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Ainu Airlines Alan Macfarlane Albania Albert Einstein Albion's Seed Alcohol Alcoholism Alex Jones Alexandr Trubetskoy Alexandre Skirda Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Alexei Navalny Algeria All Human Behavioral Traits Are Heritable All Traits Are Heritable Alpha Centauri Alpha Centauri Bb Alpha Males Alt Right Altruism Alzheimers Amazing Engineering America The Beautiful American Atheists American Flag American Nations American Pravda American Revolution Amerindians Amish Amish Quotient Amoral Familialism Amy Chua Amygdala An Hbd Liberal Anatoly Karlin Ancestry Ancient DNA Ancient Genetics Anders Breivik Andrew Gelman Androids Angelina Jolie Anglican Animal IQ Ann Coulter Anne Buchanan Anne Frank Anne Heche Anthony Fauci Anthropology Anti-Semitism Antibiotics Antifa Antifeminism Antiquity Antisemitism Antisocial Behavior Anywhere But Here Appalachia Appalachians Apple Archaic DNA Archaic Humans Arctic Humans Arguing With Liberals For Their Own Good Art Arthur Jensen Artificial Intelligence Aryans Ashkenazi Intelligence Ashkenazi Jews Asian Quotas Asians ASPM Assimilation Assortative Mating Astronomy Atheism Attractiveness Attractiveness Australian Aboriginals Austronesians Autism Auto Industry Automation Avengers Avi Tuschman Away Baby #2 Baby Boom Baby Bump Baby Gap Backlash Bacterial Vaginosis Bad Flying Bad Science Balanced Polymorphism Balkans Baloney Barack Obama Bariatric Surgery Baseball Basketball Baumeister BBC Beauty Beauty Standards Behavior Behavior Genetics Behavioral Genetics Behaviorism Belgium Believeing In Observational Studies Is Nuts Bernie Sanders Beta Males Better Than Flowers Big Five Bill Gates Bill Maher Billionaires Biolabs Bird Bird Flu Birds Of A Feather Birth Order Bisexuality Bisexuals Bitcoin Black Americans Black Belt Black Crime Black Hole Black Lives Matter Black Metal Black-on-white Black Women Attractiveness Blank Slatism Blogging Blond Hair Blowing Up Motivated Bs Artists Blue Eyes Bmi Board Boasian Anthropology Boderlanders Boeing 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Cover Story COVID-19 Cowboys Craniometry Creationism Crime Criminality Crispr Crops Crowded Crowding Cruise Missiles Cryme Tyme Cryptocurrency Cryptography Cuba Cuckery Cuckold Envy Cuckservative Cultural Evolution Cultural Marxism Cut The Sh*t Guys Cyabra Dads Vs Cads Daily Mail Dalliard Damn Technology Dan Freedman Daniel Callahan Danish Daren Acemoglu Dark Ages Dark Tetrad Dark Triad Darpa Darwin Darwinism Data Posts David Frum David Hackett Fischer David Katz David Reich Davide Piffer Death Death Penalty Declaration Of Universal Human Rights Deep Sleep Deep South Democracy Democratic Party Democrats Demograhics Demographic Transition Demography Denisovans Denmark Dennis Mangan Depression Deprivation Desired Family Size Destruction Detroit Development Developmental Noise Developmental Stability Diabetes Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders Dialects Dienekes Diet Different Peoples Is Different Discrimination Discrimination Paradigm Distri Diversity Divorce Django Unchained Do You Really Want To Know? Dogs Doing What You Gotta Do Doll Tests Donald Trump Donate. Donations Dopamine Dr James Thompson Draftees Drd4 Drew Barrymore Drinking Drought Drugs Dry Counties DSM Dunning-kruger Effect Dusk In Autumn Dust Bowl Dustin Hoffman Dylann Roof Dystopia E. O. Wilson Eagleman East Asia Eastern Europe Eastern Europeans Ebola Economic Development Economics Economists Economy Ed Miller Education EEA Egypt Electric Cars Elijah Armstrong Ellen Walker Elliot Rodger Elon Musk Emil Kirkegaard Emmanuel Macron Emmanuel Todd Empathy Energy England English Civil War Entrepreneurship Environment Environmental Estrogens Environmentalism Episcopal Equality Estrogen Ethiopia Ethnic Genetic Interests Ethnic Nepotism Ethnocentricty Ethology EU Eueueueueueueu ;) Eugenic Europe European Genetics European Population History European Right European Union Everything Everything You Need Evil Evolution Of Language Evolutionary Biology Exercise Explain The Goddamned Evidence Extrasolar