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Walliam Ribbiton, better known as One-Eyed Wally, is a supporting character in the 2019 television series Amphibia.



One-Eyed Wally is the town loon. He is strange and unusual and likes to dance around and sing nonsense songs with accompaniment from his accordion. He is somewhat cowardly, as seen in "Anne or Beast?", as he got scared of Anne upon seeing her and even assumed her to be a frog-eating monster even though he knew completely nothing about her. Sprig even noted that he usually does that. He does not seem to care what other people think of him as he enjoys being himself. However, in "Wally and Anne", he was visibly hurt when Anne openly wished to be nothing like him, showing that he does at least care somewhat about how he is perceived. He also seems to be quite insane, as he instantly caused the Toad Tower to explode in "Reunion" even though everyone (including himself) was still in there and was even told to not to do it.

In "Swamp and Sensibility", Wally is revealed to actually not be as eccentric as previously believed. He has shown a much more reserved, responsible and sentimental side and only pretends to act loony as it makes him feel free. He is also shown to live in fear of his father's judgment. By the end of the episode, he becomes confidant in being himself in front of his father.

Following Anne and the Plantars' return from Newtopia, Wally's eccentricities were slightly toned down and he has become more self-aware and even more levelheaded than the other Wartwood citizens. He still occasionally displays his quirky attributes.

Physical appearance[]

Wally resembles the other frogs in Wartwood, but has a noticeably taller head than most. He is turquoise in color with a lighter blue underbelly and has a pale violet tongue. He is dark turquoise hair (which is shoulder length and surprisingly well kept) and has a small soul patch on his chin. Like the other frogs, he has four fingers and two toes on each hand and foot. As his name implies, he has one big yellow eye that is constantly open and the other closed with dark blue eyelids.

He wears black pants, which do not seem to be buttoned up, an indigo colored vest and an orange scarf. He wears brown shoes, one of which is fine and the other has holes in it exposing his toes. He wears a big blue hat that has a cattail plant sticking out of the top (which he considers iconic)


  • Accordion: Wally is handy with using an accordion and usually sings shanties and odes. He claims that it was given to him by someone (either a mentor or parental figure) who died and hoped that Wally would avenge his killer by defeating him with his music.
  • Beast Polo: Wally is an exceptional player at Beast Polo. Despite typically using his pet ladybug Fiddleleaf, he was able to play the game using Anne as a substitute.

Role in the series[]

Season One[]

In "Anne or Beast?", Wally leaves a diner and wanders into the forest where he encounters Anne Boonchuy who tried to ask for help, but Wally got scared thinking she a monster and then ran off. He then told everyone in Wartwood about Anne and set out to capture and destroy her. However, after Anne saved the citizens from being attacked by a red mantis, they decide to let Anne live, while the Plantar family agree to let her stay on their farm.

In "Flood, Sweat & Tears", Wally is appalled to see Anne and Sprig Plantar forming a bond, calling it "disgusting."

In "Stakeout", Wally is seen collecting junk from an abandoned home while Sprig describes the story of how his former neighbors argued with each other all the time before their lives got ruined.

In "Breakout Star", Wally is seen admiring Anne for when she starts having pimples. Wally is then amongst the crowd of admirers as the Plantar family try to sneak Anne out of the Mayor's mansion. However, when the Plantars get caught, Wally joins the crowd in chasing after them, only to be stopped by Hop Pop Plantar who buys the kids time to escape.

In "Girl Time", Wally is seen drinking with Polly Plantar where he is impressed with her burping. When Anne and Polly get into an argument, Wally watches and is shocked when Anne reveals she finds Polly disgusting. Later, Wally watches Polly break Wartwood's spitting record in order to repay a debt Anne unintentionally got herself and the Plantars into when paying everyone in town with worthless IOUS.

In "Contagi-Anne", he can be seen outside the Planter during a severe thunderstorm.

In "Lily Pad Thai", Wally is seen napping in Stumpy's restaurant. While Anne helps to clean the restaurant, she accidentally hits Wally with a mop, waking him up where he begins to ask what day it is. After Anne finishes cleaning the restaurant, Stumpy praises her hard work and for getting Wally out, only for Wally run through the kitchen behind them, exclaiming "That's what you think!"

In "Toad Tax", Wally snatches a bag of beetle jerky before Anne could take from a shelf at Grub & Go. He taunts Anne, calling her a scarecrow, and laughs when she slips on wet floor. Later, as Wally takes a bath, he is visited by Anne, Bog, Fens, and Mire due to being on a list of individuals who did not pay their taxes to Toad Tower. Despite insisting he always pays his taxes, Wally's belongings get taken by the toads as punishment. However, Wally is given back the bag of beetle jerky back by Anne, who feels sorry for him, despite his earlier mistreatment on her. Once Anne leaves, Wally, touched by Anne's kindness, silently thanks her.

