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Tadashi was right. You are a good kid.
―Baymax to Hiro[src]

Hiro Hamada is the protagonist of Disney's 2014 animated feature film Big Hero 6. He is a fourteen-year-old robotics prodigy living in San Fransokyo under the care of his aunt and older brother Tadashi. After Tadashi's sudden death at the hands of a kabuki-masked villain, Hiro—with support from his healthcare companion, Baymax—became the founder and leader of Big Hero 6.

Hiro was created by Scott Lobdell and Gus Vazquez.


Hiro was born in San Fransokyo with biracial background, and notes that he has never been outside of the city.[1] He and his older brother, Tadashi, were orphaned when the former was only three. Following the deaths of their parents, the brothers were raised by their aunt, Cass, in her popular restaurant, the Lucky Cat Café. Over the following decade, Hiro managed to graduate high school when he was thirteen. Although he was very smart in mind, at heart, he was still fourteen and refused to attend college out of arrogance. He instead spent much of his time participating in illegal bot-fights across the city, where he'd con local gangsters for their money. Tadashi—who came to act as a surrogate guardian alongside Cass—looked down upon this lifestyle and worked to steer his brother down a better path. Tadashi's effort would direct Hiro to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, which in turn led to the formation of Big Hero 6.

Official Description

Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada has the mind of a genius—and the heart of a 14-year old: his state-of-the-art battle-bots dominate the underground bot fights held in the dark corners of San Fransokyo. Fortunately, his big brother Tadashi redirects Hiro's brilliance, inspiring him to put his brain to the test in a quest to gain admission to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. When a tragic event changes everything, Hiro turns to a robot named Baymax, and they form an unbreakable bond—and two-sixths of a band of high-tech heroes on a very important mission.[2]


Hiro Hamada is a young boy with intelligence far beyond his years. For example, he graduated from high school when he was 13. Because of this, he can be rather brazen and cocky (especially when he was seen to be bored during his bot fight with Yama), but never to the point of being annoying and insufferable.

He spent much of his time using his technology to win money through illegal bot fight bets (he states that bot-fighting isn't illegal, but betting on it is, though he still did bet on bot-fighting illegally), something on which he prided himself, though his older brother Tadashi heavily disapproved. While Tadashi felt that his brother had a greater purpose and should attend college, Hiro believed that he held the knowledge of all that there is to know in the world, or at least all that any school can teach him, showing a strong sense of pride, as well as possible past experiences of school being redundant, unchallenging, and boring for him.

Despite his bold nature, Hiro has a much softer side to him, as he's shown to sometimes be rather shy in front of crowds and during the process of making new friends, as well as socially awkward at times. Even so, he is very compassionate, which, in the beginning, is mostly seen when dealing with his older brother Tadashi, who despite his brotherly nagging, holds a special place in Hiro's heart as the latter's best friend and inspiration. When with Tadashi, Hiro's true colors emerge, showing him to be free-spirited, innocently sassy, warm, and ultimately, very loving and appreciative. Such aspects wouldn't be seen again until the void left by Tadashi's demise is eventually filled by the lovable Baymax, who cares for Hiro in the same sense, forming a strong companionship.

However, while Hiro has a kind heart, he is a very complex character, and is far from perfect, engaging in some darker behaviors when highly provoked. At certain points during the movie, the boy genius allowed his anger to cloud his better judgment and commit acts normally out of the question. He is similar to Yokai (the villainous mastermind responsible for the death of Tadashi) in this respect, as both experienced the loss of a loved one, thus mutilating their hearts to the point where they sought revenge against the wrongdoers responsible, going as far as to consider murder, rather than bring Yokai to justice. However, what separates the two and ultimately classifies Hiro as a hero and Yokai as a villain is the fact that, unlike Yokai, Hiro not only learns the error of his ways, but he makes a serious effort to right the wrongs he caused as quickly as possible. Such revelations are mostly due to the comforting nature of Baymax, the legacy of Tadashi and the support of his closest friends, resulting in a newly-reformed young prodigy who values the lives of all human beings and refuses to carry out acts of justice through the use of violence and murder.

As time would move on following the events of Tadashi's death, Hiro would slowly shape into a heroic, wise, and inspirational leader, following in his brother's footsteps. Such traits passed down include Tadashi's philosophy of looking for a new angle, as well as the devotion to doing whatever is necessary to help others and make the world a better place for all, especially the innocent and deserving. As mentioned above, Hiro would notably organize the Big Hero 6 team, vowing to protect the city of San Fransokyo in order to fulfill Tadashi's lifelong dream of helping others.

Physical appearance

Hiro Suit Render

Hiro is a young 14-year old boy. According to official sources, he is 5'0" (152 cm) in height and rather slender. He can often be found in a blue hoodie jacket, a red shirt with a humanoid robot on it, long dark beige cargo Capri shorts, and dark brown Converse sneakers with yellow laces. He has fair skin, brown eyes, and messy black hair. His eyelashes and eyebrows are somewhat thick, and his eyes are a rounded almond shape. When he smiles or opens his mouth, a gap in his teeth can be noticed along with a slight overbite.

Hiro's super-suit is made of primarily purple with red accents and black armor, with black clothing underneath that covers most of his body up to his knees, and steel-toe black sneakers. On his suit are red magnetic pads, used to carry onto Baymax's armor for transportation and battle purposes. Hiro's super-suit received a few alterations in the TV series. His sneakers have been replaced with black steel-toe combat boots, the pockets on his belt are gone, his black pants fully cover his legs and his visor is transparent orange.

Powers and abilities

Unlike the rest of the team, Hiro's armor lacks any real ability as his true power lies within his genius. However, as mentioned above, his suit enables him to hold onto Baymax with magnetic pads whenever the robot takes flight, with him aboard, as well as partial protection from destruction. The magnetic pads can also be used to deflect or attract metallic objects. His helmet is also equipped with a communication device, enabling him contact with the rest of the team members despite their distance, if any.

With his vast intelligence, Hiro has the power to create various new concepts and inventions, often varying in scale, from a small, yet powerful, battle bot, to a state-of-the-art super suit. Not only was he able to "upgrade" both himself into a crime-fighting vigilante, but also Baymax, as well as his four closest friends, creating a series of powerful battle suits with various powers and abilities; making them a force in their own rights.

Other inventions notably created by Hiro include the Microbots (which were primarily used throughout the film as Yokai's source of power), Baymax's original battle suit (which was equipped with karate action), programming chips capable of enhancing (for better or worse) the knowledge and personality of a robot, and Baymax himself, whom the boy genius was able to recreate in every little detail at the end of the film.

In pictures of Hiro and Tadashi, it is implied that Hiro knows martial arts, though he is never shown using martial arts in battle.


Big Hero 6


A subtly cocky Hiro calmly engaging in an illegal bot fight.

On one particular night, Hiro takes part in an illegal betting on bot fight against champion Yama and leaves the battle victorious. Out of spite, Yama and his goons try to attack Hiro, but the latter is rescued by his older brother, Tadashi. Though they escape Yama and his thugs, the two brothers, along with everyone else involved in the illegal betting on bot fights, are caught by the police and arrested. Hiro and Tadashi are released that same night on account of their Aunt Cass, who takes them home, scolding them along the way for their antics. The two are able to bypass punishment, but a frustrated Tadashi scolds Hiro for wasting time on his bot-fighting obsession, wanting him to put his intelligence to better use. Hiro scoffs at the idea and makes an attempt to go to another bot fight. Tadashi offers a ride, but instead takes his brother to his school, the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. There, Hiro meets Tadashi's closest friends: Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred. After meeting the team, Tadashi takes Hiro to his lab, where he introduces him to Baymax—a squishy white robot programmed to be a personal healthcare companion and created as a means to heal the sick and injured. Tadashi explains that Baymax is programmed by a special healthcare chip which, according to him, makes Baymax who he is.

Microbots 2

Hiro presents the Microbots.

After the introduction, the two run into Professor Callaghan, a world-renowned robotics expert, mentor of Tadashi, and Hiro's personal idol. With the help of Tadashi, Callaghan cunningly convinces Hiro to enroll in the institute. According to Tadashi, the school holds an annual convention, where up-and-coming geniuses are meant to showcase new creations. Those who impress Callaghan are accepted into the school. Tadashi decides to help Hiro when he has trouble deciding what to invent. After a long period of work and planning, with the help of Tadashi, Go Go, Wasabi, Honey, and Fred, Hiro creates the Microbots—miniature robots capable of forming anything that comes to mind through the use of a telepathic transmitter. Hiro's presentation thoroughly impresses both Callaghan and famous tech-guru Alistair Krei. Krei offers Hiro vast wealth in exchange for ownership over the Microbots, but Callaghan interferes by accusing Krei of using technology for selfish reasons, advising Hiro to deny the offer. After some consideration, Hiro takes Callaghan's advice and refuses to sell the Microbots. A frustrated Krei leaves the scene while Callaghan congratulates Hiro on his success by granting him admission into the school.

Hiro Tadashi Building fire

Hiro looks upon the horrific damage.

Afterwards, the Hamada brothers walk off for alone time; in during which, Hiro suspects Tadashi to say how proud he should be for putting his knowledge to better use. Tadashi instead tells him, "No, no. I was just going to tell you your fly was down for the whole show." Hiro sarcastically dismisses it as a joke until he looks down and, upon seeing it actually is down, zips it back up and punches him lightly. Tadashi congratulates Hiro on his success, proud to see him use his genius for bigger things in life. Suddenly, the school's fire alarm goes off, prompting Tadashi and Hiro to rush to the chaos. There, they see civilians escaping the showcase hall, which was mysteriously set ablaze. One woman informs Tadashi that Callaghan is still inside the burning building, prompting him to go in after the professor. Hiro tries to stop Tadashi, but the latter rushes inside in a desperate attempt to save his mentor. When Hiro tries to follow, the building violently explodes, killing Tadashi and presumably Callaghan. As a result of Tadashi's death, Hiro falls into a deep depression. Cass tries to comfort her nephew but to no real avail. As such, Hiro remains alone in mourning within his room, ignoring both his aunt and friends. He also disregards his acceptance into San Fransokyo Tech and instead looks to rejoin bot-fighting.