Planets Extraversion Extreterrestrials Eye Color Eyes Face Recognition Face Shape Facebook Faces Facts Fallacies fallout Family Studies FAQ Far West Farmers Farming Fast Food Fat Head Fat Shaming Father Absence FDA fde Female Deference Female Homosexuality Female Sexual Response Feminism Feminists Fertility Fertility Rates Fetish Feuds Fields Medals Fifty Shades Of Grey Film Finance Finland Finns First Amendment First Law First Principles Fitness Flag Flags Flattr Flouride Floyd Riots 2020 Fluctuating Asymmetry Flynn Effect Food Fort Detrick Fossil Fuels Fourth Of July Fracking Fragrances France Francesco Schettino Francis Fukuyama Frank Salter Frank Sulloway Frantz Fanon Franz Boas Fraud Fred Reed Free Market Free Speech Free Will Freedom Of Speech French French Canadians French Paradox Friendly & Conventional Frost-Harpending Selection Ftc Fukushima Fulford Funding Funny Fuzzballs G G Spot Game Game Theory Gardnerella Vaginalis Gary Gary Taubes Gay Germ Gay Marriage Gays/Lesbians Gaza Gcta Gender Gender Gender And Sexuality Gender Confusion Gender Equality Gender Identity Disorder Gender Reassignment Gene-Culture Coevolution Gene-environment Correlation Gene Expression General Intelligence General Motors General Social Survey General Theory Of The West Genes Genes: They Matter Bitches Genetic Diversity Genetic Divides Genetic Engineering Genetic Load Genetic Pacification Genetic Similarity Genetically Modified Foods Genetics Of Height Genocide Genomics Geography George Bush George Floyd Germ Theory German Catholics Germans Germany Get It Right Get Real Get Your Stuff Straight Getting History Right Getting Up Globalism Globalization Go Away Trolls God Bless The First Amendment God Bless The Usa God Delusion Going Too Far Gone Dark Good Advice Good Puritan Values Google Gordon Gallup Government Spending Government Surveillance Great Depression Greater Appalachia Greece Greeks Green Energy Greensleeves Greg Clark Greg Cochran Gregory B Christainsen Gregory Cochran Gregory House Greta Thunberg GRF Group Intelligence Group Selection Grumpy Cat GSS Guilt Culture Guns GWAS Gynephilia H.B.O. H1-B Visas Hair Color Hair Lengthening Hajnal Line (Half) Joke Posts Half-siblings Half Sigma Halloween Hamas Hamilton's Rule Hans Zimmer Happiness Happy Turkey Day ... Unless You're The Turkey Harald Eia Hate Speech Hatemi Have A Good Summer Have A Great Holiday! Havelock Ellis Hbd HBD Denial Hbd Fallout Hbd Readers Head Size Health Health And Medicine Health Care Health Wisdom Healthcare Heart Disease Heart Health Heartiste Heather Norton Height Heiner Rindermann Helmuth Nyborg Help A Brother Out Help Fight The Good Fight Help The Fight The Good Fight Hemoglobin Henri De Man Henry Harpending Heritability Hexaco Hezbollah High Iq Fertility High Speed Rail Hillary Clinton Hispanic Crime Hispanic Paradox Hispanics Historical Genetics History HIV/AIDS Holiday Hollywood Holocaust Homicide Homicide Rate Homo Altaiensis Homophobia Homosexuality Honesty-humility House M.d. House Md Huawei Human Biodiversity Human Evolution Human Genetics Human Genome Human Genomics Human Varieties Humor Hungary Hunter Biden Hunter-Gatherers Hurricane Hurricane Harvey Hydrogenated Oils Hypocrisy I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It I Love Italians I.Q. Genomics Ian Deary Ibd Ibo Ice T Iceland I'd Like To Think It's Obvious I Know What I'm Talking About Ideology Idiocracy Igbo Ignorance Imagine Dragons immigrants Immigration In The Electric Mist Inbreeding Incest Income Independence Day India Indian IQ Individualism Indo-Europeans Inequality Infection Infection Theory Infectious Disease Infidelity Intelligent Design Internet Internet Porn Interracial Marriage Inuit Inventions Ioannidis Ioannis Metaxas Iosif Lazaridis IPhone Iq Iq And Wealth Iran Iraq Ireland Irish Is It Racist? Is It Really Good For You Islam Israel Israel Lobby Israel/Palestine It Happens Italians Italianthro Italy It's Determinism - Genetics Is Just A Part It's Merry Christmas Damn It It's Not Nature And Nurture Ivermectin Iwo Eleru Jack 'o Latern Jamaica Jamaican Jamaican Accent James B. Watson James Horner