"Just Do It" Spirit Prevails In Film "Darfur Now" http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/arts/entertainment-darfurnow.html "Darfur is a region of western Sudan where a civil war has raged since 2003. Experts estimate that 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been driven from their homes. Sudan says 9,000 have died."
一方、鳩山氏は渡辺氏から大連立を提案された際に「(衆院は)小 選挙区制度なので、大連立で仲良くし、選挙では敵として戦うという ことはなかなかできない話だ」と否定的見解を表明。渡辺氏は中選挙 区制復活を念頭に「選挙制度を変えればいい」と主張したという。 (共同) Copyright(C) The Chunichi Shimbun, All Rights Reserved.