Here’s some ‘good TV’. How did culture get so infantile?
When boomers waged on the culture of shame, well…
These democrats are a total disgrace! They should ditch Congress and try their luck on TikTok! YIKES
— 🕊 ð“ð“·ð“· ð“²ð“¼ ð“¡ð“²ð“°ð“±ð“½ 🕊 ð—ð‹ð• (@Ann_Lilyflower) March 6, 2025
Eric135 is obviousry a totar plick
“Churchill was a jewish poodle, totally owned and on their leash.”
So is Trump and every “leader” in Europe.
Most USians and their deranged brother Britain were debased and degenerate buffoons.
Perhaps you are being ironic, but willing or not your comment is right. China demands much less from the countries that associate with it than the US. The US is deeply ideologized and has a series of “human rights” demands that are unacceptable for most countries (LGBT rights, promotion of gender theory, abortion). Perhaps this will change with Trump, but now the US will start demanding economical and trading privileges that if accepted will be very destructive for many economies. A superpower on the rise is always more benevolent compared to a declining one (as the US was much more benign in the Cold War years than now).
Hua Bin:
“Today, I wlite anothel alticre bashing Amelica, Tlump, white peopre and the West!
“Today, I wlite anothel alticre cereblating China as gleatest countly in the wolrd!
“Now, ret’s see …
“What shourd I wlite about today …?”
I hope the Trumpster has not forgotten Alexander Downer, and has a suitable revenge ready.
I would never underestimate the Limeys. Their potential for creating chaos around the globe, as well as non-stop subversion and undermining of other societies is legendary. They are almost certainly behind the destruction of Nordstream 2 (Liz Truss and the famous phone call “it’s doneâ€). Look at Boris Johnson, scuttling a deal to end the Ukraine war right after it started. Starmer fits the bill perfectly – the Slimy Limey in its highest evolutionary form. Sadly for the Brits, Starmer will prove as difficult to dump as Justin Trudeau has been for Canadians.
The creative and innovative people in Britain have all been neutered and or left the country.
The money and boss classes don’t appreciate technical talent in the slightest.
Its been a collaboration between fabians maoists and banksters, they gutted and destroyed Britain post WW2.
Churchill was a jewish poodle, totally owned and on their leash.
Trump may want to avoid dining with King Chuckie Cheese, lest he imbibe a load of polonium. He has not forgotten MI6’s perfidy in the Christopher Steele, Hillary funded attempts to ruin his first term. Indeed, he has banned the Europussies from passing US intelligence to the Eukronazis and I read somewhere that Ukraine is experiencing “rolling blackouts” of Starlink. If so, these impediments, along with a restriction of US arms, spell doom for the proxy warriors.
Ya gotta love the floundering of Europe’s globalist lackeys, with Von der Leyen yammering on about turning Ukraine into a “steel spined porcupine” and declaring 890 billion euros are needed for a crash program of military spending. It is all a fantastic, mad, puppet show.
Speaking of shows, the Donald put on a whale of a performance last night to utterly discombobulate and smack down the Dems, who could but whine and sulk in their petulance. It was glorious to see Pelosi stroking-out on camera and astounding to witness the Dem gallery self-immolating in a sea of hard hearted arrogance.
Say what you will, but after suffering for years through Democrat tyrrany and cadaver Joe’s slurring and stammering and stumbling about in a mindless haze, this was something to behold.
Couldn’t agree more. The Limeys have always been the class-A troublemakers.
as john helmer has mentioned many times since, starmer not only looked like a groveling bitch but also threw canada under the bus with a toxic mix of cowardice and petulance. luckily the UK changes its PMs more often than most people change their water filters.
The cognitive content of Mr. Hua’s article is near to zero. Do we learn anything interesting about the participants and their motives? The emotive content is obvious: He despises Trump as well as the European politicians for (presumably) fawning to Trump.
But are Mr. Hua’s emotions really that interesting?
Being a European, I am more interested in the war of ideas: Trump and Vance clinging to ideas of freedom and democracy which were widespread after the 1950s, but are nearly unknown in present Europe. And indeed, as Europe now is disinterested in freedom and democracy, why should the Americans pay for a (no more) common defence against a (no more) common enemy?
The barking dog and polar bear analogy sounds like it was written by a White guy who has seen too many Charlie Chan movies. Why the Chinese perspective anyway? Why not the Botswana perspective?
There is only one solution.
Merge Europe with china for the sake of it’s own survival.
Gracious and benevolent china only wants friendship and trade.
Trump’s a hard-nosed businessman and can see what the tradeoffs are. Poland’s Tusk did comment that 500M Europeans want 300M Americans to protect them from 140M Russians. Starmer is a bag of wind with no ability to deliver on his fantasy threats. JFK wouldn’t tolerate Soviet missiles in Cuba and the Russians won’t tolerate a NATO forward base right next door. The Axis countries invaded the USSR and were driven back to Berlin by them. They left in ’92 but the US is still there, having expanded yet they claim the Russians are expansionist. Aggressors always claim to be victims. Maybe it’s time to shrink it all down. None of the populations want war, only the yapping chihuahuas seem to be stoking things.
The King? He’s the most uncharismatic person alive who looks ridiculous in his royal costume.
limbo- how low can you go? well you can always go lower, they can go from limbo straight to hell. just as when you’re in the gutter, you can descend into the sewer.
Amazing. I’ve skimmed a couple of this guy’s posts to see how propagandist and stupid Mr Hua can get, but this was short enough to read and didn’t even start stupid. The anti-all-things-American came out only in the last one-sentence paragraph.
Let’s see, getting America out of the world’s wars against the wishes of the Globalists of the Potomac Regime and all of Europe is bad, mmmmkaaay? Cause, what? A Chinaman would be right in calling out the Regime of the last 35 years – since the end of the Cold War – for squandering both American taxpayer money and world goodwill, as the NeoCons and MIC have desired, warmongering around the world.
However, President Trump and your average American want nothing of this. Explain why that’s bad again.
Underestimating Britain’s sophisticated potential is a serious mistake. We can see traces of their work and its “frostbite” in a lot of places.
Since the King met with the coke addled Zaloonski first I doubt Trump will visit the King. Once the US pulls out of Europe and NATO the EU should have their own “deal” with Russia though that won’t happen with the current batch of “leaders” in the EU. They have to go first. Nobody will miss them. Europe needs cheap Russian gas more than they need Starmer and his square head.
