What has this to do with the article? Trinity displays the mindset of a typical Antifa/BLM Morlock. Facts do not impact him/it/she/gerbil. Instead he posts a barely coherent whine that doesn’t convey any semblance of reasoned thought.
subtitled "Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing"
As a trained planner myself, I read Jones’ book. Most of it was a load of bollocks, reckless projection of motive abounding on every page. Actually, urban renewal had a wide range of support when enacted by Congress in 1949, eventually morphing into community development in 1974.
Go live in an all-black neighborhood and tell me how safe you feel a year from now — if you survive the experience. Blacks ARE the central problem. And something needs to be done about them.
It’s in fact very complex in this active life to listen news on Television, thus I just
use the web for that reason, and get the latest news.
Interesting. Before this article, I had never heard of this race riot. And I was born in Washington, D.C. !!! In fairness, I was just an infant when the riot occurred. I was fortunate to always live in the sterotypical leafy suburbs. One of my earlier memories was seeing a plume of smoke to the east on a clear April morning in 1968. I asked Mom what the smoke was. “That’s Washington burning,” she replied. DC languished between the late 60s and 90s. But unlike many older cities ruined by — well we know what they were ruined by — DC has enjoyed something of a renaissance due to gentrification. All the Federal money helps of course, as well as a desire to avoid ridiculous commute times. But the sad truth is that, just as with many venerable cities, DC’s best days and quality of life are generations in the past and never likely to return.
In the 1960s, the City of Detroit passed an ordinance prohibiting the use of “SOLD” signs on residential real estate signs. This was an attempt to reduce the attempts of “blockbusting” which turned out to be an abject failure.
The city also implemented a residential real estate “inspection program” which did nothing to forestall the sale of homes to blacks. This “inspection program” was a requirement in order to sell a home. In later years, it was ruled “unconstitutional” and was made optional.
Nothing the City of Detroit did could forestall the “black wave” and its impending destruction.
Fast forward to the present…black neighborhood groups are now protesting “gentrification”–young whites purchasing properties in black neighborhoods with the intent of improving the neighborhood. You just cannot win with these people (blacks).
Those St Louis The King Poles were filtering into my neighborhood by 1960 as the higher paid Tool & Die makers were selling and heading off to Warren. My neighbor’s cuzzins (Gable) fled around 1970. And they fled clear to Montana and never looked back.
I have read about the Sojourner Truth Homes in old Free Press issues (30’s? or 40’s?) where they accused the gov’t of trying to deliberately bust up the Polish diaspora out of Hamtramck along Ryan Conant and Mound.
I personally remember the “Not For Sale” signs in front of houses on Ryan near 7 Mile in the 50’s. That’s where I learned the word “blockbusting.”
“Yeah, but no point living in the past.”
ohh it’s the retort of cliches’
Those who do not remember the past (whose choose to ignore its inconvenient realities) are doomed to repeat it.
One need not live in the past to grasp that the past is relevant to today.
It’s called “nepotism”…
I don’t agree with you on jewish “smarts”…
It is rampant nepotism, social and cultural insularity that gives jews their “power”.
Jews, to a man will push to pass laws outlawing cultural and social insularity for all other cultures, in order to weaken them and make them ripe for exploitation and eventual takeover.
“Multiculturalism and diversity for thee, but not for me” is the jewish mantra.
THAT is the source of jewish power, NOT real “smarts”.
All one has to do is look at the double standard that exists in the USA. Lets look at some examples:
1. Jews have pushed for the outlawing of Christian symbology on public property and have been quite successful in getting Christian displays outlawed. At the same time, especially now, jewish menorahs crop up on public property all over the country with no opposition. So much for the “separation of church and state”. This concept does not apply to jews or their religious symbology.
2..Jews pushed for civil-rights and “public accommodation” laws that affect everyone but themselves. They reserve the right to segregate themselves while pushing (forcing) everyone else to integrate. A good example of this is the jews-only community of Kiryas Joel, a New York State jews-only community that not only flouts every civil-rights law, but is openly brazen about it. If you are not jewish you cannot purchase or rent property in Kiryas Joel, nor can you send your children to the “public schools”. On the other hand, approximately 80% of Kiryas Joel jews receive some type of “public assistance” out of proportion to their numbers. Jews openly flout “fair housing” and civil-rights laws with impunity.
3. The whole “civil-rights” movement was spearheaded and run by New York based communist jews. Those of us who grew up during those turbulent times noticed on thing–behind every negro, there was a jew. Jews were the “carpetbaggers” of the 1950s and 1960s, fomenting almost all of the violence that were called “peaceful protests” by the mainstream media of the day. This is not unlike the “troubles” that we are having today in today’s urban areas, the mainstream media calling today’s civil disturbances and riots “peaceful protests”.
4. Unlike every other nationality, jews are permitted to hold “dual citizenship”–something that is banned for every other nationality. In addition, American jews can join the IDF (israel defense forces) without penalty and keep their American citizenship.
5. Jewish organizations are exempt from registering as “agents of a foreign government”, unlike every other foreign organization. This also is extended to israel’s refusal to abide by international nuclear weapons treaties and agreements. The USA (Symington Amendment) prohibits the receipt of foreign aid for any country that does not abide by these agreements. israel is the sole exception that get foreign aid despite its refusal to abide by or become a signatory to these agreements that every other nuclear power signs.
These are but a few examples of the jewish “double standards” that exists to this very day.
…not “smarts” but nepotism.
A friend of mine who worked in the front office of an American based club told me that, back in the day, when they did the “Kiss Cam” deal they’d often try to find two guys wearing the opposing team’s sweaters- doubt that would fly today!
Commissioner Bettman himself (oops, forgot the parentheses) is not a hockey guy, so not surprising his DIE person is a black woman.
