electricity transformers last winter, leaving the hard to replace 750kv transformers. So why target a market?
Of course, missiles sometimes go astray, especially if damaged in flight. But that applies to both sides.
Today’s Guardian.
A missile strike that hit a crowded market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka killing at least 17 civilians earlier this month could have been caused by an errant missile fired by Ukraine, the New York Times has reported.
A further 32 people were wounded on 6 September by the impact of the missile 12 miles (20km) from the frontlines in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, in one of the highest civilian death tolls from a single incident in recent months.
Video of the aftermath showed fires raging in destroyed buildings and soldiers carrying body bags away from the scene. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a few hours later accused Russia of being responsible for the attack.
However, evidence collected and analysed by the New York Times suggests the strike was “the result of an Ukrainian air defence missile fired by a Buk launch system†that failed to hit its intended target and landed in the bustling heart of Kostiantynivka instead.
I’m not at all surprised. What DOES surprise me is that the NYT and Guardian reported it.
And this is where the Soviet analogy comes in.
Does this in fact mean that Western elites are moving away from “whatever it takes” in Ukraine?
The truth about Obama was contained in the article ‘Obama and the Jews’ published in the Chicago Jewish News on October 24, 2008. The author, Pauline Dubkin Yearwood outlined how Obama was talent-spotted by a Zionist teacher at college, employed by a Jewish law firm, them launched in politics by Jewish groups. As Abner Mikva, a former Congressman, judge and Bill Clinton apparatchik said, ‘Obama will not be the first black President, but the first Jewish one’.
Top Level is nearing Peak Mendacity. I think it must be part of the general excited hysteria on the Right here as they see their unhinged hate campaign, based on OUTRAGEOUS lies, nearing success in putting the ‘boongs’ back in their place regarding the Voice referendum. Look out Toppers or you’ll have a CVA because of over-joyfulness, although it might go unnoticed for some time.
So, here, Toppers denies the undeniable, in his quest to carry water for his Banderite neo-fascist and neo-Nazi idols. There was NO CIA organised putsch in Kiev, no bussing in of fascists from Galicia, no snipers from Georgia shooting from fascist occupied buildings, no visits from Yankee fascists egging their darlings on, no massacre in Odessa, no decades of CIA support for Ukrainian fascists starting with Operation Aerodynamic straight after WW2. NOTHING. Toppers is a typical Austfailian reactionary-he denies ALL Imperial crimes, as a loyal arse-kisser and boot-licker. The type who has fucked this country irredeemably.
I assume this comment draws heavily on the investigative work done by Gus Russo and published in his books Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers and The Outfit.
Sure. Those were two of the central books I relied upon in my long 2019 article on organized crime:
Okay, rereading your comment and Ed Case’s, I have a couple questions. You say
The Dunhams were long term hard core communists. The FBI was watching Obama’s grandfather Stanley Dunham since the 1930s.
it was a dirty goy family that succeeded in creating the communist mulatto messiah Obama.
Ed Case says,
Keep in mind that both Dunhams [as well as Ann Dunham] were confirmed spooks
So, were the Dunham’s pure goy? Were they known communists (since the 1930s)? Were they confirmed spooks? All, some, or none of the above?
Henry Makow says,
I suspect his mother’s father Stanley “Dunham” was Jewish. Obama’s mother “Stanley Anne Dunham” certainly looked and acted like a Communist Jew. (My first mother-in-law was one.)
In which case Obama is 1/4 jewish. I’ll buy that. As Makow says, his mother also has the look.
Known communists, spooks, both or neither? In light of Stanley Dunhams itinerant career, and his daughter and grandson’s time in Indonesia and Pakistan, I find the spook part very believable. Stanley a known commie? Commie or sympathizer I don’t find hard to believe, but I would like to see the evidence that he was, and that he was known as such.
I’ve seen Michelle’s “bulge†photos. I don’t know, but she looks like a big female, like Leslie Jones.
Leslie Jones has male anthropometry, like Michelle Obama.
Compare the forearm length to the upper arm length, it should be notriceably shorter, not longer, as seen here:
They were married and baptized the girls in a Christian church. I doubt either Obama or Anne Dunham were baptized.
