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Notre Dame Cathedral is a church in Paris, France. It appears in various Disney productions taking place in the city, most notably as the central location of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.


The construction started in 1160 by Maurice De Sully, the Bishop of Paris, with building this cathedral, and getting upgrades in 1789-1799, it was badly damage during the French Revolution and survived World War II during occupation of Paris by the Wehrmacht military forces of Nazi Germany when Germany invaded France in 1940, maintaining control of the city until the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944, with Paris liberated following the surrender of the German forces several months later. On April 15, 2019 a fire broke out in the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral and spread over the roof and the burning blaze spread over the spire and caused it to collapse. French President Emmanuel Macron said that they would rebuild Notre Dame and it would be finished by December 2024, sadly missing out on the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. The people are still repainting the Gothic architecture and paintings because they were damaged by the fire.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame[]

This building serves as a home to the protagonist, Quasimodo. On the steps of Notre Dame, Judge Claude Frollo murdered Quasimodo's mother by making her fall down the steps. Enraged at this defilement, as it was holy ground and murder is not permitted, the cathedral intimidated Frollo into caring for the child lest he suffer eternal damnation and later helped to destroy him by animating one of its gargoyles into terrifying him enough to fall to his death into the lake of molten copper created earlier by Quasimodo and his gargoyle friends who were able to prevent Frollo's soldiers from breaking in. Its beloved bell, La Fidèle, is later stolen by a gang of thieves, but was later returned to its rightful place, much to the delight of Paris and the cathedral itself.

By law, Notre Dame serves as a refuge for those who are persecuted; people pursued by the law may claim sanctuary within its walls. Examples of this include when Esmeralda was in trouble with the law and had to stay in the cathedral, she sings "God Help the Outcasts". Her song also lured Quasimodo down from the tower, but before he could talk to her just after finishing singing the song, a parishioner who mistook him causing trouble shouts at him, causing him to knock down a candle staff and flees back to the belltower. Esmeralda was alerted by the Parishioner's shouts and follows Quasimodo; the parishioner also attempts to stop her and Djali from following him and is promptly scolded by the Archdeacon and when Quasimodo saved Esmeralda and called for sanctuary. Frollo and his soldiers attempted to break down the doors and lead the enraged citizens of Paris and French army to attack, leading Frollo's Soldiers to their defeat at the hands of those within. In the films, Quasimodo seems to have a certain attachment to Notre Dame, despite his newly-found allowance of being able to interact with Parisian society. Quasimodo likely still views the cathedral as a home as he still rings and cares for its bells, each of which he has bestowed a name. In return, the cathedral shelters and protects him; when Frollo attempts to do the unthinkable and commit murder within the cathedral itself, Notre Dame animates the gargoyle he is clinging to into roaring at him before breaking off and plunging into the fiery pit below.

Other appearances[]

Donald in Mathmagic Land[]

In this short film, the west facade of Notre Dame is displayed as an outstanding example of the golden rectangle dominating the idea of beauty and architecture in the western world.

The Aristocats[]

Edgar Balthazar drives past Notre Dame while taking the cats into the countryside.


In Ratatouille, Notre Dame de Paris appears on two occasions. In its first appearance, Linguini passes by on his bike while on his way to kill Remy as per Skinner's instructions. In its second appearance, Linguini and Colette pass by the cathedral while rollerskating.

Cars 2[]

In Cars 2, a street musician performs music in front of the cathedral after Mater, Finn McMissile and Holley Shiftwell's arrival in Paris. In the film, the cathedral is enlarged by 150%, its towers have a grill-like design, has twenty-four "car-goyle" statues, the spire is modelled after a spark plug and flying buttresses are shaped like exhaust pipes.[1]

Beauty and the Beast[]

The Notre Dame Cathedral briefly appeared in the 2017 live-action remake of the 1991 animated version. It overlooks the windmills in the upper ground within the outskirts of Paris, where one of windmills which used to be occupied by Maurice, his wife and Belle, which was visited by herself and the Beast through a magical book given by the Enchantress.