And, the Subbans and Kyle Okposo, et al notwithstanding, the brothers don’t much care for hockey- they’d rather play hoops. There’s a preference factor there, and perhaps a genetic factor as well. Another friend, who is a retired DI head coach, told me he thought that the reason so many good hockey players come out of the upper Midwest is that Germans and Scandinavians have bodies better suited for skating. It was his observation; not a peer reviewed study. It was commonly believed when I was a nipper that blacks didn’t play hockey because they had weak ankles. True? Beats my pair of jacks.
Then how come black people have bars on all their doors and windows? And who built the houses in which they live in the first place? It wasn’t them lol. No, they moved into places we built and destroyed them.
Did he really? I would love to read or see that?? I’m not saying I doubt it, I’ve just never heard about it until your comment. I’m not going to DuckDuckGo it, you know, lol…
White kids with something to live for. Of course, they'd have to have come from families, neighborhoods and societies that gave them good reason to believe they had something to live for. Only then would they be willing to fight for it. In other words, the adults they grew up around would have to model courage, honesty, and intelligence in all of their affairs and on a consistent basis. What they saw, for the most part, was just the opposite. But even when they saw models of courage, honesty, and intelligence, the numbers of such adults were so small that they were easily overwhelmed by a kind of racial Gresham's Law: the inferior drove out the superior. Thereby reducing the United States to a country of fools led by knaves. However, though their numbers are even smaller today, I still see men and women who are, contrary to all of the antiwhite propaganda, capable of responding to the depressing reality they live in with all of the courage, honesty and intelligence they can muster. They truly are rare, but they exist. And if you can find one or more of them, you should sue for their friendship. Because not one of them is the product of ideology.Replies: @Dani
After all, who wants to make the black kids angry?
Reading this made my tear ducts tingle…very well stated and totally TRUE. I agree with all of it and I am lucky to know some of these White Americans. Also, I am coming to find there are more of them/us than some of our more “black-pilled” and pessimistic brothers and sisters realize. Many have woken up to this s*** and are continuing to, though it took all of this for it to happen.
I hope I never see this ad you spoke of, with the little White girl “crushing” on the c0al black boy. Even with the limited amount of television I’m subjected to while at my parents home, I’ve seen (and continue to see) enough that I’m still struggling to believe it some days, though real it certainly is.
There is no escaping it anywhere and it’s just as bad online with the ads and banners.
Something, almost as much as the ads, that’s been bugging the hell out of me is that, and I’ve been paying attention nonstop for at least a year now – ALL VOICE-OVER ads, ie Pandora ads, radio, are being done not only in black voices (you can simply JUST TELL), but it is as if the “voice artists” are being encouraged, or even pushed, to speak as “black” as he or she can. I think most here will know exactly what I mean by this.
It’s just TOO much & in the back of my mind, I’m telling myself this is only serving to wake more of us up…at least I hope this is what’s happening.
I am 52 and this is the first I’m hearing about this 1962 game – I’d say it certainly qualifies as a relatively big deal, too. Hmmmm…yeah, no shock there.
I’m about 2.5 years into research on the Civil War/Reconstruction Era and honestly, this 1962 game is peanuts compared to other historical realities and “incidents” they have either scrubbed entirely or deliberately re-written in order to continue to vilify the wrong people and further destroy what little left is worth saving in our destroyed-by-design “republic”.
P.S. Glad you’re done with negro ball. I hit my limit by 2005 and never looked back. They’ve destroyed all of that by design, as well. I’m sure you know this includes college, as well, with the crap they’ve been pulling in that establishment. I wish all White men would stop watching all of it – it would send at least some sort of message.
Add to that…
Jews have one set of “rules” for themselves and another more restrictive set of “rules” for the “goyim” who in jewish teachings are “no better than livestock, albeit with souls, given long lives in which to serve the jews”. It’s all in their talmud, the jewish “book of rules”.
Pedophilia, beastiality, homosexuality, cross-dressing, slavery, dishonest dealings and outright murder is condoned by jews only when committed against the “goyim”.
Ever wonder why the “state” came after Kyle Rittenhouse? It wasn’t “self defense” on trial, but Rittenhouse dispatching two criminal jews to “the great hereafter” and maiming a third.
Thankfully Rittenhouse did not protect himself from the fourth person (a black) as he most certainly would have been convicted on one charge.
The Khazar/Jew is nothing more than the Italian mafia on steroids except more perverted.
Blackmail, extortion, embezzlement, ponzi schemes,nepotism threats, violence, shooting unarmed Palestinians, bribary,etc.
Come to think of it, the Jew is nothing but a cosmopolitan gypsy or sand nigra.Satanic for sure.
Planes, trains, automobiles, electricity, television, radio, indoor plumbing etc., etc., all invented by Whites not some (((inbred glorified gypsy.)))
The NHL has actually been all over the LGBTQ crud for a while. For at least five years or so, most teams have had a “pride” night. But now with the hiring of Kim Davis, a black woman who seems to have no background in hockey, the league has gone full communist from the top, supporting BLM and coming out recently with a “diversity report” decrying how white its fans and players are.
I actually am happy the NHL is getting some attention for this – their full-on wokeness has been flying under the radar, and maybe now it can finally be confronted.
Hockey should be a right wing sport, but instead is trying to be the most leftist league around. Many teams still have law enforcement appreciation nights. But the many conservative leaning hockey fans need to wake the hell up and start pressuring teams to support patriotism, not LGBTQ crud. Pressure works, but numbers are necessary.
By “Jewish Power” you mean brainpower, correct? That’s why we Jews control the world, haha!
There was a hell of a lot of sickness in 2020. Law enforcement demonized and assaulted with no consequence. “Police reform” at a time of spiking crime. Democrats inciting and funding the riots, which they used to remove Trump from office. Every single major sports league in America siding with the rioters, even the white leagues.
And even though Democrats now run away from “defund the police”, the effects of BLM and Antifa riots still rage. The sports leagues are still woke. There has been no accountability from anybody responsible. Hey Kevin McCarthy – why don’t you investigate that?
The perps slipped the vic a Mickey of such power that even the next day she was so zonked that she had no idea what had happened.
… yet here we go rooting for all the football and basketball players (mostly black) at every Superbowl or NBA final. Americans never learn.
