House of Mouse - Soup or Salad, Fries or Biscuits
"Soup or Salad, Fries or Biscuits" is a song sung by Goofy in the House of Mouse episode, "Goofy for a Day", where Goofy challenges Max to be a waiter for the day when the latter says he doesn't think the job is hard. Unfortunately, Max turns out to be wrong, and soon he begs Goofy for help. Goofy helps Max by instructing him on the job while singing the song, which is a parody of the song, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins.
Goofy: IIIIIIt's soup or salad, fries or biscuits, extra olives, donuts,
Know the menu of this venue, do not be a slow klutz!
Get the order right or else the customers'll go nuts!
Soup or salad, fries or biscuits, extra olives, donuts!
Penguins: Yumdiddliddlumdiddleei, yumdiddliddlumdiddleei!
Goofy: The guy at table twenty wants some honey for his green peas,
hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, hold the (hyuck!) anchovies!
Who would order pizza with no crust, no sauce, and no cheese?
Soup or salad, fries or biscuits, extra olives, check please!
Penguins and Max: Yumdiddliddlumdiddleei, yumdiddliddlumdiddleei!
Goofy: This job's purty tough!
Max: Not as tough as the steak!
Goofy: So even if they tell ya that they want some heated cold cuts,
Or some mustard mixed with custard, with to dip who knows what!
A waiter's work is never done; no ifs, no ands, no buts!
Soup or salad, fries or biscuits, extra olives...
Both: Donuuuuuts!