  • "Notre Dame" means "Our Lady" in French.
  • Throughout the first film, it is highly implied that Notre Dame has some form of sentience, likely to highlight how special it is to Paris. An example can be seen at the very beginning of the movie, when the statues glare at Frollo after he kills Quasimodo's mother, and later when the statues snap along in rhythm to the song "A Guy Like You". In many parts of the movie, the glass window in the front seems to have spontaneous bursts of shine regardless of the sunlight, an example right at the end of Quasimodo's first song. Also, the entire cathedral groans when Quasimodo tears down two columns to free himself and when Frollo delivers his last blasphemy whilst trying to murder Esmeralda ("And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!") the gargoyle he is standing on immediately breaks off and plummets into the flames below after roaring at him: this highly implies that Notre Dame heard Frollo and obliged. This reflects the source material in that Victor Hugo treated Notre Dame as the true "main character" of his book.
  • The movie shows that Quasimodo named the bells one by one and implies he also forges them. The names which Quasimodo gives to the bells are Little Sophia, Jean Marie, Anne Marie, and Louise Marie (these three bells being "triplets") with the biggest bell being called Big Marie.
  • On April 15, 2019, while undergoing restoration work, Notre Dame suffered a devastating fire that destroyed its iconic spire and roof. Thanks to efforts by the Paris Fire Brigade in responding quickly and having been trained for facing a fire at Notre Dame, the cathedral survived mostly intact thanks to its design, along with many of its irreplaceable artifacts and statues. Within 24 hours of the blaze, donations poured in to help in the rebuilding and restoration of the beloved church. Disney publicly donated $5 million to help in Notre Dame's rebuilding and restoration.[2] The precise cause of the fire has yet to be disclosed, but was presumed accidental due to the restoration work being done when the fire broke out. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, hoped to have the cathedral rebuilt and restored in time for the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games being hosted in Paris. Now it is confirmed that the work will be finished by December 2024. Nevertheless, the reconstruction work on the cathedral was included in the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics, and the boats carrying the athletes sailed down the Seine past it.
  • Through The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there are several errors regarding Notre Dame's appearance:
    • The statues that decorate the cathedral's exterior are shown as plain stone. During the time the film was set, many of these statues were painted in colours.
    • During "Out There", when Quasimodo swings around the spire (the cathedral's second spire and also the one destroyed in the 2019 fire), it is surrounded by copper statues. These statues, which represent the Twelve Apostles, were not added to Notre Dame until a 19th century restoration. The statues had been removed for separate restoration several days before the fire, allowing them to survive fully intact.
    • When Quasimodo helps Esmeralda & Djali escape Notre Dame via the roof, they slide down on a tile, which generates sparks as they slide down. The cathedral's roof (which was also destroyed in the 2019 fire along with the spire) was made of lead, a metal that does not spark.
    • When Frollo chases Quasimodo and Esmeralda, the gargoyles that are used as waterspouts are solid; they are missing the troughs in their backs through which water runs.
  • The cathedral of Duckburg, Notre Duck, was inspired by Notre Dame de Paris.



  1. "'Cars 2' Introduces Nearly 1,000 New Characters and More Fun Facts", Stitch Kingdom (April 21, 2011). Retrieved on May 19, 2011. Archived from the original on April 17, 2019. 
  2. "The Walt Disney Company Pledges $5 Million to Support Rebuilding of Notre-Dame Cathedral". The Walt Disney Company (17 April 2019). Retrieved on 17 April 2019.
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Films: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (video/soundtrack/Studio Cast Recording) • The Hunchback of Notre Dame IIHunchback

Television: House of MouseEsmeralda
Video Games: The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Topsy Turvy GamesKingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Disney Parks
Disney Animation Building

Entertainment: Disney Classics: The Music & The MagicOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives OnMickey's Gift of DreamsThe Golden MickeysThe Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure
Restaurants: Clopin's Festival of Foods
Parades: Disney's Party ExpressThe Hunchback of Notre Dame Topsy Turvy Cavalcade
Fireworks: Believe... There's Magic in the StarsDisney Dreams!Happily Ever AfterHarmoniousMomentousWorld of ColorWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney's Easter Wonderland
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Frightfully Fun ParadeHappy HallowishesIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsKooky Spooky Halloween NightRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeVillains GroveVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out! Chapter 2
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: QuasimodoEsmeraldaClaude FrolloPhoebusVictor, Hugo, and LaverneDjaliClopinArchdeaconAchillesBrutish and Oafish GuardsFrollo's SoldiersOld PrisonerQuasimodo's MotherQuasimodo's FatherSnowball