Not to be a snark, but who is this we, Kemo Sabe? I haven’t had a TV connected to anything but a video player in 23 years. I’m an American.
I hope you have something similar to write, No Name. Thanks for the reply.
‘…As for rioting . . . the black population has several football fields to go before they catch up with the unremembered riots of white’s targeting blacks.’
Yeah, but no point living in the past.
A soft-core version of the same story.
In the mid-seventies, the city I went to high school in had so arranged its districts that there were four predominantly black high schools and one predominantly white high school (the map of the boundaries was amusing).
So anyway…the mostly white school was the perennial winner — like, unbeaten. Well, unbeaten on the field…
I knew a guy who was in the band. We beat the crap out of McClymonds, but then the McClymonds football team went over and beat the crap out of our band.
What kind of bad planning was involved, Zach? Was it that they should have let the black team win? Was it they needed a TSA-like outfit in 1962 free-America to search through everybody's belongings? Was it simply that you don't make the black kids angry?
Bad planning and organization back in 1962 allowed the local criminal types to gain control of the situation at a high-profile football game.
Part of the problem of our society. We always talk about the dis respect that sports like football and basketball and their players have on our society (how many were part of the defund the police debacle) yet here we go rooting for all the football and basketball players (mostly black) at every Superbowl or NBA final. Americans never learn.
And this incident happened in 62? It could’ve happened in 62, 02 or yesterday same stuff different day.
Not to be a snark, but who is this we, Kemo Sabe? I haven't had a TV connected to anything but a video player in 23 years. I'm an American.
... yet here we go rooting for all the football and basketball players (mostly black) at every Superbowl or NBA final. Americans never learn.
The film was a homage to the bravery of the Scots.
Humans are pretty war-like, period. Ban football and I imagine we’d have a lot more riots between competing groups of 20 to 40-year old men, complete with fan bases and team colors. Also, are you going to ban hockey? Rugby, martial arts, boxing, wrestling?
Professional and collegiate sports probably dissipate a lot of tribal energy that would otherwise manifest in inter-ethnic conflict. That’s either good news or bad news, depending on one’s perspective.
I was mostly referring to the game on the ice- you’re right that those who run the NHL have gone nuts- I think Wokey McWokeface is Gary Bettman’s new assistant. The other night all the commentators were wearing some kind of stupid gay buttons. Oh and there’s that Athletic article complaining the NHL isn’t diverse enough. All those Bull Connor GMs keeping the blacks out.
Meanwhile college hockey is being roiled by the accusations by a Michigan State Player (Jagger Joshua, Dakota Joshua of the Canucks’ brother) that he was called a “jogger” by an Ohio State player.
I’m inclined not to believe him, but who knows? What I find annoying is that Joshua is presumed to be telling the truth; no investigation nor proof required. The OSU player was given a penalty (a major I think, although I’m too lazy to look it up) and ejected; many are calling for the kid to be permanently kicked out of college hockey. Stay tuned.
#MeToo is a Jewish org? Was it good or bad for the Jews when they took down so many powerful political and media djooz?
I could not agree more. Satilla was just a legal lynching, start to finish,presided over by woke scum from Governor Kemp on down.The only “crime” committed by the McMichaels and Bryant was that of involving themselves with a volatile,schizoid dimwit.
Their mistake in judgement was similar to that of Officer Derek Chauvin, except he was paid to deal with unhinged miscreants like George Floyd.It was absolutely not proven that Chauvin caused the death of Floyd but that didn’t matter,given the anti-white hysteria that raged in Minneapolis at the time.
I have two friends who marched in a George Floyd protest in my community and they asked if I saw them on TV. I was lying in wait and replied, “No, but I saw two idiots who looked a lot like you.” We are still friends but we don’t talk politics.
Samoans — interesting. Guess they tend to grow ’em pretty big.
No brief for hockey here, and if the NHL is being compared favorably to the NFL in terms of wokeness, well they’ve taken up the challenge and are trying to close the gap. The league recently released a “public service” announcement noting that “trans men are real men,” and so on in that vein.
All the ballyhoo lately for Justin Jefferson reminds me that in college Joe Burrow got to throw to both him and last year’s ‘best receiver to come into the league’ in years, JaMarr Chase. That LSU team might well have had the best college offense ever assembled. Jefferson and Chase are both from the New Orleans area, but went to suburban schools. And I’m wondering just what can and can’t be eaten with gold teeth.
The article is an example of identity theft. The St John’s players , parents and fans were not white they were Catholic. The violence directed at them by the DC establishment and their proxy warriors the black hoodlums had its origins in a religious conflict between Catholics and the jewish wasp run DC public schools.
I doubt that he’s black.
Are you claiming that Catholic high schools never recruit athletes? If they didn’t, why do Catholic schools, often with dominant teams, now have many more black players, (as Horowitz acknowledges), than they used to? Are all of the black athletes admitted based on their test scores and grades, not because they can help the football and basketball teams? And are they not given scholarships due to their athletic ability? Your diatribe against my comment provides only sound and fury and is without substance.
Here is a reason why White men are wary about defending themselves.
One has to look no further than the “Satilla Three”–honest white men who are doing time for capital murder despite no murder taking place…
The case of Amhad Arbery and the three (white) Satilla residents who are presently doing “hard time” for defending themselves is a prime example of prosecutorial misconduct and double jeopardy, which MUST be addressed and outlawed.
Arbery was a criminal POS who was casing construction sites for tools and other materials that he could steal and sell. He was observed at the same site previously on video as well.
As there were break-ins and increased criminal activity, the three men were merely defending their neighborhood.
Arbery refused to be questioned which was within his right.
Arbery felt “disrespected” by being questioned and “doubled back”, attacking the man with the shotgun. Arbery attacked the man by pulling on the barrel of the shotgun causing it to fire. Anyone familiar with firearms knows that pulling on a barrel of a shotgun can cause it to fire. Arbery has that one fatal “flaw” that is present in all black DNA, the misperceived “shame” of being “disrespected” (even if no “disrespect” occurred) and the need to immediately “do something about it” (instant gratification).
