"Hercules and the Complex Electra" is an episode of Hercules: The Animated Series. It aired on January 13, 1999.
Hercules meets Electra (Joey Lauren Adams), a nonconformist and goth, who he falls for. However, Cassandra explains Electra isn't interested in heroes. Cassandra takes Hercules and Icarus to a club where she hangs out quite a lot. Hercules then sees a gothic boy flirting with Electra, but she does not return his gestures. He ignores this and continues until Electra gets angry. Soon after, Furies attack the club and Hercules fends them off; he gets his clothes dirty in the process, which makes Electra compliment him on his attire. The next day, he changes his look and helps her put up posters (which is against school policy). Electra stands up to Parentheses, with Hercules neutrally supporting her while at the same time fighting off another Fury attack which happened after the School Master tells Electra the students at the school have no right to free expression. After the School Master gives both Hercules and Electra detention, she asks him out to the club again, where she recites a poem for him denouncing heroes. Hercules finally reveals to her that he is a hero-in-training and this both hurts and infuriates Electra that he lied to her about who he really was. Hercules fights off more Furies in an effort to show her the value of heroes; but she simply gets more enraged. Electra finally tells him that the Furies are created by her anger, and that she likes them because they make her different from everyone else and they keep her edgy. This irreconcilable difference causes Hercules to learn that he must be himself no matter what.