Momalus is a minor character from the Disney animated series, Hercules. Aside from being the mother of Icarus and the ex-wife of his father, Daedalus, she's the owner of a very successful pottery making business.
Momalus was married to Daedalus and they eventually had a son named Icarus. When Momalus first began making pottery, it initially started off as just a small business where she was crafting from her home. But eventually, her business became successful enough where she now owns multiple factories all over Greece. At some point (years before the series started), she and Daedalus got divorced and while Daedalus stayed in Athens (eventually becoming the shop teacher at Prometheus Academy), Momalus ended up moving all the way to Ithaca (where her pottery business is headquartered).
Despite being divorced, she and Daedalus appear to be on amicable terms -- this is shown when, upon being informed of her ex-husband getting remarried, Momalus seemed genuinely happy for him, calling her ex "a genius with everything but women." Momalus also seems to have a close relationship with her son, who stays with her during the summer and who she (presumably) keeps in touch with during the school year (when he's with his dad in Athens).
Role in the series[]
In "Hercules and the Green-Eyed Monster", Momalus makes her debut when Icarus comes to visit her in Ithaca and introduces her to his best friend, Hercules. Icarus reveals to Momalus that Daedalus (his dad and her ex-husband) is in a relationship with Miss Thespis (another teacher from his and Herc's school back in Athens) -- in fact, they're engaged to get married. Icarus is clearly hoping that his mother will be angry and jealous upon hearing about the fact that her ex is going to get remarried, but Momalus's reaction proves the opposite of what he was hoping for: she's genuinely happy for her ex (calling him "a genius with everything but women") and begs her son and Hercules for more details on the matter.
But when Momalus notices that her son still has a hard time accepting her and Daedalus's divorce (despite it being quite some time since it happened), she comforts Icarus and assures that, divorced or not, she and his father will always love him no matter what -- she also encourages her son to give his soon-to-be stepmother (as well as Daedalus's relationship with her) a chance.