Arbery could (and should) have run off in any other direction, would not have been pursued, and would still be alive today. He chose to confront the man with the shotgun. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The original prosecutor refused to indict. The powers-that-be had to “shop” for a prosecutor who would take the case. It took three tries before they found one who would indict.
This is prosecutorial “double jeopardy” which must be addressed and outlawed nationwide. The way it stands now, what is stopping a prosecutor from one jurisdiction from indicting someone from another jurisdiction when a local prosecutor having legal jurisdiction refuses to indict? We are all in trouble if this is allowed to stand.
Also, the court was stacked against the white men just because they are white.
Arbery’s previous extensive criminal record was not allowed to be disclosed and put into evidence.
So-called “civil-rights icons”, Antifa and BLM types were in the courtroom, threatening violence if the “correct verdict” was not rendered.
The jury was also warned that there would be violence if they did not convict.
The “judge” was weak, went along with the threats and refused to run a proper court proceeding. The judge would not allow Arbery’s past extensive criminal record into evidence.
The mainstream media fanned the flames of racial hatred against whites, making Arbery out to be a mere “jogger”, (yeah, right). Who in their right mind jogs 20 miles from home in work boots? The “mainstream media” stated that Arbery “was studying to be an electrician” and was merely observing (actually casing) construction sites…yeah, right. Arbery was looking for copper wire or anything else of value to steal, that being his stock in trade as an “electrician”.
I pray that any appeals that the Satilla three place will be successful.
Their prosecutorial double jeopardy and kangaroo court “trial” were both sh!tshow railroad jobs from the outset.
The “Satilla Three” sh!tshow was a warning from (((“the powers that be”))) to White men NOT to defend themselves and their neighborhoods.
Northeastern HS Grandy between Warren and Forest streets near Perrien Park. Us (few) whites who attended at the time used to call it (n!gger empire).
subtitled "Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing"
You are correct. For a while I lived not far from St. Louis the King Parish (7 Mile Road and Mound Road) when that area was still all white. Fortunately, I saw the “black wave” coming and got the hell out of there.
Previous to that, I came of age living near Chene and I-94 and can still remember when I-94 was being built. The “black wave” came there much sooner. This is where I personally witnessed and experienced the increase in crime committed by blacks as well as the “blockbusting” by real estate agents.
As I have stated in my other posts, one could tell where the old Polish people (who could not afford to move) lived. Well-kept properties were the norm, while blacks refused to keep up their properties–unkempt, (if any) lawns, broken windows, screen doors and out-of-control shrubbery were the norm for blacks.
Of course, the “urban studies” people at Wayne State University made excuses for blacks stating that the ” the houses were old”.
Houses that the Polish people lived in were “just as old” and were still able to be “kept up”.
As is the case today, blacks have absolutely no sense of “civic pride” and rely on others to “clean up” their cities. I, for one would be ashamed to rely on “outsiders” to do what I should be doing for myself.
Here is my “story:
A corporate effort in Detroit which (was supposed to) help the disadvantaged called “Paint the Town” was created and implemented.
My company “volunteered” a number of us employees to contribute to this effort. Initially, I looked forward into helping out those who were “disadvantaged”, figuring that it would be primarily helping older residents who could not do things for themselves, making things easier for them in their community. The gamut of services provided varied from picking up trash and landscaping to painting houses and doing minor repairs. Was I ever mistaken…
My “crew” was assigned to paint a house. There was a family consisting of a man and woman (not elderly) and three (grown) men (children), approximately 14 to 18 years of age.
These “children” watched us work, painting the house while smoking “blunts” (marijuana) and drinking their “fortys” (alcohol), while laughing at us white “fools”. The “man of the house” was OK with the color while the woman of the house constantly bitched about the color.
The question that I never vocalized, but was in the back of my mind was “why don’t these people clean up and paint their own house”? Have they no pride?
After my stint on “Paint the Town”, I told my employer that I would NEVER participate in such a project ever again.
With blacks, it’s always culture, not poverty.
Well, you have made the party that freed the slaves, yours…
And look how we’re being repaid for that. Like nearly all of the dumbest of the dumb, the lure of lackadaisical existence is just too powerful an AFROdisiac for some to resist. LBJ knew exactly what doing when he uttered his famous quote regarding the next 200 years.
Hatred of Catholic education goes back much further than the 1960s.
In fact, in 1920s Michigan, there was serious discussion in outlawing Catholic education entirely as it was seen as a threat to “public education” of the day. (sound familiar?)
Although an outright ban on Catholic education never materialized, “Blaine amendments” were enacted throughout the country which severely crippled citizens ability to receive taxpayer-funded services just because they chose a Catholic education for their children. “Blaine amendments” prohibited government from providing ANY secular non-religious services to any Catholic institution or to parents who chose Catholic education for their children.
Parents who pay “property taxes” that support “public education” are still prohibited from receiving government services if they choose a Catholic education for their children.
Thankfully, there are small communities around the country which ignore these “Blaine amendments” and provide bus service and other services for students who attend Catholic schools.
My bad, Andrew Jackson was a Southerner. Maybe I left out another one but besides Virginia and (((LBJ))) the donkey dick traitor trash or crypto Jew from Texas, ( Texas = Western not South,) America would not (((SELECT))) a Southern POTUS until 1976.
We all know that the attempt on Wallace’s life doesn’t add up. Apparently this unemployed loner was following Nixon around as well?? Horseshit. Unemployed guy travels from state to state??? Was he a bonus baby?? Wallace was a serious threat to Nixon in 1972 and certainly not part of (((the establishment.))) How was Nixon going to win in the Dixiecrat South against Wallace who was doing well in some Northern states as well?
Braveheart? LOL! The film is a standard take a knee homage to Jewish vengeance. King Edward I “Longshanks” is loathed and hated by jews. On July 18, 1290 the king signed the edict of expulsion deporting all the jews then living in his realm. The film Braveheart is how Hollywood sullies the reputation and heritage of their enemies. It clearly worked on you. Tikkun olam goyim.