Sequel: MadellaineZephyrSarousch

Original: The Bells of Notre DameOut ThereTopsy TurvyHumiliationGod Help the OutcastsThe Bell TowerHeaven's LightHellfireParis BurningA Guy Like YouThe Court of MiraclesSanctuaryAnd He Shall Smite the WickedInto the SunlightSomeday

Sequel: Le Jour D'AmourAn Ordinary MiracleI'd Stick With YouFa la la la Fallen In LoveI'm Gonna Love You
Musical: Balancing ActRest and RecreationRhythm of the TambourineInto Notre DameTop of the WorldThai Mol PiyasEsmeraldaCity Under SiegeFlight Into EgyptOut of Love (Reprise) • Made of StoneFinale Ultimo
Deleted Songs: In a Place of MiraclesAs Long As There's a MoonSomeday

ParisNotre Dame de ParisPalace of JusticeCourt of Miracles
MusicalDisney Sing Along Songs: Topsy TurvyThe Making of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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The Aristocats logo
The Aristocats (soundtrack/video/books) • Live-action remakeThe Lost Chords: The Aristocats

Cancelled projects: The Aristocats IIThe Aristocats: The Animated Series

Disney Parks
It's a Small WorldPLAY!

Entertainment: Big Band BeatFantasy FestivalOne Man's DreamThe Adventure of Rhythm
Restaurants: Center Street Coffeehouse
Parades: Disney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMinnie's Tiara of DreamsTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Mickey's Mix MagicWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Friends Springtime ProcessionalHippity Hoppity Springtime
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Re-Villains! Halloween Parade
Christmas: Disney's Santa Village Parade

DuchessThomas O'MalleyToulouseMarieBerliozRoquefortFrou-FrouEdgarMadame Adelaide BonfamilleGeorges HautecourtThe MilkmanNapoleon and LafayetteAbigail and Amelia GabbleUncle WaldoScat CatAlley CatsElvira (deleted) • Marcello (deleted)
ParisBonfamille's Residence
The AristocatsScales and ArpeggiosThomas O'Malley CatEverybody Wants to Be a Cat

Deleted: Pourquoi?Le Jazz HotMy Way's The HighwayHow Much You Mean to Me/Count Me SlowlyShe Never Felt Alone
Other: Disney Marie - Walk in ParisEveryone Loves Marie

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Ratatouille logo
Films: Ratatouille (video) • Your Friend the Rat

Music: Ratatouille (soundtrack)
Book: Little Golden BookDisney's Wonderful World of ReadingA Twisted Tale Anthology
Video Games: Ratatouille: The Video GameRatatouille: Food FrenzyKinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureThe Art of RatatouilleDisney Emoji BlitzLEGO The IncrediblesDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingGarden of the Twelve FriendsPixar Pal-A-RoundRemy's Ratatouille Adventure

Entertainment: Chef Remy & YouDisney's Showtime SpectacularFantasmic!Pixar Playtime Pals
Restaurants: Bistrot Chez RémyRemy's Patisserie
Shops: Chez Marianne: Souvenirs de Paris
Parades: Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadePixar Play Parade
Fireworks: Disney Dreams!Illuminate! A Nighttime CelebrationTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color: One

RemyEmileDjangoGitRat ColonyAuguste GusteauMabelAlfredo LinguiniChef SkinnerColette TatouLalo, Horst, Larousse, and PompidouMustafaTalon LabartheAnton EgoHealth InspectorAmbrister Minion
ParisGusteau'sLa RatatouilleEgo's WorkroomMabel's Cottage
Le FestinPlan B
RatatouilleAnyone Can CookA113Pizza Planet Truck
See Also
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a BoxRatatouille the Musical

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Films: Cars (video/soundtrack) • Cars 2 (video/soundtrack) • Cars 3 (video/soundtrack)

Shorts: Mater and the GhostlightMiss Fritter's Racing Skoool
Shows: Cars ToonsCars: Racing Sports NetworkPixar Popcorn (Unparalleled Parking/Dancing with the Cars) • Cars On The Road (soundtrack) • LEGO Pixar: Bricktoons
Video Games: Cars: The Video GameCars 2: The Video GameCars: Mater-National ChampionshipCars: Race-O-RamaThe World of Cars OnlineCars: Radiator Springs AdventuresKinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureDisney InfinityCars: Fast as LightningCars: Lightning LeagueCars 3: Driven to WinDisney Emoji BlitzLEGO The IncrediblesDisney Wonderful Worlds
Books: The Art of Cars/2/3
Cancelled: Beyond the SkyMetro

