"There's No Place Like Home" is the twenty-second and final episode of the third season of Once Upon a Time, and the show's sixty-sixth episode overall. It premiered on May 11, 2014.
Opening Sequence[]
A new set of graphics highlights the "O" as a mirror, and features a swan in the forest.
In the Characters' Past[]
In 2001 in Portland, Maine, Emma and Neal are on a date at an amusement park, where Neal picks a lock and the two sneak in to sit down on a carousel. Neal then opens up to Emma about his past, and about home, telling her it's a place that you can't shake, and that you just miss.
In the Enchanted Forest's New Past[]
As the story continues from the previous episode, Emma sees the woman across from her in the cell as the same woman who was arrested for helping Snow, and learns that they are both due to be executed immediately the next day. Using her tricks from the night Neal broke into the amusement park, Emma remembers she knows how to break a lock by using two spoons, and it works. Later on, Charming catches Snow in the rope trap, although the timeline of their introduction is thrown off, until Hook shows up to say that another woman (Emma) has his ring. Charming looks at Snow's fairy dust pendant while she tells him her backstory (another timeline that was thrown off), and comes up with a plan to break into Regina's castle first, then rescue Emma and steal back the ring. Snow tells them to wait, which gives Hook and Charming time to talk about love. Moments later, Red Riding Hood shows up, revealing herself as a friend of Snow's, and who can get them into the castle. As they reach the place, Red, who transformed into a wolf, scares a guard into running away, but the escape plan goes awry when they run into Emma and her fellow inmate, prompting Hook to tell Emma that she deprived him of a dashing rescue. Seconds later, Snow and Regina prepare to face off, with Snow throwing her dark fairy dust, but Regina uses her magic to stop it in midair. Snow tries telling her that what happened to Daniel (when she told Cora) was a mistake, saying that she was only a child, but an unforgiving Regina talks about consequences and sets up a stake to burn her. Regina throws a fireball at the helpless Snow White, who appears to die. Her death causes Red to howl as a wolf and Emma to cry over her mother's death.
Hook tries to comfort Emma by telling her that when his brother died all he could do was live in the moment. But Emma wonders how she can be still alive if Snow died. All of a sudden, a ladybug buzzes around Hook and just as he is about to kill the insect, Charming shouts "wait!" Charming takes the ladybug, places it on his hand and it is transformed back into Snow White by the Blue Fairy, thanks to a special form of fairy dust. The Blue Fairy is also aware that Emma wasn't Leia all along, but says it's all right, her secrets can be hers. Snow is startled when Emma hugs her with tears in her eyes, shouting, "You're alive". Snow and Charming seem to be warming up to each other, causing a slight restoration in the timeline. Emma looks at the prisoner and suggests that she and Hook take her with them back to Storybrooke, but the woman is not happy about that idea, prompting Emma to knock her out to kidnap her. As Emma, Hook, and their additional guest go their separate ways, both Snow and Charming reach the troll bridge, but thanks to the altered timeline Snow doesn't have her dust as a weapon to defeat the trolls, so she goes towards them and bluffs. They drop their weapons and take off. The timeline is back on track as Charming is now smitten with Snow before they go their separate ways, with Snow holding on to the ring and trying it on. Emma watches from a distance and gets weepy. Hook says, "It's ok, Swan. Not everyone gets a chance to watch their parents fall in love." Emma opens the book, and discovers a picture of Snow and Charming getting married, and as expected Regina still seeking vengeance on Snow, resulting in the timeline being restored, only this time Regina turns the trolls into bugs with the dark magic and squashes them.
Emma, Hook, and their guest return to see Rumplestiltskin in the hopes that he can open the time portal, but instead he tells them that only they can re-open it because only the people who came through the portal can re-open it, but they need to wield magic. Rumple gives Emma a wand and tells her to open the portal if she has magic, but she doesn't think she can. Rumple decides he'd rather forget everything he's learned so as not to alter his future, then he sends Emma and Hook to a dark vault where he keeps dangerous and unpredictable magic, where their Storybrooke outfits are restored. Hook says that Emma still has some magic in her and after seeing what happened to her parents and realizing everything Henry did to bring her to Storybrooke, she's ready to return home. Hook and Emma then notice the wand lights up with magic and open up the portal, allowing Hook and the woman to escape first. Before she can leave, Rumple holds on to Emma and demands to know what happened to Baelfire/Neal. Emma tells him what happened, then she begs him not to take away the fact he died a hero. Rumplestiltskin drinks the forgetting potion and lets go of Emma where she is pulled into the portal, which sends her, Hook, and the woman back to Storybrooke.
