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"Hercules and the World's First Doctor" is an episode from Hercules: The Animated Series. It first aired September 8, 1998 (ABC).


Newly dead arrivals in Hades' kingdom are falling due to the work of the world's first doctor, Hippocrates (Mandy Patinkin), healing up to this point being something only the gods could do. Hercules sees him as being a hero for healing the sick joins him in his efforts as doctor, causing jealousy from Phil, while Hades sends Pain and Panic to dispose of the doctor, first personally and secondly via plague. When the second attempt works, Hippocrates invents a medicine to cure it from various plants and items around the world. As it is rare, he uses all the medicine up just in time for Hades to visit Hippocrates and bestow the last of the plague on him, causing him to die. Hercules apologizes to Phil and convinces him to come on a rescue mission to the Underworld. There, the duo bribe Charon with the sports pages to get in the back way, wherein they find Hippocrates raising the dead much to Hades' ire. Hades requests that Hercules take Hippocrates back but suggests that the doctor charge huge amounts for his services and take Wednesdays off to play golf (which Hippocrates is receptive of).


  • During the Muses intermission, when Thalia gets kicked by Terpsichore, you can see that Terpsichore was barefooted, but a few seconds later she had her shoes on again.
  • After Pain and Panic smash into the door while in snake form, they resemble the Hospital Blue Sign.


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Hercules logo
Films: Hercules (video/soundtrack) • Hercules: Zero to HeroHercules (live-action film)

Shows: TV seriesHouse of MouseChibi Tiny Tales
Video games: Hercules Action GameAnimated Storybook: HerculesHades ChallengeKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts χ Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Sorcerer's ArenaDisney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingIt's a Small WorldSorcerers of the Magic KingdomHercules in the Underworld

Entertainment: Animazment: The MusicalDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney's WishesFantasmic!Hercules: The Muse-icalMickey's Gift of DreamsOnce Upon a MouseVillains Tonight!
Parades: Disney Stars and Motor Cars ParadeHercules Victory ParadeThe Hercules Electrical ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Fireworks: Happily Ever AfterHarmoniousIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousReach for the StarsWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Disney's Not So Spooky SpectacularDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularHouse of De Vil-lainsMaze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment ContinuesMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeRock on With The Disney VillainsScream and Shout Halloween ParadeThe Villains WorldTreat TrailsVillains Night Out!World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicFatesMusesZeusHeraHermesHephaestusAthenaAresPoseidonAphroditeArtemisApolloOlympian GodsThebansDionysusTitansCerberusHydraMinotaurSthenoNemean LionNessusNymphsAmphitryon and AlcmeneHarpiesCetusCaledonian BoarCharonBob the NarratorGriffinsCupidDemeter

TV Series: ChipaclesHestiaIcarusCassandraAdonisHelen of TroyTempestCirceTritonGalateaPandoraMedusaEchidnaTyphonEchidna's ChildrenFuriesHecateCanis and LupusNemesisMr. ParenthesesHomerFear and TerrorIbidAntaeusPrometheusDaedelusMorpheusKronosGaiaAmphitriteAchillesTheseusOrionNestor & MeleagerKing MidasMelampusLavinaAndromedaSyrinxMr. GriffChironTiviusOrthosQueen HippolyteMomalusArachneCaucasian EagleSphinx MartindaleGegeneisOtus

Season One: "Hercules and the Apollo Mission" • "Hercules and the King of Thessaly" • "Hercules and the Secret Weapon" • "Hercules and the Assassin" • "Hercules and the Big Kiss" • "Hercules and the River Styx" • "Hercules and the Techno Greeks" • "Hercules and the World's First Doctor" • "Hercules and the Pool Party" • "Hercules and the Prince of Thrace" • "Hercules and the Tapestry of Fate" • "Hercules and the Living Legend" • "Hercules and the Return of Typhon" • "Hercules and the Owl of Athena" • "Hercules and the Girdle of Hippolyte" • "Hercules and the Bacchanal" • "Hercules and the Underworld Takeover" • "Hercules and the Comedy of Arrows" • "Hercules and the Hostage Crisis" • "Hercules and the Disappearing Heroes" • "Hercules and the Argonauts" • "Hercules and the Drama Festival" • "Hercules and the Phil Factor" • "Hercules and the All Nighter" • "Hercules and the Song of Circe" • "Hercules and the Trojan War" • "Hercules and the Dream Date" • "Hercules and the Big Games" • "Hercules and the Jilt Trip" • "Hercules and the Falling Stars" • "Hercules and the Golden Touch" • "Hercules and the Minotaur" • "Hercules and the Son of Poseidon" • "Hercules and the Twilight of the Gods" • "Hercules and the Griffin" • "Hercules and the King For a Day" • "Hercules and the Pegasus Incident" • "Hercules and the Big Sink" • "Hercules and the Big Lie" • "Hercules and the Prom" • "Hercules and the Spartan Experience" • "Hercules and the Complex Electra" • "Hercules and the Long Nightmare" • "Hercules and the Arabian Night" • "Hercules and the Aetolian Amphora" • "Hercules and the Romans" • "Hercules and the Yearbook" • "Hercules and the Odyssey Experience" • "Hercules and the Grim Avenger" • "Hercules and the Spring of Canathus" • "Hercules and the Big Show" • "Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus"

Season Two: "Hercules and the First Day of School"" • "Hercules and the Visit from Zeus" • "Hercules and the Driving Test" • "Hercules and the Parent's Weekend" • "Hercules and the Prometheus Affair" • "Hercules and the Hero of Athens" • "Hercules and the Caledonian Boar" • "Hercules and the Epic Adventure" • "Hercules and the Poseidon's Cup Adventure" • "Hercules and the Muse of Dance" • "Hercules and the Kids" • "Hercules and the Gorgon" • "Hercules and the Green-Eyed Monster"

Original: The Gospel TruthGo the DistanceOne Last HopeZero to HeroI Won't Say (I'm in Love)A Star is BornShooting StarI Can't Believe My Heart

TV series songs: Send My Boy to SchoolMy TownPericles of AthensPromethean DittyThe AgoraThe BacchanalThe Man That I LovePucker Up or Let Him SnoozeThat's How the Story GoesAphrodesia DanceLove Is In The AirSince the Light Went AwayAin't Life a BeachCan-Do KingKronos StoneWhat's a Mother to Do?Sreamin' Grecian Teenage BluesLethe Water on the Brain!One Good ManYou're My Hero
Musical songs: The ProphecyUniquely Greek Town SquareDespina's LullabyPhil's Soul SpotForget About ItCool Day in HellThe ProphecyA Muse BoucheI'm Back!Great Bolts of ThunderTo Be Human

Ancient GreeceMount OlympusUnderworldPhil's IslandThebesPrometheus AcademyAtlantis City
Skull PacifierArmageddon BowLightning BoltsMortal PotionTrident
Disney Sing Along Songs: From HerculesMusical