Disney Parks
Cars Land (soundtrack) • Cars LandDisney's Art of Animation ResortCars Road RallyCars: Road TripCars Quatre Roues RallyeDisney Animation BuildingLuigi's Flying TiresLuigi's Rollickin' RoadstersMater's Junkyard JamboreePLAY!Pixar Pal-A-RoundRadiator Springs Racers

Entertainment: Lightning McQueen's Racing AcademyMoteurs... Action! Stunt Show SpectacularPixar Playtime Pals
Restaurants: Cozy Cone MotelFillmore's Taste-InFlo's V8 Cafe
Shops: Radiator Springs CuriosRamone's House of Body ArtSarge's Surplus Hut
Parades: Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadePaint The Night ParadePixar Play Parade
Fireworks: Disney EnchantmentHappily Ever AfterIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color: Celebrate!
Summer: Club Mouse BeatLightning McQueen Live!

Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSally CarreraMackStrip WeathersChick HicksMia and TiaHarvDoc HudsonFloRamoneSheriffLuigiGuidoSargeFillmoreRedLizzieStanleyTex DinocoLynda WeathersJay LimoTuner CarsBessieFrankTractorsJerry Recycled Batteries

Cars 2: Finn McMissileHolley ShiftwellTony TrihullRod "Torque" RedlineTomberMiles AxlerodProfessor ZündappGremAcerFrancesco BernoulliUncle TopolinoMama TopolinoJeff GorvetteLewis HamilitonRaoul ÇaRouleMiguel CaminoNigel GearsleyShu Todoroki
Cars 3: Cruz RamírezJackson StormSterlingMiss FritterChase RacelottDanny SwervezBubba WheelhouseBobby SwiftSmokeyJunior, River, and LouiseTim Treadless
Mater and the Ghostlight: Screamin' Banshee
Cars Toons: KabutoBig DSkipper RileySparkySandy DunesBlue GritIdle ThreatShifty Sidewinder
Cars on the Road: IvyMatoRoad Rumblers
Video Games: CandiceStinger

Cars Toons

Mater's Tall Tales: Rescue Squad MaterMater the GreaterEl MaterdorTokyo MaterUnidentified Flying MaterMonster Truck MaterHeavy Metal MaterMoon MaterMater Private EyeAir MaterTime Travel Mater
Tales From Radiator Springs: HiccupsBuggedSpinningThe Radiator Springs 500½
Cars on the Road: Dino ParkLights OutSalt FeverThe LegendShow TimeTrucksB-MovieRoad RumblersGettin' Hitched
Canceled Episodes: To Protect and Serve

Cars: Real GoneLife is a HighwayOur TownMcQueen and SallySh-BoomRoute 66Find YourselfBehind the CloudsMy Heart Would Know

Cars 2: You Might ThinkPolyrhythmMon Cœur Fait Vroum (My Heart Goes Vroom)Collision of WorldsNobody's Fool
Cars 3: Run That RaceKing's HighwayGlory DaysRide
Cars on the Road: Cars on the RoadTRUCKS
Others: Free RideWelcome to Radiator SpringsRadiator RockMambo ItalianoStop in the Name of LoveRiding in My Car (Car Car Song)Low Rider (Espanol Fantasma Mix)Junkyard JamboreeBig BulldozerTow Mater (The One You Want to Call)Mater's Square DanceLet's Go Driving

DinocoTuner CarsWorld Grand PrixLemons · Next-Gen Racers
Radiator SpringsLuigi's Casa Della TiresRamone's House of Body ArtCozy Cone MotelFillmore's Taste-InFlo's V8 CaféRadiator Springs CuriosRadiator Springs Drive-In TheatreWheel Well MotelLondon, EnglandParis, FrancePorto CorsaTokyoCaliforniaLos Angeles International SpeedwayMotor Speedway of the SouthOrnament ValleyBig BenTop Down TruckstopBig BentleyHollywoodU.S. Route 66
Piston CupAllinolElectromagnetic Pulse EmitterPixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
See Also
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a Box