Baymax returns.

One day, Hiro stubs his toe and accidentally summons Baymax, who offers healthcare assistance. Hiro is shocked Baymax is still active and tries to deactivate the bot, only to fall and get wedged between his dresser and bed. Baymax lifts him out and states he will scan Hiro for injuries despite Hiro telling him not to. Even though Baymax finds no injury, he confirms Hiro to have hit puberty. Hiro, quite shocked at this, tries more desperately to deactivate Baymax only to stumble upon one of his Microbots, which is still active and trying to reunite with the other bots. Hiro, thinking that the rest of his Microbots and the transmitter were destroyed in the fire, believes it to be a simple malfunction. Hiro sarcastically orders Baymax to find out where the bot is trying to go, which the robot takes literally. Hiro chases after a wandering Baymax through the city and the two eventually find themselves at an abandoned warehouse. Suspicious, Hiro and Baymax break in and eventually discovers a machine creating millions of Microbots. As Hiro ponders on the situation, the Microbots rise and attack. As Hiro and Baymax make their escape, they encounter a dark, masked figure named Yokai, who is apparently controlling the bots. The masked man pursues the duo, but they escape at the last minute, immediately heading to the police station to report the attack.


Hiro scanning Baymax in preparation for his oncoming upgrades.

While filing a report to Officer Gerson, Baymax loses power, forcing Hiro to leave the station and return home to have the robot recharged. There, Baymax takes notice of Tadashi's absence and asks for his whereabouts. Hiro explains that Tadashi was killed in a fire, much to his distress. In response, Baymax downloads files on personal loss and tries to comfort Hiro by contacting his friends from the institute and hugging him. As a result of their conversation, Hiro realizes that the fire was no accident, and was merely a setup to cover the tracks of Yokai's Microbot theft. Vengeful, Hiro recruits Baymax into helping him take down the masked culprit. As such, Baymax is given a few upgrades, including a super-suit and a new programming chip equipped with karate-like battle programming. After his new upgrades are put to the test (which includes Hiro shouting "Gummy bears!"), the two head out to find and capture Yokai. They arrive at the warehouse, only to find it vacant. However, using the last Microbot to track him, Hiro and Baymax are led to the docks, where they find Yokai emerging from the fog with a massive piece of technology. The two go into hiding until Honey, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred arrive, having responded to Baymax's contact and followed the two there after spotting them snooping about the city alone.


Hiro looking into the eyes of Yokai as he and the team evade the masked villain.

Hiro urges them to leave, but the group is attacked by Yokai. Baymax tries to battle the masked villain, only to be thrown onto the top of Wasabi's van. The group retreats, with Yokai in hot pursuit, leading into a chase throughout the city. Thanks to Go Go's reckless driving, they manage to escape by driving into the bay, having Yokai believe them to be dead, thus prompting him to vanish once again. Baymax then rescues the team by floating them back to shore. Needing a safe place to rest and recover, Fred invited his friends to his family's manor. There, they ponder on the true identity of Yokai and how to find him. Fred suggests that Alistair Krei is Yokai stemming from the knowledge that Krei wanted ownership of the Microbots and Hiro refused and Krei always broke limits to get what he wanted. The others dismiss Fred's theory insisting he's "too high profile" to do what Yokai just did. Fortunately, Baymax had scanned the masked man's body, allowing Hiro to track him down by upgrading Baymax's sensors. Before the mission to bring Yokai to justice begins, Hiro decides to upgrade both himself and the rest of the team, believing they'd have a much better chance if they all join together as superheroes.


Hiro and Baymax's first flight throughout the city.

With Hiro in the lead, the objective is to retrieve Yokai's mask to cease his control over the bots. Baymax is the last to be upgraded and after his new super suit is revealed, he and Hiro embark on a test flight through the city. The experience elates Hiro, and in response, Baymax offers to deactivate if Hiro is satisfied with his care. Not wanting Baymax to leave just yet, Hiro refuses, and orders Baymax to scan the city. A match is discovered on an island not far from the mainland, which is revealed to be an abandoned facility. There, the team finds a dismantled machine and a room with security footage. From the footage, they learn that the facility originally belonged to Alistar Krei and the machine was a portal meant to enhance transportation. The test subject, a young woman named Abigail, was lost after the portals malfunctioned and destroyed themselves. The incident resulted in the closure of Krei's facility. Hiro then begins to believe Fred's theory that Krei is Yokai and stole the Microbots in hopes of rebuilding his portals.

Do it Baymax destroy

An enraged Hiro ordering Baymax to kill Callaghan for mocking Tadashi's death.

Just then, Yokai appears and attacks once more. A battle follows and in the process, Hiro accidentally removes the villain's kabuki mask. Yokai's true identity is then revealed to be Professor Callaghan. Callaghan confesses his crime of stealing the Microbots and reveals that he used them to escape the fire alive and unharmed, meaning that Tadashi had died for nothing. Heartbroken, Hiro tearfully explains that Tadashi died trying to save the professor, but Callaghan coldly responds that it was Tadashi's own fault that he died for nothing. Deeply enraged, Hiro orders Baymax to kill Callaghan. Baymax denies such an action, explaining he's unable to bring harm to a human being, but Hiro, blinded by hatred and grief, removes the robot's healthcare chip, leaving only his programming of battle and destruction, thus sending him on a violent, mindless rampage in an attempt to kill the professor. Seeing this, Go Go, Fred, and Wasabi try to fend off the bot and, in the midst of the chaos, Callaghan manages to retrieve his mask and escape.

Tumblr n8def4Vp0G1ry7whco1 1280

Hiro crying tears of joy as recordings of Tadashi comfort him.

Luckily, Honey recovers Baymax's healthcare chip and restores the robot to his original settings. Hiro angrily berates his team and blames them for Callaghan's escape, though they retort by explaining they had no intention to kill Callaghan, but to bring him to justice. Out of anger, Hiro leaves the team on the island and returns home to repair Baymax's suit. Baymax talks to Hiro about the situation, asking if Callaghan's death would improve his health and if Tadashi would have wanted this. With his mind clouded by thoughts of fury, revenge, sadness, and the loss of Tadashi, Hiro breaks down in tears. Baymax comforts him by showing videos of Tadashi, which were recorded during Baymax's creation. Tadashi's presence and loving words relieve Hiro, who thanks Baymax for his comfort. Honey, Go Go, Fred, and Wasabi soon arrive and they, too, comfort an apologetic Hiro. Go Go, after pulling into Hiro into her embrace, vows to bring Callaghan to justice, "but this time, we'll do it right," and Honey Lemon shows Hiro a recording they found, which reveals that Abigail was the daughter of Callaghan. Hiro deduces that Callaghan blames Krei for the tragedy and plots to exact revenge.


Hiro uses the wisdom of Tadashi to lead his friends.

The next day, Alister Krei is in the middle of an important showcase, just as Yokai arrives and captures him. Yokai reveals himself to be Callaghan, and the vengeful professor subsequently reveals his plot to use the newly-recreated portal to destroy Krei's new building before killing Krei himself. Just then, Hiro and the team arrive on the scene. Hiro tries to sympathize with the professor, claiming revenge won't change anything, nor would it be something Abigail would approve of. Callaghan briefly falters, but his fury ultimately gets the better of him, and his plans proceed. Hiro and the others battle the villain, aiming for Callaghan's mask, but Callaghan soon gets the upper hand with help from the Microbots, rendering the team members restrained and left for dead. Honey, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred fearfully call to Hiro for help. While pondering how to defeat Callaghan, Hiro takes note of the Microbots being sucked into a portal, giving him the idea to take out the bots and send them into the portal, which would in turn disarm Callaghan. Hiro uses the words of wisdom from Tadashi to successfully guide each of his friends to safety, and after regrouping, Hiro relays his new plan.

Hiro Baymax Yokai Final Battle

Hiro spares Callaghan's life.

Hiro and Baymax fly into the air to divert Callaghan's attention, making him fire towers of Microbots in their direction. Under Hiro's direction, Baymax breaks apart the Microbot clusters, thus sending them into the portal. Meanwhile, Honey, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred do the same from below. Eventually, Callaghan captures Hiro and Baymax and prepares to make the killing strike, only to find that he has run out of Microbots, thus rendering him powerless and vulnerable. With this revelation, Hiro and Baymax break free of their confinement and launch towards the villain. Fearfully, Callaghan prepares for his oncoming demise, but to his surprise, Hiro decides to spare his life, now refusing to injure another human being. Instead, Hiro and Baymax swipe the mask of Yokai and smash it into smithereens, disabling the transmitter and causing Callaghan to finally—and permanently—lose control of the Microbots.

Hiro hugs Baymax

Hiro bidding farewell to Baymax.

With his plans foiled and power-stripped, the team apprehends Callaghan. However, the portal is still sucking things in; Hiro tells Krei the portal has to be shut down. Krei explains that they can't, because the portal is about to tear itself apart. Everyone retreats until Hiro notices Baymax still standing near the portal. Baymax explains that he senses life within the portal, a female in hyper-sleep. Realizing that it must be Abigail still alive, Hiro and Baymax journey inside to save her. The two soon find Abigail asleep in her capsule, and as they make their escape, some of the debris from the destruction of Krei Tech strikes them, causing Baymax to lose most of his armor. Hiro reaches out for Baymax, who manages to grab ahold of his hand, but they both find that the portal is soon closing. Baymax decides to use his rocket-fist to send both Hiro and Abigail to safety, and requests deactivation at Hiro's command. Realizing that this will result in the robot's permanent imprisonment within the portal, Hiro denies. Baymax disregards his own safety and reassures Hiro that he will always be with him. Without a choice, Hiro tearfully hugs Baymax as he bids him farewell and tells the robot that he is satisfied with his care. With these words, Baymax sends Hiro and Abigail off, leaving himself trapped in the portal, which is quickly destroyed. Hiro reunites with his teammates and silently reveals Baymax's demise. Soon afterwards the police and paramedics arrive to care for Abigail and arrest Callaghan.

