Prince Achmed is one of Jasmine's many suitors and the most recent until "Prince Ali" entered the picture. He is shown to be selfish, heartless, unkind, and snobbish. Jasmine herself described him as overdressed and self-absorbed. He cares little for people he perceives to be lesser than him. While Achmed was one of many princes attempting to win Jasmine's hand in marriage, he seemed to care little for her personally.
Physical appearance
Prince Achmed is slender, with curled black mustache and beard. He wears a maroon tunic, cloak, and turban with three black feathers, and pink underwear with red hearts.
Prince Achmed is first seen riding his horse into Agrabah, gaining the attention of the town. A conversation between the two men reveals that he is the latest in a series of suitors hoping to wed Jasmine. As he makes his way up the streets, a little boy abruptly run in front of his horse. His sister quickly runs after him, grabbing him to protect him from the oncoming horse, who finally notices them and rears up in surprise. Achmed angrily orders them out of the way, calling the siblings "filthy brats" and lashes out attempting to strike the girl with his bullwhip.
Aladdin steps in and blocks the whip with his arm, and then pulls it out of the prince's hand. Before tossing the whip back, Aladdin remarks that if he were as rich as the prince, he could "afford some manners." He then throws the whip aggressively into the prince's face, hitting him.
Affronted, Achmed shoves Aladdin into a nearby mud puddle, threatening to teach him some manners, much to the laughter of the crowd. Aladdin returns the insult by loudly remarking on the sight of seeing "a horse with two rear ends," which also makes some of the town laugh. Angered, Achmed turns and refers to Aladdin as a "worthless street rat" and claims that Aladdin was born as such and will die as such, only to be mourned by his own fleas. Aladdin gets up and begins to pursue Achmed, but is quickly cut off when the palace gates close.
The next morning, Achmed is seen leaving the palace in a huff, much to the disappointment of the Sultan. As he storms out, Achmed rants about how he has received the biggest insultment of his life and sarcastically wishes the Sultan good luck in finding a husband for Jasmine. A discussion with Jasmine reveals that her tiger, Rajah, had attacked Achmed, ripping his pants and exposing the prince's undergarments. While Jasmine defends Rajah, claiming that the tiger just wanted to play, she inadvertently reveals her low opinion of the prince.
Presumably after leaving the palace, Prince Achmed returned to the kingdom from whence he came and isn't seen for the remainder of the film.
Prince Achmed appears in the episode "A Wondrous Place" and is portrayed by Zahf Paroo. While attending a meeting organized by the Sultan to marry off Jasmine, Prince Achmed lays eyes on the princess and refers to her as "quite a prize". When the meeting is interrupted by Jafar who insults the prince's attending, Achmed draws out his sword, having taken offense, and is transformed into a staff by Jafar.
"Achmed" is a variation of the name Ahmad. In Arabic, his name means "praiseworthy". It is one of the names of Prophet Muhammad is recognized for.
The oldest surviving feature-length animation is the 1926 The Adventures of Prince Achmed by Lotte Reiniger, an Arabian Nights mash-up which incorporates the story of Aladdin. It is unknown whether this was a deliberate reference.
There is a small goof in his animation; Rajah is seen chomping on pink and red hearts cloth, but no cloth appeared to be ripped out of Achmed's underwear. It is possible that Prince Achmed wore two layers of underwear inside his pants.
In the 2019 remake, Prince Anders serves as a rename for Prince Achmed from the original movie. However, unlike Prince Achmed, who was a cruel and snobbish bully, Prince Anders is friendly but dimwitted.
In addition, Achmed's dialogue with Aladdin from the original film is given to an unnamed palace guard.
Billy Magnussen, the same actor who portrayed Rapunzel's Prince in the film Into the Woods, portrays Prince Anders as a handsome and arrogant but bumbling and dim-witted suitor from Skånland who hopes to wed the princess.