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This article is about the creature from Hercules. For the organization set in Marvel Comics, see HYDRA.

Hercules: "Ph-Ph-Ph-Ph-Phil, what do you call that thing?"
Philoctetes: "TWO WORDS! [the Hydra roars] AM-SCRAY!"
―Hercules and Phil when the Hydra reveals herself

The Hydra is a large, multi-headed serpent appearing in Disney's 1997 feature film, Hercules. In the film, the Hydra is the first of a series of monsters that Hades sends to defeat Hercules, using the beast as a fixed contest to destroy the young hero. However, even though the Hydra grew more heads faster than he can cut them off, the mighty Hercules manages to defeat the multi-headed monster, earning him fame and adoration from the citizens of Thebes.



Of all the foes that Hercules fights over the course of his adventures, perhaps none is more frightening than the Hydra, as even famed trainer of heroes Philoctetes runs away from it. The Hydra is an ominous creature, dangerous and deadly enough that everyone of the crowd of Thebans seem to fear it. Rather than running, Hercules bravely fights the Hydra with just his sword and his wits. Its first instinct upon seeing Hercules is to bare its teeth in a rattling shriek and stomped its feet as the monster began to advance towards him. Instead of lunging right at him, the Hydra was taking its time, as if it enjoyed observing the terror of the young hero before attacking relentlessly. When Hercules tries to hurl a boulder as a distraction for losing his sword, the Hydra laughs at the young hero's clumsy attempts at battle. After the Hydra swallows Hercules whole, the monster lets out a huge burp and then rolling its eyes as it lasciviously licks its slimy lips with a deeply satisfied expression. However, after hearing a woman screaming, the Hydra gleefully attempts to attack the crowd, obviously not being completely satisfied with its meal of just one human being. However, before the Hydra could do anything, it was halted by an uncomfortable sense in its throat as Hercules cuts his way out by decapitation, covered in green slime, and stands next to the headless steaming carcass.

Though Hercules cut his way out from inside the Hydra, the monster grew more heads. Having enjoyed the taste of the hero so well that after it grew more heads, the Hydra's pursuit to have another taste of Hercules continued, thus fueling the Hydra's hunger even further. Closing in on Hercules, the multi-headed Hydra makes several attempts to eat Hercules again, but the young hero is able to escape their jaws until the enormous creature pinned him to a cliff with its clawed foot. With Hercules trapped, the Hydra once again licked its many chops and prepared for its final attack, gazing at his intended victim. Despite the odds against him, all thirty Hydra heads were shocked after Hercules used his strength to bury the monster under a mountain of rocks.

Physical appearance

A massive, dragon-like creature with dark purple scaly skin, the Hydra's snake-like body is rather bulky and it crawls using two forearms with four-fingered claws (like a hawk) and a long, thin tail. Each time one of its heads gets cut off, three more grow to replace it, making the monster hard to kill. However, if the Hydra is beheaded, green blood can be seen gushing out. Its number of heads can apparently grow exponentially up to at least 18 in Hercules, though in Kingdom Hearts II its maximum is seven and in the read-along story it was 30. All of the Hydra’s heads are identical to each other, each resembling a cross between a rattlesnake and a monkey, having large horns (like a horned sheep) a large mouth filled with white fangs and long tongue, orange eyes with slit pupils, and spikes lining the top of their heads down the length of their long, serpentine necks (like a fish). Each head was as big as a dragon's, more than wide enough to swallow a man whole in one gulp. The Hydra's motions suggest powerful muscles moving a bulky body, with its long neck and narrow head dart with serpentine fluidity.



The Hydra is the first obstacle sent by Hades to kill Hercules, lying in wait behind the boulder of a cave. Lured to a canyon outside of Thebes, Hercules unknowingly releases the Hydra after rescuing two children (Pain and Panic in disguise) from under the boulder. The two thank Hercules before running off to Hades and leaving the hero to feel a false sense of accomplishment, oblivious to the unintended consequences that would come of his actions.


The Hydra prepares to swallow Hercules whole.

Moments later, Phil joins Hercules in the canyon, and they become aware of a hissing sound. Hercules and Phil wear fearful expressions as the Hydra emerges from the inside of the cave. Phil ran for cover while Hercules drew his sword in front of the purple beast, forcing the young hero into combat. The people of Thebes watch in horror and Hades watches excitedly as the Hydra advances on Hercules. The Hydra lunges, snapping at Hercules with its jaws, but the hero dodges the serpent and keeps it at bay, until the monster strikes and knocks him back. Realizing he lost his sword, Hercules tries hurling a boulder at the Hydra, only for the beast to crush it into stones with its teeth and laughs at the hero's clumsy attempts in battle. When the Hydra next strikes, Hercules grabs the monster's teeth, struggling to hold it open as he is pushed back by the creature. He slams its head into the ground, giving him time to grab his sword. However, the Hydra lashes out with its tongue and catches Hercules by his ankle. It flips the screaming hero high into the air, unhinging its jaw on both sides as it opens its mouth, snaps its powerful jaws and swallows him whole. Satisfied, the Hydra lets out a loud burp and licks its fangs, contented in the belief that it had defeated its enemy. The Hydra is about to attack the Thebans until a sick look spreads across its face. As the crowd watched in stunned silence, a bulge formed in the Hydra's neck, and while in the monster's throat, Hercules cuts his way out by decapitation with his sword from the inside-out. The huge head tears from the body and lands in the middle of the crowd, who cheered for Hercules seemingly defeating the Hydra. Standing next to the Hydra's headless steaming carcass, covered in green slime, the hero is again lured into a false sense of security before, as Hades expects to happen.


Hercules pinned to a cliff by the Hydra.