BH6 still Baymaxhug

Hiro and Baymax, reunited.

Following these events, Hiro has made a tremendous recovery from his depression as he spends his days hanging out with Honey, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred. Finally joining San Fransokyo Tech as an official student, Hiro settles in Tadashi's old lab, where the young genius stores Tadashi's hat and Baymax's rocket fist in memory of those he's lost. Within the grasp of the fist, however, Hiro discovers Baymax's original programming chip (which contains both his personality and memories). After some work, Hiro is able to recreate Baymax, reviving him. The two rejoice in their reunion with a loving embrace and Hiro reassembles the Big Hero 6 team, dedicating themselves to protecting the city from any and all problems, to honor Tadashi's wish of helping a lot of people.

During the credits, Hiro, along with Baymax, is seen hanging out around the city with his friends and watching television with Cass and Mochi. Newspapers show that Hiro has been awarded a grant from the university and the Big Hero 6 team performing heroic deeds around the city. Another newspaper shows a ceremony of a building dedication in Tadashi's name taking place, in which Hiro accepts the honor on behalf of his late brother. When the credits close, there is a redrawing of the scene after Baymax's test flight; Hiro remounts Baymax and the two fly off screen before proceeding to the scene after the credits.

Big Hero 6: The Series

Hiro in Big Hero 6 The Series

Hiro in Big Hero 6: The Series.

Beginning immediately after Callaghan's defeat, Hiro sets out to overcome the loss of Baymax by committing himself to college as a student at San Fransokyo Tech. On his first day, he meets the new dean, Professor Granville, and settles himself into Tadashi's former lab against her wishes. There, Hiro discovers Baymax's healthcare chip and works tirelessly to recreate the robot, beginning with his skeleton. An impatient Hiro ignores the crucial diagnostic exams, and as a result, Baymax's skeleton runs loose, ending up in the hands of Yama's gang. Yama strikes a deal, ordering Hiro to steal a paperweight from Granville's office in exchange for Baymax's skeleton. With help from Fred, Hiro does so, though Yama betrays him and tries to kill the duo. Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Go Go rescue their friends, and manage to retrieve both Baymax's skeleton and Granville's paperweight in the process. Afterward, Baymax is completed and reunites with Hiro and the team. Unfortunately, Yama mass produced Baymax's skeleton while it was in his possession, creating an army of minions bent on stealing Granville's paperweight. Guilty, Hiro assembles the Big Hero 6 team, who manage to defeat Yama and destroy the paperweight, which turned out to be an extremely powerful weapon.

Following these events, Hiro has a talk with Granville; in during which, Hiro stresses that while Tadashi will continue to be an inspiration, he must find his own path and handle life his own way, regardless of how unconventional these methods may be. Among these methods are later revealed to be his double life as a superhero protecting the city as part of Big Hero 6. Meanwhile, Hiro also tries to maintain a stable academic and social life. All the while, Professor Granville, watches him closely. Though Hiro initially trusts Granville's intentions, his feelings are brought into question when he discovers that she had worked at SFIT twenty years before he ever enrolled. By consulting with an incarcerated Professor Callaghan, Hiro discovers that Granville resigned due to an incident on school grounds—an incident that she reportedly caused. Eventually, Granville outright reveals that she once had a prodigy very much like Hiro—reckless and ambitious. His potential encouraged Granville to allow the student 24-hour access to the school's lab. Unbeknown to her, the student had been working on a dangerous experiment, resulting in an accident that nearly killed him. Granville took the blame and resigned out of guilt. This encouraged Hiro to ensure that his own recklessness doesn't steer him down the wrong path.

In "Issue 188", Hiro meets Karmi, another young genius at SFIT. Karmi resents Hiro for "stealing" what makes her special amongst campus, sparking a mostly one-sided rivalry between the two prodigies. He later discovers that Karmi has a crush on his superhero alter-ego (who Karmi dubs "Captain Cutie" in her fan fictions). This causes Hiro a great deal of embarrassment and frustration.

Over time, Big Hero 6 garners a large following throughout San Fransokyo. They are viewed favorably by the public, especially amongst media. Karmi even writes fan fiction of the team, which itself proves to be incredibly popular. Even so, Big Hero 6 unanimously agree to keep their identities a secret. Hiro is especially strict about this rule, specifically when it comes to Aunt Cass. The presence of Big Hero 6 also causes an uptick in crime, pitting them against a wide array of criminals, such as Globby, Momakase, and Baron Von Steamer to name a few. Unbeknown to the team, their actions were being monitored by a mysterious figure called Obake, who develops an interest in Hiro, especially (primarily due to Hiro's intellect). After Hiro finally learns of Obake's presence in "Rivalry Weak", he becomes fixated on learning more about this new villain and what he could be planning.

During "Countdown to Catastrophe", Hiro learns that Obake was once a student of Professor Granville, and has been trying to recreate the 1906 catastrophe that destroyed San Fransokyo, through the use of an energy amplifier. After Hiro is manipulated into crafting the amplifier, Obake tries to forcibly recruit Hiro as his prodigy. His efforts are unsuccessful as Hiro (with a reformed Globby's help) escapes Obake's clutches and foils his plans before the city is destroyed.

Once Upon a Studio

Hiro returns alongside his friends at the Disney Animation Studio for a group photo with all the characters from the previous films to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the studio and The Walt Disney Company's founding in 1923 by Walter Elias Disney and his brother Roy Oliver Disney.

In a deleted scene, Hiro can be seen being encouraged by Camilo Madrigal, Alice, Skippy, and Abby Mallard to get the highest score in the game Fix-It Felix Jr. while Zazu watches them impatiently because at that moment all the Disney characters have to gather to take the group photo to celebrate the studio's 100th anniversary.[3] In the final product, after Goofy accidentally destroys the camera intended for a group photo, a disappointed Hiro retuning inside Dianey's studio until Alan-A-Dale starts a singalong to "When You Wish Upon a Star". Hiro joins in, and is standing beside Aunt Cass, Baymax, Honey Lemon, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred in the final shot.

Other appearances

Hiro appears in Baymax! the series, however, he is only seen in the post-credits scene of the first five episodes and gets a major role in Episode 6.

In Ralph Breaks the Internet, a screenshot depicting Hiro and his team can be seen in the background of Oh My Disney.

In the series finale of At Home With Olaf, a short clip of Big Hero 6 featuring Hiro, Tadashi, and Baymax appears during a montage of heartwarming moments from Disney films playing in Olaf's song "I Am with You".

Printed media



The manga series Baymax, delved into Hiro's past, revealing his upbringing and relationship with Tadashi, prior to the events of the film. It is revealed that Hiro was dubbed a genius at a very young age (being able to solve a problem no one could have) and, as a result, he found himself bullied and beaten by a group of envious kids on occasion, though Tadashi would always come to his rescue, yet he'd lie and say that it wasn't on purpose. As he grew older, Hiro became increasingly antisocial, even growing distant from Tadashi. Nevertheless, the elder sibling made attempts to keep the bond between Hiro and himself strong by crafting fun inventions for them to share, such as a miniature airplane for two. With the latter, Hiro's enthusiastic side saw a resurgence, and together, the brothers spent their days 'side by side as scientific partners and best friends.

Hiro and Tadashi

Hiro and Tadashi centers around the relationship shared by the Hamada brothers, where they are shown to share secret rules (at least 457 of them) and continuously joined together to concoct various inventions. It's also revealed that Tadashi supplied his younger brother with a journal, to keep track of his latest endeavors, which would tie into Hiro's Journal. This book focused on the inner thoughts of Hiro during the course of the film, including his excitement to join the ranks of San Fransokyo Tech, his devastation over the loss of Tadashi, and more; all told by written journal entries and photographs.


Hiro's adventures are also expanded upon in a Dutch magazine print centering around the film and containing several short stories revolving around the young genius and his team. For example, Tech Nightmare takes place during the events of the film, in the midst of Hiro's creation of the Microbots in anticipation of San Fransokyo Tech's annual science fair. Adventurous Imagination takes place after the events of the film, where the team faces a new villain by the name of Dr. Rat. In the story The Winning Robot, Yama returns to exact revenge.

Video games

Disney Infinity

Hiro and Baymax appear as playable characters in the second Disney Infinity game, donning their superhero outfits. Hiro's main source of power and attacks in the game are his Microbots and can use booster jumps for super-stealth spying purposes. He also has the ability to mount Baymax.

Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay

Taking place after the events of the film, San Fransokyo falls under the attack of a battle bot invasion, at the hands of Yama, who seeks vengeance on Hiro for humiliating him and "usurping" his bot-fighting championship. With this, Hiro and the team band together to defeat the villain. For combat, Hiro is equipped with electromagnetic gauntlets that allow him to create damaging electromagnetic energy for pushing or pulling in foes.

Kingdom Hearts III

Hiro - KH3

Hiro appears in the third installment of the series. He meets Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy during a battle against the Heartless on the San Fransokyo Bridge. They later decide to join forces in order to save their world from the invasion after formally introducing Sora, Donald, and Goofy to the rest of the Big Hero 6 team following Hiro discovering a news article online that proves discouraging to the team upon reading it.

However, Hiro soon discovers that the Baymax he left behind in Alistair Krei's portal when they rescued Abigail Callaghan has been corrupted by the Heartless along with the Microbots he was stranded with and is personally leading the Heartless assault on San Fransokyo. Working together with Sora and his friends, Hiro and Big Hero 6 are able to purge the darkness from the old Baymax and return him to normal. With two Baymax at his side, Hiro continues to defend San Fransokyo with the rest of Big Hero 6.

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode

Hiro appears in the game as a thirty token unlockable hero, Hiro's microbots ability are the same along with Megabot, he just goes with his comfortable clothes with his neuro transmitter instead of his superhero outfit.

Disney Parks


Hiro Hamada Character Central

Hiro, posing for a photo at the Disney parks.