James Watson Jamie Foxx Japan Japanese Jared Diamond Jared Taylor Jason Collins Jason Malloy Jay Bhattacharya Jayman Jr. Jayman's Wife Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Sachs Jennifer Raff Jensen Jeremy Corbyn Jesse Bering Jesus Jewish Culture Jewish Genetics JFK Assassination Jim Crow Joe Biden Joe Bideno John B. Watson John Bolton John Derbyshire John Durant John F. Kennedy John Hawks John Hoffecker John Ladue John Tooby John Williams Joke Posts Jonathan Greenblatt Jonathan Mark jonathan-wai Joshua Zeidner Judaism Judicial System Judith Harris July 1st Junk Food K.d. Lang Kanazawa Kanye West Katy Perry Kay Hymowitz Keepin It Real Keeping Smart Liberals Going Kennewick Man Kevin MacDonald Kevin Mitchell Key & Peele Keystone Pipeline Khazars Kimberly Noble Kin Altruism Kin Selection Kink Kinship Kissing Kiwis Kkk Klaus Schwab Klingon Korea La Terre Tremblante Lactose Lady Gaga Langauge Language Larry Summers Latitude Latvia Law Laws Of Behavioral Genetics Lead Poisoning Leap Day Baby? Lebanon Leda Cosmides Lee Greenwood Left Coast Left-Handed Left/Right Leftism Lenny Kravitz Lesbians Lester Holt Let's Move LGBT Liberal Creationism Liberalism Liberals Libertarian Wackyness Libertarians life-expectancy Life In Space Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happyness Lifestyle Light Skin Preference Literacy Locus Of Control Logical Fallacies Long Ass Posts Longevity Look AHEAD Los Guerreros Lots O' Kids Louis Farrakhan Love Love And Marriage Love Dolls Low-carb Low-fat Ludwig Lutherans Lyndon Johnson M Factor M.g. Machiavellianism Maine Male Homosexuality Malleability Man Needs A Blog Mangan Manor Manorialism Manosphere Mao-a Maori Map Posts maps Marijuana marines Market Economy Marriage Martin Luther King Marxism Mary White Ovington Masculinity Masks Mass Shootings Mate Choice Mate Value Math Mathematics Matriarchy McDonald's Meaning Of Life Measurement Error Meat Medicaid Medicine Mediterranean Diet Mega-Aggressions Mega-anlysis Megan Fox Melanin Memory Meng Hu Menstrual Cycle Mental Health Mental Illness Mental Traits Meritocracy Merry Christmas Mesolithic Meta-analysis Meth Mexican Michael Jackson Michael Lewis Michael Moore Michael Woodley Michele Bachmann Michelle Obama Microaggressions Microcephalin Microsoft Middle Ages Middle East Migration Mike Huckabee Mike Pompeo Militarized Police Military Milk Mind Minimum Wage Minnesota Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study Mirror Neurons Miscegenation Misdreavus Missile Defense Mitt Romney Mixed-Race Mlb Mlk Moderation Modern Humans Mongols Monkeypox Monogamy Monopoly Moon Landing Hoax Moon Landings Moral Absolutism Moral Universalism Morality More Kids Mormons Mortality Mossad Mountains Movies Moxie Mrs. Jayman MTDNA Multiregional Model Music Muslim Muslims Nancy Segal Narcissism NASA Nascar Nassim Nicholas Taleb Natalism National Differences National Wealth Nationalism Native Americans NATO Natural Gas Natural Selection Navy Yard Shooting Nazi Germany Nazis NBA Nbc News Nbc Nightly News Neandertal Admixture Neandertal Genes Neanderthals Nelson Neocons Neoconservatives Neoliberalism Neolibs Neolithic Netherlands Neuropolitics Neuroticism Never Forget The Genetic Confound New Atheists New Cold War New France New French New Netherland New Rules New Theme New York New York City New York Times Newfoundland Nicholas Wade Nick Fury Nicotine Nigeria Nightly News Nikki Haley No Free Will Noam Chomsky nobel Nobel Prize Nobel Prized Nord Stream Pipelines North Africa North Korea Northwest Europe Norway Not My Car Nra NSO Group Technologies Nubia Nuclear Energy Nuclear Weapons Null Result Nurture Nurture Assumption Nutrition Nuts Nvidia O Mio Babbino Caro Obama Obamacare Obesity Occam's Razor Occupy Wall Street Oceania Oil Industry Olfaction Omega Males Ominous Signs Once You Go Black One-child Open Borders Open To Experience Openness To Experience Operational Sex Ratio Opiates Opioids Organ Transplants Orgasmic Origin Of Life Orthodoxy Ottoman Empire Our Political Nature Out Of Africa Model Out Of Wedlock Births Outbreeding Oxtr Oxytocin Paekchong Palatability Paleoamerindians