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Miriam "Mimi" Lafayette is a character from the Disney Channel series, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. She is the grandmother of Lunella Lafayette. Mimi is also a former scientist who used the code name, Moon Girl, which would later be used by her granddaughter after being inspired by her.


Official description[]

Described as Lunella’s grandmother, Mimi, is the family’s rock. She suffers no fools and guides all - particularly Lunella - with gentle reminders and advice. But act foolishly or get on her bad side and she’ll set you straight with one of her patented zingers.

Physical appearance[]

Mimi is an elderly woman of an average height, with a wider build than most female characters. She has medium-dark skin, and has dark grey toned hair pulled into a low ponytail. Mimi wears a yellow blouse with a light colored collar and sleeves. She also wears black pants, and black flat shoes.

In her youth, she had straight and short dark brown hair. She wore purple glasses and an olive blouse with a light colored collar, as well as a lab coat with the Enclave's symbol on the left sleeve, and light pants and shoes.



External links[]

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur logo
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (soundtrack one/two) • Chibi Tiny TalesMoon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll!
Disney Parks
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure
Main: Lunella Lafayette/Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonAdria LafayetteJames Lafayette Jr.Mimi LafayetteJames "Pops" Lafayette Sr.

Supporting: EduardoBrooklynAnandMel-Varr/Marvin Ellis/Kid KreeGeriTaiFawziaEliCeciliaJurneeCoach HrbekPrincipal NelsonAngeloIsaac and Antonio Goldberg-CalderonLOS-307Merle and MatsuyePad-VarrJean-MichelangeloDiego PeñaLara, Laura, and LaurelBobby the MythDr. Akonam OjoPebbleGraniteFranklinSam Wilson/Captain AmericaBill FosterMaria HillToothgnasherAragornRedwingVernell LewisTurboNick Fury
Villains: The BeyonderAftershockCold Cut BanditsDevos the DevastatorSymbiotesGravitasInstantanegirlMan BabyManeRockin' RudyStilettoAbyssRat KingGarko the Man-FrogFlying FoxThe MuzzlersOdessa DrakeTorg the Abominable Snow-KingNoxMaris MorlakMolecule ManDevil Girl and Moon DinosaurQuickwhipLady BullseyeJesterBig WheelDr. SternKat SwanBlue StreakGeneral HylesSilvermane

Season One: "Moon Girl Landing" • "The Borough Bully" • "Run the Rink" • "Check Yourself" • "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow" • "The Beyonder" • "Moon Girl's Day Off" • "Teacher's Pet" • "Skip This Ad...olescence" • "Goodnight, Moon Girl" • "Like Mother, Like Moon Girl" • "Today, I Am a Woman" • "Devil on Her Shoulder" • "Coney Island, Baby!" • "OMG Issue #1" • "OMG Issue #2"

Season Two: "The Great Beyond-er!" • "Suit Up!" • "Belly of the Beast" • "Ride or Die" • "Kid Kree" • "Wish-Tar" • "Make It, Don't Break It!" • "The Devil You Know" • "In The Heist" • "Dog Day Mid-Afternoon • "Roller Jam!" • "Dancing With Myself" • "Family Matters" • "The Molecular Level" • "Moon Girl, Grounded" • "Ride Along" • "Lava Actually" • "Full Moon" • "To Intervention and Beyond-er" • "Crushed" • "A Devil-ish Birthday" • "Party Girl" • "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" • "Shoot for the Moon"
Unaired episode: "The Gatekeeper"

New York CityRoll With It
Moon Girl Magic

Season One: Where You Come FromBorough Bully RapI Came to Play (IDKWYCTD)My Hair Is a MoodThe BeyonderLook in Your EyesCan't Be TamedJust the Two of UsFeelin' MeOut My MindNeon CityIn the HouseThe WavePretty Girl SwagLet's Get ItAltz Iz GutzCan You Keep Up?Go BigDoin' My ThingLight of My Day
Season Two: Suit Up

See also

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Chibi Tiny Tales logo.PNG
Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Animated characters
Amphibia: Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarMarcy WuSasha WaybrightDominoBessieKing AndriasOne-Eyed Wally

