Thanks for this article. I will later go through the 300 plus comments.
I have little faith in the NY Times. It is truly the dispenser of fake news and propaganda.
It has been caught too many times publishing fake articles and before getting caught heaping praise on the writer.
The Unz Review is a very good site (despite what the same few detractors say).
This is a valuable article and fortunately we have vehicles to counter the disinformation which the blustery, pompous, egotistical NY Times puts out. The Times thinks New York City, NY is the heart of the country but they don’t seem to realize that millions of us know what their agenda is and to whom they cater to. Millions of us find the Times writers to be smug, egotistical, and untrustworthy.
Consider also that the outbreak occurred in Wuhan, just after 300 American military personnel had visited that city. That surely further depresses the odds of a random bioweapon release.
Isn’t that a dopey argument?
You’re planning a sneak biological weapons attack on your greatest geopolitical rival. So how you gonna proceed?
Hey, here’s what. We’ve got 300 soldiers going to compete in the Military games in Wuhan. We’ll have them take a spray can of the stuff.
As for what’s in the spray, it’s some kind of flu bug that kills a few old people and practically no one else.
I suppose the US military may be that dumb. Still, it’s hard to believe.
Well, I was writing loosely and expansively, rather than choosing my words with great care. But here's a more precise version of my argument.
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
Indeed, Ron; there is no proof either way and there never might be.
I agree and will go one step further: let’s say that the likelihood of a non-random release is something like 99.9%, This would leave a chance of 1 out of a thousand, odds that have been overcome at more than one occasion 🙂
BTW: Dmitry Orlov has some interesting, if tongue in cheek, thoughts on the matter; see here
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
The timing of the virus doesn’t fully rule out a natural event, but I do think it rules out an accidental release.
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
Well, I was writing loosely and expansively, rather than choosing my words with great care. But here’s a more precise version of my argument.
As of right now, I haven’t seen any solid evidence that the coronavirus is a bioweapon. But let’s assume that it is.
It was released at the absolute worst time for China, just before Lunar New Year, when it could have easily spread throughout the country. Let’s say it was released during the worst ten-day window of a given year. The likelihood of this happening randomly (e.g. due to an accidental bioweapon release) is less than 3%, meaning that there’s a 97% the release was non-accidental.
Consider also that the outbreak occurred in Wuhan, just after 300 American military personnel had visited that city. That surely further depresses the odds of a random bioweapon release.
So I’d say that if the coronavirus was a bioweapon, the likelihood of a non-random release is something like 99%, which I find pretty persuasive amid all the complex and conflicting claims and arguments.
Well, I remember seeing Boyle's name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it's unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing....Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
The timing of the virus doesn’t fully rule out a natural event, but I do think it rules out an accidental release.
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
Look at roulette: how likely is it that the number 0 or 7 for that matter appears in a series, 5 or 6 times in a row (if memory serves, there might have been cases with an even higher series).
Yet it happens frequently enough.
Well, I was writing loosely and expansively, rather than choosing my words with great care. But here's a more precise version of my argument.
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
Insufficient supply is a symptom of “just in time” manufacturing. But you don’t wanna hear that because you are no doubt a true believer in “free markets” whatever the batshit hell they are.
In other words, the chubby American lassie in the video was given a good scare because the medical union doesn't really understand statistics - which is an indictment on them.
If the prevalence of the disease is very low, the positive predictive value will not be close to 1 even if both the sensitivity and specificity are high. Thus in screening the general population it is inevitable that many people with positive test results will be false positives.
Oh, so what do you say? “Do the ‘maths’”? “Maths”. The English are so funny. Inadvertently. “Maths”. Hardehar. They talk like monkeys.
The US didn’t transfer its manufacturing capacity, greedy corporations aided by bribed politicians did–despite screams of resistance from workers and intellectuals alike.
There’s really not much use debating with someone who can’t understand, or won’t acknowledge, what you just said, as in:
The US has, in fact, transferred much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Admittedly this was not an act of sheer generosity, it was simply what America’s largest corporations, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing, etc. demanded, thereby to maximize shareholder value while screwing the American worker..
That is hyperbole. The US has, in fact, transferred much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Admittedly this was not an act of sheer generosity, it was simply what America's largest corporations, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing, etc. demanded, thereby to maximize shareholder value while screwing the American worker. But whatever the reason, this was a huge gift to China, not something one presents to an adversary during war. And seeing how the Red Guards here attack anyone they see as not a full-fledged Commie stooge -- with relentless lies, hate, and obscenities -- one can understand why ordinary folk in America and all true America patriots distrust Communist China. But it is foolish to conflate distrust of Chinese Communists who steel American military and commercial secrets with war.Replies: @Godfree Roberts
We have been at war with the PRC since hostilities ended, in 1949, seventy years ago and, while we have occasionally offered carrots to them, we have never stopped using the stick–especially the propaganda stick.
It may sound like hyperbole to anyone who has not studied the matter but, believe me, the US has done everything it could safely get away with to bring down the PRC for seventy years.
Just because you don’t know about this campaign–which included ceaseless terrorism training for Tibetan and Muslim minorities, biowarfare, piracy, constant threats of nuclear attack, embargoes, trade wars, subversion, spying, and the careful, systematic creation of a false ‘China’ in Western minds–doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
The US didn’t transfer its manufacturing capacity, greedy corporations aided by bribed politicians did–despite screams of resistance from workers and intellectuals alike. The process was a classic example of Marx’s joke that capitalists will sell you the rope with which you hang them. It had no more to do with China than the current, destructive, share buybacks and non-investment in the US.
What, exactly, do you mean by ” the Red Guards here attack anyone they see as not a full-fledged Commie stooge — with relentless lies, hate, and obscenities”??
Who are the Red Guards you refer to?
There's really not much use debating with someone who can't understand, or won't acknowledge, what you just said, as in:
The US didn’t transfer its manufacturing capacity, greedy corporations aided by bribed politicians did–despite screams of resistance from workers and intellectuals alike.
The US has, in fact, transferred much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Admittedly this was not an act of sheer generosity, it was simply what America’s largest corporations, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing, etc. demanded, thereby to maximize shareholder value while screwing the American worker..
Why the hostility towards Russia and China? Why does NATO keep expanding eastwards to Russia’s borders? The West is not showing any goodwill whatsoever.
Good question. The answer is this. The Anglo-American elite still believe in the possibility of creating a global empire run according to their rules.
Nato won the Cold War, the Soviet Union disintegrated and Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe was absorbed into the Western economic and military systems.
The US funded anti-Russian Ukraine coup was the next step, stripping Russia of an important part of its “near abroad”, and opening Ukraine to looting by Soros and other Western oligarchs.
The next step was to be a progressive break up of Russia through the promotion of revolt in Chechnya, and color revolution in Russia. Both projects have thus far failed, but the attempt to blame Putin for everything indicates that the project has not been abandoned.
The ultimate objective is to break Russia into a series of Corruptionistans headed by Poroshenkite crooks willing to sell national assets to the Western oligarchs, while allowing NATO to expand Eastward, ultimately to the borders of China. At that point it will be game over, unless China is willing to wage war against most of the world.
I wrote about this here:
The ideology of Tony Blair, imperialist
and here:
Tony Blair, JP Morgan, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Iraq War
You have to remember why. China was one of the Allied powers during WW2. The Chinese army was headed by an American General, Joe Stillwell. It was the Communist revolution that ended America's long and friendly relationship with China. Following the Chinese Communist revolution, America, as leader of the Western alliance, was faced by a Communist monolith in Eurasia that was intent on global domination. But today, there is no Communist menace. Russia is post-Communist, and Eastern Europe like China has reverted to capitalism. America elites are no-doubt concerned about China overtaking the US as a global power. But it is ridiculous to claim that America is now, or has been for many years, at war with China.Incidentally, since you mention that Needham obtained his Ph.D. in four years, I will mention that I got mine in three!Replies: @Commentator Mike
To the extent possible, America is–and has been–at war with China for 70 years.
One wouldn’t think that much has changed even though Russia and China have taken the capitalist path. Why the hostility towards Russia and China? Why does NATO keep expanding eastwards to Russia’s borders? The West is not showing any goodwill whatsoever. I’d much prefer to see Russia link up more with the EU and USA but this is not possible given the state of the West, and it is the West that is driving it closer to China.
Good question. The answer is this. The Anglo-American elite still believe in the possibility of creating a global empire run according to their rules. Nato won the Cold War, the Soviet Union disintegrated and Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe was absorbed into the Western economic and military systems. The US funded anti-Russian Ukraine coup was the next step, stripping Russia of an important part of its "near abroad", and opening Ukraine to looting by Soros and other Western oligarchs. The next step was to be a progressive break up of Russia through the promotion of revolt in Chechnya, and color revolution in Russia. Both projects have thus far failed, but the attempt to blame Putin for everything indicates that the project has not been abandoned. The ultimate objective is to break Russia into a series of Corruptionistans headed by Poroshenkite crooks willing to sell national assets to the Western oligarchs, while allowing NATO to expand Eastward, ultimately to the borders of China. At that point it will be game over, unless China is willing to wage war against most of the world. I wrote about this here:The ideology of Tony Blair, imperialistand here:Tony Blair, JP Morgan, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Iraq War
Why the hostility towards Russia and China? Why does NATO keep expanding eastwards to Russia’s borders? The West is not showing any goodwill whatsoever.
We have been at war with the PRC since hostilities ended, in 1949, seventy years ago and, while we have occasionally offered carrots to them, we have never stopped using the stick–especially the propaganda stick.
That is hyperbole.
The US has, in fact, transferred much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Admittedly this was not an act of sheer generosity, it was simply what America’s largest corporations, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing, etc. demanded, thereby to maximize shareholder value while screwing the American worker. But whatever the reason, this was a huge gift to China, not something one presents to an adversary during war.
And seeing how the Red Guards here attack anyone they see as not a full-fledged Commie stooge — with relentless lies, hate, and obscenities — one can understand why ordinary folk in America and all true America patriots distrust Communist China. But it is foolish to conflate distrust of Chinese Communists who steel American military and commercial secrets with war.