Later, Wally and everyone in Wartwood gather around at the Plantar Farm, witnessing Anne stand up to Bog, Fens, and Mire after having enough of their bullying towards the frogs. Wally and the civilians are amazed by Anne's bravery and selflessness where they are inspired to stand up to toads and protect Anne from the toads when they severely injure her. After discovering Mayor Toadstool to be hoarding the town's taxes and everyone getting their belongings back, Wally and the civilians cheer for Anne and start respecting her, naming her the official protector of Wartwood. As everyone goes to sign Anne's arm cast, Wally exclaims he does not how to write.

In "Civil Wart", Wally attends a local theater night in Wartwood and watches the movie Love Choice but when the movie ends in a cliffhanger, he was wondering if the protagonist, Constance would choose either Hunter or Alastair as he was frustrated but told that a sequel was in development. He sides with Polly and becomes part of a team of those who chose Hunter over Alastair. When Anne and Hop Pop tricked the opposing teams into meeting each other, Wally and his teammates engage in a fight with the opposing team. When the Alastair group seemingly retreats, Wally and his teammates follow them, only to get caught in an ambush, leaving both sides to end the war with one another. Sometime later, Wally attends a movie night where he urges Anne to start the movie Dinner with Anders when she tries to explain what it is about.

In "Snow Day", Wally is frozen after the temperature drops blow the frog line.

In "Bizarre Bazaar", Wally is seen attending at the Bizarre Bazaar, playing a gambling game. After Wally scores a high roll on his dice, a small creature kicks his dice, causing Wally to lose any money he bet on. This angers Wally who demands a refund, but he is apprehended by the bazaar's guards who tell him there are no refunds at the bazaar as they take him away to punish him. He later appears during a cockroach race between Anne, Sprig, and the Wrecker, exclaiming he has a rash when frogs started betting their money on the Wrecker.

In "The Big Bugball Game", Wally is the referee of the annual Bugball game.

In "Children of the Spore", he is seen under the control of Apothecary Gary but is later freed by Bessie.

In "Anne of the Year", Wally is seen going to attend Anne's Frog of the Year party. He gets sad when Polly refuses to have him enter the party, but becomes overjoyed when Polly reveals she was just joking and lets him into the party. However, after a live mudskipper destroys the party by causing a fire, a saddened Anne questions Wally and the townsfolk why they voted her to be Frog of the Year. At this, Hop Pop reassures her that they made her Frog of the Year because they have seen how much she has grown into a better person and are proud of her for it, making Wally support Hop Pop's claim by saying it is why he voted for her as well. After reassuring Anne, Wally and the townsfolk scavenge the remains of the party and continue having fun, honoring Anne as Frog of the Year.

In "Reunion", during the party, Anne's friend from Earth: Sasha Waybright arrived with Captain Grime and the Toad Army, at first he thought they were crashing only to discovered that came help Sasha reunite with Anne. Sasha, Grime, and the Toads invited him and everyone to a party at Toad Tower, unaware the true intentions of the Party was to execute Hop Pop who the Toads was starting the Rebellion. Anne later helps him escape along with everyone until they caught and brought to the top of the castle where Anne dual Sasha in a swordfight. Anne got the upper hand, but Wally had placed boomshrooms in the tower which went off and cause Toad to collides. Wally later returns to Wartwood along with everyone.

Season Two[]

In "Swamp and Sensibility", Wally is revealed to be from a wealth family.

In "The Shut-In!", birthday is shown taking place on "Shut-In".

In "New Wartwood", Marcy asks him lots of questions which causes him to run away.

In "Battle of the Bands", he is part a band with Sprig, Hop Pop, and Leopold Loggle.

In "True Colors", he one of the Wartwood residents watching the Newtopia Castle rise into the sky.

Season Three[]

In "Turning Point", he fight Frobots sent by King Andrias.

In "If You Give a Frog a Cookie", makeshift version of Wally can be seen as part of the Wartwood makeshift Swamp.

In "Commander Anne", he was with Sasha, Loggle, and Mrs. Croaker when they saved Anne, the Plantars, and Frobo from a mind-controlling centipede. He then accompanies them on a mission to destroy the faculty that controlling all the animals led by Anne, but Anne ends up making numerous mistakes. When arriving at the faculty, they get eaten by a giant Snake, but later escape. He and Mrs. Croaker later freed the snake by destroying the collar and then destroy the faculty. He later elects Sasha as leader of the resistance again.

In "Sprivy", Wally was among those who stay behind at the resistance base to beat up a piñata that looked like King Andrias.

