


外国人向け 日本の不動産の売買方法

外国人向け 日本の不動産の売買方法 その1
プラザホームズ - PNN

こんにちは、皆さん。私の名前は松沢智恵子です。国際居住のための不動産取引の基礎知識を3つに分けてお話しします。その1 購入。 その2 購入 VS 賃貸 都心エリアの人気エリアと住宅ローンの一般情報についてお話します。 そして、レンタルと購入のどちらがより有利かを検討します。その3 財産。購入した家から引っ越すことにした場合に何を期待するか。結局のところ、購入する前であっても、将来的にあなたの財産を売るために常に小さなビジネスを探す必要があります.

さて、不動産の購入を検討している顧客の間での主な話題から始めましょう。 トリプルA プラス パワーエリアや、神宮前、恵比寿、代官山がある渋谷区が人気です。 トリプルAって聞いたことありますか? 阿部、麻生、甘利。 いいえ、政治家ではありません。 青山、赤坂、麻布の住所を指します。 Rは六本木です。 そのためトリプルAプラスRエリアは人気が高いです。 港区と渋谷区が非常に人気があり、続いて目黒と中目黒エリアが人気で、外国人居住者と日本人バイヤーの間でも人気があります。 港区や渋谷区には大使館や外資系企業が多く、外交官や専門家が多く住んでいます。 伝統的に、多くの多言語の店、レストラン、施設があり、快適な生活の質のために、この地域は外国人居住者の間で高い需要があります。一戸建てを購入する場合、目黒区や世田谷区の住宅街は都心部よりも安く購入できます。 グリーンラインは山手線です。 代沢などの渋谷に近い世田谷区や市の中心部に近い地下鉄駅エリアに加えて。 より多くのスペースを探している家族は、少し離れていますが、カラフルな街並みがある自由が丘や、セント. メアリーズと清泉インターナショナルスクールがある用賀周辺をお勧めします。


for foreigners how to buy / sell real estate in japan

hello everyone. my name is chieko matsuzawa. i'm going to talk about the basic knowledge of real estate transactions for international residence which can be divided into three main things. first buying. second ranking versus main buying section. i'll talk about popular areas in central tokyo area and general mortgage information. second renting versus buy and will explore which is more advantageous.
third asset legacy. what to expect if you decide to move out of the house you bought. after all you should always seek a little bus to sell on your property in the future even before you buy.
before we begin let me introduce our company. we are specializing in real estate brokerrage business for both rental and sales and property management . i'd like to briefly introduce myself. i used one for real estate agency in hero for seven years as association. mostly in listing brokarage. after that i worked at private homes for eight years in sales and purchase division so in total i've been in real estate progress business as a nation for over 15 years.

okay let's start with the main topic among costomers looking to purchase a property. another one which includes triple a plus power area and shibuya ward which has jingumae, ebisu and daikanyama are highly popular. have you ever heard of triple a? abe, aso, amari. no, not politicians. it refers to the aoyama, akasaka, and azabu addresses. then, r means roppongi. so triple a plus r areas are highly popular. minatoand shibuya wards are very popular followed by the meguro and nakameguro areas which are sought after areas as well among both international residents and japanese buyers. there are many embassies and foreign affiliated companies in the minato and shibuya wards so many diplomats and experts there. traditionally there are many multilingual stores, restaurants, and facilities making the area in high demand among international residents due to the accomodating quality of life. when it comes to buying a detached house, the residential area of megro and setagaya less expensive than the center of tokyo area. the green line is yamanote line. in addition to metro station area near the center of the city and setagaya ward near shibuya such as daizawa. families looking for more space can consider jiyugaoka which is a bit further away but has a colorful cityscape or around yoga where st. mary's and seisen international school are located

another area to be considered is denenchofu which is one of the most prestigious residential area. the german school in yokohama also has school bus services from the denenchofu area too. where else? the bay area is toyosu and ariake in kouto-ku which have attracted attention during the tokyo olympics and continue to develope with tower condominiums and commercial facilities being built a glowing population of young families. as a result new kindergardens and elementary schools have been built. some international buyers are purchasing the area. for investment especially hong kong distance as many are purchasing second homes. now let me show you some redevelopment areas. redevelopment is currently taking place here and there. and those looking for investment property should keep an eye on those areas as the value of real estate around redevelopment sites is expected to increse. why because they will think the ripple developments will be new office retail hotel and residential university which will attract more banking letters and buyers to the area. these developments are expected to have a positive pricing knock on the effect the neighboring real estate.


テーマ : 資産運用 - ジャンル : 株式・投資・マネー