For all his brilliance in the Burma campaign, Joe Stilwell never commanded the Nationalist Army. Chiang gave him a title to suggest that he did, but that was simply to keep the US aid flowing.
We have been at war with the PRC since hostilities ended, in 1949, seventy years ago and, while we have occasionally offered carrots to them, we have never stopped using the stick–especially the propaganda stick.
That is hyperbole. The US has, in fact, transferred much of its manufacturing capacity to China. Admittedly this was not an act of sheer generosity, it was simply what America's largest corporations, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing, etc. demanded, thereby to maximize shareholder value while screwing the American worker. But whatever the reason, this was a huge gift to China, not something one presents to an adversary during war. And seeing how the Red Guards here attack anyone they see as not a full-fledged Commie stooge -- with relentless lies, hate, and obscenities -- one can understand why ordinary folk in America and all true America patriots distrust Communist China. But it is foolish to conflate distrust of Chinese Communists who steel American military and commercial secrets with war.Replies: @Godfree Roberts
We have been at war with the PRC since hostilities ended, in 1949, seventy years ago and, while we have occasionally offered carrots to them, we have never stopped using the stick–especially the propaganda stick.
To the extent possible, America is–and has been–at war with China for 70 years.
You have to remember why. China was one of the Allied powers during WW2. The Chinese army was headed by an American General, Joe Stillwell. It was the Communist revolution that ended America’s long and friendly relationship with China. Following the Chinese Communist revolution, America, as leader of the Western alliance, was faced by a Communist monolith in Eurasia that was intent on global domination. But today, there is no Communist menace. Russia is post-Communist, and Eastern Europe like China has reverted to capitalism. America elites are no-doubt concerned about China overtaking the US as a global power. But it is ridiculous to claim that America is now, or has been for many years, at war with China.
Incidentally, since you mention that Needham obtained his Ph.D. in four years, I will mention that I got mine in three!
Good points, though Needham was certainly no slouch as a bench scientist. He got his bachelor’s degree in June 1921, his master’s degree in January 1925 and his PhD in October 1925. After graduating, Needham entered the laboratory of biochemistry of Cambridge in 1918, joining Gonville and Caius College. For the following twenty years, his research interests would focus on embryology and morphogenesis. In 1924, he was nominated research fellow. In 1966, he became master of the Caius College. He kept this title until 1976.
America doesn’t need to be at war to launch bioweapons on a country, as its campaigns in Cuba demonstrate: The US BW attacks on Cuba are laid out in Ariel Alonso Pérez’s book, Biological Warfare Against Cuba.
The notorious terrorist and counterrevolutionary of Cuban descent Eduardo Arocena, leader of the terrorist group Omega-7 linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency, was charged [in 1984] with the 1980 murder of Cuban diplomat Felix Garcia Rodriguez, one of Cuba’s UN representatives, and with participation in a number of bomb blasts in America. In his court statement, before the New York Federal Court, he said that: “My group’s mission was to receive certain germs to introduce them in Cuba . . . to start the so-called “chemical war.â€
Cuban investigators determined that the dengue attack was launched in December of 1980. Arocena admitted in court that his boat and another boat participated in the attack. Mosquito vectors infected with dengue fever were brought ashore and released. The dengue attack was withering.
As recognized by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization, the hemorrhagic dengue epidemic in Cuba in 1981, had no precedent in the history of this disease. It was also the most serious and significant case recorded in the world, with a total number of 344,203 people affected; 10,312 of them developed serious conditions . . . 158 people died of which 101 were children.
Pérez estimates losses to the Cuban economy from the epidemic at $103 million (1988) US dollars. The US-led international trade blockade against Cuba made purchasing pesticides and larvacides on the international market very expensive and difficult to acquire. Schools were converted into makeshift hospitals to provide care. The epidemic lasted for ten months.Â
Pérez details two other US BW attacks against Cuba’s agriculture sector. In 1971 Swine flu broke out affecting the entirety of Cuba’s national swineherd. 400,000 pigs across the island were mass slaughtered and buried in pits to contain this epidemic. On October 21, 1996 at 10:08 am, the pilot and co-pilot of Cuban National Airlines flight 710 witnessed an American “fumigator†type airplane identified by its serial number, emitting spray clouds in bursts from its tanks as it flew across Cuban air space within the Giron international air corridor which bisects Cuba on a north-south axis. Cuban scientists quickly discovered the thrips palmi insect in downwind plumes beneath the airplane’s flight pattern. Thrips palmi lay their eggs within the fleshy part of a plant leaf making them highly resilient to many pesticides.Â
Again, the shortage of larvacides and the difficulties imposed by the embargo greatly increased the duration and destructiveness of the plague outbreak.Â
By this same time in 1996, the Cuban economy had hit rock bottom following the collapse of the USSR. Cuba overnight lost its sugar market and petroleum subsidies, and its export-based economy slid into a deep depression. The agricultural sector still organized around monoculture sugar collapsed causing widespread shortages of bread, meat, food imports, and basic commodities. The Cuban potato and bean crops were devastated by the thrips palmi, and Cuba was brought to the brink of famine.Â
In addition to these three BW attacks detailed by Pérez, Cuba accused the US in 1992 of spreading “black plant louse†from Guantánamo Naval Base. This insect is actually an aphid which destroyed the citrus harvest that year, and killed trees and whole orchards. The next year arrived the “citrus leafhopper,â€Â which continued the depredation of citrus orchards. In 1994, Cuban coffee plants were attacked by the “coffee bean borer†which destroyed 80% of the coffee harvest. Though common to many coffee growing regions worldwide, this borer had not previously been found in Cuba. In 1997 Cuba’s effort to greatly expand its rice harvest was set back by a “rice mite†infestation. The mite infestation facilitated a fungus bloom, the “mite-fungus complex,†which in turn caused grain stalks to shrivel and rot. This plague was previously unknown in the Western Hemisphere. Other BW attacks against agriculture documented by Cuban scientists include varroasis, another mite-borne scourge which attacks bees and destroys apiaries, flower pollination and honey production, and the tobacco blue mold.Â
The common theme of these plant diseases is their first appearance on the island of Cuba. Some of the plant diseases were global in reach and may have arrived by trade and shipping, but the Cuban trade embargo made the arrival of an annual parade of plagues during the Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton presidencies rather anomalous. The December 1980 Dengue fever attack was a kick in the pants from the Army and CIA to the outgoing Carter Administration which had given up the Panama Canal for nothing, and pulled the chain on the Iran hostage rescue. It was also a wake-up call to Fidel Castro for his military adventurism in Angola. The new Reagan Administration intended to restore American jingoism.Â
To the extent possible, America is–and has been–at war with China for 70 years. The current campaigns–the massive swine flu outbreak, a severe bird flu, the coronavirus epidemic, political agitation in Hong Kong, the re-election of Taiwan’s pro-independence president, stepped-up naval operations in the East and South China Seas, the trade war, and the first known case of attempted corporate murder-kidnapping–are, I believe, signs of desperation.
Replies: @CanSpeccy
On Jan. 13th, 1952, a B-26 bomber of the American Air Force was shot down over An-Ju in Korea. By May 5th statements of considerable length admitting their participation in bacteriological warfare had been made by the navigator Lt. K. L. Enoch, and by the pilot, Lt. John Quinn, and issued to the world through Peking. As has already been stated, these documents will be found in SIA/14 and 15 respectively, and together with lithograph reproductions of the original manuscripts, in the printed brochure issued from Prague. The relevant parts are here reproduced in App. KK. and LL. Documents SIA/17 and 18 should also be consulted, though the later interviews recounted in them did not add much to the technical and scientific evidence. What were the essential points in the principal declarations of these airmen? First of all, both officers had had to attend, in Japan and in Korea, secret lectures on the methods of bacteriological warfare. These expositions, which it was impressed on them contained highly confidential information, described the use of bacteria directly as cultures deposited or sprayed, of insects transmitting diseases biologically or mechanically, of rodents in parachute-containers, of poisoned foods, and of bacteria containing artillery shells. Various kinds of containers or "bombs" were described and sketched. Correct altitudes and air-speeds for delivery were given. Particularly significant statements made in the lecture attended by Lt. Quinn were (a) that "almost any insect could be used for spreading diseases", (b) that "rats could be dropped, though this might not be necessary'', and (c) that there was an intention to use encephalitis, "for which no positive cure is known." Secondly, both officers had received orders to carry out bacteriological warfare missions, and had duly fl.own them, though with the greatest inner reluctance. There were various peculiarities about the special bombs used, and in some cases these were under special guard so that the pilots could not examine them too closely. In one of the reports information was given as to the various types of planes most suitable for delivering various kinds of containers. From the personal knowledge of the two airmen many of their fellow service-men had also engaged in such missions, and later conversations brought out well the large number of Air Force personnel who had been instructed on bacteriological warfare, Lt. Enoch was briefed "germ bombs" while Lt. Quinn was briefed "duds", but both were told that in debriefing (i.e. reporting the results of the flight) "duds" was to be the term used. There can be no doubt that these admissions had considerable influence on the western world. But those who did not wish to be convinced tended to brush them aside as confessions obtained under physical or mental duress, saying that after all, only two young men had come forward, and suggesting indeed they did not really exist at all, and that the whole declarations were forged. Attempts, however, to demonstrate inconsistencies in Lt. Quinn's story, failed (SIA/16).
Its lead author, Sir Joseph Needham, was Britain’s most distinguished scientist.
Most people would consider that characterization of Needham was a wild exaggeration. in fact his contribution to science was slight, his chief interest being the history of science and technology. None of which detracts from his testimony concerning American use of biological weapons in Korea. However, when considering the COVIR19 epidemic in China in the context of that evidence, it should be remembered that America was at war with Korea at the time to which Needham’s testimony refers.What America may have done in Korea while at war in that country has surely little if any relevance to the question of what America might do today in China, a hugely important US trade partner.