In "Sasha's Angels", Wally was part of a group which consisted of Mrs. Croaker, Toadie, Maddie, Loggle, Sasha, and Anne to steal back their shipment from the Marauders, a group of Amphibians who don't serve Andrias or the Resistance. When they arrived at their camp, they walk into a trap, all except Anne and Sasha were captured and held prisoner. To their surprise, the leader of the Marauders turns out to be Barry who plans to deliver them to Andrias. They attempted to escape, but failed, Toadie later took command after Mrs. Croaker was injured and then escaped. They battled the Marauders, then Wally set off a Boomshroom which blew up their camp and escape along with their supplies.

In "Olm Town Road", after regaining their supplies from the Marauders, they tried to figure their next move until Anne projected the message that Anne and the Plantars while they were on Earth. The message translated: "Seek the Mother of Olms she will guide you to your destiny." So, Anne, Sasha, and the Plantars head to Quarreler's pass to seek the mother of Olms.

In "Grime's Pupil", Wally watches Sprig fight Grime in a cage.

In "Fight or Flight", Wally bonds with Domino's offspring who he named Cali-coco, Nutgrass, Josey-Pie, Wally Jr.

In "The Three Armies", Wally is seen preparing for the fight against Andrias.

In "Beginning of the End", Wally took part in the final battle against Andrias' forces, during the battle, the Mossman appeared and help them against Andrias' forces, proving to everyone that Wally was right about the Mossman's existence. King Andrias then attacks the resistance, he later retreated along with the resistance when Darcy captured Anne and the group. He later witness King Andrias and the Core open a portal and began their invasion on Earth.

In "All In", Wally can be seen fighting King Andrias' forces and jumps with joy when Lady Olivia announces to everyone that King Andrias and Darcy have been defeated.

In "The Hardest Thing", Wally was among with the resistance as they witness Amphibia's blood Moon coming down now under the control of the Core and intends to use it to destroy all of Amphibia. He then Anne, Sasha, and Marcy battle the Core and its remaining forces in space and Anne destroying the Core. However, when Anne was on the verge of dying because she a spell to destroy the Core, Wally was seen along with Maddie, Ivy, Felcia, and Toadie crying but later came back to life. He later witness Anne, Sasha, and Marcy return to Earth as Valeriana sent them home. Nine months after Anne, Sasha, and Marcy went back to Earth, Wally leaves the diner (just like he did in the first episode) and bumps into Polly who is now full frog which he is still unable to get used to.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to One-Eyed Wally.


  • Wally's accordion resembles a caterpillar. Whether or not it is an actual caterpillar or was simply designed to look like one is unknown.
  • Wally found Anne and Sprig's friendship to be "not right" in "Flood, Sweat & Tears". However, later episodes show him accepting them. While this could be seen as him growing to accept Anne, it seems out of character for him as he is established with the mindset of accepting strange and bizarre things around Wartwood.
  • Wally was the first character to speak in the series.

External links[]

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Anphibia logo
Shows: AmphibiaChibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Disney All-Star RacersDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Marcy's Journal: A Guide to AmphibiaThe Art of Amphibia

Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarBessieOne-Eyed WallyLeopold LoggleIvy SundewFelicia SundewSylvia SundewMaddie FlourRosemary, Lavender, and GingerMr. FlourSadie CroakerStumpyAlbus DuckweedTritonio EspadaApothecary GaryMayor ToadstoolToadieSasha WaybrightMarcy WuZappapedeBarryCaptain GrimePercyBraddockGiant HeronsFroboLysil and AngwinGeneral YunanBog, Fens, and MireLady OliviaKing AndriasJacindaWigbert RibbitonPriscilla PaddockPearl PaddockCaptain BeatrixMr. BoonchuyMrs. BoonchuyThe CoreDominoDomino IICloak-BotTerriDr. JanAlly and JessMolly JoHumphrey WestwoodMr. XDr. FrakesLeifBarrelKing AldrichMother Olm
Season One: "Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds" • "Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears" • "Hop Luck/Stakeout" • "The Domino Effect/Taking Charge" • "Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star" • "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time" • "Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild" • "Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub" • "Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand" • "Toad Tax/Prison Break" • "Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock" • "Civil Wart/Hop-Popular" • "Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives" • "Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker" • "A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne" • "Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar" • "Cursed!/Fiddle Me This" • "The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp" • "Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year" • "Reunion"

Season Two: "Handy Anne/Fort in the Road" • "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter" • "Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire" • "Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher" • "Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum" • "Marcy at the Gates" • "Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In" • "Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled" • "Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall" • "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium" • "The Shut-In!" • "Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood" • "Ivy on the Run/After the Rain" • "The First Temple" • "New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo?" • "Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy" • "The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer" • "Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple" • "The Dinner/Battle of the Bands" • "True Colors"
Season Three: "The New Normal" • "Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point" • "Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting" • "Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs" • "Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator" • "Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday" • "Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan" • "Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie" • "Froggy Little Christmas" • "Escape to Amphibia" • "Commander Anne/Sprivy" • "Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road" • "Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil" • "The Root of Evil/The Core & The King" • "Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight" • "The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End" • "All In" • "The Hardest Thing"