Message to White men: Get away from the negro ball. You are better than that…
While it’s probably a good thing that niggroes have sportsball as an outlet for some of their natural aggression, there is certainly no reason for Whites, especially White males, to subsidize it.
The liberal White press has long claimed that Tulsa’s niggroe community at the time of the riots was an economic miracle, the “Wall Street of the Midwest,” among other dubious BS claims. If niggroes can’t thrive economically in the modern era when they have infinitely more freedom, opportunity, and encouragement from misguided Whites to do so, there is simply nofa king way they could have done so a century ago. While it is reasonably possible that the niggroe community was just enough of one to be able to achieve limited economic functionality at a level slightly above bare subsistence, the idea of it being an economic mecca is just patently absurd. “Economic acumen” and “niggroe” are oxymorons, of the same type as “self-discipline” and “niggroe.”
Perimeter? No screams for help. Perhaps the perimeter was there to beat down anyone who tried to be a hero. Nonetheless, there were far more White males on the beach that day. I call COWARDICE. Perimeter, or I didn’t see nuffin is yet another bullshit excuse for YOUNG White pussies.
When around blacks you always have to beware of their problem with impulse control. That is what puts many of them behind bars.
This lack of impulse control is the one characteristic that they share with their cousins, the bonobos and chimpanzees, that serves as undeniable proof of of their evolutionary status as semi-primates.
It’s kinda funny that Inkster is black…
Lots of Samoans on those rosters…
As an aside, I watched the Vikings-Pats game on Thanksgiving. (Spare me your condemnations- there was no hockey on in my market!) The post game deal was a “tri-interview” with Vikings QB Kirk Cousins, an WRs Adam Thielen (white) and Justin Jefferson (black), who is a modern day Randy Moss, although he doesn’t seem to be as badly behaved as Moss was.
All three were given turkey legs to eat; Jefferson did not partake because of his “grills”; his mouthful of gold teeth. It suggests to me that regardless of how much money Jefferson makes over the course of his career, he’ll be broke within five years of his retirement. I imagine he drives a Maybach or the equivalent.
You are right. Not counting Virginia or Texas, both of which I don’t consider Southern states, at least not the Deep South, America wouldn’t elect a Southern POTUS for its first 200 years. Yankee gold ole boy club, and later Yankee Pussy Ivy League Club.
David Duke or George Wallace vs. Patricia Buchanan or Jew York City Donna Trumpstein? Lolol. Wallace vs nerd California Quaker Boy and Jew tool Nixon. You have to be rich to even have a chance to be selected. You Jew and nigra loving Yankee Puritan pukes, California weirdos and Ivy League pussies did a great job at ruining the nation and states like Florida. “This is how we do it up north, youse guys.” Congrats. People in Florida hate you, go back home fleeing Yankee hypocrites.
Sorry, but I didn’t see any sign of anti-Catholic hostility anywhere in this piece.
So you think it’s just “the Jews” who believe that the races are equal? Try listening sometime to your average Christian preacher today.
What sickened me the most back in 2020 is when those cops in Buffalo kneeled in front of blacks in the middle of the street in broad daylight and wept in apology. There was a photo of this.
The real hidden target of this episode, missed by every comment, was traditional Catholic education. Historic Catholicism epitomized in 1962 by institutions like St John’s College High was the subject of intense hatred by people like Abe Rosenfeld DC public school board honcho. Like so many other “race” conflicts of the 1960s ,as well as today, the black jewish alliance is the hidden grammar of the DC high school football riot. Jews like Rosenfeld and the article’s author Horowitz harbor a passionate hostility toward Catholic schools which they consider a blasphemous contradiction of the judaized homogenized American weltanschaung now commonly called Globohomo. The riot, given the jew led civil rights agitation then televised daily to the American public on jew owned network tv, was easy to predict. Security at the game was nonexistent and the culprit of the resulting riot would be intolerant Catholic education which refused to assimilate with the Jewish educational system hegemon now typified by UFT president for life Randi Weingarten. The government and police reports following the riot predictably blamed the racist privilege of people who sent their kids to segregated Catholic schools like St John’s. The result of this riot episode and many others like it was a great success for the jew led public school hegemon. Catholics schools in DC have largely disappeared. The few that exist teach a curriculum and social (religious) philosophy indistinguishable from the typical American Globohomo public school.
” Duke has proven himself to be. If we lived in a healthy nation it would be men like Buchanan and Trump who would have little chance of beating David Duke instead of the other way around. Duke was exposing Jewish power and talking about the southern border as a very young man in the 1970s.”
Sheer nonsense. Mr David Duke, could never have won a national election not even in 1900.
As for rioting . . . the black population has several football fields to go before they catch up with the unremembered riots of white’s targeting blacks.
One of the authors here on Unz Review, E. Michael Jones, wrote a book, I believe the first of his many landmark volumes on how the perfidy of the Jews has impacted history since the coming of Divine Jesus,
subtitled “Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing”
which describes how Jews as government consultants strategically placed post-WWII constructed housing projects to run certain white ethnics out of the cities into the suburbs. Pretty sure the project you mention here was covered in that book as constructed to run the Polish Catholics of St. Louis The King Parish out of that Detroit neighborhood. EMJ says Poles were the Catholic ethnic group least likely to flee in the face of the violence that came to the cities of the North with black migration so the Jews had to target Polish Catholic neighborhoods for destruction to get them out.
Ironically s0me of EMJ’s most compelling articles here on Unz is a series about his work to save the Catholics of St. Louis, MO, from being targeted during the Summer of Floyd when the Jew hyped blacks to seek removal of the statue of St. Louis The King in that city:
It’s black preachers that are activists and stir up the blacks to riot. Then after the riot they’re appointed to commissions to study the riot. And determine causes for the riot. And blame Whites for forcing the blacks to riot.
Colin’s memory is enhanced by the many enemies he made in our shameless media.