Phineas and Ferb: Candace FlynnPhineas FlynnFerb FletcherPerry the PlatypusHeinz DoofenshmirtzLinda Flynn-FletcherSuper Super Big DoctorIsabella Garcia-Shapiro
Big City Greens: Cricket GreenTilly GreenAlice GreenBill GreenRemy Remington
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckMagica De SpellFlintheart GlomgoldWebby VanderquackLaunchpad McQuackHuey, Dewey, and LouieDarkwing DuckFenton CrackshellLena SabrewingBentina Beakley
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalCassandraLance StrongbowMaximusVarian
Moana: MoanaMauiKakamoraPuaHeihei
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly McGeeScratchAndrea DavenportLibby Stein-TorresThe ChairmanOliver ChenGeoffJeffPete McGeeSharon McGeeDarryl McGeeThe Ghost Council
The Owl House: Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyLilith ClawthorneAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterOwlbertGhostStringbeanEmperor BelosHunter
Hamster & Gretel: HamsterGretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHiromi Tanaka
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder: Penny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaLaCienega BoulevardezKareem Abdul-Jabbar BrownPuffDijonay Jones
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofy
Kim Possible: Kim Possible Ron StoppableRufusShego
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star ButterflyMarco DiazPony Head
TaleSpin: BalooKit Cloudkicker
Goof Troop: Max Goof
Bonkers: Bonkers D. Bobcat
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and Dale
American Dragon: Jake Long: Jake Long
Gravity Falls: Dipper PinesMabel PinesBill CipherWaddlesStan Pines
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonThe BeyonderMimi LafayetteAdria Lafayette
Milo Murphy's Law: Milo Murphy
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiStitchGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumba JookibaPleakleyMertle EdmondsNani PelekaiDavid KawenaCobra BubblesIce Cream ManPudge
Hailey's On It!: Hailey BanksScott DenogaBetaA.C. Aychvak
Kiff: Kiff ChatterleyBarry BunsCandle Fox
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMiceBirdsPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherThe Grand Duke
Beauty and the Beast : BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesWardrobeWolvesVillagers
Sleeping Beauty : AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahForest AnimalsSamson
Hercules: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicMusesZeusHeraAmphitryon and AlcmeneHydra
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoPachaYzmaKronkChichaChacaTipoBucky the SquirrelJaguarsYupi
Primos: Tater Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezLotLot Ramirez

Live-Action characters
Halloweentown: Marnie PiperSophie PiperDylan PiperAggie Cromwell

Descendants: MalEvieJayCarlos De VilBenJaneAudreyDougUmaHarry HookDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierFairy GodmotherHadesMaleficent
Zombies: Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananWilla LykensenWyatt LykensenWynter BarkowitzEliza ZambiDaeBartlebyAshley
High School Musical: Troy BoltonGabriella MontezSharpay EvansRyan EvansChad DanforthTaylor McKessieKelsi NielsenZeke BaylorMartha CoxMs. Darbus
Hocus Pocus: Max DennisonDani Dennison,AllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah Sanderson
Hannah Montana: Miley Stewart
Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie McGuire
Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex Russo
That's So Raven: Raven Baxter
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Zack MartinCody MartinMaddie FitzpatrickLondon TiptonMarion Moseby
K.C. Undercover: K.C. Cooper
Camp Rock: Mitchie TorresShane Grey

Disney Park characters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure SkeletonHector BarbossaReddBeacon JoeCaptain XTreasure KeeperCarlosStupid PiratePooped PirateScalawagPrison DogSeedy PrisonersCooteBillie How
Chibiverse episodes
Season One: "Pizza vs. Fireworks" • "Bad Luck Chibis" • "The Great Chibi Mix-Up!" • "Chibi Villains Unite"

Season Two: "The Chibi Quiz Challenge" • "The Chibi Couple Game" • "The Roast of Dr. Doofenshmirtz"
Season Three: "The Grown Ups Island/An Opposites Attack/Stans 11" • "Dr. Doof's Lab/Journey to the Center of the Chibiverse/The Perfect Gift"

Welcome to the ChibiverseAn Grown Ups IslandJoy No MoreLab of Evil Science