An eerie hiss wheezes from the Hydra's wound and three separate writhing animal like heads sprout from the wound, admiring each other before beginning the rematch. Knowing the Hydra gave him enough trouble with just one head, Hercules flees as the now three-headed monster chases him down around the canyon until Pegasus picks up Hercules just as he's about to be bitten. Together they soar into the sky as the hero fights back, to little avail. With each head Hercules slices off, three more grow in its place (to the point that they start sprouting four and even five heads at a time). Frantically, Hercules chops at the hideous monster, continuing until he is surrounded by a hissing swarm of heads.

Will you forget the head-slicing thing!?
―Phil during Hercules's fight with the Hydra[src]

Hercules and Pegasus fly up to avoid a pair of heads (which crash into each other), when suddenly another head strikes Hercules, knocking him off Pegasus to fall into the living jungle of Hydra necks. As if they were all of a single mind, the snarling heads close in on Hercules, who rapidly slides down a spiral of one of their necks, screaming in terror. They gang up to attack Hercules, making several attempts to eat him again, but the hero is able to escape their jaws until he is flung into the air and then pinned to a cliff with the sharp talons of the Hydra's foot. All of the monster's heads lick their slimy lips in anticipation, ready for the final attack, as they are about to finish the young hero off. As all heads lung at once, Hercules thinks quickly and punches the cliff, which causes an avalanche of rocks to fall. The Hydra freezes as all of its heads look up in fear, then it is crushed and buried in a mountain of rocks, ultimately defeating it for good.

All that is seen of the Hydra after the rockslide is its claws (where Hercules was held). Everyone in the crowd, including Pegasus, Phil, Meg, and Hades thinks that Hercules has died with the beast; however, all a sudden the Hydra's claws starts moving. The crowd is afraid at first, thinking the beast is still alive. But once the claws open, it is revealed that a bruised and battered Hercules survived, after which everyone starts shouting for Hercules as the light shines on the new hero.

During the song "Zero to Hero", everyone is watching a play featuring Hercules bravely fighting the Hydra in battle. Unlike the actual battle, the play shows Hercules fighting the three-headed Hydra, with Phil behind him and not running away.

Hercules: The Animated Series

The Hydra only made minor appearance in the series. In the episode "Hercules and the Parent's Weekend" The Hydra appears as a baby during Echidna song "What's a Mother To Do?" with the rest of her monstrous children.

In "Hercules and the First Day of School", the Hydra head was seen in the museum.

In "Hercules and the Big Kiss", Hercules once swore upon his reputation as a hero, to help Cassandra against beasts, like invading Titans and zillion-headed Hydras, though expressed disappointment when it was only a vision of Cassandra kissing Icarus.

In "Hercules and the Gorgon", the Hydra is invited by Pain and Panic to the orientation in the Underworld.

In "Hercules and the Spartan Experience", while looking at clouds with Icarus and Cassandra, Hercules pointed at a cloud that he thought looks like a Hydra being slain by a brave hero.

In "Hercules and the Arabian Night", after meeting Jafar for the first time, Hades thinks about where he can put the Hydra, holding a little chess piece figure of the Hydra in this sequence.

In "Hercules and the Long Nightmare", Phantasos creates a discomforting quilt to make everyone have bad or scary dreams and frame his brother, Morpheus. Hercules had a dream when his adult self visits Zeus and Hera on Mount Olympus, and a three-headed Hydra appeared. One Hydra head grabs Hercules by his cape, dangling him while the other two snapped at him. Phil had a dream until it was interrupted by witnessing Herc's dream, seeing Herc attacked by the Hydra but the hero couldn't fight back because he dropped his sword. When talking of the scary dream, Phil pointed out it was he skipped sword practice to watch cheerleader tryouts at school. The next night, Hercules dreamed of his teenage self being grabbed by the Hydra. He screams for help before the Hydra swallowed him whole. The Hydra's three heads turn into faces of Phantasos afterwards. Hercules continues having the dream, saying he couldn't get out and was stuck in its pancreas, before waking up. When Morpheus asks for Hercules's help, Hercules mentioned how the Hydra was "as scary as they come". Both Hercules and Phil once again face Phantasos, who transforms into the Hydra. Proclaiming he's no longer afraid and Phil's advice that it's just a dream, Hercules bravely tricks the monster, tying the Hydra's necks, then he grabs the tail, spins it around, and throws the monster into a hole before Phantasos turns into Typhon, the father of all monsters. After stopping Phantasos, Hercules told Morpheus that because of the dreams, he wouldn't be afraid if he ever faced a real Hydra, that tackling it in his dreams made it less frightening.

House of Mouse

The Hydra appears briefly in the Philoctetes' Hero-Training Program advertisement at the end of the episode "Salute To Sports". It had three heads and was facing Donald Duck in the canyon outside of Thebes.

Video games

Hades Challenge

The Hydra is mentioned by Zeus when viewing the Hall of Trophies. Zeus describes a different fight that Hercules had against the Hydra, instead saying that it had nine heads to begin with, with Herc searing its heads off so that they wouldn't regrow. This description is identical to the original myth where Hercules and his nephew Iolaus worked together to slay the Hydra, by having Hercules chop off a head and Iolaus cauterize the neck before it could regrow two more. One of its heads appears in statue form.

Kingdom Hearts II


The Hydra appears in Kingdom Hearts II as a boss at Olympus Coliseum. Sora must battle with the help of Megara, Phil, and Pegasus to defeat it.

Hades sent the Hydra to destroy the Olympus Coliseum and kill Hercules. Hercules had to fight it in the Coliseum and believed he had knock it out. However, it was in fact playing dead and started to destroy the Coliseum. Sora then fought it with his friends and beheaded it until it could no longer grow heads. However, the aftermath of the battle was rather unfavorable—the Coliseum was destroyed and Hercules lost his hero's glow, making him later fall prey to the plans of Hades.

Disney Parks

Despite not having too many live appearances, the Hydra has appeared in several spots, such as the Disney theme parks along with other characters from Disney's Hercules at Disney MGM Studios.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Hydra.