From November 2014 to mid-2015, Hiro and Baymax appeared as meetable characters to promote the film at the Starcade in Disneyland.[4]

Hiro also makes a cameo appearance in the 2014 rendition of World of Color: Winter Dreams, as well as World of Color: Celebrate!, alongside Baymax.

Hiro will make meetable appearances with Baymax at San Fransokyo Square (originally Pacific Wharf) in Disney California Adventure.

Walt Disney World

From November 2014 to mid-2015, Hiro and Baymax appeared as meetable characters to promote the film at The Magic of Disney Animation in Disney's Hollywood Studios. In December 2015, Baymax returned to the parks without Hiro. Hiro still appears at private events but, as of now, will no longer be doing meet and greets publicly.

In the Magic Kingdom, animation of Hiro and Baymax briefly appears in the Happily Ever After fireworks show.

Tokyo Disney Resort

Hiro appears as a walkaround character in a unit dedicated to Big Hero 6 in the Tokyo Disneyland daytime parade, Dreaming Up!

Disneyland Paris

In France, Hiro makes an appearance in Disney Dreams!.

In late December, 2015, Hiro made a special appearance in Disneyland Paris, debuting as an atmosphere character in both his civilian wear and superhero armor. The atmosphere Hiro character reappeared in 2018 as part of Disneyland Paris' FanDaze event, alongside Yokai.

Hong Kong Disneyland

From June 4 to June 30, 2016, Hiro made meet-and-greet appearances as an atmosphere character in Art of Animation at Hong Kong Disneyland, as part of its 10th anniversary celebration.[5] Hiro and Baymax currently appear in the castle show Disney in the Stars.

Shanghai Disneyland

Hiro and Baymax briefly appear during the Ignite the Dream fireworks show finale.

Hiro (as a face character) and Baymax also co-host the interactive workout session, Baymax Super Exercise Expo, at the Pepsi E-Stage.


The Disney Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Hiro Hamada.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Hiro Hamada.


  • In the original comics, Hiro's last name was originally Takachiho but was later changed to Hamada in the final film.
    • This was likely done to mirror the alliterative names of Marvel superheroes, such as Peter Parker and Bruce Banner.
  • Hiro and Tadashi are both half Japanese. Their father is Japanese while their mother is Caucasian. In the original comics, they were fully Japanese.
  • According to Hiro, he lost his parents at the age of three.
  • He seems to quote Tadashi sometimes in the film, such as "Unbelievable" and to "look at things from a different angle".
  • Hiro and Baymax's flight through the city is a reference to Iron Man when Tony Stark took his first flight in his first cinematic film.
  • Hiro, Baymax, and Fred are the only members of the team to not have nicknames.
  • In the Japanese manga adaptation, it is shown that Hiro showcased high intelligence from a very young age, which caused him to be bullied by others and needing Tadashi to protect him. This may explain Hiro's antisocial, shy behavior around others along with his cockiness in his own intelligence.
    • It is also shown from the manga that he is smarter than Tadashi.
  • The 2013 Rotoscopers video and early information regarding the plot depicted Hiro with a slightly different backstory: He was already attending classes with Tadashi and could not fit in with the other students due to his intelligence (though he doesn't seem to mind). The Rotoscopers video also depicted Hiro as part of a "science club research team" lead by Tadashi (most likely consisting of Honey, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred) in which each individual would make different things and would eventually lead up to a competition. Like Tony Stark, Hiro felt pressure over using his intelligence for good or just building battle robots in the basement (garage in the final film).[6]
    • Also, in the early stages of the story, Hiro was responsible for the creation of Baymax, as opposed to Tadashi, just like in the comic book.[7]
  • According to Baymax's first scan, Hiro has a minor allergy to peanuts. Baymax stated it again in "Killer App" after Hiro told Wasabi that he just had an almond butter and jelly sandwich.
  • Hiro's name, written in Japanese, is "ヒロ". The transliteration of the English word "Hero" in Japanese is ヒーロー (Hīrō).
  • Hiro loves Gummy Bears and was excited when he asked Baymax to retrieve said item.
  • Hiro, along with his comic counterpart, shares many physical traits with fellow Marvel character Amadeus Cho: both are of Asian descent and bear a slight resemblance to each other along with being child prodigies.
  • Hiro has a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) controller connected to his computer in his bedroom.
    • He also has a poster of the deleted villain "Mr. Sparkles" in the same area.
  • Along with Hiro's gap in his front teeth, he has a slight overbite. In addition, in one scene, Hiro was seen sticking his tongue out to bring a straw up to his mouth before sipping, a habit common among people who sucked their thumbs as children. The gap in front teeth can also occur in people who sucked their thumbs past the age of 5 when permanent teeth start to grow in.
  • Hiro has a habit of running his hand(s) through his hair. Some examples are when he is explaining to the policeman about the microbots, on the staircase telling Aunt Cass that he has a lot of homework to catch up on, or when he re-activated Baymax by the end of the film. This would suggest that this habit indicates nervousness and/or anxiousness.
  • Hiro appears to be a Whovian (Doctor Who fan) because of a Dalek-like action figure on his shelf in his room.
  • During renovations of the Walt Disney Animation Studios building, beginning in 2014, Hiro was one of the character silhouettes featured on the wall mural.
  • In much of Hiro's early concept art, he bears a strong resemblance to Arthur Pendragon, from The Sword in the Stone.
  • Because Tadashi Hamada's name is changed to Teddy Armada in the Korean dub, Hiro Hamada's name is changed to "Hero Armada".
    • Similarly, Hiro's name was changed to "Hero" in the mainland Mandarin Chinese dub.
  • Hiro's SFIT ID is #20348509.
  • With the film being set sometime in the early 2032 and since Hiro is 14 years old, this would mean that he was born at some point between 2017 and 2018.
  • In Baymax!, Hiro is shown to have taken up soccer (football) as a hobby, as evidenced in "Yachi" where he is seen kicking a soccer ball when he enters his room.
  • Hiro and Baymax are the only characters to appear in every Big Hero 6 project.
  • Hiro is the only protagonist from the Disney Revival era to be fully biologically male (Winnie the Pooh doesn't count since his namesake 2011 film is not his first one).


  1. "Muirahara Woods"
  2. Brandon, Emily (2014). "Cast Announcement: Six Reasons We Can't Wait to See Big Hero 6". Oh My Disney. Disney.
  3. "Once Upon a Studio Photo Deleted". Instagram. Retrieved on July 18th.
  4. Slater, Shawn (November 6, 2014). "Hiro and Baymax Meet and Greets". Disney Parks Blog.
  5. "Hong Kong Disneyland 10th Anniversary". 
  6. "Marvel/Disney's BIG HERO 6 - Plot, Characters & News!". YouTube.
  7. RyanLangDraws (November 14, 2014). "More Big Hero 6?!". Tumblr.

External links

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Big Hero 6 logo
Films and Television: Big Hero 6 (video/soundtrack) • Big Hero 6: The SeriesBig Chibi 6: The ShortsBaymax!

Books: MangaThe Art of Big Hero 6Comic Books
Video Games: Big Hero 6: Battle in the BayBig Hero 6: Bot FightDisney Infinity seriesBig Hero 6: Baymax BlastKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Disney Parks
San Fransokyo SquareThe Happy Ride with BaymaxThe AnnexThe Magic of Disney AnimationPLAY!

Entertainment: Baymax Super Exercise Expo
Fireworks: Happily Ever AfterDisney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousReach for the StarsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Parades: Dreaming Up!Disney Harmony in Color! ParadeDisney Starlight
Halloween: Treat Trails

Original: Hiro HamadaBaymaxTadashi HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonWasabiFredAunt CassRobert Callaghan/YokaiAbigail CallaghanAlistair KreiSergeant GersonMochiYamaMr. FredericksonMrs. FredericksonHeathcliffJudyThe Ringleader

The Series: Professor GranvilleObakeBaron Von SteamerKarmiHigh VoltageRichardson MoleGlobbyFelony CarlMomakaseMad JacksMini-MaxMr. SparklesWendy WowerTrevor TrengroveNoodle Burger BoyLenore ShimamotoTrinaLiv AmaraDi AmaraOrso KnoxMegan CruzChief CruzChrisAC and DCNega-GlobbyMayoiSupersonic SueHardlightRoddy Blair
Baymax!: Kiko TanakaSofiaAliMbitaYukioYachi
Deleted: The Fujitas

Big Hero 6: The Series

Shorts: "Baymax and Fred" • "Baymax and Go Go" • "Baymax and Wasabi" • "Baymax and Hiro" • "Baymax and Mochi" • "Baymax and Honey Lemon" • "Baymax Dreams of Too Many Baymaxes" • "Baymax Dreams of Evil Sheep" • "Baymax Dreams of Bed Bugs" • "Baymax Dreams of Mochizilla" • "Baymax Dreams of Too Many Freds"
Season One: "Baymax Returns" • "Issue 188" • "Big Roommates 2" • "Fred's Bro-Tillion" • "Food Fight" • "Muirahara Woods" • "Failure Mode" • "Aunt Cass Goes Out" • "The Impatient Patient" • "Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle" • "Killer App" • "Small Hiro One" • "Kentucky Kaiju" • "Rivalry Weak" • "Fan Friction" • "Mini-Max" • "Big Hero 7" • "Big Problem" • "Steamer's Revenge" • "The Bot Fighter" • "Obake Yashiki" • "Countdown to Catastrophe"
Season Two: "Internabout" • "Seventh Wheel" • "Prey Date" • "Something's Fishy" • "Nega-Globby" • "The Fate of the Roommates" • "Muira-Horror!" • "Something Fluffy" • "Supersonic Sue" • "Lie Detector" • "Write Turn Here" • "City of Monsters" • "Mini-Maximum Trouble" • "El Fuego" • "The Globby Within" • "Hardlight" • "The Present" • "Hiro the Villain" • "Portal Enemy" • "Fred the Fugitive" • "Major Blast" • "Fear Not" • "Legacies"
Season Three: "The Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-Torium" • "Mayor for a Day/The Dog Craze of Summer" • "Trading Chips/Mini Noodle Burger Max" • "A Friendly Face/Big Chibi 6" • "Cobra and Mongoose/Better Off Fred" • "Big Hero Battle/Go Go the Woweroo" • "The New Nega-Globby/De-Based" • "The MiSFIT/Return To Sycorax" • "A Fresh Sparkles/Noodle Burger Ploy" • "Krei-oke Night/The Mascot Upshot"