Your implicit assumption is that there were, in fact, in reality, TWO SIDES who both refused to used their 'arsenal', so that 'neither arsenal was ever used'.
The contours of the 2008 Presidential race now become much more apparent. Both the McCain and the Obama campaigns possessed a stockpile of extremely lethal political weapons that could be used to completely destroy the reputation of the rival candidate. For exactly that reason, the resulting balance of terror based upon the prospect of mutually-assured political destruction meant that neither arsenal was ever used, while the oblivious American voting public remained completely unaware.
Maybe they sincerely jockey sometimes to hold the lead figurehead role, but I see no reason to believe that GHW Bush, B Clinton, GW Bush, Gore, Kerry, Obama, McCain, Romney, and HR Clinton don’t all ultimately play for the same team. And it’s not Team America, Team Humanity, nor Team Decency. Trump? I suspect the same (given Cohn, Kushner, etc.). But, if so, he’s a better actor, imo. Even if he is sincere to a greater or lesser degree, it’s not hard to imagine how he might serve, consciously or not, the Hegelian dialectic.
On Trump, ... do you mean that, if it turns out that a take on Trump's aspirational operations around globalist incentives, will mark him as 'less sincere' than we may hope for, vis-a-vis his communications with the populace, ends up being the accurate take (as you suspect), ....that such Trump condition would serve the Hegelian dialectic to the globalist's benefit, or instead would still continue to serve the Hegelian dialectic to the populace's ongoing benefit, nevertheless? (i.e. - which Hegelian dialectic are you referring to?). I ask because I note that Trump's presence on the political scene, since 2015, has already muchly served the Hegelian dialectic to the populace's ongoing benefit.Replies: @Rumpelstiltskin
"And it’s not Team America, Team Humanity, nor Team Decency. Trump? I suspect the same (given Cohn, Kushner, etc.). But, if so, he’s a better actor, imo. Even if he is sincere to a greater or lesser degree, it’s not hard to imagine how he might serve, consciously or not, the Hegelian dialectic."
Communist daughters and black men was a 1930 to about 1980 thing. The hard left succeeded with the blacks affirmative action gays etc and moved on.
“…the current “woke†Marxist revolution against the West really kicked into gear during his second term.”
And in any case (just occurred to me) is Obama a Christian, to have godparents for his children?
The oldest Obama daughter looks very much like Obama’s mother just my opinion.
So does the male godparent. Same jaw as Ann Dunham.
Best guess? She had another niglet with Davis before heading off to Indonesia.
As for Frank Marshall Davis, chairman of communist party of Hawaii; such as it was. I think CP Hawaii had just 3 active members Davis the chairman and Obama’s maternal Dunham grandparents who raised him.
A 3 member executive is standard for these operations. there woulda been plenty of useful idiots beavering away underneath them.
Keep in mind that both Dunhams [as well as Ann Dunham] were confirmed spooks, Davis was a probable.
Actually, that very brief mention by Carlson along with my characterization omits some of the complexities and probably casts the MSM in an overly negative light. Much of Sinclair's short book dealt with exactly that issue and seems pretty credible.
Yes, but if Tucker Carlson is right that most of the Washington press corps was convinced that Sinclair’s allegations were true, then I think Sinclair was telling the truth. The media in 2008 loved Obama, so I think they would have been reluctant to believe damning allegations against him. Carlson should take a polygraph test himself.
I can’t see how the allegations regarding Obama’s sexual orientation and behavior could simply be made up.
Interestingly, it looks like Axelrod was the one who convinced Obama to not come out in favor of gay marriage in 2008:
Right on target. It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas. We come from ancient cultures. The people, not the circumstances, made these civilizations of the Levant. The people that emigrated to other lands prospered, and contributed positively to their adopted cultures. They knew how to work, live, get on with people, and find a natural, moral place for themselves.A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. "Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc. That's when it is time to look at the people at the controls, their personality in toto, their proclivities, compulsions, weaknesses, mental condition, etc.
Lack of spirituality and mass formation psychosis are common to most Western societies not unlike what we see in Eastern societies under the all powerful dominance of the state. So maybe voting does answer to people’s sense of insignificance under modern society by giving them the illusion of having some importance at deciding the course of history.