Its lead author, Sir Joseph Needham, was Britain’s most distinguished scientist. And excerpt from Professor Needham’s Oral History:
On Jan. 13th, 1952, a B-26 bomber of the American Air Force was shot down over An-Ju in Korea. By May 5th statements of considerable length admitting their participation in bacteriological warfare had been made by the navigator Lt. K. L. Enoch, and by the pilot, Lt. John Quinn, and issued to the world through Peking. As has already been stated, these documents will be found in SIA/14 and 15 respectively, and together with lithograph reproductions of the original manuscripts, in the printed brochure issued from Prague. The relevant parts are here reproduced in App. KK. and LL. Documents SIA/17 and 18 should also be consulted, though the later interviews recounted in them did not add much to the technical and scientific evidence. What were the essential points in the principal declarations of these airmen? First of all, both officers had had to attend, in Japan and in Korea, secret lectures on the methods of bacteriological warfare. These expositions, which it was impressed on them contained highly confidential information, described the use of bacteria directly as cultures deposited or sprayed, of insects transmitting diseases biologically or mechanically, of rodents in parachute-containers, of poisoned foods, and of bacteria containing artillery shells. Various kinds of containers or “bombs” were described and sketched. Correct altitudes and air-speeds for delivery were given. Particularly significant statements made in the lecture attended by Lt. Quinn were (a) that “almost any insect could be used for spreading diseases”, (b) that “rats could be dropped, though this might not be necessary”, and (c) that there was an intention to use encephalitis, “for which no positive cure is known.” Secondly, both officers had received orders to carry out bacteriological warfare missions, and had duly fl.own them, though with the greatest inner reluctance. There were various peculiarities about the special bombs used, and in some cases these were under special guard so that the pilots could not examine them too closely. In one of the reports information was given as to the various types of planes most suitable for delivering various kinds of containers. From the personal knowledge of the two airmen many of their fellow service-men had also engaged in such missions, and later conversations brought out well the large number of Air Force personnel who had been instructed on bacteriological warfare, Lt. Enoch was briefed “germ bombs” while Lt. Quinn was briefed “duds”, but both were told that in debriefing (i.e. reporting the results of the flight) “duds” was to be the term used. There can be no doubt that these admissions had considerable influence on the western world. But those who did not wish to be convinced tended to brush them aside as confessions obtained under physical or mental duress, saying that after all, only two young men had come forward, and suggesting indeed they did not really exist at all, and that the whole declarations were forged. Attempts, however, to demonstrate inconsistencies in Lt. Quinn’s story, failed (SIA/16).
Most people would consider that characterization of Needham was a wild exaggeration. in fact his contribution to science was slight, his chief interest being the history of science and technology. None of which detracts from his testimony concerning American use of biological weapons in Korea. However, when considering the COVIR19 epidemic in China in the context of that evidence, it should be remembered that America was at war with Korea at the time to which Needham's testimony refers.What America may have done in Korea while at war in that country has surely little if any relevance to the question of what America might do today in China, a hugely important US trade partner.
Its lead author, Sir Joseph Needham, was Britain’s most distinguished scientist.
Some Westerners want Chinese to criticize the government? I think you should come to Chinese social media to see how Chinese netizens criticize the government. China has freedom of speech but no rumor. The Chinese don’t want a group of fools to let society be abducted and populated by populism, just like what is happening in many western societies.
In fact, Vietnamese cannot do it at all. The people in your country are poor and lazy. And your speculation is very imaginative, but I suggest you better come to live in China. Don’t live in China sixty years ago.
Well, I remember seeing Boyle's name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it's unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing....Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
Another numbers problem I see in your reasoning here:
“Second, the virus was released just before Lunar New Year, the absolutely most disastrous time for a release in China because of the hundreds of millions of people traveling, potentially spreading the virus to the entire country. If the virus was somehow *accidentally* released, what is the likelihood it would happen at the absolutely worst time?
The timing of the virus doesn’t fully rule out a natural event, but I do think it rules out an accidental release.”
“Just the worst time” – but is that 1 day out of 365 or maybe 50 days out of 365 and then narrowed down by seasonal considerations to 50 out of 90 or so? So the equivalent accident could have happened several times but it would only be when it happened around early December that it took off. A bit like the arguments for and against Creation or mere chance (with or without multiverses) for the existence of life.
Maybe in Hebrew (((you))) don’t have the concept of capitalization, but in English we do.
Learn to use it.
HiFor obvious reasons (though many commenters don’t seem to notice them) I try to find material for raising questions within interesting probably contentious comments. Here I am struck by your reference to the Chinese having physical evidence (the mold they were all made from) of a single source for the drones. That cries out for elaboration. How many drones ended up in government hands? What proportion of the total would that have been? Above all, what was the inferred source? In what country? From what registered design or whatever? Oops, I see I have been anticipated.
Yeah, PRC is so successful, it's on lockdown because you slopeheads refuse to stop eating tiger dicks, chicken lips and putting live bats up your asses.
Face it, PRC is a successful country.
Do not mock at others’ eating habits. A google of what elite Americans eat in NY will make you sick. the Explorers Club. They call it “exotic” meals.
As if the Jew York Times is.Replies: @bandolero
China is not forthcoming and not showing the full scope of what is happening.
that jew york times concept is really so clever that i’m surprised more clever commentators don’t use it more often. it’s hard to tell if everyone who lives there is a jew or if the entire staff of the newspaper is jewish. either way, it sure is clever to hear morons repeat the term jew york times over and over again decade upon decade.
Yeah, PRC is so successful, it's on lockdown because you slopeheads refuse to stop eating tiger dicks, chicken lips and putting live bats up your asses.
Face it, PRC is a successful country.
Natural disasters happen. Plague, flu, Lyme disease, Ebola, Hurricane Katrina, Fukushima etc etc. China has been very successful in the past 40 years despite experiencing such disasters, such as SARS, and the earthquake in 2008 that killed more than 70,000. This one will also blow over, and China will be back to its trajectory of inexorable ascension.
Ha, ha, not a very bright troll. I am not a communist nor a communist supporter. Your anti-communism creeds have been applied to the wrong person, with the wrong answers to the wrong questions. I don't care whether it is a communist or a capitalist government, if it helps the people, it is a good government.Your original post claims that: "First, of course, they had to put those people into poverty." So, I demand proof that they INTENTIONALLY PUT them into poverty. What your answer is a ranting of repeated and unproved lies: 65 million dead, mass murder, famine, starvation, cannibalism (wow, cannibalism? at least his one is new to me) blah, blah, blah.Just a little hint to help you: by 1950s, CCP was already in firm control of mainland. Exactly what is the incentive for them to intentionally put those people into poverty? Why? What is the rationale? What is the motivation to murder 65 millions? You don't have a rational and plausible answer.As for the comparison with Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc, ha, ha, another dumb point. Firstly, these are small countries. Secondly, they have firm supports of US - economically, financially, militarily, etc. Thirdly, unlike PRC, they (except Korea) don't have to fight various wars to defend their border. And finally, even under the sanctions of both superpowers, China developed its own nuclear weapon, nuclear submarine, satellite, etc, a burden that none of these countries need to bear.Face it, PRC is a successful country. Simply admitting it will free up your brain for better uses.Replies: @Kim, @anon
"It has been obvious from the start that communism cannot create prosperity and is the enemy of freedom. ..."
Face it, PRC is a successful country.
Yeah, PRC is so successful, it’s on lockdown because you slopeheads refuse to stop eating tiger dicks, chicken lips and putting live bats up your asses.
I hope you ching chongs keep eating bats and wolves, and dogs and cats and get more diseases.
The less of you barbaric insects on the planet the better:)
Well, I remember seeing Boyle's name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it's unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing....Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
A couple of comments here Ron, the anthrax attack was actually in 2001 with the initial releases in the later half of September. The anthrax disseminated through the US mail was both crude and weapons grade quality, and that means the perp had expertise in weaponizing technology.
I would be willing to bet a large sum that the Chicoms have an offensive bioweapons program and it might be sited in Wuhan which is where they have an institute of virology. The US has a defensive program but the offensive program was shut down in 1972 or so and the offensive bioweapons treaty signed by 126 countries including the USSR, that subsequently moved their operation underground. Ken Alibekov defected to the West in 1992 and told the story of the massive offensive program program the USSR had at that time–USSR dissolved and shut down their program sometime in the mid-1990s but where did those 100,000 scientists go and where did the tons of weaponized agents end up–were they destroyed? Are those scientists for sale?
If I comment on the timing of this event it would be pure speculation, but I will anyway, since you made some good points about the timing. It does seem the near ideal time for a release, but why would they do the release in the city with the Chinese Institute of Virology? This would draw attention to the lab, which makes me think the release more likely accidental, and lab accidents do happen.
The RNA inserts from the HIV virus demonstrate this novel CoronaV was not naturally occurring but something I would expect to see coming out of an Institute of Virology and your suspicions of a bioweapon have merit. This is not something ever seen in nature and 75% of human pathogens came from animals and 60% of emerging (new) diseases come from animals. The SARS and MERS coronaVs both have animal origins. An interesting story and somewhere lies the truth.
At the Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, there have been several incidents of illicit removal of biological material, including material taken to the Wuhan lab. In another incident, a worker transferring to a job in the US was stopped at the US border, while carrying microbiological samples. So leaks from such labs do happen. And if someone accidentally infects themselves while working in the lab, maybe without even realizing it, then they could set off an epidemic.Replies: @utu, @SBaker
Francis Boyle seems to believe that the safety of level 4 labs (BSL-4) is not good enough and thus leaks are occurring.
“And if someone accidentally infects themselves not even realizing it, then they could set off an epidemic.”
And lab accidents just like this have happened many times. You make a very good point and anyone that has worked in a bio lab knows this. The infected person is the biological dissemination device and a mobile delivery system too.
“The Chinese are definitely more susceptible to this virus than others. The question is why? Apart from genetic factors, the possibility that prior vaccination played a role in inadvertently increasing their vulnerability cannot be ruled out. This may account for the cytokinesis expression – basically an overreaction to the virus that ends up destroying the infected person himself. Chicoms are too clever by half. They should learn some humility.”
What proof do you have that the Chinese are more susceptible? They are the epicenter, but that doesn’t mean they are more susceptible. Prior vax making them more susceptible to cytokine storms? Really, how so? I do have a great deal of distrust of the chicoms.
I have read some kind of news by the South China Morning Post re farmers protesting or making a scene (forgot details) about the drones etc.
Why are you making it up?
Um, well not exactly — according to “anonymous sources”.