Baymax!: "Cass" • "Kiko" • "Sofia" • "Mbita" • "Yachi" • "Baymax"

Big Hero 6
San FransokyoLucky Cat CaféSan Fransokyo Institute of TechnologyAkuma IslandFrederickson ManorKrei Tech IndustriesNoodle BurgerObake's LairSycoraxFrederickson Candy Co.
MicrobotsMegabotBaymax's ChipHoney Lemon's Chem-PurseYokai's MaskLittle YamaSilent SparrowSkymaxesLenore Shimamoto's JournalKentucky KaijuEnergy AmplifierGo Go's Cycle
StoryImmortalsWe've Got Dance PowerNoodle SongWe're Gonna Be GoodWe Are 4 2 SingDark MatterWoweroo RapB-A-Y-M-A-XA New AngleHappy SongBa La La La La La La La LaKoo Loo LeeOne Sweet Ride

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Disney infinity logo
Disney InfinityDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionDisney Infinity: 3.0 Edition
Playable Characters
Disney Infinity: Jack SparrowMr. IncredibleSulleySorcerer MickeyLightning McQueenWoodyMaterBuzz LightyearMike WazowskiRandall BoggsHector BarbossaDavy JonesElastigirlDash ParrViolet ParrSyndromeJohn ReidTontoJack SkellingtonPhineas FlynnPerry the PlatypusJessieWreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzRapunzelElsaAnnaHolley ShiftwellFrancesco Bernoulli

Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowThor OdinsonHawkeyeNick FuryLoki LaufeysonMaleficentMeridaSpider-ManVenomIron FistNovaGreen GoblinRocket RaccoonGrootStar-LordGamoraDrax the DestroyerStitchTinker BellAladdinJasmineDonald DuckBaymaxHiro HamadaFalconYonduSam FlynnQuorra
Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition: YodaUltronLuke SkywalkerFa MulanAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderLeia OrganaHan SoloAhsoka TanoDarth MaulObi-Wan KenobiFinnReyPoe DameronKylo RenJoySadnessAngerFearDisgustMinnie MouseOlafChewbaccaHulkbuster Iron ManEzra BridgerKanan JarrusGarazeb OrreliosSabine WrenBoba FettSpotJudy HoppsNick WildePeter PanBalooCaptain America - The First AvengerBlack PantherVisionAnt-ManAliceMad HatterTimeDoryNemo

Non-Playable Characters
Disney Infinity: HammRexSlinky DogZurgJoshamee GibbsPintel and RagettiMaccusEdna ModeRick DickerMirageLuigiRamoneFloChick HicksThe KingGuidoFinn McMissileTractorsArtScott "Squishy" SquibblesTerri and Terry PerryDon CarltonEaster Bunny

Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition: WaspCaptain MarvelAnt-Man (Hank Pym)SifMODOKFrost GiantsIron PatriotWinter SoldierMysterioDoctor OctopusBlack CatWhite TigerLuke CageJ. Jonah JamesonCosmo the SpacedogThe CollectorThe WitchPleakleyGolden Harp
Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition: R2-D2C-3POJabba the HuttJar Jar BinksMace WinduPadmé AmidalaKing CandyMarshmallowYokaiBattle DroidsMarlinBruceAnglerfishSeagullsHankDestinyBaileyJellyfish

SparksCruella's carRatcatcherPumpkin CoachLightsaberDarkwing Duck's gas gunBlack PearlIdentity DiscPlasma Blaster Mark ICandy KartKing Candy's Royal RacerPizza Planet TruckRecognizerBathtubLight RunnerPixar BallThe Jolly Roger (Disney Parks version) • The Electric Mayhem BusBaseball Launcher

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Disney Tsum Tsum Logo
Toys and MerchandiseMobile Application (Disney and Star Wars)Mobile Application (Marvel)Television ShortsKingdom Hearts Union χDisney Tsum Tsum FestivalTwisted Wonderland
Mickey and Friends: MickeyMinnieDonaldDaisyGoofyPlutoChip and DaleOswaldOrtensiaDuffyShellieMayGelatoniStellaLouCookieAnn'Olu MelHuey, Dewey, and LouieJosé CariocaPanchito PistolesClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarMax GoofClaricePeteScrooge McDuckLudwig Von DrakeDr. FrankenollieJulius

Pooh and Pals: PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooKangaGopherChristopher RobinLumpy
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLiloScrumpPleakleyJumbaAngelLeroyDr. HämstervielUgly DucklingSparky627GigiBabyfierYangSlushyShortstuff625AmnesioDupeSampleClipTankYinHunkahunkaPlasmoid
Silly Symphonies: Donald DuckBig Bad WolfPractical PigFiddler PigFifer PigUgly Duckling
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow WhiteEvil QueenDocGrumpyHappyBashfulSneezySleepyDopey
Pinocchio: PinocchioJiminy CricketFigaroCleoGeppettoBlue FairyHonest John and GideonLampwickMonstro
Fantasia: MickeyYen SidChernabogHyacinth HippoBen Ali Gator
Dumbo: Dumbo
Bambi: BambiThumperMiss BunnyFriend OwlThe Great Prince of the Forest
The Three Caballeros: GauchitoBurrito
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherLady TremaineLuciferSuzyPerlaBruno
Alice in Wonderland: AliceMad HatterMarch HareDormouseWhite RabbitCheshire CatTweedle Dum and Tweedle DeeQueen of HeartsKing of HeartsCaterpillarDinahOysters
Peter Pan: Peter PanTinker BellWendy DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingCaptain HookMr SmeeNanaTick TockTiger Lily
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTrampSi and AmJockTrustyPeg
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherDiabloSamsonKing StefanGoonOwlRabbit
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertPenguin Waiter • Carousel Horse
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilLuckyPatchRolly
The Jungle Book: MowgliBalooBagheeraShere KhanKaaKing LouieHathi, Jr.Raksha
Pete's Dragon: Elliott
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Aristocats: MarieBerliozToulouseDuchessThomas O'Malley
The Rescuers: BernardBianca
Oliver & Company: OliverDodgerTitoRitaFrancisEinstein
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianEricUrsulaTritonMaxScuttle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFou
Aladdin: AladdinAbuGenieJasmineJafarSultanIagoRajah
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownSanta Claus
The Lion King: SimbaNalaTimonPumbaaZazuRafikiScarEd
Pocahontas: PocahontasJohn SmithMeekoFlitPercy
Hercules: HerculesMegaraHades
Mulan: MulanLi ShangMushuFa ZhouKhan
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoYzmaKronk
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckGoofy
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
The Princess and the Frog: TianaDr. Facilier
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelQueen AriannaKing FredericCassandra • Fidella • Pub Thug
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphFix-It Felix Jr.
Frozen: AnnaElsaOlafKristoffSvenHansSnowgiesBruni
Big Hero 6: HiroBaymaxFredWasabiHoney LemonGo Go TomagoTadashi HamadaYokaiMochi
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeMayor LionheartFlashYaxGazelleChief BogoClawhauserFinnickMr. BigBellwetherJerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHeiheiTamatoaKakamora
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey Jack
Phineas and Ferb: Perry
The Lion Guard: KionOnoBungaBeshteFuli
DuckTales (2017): Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieWebby Vanderquack
Kingdom Hearts: SoraRikuKairiAquaXemnasAnsem, Seeker of DarknessVentusTerra • Chirithy • LeaYoung XehanortRoxas • Dark Riku • Naminé
Sofia the First: SofiaMinimusSkye
Elena of Avalor: Elena
Enchanted: Giselle
Disney Fairies: PeriwinkleRosettaSilvermist
The Sword in the Stone: WartMerlin
Oliver & Company: Oliver
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisu
Twisted Wonderland: Grim
Encanto: MirabelIsabela
Wish: AshaKing Magnifico

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearBo PeepHammAlienJessieRexBullseyeStinky PeteLotsoForkyDucky and Bunny

A Bug's Life: FlikDotHeimlich
Monsters, Inc.: SulleyMikeBooRandallCeliaRozFungusGeorge Sanderson
Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSallyDoc HudsonJackson StormCruz RamirezMackMiss Fritter
Finding Nemo: NemoDoryMarlinCrushBruceDestinyBaileyHankSquirtNigelGillSheldonPearlDarlaCharlieJenny
Ratatouille: RemyLinguini
Up: Carl FredricksenDugKevinRussell
Brave: Merida
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing Bong
The Good Dinosaur: Arlo
Coco: MiguelHéctorImelda
Onward: Ian LightfootBarley Lightfoot
Soul: Joe22
Luca: Luca
Turning Red: Mei
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Elemental: EmberWade
Luxo, Jr.: Luxo, Jr.