Poopon, you made me drop my homemade banana bread. Look here, Schnuckiputzi:
We come from ancient cultures.
Who is we?
A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. “Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc.
Ok, please get yourself on up to Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia or Detroit (or on over to Malmo, London, Paris, Molenbeek), or Israel, or those Jewish shtetls sprinkled all over the world, and get those youths into those Buddhist centers you tried to toss me into; I’m truly interested in your report about how easily and readily they were able to read and comprehend – “It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas…. History as a compendium, litany, collection of action-reaction serial events is very superficial, and infers a limited number of choices and options of countries. Give-take, take-give. Infinite cycle. And that is history?â€
It is interesting in the personal history of George Patton, that he did deep studying of his opponents, psychologically and holistically
Patton said, “We fought the wrong enemy.†He also said, Germans were the best race in Europe. How do you not know this? You said you studied WW2 extensively. How long did he survive after he started publicly agreeing with Hitler’s opinions on Jews? Not long, Schnuckiputzi, not long.
Is it Russia’s bountiful resources, its talented and cohesive peoples and their common heritage and shared destiny, that got them here and through more troubles than a culture or country should have to navigate? The answer is yes to all.
Just like Hitlerite Germany.
That is from the brain of one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, son of ordinary Russians….. At any moment, a failure to act or the wrong act could have crashed or sunk the ship or plane. . It’s a lonely place to be. The entire civilization and culture, your ancestral home is on a knife edge cliff.
Many say exactly the same about Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s inconsequential service record:
Hitler was twice decorated for bravery. He received the Iron Cross Second Class in 1914 and the Iron Cross First Class in 1918, an honour rarely given to a lance corporal. Hitler’s First Class Iron Cross was recommended by Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann, a Jewish adjutant in the List Regiment.
LONDON (Reuters) – A British genealogy website has put Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s World War One military service records online, alongside those of more than a million other soldiers who fought for Germany., which bills itself as Britain’s leading family history website, has begun the online launch of the Bavarian WWI Personnel Rosters, a collection of records showing the military service activities of 1.5 million soldiers who fought with the Bavarian Regiment in the “war to end all wars.â€
The documents include those of then 25-year-old volunteer Lance Corporal Adolf Hitler, whose record describes him as a “Catholic,†an “Artist†and a “Messenger (bike rider) for the Regiment,†whose role was to carry dispatches back and forth from the command staff to units near the battlefield.
His records detail injuries including “lightly wounded at Le Barque by an artillery grenade in the thigh†in October 1916 and “gassed at La Montagne, taken to hospital†in October 1918.
They show Hitler was awarded five medals, decorations and other awards, including the Iron Cross twice, 1st and 2nd Class.
The paper originals are held by the Bavaria State Archives, which is working in partnership with to launch this collection, Ancestry said in a statement on its website.
Putin will go down in history as Russia’s greatest Tsar, by an easy measure. The one who saved Russia and its people and culture
I hope you’re right. Didn’t he thwart the Jewish oligarchy in Russia? Maybe he will accomplish what Hitler failed to do. Of course, he has Hitler’s playbook, he has modern technology, he has vast material resources – he doesn’t have to fight to get them restored to his country. He has a lot of cash. But, the question is…..does he meditate?
Hard to say. Surely many of them would be.
Would it be safe to assume that these puppeteers were influential members of the Jewish Israel lobby or donor class, like Sheldon Adelson? Or were these string pullers more likely part of the notorious Military Industrial Complex, and motivated mainly by greed?
� @Kevin Barrett, @Skeptikal
This new kingmaker of California Democratic politics saw his legal risks further diminish the following year when Alex Greenberg, his longtime business partner, was shot to death gangland style on the streets of Chicago, taking to the grave his personal knowledge of Ziffren’s enormous web of Syndicate-related real estate transactions. Ziffren’s power and influence lasted for decades, and when he finally died in 1991 at the age of seventy-seven, his mourners included former California governors Pat and Jerry Brown, future governor Gray Davis, and numerous top Hollywood stars, while he received uniformly glowing tributes in the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers, none of which provided a hint of his nefarious personal background.