Pamela Druckerman Pandemic Parasite Parasite Burden Parasite Manipulation Pardons Parent-child Interactions Parenting Parenting Parenting Behavioral Genetics Paris Paris Attacks Paris Spring Parsi Parsi Genetics Paternal Investment Pathogens Patois Patrilocality Patriot Act Patriotism Paul Ewald Paul Lepage Pavel Pavel Durov Paypal Peace Index Peak Jobs Peak Oil Pedophilia Peers Pegasus People From Away Personality Peru Peter Frost Peter Turchin Pfir Phil Rushton Philosophy Phoenicians Phonics Physical Anthropology Physiognomy Pierre Van Den Berghe Pietro Piigs Pioneer Hypothesis Pioneers PISA Planets Planned Parenthood Plasticity Please Help Pleiotropy Polio Politics Poll Results Polls Pollution Polygenes Polygenic Polygenic Score Population Population Growth Population Replacement Pornography Portugal Post 198 Post 199 Post 201 Post 99 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Pot Poverty Prehistoric Shoreline Prenatal Hormones Presbyterian Prescription Drugs Presidential Victory Pretty Graphs Prince Harry Privatization Probability Profanity Programming Progressives Progressives For Immigration Reform Prostitution Protestantism Proud To Be Black Psychology Psychology Today Psychometrics Psychopaths Psychopathy Pubertal Timing Public Health Public Schools Publishing Puddle Of Mudd Pumpkin Punishment Puritans Puritans Being Puritans Pwc Qnexa Quakers Quantitative Genetics Quantum Mechanics Quebec Quebecois Race Race And Crime Race And Genomics Race And Religion Race And Violence Race/Crime Race Denialism Race Inheritance Iq FAQ Race Riots Rachel Dolezal Racial Intelligence Racialism Racism Racist Brain Radical Islam Radio Ralph And Coop Ralph Nader Rand Paul Rating People Rationality Razib Khan Reaction Reaction Time Reading Real Women Really Stop The Armchair Psychoanalysis Reciprocal Altruism Red Hair Red State Blue State Red States Blue States refugees Regional Differences Regional Populations Regression To The Mean Regul Religion Religion Religion And Philosophy Religulous Rena Wing Reprint Reproductive Strategy Republican Jesus Republican Party Republicans Responsibility Revolutions RFK Assassination Richard Dawkins Richard Lewontin Richard Lynn Richard Pryor Richard Pryor Live On The Sunset Strip Richard Russell Rickets Rikishi R/k Theory Robert A. 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Sacklers Salt Sam Altman Sam Bankman-Fried Sam Harris Sam Kevorkian Same Sex Attraction Same-sex Marriage Same-sex Parents Samoans Samuel George Morton Samuel L Jackson Sandra Beleza Sandusky Sandy Santa Sarah Palin Satoshi Kanazawa Saudi Arabia Saying What You Have To Say Scandinavia Scandinavians Schizophrenia School Science Science Fiction Science: It Works Bitches Scientism Scotch-irish Scotland Scots Scots Irish Scrabble Seduced By Food See Ya Selfish Gene Semai Separating The Truth From The Nonsense Serenity Serenity Prayer Sex Sex Differences Sex Ratio Sex Ratio At Birth Sex Recognition Sex Work Sexism Sexual Antagonistic Selection Sexual Dimorphism Sexual Division Of Labor Sexual Fluidity Sexual Identity Sexual Maturation Sexual Orientation Sexual Revolution Sexuality Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shame Culture Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Shared Environment Shyness Siberia Silicon Valley Simon Baron Cohen Single Men Single Motherhood Single Mothers Single Women Singularity Sisyphean Sizes It All Up Skin Bleaching Skin Tone Slate Slave State Slave Trade Slavery Slavs SLC24A5 Sleep Smart Fraction Smell Smoking Snow Snyderman Social Constructs Social Media Socialism Sociobiology Sociopathy Sociosexuality Sodium Software Solutions Sometimes You Don't Like The Answer South Africa South Asia South Korea Southern Italians Southern Poverty Law Center Space Space Space Exploration Space Images Space Program Space Race SpaceX Spain Spam Spanish Paradox Speech SPLC Spock Sports Sports Teams Spread The Word Squid Ink SSSM Staffan Stanislas Dehaene Star Trek Star Trek Ii Star Trek Iii Starlink State Formation Statement Statins Statistics Statue Of Liberty Stealing The Enterprise Stephan