What a hoot, all because the megalomaniac Churchill was so crazed with hatred and fear of Germany that he thought he could trust FDR’s deeply Anglophobic United States to save his bacon. With Stalin, the unholy trio stand as the world’s bloodiest example of international treachery and backstabbing. Yet you can be certain that Washington will have learned nothing from the unhappy fate of the once fearsome British bulldog, now the defanged, neutered lapdog of its erstwhile ally – and today the despised breed in what was once its home kennel.
I don’t know if they were so bemused – Russia was something of a pet hate in the British press for much of the 19th century – I have alluded to it before but a British cartoon depicted the Russian bear inciting the Zulu king Cetewayo to fight the British (I would link to it but have not found it in a Google search). Needless to say there was no “Russian connection” to the Zulu war. The British commander Lord Raglan in the Crimean War had fought at Waterloo and occasionally he absent-mindedly referred to the Russians as “the French”.
Later, the British were outraged by the “Bulgar horrors” as the Ottomans brutally suppressed Bulgarian rebellions, but this soon turned into anti-Russian feeling as the Russians defeated the Ottomans and it looked like the balance of power in Europe would be disturbed. Indeed the anti-Russian reaction in Britain gave rise to the term “jingoism”.
As to the one incident being remembered from the Crimean War, it may have something to do with it being commemorated by Tennyson in a famous poem. However, George Orwell commented on the frequent tendency in Britain for disasters to be better remembered than victories.
INSANE garbage,
You describe yourself and your reatrded posts well. Gotta give you that.
An ex-Trotskyite
Starmer is 100000% Sabbat Goy.
Thus a good Communist.
Rachel Madcow’s TDS is still fulminating, but I think that there is a distinct exacerbation by GPI. She sees herself as the lesbian Joan of Arc, bringing down the ferocious Trump monster, single-handedly. Single-Hand Rachel, that’s her.
INSANE garbage, but at least you’re consistent. Hitchens is any greater buffoon than his late, unlamented, brother. Starmer is 100000% Sabbat Goy.
You describe yourself and your reatrded posts well. Gotta give you that.
INSANE garbage,
An ex-Trotskyite
Thus a good Communist.
Starmer is 100000% Sabbat Goy.
And he’s a favoured bum-boy for any Jewintern Boss, too. Multi-talented, our…sorry… their, Starmer.
The British and French has smelled some weakness in the Russia s and Americans.
The British contempt for Russia would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. You would think it is 1850 and the British were provoking the hapless Czar. They are fortunate that Putin is so restrained or a cuck that he hasn’t lobbed a few Oreshniks into Trafalgar Square. For all the damage the British have done in this Ukrainian fiasco they deserve it. If a Stalin-like leader was in charge they would never be this arrogant. Why would a country that could be obliterated in a nanosecond behave like this?
Kier Starmer is an outright Communist. Hardcore Comrade.
Video Link
Keir Starmer & The Communist Roots Of ‘New Labour’
Video Link
Keir Starmer’s Communist Past
Russians have however to accelerate the pace to finalize the integration of Kherson and Zaporozhie
Why does Russia have the right to absorb Kherson which is only 17% Russian?
I will save you all a lot of time spent on interpretation, postulation, petulation, and preparation.
The entire affair from front to back, start to finish, meant NOTHING, NIL. A perfect vacuum. It was meaningless dross, by two random word generators. It will not assist in explaining any past, present, or future action. Nothing will change. The next wave will wash away the sloppy sand castle and leave no trace.
The whole meeting [and with Macaroni Macron, The Maracon de la Playa] is the same. If they all played a version of Negro Minstrel Music, then the legacy and meaning overlay would still be zero
Fuck Little Britain.
Runt of the P5 litter. Orwellian shithole. Savile’s favorite knobgobblers, bribed up the ass by CIA.
It should now be clear to all those who believed Trump was a real stateman isntead of being the paid actor he is.
Receiving the Trilateral Commission #twotierkeir who HATES Britain and British people, who is destroying the country and freedoms of British people while attacking farmers and natives to, steal farmer lands for his masters and replacing natives with Muslims while funding and supporting the zionist genociders in Palestine… Disgusting.
Trump is supposed to be a patriot, a conservative, alos supposed to know that the Mi6 were behind the Russiagate and Novichok affairs, yet he almost licked starmer’s ass.
The only bug thing these two buffoons forgot are the Russians. Their ‘plans’ to put the red coats on the ground in Ukraine have already been commented in Moscow by : “they will be legitimate targets”.
The Russians will certainly not give back any territory since these territories now belong to them and have voted to be out of the puppet Kiev regime.
Russians have however to accelerate the pace to finalize the integration of Kherson and Zaporozhie.
This meeting with #twotierkeir is the fianl proof that Trump is FOS (full of shit) and that he doesn’t want to end the war but to lure Russia into false hopes while using his European lackeys to do the dirty job.
Ps: Trumpstein: there is no more arre earth metal in Ukraine (as Russia now has the deposits) than there is opportunities for a new Las vegas in Gaza.
Why does Russia have the right to absorb Kherson which is only 17% Russian?
Russians have however to accelerate the pace to finalize the integration of Kherson and Zaporozhie
What recent events at the Whitehouse has shown is what a pathetic sniveling sycophant Europe has become.
The likes of Starmer and Macron are used to sniveling… that’s how they have got on in the world…once these types would snivel to the inbred royalty…now it’s the U.S.
The events of the week shows just how irrelevant Europe now is, it’s now made up of mice that roar they no-longer are men.
This is the reason why the political class in the U.S tried so hard to keep the outsider Trump out of the Whitehouse even resorting to their old tricks of assassination, Trump is exposing their lies and that it is in fact just an old man behind the curtain of OZ.
Trump is exposing how a foreign force is using its control over the purse strings to enrich and ensure its primacy, the likes of Soros doesn’t use his money that’s why they spend so freely…it’s your money they spend!
Nathaniel Rothschild was right when he said what matters is who controls the money.
When are the bulk of the American taxpayers going to demand their money is used for them?
With the non-stop stream of grand pronouncements followed by unabashed reversals we are starting to see cases of a second medical condition created by Trump. The first of course is TDS which has been documented for years and is probably in the DSM by now. All groups, not just liberals are vulnerable to this new ailment. The new pandemic is known as Trump Fatigue Syndrome or TFS. Once TFS has engulfed the entire world and reduced normally sensible people to gibbering idiots, then we will see the real policies of Team Trump. TFS is intentional so it may be considered a bioweapon of sorts.
