Karzai Visits White House Presidents Bush and Karzai today smoothed over issues that have led to tension between the two nations in recent weeks. カルザイ大統領とブッシュ大統領。 「ニューズウィークの件、悪かったねぇ」 「まいりましたよ、、、」 「でも、なにも、あんなに暴れなくても、、、」 という会話をしてるんでしょうか?
「Starbucks Aims to Alter China's Taste in Caffeine」 By KEITH BRADSHER What is striking about Starbucks's plans to push into the Chinese market is that the company has made few concessions to Chinese tastes. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/21/business/worldbusiness/21coffee.html