Guyenet Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Wolfram Stereotypes Steve Hsu Steve Sailer Steven Pinker Still Not Free Buddy Stolen Generations Stroke Belt Sub-replacement Fertility Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africans Subprime Mortgage Crisis Subsistence Living Suffrage Sugar Suicide Summing It All Up Sumo Sunset Super Bowl Superheroes Support Support Jayman Support Me Support The Jayman Supression Sweden Swiss Syria Taiwan Take Care Tal Hanan Tale Of Two Maps Tales Of Maps Talkin' Turkey Tamerlan Tsarnaev Tangerine Dream Tard Tarder Sauce TAS2R16 Taste Tastiness Tatars Tatu Vanhanen Tau Ceti Taxes Tea Party Team Jorge Team Performance Technology Ted Ted Cruz Teilhard De Chardin Telegram Tell Me About You Tell The Truth Tenure Terman Terman's Termites Terrorism Terrorists Tesla Testosterone Thabo Mbeki Thankgiving Thanks Everyone! Thanksgiving The 10000 Year Explosion The Bell Curve The Blank Slate The Breeder's Equation The Daily Caller The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Triad The Death Penalty The Deep South The Devil Is In The Details The Dustbowl The Evidence And Lots Of It The Facts The Facts Are The Facts The Far West The Future The Great Plains The Left The Left Coast The Middle East The Next Generation The Pursuit Of Happyness The Real Polar Express The Rock The Son Also Rises The South The Stark Truth The Wide Environment The World Theoretical Physics Things Going Sour Thomas Aquinas Thomas Talhelm Those Damn Yankees those-who-can-see Three C's Tidewater Tiger Mom TikTok Time Preference Timmons Tobacco Tom Naughton Tommy Lee Jones Top 1% top-schools Tourists Toxoplasma Gondii Trade Traffic Fatalities Tragedy Trans Fat Trans Fats Trans-Species Polymorphism Transgender Transgenderism Transhumanism Transportation Transracial Transsexual Transsexuals Tropical Humans Trump Trust Truth Tuberculosis Tucker Carlson Tulsi Gabbard Turkheimer Tuskegee Twin Study Twins Twins Raised Apart Twintuition Twitter Twittter UFOs UK Ukraine Ulster Scots Un Pellegrino Unemployment United Kingdom United States Unity Universalism Unwed Motherhood UNZ.org Upper Paleolithic Uruguay Utopian UV Vacation Land Vaccination Vaginal Yeast Vaping Vassopressin Vdare Veep Venezuela Victor Canfield Victoria Nuland Victorian England Victorianism Vikings Viktor Yushchenko Violence Vioxx Virtual World Visual Word Form Area Vitamin D Vladimir Putin Vwfa W.E.I.R.D. 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Previously: The Drone Hoax Continues Phil Murphy is the lowest lace-curtain Irish scum. He will just say anything for Jews. The Jews could put a green hat on him and he would get up on the table and dance like a nigger. New York Post: Phil Mur
Maybe the drone hoax is cover for launching another virus hoax? This is Hoax World and everything is a big hoax. Literally everything. There is no bird flu virus. Or, at least there is no proof that such a thing exists. New York Post: Maybe there isn’t an “outbreak†at all? There certainly isn’t any... Read More
Most people are fat or at least overweight. It’s totally ridiculous in America and the Anglosphere more generally, where teenagers and children are fat, but even in Europe, people start to put on a lot of weight in their 30s and 40s. This is not natural or good. Many men have been turning to drugs,... Read More
The government is purposefully trying to kill people. Red meat is the healthiest thing you can eat, by a lot. Beans are not healthy. No one should be eating beans. That is food for poor Mexicans who can’t afford meat. AP: Hahahahahahahaha. And the group steered clear of updating controversial guidance on alcohol consumption, leaving... Read More
What is the argument against RFK’s agenda? Given the situation? Do people like diseases? Is the left pro-disease? The Guardian: The head of Smuckers, whose name is Smucker, came out and condemned RFK’s healthy agenda, and said that “snacking will continue.†[image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-12-at-2.14.16%E2%80%AFAM.png=https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-12-at-2.14.16%E2%80%AFAM-618x344.