Thank you for this charming human interest story about Trump’s British butler. He seems presentable and competent. I’ll bet he has an eagle eye for the white glove test, and a gentle touch for the crystal!
Geopolitics is just an endless game of charades.
Please remind us of that precious friendship between the UK and the USA, when they’re not otherwise busy usurping each other as best they possibly can (same goes for buddie France).
We’ve all known that couple who love to argue in public, that friendship that requires constant reassurance that we are indeed still friends.
i.e. mellow dramatic bs, indeed serious friendships to be taken seriously.
Same charade applies to their serious enemies, when they’re not busy doing big trades under the radar.
Starmer may not find many volunteers for a new charge of the Light Brigade. How fitting that the one incident people might recognize from the Crimean War today was a stupid mistake. Britons at the time were bemused that England’s arch-enemy France was recruited as a military ally, even if just to smooth the ruffled feathers of that arrogant little popinjay Napoleon III. The public was also quite disturbed about using the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire to fight against a Christian Russia. That now all but forgotten war would have grave consequences in the future, its success setting the pattern for Britain’s long German war of the next century, to stop at all costs the emergence of a strong economic or military rival.
The Mineral Agreement Article 5 is the whole point. It is a very crude way to get US troops formally into Ukraine. I doubt the agreement will stick or at least I hope not! It is very cutesy that they named it Article 5. What a bunch of creeps.
Will the (((oligarchs))) behind this Ukraine nightmare please stand up?
Thanks for the Wanted photos from the Post Office.
What’s all this rubbish about Zalenski and signing away mineral rights?
I don’t think Zalenski has that power…the Ukrainian parliament is the only power under Marshall law not Zalenski.
I wouldn’t put much weight on any promises or deals Zalenski makes during Marshall law, they have as much weight as the guy who wants to sell you the Brooklyn bridge!
For even more natural resources offerings for the West, in additon to the Ukraine’s one, here’re Putin’s offerings [1][2].
[1] American Partners and the Banana Republic of Russia | Iurie Rosca / Yuri Roshka Substack | Feb-2025
[2] Putin’s ULTIMATUM to Satanic West: Extract Russia’s natural resources OR ELSE! | Riley Waggaman / Edward Slavsquat Substack | Feb-2025
#russia-globalist-colony #russia-occupied #putin-colonial-administrator #putin-globalist-agent #putin-judas #putin-trojan-horse #putin-pontius-pilate #putin-young-global-leader #putin-pupil-of-klaus-schwab #putin-pupil-of-kissinger #putin-traitor-of-russia #putin-liar #putin-high-treason #putin-backstabber #putin-imported-15-million-muslim-migrants #putin-csto-lie #putin-who-compliant #putin-wef-compliant #putin-accessory-to-nato-crimes #russian-gold-is-gone
800+ Anon001 Comments Archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
“Starmer Tells President Trump to Fight Russia the British Way.”
Which, I believe, is “boots in the ground!”
Napoleon was defeated by Russians Prussians and other Germans Hitler was defeated by Russians and Americans. Britain just tagged along.
The educated British really despise America and Americans educated meaning anyone ever went to the equivalent of Community college.
So what age group of Ukrainians has been fighting the war? Or pretending to fight so the Zelensky mafia can steal the 500 billion we American workers sent to Zelensky mafia?
There was a very funny movie Wag The Dog. To divert attention from a scandal the president asks a movie producer to produce a war for the nightly news. The fake war movie is made. Segments of the war on the news every day. One funny part writers had a pretty young woman fleeing from explosions carrying a baby. The producer did a survey. More sympathy if she carried a puppy. Scene had her carrying a puppy.
Enoch Powell was correct, but even he didn't envision the whites embrace to the point of worship of all things Negro and the simultaneous vilification of their own white race.
Should have listened to Enoch Powell.
This proud White Nationalist knows all about Daniel Shaver and other innocent White murdered by police who committed no crimes. There was one murdered by a cop filling his car at a gas station. You probably know the incident
The Southport murders were a park and recreation department event for 6 to 10 year olds. Not an entertainment industry event. Just a parks department event on play ground. If Axel pervert lunatic is so sexually attracted to 6 and 7 year old girls he should be imprisoned for life. Another black brown burden in White taxpayers.
The man who killed and injured 80 in Manchester did not go to the concert. He was outside the entire time waiting to kill the girls after the concert. Unless he was looking at porn while lying in wait to murder dozens he wasn’t sexually stimulated.
Your post reads as a defense of Muslims who murder White children.
The paki rapists would not be punished in Pakistan. The rape victims would by killed by fathers or other make relatives. For being raped. It’s called honor killing. A very different thing from murder and manslaughter which are crimes.
Actually besides being a “committed Zionist” with his Israeli wife, and a possible WEF infiltrated agent, Starmer #TwotierKeir” is definitely a Trilateralist as exposed by this Off Guardian article.
The Trilateralist Keir Starmer 2025 02 20 the-trilateralist-keir-starmer
“UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is seemingly a serving member of the Trilateral Commission. If you check out the most recent Trilateral Commission membership record it lists Starmer as a “Former Member in Public Service.â€
the world’s leading expert on the Trilateral Commission Patrick Wood why “former†members would be listed on the current membership list.
Patrick Wood said:
Unless somebody resigns from the Commission they keep the name of a public servant in a special section below the active members. [. . .] When they get out of office they’re simply moved up the list to the regular list again. [. . .] It supposedly shields them from criticism that, well, they’re not really speaking for the Trilateral Commission. [. . .] What a sham!
Trilateral Commission:
The democratic division of the “the left or the right†and the “external threats,†purportedly posed by foreign nations, are not the most pressing risks as far as the Triliateralists are concerned. The real threat comes from “a highly educated, mobilized, and participant society.†Aristocracy, in the form of authority exercised by experts—Technocracy—is preferable.”
There is no evidence suggesting the Trilateral Commission has changed its opinion. Fifth stage capitalism is a mechanism for “constituting authority†in the hands of a modern corporate aristocracy.
If he is a serving Trilateralist, Starmer’s lack of candour would not be anything new. Due to its deep links to the intelligence agencies, Starmer had a duty, both as a parliamentarian and, then, a Labour opposition cabinet member, to disclose that he had joined the Trilateral Commission—somewhere around 2017-2018. Reportedly, he did not.