Disney Parks
MonorailWalter E. DisneyDumboMad Tea PartySplash MountainAstro OrbiterMatterhorn BobsledsThe Haunted MansionAlbertEnchanted Tiki RoomOrange BirdPirates of the CaribbeanJungle CruiseBig AlBonnie BearTower of Terror
The Avengers: Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorThe HulkBlack WidowHawkeyeFalconWar MachineWinter SoldierAnt-ManBlack PantherVisionSharon Carter

Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-ManVenomGreen GoblinMiles MoralesLizardRhinoDoctor OctopusIron SpiderSpider-GwenKraven the HunterHobgoblin
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonGrootDrax
Marvel's Women of Power: WaspElektraCaptain MarvelShe-HulkSpider-Woman
Marvel Icons: DaredevilDoctor StrangeGhost RiderMs. MarvelThanos

Star Wars
Luke SkywalkerHan SoloPrincess LeiaC-3POR2-D2Moff TarkinYodaChewbaccaStormtrooperSandtrooperAT-AT DriverRed GuardTusken RaiderJawaWicketJabba the HuttGreedoObi-Wan KenobiQui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaClone TrooperJar Jar BinksDarth MaulJango FettGeneral GrievousAayla SecuraAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderMace WinduCount DookuPlo KoonReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenPoe DameronCaptain PhasmaFirst Order StormtrooperMaz KanataThe MandalorianThe Child
The Muppets
KermitMiss PiggyFozzie BearRowlfGonzoAnimalThe Swedish Chef

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Disney Crossy Road Logo
Disney Crossy RoadSoundtrack
Mickey Mouse & Friends: MickeyMinnieDonaldDaisyGoofyPlutoFifiPeteClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarWillie the GiantChip and DaleMortimer MouseChief O'HaraDetective CaseyButch the BulldogGolden HarpFather TimePeter Pig

The Lion King: SimbaNalaShenzi, Banzai, and EdOstrichGazelleRhinoHippoZebraBlue BeetleGrubZazuRafikiTimonPumbaaMufasaScar
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderStabbington BrothersPub ThugsAttilaVladBig NoseHook HandUlfShortyPascalMaximusMother GothelThe KingThe QueenCaptain of the GuardsWarthogThe Lantern
Wreck-It Ralph: RalphVanellopeFelixSgt. CalhounKing CandyTaffyta MuttonfudgeCandleheadSurge ProtectorGeneNicelandersRancis FluggerbutterOther Sugar Rush RacersSour BillBlue RacerGeneral Hologram
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxRobert CallaghanGo Go TomagoHoney LemonWasabiFredFred's DadTadashi HamadaCassYamaAlistair KreiHeathcliffAbbigail CallaghanMegabotSergeant GersonCass
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeFlashClawhauserGazelleYaxBogoMayor LionheartBellwetherDougFinnickMr. BigMr. OttertonManchasGideonJerry Jumbeaux Jr.NangiPriscillaMr. HoppsMrs. HoppsBusiness LemmingDuke WeaseltonFru FruKozlovOfficer McHornWrangledWreck-It RhinoPig Hero 6
The Jungle Book: MowgliKaaBalooAkelaRakshaGrayShere KhanColonel HathiKing LouieBandar-Log MonkeyFlying SquirrelCrocodilePeacockVultureElephantBee HiveClassic BalooClassic King Louie
Alice Through the Looking Glass: Alice KingsleighDormouseTweedledee and TweedledumCheshire CatBandersnatchBayardWhite QueenMarch HareWhite RabbitMad HatterAbsolemTimeWilkinsHumpty DumptyRed QueenBorogroveFrog Delivery ManGentleman FishVegetable SoldierVegetable ServantVegetable ExecutionerArmored Chess Piece
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJoshamee GibbsTia DalmaJames NorringtonMartyCottonBootstrap BillPintelRagettiAngelicaBlackbeardPrison DogMaccusDavy JonesHelmsmanPhilip SwiftSyrenaCaptain SalazarGhost LesaroShansaHenry TurnerCarina SmythThe RedheadMurtoggMullroyTreasure ChestStray CatTinyPirate With PigsGhost SharkGhost SeagullAuctioneer
Aladdin: AladdinJasmineThe SultanPrince AchmedGazeemRazoulRajahIagoAbuGenieJafarMagic CarpetPink FlamingoBeggar JafarGolden Scarab BeetleMagic LampSnake CharmerGolden Camel
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieSanta ClausBehemothWolfmanCorpse FamilyVampiresMummy BoyMayor of Halloween TownDr. FinkelsteinJewelHarlequin DemonZeroCreature Under the StairsHanging TreeHelgamine and ZeldabornMelting ManSkeletal ReindeerEaster BunnyMr. HydeIgorWinged DemonDevilCyclopsMummy BoyAccordion Player, Bass Player, and Saxophone PlayerZombie Toy DuckVampire Teddy
Mulan: MulanYao, Ling, and Chien PoFa LiFa ZhouHayabusaKhanCri-KeeLittle BrotherMushuShan YuCaptain Li ShangThe Emperor of ChinaThe MatchmakerGeneral LiGrandmother FaFirst Ancestor FaChi-FuGreat Stone Dragon
Moana: MoanaSinaFrigatebirdChief TuiGramma TalaPuaFrigatebirdKakamora ChiefMauiHeiHeiGhost MataiEelTamatoaFrog MonsterSloth MonsterEight Eyed BatChicken FeedMaui's HookThe Ocean
Beauty and the Beast: BelleMauriceChip PottsMrs. PottsGastonLeFouFrouFrouChapeauPlumetteBeastCogsworthLumiereThe Enchantress
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiNani PelekaiDavid KawenaMrs. HasagawaMertle EdmondsStitch
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald Duck (Classic)Huey, Dewey, and LouieWebbigail VanderquackMrs. BeakleyBeagle Boys (Big Time, Burger, and Bouncer)GyroDarkwing DuckFalcon GravesPixiu Chinese DragonPeghook's GhostLaunchpad McQuackHack and Slash SmashnikovGizmoduckShadow MagicaMa BeagleFlintheart GlomgoldPharaoh Toth-RaHeadless Man-Horse

Toy Story: WoodyJessieBuzz LightyearHammEmperor ZurgRexSlinky DogMrs. NesbitBo PeepWheezyBabyheadBullseyeLennyThe ProspectorMint in the Box ProspectorTrixieBig BabyGreen Army MenBabyfaceJaney DollStretchBookwormRocky GibraltarMr. PricklepantsChucklesButtercup

Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing BongFrank and DaveForgettersBrain WorkersJanglesDream DirectorRainbow Unicorn
Finding Dory: DoryDebGurglePearlSheldonTadGillBloatSquirtNemoMarlinJacquesBubblesDestinyBaileyGeraldFlukeRudderHankCrushMr. RayBeckyJellyfishAnglerFishOtterCharlieJennyPhilip Sherman
Monsters, Inc.: BooNeedlemanWaxfordC.D.A. AgentMike WazowskiCelia MaeFlintMr. WaternooseJames P. SullivanRandall BoggsRozPhlegmCharlieSimulation KidGarbage CubeHarleySpike
The Incredibles: Bob ParrHelen ParrDashVioletJack-JackLucius BestSyndromeEdna ModeRick DickerGilbert HuphKari McKeenBomb VoyageRusty McAllisterThe UnderminerOmnidroid

Disney Parks
The Haunted Mansion: Professor Phineas PlumpMaidGargoyleCaretaker and DogButlerSally SlaterHeadless KnightExecutionerSpiderMadame LeotaRavenConstance the BrideThe OratorThe Cat LadyThe MedusaThe MuseArmorDoom Buggy

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Emoji Blitz Logo
Disney Emoji Blitz (mission tags) • Event listItem collections listAs Told by EmojiDisney Heroes: Battle Mode (chat section & Heroes Emoji Collection)
Disney feature films
Mickey Mouse & Friends: MickeyMinnieDonald DuckDaisyPlutoGoofySteamboat Willie MickeyRetro MinnieOswald the Lucky RabbitHoliday Mickey8-Bit MickeyHoliday MinnieHoliday PlutoRose Gold MinnieRainbow MickeyVampire MickeyWitch MinnieMermaid MinnieDeep Sea MickeyCrab DonaldFairy MinnieSeashell DaisyPirate Peg-Leg PeteBirthday Baby PlutoPeppermint MinnieGardener MickeyFlower MinnieWatermelon MinnieIce Cream MickeySoft Serve DonaldSea Creature GoofyPumpkin MickeyGingerbread MickeyChristmas Clarabelle CowGarnet MinnieRainy Day DonaldAstronaut MickeyAlien PlutoPine Cone PlutoPancake GoofyBlueberry Muffin DonaldPumpkin MinnieSanta GoofyPlatinum MickeyFashion MinnieSpring Flute MickeyWinter PetePlatinum DonaldPearl DaisyPlatinum MinnieAstronaut DonaldTopiary DaisyDapper MinnieDapper MickeyWerewolf GoofyMummy DonaldBlack Opal MickeyWinter DaisyHeart Stitch MinnieSpringtime DaisyQuartz Donald

