マイアミコンドミニアム崩壊新しいセキュリティカメラビデオ、分析の更新 その12(最終回)
しかし、私はほんの一ヶ月前に私のFIUブリッジの崩壊ビデオで見せました。それらの亀裂のすべてがどのように発達していたか。そして、それらはますます大きくなっていました。そして、エンジニアはもちろんそれを無視しました。橋が崩壊したことを知っています。そして、彼らがコンクリートのPSI機能をテストしていたときに彼らが見つけた別のことも覚えています。これは分割線です。ここに1階の床があります。したがって、これらは地下の柱列です。ここの1階の柱列。これらの両方で彼らがここで見ているものを床。ここの床は約4400 psiですが、地下室の柱列は8000を超えています。それは彼らが指摘したものの1つです。これらのすべての接続でそれでした。床部分には、柱部分よりも床に入るコンクリートが弱くなりました。そして、それは問題になる可能性があります。そのため、NISTは、2025年6月までにすべての作業が終了し、2025年9月までに完全な最終レポートを提供することを期待していることをここに示しました。
Miami Condo Collapse NEW Security Camera Video, Analysis Updates
here's a shot right here showing how how water has collected on here. and i showed you this of course a few years ago. i showed you numerous spots on the pool deck where water had been pooling and that it collects after it rains. and you remember on my slide that i showed you a couple years ago that what happens is the rain comes in here. it gets past the pavers and it soaks up in the sand and it sits there and it adds a ton of weight onto that pool deck. so it is here where just collects up and sits there. and it can be days before that ever dries up or evaporates. and they know that was a history of seepage in the garage as well. and these locations are right here. here's one of the drains right here. and you can see that's where they're are pointing to that all of these drains. there was problematic issues of leaking around them
and here's some complaints that were logged over the years some in 2012-2013, 1997 areas in the garage where the drain pipes are leaking. so it looks like this building has had numerous problems with leaking around the pool deck area down into the garage for many years. so they checked the chlorine and efflorescence. and you can see there was only a couple of areas where there was any higher amounts. and of course they pointed out the palm trees being there when they were not present at this time of the collapse so they had been removed.
now here's the location of everything that was planned versus actual so the pink planters here were not in the original floor plan design. so that was additional weight that was added to the pool deck in 1996. and some of these planters had up to 3 and 1/2 ft deep of soil in them as well. most of them had 2 and 1/2 ft of soil that adds a lot of weight. these are the planters out on the pool deck. and as you can see these cracks developed. these were taken just weeks before the building collapsed. so already you had massive cracks and gaps opening up here in the planter. that should have sent a big sign to the engineers who were there at that time and didn't react to it. they didn't think there was anything wrong and time and time again. we've seen this folks. and time and time again we've seen this folks. i don't know why engineers keep making this mistake.
but i showed you just a month ago on my FIU bridge collapse video. how all of those cracks were developing. and they were getting bigger and bigger. and the engineers ignored it and then of course. we know what happened the bridge collapsed. and another thing they found too when they were testing the PSI capabilities of the concrete remember. this is the dividing line. here the slab for the first floor. so these are the basement column. first floor column here. the slab that what they're looking at here on both of these. see the slab over here is about 4400 PSI but the column down in the basement is over 8000. so that's one of the things that they pointed out. was that in all of these connections. you had weaker concrete in the slab part going to the floors than you did in the column part. and that can be problematic. so then nist updated us showing here that they expect all of the work to end by june of 2025 and to have the complete final report by september 2025.
and then for the next 6 months here of 2024, you can see most of their work is going to be around the document review. so they've already started doing the pre-collapse documentation. and of course they're analyzing all of digital data that they've collected. the image analysis is going to be ongoing for the next 6 months and checking all of the properties of the concrete. and the reinforcement and the structural testing should be winding down also in the next few months. and the structural testing should be winding down in the next few months also. while this was quite a bit of information for you to digest. i know that. i took an entire day of nist presentations and summarized them.
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