Former Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn’s spokesperson James Schneider, told Declassified UK:
Starmer didn’t inform us [and therefore parliament] that he was joining the Trilateral Commission while serving in the shadow cabinet. If he had, we would have put a stop to it. [. . .] Membership of the Trilateral Commission, a body dedicated to promoting corporate power, was plainly incompatible with Labour’s then-stated policies of redistributing wealth and power from the few to the many.
If so, then Starmer’s breach of the Ministerial Code is the least of our concerns. We currently have a prime minister who is committed to supporting multipolarity and, in so doing, subverting the UK to facilitate global governance; a so-called leader who embraces fifth stage capitalism; a man who wants to install a Technocracy, who believes democracy should be limited and economic and political growth engineered to enable a corporate aristocracy to rule.
The people/institutions who normally should stop him, are probably and unfortunately as compromised as he is.
The constant censorship on TUR becomes a real annoyance. It’s not that Helmer is some kind untouchable ‘expert’ as he has already many times proven to be wrong in his ‘analyses’ or is it?
He’s probably one of these vestige of the USSR that stayed stuck in Russia and can’t stand any discussion about what he pretends to be the “pravda”.
Is TUR becoming like twitter or can we still have a conversation here?
Who is twotierkeir serving?
Not Britain, not Britons, not even the US.
“KEIR STARMER whose wife is a dual passport Israeli describes himself as ‘an unequivocal Zionist.’
The couple’s two children whose names have never been revealed are being brought up in the Jewish faith and background of their maternal grandparents. Starmer is an atheist; he chose to take a ‘solemn affirmation’ of allegiance to the monarch rather than an oath of alliance. ”
What we have here is an infiltrated agent working for a foreign country or organization. twotierkeir is also most likely one of the “young global leaders” of the World Economic Forum (he attends Davos regularly), like Trudeau and Macron (who also said he will send troops in Ukraine).
I bet that twotierkeir is also a converted Jew through his wife.
The last PM was an Indian, the last one Boris Johnson pretends he has Jewish ancestors.
Then there is this analysis in RT:
Britain’s working class will never fight Starmer’s war for Ukraine
according to RT (which is now censored on TUR)
The UK prime minister is mulling sending troops to Ukraine – but his ignored and alienated citizens won’t follow.
WHY on earth would the victims and main targets of the twotierkeir regime even consider serving anything to Starmer except popular justice Luigi Mangione style?
Trump knows that The Skripal story like all the rest coming from the Brits is a pile of manufactured manure.
There is always the possibility however that all these manipulations are just a cover-up to lure Russia into a false sense of safety and trust.
History shows what happened to those who trusted the “perfide” Albion, Napoleon and Hitler paid a deadly price for having trusted and spared it.
I hope Russians know better. And I hope this time Lavrov is serious when he says:
“Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has firmly rejected the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine as unacceptable, and Moscow has stated that any foreign military presence will be considered a legitimate target.”
Because if Russia wants regime change in France and the UK, the best way to achieve that is by annihilating the “troops” these two want to put on the ground in Ukraine.
Both Micron and twotierkeir are extremely unpopular, illegitimate and are kept in power only through constant police violence, travesty of justice, repressive “laws” voted to discriminate and persecute their native populations.
Thousands of body bags coming home might transform the hatred most citizens feel for these criminals into a liberating revolution.
Deus Vult!!
I do hope that the indigenous people of Britain rise up and lynch their leaders and elites one fine day, for their own sake.
Great Britain is a weird place. London isn’t its capital. London was the capital of a world Empire that no longer exists and it has morphed into a rich multinational/multicultural City State that has little or no connection to areas like the North of England.
For example, the North of England is currently among the poorest areas in Europe on a par with Southern Italy or Andalucia. The indigenous people of Britain are then mostly the relatively poor non-London English, Welsh, Scots and Irish who aren’t particularly unified – and whichever way they vote they get the Zio-Globalist woke London Uniparty.
Put it all together, and unfortunately, in my opinion the ethnic British have the worst prospects of any people in Europe.
Meant as a reply to your post.
Agreed, but I’m more sympathetic to the British than people might think. We were a British colony, and if you think about it, after the Anglo-Boer war Afrikaners became the right hand of the British Empire in South Africa, and we benefitted greatly from it. In WW 1 it was the Union of South Africa whose army took what is today Namibia from the Germans, a few years after we were at war with Britain. We also fought in WW 2 and the Korean war(mostly our air force).
I do hope that the indigenous people of Britain rise up and lynch their leaders and elites one fine day, for their own sake.
Of all the Europeans I have the worst opinion of the French, but that’s probably just because there is an insufferable snob element in Afrikaner society that seems to be largely descended from French Huguenot stock! We have a very convoluted history that still effects my perception of the world, but in our defense it came with the territory. The joys of whiteness I guess.
Great Britain is a weird place. London isn’t its capital. London was the capital of a world Empire that no longer exists and it has morphed into a rich multinational/multicultural City State that has little or no connection to areas like the North of England.
I do hope that the indigenous people of Britain rise up and lynch their leaders and elites one fine day, for their own sake.
The British have an impressive disconnect from reality.
Maybe because the country was shaped by Empire – London, the Civil Service, the class system, manufacturing (long gone), traditions and that maladaptive Gentlemanly tradition shredded and exploited by Woke activists.
Hegseth wants to kill and torture people-for Jesus and Judaic-christianity.
Austfailia, a rapidly failing state, is even more insane for war with China than the Yanks. It is pissing ONE TRILLION in tribute to the US for nuclear subs that will NEVER materialise, so that we can maraud the South China Sea. Unfortunately, the dread ‘Yellow Plague’ have perfect electromagnetic wake surveillance, so the subs are just hideously expensive coffins for the poor schmucks on-board.
In Austfailian politics, a moronic inferno of scum, you MUST NEVER admit error, nor proclaim that you have learned something. So, as we piss the billions away to suck our ‘great and powerful friend’s’ appurtenances, no-one will ever admit the idiocy of it all.
Starmer is a perfect chief sonderkommando for the British asylum. Jimmy Saville’s little mate, Assange’s enemy, traitor to Corbyn and Labour, stooge of the Zionazis, raising his children as Jews, he’s perfect for the role of liquidator of the British state. Think of ALL that Imperial bad, bad karma coming home to roost.