Behind the scenes

  • Gerald Scarfe designed the Hydra for the 1997 film. Scarfe provided preliminary drawings to give the mythical beast its requisite fangs and serpentine necks before work was transferred over to the computer animation team headed by Roger Gould. On the Hydra's design, Gould said it was a snake with a head that is a mixed of rattlesnake and monkey. The Hydra was sculpted into a clay model where the dimensions were digitized into the computers as a wire-frame model by which the monster was animated.
  • Early into production, the filmmakers decided the Hydra would ultimately have thirty heads by which the animators created one master head, and the computer could multiply the heads to their desired scale.
  • The CGI animators spent about roughly 6 to 14 hours to render a frame of the Hydra depending on how many heads it had.
  • Overall, thirteen animators and technical directors spent nearly a year-and-a-half creating the film's four-minute battle sequence.
  • When the Hydra bit the boulder in half, its laugh was the grunting of a hippopotamus.


  • The Hydra is based on the Lernaean Hydra, a serpent-like water monster of Greek mythology. It originally had nine heads that would replace each other in the same manner as the Hydra in Hercules, and was killed by Hercules as the second part of his Twelve Labors after the Nemean Lion. His nephew, Iolaus, helped him by cauterizing each open stump with a torch. Also, unlike the Disney movie, it had one immortal head that kills the whole monster if chopped off, Hercules buried it under a rock and used its poison to make himself arrows. Additionally, unlike the movie, Hera sent a giant crab to help the Hydra, but Hercules crushed it with his foot. However, due to Iolaus helping him, Eurystheus, Hercules' cousin, did not count this labor. As a result, he had to do an extra labor (stealing golden apples from the Hesperides) to make up for it.
    • The way Hercules defeats the one-headed Hydra from the inside is similar to how he defeated the Trojan Sea Monster (or Ketos Troi).
  • The Hydra is rendered in CGI, unlike the rest of the movie which is in hand-drawn animation. This was done as it would have been incredibly difficult to draw each head individually.
  • The Hydra is a rare instance of blood and gore shown onscreen in a Disney movie, as it visibly bleeds green blood after its heads are cut off.
  • After Hydra's first head is cut off, Hades said it was only half-time. Coincidentally, the moment was right at the 46-minute mark of the movie, which is 92 minutes long.
  • The boulder that Hercules threw at the Hydra was shaped like a blaster.
  • In the film's junior novelization, after Hercules fell into the swarm of Hydra heads, one head wrapped her neck around Hercules, squeezing him like a boa constrictor. Four hissing heads dived for Hercules before he slipped down in the coil at the last second. It's unknown if this was an actual scene or something written for the book.
  • According to the Disney Read-Along story, junior novelization, and art book of Hercules, the Hydra grew a total of 30 heads. They also identified the Hydra with the terms "she" and "her", as a female creature.
    • However, the math shows if Hercules removed 1 head and 3 more were added up to 14 times, the closest result would be 29. The heads cannot be an even number, or a composite number.
      • The number can't be 4782969 as only one head is cut off at a time which means the function can't be y = 3^x.
    • In Disney's Adventure Stories, the Hydra grew hundreds of heads.
    • The Hydra's function (considering all heads are cut off) is y=3^x in the movie, but y=9(2^x) in the original depiction. If only part of all heads are cut off, it is a multi-variable, possibly linear function.
  • Though not technically in its design, the Hydra from Hercules was described as a dragon or "dragon-like" in several Disney books, including Disney's Hercules: Classic Storybook, Disney's Hercules: I Made Herc a Hero, by Phil, Handsome Heroes and Vile Villains: Men in Disney's Feature Animation and The Art of Disney’s Dragons.
  • When the Hydra was seen as a baby being fed by Echidna, it already has three heads even though it started with only one.
    • As stated in the myth, Hercules slew the Hydra by slicing off its heads, then using a torch to cauterize the stumps left.
  • In Once Upon a Time, the Hydra does not appear. However, when Hercules tells his twelve labors to a teenage Snow-White, one of his medals represent the creature.

External links

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Hercules logo
Films: Hercules (video/soundtrack) • Hercules: Zero to HeroHercules (live-action film)

Shows: TV seriesHouse of MouseChibi Tiny Tales
Video games: Hercules Action GameAnimated Storybook: HerculesHades ChallengeKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts χ Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Sorcerer's ArenaDisney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingIt's a Small WorldSorcerers of the Magic KingdomHercules in the Underworld

Entertainment: Animazment: The MusicalDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney's WishesFantasmic!Hercules: The Muse-icalMickey's Gift of DreamsOnce Upon a MouseVillains Tonight!
Parades: Disney Stars and Motor Cars ParadeHercules Victory ParadeThe Hercules Electrical ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Fireworks: Happily Ever AfterHarmoniousIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousReach for the StarsWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Disney's Not So Spooky SpectacularDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularHouse of De Vil-lainsMaze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment ContinuesMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeRock on With The Disney VillainsScream and Shout Halloween ParadeThe Villains WorldTreat TrailsVillains Night Out!World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicFatesMusesZeusHeraHermesHephaestusAthenaAresPoseidonAphroditeArtemisApolloOlympian GodsThebansDionysusTitansCerberusHydraMinotaurSthenoNemean LionNessusNymphsAmphitryon and AlcmeneHarpiesCetusCaledonian BoarCharonBob the NarratorGriffinsCupidDemeter

TV Series: ChipaclesHestiaIcarusCassandraAdonisHelen of TroyTempestCirceTritonGalateaPandoraMedusaEchidnaTyphonEchidna's ChildrenFuriesHecateCanis and LupusNemesisMr. ParenthesesHomerFear and TerrorIbidAntaeusPrometheusDaedelusMorpheusKronosGaiaAmphitriteAchillesTheseusOrionNestor & MeleagerKing MidasMelampusLavinaAndromedaSyrinxMr. GriffChironTiviusOrthosQueen HippolyteMomalusArachneCaucasian EagleSphinx MartindaleGegeneisOtus