Although health officials insist all protocols were met, anonymous sources report that the shipment lacked an agreement spelling out intellectual property rights, known as a “material transfer agreement,†according to the Winnipeg Free Press. The document would protect Canada’s claim over the viruses, assuming they had been patented through the Budapest Treaty deposit, an internationally recognized system for patenting intentions involving microorganisms.
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada’s only level-4 lab on July 5, CBC News has learned
Suggests, at least, that the transfer of biological material from the Canadian lab to the Wuhan lab was not “licit”.
Prince Philip ” If I were reincarnated , I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels . We have no option ,we’re in for a major disaster.. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily , it will be controlled involuntarily by an INCREASE IN DISEASE …” “The Georgia Guidestones , Agenda 21 [now Agenda 2030”:
“Maintain humanity under 500,000…The Guidestones describe the new world order plans and the United Nations Agenda 21 [now Agenda 2030] and operations such as codex alimentarius which mirror this
ideology of sustainable development through DEPOPULATION ”
“This isn’t over. Zionist elements in U.S. government have decided that to maintain dominance it is simple to assassinate (Soleimani) and use bio-warfare (Wuhan). Neither of these types of actions are the work of rational adults in an open room. They are the actions of ruthless psychopaths who have infiltrated the corridors of power throughout our world.”
If Americans had wanted to control the world, they would have conquered and exterminated Mexico by the 1890s. They would have conquered and exterminated the Philippines. They would have conquered and exterminated Japan in the 1920s.
They would have dropped nuclear bombs on Rio de Janeiro, Cairo, Delhi and Singapore in the 1940s.
Instead, Americans have cured the diseases of non-Whites, gifted non-Whites their own weapons and their own technology.
And yet still the Negroes are screaming about how barbarous White man is! Truly, to shut that whining voice, either the Negro or the European shall perish.
P.S. Why does your comment have a golden border?
“Are you referring to the extent of the anti Chinese(leadership) sentiment of the mainland Chinese highlighted and exaggerated by the western media ?”
No, I mean the general anti-racist rhetoric of the Western media. My question is this. How can you say the Western media are anti-Chinese if they will never condone building Auschwitz?
Or this. How are the Western media anti-Chinese if they tell Westerners to let chinks cough in their white faces to prove said Westerners not to be “racist” against said chinks?
But you are most likely a myopic anti-White “socialist” – a generic Christian who thinks America wants to kill all non-Whites (I wish).
The novel coronavirus is very similar to another coronavirus found in bats (RaTG13). The two are >96% identical overall, and 93.1% identical in the receptor binding protein spike gene. Analysis suggest that both are naturally occurring viruses that likely diverged roughly 70 years ago, and that nCoV is highly unlikely to be the result of a recent recombination event.
Peng Zhou, Xing-Lou Yang, and Xian-Guang Wang (Wuhan Institute of Virology):
Dr Michael Skinner, Reader in Virology, Imperial College London:
Bill Gallaher
Paraskevis D, et al.Â
Coronavirus was not genetically engineered in a Wuhan lab, says expert:
It had been previously noted that coronaviruses in bats in China already had the potential to infect humans using ACE2 receptors.
2015: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
2018: Genomic characterization and infectivity of a novel SARS-like coronavirus in Chinese bats
Frank Plummer
An alcoholic running a lab handling deadly viruses? Did he drive vehicles too? Joker’s world.
At the Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, there have been several incidents of illicit removal of biological material, including material taken to the Wuhan lab. In another incident, a worker transferring to a job in the US was stopped at the US border, while carrying microbiological samples. So leaks from such labs do happen. And if someone accidentally infects themselves while working in the lab, maybe without even realizing it, then they could set off an epidemic.Replies: @utu, @SBaker
Francis Boyle seems to believe that the safety of level 4 labs (BSL-4) is not good enough and thus leaks are occurring.
“illicit removal of biological material” – Why are you making it up?
“Canadian officials say the shipment was part of its efforts to support public-health research worldwide. ” – Nothing illicit about it.
What however might be more interesting is the case of Dr. Frank Plummer:
Plummer had an illustrious career as a physician, researcher and the scientific director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg.
He was an alcoholic. Undergoes liver transplant in 2014. Then in In December of 2018 is implanted two electrodes into brain to treat his alcoholism. The article about this seemingly successful treatment is written on Dec. 15, 2019. Then he dies suddenly on February 4, 2020.
Frank Plummer, former head of the National Microbiology Lab, dead at 67
An alcoholic running a lab handling deadly viruses? Did he drive vehicles too? Joker's world.
Frank Plummer
Um, well not exactly -- according to "anonymous sources".
Why are you making it up?
Although health officials insist all protocols were met, anonymous sources report that the shipment lacked an agreement spelling out intellectual property rights, known as a “material transfer agreement,†according to the Winnipeg Free Press. The document would protect Canada’s claim over the viruses, assuming they had been patented through the Budapest Treaty deposit, an internationally recognized system for patenting intentions involving microorganisms.
Suggests, at least, that the transfer of biological material from the Canadian lab to the Wuhan lab was not "licit".
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada's only level-4 lab on July 5, CBC News has learned
Francis Boyle seems to believe that the safety of level 4 labs (BSL-4) is not good enough and thus leaks are occurring.
At the Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, there have been several incidents of illicit removal of biological material, including material taken to the Wuhan lab. In another incident, a worker transferring to a job in the US was stopped at the US border, while carrying microbiological samples. So leaks from such labs do happen. And if someone accidentally infects themselves while working in the lab, maybe without even realizing it, then they could set off an epidemic.
Well, I remember seeing Boyle's name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it's unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing....Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
seeing Boyle’s name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it’s unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank.
Despite apparent plausibility, he said one thing that suggested remarkable ignorance whereof he spoke:
this was a DNA genetically engineered biological agent leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties …
but as anyone with the slightest familiarity with this and other corona viruses such as SARS knows, it is an RNA virus.
Perhaps he misspoke. But then why was he wearing a cap during the interview? Sure made him look a bit of crackpot.
he seems to be saying that the Chinese had a biowarfare lab in Wehan, which accidentally released the virus, perhaps after having stolen it from the US. Offhand, that seems pretty implausible to me.
First, Wehan is a huge city of 11M, not exactly the most sensible location for a biowarfare lab.
The US does not have a Level 4 Biosafety Lab in New York, but it has one in Boston.
The Wuhan lab is China’s first, and currently only Level 4 Biosafety Lab. Completed in 2015, it is located at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan and said, in an January 2020 Nature article, to be “on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens.”
If work at the Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg is anything to go by, that means working with biowarfare agents, the justification, naturally, being to develop antidotes.
Another human coronavirus, the one that causes common cold, also spreads most readily in winter, including the time around Chinese New Year.
On each of three occasions when Francis Boyle suggests that the virus was accidentally released from Wuhan lab he explicitly invokes the Occam razor meaning that he does not want to go to the higher level accusation (because of lack of evidence) which would imply deliberate release of the virus by (a) Chinese or (b) non-Chinese agency. Unfortunately the guy who did the interview failed to ask him a direct question about it.
What is interesting that:
Francis Boyle is pretty certain that the coronavirus was man-made. He believes that the vaccine already exists based on the patent held by Pirbright Institute (UK) (2019-11-20
Application granted).
Francis Boyle is pretty certain that various farm animal epidemics from the past like the swine fever or the foot-and-mouth in the UK were caused by the man-made viruses or bacterias. However he does not speculate if they were release deliberately.
Francis Boyle seems to believe that the safety of level 4 labs (BSL-4) is not good enough and thus leaks are occurring.
This is the guy who did work on 2001 anthrax attack, where a bioweapon grade agent from American military lab was deliberately used and all he talks about is insufficient lab safety. He is holding back. He should be interviewed again.
At the Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, there have been several incidents of illicit removal of biological material, including material taken to the Wuhan lab. In another incident, a worker transferring to a job in the US was stopped at the US border, while carrying microbiological samples. So leaks from such labs do happen. And if someone accidentally infects themselves while working in the lab, maybe without even realizing it, then they could set off an epidemic.Replies: @utu, @SBaker
Francis Boyle seems to believe that the safety of level 4 labs (BSL-4) is not good enough and thus leaks are occurring.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing….Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
Well, I remember seeing Boyle’s name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it’s unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
I listened to a few minutes of his YouTube interview, and he seems to be saying that the Chinese had a biowarfare lab in Wehan, which accidentally released the virus, perhaps after having stolen it from the US. Offhand, that seems pretty implausible to me.
First, Wehan is a huge city of 11M, not exactly the most sensible location for a biowarfare lab. Would the US put its biowarfare lab in the middle of NYC?
Second, the virus was released just before Lunar New Year, the absolutely most disastrous time for a release in China because of the hundreds of millions of people traveling, potentially spreading the virus to the entire country. If the virus was somehow *accidentally* released, what is the likelihood it would happen at the absolutely worst time?
The timing of the virus doesn’t fully rule out a natural event, but I do think it rules out an accidental release.
Incidentally, I noticed that the WN/Conspiracy people at Red Ice had a show on the virus, and they seemed to suggest the PRC had *deliberately* released it to exterminate enough older Chinese people to save on future Social Security costs, which seems rather doubtful to me. Maybe somebody just gave Red Ice a financial big donation or something.
Frankly, these totally absurd PRC-release narratives floating around on the Internet make me deeply suspicious that some Intelligence agency is orchestrating them, which shifts me a little further in the biowarfare direction.
I have zero technical expertise in this area, but the whole thing seems very, very suspicious to me.
Despite apparent plausibility, he said one thing that suggested remarkable ignorance whereof he spoke:
seeing Boyle’s name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it’s unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank.
but as anyone with the slightest familiarity with this and other corona viruses such as SARS knows, it is an RNA virus.
this was a DNA genetically engineered biological agent leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties ...
The US does not have a Level 4 Biosafety Lab in New York, but it has one in Boston.
he seems to be saying that the Chinese had a biowarfare lab in Wehan, which accidentally released the virus, perhaps after having stolen it from the US. Offhand, that seems pretty implausible to me.
First, Wehan is a huge city of 11M, not exactly the most sensible location for a biowarfare lab.