Two-tier Keir, puddin’ and pie
Kissed Zelensky, made him high
When Vladimir came out to play
Two-tier Keir ran away
Good comment to which I would add it’s not only Britain we have to deal with but the entire Five Eyes/Commonwealth security apparatus. All have a massive hate-boner for Trump and any America first agenda. Their termites have completely taken over Reddit and are very busy on Facebook and MSN as well, shouting down Trump supporters, getting their comments removed and “flooding the zone” with like-minded scumfucks. It’s basically Britain and all of its white colonies vs. the USA.
I suspect the same and it’s long overdue. The delay in Ze signing the $500B minerals deal with the US is interesting and perhaps a sign he still thinks the Brits have his back. Some have speculated Ze has already promised the same resources to the UK (Rothschilds) as a secret part of the 100 year partnership agreement he recently signed with Starmer. That’s not going to make the Don happy..
You are correct.Trump will not laugh in Starmer's face. However, he will make it clear that Führer Zelensky has burned the bridges between America & Ukraine. Coming to the U.S. to campaign for Harris was a huge mistake by Zelensky. Now that the MI6 linked Russia, Russia, Russia myth has been 100% debunked -- Europe has no cards to play. Trump is going to act in America's interest by walking away from Europe's folly in Ukraine. The "Big 3" European countries (Germany, France, UK) have weak governments, budget woes, and huge economic issues. If Globalist elites want to keep Führer Zelensky's troops in the field, they are going to have to come up with €5+ billion/mo. on top of what they are spending now. And, they cannot afford it. PEACE 😇Replies: @meamjojo
I give Trump credit for acting swiftly against the generals… his recent move against Brown and the Sailorette running the Navy. Also, his attempts to quickly defeat the entrenched bureaucracy, especially at State and the FBI.Sending his team to Europe, letting them comment on ‘free speech’ and ‘democracy’ was a subtle way of telling the EU (especially Germany) that it will get worse for them if political parties Trump considers more in line with his views are actively suppressed.
Nothing more for Ukraine until they start drafting their 18-25 year old’s and send them to the front line. This should have been done at the start of this war. NOT doing this shows that Ukraine is not serious about battling Russia.
I keep picturing Novichok as a Russian candy bar. Anyway, Marc Felton has some interesting takes on the UK’s military.
Charge of the Light Brigade 2:
Brittania will rule the waves again, mostly on the shallow end of the splash pool:
If you are British, know that I troll out of love, LOL!
These red-coat scumbags need to be dealt with once and for all. They have been a thorn in our side since the war of 1812. We should not be dealing with these bastards anymore since they have been using subtle methods to get us involved in both of their world wars really European civil wars that they fomented and other foreign adventures which were really none of our business and most of us did not care what the hell was going on over there. Also our country is bankrupt. Since the late 1980’s per Michael Snyder on Lew 70,000 plus factories have gone out of our country (I’ve worked in manufacturing most of my life and was saying this back in the 1990’s about all our factories leaving the country). Not only are we bankrupt industrially but also financially. Who the hell is this red-coat shit to tell us what to get involved in? That’s why a couple of centuries ago the original Americans fought a war against them and they had to do it again. But the red-coat wouldn’t stop so they waged a 2nd revolution against us this time us pschology and propaganda as to how public opinion is formed, per John Taylor Gatto in the pod-cast with Richard Grove: Peace Revolution episode: 41-45. To hell with these red-coat pests. And any so-called American who supports these assholes is a traitor and not an American. I have a long list of those people, let me tell ya.
What has the world come to?
In THE GREAT DICTATOR, Charlie Chaplin only played a leader.
But in Ukraine, Zelensky the comedian-actor got to actually be the leader.
Ironically, the smarty types who appreciate Chaplin’s classic satire totally fell for Zelensky’s shtick.
🇺🇦 IMPORTANT: “Zelensky does not think he’s lying … for him it’s acting.â€
— Andriy Bohdan, former head of the president’s office UkraineHe really knows zelensky well and says zelensky just lies for entertainment and better motivation.
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) February 23, 2025
Anon [366], good catch: Hegseth and SAS are representing the same interest group, they want some of that impunity shit that CIA and MI6 got. Hegseth doesn’t want to reform the regime – he just wants to take over for CIA, he wants to kill people and torture people and get away with it.
But here’s what Trump’s knuckledraggers do not comprehend with their apelike caveman minds: the security structure that Russia wants and will get has no room for CIA’s sneaky coward ratfucks. No torturing people in secret hideouts. No murdering people covertly from the safety of your drone terminal. No murdering legally inviolable dips. No blowing up regional infrastructure and pretending Ukie dipshits did it. It’s peace, or it’s pacific dispute resolution. Or it’s war.
CIA impunity has got to go. Not to JSOC assholes. Not to psycho Mossad henchmen. You end impunity by punishing criminals. CIA DO dead-enders have got to swing for this. Sylvester, Marlowe, Kimber, Blee, et al. Or else the sneaky coward Langley pedos are going to learn what real war is.
Starmer needs to be bitch slapped into next week. I really wonder whose willy he’s wanking? Britain is a disaster area and he wants to send Brit soldiers to Ukraine to fight the Russian. Already, the Russians have killed many mercenaries -which included Brits. Britain has nothing politically to compare with AfD.
I give Trump credit for acting swiftly against the generals... his recent move against Brown and the Sailorette running the Navy. Also, his attempts to quickly defeat the entrenched bureaucracy, especially at State and the FBI.
“Trump,†confides one of the sources off the record, “has the classic problem of a politician who is afraid that the generals and special operations gunmen in his military are capable of organizing a putsch against him."
I give Trump credit for acting swiftly against the generals… his recent move against Brown and the Sailorette running the Navy. Also, his attempts to quickly defeat the entrenched bureaucracy, especially at State and the FBI.
Sending his team to Europe, letting them comment on ‘free speech’ and ‘democracy’ was a subtle way of telling the EU (especially Germany) that it will get worse for them if political parties Trump considers more in line with his views are actively suppressed.
You are correct.
Trump will not laugh in Starmer’s face. However, he will make it clear that Führer Zelensky has burned the bridges between America & Ukraine. Coming to the U.S. to campaign for Harris was a huge mistake by Zelensky.
Now that the MI6 linked Russia, Russia, Russia myth has been 100% debunked — Europe has no cards to play. Trump is going to act in America’s interest by walking away from Europe’s folly in Ukraine.
The “Big 3” European countries (Germany, France, UK) have weak governments, budget woes, and huge economic issues. If Globalist elites want to keep Führer Zelensky’s troops in the field, they are going to have to come up with €5+ billion/mo. on top of what they are spending now. And, they cannot afford it.
