


サーフサイドビルの崩壊-フロリダ州マイアミ-その他の要因 その1

サーフサイドビルの崩壊-フロリダ州マイアミ-その他の要因 その1



こんにちわ皆さん、ここで再びポーター・ジョシュです。健全なな建物を追求します。お気づきかもしれませんが、私の場所が変わったことにお気づきかもしれません。私は今、別のホテルにいて、机がアイロン台になっているので、ビデオが揺れたり、画面が揺れたりした場合は、お詫び申し上げます。皆さんが私たちにたくさんのフィードバックをしてくれているいくつかのことに触れたいと思いました。私は一度にたくさんのことを選んで選択し、一緒に仕事をすることしかできず、スタッフとその種類に焦点を当てるべきものについての彼らの推奨事項のいくつかと連携しています。私がこのビデオでやろうとしていること、私がニュースでたくさん見たものそして私は今夜再び主流メディアと地元メディアの報道の両方でそれを見ました。彼らはひどく損傷しているプールデッキランプエリアとガレージが存在することに言及している2018年のレポートについて話し続けています。だから私はそれがどこにあるのか、そしてそれが何であるのかをあなたに示すつもりです。また、ガレージのレベルが低いと、時には1フィートまたは1フィート半または2フィートの海水で満たされるとコメントする人もたくさんいますが、これが確かな証拠で裏付けられているかどうかはわかりません。 同じことを言っている人がたくさんいるので、それについて少し話し、それがこの崩壊を引き起こす可能性のある引き起こされる可能性のある損害と何が関係している可能性があるかについて話し、次に 私たちがやろうとしている最後のことは、皆さんが本当に興味深いと思うことです。私たちは、フロリダ国際大学の教授によって行われた沈下研究に戻り、彼らが発表した彼らの声明のビデオを見るつもりです。 2日前だったと思います。そのクリップを少しお見せします。彼のレポートの抜粋をいくつかお見せします。皆さんにとって本当に興味深い思います。

それでは、この問題の肝心な場所に早く入りましょう。これが2018年のレポートです。これは、すべての報道機関が指摘し続けていることです。いくつかのかなりの文言が、駐車場入り口の傾斜路の上側と駐車場入り口の駐車スペース床の下側の両方に記載されていたので、私はこのエリアがどこにあるかをお見せします。1979年の建設図面を見ると、本当に興味深いと思います。そのままにここを拡大してみます。ここでこの部分は傾斜路を示しているので、この写真の北側または上側の通りから建物の下側に入るとわかりますが、最終的には建物の北側にもなります。建物の北側から入って傾斜路を降りると、このレベルに下がるとほぼ駐車場になり、駐車場のどこにでも行くことができます。戻ってくると、傾斜路の側面にあるので、ここに壁が見えます。彼らはこの傾斜路がひどく損傷していて水を保持していると話していて、私はこれらの列をオレンジ色で強調したので、ここでこれらの灰色の点は柱です。 現在、これらの柱は、建物の高さ全体まで伸びているため、柱の線と呼ばれています。 ですから、本当に興味深いのは、最初のビデオで、外観がここにある外観の部分にあることを示したことを覚えているかどうかです。


マイアミ-コンドミニアム倒壊の推定要因 その5


Surfside Building Collapse - Miami Florida - Other Contributing Factors <1>

Building Integrity

hey guys josh porter again here with building integrity. as you can notice or as you may have noticed my location has changed. i am now in another hotel and my desk has now become an ironing board so if the video shakes or the screen shakes, i apologize. i wanted to touch on a couple things that you have been giving us a lot of feedback. i can only pick and choose and work with so much at a time and working with my staff and some of their recommendations on what to focus on that's kind of. what i'm going to do this video what i have seen in the news a lot and i just saw it again tonight on both mainstream media and local media coverage is they keep talking about the 2018 report mentioning the pool deck ramp area and garage being severely damaged. so i'm going to show you where that is located and what's that what that's all about. i've also seen a lot of people commenting saying that the lower garage level would fill up with seawater sometimes a foot or a foot and a half or two i don't know if this has been substantiated with any hard evidence. there's a lot of people saying the same thing so we're going to talk about that a little bit about and what that could possibly have to do with the damage that could be caused that could have this collapse and then we're going to the last thing we're going to do is i think you guys really find it interesting we're going to go back to the subsidence study that was done by the fiu professor and we're going to watch a video of their statement that they released i think it was two days ago and i'm just going to show you a little clip of that and i'm going to show you some snippets of his report that i think you guys are going to find really interesting. so let's just jump right into this real quick. here's the 2018 report. this is what all of the news media outlets keep pointing back to is that several sizable spells were noted in both the top side the entrance drive ramp i'll show you where that is and underside of the pool slash entrance drive slash planter slabs so i'll show you where this area is and i think you guys will find it really interesting if you look at the 1979 construction drawings and i'm going to try to zoom in here without shaking too much. you' ll notice that this word here says ramp so you enter the building the underside of the building from the street from the north side of or the top side of this picture but it does end up being the north side of the building too so you enter from the north side of the building you come down the ramp and then once you're down at this level you're pretty much at the parking level and you can go anywhere you want in the parking garage all the way back around now if you come back around you'll see a wall here because that's the side of the ramp they're talking about this ramp being severely damaged and holding water and i highlighted these columns in orange so these gray dots here these are columns. now these columns are what we refer to as column lines because they go all the way up the whole full height of the building. so what's realy interesting is if you remember in that first video we showed the facade falling in the section of the facade i've got that here. so in the first video and i'll explain these highlights real quick the green area is the portion of the building that's still standing and again we're looking at the 1979 structual drawings and we're looking at them from the top like a bird's eye view. so the green area is the portion of the building that's still standing. the red area that's shaded in red is the area that started falling first. the area that's shaded in orange is the part that immediately followed afterwards. and then the part that's shaded in yellow few it fell a few seconds later so in order for the portion and yellow you got to think backwards in order for the portion in yellow to have remained those extra couple seconds. it is very likely that this column right here if you can see my cursor was stable. so what would have been required in order to initiate this fall is a minimum of these three columns giving out and having a problem. but what's really interesting is these three columns if you look back at the ground floor plan the garage floor plan and i circled those three columns are located right here. so these three columns in the ground floor would have had to have gone. now i'm not postulating theories that of what i think i'm just saying i will just kind of bring up some things that some people have mentioned and asked about and talked about one person asked like well what if the columns were already kind of weak or compromised and somebody came home at 1:30 came down this ramp and hit that column is that a possibillity or hit both these columns i mean that's a possibillity we just don't know at this point if that was the straw that broke the camel's back or not but again these three columns possibly these three columns but definitely we would see at least these three columns would have to be part of that initial collapse in order to see this portion of the building collapse first in that video and again those three columns are recircled here.

テーマ : 資産運用 - ジャンル : 株式・投資・マネー




