なぜ、サーフサイドのコンドミニアムが崩壊したのですか? その1 Tyler Ley
なぜ、サーフサイドのコンドミニアムが崩壊したのですか? その1
Tyler Ley
このビデオは、サーフサイドコンドミニアムの崩壊に関するものです。また、マイアミの建物が崩壊していることを知っているかもしれません。これは本当に不幸です。 98人が命を失い、このビデオは彼らとその家族に出ています。私の名前はタイラー・Lです。私はコンクリートが深い愛のように大好きですが、時にはそれがうまくいかないので、私もそれについて話します。登録してください。以下にコメントを残してください。このビデオが気に入って、私が最後に持っている私の他のビデオを見ることを願っています。では、何が起こったのでしょうか?それはどうしようもなかったものだったでしょうか?どうすればこれが再び起こらないようにすることができますか?これらはすべて、私があなたの心の中で走り回っていることを私が知っている質問です。今日はお話しします。しかし、Matt FaddenとGary Kleeneに感謝します。彼らは、実際に私の元学生の多くを雇ったWJEという会社でこの素晴らしい仕事をしました。彼らは素晴らしい仕事をしました。そして、以下の私のメモで彼らのユーチューブビデオと他のレポートのいくつかにリンクします。
Why did the Surfside Condo Collapse? (Miami Building Collapse)
this video is about the surfside condo collapse. you also might know it as the miami building collapse. this is a really really unfortunate. even where 98 people lost their lives and this video goes out to them and their families. my name is tyler L. i love concrete like deeply love concrete but sometimes it goes wrong and i talk about that as well. please like subscribe leave me a comment below. i hope you like this video and watch my other ones i have at the end. so what happened? could it have been a voided? how can we stop this from happening again? these are all questions that i know that are running around in your mind. that we're going to talk about today. but a big thanks to matt fadden and gary kleene. they did this great work at a company called WJE who has hired actually a number of my former students. they did an awesome job. and i will link to their you tube video and some of their other reports in my notes below.
now surfside florida is in miami. it's right on the beach beautiful picturesque. and this is the champlain tower south. it is a 12-storystructure that was in service for 40 years before it collapsed. this is what it looked like on the aftermath pretty horrible event where half the structure was lost. and here is another view again from the ocean. so why does the building collapse after being in service for 40 years on june 24th 2021 at a 1:10 a.m. the parking deck collapsed and then that damaged some columns in the building and then the building itself collapsed about 1:22 a.m. so why did the pool deck collapse? there was additional weight added over time. what am i talking about well? if this is the original concrete slab, what they did was they actually added a topping slab to help with a drainage. and then they added some tile on top of that. now the topping slab and the tile was not part of the original design. and all of that weight was added to the existing structure.
now how do we know all this well because we have cores from those actual systems. and you can see the topping slab and the mortar they can measure them and yeah they were't there originally. now also there's these planters that i have highlighted here. they were all added and were not part of the original plan set or design or calculations and these are pretty large hefty items. you can see some of them then there. and there was this caused significant deflection or a warning. something really horrible was happening right where i have circled. here's what it looks like in 2020 but by 2021 there was cracking. there was deflection. there was sagging and here's what it looks like by 2022. somewhat before the whole structure collapsed so what is happening the surf side used a flat plate slab two a slab system that means there's no beams that means there just column and a slab.so i'm showing the cartoon here where i've got a column and a slab. and what happens is as you load these things you can sometimes get something called punching shear.this is where the column punches or pushes right through the slab itself.
what you start to see at the first are some cracks open up and and if we zoomed in here, what's the only thing holding it together is the rebar. now if that rebar breaks, then that slab will punch through and then the collapse will happen unfortunately the rebar was incorrectly placed during construction. i'm showing a tape measure here with where the rebar is. this is a physically cut portion of the slab and that is where the rebar should have been. the original design and inspection did not address. punching shear didn't even look at it. this means they didn't have the right amount of rebar at the columns and they didn't realize it until things were too late. there was no subsequent repairs were done to fix any of these things. and the punching shear is going to cause significant deflections. that's what caused this horrible looking cracking as the first column starts to fail. the loads will distribute to the other columns in the structure. this is called structural resiliency. and all the columns in the pool deck will eventually reach their limit and then it will collapse. and that's what happened at about 1:10 a.m.