How can you be so sure? Accidents happen all the time no matter if the occurrence is highly unlikely or not.
The timing of the virus doesn’t fully rule out a natural event, but I do think it rules out an accidental release.
Report from Hubei province for February 14:
2,420 new cases (including 1,138 clinically diagnosed)
139 new deaths (including 34 clinically diagnosed)
54,406 cumulative total cases (including 16,522 clinically diagnosed)
38,107 currently hospitalized, of which:
– 27,955 (73.4%) in mild condition
– 8,276 (21.7%) serious
– 1,876 (4.9%) critical
912 new hospital discharges
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing.
Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
Well, I remember seeing Boyle's name floating around during the original 2002 Anthrax attacks. Perhaps it's unfair, but he always struck me as a leftist anti-biowarfare activist-crank. My guess is that people like that are fairly easily for Intelligence services to manipulate.
Here’ s the Francis Boyle interview, which is pretty amazing....Is this guy on the level, delivering US propaganda, or nuts?
One would expect that Chinese authorities would have caught some of these agents releasing these biowarfare drones and unraveled the networks, started putting people on trial and executing them, showing us photos of the drones with explanations of the mode of action. I can understand that a lone agent opening a vial on some crowded street may go unnoticed but a network of agents operating these drone attacks would have surely been far easier to detect, identify, and apprehend. Maybe I’m wrong, but if these have been systematic attacks over a long period of time at various locations to attack many farms surely someone would have been caught by now.
The guy in the video is making the claim but w/o any source all I see is that he is planting the info about drones being all from the same source. To make such a claim somebody would have to have seen pictures of several drones captured in different place and provinces. He does not provide any source. Imo he is just flowing with the story helping it with small confabulations to improve the narrative.
There are always baddies everywhere including Chinese.
CIA —> Falun Gong
CIA/Israel /Turkey —> Uyghurs
CIA —> Kuomintang/Taiwan
CIA/Israel —> India
Lost of coronavirus anti-China propaganda and pseudo news originate in India.
I have to dig for that source but I can provide it.
That source argues that swine flu attacks took place in rural areas over an extended period of time. Locals reported seeing drones and apparently some crashed and/or were shot down. Long story short: there is a body of evidence that the swine viral outbreak in Chinese agriculture was an attack on the food supply.
Will the Chinese gather evidence, compile a dossier and confront the West? I don’t know.
Public opinion in China: it will be a tough sell to convince the Chinese their own government did this. Given the years of attacks on chicken, pork and people I doubt it.
Wuhan is just the latest in over 15 years of bio-warfare.
See the video at comment 188 to get someone’s take on this.
“This isn’t the United States vs China.This is Jews vs China – the only question is which Jews.”
Looks more like the bad Anglo cousins in this world are the main players. Of course some bad Jews are also involved. There are always baddies everywhere including Chinese. However more baddies appear to be in the West. Sad.
CIA ---> Falun Gong
There are always baddies everywhere including Chinese.
“the Chinese have evidence of drone attacks from the recent swine flu that show the drones were made by one injection mold.” – I was trying to find confirmation for this claim but no luck.
1. Small countries that did not implement communism. None of the three, in particular Japan or Taiwan, is resource-rich in comparison with China, which has a large population but also a large land mass. 2. China cut itself off from the world. It was intentionally attempting autarchy. And now that it has not cut itself off, it can be more prosperous. But the underlying point is, I suppose, that China's rise depended on the evil West and could not have been achieved without the evil West. 3. What wars did China fight to defend its borders post 1949? Ther was alittle tussle with Vietnam. A spat with the Soviet Union. An aggrandisement in Tibet. Hardly big enough to hold China back. Or do you mean the constant threats against Taiwan's borders?4. China's technological progress strangely always lags that of the West. Funny that. Couldn't be because it always relies on technogical transfers of some kind (forced transfers, theft, spying, etc)? The point remains...the tyrranical and totalitarian system that dominates China is not responsible in a positive way for its current degree of economic prosperity. That is a result of Western forms of science and social organization. The Chinese aspects of Chinese government are in fact what hold it back.You may thank the West and express your heartfelt gratitude whenever you are ready. I wouldn't want you to lose any face.Replies: @d dan, @Biff, @last straw
As for the comparison with Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc, ha, ha, another dumb point. Firstly, these are small countries. Secondly, they have firm supports of US – economically, financially, militarily, etc. Thirdly, unlike PRC, they (except Korea) don’t have to fight various wars to defend their border. And finally, even under the sanctions of both superpowers, China developed its own nuclear weapon, nuclear submarine, satellite, etc, a burden that none of these countries need to bear.
You are unaware that there was widespread cannibalism in some provinces during The Great Leap Forward? A little reading might be in order for you.
65 million dead from famine in that little policy failure. These were deaths that resulted from an intentional policy. Note that there was at no time any famine in Taiwan. Because they did not intentionally attempt to implement communism.
Capitalists are as likely implementing disastrous polices as communists. While the famine during GLF caused 16.5 million-30 million (2.5%-4.5% of the population) excess deaths in China, WW1 killed 20 million, or more than 4%, of the European population. WW2 was even worse: it killed more than 80 million worldwide, and maybe 40 million in Europe, more than 7% of its population. While the famine during GLF did have some natural causes (China did experience drought and flooding), both World Wars were purely man-made disasters.
1. Small countries that did not implement communism. None of the three, in particular Japan or Taiwan, is resource-rich in comparison with China, which has a large population but also a large land mass.
No, Japan is not communist, and it has an 80-year head-start over China since Meiji Restoration in 1868. However, that did not prevent it from making extremely bad decisions and bringing utter devastation to itself. By invading China and SE Asia, and initiating the Pacific War, Japan lost at least 3.1 million, or more than 4%, of its population. In addition, anywhere between 3 million to 14 million in Asia were killed by Japanese atrocities, depending on who you ask.
2. China cut itself off from the world. It was intentionally attempting autarchy. And now that it has not cut itself off, it can be more prosperous. But the underlying point is, I suppose, that China’s rise depended on the evil West and could not have been achieved without the evil West.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. China tried to establish good relations with those 3rd world countries that were not under the yoke of the West. They sent medical and construction teams to Africa. They played a rather active role in the early days of the Non-Aligned Movement. The west corporate elites had little intention to help China. What they liked was China’s cheap labor and potential market. I think they underestimated China.
3. What wars did China fight to defend its borders post 1949? Ther was alittle tussle with Vietnam. A spat with the Soviet Union. An aggrandisement in Tibet. Hardly big enough to hold China back. Or do you mean the constant threats against Taiwan’s borders?
The Korea War pretty much established China’s status in the international arena. China’s later development of nuclear weapons renders further actions unnecessary.
4. China’s technological progress strangely always lags that of the West. Funny that. Couldn’t be because it always relies on technogical transfers of some kind (forced transfers, theft, spying, etc)?
China has catched up or is already a leader in many fields: 5G, quantum communications, AI, supercomputers, satellite navigational systems etc etc. Not only that, China now has the world’s best academic institutions. It’s just a matter of time that China will pull farther ahead in many areas:
It’s too late to accuse China this or that. The matter of fact is that industrial espionage is universal. Every developed countries developed by stealing other’s secrets. Only a fool will not do it. Only a hypocrite will criticize it. And only a looser will complain about it.
The point remains…the tyrranical and totalitarian system that dominates China is not responsible in a positive way for its current degree of economic prosperity. That is a result of Western forms of science and social organization. The Chinese aspects of Chinese government are in fact what hold it back.
China’s current government is a far-cry from the days of GLF and Culture Revolution. It will keep reforming, evolving, and improving. Time shall tell which form of government will be best for China in the future.
Well, I've seen zero evidence that the Coronavirus is a bioweapon, but if it were, it would almost certainly be an American one. I'd put the odds that America built and released it as 10x or 20x more likely than China. The Internet is filled with enormous numbers of crackpots and shills, and anyone who claims it's probably a Chinese bioweapon has revealed himself as such.
What I think utu and some of the other commenters are suggesting is that there seem to be 2 theories that predominate, either that it was natural or a Chinese bioweapon, and that the idea that it’s a US bioweapon is just as plausible as the Chinese bioweapon theory.
I’ve seen zero evidence that the Coronavirus is a bioweapon—Ron Unz
Wuhan 400 has many factor gains.
1. It is much smaller in microns so it can infect at a greater distance. Sars infected at 2-3 ft and Wuhan at 6-8 ft. Factor gain=3-4x
2. R(o)= it is not like a regular flu. It probably has an R naught of 3-4.5. We are seeing this on the cruise ship outbreak where it spread like wild fire through either a poor quality plumbing system (no p traps) or venting or both. Serious gain in virulence from Sars. Just look at the lying CPC numbers of deaths. Even low balled this is making Sars look like a walk in the park. Death Gain.
3. Asymptomatic: people carry it but don’t show symptoms. The disease has a timeline among those who end up with a serious case of 3-4wks. The problem often occurs around day 10 with pneumonia. Another gain–>length of illness.
There is also the fact that Pribright Institute patented (Europe and America) a coronavirus vaccine. That is hardly being mentioned.
I suggest reading a transcript of Francis Boyle. He wrote the U.S. bio-weapons legislation in the 80’s and was interviewed weeks ago by Great Game India.
China has been hit hard for over 15 years. Sars, hxny avian and human flus, swine flus hitting their independent protein supply, etcetera ad nauseum. The Chinese have higher hygienic standards than Africa and India yet continue to get hammered.
This is bio-warfare. The evidence for this is extensive. Proving it in a court of law? Probably not. However, the Chinese have evidence of drone attacks from the recent swine flu that show the drones were made by one injection mold. So, prior planning of 6+ months, along with physical evidence of one source of the drones and that it was a costly, industrial process NOT the work of a bunch of guys in a back yard garage.
This isn’t over. Zionist elements in U.S. government have decided that to maintain dominance it is simple to assassinate (Soleimani) and use bio-warfare (Wuhan). Neither of these types of actions are the work of rational adults in an open room. They are the actions of ruthless psychopaths who have infiltrated the corridors of power throughout our world.