AmphibiaWartwood SwampToad Tower Newtopia (Newtopia Castle) • Los Angeles
See also
Welcome to AmphibiaNo Big DealCalamity BoxSuspicious IslandFwagon

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Chibi Tiny Tales logo.PNG
Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Animated characters
Amphibia: Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarMarcy WuSasha WaybrightDominoBessieKing AndriasOne-Eyed Wally

Phineas and Ferb: Candace FlynnPhineas FlynnFerb FletcherPerry the PlatypusHeinz DoofenshmirtzLinda Flynn-FletcherSuper Super Big DoctorIsabella Garcia-Shapiro
Big City Greens: Cricket GreenTilly GreenAlice GreenBill GreenRemy Remington
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckMagica De SpellFlintheart GlomgoldWebby VanderquackLaunchpad McQuackHuey, Dewey, and LouieDarkwing DuckFenton CrackshellLena SabrewingBentina Beakley
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalCassandraLance StrongbowMaximusVarian
Moana: MoanaMauiKakamoraPuaHeihei
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly McGeeScratchAndrea DavenportLibby Stein-TorresThe ChairmanOliver ChenGeoffJeffPete McGeeSharon McGeeDarryl McGeeThe Ghost Council
The Owl House: Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyLilith ClawthorneAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterOwlbertGhostStringbeanEmperor BelosHunter
Hamster & Gretel: HamsterGretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHiromi Tanaka
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder: Penny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaLaCienega BoulevardezKareem Abdul-Jabbar BrownPuffDijonay Jones
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofy
Kim Possible: Kim Possible Ron StoppableRufusShego
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star ButterflyMarco DiazPony Head
TaleSpin: BalooKit Cloudkicker
Goof Troop: Max Goof
Bonkers: Bonkers D. Bobcat
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and Dale
American Dragon: Jake Long: Jake Long
Gravity Falls: Dipper PinesMabel PinesBill CipherWaddlesStan Pines
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonThe BeyonderMimi LafayetteAdria Lafayette
Milo Murphy's Law: Milo Murphy
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiStitchGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumba JookibaPleakleyMertle EdmondsNani PelekaiDavid KawenaCobra BubblesIce Cream ManPudge
Hailey's On It!: Hailey BanksScott DenogaBetaA.C. Aychvak
Kiff: Kiff ChatterleyBarry BunsCandle Fox
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMiceBirdsPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherThe Grand Duke
Beauty and the Beast : BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesWardrobeWolvesVillagers
Sleeping Beauty : AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahForest AnimalsSamson
Hercules: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicMusesZeusHeraAmphitryon and AlcmeneHydra
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoPachaYzmaKronkChichaChacaTipoBucky the SquirrelJaguarsYupi
Primos: Tater Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezLotLot Ramirez

Live-Action characters
Halloweentown: Marnie PiperSophie PiperDylan PiperAggie Cromwell

Descendants: MalEvieJayCarlos De VilBenJaneAudreyDougUmaHarry HookDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierFairy GodmotherHadesMaleficent
Zombies: Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananWilla LykensenWyatt LykensenWynter BarkowitzEliza ZambiDaeBartlebyAshley
High School Musical: Troy BoltonGabriella MontezSharpay EvansRyan EvansChad DanforthTaylor McKessieKelsi NielsenZeke BaylorMartha CoxMs. Darbus
Hocus Pocus: Max DennisonDani Dennison,AllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah Sanderson
Hannah Montana: Miley Stewart
Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie McGuire
Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex Russo
That's So Raven: Raven Baxter
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Zack MartinCody MartinMaddie FitzpatrickLondon TiptonMarion Moseby
K.C. Undercover: K.C. Cooper
Camp Rock: Mitchie TorresShane Grey

Disney Park characters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure SkeletonHector BarbossaReddBeacon JoeCaptain XTreasure KeeperCarlosStupid PiratePooped PirateScalawagPrison DogSeedy PrisonersCooteBillie How
Chibiverse episodes
Season One: "Pizza vs. Fireworks" • "Bad Luck Chibis" • "The Great Chibi Mix-Up!" • "Chibi Villains Unite"

Season Two: "The Chibi Quiz Challenge" • "The Chibi Couple Game" • "The Roast of Dr. Doofenshmirtz"
Season Three: "The Grown Ups Island/An Opposites Attack/Stans 11" • "Dr. Doof's Lab/Journey to the Center of the Chibiverse/The Perfect Gift"

Welcome to the ChibiverseAn Grown Ups IslandJoy No MoreLab of Evil Science