And if PM Starmer has a backbone. He will say.
“Appreciate you Mr. President. But as you say this is our part of the world. Our shpere on influence and we will conduct business to our best interests. We have been the buffer for the US all through the cold war and your misunderstanding that oceans are going to prevent US shores from experiencing the pain of war is woefully short sighted.
We intend to provide every ounce of military support possible. And should we decide to put troops on the ground to curb Russian aggression —- that will be our choice. We have stood essentially alone before and by golly gee. We won’t be dictated to by someone as woefully ignorant of history or incaoable of providing the loyalty demand of others. If the US wants to bread and butter with Pres Putin, that is her choice, but for and my house — we will serve integrity first fear second.”
Good grief, the financial power of Europe makes Russia a tadpole. And call the Pres. bluff — really
“You want to attack Europe in favor of Russia.”
Better yet, neither he nor Pres Macron should not come to the US. The Europeans want respect but are heck bent on doing everything that invites scorn and derision. Shrug off the Pres and get busy.
Have a little faith in yourselves Europe
Excellent article revealing much about the international Deep State and their nefarious agenda.
SAS soldiers threaten strike action if deployed to Ukraine
SAS soldiers are threatening to go ‘on strike’ if they are deployed to Ukraine unless they receive assurances they will not face future prosecution for using lethal force.
The rebellion follows a coroner’s court ruling that the Special Forces were not justified in using lethal force against four IRA members in a 1992 ambush, and on the back of an ongoing public inquiry into allied extrajudicial killings in Afghanistan.
Four Provisional IRA members were shot dead by British soldiers minutes after they had carried out a gun attack on Coalisland RUC station in February 1992, and on Thursday at Belfast Royal Courts of Justice, a coroner – who had previously ruled the soldiers did not have an honest belief in the necessity of using lethal force – referred the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions…
Last night, senior defence sources said the SAS was facing the worst crisis in its history and called for the troops to be given the same legal protection against prosecution afforded to MI6 agents.
Very interesting stuff. I’m so glad Trump is aware of how the Brits have been trying to destroy him and probably end his life as well. Gorka is a real problem as he’s a fake MAGA British mole who goes berserk when anyone questions him about his work on behalf of Perfidious Albion. He should be watched very carefully as he’s probably leaking Trump’s whereabouts in real time to his MI6 handlers.
I suspect a big blowup is coming between the US and London and I’m here for it.
“Trump,†confides one of the sources off the record, “has the classic problem of a politician who is afraid that the generals and special operations gunmen in his military are capable of organizing a putsch against him.”
I give Trump credit for acting swiftly against the generals… his recent move against Brown and the Sailorette running the Navy. Also, his attempts to quickly defeat the entrenched bureaucracy, especially at State and the FBI.
Sending his team to Europe, letting them comment on ‘free speech’ and ‘democracy’ was a subtle way of telling the EU (especially Germany) that it will get worse for them if political parties Trump considers more in line with his views are actively suppressed. There has long been talk of Germany outlawing AfD, and past actions against others come to mind (re: Nikolaos Michaloliakos, Matteo Salvini, or even the milder Marine Le Pen ).
It will be interesting to watch how long it will take for the EU to capitulate (once more) to the US. After all, they know things could likely change again, in four.
You are correct.Trump will not laugh in Starmer's face. However, he will make it clear that Führer Zelensky has burned the bridges between America & Ukraine. Coming to the U.S. to campaign for Harris was a huge mistake by Zelensky. Now that the MI6 linked Russia, Russia, Russia myth has been 100% debunked -- Europe has no cards to play. Trump is going to act in America's interest by walking away from Europe's folly in Ukraine. The "Big 3" European countries (Germany, France, UK) have weak governments, budget woes, and huge economic issues. If Globalist elites want to keep Führer Zelensky's troops in the field, they are going to have to come up with €5+ billion/mo. on top of what they are spending now. And, they cannot afford it. PEACE 😇Replies: @meamjojo
I give Trump credit for acting swiftly against the generals… his recent move against Brown and the Sailorette running the Navy. Also, his attempts to quickly defeat the entrenched bureaucracy, especially at State and the FBI.Sending his team to Europe, letting them comment on ‘free speech’ and ‘democracy’ was a subtle way of telling the EU (especially Germany) that it will get worse for them if political parties Trump considers more in line with his views are actively suppressed.
Yeah we see the same process as last time, CIA mobbing the administration with moles. They will be filching papers off Trump’s desk, lying like rugs, and fabricating crises, giving him ANX-A2 booster shots. Shoehorning Caine in there is a particular fuck you to Trump. CIA used the Soleimani hit to stampede Trump around SARS-COV-2 had spread past the knee of the curve and got harder to contain.
This is a seesaw battle and there’s no telling how it will come out. if Trump doesn’t take on CIA directly right now, he will get purged again.
Doesn’t matter, just funny.
I really wonder who is running or owning ‘Substack’, sure not the writers, guess it is (((the usual suspects))). Actually, I have checked, and it is the case.
It is certainly true of ‘OnlyFans’, too.
If, as I’m sure that you must at times, you read the western gutter press (Daily Mail, Newscorp outlets, others), they constantly promote Onlyfans cows, and pornographic styles of dress, mainly for women, but also approaching the dick-pic level for men. Most of their stars are heavily plastic-surgery, heavily tattooed, David Beckham may have been good at kicking a ball, but he looks like a vile piece of shit with all of his ugly tattoos.
Of both cases I list above, only read them for studying English.
More seriously, though, both seem to promote porno-women, one has to wonder if, for example, the Daily Fail and News Corpse receive kickbacks for their constant promotion of ‘OnlyFans’ whores, it is more probable than not. Both promote them all of the time, so some cash must be flowing (same for many place articles, too).
Have you ever noticed? Most of World History is written from the POV of Jewish people.
Israeli Jews want revenge for The Holocaust, and they are taking it out on the Palestinian Arabs!
I don’t know if it was ever published. It was just decided that certain racists would be banned from Linh Dinh’s threads on his request. It still wasn’t enough keep him on the site and LD left soon afterwards.