The Lion King: SimbaTimonPumbaaRafikiScarSpirit MufasaNalaShenziBaby SimbaZazuAdult SimbaPlatinum SimbaMufasaCarnelian ScarPatchwork Simba
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonPrince EricWedding ArielVanessaFlotsamAmethyst UrsulaRuby ArielScuttleKiss the Girl ArielKnitted UrsulaChef Louis
Bambi: BambiThumperPretty FlowerApril Shower BambiFloral Ms. Bunny
The Aristocats: MariePearl Marie
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitHoney Bee PoohFlower PigletBunny TiggerBaby Chick EeyoreHoney Cake PoohSanta PoohRooLumpy HeffalumpCitrine PoohQuilted TiggerSnuggly Eeyore
Pinocchio: Jiminy CricketPinocchioBlue FairyFigaroPlatinum Jiminy CricketSketch Blue FairyGeppettoMonstroPlatinum Blue Fairy
Dumbo: DumboTimothy MouseMrs. Jumbo
Peter Pan: Tinker BellPeter PanCaptain HookWendyNanaSmeeJohn DarlingSlightlyHoliday Tinker BellTopaz Tinker BellCaptain PanSpinel Peter PanPlatinum TinkerbellPrismatic Tinker BellFairy Glass Tinker Bell
Aladdin: The GenieAladdinJasmineJafarAbuRajahIagoMagic CarpetDisguised JasmineSnake JafarVacation GeniePrince AliAquamarine JasmineElephant AbuSultanBaby RajahRed Carpet GenieGenie JafarCave of WondersCelebration JasminePlatinum GenieTanzanite Cave of WondersRed Jasper Jafar
Alice in Wonderland: AliceWhite RabbitCheshire CatMad HatterCaterpillarThe Queen of HeartsDoorknobKing of HeartsLittle OystersHouse AliceRoseMarch HareMr. WalrusTweedle DeeOnyx Queen of Hearts
Cinderella: CinderellaFairy GodmotherGusPrince CharmingJaqLuciferAnastasiaDrizellaLady TremaineWedding CinderellaPink Dress CinderellaHoliday CinderellaIolite Fairy GodmotherTopaz Cinderella
Frozen: ElsaAnnaOlafSvenKristoffMarshmallowGrand PabbieThe Fire SpiritElsa the Snow QueenQueen AnnaDiamond ElsaYoung AnnaCitrine AnnaOpal OlafPrince HansSketch ElsaIridescent ElsaOakenDuke of Weselton
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLiloJumbaScrumpAngelShaved Ice StitchRainbow StitchNani PelekaiPlatinum StitchCobra BubblesSapphire StitchPleakleyCaptain GantuPixel Stitch
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeClawhauserFinnickFlashGazelle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleThe BeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipGastonEnchantressWinter BelleFancy BeastBookworm BelleMagical EnchantressZircon BelleLeFouMauriceTiger's Eye BeastRose Glass BelleShattered Glass BeastAureate Enchantress
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHei HeiGramma TalaTamatoaBaby MoanaTe FitiKakamora ChiefTe KāVoyager MoanaSimeaMatangi
Mulan: MulanMushuCri-KeePingShan YuLi ShangThe EmperorReflection MulanRuby MushuMelanite MulanCelebration Mulan
Tangled: RapunzelPascalFlynn RiderMaximusTiara RapunzelMother GothelWedding MaximusBaby RapunzelGolden Beryl Rapunzel
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPrince PhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherWinter AuroraDragon MaleficentBriar RosePeridot MaleficentThe RavenYellow Diamond Aurora
The Jungle Book: BalooKaaKing LouieMowgliShere KhanBagheera
Fantasia: Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeyYen SidChernabogPlatinum Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeySpring SpritePlatinum Chernabog
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilPerditaPatchWinter Cruella
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroOogie BoogieSanta JackDr. FinkelsteinThe MayorChristmas SallyMan-Eating WreathLockShockBarrelMoonstone Jack SkellingtonTourmaline Oogie Boogie
Pocahontas: PocahontasFlitMeekoPercyGrandmother WillowGovernor RatcliffeColors of the Wind PocahontasWintertime Pocahontas
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxPlatinum BaymaxHoney Lemon
Wreck-It Ralph: VanellopeRalphYesssFix-It Felix Jr.CalhounKing CandyPixel RalphPrincess VanellopeTaffyta Muttonfudge
The Princess and the Frog: TianaLouisRayDr. FacilierAlmost There TianaPrince NaveenPlatinum TianaCharlotte La BouffAventurine TianaMama OdieYoung Tiana
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Hercules: HerculesMegPegasusHadesPhilZeusBaby PegasusBaby HerculesPainPanic
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoKronkPachaYzmaYzma KittyAmethyst Yzma
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow WhiteDopeyMagic MirrorThe Evil QueenGrumpyThe PrinceSleepyDocWinter Snow WhiteThe WitchObsidian Snow WhitePlatinum Snow WhiteBashfulSneezyPurple Diamond DopeyIlluminated Snow White
The Rescuers: BernardBiancaMadame Medusa
Robin Hood: Robin HoodMaid MarianLady KluckLittle JohnSir HissPrince JohnSheriff of Nottingham
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoHugoFrollo
The Sword in the Stone: ArthurArchimedesMerlinMadam MimSugar BowlYoung MimPlatinum Merlin
Mickey's Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit MickeyGhost of Jacob MarleyEbenezer Scrooge McDuckTiny TimEmily Cratchit MinnieGhost of Christmas Future PeteGhost of Christmas Present
A Goofy Movie: MaxVacation GoofyPowerlineRoxannePJ
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuTuk TukNamaariHuman Sisu
The Three Caballeros: JoséPanchitoCaballero Donald
Encanto: MirabelAntonioLuisaBrunoIsabelaPlatinum MirabelAlma MadrigalCamiloDoloresEmbroidered MirabelPepaSmoky Quartz Bruno
Bolt: Bolt
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Great Mouse Detective: Professor Ratigan
Pixie Hollow: SilvermistIridessaRosettaFawnPeriwinkleVidia
Treasure Planet: John Silver
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
Oliver & Company: OliverDodger
Wish: AshaValentinoStar
Atlantis: MiloKida
Paperman: George

Disney animated shows
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckLaunchpad McQuackWebby VanderquackGizmoduckMagica De SpellHueyDeweyLouie

Darkwing Duck: Darkwing Duck
Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackDevil DaleAngel Chip
Gargoyles: GoliathBronxDemona
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
Kim Possible: Kim Possible
Adventures of the Gummi Bears: Zummi Gummi
TaleSpin: Talespin Baloo
Phineas and Ferb: Perry the Platypus

Monsters, Inc.: MikeSulleyRandallCeliaRozBoo

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearAlienJessieBullseyeBo PeepForkyRexDuke CaboomHammMrs. NesbitZurgLotsoPlatinum WoodyBunnyStinky PeteFluorite BuzzPainted Glass WoodyDuckyGabby Gabby
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory: NemoDoryHankCrushBruceBaby DoryDestinyBaileyPearlPlatinum NemoDarla
Cars: Lightning McQueenCruz RamirezJackson StormMater
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing BongRainbow UnicornSapphire JoyAnxietyEmbarrassment
Coco: Miguel RiveraHéctorDanteImeldaPepitaAlebrije DanteErnestoMama CocoDisguised MiguelPlatinum Miguel
Ratatouille: RemyAnton EgoAlfredo LinguiniAuguste GusteauChef Skinner
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleMrs. IncredibleJack-JackVioletDashFrozoneEdna ModeSyndrome
A Bug's Life: FlikPrincess AttaHeimlich
Brave: MeridaYoung MeridaQueen Elinor
Up: DugRusselCarlKevinAlphaHeadphones Dug
Onward: IanBarleyThe Manticore
Soul: Joe22
Luca: LucaAlberto
Turning Red: Meilin LeeRed Panda MeiAbby ParkRed Panda Ming Lee
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Pixar Shorts: Bao
Elemental: EmberWade
Alien Remix: Monsters Inc. AlienIncredibles AlienWoody's Roundup Alien

Disney video games
Kingdom Hearts: SoraAquaCaptain GoofyRoyal Magician Donald
Disney live-action films
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack SparrowBarbossaDavy JonesElizabeth SwannPrison DogTia Dalma

Descendants: Mal
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah SandersonBinxBilly ButchersonYoung WinifredThe BookDani Dennison
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertJolly Holiday Mary Poppins
Enchanted: GiselleWedding Giselle
Jungle Cruise: FrankLily Houghton
The Little Mermaid: King TritonAriel
Cruella: Masquerade Cruella
The Santa Clause: Scott CalvinBernard the Elf
Maleficent: Maleficent
Cinderella: MaleficentLady Tremaine

Disney live-action shows
The Golden Girls: Rose NylundBlanche DevereauxSophia PetrilloDorothy Zbornak
Disney Parks
The Haunted Mansion: Hatbox GhostMadame LeotaThe BrideHitchhicker Ghost PhineasConstance

Matterhorn Bobsleds: Abominable Snowman
Journey Into Imagination: FigmentSketch FigmentRainbow Figment
Main Street Electrical Parade: Electrical Parade ElliottElectrical Parade MinnieElectrical Parade Tinker BellElectrical Parade Cheshire CatElectrical Parade Blue FairyElectrical Parade GenieElectrical Parade Nemo
World of Color: World of Color Mickey
It's a Small World: It's a Small World
Space Mountain: Space Mountain
Disney Munchlings: Munchlings Cherry Tart Minnie

Disney Theatrical Productions
The Lion King: Broadway Mufasa
The Muppets
The Muppets: Kermit the FrogFozzie BearSwedish ChefMiss PiggyGonzoAnimal

The Muppet Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit KermitMiss Piggy Emily Cratchit
Muppets Haunted Mansion: Madame PigotaGauzey the Hatbox Bear

Star Wars: ReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenLuke SkywalkerPrincess LeiaThe MandalorianGroguChewbaccaHondoFirst Order StormtrooperHan SoloR2-D2Cara DuneMoff GideonDeath TrooperPoe DameronC-3POBoba FettJabba the HuttAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderQueen AmidalaDarth MaulFennec ShandAhsoka TanoJedi AnakinGeneral GrievousYodaLando CalrissianEmperor PalpatineGrand Moff TarkinK-2SOJyn ErsoCassian AndorObi-Wan KenobiGrand InquisitorWicketJedi Master LukeImperial StormtrooperBo-KatanCad BanePlatinum GroguSalacious CrumbBoushh Disguise LeiaRancorSabine WrenC1-10PMace WinduJar Jar BinksAdmiral AckbarHera SyndullaAdmiral AckbarEmerald YodaMeadow PadméEndor Rebel LeiaQui-Gon JinnReindeer R2-D2String Lights Chewbacca

Indiana Jones: Indiana JonesMarion RavenwoodHelena1969 Indiana Jones
Willow: WillowKit

20th Century Studios
Ron's Gone Wrong: RonBarney

Ice Age: ScratSidMannyDiego
Anastasia: Anastasia RomanovRasputin
Titanic: RoseJack
Home Alone:Kevin McCallister

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Kingdom Hearts utilized logo
Kingdom Hearts (HD I.5 ReMIX/Soundtrack/Soundtrack Complete/HD I.5 ReMIX Soundtrack) • Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II (HD II.5 ReMIX/HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue/Soundtrack/HD II.5 ReMIX Soundtrack ) • 358/2 DaysBirth by Sleep (Soundtrack) • codedDream Drop Distance (Soundtrack) • χ [chi]Unchained χ/Union χ [cross]Kingdom Hearts IIIDark RoadMelody of MemoryMissing-LinkKingdom Hearts IV
Other media
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween PartyAgrabah (Kingdom Hearts pilot)
Incorporated Films and Shorts
Aladdin/The Return of JafarAlice in WonderlandBeauty and the BeastBig Hero 6CinderellaFantasiaFrozenHerculesThe Hunchback of Notre DameLilo & StitchThe Lion KingThe Little MermaidMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersMonsters, Inc.MulanThe Nightmare Before ChristmasPeter PanPinocchioPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsSteamboat WillieTangledTarzanToy StoryTron/Tron: LegacyWinnie the PoohWreck-It Ralph
Main Characters: SoraRikuKairiKing MickeyDonald DuckGoofyRoxasAxel/LeaNaminéXionAquaTerraVentus