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Television shows: The MuppetsMuppet BabiesMuppets NowThe Muppets Mayhem

Television specials: The Muppets at Walt Disney WorldStudio DC: Almost LiveA Muppets Christmas: Letters to SantaGood Luck CharlieMuppets Haunted Mansion
Movies: The Muppet MovieThe Great Muppet CaperThe Muppets Take ManhattanThe Muppet Christmas CarolMuppet Treasure IslandMuppets From SpaceThe Muppets' Wizard of OzThe MuppetsMuppets Most WantedMuppet ManJim Henson Idea Man
Video Games: My Muppets ShowAnimal DrummerTap Tap MuppetsDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Speedstorm
Albums: The Muppet Christmas Carol Story AlbumThe Muppet Christmas Carol soundtrackMuppet Treasure Island soundtrackBest of the MuppetsA Green and Red ChristmasA Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa soundtrackMuppets: The Green AlbumThe Muppets soundtrackMuppets Most Wanted soundtrackMuppets Most Wanted scoreLondon Music Works Perform Music From The MuppetsDisney Junior Music: Muppet BabiesMuppets Haunted Mansion soundtrackThe Muppets Mayhem soundtrack
Cancelled projects: America's Next MuppetMuppets Live Another Day

Disney Parks
Muppets CourtyardMidship Detective AgencyMuppet*Vision 3DRock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring the Electric Mayhem

Entertainment: Here Come the MuppetsHollywood's Pretty WomanMuppet Mobile LabMuppets on Location: Days of Swine and RosesThe Muppets Present… Great Moments in American History
Restaurants: PizzeRizzoThe Great Gonzo's Pandemonium Pizza ParlorRegal Eagle Smokehouse
Shops: Stage 1 Company Store
Parades: Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade
Christmas: Disney Holidays in Hollywood

Muppets: Kermit the FrogMiss PiggyFozzie BearGonzoAnimalRizzo the RatPepe the King PrawnStatler and WaldorfDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerScooterBean BunnyDr. TeethFloyd PepperJaniceZootRowlf the DogRobin the FrogThe Swedish ChefSam the EagleSweetumsBobo the BearPopsUncle DeadlyCamillaWaldo C. GraphicCliffordThogLew ZealandLink HogthrobBeauregardJohnny FiamaSal MinellaAngeloWalter80's RobotThe MoopetsConstantineDeniseChipBig Mean CarlThe Ghost of Christmas PastThe Ghost of Christmas PresentThe Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Humans: Dorothy GaleClaireSanta ClausFrank MeanyBeaker's GirlfriendGaryMaryTex RichmanVeronica MartinHobo JoeMargeReceptionistDominic BadguyNadyaJean Pierre NapoleonBeckyHolly and Carl
The Muppet Christmas Carol: Ebenezer Scrooge
Muppet Treasure Island: Jim HawkinsBilly BonesMrs. BluveridgeLong John SilverPolly Lobster
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: Dorothy Gale

HispaniolaThe Electric Mayhem Bus
The Muppet TheaterMuppet StudiosSmalltown, USA
The Muppet Movie: The Rainbow Connection • Movin' Right Along • Never Before, Never Again • I Hope That Somethin' Better Comes Along • Can You Picture That? • I'm Going To Go Back There Someday • America • Finale: The Magic Store