Season One: "Hercules and the Apollo Mission" • "Hercules and the King of Thessaly" • "Hercules and the Secret Weapon" • "Hercules and the Assassin" • "Hercules and the Big Kiss" • "Hercules and the River Styx" • "Hercules and the Techno Greeks" • "Hercules and the World's First Doctor" • "Hercules and the Pool Party" • "Hercules and the Prince of Thrace" • "Hercules and the Tapestry of Fate" • "Hercules and the Living Legend" • "Hercules and the Return of Typhon" • "Hercules and the Owl of Athena" • "Hercules and the Girdle of Hippolyte" • "Hercules and the Bacchanal" • "Hercules and the Underworld Takeover" • "Hercules and the Comedy of Arrows" • "Hercules and the Hostage Crisis" • "Hercules and the Disappearing Heroes" • "Hercules and the Argonauts" • "Hercules and the Drama Festival" • "Hercules and the Phil Factor" • "Hercules and the All Nighter" • "Hercules and the Song of Circe" • "Hercules and the Trojan War" • "Hercules and the Dream Date" • "Hercules and the Big Games" • "Hercules and the Jilt Trip" • "Hercules and the Falling Stars" • "Hercules and the Golden Touch" • "Hercules and the Minotaur" • "Hercules and the Son of Poseidon" • "Hercules and the Twilight of the Gods" • "Hercules and the Griffin" • "Hercules and the King For a Day" • "Hercules and the Pegasus Incident" • "Hercules and the Big Sink" • "Hercules and the Big Lie" • "Hercules and the Prom" • "Hercules and the Spartan Experience" • "Hercules and the Complex Electra" • "Hercules and the Long Nightmare" • "Hercules and the Arabian Night" • "Hercules and the Aetolian Amphora" • "Hercules and the Romans" • "Hercules and the Yearbook" • "Hercules and the Odyssey Experience" • "Hercules and the Grim Avenger" • "Hercules and the Spring of Canathus" • "Hercules and the Big Show" • "Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus"

Season Two: "Hercules and the First Day of School"" • "Hercules and the Visit from Zeus" • "Hercules and the Driving Test" • "Hercules and the Parent's Weekend" • "Hercules and the Prometheus Affair" • "Hercules and the Hero of Athens" • "Hercules and the Caledonian Boar" • "Hercules and the Epic Adventure" • "Hercules and the Poseidon's Cup Adventure" • "Hercules and the Muse of Dance" • "Hercules and the Kids" • "Hercules and the Gorgon" • "Hercules and the Green-Eyed Monster"

Original: The Gospel TruthGo the DistanceOne Last HopeZero to HeroI Won't Say (I'm in Love)A Star is BornShooting StarI Can't Believe My Heart

TV series songs: Send My Boy to SchoolMy TownPericles of AthensPromethean DittyThe AgoraThe BacchanalThe Man That I LovePucker Up or Let Him SnoozeThat's How the Story GoesAphrodesia DanceLove Is In The AirSince the Light Went AwayAin't Life a BeachCan-Do KingKronos StoneWhat's a Mother to Do?Sreamin' Grecian Teenage BluesLethe Water on the Brain!One Good ManYou're My Hero
Musical songs: The ProphecyUniquely Greek Town SquareDespina's LullabyPhil's Soul SpotForget About ItCool Day in HellThe ProphecyA Muse BoucheI'm Back!Great Bolts of ThunderTo Be Human

Ancient GreeceMount OlympusUnderworldPhil's IslandThebesPrometheus AcademyAtlantis City
Skull PacifierArmageddon BowLightning BoltsMortal PotionTrident
Disney Sing Along Songs: From HerculesMusical

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Once Upon A Time Logo
Shows: Once Upon a TimeOnce Upon a Time in Wonderland

Books: Once Upon a Time: Red's Untold Tale

Once Upon a Time

Season One: Emma SwanSnow White/Mary Margaret BlanchardPrince Charming/David NolanRumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold/WeaverEvil Queen/Regina Mills/RoniBelle French/LaceyHenry MillsHappySneezy/Mr. ClarkBashfulDocDopeySleepy/WalterJiminy Cricket/Archie HopperLady TremaineStealthyVictor Frankenstein/Dr. WhaleBlue Fairy/Mother SuperiorWidow Lucas/GrannyKing George/Albert SpencerGenie/Magic Mirror/Sidney GlassNurse RatchedMad Hatter/JeffersonPrince Henry MillsKnave of HeartsSheriff of Nottingham/KeithFairy GodmotherAbigail/Kathryn NolanRed Lucas/RubyHuntsman/Sheriff GrahamBaelfire/Neal CassidyPinocchio/August W. BoothFrederick/JimSevere NurseMayor TomkinsHansel and Gretel/Nicholas and Ava ZimmerThe Woodcutter/Michael TillmanMartinMyrnaStephenDonnaPrince JamesBlind WitchPeterSirenPongoGastonThe King/Mitchell HermanKing LeopoldKing MidasZosoPrince Thomas/Sean HermanGraceDaniel ColterNovaBriar RoseGeppetto/MarcoGus/BillyRuthDark One
Season Two: Killian Jones/Captain HookAuroraPrince PhillipMulanMilahMaid MarianQuinnAnita LucasJackKing XavierAntonWilliam SmeeGreg MendellTamaraThe DragonQueen EvaSeerLancelotWendy DarlingNanaMary DarlingGeorge DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingThe ShadowFelixLost BoysRaven
Season Three: Malcolm/Peter PanArielZelena/The Wicked Witch of the WestGlindaWalsh/Wizard of OzElsa the Snow QueenTinker BellLumiereBlackbeardUrsula the Sea GoddessJonathanDorothy GaleThe Witch of the EastRapunzelRapunzel's MotherRapunzel's FatherThe Sheriff of HamelinMedusaPrince EricLiam JonesRoland
Season Four: AnnaKristoffHansGrand PabbieSvenUrsula the Sea WitchMarshmallowLittle Bo PeepThe ApprenticeIngridLily PageColetteOakenKing of ArendelleQueen GerdaCruella De VilPoseidonDuke of WeseltonHans' BrothersChernabogKing StefanIsaac/The AuthorMadelineMerlin/The Sorcerer
Season Five: MeridaQueen ElinorKing FergusHarris, Hubert, and HamishThe WitchLord MacGuffinLord MacintoshLord DingwallKing ArthurSir KayGuinevereGorgon The InvincibleCharonBrennan JonesHadesMegaraHerculesCerberusThe ScarecrowTotoCleo FoxAuntie EmDr. JekyllMr. HydeEvil Queen
Season Six: AladdinGideonCount of Monte CristoAlexandraJasmineRed BirdCaptain NemoClorindaTisbeJacobOracleRoyal GuardsThe SultanBeowulfBlack FairyHook/RogersTiger LilyRobertPrince AchmedStanumCowardly LionLucy
Season Seven: Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria BelfreyCinderella/Jacinda VidrioTiana/SabineIslaRobin Hood/MargotAlice/TillyDrizella/Ivy BelfreyAnastasiaGothel/Eloise GardenerEudoraDr. Facilier/Mr. SamdiHansel/Jack/Nick BransonMarcus TremaineCeceliaCoven of the EightMadame LeotaNaveen/DrewBlind Witch/HildaGretelChadSeraphinaFloraIslaZorroFairy GodmotherPrince