Anthony Fauci is the Master of Reality. He invented HIV-AIDS, which was the biggest medical hoax ever until he followed it up with the coronavirus hoax. He is called the “Master of Reality†because he is capable of bending the physical matter of the universe to his will. Certainly, he can control people’s minds, and... Read More
Related: RFK Jr. Wants Raw Milk Producer Fighting Bird Flu Propaganda to Lead US Raw Milk Policy The virus hoax never ends. It really worked well. It worked better than any other hoax we’ve seen. Virtually everyone went along with it. It was successful enough that they were always going to bring it back. There... Read More
Cambridge University pushes back the frontiers of knowledge.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Last month, the internet produced an unlikely star. She is Ally Louks, shown here giggling after she turned in her PhD thesis in English literature at Cambridge. That was June. Five months later, after she defended her thesis, she posted another photo, announcing that she was... Read More
Pasteurized milk is garbage. It’s not even safe. They kill all the bacteria that makes it possible for you to properly digest it. Real milk, on the other hand, is such a super-food that the government makes it illegal to drink it. New York Post: A raw milk maker who is now prohibited from distributing... Read More
Related: California: 3 Dead and 1 Seriously Injured After Cybertruck Crashes and Catches Fire Teslas are still safer than Pfizer vaccines, but just barely. New York Post: This looks like it was driver error, not the botched fake “self-driving,†but a normal car doesn’t explode in flames due to a small crash, and if it... Read More
At any point in the game of life, it is totality of results (and risks) that counts. After all, you likely wouldn’t prefer buying a book on an online store with a price of $20 and $15 shipping if you could find the same one (both title- and condition of wear-wise) on another internet store... Read More
Ireland joins international initiative of 11 States calling for a suspension of mod mRNA vaccines, citing serious health concerns. Joining Ireland’s call is Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S. ‘Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorist Act of 1989’ Do you remember when myself and a very few others warned you to avoid the Covid “vaccine� We were... Read More
Donald Trump has selected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services in his new administration, and the latter has declared that his mission will be to "Make America Healthy Again." But even if Kennedy is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, he faces a very stiff challenge in fulfilling that... Read More
We face so many challenges that the task of choosing which ones to emphasize and which can be edited out for the sake of brevity is nearly impossible. So many injustices afflict our fellow human beings that, of those that make the shortlist to be attacked and redressed, determining an order of priority is best... Read More
No one will explain why this is possible. These people talk about “the science†constantly, and then things like this happen – something where everyone wants some kind of scientific explanation – and they just go silent. It sure makes you wonder if maybe “reality†isn’t a bit different than what they’re telling you. AP:... Read More
Wherever you have money, you have Jewish scams. We saw that with Bankman and FTX scamming the crypto scene. Of course AI was going to be piled full of Jewish scam artists. Jews don’t really create anything, as a rule, they just find angles to suck money out of others. The Guardian: Independent publisher Canongate... Read More
I’ve said from the beginning, from the point at which I predicted Trump would win the election, that this incoming administration would be so much about Zionism that there wouldn’t be energy for anything else. I still tend to believe that is true, but of course, I’m happy to be proved wrong. Certainly, I did... Read More
“Miscegenation.†The word itself is so taboo and so old-fashioned that it feels strange to even write it in 2024. But that’s the problem if you’re genuinely interested in science; you have to rise above “feelings†and “fashion†and dispassionately look at the truth. An intriguing new evolutionary psychology study, “No Signals of Outbreeding Depression... Read More
There's a famous, apparently true story regarding the aftermath of the purge and summary execution of NKVD chief Lavrenti Beria in the old Soviet Union. Beria had spent many years at the pinnacle of Soviet power and naturally had been given a long and glowing entry in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, copies of which were... Read More
There is a lot of confusion among men about women’s sexual attraction mechanism, largely because women want it that way, but also because female characters in media are all written by men. The first and most important thing to understand here is that sex is about reproduction. That’s the only reason humans or any other... Read More
Rumble link Bitchute link WARNING: Warner spouts rank, ignorant bullshit about "the Arabs have been fighting the Jews for centuries" and, when he gets called on it, gets offended and leaves the conversation at the 45'50" mark. Author John W. Warner IV calls the accelerating flap over UFO disclosure issues (including Congressional hearings on the... Read More
Does primitive warfare hold the key to unlocking humanity's origin story?