When “White Girl Bleed A Lot” came out in 2012, they first tried to ignore it but as it became popular they began to slander him as a hateful “White Nationalist.”At that point Flaherty must have realized that he had arrived as a serious social critic.
The rationale for justifying the most horrific violence committed by Blacks is found in W.H. Auden’s poem,”September 1st,1941,”which he later disowned :
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
Although this insight may predict the adult behavior of a child who is abused, Auden’s reference was the to harsh terms imposed on Germany after WW I. A preposterous logic has long been used to excuse Black violence in America. “300 years of slavery caused me to rob, rape and kill White people.” Or maybe the Devil made him do it.
Blacks forming a crowd around a beat down and blasting music so no one can hear the victim yelling for help is a classic school yard tactic practiced by the savages from kindergarten on. Happens all the time in schools infested with the Black Plague. And in playgrounds, parks at carnivals, fairs 4th of July fireworks and even in big parks like 6 flags magic mountain etc.
Victim was Hispanic not White
Yup, Rosie is the name I recall as well, and I also called her a crypto-Jew after reading a few of her posts. They can’t control themselves and reveal their identity often enough.
The fact that niggroes are stupid enough to have made the party that enslaved them their party shows both how irrelevant they are AND dangerous to enfranchise.Replies: @Truth
It is a tautology to say that the Party of Slavery has utterly destroyed black-Americans.
Well, you have made the party that freed the slaves, yours…
And look how we're being repaid for that. Like nearly all of the dumbest of the dumb, the lure of lackadaisical existence is just too powerful an AFROdisiac for some to resist. LBJ knew exactly what doing when he uttered his famous quote regarding the next 200 years.
Well, you have made the party that freed the slaves, yours…
Yes it’s racist and what’s wrong with that? Why can’t we throw away the jewish lie that all races are equal – that we’re all the same despite our skin color? We’re not and more and more people are waking up to this fact. The US has gone from a high trust society to a low trust mutt fest in approximately sixty years. It’s time to stop the madness.
Africa can fit Europe, America and a whole lot more within it’s boundaries. That’s plenty of room for blacks. Mexico is huge. Plenty of room for Mexicans. Let these people fix their own societies instead of inviting them in to destroy ours. Import the third world, become the third world.
We need to segregate and stop this mad jewish experiment. After all, Israel is for jews only. What’s good for the small hats is good for everyone else.
Rome-on-the-Potomac native Buchanan is the ultimate Establishment insider. Anyone who put any trust or hope in him as a presidential candidate was a deluded idiot.
It is a tautology to say that the Party of Slavery has utterly destroyed black-Americans.
The fact that niggroes are stupid enough to have made the party that enslaved them their party shows both how irrelevant they are AND dangerous to enfranchise.
Not very chivalrous, to say the least. Did you read the part about the four year old girl who was injured, and the priests who were bloodyed? Do you wish that Maureen had gone to the hospital?Replies: @Oil Can Harry
Maybe Maureen Dowd would’ve been better off attending.
I didn’t say I wanted her to be assaulted, just to witness the chimpout up close so maybe she’d learn something.
But it wasn’t always like this. How did it get to this point? Is it fear of being prosecuted for self-defense, something that no prosecutor would have pursued 60 years ago? Why are white men so lacking in courage? Didn’t they see Mel Gibson in “Braveheart?”
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Cue: Cocaine by Eric Clapton
Exactly, I know a number of normal, athletic, healthy and smart young white guys with engineering degrees from CMU, WPI, et al. And most of them will probably be marrying their Chinese/Korean-American girlfriends within 5 years and starting a family.There’s hope for a brighter future!Replies: @Trinity, @Truth
I don’t know any unfit drug addled young White men. I know state wrestling champs and boys who’ve been helping parents remodel and maintain their homes since they were about 8 years old.
LOL, Aldey why in the hell are you thanking Dude for promoting rice burning?!?!
Lemme guess: Pershing? Southeastern? maybe Black Mac(kenzie)?
Pershing was a no go by the early 50’s already. Not sure why but the coloreds south of 7 Mile Rd were supposedly roughing up white kids – then there were the Sojouner Truth homes on Nevada. Conant S of 7 Mile was a scary place mid 50’s already – lots of knuckle dragging doo-rag niggers.
During the 1950’s, my whole neighborhood either went to a Catholic HS or to Cass, Commerce, Aero Mechanics, or Wilbur Wright. Wasn’t until Osborn was built that kids went to a local public HS. I went to Cass – the coloreds there were pretty friendly, actually. Dey acked white, too. Lot of them were “Jersey Whites” from around the U of D neighborhood or from just north of Indian Village up to Gratiot. And there were a few crusty nigger guys always itching for a fight. There was some rough white trash, too. Mostly Southeastern (Greeks & Hunkies) and Cody (hillbillies & Poles) areas I recall. My white buddy in air conditioning&refrigeration (from the Cody area) got put in juvenile jail.
Downtown Detroit was a really neat place in those days. That was the best part of going to Cass. Coffee and a ciggie with my buds in Kwickee Donuts on Gd River on the way to catching the Hayes Express.
subtitled "Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing"
‘Haha. My opinion of a lot of young men comes from REAL LIFE. A few years back during spring break, in Panama City, Fl, a beach full of YOUNG WHITE MALES did NOTHING as 3 Black males gang raped a female in broad daylight.” You need to reinterpret your “REAL LIFE” experience. young White women are heavily brainwashed in the Dogmas of HATE and INTOLERANCE of the #MeToo movement. #MeToo is the jewish founded and run hate group directing its venom at White males. As a result, White males–because of #MeToo–have abandoned their Protective function/role of white women. White women must now protect themselves.
She was hispanic, and the blacks formed a perimeter, to block other people’s view of the crime.
LOL Whites almost never fight back, even the mostly White cops stand down during the George Floyd Riots they stood down everywhere including when they had their police station burned down 95% of White Men are Cowards, when it comes time to fight, Wrestlers and Boxers are the rare exceptions.