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: AliceCyrusAnastasia/Red QueenPercy/White RabbitEdwinJabberwockySilvermistThe Sultan/The Old PrisonerTweedle Dee and Tweedle DumMrs. RabbitElizabeth/LizardAmaraBandersnatchMillieCheshire Cat

Both series: Will Scarlet/The Knave of HeartsCinderella/Ashley BoydRobin HoodLittle JohnFriar TuckGrumpy/LeroyCora/The Queen of HeartsCaterpillarMaleficentJafarDr. Lydgate

Season One: "Pilot" • "The Thing You Love Most" • "Snow Falls" • "The Price of Gold" • "That Still Small Voice" • "The Shepherd" • "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter" • "Desperate Souls" • "True North" • "7:15 A.M." • "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" • "Skin Deep" • "What Happened to Frederick" • "Dreamy" • "Red-Handed" • "Heart of Darkness" • "Hat Trick" • "The Stable Boy" • "The Return" • "The Stranger" • "An Apple Red as Blood" • "A Land Without Magic"

Season Two: "Broken" • "We Are Both" • "Lady of the Lake" • "The Crocodile" • "The Doctor" • "Tallahassee" • "Child of the Moon" • "Into the Deep" • "Queen of Hearts" • "The Cricket Game" • "The Outsider" • "In the Name of the Brother" • "Tiny" • "Manhattan" • "The Queen Is Dead" • "The Miller's Daughter" • "Welcome to Storybrooke" • "Selfless, Brave and True" • "Lacey" • "The Evil Queen" • "Second Star to the Right" • "And Straight On 'Til Morning"
Season Three: "The Heart of the Truest Believer" • "Lost Girl" • "Quite a Common Fairy" • "Nasty Habits" • "Good Form" • "Ariel" • "Dark Hollow" • "Think Lovely Thoughts" • "Save Henry" • "The New Neverland" • "Going Home" • "New York City Serenade" • "Witch Hunt" • "The Tower" • "Quiet Minds" • "It's Not Easy Being Green" • "The Jolly Roger" • "Bleeding Through" • "A Curious Thing" • "Kansas" • "Snow Drifts" • "There's No Place Like Home"
Season Four: "A Tale of Two Sisters" • "White Out" • "Rocky Road" • "The Apprentice" • "Breaking Glass" • "Family Business" • "The Snow Queen" • "Smash the Mirror" • "Fall" • "Shattered Sight" • "Heroes and Villains" • "Darkness on the Edge of Town" • "Unforgiven" • "Enter the Dragon" • "Poor Unfortunate Soul" • "Best Laid Plans" • "Heart of Gold" • "Sympathy for the De Vil" • "Lily" • "Mother" • "Operation Mongoose"
Season Five: "The Dark Swan" • "The Price" • "Siege Perilous" • "The Broken Kingdom" • "Dreamcatcher" • "The Bear and the Bow" • "Birth" • "The Bear King" • "Broken Heart" • "Swan Song" • "Souls of the Departed" • "Labor of Love" • "Devil's Due" • "The Brothers Jones" • "Our Decay" • "Her Handsome Hero" • "Ruby Slippers" • "Sisters" • "Firebird" • "Last Rites" • "Only You" • "An Untold Story"
Season Six: "The Savior" • "A Bitter Draught" • "The Other Shoe" • "Strange Case" • "Street Rats" • "Dark Waters" • "Heartless" • "I'll Be Your Mirror" • "Changelings" • "Wish You Were Here" • "Tougher Than the Rest" • "Murder Most Foul • "Ill-Boding Patterns" • "Page 23" • "A Wondrous Place" • "Mother's Little Helper" • "Awake" • "Where Bluebirds Fly" • "The Black Fairy" • "The Song in Your Heart" • "The Final Battle"
Season Seven: "Hyperion Heights" • "A Pirate's Life"• "The Garden of Forking Paths" • "Beauty" • "Greenbacks" • "Wake Up Call" • "Eloise Gardener" • "Pretty in Blue" • "One Little Tear" • "The Eighth Witch" • "Secret Garden" • "A Taste of the Heights" • "Knightfall" • "The Girl in the Tower" • "Sisterhood" • "Breadcrumbs" • "Chosen" • "The Guardian" • "Flower Child" • "Is This Henry Mills?" • "Homecoming" • "Leaving Storybrooke"

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: "Down the Rabbit Hole" • "Trust Me" • "Forget Me Not" • "The Serpent" • "Heart of Stone" • "Who's Alice?" • "Bad Blood" • "Home" • "Nothing to Fear" • "Dirty Little Secrets" • "Heart of the Matter" • "To Catch a Thief" • "And They Lived..."

