Hercules and the Prom is an episode of Hercules: The Animated Series. It aired on December 21, 1998.
Hercules, in an effort to impress Tempest, promises that teen idol Orpheus (Rob Paulsen) will be at their prom. She promises to go with him if he is, or else cut off his arm; Cassandra meanwhile promises to do the same and slow dance with Icarus if Orpheus comes. Hades has promised Laistrygones (Patrick Warburton), a monster he wants to join him, a concert from Orpheus. Hercules and Icarus get the singer to agree to come, but at the prom, he is kidnapped by Hades. Hercules goes to the Underworld to rescue him, but they get lost; Orpheus reveals that he's tired of not talking and using his voice for money. Hades finds them, but Hercules throws a piece of the singer's chiton on him, causing the crowd of souls to crush him. Laistrygones crashes the prom, and Orpheus sings to him, calming him down. Cassandra and Icarus have their dance, as do Hercules and Tempest. Orpheus later begins to travel the world singing, but not for money, with Laistrygones as his partner.
- Icarus says: "Thank you. Thank you very much."; a reference to Elvis Presley's famous line.