In Storybrooke[]
As Emma and Hook return to the present day, Emma admits that her home is in Storybrooke and that she has been treating her parents like acquaintances for too long. Emma returns home and gives them a big hug and calls them mom and dad for the second time. Taking out the Once Upon a Time book, Emma reveals that she altered the past by accident, nearly erasing herself and Henry from existence by preventing her parents from meeting; Mary Margaret and David are surprised to learn their daughter was the odd princess who helped them meet in the end. Amused that she's now "part of the story", Emma asks what they've named her brother. Getting everyone's attention, David announces to the diner that they are naming their son after a hero who gave his all for their sake; Mary Margaret introduces the town to her son Prince Neal. In attendance, Mr. Gold silently weeps that a child is being named in honor of his son.
That evening, Emma asks Hook how he ended up in New York to bring her back to Storybrooke. Hook explains that Neal's bird delivered the potion and his message; he ditched his crew and sailed away from the Dark Curse. Once he knew the walls between the worlds were down, Hook just needed a magic bean to reach her. Emma knows those are hard to find unless he was something of equal value, to which Hook says he did: the Jolly Roger. A shocked Emma asks if Hook really traded his beloved vessel for her sake. With an unflinching gaze, Hook simply utters "Aye". Seeing this as the ultimate expression of Hook's feelings for her, Emma pulls him into a passionate kiss. Also that night, Gold and Belle are officially married, watched over by Belle's father Moe French and ordained minister Archie Hopper.
The prisoner Emma rescued is revealed to be none other than Maid Marian, who eagerly runs to embrace Robin Hood and Roland. A distraught Regina notes that Emma has done exactly what her mother did: ruin her happiness by naively trying to make things better. Reduced to tears, Regina ominously warns Emma that Marian had better be the only thing she brought back. Back at the barn, a container from Rumplestiltskin's vault (which Hook accidentally disturbed in the vault) is revealed to have fallen through the portal. The lid pops off and releases a blue liquid, which after a moment, coalesces into none other than Elsa. She removes her gloves and unleashes an icy blast that destroys her former prison, before heading out of the barn, leaving a trail of frozen ground behind her.
- Grumpy makes a throwaway joke that Aurora gave birth after being restored to human form; if she did so as a flying monkey, he kid would have been stuck like that as he would have been a natural flying monkey.
- Emma and Killian start a relationship.
- This was Collin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison's favourite episode to film and it was called a Captain Swan film.[1]
- Killian mentions the death of his brother Liam Jones, which took place in "Good Form".
- Hook refused to tell Emma how his brother died in "Think Lovely Thoughts".
- The Land Without Magic flashbacks occur in the year 2001 between scenes in "Tallahassee".
- The Enchanted Forest events take place right after "Snow Drifts", concurrently with "Snow Falls", and before Belle is banished from Rumplestiltskin's castle in "Skin Deep".
- The story also takes place concurrently with the scene where Zelena steals Marian's identity in "Heart of Gold".
- The Storybrooke events take place after "Snow Drifts", concurrently with Ruby's Storybrooke flashback in "The Bear King" and before "A Tale of Two Sisters".
- In the Portland flashback, Emma and Neal have the drink Neal suggested they have when they first met in "Tallahassee".
- Snow White was forced out of her castle in "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter".
- Emma and Hook knock Marian out and later leave her after they go after Prince Charming and Snow White at the Troll Bridge. What happens during the time they are away is revealed in "Heart of Gold".
- After Snow White escapes from her clutches, Regina says, "I shall destroy her happiness if it is the last thing I do", which is a spin on her signature line from "Pilot".
- Rumplestiltskin's memory loss potion is the same kind Regina used on herself in "Save Henry". It is also the same one Rumplestiltskin gave to Snow White in "7:15 A.M..".
- Emma's habit of moving around and running was previously referred to in "The Thing You Love Most" and "The Price of Gold".
- Hook refers to the kiss he and Emma shared in "Good Form".
- Emma thanks Hook for coming after her in New York; an event shown in "Going Home" and "New York City Serenade".
- How the mysterious woman at the end ended up inside the urn is revealed in "Smash the Mirror". What happens after she leaves the barn is explored in "A Tale of Two Sisters".
- Hook gets his ship back in "Poor Unfortunate Soul".
- When Charming traps Snow White, he holds up a poster with her face on but it doesn't have her name on it. Later in the episode, the poster has her name on it.
External links[]
There's No Place Like Home (Once Upon a Time) on Wikipedia
There's No Place Like Home on Once Upon a Time Wiki