The Great Muppet Caper: Hey A Movie! • Happiness Hotel • Steppin' Out With A Star • Night Life • The First Time It Happens • Couldn't We Ride • Miss Piggy's Fantasy ("Miss Piggy") • The Great Muppet Caper (The Heist/The Muppet Fight Song/Muppets to the Rescue) • Finale: Hey A Movie! • Reprise: The First Time It Happens
The Muppets Take Manhattan: Together Again • You Can't Take No For An Answer • Saying Goodbye • Rat Scat (Something Cookin') • I'm Gonna Always Love You • Right Where I Belong • Somebody's Getting Married • Waiting For The Wedding • He'll Make Me Happy • The Ceremony • Closing Medley (Final Credits)
The Muppet Christmas Carol: ScroogeRoom in Your HeartGood King WenceslasOne More Sleep 'til ChristmasMarley and MarleyChairman of the BoardFozziwig's PartyWhen Love is GoneIt Feels Like ChristmasChristmas ScatBless Us AllThankful HeartWhen Love Is Found
Muppet Treasure Island: Treasure IslandShiver My TimbersSomething BetterSailing for AdventureCabin FeverA Professional PirateBoom ShakalakaLove Led Us HereLove PowerLove Led Us Here
Muppet Treasure Island (Sing-Alongs): There Was an Old PirateI'm a RockReal PirateLet the Good Shine Out
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: KansasWhen I'm With YouNap TimeThe Witch Is in the HouseCalling All MunchkinsGood Life
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa: Delivering ChristmasIt's All About HeartI Wish I Could Be Santa ClausMy Best Christmas Yet
The Muppets: The Muppet Show ThemeLife's a Happy SongPictures in My HeadMe and Julio Down by the SchoolyardWe Built This CityMe PartyLet's Talk About MeMan or MuppetForget YouThe Whistling Caruso
Muppets Most Wanted: The Muppet Show ThemeWe're Doing a SequelI'm Number OneThe Big HouseI'll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)Interrogation SongSomething So RightWorking in the Coal MineTogether AgainMoves Like JaggerMacarena
Muppet Babies: Muppet Babies Theme
Muppets Haunted Mansion: Rest in PeaceLife HereafterTie the Knot TangoDancing in the Moonlight

See also
The Muppets

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Beauty and the beast logo
Films: Beauty and the Beast (video/soundtrack/The Legacy Collection) • The Enchanted Christmas (video) • Belle's Magical World (video) • Beauty and the Beast (2017) (video/soundtrack)

Shows: Sing Me a Story with BelleBelle's Tales of FriendshipHouse of MouseA Poem Is...Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration (soundtrack) • Chibi Tiny Tales
Books: The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's PrinceThe New Adventures of Beauty and the BeastWinter WonderlandTale as Old as Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the BeastDisney Princess BeginningsAs Old as Time (A Twisted Tale)Royal WeddingsMarvel Comics:A Chance For RomanceWardrobe's Big SurpriseThe Wishful WalkAlmost Amour!Lyrical Love Part 1 and 2Dove Tales Part 1 and 2Rebel RoseKill the Beast
Video Games: Beauty and the BeastBelle's QuestRoar of the BeastA Board Game AdventureDisney InfinityDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts χKingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χDisney Enchanted TalesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Crossy RoadDisney Magic KingdomsBeauty and the Beast: Perfect MatchDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney SpeedstormDisney Dreamlight Valley
Stage: Musical (cast album)

Disney Parks
Animated Film: Beauty and the Beast Sing-AlongCastle of Magical DreamsDisney Animation BuildingDisney Friends of the MonthEnchanted Tale of Beauty and the BeastFairy Tale ForestLe Pays des Contes de FéesMickey's PhilharMagicPrincess PavilionSorcerer's WorkshopVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Live-Action Film: Disney Movie MagicDisney Illuminations
Entertainment: A Table is WaitingBeauty and the Beast Live on StageCinderella's Surprise CelebrationCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicEnchanted Tales with BelleFantasmic!Feel the MagicMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey's Magical Music WorldOnce Upon a MouseThe PavilionRoyal Princess Music CelebrationRoyal TheatreThe Golden MickeysThe Starlit Princess Waltz
Restaurants: Be Our Guest RestaurantGaston's TavernRed Rose TaverneMaurice's Treats
Shops: Bonjour! Village Gifts
Parades: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's FantillusionDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDisney StarlightDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Mickey's Rainy Day ExpressMove It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street PartyMickey's Soundsational ParadePaint the Night ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLightsVillains Cursed CaravanWalt Disney's Parade of DreamsNightfall Glow
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsDisney Tales of MagicHarmoniousIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMagic, Music and MayhemThe Magic, the Memories and YouMagical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical CelebrationsMomentousOnce Upon a TimeReach for the StarsWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWorld of ColorWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Frightfully Fun ParadeIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsLet's Get WickedMaze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment ContinuesThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Villains' Halloween "Into the Frenzy"
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy ParadeDisney Christmas StoriesDisney Holidays in HollywoodDisney Winter Magic CavalcadeRoyal Christmas Wishes

Original: BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsThe Potts Children (Chip Potts) • Chef BoucheVillagersMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesSultanWardrobeFifiEnchantressMonsieur D'ArqueWolvesMusic BoxCoat RackGaston's BuddiesThe BooksellerPalanquin