Bioweapon spread on a foreign land…wait wait , I ve already heard this somewhere…Oh yeah I recall ! At the movie theater. “ALIEN COVENANT”. And the film was hmm…american. What a surprise. Not a proof but anoter clue.
ampant pro-Chinese propaganda in Western media regarding domestic anti-Chinese sentiment?â€
Are you referring to the extent of the anti Chinese(leadership) sentiment of the mainland Chinese highlighted and exaggerated by the western media ?
That makes sense .
Otherwise the sentence doesn’t make much sense to me.
I’m starting to lose faith in science. Imagine that they discovered that Chinese tourists carry a deadly virus yet never discovered that all those millions of refugees crossing borders into US and EU illegally, without quarantine, are carriers of far deadlier yet undiscovered diseases, in fact of cocktails of known and unknown communicable and deadly diseases. Duh.
“There are either 65,000 cases of COVID-19 or 47,000 . It’s down to WHO you trust and how you count” : “Politics and corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) “: “One could say that the H1N1 viral pandemic , version 2009 ,has so far produced no more than a mouse .But what a fabulous show for the media! What a brilliantly organized panic!”By Pascal Sacre, translated from a French article.
It appears that you can’t trust the CDC or WHO . Can we trust any of the numbers being reported about the number of Coronavirus cases and the number of deaths ?
An important paper has just come out with information about COV19. New research just published about says that men are dying at three times the rate of women. 4.45 vs. 1.25%.
Men are also getting COV19 slightly more than women. Those who end up very sick from it tend to be older, and they’re more often male.
71% of all cases are people between the ages of 30 and 65. Suspected cases echoes this pattern. This is what happened with the Spanish Flu is 1918, in which the middle-aged got socked hard.
The report says that after January 17, more people outside Wuhan were getting COV19 than inside the city, using confirmed cases as a metric. The Spring festival and migrant workers are being blamed for spreading it. Migrant workers are more likely to be male than female.
Since half of all Chinese men smoke, and only a small percentage of women do, this appears to be a major factor in the death rate. Even in normal circumstances, smokers get pneumonia at twice the rate that non-smokers do.
I’m not sure Chinese doctors are asking if their patients are smokers. We do it here in the US, but this vital data metric is missing from China.
Isn’t it just as possible that the type of Jews who supported the Soviet Union are now the same type of Jews trying to support China to destroy America?
The type of liberal and leftist Jews that might have been sympathetic to the USSR in the past are today firmly part of the American establishment and tend not to be very supportive of China, which they regard as illiberal and authoritarian. George Soros has made no secret about his hostility to China. Other prominent Jewish American liberal elites like Kenneth Roth, head of Human Rights Watch, are not supportive of China.
Then there are the diehard Jewish socialists like Bernie Sanders, who are nowadays few in number and quite old. They tend not to be particularly interested in China, let alone supportive of it.
“The immense venom with which some news media and online sources have attacked Chinese of duplicity and laziness dont surprise me”
But how does that reconcile with the rampant pro-Chinese propaganda in Western media regarding domestic anti-Chinese sentiment? As folks say, “Let the chink cough on you to proof you are not racist”. Or do you mean the anti-Party rhetoric? Because Westerners physically cannot utter a positive thing about any socialist party in history, this is nothing out of the ordinary.
“Imagine if it goes to India, Africa and other developing countries, how many millions will be infected?”
Why would that be a cause for grief? The fewer subhumans, the better. Personally, I am delighted that the DPRK’s quarantine seems to be working.
There is no humanity, there is nation. And nation is more than a sum of individuals.
In a touching video from the rainy streets of Wuhan, a husband drives behind his wife, using his headlights to light her way to work at the hospital.
The wife has quarantined herself from her family, worried that she may catch the coronavirus through her job and subsequently infect her husband and children.
She stays at a hotel and walks to work each day.
Since she refuses to get in the car with her husband, he’s decided to drive behind her each evening as she makes the trek to begin her night shift.
The wife says that when she gets back from work, her husband has a cooked meal waiting for her at her hotel room.
They never speak to each other in person, relying on video chat to communicate.
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
The immense venom with which some news media and online sources have attacked Chinese of duplicity and laziness dont surprise me but help to consider the possibility that they are just trumpeting the brilliance responsibility carefulness and innocence of the Western countries.
Instead f accusing Lieber at this moment ,USA should have asked him regarding the threat to USA , shall have asked him to throw lights on stemming the tide of the outbreak and and shed lights on possible vaccine or other remedies. This was not the time to shackle him for a crime that are not out of ordinary or incongruous with American way of ding business .
The worst part is the explicit message that China has released engineered virus to kill its own people.
Mike Ruppert was the author of that dead microbiologist article….
Was Mike Ruppert another one suicided for knowing too much and dunno how to keep his mouth shut ?
Wow, put the crack pipe down!!
a senior National Security Council official†warning about the implications of the rise of Huawei to become the world’s biggest supplier of telecommunications equipment and that it was leading the field in the development of 5G.
“We are losing it,†the memo said. “Whoever leads in technology and market share for 5G deployment will have a tremendous advantage towards … commanding the heights of the information domain.â€
The memo said 5G was “by no means simply a ‘faster 4G’†but was “a change more like the invention of the Gutenberg press†as it would bring faster speeds, lower lead times between the network and the device and had a much larger capacity to transfer data. [1]
Frank Olsen was suicided cuz he knew too much about CIA’s Mkultra,
David Kelly and friends were suicided cuz they knew too much about fukus ‘race specific bio weapon‘ program,
My guess…..PLummer was killed cuz he knew too much aBout fukus ‘caper‘ in Wuhan ??
almost 100 defence scientists died bet 2001 to 2005, many were bioweapoon experts like Kelly specialising in ‘genetic manipulation and DNA sequencing’,
SARS1 broke up in China , HK, Singapore, TW, ….
SARS2 looks another ‘Chinese‘ specific virus,
How is that for ‘race specific’ ?
Whats one more dead scientist to the satanists who rule fukus ??
You’r prolly unfamiliar with Indian cow dung, which stink even worse than murkkan bullshit.
Non of the assertions in that article were substantiated.
” …discussing the possibility of Coronavirus being a US biowarfare attack against China …” Quite probable. However what do you make of this below? (February 6, 2020 report) Thanks.
“In a very strage turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents and weaponized as revealed in GreatGameIndia investigation, has died in mysterious conditions. Frank Plummer was the key to the Chinese Biological Espionage case at Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory.” ” Western anti-Chinese propaganda exaggerates Coronavirus danger , creates panic ” By Andre Vithcek
“It seems racist paranoia is obviously at work here – remember all the fantasies about the Chinese women in Wuhan skinning snakes alive and slurping bat soup . Whereas , in reality , a big Chinese city is one of the safest places in the World.” Slavoj Zizek writing in RT .
BBC Report : “A report on the early stages of the outbreak by the medical journal “Lancet” said most patients who died from the virus had pre-existing conditions. Most people infected are expected to fully recover just as they would from the normal flu ” :”America’s ‘Medical Deep State’ .The role of the CDC ” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null : “During the past year, especially in recent months , the fear-mongering spewing forth from the CDC has become virulent. It is a classic Orwellian script . The recent measles outbreak…has been used to brainwash the public and reshape it into obedient livestock in order to increase vaccine compliance .Worse ,the DISINFORMATION campaign ignores everything we know about measles infection and the failure of the MMR vaccine.”
Former employees have tried to warn the public about corruption at the CDC and its conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies . Can we trust the CDC ?
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
Apologies for failing to detect Lieber’s interest in viruses. Your speculated connection to the Wuhan outbreak gains much plausibility. I blame my reliance on a single NYT article for my ignorance.
As to the literate but rambling conspiracy theory of the “eccentric” American expat…
there were a number of red flags to prompt deep scepticism. I choose just the following to illustrate my point
“Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA.
In fact, thousands of prominent scientists, physicians, virologists and epidemiologists on many continents have concurred that all these viruses were lab-created and their release deliberate. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well, with circumstantial evidence of the outbreak raising only questions.”
That some American living in China with no known relevant expertise can come out with such assertions perfectly blandly as though he can’t see the faintest scepticism to be answered does make one wonder what mental world he lives in.
And, I have chosen this because it fits my doubts about some of your reliance on people whom you choose to endorse somewhat blithely for reasons not obvious. I shall return to the subject of your particular attachment to one “How” issue wrt the 9/11 collapses, namely the nanothermite residue attested to by a number of scientists you deem respectable enough.
It is perhaps worth noting, on the potentially critical thermite question, that NIST’s response that the train of possession of what were said (contestably I note) to be nanothermite fragments in WTC debris was not clear. The scientists asked for NIST to repeat the tests on material it could vouch for, according to Wikipedia, but “NIST did not”. Although there was suspicion raised about the clearing up of the WTC site by a number of specialist contractors there appears to be nothing untoward proved concerning the speed or methods of the clean up. It is at least unproven that NIST would or should have micro material preserved and accurately sourced and labeled. Even the greatest 9/11 knowalls on UR make few claims to knowing that there were demolitions to be investigated as early as September 2001. While I track down further material let me observe that discussion with trial lawyers and judges might raise your level of scepticism about all expert witnesses (and look at medical research non replication and the problems with “climate science”). Also I note the way letters and articles signed by several academic colleagues get connected and published: e.g. Jones owes Smith his signature in return for an earlier favour; Black is junior enough to be delighted to be a signatory with White; Johnson will back anything Jackson does.
Next stop is to go back and read thoroughly
If you haven’t read it I think you should. And if you have and have, after careful consideration, dismissed its probative value for non-truthers I apologise.
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
� (2003)
But not all of DARPA’s programmes are problematic. Many credit the agency with developing the Internet, and it has long been a favourite among bright researchers with unconventional ideas. “Compared with agencies such as the National Science Foundation, DARPA takes much bigger chances,†says Harris, who has DARPA funding to develop a thumbnail-sized fluorometer that can detect chemical and biological agents. DARPA’s generous funding and goal-oriented programmes allow researchers to “do more than just incremental scienceâ€, adds Charles Lieber, a nanotechnology researcher at Harvard University.