Villains: XehanortAnsemXemnasMaleficentPeteVanitasXigbar/BraigXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïx/IsaDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneTerra-XehanortYoung XehanortXehanort's Guardian
Other Characters: Jiminy CricketAnsem the Wise/DiZYen SidMaster EraqusDilanEvenAeleusIenzoLingering WillHaynerPenceOletteKairi's GrandmaRiku ReplicaJiminy's JournalForetellersMaster of MastersLuxuEphemerSkuldChirithyStrelitziaLauriamYozoraVorHermod
Original Monsters: HeartlessNobodiesUnversedDream Eater
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Queen MinnieDaisy DuckPlutoChip and DaleHuey, Dewey, and LouieMagic BroomsAliceWhite RabbitDoorknobCheshire CatQueen of HeartsCard SoldiersTarzanJane PorterClaytonTerkKerchakKalaSaborHerculesPhiloctetesHadesCerberusRock TitanIce TitanAladdinAbuJasmineGenieCarpetJafarIagoPeddlerCave of WondersPinocchioGeppettoMonstroCleoArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonFlotsam and JetsamGlutJack SkellingtonZeroSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownPeter PanTinker BellCaptain HookMr. SmeeWendyCrocodileMerlinWinnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooBeesBeastBelleSnow WhiteCinderellaFairy GodmotherAuroraPongoPerditaDalmatian PuppiesSimbaMushuDumboBambiChernabog
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficent's RavenScrooge McDuckMulanLi ShangShan YuHayabusaYao, Ling, and Chien PoThe EmperorLumiereCogsworthMrs PottsChipWardrobePegasusMegaraPain and PanicHydraHorace HorsecollarClarabelle CowClara CluckJack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain BarbossaBo'sunJacobyTwiggCursed CrewPrince EricAttinaAndrinaSanta ClausSkeletal ReindeerTimonPumbaaNalaRafikiScarShenzi, Banzai, and EdMufasaKiaraPridelandersHyenasTronMaster Control ProgramCommander SarkKangaGopherStitchChicken Little
Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince PhillipMaleficent's GoonsDocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopeyThe PrinceEvil QueenMagic MirrorPrince CharmingJaqLady TremaineAnastasiaDrizellaLuciferGrand DukeGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumbaExperiment 221Lost Boys
Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: QuasimodoEsmeraldaPhoebusJudge Claude FrolloVictor, Hugo, and LaverneKevin FlynnSam FlynnQuorraCLUBlack GuardsBlue FairyBeagle BoysChernabog's MinionsJulius
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ: Mad HatterMarch HareRazoulRoyal GuardsMauriceGaston
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: SultanSamsonVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing CandySour BillCy-BugsHero's Duty Troops
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts III: ZeusApolloAthenaHermesLava TitanTornado TitanLittle ChefWoodyBuzz LightyearRexHammSargeGreen Army MenLittle Green MenRapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelSulleyMike WazowskiBooRandall BoggsChild Detection AgencyTrailer FolkElsaAnnaKristoffOlafSvenMarshmallowHansMr. GibbsTia DalmaDavy JonesKrakenCutler BeckettDavy Jones' Locker CrabsBaymaxHiro HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonFredWasabiLumpyWreck-It Ralph
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Disney Characters introduced in the manga: CaterpillarChi-Fu
Square Enix Characters: LeonCloudMoogleOthers

Plot Elements: Kingdom HeartsHeartKeyblade WarDark Seeker SagaMore

Game Elements: Gameplay in Kingdom HeartsMagic

Sea-salt ice creamWayfinderDoor to DarknessKeybladeX-bladeMorePixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Original Worlds: Destiny IslandsTraverse TownRadiant Garden/Hollow BastionDisney Castle/Disney Town/Timeless RiverDive to the HeartEnd of the WorldRealm of DarknessTwilight Town/Mysterious TowerThe World That Never WasCastle That Never WasLand of Departure/Castle OblivionKeyblade GraveyardDaybreak Town/Scala ad Caelum

Disney Worlds: WonderlandDeep JungleOlympus Coliseum/Underworld/OlympusAgrabahAtlanticaHalloween Town/Christmas TownNeverlandHundred Acre WoodThe Land of DragonsBeast's CastlePort Royal/The CaribbeanPride LandsSpace ParanoidsDwarf WoodlandsCastle of DreamsDeep SpaceLa Cité des ClochesThe GridPrankster's ParadiseCountry of the MusketeersToy BoxKingdom of CoronaMonstropolisArendelleSan FransokyoGame Central Station/Niceland/Cy-Bug Sector/Candy Kingdom

Organization XIIIPrincesses of HeartDisney Villains Council
"Dearly Beloved" • "Simple and Clean" • "Sanctuary" • Face My FearsDon't Think TwiceMickey Mouse Club MarchSwim This WayPart of Your WorldUnder the SeaUrsula's RevengeA New Day is DawningDestatiThis is HalloweenHe's a PirateBeauty and the BeastBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooIt's a Small WorldNight on Bald MountainWinnie the PoohThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Pastoral SymphonyNutcracker SuiteYou've Got a Friend in MeHealing IncantationPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeLet It GoDo You Want to Build a SnowmanYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)A Whole New WorldCircle of Life

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Disney Heroes Battle Mode logo 2
Disney feature films
A Goofy Movie: PowerlineMax Goof

Aladdin: AladdinGenieJafarJasmineRajahAbu
Alice in Wonderland: Alice Mad HatterQueen of HeartsCheshire Cat
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Kida NedakhVincenzo SantoriniHelga SinclairMilo ThatchAudrey Ramirez
Beauty and the Beast: GastonBeastBelleLumiereCogsworth
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxHoney LemonWasabiGo Go TomagoFred
Bolt: Bolt
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
Cinderella: Fairy GodmotherCinderella
Encanto: Mirabel MadrigalBruno MadrigalIsabela MadrigalLuisa Madrigal
Fantasia: Chernabog
Frozen: ElsaOlafKristoffSvenAnna
Hercules: HadesHerculesMegaraZeusPhiloctetesPegasus
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Lilo & Stitch: StitchPleakleyJumbaAngelLilo Pelekai
Meet the Robinsons Bowler Hat GuyDOR-15Franny Robinson
Mickey Mouse & Friends Mickey MouseGoofyMinnie MousePlutoPeteDaisy Duck
Moana: MoanaMauiGramma Tala
Mulan: Fa MulanLi ShangShan YuMushu
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilJasper and Horace
Peter Pan: Peter PanCaptain HookTinker Bell
Pocahontas: PocahontasMeekoFlit
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuNamaari
Robin Hood: Robin HoodSheriff of NottinghamLittle John
Sleeping Beauty: MaleficentAuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and Merryweather
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Evil QueenMagic MirrorSnow WhiteHuntsman
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderMaximusMother GothelStabbington Brothers
The Aristocats: Thomas O'Malley
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
The Emperor's New Groove: YzmaKronkPachaKuzco
The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker StreetRatigan
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoPhoebusDjali
The Jungle Book: King LouieBalooBagheeraKaaShere Khan
The Lion King: ScarRafikiTimonPumbaaSimbaNalaMufasa
The Little Mermaid: ArielUrsulaKing Triton
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelMayor of Halloween Town
The Princess and the Frog: Dr. FacilierTianaLouisRayMama OdieJuju
The Rescuers Down Under: Percival C. McLeachJoanna
The Sword in the Stone: MerlinMadam Mim
Treasure Planet: Captain AmeliaJim HawkinsJohn SilverMorph
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounShank
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerEeyore
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeYax FinnickChief BogoClawhauserKoslovMr. BigBellwetherFlash

Disney animated shows
Amercian Dragon: Jake Long: Jake LongRose

Amphibia: Anne Boonchuy
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and DaleGadget HackwrenchZipper
Darkwing Duck: Darkwing DuckMegavoltQuackerjackNegaduck
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald DuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieFenton CrackshellLaunchpad McQuackMagica De Spell
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Kim Possible: Kim PossibleDr. DrakkenShegoRon StoppableRufusDuff KilliganMonkey Fist
Phineas and Ferb: Agent PHeinz DoofenshmirtzFerb Fletcher
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
The Owl House: Eda ClawthorneLuz Noceda

A Bug's Life: FlikHopperHeimlich

Brave: Merida
Coco: Miguel RiveraDante
Elemental: Ember LumenWade Ripple
Finding Nemo: GeraldMarlinNemoHankDory
Inside Out: AngerJoySadnessDisgustFearAnxiety
Luca: Luca PaguroAlberto Scorfano
Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanBooMike WazowskiRandall Boggs
Onward: Ian LightfootCorey the ManticoreBarley Lightfoot
Ratatouille: Alfredo LinguiniRemyColette TatouChef Skinner
Soul: 22Joe Gardner
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleElastigirlDash ParrViolet ParrJack-Jack ParrFrozoneSyndromeThe UnderminerVoyd
Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearJessieRexEmperor ZurgBo PeepBilly, Goat, and GruffDuke CaboomDucky and BunnySlinky DogHamm
Turning Red: Mei Lee
Up: Carl FredricksenDugRussellKevin

Disney live-action films
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonSarah SandersonMary SandersonThackery BinxBilly Butcherson

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaTia DalmaDavy JonesElizabeth Swann
The Rocketeer: Cliff Secord
Tron: Kevin FlynnQuorraTron

The Muppets
AnimalMiss PiggyGonzoDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerKermit the FrogThe Swedish ChefFozzie BearStatler and WaldorfSweetums