Enchanted Christmas: AngeliqueForteFife
Belle's Magical World: WebsterCraneLe PlumeWitherspoonChandeleriaTubalooTres
Deleted Characters: ClariceCharleyMargueriteBelle's SistersBelle's SuitorsBelle's Mother
Sing Me a Story with Belle: HarmonyBig BookLewis and Carol the Bookworms
Book Characters: Countess de la PerleThunderLoveDeath
Remake: BelleBeastLumièreCogsworthMrs. PottsChip PottsMauriceGastonLeFouPlumetteFroufrouWardrobePhilippeVillage LassesCadenzaJean PottsMonsieur ToiletteThe KingThe Queen

Original: PrologueBelleGastonBe Our GuestSomething ThereHuman AgainBeauty and the BeastThe Mob Song

Broadway: No Matter WhatMeHomeHow Long Must This Go On?If I Can't Love HerMaison Des LunesA Change in MeEnd Duet
Enchanted Christmas: StoriesAs Long As There's ChristmasDon't Fall in LoveA Cut Above the Rest
Belle's Magical World: A Little ThoughtListen With Our Hearts
Remake: AriaHow Does a Moment Last ForeverDays in the SunEvermore

Beast's Castle (Library/Ballroom/The West Wing/Belle's Room) • Belle's CottageVillageThe Black ForestTavern
The Enchanted RoseEnchanted MirrorMaurice's Machine
See Also
Beauty and the Beast Jr.Disney RenaissanceOriginal Screenplay

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Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersKingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceA Poem Is...SoundtrackVideo
Disney Parks
We Love Mickey!
Mickey MouseDonald DuckGoofyClarabelle CowMinnie MouseDaisy DuckPlutoPeteBeagle Boys The Troubadour
ParisMusketeer BuildingOpera HouseMont St. MichelThe Palace
All for One and One for AllLove So LovelyMusketeer AnthemPetey's King of FranceSweet Wings of LoveChains of LoveThis Is The EndL'OperaThree is a Magic NumberHungarian Rhapsody No. 2

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Kingdom Hearts utilized logo
Kingdom Hearts (HD I.5 ReMIX/Soundtrack/Soundtrack Complete/HD I.5 ReMIX Soundtrack) • Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II (HD II.5 ReMIX/HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue/Soundtrack/HD II.5 ReMIX Soundtrack ) • 358/2 DaysBirth by Sleep (Soundtrack) • codedDream Drop Distance (Soundtrack) • χ [chi]Unchained χ/Union χ [cross]Kingdom Hearts IIIDark RoadMelody of MemoryMissing-LinkKingdom Hearts IV
Other media
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween PartyAgrabah (Kingdom Hearts pilot)
Incorporated Films and Shorts
Aladdin/The Return of JafarAlice in WonderlandBeauty and the BeastBig Hero 6CinderellaFantasiaFrozenHerculesThe Hunchback of Notre DameLilo & StitchThe Lion KingThe Little MermaidMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersMonsters, Inc.MulanThe Nightmare Before ChristmasPeter PanPinocchioPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsSteamboat WillieTangledTarzanToy StoryTron/Tron: LegacyWinnie the PoohWreck-It Ralph
Main Characters: SoraRikuKairiKing MickeyDonald DuckGoofyRoxasAxel/LeaNaminéXionAquaTerraVentus