The California Republican Party frequently pursued similar financial temptations. While Ziffren was successfully raising funds from mysterious sources for the 1950 U.S. Senate campaign of Helen Gahagun Douglas, longtime mob lawyer Murray Chotiner was performing the same task for her successful foe Richard Nixon, whose victory established Chotiner as a leading Republican strategist, both in California and nationwide. Ironically enough, while candidates regularly denounced the underworld ties of their opponents, all these rival Democratic and Republican “Supermob†lawyers had nearby homes and offices in Beverly Hills and generally remained good friends with each other and even occasional business partners, perhaps exchanging casual gossip about the strengths and weaknesses of the various candidates whose campaigns they regularly ran, much like jockeys might do about their different racetrack mounts.
I assume this comment draws heavily on the investigative work done by Gus Russo and published in his books Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers and The Outfit.
Sure. Those were two of the central books I relied upon in my long 2019 article on organized crime:
I assume this comment draws heavily on the investigative work done by Gus Russo and published in his books Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers and The Outfit.
Send Obama to Guantanamo.
Lack of spirituality and mass formation psychosis are common to most Western societies not unlike what we see in Eastern societies under the all powerful dominance of the state. So maybe voting does answer to people’s sense of insignificance under modern society by giving them the illusion of having some importance at deciding the course of history.
Right on target. It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas. We come from ancient cultures. The people, not the circumstances, made these civilizations of the Levant. The people that emigrated to other lands prospered, and contributed positively to their adopted cultures. They knew how to work, live, get on with people, and find a natural, moral place for themselves.
A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. “Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc. That’s when it is time to look at the people at the controls, their personality in toto, their proclivities, compulsions, weaknesses, mental condition, etc.
Hitler was a mental mess, and he picked a lot of sociopaths and mentally imbalanced people to surround himself with. Most of his generals were professional and well grounded, not mentally disordered. From what I had read, many of his generals had deep reservations about Hitler and his inner circle, but put up a good show because of the mass movement of Totalitarian hypnosis/delusion/madness of the collective minds of the German people. He as a bad appliance, but the only one available to heat the house, and cook the food. Hitler always felt a repressed sense of inferiority around his generals. How could he not? They were top of the class, world class military men, forged in the real world. Like Norton Mortorcycles said, “Racing improves the breed”. The testing ground to see what breaks and what works. The ineluctable facts are that Hitler had no portfolio, no demonstrated ability that was exceptional except painting. He was a SALESMAN, BUT THE GENERAL STAFF WERE ENGINEERS.. Do I have to tell everyone what engineers think of sales people?
Who is we?
We come from ancient cultures.
Ok, please get yourself on up to Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia or Detroit (or on over to Malmo, London, Paris, Molenbeek), or Israel, or those Jewish shtetls sprinkled all over the world, and get those youths into those Buddhist centers you tried to toss me into; I’m truly interested in your report about how easily and readily they were able to read and comprehend - “It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas…. History as a compendium, litany, collection of action-reaction serial events is very superficial, and infers a limited number of choices and options of countries. Give-take, take-give. Infinite cycle. And that is history?â€
A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. “Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc.
Patton said, “We fought the wrong enemy.†He also said, Germans were the best race in Europe. How do you not know this? You said you studied WW2 extensively. How long did he survive after he started publicly agreeing with Hitler’s opinions on Jews? Not long, Schnuckiputzi, not long.
It is interesting in the personal history of George Patton, that he did deep studying of his opponents, psychologically and holistically
Just like Hitlerite Germany.
Is it Russia’s bountiful resources, its talented and cohesive peoples and their common heritage and shared destiny, that got them here and through more troubles than a culture or country should have to navigate? The answer is yes to all.
That is from the brain of one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, son of ordinary Russians….. At any moment, a failure to act or the wrong act could have crashed or sunk the ship or plane. . It’s a lonely place to be. The entire civilization and culture, your ancestral home is on a knife edge cliff
I hope you’re right. Didn’t he thwart the Jewish oligarchy in Russia? Maybe he will accomplish what Hitler failed to do. Of course, he has Hitler’s playbook, he has modern technology, he has vast material resources - he doesn’t have to fight to get them restored to his country. He has a lot of cash. But, the question is…..does he meditate?