Once Upon a Time: Royal CastleBostonDark PalaceMaurice's CastleDark Castle/Rumplestiltskin's CastleLibraryKing's CastleTremaine estateMaurice's CastleDwarves' CottageDwarf MinesGeppetto's HomeNew York CityKing Stefan's CastleThe BeanstalkGiant's LairChinese VillageEnglandLondonDarling NurseryNeverlandBig BenSkull RockHamelinMaritime CastleRapunzel's TowerVault of the Dark OneLand of OzYellow Brick RoadEmerald CityArendelleValley of the Living RockArendelle CastleElsa's Ice PalaceWandering Oaken's Trading Post and SaunaBald MountainRing of StonesDunBrochWitch's CottageCastle DunBrochUnderworldMount OlympusPoppy FieldsAuntie's Chicken & WafflesCave of WondersPleasure IslandMagical ForestSeattleHyperion HeightsBelle & Gold's HouseFacilier's LairGothel's GardenTiana's PalaceSan FranciscoMemento MoriMaldoniaFlynn's BarcadeUnited RealmsSnow White's Farm

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Wonderland CastleThe Mad Hatter's HouseWhite Rabbit's HouseUnderlandTulgey Wood
Both series: StorybrookeMaineEnchanted ForestForbidden FortressWonderlandWonderland MazeAgrabahSherwood ForestThe Sultan's Palace

Once Upon a Time: Once Upon a Time (Book)Snow White's Glass CoffinRed Riding HoodMaleficent's StaffMagic WandGlass SlipperPoisoned AppleSpinning WheelMagic LampDark One's DaggerChipped CupJefferson's HatMagic BeansCaptain Hook's HooksEnchanted CandlePixie DustDreamshadeSalad ForkPandora's BoxSilver SlippersSorcerer HatEnchanted BroomTridentEnchanted ShellHeroes and Villains (Book)Merida's BowMagical RoseExcaliburOlympian CrystalCinderella's DressGolden Scarab BeetleRapunzel's Frying PanMagical Golden FlowerShrinking PotionFloating LanternsTarot CardsMaui's Fish Hook

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Vorpal Blade
Both series: Enchanted HeartsJafar's Lamp

Songs Featured
"Give a Little Whistle" • "Heigh-Ho" • "With a Smile and a Song" • "Beauty and the Beast" • "Part of Your World" • "Fathoms Below" • "Cruella De Vil • "Some Day My Prince Will Come" • "The Unbirthday Song"

Original Songs: "Powerful Magic" • The Queen SingsLove Doesn't Stand a ChanceRevenge Is Gonna Be MineWicked Always WinsCharmings vs. Evil QueenEmma's ThemeA Happy Beginning

The Jolly RogerMagic CarpetRoyal ShipCruella's carNautilusCinderella's Coach
FairiesUnicornsDragonsBridge TrollsWraithOgresMermaidsKrakenFlying MonkeysRock TrollsWill O' the WispsFuriesMunchkinsTree Nymphs

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Kingdom Hearts utilized logo
Kingdom Hearts (HD I.5 ReMIX/Soundtrack/Soundtrack Complete/HD I.5 ReMIX Soundtrack) • Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II (HD II.5 ReMIX/HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue/Soundtrack/HD II.5 ReMIX Soundtrack ) • 358/2 DaysBirth by Sleep (Soundtrack) • codedDream Drop Distance (Soundtrack) • χ [chi]Unchained χ/Union χ [cross]Kingdom Hearts IIIDark RoadMelody of MemoryMissing-LinkKingdom Hearts IV
Other media
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween PartyAgrabah (Kingdom Hearts pilot)
Incorporated Films and Shorts
Aladdin/The Return of JafarAlice in WonderlandBeauty and the BeastBig Hero 6CinderellaFantasiaFrozenHerculesThe Hunchback of Notre DameLilo & StitchThe Lion KingThe Little MermaidMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersMonsters, Inc.MulanThe Nightmare Before ChristmasPeter PanPinocchioPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsSteamboat WillieTangledTarzanToy StoryTron/Tron: LegacyWinnie the PoohWreck-It Ralph
Main Characters: SoraRikuKairiKing MickeyDonald DuckGoofyRoxasAxel/LeaNaminéXionAquaTerraVentus