Electrical detection of single viruses (2004)
Xiaowei Zhuang, Charles Lieber, and colleagues at Harvard Uni- versity have detected single virus particles in real time by measuring conductance changes with nanowire field-effect transistors.
Xiaowei Zhuang –
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
Lieber’s expertise was in testing for the presence of viruses – hundreds of them from a tiny sample and in one process. A huge improvement over current methods. Others have tried doing that so he is not alone.
A Medical Chip That Could Do 100 Tests on One Drop of Blood (2015)
In developing countries, Claros plans to sell mChips for $1 each and the portable analyzer for less than $500. Many lab-based tests cost more than $100 each
I am very interested in this area as I had a US patent (5,108,131) that would have benefited from such a test. My patent received the approval of the FDA as a “medical device”. I was thinking at the time of HIV but it is applicable to any TESTABLE infection or genetic condition.
By testing directly for the virus rather than for anti-bodies, the test become much more useful for isolation purposes. For example, those with a negative test result on the ship at Yokohama could be immediately allowed to leave the ship and the others can undergo treatment if necessary. This would prevent those leaving the ship from getting infected and passing the infection on to others.
Apparatus and method for controlling transmission of defects
The point I am getting at is that bioweapons can be rendered less effective if there were a really rapid, cheap and accurate way of testing people and animals. I don’t think the Americans want the Chinese to be good at that. Obviously, the Chinese society is much better adapted at using such technology than anyone in the West.
Ron Unz (232.) says:
“For those so interested, here’s a very long presentation of the Biowarfare Hypothesis from some American ex-pat living in China. He seems a little eccentric, so I wouldn’t necessarily take his verdict too seriously, but he has gathered together a wealth of seemingly useful information and links, and I’ve now republished his compendium on this website:”
Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America for Geopolitical Advantage?
Metallicman • January 27, 2020
That article by Metallicman was plagiarised (the 40% that’s not ‘eccentric’) from articles by Larry Romanoff that were published on Global Research. Dozens of paragraphs are copied verbatim without attribution.
Why would you deploy it as a test when it makes the real thing less effective?
The politics demanded a “solution” now – not in 2 years.
Economic and financial sanctions are a form of war. By tweaking the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira, for example, great pressure can be exerted on Erdogan to do what they want him to do. That is why Russia moved its reserves out of the USD and much of it into Gold. The Chinese cannot do that as their reserves are much greater and it would bring down the world economy – on which they depend. The Russians can keep their economy going even if there is no external trade.
The USA is essentially in a war against countries like Syria, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Russia and China. In a war, you cannot wait for the perfect tank or missile to be developed. You use what is currently available even if it is somewhat deficient. As anyone can see, this virus is doing ample damage to the Chinese economy and to the confidence of the Chinese people in their government. What more can they wish for?
They’re inter-marrying (Zuckerberg) and learning Mandarin
Don’t forget the Australian/American Rupert Murdoch of News International fame. His ex is Chinese. He thought that he could expand his mind-control empire into China. But the Chinese did not play along.
Is Rupert Murdoch’s Ex a Chinese Spy?
When his wife had an affair with our very own Tony Blair, he had to divorce her. What a shame. A marriage made in heaven. 🙂
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
The theory has some merit.
But according to Mike Pompeo it’s a lot more then Lieber. A whole lot more. And not just academics. United States governors, predominately in sanctuary cities, who have been taking bribes from China and making individual deals.
Why isn’t it just as likely that Lieber and other US Jewish academics who hate America and are ideologically supportive of communism were committing treason against the United States and giving China intel on how to make a weapon against the United States?
It’s as if the House UnAmerican Committee and McCarthy never existed. Not only were they 100% correct in practically every case they determined treason, they massively understated the scale of the subversion.
There are multiple accounts out of Canada and the United States of Chinese citizens and military personnel being caught stealing IP and biological materials.
Isn’t it just as possible that the type of Jews who supported the Soviet Union are now the same type of Jews trying to support China to destroy America?
Or this is some kind of struggle between Israeli’s who want to pivot to China, and those who have decided it’s too risky. The Talpiot plan and Israel’s integration into Belt and Road and giving China the Port of Haifa is a strikingly independent course of action vis a vis the ‘special relationship’.
Or, if Lieber is a good man trying to whistle-blow to China, why can’t it be related to the theory that this is a City of London Corporation/Pirbright Institute event or test for generalized population control.
It seems very cavalier to ascribe this to the ‘United States’ when there are so many more specific classifications that could be used. Like, Liberal Jews, or Israelis – after all, Israel awarded Lieber the Wolf Prize.
It seems insane to deploy a virus that can mutate in the field with such a long incubation period in an international hub where it will infect all of your own populations. And there is plenty of chatter along with quarantine camps to support that possibility.
Why would all these Communist ultra-progressive western civilization hating academics be the good guys.
Maybe Lieber is a good man.
But if there had been masses of Liberal Jews committing treason and taking money from Communists in return for intel and IP and they all got arrested… I’m sure the hapless goyim will cry copious tears and drown in sorrow.
This isn’t the United States vs China. This is Jews vs China – the only question is which Jews.
The type of liberal and leftist Jews that might have been sympathetic to the USSR in the past are today firmly part of the American establishment and tend not to be very supportive of China, which they regard as illiberal and authoritarian. George Soros has made no secret about his hostility to China. Other prominent Jewish American liberal elites like Kenneth Roth, head of Human Rights Watch, are not supportive of China.
Isn’t it just as possible that the type of Jews who supported the Soviet Union are now the same type of Jews trying to support China to destroy America?
Ron Unz (236.) says:
“It really wouldn’t surprise me if Lieber had been discussing the possibility of Coronavirus being a US biowarfare attack against China with some of his friends on the phone or Email and the NSA or whatever found out about it and decided to nip such academic speculation in the bud…”
I must say those were my thoughts as well. Perhaps I’m too suspicious of coincidences, but those suspicions prove too often to have been justified.
And it surely does serve as a warning to many thousands of ‘research academics’ who are funded in one way or another by the Defense Department – as was Lieber in several projects. From this, I would deduce that he knew many things the authorities would prefer to be kept secret.
The latest update I’ve seen is that Beijing has declared martial law, and at least one medical school is sending its students to treat people at Wuhan. That means the infections have reached numbers so high in Wuhan that their doctor and nurses are overwhelmed.
One aspect of the COV-19 is that the initial death percentage is going to be highest at the beginning. Why? Because people who are most likely to die in a pandemic don’t die at the end of it. Because these victims already have medical issues that make them more vulnerable to it, they go early. This causes a skew in the death ratio. As pandemic ages, the death ratio drops after the most vulnerable are weeded out.
2-4% is the number that keeps popping up. In the beginning, I’m willing to bet the death rate is higher than 4%, but near the end it will be lower than 1%.
One point that needs to be mentioned is that a study indicates the average person with COV-19 infects 5.5 people. It spreads before any symptoms appear. If you track down and quarantine people when no more than a single digit amount of people have the disease, you can stay on top of it and quash it. But Singapore and Hong Kong have at least 50 people infected, meaning they likely already have 300-odd people who are infected who haven’t been found, and who are currently spreading the disease around unnoticed. They’re screwed at this point. They can’t control it with numbers like that.
Thailand, Japan, and South Korea are headed for major trouble if they don’t quash their cases in the next two days. They literally have no more than that amount of time to track down all the infected and quarantine them before it’s out of control completely.
Replies: @Ron Unz
Two of the world’s biggest threats may someday be reduced by wires thousands of times thinner than a hair but capable of detecting a single virus. The specter of worldwide viral epidemics is always with us, so detecting them quickly offers the possibility of saving thousands of lives. The pathogens also can be stealthy biological weapons, making their positive detection a vital national defense requirement.
“We want to find a single virus before it finds you,†says Charles Lieber, Hyman Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. Tests recently completed in his laboratory show that these unimaginably thin nanowires can sense and distinguish between viruses that cause flu, measles, and eye infections. Lieber believes future versions will be able to spot HIV, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, hepatitis, bird flu, and other dangerous viruses.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
Exactly. Frankly, I’d never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Seems like an *awfully* big coincidence to me.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if Lieber had been discussing the possibility of Coronavirus being a US biowarfare attack against China with some of his friends on the phone or Email and the NSA or whatever found out about it and decided to nip such academic speculation in the bud…
That raises an interesting point...
“Shackledâ€!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
Two of the world’s biggest threats may someday be reduced by wires thousands of times thinner than a hair but capable of detecting a single virus. The specter of worldwide viral epidemics is always with us, so detecting them quickly offers the possibility of saving thousands of lives. The pathogens also can be stealthy biological weapons, making their positive detection a vital national defense requirement.
“We want to find a single virus before it finds you,†says Charles Lieber, Hyman Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. Tests recently completed in his laboratory show that these unimaginably thin nanowires can sense and distinguish between viruses that cause flu, measles, and eye infections. Lieber believes future versions will be able to spot HIV, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, hepatitis, bird flu, and other dangerous viruses.
Exactly. Frankly, I'd never heard of Lieber except as a chemist, but when I Googled his name plus viruses, a whole bunch of things came up. And he gets dragged off in shackles *exactly* at the moment the huge viral outbreak in China is reaching the national headlines.
Lieber is a chemist, so you’d think he wouldn’t have much to do with viruses. But it turns out that he isn’t just an ordinary chemist but worked on nanomaterials and nanoelectronics that can detect viruses and pathogens released during biological weapons attacks.
This Harvard Gazette article from 15 years ago discusses Lieber’s work in this area and its applications in detecting biological weapons:
That raises an interesting point...
“Shackledâ€!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers.
It would indeed be surprising if the FBI man with a geopolitical opinion he thinks we should know about who features in the following linked article did not see particular advantage in arresting and prosecuting someone as distinguished as Charles Lieber.
However there is reason to doubt that the coronavirus outbreak is more than coincidental given the dates and other cases mentioned in that article AND having regard to the fact that your statement about Lieber having special knowledge of viruses may be wrong. I draw your attention to the following two quotes from the NY Times article:
“Dr. Lieber, a leader in the field of nanoscale electronics”
“[In 2017] he earned the N.I.H. Director’s Pioneer Award for inventing syringe-injectable mesh electronics that can integrate with the brain.”