ROTFL. something out of Monty Python.
Not only No Homo stuff but no Crusader stuff.
What kind of bad planning was involved, Zach? Was it that they should have let the black team win? Was it they needed a TSA-like outfit in 1962 free-America to search through everybody's belongings? Was it simply that you don't make the black kids angry?
Bad planning and organization back in 1962 allowed the local criminal types to gain control of the situation at a high-profile football game.
Excess testosterone combined with low IQ and adeep historic grudge do not create a peaceful culture.
The US should try to separate the races otherwise it’s gonna be an epic mess.
I remember the West Side riots in Chicago when the Bulls won their first title. Seems like anything, good or bad, is a reason for some folks
St John Bosco [been a while since I heard that one, or sang this ditty]
“I hate Bosco,
Bosco’s not for me
Mommy put it in my milk
to try to poison me
But one day I fooled her
and put it in her tea
Now I have no Mommy
to try to poison me.
Wimp? Maybe.
More likely, diminutive “down there.” The Asian chick won’t notice the difference.
I shut my TV off for good at least 15 years ago. I think it was the Weather Channel going full toddler that finally ended TV for me. It was the last thing I even watched.
I have no issue with stupidity in kids. But stupid adults – of any color? Not on my dime.
I imagine many red pills were swallowed by the end of the day, November 22, 1962.
Any race should be ashamed of itself for attacking others en masse over a ball game. Local preachers hopefully stepped up and admonished congregants at the next services. Win with class, but also lose with class. “Get em’ next time” one the field, not in the stands. If taunted, ignore it and ask the taunted, “Would the Pope approve of you taunting?”.
We have to make it work, together.
The ((media)) leaves it out as a rule now that the Tulsa riot started when negros murdered 10 unarmed whites as it harms their narrative.
The state had a range of segregation laws in place that generally left them with poorer quality facilities than their white counterparts and denied many the right to vote.
So blacks can’t maintain or build high quality facilities themselves, and have to have the government or whites do it for them? All of those formerly white neighborhoods through out Chicago, Detroit, and DC were made up of very well built homes and business buildings, the quality was there as whites built it. Much of that is in ruins today with blacks populating the area. Nothing was preventing them from building decent black neighborhoods on their own under southern segregation other than their own lack of ability.
Also, blacks could vote in the south. They were not denied the right to vote. They had to pass a basic test showing that they could read and write, it blocked illiterate whites just as much as it blocked illiterate blacks.
This goes back to maintaining basic infrastructure which includes schools. The ghetto schools [many of which are in formerly VERY nice white areas that blacks moved into and ruined] are also the worst schools nation wide today.
It’s funny, I actually notice less race mixing in ads now because there are so few white people in general. Everyone is either black or some shade of brown.
NAILED. There is another one on here that is a member of She Beast White Male Hater Club. I think ITS name might be (((Rosie))) IF I am not mistaken.
Constant White male bashing. (((Divide and conquer.)))
Just like (((Boomer haters))), (((White female haters))), (((promoters of Yellow Fever.)))
She is a Jew hag. It us obvious now.
Why are you such a miserable hag? You must be a blast to hang out with. What happened to you? Are you a Jewess? Fess up, Aldie?
What difference does it make if I was at the beach or knew anyone there, it was there for all to see. Even at my advanced age there is no way in hell I would stand there and watch a woman get gang raped and do nothing. I would do what I could do. And that would make the 20 something White bucks look even more pathetic. A senior citizen having to take a beating because they are too cowardly to save a girl from 3 rapists. Beach was full of White males. Never found out the race of the victim, that was blurred out but probably was a non Black girl.
Certainly there are goons and low-lifes in any population - of any color. Bad planning and organization back in 1962 allowed the local criminal types to gain control of the situation at a high-profile football game.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @Achmed E. Newman, @Rooster16, @Alden, @Bernie
January- December 2004
Black History Bulletin
Volume 67 Numbers 1-4
From Desegregation to Resegregation:
The Crisis in the District of Columbia Public School System, 1954-1962
by Donald Roe, Ph.D.The promoters of the annual event should have anticipated a record crowd, but apparently did not. On November 22, several hours before game time, huge crowds began to gather outside D.C. Stadium. When the game began, the stadium was filled to its capacity with 50,000 spectators. In addition, several thousand people without tickets continued to mill around outside the stadium hoping to find a way to enter. When they were unable to purchase tickets from scalpers, many attempted to sneak in but were thwarted by police and security personnel. While it is impossible to determine how many non-ticket holders were able to enter, as the game progressed, it was obvious that there were several thousand more people inside than there were seats. This violated District of Columbia fire codes, so the potentially volatile situation had nothing to do with the game or the Eastern and St. John's student bodies.
.Within days, stories about the riot and the horrible conditions in District schools appeared in national publications. However, in the haste to condemn and stigmatize black students, critics, including fans and reporters, failed to examine the incident objectively. The Washington Metropolitan Police Department did not describe what happened as a race riot. The disorder was, in fact, an aberration that might not have occurred if the game's organizers and sponsors had been more cognizant of its popularity and, as a result, increased security personnel and monitored ticket sales more closely.
Lynchings of blacks were always in retaliation for the killings of whites (often children).
The Tulsa Riots started when black murdered 10 whites. Then whites fought back and won (as usual).
Apparently, you think it is racist for whites to fight back against blacks.
I was a student at Saint John’s College high school back in’62. For some reason I missed going to that game, but I remember the results of the score and the riot after the game. Guess I was lucky I didn’t go to see the championship that day..
“Your opinion of young White men comes from old men gripping and kvetching in the internet”
I have said it before–you, a repulsive atheist feminist, is a Jewess. Almost all of your “My fellow whites!” posts hide feminist talking points.
Go back to Chabad’s website, or whatever Zionist/feminist websites you frequent, and leave us alone.
Were you there at that beach? Did you know anyone who was there? I doubt it.
