サーフサイドビルの崩壊-フロリダ州マイアミ-崩壊の原因は何か? (その4)
誰もがこれを100回見たので、フレームごとに実行することを確認したいと思います。これが、私が話していた正面外観の建物です。次に、ここで確認できるのは、崩壊するパート3です。崩壊する3番目の部分と崩壊する最初の部分はこの正面外観なので、フレームごとに移動すると、非常に前後に移動しますが、正面外観が落ちていることがわかりますが、見てください建物の中央部分の後ろにあるこの地平線で、それは置かれたままであり、あなたが見ると、それは実際に今落ち始めますが、正面の外観がすでにここにないので、後ろ側はここで正しい崩壊する前に、ここに正面の外観が落ちていて、それから後ろが落ち始めているので、私が後ろと言うとき、私はここでこの場所を指しているので、最初の場所が最初に落ちて、次にこの場所に後ろが引きずられ始め、しばらくするとこのセクションが落ちます。ビデオでそれを確認すると、最初のセクションの崩落が始まり、2番目のセクションが崩落し始めますが、それでもその後ろのセクションの部分であることがわかります。建物の反対側にある外観の壁がまだ上がっているので、最初の壁を追って崩落、3番目の壁も崩壊していることがわかっているので私はここに座ってそのビデオについてあまり意見を述べたくはありませんが、構造エンジニアは本当にこの辺を見て、ポストテンションケーブルについて議論し、腐食のレベルについて議論するべきであることを指摘したいだけです。私たちはグーグルの画像を持っていました、そして私が見つけたそれらの崩落の多くは建物のこちら側にありました。なぜならその画像のほとんどはコリンズ通りからのものであり、2021年の画像を保存しているのでおそらくptケーブルの端にたくさんの破片があります。建物のこちら側では、これらのケーブルはここからここまで伸びており、これらのケーブルの中間スパンは文字通り最初に崩落した外観なので、ポストテンションケーブルが非常に重要な役割を果たすと思います。 残念ながら、腐食やメンテナンスの欠如もこれに非常に重要な役割を果たすと思います。
今日私が本当に言いたかったのは、建物が爆破された、または地球温暖化がこれを引き起こしたというこれらの概念の一部の人々を非難したかったということだけです。 現実には、特にそのグーグル画像から、これは残念ながらタイムリーにメンテナンスされていない可能性のある建物であるように見え始めています。 40年間の調査を行うことになっていたエンジニアがすでに現場作業を行っていると私が信じているエンジニアが何をしているのかを見るのは本当に興味深いでしょう。 昨夜の報道機関の1つが、彼らが彼らと話をした、または彼らが彼らの隣の誰かと話をした、または私のプログラムが何らかの理由で奇妙に機能していることを知っていたようなことを言ったからです。 理由はわかりませんが、40年の調査を行った技術者などに相談したり、現場作業が行われたとのことで、物理的に調査を行ったという印象を受けたのかもしれません。 レポートは作成されていませんでした。しかし、彼らは、建物の差し迫った故障や崩壊を引き起こす可能性のあるものは何も疑わなかったと言ったので、法医学記録の観点から、彼らが最終的に出てきてこれについての声明を作るときに実際に何を言っているかを見るのは本当に興味深いでしょう。政府が持ち込んだエンジニアがこれについて何を言っているかを見るのも興味深いでしょうが、ほとんどの場合、私はそれをあなたに伝えたかったのですが、次のビデオでやりたいと思いましすが数日かかるかもしれません。私が始めようとしているのは、建物が最後に復元されたときの許可を調べることです。もちろん、調べたかったのは、私はそこで仕事をしているチームの一員ではないので、この時点で私がそれを得ることができる可能性は非常に低いと思われる建築計画のコピーを見つけることができませんが、確かに許可について話し合うことができますそして、この建物が最後に復元されたのはいつかを確認することで、建物が適切に維持されているかどうかもわかります。よろしくお願いします次回お会いしましょう。
マイアミ-コンドミニアム倒壊の推定要因 その4
Surfside Building Collapse - Miami Florida - What Caused the Collapse?<4>
Building Integrity
in that video you'll note and you'll see it that this section here was the first area to collapse and not only was the middle of the building the first area to collapse but this area collapsed before the back side that was number two and then this portion of the building was number three so the very front facade we call this the facade over here the very front facade of this section was the first thing to collapse in that video and just of looking at an over point so what this means is that for me forensically the structual engineers really need to be looking at because everything else is a domino effect so what you really want to know when you're studying causality is where did it start and so the structural engineers on site hopefully are going to be focusing a lot of their attention into front area right here and you'll see that possibly actually right i shuld include this area right here so this whole front area is going to be location number one this back part of that building is location three so this is order in which they collapsed and then this wing fell that was the third one and you'll see that the video that we're going to watch is looking at the building from this direction i am going to want watch that we're going to do that frame by frame because everybody's seen this 100 times so here's the building here's that front facade i was talking about then this that you can see here is part number three that collapses it's the third part to collapse and the first part to collapse is this front facade so if we go frame by frame if you can see it's very i'm going to kind of go back and forth but you can see that the front facade is dropping but look at this horizon line here on the back of that mid section of the building it stays put and if you look it actually starts coming now but not until the front facade is already down here so it starts trailing behind watch that again so here it is right before the collapse here's the front