Nonsense, Communist bloc essentially invented the entire idea of the Holocaust, because it reinforced their ideology. The entire notion of "death camps" for Jews originated with Communist bloc nations. There were "work camps" for Jews, and rightfully so. Who gives a solitary fuck if thousands of the vermin died of starvation and disease?But of course by that time Jew filth had already gained a foothold in the "rightist" West....lolTell me how men (very many Jews, BTW) who went to fight on the side of fucking Marxist trash in the Spanish Civil war can be considered "rightists"?And then of course they went on to "defend democracy" in WW2. I'll grant you that the majority of those men were probably motivated by the desire to fight for their country, thanks mainly to the lies ( AS USUAL ) their Government told them, but it's quite a stretch to label them "rightists".The Leftist ideologues need to be exterminated. I pray to God I can partake in it, or live to see it happen.Replies: @Anonymous
Take the Jews after WWII. Communist bloc didn’t elevate Jews as a special race. Jewish suffering in WWII was seen as part of suffering of humanity.
I agree with your statements regarding work camps…because there sure as jew-hell weren’t any ‘death camps.’
I also agree that it’s not possible to give a fuck if some thousands died of Typhus, and self- inflicted starvation.
Think of the millions of Germans that perished at the behest of the Rat People, and their slow and lumbering golemic lackeys, America.
Think of the multi-millions of WHITE, Aryan Russians that were murdered by these filthy, rodential scorpions.
Give it a rest jews.
Nobody gives a fuck, and never did.
Those that pretend, and portend to worship the jew
do so out personal greed and career sinicuralization …and the thorough indoctrination they were sodomized with…and are too fucking stupid to see thru.
Keep out of it, you invasive, fat-mouthed jew .
Not everything on this planet is your business…
Go stick your No. 6 in the talmud, and start mumbling.
As for the list, I missed it, and would be amused to see it. Can you find it, or the exchange where it was, now?
African females due to their role as mothers have normal percentages of pschopathy. Male percentages are off the scale. They need to be identified and isolated.
Take the Jews after WWII. Communist bloc didn’t elevate Jews as a special race. Jewish suffering in WWII was seen as part of suffering of humanity.
Nonsense, Communist bloc essentially invented the entire idea of the Holocaust, because it reinforced their ideology. The entire notion of “death camps” for Jews originated with Communist bloc nations.
There were “work camps” for Jews, and rightfully so. Who gives a solitary fuck if thousands of the vermin died of starvation and disease?
But of course by that time Jew filth had already gained a foothold in the “rightist” West….lol
Tell me how men (very many Jews, BTW) who went to fight on the side of fucking Marxist trash in the Spanish Civil war can be considered “rightists”?
And then of course they went on to “defend democracy” in WW2. I’ll grant you that the majority of those men were probably motivated by the desire to fight for their country, thanks mainly to the lies ( AS USUAL ) their Government told them, but it’s quite a stretch to label them “rightists”.
The Leftist ideologues need to be exterminated. I pray to God I can partake in it, or live to see it happen.
I should have written “got” instead of “get”, past tense, and I meant Linh Dinh’s threads after he supplied Ron with a list of commenters to ban from LD’s threads. My failing eyesight and small text on a mobile phone are to blame. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
No, they had fewer reasons to leave -- or rather, more to lose. And no one was 'targeted by the Tsar.' That's nonsense. If anything, Jewish professionals found it easier to get residence permits for cities outside the Pale.In any case, your theory that only the smart Jews came here and only the dumb ones went to Palestine doesn't appear to be holding much water.Replies: @John Johnson
I never said it was purely the elite. But business owners and skilled professionals had more reasons to leave. Such Jews knew they were more likely to be targeted by the Tsar...'
If anything, Jewish professionals found it easier to get residence permits for cities outside the Pale.
You can look again at the May laws and see that the Tsar limited Jews in various professions outside the Pale.
In any case, your theory that only the smart Jews came here and only the dumb ones went to Palestine doesn’t appear to be holding much water.
It’s really not my theory and I am not saying that only smart Jews came to the US.
But you have self-selected immigration in one case and Soviet policy in another.
You don’t have enough data to reach a conclusion with the same metric. There is too much potential for population variance.
You mean threads here or since? As far as I recall, Mr. Unz allowed P.C. Roberts a ‘no comments’ rule about ten years ago, people used to complain about it.
IIRC, one other was allowed to ban specific commentors, but it was someone who isn’t doing a column here now, and wasn’t Linh Dinh.
At one stage, Linh Dinh had his camera stolen, and Ron Unz bought him a new one.
As for Gaga, I don’t believe she is a man, but it was a big ‘net rumour from 2008 or so on.
You are correct, her music is hardly noticeable, her original hits were a little, innuendo plus electro-beat.
Whoops. Those figures should be 83, about 85, 115, and 75.Replies: @Wielgus
'...77.80, if we allow for Ashkenazis being slightly less than half rather than half. Of course, if we accept that inflated figure of 115 for Ashkenazis, then the Oriental component of Israel’s Jewry would approaching clinical idiocy. I mean, an average of 70 would be sinking to subsaharan African depths.
Quite a few Zionists derided Jewish diaspora culture, especially that in Europe, for being overly intellectual. Perhaps the ones who made aliyah tended to be more muscle-bound but also dumber. Certainly types like Sharon or Har-Zion seem to have been trying to get as far from the shtetl as possible.
Which ones are they? Please specify. Doubt if you can.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
the TV components that are analogous to human physiology
Every part of the TV that enables it to display the image.
I could have phrased my statement better. This would have been clearer: “the TV components, which are analogous to human physiology.”
I never said it was purely the elite. But business owners and skilled professionals had more reasons to leave. Such Jews knew they were more likely to be targeted by the Tsar…’
No, they had fewer reasons to leave — or rather, more to lose. And no one was ‘targeted by the Tsar.’ That’s nonsense. If anything, Jewish professionals found it easier to get residence permits for cities outside the Pale.
In any case, your theory that only the smart Jews came here and only the dumb ones went to Palestine doesn’t appear to be holding much water.
They'd been moving into old Russia previously?
'The Tsar’s retarded Pale plan locked in skilled professionals and merchants. As in Jews with the ability to setup shop in another country.
That is why so many of them fled.'
I find the notion that it was the elite who left the Pale improbable. It’s your poor, your desperate, your huddled masses who emigrate. Prosperous farmers didn’t flee Ireland in the Potato famine, for example.
I never said it was purely the elite. But business owners and skilled professionals had more reasons to leave. Such Jews knew they were more likely to be targeted by the Tsar. That was quite clear in the existing laws. He viewed the Jews as too dominate of certain trades and professions.
The Soviet emigration was a better cross-section and they later prevented doctors and scientists from leaving. It was Soviet leaders that decided who could leave and they crafted a pro-USSR policy that encouraged the non-skilled to emigrate.