If anyone wanted to find an example of a mainstream academic being dragged off in chains over the last 250 years I would start searching for events covering Germans and 1917 [Einstein would probably have been nabbed if already at Princeton] ,Japanese and WW2, and wife murdering professors….
I’ve heard the theory that the virus was developed China as a way of testing vaccines, and I suspect that may well be true, and the virus escaped from the lab by accident. The problem is, the Chinese have a very cavalier attitude towards germs. They spit on the street, etc., and care little about cleanliness.
Normally, anything a person develops as a weapon by government order would normally never be unleashed against the people controlled by that government. That can lead to revolution. But accidents can and do happen.
China’s history is filled with an incredible amount of own goals. They screw up to a degree that really isn’t normal. The only other country in Southeast Asia that’s run by bigger idiots is North Korea. All the others seem to do better than China and North Korea, or end up tormenting their own people less.
I think the potential of the Chinese to function as a modern people in a modern society is definitely lower than you would expect. Modern culture is something they imported. They didn’t grow it naturally the way the West did, and the Chinese aren’t well adapted to it. They’re still peasants at heart.
That raises an interesting point...
“Shackledâ€!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers.
For those so interested, here’s a very long presentation of the Biowarfare Hypothesis from some American ex-pat living in China. He seems a little eccentric, so I wouldn’t necessarily take his verdict too seriously, but he has gathered together a wealth of seemingly useful information and links, and I’ve now republished his compendium on this website:
thank you, well said.
Bloomberg has an article “China Sacrifices a Province to Save the World From Coronavirus”
If you (or anyone) want to help, go ahead to send in your donation or volunteer to help in Wuhan/China, like what many people from many countries (including Russia, Japan, Iran...) have already done. Why do you need to wait for China to "start asking for help"? Oh, yes, except to show your superiority or to humiliate them at their difficult time? Or maybe you are not really interested to help?Wait, silly me. Reading your post again, you are not talking about help in donation, medical help or bio research, but you want to help China in those areas you THINK China needs help, like not being "authoritarian" or "openness", or perhaps "freedom" of this or "freedom" of that. Those are the types of help China should ask.Caught another hypocrite schadenfreunde.Replies: @thetruth
"However, China is not forthcoming and not showing the full scope of what is happening. It is typical for any authoritarian system that perceives openness as weakness. If China wants to change the tone of the narrative it must shows its weakness and vulnerability and start asking for help."
The U.S. gov. has been trying so hard to launch a color revolution in China, ALL failed miserably. So now they are using this opportunity to fulfill their dream. They can go kiss their dream goodbye.
NOT in a hundred year they could be successful in changing the political system in China. The reason is, vast majority of Chinese are happy with China’s current political system!
From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus
Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.**
“Shackledâ€!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers.
That raises an interesting point…
America has been around for nearly 250 years, and I’m wondering whether this is the first time in our entire national history that a mainstream academic has been dragged off in chains…
And by the most astonishing coincidence, it happens to a top Harvard professor with huge expertise in viruses and personal links to China at exactly the same time that an enormously deadly and somewhat mysterious viral outbreak occurs in China…
Replies: @Ron Unz
Two of the world’s biggest threats may someday be reduced by wires thousands of times thinner than a hair but capable of detecting a single virus. The specter of worldwide viral epidemics is always with us, so detecting them quickly offers the possibility of saving thousands of lives. The pathogens also can be stealthy biological weapons, making their positive detection a vital national defense requirement.
“We want to find a single virus before it finds you,†says Charles Lieber, Hyman Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. Tests recently completed in his laboratory show that these unimaginably thin nanowires can sense and distinguish between viruses that cause flu, measles, and eye infections. Lieber believes future versions will be able to spot HIV, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, hepatitis, bird flu, and other dangerous viruses.
I would imagine an outbreak would have the highest chance to naturally occur during peak travel periods, to me this doesn’t really provide any information in regards to it being a bioweapon. With increased interactions between many people overlapping via travel a virus can spread through many potential hosts at once.
Considering that isolation and a quarantine are used to stop the spread of a virus, it is clearly unlikely that a pandemic would happen during a quiet and isolated part of the year.
I certainly agree that if one were releasing a bioweapon this would be ideal to get maximum coverage but I simply can’t agree that it really increases the likelyhood that it was, since a naturally occuring virus would have increased chances in the same environment.
It also seems odd if this was just a “test” as some people allege. China would now have direct experience in organising and managing an outbreak, they can also plan for redundencies for supply lines and transport routes if hubs are taken out. Why would you deploy it as a test when it makes the real thing less effective? If they wanted to test the spread of a racial-virus surely America could deploy it in a majority Chinese area in America (as they have done in previous cases) and easily test effectiveness and allow for a clean cover up.
No it started in Kansas . That’s proven and known to historian and academic .
That notorious Cock’s report….
The chicoms are stealing all our secrets !!!
Even today , murkkan sheeples gleefully lap up every fukus agitprop, …
The chicoms are stealing all our secrets,
they’r hacking into the Pentagon, the MIC, etc etc..
our bank accounts, our health records…
There’s no place we can hide from the chicoms…
And they keep telling us,
We whiteys have the highest IQ,
Latest numbers (Feb 14):
New case: 4047
New suspected case: 2807
New death: 121
So, it looks like yesterday numbers (new case: 14,840; new death: 242) are one-time adjustment. These newest numbers are still slightly elevated compare with the numbers before the introduction of new “clinical diagnosis†method. But it certainly will be better to be aggressive at this stage of the battle.
“Shackled”!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers. In so far as it’s a case of financial crime maybe someone was looking to catch up on Harvard after seeing Larry Summers get away scot free.
A warning shot? Fortunately I see the response of at least a few thousand of America’s “ordinary professors” who read the arrest as a warning as quite likely to cook up provocations which would make the FBI or whatever look pretty silly.
That raises an interesting point...
“Shackledâ€!! I was so surprised I had to check, but, yes, it’s the good ol’ USA and Harvard Professors have no right to expect less humiliation than everyday muggers.
Thanks Wizard of Oz.
China sacrifices a province, with its concomitant lose of GDP of easily 100’s billions (bigger than the GDP of many countries in the world). Thousands of people are braving in the front lines selflessly, while around the clock everyday, I hear touching stories about ordinary and nameless Chinese’s gallant battles.
And what are all these for? They not only save China, they also save the world. Imagine if China let the disease spread like the way US managed H1N1. How many thousands will die? Imagine if it goes to India, Africa and other developing countries, how many millions will be infected? How much damage to the economies will it cause? How much misery is enough for people?
China does not expect a “thank you” note from everyone, but is it too much to expect decent people to hold their words of despise for a moment?
[[[they]]] might be doing their damndest to make a Lee Wen Ho outta poor Lieber…..
WEN HO LEE / You Call This Justice? /
Presumed guilty until proven innocent
How the [[[sobs]]] gagged the whistle blowers of biowarfare in the Korean war…..
During and after the Korean War, China produced considerable evidence that the US military was employing biological pathogens against both the Chinese and the North Koreans. More than 25 US POWs supported Chinese claims – and provided further, and very detailed, corroborating evidence of anthrax, various insects such as mosquitoes and fleas carrying Yellow Fever, and even propaganda leaflets infected with cholera, over the entire North-East of China and virtually all of North Korea. The US government immediately filed charges of sedition against the soldiers who told their stories of these illegal activities, applying enormous pressure to silence them, even threatening defending lawyers with unspecified retribution. As a final desperate attempt to silence these former POWs, the US military relied on the CIA to subject them to extensive treatments with a newly-discovered and dangerous drug called Metrazol, in attempts to totally erase all memories of their activities in Korea, apparently destroying the mens’ minds in the process.
After all, if a likely future Harvard Nobel Laureate can be dragged off in chains and face many years in prison for a supposed financial-reporting-violation, I’d think that lots of ordinary professors would think twice before questioning the Coronavirus story with MSM journalists…
Also, they’ll think twice before joining China’s
one thousand talents program, an initiative to attract top talents all over the world to accelerate the progress of Made In China 2025 proj, for which Lieber is a member.
[[[sobs]]] might even put LIeber thru the wringer,
solitary confinement, deprivement of sleep, threat of more serious trumped up charges, to force a confession that slander China.
Remember the case of Lee Wen HO ?
I always thought those Indian “doctors” couldn’t be trusted to do their jobs properly. From those statistics it would appear that at least a quarter of them may be worth something.
Well, I've seen zero evidence that the Coronavirus is a bioweapon, but if it were, it would almost certainly be an American one. I'd put the odds that America built and released it as 10x or 20x more likely than China. The Internet is filled with enormous numbers of crackpots and shills, and anyone who claims it's probably a Chinese bioweapon has revealed himself as such.
What I think utu and some of the other commenters are suggesting is that there seem to be 2 theories that predominate, either that it was natural or a Chinese bioweapon, and that the idea that it’s a US bioweapon is just as plausible as the Chinese bioweapon theory.
Actually, someone pointed out that the Coronavirus outbreak occurred at the absolute peak of the Chinese holiday travel season, the ideal time for having it spread very rapidly before being detected.
Obviously, any natural or accidental outbreak would generally tend to occur at some random time of year, so this somewhat increases the likelihood that it was a biowarfare attack against China.
It’s also intriguing that Charles Lieber, a very high-ranking Harvard professor with strong China ties, was suddenly arrested and dragged off in shackles for what amounts to some sort of technical issue of misreporting his Chinese funding from many years ago.
Frankly, I’ve *never* heard of anything like that happening before to a mainstream academic, especially for some technical-reporting violation. I wonder whether it isn’t just meant to intimidate all American academics who might consider voicing their suspicions about the Coronavirus outbreak. Maybe the NSA even discovered that Lieber was expressing some personal doubts about the official Coronavirus story in his emails or phone calls.
After all, if a likely future Harvard Nobel Laureate can be dragged off in chains and face many years in prison for a supposed financial-reporting-violation, I’d think that lots of ordinary professors would think twice before questioning the Coronavirus story with MSM journalists…
And now……
Suddendly we heard about a locust disaster in Africa that has already spread to ……India !
China watch out !
After attacking the livestock, [[[sobs]]] might go for the food crops !!