サーフサイドビルの崩壊-フロリダ州マイアミ-崩壊の原因は何か? (その3)
フロリダで高層ビルや鉄筋コンクリートの建物に何年も取り組んできたので、建物がきしむべきではないことを知っています。夜にきしむ場合は、これは、建物が夜に熱収縮を起こしているためです。 涼しくて熱収縮が建物に他のストレスを発生させる夜間ですが、それらのストレスのいずれも建物のきしみを引き起こすことはないので、それが本当かどうか、そして彼の母親が実際にそう言ったかどうかを知っているなら もちろん、議論するまでですが、それは彼が実際に昨夜のニュースで言ったことに注意するのは興味深い点です。そしてもちろんほとんどの人は、彼らが聞くこれらのことをあまり考えていませんが、私はこれに十分長い間対処してきましたので、 これらの建物に住んでいる人々は、彼らが何を言っているのか、何を聞いているのか、何が原因なのかわからないかもしれないことを何度も確認していますが、それは重要なことです。
興味深いのは、この画像が崩壊した建物の部分の写真です。2015年3月に撮影されたことがわかります。したがって、約6年前には、これらの大きな破砕や鉄鋼の兆候はありませんでした。鋼が見られない、破砕が見られない、コンクリートが欠けていることが見られないので、これらの建物が何も問題のない見栄えから私たちがそれらの前の写真で見たようなかなり酷い状態の見栄えが悪くなるまでの6年間でさえ、どれだけ早く問題が発生し始めるかを示しています。ですから、建物の写真とその状態を見て私が見たものの1つは、一次ポストテンションケーブルの方向を決定できるので、これが崩壊した建物の部分です。 ここで強調表示してから、画像を見ると、ptケーブルが実際に建物の長さ方向に伸びていることがわかります。 アンカー中間ポイントにアンカーがないと仮定した場合のケーブルの中間スパンに気付くことがありますが、中間ポイントアンカーがないと仮定した場合、ここの建物のこの部分は基本的に中間スパンです。 ptケーブルの数であり、後でビデオを表示するときに重要になります。崩壊の少し近くでそのビデオを分析します。
不動産トレンド 要約
マイアミ-コンドミニアム倒壊の推定要因 その3
Surfside Building Collapse - Miami Florida - What Caused the Collapse?<3>
Building Integrity
well i can tell you i've been working on high rises and reinforced concrete buildings in florida for enough years to know that buildings should not creak if it's creaking at night these that is because the building is going through a thermal constraction in the evening at night time when it's cool and that thermal contraction will create other stresses in the building but none of those stresses would ever result in creaking of the bulding so if you know that's whether that's true or not and whether his mother actually said that or not is of course up to devate but that's just an interesting point to note that he actually said that on the news last night and of course most people don't think much of these things that they hear but i've been dealing with this long enough and dealing with the public long enough in that live in these building to know that a lot of times what they say and what they hear and what they may not know what causes it but it matters what's interesting is here's an image let's see now here's some more 2021 imagery so again you can see the spalling's all you can see that the spalling is all th way up at the see at the roof there you got spalling here you got spalling here interesting thing about this image the reason why i wanted to bring this image up is because if you look at these locations there's a bunch more on here i'm not going to circle if you look at these locations on the right the groupings are pretty tight together and with conventional reinforced concrete you don't find that the the rebar is necessarily six inches apart maybe for a cantilevered slab it would be but because we know this building is a past tension cable building it's reasonable to conclude that some of these groupings of the spalls are actually post tension anchor points and here's like a little double as well a lot of times these cables are running doubles or triples and then the anchor points are very close to each other at the end of the slab let's see this is another 2021 image it's that same building side but just sort of taken over a different angle you can see those grouping and that's fall on the ceiling of the underneath the roof here you can see better some imagery over here but anyway just another angle of that same building so this building had quite literally it had concrete falling off of the building in january of 2021 that's at this point with the imagery assuming google didn't misdate their imagery that's pretty much an undisputed fact at this point. the interesting thing is here is a picture of the portion of the building that did collapse this image here you can see it was taken in march of 2015. so about six years ago there were none of these signs of the major spalling or the steel you don't see any steel you don't see any spalling you don't see any concrete missing so that just shows you how fast these building can start exhibiting problems even over six year period it went from looking fine to looking kind of like a hot mess as we saw in those previous pictures so one of the things i looked at when looking at thepictures of the building and its condition as it is now you can determine the orientation of the primary post tension cables so this is the portion of the building that collapsed i'll just kind of highlight it here and then looking at the imagery you can tell that the pt cables actually run the length of the building in this direction. and that's important because you'll notice that the mid span of the cables assuming there isn't any anchor midpoint anchors which sometimes they do but if you assume that there is no midpoint anchors this portion of the building right here is basically mid-span of the pt cables and that's going to be important later when i show you the video we're going analyze that video a little closer of the collapse
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