Raveendran/Agence France-Presse {mdash} Getty Images Finance Minister Han Duk Soo of South Korea (left) agreed with his counterparts, Sadakazu Tanigaki of Japan and Jin Renqing of China at an Asian Development Bank meeting to seek currency coordination.
「Asian Finance Ministers Seek Common Currency」 By ANAND GIRIDHARADAS Ministers from China, Japan and South Korea announced tentative steps to coordinate their currencies. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/05/business/worldbusiness/05currency.html
「an Asian currency unit, or A.C.U.」などというものを、つくろう とか、提案してるようですが。 さあ~て、うまく行くんでしょうか、、、? ってか、「ACU」って、なにするもん?
テーマ:時事 - ジャンル:政治・経済