Putin will go down in history as Russia’s greatest Tsar, by an easy measure. The one who saved Russia and its people and culture
You may be right. What I post is suggestive, not proof. All the photos I see of Davis are black & white, so I can’t judge on that point. In any case, genetics is funny — mestizo siblings often vary in skin tone; it’s not a mechanistic process with a fixed result based on fixed proportions, like mixing paint. I certainly see a strong resemblance to Davis, much more than to his ostensible Kenyan father.
The oldest Obama daughter, well she’s got a long face like Obummer’s mum, but is a dead ringer for her ‘godfather’ imo. And not just facially — note the unusual posture and gait. I see no resemblance in either girl to either Barack or Mi(ke/chelle). What are the odds that the girls would resemble their godparents more than their supposed parents? And that the godmother conveniently delivered them? And that they vacation together? Seems like very long odds to me, especially combined with the doubts around Obama’s real father, his sexuality, and Mi(ke/chelle)’s masculine physique.
Maybe the swinging balls are a hoax? (1m 24s)
Joan Rivers (for entertainment value, not evidence or proof) (18 sec)
As for Mi(ke/chelle)’s muscular arms, I’ve considered the Williams twins as a precedent. So yes, I suppose it’s possible that Mi(ke/chelle) has the upper body physique of one of the top female athletes in the world. But not likely. I reviewed some photos of the Williams sisters, and I don’t think even they have trapezius muscles like Mi(ke/chelle). But if anyone can show a photo demonstrating otherwise, that would be great.
Have a nice trip. Don’t hurry back.
Thanks for this very interesting analysis.
I believe Michelle is a woman, albeit very muscular. Serena Williams is a woman; I know this because she loses to men when she plays against them. She’s more muscular than many men. I’ve seen Michelle’s “bulge†photos. I don’t know, but she looks like a big female, like Leslie Jones.
I wanted to inquire about your reference to white communist girls, specifically inseminating themselves or their daughters with African sperm. They are nearly all raging hypocrites; surely they know the product will be less capable than average? Less intelligent, less productive, maybe thereby easier to manipulate, but still more volatile. What is their plan and why would they destroy their lineage?
The homicide clearance rate isn’t even close to 50% in Chicago. It is less than 20%.
For all things related to homicide statistics, there is no better source than
and yes that is a real website and their data accumulation is second to none.
Ron Paul won in 2008 in a landslide. He was the second Trump. The first was Ross Perot in 1992. (All were attempts to say F you to the establishment.)
White people have been trying to elect a savior since at least 1992.
It has not worked.
guys like you perfectly confirm what I wrote above. You’re exactly the kind of guy I’d expect on a website like Unz Review. A total loser and crank. Thanks a lot for being exhibit A, Poupon Marx!
I remember Zeffiren the financial backer of many more than Pat and Jerry Brown. Ron Pelodi brother of Paul was selected to be the politician in the family. But Phil Burton long term democrat SF Congress critter and speaker of the house selected Nancy as his heir. Nancy the quiet stay at home mom became the absolute best fundraiser in Nor California. Mostly due to Ziffren shoveling money to her to fund ultra left democrats to every office
The oldest Obama daughter looks very much like Obama’s mother just my opinion. As for Frank Marshall Davis, chairman of communist party of Hawaii; such as it was. I think CP Hawaii had just 3 active members Davis the chairman and Obama’s maternal Dunham grandparents who raised him.
Just my personal opinion; Davis was very light skinned. If he had a child with Stanley Anne Dunham a very N European pale white skinned their child would loom completely White. Obama’s obviously black whoever his father was, the sperm donor couldn’t have been a light skinned quadroon type like Davis. Had to be a dark skinned obviously black man.
The Dunhams were long term hard core communists. The FBI was watching Obama’s grandfather Stanley Dunham since the 1930s. Like most communist parents of that era raised their daughter to marry a black man and raise the kids to become communist black activists. Most of those communist families were Jews, like the Boudins and Stenders. But it was a dirty goy family that succeeded in creating the communist mulatto messiah Obama.
Obama Sr was brought to America by that evil race traitor President John Kennedy. Kennedy was a hard core anti White liberal, within weeks of his inauguration he signed into law the first affirmative action law. March 6 1961 executive order 10925 worse than Griggs vs Duke Power affirmative action Supreme Court orders.
