"Hercules and the Trojan War" is an episode of Hercules: The Animated Series, written by Bill Motz & Bob Roth, after a story by Bruce Reid Schaefer and directed by Eddy Houchins. It first aired on October 30, 1998.
The Trojan War is retold in the form of a high school rivalry between the students of Prometheus Academy and their Trojan rivals. When a mindless prank gets out of hand and Helen, the Homecoming Queen, is kidnapped, the whole group decides to rescue her from Paris by sneaking into the Trojan school in a wooden horse, courtesy of wacky inventor Icarus. Fortunately, with the power of steam, Icarus is able to get it up and running to about four miles an hour. Unfortunately, he fails to remember brakes, causing damage to the school and bringing about Helen's rescue. In the end, it is shown that Helen was not captured, but merely went to discuss the problem. After hearing this, Homer, who was listening to the whole thing, decides to make the story juicier by turning the story into a war, therefore making it the Trojan War we know today.
- Originally, there were plans for a direct-to-video sequel of Hercules developed by Disneytoon Studios which would have been titled Hercules II - The Trojan War. In the sequel, Hercules would have been living with Meg and their daughter Hebe until Hercules' old friend Helen is captured by the evil Paris of Troy, leading Hercules to enlist himself to fight in the Trojan War and rescue Helen, but the project never materialized. Had this sequel been produced, it would have created a continuity error with this episode, as the episode depicts the Trojan War as taking place long before Hercules becomes a hero, and even the original film had Hades mentioning that the Troyans' weakness was the Trojan Horse, which would mean that the Trojan War had already taken place by then.