JUNSKY blog 2015


In Munchen

2006-08-21 01:23:39 | æ—…行記
I'm in Munchen(Munich in English).
Now I drop in the InternetCafe in front of Center Station(Hauptbanhof).

I arrived at Munchen last night from Salzburug.

Today I visited some Museum in Munchen city.
There are many Chruch and Museum inside the city.

In th morning , it's raining,
I went to the Marienplatz ,
and there are several Large Churech(Kirch in Germany)
only 5 minutes walk.

In the afternoon I went to Residenz(it's a big home of King and Queen).
And some Museum are in there.

After visited the Residenz I went to the Neue Pinakothek(New Art Museum),
there are a lot of impressionism Painter's work.
The Museum closed at 5 o'clock so everyone sholud go out.
Now, It's fine ,rain is over. at 6.45 pm