Obama is the result of long term planning by the communist party USA whoever his father was. Thousands of children of communist girls and black sperm donors. And the Dunhams and and whatever black sperm donor created the longed for black messiah.
And of course White hating America hating Jew communist Columbia and Harvard gladly cooperated in creating the first black commie president.
Obama’s last two undergrad years at Columbia are very mysterious. There have been so many internet comments by people who were at Columbia n the same two years the same major who never saw or heard of Barack Obama in those two years. They might all be liars Or they might be telling the truth There’s a theory that Obama spent those two years training in Russia. Maybe. I think Obama got all the training he needed as a kid and teen in Hawaii by his communist Dunham grandparents and Frank Marshall Davis chairman of CP Hawaii.
The Dunhams were long term hard core communists. The FBI was watching Obama’s grandfather Stanley Dunham since the 1930s.
Ed Case says,
it was a dirty goy family that succeeded in creating the communist mulatto messiah Obama.
So, were the Dunham's pure goy? Were they known communists (since the 1930s)? Were they confirmed spooks? All, some, or none of the above?
Keep in mind that both Dunhams [as well as Ann Dunham] were confirmed spooks
In which case Obama is 1/4 jewish. I'll buy that. As Makow says, his mother also has the look.
I suspect his mother's father Stanley "Dunham" was Jewish. Obama's mother "Stanley Anne Dunham" certainly looked and acted like a Communist Jew. (My first mother-in-law was one.)
There’s “Bareback Barak” and “Mike The Wurst”. When she/he dies, maybe the Smithsonian will have been donated her spurs with Barak’s traces of blood on them. That should boost the visitor count.
If there are more supply chain disruptions, you should insure that your K-Y stash will get you to the other side. I would presume you carry a tube in your purse when going to meet customers.
One reason the Soviet army never retreated and fought the Germans to the death was the commissars and military police attached to every unit. They stayed in the back lines. They shot every fighting soldier who retreated. The fighters knew they would definitely be shot by the commissars if they retreated. But if they continued fighting, they might or might not be shot by the Germans.
One of Hitler’s plans for the Eastern European Slavs was extermination for more land for Germans. Back to the eastern lands from which they came 3,000 BC. Therefore the Germans treated the Slavs extremely badly. For instance, exterminated about 5,000 Polish priests in 1939. Scooped up the priests up as they advanced through Poland.
But according to accounts of people who lived in eastern Poland, the Soviet Russian sector, the Russian occupation of Poland was far far worse than conditions in western German occupied Poland.
It’s amazing how commissars in every apartment building, hotel train and bus station stores every workplace every school community center organization sports team college dorm park and rec department can create such marvelous cohesion and community spirit.
The Russians didn’t rally to Mother Russia voluntarily The commissars drove them to rally for Russia under pain of death or imprisonment in the Gulag.
Alexander the Great had military police in the rear ready to kill any soldier who retreated. Did the Romans have it too? Ron , you’re a classics expert do you know anything about this? Seems like something the Romans would do. Extremely ruthless people.
The Prussians and later the French revolutionary armies invading what’s now Belgium Germany and Italy revived the military police shoot to kill anyone retreating system. Once Napoleon became commander of the French army he ended that practice.,
Interesting that I too usually believed what the MSM told me , in the 90s . I’m a veteran and believe me I learned enough about Military propaganda to know everything they spew to the MSM is a lie , other than that I figured hey , I’m making money so all must be well.
One day in around 02 or 03 I was working on a friends new home . Little side job I had going . The sparkies on the job had the radio on listening to some guy going on and on about how 9/11 was pulled off by Bush and Cheney. Of course I knew there was way more to the story , I just didn’t know what it was . Anyway I asked them who this guy was as I was glued to what this guy was saying. That guy was Alex Jones .
Say what you want about him , no matter if he’s completely nuts or not he opened my eyes to what’s going on . Don’t listen to him much anymore but he made me realize everything is a lie , all of it . Question everything. So I have and here I am on this radical , racist and whatever names they call this website .
Hats off to Mr. Jones . If it wasn’t for him opening my eyes I might be one of the people today posting shit on Facebook about standing with Ukraine . Or whatever else bullshit causes the government tells me I’m supposed to support .