facade falling and here is still front facade falling and then the back starts falling with it and so when i'm say the back i'm referring to i'm referring to this location here so the fist location starts falling first then this location starts trailing behind and then after a while this section falls and then after a while this section falls and we'll see that in the video so the fist section starts second section starts collapsing and you can still see that's that portions of that back section are still up the very back facade wall on the opposite side on the building is still up then it collapses so it trails the first one and then the third one obviously we know collapses as well so i don't want to sit here and so i don't want to sit here and opined on that video too much but just wanted to point out that the structural engineers really ought to be looking in this very vicinity and again talking about the post-tension cables and talking about the level of corrosion that we saw on we did have google imagery and a lot of those falls that i was finding were over here on this side of the building because most of that imagery was from collins ave that 2021 imagery so we have a lot of spalls on the presumably the pt cable ends on this side of the building those cables run from here to here and the mid span of those cables is literally the facade that fell first so i think this is going to be think the post tension cables is going to be a very significant role and i think corrosion and lack of maintenance is also going to play unfortunately is going to play a very significant role in this as well. so that's all i really wanted to mention today is i kind of wanted to disabuse some people of these notions that the building was blown up or that global warming caused this the reality is that it's beginning to look like especially from that google imagery that this is a building that may have unfortunately not been maintained in a timely fashion itt'll be really interesting to see what the engineer that i believe the engineer that was supposed to do the 40-year study has already done the site work because one of the news outlets last night said that they talked to them or that they had talked to somebody adjacent to them or something like that they had known that my program is kind of acting up strangely for some reason i don't know why that is but they had may be talked to the engineer that had done the 40 year study or something like that or they were under the impression that the study physically been done that the site work had been done but that the report hadn'tbeen generated. but that they said that we didn't suspect anything that would be that could cause imminent failure of the building or collapse so that'll be really interesting from a forensic record standpoint to see what they actually say when they do finally come out and make a statement about this. and it'll be also interesting to see what the engineers that the government has brought in will be saying about this but for the most part i just wanted to bring that up to you i wanted to say that the next video i'll be doing i don't know might be a couple days but what i'm going to start doing is looking up permits for when the building was restored last when that was done and of course the ather thing i wanted to look up was to see if i can't find copies of the building plans which will probably be very unlikely at this point for me to be able to get it since i'm not part of the team that's doing any of the work out there but certainly we can discuss the permits and to see if this building was restored when was it last restored and that kind will also give you an idea of whether the building was being appropriately maintained or not. all right everybody take care i'll see you next time
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