Thus you couldn’t assume that one metric works for both groups. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t but you couldn’t assume it to be true when one group was from self-selection and the other from Soviet policy designed to keep in the highly educated.
You can see the same phenomenon with Dot Indians. They are much more likely to have advanced degrees in America but that isn’t true in other countries where a different section of the population emigrated. Romani also migrated from India and they commonly prevent their kids from going to public school. We wouldn’t assume they are far more likely to get advanced degrees based on common DNA with American Dot Indians.
No, they had fewer reasons to leave -- or rather, more to lose. And no one was 'targeted by the Tsar.' That's nonsense. If anything, Jewish professionals found it easier to get residence permits for cities outside the Pale.In any case, your theory that only the smart Jews came here and only the dumb ones went to Palestine doesn't appear to be holding much water.Replies: @John Johnson
I never said it was purely the elite. But business owners and skilled professionals had more reasons to leave. Such Jews knew they were more likely to be targeted by the Tsar...'
‘The Tsar’s retarded Pale plan locked in skilled professionals and merchants. As in Jews with the ability to setup shop in another country.
That is why so many of them fled.’
They’d been moving into old Russia previously?
I find the notion that it was the elite who left the Pale improbable. It’s your poor, your desperate, your huddled masses who emigrate. Prosperous farmers didn’t flee Ireland in the Potato famine, for example.
Basically, my understanding was that the Jewish population in the Pale — and outside of it, for example in Austrian Galicia — was undergoing an unsustainable increase in population. Luftmenschen — ‘air men,’ unemployed, propertyless single men who appeared to live on air — were becoming a noticeable phenomenon.
And I suspect it was these and those close to similar conditions who emigrated — not your ‘skilled professionals and merchants.’
How does Taylor Swift's sex preclude her from having a kid you stupid fucking idiot?Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Corrupt
Wonder if she could have a child with her latest b/f? Doubt it, just from her sex and age.
Well, you see, unlike a man who can remain fertile until old age, a woman has greatly reduced fertility as she ages. By the time a woman reaches Swifts age (35), her fertility has already been halved. In another ten years, it will be almost impossible for her to have a baby via normal methods.
This explanation isn't completely convincing. A lot of those ca. 1900 immigrants must have been from the bottom, not the top. Was it prosperous sawmill owners and promising Talmud scholars who felt the need for a new home? At the extreme, there were a lot of gullible and/or desperate girls lured into prostitution -- at least that was much of the flow to Argentina.Replies: @John Johnson
'US Ashkenazi are from self-selected immigrants. They chose to leave for the US before WW2 and most before WW1. A lot of them came from the pale where there was a lot of skilled labor that was kept from Russian cities.'
Was it prosperous sawmill owners and promising Talmud scholars who felt the need for a new home?
The Tsar’s retarded Pale plan locked in skilled professionals and merchants. As in Jews with the ability to setup shop in another country.
That is why so many of them fled.
Business owning Jews had more reasons to leave than laborers. They were much more likely to be targeted by the government.
They already had ownership restrictions:
No reason to stick around and see what the Tsar would do next. Better to sell the business and move.
They'd been moving into old Russia previously?
'The Tsar’s retarded Pale plan locked in skilled professionals and merchants. As in Jews with the ability to setup shop in another country.
That is why so many of them fled.'
‘US Ashkenazi are from self-selected immigrants. They chose to leave for the US before WW2 and most before WW1. A lot of them came from the pale where there was a lot of skilled labor that was kept from Russian cities.’
This explanation isn’t completely convincing. A lot of those ca. 1900 immigrants must have been from the bottom, not the top. Was it prosperous sawmill owners and promising Talmud scholars who felt the need for a new home? At the extreme, there were a lot of gullible and/or desperate girls lured into prostitution — at least that was much of the flow to Argentina.
You are a ‘Swifty’.
Funny how women seem to select a “Queen Bee” every few decades. Once she has been selected she can do no wrong and her fans will brook no criticism of her. Remember Britney Spears about 25 years ago? She was “Queen Bee” for a short time until she went bonkers and shaved off her hair.
Like you I’m sure I must have heard a Swift song or two on the radio. Also, like you it must not have been much or I would have taken note of it. Swift is in her mid thirties and is heading for the wall at amazing speed. Considering her recent lack of a Grammy Award she might just be starting the big fade. I can’t imagine she will be able to last much beyond 40. At least she will have her money when her looks fade. That’s more than most women get.
I know of at least a partial explanation for your quandary.
The populations aren’t consistent and neither is the data.
Israeli Ashkenazi are not the same as NYC Ashkenazi. There is obviously overlap but you actually couldn’t assume that a metric from one applies to the other.
The former are a much larger cross section of the immigrants that left the USSR.
US Ashkenazi are from self-selected immigrants. They chose to leave for the US before WW2 and most before WW1. A lot of them came from the pale where there was a lot of skilled labor that was kept from Russian cities.
The Soviets originally allowed open emigration to Israel until they realized how many scientists and doctors they were losing. They played some games like the doctor’s tax to skew the emigration in their favor. Cuba did the same with the United States. They quietly sent them a lot of their criminals. That is what inspired the character in the movie Scarface.
This explanation isn't completely convincing. A lot of those ca. 1900 immigrants must have been from the bottom, not the top. Was it prosperous sawmill owners and promising Talmud scholars who felt the need for a new home? At the extreme, there were a lot of gullible and/or desperate girls lured into prostitution -- at least that was much of the flow to Argentina.Replies: @John Johnson
'US Ashkenazi are from self-selected immigrants. They chose to leave for the US before WW2 and most before WW1. A lot of them came from the pale where there was a lot of skilled labor that was kept from Russian cities.'
Denying what you’ve already made clear does not work.
So, just forget about it. Except that you are a Swifty (as you have amply shown), it doesn’t matter much. In about ten years on this site, I mentioned Swift exactly twice, sure, both times negatively, hardly an obsession, and first a response from you, then another. The original context was the oonga-boonga murderer from Rwanda (which is apparently in Wales).
You are a Swifty, fine, don’t pretend that you are not; you already showed that you are.
If another article is to appear where Taylor Swift has some relevance, I will say much the same things.
You probably fared better with Linh Dinh than I did, as you’re Asian. I get labelled a White racist and banned from commenting on his threads even though I like the guy and mostly agree with him. But some people can’t take a joke or excessive criticism. I guess I hurt his feelings so he decided to hurt mine with his ban.