Also a big thanks to Mr. Unz for allowing many points of view on this fine website . Good day all.
“Poupon Marx” = Ron Unz’s alter ego 😀
Or just another cranky Unz fanboy?
Are you sure of that? Nothing about Obama withstands scrutiny. That’s a lot of coincidences.
IT’S ENTIRELY TRUE: The Obama Children Were Loaned to Them, Real Parents of Malia and Sasha Identified’s worth mentioning that the above woman, a doctor and old friend, supposedly ‘delivered’ the girls. I’ll bet she did. These are the girls’ godparents, and often go on vacation with the Obamas.
It’s isn’t quite mutually-assured destruction, because the party cannot press the button, only CIA, if either puppet steps out of line. Blackmail is just one of CIA’s control systems, supplemented by electoral fraud and the laser dot on VIPs’ heads.
“What we have is a Uniparty, with elections “won†or “lost†regardless of the will of the electorate, the whole production managed (since that day in Dallas) by the CIA.”
Mr Unz, your remarkable American Pravda series is helping me to understand the broad contours of the dynamical forces behind American political kinematics.
Your persistent efforts over the years to arrange, rearrange, add and subtract the various authentic and pretend puzzle pieces of American history, thus bringing into (an imperfect) focus what has been going on for well over 100 years, helping me dispel lingering and unanswered questions about the American political narratives that I have encountered and forgotten over the course of my life.
I congratulate you for your adherence to truth. You are an invaluable light to those attempting to navigate through the fog and swamps of today’s pervasive lies and half truths.
Thank you.
The following article from Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse explains much of how DC works, why it is corrupt and how the media and others within that ecosphere have a vested interest in maintaining that system. There is so much money in play, supported with the non-monetary inducements that you note.
You are apparently a Lilliputian. A little squirt, wet behind the ears, diminutive and delusion. A small person. When you gaze upward at Ron Unz, one of humanities giants who uses his genius selflessly, your weak personality generates envy and jealousy.
You are laughably transparent, and I don’t mean clear thinking.
This dude Obama revealed in his book that he was apparently mucho fucked-up over identity issues directly related to his mixed-race heritage (al la his masculine mentor …. Frank Marshall Davis). I think that was the main element used, in order to make the Obama administration the perversity it ended up being, by the Obama handlers, …. i.e. – that Obama is deeply ideologically predisposed to be unable to see straight, on racial issues, …. and this issue is very deep with him, … rooted in some narcissisto-tendencies of his youth (which tendency is a thing for pret near everybody in the early teenage years), that instead of being quashed, was lovingly guided into a raging fire for this unfortunate young lad.
Being a closeted gay would only add more strife into that racial-identity-confusion, that the young Barry was suffering from, by his own words.
Haxo’s reply is good, but you should find an accurate and full account, from recall, as well as burning the deck and killing fellow U.S.N. members, he also fired some weapons on the deck. Many more stupid incidents in his brief career.
It is true dark comedy, as was his collaboration (for special favours) in loudspeaker speeches and radio broadcasts for his captors, and his later lack of gratitude to them for having saved his life, instead of just shooting him.
The carrier take-off incident is most famous, but he had several others, finally that he only became a PoW because of his incompetence as a pilot.
Thanks Mr. Unz.
After reading the article about these events in the U.S – British politics come to mind with great many sex scandals going back decades, ending many political carriers. I wonder if we have any European nation with comparable situation? Since the U.S. and Britain are in lockstep on many issues, mainly foreign policy, it’s likely similar or even the same power brokers are pulling the strings, using similar methods in both countries.
Why did Trump reverse his position on war and middle east made during the election campaign in 2016? He wanted remove US troops from Syria. He did not want AIPAC money. He wanted to be neutral in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
His tone changed 180 degree following the election .
He was while saying the obvious things that Americans had consistently supported : be honest broker in ME , and winding down unnecessary war , he was fully against Iran . Trump would keep this promise made in the campaign trail – reneging Iran deal and went beyond by killing Suleimani possibly he was afraid of getting impeched .But why did he change his stance on Israel early on weeks into his tenure?
