


マイアミコンドミニアム崩壊新しいセキュリティカメラビデオ、分析の更新 その4

マイアミコンドミニアム崩壊新しいセキュリティカメラビデオ、分析の更新 その4






Miami Condo Collapse NEW Security Camera Video, Analysis Updates

if you remember from my initial police video, they arrived pretty quickly if you remember the collapse happened here at 1:22 and the first police arrived at 1:24. it was actually quite fast and so by 1:27 as you can see up here on the upper right, the cop is walking down the walkway here and heading right over here to the pool, so this is where he's overlooking the pool there, and shining their light in and they're seeing the big pile of rubble left by the building after it collapsed

and so this point indicates where those people were when looking at the pile of rubble of the champlain towers. and here's a view that we haven't really seen before i'm not sure if we've seen this photo before but they showed here what it looked like on this part of the pool deck before the collapse. this is probably the best photo i've seen yet of the gate area and looking back into the cars. and by the way this photo was supplied by the CTS receiver so for those of you who are unfamiliar the CTS receiver is a lawyer that was chosen by the judge in this whole lawsuit and everything. he's the court appointed receiver and basically they handle all the monies the funds the legal documents everything going on related to that property including photographs, documents, anything that they find, any evidence that they find.

they turn it over to the government for the investigation. these are the key observations and the key point that they're able to glean out of this walkway video. next they set out to analyze this now famous ring video that you have probably seen a million times before. so this was from unit number 711 and it's basically a 13-second clip. so for those of you who have never seen it, before here you can see it in action there.

and here's the floor plan of the unit but i bet what you didn't notice was that knee wall in the kitchen was never built even though it was part of the floor plan. so now we can take a look at this 3D view of the unit there of 7-eleven. and it shows there are those TVs that we saw on the side of the image from the ring camera.

so here now the they're showing us the position of the ring camera inside the unit and there's a shot you've never never seen before. there's what the unit looked like during the day on the day before. so then they built a wireframe model over all the key components there and they want to see how much do each of these shift at different times of the video based on the before frames and on the after frames. and what they determined from this was that the movements that were observed in this room were concictent with the movement of grid line 9.1 so nist is telling us that grid line L on the left side of the kitchen had more vertical displacement than the grid line M did on the right side of the kitchen


テーマ : 資産運用 - ジャンル : 株式・投資・マネー