Villains: XehanortAnsemXemnasMaleficentPeteVanitasXigbar/BraigXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïx/IsaDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneTerra-XehanortYoung XehanortXehanort's Guardian
Other Characters: Jiminy CricketAnsem the Wise/DiZYen SidMaster EraqusDilanEvenAeleusIenzoLingering WillHaynerPenceOletteKairi's GrandmaRiku ReplicaJiminy's JournalForetellersMaster of MastersLuxuEphemerSkuldChirithyStrelitziaLauriamYozoraVorHermod
Original Monsters: HeartlessNobodiesUnversedDream Eater
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Queen MinnieDaisy DuckPlutoChip and DaleHuey, Dewey, and LouieMagic BroomsAliceWhite RabbitDoorknobCheshire CatQueen of HeartsCard SoldiersTarzanJane PorterClaytonTerkKerchakKalaSaborHerculesPhiloctetesHadesCerberusRock TitanIce TitanAladdinAbuJasmineGenieCarpetJafarIagoPeddlerCave of WondersPinocchioGeppettoMonstroCleoArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonFlotsam and JetsamGlutJack SkellingtonZeroSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownPeter PanTinker BellCaptain HookMr. SmeeWendyCrocodileMerlinWinnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooBeesBeastBelleSnow WhiteCinderellaFairy GodmotherAuroraPongoPerditaDalmatian PuppiesSimbaMushuDumboBambiChernabog
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficent's RavenScrooge McDuckMulanLi ShangShan YuHayabusaYao, Ling, and Chien PoThe EmperorLumiereCogsworthMrs PottsChipWardrobePegasusMegaraPain and PanicHydraHorace HorsecollarClarabelle CowClara CluckJack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain BarbossaBo'sunJacobyTwiggCursed CrewPrince EricAttinaAndrinaSanta ClausSkeletal ReindeerTimonPumbaaNalaRafikiScarShenzi, Banzai, and EdMufasaKiaraPridelandersHyenasTronMaster Control ProgramCommander SarkKangaGopherStitchChicken Little
Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince PhillipMaleficent's GoonsDocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopeyThe PrinceEvil QueenMagic MirrorPrince CharmingJaqLady TremaineAnastasiaDrizellaLuciferGrand DukeGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumbaExperiment 221Lost Boys
Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: QuasimodoEsmeraldaPhoebusJudge Claude FrolloVictor, Hugo, and LaverneKevin FlynnSam FlynnQuorraCLUBlack GuardsBlue FairyBeagle BoysChernabog's MinionsJulius
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ: Mad HatterMarch HareRazoulRoyal GuardsMauriceGaston
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: SultanSamsonVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing CandySour BillCy-BugsHero's Duty Troops
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts III: ZeusApolloAthenaHermesLava TitanTornado TitanLittle ChefWoodyBuzz LightyearRexHammSargeGreen Army MenLittle Green MenRapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelSulleyMike WazowskiBooRandall BoggsChild Detection AgencyTrailer FolkElsaAnnaKristoffOlafSvenMarshmallowHansMr. GibbsTia DalmaDavy JonesKrakenCutler BeckettDavy Jones' Locker CrabsBaymaxHiro HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonFredWasabiLumpyWreck-It Ralph
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Disney Characters introduced in the manga: CaterpillarChi-Fu
Square Enix Characters: LeonCloudMoogleOthers

Plot Elements: Kingdom HeartsHeartKeyblade WarDark Seeker SagaMore

Game Elements: Gameplay in Kingdom HeartsMagic

Sea-salt ice creamWayfinderDoor to DarknessKeybladeX-bladeMorePixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Original Worlds: Destiny IslandsTraverse TownRadiant Garden/Hollow BastionDisney Castle/Disney Town/Timeless RiverDive to the HeartEnd of the WorldRealm of DarknessTwilight Town/Mysterious TowerThe World That Never WasCastle That Never WasLand of Departure/Castle OblivionKeyblade GraveyardDaybreak Town/Scala ad Caelum

Disney Worlds: WonderlandDeep JungleOlympus Coliseum/Underworld/OlympusAgrabahAtlanticaHalloween Town/Christmas TownNeverlandHundred Acre WoodThe Land of DragonsBeast's CastlePort Royal/The CaribbeanPride LandsSpace ParanoidsDwarf WoodlandsCastle of DreamsDeep SpaceLa Cité des ClochesThe GridPrankster's ParadiseCountry of the MusketeersToy BoxKingdom of CoronaMonstropolisArendelleSan FransokyoGame Central Station/Niceland/Cy-Bug Sector/Candy Kingdom

Organization XIIIPrincesses of HeartDisney Villains Council
"Dearly Beloved" • "Simple and Clean" • "Sanctuary" • Face My FearsDon't Think TwiceMickey Mouse Club MarchSwim This WayPart of Your WorldUnder the SeaUrsula's RevengeA New Day is DawningDestatiThis is HalloweenHe's a PirateBeauty and the BeastBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooIt's a Small WorldNight on Bald MountainWinnie the PoohThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Pastoral SymphonyNutcracker SuiteYou've Got a Friend in MeHealing IncantationPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeLet It GoDo You Want to Build a SnowmanYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)A Whole New WorldCircle of Life

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House of Mouse Disney
House of MouseMickey's Magical ChristmasMickey's House of Villains
Main Characters: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoPeteMax GoofHuey, Dewey, and LouieClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarGus GooseMortimer MouseLudwig Von DrakeMicrophone MikeChip and Dale

Recurring Guests: TimonPumbaaJafarIagoHadesMushuCri-KeeArielPrince EricKing TritonFlounderSebastianPeter PanTinker BellJiminy CricketPinocchioGeppettoBlue FairyBelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChip PottsGastonLeFouDumboTimothy Q. MouseMad HatterMowgliShere KhanThe Three Little Pigs Cruella De VilChernabogMufasaSimbaGrumpyThe Evil QueenMagic MirrorAladdinJasmineCinderellaAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMaleficentPain and PanicUrsulaBaby ShelbyGoat ManEmperor KuzcoPanchito PistolesJosé Carioca

Season One: "The Stolen Cartoons" • "Big Bad Wolf Daddy" • "The Three Caballeros" • "Goofy's Valentine Date" • "Unplugged Club" • "Timon and Pumbaa" • "Gone Goofy" • "Jiminy Cricket" • "Rent Day" • "Donald's Lamp Trade" • "Donald's Pumbaa Prank" • "Thanks to Minnie" • "Pluto Saves the Day"