Tyler Ley
このビデオは、サーフサイドコンドミニアムの崩壊に関するものです。また、マイアミの建物が崩壊していることを知っているかもしれません。これは本当に不幸です。 98人が命を失い、このビデオは彼らとその家族に出ています。私の名前はタイラー・Lです。私はコンクリートが深い愛のように大好きですが、時にはそれがうまくいかないので、私もそれについて話します。登録してください。以下にコメントを残してください。このビデオが気に入って、私が最後に持っている私の他のビデオを見ることを願っています。では、何が起こったのでしょうか?それはどうしようもなかったものだったでしょうか?どうすればこれが再び起こらないようにすることができますか?これらはすべて、私があなたの心の中で走り回っていることを私が知っている質問です。今日はお話しします。しかし、Matt FaddenとGary Kleeneに感謝します。彼らは、実際に私の元学生の多くを雇ったWJEという会社でこの素晴らしい仕事をしました。彼らは素晴らしい仕事をしました。そして、以下の私のメモで彼らのユーチューブビデオと他のレポートのいくつかにリンクします。
Why did the Surfside Condo Collapse? (Miami Building Collapse)
this video is about the surfside condo collapse. you also might know it as the miami building collapse. this is a really really unfortunate. even where 98 people lost their lives and this video goes out to them and their families. my name is tyler L. i love concrete like deeply love concrete but sometimes it goes wrong and i talk about that as well. please like subscribe leave me a comment below. i hope you like this video and watch my other ones i have at the end. so what happened? could it have been a voided? how can we stop this from happening again? these are all questions that i know that are running around in your mind. that we're going to talk about today. but a big thanks to matt fadden and gary kleene. they did this great work at a company called WJE who has hired actually a number of my former students. they did an awesome job. and i will link to their you tube video and some of their other reports in my notes below.
now surfside florida is in miami. it's right on the beach beautiful picturesque. and this is the champlain tower south. it is a 12-storystructure that was in service for 40 years before it collapsed. this is what it looked like on the aftermath pretty horrible event where half the structure was lost. and here is another view again from the ocean. so why does the building collapse after being in service for 40 years on june 24th 2021 at a 1:10 a.m. the parking deck collapsed and then that damaged some columns in the building and then the building itself collapsed about 1:22 a.m. so why did the pool deck collapse? there was additional weight added over time. what am i talking about well? if this is the original concrete slab, what they did was they actually added a topping slab to help with a drainage. and then they added some tile on top of that. now the topping slab and the tile was not part of the original design. and all of that weight was added to the existing structure.
now how do we know all this well because we have cores from those actual systems. and you can see the topping slab and the mortar they can measure them and yeah they were't there originally. now also there's these planters that i have highlighted here. they were all added and were not part of the original plan set or design or calculations and these are pretty large hefty items. you can see some of them then there. and there was this caused significant deflection or a warning. something really horrible was happening right where i have circled. here's what it looks like in 2020 but by 2021 there was cracking. there was deflection. there was sagging and here's what it looks like by 2022. somewhat before the whole structure collapsed so what is happening the surf side used a flat plate slab two a slab system that means there's no beams that means there just column and a slab.so i'm showing the cartoon here where i've got a column and a slab. and what happens is as you load these things you can sometimes get something called punching shear.this is where the column punches or pushes right through the slab itself.
what you start to see at the first are some cracks open up and and if we zoomed in here, what's the only thing holding it together is the rebar. now if that rebar breaks, then that slab will punch through and then the collapse will happen unfortunately the rebar was incorrectly placed during construction. i'm showing a tape measure here with where the rebar is. this is a physically cut portion of the slab and that is where the rebar should have been. the original design and inspection did not address. punching shear didn't even look at it. this means they didn't have the right amount of rebar at the columns and they didn't realize it until things were too late. there was no subsequent repairs were done to fix any of these things. and the punching shear is going to cause significant deflections. that's what caused this horrible looking cracking as the first column starts to fail. the loads will distribute to the other columns in the structure. this is called structural resiliency. and all the columns in the pool deck will eventually reach their limit and then it will collapse. and that's what happened at about 1:10 a.m.
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