Who gives a rat’s ass about the communist front man MLK? Not me for sure. Know why the CPUSA and the Jews selected fatso MKK to be the face of civil rights you ignorant moron?
It was because of his wife’s looks. Being an ignorant moron you have no idea that the groundwork in the south for desegregation and civil rights was done by the black ministers and community leaders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
But the Jews selected MLK rather than the experienced black activists to be the face of civil rights because the Kings were young and the wife was very pretty
Every picture of POS MLK had his pretty wife by his side. All the magazines had articles about MS King. All she ever did was get married have kids and keep house. But she was claimed to be a civil rights leader.
MLK was nothing compared to Abernathy and the rest who’d been working for equal rights for 40 years.
Before the Jews selected fatso MLK because he has a young pretty wife. And the SCLC wives were middle aged and older.
Put a pretty woman as the spokes critter and anything can be sold.
Now that was a big chimp out. Those of us who grew up in the South have seen a lot of this. Whenever the chimps would lose a game to an American team they would chimp out. We would bring wasp spray to our games, which was effective at subduing chimpouts. But I never saw a chimp out as big as the 1962 chimp out described in this article.
There was allot going on in these times not discussed much at all.
Jan 31, 2019 1st February 1960: Start of the Greensboro sit-ins to protest segregation
In 1960 over a quarter of the population of the North Carolina city of Greensboro was black. The state had a range of segregation laws in place that generally left them with poorer quality facilities than their white counterparts and denied many the right to vote. This segregation permeated throughout daily life thanks to numerous Jim Crow laws.
Apr 5, 2021 MLK Opposed “Poverty, Racism & Militarism” in Speech One Year Before His Assassination 53 Years Ago
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated 53 years ago, on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, at the age of 39.
So blacks can't maintain or build high quality facilities themselves, and have to have the government or whites do it for them? All of those formerly white neighborhoods through out Chicago, Detroit, and DC were made up of very well built homes and business buildings, the quality was there as whites built it. Much of that is in ruins today with blacks populating the area. Nothing was preventing them from building decent black neighborhoods on their own under southern segregation other than their own lack of ability.Also, blacks could vote in the south. They were not denied the right to vote. They had to pass a basic test showing that they could read and write, it blocked illiterate whites just as much as it blocked illiterate blacks. This goes back to maintaining basic infrastructure which includes schools. The ghetto schools [many of which are in formerly VERY nice white areas that blacks moved into and ruined] are also the worst schools nation wide today.
The state had a range of segregation laws in place that generally left them with poorer quality facilities than their white counterparts and denied many the right to vote.
Very interesting. Thanks for educating me about this not-so-great-moment in integration. Just one of many thousands, I’m sure. Most of us can probably relate to some local or personal version of this story.
Many blacks – far too many of them – exist in a heightened fear/dominance dichotomy. They see themselves as either imminently threatened by those around them or having control or dominance over those around them. Not much in between. This is why non-violent interpersonal equilibrium is more difficult for them to achieve.
Most non-blacks have this dichotomy within themselves, too – it’s manifested in the flight or fight response (or some variation of that) – but the highly emotive nature of blacks seems to make it more foundational to who (and what) they are.
Haha. My opinion of a lot of young men comes from REAL LIFE. A few years back during spring break, in Panama City, Fl, a beach full of YOUNG WHITE MALES did NOTHING as 3 Black males gang raped a female in broad daylight.
Btw, at 61, I am in better physical shape than a lot of men half my age. Lolol. And even as an elderly gent, I can defend myself.
And another thing. I have long suspected that you are in fact a (((troll.))) Either that are you hate men. You need help IF you are not a troll.
Woke up at 5/45 am. Looked on UNZ. And here’s once more, old White men sneering at young White men. Your opinion of young White men comes from old men gripping and kvetching in the internet. Not real young White men. Such as some of my tenants young White men who work and are building careers. And aren’t afraid to walk home alone at night. Then there’s the young and early middle aged men in my family. If which there are many. And the young White men who work for the family company
Sounds good to me. Think of the uses for all the practice fields across America that could be turned into green spaces, small crops,etc.
Many of the stadiums could be converted into prisons to house our “problem demographics” and the remaining ones used for concerts.
ESAD FU. you know nothing of how catholic and private schools operate. Especially catholic schools. Aldens always attend private and catholic schools. The kids are accepted because of their scores on the ISEE and tests and grades.
Post about what you know not your proletarian ignorance
Thanks anarchist. I know the story. I was about 8 years old when the story was blasted in hometown newspaper during civil rights for all but Whites MLK jihad.
Somehow I knew he must have done something very bad to that lady. “ Little boy murdered for whistling at a White woman.” I an 8 year old ignorant of the mechanics of sex knew it was a lie.
And then along came To Kill a Mockingbird liberal propaganda that black men don’t rape White woman. Black men actually in fact rape anything they can grab.
One thing we woman of all races should thank the feminazis for. They did reverse the “ bitch wanted it” rape defense.
Unfortunately many, not all, but many men of UNZ believe in the “ bitch wanted it” rape defense. And think there’s nothing wrong with sex harassment by leches and pervs. None of whom are White men by the way. That’s a black and to a much lesser extent Hispanic thing.
The fact that Catholic schools (generally most private schools) often have better teams has little to do with race. It’s because they can recruit the best talent (offering them scholarships) while public schools must make do with the teenaged athletes living in the district.
Another factor leading to black dominance of football is white parents forbidding their sons from playing a violent, collision sport where they could get crippled for life. As time goes by, and more is learned about concussions, expect football to grow ever blacker. White kids are encouraged to play soccer and baseball instead, where size and brute strength aren’t that much of an issue.
Football is an unpleasant war-like battle. Of course, it brings out the worst in people. It should be eliminated at all levels.
I suspect that this phenomenon was not confined to DC. The San Diego city high schools stopped playing night football games back in the 70s due to violence at and around the games. The policy lasted for years. I remember one year in the late 70s when a mostly black HS team came out for a championship game wearing gang insignia attached to their uniforms (which was subsequently outlawed).