Season Two: "Daisy's Debut" • "Goofy for a Day" • "Clarabelle's Big Secret" • "The Mouse Who Came to Dinner" • "Max's New Car" • "Not So Goofy" • "Everybody Loves Mickey" • "Max's Embarrassing Date" • "Where's Minnie?" • "Super Goof" • "King Larry Swings In" • "Ladies' Night" • "Dennis the Duck"
Season Three: "Suddenly Hades" • "Pete's One-Man Show" • "House of Crime" • "Mickey and Minnie's Big Vacation" • "Donald and the Aracuan Bird" • "Goofy's Menu Magic" • "Music Day" • "House of Scrooge" • "Donald Wants to Fly" • "Dining Goofy" • "Chip 'n' Dale" • "Humphrey in the House" • "Ask Von Drake" • "Salute to Sports" • "Pluto vs. Figaro" • "House of Magic" • "Mickey vs. Shelby" • "House of Turkey" • "Pete's Christmas Caper" • "Clarabelle's Christmas List" •"Snow Day" • "Pete's House of Villains" • "Halloween With Hades" • "House Ghosts" • "House of Genius" • "Mickey and the Culture Clash"

Rockin' at the House of MouseMortimer MouseSoup or Salad, Fries or Biscuits, Extra Olives, DonutsBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooBig Bad Wolf DaddyA Parrot's Life for MeLet's Slay the BeastThe Ludwig Von Drake SongIt's Our House Now!The Best Christmas of AllGrim Grinning GhostsHumphrey HopEverybody Wants to Be a WoofI Wanna Be Like M-O-YouPink Elephants on ParadeMy Name is PanchitoBoom-Da-BoomWe Are the Three CaballerosMe the Mouse (and I'm the Duck) (Reprise) • Daisy CrockettThe Daisy Duckie RoomMinnie Mouse (in the House)
House of Mouse (night club)Toontown
Maleficent's StaffPoisoned AppleSorcerer HatJafar's Snake Staff

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Chibi Tiny Tales logo.PNG
Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Animated characters
Amphibia: Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarMarcy WuSasha WaybrightDominoBessieKing AndriasOne-Eyed Wally

Phineas and Ferb: Candace FlynnPhineas FlynnFerb FletcherPerry the PlatypusHeinz DoofenshmirtzLinda Flynn-FletcherSuper Super Big DoctorIsabella Garcia-Shapiro
Big City Greens: Cricket GreenTilly GreenAlice GreenBill GreenRemy Remington
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckMagica De SpellFlintheart GlomgoldWebby VanderquackLaunchpad McQuackHuey, Dewey, and LouieDarkwing DuckFenton CrackshellLena SabrewingBentina Beakley
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalCassandraLance StrongbowMaximusVarian
Moana: MoanaMauiKakamoraPuaHeihei
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly McGeeScratchAndrea DavenportLibby Stein-TorresThe ChairmanOliver ChenGeoffJeffPete McGeeSharon McGeeDarryl McGeeThe Ghost Council
The Owl House: Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyLilith ClawthorneAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterOwlbertGhostStringbeanEmperor BelosHunter
Hamster & Gretel: HamsterGretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHiromi Tanaka
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder: Penny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaLaCienega BoulevardezKareem Abdul-Jabbar BrownPuffDijonay Jones
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofy
Kim Possible: Kim Possible Ron StoppableRufusShego
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star ButterflyMarco DiazPony Head
TaleSpin: BalooKit Cloudkicker
Goof Troop: Max Goof
Bonkers: Bonkers D. Bobcat
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and Dale
American Dragon: Jake Long: Jake Long
Gravity Falls: Dipper PinesMabel PinesBill CipherWaddlesStan Pines
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonThe BeyonderMimi LafayetteAdria Lafayette
Milo Murphy's Law: Milo Murphy
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiStitchGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumba JookibaPleakleyMertle EdmondsNani PelekaiDavid KawenaCobra BubblesIce Cream ManPudge
Hailey's On It!: Hailey BanksScott DenogaBetaA.C. Aychvak
Kiff: Kiff ChatterleyBarry BunsCandle Fox
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMiceBirdsPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherThe Grand Duke
Beauty and the Beast : BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesWardrobeWolvesVillagers
Sleeping Beauty : AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahForest AnimalsSamson
Hercules: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicMusesZeusHeraAmphitryon and AlcmeneHydra
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoPachaYzmaKronkChichaChacaTipoBucky the SquirrelJaguarsYupi
Primos: Tater Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezLotLot Ramirez

Live-Action characters
Halloweentown: Marnie PiperSophie PiperDylan PiperAggie Cromwell

Descendants: MalEvieJayCarlos De VilBenJaneAudreyDougUmaHarry HookDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierFairy GodmotherHadesMaleficent
Zombies: Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananWilla LykensenWyatt LykensenWynter BarkowitzEliza ZambiDaeBartlebyAshley
High School Musical: Troy BoltonGabriella MontezSharpay EvansRyan EvansChad DanforthTaylor McKessieKelsi NielsenZeke BaylorMartha CoxMs. Darbus
Hocus Pocus: Max DennisonDani Dennison,AllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah Sanderson
Hannah Montana: Miley Stewart
Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie McGuire
Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex Russo
That's So Raven: Raven Baxter
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Zack MartinCody MartinMaddie FitzpatrickLondon TiptonMarion Moseby
K.C. Undercover: K.C. Cooper
Camp Rock: Mitchie TorresShane Grey

Disney Park characters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure SkeletonHector BarbossaReddBeacon JoeCaptain XTreasure KeeperCarlosStupid PiratePooped PirateScalawagPrison DogSeedy PrisonersCooteBillie How
Chibiverse episodes
Season One: "Pizza vs. Fireworks" • "Bad Luck Chibis" • "The Great Chibi Mix-Up!" • "Chibi Villains Unite"

Season Two: "The Chibi Quiz Challenge" • "The Chibi Couple Game" • "The Roast of Dr. Doofenshmirtz"
Season Three: "The Grown Ups Island/An Opposites Attack/Stans 11" • "Dr. Doof's Lab/Journey to the Center of the Chibiverse/The Perfect Gift"

Welcome to the ChibiverseAn Grown Ups IslandJoy No MoreLab of Evil Science