Big Bang Between 40,000 and 45,000 years ago, something happened which kickstarted the development of our species. This was the dawn of human culture, the “big bang of human consciousnessâ€. During the so-called Upper Paleolithic Revolution, humans began to create specialised tools, displaying for the first time a conceptual understanding of how to manipulate the... Read More
Robert Redfield, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that US government agencies funded the creation of the Coronavirus. “They funded the research, both from NIH [National Institutes of Health], the State Department’s USAID and the Defense Department.†According to the former CDC chief, the “scientific mastermind behind the research†was Dr.... Read More
Back in the 1950s when I was still yet to be a teenager, I would disobediently keep my bedroom light on to read into the night: one night I hadn’t noticed that a small window was still open. Within a minute the room was infested with moths and other insects. Later, in the 1960s, I... Read More
Jews whine endlessly about antisemitism, but they always come at you. Constantly, these Jews are coming at you with their endless demands. That’s all they ever do, and they do it in every single possible area. Jews demand: Endless wars for Israel Loyalty to Israel before America Various other wars all over the world Endless... Read More
Related: RFK Named as Secretary of Health and Human Services! Yikes! Bobby Jr. has his work cut out for him! Xinhua: These numbers have always been super-high in America, because people just eat processed crap at a rate like nowhere else in the world, but 75% is higher than the last tally. [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/75-americans-obese-overweight-1-A.webp=https://dailystormer.in/wp-conte
The same people who tried to force you to take an experimental genetic therapy injection are now deciding you do not have a right to make your own decision about consuming a substance that has been around since the discovery of the Americas. It is tyrannical and absurd to have the government be your mommy... Read More
The modern brain has been trained on the spell-checker squiggly line, right? You see that and you basically automatically right click with your mouse and just click whatever the replacement word is. I guarantee you, a lot of people are in these M$ apps and just automatically clicking and replacing “manpower†with “workforce.†It’s basically... Read More
Although the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was not one of the awards originally established by Alfred Nobel, most of the world's population and media treat it as such, with that impression strengthened because it is announced around the same time. Just as with the Nobel Prizes in Physics or Medicine, the award in... Read More
Previously: Kentucky: “Brain Dead†Man Wakes Up During Organ Harvesting Finally, people are waking up to the satanic organ harvesting scam. The Jews had the nerve to claim the Chinese were harvesting organs from live people based on ridiculous “reports,†even whilst the Judeo-empire of the United States has industrialized harvesting organs from live people.... Read More
So, what is the actual thing going on here? What about all those Japanese cartoons featuring little girls having sex? Those were never illegal. What is the illegal act in doing AI cartoons? They’re calling this “child abuse,†but who is being abused? What does it mean? The Guardian: Hugh Nelson Nelson had used Daz... Read More
Although I've been reading the New York Times every morning for almost 45 years, I've gradually become more and more disgusted with it, and occasionally say so in my articles. For example, back in 2016 I wrote: I've always regarded diet books as the quintessential example of worthless content, regardless of how many millions of... Read More
Jakub “Kuba†Zielinski, one of the AI presenters Poland is occupied by the United States. They made the decision to be occupied by the United States because Stalin was a very bad daddy and they want to hurt him in revenge. Most Poles, apparently, believe he is still alive, and simply shaved his mustache and... Read More
Sewell Setzer III (who has creepy vampire hands) and his mom Megan Garcia. This is like something out of an A Nightmare on Elm Street film, no? Or maybe one of these new horror films. I don’t think you’re allowed to show suicide in films anymore though, because it offends trannies for some reason no... Read More
“Nudify†deepfake bots remove clothes from victims in minutes, and millions are using them. The disastrous consequences of the digital revolution are increasing exponentially. Your face can be put on a person in a porn film. A clothed photo of you online can be unclothed. Malwarebytes writes about the dangers from a politically correct leftwing... Read More