Trump’s behaviors on NK also showed the pattern of his repeated surrender. He would love to achieve some permanent redirection. Establishment wont have any of them.
Was he threatened ? Was he blackmailed?
Schumer suggested that intelligence had 6 ways of getting back to him before Sunday .
That tells something.
The blackmail threat was obviously working in the decision to kill Suleimani of Iran . Trump himself admitted that it was a quid pro quo for senate Republican support .Later would have possibly impeached him if he did not kill.
This admission should have been a ground for indictment. This should have pushed the media towards detailed investigation.
But it did not just like the information that Russia was approached by Trump team before inauguration not to support UN ‘s resolution on Israel.
Actually, that very brief mention by Carlson along with my characterization omits some of the complexities and probably casts the MSM in an overly negative light. Much of Sinclair's short book dealt with exactly that issue and seems pretty credible.
Yes, but if Tucker Carlson is right that most of the Washington press corps was convinced that Sinclair’s allegations were true, then I think Sinclair was telling the truth. The media in 2008 loved Obama, so I think they would have been reluctant to believe damning allegations against him. Carlson should take a polygraph test himself.
Check out Obamas high school friend Mia Marie Pope. She says Obama was Barry Soetoro and his high school coke dealer was Gay Ray. She says he didn’t have girlfriends and hung with a lot of older white men and always had coke
McCain almost sunk the USS Forrestal in Vietnam doing a wet start showing off. It’s easy to find
Where do you get your information that persuades you to say there was a NcCain, Nuland, Biden coup in Ukraine in 2014. Please persuade UR readers that you are not one if the gulluble useful idiots who only picks up second hand trash talk about Ukraine.
I already shared a link to the Covert Action Magazine about Obama. This really shows the difference between serious historical analysis and Unz’s self-centered conspiratorial writings and book reviews.
“naval code” I thought. But breaking a code os one thing.How fast it can be accurately decoded after identification of its possible importance night be something quite different. I am inclined to give some weight to the fact of the four US carriers being safely out of Hawaii harbour and the likelihood that the former Secretary of the Navy, now provoking Japan from the White House, would have known how important that was.
A very profound analysis by Jung that requires many readings for the intensity of the information.
The video has many important points but my own first hand observation is that people’s problem in our modern day liberal democracies are not that different from those of totalitarian regimes. Lack of spirituality and mass formation psychosis are common to most Western societies not unlike what we see in Eastern societies under the all powerful dominance of the state. So maybe voting does answer to people’s sense of insignificance under modern society by giving them the illusion of having some importance at deciding the course of history.
Does Russian spirituality explain the better cohesion of the Russian nation in the face of adversity? Maybe, especially when we recollect that the totally cynical ex seminarian paranoid dictator Stalin was convinced by one of his aids to fly the sacred icon of Mother Mary over Moscow for three rounds so as to guarantee the victory over the German enemy forces.
The birth of democracy occurred in a small city state of around 300,000 people including the slave population. Direct democracy in tiny states should better address the problems of the individual that Jung analyses. And definitely, less emphasis on the science that has become a tool of charlatans like Fauci and the majority of the medical establishment, along with an all powerful media, should help the individual take more control of his/her life.
Right on target. It is the life inside, collectively, their Consciousness, that drives and makes possible the Right Path that proceeds from the Right Ideas. We come from ancient cultures. The people, not the circumstances, made these civilizations of the Levant. The people that emigrated to other lands prospered, and contributed positively to their adopted cultures. They knew how to work, live, get on with people, and find a natural, moral place for themselves.A people with a healthy and complete Collective Consciousness will be guided from within, instead of being bumped around like bumper cars and ricocheting of the vicissitudes and alterations of history-like inanimate objects. "Oh, Hitler and Germany HAD to do this, Germany historically was TRAPPED and HAD NO CHOICE, etc, etc, etc. That's when it is time to look at the people at the controls, their personality in toto, their proclivities, compulsions, weaknesses, mental condition, etc.
Lack of spirituality and mass formation psychosis are common to most Western societies not unlike what we see in Eastern societies under the all powerful dominance of the state. So maybe voting does answer to people’s sense of insignificance under modern society by giving them the illusion of having some importance at deciding the course of history.
I believe I’ve seen this discussed a few times at
When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?