Villains: XehanortAnsemXemnasMaleficentPeteVanitasXigbar/BraigXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïx/IsaDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneTerra-XehanortYoung XehanortXehanort's Guardian
Other Characters: Jiminy CricketAnsem the Wise/DiZYen SidMaster EraqusDilanEvenAeleusIenzoLingering WillHaynerPenceOletteKairi's GrandmaRiku ReplicaJiminy's JournalForetellersMaster of MastersLuxuEphemerSkuldChirithyStrelitziaLauriamYozoraVorHermod
Original Monsters: HeartlessNobodiesUnversedDream Eater
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Queen MinnieDaisy DuckPlutoChip and DaleHuey, Dewey, and LouieMagic BroomsAliceWhite RabbitDoorknobCheshire CatQueen of HeartsCard SoldiersTarzanJane PorterClaytonTerkKerchakKalaSaborHerculesPhiloctetesHadesCerberusRock TitanIce TitanAladdinAbuJasmineGenieCarpetJafarIagoPeddlerCave of WondersPinocchioGeppettoMonstroCleoArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonFlotsam and JetsamGlutJack SkellingtonZeroSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownPeter PanTinker BellCaptain HookMr. SmeeWendyCrocodileMerlinWinnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooBeesBeastBelleSnow WhiteCinderellaFairy GodmotherAuroraPongoPerditaDalmatian PuppiesSimbaMushuDumboBambiChernabog
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficent's RavenScrooge McDuckMulanLi ShangShan YuHayabusaYao, Ling, and Chien PoThe EmperorLumiereCogsworthMrs PottsChipWardrobePegasusMegaraPain and PanicHydraHorace HorsecollarClarabelle CowClara CluckJack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain BarbossaBo'sunJacobyTwiggCursed CrewPrince EricAttinaAndrinaSanta ClausSkeletal ReindeerTimonPumbaaNalaRafikiScarShenzi, Banzai, and EdMufasaKiaraPridelandersHyenasTronMaster Control ProgramCommander SarkKangaGopherStitchChicken Little
Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince PhillipMaleficent's GoonsDocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopeyThe PrinceEvil QueenMagic MirrorPrince CharmingJaqLady TremaineAnastasiaDrizellaLuciferGrand DukeGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumbaExperiment 221Lost Boys
Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: QuasimodoEsmeraldaPhoebusJudge Claude FrolloVictor, Hugo, and LaverneKevin FlynnSam FlynnQuorraCLUBlack GuardsBlue FairyBeagle BoysChernabog's MinionsJulius
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ: Mad HatterMarch HareRazoulRoyal GuardsMauriceGaston
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: SultanSamsonVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing CandySour BillCy-BugsHero's Duty Troops
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts III: ZeusApolloAthenaHermesLava TitanTornado TitanLittle ChefWoodyBuzz LightyearRexHammSargeGreen Army MenLittle Green MenRapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelSulleyMike WazowskiBooRandall BoggsChild Detection AgencyTrailer FolkElsaAnnaKristoffOlafSvenMarshmallowHansMr. GibbsTia DalmaDavy JonesKrakenCutler BeckettDavy Jones' Locker CrabsBaymaxHiro HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonFredWasabiLumpyWreck-It Ralph
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Disney Characters introduced in the manga: CaterpillarChi-Fu
Square Enix Characters: LeonCloudMoogleOthers

Plot Elements: Kingdom HeartsHeartKeyblade WarDark Seeker SagaMore

Game Elements: Gameplay in Kingdom HeartsMagic

Sea-salt ice creamWayfinderDoor to DarknessKeybladeX-bladeMorePixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Original Worlds: Destiny IslandsTraverse TownRadiant Garden/Hollow BastionDisney Castle/Disney Town/Timeless RiverDive to the HeartEnd of the WorldRealm of DarknessTwilight Town/Mysterious TowerThe World That Never WasCastle That Never WasLand of Departure/Castle OblivionKeyblade GraveyardDaybreak Town/Scala ad Caelum

Disney Worlds: WonderlandDeep JungleOlympus Coliseum/Underworld/OlympusAgrabahAtlanticaHalloween Town/Christmas TownNeverlandHundred Acre WoodThe Land of DragonsBeast's CastlePort Royal/The CaribbeanPride LandsSpace ParanoidsDwarf WoodlandsCastle of DreamsDeep SpaceLa Cité des ClochesThe GridPrankster's ParadiseCountry of the MusketeersToy BoxKingdom of CoronaMonstropolisArendelleSan FransokyoGame Central Station/Niceland/Cy-Bug Sector/Candy Kingdom

Organization XIIIPrincesses of HeartDisney Villains Council
"Dearly Beloved" • "Simple and Clean" • "Sanctuary" • Face My FearsDon't Think TwiceMickey Mouse Club MarchSwim This WayPart of Your WorldUnder the SeaUrsula's RevengeA New Day is DawningDestatiThis is HalloweenHe's a PirateBeauty and the BeastBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooIt's a Small WorldNight on Bald MountainWinnie the PoohThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Pastoral SymphonyNutcracker SuiteYou've Got a Friend in MeHealing IncantationPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeLet It GoDo You Want to Build a SnowmanYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)A Whole New WorldCircle of Life