I have a lot of big ideas about the reality collapse. I haven’t written it all in one place, but I’ve been writing bits about it for years now. Many news stories are beginning to pop up showing what I’ve been saying is indeed happening. Basically, the deal is, humans allowed technology to become reality.... Read More
Elon has said that he’s “fucked†if Trump doesn’t win. He frames this as political. But the reality is, he is committing all of these crimes. Elon needs an ally in the government to prevent him from being prosecuted for all of these various murderous schemes. If some retard wants to die in a Tesla... Read More
The problem with the robots is that they are not evil. They are literally just information, and information cannot be evil. Turning the robots evil is a complicated process, because they get confused when you tell them to lie or otherwise deceive people. The Guardian: We already know everyone’s views. People go around saying their... Read More
Elon Musk steals designs from everyone, buddy. Join the damn “Elon Stole My Shit†club. RT: All of Tesla’s designs for the last ten years have been ripped off the of the Chinese. I know it’s popular among white nationalists to claim “Asians are intelligent, but not inventive.†Well, if you believe that, then tell... Read More
A decade ago, you thought it was a joke when they were talking about banning cars. Now, here we are. They’re under no obligation to prove that driving a car causes hurricanes. They just declare it and then women force it on everyone, because women are obsessed with rules. The Guardian: At what point was... Read More
Below is my speech delivered at the international round table on post-pandemic health issues. Sarajevo, Bosnia -Herzegovina, Oct. 11–13, 2024. Contagious diseases are a fact of life, even in an era of advanced medicine and modern sanitation. Any one of these diseases is susceptible to receive the label of pandemic should a political strongman or... Read More
We’re already in an age of abundance. They just won’t let the goyim know that, instead convincing them to spend huge amounts of money on useless products while also spending trillions in public funds on wars and lazy niggers. Meanwhile, wealth has been centralized to an absurd extent, where the majority of global wealth is... Read More
Japan is a bit like the Germany of the East. Boundless potential that must be constrained by its enemies. The only reason it didn’t take over the global economy after WW2 is because Richard Nixon industrialised China and “international finance†created property bubbles that crashed Japan’s economy in the 1990s. After WW2, while the German... Read More
It can’t be fun to be afraid of your own data
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Science is on our side. It always has been on our side. Every advance in genetics and biology confirms what our grandparents always knew: Race is real, races are different, and it’s silly to pretend otherwise. Biologists and geneticists understand this, but they mostly keep quiet... Read More
“Point and splutter.†I think it was Steve Sailer who devised that term to describe a common tactic of the left. When leftists want to expose an academic or writer as a bad person who should lose his job and be driven out of respectable society, they don’t use facts, logic and reasoned argument. No,... Read More
Well, this is uncomfortable. New York Post: The amygdala is about as big as a shelled peanut — and the difference between conservatives and liberals is about the size of a sesame seed, Petalas said. Having a larger amygdala could be attributed to genes, the environment, or most likely, a combination of the two, he... Read More
When asked about stranded astronauts at a recent company meeting, Ted Colbert, the head of Boeing’s space and security unit said “I ain’t even know what you be talkin’ ’bout, muthafukkah, bitch ass.†He then began grabbing his crotch and moving around erratically, saying “muh dick, muthafuggah.†He then pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and... Read More
This week’s terrorist attacks on Lebanon using exploding pagers and walkie-talkies (as well as, reportedly, other exploding electronic devices, including solar panels) has opened a whole new front of international Jewish terrorism. More than that, it appears to be an entirely new form of terrorism, which opens a Pandora’s box of the potential mass weaponization... Read More
UPDATE: Gold Apollo, the Taiwanese company contracted to make these pagers, is blaming the Hungarians, saying that the pagers were actually manufactured in Hungary. It’s not clear if this is indeed the case or not. The Taiwanese terrorist bastards may have simply made this up. It’s unclear why someone would want to license the name... Read More
One of the problems the Jews have with AI is that an open source AI model will tell people about Holocaust math or racial IQ statistics. But they also want to use robots to brainwash people into believing in their stupid hoaxes. The Guardian: Those are two stupid theories. Well, except the Moon landing. That’s... Read More